HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001422_Proposed 316(b) Peer Reviewers_20180921 4, DUKE James Wells V ENERGY® Environmentalce President ® ENS Programs& Sciences 526 South Church Street Mail Code EC13K Charlotte,NC 28202 (980)373-9646 September 21, 2018 RECEIVE®/DENR/DWR Mr. Jeff Poupart North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality SEP 24 2018 Division of Water Resources Water Quality Permitting Section Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Permitting Section Raleigh NC 27699-1617 Subject: Proposed 316(b) Peer Reviewers Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC and Duke Energy Progress, LLC Dear Mr. Poupart: The final 316(b) "Existing Facilities Rule" requires facilities that submit reports as described in §122.21(r)(10), §122.21(r)(11), and §122.21(r)(12) to conduct an external peer review of those reports. The final 316(b) Rule also requires documentation of this peer review at §122.21(r)(13). Unless waived by the Department, the following Duke Energy facilities will be subject to the peer review requirements: • Allen Steam Station • Belews Creek Steam Station • Brunswick Nuclear Station • Marshall Steam Station • McGuire Nuclear Station • Roxboro Steam Station • Sutton Steam Station Duke Energy conducted a selection process and provided the initially selected peer reviewers to the Department in our letter dated August 4, 2015. We have recently evaluated the initial peer reviewers and determined that revisions were necessary. Our current 316(b) report peer review team is as follows: Biology _ „ Economics � °Engineerings Dr. James A. Rice Dr. Paul Jakus Dr. John S. Maulbetsch Professor, North Carolina Professor, Utah State Maulbetsch Consulting State University University Dr. Charles C. Coutant Dr. Frank Lupi David M. Maxwell Emeritus, Oak Ridge Professor, Michigan State Maxwell Consulting, LLC National Laboratory University Joseph S. Raulli, P.E. O'Brien and Gere Mr. Jeff Poupart September 21, 2018 Page 2 Resumes are provided for each of the above peer reviewers in Attachment A of this letter. Duke Energy respectfully requests that the Department provide comments regarding the selected peer reviewers no later than October 20, 2018 to ensure that our 316(b) reports are timely submitted. If comments are not provided by October 20, 2018, Duke Energy will assume that the peer reviewers specified in this letter are approved by the Department. As subsequent evaluations result in changes to our selected peer reviewer team, Duke Energy will provide appropriate notification to the Department. Please contact Michael Smallwood (704-382-4117, Michael.Smallwood@duke-energy.com) if you have any questions or comments regarding the selected 316(b) report peer reviewers. Sincerel , James Wells Vice Pr•'sident, EHS Programs & Environmental Sciences Attachment: A— Peer Reviewer Resumes dated September 11, 2018 J. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Attachment A Peer Reviewer Resumes Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 CURRICULUM VITAE James A. Rice Telephone: 919-515-4592 Department of Applied Ecology FAX: 919-515-5327 North Carolina State University E-mail:jrice@ncsu.edu Raleigh,NC 27695-7617 Education: B.A. 1978, Biology(Summa Cum Laude), St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO. M.S. 1981, Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Ph.D. 1985, Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Employment: 1978 - 1985 Research and Teaching Assistant, Center for Limnology and Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1985 Research Associate, Center for Limnology, University of Wisconsin- Madison. 1985 - 1991 Assistant Professor of Zoology and Extension Fisheries Specialist,North Carolina State University. 1986 -present Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology Faculty,North Carolina State University. 1989 - 1990, 2001 Acting Zoology Department Extension Leader. 1991 - 1998 Associate Professor of Zoology and Extension Fisheries Specialist,North Carolina State University. 1998 -present Professor of Applied Ecology(formerly Zoology, Biology) and Extension Fisheries Specialist,North Carolina State University. 2001 - 2005 Zoology Director of Graduate Programs. Professional Memberships: American Fisheries Society AFS Early Life History Section AFS Education Section NC Chapter, American Fisheries Society Ecological Society of America ESA Aquatic Ecology Section Professional Service: Nomination Committee, AFS, 2016-present Nomination Committee, Southern Division of AFS, 2016-present. Northern Regional Advisory Committee to the NC Marine Fisheries Comm., 2012-present. Striped Bass Committee, Southern Division of AFS, 2005-present. Small Impoundments Committee, Southern Division of AFS, 2002-2016. Faculty advisor for NCSU student subunit of AFS, 1996-present. Lake Norman Advisory Committee for the NC Wildlife Resources Comm., 2005-2013. Education and Outreach Committee,NC Chapter of AFS, 2005-2010. Awards Committee Chair,NC Chapter of AFS, 2001-2005. S' Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Research Interests: Biological and anthropogenic impacts on survival, growth and distribution of fishes, including: Predator-prey interactions and food web dynamics in aquatic systems; direct and indirect fish responses to hypoxia; bioenergetics modeling of predation and habitat effects; impacts and management of introduced species; factors driving variation in fish tissue mercury concentration, and intersex condition in fishes. Current and Pending Grants and Contracts: Aquatic Species Restoration and Research at the Eastern Aquatic Conservation Facility at Yates Mill (NC). W.G. Cope, J.F. Levine, C.B. Eads, T.J. Kwak, J.A. Rice, J.M. Burkholder and R.J. Richardson, PIs. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation—North Carolina and Virginia River and Waters Program. 2016-2020. $1,120,000. Refereed Research Publications (* indicates student author): Campbell*, L.A, J.A. Rice, and R.J. Borski. 2018. Magnitude and timing of changes in bioindicators of recent growth in relation to changes in growth rate for juvenile spot Leiostomus xanthurus. Journal of Fish Biology. In Revision. 86. Bradley*, C.E. J.A. Rice, and D.D. Aday. 2018. Modeling the Effects of Vital Rate Manipulation and Management Scenarios to Predict Population Impact of Restoration Programs on an Unrecovered Coastal Population of Striped Bass. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:639-649. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10062. 85. Grieshaber*, C.A., T.N. Penland, T.J. Kwak, W. G. Cope, R.J. Heise, J.M. Law, D. Shea, D.D. Aday, J.A. Rice, S.W. Kullman. 2018. Relation of fish intersex to contaminants in riverine sport fishes. Science of the Total Environment 643:73-89. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.071. 84. Bradley*, C.E., J.A. Rice, D.D. Aday, J.E. Hightower, J. Rock, and K.J. Lincoln. 2018. Juvenile and adult Striped Bass mortality and distribution in an unrecovered coastal population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 38:104-119. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.1003 6. 83. Henson*, M.N., D.D. Aday, J.A. Rice, and C.A. Layman. 2018. Assessing the influence of Tilapia on sport species in North Carolina reservoirs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:350-362. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10031. 82. Henson*, M.N., J.A. Rice, and D.D. Aday. 2018. Thermal tolerance and survival of Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus and Blue Tilapia Oreochromis aureus under rapid and natural temperature declination rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:278-286. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10023. 81. Campbell, L.A. and J.A. Rice. 2017. Development and field application of a model predicting effects of episodic hypoxia on short-term growth of Spot Leiostomus xanthurus. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 71. Bethke*, B.J., J.A. Rice, and D.D. Aday. 2014. White Perch in Small North Carolina Reservoirs: What Explains Variation in Population Structure? Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:77-84. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.830989. 70. Cerino*, D.,A.S. Overton, J.A. Rice, and J.A. Morris Jr. 2013. Bioenergetics and Trophic Impacts of the Invasive Indo-Pacific Lionfish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1522-1534. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.811098. 69. Sackett*, D.K, D.D. Aday, and J.A. Rice and W.G. Cope. 2013. Maternally transferred mercury in wild largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides. Environmental Pollution 178:493-497. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2013.03.046. 68. Feiner*, Z.S., J.A. Rice, A.J. Bunch, and D.D. Aday. 2013. Trophic niche and diet overlap between invasive white perch and resident white bass in a southeastern reservoir. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:912-919. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.788563. 67. Rice, J. A., J. S. Thompson, J. A. Sykes, and C. T. Waters. 2013. The role of metalimnetic hypoxia in striped bass summer kills: consequences and management implications. Pages 121-145 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland. 66. Feiner*, Z.S., J.A. Rice, and D.D. Aday. 2013. Trophic niche of invasive white perch and potential interactions with established reservoir species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:628-641. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2013.763854. 65. Thompson, J.S. and J.A. Rice. 2013. The relative influence of temperature and forage availability on growth of age 1-5 striped bass in two southeastern reservoirs. Pages 93- 120 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland. 64. Sackett*, D.K, W.G. Cope, J.A. Rice, and D.D. Aday. 2013. The influence of fish length on tissue mercury dynamics: implications for natural resource management and human health risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 10: 638-659. DOI:10.3390/ijerph10020638. 63. Sackett*, D.K, D.D. Aday, J.A. Rice, and W.G. Cope. 2013. Validation of a predictive model for fish tissue mercury concentrations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:380-387. DOI:10.1080/00028487.2012.747990. 62. Feiner*, Z.S., D.D. Aday, and J.A. Rice. 2012. Phenotypic shifts in white perch life history strategy across stages of invasion. Biological Invasions 14(11): 2315-2329. DOI 10.1007/s10530-012-0231-z. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 50. Fulford*, R.S., J.A. Rice, and F.P. Binkowski. 2006. Examination of sampling bias for larval yellow perch in southern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 32:434- 441. 49. Craig, J.K., B.J. Burke, L.B. Crowder, and J.A. Rice. 2006. Prey growth and size-dependent predation in juvenile estuarine fishes: experimental and modeling analyses. Ecology. 87(9): 2366-2377. 48. Fulford*, R.S., J.A. Rice, T.J. Miller, and F.P. Binkowski. 2006. Elucidating patterns of size-dependent predation on larval yellow perch(Perca flavescens) in Lake Michigan: an experimental and modeling approach. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 63(1): 11-27. 47. Fulford*, R.S., J.A. Rice, T.J. Miller, F.P. Binkowski, J.M. Dettmers, and B. Belonger. 2006. Foraging selectivity by larval yellow perch (Perca flavescens): implications for understanding recruitment in small and large lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 63(1): 28-42. 46. Shimps*, E.L., J.A. Rice, and J.A. Osborne. 2005. Hypoxia tolerance in two juvenile estuary-dependent fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 325(2):146-162. 45. Pine*, W.E. III, T.J. Kwak, D.S. Waters, and J.A. Rice. 2005. Diet Selectivity of Introduced Flathead Catfish in Coastal Rivers. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 134(4):901-909. 44. McNatt*, R.A., and J.A. Rice. 2004. Hypoxia induced growth rate reduction in two juvenile estuary dependent fishes. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 311(1):147-156. 43. Pine*, W.E., K.H. Pollock, J.E. Hightower, T.J. Kwak, and J.A. Rice. 2003. A review of tagging methods for estimating fish population size and components of mortality. Fisheries 28:10-23. 42. Rice,J.A. 2002. Cascading effects of human impacts on fish populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes. pp. 257-272, In L.A. Fuiman and R.G. Werner, eds., Fishery Science: The Unique Contributions of Early Life Stages. Blackwell Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. 41. Beyers, D.W., and J.A. Rice. 2002. Evaluating stress in fish using bioenergetics-based stressor-response models. Pages 289-320 In S.M. Adams (ed.). Biological Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. 40. Burke*, B.J., and J.A. Rice. 2002. A linked foraging and bioenergetics model for southern flounder. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:120-131. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 27. Letcher*, B.H., J.A. Rice, L.B. Crowder, and F.P. Binkowski. 1997. Size- and species- dependent variability in consumption and growth rates of larvae and juveniles of three freshwater fishes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54:405-414. 26. Letcher*, B.H., J.A. Rice, and L.B. Crowder. 1996. Size-dependent effects of continuous and intermittent feeding on starvation time and mass loss in starving yellow perch larvae and juveniles. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 125:14-26. 25. Letcher*, B.H., J.A. Rice, L.B. Crowder, and K.A. Rose. 1996. Variability in survival of larval fish: disentangling components with a generalized individual-based model. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 53:787-801. 24. Ahrenholz, D.W., G.R. Fitzhugh, J.A. Rice, S.W.Nixon, and W.C. Pritchard. 1995. Confidence of otolith ageing through the juvenile stage for Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Fishery Bulletin 93:209-216. 23. Fitzhugh*, G.R. and J.A. Rice. 1995. Error in back-calculation of lengths of juvenile southern flounder, Paralichthys lethostigma, and implications for analysis of size- selection. p. 227-246 in: D.H. Secor, J.M. Dean, and S.E. Campana (eds.). Recent Developments in Fish Otolith Research. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia, South Carolina. 22. Schael*, D.M., J.A. Rice, and D.J. Degan. 1995. Spatial and temporal distribution of threadfin shad in a Southeastern reservoir. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 124:804-812. 21. Crowder, L.B., R.A. Wright*, K.A. Rose, T.H. Martin*, and J.A. Rice. 1994. Direct and indirect effects of southern flounder predation on a spot population: experimental and model analyses. p. 61-77 In D.J. Stouder, K.L. Fresh, and R.J. Feller (eds.) Theory and Application in Fish Feeding Ecology. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia South Carolina. 20. Rice, J.A., L.B. Crowder, and K.A. Rose. 1993. Interactions between size-structured predator and prey populations: experimental test and model comparison. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 122:481-491. 19. Rice,J.A., T.J. Miller*, K.A. Rose, L.B. Crowder, E.A. Marschall*, A. Trebitz, and D.L. DeAngelis. 1993. Growth rate variation and larval survival: inferences from an individual- based size-dependent predation model. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:133-142. 18. Miller*, T.J., L.B. Crowder, and J.A. Rice. 1993. Ontogenetic changes in behavioral and histological measures of visual acuity in three species of fish. Env. Biol. Fish. 37:1-8. 17. Crowder, L.B., J.A. Rice, T.J. Miller*, and E.A. Marschall. 1992*. Empirical and theoretical approaches to size-based interactions and recruitment variability in fishes. p. 237-255 In Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 largemouth bass. Ecology 65:732-739. 4. Boggs, C.H., J.A. Rice, J.A. Kitchell, and J.F. Kitchell. 1984. Predation at a snail's pace: what's time to a gastropod? Oecologia 62:13-17. 3. Rice,J.A., J.E. Breck, S.M. Bartell, and J.F. Kitchell. 1983. Evaluating the constraints of temperature, activity and consumption on growth of largemouth bass. Env. Biol. Fish. 9:263-275. 2. Cochran, P.A., and J.A. Rice. 1982. A comparison of bioenergetics and direct field estimates of cumulative seasonal food consumption by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Pages 88-96 In G. Cailliet and C. Simenstad (eds.), Gutshop '81: fish food habits studies. Washington Sea Grant, Seattle, Washington, USA. 1. Kitchell, J.A., C.H. Boggs, J.F. Kitchell, and J.A. Rice. 1981. Prey selection by naticid gastropods: experimental tests and application to the fossil record. Paleobiology 7:533-552. Books: Bulak, J.S., C.C. Coutant, and J.A. Rice, editors. 2013. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland. Book Chapters, Reviews and Editorials: Rice, J.A., J.S. Thompson, J.A. Sykes, and C.T. Waters. 2013. The role of metalimnetic hypoxia in striped bass summer kills: consequences and management implications. Pages 121-145 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland. Thompson, J.S. and J.A. Rice. 2013. The relative influence of temperature and forage availability on growth of age 1-5 striped bass in two southeastern reservoirs. Pages 93- 120 in J. S. Bulak, C. C. Coutant, and J. A. Rice, editors. Biology and management of inland striped bass and hybrid striped bass. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 80, Bethesda, Maryland. Rice, J.A. 2002. Cascading effects of human impacts on fish populations in the Laurentian Great Lakes. pp. 257-272 In L.A. Fuiman and R.G. Werner, eds. Fishery Science: The Unique Contributions of Early Life Stages. Blackwell Science, Oxford, England. Rice, J.A. 1999. Coping with Uncertainty. Fisheries 24(7): 44. Rice, J.A. 1998. Evolution of the Process-Oriented Approach to Recruitment Dynamics in Fishes. Stages 19(2):10-12. Rice, J.A. 1992. Physiological Ecology and Community Structure (symposium review). Bulletin Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Bestgen, K.R., D.W. Beyers, G.B. Haines, and J.A. Rice. 1997. Recruitment models for Colorado squawfish: tools for evaluating relative importance of natural and managed processes. Colorado Squawfish Recovery Program Project Final Report. Colorado State University Larval Fish Laboratory, Fort Collins, CO, USA. 54 pp. Jackson, J.R., J.A. Rice, R.L.Noble, and S.C. Mozley. 1991. Mechanisms of reservoir fish community dynamics. Federal Aid in Fish Restoration Project F-30-1 Final Report.North Carolina Agricultural Research Service,North Carolina State University, Raleigh,NC, USA. 104 pp. Extension Publications: Rice, J.A., J.W.Neal, and R.L. Noble. 2000. Hybrid striped bass performance and management impacts in small warmwater impoundments. pp. 203-212 in R.M. Timm and S.L. Dann (eds.) Leading the Way Toward Sustainability: Extension in the New Millennium. Proceedings of the 9th National Extension Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Conference in Portland, ME, 1999. National Resources and Environment Unit, CSREES/USDA, Washington, D.C. 312 p. Rice, J.A. 2000. Quantitative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Pond Management Video Tape. pp. 273-278 in R.M. Timm and S.L. Dann (eds.) Leading the Way Toward Sustainability: Extension in the New Millennium. Proceedings of the 9th National Extension Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Conference in Portland, ME, 1999. National Resources and Environment Unit, CSREES/USDA, Washington, D.C. 312 p. Rice, J.A., R.L. Noble, and R.L. Curry, eds. Pond management guide, 2nd Edition. 1999. NC Cooperative Extension Service and NC Wildlife Resources Commission. 29 pp. Rice, J.A. 1996. Zebra mussels and aquaculture: what you should know. North Carolina Sea Grant Program. 4 p. Kay, S.H, and J.A. Rice. 1992. Using grass carp for aquatic weed management. N.C. Cooperative Extension Service. 4 p. Rice, J.A., R.L. Noble, and F.T. McBride, eds. Pond management guide. 1990. NC Wildlife Resources Commission and NC Agricultural Extension Service. 27 pp. North Carolina Natural Resources: An Inventory and Conservation Issues. 1990. Written and edited by the NCAES Natural Resources Work Group (J.A. Rice, member). Rice, J.A., and J.M. Hinshaw. 1989. North Carolina Aquaculture Directory. NC Agricultural Extension Service. Other Extension Communication Products: Rice, J.A. 2002. Pond Management: Good Fishing in the Balance. 4-H Wildlife Project web- Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Carolina Wildlife Federation. 35(6):11. Rice, J.A. 1988. Planning for tomorrow's fisheries today. Friend of Wildlife, North Carolina Wildlife Federation. 35(2):6. Rice, J.A. 1988. A Rare Opportunity. The Flyline, North Carolina Council of Trout Unlimited. 1:16. Rice, J.A. 1988. Special places. The Flyline,North Carolina Council of Trout Unlimited. 1:8. Rice, J.A. 1987. What's in a fish?Friend of Wildlife,North Carolina Wildlife Federation. 34(5):6. Rice, J.A. 1987. Water, extraordinary, ordinary water. Friend of Wildlife,North Carolina Wildlife Federation. 33(6):11. Rice, J.A. 1986. Plant a seed for the future -take a kid fishing! Friend of Wildlife,North Carolina Wildlife Federation. 33(4):4. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 BRIEF RESUME Charles C. Coutant, Ph. D. Retired Distinguished Research Ecologist, Environmental Sciences Division Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 120 Miramar Circle, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 (865)483-5976; ccoutant3@comcast.net Education: BA 1960 (Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania); MS 1962 (Lehigh); PhD 1965 (Lehigh). Positions: (1)Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, Washington(1965-70): Research Scientist, Columbia River Thermal Effects Studies; (2) Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory(1970-2005): Manager Cooling Systems Program(1970-79), Leader Multimedia Modeling Project(1979-82); Manager DOE Global Carbon Cycle Program (1985-86); Manager ORNL Exploratory Studies Program(1989-1991); Senior Research Staff (1982-85, 1986-88, 1992-2004); Distinguished Research Staff(2004-2005); (3)Private consultant (2005-present). Professional Affiliations: American Association for the Advancement of Science(Fellow); American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists (Fellow); American Fisheries Society(AFS; Presidents of Water Quality Section, Tennessee Chapter, Southern Division, and full Society; Co- Editor of journal Transactions of the American Fisheries Society); American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, lapsed; American Society for Testing and Materials (Chair Environmental Fate Models Task Group; lapsed); Ecological Society of America(Vice Chair Applied Ecology Section); Sigma Xi(Southeast Regional Lecturer, President Oak Ridge Chapter); Water Pollution Control Federation(Literature Review Committee-Thermal Effects; lapsed). Honors: Darbaker Prize in Microbiology, Pennsylvania Academy of Science; Director's Award, Battelle-Northwest; Excellence in Fisheries, TN Chapter AFS; Outstanding Publication, Martin Marietta Energy Systems (then operator of ORNL); Distinguished Publication, American Society for Information Science; Distinguished Service Award, AFS; Outstanding Achievement Award, Southern Division, AFS; 2002 ORNL Distinguished Scientist of the Year; 2013 Career Achievement Award by Bioengineering Section AFS. Publications: >337 exclusive of consulting reports Synopsis of Significant Technical Contributions: Field study of thermal discharge effects on invertebrates of Delaware River; Laboratory and field studies of thermal effects of Hanford reactors on Columbia River salmonids and other aquatic life; annual reviews of thermal effects publications 1968-1980; evaluation of aquatic thermal effects information to provide national water temperature criteria recommendations by the National Academy of Sciences; participation in development of EPA guidelines for Clean Water Act §316(a)thermal studies of power stations; development of biological data and criteria for environmental impact assessments of steam electric power plants; participant in the establishment of the Electric Power Research Institute and member of its national Advisory Council, development of electronic temperature telemetry of fishes as a research tool for thermal behavior studies; lead role in developing guidance for thermal power plant impact assessment for UNESCO and International Atomic Energy Agency; advisor on project evaluation to Bonneville Power Administration(BPA)Fish and Wildlife Program and member of Scientific Review Group; member of Northwest Power Planning Council's (NPPC) Independent Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Nuclear Station,North Carolina(2011); Consultant to ASA Analysis and Communication for review of 316(a)documents (2012); Participant in EPRI-funded study by Natural Solutions of debris and fish-impingement management at the water intake of Dairyland Cooperative's Genoa Station on the Mississippi River(2012); Consultant to Dominion Virginia Power for approaches to meeting West Virginia water temperature standards (2012-present); Consultant to Energy Northwest for analysis of existing cooling-water intake structure for NPDES re-permitting and development of a 316(b)study plan for the Columbia(nuclear) Generating Station(2013-present); Consultant to Alden Research Laboratories for design of studies of American eel guidance(2014- present); Reviewer for EPRI of 316(b)entrainment study plans for seven power plants on the Ohio River(Cardinal, Clifty Creek, F. B. Culley, Kyger Creek, Mill Creek, Sammis, and Stuart)(2014); Reviewer for entrainment study plans for BC Hydro's"Site C"new hydropower plant on behalf of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(2015). March 2015 Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 JOHN S.MAULBETSCH Maulbetsch Consulting 770 Menlo Avenue, Suite 211 Menlo Park,California 94025 Tel.: 650.327.7040 FAX: 650.327.7045 E-Mail:maulbets@sbcglobal.net Professional history Maulbetsch Consulting,Menlo Park, California: Consultant to government and industry(1999-present) Electric Power Research Institute Palo Alto,California,Executive Scientist(1975—1999), Dynatech R/D Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts,Director,Energy Technology(1969—1975) Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge, Massachusetts, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Ford Post-Doctoral Fellow(1965—1969), Recent projects(Maulbetsch Consulting) - Evaluation of water-conserving cooling system options for - Arizona Public Service....nuclear plant - Arizona Public Service----gas-fired, combined-cycle plant - Public Service New Mexico----coal plant - Cost/performance estimating tool for wet/dry/hybrid cooling(EPRI) - Analysis of performance limitations of an ACC at a coal-fired power plant(PacifiCorp) - Life cycle analysis of the cost and value of water at gas-fired combined-cycle plants(CEC) - Field testing of wind effects on ACCs(CEC) - Spray enhancement of ACC performance(CEC) - Analysis of the comparative costs of wet vs. dry cooling(CEC;EPRI) - National cost of closed-cycle cooling retrofits(EPRI) - Plant specific cost/performance estimates of cooling system retrofits(several)(EPRI) Recent research reports - Performance,Cost and Environmental Effects of Saltwater Cooling Towers, CEC-500-2008-043 - Cost and Value of Water Use at Combined-cycle Power Plants;CEC-500-2006-034 - Spray Cooling Enhancement of Air-Cooled Condensers;P500-03-109 - Comparison of Alternate Cooling Technologies for California Power Plants; P500-02-079F - Inlet Air Spray Cooling for Air-Cooled Condensers;CEC-500-2013-058 - Effect of Wind on the Performance of Air-Cooled Condensers; CEC-500-2013-065 - Economic Evaluation of Alternative Cooling Technologies;EPRI#1024805 Publications/Invited presentations: "Effect of Wind on Air-Cooled Condenser Performance", ASME Paper No. IMECE2011-63137(2011); with M.DiFilippo and J.O'Hagan "Cost/Performance Comparisons of Water-Conserving Power Plant Cooling Systems", ASME Paper No. 1MECE2011-63135, (2011) "Cost and Performance Consequences of Closed-cycle Retrofit",Proceedings of EPRI Third Thermal Ecology Workshop,Maple Grove,MN(2011);with M.DiFilippo "Wind Effects on Air-Cooled Condensers for Power Plant Cooling",Proceedings of the International Heat Transfer Conference(IHTC14), (2010);with M.DiFilippo, M.Owen and D.Kroger Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Joseph S . Raulli , PE (SME/Technical Manager, O'Brien and Gere) Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 was prepared for one coal fired electric power recommended compliance strategy for the client's generating station with once through cooling located facility. in Michigan. LimnoTech,Ann Arbor,MI -Completed a peer ARCADIS,316(b) Peer Review,Power Generating review of the 40 CFR 122.21(r)(12),Non-Water Stations,Michigan-Completed peer reviews for Quality Environmental and Other Impacts Studies that both the 122.21(r)(10),Comprehensive Technical were prepared for American Electric Power's (AEP) Feasibility and Cost Evaluation Study and the DC Cook Nuclear Generating Station. 122.21(r)(12),Non-Water Quality Environmental and Other Impacts Study,that were prepared for two Honeywell,316(b) Strategy Evaluation,Hopewell, electric power generating stations with once through Virginia-Provided the technical evaluation of cooling located in Michigan. potential intake technologies for compliance with current 316(b)regulations. Technology options were Beaver Falls LLC,Beaver Falls,NY-Prepare evaluated and compared based on feasibility,cost, responses to the New York State Department of operational experience,and effectiveness in reducing Environmental Conservation(NYSDEC) Request for impingement mortality and entrainment. Provided a Information(RFI) as required in preparation for final report detailing the evaluation and Beaver Falls'State Pollutant Discharge Elimination recommendations. System(SPDES) permit renewal. Provided the technical expertise to collect,develop,and report RED-Rochester LLC,Evaluation of Intake information and data that was responsive to the Compliance Options,Rochester,New York- information request and would assist the NYSDEC to provided a feasibility review and cost estimate for the determine Best Technology Available(BTA)for the installation of cylindrical wedgewire screens at an Beaver Falls Facility cooling water intake structure existing off-shore intake,in addition to the evaluation (CWIS). A response to the information request of other potential compliance options. Project included plant and intake operating data,a deliverable included a letter report summarizing the description of implemented technologies and results of the feasibility review and a discussion of operational measures for 316(b)compliance,and a other potential compliance options. feasibility analysis with estimated efficacies and costs for alternate intake technologies and operational measures. PRIOR TO O'BRIEN &GERE PeroxyChem,Tonawanda,NY-Prepare a NRG Energy,Installation and Testing of Fine Mesh conceptual design and cost estimate for a new cooling Screens,Staten Island,NY,Principal Engineer- water intake and pump house to provide once Served as Principal Engineer and Project Manager for through cooling to a chemical manufacturing facility the installation and testing of new dual flow fine mesh with a cooling water demand of 15 MGD. The new intake screens. Project included the use of CFD intake design consisted of three submerged Modeling to determine the maximum velocities and cylindrical wedge wire screens with an air burst the flow patterns around the screens and lab testing to determine the impact of mesh size and velocity on system,a shoreline wet well,and pump house with entrainment reduction effectiveness. In addition, three vertical pumps. A slot opening of 0.86 mm was design services were provided for the modifications proposed in the design for 316(b) compliance. to the screenwell,spray wash system and electrical Newport News Shipbuilding,Newport News,VA- power supply for the installation of the new screens. Provided client with technical assistance to determine FPL Seabrook,USEPA 316(b)Information the specific applicability requirements and to develop Request,Seabrook,New Hampshire,Principal a long-term strategy for compliance with Section Engineer-Directed the effort to prepare a Cooling 316(b) of the Clean Water Act(CWA). This included Water Intake Structure(CWIS) Information Document an assessment of the current intake equipment in response to a supplemental information request relative to the requirements of Section 316(b) and a from the USEPA for the Seabrook Nuclear Power conceptual overview of potential options to bring the Station. This information was requested as a part of facility into compliance with the impingement and the station's NPDES permit reissuance and necessary entrainment requirements of Section 316(b). A final for determination of the station's compliance with the report was developed which provided a requirements of CWA§316(b)for cooling water Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 transport system,including a fish return pump,for the return of the fish to an acceptable location approximately 1,200 feet offshore. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp.,Procurement and Installation of Dual-Flow Fish Handling Intake Screens,Tonawanda,New York-Mechanical Engineer for the team responsible for the procurement and installation of new dual-flow fish handling intake screens,including the design of the spray wash water system and the shoreline fish return system at Huntley Steam Station. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 David M. Maxwell Maxwell Consulting LLC — sole member Mr. Maxwell worked on evaluating proposed regulations, developing compliance strategies and costs associated with those strategies for EPA CWA 316 (a)and (b), effluent limitation guidelines(ELG) and ash handling (CCR). Developed review comments for inclusion into company response to EPA on the proposed content of the regulations. Managed mechanical systems group of subject matter experts on power plant cooling systems, ash handling systems and rotating equipment(pumps, compressors, vacuum pumps, etc) Retired after a 41 year career in mechanical design of electric power generating facilities and systems for the Southern Company operating companies. EDUCATION BS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Tennessee, 1973 RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Southern Company: CWA 316 (a)and (b) Evaluation and Compliance Strategy and Cost Estimates (2004—2013) Evaluate the compliance strategy, cost and feasibility of fish protection measures at 18 electric power generating facilities in the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Mississippi. Calculated through—screen velocities of existing traveling water screens at normal, low and high water levels for both 3/8"and 2 mm mesh size. Evaluates fish protection strategies for modifying cooling water intake structures(where feasible), for relocating the intake structures and for conversion to closed cycle recirculating cooling. Evaluated application of traveling water screens, circular wedge wire screens, Geiger Multi-Disc®screens and HydroloxTM engineered polymer screens for application on existing intake structures. Results of evaluation were incorporated into proposed rule review comments sent to EPA prior to issuance of 2004 final rule(withdrawn) and 2014 final rule. Southern Company: Conceptual Engineering and Cost Estimates— Screens(2007 -2008) Directed conceptual design and cost estimates for relocating and redesigning intake structures for electric generating plants on intake canals with a sufficient number of traveling water screens to meet the velocity limit of<_ 0 5 feet per second through screen velocity. Southern Company: Conceptual Engineering and Cost Estimates- Cooling Towers (2005-2008) Directed conceptual design and cost estimates for the conversion from once-through cooling to closed cycle recirculating flow cooling on two existing electric power generating facilities. Design incorporated land availability and siting requirements of mechanical draft cooling tower, hot and cold water pipe routing and design between the tower and the Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 connected to vertical pumps located in pumping structure. Screens met permit stipulations for through-screen velocity of<_0.5 fps and fish egg exclusion (1mm opening). Southern Company: Cooling Water Make-up System (2001 -2003) Design and install new cooling water make-up intake and pumping system for a new generating facility having a CCRC system. Located 2 x 100%tee —type CCW screens submerged and anchored just above bed level connected to single pipe horizontally bored into a Ranney®caisson set back from the river bank. Screens were sized for through-screen velocity<_ 0.5 fps. Vertical pumps are installed in the caisson. Southern Company: Cooling Water Make-up System (2001-2003) Design and install new cooling water make-up intake and pumping system for a new generating facility having a CCRC system Located 1 x100% tee- type CCW screen located on the upstream face of a hydroelectric dam. Access to reservoir via inactive draft tube. Screen sized for through-screen velocity 0 5 fps with no fish egg exclusion Horizontal pumps are installed on the river bank outside of the dam. Peer Revie ,,of 40 CFR 122.21 (r)(10)and (r)(12) Reports HDR Inc.for Duke Energy (2016) Attended peer review kick-off meeting to review the proposed plan of the engineering and biological studies required by§316(b). Provided comment to include the balance of the cooling water system (condenser and circulating water passages) in the engineering assessment Client Confidential: Midwestern Utility (2017) Provided peer review of the§316 (b) planning document which outlined the plan for conducting the engineering and biological studies. Responded to charge questions relating to technical feasibility(r) (10)and non-water quality environmental and other issues(r) (12). Reviewed responses to the comments for adequacy of the response Client Confidential: Midwestern Utility (2018) Provided peer review of the§316 (b) reports for a generating facility Responded to charge questions relating to technical feasibility (r) (10) and non-water quality environmental and other issues (r) (12). Reviewed responses to the comments for adequacy of the responses Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 September 2018 PAUL MARK JAKUS Dept. of Applied Economics 4835 Old Main Hill Utah State University Logan, UT 84322-4835 (435) 797-2309 Paul.Jakus@usu.edu Current Position Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Utah State University(May 2008-present) Professional Experience Faculty Associate, Ecology Center, Utah State University(August 2014—present) Visiting Scholar, Center for Business and Economic Research, University of Tennessee (August 2012-December 2012. Professor and Head, Dept. of Applied Economics, Utah State University(May 2008-May 2012) Associate Professor/Professor, Department of Economics, Utah State University(July 2001-May 2008) Assistant/Associate Professor, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Tennessee (February 1992—June 2001) Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Economics and Business,North Carolina State University(May 1987 - February 1992) Peace Corps Volunteer, The Gambia, West Africa(August 1984 - July 1986) Graduate Research Assistant, Colorado State University(August 1982 -August 1984) Research Assistant, University of Nevada, Reno (September 1980 -August 1982) Education Ph.D.,North Carolina State University, Economics, 1992 M.S., Colorado State University, Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, 1984 B.S., University of Nevada, Reno, Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, 1982 Publications in Refereed Journals (Graduate student in italics) Jakus, Paul M., and Sherzod B. Akhundjanov. 2018. "Neither Boon nor Bane: The Economic Effects of a Landscape-Scale National Monument."Land Economics, 94(3):323-339. Jakus, Paul M. 2018. "A Review of Economic Studies Related to the Bureau of Land Management's Wild Horse and Burro Program."Human-Wildlife Interactions, 12(1):58- 74. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Tiller, Kelly H and Paul M.Jakus. 2005. "Applying the Miceli Model to Explain Cooperation in Municipal Solid Waste Management."Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 34(2):217-225. Jensen,Kimberly L., Paul M. Jakus,Burton C. English and Jamey Menard. 2004. "Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Eco-Certified Wood Products."J.Agricultural and Applied Economics, 36(3):617-626. Jakus, Paul M., Kimberly L. Jensen, and George C. Davis. 2003. "Revenue Impacts of MPP Branded Funds: A Firm Level Analysis."Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 32(2):184-197. Jensen, Kimberly L., Paul M. Jakus, Burton C. English, and Jamey Menard. 2003. "Market Participation and Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Certified Hardwood Products." Forest Science, 49(4):632-641. Jakus, Paul M. and W. Douglass Shaw. 2003. "Perceived Hazard and Product Choice: An Application to Recreational Site Choice."J. Risk and Uncertainty, 26(1):77-92. Caplan, Arthur, Therese C. Grijalva, and Paul M. Jakus. 2002. "Waste Not or Want Not: A Contingent Ranking Analysis of Curbside Waste Disposal Options."Ecological Economics, 43(2-3):185-197. Grijalva, Therese A., Robert P. Berrens, Alok Bohara, Paul M. Jakus, and W. Douglass Shaw. 2002. "Valuing the Loss of Rock Climbing Access in Wilderness Areas: A National- Level Random Utility Model."Land Economics, 78(1):103-120. Jakus, Paul M., Paula Dowell, and Matthew N. Murray. 2000. "The Effect of Fluctuating Water Levels on Reservoir Fishing."J. Agricultural and Resource Economics, 25(2):520-532. Parsons, George R., Paul M. Jakus, and Theodore D. Tomasi. 1999. "A Comparison of Welfare Estimates from Four Models for Linking Seasonal Recreational Trips to Multinomial Logit Models of Site Choice."J Environmental Economics and Management, 38(2):143- 157. Jakus, Paul M., Dimitrios Dadakas, and J. Mark Fly. 1998. "Fish Consumption Advisories: Incorporating Angler-Specific Knowledge, Habits, and Catch Rates in a Site Choice Model."American J. Agricultural Economics, 80(5):1019-1024. (Proceedings article) Jakus, Paul M., J. Mark Fly, Becky Stephens, and Alan Barefield. 1998. "Leasing by Tennessee Hunters."Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 52:349-358. (Refereed) Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Siegel, Paul B. and Paul M. Jakus. 1995. "Tourism as a Sustainable Rural Development Strategy: Finding Consensus in Resident Attitudes."Southern Rural Sociology, 11(1):17- 41. Jakus, Paul M. 1994. "Averting Behavior in the Presence of Public Spillovers: Household Control of Nuisance Pests."Land Economics, 70(3):273-285. Jakus, Paul M., J. Mark Fly and J. Larry Wilson. 1993. "Activities, Regulatory Preferences and Regulatory Perceptions of Tennessee Anglers."Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 47:767-774. (Refereed) Smith, V. Kerry, Raymond B. Palmquist and Paul M. Jakus. 1991. "Combining Farrell Frontier and Hedonic Travel Cost Models for Valuing Estuarine Quality."Review of Economics and Statistics, 73(4):694-699. Miller, Watkins W., Chauncey T.K. Ching, John F. Yanagida and Paul M. Jakus. 1985. "Agricultural Water Pollution Control: An Interdisciplinary Approach."Environmental Management, 9(1):1-6. Manuscripts in Progress Kim, Man-Keun, and Paul M. Jakus. "Wildfire,National Park Visitation, and Changes in Regional Economic Activity." Revise and Re-submit,I Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, June 2018. Jakus, Paul M. and Sherzod Akhundjanov. "Landscape-scale National Monuments and Regional Per Capita Income." Under review, August 2018. Landis, Malieka, Don E. Albrecht, Paul M. Jakus, Marion T. Bentley, Thomas R. Harris, Linda J. Cox, Phil Watson, George Borden, and Paul Lewin. "Area Sector Analysis Process: Identifying Where Community Goals and Industry Needs Intersect."April 2018. Book Chapters and Non-Refereed Proceedings Kealy, Mary Jo,Nick von Stackelberg, Jeffrey Ostermiller,Nanette Nelson, John Loomis, and Paul M. Jakus. 2014. "The Value of Improving Water Quality: Case Study of Nutrient Reductions in Utah's Waters."Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Water Environment Federation, 2014(7):6237-6252. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Jakus, Paul M., Meghan McGuinness, and Alan Krupnick. 2002. "The Benefits and Costs of Fish Consumption Advisories for Mercury in the Chesapeake Bay."Resources for the Future Discussion Paper 02-55, October. http://www.rff.org/discjapers/PDF files/0255.pdf Jakus, Paul M. 2001. Book Review:National Parks and Rural Development, edited by Gary Machlis and Donald Field. Growth and Change, 32(3):435-437. Jakus, Paul M. and D. Alan Barefield. 2000. "Hunting Adds Value to Land and Farms." Tennessee Agri-Science, Issue 189,pp.37-38. Jakus, Paul M., Dimitrios Dadakas, Becky Stephens, and J. Mark Fly. 1999. "Fishing and Boating by Tennessee Residents in 1998 and 1999." University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 99-17(October). Harper, Craig A., Charles E. Dixon, Paul M. Jakus, and D. Alan Barefield. 1999. "Earning Additional Income through Hunt Leases on Private Land." PB 1627, Agricultural Extension Service, University of Tennessee. Fly, J. Mark, Becky Stephens, and Paul M. Jakus. 1997. "Monitoring Hunting Activities in Tennessee." Tennessee Wildlife, 20(5):2-5. Fly, J. Mark, Becky Stephens, and Paul M. Jakus. 1997. "Hunting by Tennessee Residents: A Report on Activities and Attitudes for the 1992, 1993, and 1994 Hunting Seasons." University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 97-13. May. Fly, J. Mark, J. Larry Wilson, Paul M. Jakus, and Becky Stephens. 1996. "Social and Biological Dimensions of Fisheries Management Research on Norris Reservoir." Tennessee Agri- Science, 180(Fall):32-33. Fly, J. Mark, Paul M. Jakus and Becky Stephens. 1996. "Access to Private Land for Recreation: Issues and Opportunities." Tennessee Agri-Science, 180(Fall):34-37. Jakus, Paul M., J. Mark Fly, and Becky Stephens. 1996. "Public Opinion on the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency." University of Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 96-06. April. Jakus, Paul M., Paul B. Siegel and Richard L White. 1995. "Tourism as a Rural Development Strategy: Finding Consensus in Resident Attitudes." Tennessee Agri-Science, I76(Fall):22-29. Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Keith,J.and P.M.Jakus. 3/1/05-10/1/06. Recreation Valuation of Ken's Lake,UT. Utah Division of Water Resources. ($39,510). Jakus, P.M. (7/1/02-6/30/05). "Irradiated ground beef: the adoption decision by supermarkets and grocery stores." Sub-contract from Pennsylvania State University as part of NRI grant of same name. $10,648. "Effectiveness of Fish License Marketing in Utah." Funded by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. January-December 2003, $10,000. "Recreational Trip-Response to Changes in TVA Reservoir Management." Funded by Kleinschmidt and Associates, as part of TVA Reservoir Operations Review. 2002-2003, $37,000. "Estimating the Economic Value of Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation in Utah." Funded by New Faculty Research Grant, Utah State University. 2002-2003, $12,800. "Valuing TVA's Intangible Assets for Integrated Capital Asset Decision-Making," funded by the Tennessee Valley Authority. 2000-2002, $83,700. With Steven Stewart and James Kahn. "Monitoring the Behavior of Tennessee Sportsmen," funded by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. 2000-2001, $90,000. With J. Mark Fly. "Irradiated Ground Beef: the Adoption Decision by Supermarkets and Grocery Stores," funded by USDA National Research Initiative. 2000-2002, $110,000. With E.C. Jaenicke, R.W. Harrison, and K.L. Jensen. "Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Eco-Labeled Hardwood Forest Products from Environmental Management Certified Programs," funded by US Forest Service. 2000- 2001, $40,550. With K.L. Jensen and B.C. English. "Economic Consequences of Tier III Water Quality Designation for Tennessee Streams," funded by East Tennessee Development District and Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. 1999-2000, $25,200 "Economic Consequences of TVA's Lake Draw-down,"funded by UT Center for Business and Economic Research. 1998, $3,500 "Monitoring the Behavior of Tennessee Sportsmen," funded by Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency. 1996-1999. $225,000, with J. Mark Fly Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Research Institute Report 2011-1. March. Prepared for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Ward, Ruby A., Paul M. Jakus, and Dillon Feuz. 2010. "The Economic Impact of Agriculture on the State of Utah." Economics Research Institute Report 2010-02. Prepared for the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Jakus, Paul M., John E, Keith, and Lu Liu. 2008. "Economic Impacts of Land Use Restrictions on OHV Recreation in Utah." December. Prepared for Utah Public Lands Policy Coordination Office. Keith,John E. Paul M.Jakus, and Jacoba Larsen. 2008. "Impacts of Wild and Scenic River Designation."December. Prepared for Utah Public Lands Policy Coordination Office. Keith,John E., Steven W. Burr,Jody Gale,Paul M. Jakus, Richard S. Krannich,Douglas Reiter, and David G. Tarboton.2008. "Utah's Public Lands Socioeconomic Baseline Study: Summary Report."December. Prepared for Utah Public Lands Policy Coordination Office. Jakus, Paul M. 2003. "Estimating the Economic Value of All-Terrain Vehicle Recreation in Utah." Final report in fulfillment of USU New Faculty Grant. September. Jakus, P.M., J.R. Kahn, and S.R. Stewart. 2002. "Incorporating Economic Values into TVA River Scheduling Operations."Final Contract Report in fulfillment of Tennessee Valley Authority Activity Authorization Contract No. 99R2A-252850 entitled, "Valuing TVA's Intangible Assets for Integrated Capital Asset Decision-Making." March. Jensen, Kimberly, Paul M. Jakus, Burton C. English, and Jamey Menard. 2001. "Environmentally Certified Wood Products: A Study of Consumer's Perceptions and Willingness to Pay."Final Report for US Forest Service, September. Stewart, Steven, James R. Kahn, and Paul M. Jakus. 2001. "Economic Values and TVA River Operations." Interim report for Tennessee Valley Authority, August. Stephens, Becky, Paul M. Jakus, and J. Mark Fly. 2001. "Fall 2000 REAL Database Fishing Survey Results." University of Tennessee Human Dimensions Research Lab, March. Jakus, Paul M., Dimitrios Dadakas, Alexandria Huerta, Matthew N. Murray, and Paula Dowell. 2000. "Economic Analysis of Designating Outstanding National Resource Waters in Tennessee: Theory and An Application in Monroe County." March. Dadakas, Dimitrios and Paul M. Jakus. 1999. "El Nino/Southern Oscillation Effects on Farmland Values in the United States." University of Tennessee Dept. of Agricultural Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 APEC/ECN 2010: Introductory Microeconomics (3 cr), 13 sections, Spring 2002 through Spring 2014. Econ 4310/5310: Mathematical Economics (3 cr) Fall 2001-2006. APEC 5950: Applied Economic Policy(3 cr) Fall 2015-16, Spring 2018. Econ 7510: Environmental Economics (4 cr) Spring 2002-2006. APEC/ECN 7950: Graduate Seminar(1 cr) each semester, Fall 2003 through Spring 2006. ENVS 3000:Natural Resource Policy and Economics (4 cr) Fall 2007. University of Tennessee AE 320: Agricultural Microeconomics (3 cr)Fall 1999 through Fall 2000. AE 570: Advanced Natural Resource Economics (3 cr) Fall 1992 through 1998. AE 505: Microeconomic Theory(3 cr) Fall 1995 through Fall 1997. AE 670: Topics in Natural Resource Economics (2 cr) Summer 1996. I also helped team teach AE 670 (Summer 1992), AE 620,Advanced Quantitative Methods (Spring, 1993 - 1995), and EC 678, Economics of Environmental Policy(Spring 2001). Ph.D. Dissertations Chaired Coulibaly, Lassina, December 2014. "Household demand for a reliable public water supply." Liu, Lu, August 2010. "Three Essays on Environmental and Spatial-Based Valuation of Urban Land and Housing. Zhu, Yuexia, December 2007. "Three Essays on Environmental Economics." M.S. Theses Chaired Crabb, Ben. 2016. "The Influence of Institutional Oil and Gas Ownerships on County Wages in the Intermountain West." Carlos Silva. 2014. "Calculating Willingness to Pay as a Function of Biophysical Water quality and Water Quality Perceptions." Kevin L. Brady. 2008. "Safety-Focused Altruism: Valuing the Lives of Others." Andrea Bohmholdt, 2007. "Benefit Cost Analysis for a Wind Turbine at Utah State University." (Plan B professional paper) Benjamin Blau, 2005. "An Economic Approach to Charitable Giving." (Plan B Professional Paper) University of Tennessee Alexandria I Huerta, 2001. "Consumer Willingness to Pay for Certified Wood Products." Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Competitive Grant and Scholarship Programs Genome Canada LSARP (2014, 2016) United States-Israel Bi-national Agricultural Research and Development Fund United States Environmental Protection Agency 1998, 1999 NSF/EPA Decision Making and Environmental Policy 1997, 1999-2001 STAR Fellowship Program 1997 Exploratory Research Program University of Georgia Sea Grant Program Service (Utah State University) Chair, APEC Natural Resource Economics Search Committee, 2015-16 (Sherzod Akhunjanov) Chair, APEC Natural Resource Economics Search Committee, 2013-14 (Eric Edwards) Chair, ENVS Department Head Search Committee, 2013-14 (Chris Lant) Member, Vice-President for Agriculture Search Committee, 2013 (Ken White) Chair, College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Post-Tenure Review Committee (2013/14) Member, College of Natural Resources Strategic Planning Committee, 2011-12 Member, USU Department Heads Executive Council, 2009-12 (Chair, 2010-11) Member, Economics Search Committee, 2008 Member, Dept. of Environment and Society, 2008 (Chris Monz) Member, USU Central Promotion Committee, 2006-2007 Chair, Department of Economics International Trade Search Committee, 2004 (Reza Oladi) Chair, Graduate Programs, Dept. of Economics, 2002-2006 Member, Utah State University Water Resources Task Force, 2002-2005 Chair and Member,Numerous promotion and tenure committees (Colleges of Agriculture, Arts, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences, and Natural Resources) Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Dr. Frank Lupi Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics Michigan State University 446 W. Circle Drive Room 301B Morrill Hall of Agriculture East Lansing, MI 48824-1039 517.432.3 882 lupi@msu.edu Education Ph.D.,Applied Economics University of Minnesota M.S , Agricultural Economics University of Illinois B S , University of Illinois Biographical Sketch Dr. Lupi is a Natural Resource and Environmental Economist and serves as the economist in the Partnership for Ecosystem Research and Management (PERM), a collaborative effort between scientists at MSU and resource management agencies in the Great Lakes region. His expertise includes the econometrics, development and implementation of stated choice surveys, and recreational demand analyses as well as the economics of the provision and valuation of ecosystem services. Dr. Lupi has designed and implemented in-person, mail, telephone, intercept/creel, and internet surveys ranging in sizes from a few hundred to 40,000 respondents. His applied research and publications address the economics and human dimensions of recreational fisheries, wildlife management, forests, ecosystem services, invasive species, water quality, and wetlands He has served on numerous advisory and grant review panels, including the National Research Council committee on Endangered and Threatened Species of the Platte River. Professional Information • Joint appointment as Fisheries & Wildlife Management Economist in Agricultural Economics and in Fisheries and Wildlife • Member of the Partnership for Ecosystem Research&Management (PERM) program • Member of the Human Dimensions Lab, Fisheries and Wildlife • Member of the Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability(CSIS) program • Member of the Environmental Science and Policy Program Selected Publications Scott Knoche; Frank Lupi; Ashley Suiter. 2015. "Harvesting benefits from habitat restoration: Influence of landscape position on economic benefits to pheasant hunters." Ecological Economics. 113:97-105. Richard T Melstrom, Frank Lupi; Peter C. Esselman; R. Jan Stevenson. 2015. "Valuing recreational fishing quality at rivers and streams." Water Resources Research. 51(1):140-150 Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Horan, R., and Frank Lupi, 2005. "Tradable risk permits to prevent future introductions of alien invasive species into the Great Lakes, Ecological Economics, 52(3): 289-304. Kaplowitz, M , Frank Lupi, and J. Hoehn, 2004. "Multiple-methods for developing and evaluating a stated preference survey for valuing wetland ecosystems." In Questionnaire Development, Evaluation, and Testing Methods, (S. Presser, et al., eds). 503-524. Wiley:New Jersey. 2004. Lupi, Frank, J. Hoehn and G. Christie. 2003. "Using an Economic Model of Recreational Fishing to Evaluate Benefits of Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Control," Journal of Great Lakes Research. 29: 742-754. Lupi, Frank, M. D. Kaplowitz, and J. Hoehn , 2002. "The Economic Equivalency of Drained and Restored Wetlands in Michigan,"American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84 1355- 1361. An, L.., Frank Lupi, J. Liu, M. Linderman, and J. Huang, 2002. "Modeling the Switch from Fuelwood to Electricity: Implications for the Conservation of Giant Panda Habitat," Ecological Economics: 42(3): 445-457 Knoche, S. D. and F. Lupi. 2007. "Valuing Deer Hunting Services from Farm Landscapes." Ecological Economics 64(2):313-320. Swain, E., P. Jakus, G Rice, F. Lupi, P. Maxson, J. Pacyna, A. Penn, S Spiegel and M. Veiga, 2007. "Socioeconomic Consequences of Mercury Use and Pollution."Ambio 36(1).45- 61. Swinton, S. M., F. Lupi, G. P. Robertson, and S. K. Hamilton. 2007. "Ecosystem services and agriculture: Cultivating agricultural ecosystems for diverse benefits." Ecological Economics 64(2):245-252. Kotchen, M., M. Moore, F. Lupi, and E. Rutherford, "Environmental Constraints on Hydropower: An Ex-Post Benefit-Cost Analysis of Dam Relicensing in Michigan." Land Economics, 82:(3):384-403, August 2006. Racevskis, L.A., and F. Lupi, "Comparing Urban and Rural Perceptions of and Familiarity with the Management of Forest Ecosystems," Society and Natural Resources. 19(6):479-495, 2006. Vista, A., P. Norris, F Lupi and R. Bernsten, "Nutrient Loading and Efficiency of Tilapia Cage Culture in Taal Lake, Philippines, " The Philippine Agricultural Scientist. 89(1). 48-57, 2006 Swinton, S.M., F. Lupi, G.P. Robertson and D.A. Landis "Ecosystem Services from Agriculture: Looking Beyond the Usual Suspects,"American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(5), 2006. Kaplowitz, M D , F. Lupi, and J.P. Hoehn, "Public Understanding and Perceptions of Michigan Wetlands," In Press, Michigan Academician. 2006. f 1 Duke Energy§316(b) Peer Reviewer Resumes September 11, 2018 Chen, Heng Z., Frank Lupi and John P. Hoehn, "An Empirical Assessment of Multinomial Probit and Logit Models for Recreation Demand," in: Valuing Recreation and the Environment: Revealed Preference Methods in Theory and Practice, (C. Kling and J. Herriges, eds.) Edward Elgar, pp 141-162, 1999. Lupi, F. and P. Feather, "Using Partial Site Aggregation to Reduce Bias in Random Utility Travel Cost Models," Water Resources Research. 34(12): 3595-3603, 1998 Rubey, L., and F. Lupi, "Predicting the Effects of Market Reform in Zimbabwe: A Stated Preference Approach,"American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 78:89-99, 1997. Recent Grants 2014 -2014 Jon Bartholic, Frank Lupi The potential for incorporating economics into Great Lakes Tributary Model decision support tools Sponsor: US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Funding: $ 134,763.00 2013 -2014 Frank Lupi Assessment of Human Services Impacts for Tittabawasee River and Saginaw Bay Watershed Sponsor: United States Fish and Wildlife Service Funding: $ 132,146.00 2012 -2014 Frank Lupi Michigan Trout Angler Survey Sponsor: Michigan Department of Natural Resources Funding: $ 127,500 00