HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0050342_Modification_20180706 Winston-Salem.Forsyth County City/County Utilities July 6, 2018 Water.Sewer.Solid Waste Disposal RECEBVED/®ENR/®WR Mr. Monti Hassan JUL 6 2018 Environmental Specialist NC DENR-DWQ-PERCS Water Resources Manson Meads Complex 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Permitting Section RALEIGH,NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 City of Winston-Salem 27 99 Griffith Road Winston-Salem,NC 27103 CityLink 311(336.727 8000) Fax 336 659.4320 Subject: Long Term Monitoring Plans Submittal 2018 www ciryofws mg Dear Mr. Hassan: City of Winston-Salem's Pretreatment Program has submitted the required Long Term Monitoring Plans for approval due by August 1, 2018. Changes in the Long Term Monitoring Plans are as follows: NPDES Permit#NC0050342 Muddy Creek WWTP • Detection limit for Silver is 0.001mg/L NPDES Permit#NC0037834 Archie Elledge WWTP • Detection level for Cadmium is 0.005 mg/L • Detection level for Silver is 0.00lmg/L Thank you. If you have any questions please contact me at 336-397-7621. Sincerely,/odlt..ea,v,,,_ Joel Freeman/IWC Supervisor City Council Mayor Allen Joines,Vivian H Burke,Mayor Pro Tempore,Northeast Ward,Denise D Adams,North Ward,Dan Besse,Southwest Ward,Robert C Clark,West Ward, John C Larson,South Ward,Jeff Maclntosh,Northwest Ward,Derwin L Montgomery,East Ward,James Taylor,Jr,Southeast Ward,City Manager Lee D Gamty County Commissioners.David R Plyler,Chairman,Don Martin,Vice Chair,Fleming El-Amro,Ted Kaplan,Richard V Linville,Gloria D Whisenhunt,Everette Witherspoon, County Manager Dudley Watts,Jr Call 311 or 336-727-8000 City/County Utility Commission:Randall S Tuttle,Chairman,Wesley Curtis,Jr,Vice-Chair,Harold E Day,Tom Griffin,Yvonne H Hines,Duane Long,Paul S McGill,David Neill, citylink@cityofws.org Chris Parker,Jim Ruffin,Donald R Stewart 1 r�, City of Winston-Salem Long Term Monitoring Plan MUDDY CREEK WWTP , A. Sampling Points (See Diagram) 1. Influent(prior to mixing with side streams) Note: All recycle streams are closed during Long Term Monitoring Sampling 2. Effluent(as per NPDES permit) 3. Primary Clarifier Effluent 4. Activated Sludge Basin 5 Anaerobic Digester 6. Sludge to Land Application(not on diagram- site exits at Elledge WWTP) 7. Sills (not on diagram) 8. Uncontrollable (not on diagram) B. Pollutants of Concern 1. Pollutants permitted or monitored under Muddy's NPDES permit: Flow, CBOD, TSS,NH3-N, Total N, and Total PO3 2. 40 CFR 503 Pollutants: As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo,Ni, Se,Zn, % solids, sludge to disposal flow. 3. EPA required: As, Cd, Cr, Cu, CN,Pb, Hg, Mo,Ni, Se, Ag, Zn, BOD, TSS, NH3-N. 4. Pollutant exceptions: DO,pH, temperature, conductivity, fecal coliform, chronic toxicity and pollutant scan. C. Flow Flow monitoring points are indicated on the attached facility diagram. Flow at the influent and effluent will be monitored during sampling events. SIU's will be monitored as per SIU permit. Volume of sludge will be determined for disposal. D. SIU Monitoring Significant Industrial User monitoring will be conducted per industrial user permits. At a minimum all POC's will be monitored once per permitting cycle. If POC's are detected they will be monitored once per year. Total nitrogen will be substituted with TKN for plant protection. The Muddy Creek WWTP does not have a total nitrogen limit, only a monitoring requirement. 1 LTMP REVISED AUGUST 2018 E. Sampling Frequency Sampling Point Monitoring Frequency 1 —Influent Quarterly on a Weekday 2 -Effluent Quarterly on a Weekday and per NPDES requirement 3 - Primary Once per six months and all POC metals annually Clarifier Effluent 4—Activated Once per six months and all POC metals annually Sludge Basin 5 —Anaerobic Once per six months on a Weekday Digester 6 - Sludge to Per Sludge Permit and 503 regulations Disposal 7 - SIU's Per SIU Permit and all POC's at least once per permitting cycle; if detected, sampling is annual. 8 -Uncontrollable Once per six months and all POC metals once per year 2 LTMP REVISED AUGUST 2018 r 0 0 00 N H ��11 ��11 >1 ��11 ��11 ��11 ��11 �1 >I ��11 r< �1 �1 �I �1 �1 ��11 � k k >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< X X X ✓Y X X C �--I 0VD ' 0 aX XX XXX X >< >< >< >< bA 4=1 M awe a) b x x x x x x X x x x x x x x a c ;-0 bn bn O .~ 0 bO 0 0 < UVUPLgZZ ZCNU bA E3 0 E 0 z ' 0 -0 •E 0 a -d 8 8 i r2 ,x •0 t v) O O v, o x a, 0 a� o ° .? v 0.i WE- [C ZE-+ Q� UUUa �a Z c) U G. Detection Level and Sample Method Pollutant Detection Level Sample Method (mg/1) BOD 2 24 hour Composite TSS 2 24 hour Composite TKN 0.1 24 hour Composite NH3 0.1 24 hour Composite TN 0.1 24 hour Composite TP 0.01 24 hour Composite Fluoride 0.1 24 hour Composite Arsenic 0.005 24 hour Composite Cadmium 0.002 24 hour Composite Chromium 0.005 24 hour Composite Copper 0.002 24 hour Composite Lead 0.010 24 hour Composite Manganese 0.005 24 hour Composite Mercury 0.0002 24 hour Composite Mercury (LL) 1 ng/1 Method 1631 Grab Molybdenum 0.005 24 hour Composite Nickel 0.010 24 hour Composite Selenium 0.010 24 hour Composite Silver 0.001 24 hour Composite Zinc 0.010 24 hour Composite Cyanide 0.005 Grab 4 LIMP REVISED AUGUST 2018 r' MUDDY CREEK WWTP Chlorine Pipeline for Activated Sludge Addition at Cl2 contact c 1 Basins,ASB Parshall then '� *C Mixed Liquor Flume, Dechlori- Q- Outfalls Storm Basins Primary Final n #316G MLSS, MLVSS Sodium nation, a) 4' + ClarifiersClarifiers Hypo- Sodium =#37 Fecal E Southfork, SF ** Flow 1 0 3 chlorite Bisulfite Cond `n Headworks, 2 - -- -i Equiliza- #31 n n #35 © 4 #36 #37 pH CI Yadkin ► Barscreens ____•. 1.- ,Ir 3 ► --► ► ( 0 ► (�► ♦ &Grit tion, Day Influent n 4 PriClar Eff © Effluent _ Effluent River 300 `, Removal Tanks #317G RA/ S j #311 • #317G Deyv�iatering Raw Slud.- (#37 002J #317G WRAS Muddy reek ------------------------------------ - - -------------------- - Polymer rare Qagoon _ _________ Thickener 7 Thickener Overflow / / Secondary Primary #318 Thickened Sludge .. Digester Digesters Centrate Well from Elledge SDSI 0 •©0 Secondary Transfer Digested Sludge Sludge NPW= NonPotable Water, #36 Blending Tanks at Elledge Lime can be added at#35 Caustic can be added at the head of the ASB See another tab in this file for more detail on Ferric chloride and dispersant can be added to the SDSI Blending Tank, Centrifuge, Dryer flows& destinations before pumping to Elledge Ferric chloride can be added to Primary Clarifiers& Secondary Clarifiers when MCCIPs project is complete **Under Construction 090717 The combined outfalls are flow proportioned sample from Kimel, Salem, and South Fork Lines that are generated in the laboratory. The South Fork Line contains side streams,therefore; the dryer and dewatering facilities must not be operating during Long Term Monitoring. S2 Cyanide and Mercury(LL) samples are grabs samples and may not be conducted on the same day as other parameters. G. Detection Level and Sample Method Pollutant Detection Level Sample Method (mg/1) BOD 2 24 hour Composite TSS 2 24 hour Composite TKN 0.1 24 hour Composite NH3 0.1 24 hour Composite TN 0.1 24 hour Composite TP 0.01 24 hour Composite Fluoride 0.1 24 hour Composite Arsenic 0.005 24 hour Composite Cadmium 0.005 24 hour Composite Chromium 0.005 24 hour Composite Copper 0.002 24 hour Composite Lead 0.010 24 hour Composite Manganese 0.005 24 hour Composite Mercury 0.0002 24 hour Composite Mercury(LL) 1 ng/1 Method 1631 Grab Molybdenum 0.005 24 hour Composite Nickel 0.010 24 hour Composite Selenium 0.010 24 hour Composite Silver 0.001 24 hour Composite Zinc 0.010 24 hour Composite Cyanide 0.005 _ Grab 4 LIMP REVISED AUGUST 2018 ARCHIE ELLEDGE WWTP Pretreatm-nt Basins Activated Sludge Old PB New PB Chlorine 10G-0 10G-N Basins,ASB Contact Dechlori- Outfalls IPrimary Mixed Liquor Final Chamber, nation, South Fork, SF Clarifiers #16G MLSS, MLVSS Clarifiers Sodium Sodium Hypo- Bisulfite, \ Flow 201D O 3 chlorite Effluent Weir Headworks, 3NEW 4 #6 #7 Salem Salem �� Barscreens ___0,. o-#1 O1 2O #3 4NEWW -- © __i ?t &Grit tion, Day Influent 00 PriClar Eff 6NEW 6 -, Creek Kimel i f ! Removal Tanks / Effluent i #17G RAS 4#17G , 1 #11 R w z Dewatering It Sludge #17G WRAS,#20 GBT Feed Lagoons _______________ ----- ---------41111310 I, ---------_________1122_Filtrate GBT GBT Polymer 411111110 1 gravity Belt Thickener 0 :T to Lagoons Blending Primary #21 Thickened Sludge '# Tanks Digesters 1 2 - 44 Transfer © 8 �: Centrate Well (#72+NPW) \ Sludge To Muddy Lagoon #70 \ \ ..x#72 Centrate \ \ NPW= NonPotable Water,#6 Silos \\ Lime can be added at#3, PriClar Eff 01 02 Dryer Centrifuge Cent Polymer \ Caustic can be added to the ASB Pellets Mix a e#73 Cake#71 From Muddy Digester SDSI See another tab in this file for more detail on I Blending Tank, Centrifuge, Dryer flows & destinations 090717