HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181068 Ver 1_Archaeological Clearance_20180803Project Tracking No.:
Revised II
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�'� � �� �`� PRESENT FORM ��' � � �
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�'a:..,. ;�.� This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not �;��•..`. :��
�� ��``:� valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the ��
Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group.
Project No.
F.A. No: BRNHS-0023(28) Funding: ❑ State � Federal
Federal Permit Required? � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: USACE
Project Description:
The project calls for the replacement of Bridge No. 27 on US 23 (Haywood Road) over Scott Creek and
Southern Railroad in Jackson County (TIP B-5905). The revised archaeological Area of Potential Effects
(APE) for the project is defined as a 2, 000 foot (609. 60 m) long corridor running 1, 000 feet (304.80 m)
east and west along US 23 from the center of Bridge No. 27. The corridor also runs for approximately
S00 feet (152.40 m) northeast along SR 1381 (Hometown Place) from its intersection with US 23 and 300
feet (91.44 m) south along SR 1558 (Depot Street) from its intersection with US 23. The corridor width
varies. Along US 23, the corridor is 200 to 300 feet (60.96 to 91.44 m) wide extending 100 feet (30.48 m)
north and 100 to 200 feet (30.48 to 60.96 m) south from the centerline. The narrow corridor is found at
the eastern end, while the wide sections are at the western end and adjacent to the bridge. Along
Hometown Place, the APE is up to 345 feet (105.1 S m) wide extending 100 feet northwest and up to 245
feet (74. 67 m) southeast from the centerline. Finally along Depot Street, the corridor is 80 feet (24.38 m)
wide extending 40 feet (12.19 m) east and west from the centerline. In all, the APE encompasses 14. S
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Archaeology Group reviewed
the subject project and determined:
� There are no National Register listed or eligible ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES present
within the project's area of potential effects. (Attach any notes or documents as needed)
❑ No subsurface archaeological investigations were required for this project.
❑ Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources.
� Subsurface investigations did not reveal the presence of any archaeological resources
considered eligible for the National Register.
� All identified archaeological sites located within the APE have been considered and all
compliance for archaeological resources with Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this proj ect.
form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
Revised II
Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions:
NCDOT has conducted an archaeological investigation for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 27
(B-5905) in Jackson County, North Carolina. This project has been previously reviewed twice with "No
Archaeological Survey Required" forms submitted on May 1, 2013 and February 11, 2016 (Jones 2013,
2016). The project was reviewed for a third time due to an increased APE related to construction for a
temporary bridge just south of the current bridge. The project is located in Dillsboro just west of Sylva and
plotted in the northwest corner of the Sylva South USGS 7.5' topographic quadrangle (Figure 1).
Background Research
A map review and site files search was initially conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on
April 19, 2013. A follow-up review after the third submittal was carried out on June 8, 2018. No known
archaeological sites are identified within or adjacent to the APE.
According to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office online data base (HPOWEB 2018),
there are existing National Register Listed (NRHP) and State Study Listed (SL) properties either within ar
adjacent to the archaeological APE. NRHP boundaries for the Elias Brendle Monteith House and
Outbuildings (JK 375) run along the northeastern edge of the APE, and the SL Ray-Schneider (JK 117) and
Parson Kincaid Houses (JK 116) are at the western end of the project. Although these properties fall
alongside or within the APE, no contributing archaeological resources should be encountered as design
plans show little if any impacts at these locations.
A new historic map review was not carried out since the previous review provided no significant
The USDA soil map also remains mostly unchanged with the APE made up of four soil types (USDA
NRCS 2018) (Figure 2). These include the Braddock-Urban land complex (BrC), the Evard-Cowee
complex (EvE), Fannin fine sandy loam (FaE), and Udorthents-Urban land complex (UfB). The Braddock-
Urban land complex is found east and west of Scott Creek. This is a well drained clay loam that typically
has a slope of 2 to 15 percent. It is usually found on high stream terraces, which makes it desirable for
urban development. This appears to the case at the western end of the APE. However along to the east of
Scott Creek, the landform does not resemble a stream terrace as slope exceeds 15 percent from the road to
the creek. It appears that USDA misidentified the soil type at this location. Along the hillsides, Fannin
fine sandy loam is found to the west, and the Evard-Cowee complex is present to the east. These are both
well drained soils with a steep slope of 30 to 50 percent. The Fannin series also includes a stream terrace
southwest of the bridge and south of the railroad. Again, the USDA misidentified soils on this particular
landform as it is level. Lastly, the Udorthents-Urban land complex is at the western end of the APE. These
are heavily disturbed soils that have been subjected to earth moving activities. In general, it is unlikely
significant archaeological sites will be found on any soils types with heavy disturbance or steep slopes.
However, the stream terrace located southwest of the bridge in the newly expanded APE has the potential
for archaeological resources and required subsurface testing.
Fieldwork Results
The archaeological field reconnaissance and survey for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 27 was
carried out on June 14, 2018. This included the placement of shovel tests (STs) initially at 15-m apart, but
this was quickly altered due to ground disturbance to a 30-m interval followed by a judgmental ST. A
surface inspection could not be carried out due to poor visibility, but concrete foundations were observed at
the surface near Shovel Test 1. No shovel testing occurred in areas with obvious disturbance consisting of
form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
Revised II
fill or grading, along steep slope of 15 percent ar more, or in areas covered by impervious surfaces such as
existing structures or paved/gravel lots or drives. This covers the vast majority of the APE. A total of four
STs were excavated, all of which yielded fll material and no cultural artifacts (see Figures 2). The
concrete foundations were researched and recorded as archaeological site 31JK607 (Figure 3 and 4).
Bridge No. 27 and US 23 cross Scott Creek and Southern Railroad roughly east to west. Scott Creek flows
south and empties into the Tuckasegee River. These waterways are part of the Little Tennessee drainage
basin. The APE is mostly situated along cut and graded hillside slopes and on urban developed high stream
terraces (see Figure 2). However, a low stream terrace is present southwest of the bridge and just south of
the railroad. This area was recently included in the expanded APE. The project area is mostly open with
residential and business properties, but the hillsides are either forested or covered in secondary growth. A
residential lawn makes up the low stream terrace. Ground disturbance is considered heavy from urban
development, past road and rail construction, and utilities. Although the low stream terrace appears
minimal disturbed, subsurface test proved otherwise.
The four excavated shovel test yielded fill that extends to at least 40 cm (ca. 16 in) below the surface (see
Figure 2). STs 1 and 2 were placed 15 m apart at the eastern end of the terrace. With iill present in both
tests, ST 3 was placed 30 m west of ST 2. Since this test contain more fill, ST 4 was plotted approximately
60 m west of ST 3 as a judgmental to determine if fill covered the entire landform. An inspection of the
stream bank was then conducted in order to estimate the amount of iill. It is believed that 3 to 5 feet (ca. 1
to 1.5 m) of fill covers the original surface, which is likely a floodplain instead of a terrace. Mr. Clark, the
property owner, confirmed the fill estimates during an on-site discussion.
Mr. Clark explained that the property was once owned by Charles Joseph Harris, who was involved in the
mining of kaolin (clay). He is responsible for the first layer of iill. This was deposited in the late 19tn
century to provide a stable storage and loading area for his kaolin onto the train at Dillsboro. Later in the
early 20`h century, he established a pin mill on the property. Remnants of the concrete foundation are still
present at the eastern end of the landform near Shovel Test 1(see Figures 3 and 4). This feature was
recorded as archaeological site 31JK607. The foundations consist of two narrow rectangular concrete rows
that run for approximately 30 feet (ca. 9 m) parallel with the railroad. No artifacts were found that could be
associated with the manufacturing facility in ST 1 or 2. The site is bounded by the railroad to the north and
Scott Creek to the south. A five to six meter buffer was placed east and west of the foundations to
encompass the site.
The Blue Ridge Locust Pin Company manufactured locust wood utility pole pins on which glass insulators
were placed (Be112000). Firm dates for operation of the facility were difficult to obtain, but it was active
from at least 1905 when it appears in a state tax report (Department of North Carolina Corporation
Commission 1905). While, the last recorded date for the mill is in bulletin from 1923 (Helphenstine 1923).
Due to a lack of site integrity, site 31JK607 is recommended ineligible for the National Register of Historic
Places, and no further work is needed at this site.
Subsequent fill layers on the landform were deposited by the current land owner and his father during the
late 20`h and early 21S` centuries. This was done in order to fill-in depression. Mr. Clark also pointed out a
20th century well, which he sealed (Figure 5). This feature is not considered part of site 31JK607, and is
believed to have once been used by the town of Dillsboro for their water supply.
form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
Revised II
Summary and Recommendations
The archeological investigations for the proposed replacement of Bridge No. 27 in Jackson County
identified one archaeological resource within the APE. Site 31JK607 is early 20"` century pin mill situated
on terrace composed of mostly 19`h century fill. The site is recommended as ineligible for the National
Register as little evidence remains other than concrete foundations for the manufacturing facility. No
cultural artifacts associated with the mill were recovered either. Additional subsurface tests showed the
entire lower terrace along Scott Creek as covered in fill as well, which was confirmed by the current land
owner. Other areas within the APE, which were not tested, are obviously disturbed, covered over with
impervious material, or steeply sloped. It is very unlikely signiiicant archaeological deposits will be
present in these areas. No further archaeological work is recommended for this bridge replacement project.
However, if design plans change to impact areas outside of the APE, then further archaeological work may
be required.
See attached: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info
� �
C. Damon Jones
� Photos ❑Correspondence
6/20/ 18
form for the Amended Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Project Tracking No.:
Revised II
Bell, John L.
2000 Biography of Charles Joseph Harris. In Dictionary of North Carolina Biography,
Volume 3: H—K, edited by William S. Powell, pp. 50. University of North Carolina Press,
Chapel Hill.
Department of the North Carolina Corporation Commission
1905 Report of the North Carolina Corporation Commission as a Board of State Tax
Commissioners. North Carolina State Treasure Office, Raleigh.
Helphenstine, R.K., Jr.
1923 Wood-Using Industries of North Carolina, Bulletin 30. North Carolina Geological
and Economic Survey in cooperation with the Forest Service, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Chapel Hill.
2018 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office GIS Web Service.
http://�isNCDCR. o�v/hpoweb/. Accessed June 8, 2018.
Jones, C. Damon
2013 No Archaeological Survey Required Form. B-5905, Replacement of Bridge No. 27
in Jackson County. PA 13-04-0043. In Programmatic Agreement for Minor Transportation
Projects Annual Report for the Review Year 2012-2013. NCDOT, Raleigh.
2016 No Archaeological Survey Required Form. B-5905, Replacement of Bridge No. 27
in Jackson County. PA 13-04-0043 Revised. In Programmatic Agreement for Minor
Transportation Projects Annual Report for the Review Year 2015-2016. NCDOT, Raleigh.
United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Services (USDA NRCS)
2018 Durham County Soil Survey. Available online at
http://webosilsurvey.nres.usda. o�v/a�/. Accessed June 1, 2018.
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
2007 Greens Creek, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map.
2007 Sylva South, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map.
2007 Sylva North, North Carolina 7.5 minute quadrangle map.
2007 Whitter, North Carolina7.5 minute quadrangle map.
form for the Amerzded Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement.
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Pr•oject Trackino> No.:
Revised II
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6 of 9
Pr•oject Trackino> No.:
Revised II
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31 JK607.
fa�rrt %or dhe Anaended Minor Tran.rportation Projecd�� ns Qualified in the 2007 Hngranurtatie Agreemerit.
7 of 9
Pr•oject Tracking No.:
Revised II
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Figure 3. Map of Site 31JK607 showing Shovel Test locations and well.
fa�rrt %or dhe Anaended Minor Tran.rportation Projecd�� ns Qualified in the 2007 Hngranurtatie Agreemerit.
8 of 9
Pr•oject Tracking No.:
Revised II
Figure 4. Ge��eral View of site 31JK607 showiug tl�e concrete foundatioi�s to the fori7�er pin mill, looking
Figtn�e 5. View of the well's location, wllicl� is sit�iated between the ri�o utility pole�s, looking east.
fa�rrt %or dhe Anaended Minor Tran.rportation Projecd�� ns Qualified in the 2007 Hngranurtatie Agreemerit.
9 of 9