HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCGNE1271 -Energy, Mineral and Land Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY June 01, 2018 Amazon.com.dedc, LLC Attention: Derek Jones Attention: Lance Jones 345 Boren Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109 Subject: No -Exposure Certification NCGNE1271 Amazon.com.dedc, LLC — UNC 1 300 Dalton Avenue Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 Dear Mr. Jones, ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary WILLIAM E. (TOBY) VINSON, JR. Interim Director The Division has reviewed your submittal of the No -Exposure Certification form for Exclusion from NPDES Stormwater Permitting. Based on your submittal and signed certification of no exposure at the above referenced facility, and the inspection dated May 31, 2018, the Division is granting your conditional exclusion from permitting as provided for under 40 CFR 122.26(g), which is incorporated by reference in North Carolina regulations. Please note that by our acceptance of your no -exposure certification, you are obligated to maintain no - exposure conditions at your facility. If conditions change such that your facility can no longer qualify for a No - Exposure exclusion, you are obligated to immediately obtain NPDES permit coverage for your stormwater discharge. Otherwise, the discharge becomes subject to enforcement as an unpermitted discharge. You must self re -certify your No -Exposure status annually and the form can be downloaded by visiting: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/npdes-stonnwater the web page for the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Program. The annual self re -certification does not need to be submitted to DEMLR unless requested. A copy should be maintained in your file. Your conditional exclusion from permitting does not affect your facility's legal requirements to obtain environmental permits that may be required under other federal, state, or local regulations or ordinances. State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Mooresville Regional Office 1 610 East Center Ave Ste 301 1 Mooresville, NC 28115 704 663 1699 T Amazon.com.dedc, LLC NCGNE 1271 June 01, 2018 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Angela Lee at (704) 663-1699, or at angela.lee@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Zahid S. Khan, CPM, CPESC, CPSWQ Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Enclosure: Inspection Report cc: Annette Lucas, Stormwater Permitting Program, No- Exposure Files NCGNE1271 f Compliance Inspection Report Permit: NCGNE1271 Effective: Expiration: Owner: Amazon Com Dedc LLC SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Amazon.com.dedc, LLC - UNC1 County: Mecklenburg 300 Dalton Ave Region: Mooresville Charlotte NC 28206 Contact Person: Israel Burch Title: Phone: 540-335-4548 Directions to Facility: take exit 3 B off hwy 277 on w 12th st and continue until it ends at n graham st (rt 49) and tum right, in 1/4 mile tum right onto dalton avenue, in another 1/4 mile the facility is on your left. System Classifications: Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On -Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 05/31/2018 Entry Time: 11:30AM Exit Time: 12:OOPM Primary Inspector: Angela Y Lee Phone: 704-235-2139 Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Other Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, No Exposure Certificate Facility Status: ❑ Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: N Miscellaneous Questions Misc (See attachment summary) Page: 1 permit. NCGNE1271 Owner - Facility: Amazon Com Dedc LLC Inspection Date: 05/31/2018 Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Reason for Visit: Other Inspection Summary: The site was inspected due to a request for a No Exposure certification. Per the inspection, it is found that the site qualifies for the No Exposure Certification. Page: 2 Permit. NCGNE1271 Inspection Date: 05/31/2018 Misc Is the facility compliant? Comment: Owner - Facility: Amazon Com Dedc LLC Inspection Type: Technical Assistance Reason for Visit Other Yes No NA NE ❑ ❑ ❑ N Page: 3