HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550006_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20180823 ' ROY COOPER i R Governot Ar, ce/zAvv441 i MICHAEL S.REGAN x S'ecletlrry Water Resources LINDA CULPEPPER Envnoninent,il Quality Interim Director August 23, 2018 Leanne S.Heilman 716 Jonquil Street Durham,NC 27712 DECEIVED/DENR/DWR Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection AUG 2 7 2018 Single Family Wastewater Treatment Systter Resources Permit No.NCG550006 Permitting Section Durham County Dear Leanne S. Heilman: On August 9, 2018, Jane Bernard fiom the Raleigh Regional Office visited your single-family residence (SFR) wastewater treatment system to evaluate compliance with the above permit to discharge wastewater. The checked boxes below show what conditions were noted at your facility: ® In compliance: You are reminded to regularly maintain the chlorine disinfection and dechlonnation systems,have the effluent sampled once a year, and have the septic tank pumped out every 3 to 5 years. Your good record of operation and meeting the permit requirements is highly commended. ❑ Your home is improperly plumbed: Some of the wastewater discharges are going directly to the environment without first passing through the treatment system. This must be corrected immediately. Please submit a schedule to this office within 20 days of receipt of this letter that states your plan for correcting this deficiency. The work is to be completed within the next 3 months. n Disinfection: Your system is lacking disinfection, either chlorine tablets or a UV light system. New rules put into place on August 1, 2007 require all SFR systems to have a means of disinfection(and dechlorination when chlorine tablets are used to disinfect,if the system was installed since that date). Since your system had no disinfection,the installation is to include a chlorine tablet dispenser, a contact chamber capable of providing a minimum 30 minute contact time, and another tablet dispenser that will hold dechlorination tablets. Please submit a schedule to this office within 20 calendar days of receipt of this letter that states your plan for correcting this deficiency. ❑ Chlorine tablets in the chlorinator: You are reminded that it is required that chlorine tablets be maintained in the chlorinator to ensure proper disinfection of the discharged wastewater. Chlorine tablets provide effective disinfection and prevent/limit haimful bacteria from discharging to the environment. The product label for these tablets must indicate the tablets are approved for wastewater use and not for swimming pools. The inspector did not observe any chlorine tablets in the chlorinators. Part 1,Permit Conditions (Operation &Maintenance), item 4 within General Permit NCG550000 requires the permittee to maintain all system components, including...disinfection units... at all times and in good operating order. Please ensure the correct type of tablets_are used and maintained in the chlorinator. n Dechlorinatio,t: Your system was installed after August 1,2007, so must have a means of dechlorination located downstr,eamOktbgahlaigatgrrglytits,pontact chamber. See Disinfection State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1628 Mail Service Centel!Raleigh,Noith Carolina 27699-1628 919-791-4200 ,6+' CS :',T,A�4 ,w,,c 11715 a1'<"�'"�t 3;; ,>�r` ,a,= '1,;'1 t %h 'mss ,�77: ` ° } - 107 11 ,'< v