HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0002376_Final Permit_20150515.11 NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor May 15, 2015 Kevin Eason — Director of Public Works City of Reidsville 1100 Vance Street Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 Dear Mr. Eason: Donald van der Vaart Secretary Subject: Permit No. WQ0002376 City of Reidsville Land Application of Class B Wastewater Treatment Plant Residuals (Non -Dedicated) Rockingham County In accordance with your permit major modification and renewal request received December 2, 2014 and subsequent additional information received January 8, 2015, we are forwarding herewith Pen-Ilit No. WQ0002376 dated May 15, 2015, to the City of Reidsville for the continued operation of the subject residuals management program. Modifications to the subject pen -nit are as follows: 46 new fields are being added to the program, of which 13 are being transferred into the pen -nit from Penn it WQ0003760. Fifty-eight of the existing fields are being renewed, and 38 of the existing fields are being removed from the program. These modifications collectively result in a gain of 129 acres, from the 1016.80 acres approved on September 3, 2008 to the 1,145.80 acres approved in this pen -nit of May 15, 2015. This pen -nit shall be effective from May 15, 2015 until April 30, 2020, shall void Perinit No. WQ0092376 issued May 19, 2006, and shall be subject to the conditions and linlitations as specified therein. Please pay particular attention to the monitoring requirements listed in Attachment A for they may differ from the previous permit issuance. Failure to establish an adequate system for collecting and maintaining the required operational information shall result in future compliance problems. Please note that on September 1, 2006, North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 02T — Waste not Discharged to Surface Waters was adopted. Accordingly, this permit incorporates the requirements of these rules; therefore, please take the time to review this permit thoroughly. Regulatory references have been added to the Pen -nit Conditions. The following conditions have been added, modified or deleted from those in the last pen -nit issuance: Condition 1. 1. — describes the procedure for renewing the permit � Condition 1.2. — requires compliance with notification requirements ➢ Condition 1.3. — requires submission of an Operation and Maintenance Plan Non -Discharge Permitting Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Phone: 919-807-6464 1 Internet: hftp://poqal.ncdenr.org/web/Wq An Equal Opportunity \ Affirmative Action Employer— Made in part with recycled paper Mr. Kevin Eason May 15, 2015 Page 2 of 4 ➢ Condition I.4. — requires compliance with the application site signage requirements ➢ Condition II.1. — the program shall be effectively maintained and operated ➢ Condition II.5. — lists the Ceiling Concentrations and the Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates ➢ Condition 11.6. —requires compliance with the pathogen reduction requirements ➢ Condition II.7. — requires a vector attraction reduction alternative to be met ➢ Condition II.8. — lists the setback distances for the application sites ➢ Condition II.10. —Realistic Yield Expectations shall be used to determine agronomic rates ➢ Condition H.11. — the realistic nitrogen uptake rate shall be reduced for pastureland ➢ Condition H.12. — application restrictions apply to sites which are over -seeded ➢ Condition H.13. — residuals with a high Sodium Adsorption Ratio require special distribution ➢ Condition III.1. — the program shall be properly maintained and operated ➢ Condition I112. — addresses government notification for the initial land application event ➢ Condition III.3. - addresses government notification for subsequent land application events ➢ Condition III.4. — lists minimal requirements for the Operation and Maintenance Plan ➢ Condition 111.5. — requires retaining an ORC and backup ORC for the facility ➢ Condition 111.6. — copies of the permit and O&M plan must be present during applications ➢ Condition III.7. — spill controls are to be in effect on residuals transport / application vehicles ➢ Condition III.10. —a suitable vegetative cover is to be maintained on application areas ➢ Condition 111.11. —lists field conditions which preclude the application of residuals ➢ Condition IlI.12. —addresses public access restrictions Condition III.13. — describes the signage requirements for the application sites ➢ Condition III.15. — information is required on prior nutrient application sources and events ➢ Condition IV.3. —lists metals analyses to be performed on the residuals ➢ Condition IV.4. — requires residuals monitoring for pathogen and vector attraction reduction ➢ Condition IV.7. — lists the minimal requirements for recording land application events ➢ Condition IV.8. — requires the submission of an annual report ➢ Condition IV.9. — addresses noncompliance events and proper actions and notifications Mr. Kevin Eason May 15, 2015 Page 3 of 4 ➢ Condition. V.I. —the permittee must provide adequate inspection and maintenance ➢ Condition VIA — the permittee must follow all other environmental regulations ➢ Condition VI.5. — any change in ownership requires a modification of the permit ➢ Condition VIA — the permit may be modified or revoked under certain circumstances ➢ Condition VI.7. —the facilities may not be expanded if certain conditions prevail ➢ Condition VI.8. —the annual fee must be paid on time If any parts, requirements or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, the Permittee has the right to request an adjudicatoiy hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request shall be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings at 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made, this permit shall be final and binding. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact David Goodrich at (919) 807-6352 or by email at david.goodrich@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, A7__� S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources cc: Guilford County Health Department (Electronic Copy) Rockingham County Health Department (Electronic Copy) Winston-Salem Regional Office, Water Quality Regional Operations Section (Electronic Copy) Brent Collins — EMA Resources, Inc., 755 Yadkinville Road, Mocksville, NC (Electronic Copy) Beth Buffington — Protection and Enforcement Branch (Electronic Copy) Digital Permit Archive (Electronic Copy) Central Files LAI J! TPVL__1_CATI*,!11 if. F CLASS I "I TWSTE 7YATEA TYUAT-R1E0,T-P4.,'V1T 2U, SID J:Ai�S PERMIT (NON -DEDICATED) In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations co ity of RelidsvflN Rockingham County I continued operation of a residuals management program for the City of Reidsville and consisting of the land application of Class B Wastewater Treatment Plant residuals generated by the approved facilities listed in Attachinent A to the approved sites listed in Attachnient B with no discharge of wastes to surface waters, pursuant to the application received December 2, 2014, subsequent additional infori-nation received by the Division of Water Resources, and in confonnity with other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and considered a part of this pen -nit. The use and disposal of residuals are regulated under Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503. This pen -nit does not exempt the Pennittee from complying with the federal regulations. This permit shall be effective from May 15, 2015 until April 30, 2020, shall void Permit No. WQ0002376 issued May 19, 2006, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. SCHEDULES No later than six months prior to the expiration of this permit, the Pelinittee shall request renewal of this permit on official Division forms. Upon receipt of the request, the Division will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will renew the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Please note Rule 15A NCAC 02T .0105(d) requires an updated site map to be submitted with the permit renewal application. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(2), 02T. 105(d), 02T.0109] The perinittee shall be in full compliance with the regional office notification requirements C, established in Condition Ill.3. within 90 days of the effective date of this pern-lit. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(2)] The pen-nittee shall submit the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) plan as required in Condition 111.4. to the Division within 90 days of the effective date of this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(2)] 4. The pert ittee shall be in full compliance with the signage requirements established in Condition 111. 13. within 180 days of the effective date of this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(2)] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 1 of 12 II. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The subject residuals management program shall be effectively maintained and operated at all times ,so there is no discharge to surface waters, nor any contravention of groundwater or surface water standards. In the event the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions due to improper operation and maintenance, the Permittee shall immediately cease land applying residuals to the site, contact the Winston-Salem regional office supervisor, and take any immediate corrective actions. [G.S. 143-215.1] 2. This permit shall not relieve the Permittee of their . responsibility for damages to groundwater or surface water resulting from the operation of this residuals management program. [15A NCAC 02B .0200, 02L .0100] 3. Only residuals generated by the facilities listed in Attachment A are approved for land application in accordance with this permit. [G.S. 143-215.1] 4. Only the sites listed in Attachment B are approved for residuals land application. [G.S. 143-215.1] 5. Pollutant concentrations in residuals applied to land application sites listed in Attachment B shall not exceed the following Ceiling Concentrations (i.e., dry weight basis) or Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rates (CPLRs): [15A NCAC 02T .1105] Parameter Ceiling Concentration (milligrams per kilogram) CPLR (pounds per acre) Arsenic 75 36 Cadmium 85 34 Copper 4,300 1,338 Lead 840 267 Mercury 57 15 Molybdenum 75 n/a Nickel 420 374 Selenium 100 89 Zinc 7,500 2,498 The Permittee shall determine compliance with the CPLRs using one of the following methods: a. By calculating the existing cumulative level of pollutants using actual analytical data from all historical land application events of residuals, or b. For land where residuals application have not occurred or for which the required data is incomplete, by determining background concentrations through representative soil sampling. 6. Residuals that are land applied shall meet Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c). Exceptions to this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .1106] 7. Biological residuals (i.e. residuals generated during the treatment of domestic or animal processing wastewater, or the biological treatment of industrial wastewater, and as identified in Attachment A) that are land applied shallmeetone of the vector attraction reduction alternatives in 15A NCAC 02T .1107(a). Exceptions to/this requirement shall be specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .1107] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 2 of 12 8. Setbacks for Class B land application sites shall be as follows: [I 5A NCAC 02T .1108] Setback by application type Setback Description Vehicular Irrigation Surface Surface Injection Application Application Incorporation Habitable residence or place of public assembly under separate ownership or not to be maintained as 400* 400* 200* part of the project site Property lines 50 50 50 Public right of way 50 50 50 Private or public water supply source, waters classified as SA or SB, and any Class I or Class 11 100 100 100 impounded reservoir used as a source of drinking water Surface waters (streams — intermittent and perem-iial, perenriial waterbodies, and wetlands), any streams classified as WS or B, or any other stream, canal, 100 100 50 marsh or coastal waters, more any other lake or impoundment Upslope interceptor drains or upslope surface water 10 10 10 diversions (ephemeral streams, waterways, ditches) Downslope interceptor drains, downslope surface water diversions, downslope groundwater drainage 25 25 25 systems, or downslope surface drainage ditches *The setback requirement may be reduced to a minimum of 100 feet upon written consent of the owner and approval from the Water Quality Regional Operations Section of the appropriate Division's regional office in Attachment B of this pen -nit. 9. Land application areas shall be clearly marked on each site prior to and during any residuals application event. [ I 5A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 10. Bulk residuals and other sources of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) shall not be applied in exceedance of agronomic rates. Appropriate agronomic rates shall be calculated using expected nitrogen requirements based on the determined Realistic Yield Expectations (RYE) using any of the following methods: [I 5A NCAC 02T I 109(b)(l)(k)] a. Division's pre -approved site specific historical data for specific crop or soil types by calculating the mean of the best three yields of the last five consecutive crop harvests for each field. b. North Carolina Historical Data for specific crop and soil types as provided by North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science (http://nutrients.soil.nesu.edu/yields/index.plip). A copy shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years in accordance with Condition IV.6. c. If the RYE carmot be determined using methods (a) or (b) above, the Peniiittee may use the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates reported in any of the following documents: i. Crop management plan as outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or other agronomist. WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 3 of 12 up ii. Waste Utilization Plan as outlined by the Senate Bill 1217 Interagency Group - Guidance Document: Chapter 1 (http://www.neagr.gov/SWC/tech/documents/9th Guidance Doc 100109.pdf). iii. Certified Nutrient Management Plan as outlined by the Natural Resources Conservation Services (MRCS). These plans must meet the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards (ftp:/ ftp-fc.sc.egov.usda.gov/NHQ/practice-standards/standards/590.pdf). d. If the RYE and appropriate nutrient application rates cannot be determined,the Permittee shall contact the Division to determine necessary action. 11. When residuals are land applied to grazed pasture, hay crop realistic nitrogen rate shall be reduced by 25% in accordance with. the USDA-NRCS 590 Nutrient Management Standards. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 12. If land application sites are to be over -seeded or double -cropped (e.g., bermuda grass in the summer and rye grass in the winter with both crops to receive residuals), then the second crop can receive an application of PAN at a rate not to exceed 50 pounds per acre per year (lbs/ac/yr). This practice may be allowed as long as the second crop is to be harvested or grazed. If the second crop is to be planted for erosion control only and is to be tilled into the soil, then no additional PAN shall be applied. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 13. Prior to land application of residuals containing a sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of 10 or higher, the Permittee shall obtain and implement recommendations from at least one of the following: the local Cooperative Extension Office; the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; the Natural Resource Conservation Service; a North Carolina Licensed Soil Scientist; or an agronomist. The recommendations shall address the sodium application rate, soil amendments (e.g., gypsum, etc.), or a mechanism for maintaining site integrity and conditions conducive to crop growth. The Permittee shall maintain written records of these recommendations and details of their implementation. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 14. These residuals land application sites were individually permitted on or after December 30, 1983; therefore, the compliance boundary is established at either 250 feet from the residual land application area, or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closest to the residual land application area. An exceedance of groundwater standards at or beyond the compliance boundary is subject to remediation action according to 15A NCAC 02L .0106(d)(2) as well as enforcement actions in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A through 143-215.6C. Any approved relocation of the COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY will be noted in Attachment B. [15A NCAC 02L .0107(a)] 15. The review boundary shall be established midway between the compliance boundary and the residual land application area. Any exceedance of groundwater standards at the review boundary shall require action in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0106. [15A NCAC 02L .0108] OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 The residuals management program shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. The program shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent any contravention of surface water or groundwater standards. [15A NCAC 02T .1110] 2. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (336)776-9800, and the appropriate local government official (i.e., county manager, city manager, or health director) shall be notified at least 48 hours prior to the initial residuals land application to any new land application site. Notification to the regional supervisor shall be made from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 4 of 12 3. The Winston-Salem Regional Office shall be notified via email or telephone, (336) 776-9800, at least 24 hours prior to conducting any land application activity. Such notification shall indicate, at a inininium, the anticipated application times, field IDs, and location of land application activities. If it becomes tQAq necessary apply additional fields due to unforeseen events, H, Regional Officeshall _- __ notified prior to commencing the application to those fields. [15ANCAC 02T.0108(b)(1)] 4. The Pen-nittee shall maintain an approved Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) Modifications to the O&M Plan shall be approved by the Division prior to utilization of the new plan. The O&M Plan, at the minimum, shall include: [15A NCAC 02T.1100] a) Operational functions; b) Maintenance schedules; c) Safety measures; d) Spill response plan; e) Inspection plan including the following information: i. Names and/or titles of personnel responsible for conducting the inspections; ii. Frequency and location of inspections, including those to be conducted by the ORC, and procedures to assure that the selected location(s) and inspection frequency are representative of the residuals management program; iii. Detailed description of inspection procedures including record keeping and actions to be taken by the inspector in the event that noncompliance is observed pursuant to the noncompliance notification requirements under the inonitoring and reporting section of the permit; f) Sampling and monitoring plan including the following information: i. Names and/or titles of personnel responsible for conducting the sampling and monitoring; ii. Detailed description of monitoring procedures including parameters to be monitored; iii. Sampling frequency and procedures to assure that representative samples are being collected. Fluctuation in temperature, flow, and other operating conditions can affect the quality of the residuals gathered during a particular sampling event. The sampling plan shall account for any foreseen fluctuations in residuals quality and indicate the most limiting times for residuals to meet pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements (e.g. facilities that land apply, multiple times per year but have an annual sampling frequency, may need to sample during winter months when pathogen reduction is most likely to be negatively affected by cold temperatures). Upon the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission's (WPCSOCC) classification of the facility, the Peirnittee shall designate and employ a certified operator in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operators as back-up ORCs in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G .0201. The ORC or their back-up shall visit the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 08G. 0204, or as specified in the most recently approved O&M plan (i.e., see Condition 111.4.), and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 08G. 0204. For more information regarding classification and designation requirements, please contact the Division of Water Resources' Techriical Assistance & Certification Unit at (919) 733-0026. [15A NCAC 02T .0117] 6. When the Penriittee land applies bulk residuals, a copy of this pern-ift and a copy of O&M Plan shall be maintained at the land application sites during land application activities. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] 7. When the Pern-iittee transports or land applies bulk residuals, the spill control provisions shall be maintained in all residuals transport and application vehicles. [15A NCAC 02T I I 10] 8. Residuals shall not be stored at any land application site, unless written approval has been requested and received from the Division. [G. S. 143 -215.1 WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 5 of 12 9. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent wind erosion and surface runoff from conveying residuals from the land application sites onto adjacent properties or into surface waters. [G.S. 143-215.1] 10. When the Permittee land applies bulk residuals, a suitable vegetative cover shall be maintained on land application sites onto which residuals are applied, or application shall be in accordance with the crop management plan outlined by the local Cooperative Extension Office, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or an agronomist and as approved by the Division. [15A NCAC 02T .1109(b)(1)] 11. Bulk residuals shall not be land applied under the following conditions: [15A NCAC 02T .1109] a. If the residuals are likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act or its designated critical habitat; b. If the application causes prolonged nuisance conditions; c. If the land fails to assimilate the bulk residuals or the application causes the contravention of . surface water or groundwater standards; d. If the land is flooded, frozen or snow-covered, or is otherwise in a condition such that runoff of the residuals would occur; e. Within the 100-year flood elevation, unless the bulk residuals are injected or incorporated within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event; f. During a measurable precipitation event (i.e., greater than 0.01 inch per hour), or within 24 hours following a rainfall event of 0.5 inches or greater in a 24-hour period; g. If the slope is greater than 10% for surface applied liquid residuals, or if the slope is greater than 18% for injected or incorporated bulk liquid residuals; h. If the soil pH is not maintained at 6.0 or greater, unless sufficient amounts of lime are applied to achieve a final soil pH of at least 6.0, or if an agronomist provides information indicating that the pH of the soil, residuals and lime mixture is suitable for the specified crop. Any approved variations to the acceptable soil pH (6.0) will be noted in this permit; i. If the land does not have an established vegetative cover unless the residuals are incorporated or injected within a 24-hour period following a residuals land application event. Any field that is in a USDA no -till program shall be exempted from meeting this vegetative cover requirement; j. If the vertical separation between the seasonal high water table and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; k. If the vertical separation of bedrock and the depth of residuals application is less than one foot; 1. Application exceeds agronomic rates. 12. The following public access restrictions apply to residual land application sites: [15A NCAC 02T .1109(b)(2)] a. Public access to public contact sites (e.g., golf courses, parks, ball fields, etc.) shall be restricted for 365 days after a residuals land application event; b. Public access to non-public contact sites shall be restricted for 30 days after a residuals land application event. 13. Public access controls shall include the posting of signs with a minimum area of 3 square feet (e.g., 1.5' x 2'). Each sign shall indicate the activities conducted at each site, permit number, and name and contact information, including the Permittee or applicator's telephone number. Signs shall be posted in a clearly visible and conspicuous manner at the entrance to each land application site during a land application event, and for as long as the public access restrictions required under 111.12 apply. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1)] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 6 of 12 14. The following harvesting and grazing restrictions apply to residual land application sites after each land application event: [15A NCAC 02T.1 109(b)(3)] Harvesting and Grazing Description Restricted --Duratiorr­ Animals shall not be allowed to graze during land application activities and restricted period. Sites that are to be used for grazing shall have fencing to 30 days prevent access after each land application event. Food crops, feed crops and fiber crops shall not be harvested for: 30 days Turf grown on land where residuals have been applied shall not be harvested for: 12 months Food crops with harvested parts that touch the residual/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface (e.g., tobacco, melons, cucumbers, squash, etc.) 14 months shall not be harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land 20 months surface (e.g., root crops such as potatoes, carrots, radishes, etc.) shall not be harvested for: When the residuals remain on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil, food crops with harvested parts below the land 38 months surface shall not be harvested for: 15. The Permittee shall acquire from each landowner or lessee/operator a statement detailing the volume of other nutrient sources (i.e., manufactured fertilizers, manures, or other animal waste products) that have been applied to the site, and a copy of the most recent Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) for those operations where a NMP is required by the US Department of Agriculture — National Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) or other State Agencies. The Perinittee shall calculate allowable nutrient loading rates based on the provided information and use appropriate reductions. For the purpose of this permit condition, a Crop Management Plan (CMP), Waste Utilization Plan (ATUP) or Certified Nutrient Management Plan (CLAMP) shall also be considered a Nutrient Management Plan. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)(1), 02T .1104(c)(4)] 16. No residuals shall be land applied unless the submitted Land Owner Agreement Attaclunent (LOAA) between the Perrrdttee and landowners or lessees/operators of the land application site is in full force and effect. These agreements shall be considered expired concurrent with the permit expiration date, and shall be renewed during the permit renewal process. [I 5A NCAC 02T.1 104(c)(4)] 1. Any Division required monitoring (including groundwater, plant tissue, soil and surface water analyses) necessary to ensure groundwater and surface water protection shall be established, and an acceptable sample reporting schedule shall be followed. [ I 5A NCAC 02T .0108(c)] Residuals shall be analyzed to demonstrate they are non -hazardous under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The analyses [corrosivity, ignitability, reactivity, and toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP)l shall be performed at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain these results for a rninimurn of five years. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachnient A. The TCLP analysis shall include the following parameters (the regulatory level in milligrams per liter is in parentheses): [ I 5A NCAC 13A .0 1 02(b), 02T . 110 1, 02T .1105] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150 101 Page 7 of 12 Arsenic (5.0) 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (7.5) Nitrobenzene (2.0) Barium (100.0) 1,2-Dichloroethane (0.5) Pentachlorophenol (100.0) Benzene (0.5) 1,1-Dichloroethylene (0.7) Pyridine (5.0) Cadmium (1.0) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (0.13) Selenium (1.0) Carbon tetrachloride (0.5) Endrin (0.02) Silver (5.0) ' Chlordane (0.03) Hexachlorobenzene (0.13) Tetrachloroethylene (0.7) Chlorobenzene (100.0) Heptachlor (and its hydroxide) (0.008) Toxaphene (0.5) Chloroform (6.0) Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene (0.5) Trichloroethylene (0.5) Chromium (5.0) Hexachloroethane (3.0) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol (400.0) m-Cresol (200.0) Lead (5.0) 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol (2.0) o-Cresol (200.0) Lindane (0.4) 2,4,5-TP (Silvex) (1.0) p-Cresol (200.0) Mercury (0.2) Vinyl chloride (0.2) Cresol (200.0) Methoxychlor (10.0) 2,4-D (10.0) . Methyl ethyl ketone (200.0) Once the residuals have been monitored for two years at the frequency specified in Attachment A, the Permittee may submit a permit modification request to reduce the frequency of this monitoring requirement. In no case shall the monitoring frequency be less than once per permit cycle. 3. An analysis shall be conducted on residuals from each source generating facility at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and the Permittee shall maintain the results for a minimum of five years. The analysis shall include the following parameters: [15A NCAC 02T .1101] Aluminum Mercury Potassium Anunonia-Nitrogen Molybdenum Selenium Arsenic Nickel Sodium Cadmium Nitrate -Nitrite Nitrogen Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Calcium Percent Total Solids TKN Copper pH Zinc Lead . Phosphorus Magnesium Plant Available Nitrogen (by calculation) 4. Residuals shall be monitored for compliance with pathogen and vector attraction reduction requirements at the frequency specified in Attachment A, and at the time indicated in the sampling and monitoring sections of the approved O&M plan. The required data shall be specific to the stabilization process utilized, and sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the Class B pathogen reduction requirements in 15A NCAC 02T .1106 (a) and (c), and one vector attraction reduction requirement in 15A NCAC 02T .1107 (a) shall be met. Any exceptions from the requirements in this condition shall be specified in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T .1106, 02T. 1107, 02T. 111 l(c)] WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 . Page 8 of 12 5. An annual representative soils analysis (i.e., Standard Soil Fertility Analysis) shall be conducted on each land_ application site listed in Attachrment B_on which a residuals land application event will occur in the respective calendar year. This analysis shall be in accordance with the "Guidance on Soil Sampling" located in the Sampling Instructions section of the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services' website(http://www.ncagr.gov/agrononni/pubs.htin). The Permittee shall maintain these results and a description of the sampling methodologies used to determine soil fertility for a period of no less than five years, and shall be made available to the Division upon request. At a minimum, the Standard Soil Fertility Analysis shall include the following parameters: [15A NCAC 02T .1111(d)] Acidity Exchangeable Sodium Percentage Phosphorus Base Saturation (by calculation) Magnesium Potassium Calcium Manganese Sodium Cation Exchange Capacity Percent Hunnic Matter Zinc Copper pH 6. Laboratory parameter analyses shall be performed on the residuals as they are land applied, and shall be in accordance with the monitoring requirements in 15A NCAC 02B .0505. 7. The Permittee shall maintain records tracking all residual land application events. At a minimum, these records shall include the following: [15A NCAC 02T .0109(a)] a. Source of residuals; b. Date of land application; c. Location of land application (i.e., site, field, or zone number as listed in Attaclmment B); d. Approximate areas applied to (acres); e. Method of land application; f. Weather conditions (e.g., sunly, cloudy, raining, etc.); g. Predominant Soil Mapping Unit (e.g., CbB2); h. Soil conditions (e.g., dry, wet, frozen, etc.); i. Type of crop or crops to be grown on field; j. Nitrogen Application Rate based on RYEs (if using data obtained from the North Carolina State University Department of Soil Science Website, the printout page shall be kept on file and reprinted every five years); k. Volume of residuals land applied in gallons per acre, cubic yard per acre, dry tons per acre, or wet ton per acre; 1. Volume of animal waste or other nutrient source applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; m. Volume of soil amendments (e.g., lime, gypsum, etc.) applied in gallons per acre, dry ton per acre, or wet tons per acre; and n. Annual and cumulative totals in dry tons per acre of residuals as well as animal waste and other sources of nutrients (e.g., if applicable), annual and cumulative pounds per acre of each heavy metal (e.g., shall include, but shall not be linnited to, arsenic, cadmium, copper, lead, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, selenium, and zinc), annual pounds per acre of PAN, and annual pounds per acre of phosphorus applied to each field. WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 9 of 12 8. Three copies of an annual report shall be submitted on or before March 1". The annual report shall meet the requirements described in the Instructions for Residuals Application Annual Reporting Forms. Instructions for reporting and annual report forms are available at http://portal.ncdenr.or web/wq/Ws/lau/reporting, or can be obtained by contacting the Land Application Unit directly. The annual report shall be submitted to the following address: [15A NCAC 02T .1111(a)] Division of Water Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 9. Noncompliance Notification The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, telephone number (336) 776-9800, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: [15A NCAC 02T .0105(1), 02T .0108(b)(1)] a. Any occurrence with the land application program resulting in the land application of significant amounts of wastes that are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a release of material to surface waters. c. Any time self -monitoring indicates the facility has gone out of compliance with its permit limitations. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, rendering the facility incapable of adequate residual treatment. e. Any spill or discharge from a vehicle or piping system during residuals transportation. Any emergency requiring immediate reporting (e.g., discharges to surface waters, imminent failure of a storage structure, etc.) outside normal business hours shall be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at telephone number (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368, or (919) 733-3300.Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within five days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 10 of 12 1. The Pennittee shall provide adequate inspection. and maintenance to ensure proper operation of the _ su_bj ect facilities _and_ shall be in accordance with the approved O&M Plan.___[15A NCAC 02T 2. Prior to each bulk residuals land application event, the Pennittee or his designee shall inspect the residuals storage, transport and application facilities to prevent malfunctions, facility deterioration and operator errors resulting in discharges, which may cause the release of wastes to the enviromnent, a threat to human health or a public nuisance. The Pernittee shall maintain an inspection log that includes, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken. The Pennittee shall maintain this inspection log for a period of five years from the date of inspection, and this log shall be made available to the Division upon request. [15A NCAC 02T .0108(b)] 3. Any duly authorized Division representative may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the land application sites or facilities permitted herein at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records required to be maintained under the terms and conditions of this pen -nit; and may collect groundwater, surface water or leachate samples. [G.S. 143-215.3(a)(2)] 1. Failure to comply with the conditions and limitations contained herein may subject the Pennittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statutes 143- 215.6A to 143-215.6C. This pen -nit shall become voidable if the residuals land application events are not carried out in accordance with the conditions of this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0110] This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of residuals described in the pen -nit application and other supporting documentation. [G.S. 143-215.1] 4. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Pen-nittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which may be imposed by other jurisdictional government agencies (e.g., local, state, and federal). Of particular concern to the Division are applicable river buffer rules in 15A NCAC 02B .0200; erosion and sedimentation, control requirements in 15A NCAC Chapter 4 and under the Division's General Pen -nit NCGO10000; any requirements pertaining to wetlands under 15A NCAC 02B .0200 and 02H .0500; and documentation of compliance with Article 21 Part 6 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes. Ill the event the residuals program changes ownership or the Pennittee changes their name, a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division. This request shall be made on official Division forms, and shall include appropriate documentation from the parties involved and other supporting documentation as necessary. The Pen-nittee of record shall remain fully responsible for maintaining and operating the residuals program permitted herein until a permit is issued to the new owner. [15A NCAC 02T .0104] 6. This pennit is subject to revocation or unilateral modification upon 60 days notice from the Division Director, in whole or part for the requirements listed in 15A NCAC 02T .0110. 7. Unless the Division Director grants a variance, expansion of the permitted residuals program contained herein shall not be granted if the Pen-nittee exemplifies any of the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0120(b). WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page i l of 12 8. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within 30 days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the annual fee accordingly shall be cause for the Division to revoke this permit. [15A NCAC 02T .0105(e)(3)] Permit issued this the 151h day of May 2015 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION fid S. Ja immerman, Director DivisidK of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0002376 WQ0002376 Version 3.0 Shell Version 150101 Page 12 of 12 ATTACHMENT A - Approved Residual Sources Certification Date: 'I May 15, 2015 City of Reidsville Permit Number: WQ0002376 Version: 3.0 _ Approved Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring I Mineralization Permit Biological Maximum Frequency for Frequency for Frequency for I Rate Owner Facility Name Y Count Y Number Residuals Dr Tons Y Non -hazardous Metals and Pathogen & g [Raw = 0.4; per Year' Characteristics- 3, s Nutrients Vector Attraction Aerobic = 0.3; 4,s Reductions I Anaerobic = 0.2; Compost = 0.11 City of Reidsville City of Reidsville WWTP Rockingham NC0024881 Yes 1,300 Annually See Table Below See Table Below 0.3 Total 1,300 I 1. Maximum Dry Tons per Year is the amount of residuals approved for land application from each permitted facility. 2. Analyses to demonstrate that residuals are non -hazardous (i.e., TCLP, ignitability, reactivity, and corrosivity) as stipulated under permit Condition IV.2. 3. Testing of metals and nutrients as stipulated under permit Condition IV.3. 4. Analyses of pathogen and vector attraction reductions as stipulated under permit Condition 1VA. 5. Monitoring frequencies are based on the actual dry tons applied per year using the table below, unless specified above. Dry Tons Generated (short tons per year) Monitoring Frequency (Established in 40 CFR 503 and 15A NCAC 02T .1111) <319 1 /Year =>319 - <1,650 1/ Quarter (4 times per year) _> 1,650 - <16,500 1/60 Days (6 times per ear) —16,500 1/month (12 times per year) If no land application events occur during a required sampling period (e.g. no land application occur during an entire year when annual monitoring is sampling data is required during the period of inactivity. The annual report shall include an explanation for missing sampling data. Those required to report to EPA may be required to make up the missed sampling, contact the EPA for additional information and clarification. Page 1 of 1 uired), then no emit the annual ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Reidsville — Land Application Program Certification Date: Permit Number: WQ0002376 i I 7ay 15, 2015 Version: 3.0 Field/ Site Owner Lessee County Latitude Longitude ANet creage Dominant Soil Series I Footnotes NC-GU-008-03 Strader, Jill Green, Steve Guilford 36014'57" 79053'35" 7.0 CkB - Clifford i NC-GU-008-04 Strader, Jill Green, Steve Guilford 36014'50" 79053'35" 8.3 CkB - Clifford i NC-GU-013-01 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36014'07" 79048'54" 13.7 Cecil i NC-GU-013-02 Doggett, Mark Guilford 360I4'14" 79048'46" 17.7 Cecil NC-GU-013-03 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36012'40" 79053'12" 18.45 Cecil NC-GU-013-04 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36012'49" 79053'15" 4.3 Cecil NC-GU-014-03 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36014'02" 79053'51" 17.7 Cecil NC-GU-014-04 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36613'33" 79053'51" 20.65 Watere NC-GU-014-05 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36013'26" 79053'35" 29.1 Cecil I NC-GU-014-06 Doggett, Mark Guilford 36013'23" 79053'39" 10.9 Udorthents NC-GU-014-07a Doggett, Mark Guilford 36013'00" 79053'28" 2.2 Cecil NC-GU-022-01b Davenport, John Guilford 36014'00" 79050'25" 12.0 Cecil i NC-GU-022-02` Davenport, John Guilford 36014'03" 79050'24" 1.5 Cecil i Total for County Guilford 163.50 i NC-RC-001-01 Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'59" 79058'20" 1.5 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-001-02 Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'47" 79057'58" 5.0 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-001-03 Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017148" 79058'07" 11.5 Cg132 - Clifford I NC-RC-001-04 Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'48" 79058'16" 4.0 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-002-01 Marshall, Jane Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'56" 79058' 11" 15.0 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-003-01 Middleton, Curtis Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'58" 79057'28" 7.0 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-003-02 Middleton, Curtis Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'53" 79057'49" 6.5 CgB2 - Clifford NC -RC 003-03 Middleton, Curtis Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'56" 79°57'41" 10.0 FrD2—Fairview I Pagel of 5 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Reidsville — Land Application Program Certification Date: May 15, 2015 Permit Number: WQ0002376 Version: 3.0 NC-RC-004-01 Neal, Catherine Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36°17'57" 79"56'37" 27.45 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-005-01 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham - 36°17'22" 79058'13" 14.7 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-005-02 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'25" 79058'06" 14.0 FrD2 - Fairview NC-RC-005-03 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36°17'25" 79057'55" 5.0 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-005-04 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'31" 79058'05" 11.0 NaB - Nathalie NC-RC-005-05 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'34" 79058'15" 10.7 NaB - Nathalie NC-RC-005-06 Albert, James Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36017'25" 79058'24" 2:2 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-006-01 Busick, William Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36019' 14" 79056'46" 9.75 NaB - Nathalie NC-RC-006-02 Busick, William Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36018'54" 79056'32" 8.6 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-006-03 Busick, William Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36018'44" 79056'26" 5.1 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-007-01 Roberts, Brenda Marshall, Ronald Rockingham 36019'09" 79056'51" 3.9 FrD2 - Fairview NC-RC-008-01 Rogers, Frank Rockingham 36°19'54" 79048'20" 21.0 RnD - Rhodhiss NC-RC-009-01 Bray, Michael Rockingham 36024'24" 79039' 12" 8.45 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-009-02 Bray, Michael Rockingham 36024'22" 79039'20" 7.8 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-009-03 Bray; Michael Rockingham 36024'20" 79039'47" 6.1 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-010-01 Stocks, Dan French, Auman Rockingham 36023'28" 79051'04" 8.4 RnD - Rhodhiss NC-RC-Ol 1-01 Purgason, Daisy Sharpe, Harry Rockingham 36018'48" 79051'04" 19.0 NaB —Nathalie NC-RC-011-02 Sharpe, iris Sharpe, Harry Rockingham 36018'46" 79050'59" 13.8 NaB - Nathalie NC-RC-012-01 McCollum, Lawrence Sharpe, Harry Rockingham 36019'36" 79050'47" 8.8 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC-013-04 Perkins,-J.N.. Rockingham 36017'20" 79037'00" 17.1 Cecil NC-RC-013-05 Perkins, J.N. Rockingham 36°17'25" . 79036'45" 3.6 Cecil NC-RC-013-06 Perkins, J.N. Rockingham 36017'15" 79036'45" 7.3 Cecil NC-RC-018-01 Merritt, Melba Knight, Barry Rockingham 36017'58" 79058'29" 16.95 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-018-02 Merritt, Melba Knight, Barry Rockingham 36018'07" 79°58'24" 14.7 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-019-01 Stanley, Mary Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36016'44" 79°45'34" 6.0 CgB2 - Clifford Page 2 of 5 ATTACE MENT fi - Approved Land Application Sites City of Reidsville — Land Application Program Certification Date: Permit Number: WQ0002376 i i i May 15, 2015 Version: 3.0 i NC-RC-019-02 Stanley, Mary Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36016'51" 79058'33" 2.0 CgB2 - Clifford i NC-RC-019-03 Stanley, Mary Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36016'48" 79058'22" 3.3 Cg132 - Clifford NC-RC019-04 Stanley, Mary Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36016'58" 79058734" 8.5 C0132 - Clifford NC-RC-019-05 Stanley, Mary Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'01" 79045'29" 7.1 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-022-07 Pearson, Alton Rockingham 36°16'54" 79044'20" 9.3 Cecil NC-RC-041-01 Lovelace, Lofton Lovelace, Donald Rockingham 36"18'l8" 79032'l1" 11.6 Cecil NC-RC-041-02' Lovelace, Lofton Lovelace, Donald Rockingham 36018'16" 79032'23" 6.8 Cecil NC-RC-041-03 Lovelace, Lofton Lovelace, Donald Rockingham 36018'13" 79032'32" 2.4 Cecil NC-RC-041-04 Lovelace, Lofton Lovelace, Donald Rockingham 36018'25" 79032'14" 19.4 Cecil NC-RC-108-01 Pearson, Alton Rockingham 36017'45" 79052'25" 2.4 Rion NC-RC-108-02 Pearson, Alton Rockingham 36017'43" 79052'27" 7.5 Rion NC-RC-108-03 Pearson, Alton Rockingham 36017'50" 79052'40" 2.0 Rion NC-RC-108-04 Pearson, Alton Rockingham 36017'45" 79052'l1" 2.6 Rion ( NC-RC-1 18-01 Carty, Johnie Rockingham 36016'03" 79044'55" 11.4 Cecil i NC-RC-1 18-02 Carty, Johnie Rockingham 36016'03" 79044'55" 5.6 Cecil NC-RC-1 19-01 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'43" 79045'36" 23.0 Cecil NGRC-1 19-02 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'38" 79045336" 7.1 Cecil i j NC-RC-1 19-03 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'30" 79045'36" 2.3 Cecil NC-RC-119-04 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'18" 79045'39" 19.1 Cecil NC -RC -I 19-05 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'08" 79045'43" 8.5 Cecil NC-RC-1 19-06 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'53" 79045'35" 9.5 Cecil i NC-RC-1 19-08 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'22" 79045'48" 4.5 JkB — Jaekland NC-RC-1 19-09 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'07" 79042'43" 13.5 Cecil i NC-RC119-10 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'14" 79045'46" 6.6 CgB2—Clifford i NC-RC-119-11 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36°17'24" 79045'54" 20.0 CgB2—Clifford Page 3 of 5 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites City of Reidsville — Land Application Program Certification Date: May 15, 2015 Permit Number: WQ0002376 Version: 3.0 NC-RC-I19-12 Carter, Thomas Rockingham 36017'16" 79045'42" 2.6 NaB— Nathalie NC-RC-124-01 Everhart, Rick Rockingham 36016'30" 79052'54" 13.5 Cecil NC-RC-124-02 Everhart, Rick Rockingham 36°16'18" 79052'50" 16.0 Cecil NC-RC-124-03 Everhart, Rebecca Everhart, Rick Rockingham 36016'22" 79053'05" 29.0 Cecil NC-RC-125-01 Small, Gene Rockingham 36016'45" 79051'46" 21.25 Cecil NC-RC-125-02 Small, Gene Rockingham 36016'41" 79051'47" 4.25 Cecil NC-RC-125-03 Small, Gene Rockingham 36017'24" 79045'54" 6.5 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-125-04 Albert, Harvey Small, Gene Rockingham 36016'47" 79054'39" 9.9 NaB - Nathalie NC-RC-125-05 Albert, Harvey Small, Gene Rockingham 36016'59" 79054'40" 9.5 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-125-06 Sharpe, Harold Small, Gene Rockingham 36016'55" 79054'48" 25.0 RnD - Rhodhiss NC-RC-126-01 French, Marian French, Auman Rockingham 36026'24" 79037'51" 14.0 Cecil NC-RC-126-02 State of North Carolina French, Auman Rockingham 36023'41" 79043'18" 34.0 Cecil NC-RC-126-03 French, Marian French, Auman Rockingham 36025'36" 79039'05" 17.15 CgB2 - Clifford NC-RC-127-01 Brown, Donald Rockingham 36017'25" 79033'55" 11.5 Helana NC-RC-127-02 Brown, Donald Rockingham 36017'37" 79033'54" 7.0 Vance NC-RC-127-03- Brown, Donald Rockingham 36017'23" 79°33'42" 11.0 Vance NC-RC-127-04 Brown, Donald Rockingham 36017'43" 79034'15" 13.0 Cecil NC-RC-127-05 Brown, Donald Rockingham 36017'40" 79034'23" 10.0 Cecil NC-RC-127-06 Brown, Donald Rockingham ` 36017'40" 79034'08" 11.0 Cecil NC-RC-128-01 Williams, Dennis Rockingham 36020'02" 79034'36" 23.5 Cecil NC-RC-128-02 Stevens, Timothy Williams, Dennis Rockingham 36018'34" 79035'30" 4.0 Pacolet NC-RC-128-03 Stevens, Timothy Williams, Dennis Rockingham 36018'22" 79035'30" 15.0 Pacolet NC-RC-128-04 Bondurant, James Williams, Dennis Rockingham 36020'12" 79°35'04" i 2.5 Pacolet NC-RC-129-01 Page, Harold Rockingham 36°24'30" 79037'l 1" 4.0 Rion NC-RC-129-02 Page, Harold Rockingham 36024'38" 79037'25" 5.0 Rion Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT B - Approved Land Application Sites Certification Date: ; May 15, 2015 City of Reidsville — Land Application Program Permit Number: WQ0002376 Version: 3.0 NC-RC-129-03 Page, Harold Rockingham 36024'36" 79037'07" 4.75 Rion NC-RC-129-04 Page, Harold Rockingham 36025'40" 79036'28" 5.0 Appling NC-RC-129-05 Page, Harold Rockingham 36020'47" 79036'14" 12.0 Appling NC-RC-129-06 Page, Harold Rockingham 36026'10" 79036'55" 7.0 Cecil NC-RC-129-07 Page, Herold Rockingham 36026' 18" 79037'49" 20.0 NaB — Nathalie i NC-RC-130-01 Martin, Ken Rockingham 36025'25" 79048'08" 21.0 Mayodan NC-RC-131-04 Crowder, Barbara Crowder, Kenneth Rockingham 36024'14" 79051'13" 34.0 Mayodan NC-RC-132-01 Strader, Bryant Rockingham 36024'34" 79°37'26" 10.5 Rion Toted for County Rockingham 982.30 I I Total 1145.80 a. A 250-foot buffer shall be maintained around the water supply well that is located within the compliance boundary of this land application site. b. A reduced setback from residences under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied within 100 feet of the residences o Robert Lee James (Mabe Marshall Road, Summerfield, NC 27358) and Samuel Kevin Cates (Summerfield, NC 27358), regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface applicati method is used. C. A reduced butter fi•om residences under separate ownership has been approved for this land application site. Residuals may be land applied to within 100 feet of the residences c by Tammy Davenport Bridges (8164 Mabe Marshall Road, Summertield, NC 27358), regardless of whether a surface or a subsurface application method is used. d. This land application site is dominated by soils or site conditions that readily produce perched water table conditions or have very shallow depths to bedrock. Residuals land app events shall be scheduled such that the total allowable PAN loading rate for a particular crop will not be applied in any single event. Events may occur on this site throughout th( provided that the vertical separation between the depth of residuals land application and the water table is greater than three feet. Page 5 of 5 by year, F I t7 Topo North AmericaT11 10 65 D ABLADR • ` \`` �1�soil�e Mebens Lake Dam FSg�)FRG'T��- �`VIOL 00 iae WOL.LOW ` q SLR PY_ x X 0001i\ `� I ce Da kSTp EASOInvi ` LLNN Lnke +5 I m v 158 RUBY L•N IP �6 O 1 'r`-01 XY GIMR-n4 f ` �T {t\USH SPRINGS CT • q `tee o- e� f FAIRLAN_DR C2 ��l/ p. v e?q 220 N ° r r m� oI wINDgpp YC� p C � . FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP 1"=2,083' F Mom, CITY OF REIDSVILLE r-- - LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM JILL STRADER GU08-(3-4) ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 Data use subject to license. TN * SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'A 10. MN(s.6-M ,l www.delorme.com NC-GU-008-03 & 04 Data use subject to license. *TN © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN(8.6'VV) I o p m www.delorme.com MV 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America TM 10 ti 1 it v t , } (� Halt, Riven--- ; c� J CARTER FARM RD �' 2- �P OPQ- p SCAL SVILLF RD NUIT Y - - m o W i :Z SCALESVILLE RD a� GU13-02 'z F Britt r%smart Folk - J3 ■ - GU13-01 is Britt -Fishman Lake Dam Carter' _ Lake Dam �5 3 Ny %n� O FALLEN OAK RD m 9 r 0 PQ O� All- SITELOCATION MAP 1"=2,083, 150 �j MARK DOGGETT GU013-(1-2) Data use subject to license. TN © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN te.s^wt www.delorme.com FIGURE 3 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES NC-GU-013-01 & 02 Scale 1 : 25,000 D caD tzoD t�D zeoD a000 m 0 200 SOD 6W 600 1000 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Data use subject to license. TN vv%AwyV�a, - © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (6.6°v) * [ SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES www.delorme.com NC-GU-013-01 & 02 Topo North America TM 10 , AID m ( WIND o SPAY .I -"DIDe I WAGON T� CK DR D FAMILYL Ce E ¢. b y�ti� z +} Vs I y Y. ,i %. �O� yLP, Q GU13-04 ," - w m 220 Meylor - \ �p �v REGINA CT o QField j\ wJ hlr�eRO ; o Summerfie 1D zp Foy` 'rn m r 3 Waynick ea•s F w vial EMMAC_YN DR D ��` ake Dam p� c PAUCT,° �__�A IIv �\ y JOSEPH HOSKINS RD m1r__ J ork a TqPgy 1r { Ln N 3 N ry 2 rr 0 'f Damcks i � z m CENT���� v s0EI o 1ZFLDR .J ER Sul"' I too 3 ;� FIGURE 5 ,-p✓ v C; o v�, PRESI_AwAY� DCITY OF REIDSVILLE 220 /A �2 . , ; r ; LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP o o \� ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1°=2,083' �n it W WQ0002376 MARK DOGGETT �' ;Martin t SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES GU013-(3-4) Q Laka NC-GU-013-03 & 04 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (8.6 v0 o :� I www.delorme.com 1" = 2,0833 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North America TM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' MARK DOGGETT GU013-(3-4) FIGURE 6 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-GU-013-03 & 04 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 I* 0 1BJ 320 480 650 EOOR © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (e.6-W) �.VII 0 50 BJ 120 100 200 www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 d , p MEc� ttD N �� RUSH SPRINGS CT • � - w FAIRLAWN_DR <C U1 Qi NO �D y0 GU14-03 � Rpp, O o ZJ m D m ° WINp o P SPY CT A J 220 .a 1 Gu14-05-- _ i � WAGON �CK DR GU14-06�. FAMILYL � GULF STREAM RD p Es m S J �O ROgINSO = N Rp car GU14-07 Lu - l O 220 � w?of of 0 of Q GU 03 D O S Me 18r otF w o Summerfield MICCB\OkROJ HOLLIS RD p Mars O Fork A Z p WaYnick 150 L-�'v EMMACY DR v p \ ake Dam v y p P 220of P_ OSEPH HOSKINS RD zmr �2 k 1 y z a Mea Fp1 FIGURE 7 %, I m� CITY OF REIDSVILLE s�� LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ��✓s " ¢ 'DDam°ks Lv ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1°=2,083��0�EITZE DR e``µv WQ0002376 �( MARK DOGGETT SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES GU014-(3-7) NC-GU-014-03, 04, 05, 06 & 07 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,oUU o soo ,zoo teen zmo 3aoo m © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN is.vm o zoo4Wsoo www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 © DeLonne. Topo North America TM 10. Review Boundary is established midway between 1 www.delorme.com the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of 1" = 440.0 ft Data zoom 15-0 the residuals application area Ueia use sooJecc to ucense. © DeLorme. Topo North AmedraT'A 10. www.delorme.com JCale l /,eZU o w IN im _. M 1" = 660.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 u Topo North AmericaTM 10 J ` NpRMgN ADDLEB1 AMkp Q Rp oK DR DES R PATH Ip >! ' Hmv Rh I-, I Q e >a� Q-, Q BONNIE41V V Y O' �1 SCALESVILLE.RD � W F Blot Efts ,nat, E�MSFo Scalesvilie cu22-o2 gelkeFis man Carter ,>Lake Dam 1 v 3 GP��SJ1�,�.E�Qy�GO�P`�� cu22-oi `yNy r Oo � � { ,O— Z N m . SMITyST�N � REaEccA FIGURE 10 ,RAVERS cr CITY OF REIDSVILLE Qi (n ���( LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM a \ o ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP tun)` 1"-2,083, �; �_ o WQ0002376 C( JOHN DAVENPORT <<2 Emn SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES GU022-(1-2) NC-GU-022-01 & 02 U I Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 2411 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. PAN (6.60W) l* U W0 WO a000 IM www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 {_i 6y ,'. i i U Topo North AmericaTM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' JOHN DAVENPORT GU022-(1-2) FIGURE 11 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-GU-022-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280_ © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaT11 10. MN�6.6- n o 1. - s„ www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 ME AMA Topo North AmericaTm 10 :M n- \� a cPAYNE.DAIRY RD sF yy � s iJ Q- �l KUp2U WANDA! RD ��` �DOGWOp ?ORES LN 0 < - gZMPs-l�n RC001-01 " " \ I) RC001-04 C001-03 e i HPONEY RO v ACRES -DR �""® • w40 .AG m <Y N i I% G d S r; -" PATRICIAN � GREE _AC °ROCS 6• V� N T� U• J 8-RANDY TRAC\Y LN__ \o . QO •-a 3f D R p MIDDLETO_-_N \ ,p rn II O f `s--- ve %p O W LEMONS x < — FIGURE 12 CITY OF REIDSVILLE Hro„� of t�ONSR LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM R SITE LOCATION MAP OCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 �GR SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES -- RONNIE MARSHALL RC001-(1-4) `ti, NC-RC-001-01, 02,03 & 04 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 _ © z ft DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'.' 10. MN (9.a'l� * o 2W N" � www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 W Q 0 0 0 2 3 7 6 Topo North America TM 10 FIGURE 13 The Compliance Boundary is established � ^'' r CITY OF REIDSVILLE 's either 250 feet from the residuals application LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE MAP area or 50 feet within the property boundary, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY whichever is closer to the application area. The 1"=440' Review Boundary is established midway between WCl0002376 RONNIE MARSHALL the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES RC001-(1-4) the residuals application area r ;� NC-RC-001-01, 02, 03 & 04 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,2Su © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTh1 10. nu+ia.aW �- _ Y] W - 120 - 1W www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 16-0 =t Topo North AmericaTM 10 220 O 4�® PcPAYNE.DAIRX RD P'>'P ♦ QP wSNOSNG, WANDA RD Ce `♦ ��CRES LN '. o \ \♦♦♦ \} WOOD_GROV.E`_WAY G 2 i ' � � e ♦ 2 j --------------- RG002-0' ..._ y0 / SIMPSON RD -' AO HPONEY RD ACRES -DR.___ . P 4 S G m Q '`' O C n PATt ? c N s p � RICIA ^♦ #BRANDY T 'CY LN _ 2 j t T MTDDLETOr� -__ -y V, o l FIGURE 14 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM --- _- - -- - -- ONS'R r ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP WQ0002376 1"N' JANE E MARSHALL SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC002-01�RFti�� NC-RC-002-01 Ro Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North America T"' 10. MN(8.4<vn o z400� soro'� www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 p r;$ Topo North America TM 10 cPAYNE_DAIRN RD �`' Co0 �� �t ~•� p i' d IT. oSNG�t ea\ A ; NSN WANDA RD,� y ' Ro `tt, �pOGwOOp � _s Q� ?GRES LN 220 �� s OLp NILI Rp w\` ,\ ¢ WOODGRO_V.-V'A G� ------ 22 �- at RC003-01 o Psd RC003-02 _ SIMP-SON R � � ,'",\ O�C� ON P ttt SR 2338_. M RD y� wwGREEN RCS -DR --`-PG • u.G�T 2 F ziL`L!L01L �U R ENACR o O a 6ERT DR d_k 1-1 %I� Es pR -'' yo/ zzo MIDDLETO_N RD ii ; KWpOO QR -M z 0 *G2 o, m LEMONS RD FIGURE 16 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP®p "®` ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 C -- CURTIS MIDDLETON SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC003-(1-3) �� `mow NC-RC-003-01, 02, & 03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 * o ego izoo ieoo zaoa aoo © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (e.a=w) www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 W00002376 Topo North A Ca TM 10 SITE MAP 1"=440' CURTIS MIDDLETON RC003-(1-3) The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between . the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area FIGURE 17 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WCZ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-003-01, 02, & 03 Data use subject to license. TM Scale 1 : 5,280 * � o�� 7p as0 sao soon © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. Nw (8R w) www.delorme.com 1" =440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 p Topo North AmericaTm 10 0 f YNE D IRY RD Q�� Boris -- ` P Jr �PAYNE,DAIRY RD BL_ EE BIRDiRD ti\ / , O q c wi RD Gold Hill GN Noq `\ �-ACRES LN 220 FARMVIEW << GOLD -LC \ CrI.1 aP \ 49RLrO \\` v�y i r ;3 ✓ 22 M i f a� ` S 2338-NEW�NAM Q GREEN"'CRES-DR r •��+ m Fq� \`Ymm -®- - ®< In BERT DR o 06, LUI If 220 RDCK MIDi/DDI-el ��-� o jlt� N�Op• DR,/ ✓` �, 'P"' ; p wELCOM��FIGURE 18 m LEMONS RD CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAR M°NSRD-�J 68 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 (` CATHERINE NEAL SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC004-01NC-RC-004-01 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 o sro izoo imo zroo soon m © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. MN ce.a=VO o www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Data use subject to li the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter or Scale_ 1 : 5,280 © DeLorme. Topo No the residuals application area 0'W 0 SJ W 1Z0 iW 2W www.delorme.com -- - - - 1" = 440.0 ft Data Z Zoom 15-0 P . ! Topo North AnnericaTM 10 \♦DOGWOpp .� ♦♦ACRES LN io `v Qf �♦ a ♦♦` ♦t UI �♦ ``` WOOD(,RQV.EiWA / eyed �Q ON R� \`` `♦`` \CL � �r' �OQ�` f e O r O - ° a t OA SFMP,SOf�RD p `�♦ , e e HPO� N_EY RD RC005-05 ` RC005-04 ACRES -DR A r Y lA O U •005 06 l RC005-02 RC005-03 o j DA e tY U/ ";���t .` RC005-�� / Gt ♦ � rnep_. n PAX 2 TCIA LN --AC Y, ���--• i- - --• -•-•BRANDT_RA�_LN_�__ _O ,_ -lU-- - - F--• t�-� -� vni' o MIDDLETON RD O / ! z m - LEMONS RD h ------------ FIGURE 20 HIDDEN LAKE CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP 0 ails reek , ` ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' roe / WQ0002376 JAMES ALBERT SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC005-(1-6) i -mmgo \ NC-RC-005-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTm 10. MN(8.4'W) o Boo Boo zaoo o o Ntl 400 600 Boo 1000 m www.deforme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT 10. www.deforme.com the compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area.. a 40 &1 t2J 1� 2W 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 RAM TES Topo North America TM 10 22003 o`er SHFLB 1 \ i RiGILYS TRL ��\ ,� 10 z LAURA D }I)1 i - - O - 220 (t i i oPAYNE.D�IRN RD Rc006-01 BLUE B RDiRD i \ t v RC006-02 WAND A gD Gold Hill �`�GRES LN FARMVIEW RD \\ 220 RC006-03 70 ------------ a � � e 220R r i 1 r J¢co G RCTpNRD. P m k O FIGURE 22 ---o CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP X' l r Sri 2338_NtiWN M"Ro ROCKINGHAM COUNTY _- 1"=2,083' ���<r WQ0002376 WILLIAM BUSICK SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC006-(1-3) �Q rn�PjnG: ®p NC-RC-006-01 02 & 03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 * 0 B]0 I- J- 2- 30W m © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (SA-W) o www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area m SITE MAP 1"=440' WILLIAM BUSICK RC006-(1-2) FIGURE 23 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-006-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TH ecate i : o,zau ---- - ©DeLorme. Topo North AmencaT'•' 10. MN (s.a=v) www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 _ W00002376 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area - SITE MAP 1"=440' WILLIAM BUSICK RC006-03 Topo North AmericaTM 10 FIGURE 24 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-006-03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale_ 1 : 5,280 _ © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT"' 10. IM (8.4-M, m In iw xo www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 p Topo North AmericaTM 10 % o WILL AMS Rp 03 O ` \ 2 FETCH o^ Sy t/v Egg RI,CKY_S TRL 101 .:_ q 0 � d_ —PAYNE_DAIRY RD �QF v >` �( BLUE 131,11 D ((i RC007-01 O ( 2 NN WA DA RD / x Gold Hill Wq Ro p ��o DO�WOppP. >®_ ---- O �.`r?CRES LN � � FA MV—W RD 22 � , O n fi i \ FIGURE 25 -- Oq rn PC)v . CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1„=2,083' S .233WQ0002376 (( BRENDA ROBERTSl SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC007-01 �� r N C-RC-007-01 QU��ACRES DR ' Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 24� © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (8.4-W) �* o � moo www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 D Life a,Lnnp.emwc U—SUO. y —M the residuals application area. MN (8.4'� I`0 c www.delorme.com 1 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 M _11 Topo North AmericaTM 10 SOS. .S agoRo .`a 0 wof 65 G 383. I Q BUCKH -TRL \a` �z -- - lj - ltw L�` m RC008-01 � 65 EDGAR TRL 10- © 00 Rock � O o WORKSRD 6j1 N a q IRON.-Wy RKS-RD -Ip� HA VEST -RID pI��OOpRo� !�, FIGURE 27 a W °' CITY OF REIDSVILLE cc f t o LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ' ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP ` 1 =2,083 `� WQ0002376 (( FRANK ROGERS rr' SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC008-01 `. m� \1 NC-RC-008-01 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © � 2" M Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (Sow) � o o zao eao so eoo ,cao "'. www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 p Topo North AmericaTm 10 O STONE RD m Lu � •. ��pCo ~tt � y .t �m2 ti i �. a I It J JUN_E RD t ` `I 1 `b De Cedar Ridge v i r S i ASPEN RD Z. O_ _------------ 43 © RC009-02 C009-01 RC009-03 j } 14 CAROUNA DnR ' Q z r 1 } Ilk,ao APO`olf C k Acres m w`_0 } `� �t5, MAm� RD - 13 tk y � t t w, ; lU4L 29B - L •ti - r Y n 11.1 Nt RID. jrs �s CITY OF REIDSVILLE LrNo) ST' Ro Res LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP 29B LL < ROCKINGHAM COUNTY - 1"=2,083'- s9� ( o WQ0002376 �( MICHAEL BRAY d� SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC009-(1-3) ELF ��+; t NC-RC-009-01, 02, & 03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 26,000 © DeLorme. Topo North America'*' 10. MN (8.e•v) m n m — m 10 www.delorme.com 1" = 9 MAR ff nnfa 7nnm 13_n WOM2 Data use subject to license. TN © DeLorme. Topo North America"' 10. n,Nie.e=v� I — _ — a w eo uo ,w zm www.delorme.com + 1" = 440 0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 CEDAR -WOOD DR 14 - °--. A L , U i c ° A 2: It _n o Rp p m w kn Lake mar `��� Dam ° 14 ✓t Rp d CAROLINq D i —mil 1 ', ( ,a P� y � Wolf Creek Acres 00 c 0 �2 Jit- 'ShannonForest RC010-Ot �U She IQNGWOO� RDoP WILSO /P fe LILLIBLN1sw �_. G i r' 0) t p i2S N�'�,� ti ! , North Hllls� yrl i HOLLY�iILL�DR g u..� S - - (( � 0 `sae 9L 1, p , 1� 6` 7 29B ' P PENN KE D t WOMACK ST \%•e ro .s } C%/GFv %crR ym ° j 31 ` AJf �Oe O -S? SIG FIGURE31 0 / 9 �^ 0 m c P ��% �;� �FIE�D ST ` �o WILLOI CITY OF REIDSVILLE oIti � LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY Wry 1"=2,083' ��1}'r ~ l_ WQ0002376 rn DAN STOCKS^a GD SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-010-01 Data use subject to license. TM ,eao zew v 3a6o © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM' 10. MH (8.6•V4' o m ,� m www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Linn nng © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'" 10. nw (s.e - m o :u eo im ie� aro www.deforme.com --- _- 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America"" 10 N1ouhtain ewl It \ ` \ 0 1 / a �I ` v it 0 RC011-01 I 65 Iz f i �t `6 0 L \ \ "70 y G O°L Hrnes p ; wB Creek H' Bethany \ t I 1 7 \ �l UJr� Y� !Z�NTURLTRL 10 r, i u fG n In t7 i pFARSoNFgR �� m FIGURE 33 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ��0� - ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' \ PASS WQ0002376 DAISY PURGASON H� SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC011-01 NC-RC-011-01 D` Data use subject to license. n+ Scale 1 : 26,000 * u coo Imo 'n 2. moo m © DeLorme. Topo North America"A 10. MN (5.5-M o zm ,� — Em ,� www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Review Boundary is established midway between © MN e6°�� �h" hI j o o e 1W Zm m the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of D V 1" = 440A ft Nn ata Zoom 15-0 J the residuals application area Topo North AmericaTM 10 \ 1 0 f ♦ --- -- 1 65 �s, s I k• BARHAM RD �y Z � ! i - RC011-02 rn ! °0r `��' `�� N�Y,S�H IA 11�fil� g Creek a..a 1 \\ ` Bethany J _` 1 i �s4 i CENTURY ZRL� I E } RgRSON ``e �Tp I p I 9a. m: FgRMR° ♦t m ai FIGURE 35 f 0, CITY OF REIDSVILLE e�ON LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM E-- SITE LOCATION MAP P °' ASROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' 1 WQ0002376 IRIS SHARPE SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC011-02 � '�- 4ati- N C-RC-011-02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 * o mo ,zoo ,sao zao aow m © DeLorme. Topo North America'"! 10. MN 4e.s•vq o zoo em sro em ,oao www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 _ The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between . SITE MAP the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of 1"=440' the residuals application area IRIS SHARPE RC011-02 FIGURE 36 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-011-02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 0 160 330 460 M BOOR © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN(8.6-M o m ao @0 60 mo www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 m Topo North America'*' 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' LAWRENCE MCCOLLUM RC012-01 FIGURE 38 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-012-01 Data use subject to license. © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTm 10. www,delorme.com TN MN (8.5'" , Scale 1 : 5,280 o fw azo ,ro soo eooQ 0 40 W /N I60 N0 V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15.0 MEM Topo North AmericaT11 10 _ tp .._®.. _ ®_ to 1 t` \ RIgF�OC 87 h: gi1 i T o t G�z 2�n a CJ o 'S i 1 ° j� P �� ST.ANFIEID%Rp i , 87 ESNs ?1 D p is s RC013-05 RC013-04 Colonial Estates o�dl m �P DR l � U ppINSE HourJs � t Creek 87 `\... RAGVJEEDTRL �\ � MIZ?PNGN�� Williamsburg �N GPRR_IAG L3ILLIGS_LEY`RD ` 150 ` CHI ( '<' LLJ S� ` FIGURE 39 1 C Nl U-- o CITY OF REIDSVILLE (— - --- - - - - -e - CID 150 LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1» _2,083' HF�pRKOR WQ0002376 ( J.N. PERKINS NCR' ro� SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES \� R RC013-(4-6) NC-RC-013-04, 05 & 06 Data use subject to license. TH Scale 1 : 25,000 o fAD 12A tsar 2400 �ODJ © DeLorme. Topo North Arr icaTM' 10. nw (8.7w) 0 soo �o m www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 It Data Zoom 13-0 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 * 0 tM 3m 480 FA PAOm © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaT0.1 10. MH (e.T-M 0 A � 120 1fi0 200 www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 p Topo North AmericaTM 10 ------------------ -PAYNE,DAIRY RD WAND&-RD It \ k o � NA AREA LN �4`\ ; WOODGRQV.E�WAY, RC018-02 Ltd `r!.qN RC018-01 Z/ P Ile 1 SO 4 SIMP.SON R� co ma` HO Y D 9 y i 3 `GREEN ACRES -DR ® ,J w Gy Q4 U� �gHCtA��,. rn PATRICIA a�`5 �\ off` r GR E o� \ o �� NQCRESDR z m J / a a BRAND\ TRACY QN 21 • ms �� KOM ON .O J GU ��tRFIEtoPz 1 c 4_ /p I �rn FIGURE 41 � CITY OF REIDSVILLE ' r �(z LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP I ONS, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' `WQ0002376 (1\ MELBA MERRITT o SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC018-(1-2) ®rt ® NC-RC-018-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TN scale 1 : 2o,uuu o eoo /zoo iem zeao 3aoo m © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN(8.4'M o zoo eoo sw www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 W000d237b The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' MELBA MERRITT RC018-(1-2) Topo North AmericaTM 10 FIGURE 42 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-018-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'd 10. MN ie.4-M www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 %s+ 0 O ' Topo North AmericaM 10 l 01 �Stt Lo r I } R Ro ?� a� e`PA j{ I WRIGHT DAIRY RD ? ` � o <\ of 01 i 158 y O O ti 158 i - Z RC019-05 _ Q \� RC019-02 - RC019 03� ' DEANNA:pR '�Y \ } y� SIbNEY LN Op 7��f 158 4 r Y� \ � U SITE LOCATION MAP 1"=2,083, - = MARY STANLEY RC019-(1-5) Data use subject to license. *TN © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN(6.6-M www.delorme.com FIGURE 43 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-019-01, 02, 03, 04 & 05 Scale 1 : 25,000 0 60o izm iem xnoo xw m o zao aoo 60J eoo iota 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North America TM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area FIGURE 44 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1'=440' i' P WQ0002376 MARY STANLEY SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES RC019-(1-5) NC-RC-019-01, 02, 03, 04 & 05 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,25u © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (8.6-W) * 0 0 M 480 610 @A ft 0 20 www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 } ' QkgSgwoR 1 � i � 1 0 � r �r5auhl 01 e zo , l r f�✓ �y92 of \; m oI ��^ o u 158 Q� Monroeton z 1, \ 2 �`r C3 H 2�o g {—i `, RCO22-07 158 SIDNEY LN r' �w \ +Y C,CC�o\\ ` t\o , THOMAS TgL - P" B RMPN�° FIGURE 45 s?�P CITY OF REIDSVILLE --- o LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP�,� ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1 =2,083 ( r w WQ0002376 a ALTON PEARSON SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RCO22-07 NC—RC-022-07 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 _ © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (8.6-W) �o mo p :moo o o zm mo sm eao taco m www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaT"' 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between. the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area FIGURE 46 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-022-07 Scale 1 : 5,280 0 1W 330 480 6A 800fi V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America TM 10 ;r t1 r Ashland E::nQ i jl 150 Williamsburg `) r' Cub Lake MCKINN - Rb " © .Dam i --gym 150 Will n,' ,rg r7 i/e �� 1 1 �O150 1 ' �RC�041-04 1f -- \ - - RC041-01 - ` 150 G`cc Stallings l Lake Damp o= Lenox Castle Gn`` 51 co reek , �SOMERS_LOO.P / fe /r Co ?;/rl Creek -- } FIGURE 47 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP 8ti �� ---- ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' �a �,�° A4-mem WQ0002376 LOFTON LOVELACE ���� SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC041-(1-4) �� NC-RC-041-01, 02, 03 & 04 f * SR 1133 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 � o sao ,zoo ,eoo zaoo woo © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTh1 10 MN (e.rW) m o �o o00 www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 FIGURE 48 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE P ROCKINGHAM COUNTY The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application 1"-4z WQ0002376 area or 50 feet within the property boundary, LOFT( SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES whichever is closer to the application area. The RC04 NC-RC-041-01, 02, 03 & 04 Review Boundary is established midway between Data ( the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of TN Scale 1 : 5,280 © Del the residuals application area MN(8.7°W(' /� * o iso = 4W wo mom p W 1p 1W MIN.c , --111 V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 a f Topo North AnnericaTM 10 r s' �\, a BARHAM RD M• \\ M ` �� ' BARHAM RD ,e Npp"��ll Hfr�nes \ t SC Cheek --------------- Bethany - A r�-.._ ,. s RC108-03 \C�'Q� 65 �j0 rC /P __® 91 CENTURY T.RL RC108-02 65 Arn G �O 65 65 3 ' FIGURE 49 CITY OF REIDSVILLE .j SOUTHERN_GTRL z a LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP i ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' `\ Cie t5 WQ0002376 ALTON PEARSON \\\ �`°t,�1es°"te SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC108-(1-4) Mebens NC-RC-108-01 02 03 & 04 ` Lake Dam Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © � Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN � m o xo aoo mo ago i000 www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ftData Zoom 13-0 TN scale i : a,zuu SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES MN (8.6-M 0 40 80 12D 1. 200 NC-RC-108-01, 02,03 & 04 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 ]6 ( Topo North America TM 10 , f zf 1 -` �® Z 158 Mo roeton 7158 \ \� �!! DEANNARR �O v ` a SIDNEY LN Op� SST 158 1 \ j RC118-01 111 p®m { - HALLS CT r RC118-02 i + ! THO AS TRL r' 0 - �`a n .0 4K 1 } z` FIGURE 51 �F CIO CITY OF REIDSVILLE -�Riu RUN RDyf - r'r LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP o�j �D,' 6 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' 4: �I W90002376 ( _= JOHNIE CARTY a mSITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES \( RC118-(1-2) NC-RC-118-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 1 � Z� © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaT'A 10. MN(8.6=w) m o zoo aoo an eoo food www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 It Data Zoom 13-0 uata use suDject to ucense. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 iW 32(1 4Z0 6f0 PUOR © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 0 10. MN (e.6`w� www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 m w —� Topo North Arr I' M 10 . 1 of Q nr �n 6 _ �� o , _.c Creek--... - RC119-06 RC119-01 - �T . - RC119 22 �RCI1s-oa- 3 00 %/ V PIfV 7gIL DR RC119-12 RC119-04 0O CR - - j' LLI OSSK� ,q p� Monrofeton-- RC119-10 - 6 —M z S )ONESLAN_T.R o / RC119.05 r RC719-09 DEgNNF�D. p 158 O MINDI LN a � _..__._ o � �I�SCP : • - C� SIDNEYLN - 0 FIGURE 53 � . CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP ��/�8 WC10002376 1"=2,083' SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-119-01 THOMAS CARTER v9 � , 02, 03, 04 05 06, RC119-(1-6,8-12) \20 - - 08, 09,10, 11 & 12 Data use subject to license. n+ Scale 1 : 25,000 o eoo ,zao ,eao Iwo �000 © DeLorme. Topo North America'*' 10. MN Me-M A,, - www.delorme.com 1 = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 © NO 'p `� DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTII 10. MN (e.s°wl o 0 W N �d0n --m www.delorme.com ` 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America"* 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary Is established midway between. the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' THOMAS CARTER E RC119-(3-5,8,10,12) FIGURE 55 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-119-03, 04, 05, 08, 10 & 12 Data use subject to license. TN _ Scale 1 : 5,280 © DeLorme. Topo North America T"" 10. MN ce.e•xq 1f a 40 60 M ,SO M www.deforme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America TM' 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP _ 1"=440' THOMAS CARTER RC119-09 FIGURE 56 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-119=09 Data use subject to license, n+ Scale 1 : 5280 De o W ,03 � m l ©Lorme. Topo North America"" 10. MN (8.6•W) 8 www.delorme.com V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 16-0 ©Del.orme. Topo North AmericaTM' 10. www.delorme.com I - — --- J 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America TM 10 4 \ R- AFgRso�� a �o RM Ep 65 O ` tp •o ` l \ ° 6s r � 65- i RC124-01 �0 SOUTHt` IV C_TRL--�! `. RC125-03 J/ , RC124-02 t` I DAR LA DR `°` Pb1eSO V c M w0k� S16— G O tG t 00sottt�� J y ` t ce Mill Da STO/yFOR `MASON LN o 4 ts8 _ GLENCOE CHURCH LOOp LL A p� RuswLN th w N m FIGURE 58 ' CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP �t ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1„=2,083, WQ0002376 `- RICK & REBECCA EVERHART SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC124-(1-3) "`�� NC-RC-124-01, 02 & 03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 o sm tzao fro zaoo xoo © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'•' 10. MN (a.e=w) m o zao aoo ego eoo iaao www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 DeLorme Street Atlas - The Compliance Boundary is established . _ either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, x m whichever is closer to the application area. The s Review Boundary is established midway between djpthe Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of f �. the residuals application area FIGURE 59 y1 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=660' WQ0002376 i! RICK EVERHEART M111 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES RC124-(1-3) NC-RC-124-01, 02 & 03 Data use subject to license. * Scale 1 : 6,280 Ba © DeLorme. DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. Mn (8.+•++n 8 a p W www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 e V ' 65 / U O \ _ O Op Jr �NTCEURY T.-9 L 3 pFgRs o Q - d®4 _ 65 PASCHAL 65 �1 - _-` - - RC125-01 oar j RC125-02Simpsons - - \\ �o\\ \ \ .Lake Dam y2 SOUTHEj� _CT:RL 2 �j105 Qtoa Walker Damp Ito"b�� l {�a jiibLake Dam Wlttys Crossroads 158 \ \ EASO� LN QQ1 d ¢ 156 � co ➢ GL NCOOEE CHURCH LOOP J RMgN F� U o Y p lz y �sAo��EeRo FIGURE 60 W' aD o�, oKDR CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE MAP `�\ ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1 JI 1"=2,083' ;' WQ0002376 GENE SMALL ` SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC125-(1-2) NC-RC-125-01 & 02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (es=W) .I* o 2W ,W � Z� ,m www.deforme.com ^Y 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13 0 DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009 WERE 0� Topo North AmericaTM 10 ------------------ G CENTURY T.RL� �I O a f \ gRSONFgRMRo © � \P m �I ---- a Q 65 no "ASCHALL R 65 ` \ z t \ , 0 RC125-03 - � G` Simpss O \\ Lake Daon Y SOUTHE_iTRL 2 U`es 10J , Q Tl i t\\\ C, e �OGt�Q z a jC S4' Mebens Lake Dam �"z G1Fzt i �G �{o *oLFSgUR f �o Wittys Crossroads O Tn� 1 � o v s� \`Ld FASON LN o o 158 _w _ � a 4 m GLENCOE CHURCH LOOP NORM U <q �3FgFq\Ru F Op�S- 924CBROOK pR FIGURE 62 158; -��� ` ��• CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY .� °' 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 GENE SMALL F "' SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE = - _ - RC125-03 _. NC-RC-125-03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (e.s°v.) .* o o z �VI m o zco aao wo mo uoo www.delorme.com T' = 2,083.3 it Data Zoom 13-0 VOGO02376 Topo North America TM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' GENE SMALL RC125-03 FIGURE 63 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE N C-RC-125-03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 © DeLorme. Topo North AmeriCaT^' 10. nv+ie.6.m ^ o w - izo ,W www.delorme.com y 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 m �lt�Cit�! Topo North AmericaTm 10 \ 1 \ X- 1 BOY DR 92n D -®_,_r`' ,l � CqR<TON_RO � CMARRELL D gNG�C_Rn G) to Q �r �� NIGhl i t 1y e- 151 l 1 r RC725-05 �- - `\\\ _ GAG \i4 m YPo p _ 1 ,rr R0125-04 65 r \ } ` rlF � \ 220 O.p zi,'O DARLA DR ' rj M ,\ SPARKLE LN ' A \ \ 1 Z10 • F Z �f0� �y� \\\\ \ OOQ \em FIGURE 64 \ yF o Iic�LDR \`s, ~ Pre ' 1 CITY OF REIDSVILLE 22 ke LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM --- �— -- �Lcr` SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 (( HARVEY ALBERT SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC125-(4-5) NC-RC-125-04 & 05 Data use subject to license, !N Scale 1 : 25,000 o wo Izoo lero zaao a000 m © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN le.5'" o 4w www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North / `Ca- 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between . the Compliance Boundaryand the perimeter of the residuals application area Scale 1 : 5,280 o 1w azo aeo sao sooft 0 40 BO 120 t60 20p m T' = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTm 10 LTO \,\'♦. \`\\ 11l fLE BOY DR 2 j { , \ 1\ s' } ✓IgRCTON$D oMARRELLRD gNGE�{_R_D v C `\ / KNIG O Pi NTgy1RF DR ------------- ♦♦`a w �Q s rr i tit G���O a t ` . \ 1c \ Ro I \ \ \ c� ck' ♦ ♦ A , rn f`. i `mrf Gt�ek r'r/ ,� 4"♦ a` RC125A6 ,``` '\♦ - �Q L 5 � ` r� Spro BFN i / G It ; Qz r t t � 1 o. 220 �O Oaf Z �� �' - `w♦ }�_ DARLA DR � rn �\ -SPARKLE v \\ cF�1 \gip\♦ Sy�VgN;oz '65 At �♦ m< �ro`z ��P `♦ oOQ ��� !D � � Gsy ♦SLEEPY_H_OLLOW UN ``\t V CO- 65 r, p .\ ;t FIGURE 66 ` I v CITY OF REIDSVILLE go LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM Lake SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 HAROLD SHARPE I SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC125-06 ' NC-RC-125-06 Data use subject to license. n+ Scale 1 : 25,000 I* u soo ,ano ,coo zwo aam © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTM' 10. MN ceswl IVII a m www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 6 Topo North Arrarm 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area FIGURE 67 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=440' W 0002376 HAROLD SHARP ` v , SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE RC125-06 � � �� NC-RC-125-06 Data use subject to license. TN * -- —- p..ram:..=... America 1 O. MN (B.6 V _4W 0 m www.de orme.comNorth 1 °4 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 For 4 `\ \ O O 1. e \ <O KEN ON RD ®- z rek c i i MOIR MILL RD FSiFORS DONNFLLY DR i to yq Oregon HIII�ll�y QO H - O P ����CZ'J�'G `� �� �,g _ "_.-- " '-^ � • ��` G\CCU -. Ri ROWHEAD i i GUNN RD r A ` p ESTES_RD! ESTES5 ESTES RD .. - - J� to - _- �O Q \\\ �S., RD r o\ 1 �12, G� 1 e O °\ �JIotfls lop jU.N_E RD i \ FIGURE 68 --- CITY OF REIDSVILLE -- - LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ASPEN RD 4�rotflstn"`t I°` ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' t WQ0002376 MARIAN FRENCH aG �� , SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC126-01 NC-RC-126-01 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. MNfe.7=w) o 2� 3M m www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Data use subject to license. n+ Scale 1 : 5,280 * 0 16 320 480 6V0 8000 © DeLorme. DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. MN ce.3-M 0 .w w ,m ,w zoo www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 14-7 rye' p Topo North AnnericaTM 10 1 - ' � ��/ moo?• - - - - - - \ O t cg87 �J University Estates\ * _ SR2203 ( Rol OAT i pK RD ` "� \ ~�` ` RcF RC126-02 Penn Caftlp� 4/,— - Camp Dg"alley -!7� - v i A H RO 1 / DAWG BAD �RY� � ,i ; 67 3 - Z" PATTER SON RD - R \ 0 o O O �z Chinqua Penn Planla � tio ltv,Landmark ' 3 Landmark GHQ •� # s� y� 1p C 7 klso22���0 O GONZALEZ DR EpW PROS RO \ P/�'•p� 87 ga R� CYeek �ZC U _ D� eA�M 3 N O Raids it e am SO a FIGURE 70 �9g8 r ROBERS.Or LN CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP dv- ®` "> ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 87 ( RC126-02 � SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE p07,A NC-RC-126-02 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 o en izoo isoo zxo aan m © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaTM 10. MN (8.6-W) o Iwo www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between. the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA RC126-02 Data use subject to license. © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'" 10. www.delorme.com FIGURE 71 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-126-02 Scale 1 : 5,280 0 7B0 3N 460 6A0 600fl V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North AmericaM 10 r Q m r ek m of, z // - MDIR MIlL RD zi i �DR�y DONNECty OR Oregon Hill z------- o E r � ARl ROW_H_EAD RD_G ; � , '` • _-..ECG---'--" - / • - - _ - fi V�LGU N RD A ESTES RD IPO y0�o po .41 O S. E_RD' RC126-03 • a .` `LU i u 7U.N_E RD Cedar Ridge ` b, ASPEN RD 1 <� Q ® � I � �- - NCO `'•-„a`�/fd rn D FIGURE 72 to CITY OF REIDSVILLE ------ Q LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP v 1, ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' o 'z cAaoL�I—NA �—° I WQ0002376 r MARIAN FRENCH Poe D, � eA kA5 1.a " _ SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC126-03P�'�" D , NC-RC-126-03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,600 © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (8.7- l , l o zo iwo :amoo www.delorme.com I" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 ._:,. WQ0002376 Topo North Americalm 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between . the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' MARIAN FRENCH RC126-03 FIGURE 73 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-126-03 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 o ,w say swm © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT" 10. nwie.Twn www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Topo North America TM 10 mill —'s rrg ,, k - - 9,p0� , 160 Beav j No AerDam O 150 ` �7O a ( �4 LenoxCastl�D 1 ��! C5•eek 0 /�- CoLh�m® p RC127-04 z GSOMERS LOOP/ iCi'eek RC127-05 R0127-06 . 111111 \�� 150 RC127-02 Co�P 117Li e pO Creek 1 1 mi' a Rc127-01 �. -1 RC727-03 10 r Cr�ed;, �. 150 87 •\' a � j: 87 o� Creek C Q `gym 87 ¢ 87 a C7 OQ ti- I GIL•LIAM RD FIGURE 74 5P CITY OF REIDSVILLE ---------------- ` LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LC ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1//=2A WQ0002376 ` x DONAI SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC127 NC-RC-127-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 2b,uuu * 0® __ 12 1" 2400 3000 m © DeLorme. Topo NorthAmericaTM 10. lesls.7-vt1� 0 zoo 4m �o o00 www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Street Atlas USA® 2008 Pius The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area AERIAL/APPLICATION MAP 1"=660' DONALD BROWN RC127 - (1-3) Data use subject to license. © 2007 Del-orme. Street Atlas USA® 2008 Plus. www.delorme.com FIGURE 75 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-127-01, 02 & 03 ,N bcale 1 : /,uzu o am ,ao wo mo ,aoo MN OZ." mD W 120 1W 2M 3)0 1" = 660.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 Street Atlas USA® 2008 Plus p Topo North America TM 10 J�?� FOR I S LN i Q / � �`�0 15 NY TR TATE RD Q� JC� � i Off, CUFF (/� I w t ,n,�goo fl o t Qo CAR�/DR t# O � _® mmRoc�JNGh AFE R p qM� i � L O SWEETGUM RD 10 . RC128-01 I \ \ GROOMS p CETTE RD --- Wildlifesburg Club Lake Dam tea; �` ASSFY D IrO - // 11 �•-. - . �G{ tom' .,. LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP 1"=2,083' WQ0002376 Beaver (' DENNIS WILLIAMS NolgeDam C SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE . RC128-01 NC-RC-128-01 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 :moo moo © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. /u/ (e.7^vV) a ,� 6w Nb i" www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area Topo North America TM 10 Qe 1 � f11 \\ 1 GROOMS gp i\ FAUCETTE RD GROOMS d (] `v 1 , � RC128-02 \ ' 4 1\ �\ � `� k Beaver Lodge Dam No T RRC12�8-03 y t l `\ z oc �+ m �0 FIGURE 79 © CITY OF REIDSVILLE -- -- - _ LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM m SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' �o„7s ' , WQ0002376 CkN 87 \ TIMOTHY STEVENS `" �`" o� \ SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES lfamsbur RC128-(2-3) \ NC-RC-128-02 & 03 �w I \ Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 o aro zao ieoo zmo zaoo m © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaT'A 10. MN (8.7-W) a 7o0 �o www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009 SITE MAP 1"=440' TIMOTHY STEVENS RC128-(2-3) Data use subject to license. 0 DeLorme. DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. www.delorme.com Topo North AnnericaM 10 �`,� � meek P�� / __•``` �,e 0 WILLIS LN ) J �'I i i i 4A �q v \ O of CARTJDR y90� SRO v� Q�UM -------------- o a ALEERp �\ O SWe GUM RD r J Q � k MAPI`LEYFARM D F.121141] d f f�i � GROOMg RD \ FA CETfE RE) ` GROOMS RD � k 0 COS, �r FIGURE 81 CITY OF REIDSVILLE --- - LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP . ` ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' W00002376 ( JAMES BONDURANT SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC128-04 t NC-RC-128-04 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 * o izoo iew zaoo a000 © DeLorme. Topo North America TM 10. Mr,ce.T>M ,l o 2W wo im www.deforme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009 The Compliance Boundary is establisE, either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' �( JAMES BONDURANT RC128-04 FIGURE 82 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-128-04 Data use subject to license. © DeLorme. DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. www.delorme.com *ITN MN (8.3-M i Scale 1 : 5,280 8 168 320 ,88 610 B ft o a eo im 1W zoo V = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 i OMW Topo North AnnericaTM 10 WORSH � Oregon Hill q/yAll�\\ l7 l' ee Gee RRO �DN ESTES_RD Q�e ESTES RD ESTES RD RC129-06 1 10 S•T,ONE_RD ti RC129-05 i o 'd peek Ivol slap C r�3 o, wolf —1 JUNE RD O. GP�pO 2sB _ S � � ASPEN RD 0vv�G+� f RC12903 A i i \ 298� i 129 01 A t z , FIGURE 83 \� CITY OF REIDSVILLE 29B 1 \ LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP t" ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' \ �\ W00002376 HAROLD PAGE e�0 SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITES RC129-(1-6) ewe q NC-RC-129-01, 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © Del-orme. Topo North AmericaT'" 10. MN (8 V4) U �o z�o00 � 30 www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 it Data Zoom 13-0 WQ0002376 0 The Compliance Boundary is established 29e �` either 250 feet from the residuals application ' l area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. Thelk ; Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of s° MIN the residuals application area SITE MAP F 1"=660' HAROLQ, PAGE 1 RC129-(1-3) Data use subject to license. n+ © DeLorme. DeLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. MN to -M www.delorme.com V Del-orme Street Atlas USA® 2009 ov X r ,s fi r L IE s,, FIGURE 84 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITES NC-RC-129-01, 02 & 03 Scale 1 : 5,280 0 40 8) 130 iW 200 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 I Street Atlas USA® 2008 Plus The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 5o feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area o 1D� 100 �0 800 1000 fi 0 W 120 180 2�0 3�0 m 1" = 660.0 ft Data Zoom 15-2 b e _ Topo North AmericaM 10 ra r• \\� Ford aeNa'"`\\ P t Lo A, ace k t el ce ` Pa k KENNON RDA Qt ma i t R ILL RD WOKS DO _M. NELLY DR i N yqM pp\\\\\\``\ i Oregon Hill z_-®d ARi ROWIq �i0� 1 RC129-07 '= �% ,Q i �2LGUNN RD �� A p ESTES-RD111 v v ESTEs RD ESTES RD v Q o f S.T.O RD 4.---- — y �o <dm off Islottd�� JUN_E RD ^\\ FIGURE 86 CITY OF REIDSVILLE - --- -- ------ LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM SITE LOCATION MAP ROCKINGHAM COUNTY I"=2,083' ASPEN RD tttl G, ` \� WQ0002376 HAROLD PAGE 'pill,ta SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC129-07 \ �1 NC-RC-129-07 F Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 o s�o tzoo iem sxw a000 m © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT1' 10. MN 8.7-M o 2w eoo www.deforme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Topo North AmericaTM 10 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' HAROLD PAGE RC129-07 Data use subject to license. TN © Del-orme. Topo North American' 10. MN(8.7-M wvvw.delorme.com FIGURE 87 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-129-07 Scale 1 : 5,280 0 40 00 120 1W 2% L__--_- 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 _ A M Topo North America TM 10 les L k Dam Ci � t'tii V1IN �� DR PlneyFork OHNS TRL l • /� _.``` .'w�Q�?� RIVERSIDE CIR i f W�SjMOf LL I ZFq. BENT FAQ RM Rpm t.� R0130-01 I\ % �NNEI RD Q GCFFq< a?� I z If48Q�'' { edber Bg RD Ln Wes 4 N FIGURE 88 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM a`F'r ROCKINGHAM COUNTY SITE LOCATION MAP so GOLD INC Ro 1"=2,083' IN WQ0002376 �( KEN MARTIN ��?, SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC130-01 �Q s� NC-RC-130-01 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © zwo DeLorme. Topo North AmericaTO•' 10. MN(9.G'VV) sow'm www.delorme.com V = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 XMIXII1 Data use subject to license. TN Scale 1 : 5,280 i o 1fn------- -- sao ernm © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaM 10. MN (8.6`M o — 60 120 1w 2w www.delorme.com 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 i p • Topo North AmericaTM 10 01 - + — - -- -- - P(ayerCentej. - ` � \ �ROGANnRDr� `\ \ RIVER RD \� Deep Springs lF, :OEM - 00 NO, (10 0 O v� 2 `t 0.` ,A ; \a Creek FIGURE 90 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM 3 SITE LOCATION MAP v ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' z WQ0002376 BARBARA CROWDER SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC131-04 OEM NC-RC-131-04 Data use subject to license. *TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © DeLorme. Topo North AmericaT'" 10. MN(a.8'VJ) www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 W00002376 Del-orme Street Atlas USA® 2009 The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area SITE MAP 1"=440' BARBARA CROWDER RC131-04 ; .,; FIGURE 91 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE N C-RC-131-04 © Del-orme, peLorme Street Atlas USA® 2009. rN a�aic , , o,cov o MN o ,so uo 4w __ sw mom (8.1•V1Q A ----gym --� �a eo ,m 1" = 440.0 ft Data Zoom 15-0 W a0020 , Topo North AmericaTM 10 51 STONE_RD Q� Ilk Q o, ` ,`nlftsl�"���' TUNE RD I � Y zP 29B " Of ASPENWolf o 1,A RC132-01 Sadler �296 SA O 298 RD` ?/ 298 FIGURE 92 awl , o CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROG RAM 5�25 j R SITE LOCATION MAP OCKINGHAM COUNTY 1"=2,083' t; ,, WQ0002376 BRYANT STRADER "� SITE LOCATION MAP FOR SITE RC132-01 NC-RC-132-01 Data use subject to license. ®® *TN Scale 1 : 25,000 © Del-orme. Topo North America TM 10. MN (8.7-W) www.delorme.com 1" = 2,083.3 ft Data Zoom 13-0 Street Atlas USA® 2008 Plus O The Compliance Boundary is established either 250 feet from the residuals application area or 50 feet within the property boundary, whichever is closer to the application area. The Review Boundary is established midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area FIGURE 93 CITY OF REIDSVILLE LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM ROCKINGHAM COUNTY WQ0002376 SITE DETAIL MAP FOR SITE NC-RC-132-01 Scale 1 : 7,920 a 2W tao Wo Wo 1g. a o W 1m iW 2Q 1" = 660.0 It Data Zoom 14-7