HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002994_Final Permit_19960329'Z':3tate of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 29, 1996 Mr. Rodney M. Tart, Director Harnett County Department of Public Utilities Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County Post Office Box 1119 Lillington, North Carolina 27546 Dear Mr. Tart: 099?FA 1•• 1:3 FE F-1 Subject: Permit No. WQ0002994 Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett Co. Carolina Lakes Subdivision Wastewater Treatment & Spray Irrigation Disposal Facilities Harnett County In accordance with your permit renewal application received May 2, 1995, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0002994 dated March 29, 1996, to the Harnett County Department of Public Utilities for the continued operation of the subject wastewater treatment and spray irrigation facilities. It is noted from the engineer's certification, received July 25, 1994, that the additional facilities as authorized in the November 2, 1993, permit are now complete. Please note, during previous meetings between Harnett County and the Division, Harnett County agreed to the installation of an influent flow meter. An installation has been completed , however, this meter does not measure total influent flow because of the current piping scheme. In order to comply with the previous directions of the Division, total influent flow must be measured accurately. This situation must be corrected prior to the approval of any additional sewer tributary to this facility and/or the approval of expanded treatment capacity at this facility. Please be advised, there is no unallocated flow left at the wastewater treatment facility serving this development. Permit condition 1.7 requires the permittee to submit a complete application for treatment facility expansion prior to measured wastewater influent flow reaching 70% of the current 299,600 GPD treatment capacity. The application for expansion should include the appropriate application form, application fee, P.E. sealed final plans and specifications, and all necessary supporting information. Construction of the expanded facilities must have commenced by the time the measured influent flow for any one monthly average reaches 70% of design capacity. Construction must be completed prior to the measured influent flow for any one monthly average reaches 80% of the current 299,600 GPD design capacity. If this can not be accomplished, the facility will be placed on moratorium and no additional sewer connections will be allowed. No permits for sewer extensions will be approved above the capacity of the existing wastewater treatment plant. P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Southwest Water and Sewer District of Harnett County Harnett County FOR THE continued operation of existing treatment facilities having a total capacity of 299,600 GPD consisting of influent flow meter facilities, two (2) facultative lagoons (one 6.3 MG and one 2.88 MG), one inclement weather storage lagoon (6.3 MG), a liquid chlorine disinfection system, a holding pond and 400 GPM pump station with dual pumps and an effluent flow meter, 11,620 linear feet of 6 inch force main, a 400 GPM booster pump station, an automatic irrigation control system, a 37.5 acre spray field with solid set spray irrigation system having a total of 153 sprinkler heads each with a throw diameter of 145 feet and automatic drain valve, and all associated piping, valves, controls, and appurtenances to serve 832 three bedroom homes of the Carolina Lakes and Carolina Hills Developments with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received May 2, 1995, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until January 31, 2001, shall void Permit No. WQ0002994 issued November 12, 1993, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS The spray irrigation facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times so that there is no discharge to the surface waters, nor any contamination of ground waters which will render them unsatisfactory for normal use. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions or failure of the irrigation area to adequately assimilate the wastewater, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions including those actions that may be required by the Division of Environmental Management, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment and disposal facilities. 2. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 3. The residuals generated from these treatment facilities must be disposed in accordance with General Statute 143-215.1 and in a manner approved by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management. 4. Diversionn or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the treatment facilities is prohibited. 6. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. 7. The application rate shall not exceed a cumulative loading of 130 inches over any twelve (12) month period at an instantaneous application rate not to exceed 1.5 inches per hour. 8. No type of wastewater other than that from Carolina Lakes Development shall be sprayed onto the irrigation area. 9. No traffic or equipment shall be allowed on the disposal area except while installation occurs or while normal maintenance is being performed. 10. Public access to the land application sites shall be controlled during active site use. Such controls may include the posting of signs showing the activities being conducted at each site. 11. Freeboard in the treatment and storage lagoons shall not be less than two feet at any time. III. 11IONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Any monitoring (including groundwater, surface water, soil or plant tissue analyses) deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Adequate records shall be maintained by the Permittee tracking the amount of wastewater disposed. These records shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following information: a. date of irrigation, b. volume of wastewater irrigated, c. field irrigated, d, length of time field is irrigated, e. continuous weekly, monthly, and year-to-date hydraulic (inches/acre) loadings for each field, f. weather conditions, and g. maintenance of cover crops, and h. influent flow measurement. 3. The effluent from the subject facilities shall be monitored by the Permittee at the point prior to irrigation every February, June, and September for the following parameters: B OD5 TS S Fecal Coliform pH NH3 as N 4. Three (3) copies of all operation and disposal records (as specified in condition III 2) on Form NDAR-1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of the following month. Three (3) copies of all effluent monitoring data (as specified in condition 1113) on Form NDMR-1 shall be submitted on or before the last day of March, July, and October. All information shall be submitted to the following address: NC Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section Facility Assessment Unit PO Box 29535 Raleigh, NC 27626-0535 If any volatile organic compounds are detected by Method 6230D, or the equivalent Method 502.2, then the Fayetteville Regional Office Groundwater Supervisor, telephone number 910/486-1541 must be contacted immediately for further instructions regarding any additional follow-up analyses required. The results of all initial and follow-up analyses must be submitted simultaneously, The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the Groundwater Section, Permits and Compliance Unit, P.O. Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 on Form GW-59 [Compliance Monitoring Report Form] every March, July, and October. 2. The COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15A NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. The Compliance Boundary is for the disposal system constructed after December 31, 1983 is established at either (1) 250 feet from the waste disposal area, or (2) 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the waste disposal area. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards at or beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to immediate remediation action in addition to the penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6A(a)(1). In accordance with 15A NCAC 2L, a REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around the disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. Any exceedance of standards at the Review Boundary shall require remediation action on the part of the permittee. 3. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. V . INSPECTIONS Adequate inspection, maintenance. and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Permittee or his designee shall inspect the wastewater treatment and disposal facilities to prevent malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors and discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site or facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. W �� -� r•E ir.1 tirY'.' C .1.i jaw ap 17 1°)r LW wl CAROLI NA ►.. J) LAKESLu, is ILM w LEG HAR,NETT" )u'' 1" i COUNTY 1, VICINITY MAP SCALE IN MILES RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIFICATION OF WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS Name of Facility: a,-: It Owner or Contact Person: ",SrCrS Mailing Address: L G ' q . L-rlr'► f Su County: Telephone: Present Classification: New Facility Existing Facility 1� NPDFS Per, No. NC00 Nondisc. Per. No. � rayHeallh Dept. Per. No Rated by: ,' Telephone: Date: _ - 7r Reviewer by: Health Dept. Telephone: Regional Office Telephone: Central Office Telephone: ORC: Grade: Telephone: Check Classification's): Subsurface _ i. Spray Irrigation LandApplication Wasiewater Classification: (Circle One) it 111 IV Total Points: -21 nab;-pa'x_S-ESANQR= lk'.PART QEl1' MVsp_ r r S"JE:.: J=.=�.CE CLASS i"G TION (Ghee• a: units that apply! 1 seplic tanks 2 p mp tanks siphon or pump -dosing systems 4—sand fiiiers c aease traprn4erceptor ti ci�rwa'er separators 7 svbsu-lace treatment and dispcs : cravlly yressure SPRAY IRRh;AT1C N C1ASS Fr—kTtphi (check all units thal app!y) 1—preliminary treatment (defrni�ion ne 32 j 2. r: lagoons 3. septic tanks 4_ i/ pump tanks 5 ' pumps 5. sand filters 7—grease tra.pAnlerceptor 8_ofllwaler separators P.�!" disinleclion 10. chemica' addition for nulrienllalgae control 11— spray irrigation of wastewater Pre-,reetmenl of westewaler in excess of these components shalt be rated using the point rating systern and K:I! require or, operator wlth on appropriate dual certification, LAN7 APPJSAT13WRESICUAL S CLASSIFICATION (Apples only to permil ladder) 1. _ land epp'icalion of biosolyds, residuals or contaminaled soils on a designated sire. WASTEWATERTREATMEN'T FACILITY CLASS F)CIMON The lollowiny sys:e:ns shatE be assigned a Class 1 Oassirtcation, unless the flow is of a signi:icanl quantily or the technology is un.suaby ear:plex, to require ccrtsideralion by the Commission on a case -by -case basis. (Check If Appropriate; 1 O::'wz:er Separalor Systems cons!sting only of physica! separation, pumps and disposal; 2. Ses:ic Tank/Sand Filier Systems consisting only of septic tanks, dosing apparatus, pumps,sand tillers, disinfeclion and direct discharge; 3 Laeoc . Systems consisting only ol. preliminary treatment, lagoons, pumps, disinfeUion, necessary chemical Irea'menl for algae or nutrient control, and direct discharge; 4. Closed -loos Recycle Systems; S Grou-.d.,wer Femedialion Systems consisting only of pumps, air -stripping• caton adsorption, dis;nlection and disposal: E Ftsh larms with discha•ge to surface waters; 7. 1':a'e- Pant sludge hard„ng and barJ.•wash waler treatment; b Sea'oo-' processing cc!tisisling oi screening and disposal. 5 Sinn=a-tamBy discharg;ng systems wr:h the exception o! Aerobic Treatment Units, will be classified if permilled alter July 1, IP93 or it upon inspection by the Division, Il is found that the system is not being adequate)- operaled or maims,* ned. Su;h systems will be nolified of the classification or reclassilicalionpy the Commission. in writing The following scale is used for -rating wastewater treatment facililies: (circle ap, ropriale points) ITEM POu�TS (1) Mcluslrial Pretreunrarx Ws or hdumft Prouvwnwrit Program. ("a dolinhlon Nc. (2) DE,;Gh' FLOW OF P,-I.k'T in Qqd (rtot applicable to tnn-eonuminud Imolft evarars. a7ud9e handl=nQ IASAisa 10' wiser purtfrcatior. plats, totally closed cycle syalsms(a dslrnhion Ne. 11), and IM61406 cons.1mirtt only o' h►rr. (4)(e) or hams (4)(d) and (11)(d)) ly 2.Ra:.OG'l (and tip) rate 1 point addaionae for a.::I,, 2ao.Wo on'd capaahy up to s muirivm o! Desig- Flow (pod)_:Z.' (3) PR_;JW iARYLsti-S'gr`IOC.'ESSES(wd&bt mNo32) or Screens. 5195C Sareona Ot C*MrnlnsrlUV Dovices .-- _•2 (c) Gri R►mvral__ _ ___��.�w — ....._ _�._M_ _ _ _ _-- _._..._.___.....1 or (d) W:)*rrsalorAarwodcryliemain]�_.�____..._. (a) Flowlfaasueelp Device—_---- ---- ---_.... Tj or (1) Instrumented Flow Meawnmenl IG} Praaerstion.......�__,..�—�...._r...__......._.._...._...._•----..»............._....._.2 (h} Inlrwnt Row (i) Greas► or Oi: Separators - Gravty _ IAA►c hanits!......._..__..._.�......�....._...-. _ T—.�................-�.—.�._..._.....�........._......_......._......3 Dissolved AI! Flow ion.-_— (11 Ptsch)crinatlon. » _.......... 5 (4) FA6VAR'TREA1WEr%7LN7VPF0CEM=_5 (a) Septic Tank ices definition No. 43).. (b) Imhot' (c) Primary ........... —..... _...^._............... _....................... (d) Ssn:: ". Ponds o• Serling Tanks lot Inorganc Non -soil[ lJta:s'ials (sludge hand,mi; Iaakites lay wa:a: pvr's;Ka.ion Plants, sand. gars'. atone. and Dues rninln, operalions 41CAP! recreational ale ivi:iss such as pa-n or Qok (5 } 73'.E�Tafty.T ll�: r5.'Pr"bGESSES (aJ Ca�bc:raaous Slaps (1) Asralion-Kg! Purity OxyQan System. ....... .— ...... .__.»___.._.___._......._..__.»_._...2a Dt ass[Ai'Syslern....................... ...._.._..._._.__.___..__ ._._....»..10 ftschanca! At- Syzierr (ktsd, flossing of S4;4rals SUdge Rene'si on .............. .__. ......_ _ _ . ._. _... �..3 f;;'. Ra:e.... .—.............. —_.»�......_..................._..............._._..................................7 packedTows r................. _ .� ... r _.. ».... _ ... _. _.... _. �......._S Aerated Rher or A►rased Erokp'cXFile r.......--._..._._._.........................__...—...... ......... ._...... _..... 1D (rr; Arratad Lagoons .. ..........._.......__._......_..........._..............._.._...........................1 D (v) FD:a;mi; B�Dlog" CDMaClori................. .............._.............. .-.................................. 10 [v:) Sand FWen-Intarm]ttenl biDkopiciL...._......_.............._..._.................._._........_..2 Retlreula:inQ bloloQleal..„.._..�....._...._........._._.........__............_.................... .3 {vi:) Sisbili2a:iDn Lagoons.»...._..._ ......... ......__......._»...._..._.......»........._.......»._.._ {ix) .Sirty"le s:ape sy,"em for combined carbonaceous reT*vat of SOD and nheopsmL i remora: by rtlirVicalion (set daNnaion No. 12)(Poinls (or this item have to be In 40dr:ion le Items (5)(a)(i) Ihrough u1i:.2ing the extended sermon process (ass deanhion No3a) .....„................................ 2 vNizinp other then lha exlendad asration process.._»._....._....._..._.........._...._._...I (x) N wism adda'+ont Io enhance SOD removal..._ .............. .............. _.................................. 6 (xi) SiDIDp'Icsl CtrhUfe ('Super Bups')addiliDn._....._._..__..._.................................. ...5 (b) f -l'opehous Stage (i) Asration • Nigh Purity Oxygen Syslam._..__.._.....----^._...._ ................_...._...._..20 DMvsed Air System ....................... _...... ............... »............... ....... _... ...... ..... ..........7 0 loe:Fan;cal Air Sysem (lixsd, floating or rotor).....��__....,...__.�.._........_............._...� Sgparare SLrdgs Ruszation.... —.. ........._..... ......... —^......... ...................................3 (ii) Trickling Fitter -Nigh Rate.... _........ ...........--...._. .. _ .................7 S:endafd Rals....... .............. ................_................ ................ ............ .................... .5 Packed Tower ............................... ................................ ................. ............................... Bicicp:Cs' Aerated Fills, or Aerated Biological Frltei..._.........._......__................__...__......1 0 (iv) Fctaon_ 8,olopira, ConiaC1OR............................ ......... .............. .._. ................. _........... 10 (v) Sand Fitter • inisrmn►rs biological ................ ............ ................... ......... .«_�...........2 Fe:ircc:&tin; biological .......................... »_.. _........_............... .................................. (vi) Cwte....................... ................ ............. ................ ........... ........».-..«........_..............5 (E] TER'ycgvC�s.1:A•:;.ED7R;J�31.r@r'lll�;3S'Pi�CESSES (a) Acna•a". Carbon Beds. whhou: ca•bon repaneraliorl............................................._......_.......«.._.»............._......_......5 wish carbon rsaneneralion................. ....,.........._....-........»......................»..............................i s (b) Powdered or Granular Aci"ied Carbon Feed• wi:hovt carbon repeneration..................................................................................................5 wish cargDn rspensration.....................................................................................................is (c) Air airipp;ng..................._............................._............................................. Process........................................ .................... ............................ ...................................... I C (I) Foam SaparallorL . _ _ _ -5 ( p f ion Eichango_ — .----- b (h) Land Application of Treated Efftuero (sea dermillon No. 22b) (rot sppIkAble br Sand, gravel, slow end other alrnliar t k&V operation) by high rats (1) Mi:root»eM (1) Phosphorous Rontoval by Biolcgitzl Processes (See delar"n No. (k) Polishing Poufs • eafthow urallon.». _2 Whh aeratfora_— (1) Pets Aaralion • Cascade -� 4"Mod or msldanleal (m) povarae Osmools._ ( r.) Sane or Mzsd-Madra Finns . low Iigh rate (c) Trtss!mrrt prooasas for rsmovat of trial of CyaHda.._—_� _ __•._ «_ �_______._._.15 (F) rralatman. processes for roertoral of idiot materials. other Chart natal or cyanide —,15 (7) S.;AGETFLELT1y9s4T (a) Stodge Dipestion Tank • Haalod.r._ Aerobic: a Unhealad 11 (b) Sludge Mabaa ion (chamiW or thermL') (�} Siudge Drying Sods -Qravlly____ Vtcvum Asswed._ (d) Sludge Elulrlawrl......._....._.........._.........____ (e) Siudpa Condhionor (eharn" or Ithsrmal) ,_-_.S {fj Sludge Thlckenor (gravity)-•_, — , , _ __—_---•--•--,_ .S (g) Dissolved A'v Ficlalion U0 [rot appiribia to a unk rated as (3}(i]J___—__ .._T___-•_--_ 2 (h) Sludge Gas Uttl:sa!lon (including pas storape). - _2 (I) Sludge Holding Tank . Asrated. -- S (11 Sludge fncinaraton (no: Including aai+alsd carbon rope neralion). ._..___..._ (k) Vacuum Fine-, Cen:rifcgo, or Freer Prau or *the! simiiu dowatering devleea ___-1 C (E } RES:DVA`_S Lrf ILMATtOrhMISPOSAL (rtdvdrtg ins kwaud ash) { b) Ladd Apprlcalion (surface and subsurface) (sea derinklon M) by aoniramin;, to a land a Ication "ralor or larldliv oponator who holds the land applation parrnt or landfil perm!:.._. . ..... {c) Dedreaied land'ill(burial) by the pernhios of the waslawale: treatment (C; DstF—,ION, (IC) C-s_rrCAL ADD:TfOr: SYSUV.;S; ;...-d.'iri:;ar. Isk. R)Inc! appkAbi: to chemical addition raise as hem (a., , (5Ho)(x1J, (6)(1). (6)(b)• (7){b). (7)(9). (99). (f)(b) or (R)(c) 5 points each: Gist....... . _.�...._»._..__ ___. ._......___.._ti..._. _... _- _ - _.....»._._.._...� (t 1) N.'S=5Ll.^:i�.15 L►'+C'S?FC7CE� S�» e) H.-Id.-I; Ponds. Hz1.1,N Tanks or So'hng Ponds for Organic or Tozic Malorlais including wasisa frorr, minin; operations comainlnp r,ilrope^, 01 phoaphorvs compounds In amounis alproricanily gres:a' thee, Is cm ner, lot ormoslic wasiswaler._ ....._....._....._......._....__......_..._._._._........4 (b) Er„.-om Flo- Eq.,a17;1&!icn (no' app$eabls to awrapa basins whLh am Inherent in I" application sys:ec•s)...... _.................. .... ............_-.._..._...«..»..,...._._............................._ _._..... ..... (c) Stage Ducl'.args (too: appLcablo to slorage basis lnherars In land appfication (C; (a; Fu:-;:S...................»...»»............»«...._-..........._.................................._........._._.......�............... 1 S:ant-6y POWs -Supply...... (1) ......__.» _.. _ _..._____.__ _.-� Tna-ri PCI..Mr, Conerp: Device ............................. _ ... ..... _ ..... ......... —_.._......._....... 3 TOTAL POINTS._._. - CLASSMTM Ls cussU....-._ ...._...... » _...........................................61.65 Points C+assN...... _....._.-_ ..._ . _.....�. .....................66-Up Poiraa Fa:i:cias havin, a ratihv o' one 1"urh lout points, htclus)ve• de row. requirs a conVisd operator, FU_:'.ea havil;; on arl.rsd siudge procass wit' be tLuignsd a minimum elassfft:a:ion of Class IL havPtj; uea•rlon! p•Ocetsss Iw the removal a' meta.' or cyanide wIG be assi2wd a mirtinturn Nassihulion of Ciass IL Fa-,Llllss havin4 iraairm-v p•acessot lot the biologi:a' removal el phosphorus w:C be assigned a minimum elassj:ICUIiDn of Class )IL Mod DEcjVTiOs?S TH4 la a -5 eo'-ttott steal eppy vve.rr .Quw ril subchaptor• (tj AcTW6c CA-.W 6eCt A nMhee la rod+cinj IeLbta egatit nlalria' Wpm welltwller eievpn:- TM rorvr•n Sys beds used r Its "hod wd nave a ho- raia va •y-ng Ire, r-e le ♦ -v. pl e' pe• rnn.A- pa• s9ds•6 be: ate may isa v.rW yptow or ew+neow rarbv been Carbm may or may me: bs ogerw iloi! on aM .u:..ro• t•aar•--' p'a pdi: (., Ao:a't_ A Cafe. r w1k^1 at 466es ore ma+reineZ en ■ucpr k. art by w+ie biaep4e? ar4aean or rrpr:c maaer it neglect tnrw#,. rn64lasy ercnreNd vs s a e• cry-.- o- s M10--the-S` bent- (:, Awb-v A Patell c' vnr-y- ebe✓ int-•ale tovct bi o+pr. W' Q r.y "11 ozypen in a IM1d bT eprayinrr_ agletiw+ er e,ret6ionj7a) EslnWee Apra ►on An a: c•HV_ e'r_ps r,ccots Lot.n•,a a mrs ,:_ hyeaj.c dtlenten%nNo e! to hmrs. (.. AS'c.r.s a'-t r4%,W a•:- M; a::a w w ._ ■ crrr is poducod, nrarr5ad. ane nonfood fCjop indrdss Vaalpl, paint. ►pea, etc.). 1S, A-- A p•ocets by w+tar r-a aria. " ion a Lrs: cwo•sed tc osse-ed urnv.1 INN sdvz: os) - v rM e,rasa r,en rolosaed to rM ■lmotpwo by p+•yr.ca r:a^l a C-� 4—I• p+b.py}of rocs Me 4,t Petaro fT pro&412 such as bonLorM. IpuMna, anC aykww. It; Cs-W Fes --.rate TMt r Lenraean e! asna tntot ra•ben by rw lie at a rvrar7 le preside *z%s0F ry hqp te,9e'81✓61 %"eh %,V§bLre enc w,d.la r11 i5—bod (Ts ea-va:revs sups A I:ape e� «a-:ow.slo• roasmur eolp"d tc act;tre •eacondvr- etsvent emote. (6 Lr:•t;4 A no:-a's¢i pre<- to w.!ycl• com"'Ve• reao is Wee IC SOPA-618 tti•et tee,r tpfda er to e6pe9re LQJda of d.eo•onl dl Mian, (a C^a-.aa tiny 5.su-s Ths ■cd:-ar_ er csw + otfel ic •gel-. Ys t: a^ app•ra:w poi' to, p✓pasot r•.IlprCrrl` sat.ds b Cove'- Ps+ ■d1.xt,M1- 61W-n-s, Cenlrel Ic ttpp-stir- r-r e-rav Cnarh[su s•+e pr:agn: App,taloe poml it arh.e•o 4 speuec recur, w2 be rons•e+,ee e» ayssr. Ins eapa D..n se soc ~,UK.) to dud halt wr be salad a, vets "Its ms: Cepabahy b a" s shotr*caf at a 6lsererif appi"Son psotwr ier abrsed psrposat way Mutt in " argwr bons rr a s;i eepuaw splaea: (ID) Q+rrira' Sett UF66000V The sd&km of Is dvehiW pserpauad touch at fine. irrie Chloride• r s poirl r In mist skrdga to rxetosta dhe rna&s prir at la application tc a inrrlrig dsvict; (it) C✓atad Cycle Sytracm. Ust at hotdng ponds or heldnq tardts bt Cr"Wrart of wmsl*wmler eomAmWrsp k,orgarie. Ron -Work rnolerista tom sa•+C. Qrawe', cnn r*e parew or vow oF.tr opw■tero Su: h sysiorns " harry a rnosLrwn of twro pcitxa regordlsas or pumping lactlies a any ono app onse ancei: (12) C lmaiinae Fw r s ar of Carbnesota 0O0 and livopralve; Rorroval by sifMGeatio, A sloVe slop gyalrn nquirad b achiws ps : aaktan! Lvnit er. BOC arc arm7'aya rjwvyr< vifi.i the same bidopicar rosclo'. (13) Dsdfr4eer. The parial or cerrpreIn rsdhe[ivr of 1a51,6/af Ohloiew In a Wild by airy oharriui or phy*ksl prates,; -t• Da'irijoakn Fraceu. The cawrOgn of nlr.tt.nlrag n b rivagn gas: FSacVadslyis Proms lot rorrhoving lerthcad sash tam wotr trargh tit see of lonsadeel- ietaasclwrgo rnseribrarrs: Fik, Pnss. A process opratse madsenicaey tor parLiCly dowasiMp arvdgo; F91rn ispar+tar. The peruse waiting w wuiv.Stor or raa:swsir sHusrd *$ a mriaars C ronao+irlp eaeetslva afhouris el dole poM t»tomatt tow Vti vu aeredCSan W al. In Cw loom or ins bubbfas. slso carve io4rn iaclarakon; (It; Grr, Rorrroval The prcesss of ronrwiris gri; and o:hr' hstovy rttnrs! motlr warn wastewater; (It; Wnccr. Tres. A dsK 1wC 9" wsttvwtu' lank eariistnp of an appot toQrrerda6on shim al and a Yvon tdudgr aLa"sLon durrbv. (7C, iratrima-sae Fr Jdall.rarnsn; A glhico wtichh Vdicales and records rite of low; (21; ton Esdwhpo. A derrica! pf=trtr in which i6m Iron awv dlloront andloa/ss arm oxdtangod; (a+ Lair ippiuhion: (a; Stsdgd INSPIPW A ins' tkdge rrLK%a: method by wNc i wel skrdgo gritty be applied to Land alhor by spraying or Ins surface or br aubsui■u tr{ecfon (I Sr. Ciaor plow) (ne: appliutdo so, Iypes d sh s deseribod In (11) of his w.ty: (b) Trssive E64art; The process o' dprayw, tasted wastewater onto a land area or O her rnelwhda s( sppics;icin of wastewaei anfc it lend area as a Maas o' ini t/ispeLal Or t11thIM. (23) wk;t0orom A im. spese• c"r-L eumly bodwashsd, ritaing burl 11sar repralleV sander grar[ty assndtiors as a parijing werod Ir (showing ou"Mclvd so46s barn efLuvhi: (26) tivAcetgn Prioress, TM biochh"cal earwrsion or LnstldtK rivagan (arrvrirda and arparic ritropsi) to asidzod firogen (hsully ?hale): (25) MD ruu Srsga. A sepmrale tops of waltsw&mr rearnont d►signed for IM "werifec psrpeti o! eo,, vrin6 &mandril rirogn to nieste rirepar : (26, Phmpo'dim Rovirswa:, \dopcj: This rarwyal ad phosphors wan wut*w8181 by an OWanotie posted designed La oNhvx. Yasry vplake o! p'losphorvi by lM snit oar qa.-11sms: (7Tj Pawing ►arid. A Addns pond WckvirV socoo Cary taatmatel with ariir;ors detention time is allow oohing of lraaly auaporglail saLdt; (71) Pat: Aarabe. Ara4en folowi-Z con onkoral aacorN" rea~1 vrin to Increase elstun! 0.0. or la any ashr ptwpess: (21) Pot! Aerato•t (Cascado) A par0ing monad by wtich di&sohve arygon Is added to who afsura by a romndlarical. portly inaars of Ahrering dorm a saris[ o: slsps st wivi; Tho Avw occarrins acres& Ins steps Or weirs rmvsi In a Isiny Fin layer and the apdraton of the wads ngrires no operator adjvirn►nf; shwa, taro polrts eta aLlgntd even rhavt. Vis it an ossoMai at" to mooing Va irrib of she discharge permit; (3c") Powdsted to Grsrnlar Acvva!ed Corbin Food. A Aophyslcat carbon process that v►4zm& Waloyca! "Ivor and "air absorption by &W% powdrfad ve grartelar sc*rafve[orbDn; Ya'pin or ropanva led urban 19 hvd corvalled Into tot system; (31) Pratras:r. A IsnA corsrucled fo ptvvide Notation prior to primary trtatmerd; (32; ProL-vary lefts. LW-: operators in w tssimaN pmcaas, such Ns sroriry and cswnminafeq final prepare the iquw for subt•gwn arr)a aparaitim; (33) Inddswia; Piarealms.%. (a) Pre-ves"n! Uri!, Vdustia_. The rerd6oring of a waste a! Its source before dtNehsrgs. to rimova of to rrruealirtr avbtlances iriraioum Io towers one tsit vas: Processes or tot 1116c; a part &! red,cuon In load or. 1ha tooth W% process whidh is operalve by to tame gavrring body as {te waslowate• tastnsre plant boi-,g Wed, b) Pro-taatmni Peops-r.• badeavial • musk be a Scala or EPA ngfirrd program to recease points on ha rating shoal: (3t) Primary Cearriore Tea in! tering tw*j Vvargh which wastowai , Ia passed In a trattnarc wrka IS., Ulm purpose of rom wing sesleable and sueporrdod said! and DOD W1.1ch Is sssods4cr wig who adds; (3 Sj Fonts- At Intiort• a:tvr' and inprart. pampa' {7L, Ridalen R&aadon or stv.l za6ce. process vi icing OvAces OFH%ni vhwtvicial or qurAsa rays; 07; Rrn•srst Du c,3;& A Poeeran,: precast In which a heavy comarinasve We Is peesstrizie trough a morrbront lo?Nr; nesey ptrs igJQ !at learn suspended adids, {az, Rc.jins limmo5ka: Corwactars- A hied bio:cgica! g•aMh process In whidh wastewater lows Rv gh Yaks in wNch a omits of pvkary aubrrwgrd circular a,rlaees r.e rouhod; (34; Sand Fihvs• (I) tntrrmr.or bologicas. Flvilice V mh'l.ev n kWov,srn 91pGt ur*%.lagoons, a Lorne Othr lisavren: peocets in which Loner 4odecomposition Is acpocled to prodacl dvNrat onworra: H*eral.c foldn5 rates on those rdlr& are ells-,p_,bd In gJ9erae one have a rouitins Low gomraf {lots flan one); b) Recireas"I "Kira! • ha s&na typo a: sand NIS, as &Amvc! in SuSpvsgraph (U) (a) of hit Rifo win he added capability to recycle sl*uenl back rrwstn the Berle hhor; Sand or Wroe•YoSs Fdla•s_ A pti:sh:ng process by whrh elf roni IvNtt ►rt sclir+od shreu2h a IsMor mWeson of suspended acids; (a) low We .. ge�,:y, hyo'aiLca!s Ia1669 f:;v wnh ibocin rates If. the one ►-, tuba gpmhf lark"; (b) K;h rasa •• a ptswt, hydsf,.rt'y bates fills,' wi.Lh loadns rout It. tie rm# gprvsl range; A: any rate• she loading rate will aaeesd Woo gprrvtl; (41) Secondary Cet•,F.rt- A lank which Itlrewt Ins bioogica' sa'.il o! voarnwt pfsrf erg which M& thin puryoso of roRO/Inp glimdgei associated wish he biotopical Voovnant twits• 1e2) Sepdral■ S►rdss Rusratan. A pa o: he convict stabiCzaton process sowers the metnsed aludge IL tansloaed to a wants and soraled beta?* rtaxring t to the contact boom; (43) Septle Tarn A Binyo.stoy sarfrhs lank In w"mc h sensed sludge It in corwact with the wat[walOr Rowing trough the IVA: shag rot be applicable la ,optic Lank srmurrrl svvN 100 It:ri y res-erect[ has. s capsrty of 2.00C paters at lea w?uch discharge to a [iviicattn laid, (N) Ssiege D;gosl;m. 711e P•txaaL b+ whscr, aratric or rDlatila matter otd alydgt It gutied, ficV069, ninsralated of ecrtvwud Into more stable organic marsh arosr. he aci'my of Irvin; rpariu.s, wh-ch incchrdez sre[od holding tanks; (45; S+udgt DFy!N bad&. M. aria corrprising not rsl or artihclal loyvs of porous maloAdtr upon which digtled &swage slv4a Is drisd by drainage she evaporation.; (46) Vvege EIL34tivn. A process o! sludge C". ioring In which "Main conithalnts art forndvod try ► ccolsive wastiirgs w 14 Posh water or planl ohs acre': (47) S1,eps Gas UCtiatier,. This process of vsing trwspo pas for who puTDis of Mains Witdngs, diving sngnos, tic.-, (49) SI tag+ Ho1Cns Tvik. (Waise Lid i:orderalld). A is,* vblizld for shoal' wtetdwalit vsetrnerl; plahu rot eanuiring a dpury in *Rich sludge may be kor,, Mash, one suprnatant w,fhd-awn prior fo a dy;ng motsod (i.o, sJudpa Crying beds); IN$ m+y be data by td6ng a "V ammnl o! ai: sirpls to keep the Nudge Iresh, bU nee! Mr6Ss4riy an anon: Koh waif be req.jirse Lc acTiwt s:abilit&lian ar rgeric mNMr. A Man Sergipe lint, wDLId ai-n?y bN used W csvcah: sJudge prior Ye dowaisrins are would rot abdw long priDds (severs' Lays or ddtsvhtion) WithoV. ISShr'hing oar poblenn: {aS; Sudse Incierralas. A krnare des';nod It tvm sludge and le tanV,e 0.. mrsshre and eonbuttbfe malw;sls one reduce he shag* to a tionis ash: (50) Ssurgt Stmb;.f&fm (Cha-n.-al or Tnermat) A protest to make vested Nudge lost odorous and pu"scibfs• and to 16C.cv ha pavhoyenic ofgarism contan[, Ths may bo done by pli adjsenen:• chi Drina desire,. Or by hat: levavnen% (50 Slsdgt TtiCLerr. A typo C! sadendn:alDn Lank In which fha tfudgs is p►-minsd to soeht and sicken Rough agrsaton and gravity: (621 SHb:mhatian Upon A tops of esidal.at lagoon in which biorvpcil dsiCel-on of rgaric mans, is oflwcltd by natral ranifei or Oxygen to the waits ttsn alr (rhot a pdfrtihi pa^WJ. (es) S',mnaey rower SLW%y. O: ails r parable olrrrirat genratiriQ 0114Pmerti: (},r) Stafc Snaens A srslaonvy suaon des'gnvd Lc romdva sciids, intruding non-Wodog•adable pan.attit (goolobit solids, suspended solids and DOD reduction) Irom rh..+cipa' anC ine-41r;a' w■tlrwalor baarnenf sytiorna: (55) Te•aary Ttoimb :: A tugs Or. rsesrren! iarowing secondary wnch is primarily rot nee pvpoaa DI anther' pdisling; A setting logoon or send r coal Aht,. vigh: be *:Ppoysc far niS pry0te• 156) Tra•rea' Pdkr-W Can!rd paws. A dovico pcwid,r'ri tar the ran&IV di Not Isom a We flowing In isDas IQ ononl! We taAifdo ht tubes, ce vice vo'so; or ovh*r rhos'll a1 rog tlinr, I-qu;e ir-sa.hst,+,ea; 157) Tht- .al Sfudpt Condtcne,, A cpndlicnrg process by which heat is adder lot a protracted period el limit 10 improvs he d.wlluablily Of a)udpe by M tr:wbifizirh; one hYdrid &ins D' rho Nmal t' and more hg-4) hjdCoe Llud9a panicles; (5:) Tonic Ltakwr ass. These wasies o• eornt�rra:Dns o' wNILDS, IM0,40s disease-uhaing agents which allot dacha -go and upon orposure. Ingosfion, inhalation or astirniw;on Into ens rgsnsr,., *�: by desety posh to ern•irorrnorTS or Lndrocoj, of rrgtshion through load ehainl, wir cause death. divast, bdhavlo s! Nbhrmatrras, carver. 9"Clc fnJlf•ons, phrs•ocgics: mmh,nccl-ons [nckw6Ag PnAWr=tara in ra70duckvn) or physical daloweatons• In such V9ariam& or their oflipting, Tonic rnalonsht inrl,0e• by war a J'.ust•atcn ant ml li,n:x4v.. itad- cacr-iufn, c1Yon;vrls• mr[Ury, vanadvm• arsoric, a-rnc. MnohtiDKHDlobon7are (ORCS), polychlorinaltd biphanyfL (aCSI) a•i ash:rad;Yw L ChJ;roa:hane (DDT), and any orhr melona?s Ina: have or may Mraaftar be dolarninod to Nvs toefc properliox; (59) Tnck;.S Feln• • 1 v:os'cal usamonl um (enLisbns br a mslorirr such so b'ol.on along or lark dh-w which weal6w11V is CsstibVhtd: A tigh :Lie tnrklrnp lets it one wrhrrh Cj7t VDC V Demos- Ir a-.- X npC par ■tea. A sex rate ►ickltn; tars- is one which is dtsipod to opt+sio of ons Io lour rngd par acre; {L') TriCLL.6 err (Fr„re To-v; I ri a ►.c.r tlpe or epral;nn In whch bWf.alo, Rows OD rs "o-gh NVaess`ve )are,$ of nhode o: revoic maleriah. O•pt-rc mehr.st IS it.,a.-ve tcn•r-u,•r u. 1-c ■:t•v h•dror•sa hint g.a-zn V each suttesuve leyei Toil m6nod tnaj podwo sarmearf'r,w:,:y offlue.hl. r nsty ba see;r%r So prro.r[e a neit•t2 t':•,rr•+n: I) VALCWJI1 h.:rr Cl',Ldagos, or Fete• P,r:ta& Do.iras witth e•t d2aig+a: a ionNDvs arcers Km J• Flbm oi:+A dpms ..Id s uh}posted shv690 prior t_ dspc!e1 t• II V i --- ATTACHMENT B �� � nl . iS+G ;•A 9 y A�SEi_'-b7.7a.. ,(� EECEVED1fT5EG EviS+gr Z.O 95KAY 11 AR 9:02 No wh L 2 9i I; ; r• k , F` I 'R°fir'`-ter' �c �arTA'�`� _ _ _ _ _ I 1 k� / F �i I / a — _ _ -- -• _ _ i Z I � '/4`7 F i S•1} I J -'-- -_ � f•� ''r••f w. �Vr�ki i=! 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SE& r ` 3" r'f inl IV i r- 4• F ATTACHMENT A ;e- �s: r•. -'�.: :�.' �:- �� 4 �x• M'" '�'"�� �-�'':�;��. - ----- -. -- ---- - --r -- - -- WLDRIUFtbi R5f _ svrF`.ay 951€Ail€.AH�02 I. CAROLINA LAKES PERMIT NO. WQ0002994 IiARNETT COUNTY . �/�/ !7 --,'• i-r' 1 I / % t ,' /' / r� �/ ��' ��� - 1 11 Sfl •I I l €€ 40 1if / / 80 , . , , 70 / / / �/ �l \\ / / / 1 I 1 I aril #7' [ .. w8fl $�1 : �/ 11fl// /,�100/' 90 i ! Well" 1' t//'\`\ r E € ! I \\ I `♦ \ ♦ j/,1 �! �L��"�; �\;\ E � i 51 I\� �t t 1 f 1 /`/ _ l / ,� /I , Weil [ [!! 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Eiav 1 559G59.P441 35'17.1G.021G' 1995431,5172 7g•OD'54.8GG3' 128.2 2 558G81-v3g8 35"17'02.4728' 19971D8.57G0 78'29'23.5449' G2.5 3 559377.3IG1 35'17'1D.5348- 1997580-703G 78'34'27-4393' 52.1 GRAPHIC SCALE 4 558724.5375 35'17'00.37GG' 19gG2BB.11G3 78'2D'38.94G0' 78.3 - 5 559548.7951 3517'14.4175' 1997305.4479 79'11'05.5471' G2.0 G 55953G.Cg37 35'17'14.D848- 199G803.3191 79'13"D9-5843- 81.4 `" r=.? € 7 559502-_.54 3517'14-2553 as 3 82G3.4�58 9' 7 07"OG.4745' 37.2 8 5591G1.2270 35'17'10.83=R �oa4n?ri as , 7q',O -53 'NC,8T - ; C E -' io y?r 43 01 - .'K••;iilk �J 4J iq Q4-3 `. fa LLJ N. 0 co + J I I V., 544 04 F � HH m MR r" c49 � 7 ' Mti r,I9lei it, r 0 �. e» 12 Apr 95 nb WELL1 n a 9091 ' u„ ms shown .4