HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090448 Ver 1_More Info Received_20090716CLEARWATER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. July 15, 2009 OR - D16?q 6 a . Ms. Cyndi Karoly?t NC Division of Water Quality i'`? 401 Oversight/Express Review Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center `DFrak; 1, ^r; cLrKUrr Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 MULL' , .?.,,.?;cr,zaTr:?RPmlcrs RE: Request for More Information Sardis Road Project - Scott Banks Buncombe County, North Carolina DWQ Project # NOV-2008-OP-0055 and NOV-2008-CV-0018 Dear Ms. Karoly, Please reference the "Request for More Information" (Attachment A) dated May 27, 2009 sent by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) in response to the permit application submitted by C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC), on behalf of Mr. Scott Banks. The permit application requested written after-the-fact authorization for impacts associated with development of a commercial site. The DWQ determined that the application was incomplete and/or provided inaccurate information and requested five additional items for review. These items will be discussed below. DWQ Comment #1: "The site plan for the project indicates that 145 feet of stream will be culverted to accommodate a portion of the facility parking lots. As the proposed front parking lot is the purpose for these impacts and that you own property directly adjacent to this project, all alternatives must be fully explored and submitted along with all efforts to avoid and minimize necessary impacts per 15NCAC 2H. 0506(b). You must include a thorough `avoidance and minimization' discussion, which addresses these requirements." The property located to the west of the applicant's property is owned by Michael West and is not accessible for development by the applicant. The property located to the east of the applicant's property is jointly owned by Banks-West Investments and is not able to be developed without consent of both investors. Additionally, the property is not conducive to small-scale commercial development. The adjacent property is 37 acres. This 37-acre parcel is accessible from Sardis Road in two locations; however, the majority of the property sits behind three other commercial properties and therefore would not be highly visible from Sardis Road. A commercial building and parking facilities of the same size could be developed on the 37-acre parcel but this would not represent 718 Oakland Street Hendersonville, North Carolina 28791 Phone: 828-698-9800 Fax: 828-698-9003 www.cwenv.com Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 2 of 7 the best commercial use of that parcel. Additionally, as with the proposed project, approximately half of the 37 acres is located within the 100-year floodplain. Streams and wetland are also located on this parcel; commercial development of this parcel would most likely include stream and wetland impacts as well. It is not feasible to move the parking facility across parcel boundaries and the applicant is not interested in subdividing or combining any of the parcels he owns. The applicant has minimized impacts on site by proposing to restore a portion of the impacted stream channel (390 linear feet) and wetland (0.15 acre). Restoration of these areas reduced impacts at the site by over half. DWQ Comment #2: "Please explain why Fill area "B" will not be restored. The Division required, as part of the Notice of Violation, that this area be restored in addition to Fill area "A ". You must re-submit your restoration plan which includes this area." Two Notices of Violation (NOV) were issued for this project (October 10, 2009 and October 28, 2009). Neither NOV mentions wetlands at the site or their required restoration; only stream restoration and sediment deposition removal were mentioned. During a CEC evaluation, a wetland area was identified. The applicant has requested an after-the-fact authorization for 0.09 acre of wetland impact. A portion of Fill Area A will be restored (0.15 acre) and a portion will remain filled (0.06 acre) for the construction of a building pad. Fill Area B (0.03 acre) is in the location of a haul road. This haul road was used to construct and install sediment and erosion control BMPs. This haul road will be utilized when/if BMPs are to be repaired and/or removed at the site as a result of City of Asheville approval of the sediment and erosion control plan. DWQ Comment #3: "For the stream restoration work, you must submit final design and construction drawings based on surveyed reference reach conditions (pattern, dimension, and profile) in the immediate Hominy Creek drainage, representative of pre project conditions." On July 1, 2009, personnel from CEC completed a survey upstream of the proposed restoration reach in order to acquire reference reach data. One longitudinal profile and two cross sections were completed for this survey. This upstream portion of the unnamed tributary has similar slope, sinuosity, and flow as the pre-impacted relocated reach. Both reaches have been impacted in the past and lack significant riparian cover. The reference reach channel has a slope of approximately 2% and an average water depth of 0.42 feet (approximately 5 inches). The chart below graphically illustrates this data. Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 3 of 7 Longitudinal Profile Stream Bed ----- Water Surface 11.0 -- 10 5 .. w . -- w 10 0 . _ . - - 9 5 ? - r_ o w• . 9 0 -- - ?.. . 8.5 a W 8 0 - . 7 5 . 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Station (feet) The reference reach channel has an average wetted channel width (edge of water to edge of water) of 1.2 feet (approximately 14.5 inches), an average bank slope of 24.5% (approximately 4:1), and an average top-of-bank channel width (top-of- bank to top-of-bank) of 16 feet. The charts below graphically represent the measured cross-sections. Cross Section - Station 70 96 95 r m ."°1.. 94 c - 0 0 93 - m w 92 91 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Station (feet) Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 4 of 7 Cross Section -Station 30 92 91 r w c 90 89 w 88 87 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Station (feet) The restored stream channel proposed pattern and proposed cross section are identified on the site plan (Figure 1). The restored stream channel will have a maximum of a 2% slope; channel sinuosity will be greater in the restored reach than in the reference reach. The proposed stream pattern was determined using old survey data and aerial photographs. The restored channel, immediately after construction will have a wetted channel width of approximately 2 feet. It is suspected that after the first year of monitoring, the wetted channel width will narrow on its own and a small bench will be created. This pattern of narrowing is already becoming evident in the relocated channel. Proposed bank slopes for the restored channel are 50% (2:1). This increase in bank slope decreases the top-of- bank channel width to 14 feet when compared to the reference reach. The applicant has proposed to plant live stakes on 8-foot centers. Once live stakes are established, this channel will be very stable, more so than the reference reach which only has herbaceous grasses as ground cover. DWQ Comment #4: "You must submit a final monitoring plan, which includes stream stability and vegetation success criteria. The monitoring should be for a minimum of 5 (five) years, on an annual basis, and include both a failure to meet success criteria' plan and an annual reporting component. You should include the proposed two proposed two cross sections (specified in Part 3.2 of the plan) and the longitudinal profile." Personnel from CEC will perform an as-built survey of the remediation and restoration site upon completion of construction and will monitor the site annually for success for 5 years. The information below identifies parameters to be monitored and a definition of success for each parameter. Vegetation Survey Plant density will be evaluated using two, 10-foot by 30-foot plots. All live stakes in the plot will be counted to determine plant density. Based on a project area of 0.24 acres and an initial target density of 320 trees per Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 5 of 7 acre, stakes planted on 8-foot centers will more than adequately provide the density required. Live staking will take place in November or December of 2009 to utilize the dormant season for maximum survival potential. The site will be seeded immediately following construction to stabilize the area until live stake planting can occur. Success Criteria: Success will be defined as survival and growth of at least 320 stems per acre through three years of monitoring, survival and growth of at least 288 stems per acre through year four, and survival and growth of at least 260 stems per acre through year five. Channel Stability/Stream Survey Cross-sections Two cross-sections will be established. The cross-sections will be marked on both banks with permanent pins to establish the exact transects used. The cross-section survey will include points measured at breaks in slope and any identifiable features (bankfull, inner berm, etc.). Success Criteria: The project is determined a success, in regards to channel stability, when there is minimal evidence of instability, which may include down-cutting, deposition, bank erosion, and increase in sands or finer substrate and little or no change in the as-built cross section. Substantial determinations of success will be made by the applicant and confirmed by the Corps and the DWQ. Longitudinal Profiles A longitudinal profile will be completed. Survey points will include thalweg and water surface. Water surface will be used to calculate slope for the project reach. Success Criteria: The project is determined a success, in regards to channel stability, when there is minimal evidence of instability, which may include down-cutting, deposition, bank erosion, and increase in sands or finer substrate and little or no change in the as-built profile. Substantial determinations of success will be made by the applicant and confirmed by the Corps and the DWQ. Photo Reference Sites Photographs used to evaluate restored sites will be made with a digital camera. Photographs, showing each bank and the stream channel, will be take at each cross-section. The stream will be photographed longitudinally at the upstream end of the restoration site looking downstream and at the downstream end of the site looking upstream. The water's edge or channel's edge will be located in the lower edge of the frame and as much of the bank as possible included in each photo. Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 6 of 7 Success Criteria: Photographs will be used to subjectively evaluate channel aggradation or degradation, bank erosion, installation of riparian vegetation and effectiveness of erosion control measures. Longitudinal photos should indicate the absences of developing bars within the channel or an excessive increase in channel depth. Lateral photos should not indicate excessive erosion or continuing degradation of the bank. If significant problems are identified prior to the end of the monitoring program, Corps and DWQ regulatory agency personnel will be consulted regarding possible remedial action. Remedial action may include replanting, additional grading, stabilizing, and continued monitoring. If, at the end of the monitoring program, success criteria have not been met, the applicant will consult with the Corps, the DWQ, and other appropriate state and federal agencies to determine specific causes and appropriate remedial actions. Review of specific causes resulting in success criteria deficiencies may include: hydrologic influences, plant mortality, vandalism, animal depredation, or invasion of nuisance plants. It is the intent of the applicant to achieve the success criteria; however, the applicant cannot be responsible for acts of god or natural disasters, which may undermine or preclude success. In the event of such acts or disasters, the applicant will immediately coordinate with the appropriate state and federal agencies for proper actions, if needed. DWQ Comment #5: "It should be noted that if future development equals or exceeds 24% impervious surface, you will be required to develop, submit for DWQ approval, and implement Stormwater Management Plans. The stormwater management plan must include construction plans, specifications, stormwater BMP worksheets, and supporting calculations. The stormwater best management practices are required to be appropriate for the surface water classification and designed to remove at least 85% TSS according to the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Protective mechanisms which ensure that the above condition will be complied with must be submitted." As indicated in the permit application, impervious surface area for the project site is 18%. Based on this percentage, the applicant is not required to develop a Stormwater Management Plan. Conclusion The information submitted in this package addresses all issues set forth in the "Request for More Information" letter. CEC believes the totality of this information allows DWQ to conclude that the applicant has addressed concerns and recommendations in the letter. The applicant, Mr. Scott Banks, respectfully requests that the DWQ issue the requested 401 certification. Ms. Cyndi Karoly 07/15/09 Page 7 of 7 Should you have any questions or comments concerning this project please do not hesitate to contact me at 828-698-9800. Sincerely, Rebekah L. Newton Project Biologist Yel R. tRidd e, S. Principal Cc: DWQ, Asheville - Susan Wilson Corps, Asheville - Liz Hair Mercer Design Group - Jim Mock Attachment A DWQ "Request for Additional Information" (dated May 27, 2009) NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Governor Director May 27, 2009 Mr. Scott Banks 717 Dillingham Road Barnardsville, NC 28709 Subject: Request for More Information 401 Water Quality Certification Sardis Road Project DWQ Project # 09-0448 NOV-2008-OP-0055 and NOV-2008-CV-0018 Buncombe County Response deadline: June 26, 2009 or 30 days from receipt Dear Mr. Banks: Dee Freeman Secretary The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has performed a preliminary review of a 401 Water Quality Certification application submitted for the above referenced property. Additional information will be required in order to complete the review process. Please provide the following information so that we may continue to review your project. Additional Information Requested: The site plan for the project indicates that 145 feet of stream will be culverted to accommodate a portion of the facility parking lots. As the proposed front parking lot is the purpose for these impacts and that you own property directly adjacent to this project, all alternatives must be fully explored and submitted along with all efforts to avoid and minimize necessary impacts per 15A NCAC 2H .0506(b). You must include a thorough "avoidance and minimization" discussion, which addresses these requirements. 2. Please explain why Fill area "B" will not be restored. The Division required, as part of the Notice of Violation, that this area be restored in addition to Fill area "A". You must re-submit your restoration plan which includes this area. 3. For the stream restoration work, you must submit final design and construction drawings based on surveyed reference reach conditions (pattern, dimension, and profile) in the immediate Hominy Creek drainage, representative of pre-project conditions. Location. 2090 U S Highway 70, Swannanoa. North Carolina 28778 Phone. 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-70431 Customer Service. 1-877-623-6748 One Internet: www ncwaterquality org NNaturally ortth C arrollii na An Equal Opportunity'- Affirmative Action Employer Scott Banks May 27, 2009 Page 2 of '3 4. You must submit a final monitoring plan, which includes stream stability and vegetation success criteria. The monitoring should be for minimum of 5 (five) years, on an annual basis, and include both a"failure to meet success criteria" plan and an annual reporting component. You should include the proposed two cross sections (specified in Part 3.2 of the plan) and the longitudinal profile.. 5. It should be noted, that if future development equals or exceeds 24% impervious surface, you will be required to develop, submit for DWQ approval, and implement Stormwater Management Plans. The stormwater management plan must include construction plans, specifications, stormwater BMP worksheets, and supporting calculations. The stormwater best management practices are required to be appropriate for the surface water classification and designed to remove at least 85% TSS according to the most recent version of the NC DENR Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual. Protective mechanisms which ensure that the above condition will be complied with must be submitted. Please provide your response in writing to the addresses below prior to June 29, 2009 or 30 days from receipt. Four copies of the required information should be provided to the 401 Permitting Unit at: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 401 Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 and a single copy to the Asheville Regional Office at: Ms. Susan A. Wilson Surface Water Protection Section 2090 US HWY 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 If we do not hear from you by the deadline, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project withdrawn. However, timely resolution of the associated NOVs will still be required through necessary stream restoration and sediment removal. Scott Banks Nlay 27, 2009 Page 3 of 3 This letter only addresses the preliminary application review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, water's or protected buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not authorized (at this time) by the DWQ. Please call Ms. Wilson at 828-296-4500, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Roger C. Edwards Regional Office Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section cc: Ms. Liz Hair - US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office David McHenry - North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Cyndi Karoly - 401 Permitting Unit Buncombe County Planning ARO File copy G:\WPDATA\DEMWQ\Buncombe\Complaints\Banks-West\Banks Sardis Road addinfo 5 2009 doc 5[vf0d A [trop:[bNi1 IPFI .- WLLYV-p3yj lv5py1u1?Vp i wo W..IM. 24i .". vp.- N.ft •.. Mt I...-•tv5YJ1.NWyvVVti.T 1mpOq Tll®IO?d Ja ®Ila iS1411 Mat5:M143Offq tlQl amA loll u 6002 AHV(1NVf _ lau'iaLey>0u8Kapfa>lew Nl[L-S ' :.e ? 0/ ? ' a V9 9Z9 d 980C-SO9-9Z9:. qd " +5'SatI dv,f. ?` S • : . le '?`•I 1.11 YNIIOHYJH1HON'3TIAH3AV3M O CBCL-0 3Mf03OVJJAM33UO 1VId SOZ/9191 XO6'O'd _ r36 _ 0dM g D' OdM ?N:Ii\N?1 N'ItiN.:ll 1.'Iditi v'il.i 1'S •' o ? )4 "40 MtlV 5>? 0?? N915?Q ?j>??W 31VG SNoissims-ns/sNoiwu -ON MIN g 8 N ?s d11 c.) 4 5 Q s 4 S1' Eao W ? Po $ ESE ? ? hS m lI ^ M ? s E ob N x$ 'A o I 5 w z z w $n zz •F`+e twin z Q 2?q h Yzm 44 <? 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