HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061953 Ver 1_401 Application_20061206BLUE RIDGE ENGINEERING PLLC 529 Main Street Phone: (336) 838-2500 North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Fax: (336) 838-4179 December 18, 2006 2006 1953 NCDENR Division of Water Quality 401-Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Ref: Access Road for 527+ acres, Tropicana Investors, Inc., Watauga County, NC Gentlemen: I~ ~, , ~ `.: ~_ ~ ~~ RECEIVED Attached you will find seven copies of aPre-Construction Notification Form and the Revised Plans for the above referenced project. These plans shall replace plans prepared by Jason Herman, PE for this project. Please call with any questions. Sincerely, ~w r~ C. Neil Shepherd, PE Copy: Alan Grosman, Tropicana Investors, Inc. Allen Moseley Dan Powers, Timber Solutions Job File #6099 f ~ :~:~ {~ .:~: ,,.~ r ~ ,. .-q ~~ 0 ~ ~. „~_ ,l ~- ,~~. ~~ Office Use Only: Form Version March o5 ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 5 3 USACE Action ID No. DWQ No. (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) r,~~,~rF~~,'T .~, I. rrocessmg RECEIVED . , . a:. ,~ 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ^ 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: i~~loVl Wlc~e ~ ~ _ 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. ff payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: ^ 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (seethe top of page 2 for further details), check bete: ''~ ~` ~ ' `~~'' IL Applicant Information -„ . ,. t. ~, Yi ~~Jt,,7 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: T~o~~4V1A ~hJesi~s, ~ylc. ~~h = ~lati • ~ ~~~~ :`~ :~w,T =Fx,,~:;; Mailing Address: X3005 ~~ SCay„~ ~ D21VG Telephone Number: q S4 ~ 34~- • x}200 Fax Number: 305 • Sq S • 0 3~ 3 E-mail Address: - 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: _- Company Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Page 5 of 12 III. Project Information 4. Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps may be included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decip"he~rable~ maps are provided. J 1. Name of project:~(o (J 1«il/1a. ~.Yl~/~TO'c ~ ~~S ~OQA 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): R 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIl~: Z ~~' ~ " 5~ " ~ ~ ~ O ' X00 Location 1- ' 11~~ County: WATAVo~A Subdivision name (include phase/lot numbt Directions to site (include road numbers/na Nearest Town: ~P GAP J N L 6. Property size (acres): Cl Z~' ~ 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: C.~, 8&X ~rQ.hG~1 8. River Basin: tact kiN - (gee De.~ (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on thLe site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: yACaKT ; aQGe~ voo~ol CoylS}y+ac~"tov- (cam Page 6 of 12 Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossin f_oIf~~ a~ d'is~t_iInct wat y.) L Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): SP.e q~ ~~4 ioCg7l~ ~, °W 10. Describe t~ie overall project in.detail, including the of equipment to be used: vad1H a exi access o v cu~Flt ovr ~ t 11. Explain the purpose of the pro~osed work: v`Oct~ 1 y NCCGS ~~,a 1N n w.. ~ w i. 1-~ .... IV. Prior Project History ff jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Froject Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits 1i ed for prior Lse~~gments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. G/I` ~"~ovMWaT~- /VVtV101~eMtrt~- ~,vMt~" (fJO. 51n14-D'~I Dol~ V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. iJ~A VL Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. I 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: ~[1t~MGw~ d~ cv~Qyl~tT Page 7 of 12 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc• For dams, tel list ' acts due to both structure and flood' Wetland Impact Site Number (indicate on map) Type of Impact Type of Wetland (e.g., forested, marsh, herbaceous, bog, etc.) Located W~~n 100-year Floodplain es/no Distance to Nearest Stream inear feet Area of Impact () N A Total wetland Impact (acres) 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams must be included To calculate acr e, multi 1 1 X width, then divide b 43,560. Stream Impact Number indicate on ma Stream Name Type of Impact Perennial or Intercnittent7 Average Stream Width Before Impact Length linear feet Area of Impact acres i ~~~a~M ~~ P S' . o I 2 UT+n r¢o~~n ct~i S' 4fl • 0 3 N ~~ ~t~ 5' 40 . of K ~, M po561 3' 20 .01 Total Stream Impact (by length and acreage) ~ 4 (~ • 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fll axravatinn ArPtiaino_ flcxxiinQ_ drainaQe_ bulkheads. etC. Own Water ~~ Site Number indicate on ma Name of Waterbody tf a hcable ( ~ ) Type of Impact Type of Waterbody (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, ocean, etc. Area of Impact acres rJ A Total Open Water Impact (acres) Page S of 12 6. List the cumulative ' act to all Waters of the U.S. resin ' from the 'ect: Stream act (acres): O.0 4 Wetland Im act acres Water Im t acres Total Im to Watens of the U.S. (acres) p . 0 ¢ Total Stream act (linear feet): 14~ 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. ~/ /pt 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ^ uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): ~/ _ -_ Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: ~ Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It may be useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation may be required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greaten than or equal to one acre of impacts to freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. Page 9 of 12 USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and fimction and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that may be appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Gtuide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strmuade.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., dead restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. f~ 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP website at httn://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): N Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): A Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): Pagc 10 of 12 IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federaUstate/local) funds or the use of public (faleraUstate) land? Yes ^ No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please att~h a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Meuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. ~ Zone* ~ .__~~~~. ~ Multiplier ~ ;~ ,;.~,.: ~ ~ 3 (2 for Catawba) 1.5 Total ~ ~ ~ ~ • Zone 1 extends out 30 foot perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additiona120 feet from the edge of Zone 1. 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposal (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information as identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. /~{ Pagc 11 of 12 XL Stormwater (r«luirea by nwQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing. sad proposed) versus total aca+eage on the site. Discuss stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations ddnc®strxting total proposed impervious level. ~CSS -~'ka~ lZ°lo ti 7OI. Swage Dbpaal (required by DWQ) R 1 v Clearly detail the' ultimate t methods and disposition (mn-discharge or discharger) of - wastewater generated from the proposed project, or le of the subjoct facility. ~«i>~It~ "'l on-t~~e subs ~ violation: (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No { Is this an after-tho-fact permit application? Yes ® No ^ ,; XIV. Cumulative Impact (rcgaircd by DwQ) ~~ g ~~ Will this project (based on past sod reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional ' development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yea ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or qusatitative cumulative impact analysis in accArdance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our webaite at httu://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlaads. If no, please provide a short narrative description: '3 1! XV. Other Circumstance (Optionan: It is the. applicant's responsr'bility to submit the application sufficiently in .advance of desired oonstrvction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, as applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with F.adangered sod ~ 3'hr+eatened Species, accessr3ility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). ]?sere 12 of 12 (Agent's signature is valid only if as authorization letter from the applicant is pmvided.) . . NGS SPC RESULTS asssssssassas:sssss:saasssasssssssssssssasaa:sass:sssssss:s North(Feet) East(Feet) Datum Zone INPUT 905561. 1250282. NAD27 3200 _--===a=s==i==:sssss!====-___-__--•====sssss=ms=s=ssssasssa ,. , LATITUDE LONGITUDE DD MM SS.sssss DDD MM SS.sssss 36 12 92.34446 81 32 29.16993 NGS SPC RESULTS AREA ~TT P~f~ ---- 3200 Page 1 of 1 sssssssiis R!'Sissssss isimiissiisisisisaissi ssOOiiississsssss North(Feet) East (Feet) Datum Zone INPUT - 906171. 1299707. NAD27 3200 s:sssssssssssssss:seas:ss:ssss:ss:sssssss:ssssssssssssassss LATITUDE DD MM SS.sssss 36 12 48.22907 3(~. 2133 LONGITUDE DDD MM SS.sssss 81 32 36.37455 ~(.s4~~o NGS SPC RESULTS Page 1 of 1 sssss::asssssss::sssss:sassssssssssssssssas:sssssssssssssss North(Feet) East (Feet) Datum Zone INPUT 906363. 1249496. NAD27 3200 :sssssssssaas:ssss:ss:sa:sssssssssssasssss:s:::sss:s:s:ssss LATITUDE LONGITUDE DD MM SS.sssss DDD MM SS.sssss 36 12 50.07414 81 32 38.98405 3~. 2(~q° NGS SPC RESULTS Page 1 of 1 ss:sssssssssa:ssassssssssssssa:s:ssassssssss:ssssssssssasss North(Feet) East(Feet) Datum Zone INPUT 906996.. 1249454. NAD27 3200 es:sssss:ssss:ssss:asssssaasassssssssasas:s::sassssssssssss LATITUDE LONGITUDE AREA ~e(,~,y/~ ~~(i'(~ DD'MM_SS:sssss DDD_MM_SS.sssss ____ ~~ 36 12 51.37778 81 32 39.56237 3200" AREA ~-{-Y~1~,{I~ Cf O~+l 3200 AREA J 1 1 c.~.r' 1 LI U~~(-!~'~ ---- ~3 ~J 3200 ~t..~~439" ~. Page 1 of 1 Cro ss i n~ J U (V .1, QI Z U O r W a /" STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT. LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statues of North Cazolina as amended, and other :applicable Laws, Rules, and.Regulations: PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO TROPICANA INVESTORS, INC. WATAUGA COUNTY FOR THE construction, operation and maintenance of stormwater management systems incompliance with the provisions of 1 SA NCAC 2H.1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules' and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications, and other supporting data as .attached aad on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit for the Grosman Home Site. . 'this permit shall be effective from the date of issuaace until rescinded and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: • I. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. The overall tract built-upon area percentage or lot sizes for the project must be maintained at levels at least as stringent as the low density levels specified in the stormwater rules. These levels are summarized below (more stringent levels may apply iri accordance with the rules}: - DEVELOPMENT. THAT IS WITHIN: LOW DENSITY LEVEL: The twenty coastal counties 30% One-half mile of and draining to SA waters 25°/u ... ~~ - Gne mile of and draining to HQWs 1Z% or 1 acre lots 12% or 1 acre lots Defined management area for Freshwater ORWs 2. The development must demonstrate that no areas within the project site are of such high density that stornnwater runoff threatens water quality . 3. Approved plans and specifications for projects covered by this permit are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. q The only runoff conveyance systems allowed will be vegetated .conveyances such as swad swales, minimum side slopes of 3:1(H:'~ where possible, and in no case less that 2:1, rip rappe or curb outlets systems as defined in the stormwater rules and approved by the Division. S. No piping shall be allowed except: a. That minimum amount necessary to ~~ runoff beneath an impervious surface such as a road. b. That minimum artiount needed under driveways to provide access to lots. 6. Projects .covered by this .permit will maintain a minimum 30 foot wide vegetative buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters. 7. The Permittee shall not fill in, alter, or pipe any vegetative practices (such as swales) shown on the approved plans as part of the stormwater management system without submitting a revision to the permit and receiving approval from the Division. 8. The Engineer/Permittee must certify thattent of the ato roved plans and specificlationls ~ spaces have been constructed within substantial in Pp 9. The following items will require a modification to the permit: a. Any revision to the approved plans, regardless of ize. b. Project name change c. Transfer of ownership d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. e. Further subdivision of the project area. In addition, the Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require modification to the. permit. ` 10. The Director may notify the Pennittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the uirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the Permittee minimum req the site to meet minimum shall submit a written tune schedule to the Director for modifying requirements. The Permittce shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Duector that the changes have been made. 2. 3. f_.... .. II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE The Permittee shall comply with the following schedule for construction~aad maintenance of the Low Density Option stormwater systems: a. Swales and other vegetated conveyances shall be constructed is their entirety, vegetated, and be operational'for their intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface except roads. b. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the svvales or other vegetated conveyances will be repaired immediately. The Permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to operate the permitted stormwater management systems at optimum efficiency to include: . a. Inspections ~ . b. Sediment removal . c. Mowing and revegetating of the side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance,with approved plans specifications. The Permittee shall submit the Engineer/Permittee Certification in accordance with Part I Item 8 within 30 days of completion of the project. The Permittee shall submit all information request u ~y the Director or his representative within the time frame specified in the written information req 4. III. .GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Pertnittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North. Carolina General Statutes 143-215:6A to 143-215.6C. 2. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until revoked or terminated. 3. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated for cause. The filing ~ t canditionor a permit modification, revoca#on and reissuance, or termination does not stay any pernii it does not rohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the perjnit, 4. The issuance of this perm p the it as allowed by the laws, rules, and revoking and reissuing the permit, or terminating pew regulations contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2H.1000; and North Carolina General Statute 143-215.] et. al. ,.. , ~ .~ ~. 5. The Permittee shall submit to the Director and shall have received approval for revised plans, specifications, and calculations prior to construction for those revisions under any of the following conditions: a. Any additions, deletions, or redesign of the previously permitted amount of built-upon area proposed, regardless of the size of the modification. b. Further subdivision of the project area. 6. 'The permit is not transferable to any person except after notice to and approval by the Director. The Director may require modification or ievocation and reissuance of the permit to change. the name and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary. A formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality, accotnp~ed by the appropriate fee, documentation form both parties involved, and other supporEing materials as maybe appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits, and may or may not be approved. 7. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, attons, or ordinances that may be.imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local, state, rules, regal and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable river buffer rules in I SA NCAC 2B .0200, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements in 15 A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Permit NCGO10000, and any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 2B .0200 and 15A NCAC 2H .0500, and all applicable North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Acthealth and safety standards. Pernut issued this 14s` day of November 2005. NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION ,: Ste a .Tedder, Water Quality Supervisor Permit Number SW4051001 ti SITE .r ~.~, ~~ ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NTH L PLAN EROSION CO o s ~~ ~ wrsr rsaat ®~ F0~ ACCESS GOAD TN~U E NORTH AROLINA ~.n F ~, ~, TRO~'ICANA INVESTORS, INC. r~ 527+ ACHE TACT NORTH CAROLINA MAP SCALE• NT5 ~ ~ 1•~AX ID #2940-59-6710-000 ~I ' ~ r^'\ ggJ JJJ ~ y . '~ ~ ~ ~ g " , ~~ . ~ ~"~~f ~ ELK LANE 1570 S R < ~ "" ~ r ^1 ~ , ~ ~ BOONE ~ . , ~ . . „ - i ° ~ ~ o, ~ , , , ~ ~~ `~~ ELK TOWNSHIP , ~ ~ ; - ~~ ; °°4 °' a' ~ Y~~ ~` - e ~ e~ - ~ P ` • SITE , ~ NC WATAUGA COUNTY ~ + .r>~, W ~ ~ , ~ _ ~: - LAT=362133° ~"' ='' ' .,.® e s e ~, ~' ~ '~h. -~ ~ ~ ' LON=81.5433° CC~)NTACTS - ~ ~ : i , r o ,... . ~~ . . ,~ ° °, ~ ~ ~ t ~ ,, ~ ` ° e ' ®: - OWNER EROSION CONTROL North Carolina One-Call Center ~;v ~ a i ~ / u _ ~~}} __ t~ ` ~ ~ ' " ~ TROPICANA INVESTORS, INC. WATAUGA COUNTY DEPT. OF U 000 °' _."~ ~ ) w. e,, J ~ ~ ~ ~ ALAN GROSMAN PLANNING AND INSPECTIONS - ' P \; ~% ` 13005 BISCAYNE BAY DRIVE RANDY WOODROW 800-632-4949 4 ~ ~~ ,. ; ~ "' Y~u ~~ __ _. _.. ~} ~ m ~ " '..~-•~ n s' NORTH MIAMI, FL 33181 331 QUEEN STREET CWL H IICWS BTCR gmGI.M. a axn+ cncaw ~ f ` ~ ~ • ~ - " ~. ~-- A ~ / ~~~ ; ~ ~ " (9541 347-4200 SUITE A Call BEFOR DIGI ~ ~ , L i~ ±- N i ®: ~ ~ ~ =` _~ '. ` ~\ a `s~' _ _ _ -~- - J "- I 1 s y e• +'` BOONE. NC 28607 (828) 265-8043 ENGINEER BLUE RIDGE ENGINEERING PLLC (828) 265-8080 FAX e Law' - v !~ d ~ d ( 1 C. NEIL SHEPHERD, PE 529 MAIN STREET NCDENR - STORMWATER WATAUGA COUNTY MAP N. WILKESBORO, NC 28659 DIVISION OF WATER pUALITY (336) 838-2500 STEVE W. TEDDER SCALES r 3 Mr-ES ~aeaROx.r (336) 838-4179 FAX 585 WAUGHTOWN STREET WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27107 RVEY R (336) 771-5000 n I ~ DRAWI V~ I VEX MAIN STREET SERVICES PLLC (336) 771-4631 FAX ~ RONALD A. BELL, JR, PLS ~ 529 MAIN STREET NCDENR -WETLANDS us. uWY zRi N. WILKESBORO, NC 28659 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ~ (336) 838-2500 401 WETLANDS UNIT (336) 838-4119 FAX 1650 MAIL SERVICE CENTER us. rrWY a21~ RALEIGH, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786 a TITLE ao ua as C011NiY L"E GENERAL CONTRACTOR (919) 733-6893 FAX C COVER SHEET TIMBER SOLUTIONS, INC. OZ OVERALL LAYOUT Sao EASr DAN POWERS U.S,A.C.E, -WETLANDS OO - 4}~5 G3 STA O ao us a21 ~ RocE Ro 93030B~C NWY 194 NORTH US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE + O4 STA 4 75 3 OO RIDGE ~5zi. ACRES LANSING, NC 28643 151 PATTON AVENUE C5 STA 3I+OO - 49+25 eaE ~~ ~ PARKWAY rE~x LaNE I (336) 384-1469 ROOM 208 f336) 384-1473 FAX ASNEVILLE, NC 28801-5006 C6 STA 49+25 - 68+50 EI.K GREEK RD S~R. C70 J (ate) 271-79ao C7 STA 68+50 - 85+91 9.R. ISaB ~. ~Y az~ (ate) 2a1-ago FAx C8 EROSION CONTROL DETAILS STEWART 9MMOV8 RO SR. 1569 RurngR ~AnGU R° NCWRC ° sR. 1576 ex cREEx RonD SR. 1508 ~ NC WILDLIFE RESOURCE COMMISSION WESTERN PIEDMONT REGION COORDINATOR / 3855 IDELWILD ROAD KERNERSVILLE, NC 27284-9180 VICINITY MAP (336) 769-9453 SCALE r • MILE IAPPROXJ ©CCPYBI~11 'K1D6 BY &IR Ru'aY: e}GnffarG RLC, all mans ~V,9), iN5 aaN M4Y WS 9' PdSEU 9°LR. Wnnw ~.x avor iv w,c+a ,R+wa,,,H. ,a. rmi~wrure •.r i~° .inn mu°nn rze .muw euvxni ,, a.......,. ~.,,cv.,., v ~.N..~.,. ..., a ,..v.~~..n, v rcww. ~M,~i was ruvraac o, rrw ,.. iv aw,uu ror ,rivcc z 0 a ,~~ O y V1 S d ~ W X60 ~ o Q~ ~~ oP ~_ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ (9 Z _~~ ~W Z JZ CO W >~ ~~m~ 0 '~~Q~S W Q U~a Q QQ~~V a ~~~~~ a ~ ~z., Z Q J d U z J F- 0 ~ ~' W ~o uJ ZQ w ~ ~ Uz0 _~ ~( Z c ~ 0~] as 0 Aga U W °` 3 wo.ecr . s+ar 6099 ogre 12-12-06 (\. J scar NTS maur~ er OF B RB/BB A aooo - -__._..._ ___- ---- .._..--- ------- _-------_ __ ------ ---- ---- - -- --- ------ -------- 4 _ AVERAGE si _ . ndi _ _ __ _ __ - --- --- - ---- -- --- ---- -- -- ----- - , --- - i -- T - -- --- ------ ~-- --- - _ I I - N~ _ STA 85WI 3,000 2,500 2500 2400 _ . _ - - _ in iQ _~I~ _ 1 . _ - r ~ I i+ i~ _~~ _ _ - _ _..__ EX ROAD GRADE _ _ _____ ._ _.._... _.. ..-__ - - -__ _ - - ~- _- _ T,800 ~~ 2400 ~ ~/Q~i -_- __ .___ EX ROAD _ Q InIN Ni iN __ ~ \ CC 2200 - - GRACE -__. --- 1 __._.. __ __ 7 I __ - _.. _.- ___-_.. ___.... _.___- _..._..___ -_ ____. _. .._ .. 2100 . _ -L t i __ _._ __ ~ ELK LANE \ ~ / z,ooo sR Isro _ ~ _ _ ~ _ ~ _ _ _ - _ _ _ __ _ - - _ 2000 \ ~y 9 I _ __ ___ __ _ _ _ --- - ___ - -- _ __ __ --------- I,BaG ~ 0 ~ __.__ 5 00- ___ p- ~__.___n ~ -__-p '~_._- ~ ~____ - ~- ~ _- ~ ~-____ 40° 00 ~~ _ d5~ 00 _______ ~ `~ ____ 55 00 -____. ~ ~___._._ ~ ~ __--70° 00 ~ 15° 00 W+ 00 85° 00 90° r 00 r~ -~ J f PROFILE STATION REPORT STA, ELEV. SLOPE 0+00 1795 6°k I+00 1803 9% 2+00 1814 12% 3+00 1825 10% 4+00 1875 B% 5+00 1843 B°b B+OD 18sD 8% A00 18s3 i% s+ao les3 1% 9+00 1858 7% 10+00 1885 10% 11+00 1878 f0% 12+00 18A9 15% 13+00 1803 13°k uroo lau 10% Isroo lezs 10% laroo Is7r u% nwo 19sa 19•a IB+00 1971 12% 18+00 1978 0% 2M00 1918 0% 21+001971 ao% 2z+aD leaz s% 1a+oD 1981 3% 1d+aD leer r% 25+00 1877 5% 2e.aD 1e74 0% 27+00 1881 ~8% 28+00 1955 -15% 19+00 1948 0% 3D+OD 19/B 0% 71+00 1947 4% 3z.aD 19s3 e% 73+00 1859 7% 74wo Isee e% 7s+oD lore /B% 7B.oa le9e 2D% 77.oa eon n% 78+00 2037 IB% ]B+oD lass z2% /O+Oa 2075 IB% 41+00 2091 1B"6 I2+oo 2m 21x 47.00 21z2 a% 44.00 2137 17% 45+00 2748 20% 4e.oo znD 22% 47+00 2182 22% 4e+oD 2217 z1% 49+00 2230 17% 60+00 2239 1% sroD 2249 13% st+oo 2zs4 n% s7roo 22ea 22% s4.oo 2707 27% 55.00 2729 27% BB+00 2380 IB% s7.oo t7e7 Is% se+oo 23eo 12% 59+00 2395 17% 80+00 2409 17% 81+00 2420 B°h 02+00 2128 5°h e7+oo :as u% BK00 2447 11% 85+00 2d87 13% ee+oD z4rz le% 81+00 2493 22% ee+aD zsls 23% 69+00 2538 ZJ% 70+00 2862 2/% 71+00 2585 21% 7z+oo tear :,% 77+00 2828 17% 7d+00 2842 14% 75+00 2857 11% 78+00 2615 19% 77+00 2898 18°b 78+DO 2718 19% 79+00 2778 23% 80+00 2759 21% B1+OD 2780 25% BN00 2803 18% 83+00 2819 17% 84+DO 2870 4% 85+00 2832 8% i I ACCESS ROAD CENTERLINE PROFILE ~ I HORIZONTAL SCALE I' 400' VERTICAL SCALE I' 400' 1 i NARRATIVE I. AN ER0510N CONTROL PERMIT WAS PREVIOUSLY ISSUED BY WATAUGA COLNTY FOR THIS PROJECT BASED ON EROSION CONTROL PLANS PREPARED BY JASON HERMAN, PE. 2. A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT FOR LOW DENSITY DEVELOPMENT WAS ISSUED ON NOVEMBER 14, 2005 BY NCDENR DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, PERMIT pSW4051001. 3. GRADING WORK HAS OCCURRED OUTSIDE OF THE ORIGINAL PERMITTED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. I ,- - j I I II I I CONSERVATION EASEMENT AREA ~ 1 .._~ _,._ ~ / CONSERVATION f ~ EASEMENT BOUNDARY ~ (APPROXIMATE LOCATION) ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ i 4. A "STOP WORK" ORDER HAS BEEN ISSUED BY WATAUGA COUNTY FOR THIS PROJECT. 5. A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY WAS PERFORMED BY MAIN STREET SERVICES TO SURVEY THE DISTURBED AREAS AND EXISTING GRADES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN. ALL STORM- DRAINAGE SHOWN ON THIS PLAN 1S EXISTING. 6. A BOUNDARY SURVEY IS CURRENTLY UNDERWAY BY MAIN STREET SERVICES. THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF PROPERTY LINES AND EASEMENT LINES SHOWN ON TWS PLAN MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN. 1. IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO FIELD ADJUST THE LOCATION OF SOME EROSION CONTROL DEVIOES SHOWN IN THIS PLAN DUE TO THE INACCESSIBLITY OF/.~OME AREAS. 8. THIS PLAN SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ALL 1NCLU5IVE AS THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT SAIL SEDIMENT FROM LEAVING THE SITE 9. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRO~ECT IS TO RECONSTRUCT AND LPGRADE THE EXISTING ACC SS ROADITRAIL THROUGH THIS -- ~ ~ _- _ = - ~' v ~- _ - - ~ ~+ / ~ SHEET ~~ ~ ~~ v _ GATE ~ I~ - - -~- _ _' -_ i ACCESS ROAD -~ ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ _ / 8,600! LF PROPERTY. STREAM CROSSING (4 LOCATIONS) 1 ~ GATE \ I _ ~ ~ ~. ~~ 1 / ELK LANE SHEET C3 S.R. 1570 i 7 II i ~' I ~ C;~ _ 1J \ ~~--~, SHEET C4 nLL marts ~v®. ws a4N nar rpr a Pe-1sEO~ sea wum oe crve+ 10 or~ms cePwoa~crpa ca ngraccvrB~ aF n+s aa+ vmuar ne ~s.+rra~ ccrsr+r cr euE PocE \~ ~ ~ --- ------f ----~ -- I ~ b I OLD EAST RIDGE ROAD ~ I ~~~'~ I ~ I I ~ L _ ~ TROPICANA INVESTORS, INC. TAX ID x2940-59-6710-000 DB 911 PG 040 527 ACRES C 1 __ ~ l 1 _~ CLEAR I BRANCU I I 1 i ~ o' doD' Baa' lzao' I _~ scuB~ r • ao0' AM 6 4 N51A110N CF FEOaRH CCP'fPAa+l L1W6, HIJSVD&E BY R$ LP f0 91CC,000 PaR ORCIiE Z Q (n W 1 U p p ~ y ° ~ W ryo ~ o P (0 ~ Z LL ~~ QQP Z Yea € ~~ ~wm c, ~~2 ~~ V z ~~ ~W W z ~Z 07 W ~~ ~~mmp 0 ~~Q~S OW! QQ~~n' a ~N ~ ~~ ~ °~~~~ Z Q ~ J ~ a `z_' ~ 01~ ~ Q ~ O J Qw~ J U ? a/ 0 Q Q W ~UQ > ogQ 0 w~~ waLCr . slzr 6099 12-12-06 °°R C2 ~E r•aoo' ~6V1N ~` of s Rer~ EROSION CONTROL NOTES L LAM OISTIRBNG ACTIVITES sHaa. Nor coMMENCE LML APPROVAL TO DO 50 HAS ffBJ RECENED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITES. 1, TIE CONTRACTOR SHALL COWLT PATH ALL STATE AW KCAL ORDIW+M1CES THAT APR.Y. 3. NO lAW aEAR6S~ CR GRADING SHAH BEGN WTL ALL P821METER EROSpN CND smN~evT couma MEASIS'Es HAVE BEBJ RJSTALLED. 4, ALL E%PO.ffD AREAS SHALL 8E SEEDEfl AS SFECF~ WITFBJ 14 DAIS CF FNAL GRADNG. 5. SHOU-D CONSTRUCTION STOP FOR LONE THAN I4 DAYS, iFE SITE SHALL BE ffEOED AS SPEgFED. s. sEaMeur w~o EROSION cquraa MEASURES SHALL ff NSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE EVEIRY SNEN to GAYS AW WBHN 24 FAIRS CF A RAPFALL E%CE®ING 0.5 NCFES DLRNk. A 14-HOUR PERIOD GR MORE FREOLENTLT F REQJRJJ. ALL MANIENAN~, REQJRED BT INSFECTIgJ SHALL CCANENCE WITFN 14 HgJRS AID ff CCY.Y'I.ETED WITHN 48 FplRS CF REPCRi, 7. TFIS PLAN MALL NOT ff CCNS'AERED ALL PSLUSIVE AS itE 6B~ERAL COMRACiOR SHALL TAKE ALL PECESSARY PRECAUTIOIJS TO PREVEM SOL SEDNEM FROM LEAVT/"F THE SITE, B, CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE iRAFF~ COMRa FOR RS CffRATlONS. 9. ADOITICN4L EROSION AM SEONSJT CgJTRa MIEASLRES SHALL ff I~STALLEO F DffMPJ NECESSARY BY AN ON SITE NSPECTICN. 10. F INSTALLATION OF STORM DRANACE SYSTEM SHOU.D B: MERR~PTED BY VVEP.TPER OR NGFIIFALL 7FE PFE ENGS SNAU. 6E COVERED WI1H FFTER FPBRIC. IT SHALL EE TFE CONTRACTOR'S RESPCNSIBLRY TO FELD VERFY TFE EXISTENCE AM ACTUAL LOCATION CF 4Ll EXISTING UilJTY LMIES. 12 GENERAL CCMRACTCR SHALL ff RESPONSIBLE TO TAKE VAFAIEVER MEANS I`ECESSARY TO ssTr~eusH PERMCrENr soL sraBl,RAnoN r3 S~MENT SHALL BE RENlJVED FROM T4E SEDWENT BASN eF~cRE rt Is 151 RLL AND FROM SLT FENCE BEFORE IT IS ssR FuL la. cONraacTar SHALL BE REP$ON58LE FCR DAILY CLEAIVLP, AS NECESSARY IS TIE CONTRACTOR IS RESFONS]BLE FOR ALL SAFETY, METHODS, FROCEDLRES MA SEOLBJCES OF RS OPERATIONS. 16. NQ WORK SHALL BE P~FORAkU OUTSIDE THE CLEARNG LIMTS SHOWN CN 7HI5 PLAN IT. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAN ALL PERMTS At~D APPROVALS ASSOGATED WITH TFRS WORK. I& EXISiNG DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL ff MANTANED UdESS OTFERWISE SHOWN CN TFE FLANS, ALL AREAS OF TFE SIZE SHALL ff SHAPED TO DRAIN 70 EROSION coNTaa DEV~cES As MJCfI AS PRACTICAL N ALL OfP-SITE BORROW CR WASTE AffAS SHALL BE DEiCLOSED AW HAWL® LEGALLY. WHBJ iFE PERSON FNMlCIALLY RE~ONSBLE FOR iFE OVERALL PRO.ECT Is NOT THE PERSON FNANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OFF-S1E BORROW AREAS NOT REGULATED ar THE PROVISIONS of nE MNNG Acr of ron AW OFF-9TE WASTE AREAS OTVER THAN LAN)FLLS REGULATED BY TFE OP~ARiNENr CF HMAN RESO.RCES, S.~H AREAS SHALL BE CCt SIDERED '.EPARATE LANJ DI5TlRBIiW" ACiMTES SJB.ECT To r~ ~DIMBaranaa PawnoN CCMRa ACT OF 1973. CFF-SITE BORROW AREAS ARE S,bJECT i0 TFE REQUIREMENTS OF T.E MINING ACT OF 1911. C(P1C9+1 xIM 9V RIB gaff FM.MFPM Rlf. NL PA'S1I5 R?YQNR MC RAN ANT NAT ~ PFAAPn. FLAD. CLEAR BRANCH EROSION COMROL SEANCE L NSTALL IENPORARY CIXJSTLIJCTKNd B4TRANCES 1 NSTALL TETRORARY SLT FBJCNY,i, 3. NSIALL SEDIMENT TRAPS 4. NS1ALl 1EMFORARY DIVE7S10`1 DITC31.5, 5. NSTALL IN.Ei PROTECTION Q PERFORM CIENRNG AND GRADN,^, OPERATIq~&, 7, KEEP STORMrVATER DIVERTED TO TRAPS AS MJC4I AS PRACTICAL 8. SEED E MACH ALL DISTURB® AREAS WITFN 14 DAYS OF COMPlETICN GF CROUJD DISRRBNG ACTIVITIES. 9. TRAP5 STALL BE REMOVED ON.Y AFTER ESTA&IS-f.BJi OF GROJW COVER AW STA812ATION OF DISTURffD AREA, b. REMOVAL OF iFE TRAPS SHALL ff SCHEDIAED 9KH THAT WORK CAN ff COIvNLETEO d.RNG DRY WEATHER. TEMPORARY CONSTRlKTION~ EASEMENT REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE ~ PROPERTY LII~ CF B.lE cIX:B BxaI.B~,N9 FLC 5 RiCM9i® AW C A Yd.AigN CF FEDElN. C'WYplplf LAW5, MlSNB.E BT FRt$ UP TO AJ0.000 Fat OFBSE ~Tl 0' S0' 100 150' Scale ~ • 50' Z (Y ~ ~b g P y R Y1 ~ Q U y n t? . w ~ryo ~ o [WW~y ~ L ~ ~~~ c ~ ~n ~ ~ Q5 "a 41m V ` ~ .. ~~z ~~ V _Z ~~ ~W W Z_ ~ C9 J z 0] W W pf O ~Z>~ yam"' ~o~d8 O Qz~aQ~v OW( QQ~~n ~ ~~~~ L(1 ~_ z Q Q J F- ~- U Z J ~ ~ I 0 O Q W Uz0 + - U ~ ~za Q ~~a ~ ~g3 Rp,lCT • S~f 6099 ~R C3 12-12-06 Scull P•5O' WANN B' OF 8 REl~ EROSION CONTROL N07E5 t LAID DISTURBING ACTIVITIES SHALL NpT COMAkTI~ WTL APPROVAL TO DO 50 HAS BEBJ RECEM:D BT GOVQtJNG AUiFpRITES 2. TFE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH A4, STATE ANA LOCAL ORDNANCES THAT APFIY. 3 NO LAND aEARNG OR GRADING SIJALL BEGFd WTL All PERIMETER EROSpN AW SECIMBJT CONTRA MEASLRES HAVE BEBJ NSTALLED, 4, ALL EXPOSED AREAS 9aALL BE SEEDED AS SPECIFIED WIR#N Id OATS CF FNAL GRADNG 5, SHOLLD CONbiRUCTgN STOP FOR LCTS~ THAN a DAYS, 7HE SITE SHALL ff S.cDED AS SPEGFED. 5. sETrYEVT Aw aROSlaa ccNraa MEASURES SHALL t£ NSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE EV132Y SEVEN lD DAYS ANp WITIN Z4 HGRS OF A RANFALL E%CEEDNG 0,5 NCVES DJ2N"a A 24i,ClR PEROD OR MORE FREGF_NTLY F REa1RED. ALL MANiBJANCE REOJRHJ BY INSPECTION SHALL COMASJCE WITLN 24 HOURS PPD ~ COMPLETED WITHN 48 HG1R5 GF REPORT. ,. 1TNS P,AN SHALL NOT BE CON510ER~ ALL NaU51VE AS THE GB•ERAL CONTRACTOR SMALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVEM SOL SEDN1BdT FROM LEAVNG THE SITE. 8. CCMRACTCR MALL FRONDE ADEaIAIE TRAFFIC CONTRA FCR ITS OPERATIpJS. 9. ADDITKKJAL EROSCN ANA SEI;IMBJT CONTRA MEASURS SHALL BE NSTALLED F DEEMED NECESSARY BY AN CN SITE NSPECIKKJ. 10. IF INSTALLAipN CF STORM DRAI.I4GE SYSTEM SHUA.D 6E MEf&UP1ED BY WEATFER OR NGHTFALL, 1NE PPE ENDS SHALL BE COV67ED WITH FLYER FABRIC. o. Ir swLL BE rHE coNmACroR's RESPONSBLITY TD FELD VERFY T4E E%ISTENCE AND ACNAL LOCATIGJ OF ALL EXISTING UTPJTY LIMES. i2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHAU. ~ RESPON6IBLE TO TAKE VM1IATEVER neaNS ntcESSARr ro ES1A8L611 PERMMENT SOL STPBLIZATICN, la sEDNEVr suALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SEDMBJT BASN BORE R LS 251 FLLL AND FROM SLT FENCE BEFORE IT IB 931 PU.L. Id. CCMRACTOR SHALL BE REPSONSIBLE FOR DALY CLEAN-LP, AS NECESSARY. 15. T4E CONTRACTOR 1S RESFCNSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY, METHODS, PROCEDLRE$ AND SEaBJCES OF RS CPB2AigN5, 16. NO WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE CLEARNG LIMITS sHOwN aN TH5 Plw V. CONTRACTOR SWILL OBTAN ALL PERMITS AND APPROVALS ASSOGATED WiH 7H$ WORK. IB. EXLSTINx, DRANAGE PATTERNS SHALL ~ MANTAINHI WESS O7FERwEE SHOWN ON 7FE PLANS, ALL AREAS OF TFE SITE SHALL BE SHAPED TO GRAIN TO EROSpN CONTRA DEVICES AS MLYU AS PRACTICAL ro, ALL OFF~SITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS SHALL BE DlsaosED Ara HAnaEo LEGALLY. WHBJ THE PERSON FNANpIALLY RFSFOiJSB'E FCR TH"c OVERALL PRO.ECT IS NOT THE PERSON FNAN~IALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR OFFSITE BORROW PREAS NCT REC~Jl.ATED BY 71E PROVISONS OF 7FE MINING ACT CF 1971 AM OFF-SITE WASTE AREAS OTHER THAN LA~DFLLS REIXLATED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HNAN RESaRCES, SIGH AREAS SHALL BE CONBIDERfD SEPARATE LAND DISTURBNG ACiMTES S.6PCT ro r~E sEDIMENTarION PDLLUncN CONTROL ACT OF 1973, Cff~51TE BORROW AREAS ARE SIEJECT 70 THE REOUREMENTS OF reE MNNG Acr of 19n EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE I. NSiALL TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. Z, NS7ALL TEMPORARY SILT FE+OW. 3 NS7ALL SEDNEM TRAPS. 4. NSTALL TEMPORARY DNERSION DITCHING, 5. NSTALL N-ET FROTECiKFJ. Q PERFORM aEARAyG AND GRACNG CPERATIC4J5. 7. KEi>' STORMWATER DNERIED TO TRAPS AS M1L1CN AS PRACTICAL. B, SE®E M.LCH ALL DISTURBND AREAS VATNN 14 DAYS OF COLPLETKKJ OF GRIXAJD DISTLRBNG ACTINTES. 9. TRAPS SHALL BE REMOVED ON.Y AFT& ESTA0.15FIM1ENT CF GRCLND COVER ANO STABILIZATION CF DISTLREED AREA. q. RE1rgVAL Cf 1VE TRAPS SHALL ~ SCH?Dl.1.ED SLC51 THAT WGR/ CAN BE COMREIED DI.RING DRY WEATII~. rPROPERTY LIE OgTlFiBED LN1175, 1395! case $Li FENCE SHALL BE PROVIDED Ar THE TOE CF ALL SLOPES ITYPICAII TRAP a9 6'+36'x49'DEEP w~ d' wsr. A•0.26oc TRAP nB 5'KB'ca.5'C~P WI 4' WER. A-0.OBx TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEtiIENT REQUIRED FOR ALL WORK OUTSIDE OF PROPERTY IINP nCrovmn TXN, PY BLF_ POCf_ fatle~NlM. RLO. ALL AGHfS ~V®. THS PJ.N MAT oii.es F~RCIX1CTpN to R+orocwYe, ro nes RAN vattKxn ne wnrre+ ece[art o sue cDSe _. - r., ~ , j ~. I TRAP alt 6'+J3'e4.5'DEEP W/ d' WER, A•0.09oc STREAM IMPACT M STA 2302 LAi•3621P' LO'v'•819414' 40 LF OOlac TRPP ell Te38'xd.5'DEEP W/ 4" WER, A•0.32oc TRAP ep 10'r24'yd5'DEEP W/ 4' WER. A-0.29ac fLLC B PgpBlr~ AN) 5 A NCIATION CF FEpEPA1 CCFYCrGUf LAWS, FW$VpdE BY FNE,S LF 10 fg0.000 PB7 . j% i pr! , j / IdJIJ/ l,,' ~ i ~ ~~'i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ ,~ ~, ., l Y ~? ~'< .. PROPERTY LFE h'i 0' S0' 100' 150' Scde~ Y SO' 7RAP aB 25'z52'xd.5'DEEP W/ 6' WIER. Ad59ac i~ !/~ / % ~~~~~q`udcwio60a / i ~i%i•r' ~,~i,j . /mix/% N Z O (N W 0 V CI % y `~ w YyO ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~g ~P w ~ £ s~ ~~ ~~z ~~ V z 0 ~W W //z^ V mW Z ~ _ 0t >~ ~~mm o ~0~~8 Wo ~z~~~a~ Q ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ Q O (~ Z Q J Q ~ ~ J ~ ~ I Z ~ F~- W r U ZO ~ -U O Q (n U~ a a ~ ~~3 FGO.ecr . 9+~ 6099 oA>E 12-12-06 (V scA~e 1'•50' atavM er OF 8 RBlBB EROSION CONTROL NOTES I. LMA DIS?lR&NG ACTMTIES SNPLL NOT CCAYVENCE WTL APPROVAL TO DO 50 HAS BEBJ RECENEO BY GOVERNNG wruanTEs 2 ?HE CONTRACTOR SHALL COA~PI.Y WITH All STATE AM LOCAL CRDNANCES TNAi APPLY. 3. No Law aEf,Rr~ oR GRaonc SNwL BEGN LNTL ALL PERM5IER ERCSgN AND sEDNABVr courRa N,EA~s uAVE eEEN NSTALLED. 4, ALL E%POSED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AS SFECF~ WTHN 14 DAYS CF FNAL CHRADNG. 5. SHCU.D CONSTRUCTION STOP FOR LO~B7 THAN 14 DAYS, THE SITE SHALL ~ CEDED AS SPECFED s. sEDMBJT AND ~osIGN cauraa hEAgJRES SHALL ~ NSPECTED AT LEAST a~E EN32T SNBJ CD DAYS ANO WffHN 14 HOLRS CF A RANFwL E%CEEDING OS NGHES DURING A 24~HOUR PERIOD OR MORE FREIXENTLY F REIXXt®. ALL MAINTENPN:E REOLR® BY NSFECTICN STALL CCMLEt~E W1THJ 24 HOURS AND BE COAFLETED WTNN d8 HCLRS or REPORT. 1. THS RAN SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ALL NC.USIVE AS THE GBERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO FREVEM SOL S®INBJT FROM LEAVMW THE SRE. B. CONTRACTOR STALL PROVIDE aDEaurE rRAFFa coNTRa FCR RS OPERATIONS. ', 9. ADDRIONAL HROSICN AND I sEgA1ENi coNTRa NEASREs SHALL EE NSTAU® F Cff'VED fECESSARY BY AN IXJ SITE NS°ECTCN, 10. F INSTALLATION aF $T(XMa DRANAGE SYSTEM SIIOIiD BE MERT3PIED BY WEATFER OR NIGHTFALL, 1{E PPE ErDS SHALL ~ COViBRED W11H FLTHt FABRK;. II. IT SUUI. BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBLITY TO FIELD V63F'Y THE E%ISTENCE AM ACTUAL LOCATIQAI OF ALL E%ISTWG UTNTY LNES. 12 GBIH2AL CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBE TO TAKE WT.l41EVER MEANS NECESSARY TO ESTABUSH PERMMENT SOL STABLIZATION. Y3 Sa7N~EVT STALL BE REMOVED FROM 7FE SEDIMENT BASH BEFORE IT IS 258 FU.L AND FROM SLi FETE BEFORE R IS 334 FU,L. EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE I. INSTALL TENPCRARY CCNSTklKT10N ENTRAI•GES 2. 1~5TALL 1ENPCRARY SLT FENCN'G. 3. INjTAU SEOMBJT TRAPS. 4. INSTALL TEM1-PCRARY DNERSION DITCMNG. 5. INSrau NFT PROrECTKMI 6. PERFORM GEARING AT,D GRADNG OPERATIONS. 1. KEEP STCRMWATER DIV621ED 70 1RAPS A$ MUG,' AS PRACTICAL 8. SEED E MACH ALL CIS7UR8ED AREAS WITHN 14 DAYS OF CC.NRETION OF C2aW DISTLRBING ACTNITES. 9. TRAPS SHA0. BE REdOVED ON.Y AFT ESTABLISHMENT OF C•RaND COVER AN7 STABLIZATKMJ CF DISTLRBED AREA 10, REMOVAL OF 1HE TRAPS SHALL BE SCH,SI,IED SUCH THAI WORK CAN BE COMPETED ClRN1G DRY WEATIHR. Id. CIXJTRACTCR SHALL ~ - _ _ _ REPSCNSBLE FOR OALY = "" CIEAN }tA, AS N ECESSARY. C IS 1HE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSELE ~ FOR ALL SAFETY, bE1HODS ~~ ~ PROCEDURES AW SEIXlE~ES OF ITS CFBRAlIONS. 16 NO WORK 51ULL BE PERFORMED CU?SIDE THE CLEARNG LNIITS SgWN IXJ TNS PLAN I7 CCNTRACTCR SHALL OBTAN ALL PERMTS AW APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH 1A#5 WORK. IE. EHISTNG DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL 6E MANTANEp lI•LESS or~aTNl~ sHOwN cN TFE PLANS. ALL AREAS OF SFE SIZE SHALL BE SHAPED TO DRAM TO EROSN7N CCNTRa DEVICES AS MICR AS FRACTION-, 19. ALL OFF$ITE BORROW OR WASTE AREAS SHALL BE DLSa05ED AND HAMM.~ LEGALLY. WHEN TI-E PERSON FNA~IALLY RSPOA61BLE FOR TIE OVERALL FROkCT IS NOT TVE PP'SON FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE FCR OFF-SITE BORROW {+Rf.45 NOT REp1LATED BY THE PROVISIONS OF TFE MNNG ACT OF 1971 AM 0=F-SRE WASTE AREAS OTI$2 THAN LpWFLlS REGLLATED BY THE DEPARTAENT CF H1MAN RESCIRCES SUCH AREAS SHALL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATE LAND OISTLRBING ACTMTIES SIR.ECT TO T4E SEDIMBJTATgN PCLLUTIOIJ CONTROL ACT OF 1973, OFF-SITE BORROW AREAS ARE SUB.EC1 TO THE REQUREMEN75 CF THE MNNG ACT OF 19Il CcIC~Y4I41i X1°6 BY F<!P P0.' Fa~GI£EPN3 RLf.. ALL FOR'. TYPICAL °.,ECTION (SEE ~.OWV~ TRAP u27 K)'r20'x4.5'D~ -~~i W/ 4' W~ ~`~((~ ////~f 1~ ~\\~( ~ j%I Nll ~~~ l~ i , E ~ TRAP r26 j ~~,~. ~~~~ / ~~~ -. M~w'xaa~ iii f~C~C ~ / ./% !i i~~i ~ .iiC i , CC ~ y~ .", iU~C Cr ! ~//C~ /%,'f,'7 ~~=~ ~~ "" % ion = Tame i'' ~ I I~I~I~"~~ ~~~C~~ ~~~~ i i' I I i I II,~~~L ~~ ~Il~~l;f~~~ ~i ' ~ l ie' ar ,~\\~~ ~=aewn i A ~~~~ A A ~~ ~. N~ A ~~ C\ \\ ~~ ""~~ iIT~;~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~ ~~ ~~ TRAP u15 ` `//i,/~e-f ~ ~,' ~~~4 ~C>>~~~ 1 ~ ~ \ w! a' wER. ia. ~ '.: ~/F- / •d ~"~„ ~~ ~ ~P'rd ~~ ~a~r~ ~\~ A A•0~13m ~ ~t a i,,\\~~~~ ~ ~' ~~r/C'// ~_ ~i~ L ~~~~ TRAP e14 \ \ ~\C\~.\ 5'M23'A4b'DEEP ~~~ ~~~"/ > !y"= " WI I' WER. ~~ • //~ . a; ~ NAT AL TRAP e23 tA70 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ T - _- ~ 2170 5'r25'a15'DEEP CPE W/ 4' WER, A•OISao ___ __ _ __ ___ ._~ E - _- __ ___ __- __ __ __ _ _ MN " _ . ___ ____ _ _ _. _. .__._. Ld10 Ldp ..____ _.._.._ _._.._ _..__ ____ ___ _.__ __ __._ ____- _ _ T SL F $L U. ~I MA .-._ _____ .____ 71., _~ , _. _-..._. __ _ __. ___ __..__ -_ _ __ _ 1Hp __ _. ____.. __ ... ....... ...._......__._. .. _ ... ___.. .___. .___ ___ _.-. _. __-__ ____. _-._ _. __ ____ ..._..... ..._.._ L/b 6' ABC iON E TOE OF S RA CO AC ..__ ____.._._.. E.._- .__ ._. ___ ____..___ __ .._ _qe~_. TB-. T ____ ____ Loco - - ._.. _r_ _~ ... .._._.. _...._ _. __. ___ _.. ._ _ __ _-___ Lao DI TUR MITS f._ _.._.. __._ __ .. .. ___ _ _ .____ _ _._.._ N LRw LTn,O //_ ._..__ ____ _.. _._ ~......._.._. ____. ___._. -.___ .___..... __.__ ___ ..._ _._. __._ ._.__ ._.__ .___._ ___ ___.._ 2390 _. __ _____.-__. ____L.__.. ___ ________. _ .___- _.__-__-. _. _ ____. _._..___ .____ -._ -sago n~oo o~oo an o~so ROADWAY CROSS SECTION (TYPICAL) HORIZOMAL SCALE I' p' V&TICAL SCALES I' 10' I~~TH15 SECTION WAS TAKEN AT STA W1W. 2 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTF1' B"UE RIDGE BJGNEBRIN'G OF ALL AREq$ WHERE R IS NJT POSSBLE TO ATTAIN TIE DESRED TYPICAL SECTION DUE TO DIFFiCLIi TERRAIN 3. THESE AREAS WLL BE EVALUATED qJ A CASEBY-CASE BASIS. AMY NJi BE 4E~WZ, SOLD. LOAN® OZ GhH1 i0 On2RS TKKJ OR F,g1000PYaJG GF ?NS RAN W114NaR RE V,fitiBa COrb3aT CF B.1! 4g6E Cd~I.F~PN' RLC B P4CABTBJ AN) I$ A i C~ ~ ~- 1 I I r ~i i' I ~Iljl I lllill III iVV / ~ ^~ .~ ~ I _ _~ \~e ~ C~~ ~r ~~ C DISTLRBED LINTS, 1395! Raea TRAP u2B 12'd4'rdS'DEEP W! 4' WER. A•035Dc 1RAP a29 9'xIB ~4,5'DEEP W1 4' WI6l. A•0.20m 'L'~ TRAP n3o ~ \, n5(36'xd5 DEEP ~~~ W1 4' WER. - ~ ~ A-0.75c° C ~~ `C~\ \~~ ~~~ / `i._ ELi FENS 91ALL ~ ~_ TLE i0E OF ALL ~\~ J ~~ SLOPES RYPICAU 1~~~' `~` /f^ ~~ ~ ~ / ~{T~~ \\~. 4y /~.i~:\\ ~Y D' 50' 100' 150' SarAe~ I' • 3O' LP 10 Sg0.000 ~ OFKWE. Z 0 In CY b g ~ tZ W ~ U M " S °6vW PypN ~ o ~ , tv ~ a~ ~ Q~x~71, ~ ~N i~V € ~DDSSS ~ ~ p ~~~ ~~ ~ C9 z _~~ ~W z mW Z Qua Uryryi } O~mm ~o~d8 ~ ~U~7 Q NN Q QQ~~a W ~~ ~NN7 ~~~~P O In f W Z Q Q J d ~ J (n I ~ ~ In O O F ~+ U z 0 z z Q Q o~Q a F ~ W~3 Fromr . seer 6099 D.R C6 12-12-06 xue I'•50' ORANN BY Q,c 8 ~~~ EROSION CONTROL NOTES I, LAW gSTLRBING ACTIVITIES SHALL NCT CCM1ENroE WTL APPROVAL TO oD 50 HAS BEBJ RECENED BT GOVEQNnG AUTHCRTES. 2. THE CONTRACTOR ylAll COMELY w11H ALL STATE AW LOCAL C~'NWaCES THAT APPLY. 3 IJO LAW GEARING OR GRADNG SHALL BEGM WTL ALL FERIAEIER EROSION AW yECMAENi CCMRa AEASI.RES HAVE BEEN INSTN.LED. 4. ALL EXPOSED AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED AS SPEGFED WITHN 14 DAIS OF FMAL GRADNG. 5. SHaID CCN57RJCTICN STCA FOR LCN~2 THAN W DAYS, THE SITE SHALL BE SEEDED A5 SPECFED 6. sEaMENr AND ERDSroN caarRa AEASLRES SHALL ~ F5PECTEJ AT LEAST ONCE EVERY SEVEN 17I DAYS AW WITHIN 24 HaRS OF A RAN~FALL E%CEEDWG 05 N1E5 IX,RIJG A 24iraR PERIOD CR MORE FREQ,ENTLY F REIXrR6'i ALL MAINTENANCE REQLRED BY INSPECTION SHALL COMIE3W,E W1TFN 24 LICIJRS AW ~ COMPLETED WREN 48 HOLRS CP REPORT. T. Tus PLAN y+ALL NDr aE CONSIDERED ALL N:Y.NISNE AS THE GB~~PL CONTRACTOR SNAIL TAKE PLL NECESSARY PRECAUTKNS TO PREVENT SOIL SETMMBVt FRAM IEAVNG THE SITE, B, C~iRACiCR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE TRAFFIC CONTRA FOR RS OFERATIIXJS, 9. ADDITICMaL H2Oy0N AW 5EDMEJT CONTRA MEAyRES SHALL BE hSTALLED F DEEMED NECESSARY BY AN CN SITE INSPECTON Xz F INSTaurroN of sroRM DRANAGE SYSTEM SH7J.D EE MERRPTED BY WEATFER OR NL;HiFALL 1FE PFE ENDS SWILL ~ COVERED W11H FILTER FAyAC II. D SHALL ~ iFE CIXJTRACTCR'S RESPON518LITY 70 FELD V67FY TVE E%ISTENCP AW ACTUAL LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UT0..RY LINES 12 GB+B2PL CONTRACTOR 6HALL ~ RE6PONSN3LE TO TAKE WHATEI~ MEANS NECESSARY TO ESTAHJyi PERMANEM SON. STAEI,2ATION YA SEDM1UBJT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM iNE SEDWENT BASIN BEFCRF R y 258 FUJ. AND FROM SLT FENCE ~FCRE IT IS 33E FILL. I4, COMRACTOR SHALL ~ REPPONSIBLE FCR DAILY G.EAN-UP, AS NECESSARY, 15. TIE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SAFETY, hETNODS, FRCCEDIA~E$ PTD SEOLBJCES OF RS OPERATIONS I6. NO WORK SHALL ~ PERFORMED ' OUTSIDE 1LE CLEARpVG LIMiS y+owN cN rHS PLAN. 117. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMTS AW APPROVALS ASSOCIATED WITH TMS WGRK, IB. E%ISTING DRAINAGE PATTERNS SHALL ff MAMANED W.ESS OTFf32W16E SHWVN ON THE PLANS. ALL AREAS CF TFE SITE SHALL ~ SHAPED TD DRAIN TO EROSION COMRa DENCES AS MJCH AS PRACTICAL. 19, ALL OFFyTE BORROW CR WASTE AREAS SHALL EE DISCLOSED PAA HANQLHJ LEGALLY. VJHBJ TFE PERSON FNANC,IALLY RFSPCNSIBP FOR THE OVERALL PROJECT U" NOT THE PERSON FIALLY RESPONSIB,E FDR OFFSITE BORROW AREAS NOT REGULATED BY TFE PROVISIONS OF TFE MINING ACT OF N71 AW OFFSITE WASTE AREAS OTHER THAN LAWFLLS REGN.I.ATED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NJ/'AN RESGRCES. SIKH ARE4y SHALL BE CCNSID~ ~PARATE LAW DISTLRBNG ACTNATES SUBJECT TO THE SEDINBJTATICN PIXLUTION CCfJTRa ACT OF 1973. OFFyTE BORROW AREAS ARE SUBJECT TO iFE RECNRENENTS OF P.E MINNU ACT OF 1971, BY &IE RIDGE EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE 4 INSTALL TEtiPCRARY CON51Rt~TpN ENTRANCES. 2. INSTALL TEhPCRARY SLT FENCIJG. 3. INSTALL ~gMENT TRAPS. 4, INSTALL TEhPCRARY DNE4SION DiC1dNG 5. INSTALL N.E7 PROTECTION Q PERFORM GEARING AW GRADING OPERATIONS. 7, KEEP STCRMNAIER DNlERTED TO TRAPS AS Ml,'CAI AS PRACTICAL. S SEED E MACH ALL DSTU~D AREAS WITHN 14 DAYS OF COM'LETKNJ OF C~OLM D6TL~N" ACTMTE6, 9. TRAPS SHALL EE REMOVED ON.Y AFTER ESTABLISHK£iJT OF GROUD COVER AND STABLQATKMI OF CISTLRBED AREA K). REMgVAL OF 1NE 1RAPS 31ALL BE SQEIX.LED yJCH TWIT WORK CPN BE COM0I.ETED D,RNG DRY WEAP'ER. TRAP oS3 II'x23 x45'DEEP W! 4' VdER, A43kx; ~,.~. , ti ~f TRAP e32 r ~ 8'HB'x4.5'OEEP~ '~ r ~~~~ w! a' W1ER _- ~ir,~ / ,t 4 ~ ~~ (/~ 1 ~~111\~ \ ~ lxh~ ~ I TRAP R31 5'd0'xd'OEEP wr 4' wER, A-0.05ac AE REUS®, SOLD. LOM® OR Gh81 70 CDNSERVPTroN EASBdBJi BCll~DART. ~IAPPROXIMATE LOCATKK~A SLr FENCE yuu ~ PRpylpEp AT TLE TOE OF ALL T~ SLOPES (TYPICALI ~S~ ~~ ~! '~-. _ TRap R35 TRAP =34 ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~:j ~•~. B'x29'x45'DEEP N~if24'x45'D~ ~(/~j~~j '_ --?~: a~a/~w7 a~ wea. WI 4' WIHd. I ' ~i ~ -_ ~ ~.J ~. A-0.4600 II~/'~ /~~ /~ - -_ ~, a~ 1 ~~ ~~, r ~ ~- ~ --_ ,r ~,~;, _ TRAP e~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~_ ~ - V~~ S~4 ~21'x43'xd,5'DE~ i ~sND _.~ ~ S~ W! 6' WIER. ~~I ' /'% ~~ ~ ~~~`iL~`~~ A~(~ D1671RB~ lIMTS~ ~(i / ~ 1 ~ Y395. DGf96 11 1 ~ - IL,Y1V" /~ _ ~ ~ ~ -ti ', 1 ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~l 1 ~I ~ ~f- l I ~ ~ ~ ,~I~~ ~~~ i ~ -, I~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ III , ~ ~ - ;~! ; ~ ~% i,f~~~~ ~I ~I~ III I I I f~(I /I/)~ll~I~~l/ /IIII~~'/ .., ~j/~ // /%// i ~Iil~~. l(l~l'I~ J ~Iii~~~(I~~~ ~~i; ~/l/~llll/~ .._~/~.~~ ~ , ~ ~- r~~ll~ ! i, ~, i it ~ ~ /, ~/; u~ ~~, , ;, r ~ ~ ~l ~ llI ~ lll~ ~ll~~ 'ilI'l~'I ~ ~' ~/ /i ~ i a r 111 ~ I~~ l \ ~ ill l it ~~1~,,,, ~~ ~~;; i,~6 ~ ,,,, ! ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~lji ~ ¢l I17~~1~1 G 7~1~~ n!I ~~ - ~ ~~ '~ ! ! ~ ~ (~ ~ I~ . CONSERVATgN EA55X~EIJf BOIJWARY, IAPPROXMATE L~ATgM ~'--~_ '-_ ~, ~~ - .~\z~~. i _ _ ~ ~?)d~~ - \~~~. ~~ } - ,~~ ~~ --~ j - ~ - --. ` .~ y~ :~ ~ 1 L •~ ~ / _ / Jl~~ llJl llI ! !rl Y ~ _ \ ;a~ ~~ ;~l ~ii~l~~'',~,~r11,~,~ii~~~~~~~~~llll ~(I ~i~~ ~~~~ll,~~l; ~'~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~= /' i~iii l//~~ „II ~ hr~f '~l1 ~~Ili~~i ~~~ ~~~ ~ %, il~~~i n ~Illl ~ 111~~~1J ~~~~~~JII ~~~~I III ~~ ~~~~ II~~ ~ ~ ~I d y' i // % _ ~ ~ GALE ~~~~/~l ~ ~r1~lJil~O///~ul,/~/I' rl I.~~~~~1~~ ~~~ p r ~>~~ 1 ;~/i ~ ~~ _ 7r`/ ~~~r 1/~ii/lull ~i; ~~~lli~~ll~l~~~~~/ll~ ~ \ I~F ~ ~`~ ~~ jj ~~~ /~%/ ~~ TRAP d37 ~ A V i/- i /// ~~ ~ a~ eru ex 9'x18'x45'DEEP ~\ %~~ ii,/ ~~~! - ~~~ WI 4' WIER, j iii / l - A•020x !- ~ ~ -/ /% / ~~% ~ '~ - / ~%x iBJ~PORARY CONSTRI~iKKH EMRAWE hl ~CPE'dTY LINE -~ ~ 0' S0' 100' I50~ Scae~ r • 50' CF 1N5 P?N NAiN(AJf iLE VIRIRB! CF 9.4.E ~ BSnEgdrG A1C b KQiBTm pW B A M0.ATICl1 Z W a V 't' d0~w PbON ~ o r N ~~ ~ yy ~P S ~Z ~~ ~~ ~~ V Z 0 ~W z J z CO W Z ~ ~za~ F~mm ~ ~°~a~g O Q U~a Q Q4m~M W aa~~V ~ ~~~~~ Ln z Q Q J - I ~~~ z O Hr- OW +~ U 'z o U ~ ~ z rQxn (n UJ Q a U7 ~ ~ 3 wJ.[Gi . 3aT 6099 ogre ^ •--7 12-12-06 f`l / xxE I'~50' 0P4Y" ~` OF 8 RB/BB 114' WIRE AESH A oo a. A 0 0 L 4 0 9 „o. MAXIMIM POST SPACING 4 FL es7 Sr FILTERED WATER MULTI-DIRECN~AL ROW SINGLE-DIRECTIONAL FLOW Y-Y ROCK INLET SEDIMENT TRAP TYPE 'C' SCALE NTS NCDOT STANDARD 0163203 COMPACTED SOL -+i 7' MNMJM ~' ~~ A i FLOW MMMUM I I ~ b' TYPICAL TEMPORARY DIVERSION DITCH SCALE NTS ~~~~ FASTENED TO WRE FILTER FABRIC --__I I ~ 5' STEB. TfOST C04PACi~ FLL ~ 'ly iv EXISR~ 11 I I~~~ I ~i~1 ~ 1 E%TEND FABRIC AND ~ B WRE MO TRENCH I TEMPORARY SILT FENCE_ SCALE NTS NCOOT STANAARD x1605,01 TEMPORARY SEEDING SCHEDULE SEASON TYPE FLANTFG RATE LATE WMER RYE (gdnl 140 LBSJACRE AW AMUAL LESP~EZA IKOUe h EAIAY ~RNG Pledncni ¢~ Cooeld 17d,, Kaem h Mantlona) 50 LBS/ACRE S.M.Si GERMAN MLLE1 40 I.BS./ACRE FALL RTE (ydm 170 LES/ACRE AU. SEASONS AGRICU.TLRAL LINESIONE 2000 L~.IACRE FERTLRER K}IOiO 1000 LBSJACRE STRAW MACH 4000 LBS.IACRE PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE (31 OR FLATTER) DATES TYPE FLANi7NG RATE FEB OI ~ MAY DI 7N.L FESCUE 200 LBS./ACRE AND AGRK%1URA1 LNvESTOPE 4000 LBS.IACRE AUG ZD - OCT 75 FERTLIZER KTIO~K) 1000 LBSlACRE STRAW MACH 4000 LBS/ACRE c~iASSB PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE (SLOPES STEEPER THAN 31) S' MN E, DATES TYPE FLAMING RATE v57 WASHED ST00.E FEB 01 ~ APR IS TALL FESCIP 100 LBS./ACRE ' AND SEQICEA LESPEDEZA 30 LBS./ACRE ~5 4 4 ° ~/ 5' MAX, Alfa" 70 - OCT 25 KOBE LESPEDEZA 10 LES/ACRE 2f 08°2°848 °8,4~, ~Q AGRICATtRAL LIAESiONE 4000 LBS./ACRE M1'L ;28;L 8084°8484~4~2~, FERRIZEQ IC-10-10 1000 IBS.IACRE , 48084° 4 4 2 2 2 STRAW MLCH a000 LBS./ACRE FILTER FA~IC Iz PROFILE SECTION RP RAP OVERFLL 6' DESIGN ' FOR SETTLBdBJT sETTLE D TDP PLANS ~-~{ 7,/ I IM1'e e °848, ~4 ' 5' MA%. F L 4$2,84] 2~, EMERGENCY BYPASS 6 F 4,82,84 84 8, EELOVJ SETTLED TCP O DAM 3' MJ. NATURAL CROLND F#.TER FABRIC FOR POOR DEFR~ED CHANJELS CROSS SECTION TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP SCALE' NTS TH5 raN M4Y NJi fe REib®, 50'-0. TEMPORARY ROCK SILT CHECK TYPE 'B' SCALE NTS NCDOT STANDARD n163302 wa¢ra7 .9 a ale Rote e~¢regtllr; w.c S r~3' coaRSE ff s MN AGGREGATE PROFILE PRO~DE APFROFRIATE iRAN51TICN ~rwEEN srABI.REO coNSTRUCna~ BJfRA~E AM PLBUC RK9HT-OF~WAY ~' PLAN VIEW PJBLIC ROAD rerPORARr n FDPE PPE F NECESSARY 10 CARRY STORMWATER TO SEDMBJT TRAP TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SCALE MS NCDOT RIPRAP CLASSIFICATIONS aASS ENOJ 050 OM4% ARiOV TMpcr'ESS A Y 4' S' 9' I 5' K)' ¢ 26' Z RIPRAP APRONS MIN DWBJSKTS APRON 51A1KNJ DIA, WI W7 L, 18JG1H 5TCN: SRE 1LBCK~ESS el 450 E' 7S' 45' S' a. A ff a2 500 E' 7.5' 45' S' CL. A ff v3 500 IB' 75' 45' S' a. A ff v4 9.50 W' 1S' 4S' S' a. A 9' v5 k~00 IS' 15' 4S' 6' a, A ff u6 I6~00 30' ES' 1S' 6' a. A 9' a7 7515 IB' 75' 4S' 6' a. A 9' v0 7675 E' 75' 45' 6' a. A 9' v9 3575 W' 75' 45' 6' G- A 9' MO 3750 R1' 7S' 45' 6' G. A 9' en 0300 E' 75' 45' 6' Ct A ff vR 45.50 D' 75' 4S' 6' OL 0. 4 =a an75 le' 7s as' e a, A v vla 5000 IB' 7,5' OS' b' a. A 9' vE 5375 10' 7,5' 4S' b' a. A 9' vl5 5650 IB' 75' /S' b' a. A 9' a7 s9~oo le' 7s ds 6' a. A ff vlg 6700 E' 1,5' 05' b' a. A 9' vl9 7145 M' 75' OS' 6' a A 9' vp 1345 M' 7,5' 45' 6' a. A ff OUTLET PROTECTION SCALE MS re~w. caFrRlsur Laws. PYr05uelc ev .: by o °o„. b.,b .. °o° ~~ J ~: o Q' :? A ......... , .0'~~~, Ild' WIRE ME91 0 :a '0.~0~~~~ ~ 5' STEEL 'T' POST ~0 7-p 5 ~ 2' II aS1 STONE FIL SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS SCALE MS Pp~"' eA2 a aTCN M1LIlR0.i. GROW ~ MN aan--- i1R 1f 4'i' dq~ 7 BASH CR0.55 SECTION ¢ n~cK qt Sure RF RAc VEE DR H ELEVATgN VIEW ss.~ Z 0 IN w A L1 to '" 'l ° ~ w ~bC ~ v ~~ ~ ~ ygn ~N c~+C ~~~ ~~ ~~z ~~ ~z ~~ p~ W W Z ]z CD W Z p>p~ O N }~ ~mJmJ ZLL i$a~~ Q Q~~~~ W ~~ ~.. ~~~~~ J Q W z J Q O d ti 0 °~ o ~ U Qw~ z UZO 0 zap (n ~ Q ~ (n U ~ O( ~ o c W tll ~ 3 PW2Ct • 88R ~,r C8 12-12-06 ;C4E I'•50' mn~ ~ OF 8 RBIBB K)' MAX WIrH WIRE 6' A4AX. W!0 WIRE