HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0020567_AtC Design Calculations_201808272017 WWTP IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT YADKIN VALLEY SEWER AUTHORITY SURRY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CWSRF: CS370541-03 DESIGN CALCULATIONS April 30, 2018 BENJAMIN B. THOMAS, P.E. WEST CONSULTANTS, PLLC MORGANTON, NORTH CAROLINA WEST CONSULTANTS { The WAS pumps to be replaced will have the same nominal capacity as the existing pumps (80 GPM). However, in checking the various design conditions (different suction side and discharge side static water levels), the critical condition will reduce flow to about 65 GPM. This will be for the condition of moving sludge from the thickener when nearly empty to a full digester or holding tank. The following calculations show the various pumping scenarios. The theoretical sludge volume to be wasted, at plant design capacity, is estimated as follows: Sludge Age = MLSS x Basins Volume Qw SSW + Qe SSe Where: Sludge Age = 20 days (extended aeration process MLSS = 3,500 mg/I_ Basins Volume = 1.8 MG QW = Sludge Wasting Rate (MGD) SSW = Sludge Wasted Solids Concentration (use 7,500 mg/L) Qe = Effluent Flow (1.8 MGD) SSE = Effluent Solids Concentration (use 15 mg/L) Then Qw=0.0384 MGD=38,400 GPD =27 GPM Therefore, sludge pump will need to run approximately 8 hours/day. o GPM If FT11OOFT 0.009 YVSA WVV'rP K 2.00 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 027 Hs FEET 27.11 TDH FEET 2738 WAS PUMP CALCS Hf FEET 0 06 K 200 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 0.13 SYSTEM CURVE-. Sludge Digester VELOCITY FPS 40 0.27 50 FORCEMAIN SIZ[.E S ,....._1 ID = 7 755 INCHES PIPE I.D. IIN•1 PIPE I.D. ON, EQUIVALENT LENGTH = 1504 LF 2' SDR21 2 2" SDR21 2 0.34 60 3" SDR21 3 146 3" SDR21 3 LOW WATER ELEVATION= 953 89 MSL (sludge thickener full) 4" SDR21 4 048 4" SDR21 4 HIGH POINT= 981 00 MSL 6" SDR21 5 955 6' SDR21 6 STATIC HEAD= 27.11 FEET B' SDR21 7.755 8" SDR21 8 G= 100 Cm 160 27.42 044 70 o GPM If FT11OOFT 0.009 Hf FEET 0.13 K 2.00 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 027 Hs FEET 27.11 TDH FEET 2738 If FT1100FT 0.004 Hf FEET 0 06 K 200 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 0.13 Hs FEET 27 11 TDH FEET 27.24 VELOCITY FPS 40 0.27 50 0.013 0.20 2.00 041 2711 2752 0 006 010 2.00 0.19 27 11 27.30 0.34 60 0.019 0.28 2.00 057 27.11 2768 0.009 013 2.00 0.27 2711 27.38 041 65 0.022 0.33 200 066 2711 2777 0 010 016 2 DO 031 2711 27.42 044 70 0.025 0.38 200 0.76 27.11 27.87 0 012 0.18 200 036 2711 27.47 0.48 75 1 0.029 0.43 2 00 0.86 27.11 27.97 1 0 013 0.20 200 041 2711 2752 1 051 EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 8 " FORCE MAIN Suction Line Diameter - EQ LENGTH Pump Discharge Diameter = ITEM _ _ PER UNIT OTY EQ LENGTH (feet) Foreemain Diameter = PS SUCTION PIPE 342 0 342 0 (SUCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND 0• 70 840 SIDE) SUCTION 45' BEND so 385 DISCHARGE 94' BBEND _ jilt5q; 5D 6-60 PS DISCHARGE PIPE 291.0 291.0 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS. SIDE) 0.0 SIDE) CHECK VALVE 00 TEE BRANCH FLOW 3.0 _ 720 TOTAL 887 5 EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 6 " FORCE MAIN EQ LENGTH ITEM PER UNIT QTY EO LENGTH (feet) PS SUCTION PIPE '.1.0 r 0.0 (SUCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND IZ6 0.0 SIDE) SUCTION 45' BEND 0 0 DISCHARGE 90' BEND M B.Q. R 8.0 289.0 PS DISCHARGE PIPE IiO 40.0 162 4 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS. SIDE) 3 3.0 390 SIDE) CHECK VALVE !320.0 I 0 0 REDUCER (8' TO 6") i3.0 10 52 8 TEE BRANCH FLOW10 731 TOTAL 616.2 This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the sludge th ckener that is full to the sludge digester tank The sludge thickener is at 953 89' when full and the digester is at 981' This would be the highest head condition for the pumps and has a static head of 27 11' The page includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table Is to be ignored since a rheology method was used to calculate friction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 9 72' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 49§ Adding the static head and friction lasses gives a TDH of 36.83'. Sy§TEM r4URVE- FORCEMAIN StZL .1 EOUIVALENT LENGTH = LOW WATER ELEVATION= HIGH POINT= STATIC HEAD= YVSA WW7P f FT1100FT Hf FEET K ADJUSTED Hf FEET WAS PUMP CALCS TDH FEET f FT1100FT 0 004 Hf FEET 0.06 S'udge Digester ADJUSTED Hf FEET 013 Hs FEET 35.00 TDM FEET 3513 VELOCITY FPS ID = 7 755 INCHES PIPE I.D. (IN.l PIPE I.D. (IN.) 1504 LF 2' SDR21 2 2" SDR21 2 0 006 3' SDR21 3.146 3" SOR21 3 94600 MSL (s'udge thickener half way) 4" SDR21 4.046 4" SDR21 4 981.00 MSL 6" BOR21 5 955 6" SDR21 6 35 00 FEET 8' SDR21 775S 8" SDR21 8 C= 100 1 G= 160 Q GPM f FT1100FT Hf FEET K ADJUSTED Hf FEET He FEET TDH FEET f FT1100FT 0 004 Hf FEET 0.06 K 200 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 013 Hs FEET 35.00 TDM FEET 3513 VELOCITY FPS 40 0.009 0.13 2.00 027 3500 3527 027 50 0.013 0.20 2.00 041 3500 35.41 0 006 010 200 019 35.00 3519 034 60 0.019 0.28 200 057 3500 35.57 0 009 0.13 200 0.27 35,00 3527 0.41 65 0 022 0.33 2.00 066 35.00 3566 0 010 016 200 0.31 35 00 3531 044 70 0 025 0,38 2.00 0.76 35.00 3576 0 012 018 200 036 3500 35.36 0.48 75 1 0.029 0.43 2.00 086 3500 3586 1 0.013 020 2.00 0.41 3500 35.41 1 0.51 EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 8 "FORCE MAIN Suction Line Diameter = EQ LENGTH Pump Discharge Diameter = ,TEM PER UNIT QTY EQ LENGTH (feet) Forcemain Diameter= PS SUCTION PIPE 1.11 3420 342.0 (SUCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND 12.11 70 84.0 SIDE) SUCTION 45' BEND__ 9=7 5.0 38.5 DISCHARGE 90' BEND sizo " 5.0 Boo PS DISCHARGE PIPE 1.0. 2910 291 0 (DISCH GATE VALVE (D.S. SIDE) 3z 00 SIDE) CHECK VALVE 90.6 00 TEE BRANCH FLOW' 0 30 720 TOTAL 887.5 EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 6 " FORCE MAIN EQ LENGTH ITEM PER UNIT QTY EQ LENGTH (feet) PS SUCTION PIPE 1.0 i 0 0 (SUCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND 12. 0 00 SIDE)SUCTIONr45' BENd 7.7 00 DISCHARGE 90' BEND 4�. 8.9 80 289.0 PS DISCHARGE PIPE •t,0 400 162.4 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS. SIDE) 3.2 30 390 SIDE) CHECK VALVE 90.0 00 REDUCER (8" TO 6") 13:0 1.0 52.8 TEEABRANCH FLOW) 183 10 731 TOTAL' 616+2 This page assumes the WAS pumps are pump ng from the sludge thickener that is drawn down half way to the sludge digester tank. The sludge thickener Is at 953.69' when full and the d gester is at 946' when half full, giv ng a static head of 35' The page includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table Is to be ignored since a rheology method was used to calculate friction lasses and can be seen on page 5. The friction loss was calculated to be 9.72' conservatively assuming the amount of solids In the sludge is 4% Adding the static head and friction losses gives a TDH of 44 72' YVSA WWTP WAS PUMP CALCS SYSTEM CURVE: Sludge Digester FORCEMAIN SIZF SO�tM�..1 1 0 7.755 INCHES PIPE I.O. (IN.) PIPE I.D. IINJ EQUIVALENT LENGTH = 1504 LF 2" SDR21 2 2" SDR21 2 TOM FEET If FT1100FT 0,004 3" SDR21 3 146 3" SDR21 3 LOW WATER ELEVATION= 940 39 MSL (invert effluent pipe; 4" SDR21 4 046 4" SDR21 4 HIGH POINT= 981 00 MSL 6' SDR21 5.955 6' SDR21 6 STATIC HEAP= 40 61 FEET e" SDR21 7 755 B" SDR21 8 034 60 C = 100 Cm 150 200 0.57 4061 Q GPM f FT1100FT Hf FEET K ADJUSTED Hf FEET He FEET TOM FEET If FT1100FT 0,004 Hf FEET 0.06 K 2.00 ADJUSTED Hf FEET 013 His FEET 4061 TOM FEET 4074 VELOCITY FPS 40 0.009 0.13 2.00 0.27 4061 40.88 0.27 50 0 013 020 200 0.41 4061 41.02 0.006 010 2.00 019 4061 4080 034 60 0,019 0.28 200 0.57 4061 41 18 0.009 013 2.00 027 40.61 4088 0.41 65 0.022 033 200 066 4061 4127 0.010 0.16 2.00 031 40.61 4092 0.44 70 0 025 038 200 076 40.61 4137 0.012 018 2.00 036 40.61 4097 0.48 75 1 0 029 0.43 200 0.86 4061 41.47 1 0.013 020 2.00 041 40.61 41.02 1 051 This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the sludge thickener that is drawn down the the Invert of the effluent pipe to the sludge d gester tank The sludge thickener Is at 940 39' when drawn down all the way and the digester is at 981' when full, giving a static head of 40 59' The page Includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table is to be ignored since a rheology method was used to calcutate fnction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 9 72' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 4% Add ng the static head and fnction losses gives a TDH of 50.31' EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 8 " FORCE MAIN Suction Line Diameter s EQ LENGTH EQ LENGTH Pomp Discharge Diameter = PER UNIT ITEM PER UNIT QTY EQ LENGTH (feet) Forcemaln Diameter= PS SUCTION PIPE .1.0 342.0 342.0 (SXrN SUCTION 90' BEND X120 7.0 840 0.0 SIDE; SUCTION 45' BEND T- 5,0 385 PS DISCHARGE PIPE DISCHARGE 90' BEND Q4,0 S l] 60.0 GATE VALVE (DIS SIDE) FS DISCHARGE PIPE 1A 2910 291.0 1)0.0 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS SIDEI 3.2. REDUCER (a" TO 6") 00 1 0 SIDE) CHECK VALVE 90,0 00 73.1 TEE BRANCH FLOW _ _ A4, 0. 3.0 72.0____ TOTAL 887.5 This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the sludge thickener that is drawn down the the Invert of the effluent pipe to the sludge d gester tank The sludge thickener Is at 940 39' when drawn down all the way and the digester is at 981' when full, giving a static head of 40 59' The page Includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table is to be ignored since a rheology method was used to calcutate fnction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 9 72' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 4% Add ng the static head and fnction losses gives a TDH of 50.31' EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 6 "FORCE MAIN EQ LENGTH ITEM PER UNIT QTY EQ LENGTH feet PS SUCTION PIPE •1,0 0.Q (SuCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND "12.0 0.0 SIDE) SUCTION 48 BEN 70 0.0 _ DISCHARGE 90' BENDµ a 69 8.0 289 0 PS DISCHARGE PIPE 1.0 40.0 1624 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS SIDE) 3.2 3.0 390 SIDE) CHECK VALVE 1)0.0 00 REDUCER (a" TO 6") lia. 1 0 528 TEE (BRANCH FLOW�w w.. ,JyE i D 73.1 TOTAL 616.2 This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the sludge thickener that is drawn down the the Invert of the effluent pipe to the sludge d gester tank The sludge thickener Is at 940 39' when drawn down all the way and the digester is at 981' when full, giving a static head of 40 59' The page Includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table is to be ignored since a rheology method was used to calcutate fnction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 9 72' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 4% Add ng the static head and fnction losses gives a TDH of 50.31' O GPM f FTI100FT YVSA WWTP K ADJUSTED Hf FEET Hs FEET TDH FEET f FT1100FT 0 004 WAS PUMP CALCS K 2 OD ADJUSTED Hf FEET 0 O5 Hs FEET 4.51 SYSTEM CURVE: Sludge Digester 44 0.009 0.05 2.00 oil 4 51 462 0.27 50 FORCEMAIN SIZr 1 I D. = 7.755 INCHES PIPE I.D. (IN.) PIPE I.D. IIN.t EQUIVALENT LENGTH = 004 592 LF 2" SDR21 2 2" SDR21 2 0.34 60 3" SDR21 3.146 3' SUR21 3 LOW WATER ELEVATION= 951-59 MSL (top of water at clarifier) 4" SDR21 4.046 4" SOR21 4 HIGH POINT= 956.10 MSL 6' SDR21 5 955 6" SDR21 6 STATIC HEAD= 4.51 FEET 8' SDR21 7 755 8" SDR21 6 C= 100 Cm 160 463 044 70 O GPM f FTI100FT Hf FEET K ADJUSTED Hf FEET Hs FEET TDH FEET f FT1100FT 0 004 Hf FEET 0.02 K 2 OD ADJUSTED Hf FEET 0 O5 Hs FEET 4.51 TDH FEET 4.56 VELOCITY FPS 44 0.009 0.05 2.00 oil 4 51 462 0.27 50 D.013 008 2.00 0.16 451 467 0 006 004 200 0.08 4 51 459 0.34 60 0.019 Oil 200 022 4.51 473 0 009 005 200 Oil 4.51 462 041 65 0.022 013 200 0.26 4.51 4.77 0 010 006 200 012 451 463 044 70 0,025 015 200 030 4.51 481 0 012 007 200 0.14 4.51 465 0.48 75 1 0 029 0.17 200 0.34 4.51 485 0.413 0 08 2 00 0.16 4,51 467 1 051 EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 8 "FORCE MAIN Suction Lina Diameter a EQ LENGTH Pump Discharge Diameter= ITEM PER UNIT OTY EO LENGTH Oeetl Forcemaln Diameter = PS SUCTION PIPE (SUCT'N SUCTION 90' BEND SIDE) SUCTION 45' BEND DISCHARGE §15"t IfW0 PS DISCHARGE PIPE (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS SIDE) SIDE) CHECK VALVE TEESBRANCH FLOW) ?#!0 196.0 1960 TIZO 1.0 120 'fes 5.0 38 5 11:0 5.0 Soo '7.0 2130 2130 3.2- SUCTION PIPE 00 00.0 (SUCT'N 00 24.0. _ 30 72.0 SU_CTIO_N 45- _PEND TOTAL 591.5 T TOTAL 4.0 1/- This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the clarifier to the sludge thickener The clarifier Is i4 941.59' nd the thickener, when full is at 953.89' although the high spat is where the 8" d scharge pipe branches toward the thickener This would be the lowest head ca n for the pumps and has a static head of 4 51' The page includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table is to be gnored since a rheology method was used to calculate friction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 3 82' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 4% Adding the static head and friction losses gives a TDH of 8 33', EQUIVALENT LENGTH CALCULATIONS 6 " FORCE MAIN EQ LENGTH ITEM PER UNIT QTY EQ LENGTH feet PS SUCTION PIPE -1.0 00 (SUCT'N SUCTION 9o" BEND lu 0.0 SIDE) SU_CTIO_N 45- _PEND 7W7 _ _ _0.0 µ DISCHARGE 90' BEND 8119 0-0 PS DISCHARGE PIPE d'o 00 (DISCH GATE VALVE (DIS SIDE) 3.2 00 SIDE) CHECK VALVE X0.0 00 REDUCER (8"TO6") TEE BRANCH CLO 134 113 0 00 0 0 f T TOTAL 4.0 1/- This page assumes the WAS pumps are pumping from the clarifier to the sludge thickener The clarifier Is i4 941.59' nd the thickener, when full is at 953.89' although the high spat is where the 8" d scharge pipe branches toward the thickener This would be the lowest head ca n for the pumps and has a static head of 4 51' The page includes a friction loss table and an equivalent length table, but the friction loss table is to be gnored since a rheology method was used to calculate friction losses and can be seen on page 5 The friction loss was calculated to be 3 82' conservatively assuming the amount of solids in the sludge is 4% Adding the static head and friction losses gives a TDH of 8 33', Velocity (ft1s) 6' Pipe _ Eq. Length (ft) 1504 Pipe Diameter (ft) 067 Yield Stress (s.,) 0 105 from fig 13.6a Coefficient of Rigidity (ri) 001 from fig 13.6b Sludge Solids (%) 4°% Velocity (ft1s) 044 will change with Q Unit weight (kglm3) 1016 0 105 from fig 13-6a Unit weight (lblft�) 63.43 YvD NR = 4'!� 9 Irl, Reynolds Number (NA) f .a7E+03 D2Sygy Hedstrom Number (He) 9.53E+05 Nc z 9 Friction Factor (f) 0.35 from fg 13-6c 1 now is laminar �fyLvz Pressure Drop Op (bfft1) 606.250472 GP = D Friction Loss AP (H) 9.71555244 g Thickener TDH (full) = 36 03 h ckener TOH (half full) = 44 72 Thickener TDH (low) = 50 33 9" Suction Moe for NPSH Eq. Length (ft) 4645 Pipe Diameter (ft) 067 Yield Stress (sr) 0 105 from fig 13-6a Coefficient of Rigidity (q) 001 from fig 13.6b Sludge Solids (%) 4'!� Velocity fts) 044 will change with 0 Unit weight (kg/m3) 1016 Unit weight (lb/ft) 63.43 NR = yvD 9 Reynolds Number ft) 1.87E+03 DzSygy Hedstrom Number (He) 9.53E+OS He = z n Friction Factor (f) 035 from fig 13.6c 1 Row is laminar Pressure Drop, Op (ibffO) 107 273317 2fyLvz GP = Friction Loss, Ap (ft) 3.00117494 gD 5 YVSA WWTP WAS PUMP CALCS YVSA WWTP WAS PUMP CALCS Lowest Head Eq. Length (R) 591.5 Pipe Diameter (ft) 067 Yield Stress (sr) 0 105 from fig 13-6a Coefficient of Rigidity (rl) 0 0' from fig 13.6b Sludge Solids (%) 4^ - Velocity (ftls) 0.44 will change with 0 Unit weight (kgfm3) 1016 Unit weight (Iblft?) 63.43 YvD NA = — Reynolds Number (NR) 1 87E+03 D%gy Hedstrom Number (He) 9.53E+05 Ne = Z n Friction Factor (f) 0 3� tram fig 13-6c I flow is lam nar Pressure Drop, dp (IbMe) 238 476139 Ap a 440 Friction Loss, dp (ft) 3.821733 gD Lowest Head TRH = 8 33 This page calculates the head lass accounting for an assumed sludge percentage of 4% This method calculates the pressure drop due to friction which can then be converted to feet YVSA WWTP WAS PUMP CALCS -'For Open Systems"' Air Pressure Calc Elevation (ft) = 960 Elevation (m) = 292.6 Temperature (F) = 90 Temperature (K) = 3054 Gravity = 9.61 Molar Mass of Air (M) = 0.03 Gas Constant R = 8.31 Air Pressure (Pa) = 98061 81 Air Pressure (psi) = 14.22 Air Pressure, He (ft) = 32.81 0 NPSH Calc - source below pump I— z Sludge Thickener High EL = 953.89 Sludge Thickener Low EL = 94039 A Pump Center EL = 95051 L9 Hz (ft) _ -10.12 inv out at sludge holding Hv (H) = 0.0030 changes with velocity Suction Eq L (ft) = 4645 Hf (f )= 3.00 Hvp (psi) = 0 698 changes with temp Hvp (H) = 1.61 NPSHa = 18.08 NPSH Cale - source above pump ri— a Sludge Thickener High EL = 95389 z Sludge Thickener tow EL = 94039 A Pump Center EL = 95051 Hz (ft) = 3.38 top of water level at sludge holding Hv (ft) = 00030 Suction Eq L (ft) = 464.5 Hf (ft) = 300 Hvp (psi) = 0.69E Hvp (ft) = 1.61 NPSHa= 3158 This page calculates the NPSH availabe for ti --e pump based on an elevation of 960' and a temperature of 90 This calcu ation was sent to Penn Va ley Pumps to review and check the acceleration head To av6d cavitat;on they saw that when the s.udge thickener is empty (highest head condition) the max flaw should be approx'mate y 65 GPM. when the s . dge thickener is full the max flow should be approximaWy 75 GPM and when the pumps pini from the clarifier to the sludge th ckener (lowest head condition) the pump can handle the Idea.'flow of 80 GPM without cavitation The ideal flow is 80 GPM based from the treatment plant operato.'s observations where flows over 80 GPM tend to pi 1 out water without much solids PENN VALLEY PUMP CO., INC. 998 EASTON RD WARRINGTON, PA 18976 P: 215-343-8750 - F: 215-343-8753 www.pennvalleypump.com Project: YVSA - Elkin, NC Engineer West Associates, Inc. Date: 4/2412018 Quote; 16235 Application: WAS Transfer to Thickener and Thickend Sludge Transfer to Digester Pump Size: 4DDSX30CNU-MK3 Pipe Size: 8" diameter Flow (GPM): 65GPM @ 53.22 TDH NPSH= hp-hvpa+l-hst-hfs-ha= -60.4163 ft head loss Acceptable applications are (-70) and below due to suction pulsations dampener providing for improved suction pressure thereby improving NPSH by this amount_ where: hp= absolute pressure (ft) on the surface of the liqud supply level. Barometric pressure for open tanks or sump ; absolute pressure existing in closed tanks or systems hvpa= vapor pressure of the fluid at pumping temperature (ft) hst= static pressure (ft.) developed by column of fluid above (+) or below (-) the centerline of suction inlet hfs= suction line loss (ft) including entrance losses, friction loss, pressure drip across valves, fittings, other system components, etc Acceleration Head as part of NPSHA for Double Disc Pumps ha= LVnCSG ha= 3043.8 ha= 78.77329 ft KG 38.64 ha= acceleration head in psi L= length of suction line in feet 342 V`= velocity in suction line in fps 0.445 n= pump speed in rpm 200 C= Constant for type pump 0.1 C= .100 simplex C= 060 duplex SG"= specfic gravity of liquid 1 0 K= 1 1 2 a factor representing the reciprocal fraction of the theoretical acceleration head which must be provided to avoid a noticeable disturbance in the suction line. K= 1.2 for typical municipal condition g= gravitation constant (32.174 fUsec2) 32.2 ` Based on New Ductile Iron Pipe. " Based on water at 70 degree F. 33,96 0 783 - 10.92 3.9 Puyn p w r i% G�ti ':' &.5 (7P-&? (� ZOO R PAA i Power Consumption Curve 10 I;I; II 1111 11lIlI I �I;II� g 1111 1�11IIIIII 1 11 11 111 s I 11111 II I� 500 RPM ILII I 400`` RPM 7 I 1 I I I N I I I i I 380 rpm 6 I = 6 I i I I ! I I M 1 1 1 200 RPM i 4low I I l i I 1 1 I 'i00 RPM 3 I ,III l 2 I�i�ll I .1�1 III �II ��I I'll 1 1 I I I 1 I Performance based on water (32SSU) at 60 degrees F. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 TQH (FT) Copyright 2009 Penn Valley Pump Co:, Inc, SLS -04-30-0312012