HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070231 Ver 1_401 Application_20070207Oaker Baker and Associates 7900 Airport Center Drive, suite 100 Greensboro, NC 27409 336-931-1500 FAX 336-931-1501 20070231UXAIENT January 31, 2007 RECEIVED U.S. Army Corps of Engineers North Carolina Department of Environment Wilmington District and Natural Resources, Division of Water Raleigh Regulatory Field Office Quality, Wetlands / 401 Unit 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120 2321 Crabtree Blvd Raleigh, NC 27615 Raleigh, NC 27604 Attention: Mr. John Thomas Ms. Cyndi Karoly Subject: Nationwide Permit 14 and General Certification 3404, Linear Transportation Crossing, Pre-Construction Notification for Proposed Culvert Replacement for Ballinger Road Extension at Piedmont Triad International Airport, Greensboro, Guilford County, North Carolina On behalf of the Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) notice of intent to use Nationwide Permit 14 and General Water Quality Certification (WQC) 3404 pursuant to Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and 15A NCAC 2H.0500 is hereby provided for unavoidable impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. Approximately 100 linear feet of perennial stream channel will be permanently impacted by replacement of an existing culvert during construction of the extension of Ballinger Road. The purpose of the proposed roadway extension is to provide access to an approximately 70.63-acre site proposed for a future airport development project. The 70.63-acre development site includes no Section 404 jurisdictional waters and is buffered from adjacent streams by 100 feet. The new access provided by the proposed extension of Ballinger Road to Radar Road is required due to the recent closure of Stage Coach Trail and consequent "dead-end" of Ballinger Road. The proposed culvert replacement will facilitate access to the adjacent 70.63-acre airport development site in the least environmentally detrimental way. The unavoidable stream crossing site was selected at an existing dirt road crossing where the stream, an unnamed tributary (UT) to Horsepen Creek, flows though an approximately 30-foot section of 2-foot diameter corrugated plastic pipe (CPP). The proposed roadway extension will replace this pipe at the same location with a 130-foot long, 6-foot diameter reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) with bottom submerged below the elevation of the streambed to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. The total impacts to the stream will be minimal and will not have a significant impact to the quality of jurisdictional waters, therefore, compensatory stream mitigation is not proposed. The limits of jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. were surveyed and verified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in Action ID 199820910 (copy enclosed) on July 29, 1999. Based on recent field review and available mapping [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) Soils Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetlands Inventory, and 2005 Color Aerial Photograph, enclosed], re-verification of the 1999 jurisdictional determination is requested concurrent with this Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) based on no change in jurisdiction of the previously surveyed stream channel. CmiletweUs. January 31, 2007 Mr. John Thomas; Ms. Cyndi Karoly Page 2 of 3- North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Stream Identification Form and USACE Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet were updated/revised (completed forms enclosed) based on current field conditions and regulatory updates to the versions of these forms used during the 1999 jurisdictional determination. The stream (evaluated for 100 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream of the existing culvert) appears marginally perennial, scoring 29.5 using the DWQ method, with a macrobenthic population dominated by amphipods and midge larvae. The stream quality was assessed at a moderate 55 (out of a possible 100) using the USACE form. The USFWS lists the American bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) as the only federally protected species for Guilford County. The applicant has also considered all federal and state listed species within the project study area, which included the adjacent 70.63-acre site to be developed. It appears that the project site does not contain any federally-listed endangered or threatened species, their formally designated critical habitat, or species currently proposed for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Further, based on recent field review and previous regulatory reviews, we are aware of no historic, cultural, or archaeological resources that would be affected by the project. Temporary construction impacts due to erosion and sedimentation will be minimized through implementation of a stringent erosion control schedule and the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs). The contractor will be required to follow contract specifications pertaining to erosion control measures as outlined in 23 CFR 650 Subpart B and Article 107-13 entitled "Control of Erosion, Siltation, and Pollution" (North Carolina Department of Transportation [NCDOT], Specifications for Roads and Structures). These measures include the use of dikes, berms, silt basins, and other containment measures to control runoff; elimination of construction staging areas in floodplains and adjacent to waterways; re-seeding of herbaceous cover on disturbed sites; management of chemicals (herbicides, pesticides, de-icing compounds) with potential negative impacts on water quality; and avoidance of direct discharges into streams by catch basins and roadside vegetation. Increased impervious surface area resulting from development of the adjacent 70.63-acre site would result in a corresponding increase in surface water runoff in the immediate area of the project site. The stormwater controls required to be constructed by PTAA under its Water Supply Watershed Rules will not only help to capture the runoff from the new impervious surface, but also from existing impervious surfaces within the same drainage area. Therefore, even with significant storm events, there will be no increase in volume reaching downstream surface waters. Prior to the commencement of construction, a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan for the roadway project will be submitted to NCDENR, and PTAA will obtain a Sedimentation and Erosion Control Permit and accompanying NPDES Construction Permit as needed. Potential impacts to surface water quality as a result of the roadway construction activities will be effectively mitigated through adherence to the approved Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan, to permit requirements, and to standard NCDOT BMPs. January 31, 2007 Mr. John Thomas; Ms. Cyndi Karoly Page 3 of 3. The applicant will adhere to applicable criteria of USACE Nationwide Permit 14, USACE Nationwide Permit General Conditions, Final Regional Conditions for Nationwide Permits in the Wilmington District, and DWQ General Certification Conditions for WQC #3404. We appreciate your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact me <rdarlingaa,mbakercorp.com> or Kevin Baker with any questions at 336-931-1500. Sincerely, BAKE AND SSOCIATES Richard B. Darling, C.E. Environmental Manag RBD/JCA/KJB/MLE:rbd Enclosures: Completed Pre-Construction Notification Form (8 pages) Permit Drawings 1. Vicinity Map 2. Site Plan 3. Proposed Project Impacts (plan view) 4. Proposed Project Impacts (section views) Jurisdictional Determination (Action ID 199820910, 07/29/1999) USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle (Guilford, 1991) USDA NRCS Soils Survey (Guilford County, 1977) USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (Guilford Quadrangle) Color Aerial Photograph (January 2005) Site Photographs (2 pages, 11/17/2006) Completed DWQ Stream Identification Form (Version 3.1, 01/10/2007) Completed USACE Stream Quality Assessment Worksheet (2 pages, 01/10/2007) PTAA Check to NCDENR for $200 as application fee cc: Ian McMillan, DWQ (5 copies) Daryl Lamb, DWQ Mickie Elmore, PTAA 1110.10.43.11vo/21000I4NENTS1104OW - GSO Program ManegemerM003-0000 00022 (404 401)V3aftgerY-CN Cover.dac CIIi9ftwus. Office Use Only: Form Version March 05 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. 2 ©0 7 U .'r-13 1 (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Appligable" p;? "N/A".) 1. Processing RECEIVED 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ® Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ? Section 10 Permit ? Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ? Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NW 14 / WOC 3404 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ? 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ? 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Abe Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), chec iti?,: f F H. Applicant Information r EB 5 _ Z00 % Owner/Applicant Information 0ENR - 4ti;°kTER QUALITY Name: Mickie Elmore HTLANO . a.,40 ST09,44'?T R a PAI CH Mailing Address: Piedmont Triad Airport Authority (PTAA) P.O. Box 35445 Greensboro. NC 27425 Telephone Number: 336-665-5600 Fax Number: 336-665-5694 E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Richard Darling Company Affiliation: Baker and Associates Mailing Address: 7800 Airport Center Drive, Suite 100 _ Greensboro. NC 27409 Telephone Number: 336-931-1500 Fax Number: 336-931-1501 E-mail Address: rdarlinq@mbakercorp.com updated 11/1/2005 Page 1 of 8 III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Culvert Replacement for Ballinger Road Extension 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): NA 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): NA 4. Location County: Guilford Nearest Town: Greensboro Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Piedmont Triad International Airport Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): 1-40 Exit 210, North on NC-68 to Bryan Boulevard, East on Bryan Boulevard to Airport. 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 36.099145 ON 79.925358 °W 6. Property size (acres): Approximately 72 acres 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Unnamed Tributary (UT1) to Horsepen Cr. 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note - this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The site is predominantly unmaintained lawn Includina a jurisdictional perennial stream channel. Updated 11/1/2005 Page 2 of 8 to. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Approximatlev 100 linear feet of Perennial stream channel will be Permanently impacted by replacement of an existing culvert during construction of the 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: The Purpose of the proposed roadway extension is to Provide access to 70.63-acre site Proposed for a future airport development project. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. Action ID 200021655 (Individual Section 404 Permit, issued 12/31/20031 and Water Quality Certification 3428 (Section 401, issued 11/10/2003) did not contemplate this project. Action ID 200641354241 (DWO Project No. 06-1632) addressed FAA requirements for Runway Safety Area and did not contemplate this project. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. from adjacent jurisdictional streams §1 100 feet. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. Updated i t/1/2005 Page 3 of 8 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: The 30-foot long, 2-foot diameter existing corrugated plastic pipe will be replaced by an approximately 130-foot long 6-foot diameter reinforced concrete pipe. 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, seuarately list impacts due to both structure and flooding. Wetland Impact Type of Wetland Located within Distance to Area of Site Number Type of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, 100-year Floodplatn Nearest Stream Impact (acres) (indicate on map) herbaceous, bog, etc.) ( es/no) (linear feet) Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0.00 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 0 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included. To calculate acreage, multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Number (indicate on map) Stream Name Type of Impact IntermPerennial o9 ittent. Average Stream Width Before Impact Impact Length (linear feet) Area of Impact (acres) 1 UT1 fill, pipes Perennial 10 100 0.02 0.00 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) 100 0.02 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill, excavation, dredging, flooding, drainage, bulkheads, etc. Open Water Impact Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Area of Site Number (if applicable) Type of Impact (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, Impact (indicate on ma) ocean, etc.) (acres) Total Open Water Impact (acres) 0.00 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.02 Wetland Impact (acres): 0.00 Open Water Impact (acres): 0.00 Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.02 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 100 Updated 11/1/2005 Page 4 of 8 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ? Yes ® No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ® uplands C stream ? wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Pond(s) may be excavated during development of the adiacent 70.63-acre site. Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Stormwater management Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: Unmaintained Lawn Size of watershed draining to pond: TBD Expected pond surface area: TBD VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. The stream crossing is unavoidable due to the southeasterly orientation and location of the iurisdictional channel. The proposed crossing site was selected at an existing dirt road / culvert in order to minimize impacts to the stream channel. The replacement pipes will be appropriately sized and located to allow low flow passage of water water quality. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors Updated 1 U1/2005 Page 5 of 8 including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at htty://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmgide.htmi. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The total impacts to the stream will be minimal and will not have a significant impact to the quality of jurisdictional waters, therefore, compensatory stream mitigation is not proposed. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wM/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Updated 11/U2005 Page 6 of 8 IX. X. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ? No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ? No ? 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ? No ? Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify Exempt from Water Supply Watershed Buffer)? Yes E] No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. 3. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required (square feet) Mitigation 1 3 (2 for Catawba) 0 2 1.5 0 Total 0 0 * Zone t extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration / Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Enhancement, or Payment into the appropriate information as identified Updated 11/1/2005 Page 7 of 8 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. Roadside swales will treat and direct stormwater per NCDOT standards. X11. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Non-discharge to tie into City of Greensboro sanitary sewer XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ? No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: not result in any additional stream or wetland impact and which will conform to all applicable stormwater management and water quality protection measures to preclude impacts to water quality. XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Agent's Signature ??\ Vate is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Updated 11/112005 Page 8 of 8 FD&n Delta 770 Gree n Khoo: Stephen Stoneville Oregon NMI 7 r Shores Oodgetawil ' Harnsons Crossroads Valle Mecum Danbury Dillard 04 ayodan Wentworth J Sadlero 29 c Madison n o Pbasan1v11M t nvill'e alpella Fiat Shoals r-`-? Sharps Bakers Crossroads a Ville Quaker Gap Pine Hall EHisboro Bailey Town - fj own I a 844hany Forest Hills Wak%A Cove bold Him s ee n Brook Cove (190$1 - _ Midway Willlai Gormantono r 111rJ' Wd1ys Crossroads ,. _ _-- 65'v Bsinws Cre+ls F-e Lit lving 2 8 ! Rural Hall ` -? 9tokeadak : Scale; for Site Plan - ?. - 3111 - - - Kings Crossroads Sumirrierfield Monticello Stanleyville C r, .0 d ?1$g 15 -- Browns Summit :? N'' gale Walkertown Oak RMge 4 Rudd oUhast `- Koonttville n Talley: Crossing Lakewood Oak t8 4 2L?: htwood irist Virg McL.ansville e 421 W Irving Park Mc o Heights o Salem 109 ' Woodb ?Gumord © nsboT Ebn Sedates ... ",100 3 Union Cross ?M+ 3w awn :1818 Owp River Greesons Cr o Waft"" Florence` S?ge'Town station c Jamesto G Tree Holly Acres - V '311, A^ _ Forest Oaks 29 ,4- a --- 3 r100s. 421, Arcady Midway -? t1 PC, 0 Kirkman rossmad - - :175 Prrreman +N i 109'. ..... Hs _ - 1`62' ale = Call s Mill • Ciwnax .fulian f 521' Yhomasvill Progress Jlewl Cross Redcross i- gold 1] o 1- kesville ,lothnsontown Gtenola c:" yl.rnberry L' r: 4 Fair Grove Edgar 311 Salem r ?*dCexington Anna _ 79, c? cs oRandleman Grays ChaPel Light FIW Hill Heigh Walser FulMr MiH Worthvril t; c 64 } - - Mundo Vis Central Hedrick Grow 140, = 2 1 0 2 Callan Grove Gordonlown Motleta cz., ,North Ashebt SCALE IN MILES Section 404/401 Permit VICINITY MAP DWG. Ballinger Road Extension 1 XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. Roadside swales will treat and direct stormwater per NCDOT standards. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. Non-discharge to tie into City of Greensboro sanitary sewer XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ? No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ? No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). Agent's Signature ?? DSte is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Updated I t/1/2005 Page 8 of 8 Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ? No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: - - Cor r - Creek -- - _-_ - and Stream =-?alltfiigation Area (HP-1) Section 404/401 Permit SITE PLAN DWG. Ballinger Road Extension 2 r e 600 300 0 600 SCALE IN FEET l c? . .j ...ee Drawing 4 _r Longitudin:31 EEO AEC . aws n' x x cG21 100 50 0 100 SCALE IN FEET Section 404/401 Permit PROJECT DWG. Ballinger Road Extension IMPACTS s rwe?se Proposed 40-I1, (10-ft. avg. width) perennial channel impact 7 Y? Proposed 60-I1, (10-ft. avg. width) perennial channel impact Proposed 40-I.f., 134ir I Po6 eq Proposed 60-111, (10-ft. avg. width) j.O (10-ft. avg. width) e?siQn ; perennial channel perennial channel 840 impact impact u 1 to H rs a r. 830 W 77 ' Existing 30-I.f. Proposed 130-Lf., 2-ft. diam. CPP 6-ft. diam. RCP A Stream Center Line Station A' LONGITUDINAL SECTION A-A' (vertical exaggeration 5.1) 5i! I i E proposed Ballinger Read Extension HUM 84 f i - ,.. a Proposed 100-I.f., 1 (10-ft. avg. width) perennial channel UT to impact T -- - IT _ Existing 30-I.f. Proposed 130-11, 2-ft- diam. CPP 6-ft. diam. RCP i +20 58+30 58+40 58+50 58+60 :E'+ 0 B Roadv,iav Station B` CROSS- SECTION B-B' (no vertical exaggeration) Section 404/401 Permit DWG. Ballinger Road Extension SECTIONAL VIEWS 4 ??Q CCC -=5". vN ag e Y EN E R °o S S ? o O 4 o w R7?RRRRCERR?CC BA:aiiiiaa { R"^• i R g R O L'i ?i 5p2pH tpp 3 q By ?ptypp$pRppap.gy_•_._1p_?9p-__, S_i_jp_7_y?_4yy.`,yy-_2g_y_py__7yy_gy_ E_??C? Q Q O Z h 4i3E8 N Q ?3saaaoeaascaceeerercc8x d[\?\??:?c. ?' yy[? ." y M Q a.•'.9^^^LStSs?ilnt?euL MClec ? "' ? ? ? N qqg Rgg QQ aa 8app xx @ pp g j pg ?? 33320 C? O ^ ra8y{y"ddy'yRSiR?RRRRkFCC?R?RRAR`?R?'???ca""?$c$R?l?i'iR$ fiy_" _ R_r^ _ pi w{ ; R?$!c?$k {^? ? ? 0 O gpA R fi F k$ EE ;CRfiCC#RCCfi?fififi{fi-Cfi _ ---CR{C--p---_-----? -------- - _ _--_---_ ----- _ _-_----_ _ ?p? y??kAEfikCCCCCCC?C?C 'Q' < W ? cf ??P???gQi"y ? @@ ?fi g" ig Raae;" g g ! p i!^2^ q a Ric@CFw°_ ggiigg?4R?IFgg?gg?R?.RRR•'?4 ? F^ ' gfi^R:?agC ? ` I 4aa aa3333a3a??3tiii3ii$?9ii1i3o$16li:aaaa9.3n?saaaaa?ti8aaaa?l? 0 ?aaiaaaeaaaa'i;o o'soEola$?36i?5$i??93?3?a33a3'dia$a3AA3ABJ39558S5B933858cccccccccaeeaeeaaac?a ?.3's?i?.:c:aa:pangs aiRRBR: R8:a8"R { R' R _ - ----------------------- s fi?c? ?ttP ....ooy N A Rq ?eg a 344g y!Rg'?"c ?isasaa?- a RE k' s ? ? ? '--"'--- -', J 59B6$?56ba66::c:cccc:caaaaaiaaai333iiii33i3335ii9'?3i933535.::3a::i.aazaazz:°$ ?§ggi?@ ?ACeaWaoccccceo ? Od,? ?g:O??c I. y? 1 Rp?p \ i q¦6X? IRE?S?R??p?J?-? \ ? ?? %Wool 2 1 ? _ W 4 ?? ? < d 2 Q Q 7 Q 2 3 Piedmont Triad International A irport Ballinger Road Extension ChaNongOUS. January 31, 2007 Map 2. USGS 7.5-Minute Topographic Quadrangle (Guilford, 1991) Piedmont Triad International Airport Ballinger Road Extension / / I?w top IS loop N 40' A i 00, ;•r - s fit', i Approx. Scale in Feet 60p 0 600 a, A .1 kI Map 3. USDA NRCS Soil Survey of Guilford County, 1977 chmnsngaus. J anuary 31, 2007 Piedmont Triad International Airport Ballinger Road Extension !95514tV MS&20W M" w Noll Ga r,;)i'na Guilford Digital AP rox. Scale in Feet 600 0 600 Map 4. USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (Guilford Quadrangle, 1977) ChamengaUs. January 31, 2007 795640 w 79-56.20 w 79.6" w ?i Piedmont Triad International Airport Ballinger Road Extension r ??? rl 4 4 Map 5. Color Aerial Photograph, 2005 Cha?hng*Us• January 31, 2007 Piedmont Triad International Airport Ballinger Road Extension Chalreegeus. Page 1 of 2 January 10, 2007 Photograph 1. UT1 to Horsepen Creek, upstream at existing culvert Photograph 2. UT1 to Horsepen Creek, downstream at existing culvert Photograph 4. Dirt road over UT1 to Horsepen Creek Challe?yeus. Page 2 of 2 Piedmont Triad International Airport Ballinger Road Extension v? , r, 0 January 10, 2007 Photograph 3. UT1 to Horsepen Creek, upstream from existing culvert North Carolina Division of Water Quality - Stream Identification Form; Version 3.1 Date: i- io -2 007 Project:, Lautude: ?? 099/4?S Evaluator. &41AI; Site: tIrl, Z ?61)P Longitude: -?25'3Sf* Total Points; Other Stream is at least intemxltem County: ifs 19 or perennial if a 30 2q 5 e.g. Quad Name: O? A. Geomorphol9gy Subtotal =- It Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1°. Continuous bed and bank 0 i 3 2. Sinuosity 0 2 3 3. in-channel structure: riffle-pool sequence 0 2 3 4. Soil texture or stream substrata sortin2_ i - 0 - 1 - 3 5. AcOve(relic fioodplain 0 1 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 1 2 3 7. Braided channel 1 2 3 8. Recent alluvial deposits 0 2 3 9 s Natural levees 1 2 3 10. Headcuts 0 1 -- 2 3 11. Grade controls 0 - 1 1.6 12. Natural valley or drainageway - 0 0.5 1 ? 1 .5 - 13. Second or greater order channel on i ti USGS or NRCS map or other documented evidence. - - - _ - Yes = 3 - roan-mane oncnes are not rates; see dtacussions in manual B. Hvdroloov (Subtotal = C 1 14. Groundwater ttowldischarge - 0 1 _ 3 15. Water in channel and a 48 hm since rain, or _ Water in channel -dry or_growing season 0 1 3 16. LeaAitter 1.5 1 0.5 0 17 Sediment on plants or debris ---? -- 0 0.5 - - 1.5 18. Organic debris lines or piles (Wrack lines) 1.5 19. Hydric soils (redoximorphic features present? No = 0 es - C. Bioloav (Subtotal = /4 1 20°, Fibrous roots in channel 2 0 216. ooted plants in channel 2 1 0 - 22. CT)!j j h 0 0.5 1.5 23. Bivalves 24. Fish - 0 0 1 & 2 1 3 1.5 25. Amphibians 0 _ 1.5 26. Mac:robenthos (note diversely and abundanas) 0 1 1.5 27. Filamentous algae- ;eriphyton _ - 1 2 y _ 3 _ 28. Iron _oxidizing bacteriaMu? ngus. _ 1 1.5 29 . Weiland?lants In streambed 15 &6. FA F ACW = 0.75; OBL =1.5 SAV = 2.0; Other = 0 Items 20 and 21 rocus on the presence of upland plants, Item 29 focuses on the presence of aquatic or wetland plants. i Motes: (use back side of this form for additional notes.) Sketch: wet 17 21 % i crnrYu?or?oC ?p? C ,` , io itlDr - ` 3r .__....... ...... _--- L USACE AID# DWQ # Site #r-l- (indicate on attached map) M STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Provide the following information for the stream reach under assessment: 1. Applicant's name: A 74;W 2. Evaluator's name: 3. Date of evaluation: 4. Time of evaluation: S. Name of stream: ///j/ 7&-X &2 LrX 6. River basin: 7. Approximate drainage area: ?? GGC & Stream order. / 9. Length of reach evaluated: 10. County: 11. Site coordinates (if known): prefer in decimal degrees. 12. Subdivision name (if any): el-1,4 Latitude (ea.34.872312): Xo• Opr7y/FS Longitude (ex-77.ss661ly -- W -1253SF Method location determined (circle): GPS vp Ortho (Aerial) PhotgS? Other GIS Other 13. Location of reach under evaluation (note nearby roads and landmarks and attach map identifying stream(s) location): d 14. Proposed channel work (if any): 7- a4f" ^ V?- 15. Recent weather conditions: 16. Site conditions at time of visit: 17. Identify any special waterway classifications known: -Section 10 ____Tidal Waters Essential Fisheries Habitat -Trout Waters -Outstanding Resource Waters ' Nutrient Sensitive Waters ? Water Supply Watershed -K-(I-IV) 18. Is there a pond or lake located upstream of the evaluation point? YES &-D If yes, estimate the water surface area: 19. Does channel appear on USGS quad map? (I 9 ED 20. Does channel appear on USDA Soil Survey?<: , NO 21. Estimated watershed land use: Residential Commercial `% Industrial -% Agricultural -!E% Forested Z L% Cleared / Logged JO-1/6 Other (, A 22. Bankfull width: /6 23. Bank height (from bed to top of bank): ?i ?9t, 24. Channel slope down center of stream: --Plat (0 to 2%) Gentle (2 to 4%) Moderate (4 to 100K) -Steep (>10%) 25. Channel sinuosity: Straight Occasional bends -yrequent meander Very sinuous Braided channel Instructions for completion of worksheet (located on page 2): Begin by determining the most appropriate ecoregion based on location, terrain, vegetation, stream classification, etc. Every characteristic must be scored using the same ecoregion. Assign points to each characteristic within the range shown for the ecoregion. Page 3 provides a brief description of how to review the characteristics identified in the worksheet. Scores should reflect an overall assessment of the stream reach under evaluation. If a characteristic cannot be evaluated due to site or weather conditions, enter 0 in the scoring box and provide an explanation in the comment section. Where there are obvious changes in the character of a stream under review (e.g., the stream flows from a pasture into a forest), the stream may be divided into smaller reaches that display more continuity, and a separate form used to evaluate each reach. The total score assigned to a stream reach must range between 0 and 100, with a score of 100 representing a stream of the highest quality. Total Score (from reverse): 7s Comments: Evaluator's Signature Date 1-10-9M7 This channel evaluation form is intended to be us d only as a guide to assist landowners and environmental professionals in gathering the data required by the United States Army Corps of Engineers to make a preliminary assessment of stream quality. The total score resulting from the completion of this form is subject to USACE approval and does not imply a particular mitigation ratio or requirement. Form subject to change - version 06/03. To Continent, please call 919-876-8441 x 26. STREAM QUALITY ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET VOW; AI& E.G G O ` Cana` strea4r' stro;jiflow z:ox poiniij 0- ? 4., 0 - 70 2' >: ' l?yldcncc of" ?s? bttalilt?attee?stion ` .;= `> _ -6 °•0 ` f %0 0 0?, aiaik : ints ftLVijAwra6a 0, no alteration m extw , _ u no buflcct ?r -4 nt er t of "i 'd $ isch cxtan?va l?a' 0 no,d -? ` y$ Gitou d+>tts4dlsc $.f 0?3 Ea,-4 3 n0 dtsc a ".Q' 9 to W C C. • ttta7t tnta i- ` ' catio ?irWaie of adJ K 4 4 ? 0-2 Z a points) 0ilt[G[tG °s 1 ' s Pion 'if asljseantecls : ' p- 2 Z nts no wetlanc7:r 0 e scent i max , = t,i " d ` hia "e 4 0 - 3 tE4 po er i ac n etcnsive = t 10` mt in dxtenslYe 051 0 i le ar't i edimcn ttt 't) S sx"? r 0 ?: lti' Slzeer? ercbatwbtd ?Wpft ', z 4 0 2 400 mu poh W dec l : mcisedu 0• ? .. " bad r inn - KO 1 eseste of tart Ot bailiiiMrw ' ' S j 0 S; 0 - S ; 2 ?io tctah inks maz tttt6 1 oraatatt - {I~ w 14 b Md,de&*Oi Napks 4. F > ' .74 { 0 ' S 3 ia tlraso 4 msx to no visibk roo 1 S Impact by „ tnttt% e; ih a4kk, or{tUmLet prod ctlat+ 0 j 0 o - S 3 inm*d =0; noevideiA max hits 1.? a..; .4 16 oirti>ie-P.bolfriPple p#RtoNtes ' 0-` ;0 0 6 2 d- MU oints no ri ffles! ' lca or la 0' wall-duet ? ` 17 abitt kpl = P i b- 6 0 -6 0-6 Y , llttla or no habitat ; VVI. Y vattdci 1 ?bitata s vnax points) W F 1 a am" coy ge over at cd >; nd tthadirt ?v elation a'0 continuous canonv * max pints "r ? 0 S xs 0 ?: 3 0 S tf k; xbitsiCtrt ettnbaddatnwt s o ? N j? - 4 k 0 4 2 max us'ture dted 0' l o 20 Preseaee of strtAL tavcrtebmtes (Yj(j& page 4) . -k a ` 4 f : S 0 m 0? niAn , es = maxinis numerous no evil' ? , ; . y 21 I'iregencc;oturtphibisins k` l0 4 " 0 4 0-4 2 no evidenca a 0 co namerow$ a max points)_ 22 Presence 0( fish ?° t 0 -+i 0 4 0_ q no evidence «0' a max oints 23, 0-6 (no evidtnee Cabundanve'viden4- max points To ble k it, i3 S2 q » These characteristics are not assessed in coastal streams.