HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0006546_Final Permit_19930621State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director June 21, 1993 Mr. Jay McCollum, President McAlister Oil Company Post Office Box 483 Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 Dear Mr. McCollum: �EHNR Subject: Permit No. WQ0006546 McAlister Oil Company Chilton°s Grocery GW Remediation System Caswell County In accordance with your application received May 21, 1992, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0006546, dated June 21, 1993, to McAlister Oil Company for the subject groundwater remediation system. Please be advised, this permit does not authorize the construction of chlorination facilities in accordance with condition IV,1. Additionally, there is concern on the part of the Division that the system may not operate in a closed loop manner and that additional wells and treatment facilitites may need to be constructed. If this beomes the case, the permittee shall submit a request to the Division for a modification to this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 31., 1998, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper Page 2 Mr. McCollum McAlister Oil Company Permit No. WQ0006546 June 21, 1993 One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Ms. Angela Y. Griffin at 919/ 733-5083. Sincerely, A. Prest Howard, Jr., P.E. Director cc: Caswell County Health Department Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office, Groundwater Section Jack Floyd, Groundwater Section Delta EnvironmentalConsultants, Incorporated Facilities Assessment Unit Training and Certification NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH INFILTRATION GALLERY PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO McAlister Oil Company Caswell County FOR THE construction and operation of 2,880 GPD groundwater remediation system consisting of an activated carbon particulate filter, a 550 gallon gasoline/water seperator tank, a 4 ft. wide by 6 ft. long by 2 ft.. deep diffused aeration tank which will provide air stripping, an oval transfer tank 3 ft. by 4 ft. by 3 ft., and all necessary pumps, valves, piezometers and appurtenances with the ultimate discharge of effluent to a 5 ft. wide by 60 ft. long by 10 ft. deep infiltration gallery to serve Chilton's Grocery with no discharge to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received May 21, 1992 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 31, 1998, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STAN12ARDS 1. Upon completion of construction and prior to operation of this permitted facility, a certification must be received from a professional engineer certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit and the approved plans and specifications. Mail the Certification to the Permits and Engineering Unit, P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, NC 27626-0535. 2. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (919) 896-7007, shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of operation of the installed facilities so that an in -place inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 3. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately absorb the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement treatment or disposal facilities. 5. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 6. Any sludge generated from these treatment facilities roust be disposed of in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 7. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated groundwater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. !' 1a :al u. 190 0 D19KI91411 u 1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2_ Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to or greater than the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission, The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type and grade to comply with the conditions of Title 15A, Chapter 8A, .0202. The ORC of the facility must visit each Class I facility at least weekly and each Class 11,111, and IV facility at least daily, excluding weekends and holidays, and must properly manage and document daily operation and maintenance of the facility and must comply with all other conditions of Title 15A, Chapter 8A, .0202. Once the facility is classified, the Permittee must submit a letter to the Certification Commission which designates the operator in responsible charge within thirty days after the wastewater treatment facilities are 50% complete. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. !� !'MLI1 '!, ► I ! Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (919) 896-7007, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence at the wastewater treatment facility which results in the treatment of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic, such as the dumping of the contents of a basin or tank; the known passage of a slug of hazardous substance through the facility; or any other unusual circumstances. P IV. b. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate wastewater treatment such as mechanical or electrical failures of pumps, aerators, compressors, etc. C. Any failure of a pumping station, sewer line, or treatment facility resulting in a by- pass directly to receiving waters without treatment of all or any portion of the influent to such station or facility. d. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility is not in compliance with its permit limitations. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 1. Due to the possibility of generating chlorinated halocarbons, the permittee shall not constuct a chlorinator for disinfection. Instead an alternate means of disinfection should be pursued if it is deemed necessary by the permittee. 2. Due to the fact that placement of the infiltrtation gallery may result in migration of contaminants away from the recovery system, the permittee shall install carbon adsorption to the treatment process to further decrease the levels of contaminants in the effluent. 3. The effluent quality of the groundwater remediation system shall consistently be of a quality that complies with 15A NCAC 2L. 4. The eight monitoring wells (MW-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and $) and the water supply well shall be sampled every January, April, July and October for the following parameters: Benzene* Ethylbenzene* Toluene* Methyl Tert Butyl Ether* Xylenes* pH 1, 2 dichloroethane** Water Level * Per EPA Method 602 **Per EPA Method 601 The water level shall be deermined prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The results of the well sampling shall be reported to the Groundwater Section on Form GW-59 in the month following sample collection. 5. The influent and effluent of the treatment system shall be sampled every two weeks for the first three months and monthly thereafter for the following parameters: Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Methyl Tert Butyl Ether Xylenes 6. The permittee shall develop isopleth contour maps for benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene, and MTBE using the October moitoring well sampling data. These maps should also be submitted with the quarterly monitoring data. 3 7. Any groundwater quality monitoring as deemed necessary by the Division, of Environmental Management shall be provided $_ All components of the groundwater recovery, treatment and disposal system shall be properly weather -proofed to prevent freezing and failure of the system. 9. Two (2) weeks prior to system start-up, the Permittee shall notify the Division of Environmental Management's Winston-Salem Regional Office that operation is about to commence. 10. The groundwater recovery treatment and disposal system shall be inspected weekly. If it is determined that the system is malfunctioning, all repairs should be made as soon as possible and reported to the Winston-Salem Regional Office. 11. If the data for the groundwater remediatin system does not indicate a positive trend toward remediation of the plume, or if migration of the plume away from the recovery system occurs, then the Division may require additional recovery, treatment, or disposal activities to enhance remediation of the plume. V . JNSPECTIONS 1. Adequate inspection, maintenance and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the groundwater recovery and treatment facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. V1. GENERAL CONDITIONS I . This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans, specifications and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4 4. The Permittee shall obtain a well construction permit from the Winston-Salem Regional Office prior to construction of the recovery wells. 5. A set of approved plans and specifications for the subject project must be retained by the Permittee for the life of this project. 6. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 7. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c) (4). 8. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 9. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the expiration of this pen -nit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 21 st day of June, 1993 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION &_&L , ha . �Yn can-0 �- Al A. Presto Howard, Jr. P.E., Director Division Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. WQ0006546 5 Permit No. WQ0006546 June 21, 1993 Engineer's Certification 1, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project, Project Name Location for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Signature Date Registration No jAd i 1 i LL(LEN Ps. —0 E — OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES IAONITORING WELL 0 SOIL VENT VAR1 ■ OBSERVATION WELL AEA Gk GRASS FIELD A 4�� PROPOSED Ce WATER [�^ -S' I SYSTEM LOCATION 7REATMEn1T WELL5UPPL m YIY-e SOIL VAPJR 2 PUMP HOUSE EXTRACRON SYSTEM ❑ c1' m Ml L° m M* 4 O RW-2 ■ �0 5 MW-2 ��{gY 0 0 �■ 2-1 1000. oar E 0 ,f�i RiRRKING MW-7 m l 0,4:(; 0/ PARKING 0 (p YW-3 E E NC 150 - - - - ------ - ...__... .. .. _..._.._... --- _. I'll INFILTRATION GALLERY LOCATION NC 150 ++++++,. of CA --------- aF 9r; Envronnmelntal Consa1200ts. Inc. D SEAL Charlotte. North Carolina 28228 In wee 17594 t ' a>oR ,m ' Fly E�' N� - CHILTON'S GROCER Y/MCALISTER OIL CO. �! . ���' � C4��.• PADJWT Mm"M REIDSVILLE, NC 3 �• ;BFRT �r Q ^+ga.......... a n.N. Y" Ik/V�f ►fl aura mrxnw RECOVERY WELL, INFILTRATION GALLERY (�[*� r- & TREATMENT SYSTEM LOCATION PLAN wn --•- -- .^--^_---._...�__..,.� w wa suu 12-17-P1 1' .- 5O' cAa stiW - 4 ar 20 ��,�„ f VC, P, 44 rc( \j M 17 71 K-1 AD' ?I lk I At L 1� L X-1 "If 5 (1, Z I C-) IT Nw/ < Ul V/1 0 7T, Ln Y yi-6- mA ,r _ ( t✓" '-r+ f.' l !�{., t"�j,;• a �t• .�4 -. .� :�'� ;•. `1�J } ��, �4r',1 �f q � �• } � �' f •` - i I X, . A cc) 1A A It TERRY GROVE) 0 a q 9 '*,a mi. To U'U.S.Iva 5156 IV Sw rn 0 4 RATING SCALE 'FOR CLASSIFICATION OF FACILITIES Name of Plant: M 6 Owner or Contact Person: J t'►'1 c C.. I t t Mailing Address: vrl County: NPDFS Permit No. C00 T ee phone: - V2 3 YV Nondisc. Per. No. L-> Q O C1 0 6 Sl L lssueDate: Expiration Date: Existing Facility New Facility 4A4 Rated By: Date: z Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Reg. Office, . Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Central Office ORC { w -n>J. ' �sj t,,4 Grade Plant Class: (circle one) lJ 11 111 IV Total Points/ ITEM POINTS (5) SECONDARY TREATMENT UNITS {a) Carbonaceous Stage (1) Industrial Pretreatment Units and/or (i)Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System ..... 20 Industrial Pretreatment Program Diffused Air System ........... 10 (see definition No. 33) 4 Mechanical Air Syslem (fixed, y (2) DPSIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD floating or rotor) ...... . ....... 8 (not applicable to non -contaminated cooling waters, sludge Separate Sludge Reaeration ..... 3 handling facilities for water purification plants, totally (ii) Trickling Filter closed cycle systems (del. No. 11), and facilities High Rate ............. consisting only of Item (4) (d) or Items (4) (d) and (11) (d]L Standard Rate ............... 5 0 -- 20,000.......................... 5 Packed Tower............... 5 20,001 -- 50,000 .......................... 2 (i i i) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated 50,001 - 100,000 ...................... I ... 3 Biological Filter ...................... 10 100,001 -- 250,000 .......................... 4 (iv) Aerated Lagoons ..................... 10 250,0D1 -- 500,000................ 500,001-•1,000,000 ........... . .............. 8 (v) Rotating Biological Conlactors .......... 10 1,000,001 -- 2,000,000 ........................ 10 2,000,001 (and up) - rate 1 point additional for each (v i) Sand Filters- 200,000 gpd capacity up to a internitlent biological .. .. - 2 maximum of 30 recirculating biological - _ .. 3 Design Flow (gpd) _ 1 (vil) Stabilization Lagoons ....... . ........... 5 (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS (see definition no. 32) (viii)Clarifier .............................. 5 (a) Bar Screens ................................ 1 (ix) Single stage system for combined o r carbonaceous removal of BOD and (b) Mechanical Screens, Static Screens or nirogenous removal by nitrification Comminuting Devices ........... ............. 2 (see def. No. 12) (Points for this item (c) Grit Removal ............................... 1 have to be in addition to items (5) (a) or (i) through (5) (a) (viii) ................. 8 (d) Mechanical or Aerated Gril Removal ........... 2 (x) Nutrient additions to enhance BOD (e) Flow Measuring Device ....................... 1 removal ............................... 5 or (xi) Biological Culture ('Super Bugs') addition (1) instrumented Flow Measurement .............. 2 to enhance organic compound removal ..... 5 (g) Preaeration................................ 2 (b) Nitrogenous Stage (i) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System ..... 20 (h) Influent Flow -Equalization ................... 2 Diffused Air System ........... 10 (i) Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity .......... Mechanical Air System (fixed, Mechanical .......... floating, or rotor) ...... ...... 8 Dissolved Air Flotation, 8 Separate Sludge Reaeration ..... 3 Q) Prechlorinalion .............................. 5 (ii) Trickling Filler - High Rate .............. 7 (4) PRIMARY TREATMENT UNITS Standard Rate ............ 5 (a) Septic Tank (see definition no. 43) . I ............ 2 Packed Tower ............ 5 (b) Imhoff Tank .................................. 5 (iii) Biological Aerated Filter or Aerated (c) Primary Clarifiers ............................ 5 Biological Filler ......................... 10 (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for inorganic (iv) Rotating Biological Contactors ............ 10 Non -toxic Materials {sludge handling facilities (v) Sand Filler - for water purification plants, sand, gravel, intermittent biological ... ..... 2 stone, and other mining operations except recirculating biological ........ 3 recreational activities such as gem or gold (v i) Clarifier ................... mining) ...................................... 2 (6) TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNIT (10) CHEr ICAL ADDITION SYSTEM (S) (See definition No. 9) (a) p--tivated Carbons Beds - . r} ('1 (not applicable to chemical additions rated as item without carbon regeneration .................. (3) (j), (5) (a) (xi), (6) (a), (6) {b), (7) (b), (7) (e}, with carbon regeneration . . ....... . .......... is (9) (a), (9) (b), or (9) (c) 5 points each: List: (b) powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed - 5 Without carbon regeneration ................. 5 5 with carbon regeneration .... ............. 1 (c) Air Stripping ........................ .. 5 (d) Denitrification Princess (separate process) .... . 10 (e) Eleoirodialysis .............................. 5 (11) MISCELLANEOUS UNITS (0 Foarn Separation ... . ................... . ..... 5 (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds 19) ion Exchange ................................ 5 for Organic or Toxic Materials including wastes (h) Land Application of Treated Effluent from mining operations containing nitrogen and/or (see definition no. 22b) (not applicable for phosphorous compounds in amounts significantly sand, graves, stone and other similar mining greater than is common for domestic wastewater .......... 4 operations) (b) Effluent Flow Equalization (not applicable to storage (i) on agriculturally managed siles (See def. basins which are inherent in land application systems)_ 2 No. 4) .......................... . ........ 10 (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins (ii) by high rate infiltration on non-agriculturatly inherent in land application systems ....................................... 5 managed sites (includes rotary distributors (d) Pumps ......... :...... ............... ....... ._....................... ............»............ 19 and similar fixed nozzle systems) ........... 4 (e) Stand -By Power Supply.................................................................. 3 (iii) by subsurface disposal (includes low pressure (i) Thermal Pollution Control Device ............................................. 3 pipe systems and gravity systems except at plants consisting of septic lank and nitrifica- tion lines only) ... . ...................... . .. 4 TOTAL POINTS Z_ (i) Microscreens.................................. 5 (j} Phosphorus Remoaal by Biological Processes CLASSIFICATION (See def. No, 26) ............................ 20 (k) Polishing Ponds - without aeration ....... 2 Class 1. ................. ........... . ....... . ............... 5 - 25 Points with aeration .......... 5 Class 11.............................. ............... ... __. 26- 50 Points (I) Post Aeration - cascade .............. 0 Class III ....................................................... 51- 65 Points diffused or mechanical ... 5 Class IV .................................... _--- ...------ 66- Up Points (m) Reverse Osmosis ............................... 5 (n) Sand or Mixed -Media Fillers - low rate ........... 2 Facilities having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, high rate .......... 5 do not require a certified operator. Classification of all other (o) Treatment processes for removal of metal or facilities requires a comparable grade operator in responsible cyanide .................................... 15 charge. (p) Treatment processes for removal of toxic materials other than metal or cyanide ......... 15 Facilities having an activated sludge process will be assigned a minimum classification of Class II. ) SLUDGE TRF—ATMENT (a) Sludge Digestion Tank - Heated ............... 10 Aerobic ............... 5 Unheated ...... ....... 3 (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal) ...... . 5 (c) Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity ................. 2 Vacuum Assisted ....... 5 (d) Sludge Elulrialion ... . ......................... 5 (e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal) ...... - . 5 (1) Sludge Thickener (gravity) ................... . . . 5 (g) Dissolved Air Flotation Unit (not applicable to a unit rates as (3) (i) ......... 8 (h) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage) .... 2 (i) Sludge Holding Tank - Aerated ................ 5 Non -aerated ............ 2 {j) Sludge incinerator - (not including activated carbon regeneration) ..... 10 (k) Vacuum Filler, Centrifuge or Filler Press or other similar dewalering devices ........... I ........ 10 ,S) SLUDGE DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) (a) Lagoons ........................................ 2 (b) Land Application (surface and subsurface) (see definition 22a) -where the facility holds the land app. permit _ .. 1 0 -by contracting to a land application operator who holds the land application permit ................ 2 -land appiication of sludge by a contractor who does not hold the permit for the wastewater treatment facility where the sludge is generated ......... 10 (c) Landfil)ed (burial) ......... . . .................. 5 (9) DISINFECTION (a) Chlorination .. . .................... . ..... (b) Dechiorinalion .................... . .. . (c) Ozone .............................. 5 (d) Radiation ......................•... 5 Facilities having treatment processes for the removal of metal or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class 11. Facilities having treatment processes for the biological removal of phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classification of Class Ill. in -plant processes and related control equipment which are an integral part of industrial production shall not be considered waste treatment. Likewise, discharges of wastewater from residences having a design flow of 1,000 gpd or less, shall not be subject to rating. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: