HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004784_Final Permit_19910814State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary George T. Everett, Ph.D. Director August 14, 1991 Mr. Tom Herring Oak Hill Farms Post Office Box 220 Autryville, North Carolina 28318 Subject: Permit No. WQ0004784 Mr. Tom Herring Oak Hill Farms Remediation of Contaminated Soils Cumberland County Dear Mr. Herring: In accordance with your application received March 4, 199 1, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0004784, dated August 14, 1991, to Mr. Tom Herring for the operation of the subject contaminated soil remediation program. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31. 1996, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within. 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One set of approved plans and specifications is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact --44r. John Seymour at 919/ 733-5083. ^J , cc: Cumberland County Health Department Fayetteville Regional Office Groundwater Sectibn Training & Certification Facilities Assessment Unit Pollution Prevention Pays P -O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH CONTAMINATED SOILS DISPOSAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Mr. Torn Herring Cumberland County FOR THE construction and operation of a (virgin) petroleum contaminated soils disposal system consisting of land application and treatment of tested (gasoline, diesel, kerosene and home heating oils) (virgin) petroleum contaminated soils (excluding waste oil and heavy fuel oils) from multiple locations to a 12.4 acre treatment and disposal area located on the east side of NC Hwy 210 approximately 0.3 mile south of the junction with NCSR 2030 in southeastern Cumberland County, the treatment and testing of the subject soils until the soil's contamination levels are below 10 ppm (as defined by the Division of Environmental Management's 'GUIDELINES FOR REMEDIATION OF SOIL CONTAMINATED BY PETROLEUM'), and once acceptable contamination levels are achieved, the land application of additional (virgin) petroleum contaminated soils to the approved site for treatment, with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received March 4, 1991, and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 31, 1996, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS r; 1. The Fayetteville Regional Office, phone no. 919/ 486-1541, shall be notified at -- >- least twenty-four (24) hours after land application of the contaminated soil so that an inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 3. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement treatment or disposal facilities. 4. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. The following buffers shall be maintained: a) 100 feet between disposal area and any public or private water supply including wells b) 100 feet between disposal area and "SA and SB" classified surface waters c) 50 feet between disposal area and any stream, lake, river or natural drainageway d) 50 feet between disposal area and property lines e) 10 feet between disposal area and surface water interceptor drains or diversions (upslope) f) 25 feet between disposal area and surface water interceptor drains or diversions (downslope) and groundwater drainage systems. Areas which are to be dedicated as buffers or are otherwise unsuitable for contaminated soil application shall be clearly identified and shall have a cover crop maintained on them. Approval for the cover crop to be used shall be obtained from the Fayetteville Regional Office. II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE RE-01MEMENTS 1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Permittee — – _ shall employ a der ifi -wastewater tr atmentDlant op, z for to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment acrlities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to the classification assigned to the remediation facilities by the Certification Commission. 3. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed material into any surface waters. 4. The maximum thickness of application shall not exceed three (3) inches. Only soils contaminated with gasolines, diesel, kerosene or home heating oils may be land applied. 5. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastes resulting from the operation of this facility. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to disposal of the contaminated soil. The contaminated soil and lime shall be thoroughly incorporated into the top six to eight inches of the native soils by tilling or disking. 7. To ensure that sufficient oxygen is provided for waste biodegradation, the site shall be refilled at periods of one month, two months, and every six months thereafter following disposal. 8. No food -chain crops shall be grown on the landfarming sites for at least two years following the completion of contaminated soil application and remediation. 4. Nutrients, in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, must be applied over the disposal area and fully incorporated into the mixed contaminated and native soil layer. To provide maximum benefits, fertilization should occur no sooner than 15 days nor later than 30 days subsequent to disposal. Rate of fertilizer application should be the lesser of the following: 2 a) For nitrogen, the tolerance level of the vegetative crop, as determined by a knowledgeable party, or 75-100 pounds per acre plant available nitrogen (PAN). b) For phosphorus, the tolerance level of the vegetative crop, as determined by a knowledgeable party, or 50-75 pounds per acre P205 (or equivalent). 10. All foreign debris shall be removed from the petroleum contaminated soil prior to or in the process of the application of the soil to the site and at no time shall foreign debris be land applied with the petroleum contaminated soils. Foreign debris removed from the land applied soil shall be removed from the site within 48 hours after initial soil application, unless specific approval is granted by the Fayetteville Regional Office to only accommodate emergencies or extenuating circumstances. This foreign debris must be disposed of in a manor consistent with all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 11. No solid object shall be left on site that has any dimension exceeding three inches. 12. For soil being land applied that has a fine clayey texture, the land application of the soil shall be in very thin layers (one inch or less) and serially incorporated into the upper six inches of the site soil before each following layer is added until a maximum of three inches of contaminated soil has been applied. 111. MONITORING AND RFPORTING REQUIREMENTS I . Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Fayetteville Regional Office, telephone no. 919/ 486-1541, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a discharge of wastes to receiving waters. c. Any time that self-monitoring information indicates that the facility is not in compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting contaminated soil to the application site. K Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. 3. There shall be no land application of soils contaminated by a petroleum fuel source not regulated under the Federal Underground Storage Tank Rules (40 CFR Part 280), unless both of the following stipulations have been met; a. The contaminated soils have been tested in accordance with the Toxicity Characteristic Revision Rules as specified in the March 29, 1990 Federal Register (p. 11798 - 11877), and; b. For any soil in which one or more constituents exceed the regulatory level specified in (a), a written clearance is required from this Departments Division of Solid Waste Management that the contaminated soil is not subject to regulation by programs administered under its authority. 4. For each source of contaminated soil, the following information must be submitted to the Fayetteville Regional Office; a. Source of contamination (facility, address, county, etc.), b. Class and specific types of petroleum product. Completion of Certification of Waste Constituents contained in the Guidelines For Remediation of Soil Contaminated By Petroleum, c. Estimated volume of contaminated soil from source, d. Analysis for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), additionally, Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure analysis shall be conducted for heavy metals for virgin petroleum contaminated soils, e. Remaining capacity of dedicated site (in cubic yards), and f. The results of a Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure Test (as specified in the March 29, 1990 Federal Register For Toxicity Characteristics Revisions, p.11798 - 11877)' ORM T -AJ --_ONLY} far all petroleum contaminated soils n not subject to the Underground Storage Tank Regulations (40 CFR part 280); Nosourcga'of contaminated soils shall be land applied prior to receiving written authorization from the Fayetteville Regional Office. 1V. GROUNDWATER REQUIREMENTS Prior to beginning waste disposal operations, six (b) monitor wells, one (1) upgradient and two (2) downgradient, one (1) at the compliance boundary nearest the closest residential potable well (southwest), one (1) in the direction of groundwater flow (northwest and north), and one on the southeast side closest to the road and nearest house in that direction shall be installed at the location shown on the attached map to monitor groundwater duality. The wells shall be constructed such that the water level in the well is never above or below the screened (open) portion of the well at any time during the year. However, the exact location and construction details for these wells shall be approved by the Fayetteville Regional Office, from which a well construction permit must be obtained. 4 2. The monitor wells must be sampled initially after construction ( and prior to waste disposal operations) and thereafter every March, July, and November for the following parameters: TOC pH (6.5-8.5 Standard units) Water Level Total Suspended Solids TDs (500.0) Volatile Organic Compounds - (by method 1 or 2 below) Method 1: Method 6230D (Capillary - Column), "Standard Methods For The Examination of Water and Wastewater", 17th ed., 1989 Method 2: Method 502.2 "Method For The Determination Of Organic Compounds In Drinking Water", U.S. EPA - 600/4-88/039 The measurement of water level must be made prior to sampling for the remaining parameters. The measuring points (top of well casing) of all monitoring wells shall be surveyed to provide relative elevations of the measuring point for each of the monitoring wells. The depth of water in each well shall be measured from the surveyed point on the top of the casing. The numbers in parentheses represent the maximum allowable concentrations in groundwater for the various analytical parameters, as specified in 15 NCAC 2L [Groundwater Classifications and Standards]. Unless otherwise noted, the concentrations are given in parts per million. If TOC concentrations greater than 10 mg/l are detected in any downgradient monitoring well, additional sampling and analysis must be conducted to identify the individual constituents comprising this TOC concentration. If the TQC concentration as measured in the back rg ound monitor well exceeds 10 mg/l, this concentration will be taken to represent the naturally occurring TOC concentration. Any exceedances of this naturally occurring TOC concentration in the downgradient wells shall be subject to the additional sampling and analysis as described above. If any volatile organic compounds are detected by method 6230D, or the equivalent method 502.2, then EPA methods 604 and 611 must also be run to detect other organic compounds which may be present. The results of all analyses specified in the monitoring requirements, including 604 and 611 if required, must be submitted simultaneously. The results of the sampling and analysis shall be sent to the N.C. Division of Environmental Management on Form GW -59 (Compliance Monitoring Report Form) every April, August, and December. 3. The Com liance Boundary,delineated on the attached site map for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15 NCAC 2L, Classifications and Water Quality Standards applicable to the groundwater of North Carolina. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to penalty provisions applicable under ,Ueneral tatute 143-215.6(1)a. jThe sale of eFf. oflrq�i property, by the Permittee, which is within or contiguous to disposal system site may alter the location of the Compliance Boundary. For facilities permitted on or after December 30, 1983, the Compliance Boundary is established at the lesser of 250 feet from the land application area, or 50 feet within the property boundary. If the title to any property which may affect the location of the Compliance 5 Boundary is changed, the permittee shall notify the Division Director within 14 days. The Director shall then establish a modified Compliance Boundary which will be done as a modification to the Permit. The REVIEW BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15 NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. A REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. When the concentration of any substance equals or exceeds the maximum allowable concentration of that substance at the REVIEW BOUNDARY, as determined by monitoring, the permittee shall either (i) demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the Compliance Boundary; or, (ii) submit a plan for the alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation of standards at the Compliance Boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director. 4. Any additional groundwater quality monitoring, as deemed necessary by the Division, shall be provided. 5. Soil samples will be collected, from a minimum of two (2) areas at the disposal site, at intervals of six months and twelve months following disposal. Each sample will be composed of the vertical column of soil, extending from land surfaces to the maximum depth of waste incorporation, and collected by using a soil auger, Shelby tube or split -spoon sampler. Samples at each location will be thoroughly mixed and a representative portion analyzed to determine the concentration of (1) Petroleum Fuel Hydrocarbons (Method 3550) and (2) .any Volatile Organic Aromatic (VOA) compounds present. A copy of the laboratory results of the soil analysis will be submitted to the Fayetteville Regional Office, to the attention of the Regional Hydrogeological Supervisor, within 30 days of sample collection. 6. Soils contaminated with petroleum products shall not be applied to an area which has previously received petroleum contaminated soils unless analysis of soil samples taken from the site indicates that contaminant levels have been reduced to below 10 ppm. 7. The land application of petroleum contaminated soils shall be limited to the area shown on the attached site map. 8. Within 45 days of permit issuance, Oak Hill Farms shall develop and submit to the Fayetteville Regional Office a site management plan. 9. Separate land application areas shall be maintained for each disposal project, separated by a 5 foot buffer. Each area will be labeled to correspond with a reap identifying the source of the soil. This map shall be submitted to the Regional Office along with other required monitoring reports. 10. A temporary cover crop shall be established on the land application areas after the second month tilling and every subsequent tilling. 11. The land application of soils contaminated with any products other than Class I or Class II gasolines, diesel, kerosene and/or home heating oils is prohibited. .eye 6 12. All buffer zones as prescribed in 15A NCAC 2H.0219 shall be observed. V. INSPECTIONS I . Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Permittee or designee shall inspect the contaminated soil area to prevent any discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or Ieachate. VI. GENERAL. CONDLEONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the contaminated soil is disposed of in accordance with the conditions of this permit and the approved documents. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. In any future transfer of this land, a notice shall be given to the new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at this site. As part of the permit renewal application a copy of the deed shall be submitted and the deed shall clearly show that this permitted activity has taken place on the subject property. 5. A set of approved documents for the subject project must be retained by the applicant for the life of the project. The approved documents shall include a copy of the current permit, the approved site management plan, a site map that includes all property boundaries and site buffers, a completed permit application, and any other set of procedures specifically required by and approved by the Division during the term of the permit. 6. As a requirement for renewal of this permit, a complete set of soil samples shall be taken to determine the accumulation of metals for all parts of the land application site that have been used for land application of contaminated soils. These samples shall be taken within six (6) months of permit renewal application. 7 7. As a requirement for renewal of this permit, a full range TCLP analysis shall be submitted for the application site to demonstrate the quantity and nature of materials present as site residuals. 8. Within ninety (90) days of permit issuance, the permitee shall submit for approval to the Fayetteville Regional Office a site management plan (written as to be used as a site operations and management manual), that includes the following: a) details regarding soil conditioning and cover crop maintenance, b) procedures and contingencies to promote aerobic conditions in the soil, c) procedures and contingencies to achieve and maintain optimum soil pH, d) procedures and contingencies to achieve and maintain bioremediation, e) procedures and contingencies to minimize erosion, f) steps to assure the long-term viability of the site for agricultural and other uses in the future. 9. The stockpiling of contaminated soils is limited to only those soils that have already been previously approved by the Fayetteville Regional Office. Stockpiling is allowed only in the event of adverse weather conditions and unavoidable mechanical breakdown of equipment necessary for land application. The existence of a stockpile shall be no longer than ten (10) days. Contaminated soil shall only be stockpiled on the site area upon which it is intended to be spread. Existing stockpiles and adverse weather conditions shall be reasons for Regional Office denial of further requests for additional land application events. 10. Site access shall be controlled by locked gate, ditches, fences or other means such that the site operator can control access to authorized vehicles only. 11. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with jNorth Carolina General Statute 143-215.6. 12. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H.0205 (c)(4). 13. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 14. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 14th day of August, 1991 NORTH C OL1NA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION George T. Everett, irector Division of Envee ental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number WQ0004784 8 Y V- 5 --4Pb' TO FA?Ln v , .11L Hwy 110 mai @h- — ♦ i� �' f •'%� I 3074 "� ° , ��� ♦, `' `/ , ���� �, -°� .P� _ 1� ' 454000 rae 124 2 J Ir l l a• � 1 \ 1 ` 4 3073 Ch 22s {3535 ' � •� J _ 174 .q ! '•' hryll / ._, . - �-r "�- tea- "' _- —• SN 3a72 too 'cem r( p. . - - loo, •.l_ ) l - � If f 3071 f Ile 57' 30•, Tinian Hill Ch co - - -- -- - _ ----- 30 0 w 3069 'l0 RATING SCALE FOR CLASSIF=ICATION OF FACILITIES Name of Plant: Oak H'T V Mr %-,oi earri`!�t ce,-71. .ia,Vs s,rl•e Owner or Contact Person:, 7�,r, _der Mailing Address :�zo ,, ZQ��,_._�g� ----------------------------------------------------- Counly: CQM, f,_lah Telephone: P/%) ..U/ eFao _ NPDES Permit No. NC00 Nondisc. Per. No. ",2o,747ey Issue Date: oSr//�j Expiration Date: 127�1 Existing f=acility New Facility LX Rated By: . Se cur Date: o!�[l9 /9/ Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Reg. Office Reviewed (Train. & Cert.) Central Office ORC Grade --G— a,;. i, ITEM POINTS ITEM (1) Industrial Pretreatment knits and/or Septic Tank (see definition no. 43) .............. Industrial Pretreatment Program (b) (see -definition No. 33) 4 (2) DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD Primary Clariliers ............. . .............. (not applicable to non -contaminated cooling (d) w2ters, sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, totally closed cycle Non-toxic Materials (sludge handling facilities systems (del. No. 11), and facililies consisting only of Item (4) (d) or Items (4) (d) and (11) (d)) stone, and other mining operations except 0 20,000 .......................... 1 20,001 50,000 .......................... 2 50,001 -- 100,000 .......................... 3 100,001 -- 250,000 .......................... 4 250,001 500,000 .......................... 5 560,061 •-1,000,000 .......................... 8 1,000,001 -- 2,000,000 ........................ 10 2,000,001 (and up) - rale i point additional for each 20 200,000 gpd capacity up to a Diffused Air Sysier ........... maximum of 30 Design Flow (gpd) : (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS (see deiinition no. 32) (a) liar Screens ................................ 1 or (b) Mechanical Screens, Slavic Screens or Comminuting Devices ........... ............. 2 (c) Grit Removal ................. . ............. 1 or (d]i Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal ........... 2 (e) Flow Measuring Device ....................... 1 or (1) Instrumented Flow Measurement .............. 2 (e) Preaeration . .................... . .......... 2 (h) Influent Flow Equalizalion . • ...... , , , _ • . • , .. _ 2 1 Grease or Oil Separators - Gravity .......... 2 Mechanical.......... 3 Dissolved Air Flotation. 8 (j) Prechlorinalion .............................. 5 (4) PRIMARY -TREATMENT UNITS POIN7; (a) Septic Tank (see definition no. 43) .............. 2 (b) Imhoff Tank .................................. 5 (c) Primary Clariliers ............. . .............. 5 (d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Non-toxic Materials (sludge handling facilities for water purification plants, sand, gravel, stone, and other mining operations except recreational activities such as ger. or gold mining) ...................................... 2 (5) SECONDARY TREATMENT UNITS (a) Carbonaceous Stage ` (i)Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System .... , 20 Diffused Air Sysier ........... 10 Mechanical Air Syslem (fixed, floating or rotor) .............. 8 Separate Sludge Reaeration ..... 3 (ii) Trickling Filter High Rale ................... 7 Standard Rale ............... 5 Packed Tower ............... 5 (iii) Biological Aerated Filler or Aerated Biological Filler ...................... 10 (iv) Aerated Lagoons .................... . . 10 (v) Rolating Biological Contactors .......... 10 (vi) Sand Filters - intermittent biological .. 2 recirculating biological .. 3 (vii) Stabilization Lagoons ................... 5 (viii)Clarilier . . ......... ................ ... 5 (ix) Single stage system for combined carbonaceous removal of BOD and nitrogenous removal by nitrification (see def. No. 12) (Points for this item have to be in addition to ilems (5) (a) (i) through (5) (a) (viii) ................. S (x) Nutrient additions to enhance GOD removal............................... 5 (xi) Biological Cullure ("Super Bugs-) addilion to enhance organic compound removal ... .. 5 tditrogenous Stage (i) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System - - - 20 01 Sludge Holding Tank Aerated ................ 5 Diffused Air System ........... 10 Non-aerated ............ 2 Mechanical Air System (fixed, (j) Sludge Incinerator - (not including activated floating, or rotor) ...... ...... a carbon regeneration) ..... 10 Separate Sludge Reaeration .... - 3 (k) Vacuum Filter, Centrifuge or Filler Press or other rickling Filter - similar dewatering 9 devices .................... 10 High Rate .............. 7 Standard Rale ............ 5 (6) SLUDGE DISPOSAL (including incinerated ash) Packed Tower............ 5 (a)Lagoons........................................ 2 (iii) Biological Aerated Filler or Ae:aled (b) Land Application (surlace and subsurface) Biological Filter ......................... 10 (see definition 22a) (iv) Rolaling Biological Conlaclors ............ i 0 -where the facility holds the land app. permit 1 0 (v) Sand Filter- -by contracting to a land application operator who intermittent biological .. . . . ... 2 holds the land application permit ................ 2 recirculating biologica� ... . ... 3 -land application of sludge by a contractor who does (vi) Clarifier . ............................... 5 not hold the permit for the wastewater lrealment facility where the sludge is generated ..... .. .. 1 0 TIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNIT ....-....... (c) Landfilled (burial) ................ 5 Activated Carbons Beds - (9) DISINFECTION without carbon regeneration .................. 5 (a) Chlorination .............................. 5 with carbon regeneration .................... 15 (b) Dechlorination ........................ 5 Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed - (c) Ozone .............................. 5 without carbon regeneration ................. 5 (d) Radiation .......................... 5 with carbon regeneration .............. • . • . • 15 (10) CHEMICAL ADDITION SYSTEM (S) (See definition No. 9) Air Stripping ............................. 5 (not applicable to chemical additions rated as item Denitrification Process (separate process) - ... . 10 (3) 0), (5) (a) (xi), (6) (a), (6) (b), (7) (b), (7) (e), Electrodialysis .............................. 5 (9) (a), (9) (b), or (9) (c) 5 points each: List: Foam Separation ............................. 5 5 ton Exchange ................................ 5 5 Land Application of Treated Effluent • • • . . 5 (see definition no- 22b) (not app2able for . . • • . 5 sand, gravel, slORe and outer sirilar mining (11 ) MISCELLANEOUS UNITS operations) (a) Holding Ponds, Holding Tanks or Settling Ponds (i) on agriculturally managed sites (See del. for Organic or Toxic Materials including wastes 4) . ...... . . . ...... 10 from mining operations containing nitrogen and/or by high rale infiltration on non -agriculturally phosphorous compounds in amounts significantly managed sites (includes rotary distributors greater than is common for domestic wastewater .... 4 and similar fixed nozzles stems) ........... 4 (b) Effluent F€ow Equalization (not applicable to storage _ (iii) by subsurface disposal (inc?odes low pressure basins which are inherent in land applicalion systems). 2 pipe systems and gravity systems except at (c) Stage Discharge (not applicable to storage basins plants consisting of septic tank and nitrifica- inherent in land application systems ....................................... 5 tionlines only) ............................. 4 (d) Pumps .............................................. .................................................. .---- 3 M'scroscreens.................................. 5 (e) Stand -By Power Supply.....-------...... ... ............................ ..-.............. 3 Phosphorus Removal by Biological Processes (f) Thermal Pollution Control Device ............................................. 3 (See def. No. 26) ............................. 20 Polishing Ponds without ae:alion ....... 2 with aeratvjn .......... 5 Post Aeration cascade .............. 0 diffused of mechanical ... 5 TOTAL POINTS d Reverse Osmosis.. ............................. 5 Sand or Mixed -Media Filters - low rate ........... 2 high rate ....... - . - 5 CLASSIFICATION Treatment processes for removal of metal or cyanide .................................. . . 1 5 Class L.......................... .................. ............. 5 - 25 Points . Treatment processes for removal o1 toxic Class€I........................................................ 26- 50 Points materials other than metal or cyaride ......... 1 5 Class III ....................................................... 51- 65 Points Class IV .......... ......................................._... 66- Up Points JDGETREATMENT Facilities having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, Sludge Digestion Tank - Healed . ............ 1 0 do not require a certified operator. Classification of all other Aerobic . ............. 5 facilities requires a comparable grade operator in responsible Unhealee ...... ....... 3 charge. Sludge Slabitizaiion (chemical or l-ermal) . . . . . . . 5 Sludge Drying Beds - Gravity . ............... 2 Facilities having an activated sludge process will be assigned Vacuum=.ssisled ....... 5 a minimum classification of Class It. ge OvIria6on .............. .. . . �e Conditioner (chemical or lh�rrnal) .. . .. . . . 5 Facilities having treatment piecesses for the removal of metal -,,, ge Thickener(gravity) .... 5 or cyanide will be assigned a minimum classification of Class Il. Ci$solved Air Flotation Unit n' ,s�a pplicable to a unit rales as (�) ... .. _ _ _ Facilities having lrealment processes for the bolog Kcal removal Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage) - 2 Oft phosphorus will be assigned a minimum classilicalion of Class` F"a N (1)Acs;v I.d Carbon 8s11, A phy Scatreh.mksl m•Ihod for r•dvc;nq -ruble wglnk mat -ii -1 Ilona wlilnwal.f •rine•^I: th. rohrmn-type bids vs -d in Ih;, m.Jaad iris hs- . Ilex (el. varying (join t..o l91191,1 9,k-1 per m:nYl. Per sgvs+• loaf and may I. .idwr vpnow of dow.Bb c.e*a bods. Cartwn may or met n0' b• nq•n.01.d on use wa.Iawal.r I ..Cant Plsnl site, (;)Asral•d laSavna- A bi,t„ In whldh all sold, so• ma;nl,;n•d i1 avail. n,;en and by which b;ojoq;csr .,:a.4. •sn'c -,ay., i, avif t d al,v 7h artaki]Iy acc4t•us•d Iwn,M1r of .syq.n on a I,— Ihraop r))A-1 �ee.sr of blinginq about intmll. eonh Ct bel ­n air of high pv+isy oay9on in a l;qu:d by Apr.-- ,ast;bn d111vrion: (4)A9okuhwa1r -'-load +lila_ Ano 1;Ie an which a croia i, prodvead_ minag.d_ and h>---tod (C,ap inetud.s quash. gnane, Ire.', •ItI: , i5jA:r Svipp;rq. A pue.I, by which N. smmanivm ion Is rule eonY.n.d to dtsolv,d ammonia (ps( adivslm.nl) .dL4 Ih, smman;4 thin raLand I* IA. ssxasp'I oro by physical .rani: of othw Processes wlsal ramous pelraloum pod -It each - bom.n-, teWn•, and AT—. (6)CArbon Ral-roriiron. The r.g-n4+atien of cshau Hod carbon by the use of a Ivrnic• to prank, ,atremrly h;qh Irm?ars Wr.. which 1.1104. )rid oxkf-.f. lh, abf-fb-d ;mpuril4t: t7)C2,b-1cu , 509-. A slap. or xstt.warr treatment d.,lgn.d to .thio,. 'tocandary' aM..ot Ii.411, (d)Cenv1tv9., A muchan;c al uav;ca in which esnet;fvgal lore it used to s.patsle solids from I;gvlds indoor la s.psul. rgv;ds of dilf.renl drna;fin; (9)Ch.m;esl MCI;'" Sy Hem, - The add;Pian el Ih4m;G11 1s) to wsalewxlor 34 All applieai;on point fu Purposes el imP. ;ng sof;df umevar, pH edjuilm.nl_ -Ssl;n;q' Canto*]. etc,• the capability to expe,imenl w;Ih Cltor•nl chilask Als aril dsl•r•nl ipp4cirios, po;nlx Io 3ch;e,• a apac;rc -SVIt will be coMidsrod ono srnsm: Ili-capslsilily, 1. Add chenikKal (s) to dual unllr will U. riled as env syst-m: ,Apiblh'lr to add a cT•m;cal .1 0I.I.nc- appkla oh P661s fu 611l...nl putp*sa wit] r..utl In Lh, -yelema being nu a S-paril• Into, :$Q)CA.mk-I Shd91 C0146011ng. Th. sddit;on at a chi .-oil tempovnd such as lim.• f-efie Warier.. u A polymer 10 "1 sludge Io coatesce the miss Pnw to ice appic,%&A to a dlwil.filg davic•. 11)CIes.4 Cru Syiloms. Us• of holding pond, of holo" leaks ler consaLtm•nt o1waalowalrr :on[lwng inwgac, non-1oa;c matariatf Nom rand, 912vol, wJhod Stene or eth.r similar oporsliona- ,am which Ih... is no dscharyv le the sullsc. Watrrs•'vch systems shall carry a maiernvm al .1, )oinit rlgudlsfS Of pumping facd;tiel at any o91u'appsrtenanc--: 12)Comb;na4 Rxr, vAi of Carbonaceous BOD And Mvogenws AamvyA by Wivific3don • A single Slags rslem 'd..lgn. d- la acN41• 'advanc.d' p-rm;l r@Nrnl runts on BOD and ammonia nitrogen within he alma Nolaj;cal f•aclw, 13)De-chbximlien, The psrl;At or templet. radv<I;*n a' r.114val chlorine in a liquid by any chamical f physicit prvnsi; IgD.AI ifkal:ws Prac.ii, The COeI aFs;a(I of fuvxll-n;vogen to N1100e4 gas: IS)EEe eErodial=Ale, pr*eaet lot f4MOving SOMIll'ahs Iran Water thfeugh the use of ion-sahelbe sn•-2chan91 "rnbian4s• 16)F;I1ar Peols. A procisf Operated m.chsn:cagy lof pats;)ty d-waloring aWdg.: IT)Foam SspsriCon• Th- pt.hA.d lrolh;ng of wsrl.wsl•r w wastewal.t .ftlu.nj Ii s means e1 1mov;ng-xussire imovnle or dal.rg•ni mal.fisli Nfrw9h L4. )nuodvcgort of air In the form of line vbblai: al.a Ufed loam Irsaianauon; Ie)GAiI R.monk Th. peoc.ti el remavin9 grit and other heavy mineral mater Ifo+n Wa'1ow31of: 19)lmheS T1nx, A doep Iwo slog waalswalu 13 dk eona;Slwg of an upper 1#6,m on, at;on chimbor and low -r 3"- dgl Alien chamber: :0)Insrfum4nl4d Flaw MNSufem-nL A device WNch indical.s Inciter licafds fate of flow - 'q" A chemical ptoe•Ss in Which ieni from Iwo ddfaf.nt maleeulss ase -aching. d; ey)L' ion: (a) Sludge 0hposil. A rnal Avdg. disposal method by which audp. may be Plot;$ ;hor by spraying on Ih• Avrface be by subrurfac. Wathan (E-, chit •! F4aw): (not pplica ,•pas .1 s1u69. d.icr;bed in (11) el this Rvl-� (b)Ttsitod Elrlif-nL Th. process of wayL'g uest•d wislewilet Onto a land miss of olhar methods at app5t1gon al araatawalar onto a nor af•a as a sn-ans of Ectal disposal andtor toatnaonl- 3)rAkrastrnn A fow 'paid. continuously bafk.wash-d, 90136-9 drum filter opaltring under ivily corsdilt n ai a poSlhliv melhbd r.mvvinq surponded solids from eInu&nl• 4)141uircahon Proc.u. Th• bioeh Contest c"Y'"n of umAd.x•d nhreg-n (ammonia and organic uogan) fo aseSxnd fiv096n (usually nitrat.): S)N;uo94novs SHA-• A npsnt• Stage of w)IOWshs tr.amenl designed for tha spec Y,c purpdi. of nvfrling amturit nitrogen to nilixt4 rdvogon- 6)Phosphxle Rleaoval Biolog;c,L The semoyll a1 phosphorus Rom w3Hew'ler by os;Ginoaic leets dos;9nad to enhance luxury villas- of Photph-nol by fA.-rra1csuo79anf.ms• 71pa6s)u+g Paas. A ho vag pond following secondirr trsatmanl vnlh ivlfc;inl d-tontian to aQow for : I selling of Fnl)y Suspended solids: l 9P all Atra G*& Auition facwing eenv.n0eftil sseom.ry trut,,enl..nils to inersan Nlu.n[ D.O_ ' lot any other p -poi.: ))Poll AOM61L (CA1c%d4) A poS4h;n9 method by which dcte;Iod oxygen is added to the ssflluanl b7' 161Vn0chInk1L vi,,itr moans of flowing down a s.rirA of Asips or waifs• Tho Dow occurring ac-" slops of w.lra m*,.: in x fArdy IAL- lay,f and N. opersdeot of the cascade o.gvhsss no oPerot- vSlmonl; Nus- floss painlS Its atign•d .von Though this It An essential lisp 10 mle8ng the limits of d;/chasp. pu+e;t )Pewd.nd w Gra,wlsr Acl;vai.d Ca+ban fad_ A biap.4ysiea[ e3tbon p(ocass Nal wIM14a biological Wily and organic 'bsojPt;on by uSrnp po,41l.d or granuts.f aafral•d urban: V;19;n aAdfor •n4onted carbon is laid conuolled We IN. ryrt-m: )Ptaa.!]tiorl A lank eon,irvetad to pfovids aelailon prior to primary Ifeatasenl- )Pt4ninafy Units, Unit open Gens in Ihs In aLm+nl Places'. lvch as aq.afain9 and comminution, 1 pr•pas. I1,. Clvor for suba•qu1n1 major op,fallans• . lw Pnuaun-nE: "C. b-lua (3)Pn-suaunant Un;tofa t Induel. Th' eond;lioning wL& al a at tits r<• diechaegq to remove or to nsufrsiit. substare.s hjvt;ovr to s.wors and treatment Caton w w Ma[ a pan.xt r. dueyon;i load ea a us abn•nt pfaCns which is Ppersl.d by the Sam. dbo a] Still a rno`9 body 1; t" w"IbwAj.f uaMsof plant I-!" Mod. (b)Pr.•N.um.nt pte9nm- Indvsvist - EPA requited program Ice roe,i o pvinla on Ih--I.RM9 ah..t; primary Chuti.,a• The l;nl A-11909 links Ihrevgh which Wjj.wal.r Is psas,d in 1 trellm.m to for 11,4 puspea, e[+•moruy a.ulaDi, andavS do:Plndod Sorda and BOD Which ;s -SM6311d Wath Ih. Pvmpa, A]r iM•a,nL afllars nl, and In-pf'ni pump,; Aa die l;qct_ Dis;nt.uien andfol .. rital;an place.. vt;6ling ds k.t ino;nanQ v1,,, iW.l e+ gemma Rw..0 Osmasi,_ A t+rilm•n[ F.-.&. in w\;ch a h --r conum;nal.d Fquid if prrssur;s.d ugh 3 m.mbran, kren;rp n. -Ir pvr. liquid it.. room av,p.ndsd solids; rtoul;nq RiatoSkil Consitleft, A Stott b;otegteal growth Prve.0 in wh;eh W)rl.walan llOs rqR "'AS in wivh . -•ria of p]rti-Sy sFitvYbmrrgod evcvlsr sur[ae•a afe rel -sed• Send Fiy:rsXap,a4•amhasnag Biolop;eal ai;on of •lllv-r.t follvwtnq erpt;e Tank a, f]q eons or • aM.r •--int yrocas ;n which lvnh-r bind. po•;a:on is •clad to induce du;r.d tem neo; l bilin R•cirtvli li �Ia;okrrrl•ylf-.r- Mss -;"I'd N gPdy-c and hav �I r•avhing I. - sl sa-'. yp• or sand filter AS d•Gnad in (s) with dded au•eyef. •Invonr beckm.ough N• sand Siler lino at . 'Aida tilt. ef.7 ".h'po;Iiw,g-yrxifi-by �ahieh •Inv. nl t)m;la are ieh;•.•d through a ,1 f.duction at aysp•nd-d sol:df:(a)bw'rat>=::`pf�r;IT-hydnvrc Ady Ivad•d Mitt wish load;ng ,n 1n• o-. a No-- ppmras nnP•:Iblhgh e.1. .. . tall- hydra.<eallr :osd.d r;9.r w;,h Io ad:nq in Ih. rx. g} -s,, ergs; At any fat._ !ha load-V*f-l- w;ll •sc•-d lh+. • 9P -+.f[ (41)Socan413ny CWM.11• A lank -`;Ch F&I%Ws the b;o1*97,.l ..it el A ball -.-1 plant and which has Ih. p-poes of rsmo,;nq is dga as::.c7abd with I1,- bio1091911 v.xvn.nl Y ;Ir 1e7)5-ptral. Sludge Ru,r+l;en, A pan PI the contscl ihbilittlion plot.- +1,.I. sh. .0T% lad sludge is In nel•jnd to A lank and s,nt.0 :•.Ion ralvrwry it )o Ih. blain: 44;05-pik lank, A •:nq=.-+Tory s, : tent, In which a.td•d 11 -dg- h K chola -41, the wsinew'.•r Ila -;no Iu,ugh mo tank: IhAll rear b. spill:csblo lot s-psic tills ayar•m, ;n9 sing[. fsmay 11119•nc.1 havino a rop.Gfy of MA prions of I.s, whkh d;tchug. Io x I;.td• (44)SN69. D'q•stion. The proc.Is ar +.tdch e+asn;c of ,V1,I;I. .suer sold 1". ;s pss;b-d, I•gv.l;ad, minsrair.d or Converted We mwi saablo oraanle matter Though the aea;•;Ir of living o•9an;rm1, which kKlvd.s ..rand I'nkr: (45)SN69- Drying Dods. An alis ,=ria;+;slnq P11-11 or arIMCIAr lays's of pb,ovs -.I.(;ate upon wlAeh dg,slsd arwaq, s:velg, is dli.d by c:r;n.9. and s 1Parat;on• 146)SNd9- El vial;on. f, ptoe-1- s. a:vdg- ePrd;Ikn1,g io which c -Min eanailuenb Ara t-mavid by succ-dy. w•nhingt Wile) both water of plant efbvvnl• 147)Sludgs Gs. Ulilhilie . The •jal..s of using Sawagr ors lot the purpas. M hailing bu;td;n9), drMA9 onginu, •Ic,; (ed)Sludg. HoldlnQ sank (A -1116J :ad NonoslaLd). A sank vli6fed for +malt w-11w2la- Itabimenl )Issnl. not eanIAWAg a e.—mi In ­kh I.dg. -lay bre kupl Iar-_h, and svp.malsnt wilh.11.— prier Ie a dry'vg method (i,., aI ei drying :acs}; INS may be done by adding a amas am—nI or air Alnlply to kap the slvdg. flesh, bw net necssAury an Amount %hit would be rogvaed to Achlrv• slAbij;c3lian o1 *191oic manor. A nona+lased tart •n Id Simply bo used to dbcanl sludge prior It, dowal•ring and would simply be used 1. dacam sWdga y:^1 to dawala+inp and would nes s1low long plated, (s•verst days of dst.nl;on) without sbsultinq odw pca.mr (4P)Srvd9e N,cinonlari; A urn3c. s.Agned to born Mudge and to remove ss mci,t . and combwlast. mas•r;,ls and roduc• the V dge It s slahl. ash; (SO)Slverge SlabilixaGon {Chemical ce Th-rm.$). A process la make Waited eIvdge less odorous and puu.ict;bI., And ib faduc. the pe:.eq.nk-191n4m content: This may be don. by pot adjustment chlorine dosing, of by h,st v.alm.rC (51)SWdge Thickemr, A type of :,5;.•n-nlilian lank in which Na slvdgr fs pernillod Its settle and ;Nck.n through a9ils l'wn and gr"e; (52)511b;Gfllion Lagoon, A-lyp. d as;dslion lagoon In which b;olegk-f oaidat,an of wgank -311.1 is ell -clod by nalura) uinahr of osyg- to the water I,om a'Ir (not a p94LM.9 pend)• (53)Sl1n4•9y Puwer Supp:y, On Scr Of porlablo a[oetriCii S.66119ag 4gvipts.m: (54) Slilie Screens, A milienarr renes d-sgnad le Is— solids ;+aelud-9 non•biedogtadAbl. patt;evlals (doafable solids, susp-aid solids and BOD Isdudat%) Irom nvniepal and indvslt;sl w Alhwatef Irsalmenk tysums; (SS)Teniarr TrAatmonl. A slags a valrnlnt (allowing sacorsdary which is ptirrtvs y far the pusposv 01 elflvonl polishing: A sitting japes. e, wind of coal Idler right be employed ler via purpose_ (S6)Thlrmal PaYvtian Con -til Derr,, A d.vics ptoAdin9 ror the uansl.i of be it from a. Ilu;d now;ng m lubes to another fluid ouuids the ?,bit, at vice versa; or, other moans of r.guliti.y liquid lempuausas; (57)ihilmil Sludge Conditi"or, A ter4toning procaio by which heat Is added Iw a protracted paitod of lime to Improv the dowAtsnbi2y 41 ahrdge by In. solub;raing and hydrxlGi;ng at the smaller and mor. highly hydrated rlvd;s paril.h.: - 15d)Te';e Mneriala. Thai. wast.. a camblnsl;ons of Wlsl.. Lacluding dseaS••eavtv.9 agents which after dischatg. and upon exposure, 69es);on, inhxlal;on at aslimilll;on irsla arty oiganism shot dvsttfy From the ■nleirorvnenl or 'V-eetettf by ;ngstl;an Ihfaugh 1OO4 chains, wP cause death, dis.aso. Dehav'+orxl abnormaliti.s, cancer, p,c.Ik mulafens, physiological mtlhmc6o,ns (inck,&" 1n3Bvnctions in rapteduck0n) or physinl 41110=31;041, in Auth *f9anismS of their offspring' Taxk malsfialt include, br way ;IrvHrst;an and sal iamWion; load, cadmium, chromium, tnrscvly, vaned;um. 31suale, tine, wlho•nivv-e`yerebs n7 enA (0)qCB poFyehlar;oal.d Wphsnyli (PCBs) and dcNwodiph.nyl vicNwwthine (DDT): and any oth,r axiedils that have or may hel.xri.r be doI.fm;n.d to have lock pro p. rlL S: w (59)Trickling fdtrr, A biological fres.-ae nl ..nil consisting of maletlil such as broken stony ar rock over which wastewater is duu;bul.& A high rile trickling Iillrt Is ona which a op.rit;a"al'b■:•seen 10 and 30 mod per acs. A low sass v%kl-vag ixlar is one which is dn;gnsd in opasar. is one'1c lour mod psi acs; (6o)TIkkring F,Ter (Packed Towu). A plvg )fow Iyp+ of oparal;an in wbieh wass.wxle, lava down thraugh succrsshe 1a7.rs o1 mads: st 611131- m3lbri Al- Organic mst.risl is f, ,od <onunva.y by attar- biological reed growth k osch txcsssiv- liy.r. This method may pra a 'racordary' rvArily HfNen1, or may W mdapled to piodvci i swirled slqusn% (il)Vicwm Firlsts, C.nuiFag4s, of a,, Pfo,seA. Devices which oto deigned to unov. taegss W2111 from silhir dg.Hed a undigu!id iludg. prior 1* disposal or foWlif 1r-aun-n1,