HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180862 Ver 1_WRC Comments_20180720Wanucha, Dave
Wanucha, Dave
Friday, July 20, 2018 3:19 PM
Chambers, Marla J; Steve Kichefski
Slaughter, Johnathan H
RE: Request for Comments for Henson Creek Bank Stabilization
I don't believe it is a DOT project. Probably a landowner. The PCN has a Corps contact for Amanda Jones 828-271-7980. The lat
long is correct. I haven't looked at it, but may run out there at some point.
Dave Wanucha
Division of Water Resources
Transportation Permitting Unit
NC Department of Environmental Quality
336-776-9703 office
336-403-5655 mobile
NC DEQ Winston Salem Regional Office
450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300
Winston Salem, NC 27105
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From: Chambers, Marla J
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 1:49 PM
To: Steve Kichefski <Steven.l.kichefski@usace.army.mil>; Wanucha, Dave <dave.wanucha@ncdenr.gov>
Cc: Slaughter, Johnathan H <hslaughter@ncdot.gov>
Subject: FW: Request for Comments for Henson Creek Bank Stabilization
This Avery Co. project didn't have enough information for review and it said it's for the record only. I'm not even sure it's a
NCDOT project. There are trout in the vicinity, fyi.
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Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2018 2:40 PM
To: IMIa_rella I�uncick��ws:.�crv; Chambers Marla J<rn�a_rla..:_charn�_�ers_(c�_n_�wi.l_dl.i�e..cr_r.�>
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Subject: Request for Comments for Henson Creek Bank Stabilization
The North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) has just received a new application that may be related to your agency's
The application can be found here: htt�s_.//edcres.:de.c�.._n_c:.�crv/V�later�escr_u_r�es./I�_rca.wse_:as.�x?d_k�id.:.-��sta_rti_d..:-_�857_2,6
If you wish to offer DWR feedback on this application, please upload your comments at
htt�s.:�./...ed_cacs.:_d e.c�.:_n_c,.�cav/�ca.rrrr�s./...5_u.p.p.l_e rrr�e_nta_I..-11_n Fca_rrrr�ati ca_n..-�ca_r_rrr� )
Project Name: Henson Creek Bank Stabilization
ID #: 20180862 Version: 1
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