HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE0969_EI LLC Bankruptcy Case Notice_20181106Debtor Ei LLC Name United States Bankruptcy Court Middle District of North Carolina Case number: 18-50945 EIN 90-0946099 Date case filed in chapter 11 Date case converted to • 1 *1121MI =0960161010@0F. • •MI 9/7/18 7 10/31/18 Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case -- Proof of Claim Deadline Set 12/15 For the debtor listed above, a case has been filed under chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code. An order for relief has been entered. This notice has important information about the case for creditors, debtors, and trustees, including information about the meeting of creditors and deadlines. Read both pages carefully. The filing of the case imposed an automatic stay against most collection activities. This means that creditors generally may not take action to collect debts from the debtor or the debtor's property. For example, while the stay is in effect, creditors cannot sue, assert a deficiency, repossess property, or otherwise try to collect from the debtor. Creditors cannot demand repayment from debtors by mail, phone, or otherwise. Creditors who violate the stay can be required to pay actual and punitive damages and attorney's fees. To protect your rights, consult an attorney. All documents filed in the case may be inspected at the bankruptcy clerk's office at the address listed below or through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records at www.pacer.aov). The staff of the bankruptcy clerk's office cannot give legal advice. Do not file this notice with any proof of claim or other filing in the case 1 - Debtor's full name Ei LLC 2. All other names used in dba Ei Acquisition LLC, dba Ei, Inc. the last 8 years 3. Address 2865 N. Cannon Blvd. Kannapolis, NC 28083-9124 4. Debtor's attorney John A. Northen Contact phone (919) 968-4441 Name and address P. O. Box 2208 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-2208 5. Bankruptcy trustee C. Edwin Allman III Contact phone (336) 722-2300 Name and address P. O. Drawer 5129 Winston-Salem, NC 27113-5129 6. Bankruptcy clerk's office 226 S. Liberty Street Monday -Friday Documents in this case may Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Hours open: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM be filed at this address. You may inspect all records Contact phone (336) 397-7785 filed in this case at this office Date: 11/1/18 or online at www.pacer.aov. 7• Meeting of creditors December 7, 2018 at 09:00 AM Location: The debtor's representative Creditors Meeting Room, First Floor, must attend the meeting to be The meeting may be continued or adjourned to a 226 South Liberty Street, questioned under oath. later date. If so, the date will be on the court Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Creditors may attend, but are docket. not required to do so. RECEIVED For ���information, RECEIVED page 2 > NOV 0 6 2019 C LJNILW DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING QDRENR--LANpDpQ�UpA��LITY Official Form 309D (For Corporations or Partnerships) Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case -- Proof of Claaiim"dea8tihAWIT i If r page 1 018075 40608018093010 Debtor Ei LLC Case number 18-50945 8• Deadlines Deadline for all creditors to file a proof of Filing deadline: 1/9/19 The bankruptcy clerk's office claim (except governmental units): must receive proofs claim by the following deadlines. Deadline for governmental units to file a proof 180 days from date of Order for Relief of claim: A proof of claim is a signed statement describing a creditor's claim. A proof of claim form may be obtained at www.uscourts.gov or any bankruptcy clerk's office. If you do not file a proof of claim by the deadline, you might not be paid on your claim. To be paid, you must file a proof of claim even if your claim is listed in the schedules that the debtor filed. Secured creditors retain rights in their collateral regardless of whether they file a proof of claim. Filing a proof of claim submits the creditor to the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court, with consequences a lawyer can explain. For example, a secured creditor who files a proof of claim may surrender important nonmonetary rights, including the right to a jury trial. Claims can be filed electronically through the court's website at: httn://www.ncmb.uscourts.gov/electronicl2roofclaimform/ If filing by paper, see the Explanations page for information on obtaining a proof of claim form. 9• Creditors with a foreign If you are a creditor receiving a notice mailed to a foreign address, you may file a motion address asking the court to extend the deadlines in this notice. Consult an attorney familiar with United States bankruptcy law if you have any questions about your rights in this case. 10. Liquidation of the The bankruptcy trustee listed on the front of this notice will collect and sell the debtor's debtor's property and property. If the trustee can collect enough money, creditors may be paid some or all of the payment of creditors' debts owed to them, in the order specified by the Bankruptcy Code. To ensure you receive claims any share of that money, you must file a proof of claim, as described above. OTICE: STATE OR FEDERALLY ISSUED PHOTO ID IS REQUIRED TO ENTER THE BUILDING. ELL PHONES OR WEAPONS ARE NOT ALLOWED. Public parking is not available at Court site. Please 'sit www.ncmb.uscourts.gov under Court Info, for parking information. Official Form 309D (For Corporations or Partnerships) Notice of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Case -- Proof of Claim Deadline Set page 2 018075 40608018093010 SAT -40608 0418-6 309D 18-50945 Johan A. Northen P. O. Box 2208 Chapel Hill, NC 27514-2208 018075 18075 1 AB 0.405 27699 8 0 8674-1-18469 NCDEO-DIV OF ENERGY, MINERAL & LAND Attn: Managing Agent ATTN: STORMWATER BILLING 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RAEIGH, NC 27699-1612 RECEIVED NOV 0 5 2019 DENR-LAND QUALITY STORMWATER PERMITTING Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing Go Green! Sign up for electronic notices. FREE! Receive notices 24 X 7 and days faster than through US Mail. Try our new Email Link service. To find out how, visit: http://bankruptcynotices.uscourts.gov 018075 40608018093029