HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003760_Final Permit_20010608State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Michael F. Easley, Govemor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Kerr T, Stevens, Director June 8, 2001 1 • ; lk NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES ARTHUR J. TOOMPAS, CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGER CONE MILLS CORPORATION P. O. BOX 26540 GREENSBORO, NC 27415 Subject: Permit No. WQ0003760 Cone Mills Corporation Land Application of Other Wastewater Residuals Guilford County Dear Mr. Toompas: In accordance with your renewal and modification request, received on October 3, 2000, and your subsequent response to additional information requests, received between December 28, 2000 and June 7, 2001; we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0003760, dated June 8, 2001, to Cone Mills Corporation for the operation of a program for the application of 1,400.00 dry tons per year of aerobically -digested wastewater residuals to 732.40 acres of land in Guilford and Rockingham Counties. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 31, 2006, shall void Permit No. WQ0003760 issued April 17, 1998, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein_ Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements contained in this permit. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information will result in future compliance problems. Please take time to review this permit thoroughly. Of special interest are the following items: • Condition IT. 4., regarding the agronomic application of residuals, when animal manure sources have been applied to land. Previous and future manure application must be considered prior to applying residuals, so that the maximum agronomic rate will not be exceeded. • Condition 11. 23., regarding monitoring Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) • Condition III. 5— regarding reduction of TCLP monitoring frequency. • Condition III. 7., note that the Division mailing address has changed. • Condition IV. L, regarding abandonment of monitoring wells. 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-5083 Fax (919) 715-6048 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycied/10% post -consumer paper • Condition VI. 1., regarding Division receipt and approval of a completed landowner, lessee and/or operator agreement for specified sites, prior to any land application of residuals occurs, • Condition VI.S., regarding approved land application sites and applicable site restrictions contained in footnotes section a, b, c, d, e, and f. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Theresa Nartea at (919) 733-5083 extension 375. Since y, L -/-Kerr T. Stevens cc: Guilford County Health Department Rockingham County Health Department Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Section Winston-Salem Regional Office, Groundwater Section Groundwater Section, Central Office SYNAGRO-SOUTHEAST, R. Money-6220-A Hackers Bend Court, Winston Salem, NC 27103 Technical Assistance and Certification Unit Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit NDPU files NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH RESIDUALS LAND APPLICATION PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Cone Mills Corporation Guilford County FOR THE continued operation of a program consisting of the land application of 1,400.00 dry tons per year of aerobically - digested residuals from the source listed in Condition II. 6., to approximately 732.40 acres of land in Guilford and Rockingham Counties, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received on October 3, 2000, and subsequent additional information responses, received between December 28, 2000 and June 7, 2001; and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until May 31, 2006, shall void Permit No. WQ0003760, issued April 17, 1998; and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (336) 771-4600, and the appropriate local Governmental official (county manager/city manager) shall be notified at Ieast 24 hours prior to the initial application of the residuals to a site so that an inspection can be made of the application sites and application method. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a-m. until5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. In addition, the Guilford and/or Rockingham County Manager offices, must be notified prior to the initial application so that they will be aware that the operation has commenced. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the sites are maintained and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. The land application program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this program. 4. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this program. 5. In the event that the land application program is not operated satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall cease applying residuals to the sites and take any immediate corrective actions as may be required by the Division of Water Quality (Division)_ Some of the buffers specified below may not have been included in previous permits for this land application operation. However, any sites or fields that are included in this permit, but were approved with different applicable buffers shall be re -flagged to comply with the below buffers. The following buffer zones shall be maintained: a. 400 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for surface application method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the appropriate regional office, b. 200 feet from residences or places of public assembly under separate ownership for subsurface residual injection method; however, the buffer zone requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and the appropriate regional office, c. 100 feet from any public or private water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class II impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water for both methods, d. 100 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for surface application, e. 50 feet from any streams classified as WS or B, any other stream, canal, marsh or coastal waters and any other lake or impoundment for subsurface application, f. 50 feet from property lines for both surface and subsurface application methods; g. 50 feet from public right of ways for both application methods, h. 10 feet from upslope interceptor drains and surface water diversions for both application methods, i. 25 feet from downslope interceptor drains, surface water diversions, groundwater drainage systems and surface drainage ditches for both application methods. 7. A copy of this permit shall be maintained at the land application site when residuals are being applied during the life of this permit. A spill prevention and control plan shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. 8. Specific residual application area boundaries shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during application. 9. No residuals at any time shall be stored at any application site, unless approval has been requested and obtained from the Division. 10. Maximum slope for residual application shall be 10 percent for surface application and 18 percent for subsurface applications. 11. When wastewater residuals are applied, the Class B pathogen requirements as defined in 40 CFR Part 503 or the Process to Significantly Reduced Pathogens (PSRP) as defined in 40 CFR Part 257 Appendix II shall be met. Additionally, an evaluation must be performed which demonstrates the residuals ability to comply with this requirement. Upon request, a copy of this evaluation must be submitted including all test results and calculations. IL OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RE UIREMENTS The facilities and application sites shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. A suitable vegetative cover, as listed in Condition II. 5., shall be maintained in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist, and approved by this Division. An acceptable pH must be maintained in the soil, residual and lime mixture, greater than 6.0, on all land application sites to insure optimum yield for the crops specified in Condition II. 5. The agronomist shall provide information on the pH best suited for the specified crop and the soil type. 4. Prior to land application of residuals to any land that has previously or will receive animal waste, the farmer shall provide the Permittee with information pertaining to the volume applied, and a waste analysis. This information shall be submitted so that verification can be made as to the amount of residuals that can be applied at the appropriate agronomic rate. If the maximum agronomic nutrient amount has been applied to the field, no additional residuals shall be applied to the land application site. The application rates of residuals shall be such that the following Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) application rates shall not be exceeded for the specified crops: Crop PAN (pounds N/acre/year)_ Crop _ PAN (pounds N/acre/year) Alfalfa 200 Forest (Hardwood & Softwood) 75 Bermuda Grass (Hay, Pasture) 220 Milo 100 Bermuda Grass (Coastal) 350 Small Grain (Wheat, Barley, Oats) 100 Blue Grass 120 Sorghum, Sudex (Pasture) 180 Corn (Grain) 160 Sorghum, Sudex (Silage) 220 Corn (Silage) 200 Soybeans 200 Cotton 70 Timothy, Orchard, & Rye Grass 200 Fescue 250 If the approved Iand application sites are to be double cropped (i.e., a crop in the spring and a second crop in the fall, with BOTH crops to receive wastewater residuals), then the second crop shall receive an application of nutrients at a rate of no greater than 50 pounds N/acre/year. This practice will be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only, and is to be tilled into the soil, then no wastewater residuals shall be applied to these fields because the nitrogen will essentially be returned to the soil. No residuals other than the following are hereby approved for land application in accordance with this permit: Permit Volume Source Countv Number (dry tons/near) Cone Mills Corporation Guilford NCO000876 1,400.00 7. The lifetime heavy metal loadings (lbs./acre) shall not exceed the following for the corresponding Cation Exchange Capacities (CEC): Parameter CEC < 5 CEC 5 to 15 CEC > 15 Lead 500 1000 2000 Zinc 250 500 1000 Copper 125 250 500 Nickel 125 250 500 Cadmium 4.5 9 18 8. Upon classification of the facility by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall employ a certified land application/residuals operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) of the land application program. The operator must hold a certificate of the type classification assigned to the Iand application program by the WPCSOCC. The Permittee must also employ a certified back-up operator of the appropriate type to comply with the conditions of 15A NCAC 8G .0202. 9. Adequate procedures shall be provided to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed or stored residuals into any surface waters. 10. Surface applied residuals will be plowed or disced within 24 hours after application on lands with no cover crop established. 11. For areas that are prone to flooding or within the 100-year flood elevation, residuals may be applied only during periods of dry weather. The residuals must be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after application_ 12. Appropriate measures must be taken to control public access to the Iand application sites during active site use and for the 12-month period following the last residual application event. Such controls may include the posting of signs indicating the activities being conducted at each site. 13. Adequate provisions shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying pollutants from the residuals application area onto the adjacent property or into any surface waters. 14. Residuals shall not be applied in inclement weather or until 24 hours following a rainfall event of 1/2- inch or greater in 24 hours. Any emergency residuals disposal measures must first be approved by the Division. 15. Residuals shall not be applied to any land application site that is flooded, frozen or snow-covered. 16. Residuals shall not be applied at rates greater than agronomic rates, unless authorized by the Division. 17. Animals shall not be grazed on an application site for 30 days after residuals application. Application sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing that will be used to prevent access after each application. 18. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops that do not come in contact with the residuals shall not be harvested for 30 days after residuals application. 19. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) shall not be harvested for 14 months after residuals application. 20_ Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land (root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for 20 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil. 21. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of residuals when the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil. 22. Turf shall not be harvested for one year after residuals application. 23. Due to the presence of high salts in the residuals, the exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) shall be monitored on land application sites by using the results from the annual soil analysis. ESP is calculated as follows: ESP = (Na (milliequivalents)/Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)) x 100. If the ESP of a land application site results in an ESP of greater than 10 percent, consult the agronomic advice of the local Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, Certified Agronomist, or a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist, prior to further land application of residuals on the field of concern. Any of the above parties may review the ESP results, in light of the particular site conditions and make recommendations. The Permittee shall implement these recommendations in the management of the given land application site. III, MONTITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, residuals, soil, or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division to insure protection of the environment will be established and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Proper records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking all application activities. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to the following information: a. source of residuals b. date of residual application c. location of residual application (site, field, or zone number) d. method of application e_ weather conditions (sunny, cloudy, raining, etc.) f. soil conditions g. type of crop or crops to be grown on field h. volume of residuals applied in gallons/acre, dry tons/acre or kilograms/hectare i. annual and cumulative totals of dry tons/acre of residuals, annual and cumulative pounds/acre of each heavy metal (which shall include, but not be limited to cadmium, copper, lead, nickel, and zinc), annual pounds/acre of plant available nitrogen (PAN), and annual pounds/acre of phosphorus applied to each field. 3. A representative annual soil analysis (Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each site receiving residuals in the respective calendar year and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. The Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following parameters: Acidity Magnesium Phosphorus Calcium Manganese Potassium Cation Exchange Capacity Percent Humic Matter Sodium Copper pH Zinc Base Saturation (by calculation) 4. A residuals analysis will be conducted QUARTERLY from the date of permit issuance by the Permittee and the results maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of five years. If land application occurs at a frequency less than QUARTERLY, a residuals analysis will be required for each instance of land application. The residuals analysis shall include but is not necessarily limited to the following parameters: Cadmium Copper Lead Nickel Zinc Aluminum Ammonia -Nitrogen Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Total Solids Percentage pH Phosphorus Potassium TKN Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) After the residuals have been monitored for two years at the above frequency, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of monitoring for pollutant concentrations. In no case, however, shall the frequency of monitoring be less than once per year when residuals are land applied. 5 5. A Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) analysis shall be conducted by the Permittee annually. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (note the regulatory level in mg/L in parentheses): Arsenic (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) Chlorobenzene (100.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Cresol (200.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Hexachlorobenzene (0. 13) Lead (5.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) Silver (5.0) Trichloroethylene (0.5) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) Barium (100.0) Benzene (0.5) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Chlordane (0.03) Chloroform (6.0) Chromium (5.0) m-Cresol (200.0) p-Cresol (200.0) 2,4-D (10.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene (0.7) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Hexachloroethane (3.0) Lindane (0.4) Mercury (0.2) Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Pyridine (5.0) Selenium (1.0) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Toxaphene (0.5) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) Vinyl chloride (0.2) After the residuals have been monitored annually for two years, the Permittee may submit a request to the Division for a permit modification to reduce the frequency of the TCLP analysis. In no case, however, shall the frequency of TCLP monitoring be less than once per permit cycle when residuals are land applied. 6. All residuals included in this permit must be monitored QUARTERLY from the date of permit issuance, for compliance with Condition I. 11. of this permit. Data to verify stabilization of the residuals must be maintained by the Permittee. The required data is specific to the stabilization process utilized, but should be sufficient to clearly demonstrate compliance the Class B pathogen requirements as defined in 40 CFR Part 503 or the Process to Significantly Reduced Pathogens (PSRP) as defined in 40 CFR Part 257 Appendix H. 7. Three copies of all required monitoring and reporting requirements as specified in Conditions III. L, III.2., III. 3., Ill. 4., 111. 5., and III. 6., shalI be submitted on or before March 1st of the year following the initial application event, to the address below: NC Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section Non -Discharge Compliance/Enforcement Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 0 8. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (336) 771-4600, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to receiving waters. Any time that self -monitoring information indicates that the facility has gone out of compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting residuals to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS 1. Within 60 days of permit issuance, monitor wells MW-1, MW-2, MW-3, and MW-4 shall be permanently abandoned. Within 30 days of abandonment, a Well Abandonment Record (GW-30 form) shall be completed for EACH well abandoned, and mailed to the address listed on the form, in the "Reporting/Documentation" section of the Groundwater Requirements. All of the wells must be abandoned by either a North Carolina Certified Well Contractor, the property owner, or the property lessee, according to the North Carolina General Statutes 87-94.4 (b) (2). If the construction is not performed by a certified well contractor, then the property owner or lessee must physically perform the actual well abandonment activities and the well(s) must be abandoned according to the North Carolina Well Construction Standards (I5A NCAC 2C .0113) and local county rules. 2. Any groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below land surface. 4. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary is for disposal systems initiated after December 31, 1983, and is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with I5A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. V. INSPECTIONS The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport, and application facilities to prevent malfunctions and deEerioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall maintain an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of five years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available to the Division or other permitting authority, upon request. 2. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the application site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS No residuals may be applied to the following land application sites: ROM, R01-2, and R04-3, as listed in Condition VI.5., without prior Division receipt and approval of a completed landowner, lessee and/or operator agreement. 2. This permit shall become voidable unless the land application activities are carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the supporting materials, and in the manner approved by this Division. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 4. This permit is not automatically transferable. In the event that there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership or a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 5_ The following are approved sites for residuals application (see attached map[s]): Application Area [acres] Site No. Owner/Lessee (Operator) (excluding buffers) Guilford County GU2-la John Clapp 2.7 GU2-2 a John Clapp 6.0 GU2-3 a Arthur Bowman/(John CIapp) 22.1 GU24 a John Clapp 15.7 GU2-5 a John Clapp 18.0 GU2-6 John Clapp 5.0 GU2-7 John Clapp 2.1 GU2-8 John Clapp 5.1 GU2-10 John Clapp 2.3 GU6-2 Neal C. Tuttle/(David R. Clapp) 6.6 GU6-5 Neal C. Tuttle/(David R. Clapp) 10.2 GU6-6 Neal C. Tuttle/(David R. Clapp) 10.0 GU6-7 Neal C. Tuttle/(David R. Clapp) 5.0 8 Application Area [acres] Site No. _ Owner/Lessee (Operator) _ (excluding buffers) Guilford County, continued GU8-1 Paul Strader/(James M. Royster) 11.8 GU8-2 PauI Strader/(James M. Royster) 3.4 GU8-3 Paul Strader/(James M. Royster) 7.0 GU8-4 Paul Strader/(James M. Royster) 8.3 GU8-5 Joseph D. Thomas/(Jaynes M. Royster) 7.2 GU8-6 Joseph D. Thomas/(James M. Royster) 3.3 GU8-7 Carole M. Naylor/(James M. Royster) 11.7 GU8-8 Carole M. Naylor/(James M. Royster) 3.9 GU8-9 Carole M. Naylor/(James M. Royster) 1.5 GU8-11 Carole M. Naylor/(James M. Royster) 9.2 GU8-12 E. C. James/(James M. Royster) 17.3 GU8-13 E. C. James/(James M. Royster) 8.9 GU9-1 William E. Bowman, Jr. 8.0 GU9-2 William E. Bowman, Jr. 7.0 10-01 Summerfield Holdings, LLC-Randy W. Norris/(David F. Couch) 35.7 10-02 Summerfield Holdings, LLC-Randy W. Norris/(David F. Couch) 27.I 10-03 Summerfield Holdings, LLC-Randy W. Norris/(David F. Couch) 31.9 Rockingham County RO I --1 �. e David Bennett/(Harley West) 41.4 RO 1 -2'_ David Bennett/(Harley West) 18.8 R02-1 Paul G. Braxton 11.0 R03-1 Russell Perdue 10.2 R03-2 Russell Perdue 8.0 R03-3 Martha Perdue/(RusseII Perdue) 10.4 R04-1 John Shelton 10.9 R04-2 John Shelton 4.5 R04-3 ` Whitney Rogers/(John Shelton) 6.1 R05-1 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 3.6 R05-2 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 20.0 R05-3 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 4.4 R05-4 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 4.3 R05-5 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 5.3 R05-6 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 3.3 R05-7 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 8.1 R05-8 Aubrey L. Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 5.0 R05-9 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 3.0 R05-10 Clyde Stephens/(Doug Stephens) 4.0 R07-1 Raymond Fuquay 22.3 9 Application Area [acres] Site No. Owner/Lessee (Operator) (excluding buffers) Rockingham County, continued R08-1 s William H. Draper/(Clinton Hanks) 1.3 R08-2' William H. Draper/(Clinton Hanks) 3.1 R08-3' William H. Draper/(Clinton Hanks) 2.8 R08-4' William H. Draper/(Clinton Hanks) 5.5 R08-5 Arthur Pearson/(Clinton Hanks) 10.1 R08-8 Thomas E. Carter/(Clinton Hanks) 4.5 R08-9 Thomas E. Carter/(Clinton Hanks) 2.6 R08-10 Thomas E. Carter/(Clinton Hanks) 6.6 11-01 Paul M. Lewis I4.7 11-02 Paul M. Lewis 9.0 11-03 Paul M. Lewis 4.0 12-01 Anne B. Jones/(Dennis C. Roberts) 12.3 12-02 Anne B. Jones/(Dennis C. Roberts) 8.7 12-03 Anne B. Jones/(Dennis C. Roberts) 8.4 12-04 Anne B. Jones/(Dennis C. Roberts) 16.8 14-01 Jane Griffin Sharpe/(Paige Lewis) 8.5 14-02 Jane Griffin Sharpe/(Paige Lewis) 11.4 15-01 Beatrice Barber/(Paige Lewis) 14.0 15-02 Beatrice Barber/(Paige Lewis) 9.0 15-03` Beatrice Barber/(Paige Lewis) 19.0 16-01 Pearl Griffin Estate/(Paul M. Lewis, Sr.) 12.0 16-02 Pearl Griffin Estate/(Paul M. Lewis, Sr.) 14.0 16-03 d Pearl Griffin Estate/(Paul M. Lewis, Sr.) 15.5 TOTAL ACRES IN GUILFORD COUNTY 314.00 TOTAL ACRES IN ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 418.40 TOTAL AVAILABLE ACRES 732.40 Footnotes Section: The following sites are dominated by soils having a mean seasonal high water table between one and three feet. The application of residuals on these sites shall be prohibited from December through March, inclusive. Residuals application may occur throughout the remainder of the year provided the following three foot separation conditions are met: 1) No residuals shall be applied to any site when the vertical separation between the depth of application and the water table is verified at less than three feet; and 2) The actual water table depth for seasonally restricted soils must be verified by soil borings, within 24 hours, prior to any application event (applications are limited to April through November, inclusive). The number of borings advanced shall be sufficient to adequately characterize water table conditions across the entire proposed application site. Any open borings must be properly fiIIed with native soil, prior to application to decrease the chance of any residuals contaminating groundwater. 10 Condition VI.4., continued b Waterways and eroded areas must be avoided. If one of these sites are removed from the permit in the future, the other must be re -buffered to allow for the 100 foot property line buffer Field is heavily vegetated and will need to be bush -hogged prior to Iand application. d Due to high proportion of broom sedge, this field needs to be re -seeded. Appropriate control measures will be needed to ensure fescue crop establishment and maintenance. e No residuals may be applied to this site prior to Division receipt of a completed Iandowner, lessee and /or operator agreement. f These sites shall have residuals applied through injection only. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 7. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H .0205 (c)(4). 8. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. 10. This permit may be modified, or revoked and reissued to incorporate any conditions, limitations and monitoring requirements the Division deems necessary in order to adequately protect the environment and public health. 11. This permit shall become voidable unless the agreements between the Perminee and the landowners/lessees are in full force and effect. The land owner agreements are considered expired concurrent with the expiration date of the permit and must be renewed at the same time the permit is renewed. II Permit issued this the eighth day of June, 2001 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0003760 12 a�..Imlovjr _ Y rM r [�.1s I� / '�4` � ��� � C� . �,` ry±� Q rr a , � ` qE• r- �1_� '*Q` W' .� •o- v 4 \ 4 1 � � e� �` r • � � � r �� 1 Ir Ir • r r sly to 0 m 4rnrr cn39 0 11 AKt — M.1.1 I11 f � Mp1Atii-• -Z �' o�: � OM 'f 1' to � � (((r( � �. h� N M , RRO mWI! IYO r �if EULAM t- .: 1 ; -F�Iu-� •.� � � r�•1 l� f ., � � ry+,� N - r �j � 4y 11 k4fil ,r��q, mcm RO YI [L1 J —_y ` ! ,/l co •b h v r�• *, .34 `Y1 / , ti� 1 �•'�� , r\�' lam;• / � r ( �• / /� + � o �Y 'ri iU "YYYYIII f t! •yrr• 1 a \ • 'A '•-`Y is i. \' �'y(u+*°"' a. art i 22ii r i♦ 11�i � , ��. .�ti 1 •�'II J "'. foff w-h-- .410 0 .14 .11 , M.- •y ! fk rev& 5 ol 14 ;-fj i-7 of, oil I'M 1 16 N., Zkr P.C" 4P IAVA is 41. lillil"?, Sk to R VR$ Ff' for. 1A WTI 0.61 40 X, Is t .;4 F. 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Jam. �1.� � L l IL 1.4 sw n { r _. 16 ,` -''' lam. ,�_ F! ,� -f •�} ! _ 211 *lam +�—�• �� �_�� � �� f �`'��i - .,fit i � .� � J � �;, .s. _.��;t„/�.��r�dl � '? ar Ise _ 'r��—..� � � •'��:- �� f.. �^- �' � . � .�'�. ! 7 ter` t" 1�\��}y.. � � b ' ` • � �� -=t �- — '�4 ! �i� Arm -j r ��aY a! _ ',...�`�'�, .'a ` '-��' _ � ram• - � , vti _ �..k: � � _ram -;,,• ,� �: � SITE LOCATION MAP 7 = 2.4 MILES - �� ' -• DOt1G STEPHENS R O 5 (1-101 SITE MAP I" = 660' DRUG STEPHENS R05 {l-3} EA `a 1 � -.dam �� ` ' �� Y•- ~»� •� ��. -�Y �i . , ,�••�•..- �.��N 21' u a to. '•�� 1 f f � � fi �' _ t ! X i ® _ _ �� "� Jeri �. t 4k _ 1 x �• 1 r --•1� ! .V1��`'"� .r � a�' % :gal .. i •'- �` r_ # � ���1 L — •\ i a..r S i \ .ate. ^� � ��� r� - �, " � r r i .. . � � � tv ���L..._,.1'� � .•�..... ��' • a -may 1� � .' �� +4a/,+; i a ��• - _' ♦A7 W. SITE J.� LOCATION 't-•� �, o ;Fit_. ISO - SITE LOCATEON MAP 'f " = 2.4 MILES RAYMOND FUQUAY s IL 1 4, ie A :447.j W Ntp Z 4�1 4 Z. Ai UI V "V.- r- 7-!� T `4 4A Hy J'l SITE MAP 1" = 660' RAYMOND FUGUAY R07 fl) 0 ALI'. LU ..r 1 -� I - _! rhi.i• !Y —1 IJ6 I � ��'llll 1-�-_ r lc.,.�. r• - `f' � ^Y._ .._{ ___��f.�r _ ��,..ram.-_-�• � ._ 3 1,. �.� (`� . _L_9 1%� r',� s.. ��.r' •r4rT+•ar �. Ili:. '"'r'`'-�. r.� .i"'• �%��i�< �i _- � r �'f ter/ - �'• �.�- .13►r �' �_ �: ` � ` - �' �-�� �� %� � re / -. T y'� � r n �• •y�� r.... � t Y� r •.ram r'il-y4. ��� + -�•_ vpl ��. i. ice•''" •} ! �'� ":��:-N T +t.r'� Srm LOCATION t '--' - ? �- ♦ _`` SITE LOCATION i' •�fi / •r: =� *. _� � �- ,i •_- � ..ram t ' IL ATION TR ISO --i• .� � it SITE LOCATION MAP 1" = 2.4 MILES r _ CLINTON HANKS -d- - 01 ' }' 6dG+«i-r' f� ' Grers+�bary •• { �' `' 1 '~ y FP4 " ►_ ��-Mi •h •�r, F � 3 • r . � VICEN71TY SAP A Rwdr lj M,—Z—mr C pa , -ou,,\TI'Y Roc ;�,a� . OWNER P [ Lew) -30-199S 7-2SPM FROM SYNAGRO SE 336 766 6AS4 P. 3 r ��11JI S NAGRO APPLICATION AREA MAP A r crib, b Manorrm rf Caupmy Owner Lil Di i',L Scale. I" = 400 STREAM —� DPUIN POND PENCE STORAGE AREA Total Acres 3a.q �D APPLICATION ARE4 01 HOUSE 0 OUTBUILDING WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION Field # !- 3 Net Acres a ?. — '-- PRIMATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA �\ UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-13 /o SLOPE VICINITY MAP \,-\� I //, SYT\TAGPQ A rivid—h hf-n Zm—1 cvmpa.y 271 4- ZI . 7NI— le M.dl 704 Ile kul i7 SITE LOCATION as C, L s� dr `)T-J-NTY APPLICATION AREA MAP ,�Wiz S-Y NAGffo A Rtlidjrarj MeuaSrnrurl Conffi,r). Owner Ar%nr S ,;n r Seale: I." = 43- 3' Field r !+_1 Total Acres 41.3 Net Acres -� STREAM � APPLICATION AREA �- — DRAIN OPOND FENCE QSTORAGE AREA n PRIVATE ROAD B HOUSE w L j FORESTED AREA C) OUTBUILDING WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION \\ UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR qW INCORPORATION, 8-I2% SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP ��1111, S Y N A G RO A iRuiduab M.ruasnnc+tl Cn.rrfm.p O,wner (�Tv-.p Scale: I" = 400" Field r - - j STR LA M • ----> DRAIN oPOND FENCE OSTORAGE .AREA Total Acres 18. APPLICATION AREA HOUSE O OUTBUILDING 'WELL SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres 8.4 - - PRIVATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA w G UNSUITABLE SUITABLE TOR qW INCORPORATION. 8-I2% SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP SYNAG O ii 14j;fIffail mall gemeu/ Casrp rl). Owner Scale: (D ID Field n Total Acres 34. q Net Acres f� � -� STREAM (D APPLICATION AREA - - - PRIVATE ROAD • --j DRAIN B HOUSE FORESTED AREA GD POND Q OUTBUILDING UNSUITABLE FENCE WELL \ STORAGE AREA O SOIL DESCRIPTION SUITABLE FOR O INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE VICENITY MAP SYNAGRO A RuiY—li hS.—Z m—1 Cap y APPLICATION AREA MAP Kf Owner Scale: V = 401) Field # STREAM DRAIN OPOND rEN'CE OSTORAGE AREA Total Acres IS-0 Net Acres m APPLICATION AREA PRIVATE ROAD HOUSE FORESTED AREA 0 OUTBUILDING WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION \\ UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-I20A SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP ��llll, SYNAG Q 17clydrierb MeprnSc11rn1I col" "'), Owner lsNQ Scale: I" = Field =` , —� STREAM —� DRAIN POND FENCE OSTORAGE AREA Total Acres a) . '�- APPLICATION AREA B 14OUSE Q OUTBUILDING 9 WELL (D SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres 1 I - 4 — — PRIVATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA w \\ UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-12% SLOPE VICINITY MAP h Raidfiali A'O=Cemml Company .)1J—�'T 1 y O YY NTER_f�` J APPLICATION AREA MAP eat ---� STREAM • —� DRAIN POND FENCE OSTORAGE AREA ,�1 NJ, SYNAG O A Ruidrur71 1ti'-11-9cul[u1 C-111p.x Scale: I" Field n Total Acres a� Net Acres Iq �D APPLICATION AREA - - - PRIVATE ROAD B HOUSE FORESTED AREA w O OUTBUILDING 9 `'TELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION S UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-I2% SLOPE p SYNAG k APPLICATION AREA. MAP J A RUidiralf ManaScer..u/ Coorprrrrr f Owner __e ,' -,, _ 4NAnr Scale: I"= Fiefs a —� STREAM —� D RA I N POND `X FENCE STORAGE AREA Total Acres I�L APPLICATION AREA ® HOUSE 0 OUTBUILDING 9 WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres q _ — — PRIMATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA w \\ UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8—IZ0�a SLOPE APPLICATION AREA MAP ,\1lll. S,Yi�AG '% I�o ii Ruir/rnrl! MesnSrnrc n Cnnrp.rr,y Owner Scale: I" = f4-GO , Field # 3 -- STREAM • — DRAIN OPOND FENCE STORAGE AREA Total Acres �D APPLICATION AREA At HOUSE 0 OUTBUILDING WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres 19 ` — — PRrifATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA w \` UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR qiW INCORPORATION, 8-I2% SLOPE NTICINITYNTITAP —)U�TTY �dr S A Raidiwb \A1 /' l-, SYNAGP,\0 APPLICATION AREA. MAP A 1?rjido1jr xasrninr/Coorprffr Owner fla,71 r.7r: �!—. , ScaIe: V' = Poo' Field r ----> STREAM --3 DRAIN POND FENCE OSTORAGE AREA Total Acres a0 APPLICATION AREA I9 HOUSE O OUTBUILDING 9 WELL Q SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres I a — — — PRIVATE ROAD FORESTED AREA \` UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-I Z% SLOPE SY NAG O APPLICATION AREA MAP r1 Muir/rrn/r Mnrrosrnrnr� Ca.»p,r» �. Owner Scale: I" = 400' Field r a -----) STREAM • —� DRAIN POND `'��--- FENCE OSTORAGE AREA Total Acres [�-O APPLICATION AREA HOUSE O OUTBUILDING 9 WELL O SOIL DESCRIPTION Net Acres l4. f - --' PRIVATE ROAD 0 FORESTED AREA \� UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, B-12% SLOPE ,1 SYINAGf�o APPLICATION AREA MAP A Ruir/rr.rli MtrueSnitfill aarP�n3. Owner ---� STREAM • —� DRAIN POIND FENCE OSTORAGE AREA Scale: I" = Field # 3 Total Acres �L11 Net Acres IS, 5 APPLICATION AREA — — -- PRIVATE ROAD H HOUSE C?FORESTED AREA O OUTBUILDING �zS WELL 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION ` \ \ACE26b. UNSUITABLE SUITABLE FOR INCORPORATION, 8-I2'/a SLOPE