HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181404 Ver 1_Fee Received_20181016 (2)Carpenter,Kristi
From: Lane, Heather C
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 1:43 PM
To: Carpenter,Kristi
Cc: Ward, Garcy
Subject: RE: Project on hold - Bridge 135 on SR 1742 Fee
Sc�rry for th� confusion. Pl�as� charg� to 17�P.2.R.88. Pl�as� I�t m� knovv if you n��d
any additional information.
Heather C. Lane, P.E.
Assistant Division Construction Engineer
Division of Highways - Division 2
North Carolina Department of Transportation
(252) 439-2847 Greenville Office **New Number**
(252) 514-4908 New Bern Office
105 Pactolus Highway NC 33
PO Box 1587
Greenville, NC 27835
From: Carpenter,Kristi
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 12:25 PM
To: Lane, Heather C <hclane@ncdot.gov>
Cc: Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov>
Subject: Project on hold - Bridge 135 on SR 1742 Fee Request
We received your application submission for the replacement of Bridge 135 on Sr 1742
in our central office, however the project is currently on hold.
You have marked the application as a for the record only project, but according to the
general conditions for a NW3, GC4132 if buffer approval is needed then written
concurrence must be given. Any time there is a written approval needed a fee is
required for review.
For this project it would be a minor fee of $240.00 and that fee can be charged to the
WBS Element # 17BP.2.R.88 provided in your application with your approval.
If you could please respond to this email and let me know if that is the proper number
to charge the fee I can take the project off hold and forward it to Garcy Ward's queue
for review.
For General Certification questions please refer to the following link:
htt.p.s.:�./...d e.c�.:_n_c:.�cav/a_�ca_ut�d.iv%s.i ca_ns/wate_r.-resca.0 r�es�wate_r.-.� ua.l.!_:r.Y.-..�_e_r_rrr�.itti_n.�./...���..-
As always if you have any question/concerns regarding this or any project please feel
free to contact me using the information below.
Thanks in advance for your prompt attention.
Kristi Lynn
Kristi Lynn Carpenter
Administrative Assistant
Transportation Permitting Branch
Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Water Resources
919.707.8785 office
kiri�.t.i.l.yu�u�..:��.ir. �u�t�ir u��d�u�ir. r�u
512 N Salisbury Street, 12th Floor
1617 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1617
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