HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004403_Final Permit_19910328State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary George T. Everett, Ph.D, Director March 28, 1991 Mr. Tommy Sides, Safety Director Salem Leasing Corporation 198 Park Plaza Drive Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27105 Subject: Permit No. WQ0004403 Salem Leasing Corporation Remediation of Contaminated Soils Alamance County Dear Mr. Sides: In accordance with your application received November 16, 1990, we are forwarding herewith Permit No. WQ0004403, dated March 28, 1991, to Salem Leasing Corporation for the operation of the subject contaminated soil remediation program. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 29, 1996, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within 30 days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer 27447, Raleigh, NC 27611-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. One set of approval documents is being forwarded to you. If you need additional information concerning this matter, please contact Mr. Dana Bolden at 9191733-5083. Sincerely, �cA George Everett cc: Alarnance County Health Department Winston-Salem Regional Office Groundwater Section Training and Certification Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affhanative Action Employer r`` NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES RALEIGH CONTAMINATED SOILS DISPOSAL PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Salem Leasing Corporation Alamance County FOR THE operation of a contaminated soils remediation system consisting of disposing of approximately 300 cubic yards of petroleum (diesel fuel) contaminated soil from Salem Leasing Corporation's Facility to a 32,400 square foot disposal area located at property owned by Thomas L. Teague with no discharge of wastes to the surface waters, pursuant to the application received November 16, 1990 and in conformity with the project plan, specifications, and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until February 29, 1996, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The Winston-Salem Regional Office, phone no. (919) 761-2351, shall be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours after land application of the contaminated soil so that an inspection can be made. Such notification to the regional supervisor shall be made during the normal office hours from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday, excluding State Holidays. 2. This permit shall become voidable if the soils fail to adequately assimilate the wastes and may be rescinded unless the facilities are installed, maintained, and operated in a manner which will protect the assigned water quality standards of the surface waters and ground waters. 3. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement treatment or disposal facilities. 4. The issuance of this permit shall not relieve the Permittee of the responsibility for damages to surface or groundwaters resulting from the operation of this facility. 5. The following buffers shall krmaintained: a) 100 feet between disposal area and any public or private water supply including wells b) 100 feet between disposal area and "SA and SB" classified surface waters c) 50 feet between disposal area and any stream, lake, river or natural drainageway d) 50 feet between disposal area and property lines c) 10 feet between disposal area and surface water interceptor drains or diversions (upslope) f) 25 feet between disposal area and surface water interceptor drains or diversions (downslope) and groundwater drainage systems. 6. No contaminated soil other than that from the fuel spill at Salem Leasing Corporation's Alamance County Facility shall be placed on the land disposal site. 7. Upon classification of the facility by the Certification Commission, the Pennittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the type and grade at least equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. Once the facility is classified, the Permittee must submit a letter to the Certification,Comrnission which designates the operator in responsible charge. 11. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. The facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times. 2. The Permittee shall employ a certified wastewater treatment plant operator to be in responsible charge of the wastewater treatment facilities. The operator must hold a certificate of the grade at least equivalent to the classification assigned to the wastewater treatment facilities by the Certification Commission. 3. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent surface runoff from carrying any disposed material into any surface waters. 4. The 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil shall be spread to a thickness not to exceed three inches on at least 0.75 acres of land at the disposal site. 5. The facilities shall be effectively maintained and operated as a non -discharge system to prevent the discharge of any wastewater resulting from the operation of this facility. 6. The site shall be adequately limed to a soil pH of at least 6.5 prior to disposal of tie contaminated soil. The contaminated soil and lime shall be thoroughly incorporated into the top six to eight inches of the native soils by tilling or disking. 7. To ensure that sufficient oxygen is provided for waste biodegradation, the site shall be retilled at periods of one month, two months, and every six months thereafter following disposal. 8. No food -chain crops shall be grown on the landfarming sites for at least two years following the completion of contaminated soil application and remediation. 9. Nutrients, in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus fert' ; yrs, must be applied over the disposal area and fully incorporated into the mixed contaminated and native soil layer. To provide maximum benefits, fertilization should occur no sooner than 15 days nor later than 30 days subsequent to disposal. Rate of fertilizer application should be the lesser of the following: a) For nitrogen, the tolerance level of the vegetative crop, as determined by a knowledgeable party, or 75-100 pounds per acre plant available nitrogen (PAN). b) For phosphorus, the tolerance level of the vegetative crop, as determined by a knowledgeable party, or 50-75 pounds per acre P205 (or equivalent). 111. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1. Any monitoring deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management to insure surface and ground water protection will be established and an acceptable sampling reporting schedule shall be followed. 2. Noncompliance Notification: The Permittee shall report by telephone to the Winston-Salem, Regional Office telephone no. (919) 761-2351, as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours or on the next working day following the occurrence or first knowledge of the occurrence of any of the following: a. Any occurrence with the land application program which results in the land application of significant amounts of wastes which are abnormal in quantity or characteristic. b. Any failure of the land application program resulting in a discharge of wastes to receiving waters. c. Any time that self-monitoring information indicates that the facility is not in compliance with the conditions and limitations of this permit or the parameters on which the system was designed. d. Any process unit failure, due to known or unknown reasons, that render the facility incapable of adequate sludge treatment. e. Any spillage or discharge from a vehicle or piping system transporting contaminated soil to the application site. Persons reporting such occurrences by telephone shall also file a written report in letter form within 15 days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report must outline the actions taken or proposed to be taken to ensure that the problem does not recur. IV. GROUNDWATER REOUIREMEI5 Any additional groundwater quality monitoring as deemed necessary by the Division of Environmental Management shall be provided. 3 2. Soil samples will be collected, from a minimum of two (2) areas at the disposal site, at intervals of six months and twelve months following disposal. Each sample will be composed of the vertical column of soil, extending from land surfaces to the maximum depth of waste incorporation, and collected by using a soil auger, Shelby tube or split -spoon sampler. Samples at each location will be thoroughly mixed and a representative portion analyzed (by methods specified in Guidelines For Remediation Of Soil Contaminated By Petroleum available from the Division of Environmental Management's Groundwater Section)to determine the concentration of. (1) Petroleum Fuel Hydrocarbons (Method 3550) and (2) any Volatile Organic Aromatic (VOA) compounds present. The samples collected at different locations SHALL NOT BE MIXED together to generate a site -wide composite sample. A copy of the laboratory results of the soil analysis will be submitted to the Winston-Salem Regional Office, to the attention ofshe Regional Hydrogeological Supervisor, within 30 days of sample collection. 3. No land application of waste activities shall be undertaken when the seasonal high water table is less than three feet below the land surface. 4. The Compliance Boundary for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15 NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. An exceedance of Groundwater Quality Standards beyond the Compliance Boundary is subject to penalty provisions applicable under General Statute 143-215.6(1)a. The sale of property, by the Permittee, which is within or contiguous to the disposal system site may alter the location of the Compliance Boundary. For facilities permitted on or after December 30, 1983, the Compliance Boundary is established at the lesser of 250 feet from the land application area, or 50 feet within the property boundary. If the title to any property which may affect the location of the Compliance Boundary is changed, the Permittee shall notify the DEM Director within 14 days. The Director shall then establish a modified Compliance Boundary which will be done as a modification to the Permit. The REVIEW BOUNDARY for the disposal system is specified by regulations in 15 NCAC 2L, Groundwater Classifications and Standards. A REVIEW BOUNDARY is established around disposal systems midway between the Compliance Boundary and the perimeter of the waste disposal area. When the concentration of any substance equals or exceeds the maximum allowable concentration of that substance at the REVIEW BOUNDARY, as determined by monitoring, the permittee shall either (i) demonstrate, through predictive calculations or modeling, that natural site conditions, facility design and operational controls will prevent a violation of standards at the Compliance Boundary; or, (ii) submit a plan for the alteration of existing site conditions, facility design or operational controls that will prevent a violation of standards at the Compliance Boundary, and implement that plan upon its approval by the Director. F11 V. INSPECTION: a. I . Adequate inspection, maintenance, and cleaning shall be provided by the Permittee to insure proper operation of the subject facilities. 2. The Permittee or designee shall inspect the contaminated soil area to prevent any discharges which may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment, a threat to human health, or a nuisance. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including at least the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. This log of inspections shall be maintained by the Permittee for a period of three years from the date of the inspection and shall be made available upon request to the Division of Environmental Management or other permitting authority. 3. Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division of Environmental Management may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the disposal site and facility at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit; may inspect or copy any records that must be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; or may obtain samples of groundwater, surface water, or leachate. VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit shall become voidable unless the contaminated soil is disposed of in accordance with the conditions of this permit and the approved documents. 2. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of wastes described in the application and other supporting data. 3. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Management accompanied by an application fee, documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 4. In any future transfer of this land, a notice shall be given to the new owner that gives full details of the materials applied or incorporated at this site. 5. A set of approved documents for the subject project must be retained by the applicant for the life of the project. 6. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6. 7. The annual administering and compliance fee must be paid by the Permittee within thirty (30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit as specified by 15 NCAC 2H.0205 (c)(4). 8. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies (local, state, and federal) which have jurisdiction. 9. The Permittee, at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit, shall request its extension. Upon receipt of the request, the Commission will review the adequacy of the facilities described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for such period of time and under such conditions and limitations as it may deem appropriate. Permit issued this the 28th day of March, 1991 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION George T. E erect, Direct Division of #nvironmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Pen -nit Number WQ0004403 0 UNITED S7 ?F -S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY '30" 647000m.E 648 649 1 650 20' 651 _. _ 1 f , � /r t �l' \l /i� I / �^-"-�•_ - f� ��• -`� I � Y_x i. w• ♦ �w �G t 1's: -�'1 g. 1 � Se. \ t ♦d ice✓ ': I � 'j `I -` _ }'1 r.. . 1 w J �r1r \s ,\ t • .-� -`y ..r r 1`F f jlRi� �t � _ -4 !� L.i: r�� �\�` _ l-`� � \ � i���-�R. � � '"ter/ '�' ` ` 7f' �• r' � �' � TV ,) �t ',••`__- ^--:%,-�^, '.ISE - � - t'� --, "l.``�` , F+ , };,l`.r.l 11i tl is �'• ' �_- - L�f � \ �'I '2115,�r ANI � 11 I.A 1840oo,^.N. 350 7� 21?- . . . . . . . . . . 3983 aw ,1`�~J„` �e '� r- - -C - / gip' 1--�::•.” _ _ �-r `� ��TE ti -4.�f� .-1V} r �.i r _�f t✓+ ,`� ice. - pti _ iy � a��� r� .�' U•r1 4r^�'f / Yr��� � � -�� lU/ L �'�� � �-Fi ♦ -� °_ -+ N�' Cedar Cliff, ,{ tti _ t U k t� \1 o -u t ♦ :�• 7 30 CrUichflel6'/.- - r .f'• --rc S L i� { y_-1' - ..�_ 1 `� 11 r •\• ! .f /.o ELEV 4 %%�� r�r ` r- ° \j �`�' + •r - J %I� 48 p , -% (4) (5) (6) ITEII POINTS ,(h) Preaeration or Equalization - . I i Grease or Oil Separators -- Gravity 2 Land Application (see definition No. 23b) . . . . Mechanical. . . . . . . 3 Aerated . . . . . . . . 5 Chemical Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PRIMARY TREATMENT UNITS (k) (a) Septic Tank (see definition No. 44) . . . . . . . . 2 (b) Imhoff Tank_ . . 3 Primary Clarifiers (including sludge air Tifts) . . 5 �c) d) Settling Ponds or Settling Tanks for Inorganic Non - (m) Post Aeration - Cascade .. . . . . . Toxic Materials Involving a Discharge to the Surface Waters (sand, gravel. stone, and other mining operations 5 except recreational activities such as gem or gold Pre -Package Unit for Removal of 011 and Grease 30 mining) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SECONDARY TREATMENT UNITS 5 (a) Carbonaceous Stage Sand or Mixed -Media Filters -- Lox Rate . . . . .. 2 (1) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System . . . . 20 High Rate .. Diffused Air System . . 10 SLUDGE TREATMENT Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating or rotor) 8 (a) Separate Sludge Reaeration . . . . . . . . . 3 Trickling Filter - High Rate . . . . . . . . 7 5 Standard Rate . . . . . . 5 Unheated . . . . Packed Tower . . . . . . . 5 (b) (iii) Aerated Lagoons . . . . . 10 (iv) Rotating Biological Contactors (biodisc). . . 10 2 (v) Sand Filters (intermittent biological) . . . 2 Sludge Elutriation . . . . . (vi Stabilization Lagoons 5 �e) (vii Clarifier (intluding sludge air lifts). . . . 5 (b) Nitrogenous Stage Sludge Thickerser . . . . . . . 2 (1) Aeration - High Purity Oxygen System. . . . . 20 Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage). . . Diffused Air Systems. . . 10 h) Mechanical Air System (fixed, floating, or rotor)8 5 Separate Sludge Reaeration . . . . . . . . . 3 Hon -aerated (ii) Trickling filter - High Rate . . . . . . . . 7 (i) Standard Rate . . . . . . 5 Packed Tower. . . 5 10 (iii) Rotating Biological Contactors (biodisc) . _ 10 Vacuum Filter, Cgntrifuge or Filter Press . . . . (iv) Sand Filter (intermittent biological). . . . 2 SLUDGE DISPOSAL (1 .1 incinerated ash) (v) Clarifier (including sludge air lifts) . . . 5 TERTIARY OR ADVANCED TREATMENT UNITS Lagoons. _ (a) Activated Carbon Beds - Without Carbon regeneration 5 c Land Application (surfae and subsurface) -(see de With Carbon regeneration. 15 (b) Powdered or Granular Activated Carbon Feed - Without Carbon regeneration 5 5 With Carbon regeneration. 15 (c) Ammonia Stripping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (d) Chemical Additions . . . . . . . . . . 5 (e) Denitrification Process (separate process). . . . 14 (f) Electrodialysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (g) Foam Separation . . . . . . . . . . . I. 5 (h) [on Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -2- 51 ITEM POINTS (i) Land Application (see definition No. 23b) . . . . 5 (not applicable for facilities under 10(a) . . . . (jJ Microscreens . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . S (k) Phosphorus Removal _ . . . . . . . . . . 20 (1) Polishing Ponds- Without aeration . . . . . . . . 2 With aeration . . . . . . . . . . 5 (m) Post Aeration - Cascade .. . . . . . 0 Diffused or Mechanical . . . . 5 (n) Pre -Package Unit for Removal of 011 and Grease 30 (o) Reverse Osmosis . . . . . . . .. 5 (p) Sand or Mixed -Media Filters -- Lox Rate . . . . .. 2 High Rate .. 5 (7) SLUDGE TREATMENT (a) Sludge Digestion Tank -- Heated . . . . . . . . 10 Aerobic . . . . . . . . . 5 Unheated . . . . 3 (b) Sludge Stabilization (chemical or thermal) . . . . 10 (c) Sludge Drying Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (d) Sludge Elutriation . . . . . 5 �e) Sludge Conditioner (chemical or thermal) . . . . . 5 f) Sludge Thickerser . . . . . . . 2 g) Sludge Gas Utilization (including gas storage). . . 2 h) Sludge Holding Tank -- Aerated . . . . . . . . 5 Hon -aerated 2 (i) Sludge Incinerator (not including activated carbon regeneration) . _ . . . . . . 10 (j} Vacuum Filter, Cgntrifuge or Filter Press . . . . 10 (8) SLUDGE DISPOSAL (1 .1 incinerated ash) (a) Lagoons. _ 2 (b) c Land Application (surfae and subsurface) -(see de 23a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . (c) Landfilled (burial) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (9) DISINFECTION a) Pre . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 1 b) Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (c) Post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (d) Dechlorination. _ . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (e) Chlorine or Ozone Generation . . . . . . . . . . 5 (f) Radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (10) MISCELLANEOUS UNITS (a) Holding Ponds or Holding Tanks for Inorganic, Non-toxic Materials with no Discharge to the Surface Waters 2 (Sludge handling facilities for water purification . plants, sand, gravel, crushed stone and other similar operations --see definition No. 10) (b) Holding Ponds or Holding Tanks for Organic or Toxic Materials With no Discharge to the surface Waters 4 (Any pump, valve, or other mechanical control subject to failure creating a potential for bypass or discharge from the holding ponds or tanks will necessitate a minimum classification of Class i requiring a certified operator). 51 (MISCEL1ANNUS UNITS CONTINUED) POINTS (c) holding Pond for Effluent Flow Equalization and/or 'Stage Discharge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 d) Effluent Pumps3 e) In-PTant Pumps (including air lifts). . . . . . . . 2 f Stand -By Power Supply . . .. . . . . . 3 g Thermal Pollution Control Device . . . . . 3 (h) Treatment Processes for Removal of Metal or Cyanide and other Toxic Materials . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 30 Total Points CLASSIFICATION Class I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 25 Points Class 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 50 Points Class III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 - 65 Points Class IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 - Up Points Facilities having a rating of one through four points, inclusive, do not require a certified operator. Classification of all other facilities requires a comparable grade operator,, in responsible charge. North Carolina Division cf Environmental Management Checklist of Facility Components To be Used In Determing Facility Classification All information will be printed: Name of Plant Sei l<Pr✓l Lna FI -Re'- (f—o rxq. r County tita. c $ /1 // Owner or Contact Person itil- �i0e� 9/ O fr� / .1 e e one Mailing Address �� !`• Sl IP Street or P.O. Box No. Town or City Z p Permit Number Information Construction Status HPDES Permit No. Please Check: Existing Facility Date Issued Upgraded Facility _ New Facility State Permit No. ��(? ��/ 03 - If Upgraded or Hew Facility, Give: ,rte /�"� Date Issue/Jd 50% Completion Date Completion Date /1 Rated by Regional Office /L�OOY Date 3'm v Operator in Responsible Charge Grade V Design Flow of Plant in GPDDcfA}Jai. Sm+J� Plant Class ITEMPOINTS (1) PRETREATMENT UNITS (see definition No. 34) 2 (2) DESIGN FLOW OF PLANT IN GPD (not applicable to non= contaminated cooling waters and non -discharging systems 0 -- 20,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 20,001 -- 50,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50,001 -- 100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 100,001 -- 250,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 250,001 -- 500,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 500,001 -- 1.000,000 . . . . . . . . . . 8 1.000,001 -- 2,000,00010 2,000,001 (and up) - rate 1 point additional for each 2DG,000 GPD capacity up to a maximum of . . . 30 Design Flow (GPD): (3) PRELIMINARY UNITS (see deFinition No. 3 . . . . . . . .. (a) Influent Pumps (including air lift) . . . . . . . . . 3 (b) Bar Screens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 or (c) Mechanical Screens, Static Screens or Comminuting Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (d) Grit Removal or . . - . . . . . . . . . I (e) Mechanical or Aerated Grit Removal . . . . . . . . . 2 (f) Flow Measuring Device or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I (g) Instrumented Flow Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 -q- Effective 4/1/87 -1-