HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180991 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20180726ROY COOPER i�iOVf/1ib MICHAEL S. REGAN SPaTNNY LINDA CULPEPPER rnm.fm �rraror Site Totals NORTH CAHOIINA fnrlronmentaf Qua1Ny Juh ?6. ?018 W'a} ne Count�� NCDW R Projzct No. 30180991 Brid;e I:3 on SR I I?7 Stare Prqject No. 17QP.4.R.17 APPROVAL ufJlll W'ATF.R QU.4LITY CFRTIFIC.ATION and NEUSF, f3CFFF.R AUTHORIZ.4TIOIV, H�ith ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Runnie li�eter. P.G.. Dicisiun Eneineer NCDOT. Division -i PO Bos 3165 Wilson. NC '_78?8 Dear Mc Kee[er: You have our approeal, in accordance �e�ith the conditions listed below, for the follm+in, impacts fi�r the purpose of replacing Hridee 13? with a culven in W'a.ne Counh�: Site Total Strcam Im Permanent Fill in Perennial Strcam (linear ft) 113 icls in the Neuse River Basin Temporarc Impac[ tu Perennial Siream Ilincar ftl To[al Stream Impact for Project: 1a71inear (eet. Site Tutal Wetlnnd Impac[s in MechanizeJ Clearine 1 0.02 To�:�l W'etland Imp�et for Project: 0.02 acres. 3a Neuse Ri arian Buffer Zone 1 Impact Zone I Buffer �iiligatiun j (s ft) Re uireJ (usin 3:1 ra[io) g351 N/A * n a= Total fiir Si[e is less than I� acre and I�0 linear I Total Buffer Impact for Pruject: 8628 syuare feet. Total W'etland 0.02 �8CI5 Zonc? Impact (sq fq 3277 �f impact. no mi[i Total S[ream Impuct (linear ffl 1a7 Zone 2 Buffer Mitigation required North Carolina Depa�trnein af 6�.vironrner�!ai Q�,�aiin Dwiswn of Water R�sources 312 No�.h Salisbury S[rae[ 1617 Mad Service Center Raleigh, North Carohna 27699-16P 919.707.9000 N/A The pruject shall be construcred in accordance wi�h cour application reccived Juh I8.'_01 R. After revie�cing your application, �e have decided diat thece impacts nre covered b� General Wattr Qu,�lii}� Certification Numbcr �113�. Chis certifieation correspunds to Ihe N.ttiunH id� Permii I� issued by the Corps ol F.m�ineers. This appru�al is alsu valid I'or the Ncuse Riparian Buffer Rulcs (I?.4 NCAC '_E3.03_ �). In addition. �ou should acquirc any other federal. sta�e or local pennits befime you prucced k�idi your prqject indudin�� (but no� limited [o) Sediment and Erosion Control. Non-Dischar,e and Waier Supply W'atershed reeulations. This approval will espire �a�ith the accompanying a0J perniit. This approval is valid sulely For the purpose and design da�criLed in yuur applicatiun (unless nwdihed belowl. Should your project chan�e, you mus� notit} Ihe NCDW'R and submit a ne�s applicalion. If the property is suld. the nen- uwner mu;t bz �iven a cupy of ihis Certificutiun and approval leiter. and is thereb� responsible ibr cumply�ing wiNi all the eonditions. If total wetland fills Yor this pr�ject (nuw or in the futurel etceed one acre. or of tutal impacts to sirenms (now or in ihe firture) esceed I i0 linear leet, compensaton� miti_ation maq be reyuircd a, described in I�,1 NCAC 211 .O�OG (h) 16) and (7). Additional bufler impacts ma}� require compensatory� mitigation as described in IiA NCAC _'E3.0�3�. For this approval to remain valid. you inusl adhere to ihe conditions listed in the General Certification and am addi�ional conditions lis�ed belo�v. CunJitions of Cer[ification: I. As a cunJition of this -t01 Water Quality Certilication, ihe bridee demulition must bz aceomplished in svict compliance w i[h the mos[ recent version ��fNCDOT's Best Mana�_ement Practices for Construction and ti1aintenance Act�ivities. � I�A NCAC 0'_'HI .05�)7�d1('_) and I�A NCAC 0'_H .0�0616)1 �J� 3. Unless o[hcncise approved in this cer�itica�ion, placeinent of culverts and other struc[ures in opzn ���aters and stremns, shall be placed belo�� ihe eleva�iun uf the streambed by ono fout ibr all culverts �+ith a diameter �reatar than d8 inches. and'_0 percent uf the culvtrt diametor fur cukert, havim� ,a diameter less than 18 inches. ro allow low Flow passa,e of weter and aquatic life. Dasi�n and placement of culverts and odier sn�uctures includine tempor�n erosion cuntrol mea,ures shall nut be conducted in a m�nner that ma� result in dis-equilibrium uf �setl�nds or straambeds or bunks. adjacent ro or upstream and down stream ul the abo�e structures. The appliwnt is required ro prooide eviJence th�i the eyuilibrium is bein, maintained ill�cyuzsted in �s�riting by ihe NCDWR. Ifthis conditiun is unable tu be met due to badrock or uther limitin, feauires rncountered during construction, please cuntact the NCDN-R for �uidunce on ho�n ro pruceed and to determine ti�hether ur no� a permit moditication will be required. [I�A NCAC 0'_H.Oi06fb)1�)� 3. If multiple pipes ur barrels are reyuircd. �hey shall bc desi�=ned to mimic nahiral stream cross scction as closely as possiblt including pipes or barrels at Ilood plain eleva[ion ancl��or sills whzm appropria[e. W idening the stream channel should be avoided. Strcam channel ��idening at the inlet or ou�let end ol strucwres tvpicall}� decreases ��atrr �elocin� causin, sediment deposition �hai reyuires increaszd maintcn�nc� and disrupu aquati� life passa�z. [I?A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3)� -1. Riprap shall nol be placed in the active thahvc, chann�l ur placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic lifie passa�e. Bioengincerine boulders or structures should be pruperla desi�ned, siud and iiutalled. � I�A NCAC 0°H.0�06(b)(')J 5, For all streams being impacted due [o site dewaterin, activities, the site shall be eraJed to its preconstruction contours and reve,etated ��ith appropriate native species. [I�A NCAC 0'_H.0506(b)l'-)� 6. The stream channel shall be ezcavated no deeper than the natural bed material of t�he stream, �o the maximum estent practicable. Efforts must hc inpJe to minimize impacts to the stream banks, as well as to ve�,etation responsible for maintainin� the stream bank stahili[�. Am� applicable riparian butTer impact for access Yo stream channel shall bz temporary and be revegetaled wilh n�tive riparian species. [ I SA NCAC 0_'t1.0i06(b)(?�j D_ Q�,� �.�.. Nurth Carolina DeUartinznt ot Ervironmencai Quautv Dwison of Wa[er Resourcas 512 North Salisburv Straet 161i M2il Service Center Raleigh. Nortn Carehna 2769946P 919 �07.9000 �� 7. All sturmwa�er runoff shall be directed as sheetflu�ti �hrough stream butPers at non-erosive velocities. unless otherwisc approved by this certificatiun. [I�A NCAC'_B.0'_'33J 8. All riparian butfers impacted b} �he plaeement o(temporar�� fill or clearin_ activities shall be resrored [o the preconstruction contours �nd reve,etated Maintainod buffers shall be permanend�� revegetated with non-woody species by the end of the gro�ring season follo�+in� completion ofcons[ructiun. For die purpose of this eondition, maintained bul fer areas are detined as areas within the transponation corridor that ti�ill be subject to re�ular NCDOT maintenance activities includin, mo�cim�. The area �+ith nun-maintained butlers shall be permanently reve�etated with native woudy species before the next �rowing season followin� completion of construction. � I SA NCAC 26.0_'33 � 9. Pursuant to I SA NCAC 2B.0333(6). sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone I of am Neuse Buffer without prior approval by the NCDW R. At Ihis time, the NCDWR has approved no sediment and erosion conh�ol devices in Zone L ouuide of the approved project impacts. anywhere on this project. Moreover, sediment and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Gone 2 oF the buffers provided that Zone I is not compromised and that discharge is released as diffus'e Flo�c. 10. If concrete is used during construction. a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct con[act between curing concrete and sVeam water. Warer that inadverten[ly contacts uncured concrere shall not be discharged to surface warers due to the potentiai for elecated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. [I SA NCAC 0?B.0300] I I. During the construction of the projeet. no stagin� of equipment of any kind is pennitted in waters of the U.S.. or protected riparian but?ers. � 15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] I?. Thc dimension. pattern and protile ofthe stream above and below the crossing shall not be moditied. Disturbed Floodplains and streams shall be restored to natural geomorphic conditions. [ I�,4 NCAC 0'_H.0�06(b)(3)] 13. The use of rip-rap above the Nonnal Hi�h Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap placed for sVeam stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. � 15A NCAC 03H.0506(b)('_)� Id. The Permittee shall ansure ihat the final desi�n drawings adhere to the permit and ro �he permit drawin�s submittcd for approvaL �15A NCAC 03H .0507 (c) and I SA NCAC 031I .0�06 (b)(�) and (c)(3)] I5. All �cork in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry worh area. Approved BMP measures kom the most current version ot NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandba�_s, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion s�ructures shall be used to prevent excavation in Flowing water. [ISA NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)j 16. hleavy equipment shall be operated from the banks ra[her than in the stream channel in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce Ihe introduction of other pollutants into the stream. [ I SA NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)j 17. All mechanized eyuipment operated near surface waters must be re�ularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of stream Haters from fuels. lubricants. hcdraulic Fluids, or other to�ic materials. [I�A NCAC 03H.0506(b)(3)� 18. No rock. sand or other materials shall be dred�ed fi�om the stream channel e�cept where audiorized by this certitication. �15A NCAC 03H.0506(b)(3)j 19. Discharging hydroseed mi�tures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface wa[ers is prohibited [ISA NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3)� �..._..,�..� Q�� y�•r�n Ca� ��cia Js �a' i � . _ � -. '.r � . Dr.�si� � �! W9b� � 5 � .v 512 Vo�*h Salisbury Streat lol; Nla�l Servir.? C��iter Faieigh. Nor[h Carolina 276991617 919J07.9000 ?0. Thc ptnnittte and it�s au[horized agenu shull cunduct its acti�ities in a manner con�istent with State �va�er quali�� standards (includin�, airy requirements resultin� from cumpliance with �3031d) of ihe Clean Wa�er Actl and any othar appropriate rcyuirements of Stnte and Federal law. If �he NCDWR determines that such standards or laws are not bein, met � includin� thz lailure io sustain a desi_nated or achievad use) or thai Slate or �ederal lati is bein�, viulated, or ihat further condi�ions are necessarc to assure compliance_ the NCDW'R m�y reevaluate and modify ihis cenification. [ I SA NCAC U'_B.0?00� '_I. A cop� ul ihis Wa�er Qualin Certification ;hall br maintained on Ihe construction site at all time�. In addition. the Water Quality Certitication and all subsequen[ moditications. if am�, shall be maintained H�ith the Divisiun En,ineer and the on-site project manager. �I iA NCAC 02H .Oip71c) and 15A NCAC 0'H .05p6 lb)f_') and (cl(_'1� ??. The out,ide butler. wetland ur Ha�er boundsry located wilhin the cunstruction curridor approved by Ihis authorization. indudin� ull non-commercial borrow and waste sites associated witli the project, shall be clearly marked b} hi_hh � isible tencin � prior to any land disturbin�, activilies. Impac�s to areas H�ithin the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authurized b}� �his certifica�ion. � 15A NCAC 02F1.0�01 and .0502] 23. The issuance of this certificatiun durs noi exempt Iht Permittee Irom cumplying �vith ang� and all statutes, rules, re!,ulations. ur ordin2nces diat may be imposed by other guoemmem a�tencies li.e. local, state, and federal) havin�� jurisdiction, includin_ but not limited to appliceble buiter rules, stormwater mana�snnem rules, soil erosiun and sediment�tion control requirements, etc. 3�. I-hr Permittze shall report an<� viulations of this c�nitication to the Division of W'atrr Resourczs within 34 hours of discovery. � I �A NCAC 02B.0�06(b1(2)J '�. Upon completion of the project (indudin, miy imp�ets nt associ�ted bon�uH� or �+nsie sites), the NCD6f Division F.n,ineer shall complete and remrn the znclosed "Certitication of Completion Fonn" �o notif} the NCDWR �o�hen all work included in the 101 Certitication has been cumpleted. ( I 5p NCAC �'_f LO>0?I f)] ?6. Nativr riparian vc,etation 1 i.e. trees and ,hruhs na[ive [o your eco�raphic re�ionl inus� be reestablished in thc riparian areas widiin the cunstruction limits ofthe project b� Nir end of [he growine season follo� in, complction of construction. [ISA NCAC O�B.0�33110)� 37. There shall be no e�cavation t}uin. ur wasre disposal into. jurisdictional wetlands or waters assuciated H�i[h this permit without appropriate modifica�ion. Should waste or borroer sites. or access roads to waste ur borro�v sites, be located in wedands or streams. compen,atur� miti,ation will be requirrd sinec that is a direct impact from road construction activities. [IiA NCAC 0'_H.050G(61(31 and (c)13)J '_8. Erusion and sediment comrol practices must bc in lull compliance with all specitications governingthe proper design, installatiun and uperation and maintenunce of such Best Management Practices in order to pro[ec[ surface wa[ers stanJards [ISA NCAC 02H.0�06(b)la) and (c)1 +)�: a. The erosion and sediment control measures for the pr�ject must be desi�ned, installed. operated. and mainlained in accordance with the most recznt version ol ihe ;b'or�h Cm�ulrnu .Scdime�v nn<( F.ru.�run ('nnlrul Plc�nnrn,� wt�l Drcr�m .1 /�int�ul. b. T�he design, installatiun, operation, and maintenance uf the sediment and erosion cnntrol mzasures inust be such that the�� ryual, or e�ceed, the reyuiremznts specitied in the mos� rcceni version of the \�nrdr C'n�vinru Sedime�rt mrd Eru.vrui� C'uravul ;Ll��nuul. Thz devices shall be maintained on all construction si[es, borzou sitcs. and �+'aste pile (spoil) projects. includine con[ractor-o�cned or le�sed borzow pits associaled wilh the prqjec[. c For borro�v pit s'ites, the zrosion and sedimen[ control mrasures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recen� version of the Nurtl7 ('uro(ii�u .GrrJoct Afinrn,Q 1 l�rnuul. ,::�.:,.. � Q�,� North Caroena Depaament o( Environmamei Q��an« Divisiun of Wa[er Resourr,es 512 �orth Sahsbury Stree[ 1617 Mail Service Cen[z� Raieigh. North Carohna 27699-161; 919 707 9U00 The reclamation measures and implemzntatinn must compl} �a�ith the reclamation in accordanez with lhe requiremen�s of ihr Sedimentatimi Pollution Cunirol .Ac�. '9. Sedimeni and erosiun control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or surtace waters. or within > feet of the top of bank. �cithout prior approval t�om DW R. [I�A NCAC 0?H.0506(b)� �) and (c)(_ 1� +0. When applicable. all constructiun activitizs shall be pertormed and maintained in (uIl compliance with G.S. Chapter I I;A Anicle -1 (Sedimen[ and Pollution Cuntrol Acl of 19T). Regardless ot applicabilit�� of tlie Sediment and Pollution Control Act, all projecis shall incurpurate appropriate Bast Management Practices ti�r thr control of sediment and erosiun so that no violations of state water qualih� standards, statutes, or rules occur. � I SA NCAC 02H 0?06;61(3) �nd f�)(+) and I�A NCAC 02B.0'_00] 31. Design, ins[alla[iun, operation, and maintenance of all sediment and erosion control measures shall be equal to or esceed ihe requirements spzcified in the most recent versiun of ihe R'ur�h Curnlimi Se�li�rrem nnd Ei•u.dnn ('ontro! ,llonuu/, or For linear transportation projecu. the :VCDOT .Srdim�ni un�/ Erue�iun Cunrro/ A�lanr��u1. All devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and was[e pile (spoil ) sites, includin, contractor- oHned or lea;ed burrow pi�s associated with the project. SuPl�icient materials reyuired for stabilization and�'orrepairof erosion control measures and stomiwater routing and treatment shall be on sile at all times. For bortoH� pi� sites, the erosion and sediment control measurcs shall be desi��ned. installed. operaied. anJ maintained in accordance with die mus[ rectnt version o(die ,ti'urd� C'�u�uluw.Sur/�ire ,4/ining ,11m�uul. Reclamation measures and implementatiun shall comply �� ith the reclamation in accordance wiih the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Cuntrol Act and the Minine Act of 147 L� I�A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)� �) and lc)( �): GC d 135� If }�ou wish tu contesi any statemznt in the attached Certification you must lile a pctition fi�r an administrative hearine. You ma}� obtain ihz prtition form from �he olfic� of Administrative hearines. You must file the petition widi the utlice of Administrative Hearin,s H�ithin si�tc (601 da}�s of receipt of this notice. A pctition is considered tiled u�hen it is recei�ed in the ofhcc of Adminisira[ive I learim,s durine normal oftice hours. The Oftice of Administrative Hearin�s ace¢pts filin,�s Mondac throueh Friday between Ch� hours of 8:OQam and ?:OOpin, escept for oFlicial state holidays. The uri;inal and one I I) cop.� of ihe petition must be tiled �+�iih the Oftice of Administrative Hearines. The petition may be fased-provided the original and one copy of the documen[ is received b� [he Oftice of Administrative Hearin�s �vithin tive 1i) business days following the faxed transinission. The mailin_ address for the Office of Adminislrative Flearin,s is: Oflice of Administrative Hearings 671-3 Mail Service Cznter Ralei�h, NC ?7699-671 � Telephone: �919) -{, I-3000. Facsimile: (919) -131-3100 A copy of [he peti[ion must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, Genzral Counsel Deparhnent uFEnvironmental Qualit} 1601 Mail Service Cen[er :_:.:; � Q�� North Carolina DepaRmant Of Environm2��tal Quaicv Division of Water ReSc�crCes 312 North Sali;bury Street 1617 MaJ Service Center � Raleigh. North Carolina 27699d617 919 707 9000 � � This letter compleies Ihe review of lhe Division uf Water Resources under Section �01 uf the Clean Water Aci. If }�ou haue am� questions, pleasz contact Rub Ridings at 919-707-8786 Sincerely. /<�I� /5�2��� �Linda Culpepper, Interim Direc[or Division ol Water Rzsources Electronic copy only distribution: Eric Alsmeyer, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office Chad Coggins, Division -1 Environmental OtTirer File Copy ;�: D Q�,� North Carohna Departmen[ of Envuonmznt�l Qi,ainv Drvisiun of Wa[er Resources 512 North Salisbury S[reet i 16ll Mail Service Cznter i Raleigh, North Carolina 27699�1617 919.707.9000 ROY COOPER Gov�n�r MICHAEL S. RECAN Secrefarv LINDA CULPEPPER (nrertm Overtn VCDWR Project No.: Applicant: Project M1amr: `.� �.�.�c v� � �a `�r` y ((� ' +� � � n � ��� 1 S �. A ��J• L! \_ �, ,r Y ♦4�Y9• NOR7N CAROUNA EnvGonmenta! Qua!!ty Counh: Da[e of Issu:�nce of JIII Watcr Qualih� Certific:alion: Certificate of Comple[ion Upon complrtiun of all work approved ��iihin �he -101 Watzr Qualit} Cenilicatiun ur applicable BidYer Rules, and am� subsequeni muditications. the applicant is required to return this czrtillcare io the �101 Transportatiun Pemiiuim_ Unit, North Carolina Division of W'aier Res'ources. 1617 Mail Service Center. Ralei_h. NC. _'7699-IGIZ This tbrm may be returned to NCDWR b� the applicant, the applicant's aulhorized agenL or the projcct cn�inrer. II i, not nrcessar� to �end ceniticates Iruin all ul these. : I pplicrrnr'c Cer�i fico�iair I, _. hzrub� stnte that. io �he best of my abilities, due care and diligence �cas usad in the observation of the construction such that the consu�uction �vas ubserved �u be buili �cithin ;ubstantial compliance and intent uf the -101 Waler Qualit� Certificatiun and Buffer Rulea, ihe appruved plam and specilicatimu. and other supporiin, materials. Si_nanire: Datc: :1gexY.c Cer�ifrention I, . hereb} stare that. to ihe bzst of my abilities. due care and dili�ence was us�d in the observation oP�he consiruction such thai the construction was ubscived tu ba built �cithin substantial compliance �nd intent of the a01 W'ater Qualit} Cenillca�ion and (3uffer Rules. the appru�ed plan, and speci�ications. and uther supportin, materials. Si_nauire: t_'ngiueer's C�'ertlficrnrnn Panial final Da�e: I, , as a dul}� rc_isiercd Profession,d Engineer in [he St3te uf Nohh Carolina, havim, been authoriied [o observe �periodicall}, weeklc, full �ime) Ihe constructiun ut the pruject ibr thr Pem�itree hereby state that, to the best of nn� abilities, due care and dilig�nce was used in ihe observatiun of lhe construction such that the construc[ion �vas obscrved [o he built �+�ithin suh�tantial mmpli:mce and in�enl uf tht d01 W'ater Quality Certitication anJ Buffer Rulzs, the approved plans and spccifica�ions. and other supponin�_ ma�erials. Sienaiure Da[e Re,isv.jtion No. ��D_E North Carolina Depaitinant �t En�v�nm�nr�l l��,alco Drvision of Watar R25ourCas 512 North Sahsbury S[rset 1617 Mad Sarv�ce Center Raleigh. North Carohna 27699-161 � 919 707.9000