HomeMy WebLinkAbout19870237 Ver 1_COMPLETE FILE_19870407?Y dµSV1Tf'v? State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary April 7, 1987 Director CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Thomas Karam, Partner Olde Towne Subdivision Partnership P. O. Box 2215 3151 Clarendon Blvd. New Bern, North Carolina 28560 Subject: Application for Water Quality Certification Olde Towne Subdivision Craven County Dear Mr. Karam: Your application dated December 10, 1986 for a Water Quality Certification under Section 401 of the Federal Clean Water Act as Amended has been reviewed by our staff. Your proposal is to expand the existing residential subdivision by excavation and fill to create a new canal 900 feet long by 200 feet wide. The issuance of a Water Quality Certification is a finding by this Division that the proposed activity will not cause a violation of water quality standards or discharge guidelines. There is a particular aspect of the project which causes us considerable concern as to the effect on water quality standards in these waters. The design of the canal results in a long dead-end canal with little opportunity for mixing and dilution with adjacent waters. The stagnant water which results in such a system causes violations of water quality standards for dissolved oxygen and other parameters. This is shown by the data which you furnished (conducted by East Engineering and Associates) that revealed approximately 156 dissolved oxygen violations observed in the existing canal system over a four-year period. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer .i Mr. Thomas Karam, Partner Page 2 April 7, 1987 Because of the reasons cited above, I have concluded that the proposed project should not be certified. Your application for a Water Quality Certification is hereby denied. Should you redesign the project in such a manner as to satisfy our concerns for water quality protection, I will reconsider this denial. It is suggested that you work closely with our Washington Regional Office in any redesign of the proposed project and further details which would be needed. You do have the right to a review by the Environmental Management Commission, if the denial is unacceptable to you. Your request for Commission review must be in writing, identifying the specific items to be contended, within 10 days of your receipt of this denial. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Bill Mills at 919/733-5083. Sincerely, R. Paul Wilms cc: George Everett Dennis Ramsey Washington Regional Office David Owens NKDATA DF/CAMA/401 REV DATE 03/20/8 ACTION > IN FILE:: > D C AMA401 PSWD > FORMAT > NliS. FCAMA NEXT RC D > 00174 f:f:::(:ORD HAS BEEN CHANGED, RECORD NO 00173 FRD DATA PRO JO : l' 0 1 3 i'FtOJ : C-1LDE:: TOWNE:: SUBDIVISION COUNTY: CRAVEN REGION: 07 ASSIGNED TO: W,. M ti5m JOINT NOTICE: Y TYPE CERTIFICATION RECOMMENDATION DATE,.*,.'.' YYMMDD 404 PN: 401 RED: Y ISSUE: RECEIVED: 87010l.*) CAN A ONLY: GC.:: DENY: INITIAL REPORT: 870122 DF/C.:r=rMA : Y GCHOLD: FINAL REPORT: 870320 RECEIVING STREAM: UT-TRENT RIVER CLANS: .SB.... 'W BASIN: NE U COMMENTS: EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DE V . LOCATED JUST OFF SR 1200 W OF NEW BERN EXIS'T'ING SYSTEM OF I...('lKES AND CANAL.. EXTENDING i'tE'F'Rl:iX . 4000 LF OFF TRENT RIVER APPLICANT PROPOSES TO ESTABLISH 6 ADDITIONAL LOTS AND EXCAVATE A NEW ACCESS CANAL. AF'I" ROX,. 900 X 200 X 6 FT DEEP. TO BE CONNECTED TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM PROJECT WILL INVOLVE:: FILL IN 3.5 ACRES OF 404 WETLANDS 4-YEAR STUDY CONDUCTED BY EAST ENGINEERING AND ASSOC. SHOWS APPROX.. 156 D.G. VIOLATIONS IN THE EXISTING CANAL SYSTEM; THIS DATA SUPPORTS DEN POSITION THAT LONG DEAD-..END YSTI_:ll:'i 1::F:i.:ATE STAGNATE WATER CONDITIONS AND CAUSES VIOLATIONS OF WATER QUALITY STANDARDS; RECOMMEND DENIAL OF 401 COPIES: WARD-CENTRAL-MILLS-MERCER E_ MAR 213 t3 98 I•A. is ;i. it s ..tt I()A! s ?,,<EO sr??s al ?1? c? JAN' 7 '987 4TnMD-NEB/LP UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV F, CE, IWD ?345.,COURTLAND STREET A'T'LANTA, GEORGIA 30355 Colonel Paul W. Woodbury District Engineer U.S. Array Corps of Engineers, Wilmington P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-1890 ATTENTION: Dave Baker SUBJECT: Karam and Pridgen (old Towne Subdivision) (Public Notice 86-N-025-0444) Dear Colonel Woodbury: 3h , 6 1987 `;g 2 1.}?w< ?,*r?f?l9??r taP Mgt, N, C. This is in response to the subject public notice concerning a proposal to expand an existing residential subdivision adjacent to a manmade canal off the Trent River, Craven County, North Carolina. In order to provide fill for five residential lots the applicant proposes to excavate an access canal to the existing waterway. The proposed canal would be approximately 900 ft. long by 200 ft. wide by -6.5 ft. deep. This excavation will remove approximately 3.7 acres of wooded wetlands. Based on a recent site visit by a member of my staff, it appears that approximately 3.5 acres of wooded wetlands will also be destroyed by filling portions of lots 57, 58 and 59. Floristic wetland species noted at the proposed project site include red maple (Acer rubrum), cypress (Taxodium distichun), red bay (Persea borbonia), sawgrass (Cladiun jamaieense) and cattail (Typha sp.) Wooded wetlands perform valuable functions within the aquatic system including: fish and wildlife habitat values, detrital export, water quality services, and vital stormaater retention capabilities. It is clear that the proposed project is not water dependent and will eliminate a valuable aquatic resource. In addition, the proposed canal will have the potential for creating cronic water quality problems. Consequently, it is our opinion that the project is contrary to the Section 404 Guidelines and should be denied. Sincerely yours, 4 .T. Heinen, Chief Marine and Estuarine Branch Water Management Division cc: See enclosed } cc: Mike Gantt, Field Supervisor U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Raliegh, NC R. Paul Wilms, Director NC Division of Environmental Management Preston Pate, Chief Field Supervisor NC office of Coastal Management W. Donald Baker NC Wildlife Resources Commission John Parker, Permits Coordinator NC office of Coastal Management Randy Cheek, Area Supervisor National Marine Fisheries Service Beaufort, NC J.T. Brawner, Regional Director National Marine Fisheries Service St. Petersburg, FL • a . IN REPLY REFER TO Regulatory Branch DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 1890 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28402.1890 February 13, 1987 SUBJECT: File No. SAWC086-N-025-0444 Mr. John Parker Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Dear Mr. Parker: r Reference the application of Mr. T. A. Karam and Mr. L. E. Pridgen for a Department of the Army permit to excavate a boat basin connecting an existing borrow lake to Olde Town Lake and the Trent River off Harbor Island Road, New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. The Federal agencies have completed review of the proposal as presented by the application and your field investigation report. By letters of January 29, February 3, and February 10, 1987, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service, respectively, recommended that authorization not be provided. The agencies objected to the projected loss of wooded wetlands and the adverse effects that the loss would have on fish and wildlife habitat and water quality. We support these recommendations for denial of the permit. Questions or comments may be addressed to Mr. David Baker, telephone (919) 343-4642. Sincerely, Charles W. Hollis Chief, Regulatory Branch Enclosures -2- Copies Furnished without Enclosures: Mr. William Mills ater Quality Section Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Post Office Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Mr. Charles Jones Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Ms. L. K. (Mike) Gantt U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Post Office Box 25039 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-5039 Mr. Randy Cheek National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 Mr. William L. Kruczynski, Chief Wetlands Section Region IV Marine and Estuarine Branch U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 345 Courtland Street Atlanta, Georgia 30365 Mr. James Mercer Morehead City Regional Office North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Post Office Box 769 Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 --??•??.-??...• ?v.. ... .. .+. •+. .v va? ?1..YLLV(: l"iL LV1 PEFt IT AND WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION The Department of Natural Resources and Community Development hereby gives blic notice ashrequired by NCGS 113A-119.(b) and 143-215 3(a)(1) (c) resat Thomas A. Karat and T-onnie nridrren of New 'Bern North Carolina filed an application on. December 17, 1986 for a permit from the Division of Coastal Management to.develop in an Area of Environmental Concern and for certification from the Division of Environmental Management that a discharge of fill material in project wetlands will not violate applicable water quality standards. ' According to said application the applicants propose to expand •Olde Townie Subdivision by excavation 'and fill-to create a new canal. A copy of the entire application and additional information may be examined (or copies furnished upon request and payment of reproduction costs) during normal business hours of the Division.of Coastal Manage- ment Jim Mercer, Marine Fisheries Building, Morehead City and/or the Division of Environmental Management Bill Moore, 17R.CD Regional Office, 1502 North Market St., Washington, NC The Division of Environmental management proposes to take final action on this water quality certification on or before March 3, 1987 The issuance of the CAMA Major Development permit and the Section 401 Certification may deviate from this projected date depending upon the na- ture of the comments submitted and subsequent hearings that may result. All persons desiring to make comments should do so in writing to Mr. David Owens, Director, Division of Coastal Management, PO.-Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C. 27611 prior to February 23, 1987 fox consideration in the CAMA permit decision, and.to Mr. Bill Mills, Division of Envron- mental Management, PO Box 27687, Raleigh., N. C. 27611 prior to February 23, 1987 for consideration in the water quality certifi- cation decision. Later comments on the CAMA application will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision: Project modifications may occur based on review and comment by the public and state and federal agencies. Notice of the permit decision in this.matter will be provided upon Written request. PubVish.on February 6, 1987 ? r . lames G. Martin, Governor David W. Owens S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary F' ld Director State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Coastal Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 1e Services Section P.O. Box 769 Morehead City, NC 28557 919 726-7021 February 3, 1987 Sun Journal P.O. Box 1149 New Bern, NC 28560 Dear Sir: Please publish the attached notice in the February 6, 1987 issue of the Sun'Journal. Send us a bill in duplicate and Affidavit of publication as Loon as possible. Cordially yours, Jim Mercer Field Consultant /kc re: Karam & Pridgen 1 s: P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733.2293 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer it r NKDATA DO CAMrs/40•i REV DATE 0 1/22/S'7 ACTION X ADD ,E-l.LEF > DF=CAMA40i PSWD > i°(?g.MAT• > i••!RDFCAMA NEXT RC'D > Rig. i r4 FCC:TION''WA:I?D. ' ENTE&•T•HE DATA TO BE STORED F RD DATA PROW 00 73 1 ROJ: CU...IDE: TOWNE: SUBDIVISION: COUNTY CRAVEN RE::CrT(JN: ti,' F l.txNf: D' TO: WJM W? Jr.i:L:??'T NOTICE: •TYPIE CERTIFICATION RECOMME NDATION Zi(tTE YYMi°DD 404 I°'N : 40 1 RE::Q : Y ' l BUE" : RECi I VEC? : 8701 16 CCAMA ONLY: GC: DENY: INITIAL REPORT : 870122 DF/CAMA: Y GC: HOLD: y FINAL REPORT: RECEIVING STREAM: UT-TRENT RIVER CLASS : SB ; BASIN: COMMENTS: EXISTING RESIDENTIAL DEV. LOCATED JUST OFF SR 1200 SW OF NEW BERN EXISTING SYSTEM OF LAKES AND CANAL S EXTENDING APPROX. 4000 LF OFF TRENT RIVER APPLICANT PROPOSES TO ESTABLISH 6 ADDITIONAL LOTS AND EXCAVATE A NEW r= CC ;E S, C:ANAL.. APPROX. 00 X 200 X 6 FT DEEF'.: TO BE CONNECT ED TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM PROJECT W:i:I...L :I:NVCIE...tiE: F1:I._L IN 3.5 At::RI:::S OF 404 WETLAND S ADDITIONAL COMMENTS PENDING SITE V ISIT COPIES: WARO-CENTRAL-MILLS-MERCER ECFP,t% 2 3 287 F71.LD 111VESTICATION REPnwr 1. ^ Applicant's name Olde Towne Subd. Thomas A. Y.ararl and Lonnie E. Pridgen, Jr. 2. Location of project site SR 1200; Bats Hill Rd, ; Olde Towne Subdiv Man-'wade canal off the Trent River,.Craven Countyr _ 3. Investigation type: Dredgc & Fill X _ CAl!A X 4. investigative procedure: (A) Dates of site visit 7-29-86 10-23-86 1-7-87 (B) Was applicant present yes r no no 5. Processing procedure: Application received Dec. 17, 1986 Office Morehead - City 6. Site description: (A) Local Land Use Plan- New Bern October 1°81 _ Land classification from LUP Trans itionlConservation Development constraints identificci in LUP See CAMA Review Section 35 05 05 N 77 03 46 W Air photo 1984 Strip #48, Frams (1480 G-8 (B) AEC(s) involved: Ocean Hazard Coastal wetlands x Estuarine waters x (C) (D) (E) Water dependent: Yes No x (F) (G) Estuarine shoreline X Public trust waters _ x Other Wooded Swamo Sec. .404 Other SC - surface waters Intended use: Public Priva e x Cominercial Type of waste water treatment: • Existing City of New Bern - water and sewer Planned_ R.es i dentialhook-uns ----- Tvpe of structures: Existing residential subdivision - roads and canal Planned expand number of lots with new canal 900 x 200 x 6.5 ft. Estimated annual rate of erosion 0 Source 7. Habitat description: (A) Vegetated wetlands: Wooded Swamo AREA Dredged Fi.1.1i-d Other Section 404 wetlands 3.7 acres (3.5 acres an estimate -_gum, cypress, maple cattail,,saw_g ass (B) Non-vegetated wetlands: Existing canal bot:omland 0.34 acre (C) Other: Highground:.landscape road and lots 1 andsc-ape?5-19--arr_eSPst.' (D) ! Total area disturbed:_AMi?(?x mat-,ly 13_ 9.tsa7_ acre? O?di?turhr3ric __ 8. Project summary The applicant proposes to expand the existing residential subdivision by excavation and fill to create a 'new canal 900 x 200 x 6.5 ft. Thel proj t invg}-ties.-the--dis?)lac.emerit_o£_anp=xi-matel -7--acres cLf_woode:d----- swamp vegetation. i .' 9. Narrative Description Thomas A. Karam and Lonnie E. Pridgen,.Jr. are the owners and developers of Olde Towne Subdivision, the site of their current permit request for expansion of the residential subdivision. The locus of their proposal is a 4 acre section of wooded swamp located on the east side of the Bats Hill Road which connects SR 1200 to this southwest side of New Bern. Several years ago the interior of this low profile property was open to the Trent River with a set of lakes and canals that extend some 40001.off of the River. During the course of this review, two resource items were used to property locate and orient the project to the physical setting. The first is a 1983 photo revised version of the USGS 7h minute quadrangle sheet known as New Bern. For the first time this photo revision shows the foot print location of the man-made canals and lakes within Olde Towne Subdivision. Secondly, the vertical color photography as contracted by the Army Corps of Engineers dated December 1984 focuses on the entire 13 acre project site. The coordinates for each of these resource documents are listed on the cover sheet of this report. The newest waterfront section of Olde Towne Subdivision is known as Harbor Island and contains 12 lots (#48-59) which front on a cul-de-sac road. The work plat drawing sheet, I of 3, shows this arrangement very well. At this time, the applicant proposes 6 additional lots along Harbor Island Road. This particular area which contains approximately 5.5 acres may be the only true high ground property within the scope of the current proposal. Elevations in this area may vary between 3-51. Although maturing pine trees cover the' area, some landscape fill will be reauired along lots 77-82. In order to provide these lots with water access and to generate the needed fill material to raise the surrounding land elevations, the applicant proposes to.excavate an access canal to the existing waterway. The new 3.7 acre canal has an amoebic shape but averages 900' long by 200' wide. The overall water depth in the new canal is projected to be -6.5' relative to the normal water level. This depth is consistent with the prevailing conditions in the existing channel that extends to the Trent River. Problems of excavation in this area have proven difficult due to the thick, dense underground laver of marl that represents the remains of an ancient ocean floor that has turned to rock. Earlier excavation near the Olde Towne Condominiums closer to the Trent River required that dynamite be used in order to blast open the waterway throuqh the layer of marl which runs near to the surface of the ground. r a During the-course of the site visit which was conducted on January 7, 1987, the EPA representative from Atlanta, Georgia confirmed that the 3.7 acre area to be-excavated is classified as Section 404 wetlands. The area is dominated by the following vegetation: maple, gum, cypress, bay, saw grass and cattails. This same type of vegetation occurs along those portions of lots 57, 58 and 59 where the applicant proposes to place spoil material. It was also determined that wetlands dominate that 3.5 acres of land that immediately adjoins the proposed canal along the south side of the would-be shoreline. The indication is, from reviewing the applicant's typical cross-sectional drawings, that this area will be riprapped with rock and filled. 10. Anticipated-Impacts It has been calculated that the proposed project will directly displace approximately 7 acres of wooded swamp vegetation. These areas currently provide wildlife habitat and act as buffer zones between the high ground development and the open waters of the existing canal. The design of the proposed 900' long canal does not enhance the flushing capabilities of the existing system. The projected water depth of -6.5' NWL should be sloped to a reduced depth of perhaps -4' to help prevent the deadend canal from creating stagnate waters and possible fish kills during the hot summer months. CAMA Review The Land Use Plan for the City of New Bern,dated October 1981 was consulted in the review of this project. It is noted that the land classification map indicates the high ground property as'"transition" while the wooded swamp areas are shown to be "conservation". In addition, the soils map shows the project to be prone to flooding and poorly suited for building pruposes (see p. 21). These factors are stated to be develop- ment constraints on page 29. The wooded swamp to be excavated is classified by the Land Use Plan on page 22 as Fragile Area and Conservation Area on page 47. It would appear that the displacement of some 7 acres of wooded habitat is inconsistent with the goals and objectives of the New Bern Land Use Plan. Submitted by: James L. Mercer Date: January 12, 1987 i i i V. tail We of ?ra1+a Ana ( ti A. 11. Private 2 CortYnaciel , 3. Masts Dr soomem or IMUttTlii 4. Oder 3(1 n(m F --.. 8 1. Lot sl:•(s). 9 f (,Pt ?--- Z. Eievadon of lotk) above mran hi'4h water _ Sand I0am 3, WI type and tsxlure -sidential _ f? - 4. Type of building facilities or Wuctufts ..?--- • X ...._ Planned S• Sawate disposal and/o( waste water treatment A. Existtrt e. Ocscribe Served h Cit Of New Bern TRa.kit. ,rIf-) i. COMMUNITY RURAL 6, fine/ Classlrieaunn (circle Pane) OEVELOP`ATH1:R flee CAMA Local Land Usa /'tern Synnpsls) CONSERvAT ION VI, rMulning to Fill and Water Quality. No ?• A. Goes the proposed orntect ;ryocnte( adore t wat rs as a result of Dru ect activity or planned uW of the the Oil Q. 1, Will any y rtino runulf or ditcher ge area following protect completion' Yet-No x 2. Tyne of d6char14 ). Location of dischar;t None V11. rm.gnt rate of shoreline e(o?ion Iif known): tt1?>y of SUU petnsJp (rr Vlll LL*4 permit numbers and Issue dates of previous DeaN meat of Army Cwtm of El>w . trans in pro*t area, if applicable: 90 days t3L Ltr4lh of tLrr» rea,uked to complete proiect: )L in wittoo to the completed apotiridon form, ttre fadlowlnq lame pNast be provWad: A. Att.sch a copy of the deed (with St+te application only) or other instrument under which applicant claims title to the affected privimfly. OR If aopiieant Is not c:siming to be the owner o1 raid prol,erty, then forwsfd a cony of the dttd a other Instrument under which the owner claim. title plus written pamistion frorn the owner 1i, carry out the proiect on his land. 8. Attach an accurate work plat drawn lo scale on 8'h X 11" white pii!Yr (test instruction hookiet for details). Note: Original drawings preferred • only h,gh etuality topics acceoted. C A copy of the aopliutinn and plat must be served upon adiacsnt r,pam-e. larutnll nett bylireitlered at certified mail ter by outh.-iti. -, IG.S. 113.729 (d)lEnter date carved 0. Litt names and cninolete addrttcet of the rioartan landowners with Droomly adloining applicant's. Such owners have 30 days in which to tubmil comments its aetnctes listed (below. Inffnr Tlltlmas-?_4?fl Tram f?o-d New Bern, N.C. 28560 fJ.C. St. 1'?it1?SSr.hlir' _ t 5 , t tr Clltl) Rd. rJew Hnrn, N.?:. _Tr on Ro flit C(I. Of New f3ern Inc-.-I'.C). i.iox 2215, Now I let-ii, X1. Csnlfication•rcnuiremenl: 1 certify that to 11te bet( of my knnwledtii• the prooose becconducecdiin a with the Slate of North Carnl,nah aoorovcd coastal manatement oro`ram and will "tanner consistent with such program. / XIi. Any permit ivied pitru'jnt In 111it annlicalinn will allow only thot devrloomeni detcrih-A in this appli C`lion and plat. Avolit.anit shni,ld therefort dt Kritie in the annlic.ttion and Plat all anticipated dCvr+ l :n cr.f x?niuei, inclu,: ?( en':Nruetion, excavations rillint, and land during. Ibt.T[ Revised Novnmher 18, 1986 AooGcant's Signature i <v Ov V .? r I 1;? 6? k1 ?p \ 22 OL ECT" it P. A r t R. 0, d (,E sow ?O cl:? h? 4? Qo ?o A' Ai fe•Y sift •' IMMT / ' vractr ?Erul S91 ?s DISPOSAL AREA S9 5Q ?h EX/sBNG Q LAKE DISPOSAL AREA 3.7 ACRES 6,4T? r 14 Wf 0.0 •:dC// I;fj TEI f01 REfEPFWE SEE KAU Cf ^?:= 1A PE Wwk. ;v-'W-R ISl A1(i ( , SE fl,h 1', Au:'sL'.:l N f", Ai itf-W 0. l.:nE sul, CRAVtM :EJ.rlru;7RY. 0 TYPICAL SECTION A-A Q - $CALEN V •,0' I LOCATIO!t MAP PROPOSED CHANNELIZATION ,e rt,.••r v Z r v A 1 cc 3 EASTERN ENGINEERING R ASSOCIATES '()I: TPfuT !t AI) k, U nrn•7 v r _I O O r 1 i ' FI ' ?D 6?1 BERN fib' • -: ,.,, ??. ?5 ; ?. It??f F't'.T vc"rT very / " sy 58 ?. , TRYON REAL Y CO. _ Of NEW Kink NC. fl, EXISTING LAKE DISPOSA; AREA ? ,-. ? III ...._. _ - •• '- ``• • \ I a 3.7 ACRES aji, n LONNIE .E.-PRIOGEN, JR. ; !. / THOMAS A. KARAM A OI.DE TOWNE SItB(dV" I •? i /' / i A GU[AAL PARTNLNStW' / I ?-s. ??+ -__• Wf ODD-..-_- 2at? - . f _ \ 6.5 TYPICAL SECTION A - A V-10, ss . ` sF h ROAD , 'e .i DISPOSAL AREA / LONNIE E. PROGEN, JR. ` `, ?0?? •? THOMAS A. KARAM n -4ot0J^r4) r)Arr: ^V Vt PROPOSED CHANNELIZATION O( (te IuWtQ N,.i N T-li to v W O vj O? E 1 2OF 3 EASIER11 ENGINEERIHG• S ASSOCIATES NEH DERV, N.C. i 1 I 1f AN AVERAGE I RP RAP r I Aa REOUNED FOR STABILIZATION 1 GRAUA TKJN 4 - 10 NCI!ES !? ?I11 ??6 2 57- ? GRADE TYPICAL SECTION 3 OF 3 NO SCALE oETAl- FAUERN _ LNG INLCRING PROPOSED CNANNECIZATION R ASSOCIATBI DOI. IU*Ii 3011 TBENT ROAD h4'f f' ND'liydfR IRi 19A W, b TU?!',iT MW BkRN. N.C. l0.:?l1 frv qll 1, Nf , I?I ?I , i r TRYON /REALTY C0./ OF NFM 6ERN, INC. J i y o?If? al>r ME _s 1,"1 LAKE VKH" SKETCH 4 R r /' LCh 41E' E. PRVI-N, JR. THOMAS ,'A. KARAM 1 , 9ogo ?; ?\. % ; 61SPQSAL AREA' ; 30 3-A 0.0 - ? -,- j n r Et TYPICAL SECTION A-A 0 S0 100 200 DATE' W;;T UPFF 18i 1396 PROPOSED CHANNELIZATION 0! 1`E TOU+IF M?. H T(-%:.,`l' rFvtfn Q?RJ r, rif. EASTERN ENGINEERING & ASSOCIATES NEW BERN, r t .n F I r I 1, g2 I S 0 ' SF 'ROAD \ DISPOSAL AREA / LONNIE E. PRIDGEN, JR. X00 ?? THOMAS A. KARAM NEw 'BERN ?4r1 woods n, i ??af V04T`f S*ETOt 58 ?• ,? TRYON REAL /YCO. OF NEW BE!<N, HG. EXISTING \ `, i 1 1 LAKE t ?-! DISPOSAL; AREA %, i/ 3.7 ACRES LONNIE E.- PRIOGEN, JR. THOMAS A. KARAM A OI.DE TOWNE St"I'SpN- I ! A GENERAL PARTNLHStt' I uar on I ,'---- - - - # r t / •6.S TYPICAL SECTION A - A V • 10' Q v O 4 O 2OF 3 5) 1 M-MUMMU OOL? - PROPOSED CHANNELIZATION W IN. TUwtt N.,i N TI11 EASTERN Ell GIN EE RIII G. a ASSOCIATES NEH BERN, 11.C.