HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0009280_Final Permit_19940428,,,--"State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director April 28, 1994 Elwood Dodson Route 2 Elon College, NC 27244 Dear Mr. Dodson: AMINO IDEHNF1 Subject: Permit No. WQ0009280 Elwood Dodson Single Family Wastewater Spray Irrigation Facility Caswell County In accordance with your application received April 4, 1994, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0009280 dated April 28, 1994, to you for the construction and operation of the subject single family wastewater treatment and spray irrigation facilities. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 1999, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Ray Cox at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, Lo.`w A. Prest Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Caswell County Health Department Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Facilities Assessment Unit Training and Certification Unit P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 2782E-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% past -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SINGLE FAMILY SPRAY IRRIGATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Elwood Dodson Caswell County FOR THE construction and operation of a 360 GPD wastewater spray irrigation wastewater treatment and disposal system consisting of a 1,200 gallon baffled septic tank, a 330 ft2 subsurface sand filter, a tablet chlorinator, a 2,000 gallon storage/pump tank, and an 11,760 ft2 spray irrigation area to serve the Dodson Residence, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received April 4, 1994, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until March 31, 1999, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Mail the Certification to the Water Quality Permits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 2. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number 910/896-7007, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in- place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 3. The spray irrigation facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the irrigation area to adequately assimilate the wastewater, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Environmental Management, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. 1 4. The issuance of this pen -nit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 5. The sand media of the subsurface sand filter must comply with the Division's sand specifications. The engineer's certification will serve as evidence that these specifications have been met. 6. A leakage test shall be performed on the septic tank and dosing tank to insure that any exfiltration occurs at a rate which does not exceed twenty (20) gallons per twenty-four (24) hours per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity. The engineer's certification will serve as proof of compliance with this condition. 7. If excavation into bedrock is required for the installation of the septic tank or sand filter, the pit shall be lined with a 10 mil synthetic liner. The residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 9. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 10. The following buffers shall be maintained; a) 400 feet between wetted area and any residence or places of public assembly under separate ownership, b) 150 feet between wetted area and property lines, c) 100 feet between wetted area and wells, d) 100 feet between wetted area and drainageways or surface water bodies, e) 50 feet between wetted area and public right of ways, f) 100 feet between treatment/storage units and any wells, and g) 50 feet between treatment units and property lines. II. OPERATIQN AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. A suitable vegetative cover of Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue shall be maintained. 3. Irrigation shall not be performed during inclement weather or when the ground is in a condition that will cause runoff. 4. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the spray field. 5. The application rate shall not exceed .35 inches per week at an instantaneous application rate not to exceed .09 inches per hour. 6. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. 7. No type of wastewater other than that from the Dodson Residence shall be sprayed onto the irrigation area. S. In the event that the sprinkler heads fail to achieve the design diameter of 65 feet due to obstructions, the obstructions shall be removed or the sprinkler heads shall be raised and supported to such height that the design diameter is achieved. 2 9. No traffic or equipment shall be allowed on the disposal area except while installation occurs or while -normal maintenance is being performed. 10. The Permittee is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the entire treatment and disposal system including, but not limited to, the following items: a. The septic tank shall be checked annually and pumped out as needed. b. The tablet chlorinator shall be checked every week. Tablets shall be added so as to provide proper chlorination. c. The storage, pump, and alarm systems shall be inspected weekly. The scum layer shall be removed at the same interval as the septic tank is cleaned out. d. The spray system shall be inspected weekly to make certain of the sprayers proper operation, that the vegetative growth allows a proper spray pattern, that the soil is assimilating the disposed treated wastewater with no surface runoff, and that no objectionable odors are being generated. 11. The Permittee shall maintain and keep on site a legible log of the wastewater treatment system's operation and maintenance activities, as set forth in the Operation and Maintenance agreement between the Permittee and the Division of Environmental Management. III. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. The Permittee shall maintain records of all maintenance performed on the system and irrigation area, as required in Condition 11.10 for a minimum of five years. This information shall be provided to the Division of Environmental Management upon request. 3. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number 910/896-7007, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that renders the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment, such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, spray heads, etc.; or b. Any failure of a pumping station or treatment facility resulting in a by-pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV, INSPECTIONS 1. Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 3 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. V. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. Upon the availability of a municipal or regional sewerage collection system, the subject wastewater treatment facilities shall be abandoned and all wastewater discharged into the municipal or regional sewerage system. 5. The spray irrigation field shall be fenced with at least a two strand wire fence. 6. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(a) to 143-215.6(c). 7. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. S. This permit may be revoked if the Permittee fails to abide by the conditions of the "Operation and Maintenance Agreement" previously signed by the Permittee. 9. A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Permittee for the life of the project. 10. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the Permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 28th day of April, 1994 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MAN EMENT COMMISSION A. Presto oward, Jr., VIE., Director Division oLEnvironmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0009280 4 Permit No. WQ0009280 April 28, 1994 ENGINEER'S R TI 1, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, Project Name Location for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting materials. Signature Date 5 Registration No. 00 CI i Ilia P QA \/ f? i GAT( h 1730., �wooC� 4017 r.743 / 4016 Y.//�_ ] 111 } .¢�___-_ �y/ •� goo- � - _• �. _ '`a '� 4015 00 700 $, 1 *D14 • Rgrly 7� 1 f BM /a , Ovo 1{ @ 4• w�l p • 1�/ 7 1 11 '••,mJ J i • _ '4Y .. .il• Y ' �•� Lir+ Yt' _Fl s Y Care k 36.15' 1642 25' IFi$3 I644 1 a IHTEFIPA� 79 OLOGICALSU*EY,WAs.'t Tom.P.C•—+f)A -22,301a 645000^ E J 1 MILE Primary CLASSIFICATION �0<1 Primary highway, Light-duty road, hard or IIle, � 7000 FEET hard surface. _..- improved surface 1 KFLGMETER Secondary highway, Hard surface ,— Unsmproved road r—j Interstate Route U. S. Route State Route OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR THE DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Elwood Dodson Route 2 Elon College, NC 27244 Single Family Residence Wastewater Treatment System Final Disposal by Spray Irrigation ` Permit No. WQ__�Q�ZW 9� ' Caswell County I agree to operate and maintain the wastewater treatment system as follows: 1. The Permittee is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the entire treatment and disposal system including, but not limited to, the following items: a. The septic tank shall be checked every six (6) months and pumped out as required. b. The tablet chlorinator shall be checked every week until the actual usage rate is established and thence on a monthly basis. Tablets shall be added so as to provide proper chlorination. c. The storage system, pump system, and alarm system shall be inspected monthly. The scum layer shall be removed at the same interval as the septic tank is cleaned out. d. The spray system shall be inspected monthly to make certain of the sprayers proper operation, that the vegetative growth allows proper spray patterns, that the soil is absorbing the disposed treated wastewater with no surface runoff, and that no objectionable odors -are being generated. 2. Failure of the Permittee to properly operate this system is subject to a penalty up to $10,000er day. 3. Failure to meet permit conditions or violation of the State's surface or groundwater regulations will require cessation of occupancy of the residence. I understand that failure to comply with these conditions along with the permit conditions may result in voiding the permit. Si nature: . g . x Date: �T _ Elwood Do son Notary Seai Notary Signatur • Date: 'J, f� i��l`1� LI!✓�I:-1 uyJr'f: G r RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIF=ICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: Owner or Contact Mailing Address: County: C tis u� Q0 „ , , ,_ Telephone: � b 4-L 1 �- 5 1 !>! Present Classification:N/A New Facility V' Existing Facility NPDES Per. No. NCOD Nondisc. Per. No.WO 22 9 2 $.6Health Dept.Per No. Rated by: &fes Date: Reviewed by: Health Dept. Telephone: -_��-�_ ReglonalOffice Central Office ORO: Grade: Check Classification(s): Subsua Spray Irrigation Wastewater Classification: (Circle One) i I it 111 N Telephone, 'X d -7o4 Telephone: Telephone: — Land Application Total Points: �� 4r- ♦ :►i ':� �.. �. :► a'.'I : Ire RtiG� tet. trio :a1 �Iw �� : N.►. a .. / Ii :I,��al ani 1�1 i}s�f� `i.-:1�► .► i►Ila L .:1 �. i► � �'tll: i�tAh . 1!► 'w: ��] i#1. :►� bleu. Rat `]lu. �► , r1. .►M is I1M Nll�i . 1*► .► .1 � .ts iii�u �' .? 0. . f.�.► SUBSURFACE CVSSiFIC,ATICN (check an units that apply) 1_ _,aaptic tanks 2 pump tanks 3. alphon cr pump -dosing systems i sand finers 5, grease traprinterceptor 15-on/water separators 7. , ,�Qravfly subsurface treatmant and disposal: a. pressure subsurfaea treatment and disposal: SPPAY IRPJGATICN CL ASStFCAT ICN (check aM units that apply) 1 _ preliminary treatment (dellnftlon no. 32 } 2�g Dons a septic tanks 4 mp tanks 6 6 sand fiHQrs 7���---� rease traplinlerceptor Bil/waler separators to dlsinfectlon 10. mical adcrNon for nutr-;ent/algae control 11. spray irrigatlon of wastewater in addltlon to the above classiffcetlons, pretreatment of wastewater in excess of these components shell be rated using the point rating system and will require an operator with an appropriate dual certiticatlon. LAND APPLICATIONIRESiDUALS CLASSIFICATION (Apples only to permit kidder) 1. Land application of biosolids, residuals or contaminated soils on a designated she, WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACIUYC ASSIFICTION The following systems shall be assigned a Gass I dassnication, unless the flow Is of a significant quanlhy or the technology Is unusualfy complex, to require consideration by the Commtsslon on a case-by-case basis: (Check If Appropriate) 1. Oil/waler Separalof Systems consisting only of physical separation, pumps and disposal; 2 _Septic Tank/Sand Filler Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand {titers, disinfedion end direct discharge; 3. Lagoon Systems consisting only of preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfection, necessary chemical treatment for algae or nutrient control, end direct discharge; 4. _Ckned-loop Recycle Systems; S. _Groundwater Remediation Systems consisting only of oWater separators, pumps, alt -stripping, carbon adsorption, disintec4}on and ddspor.;l; 5, Aquaculture operations with discharge to surface wafers; Water Plant sludge handing and back -wash water trealmefd; 8. Seafood processing consisting of screening and disposal. A. Singto-family discharging syslems, with the exception of Aerobic Troatmont Units, wits tae dassified V permitted atter July 1, 1993 or If upon inspection by the Divislon, h is found that the system is not being adequately operated or maintained. Such systems will be notifiod of the ctassif;cation or reclassHica[ion by the Cornm;ssion, In writ' . ------------------------------------------------------------- Facllhfes having a rating of ons through four points, Indus", do not require a cattifted operator. Fadlhlec having an =Ivatad sludge process will be assWM a minimum clazOV-stlon of Class IL Factiltles having trsatmwnf processes for the removal or metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum ctassftat'ion of Class IL Facilities having irsatrrant pr000sus for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum ciassYv,_Mion of Class M. =4 DEFNrTKM The following delinhlom shall apply throughout this SubchapTer. (1) Acthvaled Carbon Beds. A physlcal/chemloal method for reducing soluble organic material from wasiewaler effluent; The column -type beds used in this method will have a flow rate varying from two to elghl pallors per minute per square foot and may be either upflow or downflow carbon beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the waslawalar ire.atmert plant she; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A bash in which ail solids are maintalnwd In suspension and by which biological oxidation or orgark mattes Is reduced through srlirciatfy accelerated transfer of oxygen on a ilow•through baths; (3) Aeraliom A process of bringing about Inilmalt contact between art or Ngh purity oxygen In a liquid by spraying, aghation or dihuslon;(3a) Extended Aeration. An activated sludge process u111Izing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 18 hours. (6) Agricuhurarfy managed she. Any she on which a crop is produced, managed, and harvastad (Crop Includes grasses, grains., troos, e1c.); (5) Air Stripping. A procass by which the ammonium Ion is first converted 10 dissolved ammonla (pH adjuslmenl) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical Mears; or other similar processors which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylene; (6) Carbon Reperwrationt The ragenerallon of exhausted carbon by the use of a fumace to provide exlremafy high temperatures which volatilize and oxldlrs the at7sorbed impurlllee• (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A sage or wastewater Irealmanl designed to achlerve 'secondary effluent Umhs; (Rl Cenirtfuge. A mechanical crevice In which csnlrffugal force Is used to separate solids from Tqutds of to separalo 11qulds of d4feram densh'.as; hemkal Addrrlon Syslems- The addhlon of chemlcal(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of Improving sollds: removal, pH ad)usimont. .thy control, etc.; the capatbllhy to expodrnogt wllh different chernlcals and different application points to achieve a spectrk resuh w171 be considered one system; the capability 10 add chemkal{s) to dual unlit will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different appllcatlon points for ditiorent purposos will resuh In the tyslams being raled as soparale systems; (10) Chemical Sludge Con&loring. The addhion of a chemical compound such as itme, rarric woride, os a paiymer to wet sludge 10 coaies,^e 11-e mass prior 10 hs application to a dewatering device; (11) Closed Cycle Syslems, Use oh holding ponds or holding tanks roe eon12Llr1man1 or waslowafer containing inorlIANC, non -toile rnatorfais from sand, gravel, crushed stone or other similar oper.0ons. Such systems shall carry a maalmum of leve points regardless or pumping facili;ios or any other aryur;enancas; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous DOD and Nitrogenous Removal by Nnri1 Cat pn Asi. Ufa stage system requlrud to achA�e penr!it ehiva.'t limits on BOD are ammonia nitrogen within the Tame biolog�cai reactor; (13) De-horina:;on. Tho paniat or ccmplr,;o reduction of resIdual chloride In a ilqutd by any chemlc.tl or phys1c3i process; 0-t1 rarocwss. The [nr,vor,:,�n or nhr.e �i nhrojon Ip ols; (1) Past Assatbn__--...... -- 0 .dfilased or (m) Reverse Or+tnula. .� .....� . �.�«. _....._._........ ......... _.—..................... (n) Sand or LAlxed-Media Filart - Iorr high rats «��» �. ..__ �._- » _ _ .. --•. _ 5 [o) Trettrtwrt proosrais for rerrKwal of meal os (p} trea!lmord process** for rernoval of toxic materials oU»sthen meal or cyanide_-- --.is (t) SI-LUGETREATMENT (a) Sludge Dig*stlon Tank - Heated (arwrcblc .._ _ . «—.._ .....__ ..—..w _ ..._....t 0 Atroblic .5 Unhealed(arwroblc)............ «... «.._.» . ..................3 0 (b) (c) Shxlg. Stabklzation(dwmnicalorlh*mai)..�^_«_.� 8 Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity .................----_ Vacuum (d) Sludge (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemic&( or thermal).. (f) (p) Sludge Thickener (gravity) .... ......... .«.... 6 DissoFr*d AW flotation Unh {rat appllcsbL* to a vnk rated as (h) Sludge Gas thLlization (Including gu storage).. (1) Sludge Holding Tank - Aoral*d..._.^.--_— .............«...._..-^............._....«..................«............«......«...............»....................._. Z ()) Sludge Incinerator (not induding activated carbon nperention)....«.«...«. ».»...».... .«.. .. .. .. .»»..1 0 (k) Vacuum Mar, Carrtrtfugs, or Filler Press or ether almitardowalerinp deviora.__«.� (a) R ESIDLIAIS LIT ILIZATICUDISPQSAL (Ir-4udng irncineratsd ash) (a) Lagoons_ _ ......._ .»»..._....» ».......» ..................2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (se* defirition22a) by contracting too a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the send applicatlorn permit orlandlif pwrmh...... ...-......... ................ ....... ...........................» �».... 2 (C) Dedicated Lindfll(burial) by the permittee of tide wastewater treatment (�) (a} Chbrination»�.—...«......».........._..»...»...............�_..,......�.............«......�.........�,...�.....^..�._— (b) .� (c) Ozone_ z (d) Radiation»..^.....-...-._:....................................»....«.....«...............«.»»...................« (1 D) CHEMICAL ADDET?0N SYSTEM(S) ( tee definhlon No. 9) (not applicable to atwm *1 additions rated as Kern (:1)U)• (5)(a)(A). (6)(a). (6)(b� (7)(b), (7)(e). (9a), (9)(b) or (9)(c) 5 points each: List » (1 1) F sca ANECUS LAJfTSr P CESSE5 (A) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Sealing Ponds for 6ganic or Toxic Mwerfals 1;ndudtng wail*& from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds In amounts signXIcartly greater than Is cornrnon for domestic: wavtewater..._.»....«»...._.._........ .......__.........__....«.... ._......«......». .......A (b) Effluent Fiow Equalization (not epplicabla to storag* bailee which are kntwr*rn In (arid appikalbn systems)___2 (e) Stage Discharge (rot appllcaNs to vorage baslrx inhanrrt in Land application (a) Stand -By Power (1) Th*mal Pollution Control Device, .....................»..... TOTAL CLASSFICATK N Ctasf__. .»». «^ ...... »._ »........ «._._...... .............. «»... •r25 Potents Class II__ G>asS ti....» . » . »._ ... «.._.......... .»..«..« «« «.«««.. «« .«...._«.........51 65 Polrag Class N » _ .. ..._. ...—_._.._... ...«....... _ _—. .. .».... «66 Up Points ------------------------------------------------------------- Facllhfes having a rating of ons through four points, Indus", do not require a cattifted operator. Fadlhlec having an =Ivatad sludge process will be assWM a minimum clazOV-stlon of Class IL Factiltles having trsatmwnf processes for the removal or metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum ctassftat'ion of Class IL Facilities having irsatrrant pr000sus for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum ciassYv,_Mion of Class M. =4 DEFNrTKM The following delinhlom shall apply throughout this SubchapTer. (1) Acthvaled Carbon Beds. A physlcal/chemloal method for reducing soluble organic material from wasiewaler effluent; The column -type beds used in this method will have a flow rate varying from two to elghl pallors per minute per square foot and may be either upflow or downflow carbon beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the waslawalar ire.atmert plant she; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A bash in which ail solids are maintalnwd In suspension and by which biological oxidation or orgark mattes Is reduced through srlirciatfy accelerated transfer of oxygen on a ilow•through baths; (3) Aeraliom A process of bringing about Inilmalt contact between art or Ngh purity oxygen In a liquid by spraying, aghation or dihuslon;(3a) Extended Aeration. An activated sludge process u111Izing a minimum hydraulic detention time of 18 hours. (6) Agricuhurarfy managed she. Any she on which a crop is produced, managed, and harvastad (Crop Includes grasses, grains., troos, e1c.); (5) Air Stripping. A procass by which the ammonium Ion is first converted 10 dissolved ammonla (pH adjuslmenl) with the ammonia then released to the atmosphere by physical Mears; or other similar processors which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylene; (6) Carbon Reperwrationt The ragenerallon of exhausted carbon by the use of a fumace to provide exlremafy high temperatures which volatilize and oxldlrs the at7sorbed impurlllee• (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A sage or wastewater Irealmanl designed to achlerve 'secondary effluent Umhs; (Rl Cenirtfuge. A mechanical crevice In which csnlrffugal force Is used to separate solids from Tqutds of to separalo 11qulds of d4feram densh'.as; hemkal Addrrlon Syslems- The addhlon of chemlcal(s) to wastewater at an application point for purposes of Improving sollds: removal, pH ad)usimont. .thy control, etc.; the capatbllhy to expodrnogt wllh different chernlcals and different application points to achieve a spectrk resuh w171 be considered one system; the capability 10 add chemkal{s) to dual unlit will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different appllcatlon points for ditiorent purposos will resuh In the tyslams being raled as soparale systems; (10) Chemical Sludge Con&loring. The addhion of a chemical compound such as itme, rarric woride, os a paiymer to wet sludge 10 coaies,^e 11-e mass prior 10 hs application to a dewatering device; (11) Closed Cycle Syslems, Use oh holding ponds or holding tanks roe eon12Llr1man1 or waslowafer containing inorlIANC, non -toile rnatorfais from sand, gravel, crushed stone or other similar oper.0ons. Such systems shall carry a maalmum of leve points regardless or pumping facili;ios or any other aryur;enancas; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous DOD and Nitrogenous Removal by Nnri1 Cat pn Asi. Ufa stage system requlrud to achA�e penr!it ehiva.'t limits on BOD are ammonia nitrogen within the Tame biolog�cai reactor; (13) De-horina:;on. Tho paniat or ccmplr,;o reduction of resIdual chloride In a ilqutd by any chemlc.tl or phys1c3i process; 0-t1 rarocwss. The [nr,vor,:,�n or nhr.e �i nhrojon Ip ols; [11} MWEIANRXG LZOTWROCESSES (a) Holdng Porde, Holding Tanks ar Settling Ponds for brganicc or Toxic Materials Indudiing wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds In amounts slgnlflcartlly greater than Is common for domest)c wastewater ..... --....._.-----............._...—....................... ». ....».. ......» .4 (b) Efflwnt Flow Equalization (not applk,. i to storage basins which are Inhwerd In I" application systems). -..Z (C) Stage Discharge (not MpPlicabir to storage basins inhararl In land application systems).......,-.._..- — ( d ) Pumps..__.....— ......-----»•—-..».........—_._...................................—.__.. — ... » . (e} Stand -By Power (1) Thermal Pollution Corxro[ TOTAL CtASSF1CATION CClassha 1..11...... - _ »� »_». » ». » ». »�2� 25 Points Class fi . okos CtasslV »» _ PoirU .....»......................_..._........................5s-lJp Petrel _.—...._-------- Facilities having a rating of ons through four points. Irtdusi e, do not require a oenff led operator. Fac113tla9 havlhg an acthraled smudge process will be assigned a rrJnimum dasclficaiion of Class IL Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal or cyanide will be assigned a m€nlrnun c slitcat;w of Claes IL Facilities havGng troatrnentt processes for the biological removal of pho6phorus will be asslgr>wd a m[nfmum c4L" Tecation of Class 111. AOde DEFTIITK)NS The following definitions shat) apply throughout this Subchapter. (1) Actfvaled Carbon Beds. A phys€caVchemlcal method for reducing soluble organic malarial from wastewater effluent; Time column -type beds used In this method wilt have a flow rale vary €ng from two to eight gallons per minute per square foot and may b® either upflow or downitow urban beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the wartowater treatmer0 plard the; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin In which all solids are malydalned In suspension and by which biological oxldatbn or organo matter Is reduced through artilncially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow-through basin; (3) Aerallon. A process of bringing about Intimate corded between air or high pvrlty oxygen In a fiqutd by spraying, agttatlon or dtfluslon;(3a) Extended Aeration. An acliyaied sludge process utilizing a mintmum hydraulic detention tuna of 19 hours. (a) Agricuhuraliy managed sne. Any ska on which a crop Is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes grasses, grains, Veen, etc.); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium ion Is first convaried to dissolved ammonia (pH adjustment) whh the amntonla then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other ztmilar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylene; (6) Carbon Regeneration, The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of it furnace to provide extremely high temperature■ which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed impuritlea; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed lo'achleve 'socondary- effluent lfmks; (8) Cenirtluge. A mechanical device In which centrifugal forte Is used to separate solids from liquids or to separate liquids of diferent densl;las; (9) Chemical Addnlorl Systems- The addtllon of chamicxl(s) to wastewater at an appttcailon point for purposes of Inproving solids removal, pH adjustment, aikannny control, sic.; the capability to exporlmont with ddfarent chemicals and different appticalion points to achieve a specific result will be considered one --stem; the capabil ty to add chemlcal(s) to dual urAt will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different apptica:;on points for dMarant osos will result In the systems being rated as separate systema; u Chemical Sludge Conclhlordng. The addit;on of a chemical compound such as 11me, fan1c chloride, or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to hs appl�callon to a dewaterlN device: (11) Closed Cycle Sysiemi Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for contalnmenl of waslnwaier containing Inorganic, non-toxic materials from sane, gravel, crushed stone or other slrn!W operatlons. Such systems shag carry a maximum of two poinls regardless of pumping faciliilas or any other appurishances; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous BOD and Ntroganous Rumaval by Nitr6cation- A single stage system requirod to achieve permit effluert limbs on BOD and amrmnla nitrogen w'rlhin the same biologlcaf reactor; (13) DocNorinatlorc The partial or cAmpfnte redxxion of residual chlorine In a liquid by apy chemical or physitat process; (ta) P4rnitrtf;c.tl'l-on procxss. The mnvors.nn of nhralo-ntlro;}on to rvlrogen qzs: (IJ Post Aeration - Cascada..-..___.....» (m} d[thrsed or Revers® (n) Bard or Wxed-Meda Fliers . low raw (o) Treatment proosssaa for ramwal of metal or tyartldr�Ngh roto .^. » . .�» 5 (P) .1 trwtment Pnxxe es br nrroved of toxic materials other man metal or cyanide_ _ 13 (7J . SLUCiGETFaEA71MENT (a} Sludge DiDoution Tank -Pirated (anaerobic . ._ � _ _ ».....10 ap�d4i�"� Aerobic Unhealed (ansarobic). (b) (c) Shrdpe Stabillratlon (ct+errdcal or !hemmer) sludge Drying Beds - Vacuum (d) (e) Sludge Sludge Cordklomr (chemical or lhemwl)..._��. ... »...... ....��....�»...._.r_.... � ,� (1) (g) h) Sludge TNelener (gravity)... _...... �5 . __ .. ...»_.. Disiwhwd Air F€Wa]ion uric (not applloabls —1c . -a uric rated ed as(3}(i})-.....»..„._....»..........._.�_„_,,................-...,6 , l�y V Gas Utilization (Including storage). 4�e 1Sludge 1) pas .. _ » „ _ 2 Sludge Hokdlnp Tank (�} Nort•ar react »._......_,. .. """`""""......".... Sludge 6nciraralor (rot kmduding aalvated carbon (k) Vacuum Filter, Contiluge, or F•dter Press or other airraxv dawatering devices....._... (e) RESIDUALS UrT LIZATI0WDISPOSAL (including lncineraledath) (a) Lagoons. _ ».. ... ......._ ..._.... .» (b) ...2 Land Application (surface and subsuriaoe) (ser definition 22a) by contracting to a land application operator or landfill operator who holds the land app6-,ztlon permit [c wlatmdf it Pe crit _ ......».»... ... .... _.._.» » .» _ .....».... . �� ._...... _ » __... __.... 2 Dedicated Landfill(buriat) by the permktee of Vw wastewaler treatrrxma (®} (b) (d) Radiation __ (10) .............. CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM(S) ( ses definition No. 9) [not spplicaLlr to Owmicsf additions rated as Rem (3)0), T^� (6)(a), (6){b), (7)(bj (7)(e), (9a}, (33)(b} or (9)(c) 5 points each: Llsta)(xi), [11} MWEIANRXG LZOTWROCESSES (a) Holdng Porde, Holding Tanks ar Settling Ponds for brganicc or Toxic Materials Indudiing wastes from mining operations containing nitrogen or phosphorus compounds In amounts slgnlflcartlly greater than Is common for domest)c wastewater ..... --....._.-----............._...—....................... ». ....».. ......» .4 (b) Efflwnt Flow Equalization (not applk,. i to storage basins which are Inhwerd In I" application systems). -..Z (C) Stage Discharge (not MpPlicabir to storage basins inhararl In land application systems).......,-.._..- — ( d ) Pumps..__.....— ......-----»•—-..».........—_._...................................—.__.. — ... » . (e} Stand -By Power (1) Thermal Pollution Corxro[ TOTAL CtASSF1CATION CClassha 1..11...... - _ »� »_». » ». » ». »�2� 25 Points Class fi . okos CtasslV »» _ PoirU .....»......................_..._........................5s-lJp Petrel _.—...._-------- Facilities having a rating of ons through four points. Irtdusi e, do not require a oenff led operator. Fac113tla9 havlhg an acthraled smudge process will be assigned a rrJnimum dasclficaiion of Class IL Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal or cyanide will be assigned a m€nlrnun c slitcat;w of Claes IL Facilities havGng troatrnentt processes for the biological removal of pho6phorus will be asslgr>wd a m[nfmum c4L" Tecation of Class 111. AOde DEFTIITK)NS The following definitions shat) apply throughout this Subchapter. (1) Actfvaled Carbon Beds. A phys€caVchemlcal method for reducing soluble organic malarial from wastewater effluent; Time column -type beds used In this method wilt have a flow rale vary €ng from two to eight gallons per minute per square foot and may b® either upflow or downitow urban beds. Carbon may or may not be regenerated on the wartowater treatmer0 plard the; (2) Aerated Lagoons. A basin In which all solids are malydalned In suspension and by which biological oxldatbn or organo matter Is reduced through artilncially accelerated transfer of oxygen on a flow-through basin; (3) Aerallon. A process of bringing about Intimate corded between air or high pvrlty oxygen In a fiqutd by spraying, agttatlon or dtfluslon;(3a) Extended Aeration. An acliyaied sludge process utilizing a mintmum hydraulic detention tuna of 19 hours. (a) Agricuhuraliy managed sne. Any ska on which a crop Is produced, managed, and harvested (Crop Includes grasses, grains, Veen, etc.); (5) Air Stripping. A process by which the ammonium ion Is first convaried to dissolved ammonia (pH adjustment) whh the amntonla then released to the atmosphere by physical means; or other ztmilar processes which remove petroleum products such as benzene, toluene, and xylene; (6) Carbon Regeneration, The regeneration of exhausted carbon by the use of it furnace to provide extremely high temperature■ which volatilize and oxidize the absorbed impuritlea; (7) Carbonaceous Stage. A stage of wastewater treatment designed lo'achleve 'socondary- effluent lfmks; (8) Cenirtluge. A mechanical device In which centrifugal forte Is used to separate solids from liquids or to separate liquids of diferent densl;las; (9) Chemical Addnlorl Systems- The addtllon of chamicxl(s) to wastewater at an appttcailon point for purposes of Inproving solids removal, pH adjustment, aikannny control, sic.; the capability to exporlmont with ddfarent chemicals and different appticalion points to achieve a specific result will be considered one --stem; the capabil ty to add chemlcal(s) to dual urAt will be rated as one system; capability to add a chemical at a different apptica:;on points for dMarant osos will result In the systems being rated as separate systema; u Chemical Sludge Conclhlordng. The addit;on of a chemical compound such as 11me, fan1c chloride, or a polymer to wet sludge to coalesce the mass prior to hs appl�callon to a dewaterlN device: (11) Closed Cycle Sysiemi Use of holding ponds or holding tanks for contalnmenl of waslnwaier containing Inorganic, non-toxic materials from sane, gravel, crushed stone or other slrn!W operatlons. Such systems shag carry a maximum of two poinls regardless of pumping faciliilas or any other appurishances; (12) Combined Removal of Carbonaceous BOD and Ntroganous Rumaval by Nitr6cation- A single stage system requirod to achieve permit effluert limbs on BOD and amrmnla nitrogen w'rlhin the same biologlcaf reactor; (13) DocNorinatlorc The partial or cAmpfnte redxxion of residual chlorine In a liquid by apy chemical or physitat process; (ta) P4rnitrtf;c.tl'l-on procxss. The mnvors.nn of nhralo-ntlro;}on to rvlrogen qzs: The following scale is used for rating wastewater treatment facilities: (circle appropriate points) ITEM POINTS (1) industrial Promainwrt L"s or Wjstdd Prvjreatmer% PraQartt two defirAlon No. or AAedtiariW or Aerated tart R.nwval..._.._._.._�..................................._. .-. `y,) (2) RESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN gpd (rot aXkkJble to non-caruan'k*tad cooing woLars, sludge handing facMses for Flow M"—ring Devicea �� water purifiexlion ptxrtx, bialy dosed cycle systems(see defVAkn No. 1 i) and fadNoa consisting o* of tam (�(� (4xd) Dr !tams (4)(d) and (11i)(d)] 0 - 20.DDD_.. -- - - «« .._ Ina"merged Floe 1,4asurement_....__- ..2 5 C 1� ft 80.001 - 60,D00.... r..r............._... l "'001 - 100,000...... NtueK Flow Equatization........»_ 100.0DI - 250,000.. , - ,,,,A 250.001 - 600.000.. Mochanical.. "0.001 - 1.000,D00� ..,. �.r _.. _. _ .. _ _8 1.000,001 - 2.000.D00.. ». » 7 0 Prsch$ortnalbn. 2,000.001 (and up) isle 1 pout! UWAim-W for each 2DD,000 Gpd capacity up In a maxknum of --.....__.7 D (4) K AAASiY7PEATM91TWITS?PfCtCFSSFS Design Row (gpd) (a) Sopilc Tank (sae dathttion No- 47) (2) PRaNNARY tiNITS K)CESSES (ase d■llnition Nast) (b) Imhoff Tank......... (a) Bar Screens (o) of (b) Mechanical So worn, Stadlc &xsrern or Coffvr4m v Devic»s..... -,� _ _ 2 y _t — (c) Cert Removal .. _ «� _ _ _ _ _ .1 (/j.(� (d) or AAedtiariW or Aerated tart R.nwval..._.._._.._�..................................._. .-. `y,) (e) Flow M"—ring Devicea �� rn {f) Ina"merged Floe 1,4asurement_....__- ..2 (0) (h) NtueK Flow Equatization........»_ (1) Grasse or Oil Sop&worx Gravity Mochanical.. ()) Prsch$ortnalbn. (4) K AAASiY7PEATM91TWITS?PfCtCFSSFS (a) Sopilc Tank (sae dathttion No- 47) (b) Imhoff Tank......... (o) Primary Clarilars...... _ R (d) SwrWng Ponds or Sonning Tanks for Inorganic Non-ImIc Materials (sludge handling lxcliltles for weer purification plans, a", grays2, slops. and other mining operaiiors excerpt rernaliwul act)vBiet such as gem orgold— ---.__..._...._.— ...._............_. --.. — (IS) SECUZAW TREATMB+IT LUTS61FCXESSES� (a) Carbonaacus Stage (i) Aaratbn-Kgh Purity Aryg►n Seism --------- - �0 Dhfusad Air Mechanical Air System (flzod, iioalfng or rrolor)_ a Separate Sludge _—.3 (A) TridJkrlq PAW High Axis».— ats Slandxrd Rate- Packed Packed (fi} Blologlcat Aerated Filter or Aerated Blokoglcal FAor (w) Aerated lagoons ................_..._..........—_- (v) Rotating Biological- (Yi) Sand i=dlers-fnUrmlttont bioioQlad..--- ._.,_ Reclrculaiing biological. _...«.. .r.»� t� Slab0lzatbn Lagoons (lx) Single stage system forcombined carbonaceous remwaI of BOD and nitrogenous removal by nhrtrwalbn (see cWlnition W. 12)(Polrmt for this hem hays to be In addition b tams (5)(a){1) through (5)(s)(vilt), utilizing the extended aarat)on praoe a (see doflnNon No.3a) _..._......--- vInIzing other than the extended aeration prcceas..-- _ _� • (x) Nutrient additions to enhance SOD (xl) Biological Culture ('Super 8ugs')&ddhion......_.. (b) Nitrogenous Stage (1) Aerallon - filgh Purley Oxygen D1Husad Air System............ l _� �._._ ._ ,.�_ r t 0 Mochankcal Air System (ilxed, hosting or Separate Skudge (A) Trlckiing near -I -Ugh Rate,--- » ........... 7 Standard Rate.. _ ...._._......._,. ..».. .... » ».. 3 Packed Tower ............ ......................................... R 13iologlcal Aerated Filer or Aerated Biological FlPor..._._--- ._ - _ _-_ 1 0 (Iv) Rolaiing Btotogtca! Contactors... .... __.......... -------- --- ......... _... ..... (v) Sand Filer- lrriermitiont bkobgkW......._................ .. Rocirculating {v1) Clan'er.._................. _.�. (6) TEMIARYORA0VANCEDTREATMENT ENl 5rPFCC SSE5 (a) Activated Carbon 8eds- Without carbon mpan arid lon whhcarbon regeneratbn..... 5 (b) Powdered cr Granular ActWled Carbon Feed- wIlhout carbon regeneration _ _.................. 5 'with carbon regeneration...... »_................................. ... ........ ...,._.................15 (c) Air sirlpplng...... ................ ....................... -...-.......r... ........... ................... ^........................... ............._.S d) Donhriticar{on Procoss......... .... ............... ___ ................._....................................._................ _110 e} ElBcirod:alysJz................_......................... r.................................__ ................ ......-............_................... ..5 (!) Foam SeparatIon.............................._............. .............................. ._............................................. 5 (g) Ion Exchange ....................................................................... 3 (h) iarx: Appl cellon of Trealad Eriluant (r.oe detlnhiDn No. 22b) (not arnprlcablo for Land. gravel, star* cnd othor similar mining oparxtrone) by hlgh rata Inrilvatlon...... _... _..................... i (1) M;cro&creBns.......................................................................__................................--.............._._......--.....5 (�) Pf+o:,r tilrpa Rdrnoval by PrnceS._"c (Sat deTlnrlon No. 215)___ ...... .............................. ........ _20 (kj Pp:ichlr.� Pon 1s hill otat aern7Ion............ -.... -.... "-.'............... ..'..........-.-............................... .................. 2