HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100099 Ver 3_Mitigation Remediation Plans_20180802ID# * 20100099 Version * 3 Select Reviewer:* Katie Merritt Mitigation Project Submittal - 8/2/2018 Type of Mitigation Project:* F Stream F Wetlands PF Buffer rJ Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a C) yes a No New Site? * Project Contact Information ...................................................................................................................................................................... Contact Name:* Raymond Holz Email Address: * rholz@restorationsystems.com Project Information Existing (DWR) ID#: * 20100099 (nurrbers only ... no dash) Existing Version:* 3 (nunbers only) Project Name:* Pancho Buffer & Nutrient County: * Wayne Document Information Mitigation Docu me nt Type:* Mitigation Remediation Plans File Upload: Pancho Buffer -Nutrient Remedial Action Plan 8-2- 7.28MB 2018.pdf Rease upload only one PDF of the corTplete f ile that needs to be subnitted... Signature Print Name:* Raymond Holz Signature:* 1101 Haynes St., Suite 211 • Raleigh, NC 27604 • www.restorationsystems.com • Ph 919.755.9490 • Fx 919.755.9492 August 2, 2018 Attn: Ms. Katie Merritt NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources - Wetland and Stormwater Branch 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Subject: Pancho Buffer & Nutrient Site – Remedial Action Plan for Area of Poor Vegetation Coverage Reference # 2010-0099v3 Dear Ms. Merritt: During the Close-Out Site Visit conducted on March 28, 2018, a small area of the Pancho Buffer & Nutrient-Offset Site exhibited poor ground cover and stunted tree growth. Located around vegetation monitoring plots 11 and 12, the subject area is approximately 1.04 acres and is characterized by sandy soils at the tow and along the slope between off-site terraces and the Project’s floodplain (see attached reference map and photos – Attachment 1). Restoration Systems (RS) contracted Axiom Environmental in April of 2018 to survey five linear vegetation transects to determine the tree density within the subject area. The survey determined 566 planted stems per acre, with 1,522 total stems per acre to be living (Attachment 2). Based on this survey, RS concluded that replanting of the area with hardwoods was not necessary, but that ground cover was lacking in some areas. To establish groundcover over bare areas within the subject area, RS proposes the following plan which will establish a permanent ground while minimizing the impact to existing trees. In late September or early October of 2018, RS will hand rake bare soil areas and seed the raked area with perennial ryegrass and rye grain. RS will also seed the area with Bermuda grass for summertime coverage in 2019 and beyond. RS will then place straw over the disturbed area to stabilize the seed. RS, will establish multiple photo points and document the work by submitting a report to DWR once completed. When the ground cover has established, RS will submit an additional report to DWR. If you or your staff have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 919-604-9314. Sincerely, Raymond Holz Project Manager Attachment 1: Reference Map, and Photos Attachment 2: Additional Linear Vegetation Survey Results Kennedy M ill Branch Main Tributary 12 11 Legend (2017 NAIP A erial Imagery) Area of Minimal Ground C over: 1.0482 Acres CVS_NutrientOffset Easement Boundary Nutrient Offset C redit Area: 11.33 ac. High Value Forest: Non-Credited Riparian Buffer Credit Area: 5.02 ac. Wetland Mitigaiton Credit Area S te v e n s M ill R d .Context Map 0 40 80 120 16020 Feet RESTORATION SYSTEM S, LLC1101 HAYNES ST, SUITE 211RALEIGH, NC 27604PHONE : 919.755.9490FAX : 919.755.9492 This map and all data contained within are supplied as is with no warranty. Restoration Systems, LLC expressly disclaims responsibility for damages or liability from any claims that may arise out of the use or misuse from any claims that may arise out of the use or misuse of this map. It is the sole responsibility of the user to determine if the data on this map is compatible with the user’s needs. This map was not created as survey data, nor should it be used as such. It is the user’s responsibility to ob tain proper survey data, prepared by a licensed s urveyor, where required by law. SCALE: DATE: 8 - 2018 Poject ID: Pancho Pancho Buffer & Nutrient Bank ParcelArea of Minimal Ground Cover 1 in = 83 ft Coordinate System:NAD_1983_SP_NC_FIPS_3200_Ft Aerial Imagery: (c) Microsoft q Pancho -Area of Minimal Ground Cover 4/17/2018 Pancho -Area of Minimal Ground Cover 4/17/2018 Pancho -Area of Minimal Ground Cover 4/17/2018 Pancho -Area of Minimal Ground Cover 4/17/2018 Pancho -Area of Minimal Ground Cover 4/17/2018 Kennedy Mill Bra nc h Ma in Trib uta ry 12 11 0 40 80 120 16020 Feet RESTORATION SYSTEMS, LLC1101 HAYN ES ST, SUITE 211RALEIGH, N C 27604PHON E : 919.755.9490FAX : 919.755.9492 This m a p a nd a ll da ta c o nta ined within a re supplied a s is with no wa rra nty. Resto ra tio n System s, LLC expressly disc la im s respo nsib ility fo r da m a ges o r lia bility fro m a ny c la im s tha t m a y a rise o ut o f the use o r m isuse fro m a ny c la im s tha t m a y a rise o ut o f the use o r m isuse o f this m a p. It is the so le respo nsibility o f the user to determ ine if the da ta o n this m a p is c o m pa tible with the user’s needs. This m a p wa s no t c rea ted a s survey da ta , no r sho uld it be used a s suc h. It is the user’s respo nsibility to o b ta in pro per survey da ta , prepa red by a lic ensed s urveyo r, where required by la w. SCALE: DATE:04 - 2018 Po jec t ID: Pa nc ho Pa nc ho Buffer & N utrient Ba nk Pa rc elSup. Veg Survey 1 in = 83 ft Co o rdina te System :N AD_1983_SP_N C_FIPS_3200_Ft Aeria l Im a gery: (c ) Mic ro so ft q Legend (2017 NAIP Aerial Imagery) Supplem enta l Vegeta tio n Survey: 25m x 4m (100 sq. m ) Vegeta tio n Area o f Co nc ern: 1.0482 Ac res CVS_N utrientOffset Ea sem ent Bo unda ry N utrient Offset Credit Area : 11.33 a c . Ripa ria n Buffer Credit Area : 5.02 a c . High Va lue Fo rest: N o n-Credited W etla nd Mitiga ito n Credit Area Supplemental Vegetation TransectsPancho Nutrient Transects (4x25m) 1076.40 sq. ft. or 0.0247 ac.)Bearing 4°stems stems/acSpecies Acer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Pinus Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp. LiquidambarPlanted3416‐‐0‐‐20‐‐24‐‐22 890.7Natural Recruit000000802100112485.8Total 3 416108221241351417.0Bearing 4°stems stems/acSpecies Acer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Pinus Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp. LiquidambarPlanted0415‐‐0‐‐30‐‐21‐‐16 647.8Recruit00001010010014161.9Total041510130121120809.7Bearing 5°stems stems/acSpecies Acer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Pinus Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp. LiquidambarPlanted4283‐‐0‐‐20‐‐10‐‐20 809.7Natural Recruit00000010018009281133.6Total42830012018109391578.9Bearing 123°stems stems/acSpecies Acer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Pinus Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp. LiquidambarPlanted0100‐‐0‐‐40‐‐00‐‐5 202.4Natural Recruit0300014*10024002301214.6Total040001414024002491983.8*large Q. Michauxii adjacent plot 80°stems stems/acSpecies Acer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Pinus Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp. LiquidambarPlanted0010‐‐0‐‐60‐‐00‐‐7 283.4Natural Recruit00100001035002391578.9Total00100007035002451821.9Planted Total 70 566.8TOTAL Stems 188 1522.3Transect 1  4x25mTransect 2 4x25mTransect 3 4x25mTransect 4 4x25mTransect 5 4x25m Supplemental Vegetation TransectsPancho Nutrient Transects (4x25m) 1076.40 sq. ft. or 0.0247 ac.)With Pinus and Liquidambar RemovedBearing 4°stems stems/acSpeciesAcer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp.Planted3416‐‐0‐‐202422890.7Natural Recruit0000008020010404.9Total34161082224331336.0Bearing 4°stems stems/acSpeciesAcer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp.Planted0415‐‐0‐‐302116647.8Recruit00001010000281.0Total0415101302118728.7Bearing 5°stems stems/acSpeciesAcer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp.Planted4283‐‐0‐‐201020809.7Natural Recruit00000010000140.5Total4283001201021850.2Bearing 123°stems stems/acSpeciesAcer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp.Planted0100‐‐0‐‐40005202.4Natural Recruit0300014*100004161.9Total04000141400023931.2*large Q. Michauxii adjacent plot 80°stems stems/acSpeciesAcer S. Prunus S. Q. Alba Q. Rubra Diospyros Q. Michauxii Juglans N. Betula N. Liridendron Tu. Carpinus Car. Nyssa Sp.Planted0010‐‐0‐‐60007283.4Natural Recruit00100001000281.0Total001000070008323.9Planted Total 70 566.8 TOTAL Stems 103 834.0Transect 5 4x25mTransect 1  4x25mTransect 2 4x25mTransect 3 4x25mTransect 4 4x25m