HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061144 Ver 5_More Info Received_20090617ARCADIS Ms. Cyndi Karoly N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 Wetlands Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 o? s??OS gTFR ??'99 /d `+Yeycy Subject: City of Raleigh Dempsey E. Benton Water Treatment Plant Project - Permit Modification Request - UT to Walnut Creek Response to Request for More Information dated 11 June 2009 DWQ Project # 06-1144 Ver. 5 Dear Cyndi: This letter and its attachments have been generated in response to the Request for More Information generated by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on 11 June 2009 relative to the above referenced project. The items listed in the Request for More Information and the responses are provided below. Please indicate all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipaters, and bank stabilization on the site plan. All stream impacts are shown on the attached figures. 2. Please clearly explain in narrative and design plans what the intent of the project is. The intent of the project is to repair inadvertent stream damage that occurred from the stream collapsing into a directional drill tunnel during a heavy storm event. Workers were onsite during the collapse and immediately installed a cofferdam upstream of the collapse and started bypass pumping the stream around the area of impact. At present, the stream is still being bypass pumped and restoration has not occurred. Work includes returning the streambed and banks to their original profile and stabilizing the stream banks. The directional drill tunnel will be filled in, the streambed will be graded to match the plan and profile of the abutting, unimpacted stream channel, the stream banks will be graded to match the abutting, unimpacted stream banks, the stream banks will be stabilized per the attached details, and the upland areas will be seeded per the attached project specifications. 3. Please provide an existing conditions map of the impact site showing the cofferdams and bypass area. Figure 3, which is attached, depicts the existing conditions of the site. ARCADIS 801 Corporate Center Drive Suite 300 Raleigh North Carolina 27607 Tel 919.854.1282 Fax 919.854.5448 www.arcadis-us.com WATER RESOURCES Date: 17 June 2009 Contact. Linda Diebolt Phone: 919.854.1282 Email: linda.diebolt@arcadis-us.com Our ref: NC705008.2000 ARCADIS 4. Please provide a restoration/bank stabilization plan, including a planting plan, cross-section, and longitudinal views. Detail sheets for the project are attached. These details include temporary check dam, synthetic matting, equipment stream crossing, and stream bank stabilization. The upland areas of impact will be seeded upon completion of the restoration activities. The Fertilizing, Seeding, and Mulching specifications for the project are attached (Section 02420). The seed mixture used within jurisdictional wetlands differs from the attached specification; however, none of the buffer areas included in this permit application are within jurisdictional wetlands. 5. Please enumerate all riparian buffer impacts on the site plan and clearly label impacts (Buffer Impact 1, etc.). Riparian buffer impacts are shown and labeled on the attached figures. 6. Please locate all isolated or non-isolated wetlands, streams, and other waters of the State as overlays on the site plan. All state and federal jurisdictional wetlands and streams are shown on the attached figures. Other than the UT to Walnut Creek, no federal or state jurisdictional areas are present within the project area. 7. Please locate all of the protected riparian buffers as overlays on the site plan, showing Zone 1 and Zone 2. All areas of Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the riparian buffers impacted by the proposed project are shown on the attached figures. Please feel free to call or e-mail me at linda.diebolt@arcadis-us.com if you have any questions or require additional information. Sincerely, ARCADIS C_ Y ?. Linda Diebolt Senior Scientist ? n Copies: City of Raleigh - Dale Crisp ARCADIS - Nichole Johnson Cyndi Karoly 17 June 2009 Page: 2/2 - F 4 ;pii„Lf .. 6- 3 5 yy?? v -R g ? ?n RJR ., .. BLUFF ST r *,-' 3 At ''art t J CL r WALKER ST S24 UT to Walnut Creek ' Temporary coffer dam and bypass location i V Y x F " ? ,? ?' ' - 14o we A4 4 C I Yvt xR ?£ m 4. Legend ¦ Coffer Dam O Impact Location 0 Discharge Location Temporary Stream Bypass Transmission Main Route rt j? za Sir z r 1 lp Nt % ;Oi HAMMOND RD TO 140 RAMP WO ?s x } PLAN VIEW Dempsey E. Benton WTP Figure City of Raleigh 3 0 100 200 400 Feet 1 inch = 200 feet G f m A 1 40 EXIT 299 RAMP EB WALKER ST S24 UT to Walnut Creek Temporary impact to 110 feet of intermittent stream Buffer Impacts: Zone 1: 6,600 square feet Zone 2: 2,200 square feet a ?tiutx T7 140 WB HAMMOND RD TO 140 RAMP WB 140 EB 1 40 EXIT 299 RAMP EB Legend Transmission Main Route ® Area of Stream and/or Buffer Impact Neuse River Buffer - Zone 1 Neuse River Buffer Surface Waters PLAN VIEW Dempsey E. Benton WTP City of Raleigh 0 50 100 200 Feet 1 inch = 100 feet Figure 4 SECTION 02420 FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions, and Division 1 through 15 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Permanent Seeding: Permanent seeding is required for all areas disturbed by construction, except for areas covered by structures, pavements, etc. Permanent ground cover shall be provided for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (which-ever is shorter) when final grade is obtained and not otherwise covered. B. Temporary Seeding: Temporary seeding is required for those areas disturbed by construction and left exposed for periods of 21 working days or more before being brought to final grade and permanently seeded. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Codes and Standards: In general, follow procedures and guides published by the Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. B. Soil Tests: Secure minimum of 1 standard soil sample per acre. Submit samples to North Carolina Department of Agriculture for analysis and recommendations for addition of lime and other amendments. Submit recommendations to Engineer for review. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit material certificates signed by the supplier that the materials used for fertilizing, seeding, and mulching comply with these specifications. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 FERTILIZER A. Provide 10-10-10 commercial fertilizer conforming to statutory requirements and all rules and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. 2.2 LIMESTONE CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING Dempsey E. Benton WTP Water Transmission Main - Phase 3 02420 - 1 ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Printed: 6/16/2009 Project No. NC705008.0000 A. Provide limestone conforming to all statutory requirements and all rules and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Board of Agriculture. Apply ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 2-3 tons per acre 2.3 SEED A. Provide seed conforming to all statutory requirements and all rules and regulations adopted by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture. B. Provide seed mixtures as tabulated below. Deliver to site in original containers bearing the appropriate guaranteed mixtures. Seed shall show a purity of not less than 90 percent and germination quality of not less than 85 percent. 1. Permanent for slopes flatter than 4 horizontal to one vertical (<4:1 slope): Mixture: 200 lbs/ac of at least 3 turf-type Tall Fescue varieties: August to mid October 70 lbs/ac Bermudagrass Mid February to mid April 2. Permanent for slopes equal to or steeper than 4 horizontal to one vertical (>4:1 slope): Mixture: 80 lbs/ac Tall Fescue 50 lbs/ac Pensacola Bahiagrass 40 lbs/ac Kobe Lespedeza Seeding Dates: Mid February to end April Early September to end October Notes: From mid-April through mid-August add 10 lbs/ac German millet or 15 lbs/ac Sudangrass. 3. Temporary: 120 lbs/ac Rye Grain: Mid August to mid April 40 lbs/ac German Millet: Mid April to mid August 4. Other mixtures as recommended by the Soil Conservation Service may be considered. 2.4 MULCH A. Mulch all seeded areas except where jute mesh is required. Use undamaged, air-dry, threshed small grain straw free of undesirable weed seed. Apply emulsified asphalt tack at a rate of 0.10 gallons per square yard. B. Spread mulch by hand or with a mulch blower. When spreading straw mulch by hand, divide the area to be mulched into sections of approximately 1,000 ft2, and place 70-90 lb of straw (1 1/2 to 2 bales) in each section to facilitate uniform distribution. After spreading mulch, no more than 25% of the ground surface shall be visible. 2.5 ROLLED EROSION CONTROL A. Use rolled erosion control (REC) on seeded areas where slope is steeper than 2 horizontal to one vertical (2:1 slope). Use REC weighing approximately 90 lbs. per 100 sq. yds. and having 3/4" openings. REC should withstand channel velocity up to 6 feet per second. CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING Dempsey E. Benton WTP Water Transmission Main - Phase 3 02420 - 2 ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Printed: 6/16/2009 Project No. NC705008.0000 B. Anchor the rolled erosion control using 11 gauge, at least 6in length by 1 in wide staples or 12in minimum length wooden stakes. Drive staples or stakes so that the top is flush with the ground surface. Anchor each REC every 3 feet along it's center. Longitudinal overlaps must be sufficient enough to accommodate a row of anchors and be uniform along the entire length of overlap. Anchor every 3 feet along the overlap length. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 GENERAL A. Follow procedures set forth in the publication "Guide for Sediment Control on Construction Sites in North Carolina" by the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, and as specified herein. 3.2 SEED BED PREPARATION A. Remove all grass and weeds and shape overall area to even out high and low spots B. Spread a minimum of 3 inches of topsoil over all disturbed areas to the finished grade as shown on the drawings. C. Scarify soil to a depth of 3 inches and work into a satisfactory seed bed by discing, use of cultipackers, harrows, drags or other approved means. D. Preparation outlined above shall not be done when the soil is frozen, wet or otherwise in an unfavorable condition. E. Begin and complete seeding operations as outlined below as soon as possible after final or intermediate grading is completed. F. Distribute lime and fertilizer, as required, uniformly over seed bed and harrow, rake, or otherwise work same into seed bed. G. Distribute seed uniformly over seed bed. Lightly rake surface of seed bed to cover seed to a maximum depth of 1 /4 inch. H. Compact seed bed after covering seed with an approved roller or drag. 1. No lime, fertilizer, or seed shall be applied during a strong wind, when soil is wet or otherwise unworkable. Should rain follow seeding before rolling is begun, the bed shall not be rolled. No rip-rap is to be placed along the banks of new fill. Maintain the area and repair any erosion damage until a permanent ground cover is established. Use mulch or mesh as required. 3.3 PERMANENT SEEDING A. Application of Lime, Fertilizer, and Seed: CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING Dempsey E. Benton WTP Water Transmission Main - Phase 3 02420 - 3 ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Printed: 6/16/2009 Project No. NC705008.0000 1. Lime with 40 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. before seeding. 2. Fertilize with 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. when seeding. Top dress with 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. when cover is established. 3. Provide permanent seeding to completed areas during the permanent seeding period. If grading is completed at times other than the recommended season, provide temporary seeding or other protection approved by the Engineer until the appropriate planting season begins. 3.4 TEMPORARY SEEDING A. Application of Fertilizer and Seed: 1. Fertilize with 15 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. when seeding. Top dress with 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. when cover is established. 2. Between February and May and September and November, seed with 130 lbs. per acre of Rye; between June and August seed with 40 lbs. per acre of Browntop Millet. 3.5 APPLICATION OF MULCH AND JUTE MESH A. Apply mulch at the rate of 100 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Anchor with asphalt or other approved method. B. Apply jute mesh according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Anchor with steel hairpin shaped wire staples. 3.6 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE A. Maintain the grass on the area for a period of 90 days after the grass growth appears. Reseed bare areas and repair all eroded areas during that period. END OF SECTION CITY OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING Dempsey E. Benton WTP Water Transmission Main - Phase 3 02420 - 4 ARCADIS G&M of North Carolina, Inc. Printed: 6/16/2009 Project No. NC705008.0000