HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005266_Fact Sheet_20181113NCDENR/DEQ/DWR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT RENEWAL NPDES Permit NC0005266, Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River WWTP Facility Information Applicant/Facility Name: Louisiana Pacific LP Corporation / Roaring River WWTP Applicant Address: P.O. Box 98, Roaring River, NC 28669 Facility Address: Off Highway 268, West of Roaring River, NC Permitted Flow 2.00 MGD Type of Waste: 97% Industrial, 3% Domestic Facility/Permit Status: Active / Renewal County: Wilkes Miscellaneous Receiving Stream: Yadkin River Regional Office: WSRO Stream Segment: 12- 38 Stream Classification: C Quad C14NE, Roaring River 303 d Listed? No Permit Writer: Joe R. Corporon, P.G. Subbasin: 03-07-01 Date: 260ct2018 Updated 13Nov2018 Drainage Area mil : 610 Summer 7 10 cfs 228 30Q2 cfs : Average Flow cfs : 976 IWC (%): 1.3% Primary SIC Code: 2493 FACILITY PROCESS SUMMARY Louisiana Pacific (LP) Corporation's Roaring River Plant manufactures "hardboard." Their processes and discharges are governed under federal regulations 40CFR 429 Timber Products Processing, Subpart E - Wet Process Hardboard Subcategory, Smooth One -Sided (SI S). The facility purchases chips (softwood/hardwood), and/or grinds local wood scraps into chips. The chips are washed, screened, digested into pulp. The pulp is then slurred into molds, and the molded product is then heat -treated under pressure to make a smooth, one-sided hardboard. An adjacent processing plant (previously owned by LP, but now owned and operated by the CertainTeed Corporation), manufactures a fiber -cement board. By agreement, this adjacent facility discharges its contact cooling water to LP's intake treatment impoundment. This transfer is accomplished via hard -piping to prevent gas loss to the atmosphere. Louisiana Pacific (LP) Corporation - Roaring River Plant Renewal - NPDES Permit NC0005266 Page 1 PERMITTING SUMMARY Effluent limitations under Subpart E are based on best practicable control technology available (BPT). Parameters of concern include BOD5, TSS and pH. Permit limits are based on gross product processed (wood pulp in pounds per 1, 000 pounds). According to Application EPA Form 2C, the Permittee utilizes 1,579.57 pounds (dry) for combined "hard production lines 1 and 2" total (see app. page 2 of 4) discharging to Outfall 001. Note that gross product usage is identical to the previous permit cycle. 40CFR 429.61 - Subpart E Pollutant or Pollutant Property BPT Effluent Limitations Parameter Daily Maximum in Pounds per 1,000 lbs Monthly Average in Pounds per 1,000 lbs BOD5 20.5 10.7 TSS 37.3 24.6 H 6-9 S Average Production: Based on 1,579.57 lbs/1000 lbs gross product. Parameter Daily Maximum Pounds per day Monthly Average Pounds per day BOD5 32,381 15,796 TSS 58,918 38,857 H 6-9 (SU) PERMITTING HISTORY In 2008 the NPDES Unit modified LP's permit to accommodate a new wet scrubber blowdown waste -stream requiring an increase in permitted flow from 1.5 MGD to 2.0 MGD. This modification did not increase loading or limits (except the WET -testing percentage). The Permittee's water -conservation efforts required installing a wet scrubber to comply with National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants. The mill complies with Maximum Achievable Control Technology Requirements (MACT) by removing hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) primarily methanol at the mill's sludge digesters. Wet -scrubber blow -down discharges below the surface of LP's treatment -process aeration basin for immediate contact and mixing with the existing biomass. However, the wet -scrubber's organic content increases the existing BOD loading to the WWTP by only 3%. Therefore, no changes to the WWTP limits and monitoring were necessary to accommodate this neighboring wastestream. Louisiana Pacific (LP) Corporation - Roaring River Plant Renewal - NPDES Permit NC0005266 Page 2 TREATMENT SYSTEM Treatment consists of two (2) separate wastewater treatment plants: 1. a 0.030 MGD extended -aeration package plant with sludge holding tank for domestic sanitary sewerage [component details in progress], and 2. a 2.00 MGD industrial -waste treatment system consisting of • bar screen and/or in -line grinder • influent pump station • primary clarifier [modified to an equalization basin] • dissolved air flotation unit and pumps • sludge holding and mixing tank • solids dewatering system consisting of two "S-roll" filter presses & conveyor system — one for each waste type • aeration lagoon • nutrient addition system • secondary clarifier • two (2) each emergency primary settling basins • effluent mixing box w/ chlorination • tertiary clarifier • effluent magnetic flow meter Notes: The existing primary clarifier has been converted to an equalization tank, and a primary DAF unit was added. Sanitary effluent flow has been diverted to the effluent mixing box (taken out of the aerated lagoon). Both sanitary and process wastewater streams are mixed prior to effluent sampling and flow measurement. Outfall 002 discharges to the junction box most of the time, thus classified as an internal outfall. If Outfall 002 discharges to the receiving stream, it is reported as external Outfall 002. TOXICITY TESTING The facility's WET -Test history shows consistent compliance with the permit requirements (see attached). No changes recommended. Current Requirement: Chronic P/F at 1.3%, January, April, July, October. Proposed Requirement: Chronic P/F at 1.3%, January, April, July, October. COMPLIANCE SUMMARY: BASED ON THE PREVIOUS 5 YEARS There are no outstanding and/or chronic compliance problems related to the NPDES permit. The facility received no Notices of Violation during the period Jan2014 through November 2018. INSTREAM MONITORING: LP is not required to perform instream monitoring due to its participation in the Yadkin -Pee Dee River Basin Association. Louisiana Pacific (LP) Corporation - Roaring River Plant Renewal - NPDES Permit NC0005266 Page 3 REASONABLE POTENTIAL ANALYSIS: The Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) was not conducted as there are no parameters of concern. BASIS FOR PERMIT LIMITS: • The facility is subject to 40 CFR 429 Timber Products Processing, Subpart E — Wet Process Hardboard Subcategory, Smooth One -Sided (S 1 S). • pH limit in the permit is based on the North Carolina water quality standards [15A NCAC 2B .0200]. • BOD AND TSS limits in the permit are based on settlement negotiated during the previous permit cycle. The parameters and calculated limits presented here are for comparison purposes only. The current limits are more restrictive than the guidelines project. The existing limits were based on a negotiated settlement in 1995. The facility had a history of high effluent solids, which contributed to degradation of the downstream habitat of the Yadkin River. Significant improvements were made at the plant and this portion of the Yadkin River is no longer biologically impaired. CHANGES IN THE PERMIT: • Updated formatting • Added parameter codes to the effluent monitoring tables • Updated eDMR requirement text, Section A. (5.). PROPOSED SCHEDULE FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE: Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: STATE CONTACT: November 13, 2018 January 6, 2018 If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit, please contact Joe Corporon at joe.corporon&ncdenr.gov or call his direct line (919) 707-3617. Louisiana Pacific (LP) Corporation - Roaring River Plant Renewal - NPDES Permit NC0005266 Page 4