HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089621_More Information Received_20181026 novozymes• October 26, 2018 Via U.S. Mail and E-Mail Jeffrey Poupart Water Quality Permitting Section Chief NCDEQ- Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 jeff.poupart@ncdenr.gov Julie Grzyb Supervisor, Complex Permitting Unit NCDEQ- Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 Julie.Grzyb@ncdenr.gov Teresa Rodriguez Complex Permitting Unit NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center RECEIVED/DENR/DWR Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 OCT 3.0 201 teresa.rodriguez@ncdenr.gov Adugna Kebede Water Resources Modeling and Assessment Branch Permitting Section NCDEQ - Division of Water Resources 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 mike.templeton@ncdenr.gov RE: NPDES Permit Application NC0089621 Novozymes North America, Inc. Franklin County Dear Mr. Poupart, Ms. Grzyb, Ms. Rodriguez, and Mr. Kebede: This letter follows up on the meeting on September 26, 2018 among representatives of Novo- zymes North America, Inc. ("Novozymes"), Dewberry Engineering, Inc. ("Dewberry") and the Department of Environmental Quality and my letter to the Division of Water Resources (the "Di- vision") dated October 1, 2018 that recounted the meeting. As we agreed at the meeting and as forecast in my October 1 letter, Dewberry has completed a QUAL2K model for Cedar Creek 0 -) 0 0 p op O-Rethink Tornorrow O O,, )C S novozymes° and has finalized the enclosed QUAL2K Cedar Creek Model (the "Model Report"). The Model Report is provided for review by the DWR-Modelling and Assessment Branch. As discussed in the Model Report, Dewberry developed a water quality model in the QUAL2K platform to determine the impacts of a Novozymes discharge on Cedar Creek water quality, specifically the impact to dissolved oxygen (DO) in the creek. The model was calibrated using field data, a sensitivity analysis was conducted, and the model was used to simulate the DO profile under varying low-flow scenarios. A copy of the QUAL2K model file is included on a CD with this report. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the Model Report. If it would be helpful during your review, we would be happy to schedule a teleconference or in- person meeting. Thank you again for your time and efforts regarding review and processing of the Permit Appli- cation. We look forward to working with the Division toward issuance of a draft NPDES permit. Sincerely, / 973 c..."/...,_, Angela J. Walsh Novozymes North America, Inc. cc: Bill Lane, DEQ General Counsel Linda Culpepper, Division of Water Resources Director Mary Penny Kelley, Special Advisor, Office of the Governor Andrew Hargrove, DEQ Assistant General Counsel Jeff Manning, Classifications, Standards& Rules Review Branch Connie Brower, Classifications, Standards & Rules Review Branch Chris Ventaloro, Classifications, Standards & Rules Review Branch Mike Templeton, Complex Permitting Unit Bing Bai, Complex Permitting Unit Rick Bolich, DWR- Raleigh Regional Office Steve Tedder, Tedderfarm Consulting Katie Jones, Dewberry Mike Poulios, Dewberry (all via e-mail only) 0 �C%RethinkTornorrow D D O �Q��J Page 2/2 1:11 Dewberry'. QUAL2K Cedar Creek Model Novozymes North America, Inc. October 26,2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh,NC 27607 SUBMITTED FOR: Novozymes North America,Inc. SUBMITTED TO: Division of Water Quality— Modeling and Assessment Branch(NCDEQ) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 4 2.Approach 4 3. Model Inputs 5 4. Field Sampling 9 5. Field Calibrated Model 11 6.Sensitivity Analysis 13 7. Low Flow Model 19 8. Conclusions 28 8. References 29 RECEIVED/DENR/DWR OCT 302018 Water Resources Permitting Section Dewberry October 26, 2016 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report I 1 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Geographic Information for Select Stations and Tributaries located within Model Boundary Table 2: Manning's Equation Hydraulic Inputs Table 3: Existing and New Point Source Discharges Located within Model Boundary Table 4: Provided Franklin County POTW Discharge Characteristics Table 5: Franklin County POTW and NZNA Maximum Discharge Water Quality Inputs Table 6: Franklin County POTW Discharge Data Table 7: QUAL2K Low Flow Model Results RECEIVED/DENR/DWR LIST OF FIGURES OCT 3 0 2018 Figure is Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Boundaries Water Resources Figure 2: Cedar Creek Aerial Map Permitting Section Figure 5.1: Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Corroborated Flow Figure 5.2: Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Corroborated Stream Temperature Figure 5.3: Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Corroborated Stream DO Profile Figure 6.1: Sensitivity Scenario No.is Adjust Ambient Air and Water Temperature to Summer Time Conditions Figure 6.2: Sensitivity Scenario No.2: Increase Headwater Parameters NoRC,NH3,NO3,and TP by 200% Figure 6.3: Sensitivity Scenario No.3: Addition of NZNA Discharge and Increase of Franklin County POTW Discharge to NPDES permitted limits Figure 6.4: Sensitivity Scenario No.4: Increase Franklin County and NZNA Point Discharges by 200% Figure 6.5: Sensitivity Scenario No.5:Change Reaeration Model to USGS Channel Controlled Figure 7.1A. Low Flow Model No.iA:7Q10 Flow Conditions without NZNA Discharge Figure 7.1B. Low Flow Model No.1B:7Q10 Flow Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 5.o mg/I DO Concentration Figure 7.1C. Low Flow Model No.iC:7Q10 Flow Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 8.o mg/1 DO Concentration Figure 7.2A. Low Flow Model No.2A:7Q10 Flow Conditions at Summer Time Conditions without NZNA Discharge Figure 7.2B. Low Flow Model No.2B:7Qio Flow Conditions at Summer Time Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 5.o mg/1 DO Concentration Figure 7.2C. Low Flow Model No.2C:Low Flow Model 2B with increased BOD,nitrogen,ammonia and phosphorous point discharge concentrations. Figure 7.2D. Low Flow Model No.2D:Low Flow Model 2B with USGS Channel Controlled Reaeration Model Figure 7.2E. Low Flow Model No.2E:Low Flow Model 2B with loth Percentile Cedar Creek DO Concentrations Dewberry October 26, 2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 12 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Model Input Tables Appendix B: Field Testing Data and Laboratory Analytical Results Appendix C: Supporting Information Appendix D: USGS 7Qio Flow Correspondence QUAL2K MODELS Model A: Field Corroborated Model Model B: Low Flow Model 2B Dewberry October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 13 1. INTRODUCTION Novozymes North America,Inc. (NZNA)is proposing discharge of their treated effluent wastewater to Cedar Creek, downstream of the Franklin County Public Owned Treatment Works (POTW) discharge, located southeast of Franklinton,NC.The purpose of this modeling study is to evaluate the impact of the proposed NZNA discharge on Cedar Creek water quality,specifically the impact to dissolved oxygen(DO)in the creek.The water quality standard for DO in this section of Cedar Creek is a minimum of 4.o mg/L, instantaneous, and 5.o mg/L, daily average concentration" Cedar Creek is not identified as an impaired water stream per the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality's(NCDEQ)Final 2016 Category 5 Assessments—303(d)List. The following report provides the approach,discussion and results of a Level C model calibrated to evaluate the impact of the proposed NZNA discharge on dissolved oxygen concentrations in Cedar Creek using the QUAL2K model platform. 2. APPROACH An initial model scoping meeting was held at NCDEQ's Raleigh office on September 26,2018 to review the proposed model approach of preparing a surface water quality model using QUAL2K, a model developed by EPA Center for Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM) in conjunction with Tufts University. The QUAL2K model has been used extensively for simulating stream water quality and is widely used for modeling dissolved oxygen profiles.' The QUAL2K program models a river by dividing the river into a series of reaches.Each reach corresponds to a specific section of river,defined by unique hydraulic characteristics(slope,bottom width,flow).Additionally,each hydraulic reach is modeled as a series of steady-state flow elements, accounting for user-defined point source and non-point source(a.k.a.diffuse source)inflow and outflow(a.k.a.abstraction).Water quality constituents are modeled in each element(as defined by QUAL2K within each reach)based on steady-state flow and user-defined dispersion,kinetics, and sources or sinks of each parameter within the element.2 To assess the impact of the proposed NZNA point source to the Cedar Creek,a baseline field model was created and calibrated using atmospheric and water quality field data collected along Cedar Creek during a three-day sampling event from April 31,2018 to May 1,2018. Once the field model was calibrated,a sensitivity analysis was performed to identify what parameters significantly impacted the DO profile. Finally the model was adjusted for 7Qlo low flow events during summer time temperatures with the proposed NZNA discharge under various conditions. The results are discussed in the following sections. A.15A NCAC o2B.0211 FRESH SURFACE WATER QUALITY STANDARDS FOR CLASS C WATERS(6)Dissolved oxygen:not less than 6.o mg/1 for trout waters;for non-trout waters,not less than a daily average of 5.o mg/1 with a minimum instantaneous value of not less than 4.o mg/1;swamp waters,lake coves,or backwaters,and lake bottom waters may have lower values if caused by natural conditions. Dewberry' October 26,201E Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 14 3. MODEL INPUTS Geography The geographic boundaries of the QUAL2K model are represented in the Figure i. Boundaries were selected to take advantage of existing data from ambient monitoring stations located on Cedar Creek,such as temperature and hydraulic flow data. An aerial map of the model boundaries and relative locations of the ambient monitoring stations are shown in Figure 2. The table below identifies geographic information for selected stations and tributaries located within the model boundary. NCDEQ Ambient Monitoring Station oi600oo0 located 20.96 kilometers(kin)upstream of the Cedar Creek and Tar River confluence was selected as the headwaters. The model end point selected was the Cedar Creek and Tar River confluence. There is one existing point source discharge located within the model boundary,which is the Franklin County publically owned treatment works(POTW),NPDES permit no.NCoo6931i. NZNA's proposed industrial discharge is located 1.27 km downstream of the existing POTW discharge. See Table i below for location information. Four tributaries,one(i)upstream and three(3)downstream,were identified within the Cedar Creek model boundaries. Downstream tributaries are located greater than 5 km downstream of the proposed NZNA discharge location,and each tributary is approximately 10%or less of the total Cedar Creek drainage area modeled. It is assumed that the effect of the three(3)downstream tributaries and non-point sources on in-stream water quality are negligible for the purpose of the proposed QUAL2K model. This is a conservative approach as it is assumed that flow contribution from downstream tributaries will accelerate DO recovery. The upstream tributary,the Franklinton Branch tributarylocated between the Franklin CountyPOTW and proposed NZNA discharge location was included in the model as a headwater,as flow contributions from this tributary will impact model results. Table 1: Geographic Information for Select Stations and Tributaries located within Model Boundary(2) Drainage Station Elevation Area(') Item Cedar Creek Station Name (km) (ft) (sq.miles) Lat. Long. 1 NCDENR Station 01600000 20.96 260.74 20.7 36.06575 -78.43130 2 Franklin Count POTW 20.03 252.4 NA 36.07000 -78.41694 3 Franklinton Branch Tributa 18.83 247.1 4.96 36.07157 -78.41158 4 NZNA Progosed Discharge Location 17.56 244.9 33.6 36.07372 -78.39861 5 Camging Creek Tributa 11.58 216.6 6.84 36.05586 -78.35153 6 U10EC-1 Tributa 9.15 196.6 3.78 36.05061 -78.32966 7 Big Branch Creek Tributa 3.66 177.6 4.15 8 Confluence at Tar River 0.0 164.9 65.1 (t)Drainage areas listed for tributaries represent drainage area for tributary and not Cedar Creek. (2)See Section 4 for a list of sampling locations and their stations Dewberry® October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 15 Hydraulics Cedar Creek hydraulic conditions were determined based on cited Manning's equation inputsuts from the United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE)Hydraulic Engineering Center's River Analysis System(HEC-RAS)Model 020708 Cedar Creek. According to the HEC RAS model,Manning's coefficient for Cedar Creek main channel ranges from 0.05 to 0.055 depending on location,which represents a natural stream channel with irregular winding sections. The main channel is assumed to be a trapezoid channel with a bottom width of 5 meters(m)and side slopes of 2 m. This corresponds well with field measurements that document an average stream width and depth at water elevation of 6.7 m and 0.39 m,respectively. Elevation data published in the HEC RAS Cedar Creek model was used to calculate channel slope between reaches;See Table i above. A similar HEC RAS model was reviewed for the Franidinton Branch Tributary to determine Manning's equation inputs. Manning's equation inputs along with the HEC-RAS slope correspond well with recorded field velocities and estimated flow. The table below identifies the hydraulic inputs for each model reach: Table 2: Manning's Equation Hydraulic Inputs Manning Bottom Side Channel Coefficient Width Slope Reach Name Slo•e "n" (m m 1 Cedar Creek Headwaters 0.0016 0.055 5 2 2 Franklinton Branch Trib.Head Waters 0.0034 0.055 5 2 3 Cedar Creek to Tar River 0.0013 0.055 5 2 The 7Q10 low flow yield and discharge for Cedar Creek were provided by the United States Geological Survey(USGS) for the proposed NZNA discharge location.See Appendix D for USGS correspondence. According to USGS,a low flow determination was possible based on transfer of low-flow characteristics from nearby partial-record and continuous- record sites within or near the basin. USGS identified three(3)nearby USGS partial record sites and on(1) continuous-record stream gauge in the vicinity of the proposed NZNA discharge point. Among the 4 sites,one of the partial-record sites(Station ID 02O81770,drainage area 11.9 sq.mi)and the continuous-record stream gauge(Station ID 02081800,drainage area 47.8 sq.mi)located upstream and downstream,respectively,of the proposed NZNA discharge were used by USGS to determine the following the low-flow discharge yields in Cedar Creek: • Annual median 7Q10 low-flow yields of 0.07 cubic foot per second per square mile(cfsm) • Annual median 30Q2 low-flow yield of 0.32 cfsm • Average median annual discharge yields of 1.03 cfsm A basin delineation performed using the online USGS Stream Stats application for North Carolina for the proposed NZNA discharge location provides an estimated drainage area of 33.6 acres for the proposed NZNA discharge location. Application of the above low flow discharge yields to the 33.6-acre drainage area results in the following estimated low-flow discharges: • Annual 7Q10 discharge of 2.4 cubic feet per second(cfs) • Annual 30Q2 discharge of 10.8 cfs • Average annual discharge of 34.6 cfs Dewberry October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 16 Model hydraulics also include those from existing and new point sources identified in the table below. The flow contribution modeled from each of these sources is based on maximum permitted(or proposed permitted)flow rates to Cedar Creek. Table 3: Existing and New Point Source Discharges Located within Model Boundary Maximum Current Flow Permitted Flow Item Cedar Creek Station Name (MGD)(') (MGD) 1 Franklin County POTW 0.98 3.0 2 NZNA Proposed Discharge Location 0.0 2.0 MGD is million gallons per day. Water Quality Attached Table A.1 summarizes the in-stream water quality inputs for the field calibrated model,derived from observed and recorded field data,as noted in Section 4 below. Franklin County provided discharge data from April 3o to May 3,2018 to define their wastewater characteristics during the field sampling event. The below table provides the average conditions over that 4-day period. Table 4: Provided Franklin County POTW Discharge Characteristics Avg. Item Parameter (Model Input) 4/30/18 5/1/18 5/2/18 6/3/18 1 Flow(MGD) 0.978 0.743 1.013 1.090 1.069 2 cBOD(mg/I) 2 <2 <2 <2 3 TSS(ppm) 2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 4 NH3(ppm) 1 <1 <1 < 1 5 DO(ppm) 7.75 8 7.5 7.75 6 Fecal(CFU/100mL) 1 <1 <1 7 Temp(°C) 17.4 16.9 17 17.5 18.1 8 Cond(us/cm) 1,862 1,662 1,621 1,956 2,208 9 pH(SU) 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 10 TP(ppm) 1.53 1.53 11 TN(ppm) 13.7 13.7 12 Org-N(ppm) 3.19 3.19 12 TKN(ppm) 3.19 3.19 14 NO2/NO3 10.6 10.6 The water quality of the Franklin County POTW and proposed NZNA discharges were assumed to be equal to the facility's current or anticipated National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)permit limits.It should be noted that while the POTW often discharges below permitted limits,this modeling approach accounts for the highest load potential from the POTW.Water quality parameters for the proposed NZNA discharge were estimated based on Dewberry October 26,2018!Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 7 projected limits for the industrial discharge,as well as estimated effluent water quality achievable by upgraded onsite treatment operations.The water quality inputs from the point sources are summarized below. Table 5: Franklin County POTW and NZNA Maximum Discharge Water Quality Inputs' Franklin County Proposed POTW NZNA Item Parameter Units Dischar.e Dischar•e 1 Flow MGD 3.0 2.0 2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand mg/I 8.0 5.0 3 Dissolved Oxygen mg/I 5.0 5.0 4 Total Suspended Solids mg/I 30 30 5 Total Phosphorus5 mg/I <0.852 1.0 6 Organic Nitrogen mg/I MR4 <8.0 7 Total Nitrogen mg/I <4.703 <9.0 8 Ammonia mg/I 1.0 1.0 9 Nitrate/Nitrite mg/I MR 1.0 Notes: Limits are as reported per Franklin County POTW's current NPDES Permit,or as anticipated for NZNA. 2Tota1 phosphorus is based on annual mass limit of 7,732 lb/yr 3Total nitrogen is based on annual mass limit of 42,784 lb/yr 4MR.monitor and report Atmospheric Data The model was run under atmospheric conditions observed during the field sampling event. The following atmospheric conditions were modeled,based on field observations and data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA): 25%shade,10%cloud cover.Temperature,dew point,and wind speed were derived from observed/recorded data in Louisburg,NC.3 A summary of weather data recorded during May 1,2018 that was input into the model is attached in the appendix. Reaeration and Kinetic Rates Default values were used for kinetic parameter inputs in the model.The reaeration model used for Cedar Creek is a fixed reaeration rate of 1.5/d,based on estimated upper limit of the reaeration rate in the Creek and ranges of values for depth vs.velocity(reference Figure 20.7,Chapra 1997)2. The effects of wind on reaeration were not considered. Kinetic rate parameters for photosynthesis and respiration are provided in Table A.2. Dewberry. October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 8 4. FIELD SAMPLING A three-day sampling event was performed from April 3o to May 2,2018 within the modeled boundaries of Cedar Creek. Sampling started at the most upstream location around 9AM,and continued through the early afternoon at the most downstream location,concluding at approximately 3 PM each day. Fourteen(14)locations were field observed,and water quality grab samples were collected and analyzed by a certified laboratory at eleven(11)of the 14 locations. Field parameters observed include temperature,conductivity,DO and pH. Grab samples were analyzed for total suspended solids TSS,total organic carbon(TOC),total dissolved solids(TDS),carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand(cBOD),Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN),ammonia(NH3),nitrate nitrogen(NO3),total phosphorus, fecal coliform and alkalinity. In addition to testing at these locations along the linear stretch of Cedar Creek,velocity and streambank measurements were made along a horizontal stretch of river(bank-to-bank)at four(4)sample locations. These measurements were used to estimate flow during field sampling conditions for the field calibrated model. The below table identifies the sampling sites and data recorded. A summary of measured field parameters and certified laboratory results are included in the Appendix. Table 6: Franklin County POTW Discharge Data Sample Station Velocity Grab Observed Point Sample Location Name (km Readin• Sam•le Field Parameters 1 Cedar Creek Road Bridge(NCDENR Station 01600000) 20.96 Y Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 2 0.2 km Upstream of Franklin County POTW Outfall 20.23 Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 3 0.1 km Upstream of Franklin County POTW Outfall 20.13 Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 4 Franklin County POTW Outfall 20.03 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 5 0.06 km Downstream of Franklin County POTW Outfall 19.97 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 6 0.12 km Downstream of Franklin County POTW Outfall 19.85 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 7 Mays Crossroads Road Bridge 18.83 Y Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 8 NZNA Proposed Outfall 17.56 Y Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 9 0.15 km Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall 17.41 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 10 1 km Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall 16.56 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 11 Peach Orchard Road Bridge 15.94 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 12 Timberlake Road Bridge 12.51 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 13 Louisburg Road Bridge 10.77 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH 14 Highway 39 Bridge 5.48 Y Temp,Conductivity, DO,pH Results and key assumptions from field sampling are as follows: • Stream flow rate was estimated using field recorded velocity and cross sectional measurements. The estimated flow at the proposed NZNA discharge location,sample location 8,was 27.8 cfs. According to USGS,at this location the average annual stream flow is 33.6 cfs. Thus the field sampling event occurred during a period of below average flow. • Ambient air conditions were clear sunny skies with high and low temperature of 30 and 2.2 degrees Celsius (°C),respectively. Dewberry October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report I 9 • Stream temperatures measured varied between 13.7 and 18.8°C,with an average of 16.3°C • Measured DO concentrations varied between 8.3 and 11.2 mg/1,with an average of 9.4 mg/1.Compared to the stream temperature,DO concentrations were near saturation.This does not include the DO measurement for sample point 14,as this measurement was collected at the stream bank,and is thought not to be representative of the actual DO profile. • Measured pH was relatively constant between 7 and 7.6 standard units(s.u.),with an average of 7.3 s.u. • Field DO testing identified a standard deviation of 0.5 mg/1 DO from measured daily average DO concentrations collected from stations 20.96 km to 10.77 km,or sampling locations 1 to 13,during the three day sampling event. • Velocity and streambank measurements indicate an approximate 86%flow increase from the Franklin County POTW discharge to the Mays Cross Roads Bridge,sampling stations 4 and 7,respectively. The upstream tributary,the Franklinton Branch tributary is located between the Franklin County POTW and proposed Mays Cross Roads Bridge. Thus it is assumed that the upstream tributary provides significant flow contributions and shall be included in the model. • Velocity and stream bank measurements for sampling stations 1&5,and 7&8 indicate constant flows with less than 3%variance comparatively. Dewberry° October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 10 5. FIELD CALIBRATED MODEL A field calibrated model was developed to model observed field conditions of the selected section of Cedar Creek. Model inputs for the model are described in Section 3 and are attached in the appendix as Table A.i. The field calibrated model results for flow,temperature and DO profile under observed conditions are shown in the figures below. Results and key assumptions from the calibrated field model are as follows: • The selected Manning's coefficients presented in section 3 and input into the model agree well with recorded field observations. Model/field reported stream flow rate,velocity,and depth at the proposed NZNA discharge location into cedar creek are 0.82/0.79 m3/s, 0.34/0.28 m/s,and 0.41/0.46 m,respectively. • Comparing field observation temperatures and DO field values to percent DO saturation indicates recorded field observation represent were on average at 96%DO saturation. The model output indicates an average stream temperature and DO concentration of 16.5°C and 9.43 mg/l,respectively. This represents 96% saturation,which agrees with recorded field values. 0.9 0.8 • 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 p . . . . . . . . . 26 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint (km) -Q,m3/s • Q-data m3/s Figure 5.1.Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Calibrated Flow Dewberry° October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report I 11 26 20 • 10 Temp(C)Average • Mean Temp-data 6 — Temp(C)Minimum Temp(C)Maximum FIELD DATA 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Stream Temperature(CC) Figure 5.2.Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Calibrated Stream Temperature 14 12 A -i 10 11) 410 1=1 ■ a MD MD 00 014_110_1=1 010 11M Mi 11,0 0 S ■ m a Ox 6 DO(mgO2/L) .••DO sat DO Min ai 4 O Max Field DO Avg.Field DO 2 Min Field DO 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 5.3.Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model-Field Calibrated Stream DO Profile Dewberry- October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report)12 6. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS A sensitivity analysis was performed on the field calibrated model to identify model parameters that significantly impact the predicted in-stream DO profile. The following analysis were performed: 1. Adjusting ambient weather conditions to summer time temperatures,and the stream temperature to the 90th percentile temperature as reported via NCDENR for Stream Station oi600000. 2. Increasing observed water quality parameters by 200%. 3. Adding in the additional 2.0 MGD NZNA Point Discharge and increasing the Franklin County POTW point source input to represent current maximum NPDES permit limits. 4. Increasing Franklin County POTW and NZNA permitted discharges by 200%. 5. Changing the reaeration model constant rate to USGS channel controlled model. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicate that Scenarios i and 4 result in the lowest predicted DO concentrations. Dewberry® October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 13 Scenario No. 1 For Scenario 1,the ambient air temperature was adjusted to the highest monthly mean max normal temperature and 90th percentile stream temperature. According to NOAA,the highest monthly mean max normal temperature for Louisburg,NC occurs in July and is 32.0°C. The 90th percentile stream temperatures as reported in the NCDENR Station Oi600000 Ambient Monitoring System Station Summary data sheet is 25.8°C for the time period beginning January 17,2008 ending December 12,2012. See Appendix C for temperature data. The background DO concentrations for head waters were adjusted to represent saturation at 8.1 mg/1 DO. Dew point temperature was also adjusted to 11°C,which represents a dew point at the average monthly mean temperature of July at 8o% humidity. Increasing the ambient air and stream temperatures resulted in slight decrease of the DO profile. Although decreased,the in-stream DO profile indicated by the model is still near saturation,8.1 mg/I,and is above the in- stream water quality standard for DO of 5.o mg/1 at field calibrated model conditions. 14 12 ♦ 10 • ■ • • j, • • 0 • � ♦ O 8 _ C a O 6 DO(mgO2/L) —•DOsat w▪ 4 — DO Min $ Max Field DO Avg. Field DO 2 Min Field DO 0 26 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 6.1.Sensitivity Scenario No.1: Adjust Ambient Air and Water Temperature to Summer Time Conditions Dewberry October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 14 Scenario No. 2 In Scenario 2,the headwater parameters organic nitrogen,ammonia,nitrate,and total phosphorus were increased to 200%of their field measured values. Increasing these parameters did not appear to significantly impact the in stream DO profile. 14 12 • I a a diAfO • 0 6 ■ 6 — DO(mgO2IL) 0 --•DOsat m y 4 — — —DO Min • Max Field DO Avg.Field DO 2 — ■ Min Field DO 0 26 20 16 10 6 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 6.2.Sensitivity Scenario No.2: Increase headwater parameters NoRG,NH3,NO3,and TP by 200% Dewberry. October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 116 Scenario No. 3 In Scenario 3,the proposed NZNA discharge was added as a point source,and the Franklin County POTW discharge was increased to maximum permitted NPDES limits. This resulted in an average in-stream DO profile of 8.78 mg/1. Compared to the field model,this represents an approximate 7%(0.64 mg/1)reduction of the average in stream DO profile. Point source model inputs were the actual or anticipated permit limits for flow,TSS,DO,cBOD,N-org,NH3,NOR,and total P identified in Section 3. If a permit limit does not exist for a particular input into the QUAL2k model,current treatment plant operation data was used. Temperature,specific conductance,and alkalinity inputs for the proposed NZNA discharge were reported operating parameters from NZNA's current wastewater facility and are 28°C,3,000 micro ohms-'(umhos),and 464 mg/1,respectively. Specific conductance,N-org,NOR,and total P inputs for Franklin County POTW were maximum recorded Discharge Monitoring Report(DMR)data entries from December 2016 through October 2017,and are 1,957 umhos,3.18 mg/1, 23 mg/1,and 5.71 mg/1. Alkalinity was assumed to be equal to 100 mg/1. 14 12 • 4 • 10 A arr r e o• g a • O 6 — 111•••DO(mgO2(L) o ——.•DO sat • • 4 - - – –DO Min A Max Field DO Avg.Field DO 2 — ■ Min Field DO 0 . 26 20 16 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 6.3.Sensitivity Scenario No.3: Addition of NZNA Discharge and Increase of Franklin County POTW Discharge to NPDES permitted limits 9 Dewberry October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 16 Scenario No. 4 In Scenario 4,assuming that both Franklin County POTW and NZNA's wastewater treatment facilities will undergo future expansions,the permitted flow rates to each facility were increased by 200%maintaining the permitted constituent concentrations as identified in Scenario 3,i.e.;only flow was doubled. This resulted in an average in- stream DO profile of 8.32 mg/1. Compared to the field model,this an approximate 12%(1.10 mg/1)reduction of the average in-stream DO profile. 14 12 A LA A 10 .44 . CI• g _ . • 6 — —DO(mg02IL) am,aim DO sat a_• 4 — —DO Min o A Max Field DO 2 Avg.Field DO ■ Min Field DO 0 . 26 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 6.4.Sensitivity Scenario No.4: Increase Franklin County and NZNA Point Discharges by 200% IDewberry' October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 117 Scenario No. 5 Changing the QUAL2k reaeration model from the constant reaeration rate as specified in Section 3 to the USGS channel control reaeration model resulted in a slight increase to an in-stream DO profile average of 9.58 mg/l. This is an approximate 2%increase. The reaeration rate indicated in the model for the USGS channel control reaeration model is 12.5 day',which is significantly greater than the calibrated model constant reaeration rate of 1.5 day'. The constant reaeration rate was selected for low flow models as it is the most conservative. 14 12 — :3 10 E 0 o 8 c d rn O 6 DO(mgO2/L) DO sat • d DO Min o Max Field DO Avg.Field DO 2 Min Field DO 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 6.5.Sensitivity Scenario No.5:Change Reaeration Model to USGS Channel Controlled Dewberry October 26,2018 j Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 18 7. LOW FLOW MODEL Subsequently to field calibration,the model was adjusted to represent low flow conditions within Cedar Creek. The selected low flow rate in Cedar Creek is the 7Q10 flow rate as reported by USGS for the proposed NZNA discharge location,which is 2.4 cfs,or 0.068 m3/s. From field observations,it is assumed that the stream flow rate at the proposed NZNA discharge location is comprised of inputs from Cedar Creek and the upstream tributary,the Franklinton Branch Tributary. Assuming the Franklinton Branch tributary low flow stream rate is reduced proportionally to the Cedar Creek 7Qio flow rate,i.e.;8.6%of the observed flow rate(2.4/27.8),the low flow values inputted into the model for the Cedar Creek headworks and Franklinton Branch Tributary headworks is 0.037 and 0.031 m3/s,respectively,for a total flow of o.o68 m3/s. The low flow model was run under several different scenarios,with the ultimate goal of determining impact of NZNA's proposed discharge to Cedar Creek's DO profile under summertime conditions. Scenarios modeled in the low flow conditions are as follows: 1. ^Q10 Low Flow at Field Conditions—Model conditions same as field model,except Cedar Creek headworks flow is 7Qlo value(0.068 m3/s). A. 7010 Low Flow with No NZNA discharge—No contribution from NZNA to the river is included. B. 7O10 Low Flow with NZNA discharge to the river at DO of 5 mg/L—Effluent discharge from NZNA is included,assuming NZNA discharge DO=5 mg/L. C. 7O10 Low Flow with NZNA discharge to the river at DO of 8 mg/L—Effluent discharge from NZNA,assuming NZNA discharge DO=8 mg/L. 2. 7Q10 Low Flow at Summertime Conditions—Cedar Creek flow rate is 7Q10 value(o.o68 m3/s); ambient air temperature is maximum monthly average(32.0°C for Louisburg);and in-stream temperature is the 90th percentile value(25.8°C).Background DO concentrations adjusted to saturated conditions. A. 7O10 Low Flow Summer with No NZNA discharge—No contribution from NZNA to the river is included. B. 7O10 Low Flow Summer with NZNA discharge—Effluent discharge from NZNA is included, assuming NZNA discharge DO=5 mg/L;and the Franklin County POTW discharge is increased from field observed conditions to maximum permitted NPDES limits. C. 7O10 Low Flow Summer with NZNA discharge and high nutrients—Repeat scenario 2.B,but increase at two times the assumed NZNA discharge limit concentrations of cBOD,nitrogen, ammonia,and phosphorus(see Table A.1 for discharge limit concentrations). D. 7O10 Low Flow Summer with NZNA discharge with USGS aeration Model—Repeat scenario 2.B, but change the reaeration model from constant rate to the USGS Channel Slope reaeration model. E. 7O10 Low Flow Summer with NZNA discharge and loth Percentile DO Concentration—Repeat scenario 2.B,but change the Cedar Creek and Franklinton Branch Tributary headworks DO concentrations to the 10th percentile. Dewberry. October 26, 2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 1 19 The following section discusses results of the outlined model scenarios,specifically focused on the in-stream DO concentration profiles.Complete water quality and hydraulic results are found in the individual model files. Low Flow Scenario No. 1A For Low Flow Scenario No.1 A,the field calibrated model was adjusted to 7Q10 low flow conditions. There is no NZNA discharge in this scenario. At low flow conditions the DO sag at the Franklin POTW outfall is more pronounced,dropping to approximately 8.84 mg/1,but recovering to the previous reported 96%saturation point at station 9.o km,or approximately ti km downstream of the NZNA discharge. 14 12 a10 alw.wml O 0 g or O 6 wimeDO(mgO2/L) v �Nob•DOsat 0 m 4 o — — —DO Min 2 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.1A.Low Flow Model No.IA:7Q10 Flow Conditions without NZNA Discharge Dewberry® October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 120 Low Flow Scenario No. 1B For Low Flow Scenario No.iB,the field calibrated model was adjusted to following conditions: • 7Qio low flow conditions • Proposed 2 million gallon per day(MGD)NZNA discharge at a minimum DO concentration of 5 mg/1. At these conditions the DO sag at the NZNA outfall drops the local in-stream DO concentration to approximately 7.78 mg/l. The model predicts that the DO concentration is at 87%and 90%saturation at Station 9.o km and the terminus,respectively. The stream temperature increases at the proposed NZNA discharge location from the reported field condition average of 16.7°C to 2o.6°C,and is 17.4°C at the terminus. It is likely that the NZNA discharge will achieve higher DO concentrations than the minimum 5 mg/L under normal conditions with an effluent re-aeration system. Therefore,it is assumed that predicted DO sag under this scenario is conservative. 14 12 J 1Q I ` O O 6 .ineiDO(mgO2/L) a, 0 --•DOsat a, 4 — — -DO Min 2 0 ' 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.1B.Low Flow Model No.IB:7Q10 Flow Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 5.o mg/1 DO Concentration Dewberry® October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 121 Low Flow Scenario No. IC For Low Flow Scenario No.iC,the field calibrated model was adjusted to the following conditions: • 7Q10 low flow conditions • Proposed 2 million gallon per day(MGD)NZNA discharge at a DO concentration of 8 mg/1. At these conditions,the DO sag at the NZNA outfall drops the local in-stream DO concentration to approximately 8.64 mg/l. The stream temperature increases at the proposed NZNA discharge location from the reported field condition average of 16.7°C to 20.6°C,and is 17.4°C at the terminus. The model predicts that the DO concentration is at 93%saturation at station 9.o km and beyond. 14 12 =i 10 ! __ , - 8 O 6 ADO(mgO2/L) > —OM•DO sat 0 4 p – - -DO Min 2 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.1C.Low Flow Model No.1C:7Q10 Flow Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 8.o mg/1 DO Concentration Dewberry. October 26,2018 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 122 Low Flow Scenario No. 2A For Low Flow Scenario No.2A,Low Flow Scenario IA(7Qio Flow)was repeated with the ambient air and stream temperatures increased to the maximum monthly average air temperature and 9oth percentile stream temperature of 32 and 25.8°C,respectively.Increasing the ambient air and stream temperatures results in a slightly lower DO profile, with the in-stream DO profile remaining near saturation,8.1 mg/1,and above the in-stream water quality standard for DO of 5.o mg/l. There is no NZNA discharge in this scenario. 14 12 J 10 m E OW C d T O v �DO(mgO2JL) 0 4 Imo lob•DOsat 0 2 - - —DOMin 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.2A.Low Flow Model No.2A:7Qio Flow Conditions at Summer Time Conditions Dewberry® October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report l 23 Low Flow Scenario No. 2B Low Flow Scenario No.2B is a repeat of Low Flow Scenario 2A(7Qio flow at summertime temperatures)with the following additional conditions: • Proposed 2MG NZNA discharge at a DO concentration of 5 mg/1, • Increase of the Franklin County POTW flow and discharge concentrations to maximum permitted limits as identified in Sensitivity Scenario No.3. At these conditions the model predicts an instream DO concentration of 5.98 mg/1 at the proposed NZNA discharge location,which at the modeled stream temperature of 26.7°C represents 74%saturation. The model indicates that stream temperatures will decrease downstream,with DO concentrations reaching 79%and 84%saturation at station 9.o km and the terminus,respectively. 14 12 10 `ao E 0 0 8 i O6 . . . . . . . 4 — �DO(mgO2/L) •DOsat 2 - — — —DO Min 0 . 26 20 16 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.213.Low Flow Model No.2B:7Q10 Flow Conditions at Summer Time Conditions with NZNA Discharge at 5.o mg/1 DO Concentration Dewberry October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 124 Low Flow Scenario No. 2C Low Flow Scenario No.2C is a repeat of Low Flow Scenario 2B: • 7Qio flow at summertime temperatures • Proposed 2 MGD NZNA discharge at a DO concentration of 5 mg/1 . . Increase of the Franklin County POTW flow and discharge concentrations to maximum permitted limits as identified in Sensitivity Scenario No.3. With the following additional conditions: • 200%increase of proposed NZNA discharge concentrations of cBOD,nitrogen,ammonia,and phosphorus. At these conditions,the model indicates little change and results in a similar in-stream DO concentrations to Scenario 2B. The model predicts an instream DO concentration of 5.82 mg/1 at the proposed NZNA discharge location,which at the modeled stream temperature of 26.7°C represents 73%saturation. 14 12 10 E O O 8 c i rn � 6 '" — -13 ?, 4 _ ii .DO(mgO2/L) •DOsat 2 — DO Min 0 . 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.2C.Low Flow Model No.2C:Low Flow Model 2B with increased BOD,nitrogen,ammonia and phosphorous point discharge concentrations. Dewberry October 26,2018 I Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 126 Low Flow Scenario No. 2D Low Flow Scenario No.2D is a repeat of Low Flow Scenario 2B: • 7Qio flow at summertime temperatures • Proposed 2 MGD NZNA discharge at a DO concentration of 5 mg/1 • Increase of the Franklin County POTW flow and discharge concentrations to maximum permitted limits as identified in Sensitivity Scenario No.3. With the following additional conditions: • Adjusted stream reaeration rate to USGS Channel Control Reaeration Model Instead of using the constant reaeration rate as specified in section 3,the USGS channel control reaeration model was used. At these conditions the model provides a more favorable results,and indicates the DO profile will return to near saturation at station 15 km,or approximately 2.5 km downstream of the NZNA discharge. 14 12 10 E O p 8 • 6 _N • 4 iNvinimaDO(mgO2IL) a DO sat 2 — —DO Min 0 . 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.2D.Low Flow Model No.2D:Low Flow Model 2B with USGS Channel Controlled Reaeration Model Dewberry. October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 126 Low Flow Scenario No. 2E Low Flow Scenario No.2E is a repeat of Low Flow Scenario 2B: • 7Q10 flow at summertime temperatures • Proposed 2 MGD NZNA discharge at a DO concentration of 5 mg/1 • Increase of the Franklin County POTW flow and discharge concentrations to maximum permitted limits as identified in Sensitivity Scenario No.3. With the following additional conditions: • DO concentrations at the Cedar Creek and Franklinton Branch Tributary headwaters reduced to the loth percentile condition. The loth percentile DO concentration is 6.7 mg/1 as reported in the NCDENR Station or600000 Ambient Monitoring System Station Summary data sheet for the time period beginning January 17,2008 ending December 12,2012(see Appendix C). At these conditions,the model indicates a minimum in-stream DO concentration of 5.44,and a DO concentration at the proposed NZNA discharge location of 5.68 mg/1. 14 12 -� 10 E 0 • 8 a1 c co 17 ~sawn O 6 ( 0 • 4 . .,DO(mgO2/L) o •••DO sat 2 - — — - DO Min 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 20 15 10 5 0 Distance from Model Endpoint(km) Figure 7.2E.Low Flow Model No.2E:Low Flow Model 2B with loth Percentile Cedar Creek DO Concentrations 11 Dewberry. October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report!27 8. MODEL RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Based on the QUAL2K modeling results,the 2.0 MGD proposed discharge by NZNA into Cedar Creek near the Franklin County POTW is predicted to result in daily average DO concentrations above the daily average water quality standard of 5 mg/land instantaneous maximum standard of 4 mg/l for Cedar Creek. The modeling scenarios included calibrating a model to field conditions,then adjusting the field calibrated model to the USGS reported 7Q10 low flow condition at summer time conditions,i.e.;the 9oth percentile stream temperature and monthly mean maximum normal ambient air temperature. The results of Low Flow Scenarios IA through 2E are summarized below. Table 7: QUAL2K Low Flow Model Results Dissolved Oxygen Concentration* NZNA Min.DO Discharge, Downstream (Sta.20.96 Station Station Scenario Descri.tion Units to Sta.0.0) 17.56 km 9.0 km 1A _ Field Conditions w/o NZNA Discharge mg/I 8.84 9.08 9.31 1B Field Conditions w/NZNA Discharge at 5.0 mg/I DO mg/I 7.58 7.78 8.22 1C Field Conditions w/NZNA Discharge at 8.0 mg/I DO mg/I 8.64 8.64 8.77 2A Summertime Conditions w/o NZNA Discharge mg/I 6.78 6.78 7.35 2B Summertime Conditions w/NZNA Discharge at 5.0 mg/I DO mg/I 5.69 5.98 6.66 2C Repeat of 2B w/High Nutrient NZNA Discharge mg/I 5.68 5.82 6.38 2D Repeat of 2B with USGS Reaeration Model mg/I 5.86 7.17 8.0 2E Repeat of 2B w/10th percentile in-stream DO concentrations mg/I 5.43 5.68 6.38 *DO concentrations are at modeled average conditions At the summertime condition,the Franklin County POTW and proposed NZNA discharges contribute a large fraction of the volume of water in the creek.B This large fraction reduces the creek DO as compared to measured field conditions. For reference,the median DO in this section of Cedar Creek,per NCDENR ambient monitoring station oi600000's data sheet is 7.8 mg/L. Modeling the Franklin County POTW and proposed NZNA discharge at summertime conditions and the minimum NPDES permit limit of 5 mg/1 DO results in a minimum DO concentration of 5.98 mg/1 amongst the Scenarios. Further modeling(Scenarios 2C,2D and 2E)of other conditions,including more conservative high point source nutrient loads and loth percentile in-stream DO concentrations,resulted in slight decreases in the minimum DO, only reducing DO concentrations to 5.68 mg/l at the proposed NZNA discharge location.For all scenarios,the minimum DO concentrations remained above the instantaneous maximum and daily average DO water quality standards. B Low Flow Scenarios indicate that the Franklin County and proposed NZNA discharge account for more than 75%of the total flow under low conditions,with NZNA contributing 3o%of the total flow. Dewberry® October 26,20181 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 128 REFERENCES 1.Chapra,Steven C.Surface Water Quality Modeling.New York:McGraw-Hill,1997;reissued Waveland Press Inc. 2008). 2.Chapra,Steve C.,Greg J.Pelletier,and Hua Tao.QUAL2K:A Modeling Framework for Simulating River and Stream Water Quality(Version 2.12)Documentation and User's Manual.Tech.Medford,MA:Tufts U,n.d.Print. 3.Weather History for Louisburg,NC.Web.May 1,2018.http://w2.weather.gov/climate/ IDewberry® 4 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Report 129 Figures _AWNWOPRizain0,01401MINia; 1111=1111111111111111111111M www.dewberry.com FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW FRANKLIN BRANCH NZNA PROPOSED (POINT SOURCE) TRIBUTARY DISCHARGE (POINT SOURCE) © © © © 6 9 10 ® ® 41* 14 4 O <g 2.13 km / 18.83 km (Reach 1) (Reach 2) 20.96 km 20.03 km 18.83 km 17.56 km 0 km SAMPLE LOCATIONS: 1—CEDAR CREEK ROAD BRIDGE (NCDENR 01600000) NOTES: 2 — UPSTREAM OF FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW (0.2 KM) 1. NON POINT SOURCE IMPACTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS MODEL OF THE CEDAR CREEK. 3 — UPSTREAM OF FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW (0.1 KM) 2. TRIBUTARIES LOCATED DOWNSTREAM OF THE PROPOSED NZNA OUTFALL ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS MODEL OF CEDAR CREEK. 4— FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW 5 — DOWNSTREAM OF FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW (0.06 KM) 3. TRIBUTARIES LOCATED UPSTREAM OF THE PROPOSED NZNA OUTFALL THAT ARE <5% OF TOTAL CEDAR CREEK DRAINAGE AREA ARE EXCLUDED. 6— DOWNSTREAM OF FRANKLIN COUNTY POTW (0.12 KM) 4. FRANKLIN COUNTY PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS (POTW) IS LOCATED IN FRANKLINTOIV, NC. 7— MAYS CROSSROADS BRIDGE 8— NZNA PROPOSED OUTFALL 9 — DOWNSTREAM OF NZNA PROPOSED OUTFALL (0.15 KM) 10— DOWNSTREAM OF NZNA PROPOSED OUTFALL (1.0 KM) 11— PEACH ORCHARD ROAD BRIDGE 12 —TIMBERLAKE ROAD BRIDGE (NCDENR 01920000) 13— LOUISBURG ROAD BRIDGE 14— HIGHWAY 39 BRIDGE 1.`:$ DATE TITLE SHEET NO. Dewberry 10/25/2018 CEDAR CREEK QUAL2K MODEL BOUNDARIES DEWBERRY ENGINEERS INC. 2610 WYCLIFF ROAD SUITE410 PROJ.NO. PROJECT RALEIGH,NC 27607 NOVOZYMES NORTH AMERICA PHONE 919.881.9939 50107104 FAX:919,881.9923 QUAL2K CEDAR CREEK MODEL .—iii:.. N!! ^'M1L'' !'r" ,•4*--.:,:. ` lam -• - TF1 . ��yLeend • , • iir .01.17:,,T0( dil FranklinOufall �`; • 1 I ,,w, A' 'r`'' ' tom, r. .'....:. 7, ' ...0::-. '''ll: ti '� Proposed Novozymes Outfall '` .. , '` ,. .t'` w per - �° b _ . , � x � �• :, max'. . i *' �. sa i, .,a Additional Cedar Creek Data y Mr' '� ,:*- .t..,..e.- 1., 4 i _ � '�` •i R �,y. 4• i .JMj+ J' ,-` 1 •� ! j� Gage/Monitoring Station ' .- �� Novozymes G --a, "� �,:;,► �� ,. _ � ` ,9tl, Stream/River ti _ . , . ,, , , ..: ...li:.#^C 0.401. :::::iz :ton . te x ,. w � Force Main Alignment t110, Force Gi'' Alignment �, y " 3 ' w. P" w Tar R'iv-r eaRP,1011 / i .. uisbu , , 3r• � � • !r �Lo , .a - � *ea y, . , • re J.. ate. , -� 6 ' � L ri a c • • ,,. A. � ,� 4 �,�,;,,�;' . � '- Proposed,N es Ou P. • �, # 4 � { � zm 11' y • k :rAw� s rt ` , CJ t GYi1 e ;41f, , r ��yZy�, Outfall "Q �� idirl,"*., –. County PL 14v ,� .4111 4 �, �J t .r ? - siltiit4 , +' } .„. qq�� a� , ___ . ., ., „:.„... - - i,„„ . ,. L5 1 r 1 , .„, ._ a i 4 w► � ._ r NCDENR #01600000 , , 4 ,r t NCDENR#01920000 ' • '` ion +. " d/ �' �, Ambient Monitoring Stat s i160 . g , • ppir { f k. ?kills Y G x gh :14-'''kt; + + Ori' a"r 1 a % i'' ?'+ -- ) - :vow .ti • 'ray « ,, fi- y 114 rfk 'L.. •'•'.. 6 , f / ,: j}''� !'a - ``:), - ., ir .,y. .'s p ti.:Sll. '�!,.. ' f _h D4 T -.?*4.,4, 4 6'ej' ' i_•l• • J A LI '4:f r. ,.... tk::: X ••��,, - ♦ .( y, 4 •fro a' { - i V „ � ' «•. .�f -20 ' `°"ice . .r' ', +: .. �� t �.. it trd; ,, r Jr°.IP .,... 1 { ... Ywn gsv+lle -• ,•a �. -' : i. I • 41 '; '53'. :Oil”— l'"*"`0 '' ' ' AL ,iii' ,.....,, . . 41-:-.‘.4 I ''' . . ./. ' t41 li,11 I . .... . . ,.,. . , _ , LI 404 r. , ....._ . ..., w :, DATE TITLE r j . "' h * A ,.° � r Dewberry. Y� 10/25/2018 i e +� �. � ' ! Dewberry Engineers Inc. FIGURE 2: Cedar Creek MAP ' !' A. - ! r Ir - .:wry ` • 4 •N. ,, - r iso sig iiii2610 WYCLIFF RD !' •y '�� t ry'. t. /• ' SUITE 410 PROJECT �� ` " ' > fii` ' RALEIGH,NC 27607 I. Ik` i �Mxr ��, t.e� • IIIPHONE:919.424.9939 Cedar Creek QUAL2K Model Project �1' ` „�° h1eif Myr FAX 919.881.9923 /�1 a i NCBELS#F-0929 4 1F Y { a.4:1 in = 1 miles10. ~ 2 x z 11d _ Ile M -., ;. -' '�•-, _ '.,.:+ . 4+' „' '•;:. r; °'- • .; _. '!" -p _ ]- o :s �$j sV-�"o' r--r .o lit ou o�` �JIIII�II I'�,' -o,.'W:itnjt , �,'o u a Di ital lobe.•' ;E ,‘,4 i! • - .�,NE 1 �)A' ry h q , .i tom;.L� G a rti r •2..r.p• hi cis, `..,.. R t � � �, • " " �. °L. . cm,* ...a...01, ® I a ;Lk�-1(C�1nn tU ity a ...iii ap• ' -- t � ;r Appendix A: Model Input Tables www.dewberry.corn ABLE A.1 QUAL2K Cedar Creek Field Collaborated Model Inputs 1. GENERAL MODEL INPUTS Units Value Notes A. River Cedar Creek From the confluence of Cedar Creek and Tar River to a location 20.96 km upstream B. Month/Day/Year MM/DD/YY 5/1/2018 C. Calculation Time days 30 D. Calculation Step hours 0.1 E. Solution method(integration) Euler F. Solution method(pH) Brent II. HEADWATER INPUTS Units Value Notes A. Name Cedar Creek @ NCDENR 01600000 NCDENR monitoring location,east of Franklin County POTW B. Location Lat/Long 36°03'57.5"N 78°25'52.6"W C. Flow Rate cfs 14.5 Field measured flow rate from Cedar Creek Bridge. m3/s 0.410 D. Elevation ft 260.73 feet above NAVD88;from USACE HECRAS m 79.490 E. Hydraulics type Manning Formula Slope 0.0015,n=0.055,w=2.0 m,S=2.0 m F. Water QualityConstituents F.1 Temperature °C 16.30 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.2 Conductivity umhos 95.30 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.3 Inorganic solids mg/L 11.3 TSS,Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.4 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 9.50 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.5 cBOD,slow mg/L 0.00 Assume all BOD is fast BOO F.6 cBOD,fast mg/L 2.00 Field data;measured non-detect,detection limit 2.0 mg/L;input 50%of detection limit. F.7 Nitrogen(dissolved,organic) µg/L 500.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018);assume all TKN as organic N. F.8 NH4-N µg/L 100.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.9 NO3-N µg/L 300.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.10 Phosphorus(dissolved,organic) µg/L 100.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018).Assume TP=dissolved,organic F.11 Inorganic phosphorus(SRP) µg/L 0.00 F.12 Phytoplankton µg/L 0.00 F.13 Detritus(POM) mg/L 0.00 F.14 Pathogen cfu/100 mL 200.0 Estimate. F.15 Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L 57.3 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018) F.16 pH S.U. 7.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018).). III. HEADWATER INPUTS Units Value Notes A. Name Franklin Branch Tributary B. Location Lat/Long 36°04'17.5"N 78°24'41.6"W C. Flow Rate cfs 12.93 Estimate of 7010;based on field sampling data 0.366 D. Elevation ft 247.11 USACE HEC RAS m 75.34 E. Hydraulics type Manning Formula Slope 0.0034,n=0.055,w=2.0 m,5=2.0 m F. Water QualityConstituents F.1 Temperature °C 16.30 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.2 Conductivity umhos 181.0 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.3 Inorganic solids mg/L 13.4 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.4 Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 9.30 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.5 cBOD,slow mg/L 0.00 Assume all BOD is fast BOD F.6 cBOD,fast mg/L 2.00 Field data;measured non-detect,detection limit 2.0 mg/L. F.7 Nitrogen(dissolved,organic) µg/L 600 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018).);assume all TKN as organic N. F.8 Ammonia-N µg/L 100 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.9 NO3-N µg/L 1,000 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.10 Phosphorus(dissolved,organic) µg/L 100 Field Data(04/30/2018-05/02/2018). F.11 Inorganic phosphorus(SRP) µg/L 0.00 F.12 Phytoplankton µg/L 0.00 F.13 Detritus(POM) mg/L 0.00 F.14 Pathogen cfu/100mL 200 Estimate F.15 Alkalinity mgCaCO3/L 46.5 No available data. F.16 pH s.u. 7.4 III. REACH DATA Units Value Notes A. Reach Label Name Franklin Branch Tributary A.1 Downstream Location Lat/Long 36°04'17.5"N 78°24'41.6"W A.2 Reach Length km 20.96 calculated by model from upstream and downstream location inputs. A.3 Upstream Elevation m 79.475 HEC-RAS model,published by USACE. A.4 Downstream Elevation m 50.262 HEC-RAS model,published by USACE. A.5 Hydraulics type same as headwater inputs Reach hydraulics are estimated with same hydraulic parameters as headwaters;Creek is constant geometry. A.6 Prescribed dispersion m2/s calculated Calculated by model from upstream and downstream location inputs. IV. POINT SOURCES Units Value Notes E Name Franklin County POTW A.1 Location km 20.03 Distance from model headwaters;lat/long of Outfall 001 is 36°04'6.7"N,78°25'31.5"W. A.2 Inflow MGD 0.978 m3/s 0.0428 A.3 Abstraction m3/s 0 A.4 Temperature °C 17.10 Franklin County POTW Reported Value A.5 Conductance umhos 1,862 Franklin County POTW Reported Value A.6 Inorganic suspended solids mg/L 2.50 Franklin County POTW Reported Value A.7 DO mg/L 7.75 Franklin County POTW Reported Value A.8 Fast cBOD mg/L 2.00 Franklin County POTW Reported Value. A.9 Organic N µg/L 3190 Franklin County POTW Reported Value. A.10 Ammonia-N µg/L 0.00 Franklin County POTW Reported Value L A.11 Phosphorus(organic) µg/L 1,530 Franklin County POTW Reported Value. A.12 Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L 100 Estimate A.13 pH S.U. 7.50 B. Name Proposed NZNADischarge B.1 Location km 17.56 Estimated distance from model headwaters. B.2 Inflow MGD 2.00 Proposed dischargeflow rate. m3/s 0.0875 B.3 Abstraction m3/s 0 B.4 Temperature °C 28.0 NZNA operational data,based on current wastewater discharge. B.5 Conductance umhos 3,000 NZNA operational data,based on current wastewater discharge. B.6 Inorganic suspended solids mg/L 30 B.7 DO mg/L 8.0 Assume cascade aeration at discharge location brings DO to saturation. 8.8 Fast cBOD mg/L 5.0 Estimated proposed discharge limit. B.9 Organic N µg/L 7,600 Estimated proposed discharge limit. B.10 Ammonia-N µg/L 1,000 Estimated proposed discharge limit. 8.11 Phosphorus(organic) µg/L 1,000 Estimated proposed discharge limit. B.12 Alkalinity mg CaCO3/L 436 NZNA operational data,based on current wastewater discharge. B.13 pH s.u. 7.5 NZNA operational data,based on current wastewater discharge. IV. ATMOSPHERIC DATA Units Value Notes A. Air Temperature °F Varies See Report Appendix for hourly Report per complied NOAA data. °C Varies B. Dew Point Temperature °F Varies See Report Appendix for hourly Report per complied NOAA data. °C Varies C. Wind Speed mph Varies See Report Appendix for hourly Report per complied NOM data. m/s Varies D. Cloud Cover % 10% Based on estimated field observation. E. Shade % 25% Based on estimated field observation. V Dewberry- 10/19/2018 1 Appendix B: Field Testing Data and Laboratory Results www.dewberry.com TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF FIELD OBSERVATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS CEDAR CREEK FIELD VERIFICATION EVENT NOVOZYMES,FRANKLIN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA Sample Lab Sample DO Conductivity Temperature pH Sample Location Sample ID Date Collected (mg/L) (µS/cm) (°C) (s.u.) Notes 4/30/2018 Y 11.20 82 14.20 7.22 Cedar Creek Road Bridge 1 5/1/2018 Y 10.02 82 15.56 7.06 Observed old weir crossing creek. No monitoring devices 5/2/2018 Y 9.50 122 17.02 6.72 observed. 4/30/2018 Y 9.50 83 15.39 7.33 Upstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.2 km) 2 5/1/2018 Y 9.43 83 15.26 7.31 Easy Access,moderate flow. 5/2/2018 Y 9.07 83 16.89 7.22 4/30/2018 Y 10.71 84 15.37 7.24 Upstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.1 km) 3 5/1/2018 Y 9.70 82 15.20 7.21 Easy Access,moderate flow. 5/2/2018 Y 9.02 84 16.91 7.29 4/30/2018 Y 10.70 84 15.20 7.4 Franklin Co POTW 4 5/1/2018 Y 9.50 Varied(250-400) 15.50 7.7 Observed foaming at outfall. 5/2/2018 Y 9.03 89 16.88 7.32 4/30/2018 Y 9.92 226 15.68 7.47 1 Downstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.06 km) 5 5/1/2018 Y 9.24 257 15.67 7.52 Wooded,fallen trees obstructing flow curve w/fast current, 5/2/2018 Y 9.15 318 16.96 7.55 almost 1:1 slope at bank. 4/30/2018 Y 10.58 235 15.88 7.51 Wooded,fallen trees obstructing flow curve,steep Downstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.12 km) 6 5/1/2018 Y 9.64 241 15.50 7.57 embankment(4-5 ft above water surface) 5/2/2018 Y 9.13 330 17.00 7.62 4/30/2018 Y 10.50 172 13.70 7.36 Observed curves,fast moving current at outside;sediment Mays Crossroads Road Bridge 7 5/1/2018 Y 9.51 154 15.30 7.41 deposits observed in middle 5/2/2018 Y 9.20 216 16.43 7.41 4/30/2018 Y 9.28 171 16.00 7.42 NZNA Proposed Outfall 8 5/1/2018 Y 9.25 196 15.62 7.41 Wooded,snakes present in stream 5/2/2018 Y 9.22 211 16.62 7.34 4/30/2018 Y 9.07 174 16.32 7.41 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(0.15 km) 9 5/1/2018 Y 9.23 197 17.09 7.32 Wooded,snakes present in stream 5/2/2018 y 9.50 220 16.80 7.34 4/30/2018 y 8.95 244 17.86 7.52 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(1.0 km) 10 5/1/2018 Y 9.60 238 16.00 7.35 Wooded,observed tributary,not as wide,visual current 5/2/2018 Y 9.05 268 18.83 7.37 4/30/2018 Y 9.01 212 17.38 7.3 Peach Orchard Road Bridge 11 5/1/2018 Y 8.80 217 15.56 7.26 Two creeks under bridge 5/2/2018 Y 8.77 261 17.57 7.45 4/30/2018 Y 8.05 246 17.16 7.48 Timberlake Road Bridge 12 5/1/2018 Y 8.70 221 17.10 7.22 Sandbar present 5/2/2018 Y 8.11 275 18.17 7.28 4/30/2018 N NS NS NS NS Louisburg Road Bridge 13 5/1/2018 Y 10.25 188 17.37 7.34 More yellow color than other sites;wider and deeper 1 5/2/2018 Y 9.36 245 18.45 7.43 4/30/2018 N NS NS NS NS Cloudy,algae on bank w/small fish;wider and slow moving Highway 39 Bridge 14 5/1/2018 Y 5.50 175 14.1 7.06 5/2/2018 Y 5.20 199 16.14 7.19 appearance;appears deeper than the other sites Dewberry Prepared By: Jordan Date: 6/7/2018 e d o F VI a. CD d Pt m o Pi N d n z n w N H 7 U .-3 ZD G Q n COo O' n tilv s Q z zv N m y i A O m C.rn $ ^ Z C EL 00 3 w o` C 3 m m N MI 3. A tn A A A d N N O NJ N N N O N o Ts MI N f0 Ct ry 41 0 O O N O O N O O N O O N n 00 CO~ CO CO 00 00 W 00 00 00 00 W t-i7 "3 Zxtil o N p N p O N cn O ' cn O to N 1D0 W O A w N O A LO A O tNit in O A O to N N in N .Y' 3 ^ n d [L7 v. A ..... 0: o c a 3 ZX � o � z N .+ .+ I- F+ N I+ F+ O O N O .+ N co F+ N Fp+ NQ .+ O F+ I-+ N O O N O O O 00 . 000 . . 00 , — g XI ,-3O N O O O In to O A N O In O Oo0 0 0 O N N O In N O to O to O CO 01 N 0000 0 0 0 O N O 0 0 S =""3 Z a IC) rez a id zz � 0 01 co O O R 'co Ot A N A 00 N A N in 00 W .+ N N O O N 00 F+ O I-` O O N co 00 01 00 A T O 01 A W -c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ►'3 d m O 3 C d N G y 0 f. Io d d .3 O V S IA d A d n"ril. 3 dO n NJ N N C Q d fp. V V A A M Q a 10 0 in In r. n E.-, H 0 N f iD d o z 3 CO m TABLE 3: SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS CEDAR CREEK FIELD VERIFICATION EVENT NOVOZYMES,FRANKLIN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA Sample Sample Location Sample ID Date UNITS TSS VSS TOC TDS CBOD TKN NH3 NO3 TP ALKALINITY 4/30/2018 8.3 46.00 3.9 67.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 <0.30 <0.05 28.3 Cedar Creek Road Bridge 1 5/1/2018 mg/I 8.6 <25.00 3.8 68.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.31 <0.05 29.3 5/2/2018 10.7 40.00 3.3 70.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.36 <0.05 26.9 4/30/2018 5.5 142.00 6.4 594.00 <2.00 0.74 <0.10 5.20 0.76 174 Franklin Co POTW 4 5/1/2018 mg/I 15.1 <50.00 6.2 544.00 <2.00 0.59 <0.10 6.10 0.88 168 5/2/2018 <5.00 140.00 6.4 748.00 <2.00 1.20 <0.10 5.10 1.20 201 4/30/2018 7.5 68.00 4.2 157.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 1.20 0.15 46.1 Downstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.12 km) 6 5/1/2018 mg/I 10 47 4 159 <2.00 0.53 <0.10 1.3 0.18 53.4 5/2/2018 7.9 51.00 3.8 209.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.30 0.25 60.6 4/30/2018 12.7 <25.00 4 115.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.79 0.29 39.4 Mays Crossroads Road Bridge 7 5/1/2018 mg/I 15.6 49.00 3.9 139.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.14 50.3 5/2/2018 11.9 43.00 3.5 162.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.17 49.8 4/30/2018 9.1 63.00 4.1 109.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.84 0.09 38.3 NZNA Proposed Outfall 8 5/1/2018 mg/I 8.9 47.00 4.2 142.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.14 47.2 5/2/2018 22.5 41.00 3.7 147.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.97 0.15 45.7 4/30/2018 7.7 <25.00 4 120.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.79 0.09 40.6 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(0.15 km) 9 5/1/2018 mg/I 7.3 31.00 3.9 132.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.12 47.2 5/2/2018 6.9 31.00 3.6 147.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.96 0.13 48 4/30/2018 22 60.00 4.7 164.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.98 0.15 55.2 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(1.0 km) 10 5/1/2018 mg/I 28.6 46.00 4.2 165.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.30 0.16 52.9 5/2/2018 24.3 49 4.2 156 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.2 0.17 55 4/30/2018 7.1 52.00 4.3 138.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.95 0.29 44.3 Peach Orchard Road Bridge 11 5/1/2018 mg/I 8.4 70.00 4.1 140.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.20 0.11 47.1 5/2/2018 30 45.00 4 173.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.40 0.16 54.5 4/30/2018 22.4 42.00 4.8 130.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.87 0.10 40.7 Timberlake Road Bridge 12 5/1/2018 mg/I 8.9 38.00 4.7 134.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.10 45.9 5/2/2018 11.7 50.00 4.2 137.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.20 0.13 50.6 4/30/2018 No Sample Collected Louisburg Road Bridge 13 5/1/2018 mg/I 9 <25.00 4.6 125.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.00 0.09 43.8 5/2/2018 10.9 34.00 4.3 173.00 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 1.10 0.10 44 4/30/2018 No Sample Collected Highway 39 Bridge 14 5/1/2018 mg/I 2.7 31.00 5.1 106 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.5 0.067 42.2 5/2/2018 <5.00 37.00 4.8 109 <2.00 <0.50 <0.10 0.49 0.081 42.7 Dewberry Prepared By: Jordan Date: 6/7/2018 TABLE 4:AVERAGE RESULTS FROM 3-DAY SAMPLING EVENT CEDAR CREEK FIELD VERIFICATION EVENT NOVOZYMES, FRANKLIN COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA Sample DO %DO Conductivity Temperature pH TSS VSS TOC TDS CBOD TKN NH3 NO3 ALKALINITY Sample Location ID STA.(KM) (mg/L) Saturation (.sS/cm) (°C) (s.u.) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I_) (mg/L) (mg/I) (mg/I) (mg/I) Cedar Creek Road Bridge 1 20.96 10.2 102% _ 95.3 _ 15.6 7.0 9.20 37.0 3.7 68.33 2.0 _ 0.5 0.1 0.3 28.2 Upstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.2 km) 2 20.23 9.3 94% 83.0 15.8 7.3 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Upstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.1 km) 3 20.13 9.8 99% 83.3 15.8 7.2 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Franklin Co POTW 4 20.03 9.7 98% 86.5 15.9 7.5 8.53 110.7 6.3 628.7 2.0 0.8 0.1 5.5 181.0 Downstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.06 km) 5 19.97 9.4 95% 267 16.1 7.5 NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC NC Downstream of Franklin Co POTW(0.12 km) 6 19.85 9.8 99% 269 16.1 7.6 8.47 55.3 4.0 175.0 2.0 1.0 0.7 1.3 53.4 Mays Crossroads Road Bridge 7 18.83 9.7 96% 181 15.1 7.4 13.4 39.0 3.8 138.7 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 46.5 NZNA Proposed Outfall 8 17.56 9.3 93% 193 16.1 7.4 13.5 50.3 4.0 132.7 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 43.7 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(0.15 km) 9 17.41 9.3 95% 197 16.7 7.4 7.30 29.0 3.8 133.0 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.0 45.3 Downstream of NZNA Proposed Outfall(1.0 km) 10 16.56 9.2 96% 250 17.6 7.4 20.1 53.7 4.3 156.0 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.2 51.5 Peach Orchard Road Bridge 11 15.94 8.9 91% 230 16.8 7.3 15.2 55.7 4.1 150.3 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.2 48.6 Timberlake Road Bridge 12 12.51 8.3 86% 247 - 17.5 7.3 14.3 43.3 4.6 133.7 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.1 45.7 Louisburg Road Bridge 13 10.77 9.8 103% 217 17.9 7.4 10.0 29.5 4.5 149.0 2.0 0.5 0.1 1.1 43.9 Highway 39 Bridge 14 5.48 5.4 53% 187 15.1 7.1 3.85 34.0 5.0 107.5 2.0 0.5 0.1 0.5 42.5 MIN 5.4 53% 83.0 15.1 7.0 3.9 29.0 3.7 68.3 2.0 0.5 _ 0.1 0.3 28.2 AVG 9.2 93% 184.6 16.3 7.3 11.3 48.9 4.4 179.3 2.0 0.6 0.2 1.4 57.3 MAX 10.2 103% 268.7 17.9 7.6 20.1 110.7 6.3 628.7 2.0 1.0 0.7 5.5 181.0 Notes: 1. NC,No sample collected 2. Field Conditions are identified below: 1 Sky Precipitation High Temp Low Temp Clear,sunny 0 inches 72°F 36°F Clear,sunny 0 inches 83°F 45°F . Clear,sunny 0 inches 85°F 53°F 3. Field Measurements and Samples collected at each location were taken from same point each day. 4. Sampling event performed by Michael Poulios and Jordan Lawrence Dewberry. Prepared By: JordanDate6/7/2018 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Appendix B (continued): Certified Lab Reports www.dewberry.corn Samuel Jeppson, vewoerry_rcalelgn Jordan Lawrence,Dewberry Engineers Inc. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 1 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aeAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 . CERTIFICATIONS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 S Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville,NC 28804 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Florida/NELAP Certification#: E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 Massachusetts Certification#: M-NC030 VlrginiaNELAP Certification#:460222 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#: 37712 Eden Certification IDs 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden,NC 27288 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:633 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37738 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 2 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 r www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92382866001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 5210B SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866002 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 5210B SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PAST-A 92382866003 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 52108 SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23208 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 53108 KDF1 1 PAST-A 92382866004 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 5210B SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23208 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 3 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 7412eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 i w.p wwecelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866006 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 5210B SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 53108 KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 5210B SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866007 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 521013 SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23208 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 53108 KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866008 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 52108 SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23208 KDF1 1 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 4 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www•pace1abs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PASI-A 92382866009 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 RAY 1 PASI-E SM 521013 SAM1 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C MVC 1 PASI-A SM 2540D MDW 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B KDF1 1 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 5 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#1 Lab ID: 92382866001 Collected: 04/30/18 08:26 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate ND mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 101 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 46.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 D6 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 28.3 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 17:47 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 67.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 8.3 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:11 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:52 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus ND mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 02:59 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.9 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 22:01 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 6 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aeAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#7 Lab ID: 92382866002 Collected: 04/30/18 09:20 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.79 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 25408) 86.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids ND mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 23208 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 39.4 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 17:58 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 116 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 12.7 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:12 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:53 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.29 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 02:59 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.0 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 22:33 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 7 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 670 Raleigh,NC 27607 aceAnalytical1 Conference Drive www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#4 Lab ID: 92382866003 Collected: 04/30/18 12:15 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 6.2 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 674 mg/L 50.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 142 mg/L 50.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 23208 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 174 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 18:11 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C , Total Dissolved Solids 694 mg/L 50.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 5.6 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:13 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.74 mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:54 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.76 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:02 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 6.4 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 22:43 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 8 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive 2ceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pace/abs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#6 Lab ID: 92382866004 Collected: 04/30/18 11:52 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.2 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 188 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 68.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 46.1 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 18:31 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 167 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 7.6 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method:EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:15 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:55 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:02 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 23:29 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 9 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /11aeeAnalytical® 6701 Conference rive Raleigh,NC 2D7607 w f wwpacelebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#8 Lab ID: 92382866006 Collected: 04/30/18 13:25 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.84 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 97.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 63.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 38.3 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 18:45 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 109 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 D6 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 9.1 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:16 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:56 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.093 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:03 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.1 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 23:40 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 10 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC $ 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#9 Lab ID: 92382866006 Collected: 04/30/18 13:57 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.79 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 166 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids ND mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 40.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 19:20 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 120 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 7.7 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method:EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:18 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:58 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.091 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:04 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.0 mg/L 1.0 1 05/03/18 23:50 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 11 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference07 _ Raleigh,,NCNC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#10 Lab ID: 92382866007 Collected: 04/30/18 15:02 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.98 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 25408) 182 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 60.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 66.2 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 19:32 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 164 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 22.0 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:19 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 00:59 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:04 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.7 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 00:03 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 12 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 1 Confeence ® 670 Raleigh,NC Drive7607 /112e Analytical 1 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#11 Lab ID: 92382866008 Collected: 04/30/18 15:42 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.96 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 25408) 163 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 62.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 23208 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 44.3 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 19:46 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 138 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 7.2 mg/L 2.5 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:21 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:00 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.29 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:05 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.3 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 00:13 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 13 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Sample: LOCATION#12 Lab ID: 92382866009 Collected: 04/30/18 16:02 Received: 04/30/18 17:01 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.87 mg/L 0.30 1 05/01/18 15:00 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/01/18 16:25 05/06/18 10:27 B3 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 25408) 160 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 42.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 40.7 mg/L 5.0 1 05/04/18 20:00 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 130 mg/L 25.0 1 05/02/18 19:27 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 22.4 mg/L 3.1 1 05/03/18 17:47 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 13:30 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 ' Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:01 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.097 mg/L 0.050 1 05/03/18 03:06 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.8 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 00:24 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 14 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 408755 Analysis Method: HACH 10206 QC Batch Method: HACH 10206 Analysis Description: 10206 Nitrogen, Nitrate Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2267850 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L ND 0.30 05/01/18 15:00 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2267851 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 5 5.0 100 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2267852 2267853 MS MSD 92382865001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L ND 5 5 5.3 5.4 101 102 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 15 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC � 6701 Conference Drive �CC/llIQn�IIC�I Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 408728 Analysis Method: SM 5210B QC Batch Method: SM 5210B Analysis Description: 5210B cBOD,5 day Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2267693 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L ND 2.0 05/06/18 10:27 B3 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2267694 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L 198 214 108 84.6-115.4 B3 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2267695 92382821002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L 158 161 2 B3 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 16 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409103 Analysis Method: EPA 160.4 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.4 Analysis Description: 160.4 TVS and 2540B TS Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK 2269574 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L ND 25.0 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/03/18 16:21 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269575 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 500 534 107 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2269576 92382865001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 101 94.0 7 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 46.0 38.0 19 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2270217 92383042002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 526 ND Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 554 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 17 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /12eAnalytical 670 Conference Drive NC 607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409284 Analysis Method: SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 23206 Analysis Description: 2320B Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2270567 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 05/04/18 16:57 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2270568 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 49.0 98 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270569 2270570 MS MSD 92382790018 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 50 50 51.1 51.3 102 103 80-120 0 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270571 2270572 MS MSD 92382349011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 808 50 50 845 846 72 76 80-120 0 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 18 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409010 Analysis Method: SM 2540C QC Batch Method: SM 2540C Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2269209 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/02/18 19:27 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269210 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 266 106 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2269211 92382800017 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 480 481 0 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2269212 92382865005 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 109 117 7 D6 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 19 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytilcal 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 408910 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2268516 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 05/03/18 17:47 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2268517 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 242 97 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2268518 92382800013 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2268519 92382859001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 20 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC Confeence Drive 6701Raleigh,NC 27607 /12eAnalytical www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409092 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2269531 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 0.10 05/03/18 12:59 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269532 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L 5 4.9 98 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269533 2269534 MS MSD 92382785001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.1 5.1 102 102 90-110 0 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269535 2269536 MS MSD 92382865009 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.2 5.2 103 102 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 21 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 7112eAnalytical 670 Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409158 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2269872 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 0.50 05/04/18 01:35 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269873 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 10 9.9 99 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269874 2269875 MS MSD 92382588003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 3.5 10 10 13.9 13.1 104 97 90-110 5 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269876 2269877 MS MSD 92382089003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 10 10 10.2 9.9 102 99 90-110 3 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 22 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 6701 Conference Drive /11aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409013 Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 365.1 Analysis Description: 365.1 Phosphorus,Total Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2269225 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L ND 0.050 05/03/18 02:54 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269226 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L 2.5 2.4 95 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE 2269227 2269228 MS MSD 92382800018 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 103 104 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269229 2269230 MS MSD 92382865009 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L 0.097 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.4 103 93 90-110 9 • Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 23 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC _ aceAnalytical a 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paoelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 QC Batch: 409065 Analysis Method: SM 5310B QC Batch Method: SM 5310B Analysis Description: 5310B TOC Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 METHOD BLANK: 2269448 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92382865001,92382865002,92382865003,92382865004,92382865005,92382865006,92382865007, 92382865008,92382865009 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 1.0 05/03/18 18:48 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269449 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 25 25.4 102 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269450 2269451 MS MSD 92382800010 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 25 25 24.2 24.4 97 98 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269452 2269453 MS MSD 92382865001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD °A)Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L 3.9 25 25 28.2 28.2 97 98 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 24 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive ace Analytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paoe/ebs.00m (919)834-4984 QUALIFIERS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 DEFINITIONS DF-Dilution Factor,if reported,represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND-Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC-Too Numerous To Count J-Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit. RL-Reporting Limit. S-Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270.The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines,unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate%recovery and RPD values. LCS(D)-Laboratory Control Sample(Duplicate) MS(D)-Matrix Spike(Duplicate) DUP-Sample Duplicate RPD-Relative Percent Difference NC-Not Calculable. SG-Silica Gel-Clean-Up U-Indicates the compound was analyzed for,but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services-Asheville PASI-E Pace Analytical Services-Eden ANALYTE QUALIFIERS B3 The dissolved oxygen depletion of the dilution water blank exceeded 0.2 mg/L. D6 The precision between the sample and sample duplicate exceeded laboratory control limits. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 25 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive _ Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92382866001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 408755 92382866002 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 408755 92382866003 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 408755 92382866004 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 408755 92382866006 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 408755 92382866006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 408755 92382865007 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 408755 92382866008 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 408755 92382866009 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 408755 92382866001 LOCATION#1 SM 5210B 408728 SM 5210B 408875 92382866002 LOCATION#7 SM 5210B 408728 SM 5210B 408875 92382866003 LOCATION#4 SM 52108 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866004 LOCATION#6 SM 52108 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866006 LOCATION#8 SM 5210B 408728 SM 5210B 408875 92382866006 LOCATION#9 SM 5210B 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866007 LOCATION#10 SM 5210B 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866008 LOCATION#11 SM 5210B 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866009 LOCATION#12 SM 5210B 408728 SM 52108 408875 92382866001 LOCATION#1 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866002 LOCATION#7 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866003 LOCATION#4 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866004 LOCATION#6 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866006 LOCATION#8 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866006 LOCATION#9 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866007 LOCATION#10 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866008 LOCATION#11 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866009 LOCATION#12 EPA 160.4 409103 92382866001 LOCATION#1 SM 23208 409284 92382866002 LOCATION#7 SM 23208 409284 92382866003 LOCATION#4 SM 23208 409284 92382866004 LOCATION#6 SM 23208 409284 92382866006 LOCATION#8 SM 23208 409284 92382866006 LOCATION#9 SM 23208 409284 92382866007 LOCATION#10 SM 23208 409284 92382866008 LOCATION#11 SM 2320B 409284 92382866009 LOCATION#12 SM 2320B 409284 92382866001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540C 409010 92382866002 LOCATION#7 SM 2540C 409010 92382866003 LOCATION#4 SM 2540C 409010 92382866004 LOCATION#6 SM 2540C 409010 92382866006 LOCATION#8 SM 2540C 409010 92382866006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540C 409010 92382866007 LOCATION#10 SM 2540C 409010 92382866008 LOCATION#11 SM 2540C 409010 92382866009 LOCATION#12 SM 2540C 409010 92382866001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540D 408910 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 26 of 30 Pace Analytical Services,LLC a, 6701 Conference Drive /15ace Analytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92382865 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92382865002 LOCATION#7 SM 2540D 408910 92382866003 LOCATION#4 SM 2540D 408910 92382866004 LOCATION#6 SM 2540D 408910 92382865006 LOCATION#8 SM 2540D 408910 92382865006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540D 408910 92382865007 LOCATION#10 SM 2540D 408910 92382866008 LOCATION#11 SM 2540D 408910 92382865009 LOCATION#12 SM 2540D 408910 92382865001 LOCATION#1 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382866002 LOCATION#7 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382866003 LOCATION#4 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382865004 LOCATION#6 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382865005 LOCATION#8 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382865006 LOCATION#9 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382865007 LOCATION#10 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382865008 LOCATION#11 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382866009 LOCATION#12 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409092 92382866001 LOCATION#1 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866002 LOCATION#7 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866003 LOCATION#4 EPA 351.2 409158 92382865004 LOCATION#6 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866005 LOCATION#8 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866006 LOCATION#9 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866007 LOCATION#10 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866008 LOCATION#11 EPA 351.2 409158 92382865009 LOCATION#12 EPA 351.2 409158 92382866001 LOCATION#1 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866002 LOCATION#7 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866003 LOCATION#4 EPA 365.1 409013 92382865004 LOCATION#6 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866005 LOCATION#8 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866006 LOCATION#9 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866007 LOCATION#10 EPA 365.1 409013 92382865008 LOCATION#11 EPA 365.1 409013 92382865009 LOCATION#12 EPA 365.1 409013 92382866001 LOCATION#1 SM 53108 409065 92382866002 LOCATION#7 SM 5310B 409065 92382866003 LOCATION#4 SM 5310B 409065 92382866004 LOCATION#6 SM 5310B 409065 92382866005 LOCATION#8 SM 5310B 409065 92382866006 LOCATION#9 SM 5310B 409065 92382865007 LOCATION#10 SM 5310B 409065 92382866008 LOCATION#11 SM 5310B 409065 92382865009 LOCATION#12 SM 5310B 409065 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/10/2018 12:07 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 27 of 30 I I Document Name: Document Revised:February 7,2018 e Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 /1.2eAnalytical Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville El Edenfj Greenwood❑ Huntersville❑ Rafeig Mechanicsville[] Sample Condition Client Name: W0# : 92382865 Upon Receipt_ s /r Pro ject# Courier: OFed Ex CUPS ❑ SPS lien 111111111111111111 III 0 Commercial Dace ❑Other: 92382865 Custody Seal Present? ❑Yes o Seals intact? Des L +o Date/Initials Person Examining Conte nts: /) i Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap ubble Bags J'N. e her Biological Tissue F zen? Thermome er: Oyes ❑No N/A R Gun ID: L Type of Ice: Jet ❑Blue ❑None Cooler Temp('C): Correction Factor:Add ubtrac ('C) ,A Temp should be above freezing to 6'C Cooler Temp Corrected('C): r� ❑Samples out of temp criteria.Samples on Ice,cooling process has begun USDA Regulated Soil ( N/A,water sample) Did samples origl n a quarantine zone within the United States:CA,NY,or SC(check maps)? Old samples originate from a foreign source(internationals EYes No Including Hawaii and Puerto Rico)?Des ❑No Comments/Discrepancy: Chain of Custody Present? e_ ❑No ON/A 1. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? 2Ks No ON/A 2.5,,, oD.,„ �.11 I+-(�/ Short Hold Time Analysis(<72 hr.)? es ❑No N/A 3. VVV y Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑Yes IF.'o ON/A 4. Sufficient Volume? • ;I'e.rso E1u/A 5. Correct Containers Used? o ON/A 6. -Pace Containers Used? Pio ON/A Containers Intact? Yes No ❑N/A177 Dissolved analysis:Samples Field Filtered? ❑Yes %No N/A , 8. Sample Labels Match COC? G'es ❑No ON/A 9. -Includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: 0 Headspace in VOA Vials(>5-6mm)? ['Yes No ON/A 10. - Trip Blank Present? ❑Yes Duo ON/A 11. Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑res END ON/A i COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANC 1 Field Data Required? ❑Yes ONO .L* I / 'Y., 6 ( . di i ' —..._ Lot ID of split containers: CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person contacted: Date/Time: Project Manager SCURF Review: -rL Date: S/ 1 Project Manager SRF Review: fie- Date: 5 I A Page 28 of 30 O O to 1~' O CO ....IT U7 A W N 1+ _ (///1///////„.,./_,/1,./1„/"" p ( J )( ) * v ro n ° 5. ABP4U-125 m1 Plastic Unpreserved N A CI- n 3 2 to o \ .. , - ` aP3Ua50 ml Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) a., ,s- ..... ,,, ,, ° a 3 m BP2U-500 ml.Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) or p 7r u a \ N BP1U-1 liter Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) O+ F; _ 13 s !n° rs ° s ra?i �`BP4S-125 mL Plastic H2504(pH<2)(CI-) x iu ? .� LI i 313 `0 v O ro O F. • m BP3N-iEEEeE :> 20 OH > .y; 3. tD/I/ D( z 12 Ci-) 3 „ m w Ge a m = WGFU-Wide-mouthed Glass jar Unpreserved Cl IA a I'D' a d Ct. AG1U-1 liter Amber Unpreserved(N/A)(CI-) a g ^�, t1 .O. O ft e 3 p lie^ AG1H-1 liter Amber HCI(pH<2) Ft 113 S v ry ric if 3 rL O 2 Li AG3U-250mLAmber Unpreserved(N/A)(CI-) CD / EEAEEENCl (pH<2)oT 4(pH<2)er NH4Cl(N/A)(CI-) O :_ A m is m o m `" ID DG9H-40 mL VOA HCI N/A 4 2 ( ) 3 wR VG9T-40 mL VOA Na2S203(N/A) a y N mat w n n m 3 VG9U-40 mL VOA Unp(N/A) J ,TC,'TS - " tN w t",.) 4 V "J /)( DG9P-40 mL VOA H3PO4(N/A) m 3 O o oVOAK(6 vials per kit)-5035 kit(N/A) -Zi n m 3 z 3 V/GK(3 vials ' ' n per kit)-VPH/Gas kit(N/A) t0 d N n o ~ c ] G- V SPST-125 reL Sterile Plastic(N/A-lab) —� a r/ ° ' 5 5 7 L v a � - -4 r N °� ntDa IT o n ° SPZT-250 mL Sterile Plastic (N/A-lab) £ A �- �, y CO, d —J O Q N t0 W N o BP3A-250 mL Plastic(NH2)2504(93-9.7) etCIO M m N et W o f0 AGOU-100 ml.Amber Unpreserved vials(N/A) V a)J 0 - _ VSGU-20 mL Scintillation vials (N/A) UI DG9U-40 mL Amber Unpreserved vials(N/A) �OI so DJ DO (D 0) (0 co 0 W O _. _—. .-__. o co -111-7 eanarvticarPac CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY/Analytical Request Document o The Chain-of-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT.All relevant fields must be completed accurately. o, m Section A Section B Section C _ Required Client Information: Required Project Information: Invoice Information: Page: ") Of .1- Company. Dewberry Engineers Inc.,Raleigh Repon To. Joraan Lawrence Attention: Address: 2610 Wyelitt Rd Copy To: Company Name: Raleigh,NC 27607 Address: Regulatory Aganey Email: jlawrenceOdewberry.com Purchase Order M. Pace Quote: Phone: 919-636-6351 IRax; Project Name. Water Samples Pace Project Manager trey.carterOpaceiabs.corn, State!Location Requested Due Date: Project it: Pace Profile if 5574-13 NC Requested Analysis Fitered(T IanTwx cont - o COLLECTEDZ Preservatives > Drinkn9 Water DW S O Walur WT (;). .0 waste water WW a j m Product P a R 3 C z5.-- SAMPLSAMPLE E ID a°mob �L START END n F d re N E E u. } One Character per box. Man WP w w a z `0 CC'' d E o (A-Z,O-9/,-) anor Okr R o 0. m a m re a d a i3 x p c Sample ids must be unique Trssue TS ft x w j o N o O 3 0 o `., F m a a W ¢ a e U v 0 rT x m t - C 1- n o w .c O o qZ3?Z i6S c Q O Z d N ~ m . DATE TIME DATE TIME N n x Ox x OZ Z f o i I- i- O7- 'B 2 d Lt ¢ • 1 Loc/r/U 4t/ of 6syl u (6 :A 42 1--".-1 '_ .' 'X)( i( ')K * X'T � < >')( :3 I 2 bOCr�f1�'/J ; 1 f 4.11 4-(- Y., X A ,c)('7( K X x ' K „. aoZ 3 - Li CN # y 1 (l-3L 12.15 1 X .� x X X •X -s '. cam'S 4 L4)C't/7CA' 41a 1 1 1 id4a i62- 'j; jf 7( )e ```' x k 5 CSC/4110N 1- B Idly . b fry .X )c X x X T`� �,\�, ye--, _ 6 F art% 7 Li;�Lt-i1c itf •ID i '14.5. ! 15D� :( 8 L OC C. J 1I�3t'' f 6-10- >< x `�`ic-k 1.x X)<CY ► , DDSs 9 GCi=F77Gl IL Cr[''(1 Y) 1.1-15D L 1.1" al, '`( * .i' (XX)' 009 10 11 12 ADDrT10NAL COMMENTS RELINQUISHED BY/AFF1UATION DATE TIME ACCEPTED BY/AFFIUATION DATE TIME SAMPLE COMMONS -71(- II if)0Ciliii)t -//1, W tiot 5',C---' 0--'- '---- ,V1-0.Ci ro( i (f vi (\/7 SAMPLER NAME AND SIGNATURE PRINT Name of SAMPLER: U > w SIGNATURE of SAMPLER: I DATE Signed: w w "T. TA m$4 E A r 2 8?_-" Uy U r, y E>' Pace Analytical Services,LLC /.2eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 xwwpacelabs.com (919)834-4984 May 14, 2018 Leigh-Ann Dudley Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Dear Leigh-Ann Dudley: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on May 01, 2018. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Trey Carter trey.carter@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures cc: Laura Crisman, Dewberry_Raleigh Samuel Jeppson, Dewberry_Raleigh Jordan Lawrence,Dewberry Engineers Inc. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 1 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 ww l w.pece/abscom (919)834-4984 CERTIFICATIONS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville,NC 28804 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Florida/NELAP Certification#:E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 Massachusetts Certification#: M-NC030 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460222 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37712 Eden Certification IDs 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden, NC 27288 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:633 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37738 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 2 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /1 ?eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT • Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92383042001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 232013 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383042002 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383042003 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 52106 KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23206 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383042004 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 25400 NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, 1 without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 3 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Water Samples p Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 53108 MDW 1 PASI-A 92383042006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 52108 KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383042006 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 23206 KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383042007 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383042008 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 52108 KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 4 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive 2eArialytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383042009 LOCATION#13 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 23208 KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PASI-A SM 53108 MDW 1 PAST-A 92383042010 LOCATION#14 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383042011 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 2540D CAM 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 AES2 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 5 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC �CQ�/]�J�/� 6701 Conference Drive G�°n+IJ�'�I® Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#1 Lab ID: 92383042001 Collected: 05/01/18 07:50 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.31 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EON Analytical Method: SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 96.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids ND mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 29.3 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 13:12 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 68.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 8.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 12:03 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:45 7664-41-7 ' 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:16 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus ND mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 11:53 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.8 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:00 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 6 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 76701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpaceiabs.00m (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#4 Lab ID: 92383042002 Collected: 05/01/18 09:05 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 6.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 626 mg/L 50.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids ND mg/L 50.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 168 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 13:23 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 644 mg/L 50.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 16.1 mg/L 2.5 1 05/07/18 12:04 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:47 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 0.69 mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:21 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.88 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 11:56 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 6.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:10 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 7 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive _ Raleigh,NC 27607 www.peceaOs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#7 Lab ID: 92383042003 Collected: 05/01/18 10:50 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 180 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids 49.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/03/18 16:21 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 60.3 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 14:07 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 139 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 16.6 mg/L 3.3 1 05/07/18 12:04 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:48 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:22 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 11:58 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.9 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:20 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 8 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /1 ?eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceJabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#8 Lab ID: 92383042004 Collected: 05/01/18 12:52 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 177 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 47.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 D6 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 23208 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 47.2 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 14:19 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 142 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 8.9 mg/L 3.3 1 05/07/18 12:05 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:50 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:23 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.14 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 11:59 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:31 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 9 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 7.2eAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#9 Lab ID: 92383042006 Collected: 05/01/18 13:26 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qua! HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 146 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 31.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 47.2 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 14:30 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 132 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 7.3 mg/L 3.3 1 05/07/18 12:05 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:51 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 ' Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:23 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.12 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 11:59 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.9 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:49 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 10 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aeAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#10 Lab ID: 92383042006 Collected: 05/01/18 11:35 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.3 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 264013 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 210 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 46.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 62.9 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:00 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 166 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 28.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 12:17 D6 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:53 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:24 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:00 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 22:59 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 11 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAIaIyticaI® 6701 Conference Drive lr�i Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#11 Lab ID: 92383042007 Collected: 05/01/18 12:32 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.2 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 196 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 70.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 47.1 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:12 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 140 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 8.4 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 12:17 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:54 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:25 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.11 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:01 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.1 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 23:10 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 12 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aeAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#12 Lab ID: 92383042008 Collected: 05/01/18 14:01 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 169 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 38.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 46.9 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:23 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 134 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 8.9 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 12:18 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 14:59 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:26 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:02 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.7 mg/L 1.0 1 05/04/18 23:20 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 13 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aeAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#13 Lab ID: 92383042009 Collected: 05/01/18 14:41 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.0 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method: SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 160 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids ND mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 43.8 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:35 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 126 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 9.0 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 12:18 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 15:00 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:27 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.089 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:02 7723-14-0 63108 TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.6 mg/L 1.0 1 05/05/18 00:45 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 14 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /1ceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#14 Lab ID: 92383042010 Collected: 05/01/18 15:16 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.60 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 123 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 31.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 42.2 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:46 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 106 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 2.7 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 12:19 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 15:02 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/04/18 01:28 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.067 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:03 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 6.1 mg/L 1.0 1 05/05/18 01:17 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 15 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive _ Raleigh,NC 27607 www.peoeiebs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Sample: LOCATION#6 Lab ID: 92383042011 Collected: 05/01/18 09:36 Received: 05/01/18 16:50 Matrix Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.3 mg/L 0.30 1 05/02/18 13:58 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/02/18 17:00 05/07/18 12:36 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 189 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 47.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 63.4 mg/L 5.0 1 05/07/18 15:57 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 169 mg/L 25.0 1 05/06/18 15:21 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 10.0 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 12:19 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/03/18 15:06 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total 0.63 mg/L 0.50 1 05/08/18 02:24 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.18 mg/L 0.050 1 05/05/18 12:04 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.0 mg/L 1.0 1 05/05/18 01:28 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 16 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /112eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409067 Analysis Method: HACH 10206 QC Batch Method: HACH 10206 Analysis Description: 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2269463 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 I Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L ND 0.30 05/02/18 13:58 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269464 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 5 5.1 102 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269465 2269466 MS MSD 92383042001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 0.31 5 5 5.4 5.5 102 104 90-110 2 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269467 2269468 MS MSD 92383042005 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 1.1 5 5 6.1 6.2 100 101 90-110 1 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 17 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /62eAtialytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 408953 Analysis Method: SM 5210B QC Batch Method: SM 5210B Analysis Description: 5210B cBOD,5 day Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2268877 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L ND 2.0 05/07/18 12:36 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2268878 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L 198 196 99 84.6-115.4 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2268879 92383042001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L ND ND Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 18 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC Conference rive ® 6701Raleigh,NC D7607 71ceAnalytical www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409103 Analysis Method: EPA 160.4 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.4 Analysis Description: 160.4 TVS and 2540B TS Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003 METHOD BLANK: 2269574 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L ND 25.0 05/03/18 16:21 Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/03/18 16:21 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269575 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 500 534 107 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2269576 92382865001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 101 94.0 7 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 46.0 38.0 19 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2270217 92383042002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 526 ND Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 554 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 19 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e aceAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409686 Analysis Method: EPA 160.4 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.4 Analysis Description: 160.4 TVS and 2540B TS Associated Lab Samples: 92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007,92383042008,92383042009,92383042010, 92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2272792 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007,92383042008,92383042009,92383042010, 92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L ND 25.0 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/08/18 11:10 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272793 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 25408) mg/L 500 498 100 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272794 92383042004 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 177 169 5 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 47.0 40.0 16 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272795 92383233003 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 25408) mg/L 218 229 5 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 51.0 55.0 8 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 20 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aeAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpecelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409556 Analysis Method: SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 2320B Analysis Description: 2320B Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2272033 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 05/07/18 09:45 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272034 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 48.9 98 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272035 2272036 MS MSD 92382908007 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 66.2 50 50 113 114 95 96 80-120 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272037 2272038 MS MSD 92383042002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 168 50 50 218 209 100 83 80-120 4 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 21 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical w 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.00m (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409527 Analysis Method: SM 2540C QC Batch Method: SM 2540C Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2271925 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/06/18 15:21 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271926 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 252 101 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2271927 92383047006 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 340 339 0 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2271928 92383047007 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 252 254 1 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 22 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aeAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 I QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409543 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005 METHOD BLANK: 2271990 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 05/07/18 11:56 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271991 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 258 103 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2271992 92382899007 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 10 12.6 23 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2271993 92382899017 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 23 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 712eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.corn (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409738 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383042006,92383042007,92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2273010 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042006,92383042007,92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 05/08/18 12:16 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2273011 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 246 98 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273012 92383042006 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 28.6 31.0 8 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273013 92383154004 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 4.2 7.7 59 D6 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 24 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /12eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 ww iw.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409094 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2269544 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 0.10 05/03/18 14:35 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269545 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L 5 4.8 96 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269546 2269547 MS MSD 92381342001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.0 5.0 101 101 90-110 0 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269548 2269549 MS MSD 92383042010 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.0 5.0 98 99 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 25 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /92eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409159 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010 METHOD BLANK: 2269878 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 0.50 05/04/18 01:14 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2269879 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 10 10.4 104 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2269880 2269881 MS MSD 92383042001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 10 10 9.9 10.4 99 104 90-110 5 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 26 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409496 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2271800 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 0.50 05/08/18 02:23 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271801 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 10 9.5 95 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271802 2271803 MS MSD 92383042011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 0.53 10 10 10 10.0 94 95 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271804 2271805 MS MSD 92382679001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 0.96 10 10 10.3 10.7 93 97 90-110 4 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units.'column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 27 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical• ® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409444 Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 365.1 Analysis Description: 365.1 Phosphorus,Total Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2271490 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008,92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L ND 0.050 05/05/18 11:52 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271491 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L 2.5 2.6 104 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271492 2271493 MS MSD 92383042001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 102 103 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271494 2271495 MS MSD 92383042011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L 0.18 2.5 2.5 2.8 2.7 103 103 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are In the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 28 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /112eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.corn (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No: 92383042 QC Batch: 409329 Analysis Method: SM 5310B QC Batch Method: SM 5310B Analysis Description: 5310B TOC Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008 METHOD BLANK: 2270795 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042001,92383042002,92383042003,92383042004,92383042005,92383042006,92383042007, 92383042008 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 1.0 05/04/18 17:33 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2270796 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 25 25.0 100 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270797 2270798 MS MSD 92382901001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result °Ao Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L 3.7 25 25 28.2 28.0 98 97 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270799 2270800 MS MSD 92382899017 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 25 25 22.8 23.0 90 91 90-110 1 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 29 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.peceiebs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 QC Batch: 409330 Analysis Method: SM 53108 QC Batch Method: SM 5310B Analysis Description: 5310B TOC Associated Lab Samples: 92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 METHOD BLANK: 2270802 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383042009,92383042010,92383042011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 1.0 05/05/18 00:09 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2270803 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 25 24.9 100 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270804 2270805 MS MSD 92383042009 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L 4.6 25 25 29.2 29.2 98 98 90-110 0 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270806 2270807 MS MSD 92383058003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 25 25 24.6 24.7 98 98 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 30 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive 2eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALIFIERS Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 DEFINITIONS DF-Dilution Factor,if reported,represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND-Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC-Too Numerous To Count J-Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit. RL-Reporting Limit. S-Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270.The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines,unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate%recovery and RPD values. LCS(D)-Laboratory Control Sample(Duplicate) MS(D)-Matrix Spike(Duplicate) DUP-Sample Duplicate RPD-Relative Percent Difference NC-Not Calculable. SG-Silica Gel-Clean-Up U-Indicates the compound was analyzed for,but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services-Asheville PASI-E Pace Analytical Services-Eden ANALYTE QUALIFIERS D6 The precision between the sample and sample duplicate exceeded laboratory control limits. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 31 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC a /6%eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpeoelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383042001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 409067 92383042002 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 409067 92383042003 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 409067 92383042004 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 409067 92383042006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 409067 92383042006 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 409067 92383042007 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 409067 92383042008 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 409067 92383042009 LOCATION#13 HACH 10206 409067 92383042010 LOCATION#14 HACH 10206 409067 92383042011 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 409067 92383042001 LOCATION#1 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042002 LOCATION#4 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042003 LOCATION#7 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042004 LOCATION#8 SM 5210B 408953 SM 52108 409151 92383042006 LOCATION#9 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042006 LOCATION#10 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042007 LOCATION#11 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042008 LOCATION#12 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042009 LOCATION#13 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042010 LOCATION#14 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042011 LOCATION#6 SM 5210B 408953 SM 5210B 409151 92383042001 LOCATION#1 EPA 160.4 409103 92383042002 LOCATION#4 EPA 160.4 409103 92383042003 LOCATION#7 EPA 160.4 409103 92383042004 LOCATION#8 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042005 LOCATION#9 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042006 LOCATION#10 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042007 LOCATION#11 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042008 LOCATION#12 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042009 LOCATION#13 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042010 LOCATION#14 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042011 LOCATION#6 EPA 160.4 409686 92383042001 LOCATION#1 SM 2320B 409556 92383042002 LOCATION#4 SM 2320B 409556 92383042003 LOCATION#7 SM 2320B 409556 92383042004 LOCATION#8 SM 2320B 409556 92383042006 LOCATION#9 SM 2320B 409556 92383042006 LOCATION#10 SM 2320B 409556 92383042007 LOCATION#11 SM 2320B 409556 92383042008 LOCATION#12 SM 23208 409556 92383042009 LOCATION#13 SM 2320B 409556 92383042010 LOCATION#14 SM 2320B 409556 92383042011 LOCATION#6 SM 2320B 409556 92383042001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540C 409527 92383042002 LOCATION#4 SM 2540C 409527 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 32 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aeArelytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Water Samples Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383042003 LOCATION#7 SM 2540C 409527 92383042004 LOCATION#8 SM 2540C 409527 92383042006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540C 409527 92383042006 LOCATION#10 SM 2540C 409527 92383042007 LOCATION#11 SM 2540C 409527 92383042008 LOCATION#12 SM 2540C 409527 92383042009 LOCATION#13 SM 2540C 409527 92383042010 LOCATION#14 SM 2540C 409527 92383042011 LOCATION#6 SM 2540C 409527 92383042001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540D 409543 92383042002 LOCATION#4 SM 2540D 409543 92383042003 LOCATION#7 SM 2540D 409543 92383042004 LOCATION#8 SM 2540D 409543 92383042006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540D 409543 92383042006 LOCATION#10 SM 2540D 409738 92383042007 LOCATION#11 SM 2540D 409738 92383042008 LOCATION#12 SM 2540D 409738 92383042009 LOCATION#13 SM 2540D 409738 92383042010 LOCATION#14 SM 2540D 409738 92383042011 LOCATION#6 SM 2540D 409738 92383042001 LOCATION#1 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042002 LOCATION#4 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042003 LOCATION#7 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042004 LOCATION#8 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042006 LOCATION#9 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042006 LOCATION#10 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042007 LOCATION#11 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042008 LOCATION#12 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042009 LOCATION#13 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042010 LOCATION#14 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042011 LOCATION#6 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409094 92383042001 LOCATION#1 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042002 LOCATION#4 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042003 LOCATION#7 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042004 LOCATION#8 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042006 LOCATION#9 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042006 LOCATION#10 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042007 LOCATION#11 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042008 LOCATION#12 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042009 LOCATION#13 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042010 LOCATION#14 EPA 351.2 409159 92383042011 LOCATION#6 EPA 351.2 409496 92383042001 LOCATION#1 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042002 LOCATION#4 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042003 LOCATION#7 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042004 LOCATION#8 EPA 365.1 409444 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 33 of 37 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 i www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Water Samples p 1 Pace Project No.: 92383042 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383042006 LOCATION#9 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042006 LOCATION#10 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042007 LOCATION#11 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042008 LOCATION#12 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042009 LOCATION#13 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042010 LOCATION#14 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042011 LOCATION#6 EPA 365.1 409444 92383042001 LOCATION#1 SM 5310B 409329 92383042002 LOCATION#4 SM 5310B 409329 92383042003 LOCATION#7 SM 5310B 409329 92383042004 LOCATION#8 SM 5310B 409329 92383042006 LOCATION#9 SM 5310B 409329 92383042006 LOCATION#10 SM 5310B 409329 92383042007 LOCATION#11 SM 5310B 409329 92383042008 LOCATION#12 SM 5310B 409329 92383042009 LOCATION#13 SM 53108 409330 92383042010 LOCATION#14 SM 5310B 409330 92383042011 LOCATION#6 SM 53108 409330 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/14/2018 11:09 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 34 of 37 Document Name: Document Revised:February 7,2018 Sample Condition Upon Recelpt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 t2eRrjalytical Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville 0 Eden❑ Greenwood❑ Huntersville❑ Raleig01 Mechanicsville❑ Sample Condition Client Name:fi t/�r W0# : 92383042 Upon Receipt Project Courier: Fed Ex UPS ❑USPS lient 111111 III 1111 III 0 Commercial Dace ❑Other: 92383042 Custody Seal Present? ❑Yes No Seals Intact? ❑Yes /�_ yQ Date/Initials Person ExaminingContents: ✓ �IO i Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap ❑Bubble Bags None Other Biological Tissue Fr Thermometer: (�(/ Oyes ❑No /A ) f'R Gun ID:-.7-50-3 /qt"t t" Type of ice: Wet ❑Blue ❑None Cooler Temp(°C): 3 r I Correction Factor:Add:ubtrac (°C) U• A Temp should be above freezing to 6°C Cooler Temp Corrected('C): -‘,/, ❑Samples out of temp criteria.Samples on ice,cooling process has begun USDA Regulated Soil ( N/A,water sample) Dld samples origi eTe in a quarantine zone within the United States:CA,NY,or SC(check maps)? Dld samples originate from a foreign source(internal y, 0Yes*Ard No including Hawaii and?uerto Rico)?Dyes Comments/Discrepancy: Chain of Custody Present? Yes No ON/A 1. _ Samples Arrived within Hold Time? es ❑No ON/A 2. / /n Short Hold Time Analysis(<72 hr.)? es ❑No N/A 3. G 60 i✓ • Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑Yes .o ON/A 4. • Sufficient Volume? es No ON/A 5. Correct Containers Used? es No ON/A 6. -Pace Containers Used? ' ❑No (=]N/A 1 Containers Intact? ❑Yes No N/A 7. Dissolved analysis:Samples Field Filtered? es No ON/A 8. I Sample labels Match COC? es No ON/A 9. -Includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: Heads ace In VOA Vials >5-6mm? p ( ) ❑YesZN/A 10. Trip Blank Present? ❑Yes ❑No ON/A 11. Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑Yes ❑No ON/A tt COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY Field Data Required? ❑Yes ❑No t I Lot ID of split containers: CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION i Person contacted: Date/Time: Project Manager SCURF Review: —t Date: S/2 A 5 Project Manager SRF Review: le- 512 /g- _ Date: /', Page 35 of 37 o O N II, ~O tD m V 05 ut A W N Y o m a / item7f * x N Ti. //Z /�////// p ( 1 )( ) o I of tC o BP4U-125 mL Plastic Unpreserved N A CI- Co a 3 o- n �-+ h 1 BP3U•250 ml Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) 3 Q- 1 " y �} 7 7 \ N \--,' N BP2U-500 mL Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) osi OD a a n N N • C� BP1U 1 liter Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) P o 3 17 \ 5 2 /7 L `BP45 125 mL Plastic H25O4(pll<T)(CI) x • a o yi D ty n m BP3N-250 mL plastic HNO3(pH<2) O o n CT 0 u ai diri 2 14.1 = v BP4Z-125 ml Plastic ZN Acetate &NaOH(>9) o_ „ J. V w c Z Gl z 13 ru 3 0? BP4C-125 ml Plastic NaOH (pH>12)(CI-) 3 a N S -I 01 cy �^. n WGFU-Wide-mouthed Glass jar Unpreserved ra -� A 7 d 2 AG1U-1 liter Amber Unpreserved(N/A)(Cl-) Oo 0- 0 m o o // ! /J ( _I ! / Z! / N a 3 .o .. AG1H-1 liter Amber HCI(pH<2) fD 2 .iIP 3 _ ro 0 13 13 on O IS m g _ AG3U-250 mL Amber Unpreserved(N/A)(CI-) O 07i D o n p n 7 rb J 0 O/ O A O 'L: n n - p / AG15 l liter Amber H2SO4(pH e 2) F in 3 = 3 g ma = 7 in o C Co a -4+ AG35-250 mL Amber H2SO4(pH<2) 40 w o 2 -1 o a / AG3A(DG3A)-250 ml Amber NH4CI(N/A)(CI-) o o m as ir• CD DG9H-40 mL VOA HCI (N/A) 1 3 n m j O C E_ is'� EL. - _ VG9T-40 mL VOA Na2S2O3(N/A) P3 F N 6) a o TT VG9U-40 mL VOA Unp(N/A) n c.e a W CA CA' W t L " 3 - W w � �) �� �V Al- v DG9P-40 mL VOA H3PO4(N/A) �•+ �• a _ z � O o 5 VOAK(6 vials per kit)-5035 kit(N/A) '-/ S m a 2 - - A m a 0- 3 V/GK(3 vials per kith-VPH/Gas kit(N/A) to m 73 d c - 1 0 3 -0 n » SPST-125 mL Sterile Plastic(N/A-lab) O N ^)5. n '^ ID ■ n ��\ F+ n m a m SP2T-250 mL Sterile Plastic (N/A-lab) Q ♦/V R o o m I m y C M n� Q 73 m / m a- o _ BP3A-250 mL Plastic(NH2)25O4(9.3-9.7) It- O .n ',, E A r AGOU-100 ml-Amber Unpreserved vials(N/A) K• r}+ °D - — e N Uil n VSGU-20 mL Scintillation vials (N/A) _ at 0 CO DG9U-40 mL Amber Unpreserved vials(N/A) N f V op OD CD W W o_ co . 05 , ,,,ah ,,- CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY/Analytical Request Document co. a) ^�^ The Chain-of-Custody is a LEGAL DOCUMENT.All relevant fields must be completed accurately. o) m Section A Section 6 Section nnyion C /��. a Required Client Information: Required Prefect Woalien: Invoice I formation: Page: / 1 Of IA Company: Dewberry Engineers Inc.Raleigh Report To: Jordan Lawrence Attention: ��/ Adams: 2610 Wycllff Rd Copy To: Company Narne. Raleigh.NC 27607 Address: ,-.c c•o;:;'.R Erna: lawtence Purchase Order a: .:_ - e9Watoiy.A9ency-. f lRde'wberrY.mnr Pace Quote: PhPhonested Due Da-919-636-6351 'Fax Proled Name: Water Samples Pace Project m Manager trcy.certarepacalabs. m, -,,.:: ?+:? Pace Analytical Services,LLC aeAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 May 17, 2018 Leigh-Ann Dudley Dewberry 2610 Wycliff Rd Raleigh, NC 27607 RE: Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Dear Leigh-Ann Dudley: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on May 02, 2018. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Trey Carter trey.carter@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures cc: Laura Crisman,Dewberry_Raleigh Samuel Jeppson, Dewberry_Raleigh Jordan Lawrence,Dewberry Engineers Inc. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 1 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 CERTIFICATIONS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Drive,Asheville, NC 28804 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:40 Florida/NELAP Certification#: E87648 South Carolina Certification#:99030001 Massachusetts Certification#:M-NC030 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460222 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#:37712 Eden Certification IDs 205 East Meadow Road Suite A, Eden,NC 27288 North Carolina Wastewater Certification#:633 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification#: 37738 VirginiaNELAP Certification#:460025 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 2 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ®7. 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92383233001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383233002 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383233003 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PAST-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C NAL 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 BRJ 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383233004 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 NAL 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 3 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /112eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 I www.pacela8s.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233006 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233007 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PAST-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 4 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiebs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory SM 2540C CAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PASI-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PASI-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233009 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PASI-A SM 5310B MOW 1 PAST-A 92383233010 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 . SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PAST-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PASI-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PASI-A 92383233011 LOCATION#13 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E SM 5210B KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PAST-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PAST-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A 92383233012 LOCATION#14 HACH 10206 SAM1 1 PASI-E REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 5 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 6701 Conference Drive /12ceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory SM 52108 KKP 1 PASI-E EPA 160.4 MVC 2 PASI-A SM 2320B KDF1 1 PASI-A SM 2540C CAM 1 PAST-A SM 2540D NAL 1 PAST-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 351.2 AES2 1 PAST-A EPA 365.1 BRJ 1 PAST-A SM 5310B MDW 1 PAST-A REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 6 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 670 Raleigh,Conference Drive 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.. 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#1 Lab ID: 92383233001 Collected: 05/02/18 07:58 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.36 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 116 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 40.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 26.9 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 18:24 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 70.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/07/18 16:31 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 10.7 mg/L 2.5 1 05/08/18 16:09 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:40 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/08/18 02:47 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus ND mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 01:58 7723-14-0 631013 TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.3 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 02:04 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 7 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive 11 aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#4 Lab ID: 92383233002 Collected: 05/02/18 08:48 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 6.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 62108 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 806 mg/L 50.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 140 mg/L 50.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 201 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 18:51 M1 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 748 mg/L 50.0 1 05/07/18 16:31 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids ND mg/L 5.0 1 05/09/18 11:03 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:41 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total 1.2 mg/L 0.50 1 05/08/18 02:48 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 , Phosphorus 1.2 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:00 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 6.4 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 02:40 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 8 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#6 Lab ID: 92383233003 Collected: 05/02/18 09:18 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen, Nitrate 1.3 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 218 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 61.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 60.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 19:45 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 209 mg/L 25.0 1 05/07/18 16:31 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 7.9 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:04 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:43 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/08/18 02:49 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.26 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:01 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.8 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 02:50 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 9 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#7 Lab ID: 92383233004 Collected: 05/02/18 10:05 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 188 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids 43.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 11:10 23206 Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 49.8 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 19:57 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 162 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 11.9 mg/L 2.5 1 05/09/18 11:04 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:44 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:43 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.17 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:02 7723-14-0 I 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.6 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 03:01 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 10 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive /1 ? Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#8 Lab ID: 92383233006 Collected: 05/02/18 10:56 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method:HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.97 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method: SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 25408) 187 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 41.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 D6 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 46.7 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 20:10 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 147 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 22.6 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:04 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:49 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:44 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:04 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 531013 Total Organic Carbon 3.7 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 03:11 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 11 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive __ aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pace1abs.com (919)834-4984 • ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#9 Lab ID: 92383233006 Collected: 05/02/18 11:16 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.96 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 160 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 31.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 48.0 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 20:23 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 147 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 6.9 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:05 350.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:50 7664-41-7 351.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:45 7727-37-9 365.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:05 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.6 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 03:29 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 12 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#11 Lab ID: 92383233007 Collected: 05/02/18 11:46 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.4 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 207 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 46.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 64.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 20:35 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 173 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 30.0 mg/L 5.0 1 05/09/18 11:05 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:51 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:46 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:05 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.0 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 03:39 7440-44-0 M1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 13 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC Confeence Drive ® 6701Raleigh',NC 27607 aeAnalytical www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#11-A Lab ID: 92383233008 Collected: 05/02/18 11:56 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.3 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 621013 cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 207 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 62.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 62.9 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 20:48 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 166 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 32.4 mg/L 5.0 1 05/09/18 11:05 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:53 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:48 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.16 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:06 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 3.9 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 04:12 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 14 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /12eAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#10 Lab ID: 92383233009 Collected: 05/02/18 12:41 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.2 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 219 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 49.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 66.0 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 21:01 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 166 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 24.3 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:06 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:54 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:49 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.17 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:07 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 04:22 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 15 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701Raleigh,NC 27607 1 /112eAnalytical I www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#12 Lab ID: 92383233010 Collected: 05/02/18 13:14 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method:HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.2 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 193 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 I Total Volatile Solids 60.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method: SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 60.6 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 21:33 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 137 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 11.7 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:06 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 14:59 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:50 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.13 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:08 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method:SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.2 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 05:08 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 16 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aeArelytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#13 Lab ID: 92383233011 Collected: 05/02/18 13:48 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 1.1 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 26408 TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 166 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 34.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 23208 Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 44.0 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 21:45 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 173 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method:SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids 10.9 mg/L 3.3 1 05/09/18 11:06 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 15:00 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:51 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.10 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:10 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.3 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 05:18 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 17 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Sample: LOCATION#14 Lab ID: 92383233012 Collected: 05/02/18 14:22 Received: 05/02/18 15:41 Matrix: Water Parameters Results Units Report Limit DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate Analytical Method: HACH 10206 Nitrogen,Nitrate 0.49 mg/L 0.30 1 05/03/18 14:58 6210B cBOD,6 day EDN Analytical Method:SM 5210B Carbonaceous BOD,5 day ND mg/L 2.0 1 05/03/18 17:16 05/08/18 12:45 160.4 TVS and 2640B TS Analytical Method: EPA 160.4 Total Solids(SM 2540B) 131 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids 37.0 mg/L 25.0 1 05/09/18 20:31 2320B Alkalinity Analytical Method:SM 2320B Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 42.7 mg/L 5.0 1 05/08/18 22:13 2640C Total Dissolved Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540C Total Dissolved Solids 109 mg/L 25.0 1 05/08/18 18:06 2640D Total Suspended Solids Analytical Method: SM 2540D Total Suspended Solids ND mg/L 5.0 1 05/09/18 11:07 360.1 Ammonia Analytical Method:EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Nitrogen,Ammonia ND mg/L 0.10 1 05/05/18 15:02 7664-41-7 361.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analytical Method: EPA 351.2 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total ND mg/L 0.50 1 05/09/18 10:52 7727-37-9 366.1 Phosphorus,Total Analytical Method: EPA 365.1 Phosphorus 0.081 mg/L 0.050 1 05/09/18 02:13 7723-14-0 6310B TOC Analytical Method: SM 5310B Total Organic Carbon 4.8 mg/L 1.0 1 05/06/18 05:29 7440-44-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 18 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834 4964 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409223 Analysis Method: HACH 10206 QC Batch Method: HACH 10206 Analysis Description: 10206 Nitrogen, Nitrate Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2270333 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L ND 0.30 05/03/18 14:58 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2270334 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 5 4.9 98 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270335 2270336 MS MSD 92383233001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 0.36 5 5 5.4 5.4 102 101 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2270337 2270338 MS MSD 92383233011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Nitrate mg/L 1.1 5 5 6.1 6.2 100 101 90-110 1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 19 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /+ /��� /+� 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409202 Analysis Method: SM 5210B QC Batch Method: SM 5210B Analysis Description: 5210B cBOD,5 day Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2270245 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L ND 2.0 05/08/18 12:45 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2270246 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L 198 188 95 84.6-115.4 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2270247 92383340001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Carbonaceous BOD,5 day mg/L 3.9 4.5 13 D6 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 20 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ace Analytical® 6701 Conference Drive _ Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409686 Analysis Method: EPA 160.4 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.4 Analysis Description: 160.4 TVS and 2540B TS Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004 METHOD BLANK: 2272792 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L ND 25.0 05/08/18 11:10 Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/08/18 11:10 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272793 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 500 498 100 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272794 92383042004 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 177 169 5 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 47.0 40.0 16 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272795 92383233003 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L 218 229 5 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 51.0 55.0 8 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 21 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC Confeence Drive ® 6701Raleigh,NC 27607 aeAnalytical www.pecelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409999 Analysis Method: EPA 160.4 QC Batch Method: EPA 160.4 Analysis Description: 160.4 TVS and 2540B TS Associated Lab Samples: 92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011, 92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2274688 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011, 92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 2540B) mg/L ND 25.0 05/09/18 20:31 Total Volatile Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/09/18 20:31 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2274689 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 25408) mg/L 250 266 106 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2274690 92383233005 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Solids(SM 25408) mg/L 187 188 1 Total Volatile Solids mg/L 41.0 52.0 24 D6 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 22 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC /62 ® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409649 Analysis Method: SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 2320B Analysis Description: 23208 Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011 METHOD BLANK: 2272667 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 05/08/18 15:38 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272668 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 49.9 100 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272669 2272670 MS MSD 92383081008 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 27.3 50 50 76.0 75.1 97 96 80-120 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272671 2272672 MS MSD 92383233002 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 201 50 50 259 270 117 139 80-120 4 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 23 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive _ aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 wtvwpacelabs.00m (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409650 Analysis Method: SM 2320B QC Batch Method: SM 2320B Analysis Description: 2320B Alkalinity Associated Lab Samples: 92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2272675 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L ND 5.0 05/08/18 21:56 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE 2272676 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 50 49.5 99 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272677 2272678 MS MSD 92383233012 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 42.7 50 50 95.7 94.7 106 104 80-120 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272679 2272680 MS MSD 92383269008 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Alkalinity,Total as CaCO3 mg/L 41.8 50 50 95.9 93.6 108 104 80-120 2 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 24 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e aceAnalytical 6701 Conference 07 NC Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409600 Analysis Method: SM 2540C QC Batch Method: SM 2540C Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003 METHOD BLANK: 2272319 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/07/18 16:31 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272320 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 256 102 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272321 92383066018 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND ND SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2272322 264546008 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 2110 2060 2 • Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 25 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive _ aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacdabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409813 Analysis Method: SM 2540C QC Batch Method: SM 2540C Analysis Description: 2540C Total Dissolved Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010, 92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2273461 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010, 92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L ND 25.0 05/08/18 18:06 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2273462 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 250 248 99 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273463 92383233004 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 162 162 0 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273464 92383206001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 957 1070 11 D6 Results presented on this page are in the units indicatedby the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 26 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409741 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001 METHOD BLANK: 2273014 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 05/08/18 16:02 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2273015 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 240 96 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273016 92382897001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 25.6 32.5 24 D6 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273017 92383140001 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 18.4 43.4 81 D6 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 27 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC ® 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytica! www.pacelabs.com Raleigh,NC 27607 r (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409845 Analysis Method: SM 2540D QC Batch Method: SM 2540D Analysis Description: 2540D Total Suspended Solids Associated Lab Samples: 92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008, 92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2273741 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008, 92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND 2.5 05/09/18 11:03 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2273742 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L 250 252 101 90-110 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273743 92383233002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2273744 92383233012 Dup Parameter Units Result Result RPD Qualifiers Total Suspended Solids mg/L ND ND Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 28 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paoelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA . Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409475 Analysis Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 QC Batch Method: EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 Analysis Description: 350.1 Ammonia Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2271710 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 0.10 05/05/18 14:31 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271711 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L 5 5.1 101 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271712 2271713 MS MSD 92383543001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.1 5.1 101 101 90-110 0 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271714 2271715 MS MSD 92383233009 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Ammonia mg/L ND 5 5 5.1 5.1 101 101 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 29 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC a 6701 Conference Drive /41/1?eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409496 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003 METHOD BLANK: 2271800 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 0.50 05/08/18 02:23 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271801 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 10 9.5 95 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271802 2271803 MS MSD 92383042011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 0.53 10 10 10 10.0 94 95 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271804 2271805 MS MSD 92382679001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 0.96 10 10 10.3 10.7 93 97 90-110 4 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 30 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aceAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409798 Analysis Method: EPA 351.2 QC Batch Method: EPA 351.2 Analysis Description: 351.2 TKN Associated Lab Samples: 92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010, 92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2273394 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007,92383233008,92383233009,92383233010, 92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 0.50 05/09/18 10:38 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2273395 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers 1 Nitrogen, Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 10 10.5 105 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2273396 2273397 MS MSD 92383502003 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L 5.9 10 10 16.4 15.8 105 99 90-110 4 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2273398 2273399 MS MSD 92383233012 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Nitrogen,Kjeldahl,Total mg/L ND 10 10 10.6 10.4 105 103 90-110 2 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units.'column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 31 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /%Analytical Raleigh,NC 27607 / wwwpacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409639 Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 365.1 Analysis Description: 365.1 Phosphorus,Total Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010 METHOD BLANK: 2272602 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L ND 0.050 05/09/18 01:47 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272603 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L 2.5 2.6 103 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272604 2272605 MS MSD 92383066009 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.5 102 101 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272606 2272607 MS MSD 92383233001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L ND 2.5 2.5 2.6 2.6 103 102 90-110 0 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 32 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC aeAnalytical 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 wwwpacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409640 Analysis Method: EPA 365.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 365.1 Analysis Description: 365.1 Phosphorus,Total Associated Lab Samples: 92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2272609 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L ND 0.050 05/09/18 02:08 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2272610 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Phosphorus mg/L 2.5 2.5 102 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272611 2272612 MS MSD 92383233011 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % % Rec Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L 0.10 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.7 102 103 90-110 1 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2272613 2272614 MS MSD 92383292001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Phosphorus mg/L 0.39 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 104 106 90-110 1 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 33 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: WATER SAMPLES 1 Pace Project No.: 92383233 QC Batch: 409500 Analysis Method: SM 5310B QC Batch Method: SM 5310B Analysis Description: 5310B TOC Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 1 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 METHOD BLANK: 2271820 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92383233001,92383233002,92383233003,92383233004,92383233005,92383233006,92383233007, 92383233008,92383233009,92383233010,92383233011,92383233012 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L ND 1.0 05/06/18 00:18 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2271821 Spike LCS LCS %Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Total Organic Carbon mg/L 25 24.8 99 90-110 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271822 2271823 MS MSD 92383066015 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L 2.6 25 25 26.4 25.1 95 90 90-110 5 MATRIX SPIKE&MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2271824 2271825 MS MSD 92383233007 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD Qual Total Organic Carbon mg/L 4.0 25 25 26.3 26.5 89 90 90-110 1 M1 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the"Units"column except where an alternate unit Is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 34 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 6701 Conference Drive /9/ aceAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pace/abS.com (919)834-4984 QUALIFIERS Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 DEFINITIONS DF-Dilution Factor,if reported,represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND-Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC-Too Numerous To Count J-Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL-Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL-Practical Quantitation Limit. RL-Reporting Limit. S-Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270.The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines,unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate%recovery and RPD values. LCS(D)-Laboratory Control Sample(Duplicate) MS(D)-Matrix Spike(Duplicate) DUP-Sample Duplicate RPD-Relative Percent Difference NC-Not Calculable. SG-Silica Gel-Clean-Up U-Indicates the compound was analyzed for,but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. LABORATORIES PASI-A Pace Analytical Services-Asheville PASI-E Pace Analytical Services-Eden ANALYTE QUALIFIERS D6 The precision between the sample and sample duplicate exceeded laboratory control limits. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample(LCS)recovery. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 35 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /%Analytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.paceiabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383233001 LOCATION#1 HACH 10206 409223 92383233002 LOCATION#4 HACH 10206 409223 92383233003 LOCATION#6 HACH 10206 409223 92383233004 LOCATION#7 HACH 10206 409223 92383233006 LOCATION#8 HACH 10206 409223 92383233006 LOCATION#9 HACH 10206 409223 92383233007 LOCATION#11 HACH 10206 409223 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A HACH 10206 409223 92383233009 LOCATION#10 HACH 10206 409223 92383233010 LOCATION#12 HACH 10206 409223 92383233011 LOCATION#13 HACH 10206 409223 92383233012 LOCATION#14 HACH 10206 409223 92383233001 LOCATION#1 SM 52106 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233002 LOCATION#4 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233003 LOCATION#6 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233004 LOCATION#7 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233006 LOCATION#8 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233006 LOCATION#9 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233007 LOCATION#11 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233009 LOCATION#10 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233010 LOCATION#12 SM 5210B 409202 SM 52108 409308 92383233011 LOCATION#13 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233012 LOCATION#14 SM 5210B 409202 SM 5210B 409308 92383233001 LOCATION#1 EPA 160.4 409686 92383233002 LOCATION#4 EPA 160.4 409686 92383233003 LOCATION#6 EPA 160.4 409686 92383233004 LOCATION#7 EPA 160.4 409686 92383233006 LOCATION#8 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233006 LOCATION#9 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233007 LOCATION#11 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A EPA 160.4 409999 92383233009 LOCATION#10 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233010 LOCATION#12 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233011 LOCATION#13 EPA 160.4 409999 1 92383233012 LOCATION#14 EPA 160.4 409999 92383233001 LOCATION#1 SM 2320B 409649 92383233002 LOCATION#4 SM 2320B 409649 92383233003 LOCATION#6 SM 2320B 409649 92383233004 LOCATION#7 SM 2320B 409649 92383233006 LOCATION#8 SM 2320B 409649 92383233006 LOCATION#9 SM 23206 409649 92383233007 LOCATION#11 SM 23206 409649 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A SM 23206 409649 92383233009 LOCATION#10 SM 2320B 409649 92383233010 LOCATION#12 SM 2320B 409649 92383233011 LOCATION#13 SM 2320B 409649 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 36 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC 711%eAnalytical® 6701 Conference Drive Raleigh,NC 27607 I www.pacelabs.com (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No.: 92383233 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383233012 LOCATION#14 SM 23208 409650 92383233001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540C 409600 92383233002 LOCATION#4 SM 2540C 409600 92383233003 LOCATION#6 SM 2540C 409600 92383233004 LOCATION#7 SM 2540C 409813 92383233006 LOCATION#8 SM 2540C 409813 92383233006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540C 409813 92383233007 LOCATION#11 SM 2540C 409813 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A SM 2540C 409813 92383233009 LOCATION#10 SM 2540C 409813 92383233010 LOCATION#12 SM 2540C 409813 92383233011 LOCATION#13 SM 2540C 409813 92383233012 LOCATION#14 SM 2540C 409813 92383233001 LOCATION#1 SM 2540D 409741 92383233002 LOCATION#4 SM 2540D 409845 92383233003 LOCATION#6 SM 2540D 409845 92383233004 LOCATION#7 SM 2540D 409845 92383233006 LOCATION#8 SM 2540D 409845 92383233006 LOCATION#9 SM 2540D 409845 92383233007 LOCATION#11 SM 2540D 409845 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A SM 2540D 409845 92383233009 LOCATION#10 SM 2540D 409845 92383233010 LOCATION#12 SM 2540D 409845 92383233011 LOCATION#13 SM 2540D 409845 92383233012 LOCATION#14 SM 2540D 409845 92383233001 LOCATION#1 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233002 LOCATION#4 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233003 LOCATION#6 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233004 LOCATION#7 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233006 LOCATION#8 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233006 LOCATION#9 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233007 LOCATION#11 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233009 LOCATION#10 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233010 LOCATION#12 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233011 LOCATION#13 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233012 LOCATION#14 EPA 350.1 1993 Rev 2.0 409475 92383233001 LOCATION#1 EPA 351.2 409496 92383233002 LOCATION#4 EPA 351.2 409496 92383233003 LOCATION#6 EPA 351.2 409496 92383233004 LOCATION#7 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233006 LOCATION#8 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233006 LOCATION#9 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233007 LOCATION#11 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A EPA 351.2 409798 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 37 of 41 Pace Analytical Services,LLC e 6701 Conference Drive /1111 ,2eAnalytical Raleigh,NC 27607 www.pacelabs.00m (919)834-4984 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: WATER SAMPLES Pace Project No: 92383233 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92383233009 LOCATION#10 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233010 LOCATION#12 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233011 LOCATION#13 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233012 LOCATION#14 EPA 351.2 409798 92383233001 LOCATION#1 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233002 LOCATION#4 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233003 LOCATION#6 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233004 LOCATION#7 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233006 LOCATION#8 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233006 LOCATION#9 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233007 LOCATION#11 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A EPA 365.1 409639 92383233009 LOCATION#10 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233010 LOCATION#12 EPA 365.1 409639 92383233011 LOCATION#13 EPA 365.1 409640 92383233012 LOCATION#14 EPA 365.1 409640 92383233001 LOCATION#1 SM 5310B 409500 92383233002 LOCATION#4 SM 5310B 409500 92383233003 LOCATION#6 SM 5310B 409500 92383233004 LOCATION#7 SM 5310B 409500 92383233006 LOCATION#8 SM 5310B 409500 92383233006 LOCATION#9 SM 5310B 409500 92383233007 LOCATION#11 SM 5310B 409500 92383233008 LOCATION#11-A SM 5310B 409500 92383233009 LOCATION#10 SM 5310B 409500 92383233010 LOCATION#12 SM 5310B 409500 92383233011 LOCATION#13 SM 5310B 409500 92383233012 LOCATION#14 SM 5310B 409500 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced,except in full, Date:05/17/2018 02:41 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services,LLC. Page 38 of 41 Document Name: Document Revised:February 7,2018 Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 BC Ancilj/tta/° Document No,; Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quay Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville❑ Eden❑ Greenwood❑ Huntersville❑ Raleigh Mechanicsville❑ Sample Condition Client Name: 6jp WO# : 92383233 .. Upon Receipt �1! /r�y Project I W Courier:Commercial OFede Ex ❑UPS ❑USPS tient II 1111 1111111111111 Ill ❑ ❑ ❑other: 82383233 Custody Seal Present? Des o Seals Intact? ❑'(es l_lt`+o Date/Initials Person Examining Contents:K? , Z4 Packing Material: EBubble WrapBubble Bags None Other Biologicaln?❑ Tissue Fro Thermome er: �i Des ONO /A r IR Gun I0._zs �7 L Type of Ice: (QWet ❑Blue ❑None Cooler Temp(°C): c:J / r Correction Factor:Add ubtrac ('C) 0• A VTemp should be above freezing to 6°C Cooler Temp Corrected(°C(: r ❑Samples out of temp criteria.Samples on Ice,cooling process has begun USDA Regulated Soil A N/A,water sample) Did samples origi -In a quarantine zone within the United States:CA,NY,or SC(check maps)? Did samples originate from a foreign source(int natty, •Yes I o inducting Hawaii and Puerto Rico)?Eyes No Comments/Discrepancy: Chain of Custody Present? rs No ON/A 1. ...12: Samples Arrived within Hold Time? es No ON/A 2. Short Hold Time Analysis(<72 hr.)? Yes ❑No id N/A 3. 0(1) 0148- f�Jf Rush Turn Around Time Requested? Oyes A 'o ON/A 4. Sufficient Volume? / es�ONu ON/A S. Correct Containers Used? JNo -Pace Containers Used? { ON/A 6. frs........erilio ❑NJA •Containers Intact? [)No Sf/A 7. Dissolved analysis:Samples Field Filtered? DYe IND A 8. Sample Labels Match COC? �/�/��fidYes Duo ON/A 9. -Includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: • '_! keadspace in VOA Vials 1>5-bmm)? DYes No ON/A 10. Trip Blank Present? OYes ❑No N/A 11. Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? °Yes ❑No N/A COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY Field Data Required? Eyes ONo l 1 Lot ID of split containers: CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person contacted: Date/Time: { 1 Project Manager SCURF Review: —TL Date: 5/11 A ir 1 Project Manager SRF Review: (C Date: .511-1A I f Page 39 of 41 • O N V O 00, U 0, 0. F yi _ * m v * d rt. n 13P4U 125 ml Plastic Unpreserved(N/A)(Cl-) o a r? °A.`� 3 9P3U-250 nit Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) F M Fs m 61 a `°, 3 0 BP2U-500 ml Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) not D 7r d N N %v. �� 1 1 1-0 N BP1U-1 11Yer Plastic Unpreserved(N/A) O+ o D :i'' i � eu =- 0 �b 1D d Q ` BP4S-125 ml Plastic H2504(pH<2J(Cl-)(CI-) x y S Q, `D ►iirrr�rrAlr BP3N-250 mL plastic HNO3(pH<2) p n Pr v ' z BP4-L-125 ml Plastic ZN Acetate&NaOH(>9) •*riIa 3 Pa n 3 5 ea -9ir a n 2 a BP4C-125 ml Plastic NaOH (pH>12)(CI-) m T 2 13 tr `() -' m '" 2 WGFU-Wide-mouthed Glass jar Unpreserved -4 A = fl- ° a: - D P. a "" rt. O' Q AG1U-1 liter Amber Unpreserved(N/A)(Cl-) Q o —w t- ,, a C O O ra y ., 3 n » in S z' m 3 ���r" ' RG1H-1 liter Amber HCI(pH<2) rD E m 'OI tD a. rD O R--. 91 o rC -n O al 2 .— E... AG3U-250 mL Amber Unpreserved(N/A)(CI-) '�to Z al D a 6 » '= o o 2 Dn ti o ,� E 13 P "�A��' AG1S-1 liter Amber 112504(pH<2) n p A VA r�Ar AG3S-250 mi Amber H2SO4(ph<2)o 7 w m " i2 2 3 z o, fl-1 AG3A(DG3A)-250mLAmberNH4C1(N/A)(CI-) rt. (11s ut co m m o - DG9H-40 mL VOA HCI (N/A) -0 lii a _ a ro co m 3 a ro m C. 3 a tZ VG9T-40 mL VOA Na2S203(N/A) . a 2 VG9U-40 mL VOA Unp(N/A) rt j l 3 \-43\---•J LJ L3 W � 'W • 3 .. DG9P-v0 mL VOA H3PO4(N/A) • i VD 2 VOAK(6 vials per kit}5035 kit(N/A) •• n rwilio ei 1 3 o I V/GK(3 vials per kit)-VPH/Gas kit(N/A) (iCOn, a \1/ o c 0 ro ° SP5T-125 mL Sterile Plastic(N/A-lab) 0 N oo w �' ° w 0. 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':;'_ .!'`7C, ) -1-., 4 y[ > ' )/ n T / x /\ ./� /�' " Other .'� D (11 . ^OCA .1P.: <-.. ''Ariatyser1Teht-; .'1, Y/N a ^ I 'L tp cp ., \\ 5 , `4.a. _ L. < TSS \ '• .Fer 2 ,i y :�,. ;, . ` <_ ��`4 ` Tvs Toler valetas sofas by < A is a < < ` c c �, t t K. c ( roc $'. cp N0 d�,i ( 705 by 2540C p c IJ f4 e '�"......,e-,se.,4 < ` C TKN,7.Phos,Ammonia s+ =.k e r�i C • ` `N'Ira!e(48 Hr Hold) -o fD (r ��`'���� �i.`�‹. 7Aikol nay �. O. rl„` Fecal Conform MY R .IT: y r c N W re TEMP in C Residual Chorine(Y/N) ,� + • ri; G'- Recelvodon _•,. i :` :;1' ; (� Ice I \ /^1 t:uslody �I1 r., „ , - 74 'E�a' �./ Sealed 1� ce,\,-y e” c �/ Ih/p. 4J i�1 ,, L \ r a 0 Y/N a \ �V ..., .r, •�VII��- Samples \` V'��\1-� 1 Intact Page 41 of 41 Appendix C : Supporting Information www.dewberry.com Ambient Monitoring System Station Summaries NCDENR,Division of Water Resources Basinwide Assessment Report Location: CEDAR CRK AT SR 1116 CEDAR CREEK RD NR FRANKLINTON Station#: 01600000 Hydrologic Unit Code: 03020101 Latitude: 36.0661.5 Longitude: -78.43130 Stream class: C NSW Agency: TPBA NC stream index: 28-29-(2) Time period: 01/17/2008 to 12/17/2012 # # Results not meeting EL Percentiles results ND EL # % %Conf Min 10th 25th 50th 75th 90th Max • Field D.O.(mg/L) 77 0 <4 0 0 5.8 6.7 7.1 7.8 9.9 11.5 14 77 0 <5 0 0 5.8 6.7 7.1 7.8 9.9 11.5 14 pH(SU) 77 0 <6 0 0 6.2 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 77 0 >9 0 0 6.2 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6 Spec.conductance 77 0 N/A 52 71 75 83 89 93 120 (umhos/cm at 25°C) Water Temperature(°C) 77 0 >32 0 0 2.4 7.4 12.3 21.2 24.8 25.8 27.9 Other Turbidity(NTU) 52 0 >50 2 3.8 5.3 6.5 8.2 I 1 17.8 30.8 60 Nutrients(mg/L) NH3 as N 52 6 N/A 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.07 0.11 0.25 1.27 NO2+NO3 as N 52 0 N/A 0.02 0.05 0.09 0.15 0.19 0.25 0.5 TKN as N 52 2 N/A 0.2 0.27 0.37 0.52 0.66 1.04 1.69 Total Phosphorus 5 I 6 N/A 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.07 0.1 0.18 Fecal Coliform Screening(#/10 mi) #results: Geomean: #>400: %>400:%Conf: 52 68 2 3.8 Kev: #result:number of observations #ND:number of observations reported to be below detection level(non-detect) EL:Evaluation Level;applicable numeric or narrative water quality standard or action level Results not meeting EL:number and percentages of observations not meeting evaluation level %Conf:States the percent statistical confidence that the actual percentage of exceedances is greater than 10%(20%for Fecal Coliform) Stations with less than 10 results or less than or equal to 10%(20%Fecal Coliform)exceedance for a given parameter were not evaluated for statistical confidence 10/16/2018 NOWData Results Monthly Climate Normals (1981 -2010) - LOUISBURG, NC 6 150 4.8 120 (3 a --1 a 3.6 I Iul 90 3 v c m o Ft 0 o. 0 f9 •� 2.4 III ; 60 • i 1‘2 -iii II Jan Apr Jul Oct • Total Precipitation Normal - Mean Max Temperature Normal - Mean Min Temperature Normal -- Mean Avg Temperature Normal � J Powered by ACIS Mean M Total Precipitation Mean Min Mean Avg Temperature Month Temperature Normal Temperature Normal Normal(inches) (,� CP) (°F) January 3.70 50.4 26.0 38.2 February 3.25 54.3 28.3 41.3 March 4.06 62.9 34.8 48.8 April 3.34 72.0 43.2 57.6 May 3.80 79.2 52.5 65.8 June 4.02 86.9 62.5 74.7 July 4.44 89.6 66.8 78.2 August 5.06 88.1 65.1 76.6 September 4.18 82.0 57.3 69.7 October 3.36 72.7 44.6 58.6 November 3.17 63.6 36.1 49.8 December 3.25 53.4 28.5 41.0 Annual ' 45.63 71.3 45.5 58.4 1/1 TABLE 1: NOAA RECORDED TEMPERATURE DATA FOR MAY 1, 2018 CEDAR CREEK FIELD VERIFICATION EVENT NOVOZYMES, FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Temp. Humidity Wind Speed Precip Time (*C) Dew Point(*C) (%) Wind (m/s) Pressure Precip. Accum Condition 12:15 AM 11.1 2.2 54% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 1:15 AM 11.1 2.2 54% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 2:15 AM 8.9 3.9 71% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 3:15 AM 7.2 3.9 81% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 4:15 AM 6.1 5.0 93% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 5:15 AM 5.0 3.9 93% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 6:15 AM 3.9 3.9 100% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 7:15 AM 6.1 5.0 93% CALM 0.0 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 8:15 AM 12.2 6.1 67% CALM 0.0 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 9:15 AM 16.1 6.1 52% NW 1.3 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 10:15 AM 18.9 6.1 43% CALM 0.0 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 11:15 AM 22.2 2.8 29% CALM 0.0 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 12:15 PM 23.9 0.0 21% NNW 1.3 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 1:15 PM 25.0 0.0 19% CALM 0.0 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 2:15 PM 26.1 0.0 18% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 3:15 PM 27.2 1.1 18% WSW 3.1 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 4:15 PM 27.2 1.1 18% WSW 1.3 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 5:15 PM 27.2 2.2 20% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 6:15 PM 27.2 2.8 21% SW 2.2 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 7:15 PM 22.8 6.1 33% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 8:15 PM 17.8 7.2 49% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 9:15 PM 17.2 6.1 48% S 1.3 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 10:15 PM 15.0 7.2 59% CALM 0.0 29.8 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair 11:15 PM 15.0 7.2 59% SSW 1.3 29.9 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Fair Source: https://www.wunderground.com/history/daily/us/nc/louisburg/KLHZ/date/2018-5-1 Appendix D : USGS Correspondence www.dewberry.com Poulios, Michael From: Poulios, Michael Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:07 PM To: Poulios, Michael Subject: FW: Response from USGS concerning...Re: [EXTERNAL] Flow determination request From: Weaver,John [mailto:jcweaver@usgs.gov] Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2018 12:29 PM To: ANWA(Angela Walsh) <ANWA@novozymes.com> Cc:Steve Tedder<tedderfarmconsulting@gmail.com>; John C Weaver<jcweaver@usgs.gov> Subject: Response from USGS concerning...Re: [EXTERNAL] Flow determination request Ms. Walsh, In response to your inquiry about the low-flow characteristics(7Q10,30Q2,average annual discharge)for(1)Cedar Creek upstream from Secondary Road 1114(Peach Orchard Road)and for(2)Tar River downstream from U.S.Highway 401 at Louisburg in central Franklin County,the following information is provided: For streams in Franklin County,low-flow characteristics published by the USGS are provided in the following reports: (1)The first is a statewide report completed in the early 1990's. It is USGS Water-Supply Paper 2403,"Low-flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina"(Giese and Mason, 1993). An online version of the report is available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/2403/report.pdf. The report provides the low-flow characteristics(based on data through 1988)via regional relations and at-site values for sites with drainage basins between 1 and 400 sqmi and not considered or known to be affected by regulation and/or diversions. (2)The second is a statewide report published in March 2015. It is USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5001,"Low-flow characteristics and flow-duration statistics for selected USGS continuous-record streamgaging stations in North Carolina through 2012" (Weaver,2015). The report is available online at htty://pubs.usgs.gov/sir/2015/5001/. The report provides updated low-flow characteristics and flow-duration statistics for 266 active(as of 2012 water year)and discontinued streamgages across the state where a minimum of 10 climatic years discharge records were available for flow analyses. Cedar Creek A check of the low-flow files here at the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center(Raleigh office)does not indicate a previous low-flow determination for the specific point of interest,as identified by the lat/long coordinates(36.073863,-78.397628)provided in your email dated August 15,2018. However,low-flow characteristics have been estimated at nearby locations within the Cedar Creek basin based on transfer of low-flow characteristics from nearby partial-record and continuous-record sites within or near the basin. 1 No USGS discharge records are known to exist for the point of interest. In the absence of site-specific discharge records sufficient for a low-flow analysis,estimates of low-flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low-flow yields(expressed as flow per square mile drainage area,or cfsm)at nearby sites where such estimates have previously been determined. A basin delineation completed using the online USGS StreamStats application for North Carolina (htty://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html)indicates the drainage area for the point of interest(36.07379,-78.39761 NAD83)is 33.6 sqmi. Inspection of the above two reports indicates the presence of four(4)selected nearby USGS partial-record sites(3)and continuous-record streamgages(1)in general vicinity of the point of interest where low-flow characteristics were published. Among the 4 sites,one of the partial-record sites(station id 02081770,drainage area 11.9 sqmi)and the continuous-record streamgage(station id 02081800,drainage area 47.8 sqmi)are located upstream and downstream,respectively,of the point of interest on Cedar Creek. Among these 2 sites,the low-flow discharge yields for the indicated flow statistics are as follows: Annual 7Q10 low-flow yields=>from 0.07 to 0.08 cfsm(average and median about 0.07 cfsm) Annual 30Q2 low-flow yields=>from 0.3 to 0.34 cfsm(average and median 0.32 cfsm) Average annual discharge yields=>from I to 1.05 cfsm(average and median about 1.03 cfsm) Application of the above yield ranges to the drainage area (33.6 sqmi)for the point of interest results in the following estimated low-flow discharges. Annual 7Q10 discharges=>from about 2.4 to 2.7 cfs(average and median about 2.4 cfs) Annual 30Q2 discharges=>from 10.1 to 11.4 cfs(average and median about 10.8 cfs) • Average annual discharge=>from 33.6 to 35.3 cfs(average and median about 34.6 cfs) Tar River A check of the low-flow files here at the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center(Raleigh office)indicates a previous low-flow determination for the location almost identical to the specific point of interest,as identified by the lat/long coordinates(36.086493,- 78.292017)provided in your email dated August 15,2018. Completed in January 1986,the low-flow characteristics were estimated for this 2 location(station id 02081757)below Fox Creek based on transfer of low-flow characteristics from nearby continuous-record streamgages on the Tar River. No USGS discharge records are known to exist for the point of interest. In the absence of site-specific discharge records sufficient for a low-flow analysis,estimates of low-flow characteristics at ungaged locations are determined by assessing a range in the low-flow yields(expressed as flow per square mile drainage area,or cfsm)at nearby sites where such estimates have previously been determined. A basin delineation completed using the online USGS StreamStats application for North Carolina (http://water.usgs.gov/osw/streamstats/north carolina.html)indicates the drainage area for the point of interest(36.08649,-78.29200 NAD83)is 446 sqmi. There is a USGS continuous-record streamgage USGS Sta.02081747 Tar River at U.S.401 at Louisburg(drainage area 427 sqmi)located about 0.5 mile upstream from the point of interest. This streamgage has continuous records of discharge(for all ranges of discharge)since October 1972. The most recent low-flow statistics published for this streamgage are available in the second above-referenced report (Weaver,2015). The low-flow yields for the 7Q10 and 30Q2 low-flow discharges(Table 3 on page 20 of this report,based on period of record during the 1974-2011 climatic years)are as follows: Annual 7Q10=0.0156 cfsm Annual 30Q2=0.0821 cfsm Average annual discharge yield=1.05 cfsm Note:The climatic year is the standard annual period used in low-flow analyses for continuous-record streamgages and is from April 1 through March 31,designated by the year in which the period begins. For example,the 2011 climatic year is from April 1,2011,through March 31,2012. Application of the above yields to the drainage area(446 sqmi)for the point of interest results in the following estimated discharges: Annual 7Q10=7.0 cfs Annual 30Q2=36.6 cfs Average annual discharge yield=468 cfs Please note the estimated flows are provided in units of cubic feet per second(cfs). 3 Please note: The 1Q10 low-flow discharges for the points of interest also were requested in your email dated August 15,2018. The 1Q10 discharge is not among the low-flow statistics available within the standard scope of USGS responses to low-flow requests. There is currently no cost-recovery fees applied to USGS responses to low-flow requests received by this office at this time. Additional analyses and turnaround time would be required for the determination of 1Q10 low-flow characteristics,but would be limited to continuous-record streamgages with sufficient period of record for low-flow analyses. If you still require the 1Q10 discharge for the streamgage on the Tar River at Louisburg,please let me know and we will proceed from there,as appropriate. Please understand the information provided in this message is based on a preliminary assessment and considered provisional,subject to revision pending further analyses. Hope this information is helpful. Thank you. Curtis Weaver J. Curtis Weaver, Hydrologist, PE Email: icweaverausas.aov USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center Online:https://www.usas.gov/centers/sa-water North Carolina-South Carolina -Georgia 3916 Sunset Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone:(919)571-4043 // Fax:(919)571-4041 On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 1:48 PM, ANWA (Angela Walsh) <ANWA@novozymes.com>wrote: Mr. Weaver, I hope this email finds you well. Steve Tedder provided me with your contact information and I was hoping you might be able to help with some flow determinations. I am looking for 7Q10 and 1Q10 determinations for two stream locations (approximate GPS coordinates for areas of interest are below). Please let me know if there's anything else I need to provide that would help with my request. 4 Cedar Creek: 36.073863, -78.397628 Tar River: 36.086493, -78.292017 Best regards, Angela Walsh,PE Mgr-Environmental &Utilities Operations Novozymes North America Inc. PO BOX 576 77 Perrys Chapel Church Road NC 27525 Franklinton United States Phone: +1 9194947056 • Mobile: +1 9192803579 E-mail: anwa@novozymes.com Novozymes North America,Inc.(reg.no.:13-2639630).Registered address:CT Corporation System,I118th Avenue.New York NY 10011.United States of America This e-mail(including any attachments)is for the intended addressee(s)only and may contain confidential and or proprietary information protected by law. You are hereby notified that any unauthorized reading,disclosure,copying or distribution nf this e-mail or use of information herein is strictly prohibited If you are not an intended recipient you should delete this e-mail ' immediately.Thank you. • • 5 IP Dewberry® www.dewberry.corn