HomeMy WebLinkAbout20081137_Stormwater Info_20130214f'��r ��yay North Camlina Oepartment of Transportatfon ��' Highway Stormwater Program •�:-�J STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN � -�-'` �4ersion 1.2; Released July 2012) POR LINEAR ROADWAY PROJEGTS ProecNlP No.: 40890.1.1 (&4591j Coun ies : Wake Pa e t ot � 6e�nlPr � ctln Pro ect No.: 40890.1.1 (B<991) Pro'ect T e: E3ritl e Re lacement Date: 2/142013 NCDOT Contact: Ro Girolami Contractor I Desi ner. Stewart- David Ru les, PE Address: Stmtures Mana emen� Unit Address: Stewart 1000 Birch Rid e Drive 421 Fayetteville Sireet, Suite 400 Ralei h, NC 27610 Ralei h, NC 27601 Phone: 979-707-6434 Phone: 919-866-0777 Email: r irolami ncdot. ov Email: dru les stewartinccom CI lTown: A ez Coun ies : Wake River Basin s�: Ca e Fear CAMA Coun ? No Prima Receivin Water: Beaver Creek NCDWQ Stream Indez No.: 16-41-70- 0.5 NCDW� Surface Wa[er Classification for Pdmary Receiving Water P��ma : Water Su I N WS-N Su lemental: Nulrient 5ensitive Walers (NSW) Other Stream Classification: None 303(d) Impairments: None Buffer Rules in Effect Jortlan Lake Pro tDeacri Gon P�o'ect Len th lin. Mi�es ar feet : 0296 miles Surroundin Land Use: ResideNial Pro osed Pro ect Eaietin SNe Pro'ect Built-U on Area (ac.) 1.38 ac. 0.95 ac. Typical Cross Section Description: 12' lanes with a 2' bike lane, curb antl gutter and 5' sitlewalk on Ihe rt and a shoulder section on the left. Guartlrail on all four corners of the bridge. Average Daily Treffic (vehlhrlday�: Desi nlFuture: 25500 v (2030) Existin : 6700 v tl General Project Narrative: For lhis projecl (B-0991), the existing 41 foot single span bridge will be replaced with a 4-span. 40.92' witle, 330' long concrete girder bridge. The new bntlge will he consWded jusl upslream of the existing 6ridge. The roatlway approaches will widen from an existinq total witlth of 24' with shoulders ro a proposed 26' with curb antl gutter on one side and a shoulderon the other. Deck drains are not required on the proposed bridge. The following feaWres were incorporated into the design: Grass Swales- the majority of this project is in cut and will be construcled with swales ihat tlischarge into rip rap energy dissipater basins over 100' outsitle of [he 6uRers. However, in the soulheast corner of the projed, a dreinage system is requiretl to convey the srorm water arountl an ezisting pump station. This system discharges into rip rap pad outside of lhe buffer zone. Spanning Riparian Bufters - Ihe hridge is designed in order that the fll slopes at �he end bents do not encroach into the bufters for Beaver Creek. Reduce Direct Discharge into open water-The existing britlge has open rails which discharge from the deck directly into Beaver Creek. With the new briGge, lhere are no deck drains and all water will be discharged outsitle of the buffers. References FII hwA � NORh Carolina �epartment of Transportation ,.�� Highway Stormwater Program \. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �-� (Vanbn i.P; fteleanetl July 2012� FOR LINFJ�R ROADWAV PROJEGTS Pro�ectlTlP No.: 4I.;BSr I.1 ie-4551 i Count ics : Wake Pa e 2 of S Project Environmental Summa SuAace Water Impacts Sheet Station Feature Water / Wetland I Receiving Surface NRTR Map NCDWQ Stream NCDWQ Surtace 307�tl� Type of Existiny Proposed No. From I To Im acted Buffer T e Water Name ID Index Water Classification Im airments Im act SCM SCM 4 t6+22 RT yyetlantl Unknown Beaver Creek 16-4140.(0.5) WS IV / NSW None Fnl and N�A 17+a8 R7 Clearmg 4 17*SSR7 yyetlantl Unknavn BeaverCreek 16-41-10-(0.5) WSIV/NSW None Fillan0 N�A 18agg R7 Cleanng 4 19+45 RT yyetlantl Unknown Beavar Creek 16-4740.(0.5) WS IV / NSW None Excavation antl N�A 21+t0 RT Clearing 4 19i���T WeHand Unknavn BeaverCreek 1641- �g+57LT 10.(0.5) WSIV/NSW None Stabdization N!A 4 19+29 RT WeUantl Unknown Beaver Creek 16-41-10.(0.5) WS IV / NSW None Fill N/A � g+70 RT 4 19+91RT Wetland Unknown BeavarCreek 1641-10.(0.5) WSIV/NSW None Fill N/A 21 �40 RT 4 ����Z�T Wellantl Unknown BeaverCreek i6<7-10.(0.5) WSIV/NSW None Fill N/A 18+82 LT 4 t7+87 Wetland Unknown BeavarCreek 16-41-10.(0.5) WSIV/NSW Nolle FIII N/A �7+ge 4 teNO yyetlantl Unknown BeaverCreek iS41-10.(0.5) WSIV/NSW NOne Fill N/A t8+et 4 79;53 We�land Unknavn BeaverCreek 16-47-16�(05) WSIV/NSW None Fill WA �g+63 4 t9{B9 WeUana Unkrwwn BeaverCreek 1641-10.��.5) WSIV/NSW NOne Filland N/A 27+09 qea�ing 4 16+78 RT BuHer Jortlan Lake Beaver Creek 16-41-10.(0.5) WS IV l NSW None Slab�lizefion N/A 17+42 RT 4 18+10 RT Buffer Jortlan Lake Beaver Creek /641-10-(0.5) WS IV I NSW NOnO StaDililation N/A 18+98 RT 4 19+29 RT BuNer Jordan Lake Beaver Creek 1fi-41-10.(0.5) WS IV I NSW None Stabili¢atwn N/A � 9+93 RT 4 1).85 LT guffer Jor�an Lake Beaver Creek 16-41-10.(0.5) WS IV I NSW NOne SWbilization N/A t8+8o LT ' List all slream and suAace water impacl loca[ions regardless ol�unsdic6on or size Equai2er Pipes lo he noietl es a mimmual�on of impacts. Ali proposed SCMs hstzd must also be listetl untler Swales. Preformetl Sour 1loles antl other Energy Dissipators, or Other Stormwater Control Measures Descri tbn of Mlnimizatlon of Im efs or MRi ation Referenees �� ll��y��� North Carolina Department of Transportetion ��{J$ HighwayStormwaterProgram �����-.� `�/ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �—=�% (Velilab 1.Y: Rele�aetl July I01Y) FOR LINEAR ftOADWAY PROJECTS ProecVTIPNo.: Q�G901.7(B-45S1) Coun (ies): WaFe Pa e 3 of 3 Prefoim09Se2�HDles... . . . ...Di�6i ��tora__ PipelStructure Sheet EnergyDissipator DrainageArea Dimensions Q10 V10 No. Station T e Ri ra T ac Conve anre Stmcture in cfs) �fps) 4 75+p3 LT Riprap Energy Disslpator Class II t.93 Ditch 7.1 4.3 Basin 4 16+83 RT Riprop Apron / Patl Class'B' 1.55 Pipe 18" 8.8 /9 8 4 20+95 LT Riprap Eneigy DissiD�or Class II 0.50 �itch 1 7 �.., Basin 4 Z44 Riprap Energy Oissipator Class II 0.54 Pipe 36" 52 Basin ❑ ves ❑ rvo Have minimum design criteria, as presented in the NCDOT 8est Management Practices Toolbox (2008). NCDOT Standartl Details. or FHWA HEC-14 (July 2006), been met and verified, as applicable? If No, provide further explanantion of why design criteria was not met. Additional Comments ' Refer to ihe NCDOT Besl Mana9ement Praaices Toolbox, Version �(Mash 2008), NCDOT Slandard Details, the Federel Highway Adminisiration (FHWA) Hydraulic Engineenng Circuler No. 14 (HEC-14), 7�ird Edition, Hydraulic Design ot Energy Dissipators for CuNerts and Channels Wuly 2006), as applirable, for tlesign Buidance an0 cntena.