HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181350 Ver 1_More Info Received_20181010Goss, Stephanie From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 3:46 PM To: Goss, Stephanie Subject: [External] RE: The Village at Little Creek Attachments: BufferImpactTable101018.pdf 1- Correct—the original application requested a 29 and 12, but Ross said we can cover it all with a 29 and asked me to remove the request for a 12. 2- The name/applicant to go with is: Chris Simmering VP of Land Acquisition and Development Mungo Homes of North Carolina, Inc 2521 Schieffelin Rd, Suite #116, Apex, NC 27502 (919) 390-5299<tel:(919) 390-5299> csimmering@mungo.com 3- I'm not accustomed to receiving impacts this way either. It made things very difficult - which is why I added the 131-7 labels (hoping to make your review easier). Impact Exhibit EM (page 58 of the application). Bl is grading and fill. It's the total impact area, minus road/sidewalk (which is a portion of the total, rather than an addition to it). In Zone I it's 3,795 plus 3,447 (7,242), minus 712, minus 2,964 =3,566. In Zone II it's 1,726 plus 1,737 (3,463), minus 570, minus 570 = 2,323. B2 is road and sidewalk In Zone I its 712 square feet, plus 2,964 square feet = 3,676. In Zone II its 570 plus 570 = 1,140 (It appears I misreported this one — in the application it's 2,307). I'm providing an updated buffer impact table. Likewise on the 136-137 questions. Add up the impacts per type/zone and you'll be able to recreate the numbers. Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC.. (919)274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com From: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 2:36 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Subject: The Village at Little Creek Chris, I am working on the Village at Little Creek and have a couple questions: • Using NWP 29 only: no 12 ? • Can you provide the amended/updated address • I cannot match the impacts highlighted in yellow to the impact map. These impacts are what you sent me on July 31, 2018 via e-mail. I cannot match them to map and need clarification/help. Thanks! Buffers —Zone 1 El -Road Fill/trading 3,566 (square feet) 0 (square feet) B2 -Road and Sidelwalk 3,676 (square feet 0 (square feet B6 -Sewer Construction 0 (square feet 4,271 (square feet 7 -Seaver Maintenance 1,547 (square feet 0 (square feet Buffers — Zone 2 Bl -Road Fill/trading 2,32.3 (square feet) 0 (square feet) B2 -Road and Sidewalk 2,.307 (square feet 0 (square feet 133 -Grading -Sediment Basin 7 0 (square feet 602 s _ uare feet 134 -Gradin Storrnwater BMP 2 2,733 (square feet) 0 f square feet) BS-Gradin-Storrnwater BMP 4 201 (square feet 0 (square feet B6 -Sewer Construction 0 (square feet) 3,339 (square feet) B7 -Sewer Maintenance 1,060 (square feet 0 (square feet Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4266 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records I.aw and may be disclosed to third parties Table 6. Buffer Impacts Buffer Impact_ Number Permanent (P) -or Temporary -(T) Reason f®r Impact Stream -Name Buffer Mitigation Required? Zone 1 Impact (square feet) Zone 2 Impact (square feet) B1 P Road Fill/Grading SA No 3566 2323 B2 P Road and Sidewalk SA No 3676 1140 B3 T Grading - Sed_basin 7 SA No 0 602 B4 P Grading - SW -BMP 2 SA/Little Creek No 0 2733 BS P Grading - SW BMP 4 Pond No 0 201 B6 T Sewer Construction* SC/Little Creek No 42711 3339 B7. 1p Sewer Maintenance* SC/Little Creek INO 15471 1060 * = Two Stream Crossings with overlapping interior buffers - reported -together. _ 'AA: y, N\,\j p qx- 'AA: y, N\,\j 0 ;;a zMM S! 0 r— qMz z 0 don No. um2� Overall Grading Plan i ME' caaENGINEkR NEE L�� D. - The Village at Little Creek t- Nk ,caaEMNEERS 27587 Mungo Homes of NC, Inc. Clayton, Johnston County, North Carolina . . 't. r 200E 2 RO ADW Y, ALAC :: 60 SF . . � NE .: IMPACT 2 ZtI`.L`.3: ZONE_1 IMPACT TOTAL ='3795 SF-_ ,1 - 'r , == ° — = "s :. _ .:. �2. ZONE 1 ROADWAY IMPACT = 712 5F - �� - ?; STREAM LENGTH I4ACT =149' ��._ -'�'��_ :iii, :`.•, t:::;;•:: - _ ti � � #"a ..&q r h ' y® "lElJ FLEE: BA r TEMP. DIVERSION. DAN! 2#" FIDPE BY`0ASS_PIp PROPOSED. 36" X 910 RCP.C1,7 b1�[yii ` • 5 ., _' ✓ ;-. 5 $'2.: ZONE 2 ROA & i c, X570- T i ;: „ w v- ZONE 2 IMPACTkk9� :y tt a'ZOIE 1 ROAiIAYAND SIDEWALK IMPACT' =2964 SF 21.�. ZONEA IMPART TOTAL 3447 SF ' Z i --�� � tib' ���:.� �. •,�_ ®_ �_ 1� , 3: R H GA NOTE: INSTALL DIVERSION:DAM APPROXIMATE=LY 10' -15' FEET BEYOND PIPE INVERT'_ vimi ' j R , ;77 UPSTREAM'PRIOR TO PUMPING ACTIVITES TO BYPASS STREAM CROSSING AT N1ARR'IAN3RI.V, _DURING CULVERT INSTALLATIONPROCESS NTS ' BYPASS PIPE IMPACT APPROXIMATELY 150 LF t" Z - � t .2'i;PflCN EI7 cp[_>tdCN 2Y ATKUN'- - •:. ys _ . .. G2t56EntL::vmk _ _ - 4.UETAflvEBtgPEPR0iE6T1l7;t-- Q �yT-Ei-� '. _ MJR'0SxEB BEC64ra^P.Id1E _ - 21 _� OLi"R.fl KAf+RPit� y, rl''Y, Tn2$ . `tJTE, tikUN TU EMIR 13E'R'U I.rttkkT — - .-` -. •.- , _ .. -' FLViEU f4CSE Tpd � d� Iffic.RT OUT 239 .. - EkiST CR.t7EQI:Eh3E p ver..X, ]4'RGY CL4`1L:d' ;«7 i,FA0C, - 4A:•$:Ihfi iVl;µ.i - FHT3tDEC 3K •24•W-2727 Tn24' ;� - "KOTE:An?,0'ti0 ECE: A':t@KP4D PIPE ihY@ii7 �.• OF di W - CROSS SECTION STREAM CROSSING . ;tTS preliminary do not use for construction, - ,. IJ w ILT SM 7 NTS A DS 9 /-ZONE 2 IMPACT 201 SF EX I'X)Ni \\I _20's 11i PON.--, .,�'.aZONE 2 IMPACT, TOTAL 2733:SF 0 BASIN Ix I ILLJ ILLILLI IZU— �iiLL PLAN VIEW BASIN 4 NTS SE do not use for construcfion A MA MQLES (TCrTAQ 32 SF 8 ZtyEfLAW'CONSTR. CORRIDOI? D ORIOR 3461 SF WETLANDS MAINT. CPLAN VIEW OF SANITARY SEWER OUTFALL NTS Zi - PinskTOTAL)17 z tl n* -ZONE 11,- 112110 SF CONSTR. CORRIDOR Bb ZONE 32 SIF MAINT. CORRIDOR ZO E 1 -11332 SF CONSTR. CORRIDOR B(o ZO E I A 516 SF MAINT,,ORRIDOR 267 SF LAN S CONSTR. CORRIDOR �3 67, F WETLANDS MINT. CORRIDOR 4 200 SIF WETLANDS CONSTR. CORRIDOR B RITZ'] Tl - to ZONE 1 1312 SF CONS71 R96RRIDOR ZONE 1 507 SF MAINT. CORRIDf R to, ZONE 2 - 989 SF CONyyYIR. CORRID R ZONE 2.322 P� MAJAT. CORRI R 1101 SF W LANDS MA)I T. CORRII R 11,56 Z6 1 - 1627 9F CONSTR, RRIDIQ 187 � E1-524�FMAINT ,CORRIDOR L31•(ZONE 2 - 1100 SIP CONSTR CORRIDOR 'b-7 ZONE 2.412 SF MAINT. CORRIDOR A, "(]A, CR SS NG MANHOLE AERAL LWOSSM6 MANHOLE (TYPICAL, SEE DUAIL "I" DETi A FOR ANM ORMSING LRR'ERPK Mj j S' C,ANFIER PPE (Tym 7 PROFILE OF SANITARY PIER A 145! GC %E Ill, SEWER OUTFALL ............. U- ,ol"IkA CAR 0 0 SE Lu P. G WZLUI 1040", nrplminory in not imp fnr rnnemintion Goss, Stephanie From: 'Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Tuesday,,July 31, 2018 8:42 AM To: Goss, Stephanie Cc: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) Subject: [External] Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts Attachments: PCNForm_Updatesforbuffers.pdf, Tab le6_BufferImpactsTable.pdf, Dairy_Rd_PCN_CoverLetter_073018.pdf, ImpactMaps_Labeled.pdf . CAUTION: External email. Do not.click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all, suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam',:<mailto: repo rt.spam@nc.gov> Stephanie: Attached are revised pages from the PCN. My' apologies. These have been incorporated into the original application, which I will be uploading to the USACE's FTP site for Ross. However - at 64Mb; it's too large to email. Ross:,SAW-2016-01649 - these changes update North Carolina's riparian buffer impacts only. In'the application, I neglected to ensure the buffer impact table reflected the text/impact maps provided. No change' in stream or wetland ,'areas is included. " i I ;I Thanks - please let me know if -there are questions or if I can do anything else. . Regards, c6ris.Hopper, CEI 274-5979 Goss, Stephanie From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 4:45 PM To: Goss, Stephanie Subject: (External] RE: The Village at Little Creek Sub. i 5 •\ 1. •....•• I1 , 1.. •. .•-'.... . 111'1 1 __•• 1• . • • ' I'm HORRIBLE at remembering that ... sorry, Stephanie. I'll get it to you shortly A note for you to consider internally — the USACE is keen lately on not issuing so many JD documents (they're catching heat from higher up). I know the code is the code, but perhaps Karen can discuss with her superiors or counsel alternatives that would satisfy this requirement. On this one for example —Samantha Dailey did the review/approval back in 2016 — but still hasn't given us a JD. I do have emails from her confirming the boundaries are good — and an email from Ross Sullivan that he'll issue the project approval as a 29 (no 12 as initially requested). Will forwards of these emails work for you? Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com From: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2018 4:37 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Subject: The Village at Little Creek Sub. Chris, I have started reviewing the above referenced project and the following is required in order to complete my review: • Please provide documentation for review that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has verified the Nationwide Permit that is to be used to authorize this project. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(7)] • Please provide documentation for review that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has verified all stream, wetland, and/or open water locations for the area along the future sewer line. [15A NCAC 02H .0502(a)(7)] • Page 10 of the PCN was not signed, please sign and return to me. Thanks in advance! Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 276o9 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may he subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties Frorn: Chris Hopper,<chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2018 3:15 PM To: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) Cc: Goss, Stephanie Subject: [External] RE: Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spa m.<rriai Ito: repo rt.spam@nc.gov> Checking on it now, Ross. I'll follow up ASAP (today). Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www.carolinaecci.com -----Original Message----- From:.Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 3:13 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Cc:'stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov Subject: RE: Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts Chris, ,The revised plans appear to show additional wetland impacts to wetlands WC-, WF and WG on sheet C26 Overall Grading Plan. Cari you please confirm whether or not this, is accurate? Thanks, Ross Ross Sullivan, PWS, ISA Certified Arborist Regulatory Specialist Raleigh; Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Wilmington District Wake.Forest, North Carolina 27587 Office #: 919-554-4884. Ext. 25 Email: roscoe.I.sullivan@usace.army.mil We would appreciate ,your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_ap6x/`f?p=136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete :fhe survey. Y -----Original Message ----- From: Chris Hopper [mailto:chris.hopper@carolinaeco coml Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:42 AM To: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> 1 Cc: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts Stephanie: Attached are revised pages from the PCN. My apologies. These have been incorporated into the original application, which I will be uploading to the USACE's FTP site for Ross. However - at 64Mb, it's too large to email. Ross: SAW -2016-01649 - these changes update North Carolina's riparian buffer impacts only. In the application, I neglected to ensure the buffer impact table reflected the text/impact maps provided. No change in stream or wetland areas is included. Thanks - please let me know if there are questions or if I can do anything else. Regards, Chris Hopper, CEI 919-274-5979 Goss, Stephanie From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2018 11:03 AM To: Sullivan; Roscoe L III CIV (US) Cc: Goss, Stephanie Subject: [External] RE: Village At Little Creek Buffer! impacts CAUTION: External, email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send allsuspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Just letting you know it's still in progress (waiting on engineers waiting on other engineers). As I explained yesterday, the reference plan is dated August 2017. In May of this year I requested grading changes to avoid these areas, which were done without issue. I'm of the opinion.this is an old plan but need, confirmation from higher powers. I'll keep you posted. Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. „(919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com ---=-Original Message ----- From: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2018 3:13 PM, To.� Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> ',,',,,CC,. stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov Subject: RE: Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts Chris, The revised plans appear to show additional wetland impacts to wetlands WC, WF and WG on sheet C26 Overall Grading Plan. Can you please confirm whether or not this is accurate? Thanks, Ross Ross Sullivan, PWSJSA Certified Arborist Regulatory Specialist Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers—Wilmington District Wake. Forest, NorthCarolina 27587 Office #: 919-554-4884. Ext. 25 Email: roscoe.l.sullivan@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit"this site and complete the survey. 1 -----Original Message ----- From: Chris Hopper[mailto:chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 8:42 AM To: Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Village At Little Creek Buffer impacts Stephanie: Attached are revised pages from the PCN. My apologies. These have been incorporated into the original application, which I will be uploading to the USACE's FTP site for Ross. However - at 64Mb, it's too large to email. Ross: SAW -2016-01649 - these changes update North Carolina's riparian buffer impacts only. In the application, I neglected to ensure the buffer impact table reflected the text/impact maps provided. No change in stream or wetland areas is included. Thanks - please let me know if there are questions or if I can do anything else. Regards, Chris Hopper, CEI 919-274-5979 Goss, $tephanie Frown: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 9:00 AM To: Goss, Stephanie; Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) Subject: RE: [External] RE: Village at Little Creek CAUTION: External. email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Please disregard the 2017 plans - they've been updated since. I've sent a request for the complete plan set - as a single file - as it will be provided to the contractors. Once received, I'll share with you. If it looks like they won't be sent today, I'll let you know so you can `put it on hold. Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. .(919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.'corn -'---Original Message----- ! From:Goss, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 8:48 AM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com>; Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Subject: RE: [External] RE: Village at Little Creek Chris; So; now I am confused as to which plans I should be reviewing. Chris, can you ,please clarify. Thanks. 'Stephanie Z. Goss Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 919-791-4256 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be,subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties -----Original Message ----- From: Chris Hopper[mailto:chris.hopper@carolinaeco:c'c Sent: Friday, August 03, 2018 8:38 AM To: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@use ce..army.mil>; Goss,, Stephanie <stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov> 1 Subject: [External] RE: Village at Little Creek CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Thanks Ross: Valid. I'm requesting the complete set that will be provided to contractors and will forward once received. Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www.carolinaeco.com -----Original Message ----- From: Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.SuIlivan@usace.army.mil> Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 7:36 AM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com>; stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov Subject: RE: Village at Little Creek Chris, I just want to point out that all of the plans that you sent except for the Buffer impact sheets (which were signed and sealed in 2018), appeared to be old drawings signed/sealed in 2017, whereas the plans that I permitted were signed in 2018. The old plans all show a different route for the utility line and a different configuration for SCMs. The main reason for pointing this out is that I have some concerns over which set of plans are going to be turned over to the contractor prior to the work beginning on site. Can you confirm which set of plans are being used for this project? I know you replaced C26 with an updated sheet, but there are still numerous sheets in that package that have the alternate SCM/utility configuration. Best, Ross Ross Sullivan, PWS, ISA Certified Arborist Regulatory Specialist Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Wilmington District Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587 Office #: 919-554-4884. Ext. 25 Email: roscoe.l.sullivan@usace.army.mil We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located at: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 Thank you for taking the time to visit this site and complete the survey. -----Original Message ----- From: Chris Hopper [mailto:chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com] Sent: Thursday, August 2, 2018 1:11 PM To: stephanie.goss@ncdenr.gov; Sullivan, Roscoe L III CIV (US) <Roscoe.L.Sullivan@usace.army.mil> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] FW: Village at Little Creek Ross/Stephanie: Please replace page C26 with this version. An earlier iteration got mixed into the application. Apologies for the confusion. Chris Chris Hopper CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 Blockedwww.carolinaeco.com <Blockedhttp://www.carolinaeco.com> From: Keith Gettle <kgettle@caaengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, August 2; 2018 12:58 PM To: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Subject: RE: Village at Little Creek Revised grading plan,attached. Keith P. Gettle, PE caaENGINEERS, Inc. (919) 210-3934 1233 Heritage Links Drive Wake Forest, NC 27587 4932B Windy Hill Drive Raleigh, NC 27609 C-2151 From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@caroli.naeco.com <mailto!chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> > Sent: Thursday, August 2, 201810:24 AM To: Keith' Gettle <kgettle@caaengineers.com <mailto:kgettle@caaengineers.com> > Subject: Village at Little Creek Keith:. Any word on the grading plans? Chris Hopper Senior Scientist CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. 3040 NC Hwy 42 West Clayton NC 27520 (919) 274-5979 Blockedwww.carolinaeco.com <Blockedhttp://www.ca'ro'lihaeco.com> I i 3 Goss, Stephanie 'From: Chris Hopper <chris.hopper@carolinaeco.com> Sent: Thursday, July"26, 2018 5:02 PM To: Goss, Stephanie Subject: [External] FW: -SAW -2016-01649 Dairy Farm Road Site CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified: Send all suspicious email as'an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> It took a while - but here is our discussion after her visit. No changes were made to what we flagged. Thanks! Chris Hopper. CAROLINA ECOSYSTEMS INC. (919) 274-5979 www..ca,roli,naeco.com -71-Original Message ----- From: Dailey, Samantha J SAW <Samantha.J.Dailey@usace.army.mil> Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2016 1:26 PM To.- Chris Hopper<chris.hopper@.caro.linaeco.com> Subject: SAW -2016-01649 Dairy Farm Road Site Chris, It was a pleasure meeting with you today and I look forward to working with you in the future. I spoke with other PMs here and the. areas in question meet indicator F19: Piedmont Floodplain Soils for use in Problematic Hydric Soils, under 2.) Fluvial Deposits within Flood plains. Therefore, wetlands WF and WG will remain as identified in your original delineation. If you could provide an electronic copy of•the delineation that would be helpful in future processing. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact -me. Thanks, Sam Samantha Dailey Regulatory Specialist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Division 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919) 554-4884, Ext. Ext. 22 1 N 5 Endangered Species arid, Designated Critical,t=laiDitat(corps Requirement); 5a..,Willi.#his.projectoecuc,in:or_near,.°an,area with ,federally=protect6d species or, L� Yes Q No - habitat?; ` 5b ;'H,ave you checke-with.;ttis,.USFWS:coneerning.Endangered Species Act ®Yes, lAo impacts?_ 5c:, Af:ves; indicate'tha:.Q8FWl Fjeld O.fce you, have contacted. Raleigh 5d: What data sources;did:you Use to determine:wheth'er your site would impact Endangerec! Species orpesignatetl Critical Habitat? USMSMabsitehttp;µ{ww.fws:govlralpidh/specieslcntylisVw, ke:htmi; NO Natural'Heritage,Data Explorer vias performed (attached). �; 6 Essen ial,'Fish-Habitat`{Corps Requirement} . 6a Wil[ this project occur in ar.near arrarea .designated as essential fish` habitat? Yes' .' : . �. No 6b; What,data sq%irces;ciid;yotr use to. determine whether yoUr-site would impact Essentia[Fis_ h°Habit' htip liwtlwvd.hai5itat noa govipra#ectiorilerhlefYiiriepper.htmi 7 Histonc or Prehistoric Ciulturai Resiources. {Corps Requirement}'` I 7a . Will this protect accurin: or near,an area -that the state federal or tntiai. overritnanis have deal Hated as, tZavin histone or�cultural reservation gstatus-{e.g:, {' Yes a ®iJoi National Histanc Trust;designatiori or. properties significaot in . -= :!N rth Carolina history and archaeologY)?- i 7b WPiat data scurees did you• use to -determine: whether your site'wotld impact historic qr archeological resources? HP©WEB Map Seruice http Itgis ncdccgovlhpowebl: Nationai,Register'of Historic Plaee.Fsttp:Ihvww.nps.govinr(researehl. 8 Flooddone�Ctesigri tlo, {Corps Requirement}, 8a V�iilithis prclect occtfr►n a FEMA destgnatetl.100-year,floodplain? [� Yes `.°' Q'No - 8b..lf,yes, ekplain ho'wv pro1ect me' ets*FEMA,requirernetita GAA:is worki_hg'Wlfil the'Titwn,o€ Ctayton to secure: floodpiain_developrrienf,pprmit_s and -to ensure complia oamith;their; El©otlpiain,",Developm_ ent' Ordinance._ :8c; What,source,(s) id.you its to n3aKe the-floodpWn,deten-nination? , . North; Garofina;Roodpfair-iutappiiig'Program.izttp¢ltwwu{.ncfloodenaps.comt . it Appitcantft�gertt'a;Prtnted.lame Rpplicantll'gent's Sir�ature°. Date , {Agent S, Ignature is-vaiid only''if:an autl orlZtlVon", , leiter from,the aA licant is'