HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000342_Final Permit_19880919//yd State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor September 19, 1988 R. Paul Wilms S. Thomas Rhodes, Secretary Director Mr. Melton Jewell, President Seaboard Chemical Corporation 5899 Riverdale Drive Jamestown, NC 272.82 SUBJECT: Permit No. WQ0000342 Seaboard Chemical Corporation Wastewater Tresl-iraenr nod Disposal Facility Guilford County Dear 11r, �JO.7e11.: In accordance with your application .received July 18, 1ta88, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0000342, dated September 1.9, 1988, to Seaboard Chemical Corporation for the continued operation of the subject wssttewnt:er treat:ment and disposal. .facility. I%i.s permit small he eFfecti-ve from the late of iss"Ince nnti l June 30, 1990, acid shall be subject to the conditions anti limitations as specified therein. Tf any parts, requirements, or limitations ront:aked .in this permit nr.e nnarcept.ahle to you., you have the right: to .request an ndjuclinntory he.sri.ng upon written reTiost. within 30 days fallowing receipt of this pqrmit. This request rn,:5t: be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150P of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with. the Office of Administrative Hearings, Post Office Drawer. 1.1.666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604. Unless snr,h Rprnrtnds nr-p made this permit; shall be final and binding. One (1) sat- of approved plans and speciEicut4ons in being rorwnrdnd to you. Tf you neod additional information concerning this matt -pr, plant noptnct: Jack Floyd, telephone No. 919/733-5083, exit. 549. cc: Guilford County Health Winston-Salem Regional. William Cobh Harvey Allen, NC Solid Dennis R. Ramsey - S.incer.aly, Pat;, Wilms Department Sr. porvisor & Hazardous Waste Branch Pollution Premntion Pcrs P.O. Box 37687, Raleigh, North Carolina 37611-7687 'telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMKT.SST.ON DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RALEIGH P E R M I T For the discharge of Sewage, Ind€rsL-r.i_nl W sl,e.s, or Othor Wast=es In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chaptor 143, General Statutes )f North Carolina as amended, and other. applicable '[yaws, Raalos, alid Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRAN'T.71) TO Seaboard Chemical Corpo.r-a t. i..on Guilford C. -aunty FOR THE :ovtinued oper_a�.ion. of a 10,000 GPD waste=water tr.eatmont- taco i 1 . ty consisting of ,pi.11 cont:rr.inme,nt and rainfall runoff collect-iIon nrens, 813 equalization/ .rnl izatiori tank with chemical addition and pli monitoring equipment:, dual 5,000 :a. -Jon aeration basins, dual clari_f.ters, s sliid.gn holding I.. fink., an activated carboa.i .1.ltration rnnit, an air stripping tower, a live steam e,;nLer evaporal or and nine :f.f,.luent st=orage tanks with 1.95,000 gallon capacity to sr:,rv(- Seaboard Chemical. Iorporation, pur_suarit to the application rPce.l.ved Jally 18, 1.988, and in conformity 'it.h the project plan, specifications, and ol:her supporting cTatn slibsnqunt ntly f=iled nd approved by the Department of Natural. Reso€a.r-co, lod Community Development and onsidered a part of this permit. This permit; shall be effective from the crate of issuance tan€A 1 Jartre 30, 1990, sand hall be subject to the following specified conditions and limi1:0:ions: The facilities shall be properly maintain( -.d and opF rnt(-cl nl nl l time.s. This permit is effocti.ve only with respect Lo (:he, not wr— atm volume of wastes described in the nppl.ication and other supporting dm -a. This permit is not transferable In the event that tho facilities fni-l. to perform sati.sfar.tor.ily, incl.tid.ing the crpati.on of nuisance conditions, t=he Permitter, shall take, such immediate corrective action as may be required by t lii_s T) i v i s f ort, f nc l tad.ing the. construct=ion of additional or replacement wastewatn.r treatment or disposn! facilities. Satisfactory controls shall. be' provided to c;ontni.n t:be.. nc Adental d#_srhaige or spillage of hazardous or toxic substances ei.thf,r stor•ecl or being used on 0i o. project site. 6. Diversion or bypassing of the untreated wastewater from the i.rentment system is prohibited. 7. Adequate facilities shall be provided to prevent surface runoff From carrying any disposed or stored material into any surface waters. 8. The issuance of this permit: shall not relieve the Permi0ne or the responsibility for damages to surface or g.r.oundwa.ters r.psulting from the. opni-at:ion of this facility. 9. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting From the operation of this facility. 10. Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall he provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities, 11. In any future transfer of this land, a notice shall hn given to the. new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or i.ncorpornte.d at this site. 12. Solids, sl.tidges, or other pollutants removed or r.esirl ting from the wastewater storage facilities shall be contained and disposed or in such a manner as to prevent any contamination of the surface or groundwaters of the State. 13. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring ns dvemnd rres:assary by the Department, shall be provided. 14. This per.mi_t shall be void upon is siipnce of a KRA Permit: by the N.C. IlepartmFrnt of Haman Resources, Divi.sion of llpr,.lth Services or on Juno S0, 1990 whichever comes first. 15. 'flue, Permittee shall empl.o_v a certified wastewater t.reatmoai plant; operator to be in responsible charge of the wnstewnter treatment rani1it..ins. Such operator must: hold a certificate of the grade at least oqui.vnlent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by an. cortifirnti.on Commission. 1.6. The Permittee, at least six (6) months prior to the e.xpirntJon of this permit, shall request: its extension. Upon r.ecei.pt of tho r.egnect:, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities descr. i.bnd therein, and If warranted, will extend the Permit for such period of time anti undar such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 19th day of September, 1988. NORTH CAROT,'iNA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGFMENT COMMISSION / R. Paul. Wilms, Direc:.tor. Division of Environmental Management. / By Authority of the RnvironmenLAi Management. Commission