HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061617 Ver 1_Application_20070126WITHERS L~~" RAVEN EL ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SURVEYORS January 25, 2007 NC-Division of Water Quality ~ ~ Attn: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Re: Request forAdditionalinformation -Wendell Falls W&R Project #: 2050261.oi DWQ Project #: o6-i617 Dear Ms. Karoly, I lv l '1 ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ D ~~N `~ ~ 107 We received your request for additional information on November 6, 2009, regarding the proposed impacts associated with the Wendell Falls subdivision. Additionally, I spoke with Mr. Ian McMillan and Amy Chapman of your office regarding this project. I have included a brief response to each of your requests below. I also noticed your office was copied with the information requested by the USACE. I am in the process of addressing their comments and will forward that inforration to your office when it is completed. Please note that some of the impact totals and locations have changed since the initial application. We will provide a more detailed accounting of these changes in future correspondence and in our response to the Corp's request. The revised impacts are included on the impact tables for your review. The proposed impacts for the interchange are: i.3 acres of wetland impact,1,188 linearfeet of perennial stream, and 2.81 acres of riparian buffer impacts. The proposed permanent impacts forthe subdivision are:1.88 acres of wetland impact, 1,634 linearfeet of perennial channel impact, and 3.94 acre of riparian buffer impact. The utility line impacts are as follows: 2.39 acres of wetland impact, 668 linear feet of stream impact, and i.9S acres of riparian buffer impact. Your letter asks for the following information: 1) Please re-submit plans on full plan sheets at a scale of no smaller than 1"=50'. See attached. Please note that the overall impact map is at a scale of l:soo and the insets are at is soo, but l believe these maps should be detailed enough to review the impacts. lfneeded, we can reprint the details at 1:So. We have also included a set of ful! scale construction drawings for the interchange that are at i:so. 2) Please submit your mitigation plan. The applicant proposes a combination of preservation and payment to the NC =EEP to satisfy mitigation requirements. We have been working with Mr. Monte Matthews to iii MacKenan Drive i Cary, North Carolina z75ii i tel: 919.469.3340 i fax: gi9.467.6008 i www.withersravenel.com 107 Stokley Drive i Suite 104 i Wilmington, North Carolina z84o3 i te(: 91o.z56.9z77 i fax: 91o.z56.2584 • Page 2 January 25, 2007 flesh out the details and determine the mitigation ratios. /n the meantime, EEP has agreed to accept payment for the impacts at a ratio ofz;1. A copy oftheiracceptance letter is included with the attachments. Please note that because the impacts have increased since our initial submittal, l will be requesting that EEP revise the acceptance letterto reflect these changes. 3) Please sign and date application. A signed and dated application is included with the attachments. The impact totals in the application will differfrom the Fnal permitted impacts, but we have been working with the USACE on this issue and they agree that an additional public notice will not be required. 4) Please clearly indicate Zone i and Zone 2 buffers, and impacts to these on the site plan. We have provided a full scale drawing that clearly identifies the proposed buffer impacts and details for each crossing ofa stream or wetland. 5) Please clearly locate all isolated or non-isolated wetland, streams, and other Waters of the State as overlays on the site-plan. The full-scale drawing should make it easier to identify these features We have also included a copy of the delineation map that will be submitted to the USACE for final approval 6) Please submit information on proposed project imperviousness. This information will be submitted under separate cover, along with our proposed stormwatermanagementphns. 7) Deed notifications must be placed on all lots that abut wetlands or buffers. l have included the executed DWQ Deed Restriction Form with the attachments. 8) Please provide details forthe stormwater BMPs as required by GC 3402. The stormwater management plans for the initial phases will be submitted finder separate cover. However, we have included the level spreader details for the interchange with this submittal. As stated in our initial application and discussed in the pre-application meetings, the proposed impervious sun`ace forfuture phases has not been quantified. if the impervious surface exceeds jo %, the applicant will provide a detailed stormwater management plan that meets the NCDWQ requirements for sites located within a Nutrient Sensitive Watershed. Specifically, the applicant will utilize constructed wetlands in order to protect downstream water quality. The stormwater plans for the future phases have not been finalized, however,• based on the drainage area, adequate space has been reserved for future BMP locations (see attached drainage map and calculations). We are requesting that the NCDWQ issue the poi- approval with a condition that work will not begin on • Page 3 January 25, 2007 future phases until the stormwater management plans for these phases have been reviewed and approved by the NC DWQ. 9) The applicant is advised that constructed wetlands will be required forthis project as the stormwater BMP. It is my understanding that constructed wetlands and/or bio-retention are only required if the proposed impervious is greater than 30%. Please provide the documentation to support this request or the explanation if DWQ has revised their interpretation ofGC3~o2. io) Please provide the level spreader worksheets and an 0&M agreement for the proposed project. See attached worksheets and 0&M agreement. 11) Please provide a signed and sealed geotechnical report for the proposed bottomless culverts. See attached. Please note that one ofthe proposed arch culverts is being replaced with a box culvert, however, this area was included as an impact in the original application, so there is no net change in the overall impacts. i2) Please provide a proposed lot layout with building envelopes. We have provided typicals depicting the building envelopes For each style ofhome to be constructed based on the corresponding lotsize forphase 1. The Town of Wendell must approve proposed the lot layouts, we will forward approved layouts to your office as theybecome available. i3) Please quantify intermittent and perennial stream impacts, and provide documentation from a DWQ representative that the stream id determined to be intermittent or perennial. All of the proposed permanent stream impacts are to perennial streams and are accounted for in our mitigation request. The utility line installation may impact both intermittent and perennial streams, however,• because mitigation is not required for temporary impacts we did not make this distinction in ourapplication. We will revise our impact tables to reflect intermittent/perennial stream impacts for the utility lines as part ofour re-submittal package to the USACE and forward these changes to your ol~ce. 14) As you probably know, the DWQ's rules require that we certify that the project will not result in "cumulative impacts, based on past or reasonably anticipated future impacts, that cause or will cause a violation of downstream water quality standards" NCAC 2H .o5o6(b)(4). In reviewing your plans it is clear that construction of this project will result in additional development to several adjacent parcels. In addition, it appears that several of these tracts will require additional wetland, stream, and buffer impacts. Therefore, with respect to • Page 4 January 25, 2007 cumulative impacts, the DWQ asks: "Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development which could impact nearby downstream water quality? If yes, please submit a quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy... A quantitative impact analysis was conducted as part of the EA/Permitting process for highway 6~-bypass, which we believe should sufficient to address your concerns. All of the proposed development for Wendell falls was included in this study (see attached maps). Moreover, based on DWQ guidance, we do not believe that a quantitative study should be required for this project. Specifically, the process for determining whether or not a quantitative analysis is needed is based on answering three questions: AJ is growth likely to be induced by the project.? B) Are existing uses of the Water likely to impaired by the growth? C) Are additional regulatory measure needed? C e., are there existing regulatory programs which can address these impacts?). lithe answers to all three questions are yes, then a quantitative analysis is needed. We believe that sufficient regulatory measures are in place to protect downstream water qua/ity and therefore the answer to Question C, is that no additional measures are needed. if impacts are proposed on the adjacent properties, the applicant will be required to go through the ~ o~/~ oz permitting process and must pro vide the appropriate level ofstormwatermanagement (level spreaders orconstructed wetlands) dependingon the amount of impervious surface. /n addition, the Phase // stormwater rules as well as the Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules should ameliorate the affects of development on downstream water quality. Even if the adjacent parcels can be developed without the need for ,~oT Certification, the development will still be required to provide riparian buffers. lfneeded, we will meet with yourstaffto review/locate the lmpactanalysis done to satisfy the NEPA requirements forthe Highway 6~-bypass. 15) Mitigation will be required for the road crossings labeled as `R2' and `R8' on your plan sheets and impact table. Please provide documentation on how mitigation will be achieved for these two buffer impacts. The applicant proposes payment to the NC EEP to satisfy mitigation requirements. These impacts were included in our request to EEP. Their acceptance letter is included with the attachments. i6) Please specify the linear footage if sewer line and water line impacts in the buffers. Also be aware sewer and water line impacts are not temporary as stated in your impact table. Please revise your table to reflect these changes. • Page 5 January 25, 2007 As stated in the impact table the proposed sewer line will impact approximately 637 linear feet of riparian buffer and the water line will impact 3s linear feet. The tables have been revised to read `UtilityLine lmpacts; as peryourrequest. 17) Please submit complete and comprehensive roadway designs for the proposed interchange and Wendell Falls thoroughfare. Please note, as previously stated, the proposed interchange has not been permitted for construction. With this submission, please also include a property (parcels) ownership map and corresponding table demonstrating that the parcels necessary for construction of the interchange have been acquired by the applicant. See attached. l have also confirmed with the project engineer that the proposed construction limits for the interchange will not be outside of the existing DOT right of way 18) Please provide documentation that the mitigation for the proposed interchange has been transferred to the applicant from the NC-DOT. See attached letter from OWQ addressed to Mr. Bruce Thompson and dated /uly 27, 2006 stating that the applicant is entitled to any mitigation that DOT has pen`ormed or proposes to perform for the estimated impacts within the area of the proposed bridge and interchange. We understand that Wende/l Falls Development is responsible for any additional mitigation due to modifications of the bridge and/or interchange. We are in the process of contacting NC-DOT to confirm that the mitigation credits are transferable. Please feel free to call if you have questions or require additional information. Sincerely, WITHERS & RAVENEL, INC. l ~- Todd Preuninger Director of Wetlands and Biological Sciences Attachments: 1) Signed 0 and M agreement 2) DWQ Level spreaderworksheets and design details 3) Delineation Maps 4) Revised Impact Maps 5) Geotechnical Report 6) EEP Acceptance Letter 7) Executed Deed Restriction 8) Typicals for Lot Layouts ~ 10 - 1 l.v 1-I APPLICATION FOR DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-0003 (33 CFR 3251 Expires December 31 2004 The Public burden for this collection of information is sestimated to average 10 hours per response, although the majority of applications should require 5 hours or less. This includes the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003-, Washington, DC 205D3. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed applications must be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity. PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authorities: Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10, 33 USC 403; Clean Water Act, Section 404, 33 USC 1344; Marine Protection ,Research and Sanctuaries Act, 33 USC 1413, Section 103. Principal Purpose: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the application for a permit. Routine Uses: This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal, state, and local government agencies. Submission of requested information is voluntary, however, if information is not provided the permit application cannot be evaluated nor can a permit be issued. One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the bcation of the proposed activity. An application that is not completed in full will be returned. lI TEMS 1 THRU Q Tn RF Fu r Fn a v rrrc nn ovc~ 1. APPLICATION NO. 12. FIELD OFFICE CODE ~ 3. DATE RECEIVED 4. DATE APPLICATION COMPLETED l/TEMS BELDW TD RF FI! / Fn stv nnnr rrnem 5. APPLICANT'S NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENT'S NAME AND TITLE ran a nr i n Mercury Development-Greg Ferguson pe s ot ,eouiredl - Withers & Ravenel-Todd Preuninger 6, APPLICANT'S ADDRESS 9. AGENT'S ADDRESS 5660 Six Forks Rd. Ste. 202 117 MacKenan Dr. Raleigh, NC 27609 Cary, NC 27511 ?. APPLICANT'S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 10 AGENT'S PHONE NOS W/AREA CODE a. Residence _ a. Residence I b. Business 919-861-5299 I b. Business 919-469-3340 ~ 1 ~ STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION hereby authorize, Please See attachment to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and to furnish, upon request, supplemental information in support of this permit application. ~~ ~ R~+~` APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12. PROJECT NAME OR TITLE iser insuucoons Wendell Falls 13. NAME OF WATERBODY. IF KNOWN rr nonw.,cnrFr ~ 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS lil npp/icablel Unnamed tributaries to Mark's Creek 7 5. LOCATION OF PROJECT Wake NC COUNTY STATE ~6. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN, rseelrrsvucdwsJ 17. DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE The subject property is located on the west side of Martin Pond Road (SR 2503), 2600 feet north of the intersection of Martin Pond Rd. and Poole Rd. (SR 1007) Latitude 35.7694621°N, Longitude 78.4220719°W NG F RM 4 45, Jul 97 EDITION OF FEB 94 IS OBSOLETE. (Proponent: CECW-OR) 18. Nature of Activity This project incorporates a variety of land uses including residential, commercial, office, institutional, county park as well as an interchange with US 64'264 to better serve access to the development. The proposed impacts consist of 2,191 linear feet of perennial stream channel and 3.09acres of wetland impacts for roadway crossings & lot fill. An additional 720 linear feet of stream channel and 1.65 acres of wetlands will be temporarily impacted for the installation of a utility line. Following construction of the utility line, the stream channel will be returned to pre-constmction contours. Approximately 5.51 acres (ZI :3.52, Z2: 1.99) of riparian buffer will be permanently impacted for roadways and greenway trails and 1.97 acres (ZI : 136, Z2 Q61) of buffer will be temporarily be impacted for the installation of utility lines ~ g. PfOjeCt PUfpOSe /Oesarbe the reason or prrrxne of the rro/crr, see ms[rucYrorrsl To achieve a balance of community goals and market dynamics for the growing Wendell and Eastern Wake County area. The interchange will fulfill transportation demands through improved accessibility to US 64 by increasing capacity of the existing roadway- USE BLOCKS 20-22 IF DREDGED ANDlOR FILL MATERIAL IS TO 8E DISCHARGED - 20. Reason(sl for Discharge The proposed impacts are required to construct roads, greenways, lots and an interchange to US 64 as shown on the attached impact maps. 27. TVPe(s- of Material Beinp Discharoed and the Amount of Each Tvae in Cubic Yards Construction grade fill will be used on site- Fill from on site grading will be utilized as much as possible. Cubic yardage impacts are as follows: 56903.7CY of wetlands will be filled. 22. Surface Area in Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled rsee nuvucr,iu~s~ Impacts from fi11:3.09ac of wetland fill ar~d .15ac of surface water fill Total fill: 3.24ac 23. Is Any Portion of the Work Already Complete? Yes ~ No 0 IF YES. DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK 24. Addresses of Adjoining Property Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach a supplemental (istl Please see attachment. 25. List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in This Application. AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NuMRFR Herr eaor ern nnTr eoooni.rr, ., ,, r.- .~~..._.. 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described in this application. I certify that the information in tfiis application is complete and accurate. 1 furtfier certify [liar I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or am acting as the duly authorized agent of tfie applicant. / ,~J "~.~ ~ P ~ ~~3 ~. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE SIGNATURE OF AGENT ' DAT The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake the proposed activity (applicantf or it may be signed by a duly authorized agent if the statement in block 1 1 has been filled out and signed- 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United Slates knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or botfi. Sep Li Uti Ua:44p IVItKI;UKY UtVtLUF'IVItNI y~yz3u~5~ii pz '~~YH~~~ Site Access/Agent Authorization Form F~ ENGINEERS I PLANNERS I SUFVEYOP.S Project Name: '`.rl~ ',, ~ (" l L y r; i~CL ~ Property Owner/Contract Purchaser: ,~ - ~'G ~ ~ , ~~~ Z ~ 7 ~;~'~t.;'c it ; _ ~ ~_ Address: `= l,~(,C ~ t !: ~: ;t r~ S ! ~- ~ 1.) ~~ ; ~. ~- C /~~~~ f Phone: '~~ ' ~; Fax: =~~ (~ ? Email- ~'-,~'( G ~~ G' ~ _ I hereby grant Withers and Ravenel, INC permission to conduct environmental studies on the property described above. In addition, I authorize Withers and Ravenel to act on my behalf as my agent when conducting site meetings andJor correspondence (i.e. permit applications etc.) with the USACE and the NC -Division of Water Quality, if necessary. Property Owner: ^^~_EG ~- ~'C~ S~~ n• ,~~,2 . Date: ~- ~ 7`c ~ (Print Name) -~~~ {Si~r~atur`e) Z00] - SEWER I MPACTS IMPACT # ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. S1 2,341 0.05 1,349 0.03 34 68 0.002 S2 5,226 0.12 2,670 0.06 82 164 0.004 7,053 0.16 S3 17,569 0.40 3,138 0.07 63 252 0.006 13,584 0.31 S4 4,840 0.11 2,774 0.06 78 156 0.004 21,467 0.49 S5 4,374 0.10 3,216 0.07 63 126 0.003 4,105 0.09 S6 4,504 0.10 2,665 0.06 71 405 0.009 27,355 0.63 S7 1,953 0.04 1,220 0.03 31 62 0.001 2,264 0.05 S8 1,390 0.03 1,151 0.03 22 812 0.019 2,253 0.05 S9 2,095 0.05 712 0.02 39 78 0.002 S 10 2,259 0.05 1,252 0.03 33 66 0.002 S11 1,475 0.03 962 0.02 20 220 0.005 768 0.02 S13 3,937 0.09 2,776 0.06 66 132 0.003 6,656 0.15 S15 2,435 0.06 1,469 0.03 35 70 0.002 S16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 15,718 0.36 S 17 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 566 0.01 S18 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 1,067 0.02 S 19 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.000 821 0.02 TOTAL 54,398 1.25 25,354 0.58 637 2,611 0.060 103,677 2.38 WATER LINE IMPACTS IMPACT# ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. W1 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 487 0.011 W2 38 0.001 TOTAL 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 525 0.012 UTILITY LINE IMPACTS IMPACT ZON E 1: ZON E 2: STREAM: WETLANDS: TYPE S.F. AC. S.F. AC. L.F. S.F. AC. S.F. AC. SEWER 54,398 1.25 25,354 0.58 637 2,611 0.060 103,677 2.38 WATER 3,486 0.08 1,472 0.03 31 1,091 0.025 525 0.01 TOTAL 57,884 1.33 26,826 0.62 668 3,702 0.085 104,202 2.39 WENDELL FALLS IMPACT TABLES WITHERS ~ RAVENEL LNi1N{Lif 1 •LANN Lff I fYRVLVOLf UTILITY LINE IMPACTS K:\05\OS-290\wznl.ui \unY r em\aa+an .wp- +anuan [~. ~ - ' _• J .. :- ~ Sv;~ ~ ~ rw- .. _ . ~" J .:~ ~~ v . ~r ~~ ar f. ~' / / ~ ~~ . ~F _ ~ ~ . ` _ / '/ ~ .. ._ _~ ~ ~: :, ii ~ \ ~ . ... / i ___._ ~ . ~ __. ~~ _- / ~ ~./ ~ ~ ~ ~ w.w,. y ~~x ~i ~~~.~~ ~ ~ i ~ ~- ~ ~ ~,. - ~~ ~ ~~ 3 ~. //1 - / / / r ttr f ~ - ~ -_. t ~ t; ~~~ i ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ry~ ~ ~ GREENWAY .~ ~ ~ $ `. ~ -~ .._ h ~ Y M-0° ~ _ _ ./~ ~ ( x ~~ \ ~ ~ r V~ ~ + ;~ z ~„ ~ ~ .._~~w 1 ,= WETLANDS g ~' ~~ ` r ~~ i ~_ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ _. ~~ ~,F ~~ 1y w` : . M~ _~ :, ~, NEUS~ ~~~ I~N / .d_ . ~.. ~. j _ ~ ....u „w. _ _ ~ ~- 4 i \ ~4~ O ~ b _d ~ ~ ~ ~. _ __ i ~ ~ m Iti .^w ~ 5t.r I ~. 4 ff ,...w .~~. ly t r _,. t ~ '( e N"" _ ~.~. ~.~ \ r°` ~ (- ~ ~ ~`~ .,~,~ ~~~ E_,. ~ ,. ~ LEGEND ~ ZONE 1 - - 10,481 SF (0.24 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 5,845 SF (0.13 AC) '~ STREAM: '"' ~ GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 152 ~ ~ 00 o so ~ oo zoo AREA - 304 SF (0.007 AC) WETLANDS - f `~~~~ 7 SF 0.000 AC I 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~(' RAVENEL lNfIN!!!f 1 -LANNlff 1 fYRYlYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R1 Nann u~a~ : i ~a: is w ~ :a ..,.....~a~,~,~..~ c:\DS\US-2W WZeI.{Il \IlwV YMRxI e.gMpu\avwm llow~np~.awq- ~axnry v ~ ~ ~ .. ry~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ . . ~. i ~ ~, t ~ \ ,~: _~ ~, ~ . ~ ,~~ . ~ a ~ . 3 /~ \ ~ . f ~ ~. ,~ _ t ~~ .~ r GREENWAY . m..~ ~ -_ ~. ~ ~ _ t ~~ ._ _ ~- .,. :. __ ..~ J ~ ~ ' ~' o WETLANDS _. • • ..~ ... • ~ .'" ~..~ t ~'"~ ~w. T .~ _. ~, a \~^. ~~ ~> _-~ _ ~ F / '; .t,S ,.~ ~_ ;~° ' GE DF ~, r _. _..... . _. ,T ~ ~ , ~'"~- ''~,r'~ t ',. NEUSE RI IAN o :: _~ z _ ~ BUFFER ~ ._..._ ~ ~ f ~ y ~° ~ ~ ,_ ~# '' i= -225 i ! /~ t 230 ~ ~ q .+ fij~ r" ^ v~'"~di ~. ~;~ 240 ~ .. LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 10,249 SF (0.24 AC) ~e~ '--M,* ZONE 2 - ® - 6,931 SF (0.16 AC) ~ ~' '~~ . ~` ~~ j STREAM: • • • ' + GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 160 ~ i o0 o so i oo zoo AREA - 640 SF (0.015 AC) WETLANDS - ~'.'' =1 33,090 SF 0.76 AC 1 inch = 1OOft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL fNf INfLRf 1 -LANNf Rf 1 fUfYfYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R2 ,.i: ns .,~,,...~x.~..,~.~ _- _ _. .r- --~ ~ ~- ., _ \ w ; ~ ~ _/ ~ ~ ~ . ~-~ ~ l _ ~ t ~ _ a~ r ~. . ~ .. ~~ .~-- ~. .~ ~ _~ a ., ,,. ,.. .~ / ~. ._. .. . - ~; r ._ I _ ~-- ~ . 2x i ~ ,M r , f ..... .~ ~' ~ ~ 2ao J ,r's,. ~ ~. T. _ ... ..~ 255- '- ".M" p ~,„ 1_. /' r" ..~ F a ~ 11 ~S / r~ - F ,.~ ( .-'' _ EUSE IAN _ . .) ~ ,`~' . ~~~ `° f"~ ~ ~~ ~ ; ,' ~~/' ..~ ~. _ '~ ~ ~ ~, .. -..._ LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 9,400 SF (0.22 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,483 SF (0.06 AC) ~ ... STREAM: ~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ - 138 100 0 50 100 200 AREA - 839 SF (0.02 AC) _ WETLANDS - ~~`` ° ` ~ ~ ~~ 1 inch = 100 ft. ~~~~'£- - 15,485 SF (0.36 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL lMflf [[ff 1 ~LANN[Rf I fYRY[tORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R3 .,w d. .d' r n a: sis~s i . 1 '~ d ~, - P" '~ y,~ ? ~. - o ry~ ... 1 ti .w° __ _. ... < ; i i 1 ~ a ~. ~ ~~ ~ •~ ~~ ~ ~, F 7 ~ ~ ~ ~. ~~' ~ ,~ ~ g '~ i ~f ~ ,r r ~ ~~~ ~ ; s ,) ~ N E R1PP lAN ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ / / / / ~, 1 ~ f # `~ F 1,~ / ~ ~ f ,~ { p 7 r I # `\JX~ d j f j+ \\ J ~ "" `v ~ ~ F Y ~ F I ~ f' ~t a d~ s ;_ ~ LEGEND c ~ ~ ~~~~~ ZONE 1 - - 10,390 SF (0.24 AC) , ~ } ~ ~ ZONE 2 - ® - 5 574 SF (0.13 AC) ~ 1 f ~ r I } ' `1 ~ }~1 t t ~ f STREAM: • • • ` ? r ¢ ~ d F GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 150 ' ~ ~ ~ ,~ f ~ E - 100 0 50 100 200 AREA - 300 SF (0.007 AC) ,% g ~ ~ I WETLANDS - 439 SF 0.01 AC r g I ` ~ i 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~ RAVENEL INfINRRRR 1 -IAMMLRf 1 lNRYlYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R4 Bann uAn~ ~ wsv~ ~.: ~ ~vsaae •..~. K:\o5\os-Y00\msai.ui\~+ r«rna cmieio\amam uo~aa.aw- ~a+aa a~. cw - -r- =~ j ; - a ~ .«~s ~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~. I 1 / ~~ '~ ~' ~~1 x ti ~ ~ ~ o ~~ , ~ ~. ., ,{ - y - y .~ ry, STREAM / (.~,~ ) 4 _- i t ~ i e 5 f / i ~ i tJ is 3 N ~ X~.. .. .. "` 1, ..,, w.nr S 715.._...... ~ 1 ~ , '',",, ~ ~ ,~ , _~ ~ ~ e WETLANDS ~ ,, ,r~; 2,~ ~ 1 ` ~ e i .. .8 a .. ry~ 8 ~ 4 ~~ d z ~ X75 r r ° ---- ~ ~ _: ~ N E RIPPAR ~~ ~~ ~~ ..~ ~ ~ ~ BU 1<YR, ( ) ,,.._- . ~ ; ~ ~ 3 1 3 '~ ~ ~ ~ ~. - / ~ .~ I € i ~ ; J' ~ ,~ /I a~ _ ~. l __~ ,a °~ f t ~ ~' 1 ,~ ~ ~ ~~~ i! ~~ LEGEND ~~° ,~ ZONE 1 - - 8,803 SF (0.20 AC) `'~-, (~~ ~ ~~ ~~. ZONE 2 - ® - 5,351 SF (0.12 AC) ~. f ~ , ~ -- I ~i~ STREAM: ... ~ _ `~{°'`~~ ., ~ ~~-~ GRAPHIC SCALE 137 .,~ 4, 4... 100 0 50 100 200 AREA - 548 SF (0.013 AC) ~ ~: j WETLANDS -~ _ 2,601 SF (0.06 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL IMflNflff 1 ~LANNLf! 1 ff RYlrOff WENDELL WAKE NORTH GROLINA R5 MxK 've G rim ~ i:: ~nv.a~~o ~,.ais~wmoe .,.w.w~m.,a.~a.~ ~~ „ / ~~ ICJ ~ t° ^" t ~s ,~ /. ~ ~ 1 / ,~ ~^ „o r ,~ .~ /~ { 7 p - " ,.- s ~. ti ,. ~~ ~ ~~ .. . - - ~ -" ~. ~ r ... , ~ , ~ - RIP IAN " ,, ~- z ~° ~" -; F N~g __ w.- µ ~ LEGEND - ,_ ZONE 1 - - 9,473 SF (0.22 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 5,882 SF (0.14 AC) " STREAM: ~~~ LF - .. GRAPHIC SCALE 144 y,. goo o so goo zoo AREA - "'~ 432 SF (0.010 AC) WETLANDS -~ ~ - 8,433 SF (0.19 AC) ,," 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~ RAVENEL R6 fff lMf lff 1 -LANNlRf 1 fYRYfrORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA .,,,,, wm. v ~ nn iNais.. is,w~aae ,„,,, I ~' ~ i ~ f~ ~ E°°° ~ ~ "r,> ~ tf' .~° <' F ~~ ft ~ 9 t i l d ~ E 1 ~ , t i 4 S ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ f t} ~, ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ d' n` LEGEND ~~ ~~:. ZONE 1 - - 365 SF (0.01 AC) ~ ~ ZONE 2 - ® - 1,691 SF (0.04 AC) „ STREAM: ... LF - 0 AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) WETLANDS -Q _ 6,673 SF (0.15 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM I WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA R 2"' ~ ~~, I ~, `' WETLANDS ,. ~ ~ :, ~~) .. .... DLO ... _.. . _. _~" GRAPHIC SCALE ,~' 100 0 50 100 200 ~,~ a' °~,~ ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. MPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL 7 RMf IMRLRR 1 ~LANMLRR I RYRYlYORR .~w~o~.. umn aa~rynii ui:9~ Ho i,.: s~>earcaae ww..«x,~,~,w,~a.~ WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL R8 & R8A RRfIR!!Rf 1 -LANRIRf 1 fORYRYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA ~, vb~; „~, ri9 ~,,, ~ w~x~ory as .. ' ~~. r y _ r k d{ f '.. ~~ . a, } ti. wy ~~"~," ~ } 1 y~ ~ i ~ ~~. 1 r 2~ NEUSE RIPPAR / .. r „~ m~ ~. e ~ ° I .- . . w_. . ,, . ,~, _ _ ~~ f l I , ~°, __ . ~----_ .. t .... __.. - .,i l p a _ ~° ~ L~ ~ ~ b °l __ .7 ~ I -~u _ (. f f . . ~ - ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wt~wDS I _m _ ~~ _n) ~ ~. ~~ a ~ ~ ~ __ ~ ~J~ k ~ `~ ~ - ~ ~^s1 ~, ~`` ~~ ~w.~..._w J'~ ,,., ., `'v r. , _ ~ = s'. ~ 1 `°~ GREEN Y , * °°~.' , ,._ ,, ~.~ ~ `~ °'` ~ ~ ~~ 1~~ d e 1 , , f /'- ~ f E ,~ °ti. LEGEND ~ =~,,~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ / ~, ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) _..f ,~ ~&~ ~' ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0.00 AC) ~.~,~..~-- ~~ ~` ~R~' - GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ~o0 200 AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) `~° WETLANDS - ~~, - 490 SF (0.011 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~' RAVENEL R1 O IMfINRRRS 1 -LANNLRf 1 fORYRYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA soon u,a~~ry vvi ~. „..,..ai.~ R:\~\200 w v~ yiwY r [,m,qv\av~am trams .. .. . ., ,..m ' ~ ., ~~ ..... ~ ,.. J~ ::5 K: 06\06-2 06481.01 P—M Et! ft\St,— OwWga ZS, 2007 — OYNYNE POUtSON x , r s y r PP STIR r e :f r 1 -,� s / bb ... / '240`""' ,. -... M� s .�. sof +�• ���- f 3 k`.. n' m Jam. r." ✓ � � w n + IF A LEGEND , ZONE 1 — — 12,015 SF (0.28 AC) ZONE 2 — ® — 6,426 SF (0.15 AC) r STREAM: . LF — 222 ` GRAPHIC SCALE 100 0 50 100 200 AREA — 888 SF (0.020 AC) ` 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS &—RAVENEL R11 INSINIIRS 1 PLANNERS 1 SURVIVORS WENDFLL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA K ,� N.e 11 1 �. 9i W a ,� ~- yrD `~ ~~ erg, _' ~~ WETLANDS ~'•) ~~ ,, ~ ~, ~. ~ ~.M~ _.. ~ ..~ „wr 7 { j '.tY ~ ~ n, .r-~, u1 I II t ~ -+aa`°M i~1 1" '4 `a 1 \ } ~'~14~ t ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~`.,~`,, '~~ I ., ~..,~ ~~. E ~ '~ t u ^~.. f. ~ , ._ _ ,~" ~ 1 .. M R 12 LEGEND __ ,a; ZONE 1 - - 8,826 SF (0.20 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 5,001 SF (0.11 AC) STREAM: LF - 138 ~ -~,.._ GRAPHIC SCALE .._ ~• .. goo o so goo Zoo AREA - 552 SF (0.013 AC) WETLANDS - _ 1 171 SF (0.03 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. , STREAM IMPACTS W~THER9 ~ RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS R1 ~ RMflf Rlff 1 -LARf LRf I fURYRYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA .,•nn c.biw nsn ia~si• R: a6 06-2lO~O6Za1.01 wmat FnMqu swam aerNP~a'~0- ~7 ~. ]W! - unAinE PF ~FItsa~ it ,.. " „,`~-_ GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo Zoo / 1 inch = 100 ft. z o~ 4 ~~ ~ r ~ ~ . ;1 ~~ f S . , .j ~„~ .. , ~ ~- )~ r /d . ~~ ~ ~GR NWAY ~,-~~~ _ o M.~ -- (M f'\ ~ 1 "~ ~ 6 .. _ ,~ .~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~II'~`. ?~ h . .~ - ~ ~.. ~ .._ t ~ ~ 256 ,~=~ ~...__ ~. .. 4l0 .... _. ~ .~~ a aw _ W .".. , ~_-~a ~, i . ~ . ~ ~_ - - .~ .. ~ ~ .. .. , /_ ~ . ~, ~. -._ -_- ~ , o _: -~~' _~rv .. ~ , ~, ~~ b ~ ,.. ~ ~ ,~.~~ ~~ (s ~EAM ~~~ ~ ~ > / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,,,-."~~ NEU~E RIPPARIAN ,r ,..~`~ ~ ~ BUFP~ER (TYP.) k ~ _.~~ ~ ,~°~ ~r 'r 1 ~l,,s ~ ~~-„`,--~~-'f ~ _• f~ `riff ' 1 S1 LEGEND G1 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,341 SF (0.05 AC) ZONE 1 - 782 SF (0.018 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 1,349 SF (0.01 AC) ZONE 2 - 471 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: ... STREAM: ~ - 34 LF - 11 AREA - 68 SF (0.002 AC) AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~' RAVENEL S1 ~ G1 LNfIM[l[f 1 -LAMNI[f 1 fY[Y[rORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA rn,a.,,,,, onw c, rmn oronv nsii i. w i.: sis. sow .,....~in.,,,.,,~.~ S2 LEGEND ~~ G2 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 5,226 SF (0.12 AC) ~ ZONE 1 - 839 SF (0.019 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,670 SF (0.06 AC) : ~ ZONE 2 - 557 SF (0.013 AC) STREAM: ••• STREAM: LF - 82 LF - 11 AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) AREA - 164 SF (0.004 AC) ~ ~ ~ ' ---~'~ ' .; ~-. , WETLANDS - 1207 SF (0.03 AC) WETLANDS - = ~' "` _ 7,053 SF (0.16 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S2 Q ~~ RNi1NRRRR 1 -LANN IIf 1 tYRVRVORR WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA tX .~,~o~x. umx c«w~ ~o n.; sia~~aom ...,,...;m.~,,.,..~a..a,~ ~mse,.o, w~+ r.rzaz em~vwII.~ ~•o.v- ,~, .~. ~, - '~ I J EDGE OF l` ; ` /~ ~ ,~, ,~ \ _ ~~ .. .. . WATER C~-) ~ . \ ; ~ / .~~ n ~~- '~ 1 r s ~§ Q ....._ m.. ~.~t ~ ~ ~~ ~ -~~ ~ ~ -_ ._ -~1 ~, ~I ~ ~~ ; ~` NEUSE ~R~IPPARIAN _ '~_ -°-~. .r ~~ ~~ ~• ~ E ` ~ t ~ ,SUFFER (TYP) _.~ ~ E ~ ~ __ • , ~ ~ F ~ _w_ .,... ~~ ~ , ~ ~ l ~ ~,..-~ 3~ f{„ ){j ~~ t ~ ,~ v S3 LEGEND ~ t . ~, °_,~'~`r `~'" '` G3 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 17,569 SF (0.40 AC) ~ ~ •~~ ,~ ~` ~%~ ~,- ,, ZONE 1 - 3,050 SF (0.070 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 3,138 SF (0.07 AC) ~~ 9 ~ ( ~ ~`~~' ~' ~ ,%' ZONE 2 - 434 SF (0.010 AC) STREAM: • • • ~ ~~ ,! ~t f ~ ~ `L STREAM: i ~ LF - 63 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r lF - 11 AREA - 252 sF (o.oos Ac) ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~, ~~ ~' 0 AREA - 22 SF (0.001 AC) '` WETLANDS -~ 13,584 SF (0.31) ~.,~~°"'~~ ?., a~ ~ ~' WETLANDS - 2,429 SF (0.06 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S3 & G3 fNf lNffff i ~LAMf lRf 1 fff YftORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA niw~.~.~o~~.. rbnn ~n z i iN: vis w is .,.w..nrMr,...N.~ S4 LEGEND G4 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 4,840 SF (0.11 AC) ZONE 1 - 875 SF (0.020 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,774 SF (0.06 AC) ZONE 2 - 476 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: ... STREAM: LF - 78 LF - 12 AREA - 156 SF (0.004 AC) AREA - 24 SF (0.001 AC) WETLANDS - ;,~ ~ ~` _ 21,467 SF (0.49 AC) WETLANDS - 3.680 SF (0.08 AC) STREAM IMPACTS ~- RAVENEL WENDELL FALLS WITHERS S4 & G4 fNf INRRRf 1 -IANNf Rf 1 fORVfrO Rf ~~ WENDELL WAKE NORTH UROLINA K~ ~~ Hen oAnM ~ i _~~ R:\IA\11o--'Lau\W v~ Viw~ rwrm cmau\avg11 JpNply Z1. 2{1U/ - OM1NE YlIL1601i ~ ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE I ~ ;~ ioo o so ioo zoo \ , I I \~ . 1 inch = 100 ft. ~I \ ~ ~ ~~ zJg` .. . ~ . - ~ • - ~ -, \ ~ a . w.,. .. 2f _J , .'~ ,. ., ~, _ k ~ e. ^~ ~ `~~ i ~ • r 3 • f r /f { /~ WETLAND - ) STf2EAM .~r~~~ ~ 1 ` ~ r ,~°° .. , ,' ~ b a N~USE, RIPPAR ~ . ~ .) FFER (fYt , ,d ~> ~ ~ /t ~ /~ ° } ~ ~ i, ~ r,r ' ~ / ,, ~~: ~~ ' ~ ,/~ ° AY ~~ ~ ~ ~ ; I ~ z ~ ' ~ ' ~ r '°~. ?' I ' t ~ ~ r ~ , f ! f ~ n ~ ~ r ' ,~ ~ _ ~ i ~ t ~ t / t _ / 1 } j`4 F 1 Jf l t ~ i ~ I d 4 # ~ ~4 I r ` '~, ~" ^. ~ e ~ . ' ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ., ~„~ ~,. ~ ~t i F~~` / ~ ~" ~ S5 LEGEND ; ~ ~ ~, ~ / G5 LEGEND ,~., r , I , gg ZONE 1 - r - 4,374 SF (0.10 AC) ~~ { ~ ~' ' ~ ~ ~~ /`E ~ ~` ~ , ~ t °~ , ZONE 1 - 862 SF (0.020 AC) ZONE 2 - ® { ~ s 4' i p `~ ~,~ 1.. f 4 ~, a - 3,216 SF (0.07 AC) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 1`0 ~° - ZONE 2 - 489 SF (0.011 AC) STREAM: ... %'' `~ °'` ~ `~ -~ ~ STREAM: LF - 63 ~. ,~ ,~.. ~_.. ., LF - 11 AREA - ~ "^,- _ _ . _ 126 SF (0.003 AC) , ~.~.., ' ~~ \ . - AREA 22 SF (0.001 AC) WETLANDS - ~;~'. ~' _ 4,105 SF (0.09 AC) ~h- ~ . `°`~ - WETLANDS - 608 SF (0.01 AC) ~ WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA S5 & G5 tMflNtltf 1 ~LANNttf I fYtVtrORf ~mn ~i„~ ~ w ~: ~ R: us\w-2eo\wsei.m \unv wmxt taxorta\svwm aarnp~.ap- daw~ary z~, zoos - u~nrnt rc~cro~a+ '° ._ `~, 1 `~ I ~ GRAPHIC SCALE I ioo o so ioo zoo .l l ~ ~~~ / a 1 inch - 100 ft. ,~ ~ ~ '~ ` } J t t t ~ i N." C ~ - ~ Y =. ~.. ~- .. ..e.. s s ~ ~ ~ ~~. ., ,, _.. ..,.., - ,._. r. r , ~ - _ -, .., ,,,.. . ~ ~, ... .. ~. t 4 t ^.. r ~ ... r ~~ ~ d~-- ~... d, ~ i ~~ ., - .. .. s 9 s ~ _ .., -..,. 1 :Y ~ GREENWAYo ~~ ~ ~. NEI~SE RIPPARIAN ;i STREAM ~ ~ - BUFFER (T1rP.) (TYP.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ~ ~`~ ~ ~ ,..~. r ~ s _ ~ _ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ o ~ _ ~~ _ _.... .-~ „ . r --~ ~ ~~^ _. f _ - ~ ~ __ .~_M.u ,,. ~~ -~~ ~~ ~. p ,,, ~ ~ q,~ w~ ~-~ ~ .. .,. M- ~ ~ r ~ ~. ~~ ~. ~- / •-.°~'"" /.-- ~ .mac . .~ o-° / ~,^ l r / / € ~. mow' ~,o""~., _ ~N ~~ ,. W . _ r' f,r°,~ b3 .~ ~,~ ., g ~. „.,yr ,. _. ~r p r t ~~ ~~° ^o p.. ~.- . M1 ,, l ~ ~ Pj 1 ..._ ._ ,~' , / °~ r S 6 LEGEND ~ . ~ ;; ~~~~' ~-~`~ ~ ~'~~" ~,, G 6 LEG EN D ZONE 1 - - 4,504 SF (0.10 AC) ~ `~ r ~ ,~ ZONE 1 - 742 SF (0.017 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,665 SF (0.06 AC) ; ` ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, ~' ZONE 2 - 414 SF (0.010 AC) STREAM: ... ?I ~ ~° /~ ~ STREAM: LF - 71 `~ ~' LF - 12 ,.• ~,i ~ _~ ~ f r AREA - 405 SF (0.009 AC) ~ r ~ '~ f AREA - 105 SF (0.002 AC) WETLANDS -~ _ 27,355 SF (0.63 AC) ~ ~ r'~ ~ ~~ ~~ WETLANDS - 3,641 SF (0.08 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~(' RAVENEL S6 & G6 fN•INRRRf 1 ~LANNLRf I fYRYRYORf WENDEII WAKE NORTH CAROLINA rw~Km~w;.. ri,,,n v,~rN:nii ~. w iss: is. ,„,.,.„;,;,~,,,...,,a.m,,, c:\OS\OS-xeo\vaxai.vi\uaa r..m~ cwuvia~av.wn ~.o..nw~~v- +~n .~. ~~,•• - G7 LEGEND ZONE 1 - 643 SF (0.015 AC) ZONE 2 - 894 SF (0.021 AC) STREAM: LF - 10 AREA - 20 SF (0.000 AC) WETLANDS - 967 SF (0.02 AC) I ...a :~ GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo 200 1 inch = 100 ft. G8 LEGEND ZONE 1 - 340 SF (0.008 AC) ZONE 2 - 277 SF (0.006 AC) s~ 1 I `~ STREAM: ~... ~ ~.~ ~ - ` ~;,, AREA - 197 SF (0.005 AC) ( ~) .,w. ~ ".." ' ~~ ~ --- WETLANDS - 563 SF (0.01 AC) .~ ~ ~~~. .WETLANDS , ... . .. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ V .i_ y, ~ r~ ~o~.M_ ... ._ 1 ~ ~_ ~ _~ ~ ,~', N f° ~ . ~ _~ - ~r~ % ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ . { ~ ....,..,., ~ x' A ~ ~ ~ _~~_ ~azia- ~ _.~ ,~ ~; ~ ~ ~ 1 " ~~. ~..~.__. GREENWAhI ~~ ~. ~ `_ ~, o ~ ~^ D,, ~t _._ ~? " f• ~. ~ I '~ ~ ~ NEUSE.~ IAN ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~; ~ `,1 m ~~ ~ ~ "_ . ,~ 3 ~~ ~ ~ , __ _, , ~~ - _ ~ '~ _ _--ED OF w.---- _ - ~ ~ `~~~. "a~" ~ ~ . f l \ .+ / t f ~ ~ n. ...... S7 LEGEND ~,,.- -~~"' S8 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 1,953 SF (0.04 AC) ~ ZONE 1 - - 1,390 SF (0.03 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 1,220 SF (0.03 AC) ~ ~-° ZONE 2 - ® - 1,151 SF (0.03 AC) ~' STREAM: ... ~~ '" STREAM: ... AREA - 62 SF (0.001 AC) ' ~ ~~"""""" AREA` - 812 SF (0.019 AC) WETLANDS - _ 2,264 SF (0.05 AC) ` ~ ~~ "` WETIANDS -lam _ 2,253 SF (0.05 AC) WENDELL FALLS STRpEAM IMPApCTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S7 $c SV - G7 (X GV RRfIRR[Rf 1 ~LARMRRf 1 fYRYRrO Rf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA .~a~~..v ~ ~.i:ns~ w i,.rei9~cveooe .,.....~a~, ¢:\as os- uszsi.u, nmw pwia +wwwy zs, zw~ - wnrn[ rcrtia~n ' ~ R~~ GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo goo ~ ~' ~ / - *~ l inch = 100 ft. ~~ ~. ,~ a~ zL~ l .~~ ~. `` .~ a \ ~. ~~ „ - w~TUwps ('fYP.) 1 . ~ ,. ,- ry ' I .., .. ,~ F _.. ..,,,M ~ ~o = .~ ~ EUSE RIP ARtAN zea 2` ~~ ~ ~ ~~ FFER ) „ ~ ~, ~ ~ __ GR AY 2x - -" _ :~~ _~ ~_ _. _ ssa -.,. -.. _. . ' ~ l ,, .. _.. .__ _. .. ~s . __ ~- . _/ _._ .. -~ . ,/ ~-- ,~ ~fi ~ r „, .. ~ _ _ /' _ ._. r^ ^" 'v .- EA~Ii ~ ,. ,' ~w r ~ .~ ~ /w \ " .'` .- '~- ..,, / ~..~.. J /.. ~.~,. /... ~ III ~+"" ° / ~~ ~ }~ ~ E ti' ~ ~ ~ /` ~ f ~_ ~ ~°° ;. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,~, ~, ~~, '4 ,~.,j'~ -o r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a i ~r ,~ ~ ~ ,r r° ~ t ~ s ~ s l~ o } ~ + / ~' ~ ~ p ~ ~ 4w "~ S9 LEGEND ~' G9 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,095 SF (0.05 AC) r,; ZONE 1 - 1,080 SF (0.025 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 712 SF (0.02 AC) ZONE 2 - 244 SF (0.006 AC) STREAM: ... STREAM: LF - 39 LF - 0 AREA - 78 SF (0.002 AC) AREA - 0 SF (0.000 AC) ,,. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S9 & G9 {NOIN{{Rf 1 ~LANN{{f 1 iY{Y{rOR{ WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA r~mn ~onN ~ ~.i.e ~~, sig~oame ~, _-,_ ~- ~,~ LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,259 SF (0.05 AC) ZONE 2 - ~ - ~ ,252 SF (0.03 AC) STREAM: •-• LF - 33 GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo zoo AREA - 66 SF (0 002 AC) . °,~ . '"~- 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THERB ~ RAVENEL S1 O fN1INlRRf I -LANNfRf i fYRYRYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA p,;~ Nan o,a~~. vrn 1ei, ai ~•, siaso~eom .,.,...~~.arM.~ LEGEND ~' ZONE 1 - - 3,937 SF (0.09 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 2,776 SF (0.06 AC) ~~ jy i` STREAM: • • • GRAPHIC SCALE LF - 66 .~ ioo o so goo zoo ~~ - 132 SF (0.003 AC) ~ ~~ WETLANDS - ~_:'-~;.'- - 6,656 SF (0.15 AC) 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER9 ~ RAVENEL 5 13 LNilNffff 1 ~LANNIff 1fORYlYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA wan,,,,om. n n r vsu rc1: 9141643 b ha: 914<6)6009 ~.~nn,~.~~ R: OS\OS-2 W261.u1 V~ Ywmrt [HNdb\ V~Om Go~Inq.EwY- Jaxn7 25'. Y00] - U1111~NE PEIQSON ._ .. ~~ } ~V p i (pt ~f . . _ ,. ~ W YR w _ ,N.. _.~ v -- ~ ~... _.. .. 275 ~° u. ~ _ ~ „° ~" a - NEI~SE RIFPALtG4N .- y w_ _ ~ . W ..- _..._ - ., _._._ ~. . ~ _ .,. - _. w .._. ~ .~,.r ~-- y__, .. w ^~ ~" { _, .. ,~ / ~ b / ~ ` ~ / / . ~ ~ ~ `~ J ~ ~ A srREAM ~ ~'•) ~ ,. : M ~.n a , ~~ ...... , ~; B d ` a - , d ~.... d ......,..,., h $~J ~~ < y ~ t.. ~ ~ / ~ r D 8 ~ t f s „~' ~ / _ . i ~t t .. ~ , ~ / ~f ~ t I / . :t q *~ ~ N `. ff }j ~ ~t ~. ~ti..r^~ d ~ ~ ~ ../ j^~~~. n~ ' ~~ ' _ _ S t f # ~ ~.>° r r Jj ( ° f ~ 1 l• _ x r ~ :: ~ ~~ ~ a ~ .. ,. < ~ ~~, X41 ..... - ~ ~~ ,,.. ' ~ ( s ~' . ( ( ~ Z 'mow. ~' ~ ` ' ~ I f ` ' ~ ~--- LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 2,435 SF (0.06 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - x,469 SF (0.03 AC) ~~ STREAM: ... LF - 35 GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ~o0 2ao '~E'°` - 70 SF (0.002 AC) ~.~' ~ linch=100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S1 C IMfIMRRRf 1 -IANNRRf 1 fYRYRYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA J ~,2 c, wmn mi iaaisae uw i,.aisasr.uooe „,w,.„xm,.,.~.~ \~\0lF2E0\WYOIAI\U1N Iwm[ Llullelu\»~ ~•Ta~O~•w9- +aM+e7 /~ ~~ / •Y „~j 1} I ~ i / / / / ~ ~ 777////// , +"7 ,. / / / O '.C`~ / E J ~ ~ STREAM ~ ia ~ ~ ` ~ls / ~ ~~~~ ~ ; 1 ~ ~ t f , `~ ~ ~ W ~ t ~ ~ t ~~ '~ ~ , ~ _~ ` ~ / / y ~ t' t~ : 6 ~ ,k ~ ~1 ~ ;~ ~~ ~; ~ ~ ~ 1 \ _. "~ 0 . \ ~ M, e a ~ ~1~~F~II~PARIAN •. ._ \ G~ (TYP.) `` ~ `~ y ~ ~~ ~. " ~.. .~ *•. - w~ u < ~ \ .,. a ~~~ ~ e 1 T!/ ~ ~ .. _ e i . ~ ~ 3 a a F e ,,~,. 2i~ ~ { ~, ~ ~ ., ... , ., \ ~ ` ~ }}} ~ ! 1 { ~ # ~ .~~ - Y~ { 4 ~ ' f LEGEND '~ ~~ ~. '` '~~ ZONE 1 - ' - 0 SF (0 AC) ~~~° . " r ~ ~ ~ ~ . '~ ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) ,%°` / STREALF _ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~- ` ` GRAPHIC SCALE ~;~` ~ ~ i o0 o so i o0 200 AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) % _ ' ~~` . , WETLANDS - ,~,~ _ 15,718 SF (0.36 AC) `' ~ 1 inch = 100 ft. WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS WITHERS ~ RAVENEL S1 ` V RNf INRRRf i -IARNRRf 1 fYRYRrORf j WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA ~u .~o~~~. e, r+mn cpr~, vsn ~aais. ~a o.: ris wi-eme ~. w\w-Zau\w v. ~virv r wv ~av~wn vawq.•an9- w'^rvr1 a.~. i ~" ~ }, ~~` - GRAPHIC SCALE ioo o so ioo zoo ~. ~ , .t' a° 1 inch = 100 ft. .,~° ._ .~ ~" ~ ~ ._ # ~,~ ~ a ~ E ~' ., ~ .; "1 "J g ~ ~ N ,_ __ ~~ 'a z,o ~ " i ~ ~ ""~ i ~ . ~... b °'." ~ ~~,~m ~~- _. ~ / ~ ,, ~~ / ~~ r i , ..,. ~~~ (~ ~ ~~'' WET~INDS - _~. ' ~ , ('iYP:) ~ ~ ,.. ~~ x ~~~ / ~a -~ . r .~ f~ ~ .~ ~. m,,. ~ GREENWAY„ , i , t ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~; ~, ,. r ,. ~' ~, ~'~. b ~ ~ ~ m ~ f t t w ~ /~ .,~ ~ / ~- ~ , ~,,, - ~ ~' ~ ~ `° fIl !r1 I _ ~ i ~ . ~ ~ '~ NEUSE RIP~/~RWN" ~~ ,F . . ___.~ . ~o ) I ,. __" -~,. G ~ ~ ........«..- ~ { 3~ ~ is x *„ ~,. r"'~ . '"~ _ • 4 Y ~ J// g~. 444 r - '~ , ~ ~ 1,~ ~ \ r °~ f ry _, ti --... r °- .,. ^^. ~. . d ... ,,,.,.... P ~ f ~ .,..., s -.. ,,,,,e. _,r ~ ~.~ •- r ~. ~~. ... _ ~ y„_. ^. t ` ~ .~ -••- ~ ~ ,~ 1 _. ~- ,o ~ ~.4 ~ ,~ S17 LEGEND ~-~`'~ ~l `~ G11 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) `~~~" . ZONE 1 - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 2 - ® _ "~~'~ ` ~ ~ ZONE 2 - 0 SF (0 AC) STREAM: • • • .~--~h STREAM: LF - 0 I AREA - OOSF (0 AC) AREA` - 0 SF (0 AC) I I WETLANDS - 231 SF (0.01 AC) WETLANDS - ~ ~ - 566 SF (0.01 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THERB ~ RAVENEL S17 & G11 iM~iMiaas i r~~MN~as ~ sueviroRs WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA mn4,n~~ mm~ i:n .a wi,:i .we... [:\05\05-2e0\Oelel.ul\uev wrmrt nmwiu\wwm uarrq~.aM9- ~~d v - .. 1- .' r '~ GRAPHIC SCALE ~ ioo o so ioo zoo a s` 1 inch = 100 ft. ,` r .. v '?~,, ;~ _: _. ~__ , t .,~ r i ~~~ ~ ~. .W ~ .~_ '`^-„~ , ` ti~ ,,~ ~ p~° ~ . WETLANDS. , ~•) t _ p r. r ., ~_ t~, h ..M w~ __ . ri" c L ~_ _.._ t ~. i - -- ~~ -~,, S 9 ~ f ; ~, ~ _. ~ ~ ~`_ J p' = ~ 1 ..., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ _.. ~. ,. `~ ~' :. .. l I \ ~ ~.~_ ) ~ . ~ t~ ~ .. ~ ~~ /~ ~ j ._ ~ .. ~ ~ ~, EDGE OF ~. ~- ,.~~~_ { ~ ' / / WATER (7YP~ ' . ~/ ' ~ l e~ p ~ ~ > ~ " ~~~ ~ NEUSE RIPPARIAN ~ ° { _ ~~~ ~~} ~``+ ~ BUFFER (TYP.) '~~ S18 LEGEND °,~., S19 LEGEND ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 1 - - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 2 - ® - 0 SF (0 AC) ZONE 2 - ~ - 0 SF (0 AC) STREAM: ••• STREAM: ••• LF - p LF - 0 AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) AREA - 0 SF (0 AC) WETLANDS -~ _ 1,067 SF (0.02 AC) WETLANDS -~ - 821 SF (0.02 AC) WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER9 ~ RAVENEL S18 & S19 LNf INILRS 1 ~LANNIIf 1 fYRYLrOIf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA „„.„.,„.•n~,,,,,~„a.,a„ rwi - uN~rnt vcr[rrson . '.L' ~ ~ vnm c ~ ~ ~ i I ~~ . ~ ~ ' ~ =~ 5 ~ t i € 1 ~ ~s z~ ~ ` ~ _ `` i ~ S r :' I E `l ~'t s ~' I t ~~ 4 ` ~ 1 ` ~° ~ ~ 'V ~` ~''' y vy 3 ~~~ ~~~~ ~ )~ 1 Tl~'P ~ '~,~,;~ - ~~ ~ ~ ~' 1 F l s. T~'ti \ ~ 1 ~ \ t i ~ v ~ fi SS ~ \ E b \ l ~ b ~ ~ i ~ ~~M. ~ ~ ~ t~ t. ~ f h ~1, t ``~ ~9D ~ ~ . ~ ~ t ~ ~ \ ~ ~ FFF 1 4 ~ ~ t ~i ~~ ~ tt s `~ ~7{ ~ s ~ v \\ \_ °~`~\1.~\~ ': ~~' LEGEND _~ v ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ r' ~ ZONE 1 - 1,495 SF (0.034 AC) ~~ ~ ~ ~ j~,: ~ ~ i? ~ "~~ ~ ~ ZONE 2 - 313 SF (0.007 AC) ~ r ~ ~~i ` r ; ` ' ' ~ ~~~` STREAM: 1 r~ 1 ,l ~ LF-0 ! ~~ 1 f i ~ ~ ~;, }~ ~~ AREA - 0 SF (0.000 AC) ~~ ~ °t ~ ~ e ~ ~ `'~ WENDELL FALLS STREAM IMPACTS W~THER8 ~ RAVENEL G~O ENi1NEERf I tLANNEAf 1 fOEYEYORf WENDELL WAKE NORTH CAROLINA i~in~cM,~am N e~n~, nsi~ ni: isw¢ssw ~.e: sigaerrme ,w,.<We~.,,,,er.m„ N m 0 V U 0 n ~ od 0 N~ ~a N/ \ pi 5 CURVE DATA FOR -RP61'l01- 6 P~s Sro 20+2593 Pr Sra 2l+2386 Pls Sra 22+2182 Pls Srv 25+48.00 Pl Sra 26+5288 Pls Sro 27+5784 Bs = 25Y532 p= 152'393'rLn Bs = ZSr532 Bs = 5'43'465' p =474'027rRTl Bs = 543'465' Ls - 19787 D = 75M303' Ls • 197D(Y Ls • 197D0 D = 54400b' 1s - 197f;Q' LT = !3135' L = 6456' LT = 13135' LT = 131.44 L = 7852 U = UL40' ST - 6588' T = J22B' S7 - 6568' ST - 6573' i = 3928 ST = 6573' R = 197000 R = 965D0 CURVE DATA FOR 3 - P - 2A CUR/f DATA fOR -Y3- L BY101 PI Sta 11+86,47 PI Sra 16+08 50 P!s Stv N+44D7 PI Sta 14+9972 Pis Sio 16+8310 p = 3600000'rRTI . p = 809 DOAlLTI Bs = 2E 3652.4' ' p = 10640196'IRTI Bs = 2838'52.4' D = 1378'30 7' D = 2'58'757 Ls = 21325 D =265204.4' Ls =21325' . L = ffi3B4 L = 26878 ~~ (7 = 14407 C = 39702 LT = I44DT T = 136.47 i = 1348Y ST = 7287 T = 286.47 ST = 7282' R = 42000 R = 1925 87 R =71325' . CURVE DATA FOR 1 -L- rEX1571~ 0®0 I-~~~~~LBG 081012 ~~'~~_~ 5 ~.~ UW + _ ._,._.-. -........___-L._____..- 7800 ~ Y 2007 ..~_. r ._.. Y 2030 1 €I T1 ' '1 . f 25 x ~',i J+~+1H IfA~~Ai+~ P+PN ufARp/q+ 1~ 300 r.m ... `~~~+u+nA ,~Q'`,+n+a ±(~!•,- I ++ 4r LOOPB 77,000 '~ ~ SEAL SEAL q~ RAMP a ~° US284 Low G 9a55o S~~k 16003 16003 '. 23900 RAMPC glGp ~ IYOkoo ''+~0~~~~HPpAp~ y+'+N~HO HAIF„d,~ i ~~ SAP 'REGISTERED ENGINEER '. REGIETEREO ENGINEER '. S6Lb ~~O,i - ,. 36800 ~ ~ Pls 510 444+1789 P1SIa 449+85.4! Pls Sto 455+4677 ~C~~1~ ;! ~~ iG ', BS • 744110' p= 1648'439rRi1 BS •3'49'1111' ~ '~ URN ', is = 39370 D = Y56255' Ls = 39370 CT =26253' L =866.42 LT =262.53' 57 = 13124 7 = 43634 ST = 13129' R •295275' `;~ a ~~ ~ r ~ ° O~ `O2 /~ [ // , 4QP .. , t Qo S J + 4r~P 1' ~ ~~~ ~. 0 Lp p~ oQ'`~ O. ~ 1~'~ 'l~+p~° SHESAR CREEK COMPANY LLC a ~ OB 11338 PG 22D1 ~\ \~ J LH A T` t~ ~ / ,,~ ~!" ~ c ~~~ NORTH CAROLINd ~' ~/ DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION ~y` ° - v pe OB756 PG 0410 ,, SEE SHEET 9 FOR -YI01- PROFILE SEE SHEETS 15 8 16 FOR -1- PRORIE SEE SHEET 10 FOR -LPB- PROFILE SEE SHEET 11 FOR aIPB- PRORLE SEE SHEET 12 FOR aIPC- PRORLE SEE SHEET 13 FOR -LPC- PRORLE SEE SHEETS 13 8 14 FOR -1'3- PROFILE SEE SHEET 2F FOR DRAINAGE DETAILS SEE SHEET 1G FOR INTERSECnON DEl r a pry, _- ~' i ,, ~-° 1 ~~ US 641264 =~. ... is a / 4 CURE DATA FOR -LPCY101- Pls Sra a+3477 PI Sro 5+WD8 Pls Sto 18+55.43 Bs = 24'57 SIB' p = w672'09.T rLTI Bs = 24575/5' Ls =20013' D = 24'56'537 Ls = fiCbl3' CT = IJ47T L =58136' LT = 11477 57 =6794' T = 76395' ST = 6794' R = 22966' 7 ~ej CURVE DATA FOR - RPCYI01- ~/ Pls Sro II+4205 PI SIa 8+3360 Pls Sta ZO+9gD9 Pls Sro 25+5850 PI Sro 28+43D5 PIS S Bs = 434033' p - 3532595'rRTI Bs =4.34033' Bs = 61r4v' p • 2428'29SaTl Bs = is = 213D0' 0 = 4220L4' !s = 213D0' !s = 213D0' D = S44Ctl6' is = LT = 14205' L = 814,05' 17 = 142D5' U = N2D9' L = 42076' LT = 57 = IIIYT T = 4206CY ST = I1D4' ST = 7111u°' T = 21364' ST = A = 131200 R = cASm C L7, ~ LANE WHITLEY EACLE ROCM COMPANY LLC Uo flONALD P. GIBBON DB TISB PG 713 ~ S6'ESER CAEEN COMPANY LLC DB 11338 `rG 2201 \\ f _ W W 0 O r Q r Q N J W Z ., __ _ __ J U 2 N/F N.C. DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION PIN 1767-58°7801 ' DB 8756 PG 410 BM 1981 PG 270 - C .' ,. _ \ ~. G6• ~ f ~-~ ~/X~~ ~ 1 b _ $ 3~ k0 1 SAP VA` i NORTH CAROLINA t ~' "O I DEPT. DF TRANSPORTATION N~~a ~ I n '~ ` ~ 1 ' OB D8T56 PG 0410 ^ 111 7 7 7 /// THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 o~- ~~i~ f~~RTH CAR~~II~A - -woe- - WETLAND BOUNDARY /wee, ~ WETLAND ~ _ - ~ DENOTES FILL [N WETLAND DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (POND) T T 1DENOTES TEMPORARY I FILL IN WETLAND E. E DENOTES EXCAVATION IN WETLAND DENOTES TEMPORARY TS TS FILL IN SURFACE WATER • ••e DENOTES MECHANIZED +`*` • CLEARING -~ FLOW DIRECTION TB -~- - TOP OF BANK WE -- EDGE OF WATER - - ~- PROP. LIMIT OF CUT - --- F- - - PROP. LIMIT OF FILL -~-- PROP. RIGHT OF WAY - - NG- -NATURAL GROUND - PROPERTY INE L -TDE- TEMP. DRAINAGE EASEMENT -PDE- PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT - EAB- EXIST. ENDANGERED ANIMAL BOUNDARY - Epg- EXIST. ENDANGERED PLANT BOUNDARY - -~ - - - WATER SURFACE x x x x x LIVE STAKES x x x BOULDER - - - COIR FIBER ROLLS PROPOSED BRIDGE PROPOSED BOX CULVERT PROPOSED P1PE CULVERT 12'-48' (DASHED LINES DENOTE PIPES EXISTNG STRUCTURES) 54' PIPES & ABOVE SINGLE TREE WOODS LINE DRAINAGE INLET ROOTWAD RIP RAP O ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER OR PARCEL NUMBER IF AVAILABLE PREFORMED SCOUR HOLE ~-=- LEVEL SPREADER (L S) DITCH / GRASS SWALE R'ENDELL FALLS DEVEI.flPb1ENT, I.LC WAKE CflLNTY PRflJEC:T: LDG flR1012 FVENDELL FALLS PARKTVAY FRflhf SR 2501 '1'fl SR 1007 SHEET 2 flF 20 ~~[yl~ ~~~~~~ ~ J ~ ~ W Q ~ z ~ ~+ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Caroline 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT I.BG OR7012 SHEET 3 OF 20 DOTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Pr OJec is\OR1012 - DS64 Int er chang5\De sipn\PERMIT \OR10p_PERMIT_04_Sitel_Plan,cpn i ~ \ ~ , N.C.OEPARTMEN7 "~f ~ ~: I / ~w OF TRANSPORTATION M, ~°, ~ ' \ c"~~ G' i (j ~ r \ ~ °~ \ (~ i \ N'~~~ ~ .....~.~ ___._..... ~_ _._. ~.. _._. _____. _._.._. _........_ ._ _...___.........__ _. .. .._.._.__......__... ~. , ~ r... ~ _.... ........_ tea. / ~ t F~ ~ 9_ _ y , •' I wr.wriw~r ___ , , ~ f :~ , ,, . ; .. ~ ,~ /, WENDEIL LL5 ~`ARKWAY ~/ I I ` V F ~ ~ ~ }, '~ ~ ~ ~; ®. ~!~ \/ ~ C,N '~'. s,y,~^ .r" tMEN(?Ei.L ,~AI..t. ~''f ()k;L'EI.OPMcNT, l..(...C. ~I/~ ------.. F ~ _..., F . ^. ~sr~k...r~s'--r--.. ~ __ __ ~.._._ _.__. ~ ~..._ _.. ... N ~ ___ - f ~ ~~, __- ~~ ~ F __.. __._ ~ T _ _. _ _.., _„_ w _ F ~ OE VELOPMFNT~, ~ L.C. ~~ ~ ~e ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ \ Qi`~ i _O~ C;ij/:' /~ ~ ~1 iN!~ ~tr) ~ ~ }~~ ~ _- ~ O - -~ ~~'(~C' / N DEPA~RTMEN~ C ~ ~ ~'~~ ,'~~ ` , . O~ TRANSPORT,4T30~1 ~ ~4 \ y M S~. ` ~ OJ ~~ S~ F.~\ ' \ e , . ,, ~i ' t' e ~ ~lJ - _ ~~~ ~°-snt~; . ~~lla~iVT l~ll1Li 5'Y ~ I ~j DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND . =? ~> ~ c ~i (0.81 oc) gg ~I ~ll~~ ll ~ ' ~ a s~ i ~~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING RIP RAP ~ „,„~„~ _..-~_..,m~ ? ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. ~ 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 £ Cary, North Carolina 27511 ' ~' I ;, ~Z g-,-„ razz - BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE ' WENDELLFALLS DEVELOPMENT,LLC wacecouNTv -W~g- WETLAND BOUNDARY PROJECT!l8GOR1012 SHEET 4 OF 20 DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\ORIO12 - US64 Intar chonge\Design\PERMrt \OR7012_PERMIT 05_SIteLProflleApn 280 27Q -Y101- 33+15.62 EL 250.29 = x -LPCY101- 2it44.66 (36.00 RT) o ~ o EL 249.39 m ~ °, ~ u7 J O 260 _-Y401- 33+41_.93... EL 248.35 = o-°~ vti °m ~ eWo n a (~-RPCY101- 34+29,85 {36.00 R'f) m r- a ~+ ~ I EL 248.45 = .- N m m .= cMu u~iiw c °xsw 250 1°° 2t0' BRIDGE LENGTH cw w ' PI = 37+50.00 {-)3.g 70` 70' 70' EL = 234.54' 29Z>~ SPAN SPAN ~ SPAN YC = 400 240 ~-._._._- ( K = 120 t`" "_"-----_._ ( )Q 3000...._ ,...._._~~~ - - 230_ _ _ ~ `;~ --'- -`-.- . , ~'~ ~.N i ~ ~ 220 ~ _ _ _ -- ~ ~ ~ / \ _ \ ~ 210 ~ ~ 200 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND (0.81 ac) RIP RAP 1~~~1F~1L~' ~~~~ ~ ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc. I 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, Norttt Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECE LBG OR1012 SHEET 5 OF 20 DATE: 12/4/2006 EII E: g:\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Interchange\Design\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_O6_Stte2_Plon.dgn _ __. MACK HALL HEIRS ". w{~~ ~' -.... - R _.._ _.... _.... _. -- __ ,. _.. ., i' - f~, L l ~ `--. WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY -- % ti :__._,~~. ---7"""3"x--'-'""..-~-~ s 1------- _~~, ~~,,,, l .-,~ ~_~_ ''•~, __._._ _, r, r! _. \ l,. ,.' µ'L8 ~ / ~ ./~: E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / °' WENOELL FALL5 ~' I i DEVELOPMENT. L.L.C. ~ ~ / ~ / i f `,~ /~ ~~ ~ ~'; ~ <~ ~ . ,, ~ „.. t. ~~ ~ ~ -WLB- W f ~ ,, J ,,; h ~~ / ' ~ ~ ' ' WENOELL FALLS /A'IM/-',.~.w~~ DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. %j ~ e '' ~ J ,.~ ~ r 1 R1 i ~ _ .... __ .~_ __._:.~... _._..`.W1.... __......._....... _.... ~:. ,:' /gZ y .~_ K\ , ~_,,,, ... . __ _. ..~....__. W _..---.. _ . _, ... ~__ - ~. ~'~ I Ii TT--- __ F C ~ _ rr BDO WENDELL FALLS ~ CAROL3NA PC~WEE~ & DEVELOPMENT, L,L.C. L.IGNT EASEMENT DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER c0.02 ac) DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA 10.04 aG DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING RIP RAP BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE WETLAND BOUNDARY iC~~lr ~~:Li~ ~ ~~~~ 6,~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 g Cary, NoRh Caroflna 27511 1 ~ ~._...,_. __.._Y..~.~,._...__~~__...~. n__._._W___...._.. f WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY ; PROJECT: LBG OR1012 ~ ~ SHEET 8 OF 20 €.H»» .... , A~,~~s. e.~~m.~~..~..~. ~~. DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: Q:\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Iniarchonge\Design\PERMIT\OR1012-PERMIT _07_SIte2_Proflle.tlOn 280 270 260 250 240 Px = s2+so.oo EL = 224.19' VC 6Q0' K = 222 CULYERT CL. ,,,,,,,, _, ._ ,,_ •Y1p1- 52+79. 4 EL 226.32 230 - - - - - _ - - , ._ ._.__ ~ ~•?1.8797 _ (+)1.62Q7~ - _ 220 ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ -- ~' 1 CULVE.HT ~A7A SL'kMdM 211 oQ (jF.slrli Di;;CHAR n`, P7i I, o.`. 210 . DESfryN h';t~ri WA7EP ?_1583 F7 /p.i )77 h'h:h' warEq ~ Zq;,j," ?'7 cvenrnrri?r; :ca~t% ~iw - nvA tr tNt HTO?FIN:: fNf. /n'!f.'liCr N/A Y 200 (:1'F9T!)P?%.4G Ottii'h'.iRS,y =^_ti/_S _ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ® 10.02 cU I DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA ., 10,04 aU ~ HORIZONTAL SCALE DENOTES MECRANIZED cLEARwc RIP RAP ' VERTICAL SCALE --- az 1 .-- BZ 2 BUFFER ZONE BUFFER ZONE - (yLB. WETLAND BDUNDARY s? A 11 J[:e L ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carotlna 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY I PROJECT:LBG OR1D12 I SHEET 7 OF 20 DATE: IZ/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR ProJecis\ORI012 - U564 Ini ar cnange\Desfgn\PERMrt \ORIOIZ_PERMIT 08_SI1e3_Plan.dgn _ ~~. WENDELL FALLS -' , ~~~ DEVELOPMENT, L.L. ~~.'' iii ~:%~ \ ~ j~ -' ,.- ~ i WENDELL FALLS ~~ ~, ti ;j r DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. ~ ~ m , _ ,~~ ~ ~ ~~. -~ , ., ~ _..~ j , ffr ~; I ~~ i ~' ~~q, ~. ~. . ,_ ,zee ~ ~~.. ~'~ ~ ~ ,.-' ~ -- N ~ , -. , ~ ,~ \~-- _ _ ~; r _._ __.. BDG ~ ' .. ~ , ~ a"' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _. i r' ~. ~ [,yI , . -- _.. ~. /, _...~_ _. j i i~ ~ , ~~ ¢ ,. WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY ~ ~ ~ ~ /~ ' f --°-'"`~ = '`~~ "~~ / K \ ~ ~T~ lam. ~ ~I C ~y~~y-yy~f~- __ _ _ .r _. .. ......,...rye.. ~~./ C F __ ~~- ~ F` 7`' _.. C _ ~,' C ,' ', ~ - F m i { / \' I , WENDELL FALLS ~ DEVELOPMENT. L.L.C. ''., ~ WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. i ~ T~ `t ~{ C '' DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER ~-`~~i~ll~~ J ® 10.02 aG .__ , ... __.~ . _„_m ,_ _ . . -, ;~ ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc N 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 ""v '7'I'r DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING Cary,NOrthCarolina27511 ____._ _ ` > 1~ - ., F -.. BUFFER ZONE WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT LLC ~, I, -F°~ ;--- BUFFER ZONE I WAKE COUNTY ` I WETLAND BOUNDARY PROJECT: LBG OR1012 -WLB- i SHEET BOF20 DATEe 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\ORI012 - U564 Interchonge\Design\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMI7_09_SIte7_Proffle.tlgn API 95+00.00 EL = 273.73' VC = 350' K = 105 290 n C ~ N m . ,W _ C N ~~ 280 ~ `° ~ u .- ~ \ m>~ \ 1 ~ - )1 1068 270 ~..~.._..~.-~ ~ -, ~ ` 260 ~ ~ 250 N ~ ~ N ma (~+ Q~01 sj° ~Ip mON Ala W?~W -Yt_01..'...._10365._00....E!_..__264..c_)_fT..._=......._..._ / ~ -Y9- 10+UO,OU ~ I . + i _i i ~. (-)1.10685 i i :.Vi.UFRT pgTn :ai%~fuh4Y 240 (1fi:C,'N ..~!S~:H.Wf,'F .7.9.: i'F.C (7f`+GN FaFIXIr. N('J :,(' rR`: ;; S:,,v H!tti W'AT a ,'47i5 '* !~ YR D;SCHARGf <65 CF> !a +Jt !fiG!4 WaTcP 2431.3£ !- T WlRTGnrr%eG F2:a7P EitV ,via e ra•[~r-er.=;hr; t ;<_rwe.vr. W ~•;ti rras 23O (N£'PTOFrt~rN( I.NS!'HC!?(E ~Y'ia i'fS 220 210 96 97 98 99 100 ® DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATER (0.02 acl HORIZONTAL SCALE •; •; •;• DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING --gZ ~--. BUFFER ZONE _...BZ 2-.- BUFFER ZONE ®~ VERTICAL SCALE i T WLB T WETLAND BOUNDARY 101 102 103 104 ', ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc 1513 Walnut Street, Sulte 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 3 WENDELL FALL$ DEVELOPMENT LLC i WAKE COUNTY __.._ ? PROJECT LBC OR1012 ~ SHEET 9 OF 20 ..,,.. O~7E: 12/x/2006 FILE: 9~\OR ProJecis\ORIO12 - USfi4 Inierchange\OesigmPERMIT\ORIO12_PERMIT_IO_Stie4_Plon_Ol.tlgn _ ~~'~'` ~! / f ~ ~c ~' I^~ SNE5~R CREEK COMPANY LLC NORFOLK-SOUTHERN .~/ ---"~-w ~ c.~ -- ------~.-..---~ `_ ~ ' RAILROAD ~,,~'~~ S - ' JO ~ t ~-~ I ~-- ~- C "`_ y~fi-~ ,~ ,,, ~ ~ ..- - j ° o ~h~~ ~,,,..--''"mss ~ Z ,Q . - ~ _„ .~.. •- , .-- .-,,,~-a--- . ~ tv -._.._._.., ate„„,';-,-a-_~. ~~ mm WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY '° j r d ~, , .._ O F ...,~, SHESER CREEK '`,.. ~ ~ a ~ --- -m - - -~ F COMPANY LLC ~ i ~ ~ ~ ; t i , r ~~ ~ , i .,~ ~~,~ ~ _ _ N; ; ,,,-, P,~~~~C~( f ~ ~ _.- - ," P . ~ Q~F.Q ~ tiZ ,~ ~ :~ .~ ~ ~ ~ , 2 F .- - - - - -. ) gZ ' _ ~ 3 s ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ua ~ ~1~.~ ._° _...._. _- ~3w ~,~' F ~ ez z .. -___--8~- 2 r, ~... __ ~~ -.. ..-~.....~ ~ ~~.~~.~ ~~~ti~~ r r ~- DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA ' ~' ' DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS (0.01 oc) I F '~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ', t' ` C -- - -' ®THE 503 INS BERGER GROUP, Inc. ,, C alnut Street, Suite 250 • BUFFER ZONE ~ Cary Nortn Caroilna 27511 ~~ , ._, _ --5~ $-- BUFFER ZONE ~ C WENDELLFALLSDEVELOPMENTLLC ; - wLB - WETLAND BOUNQARY (Rl0 C WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 10 OF 20 DeTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Inierchange\Design\PERMrt \OR1012_PERMIT 11_',S/hte4_Plon_02.dgn ,,, - li' ~ / jt f P P ~ ~ / f Jh Jy j / ? ~ /~ ;v ~ / N.C. CEPAR7MEtiT ^vL TRANSi'GRTATION t' A ~/ / r, , ~ 47 I ' SHESER CREEK COMPANY. LLCp~~~j ~'Qi ~ J / -- DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA !.. / ~ ` ., (0.41 oG 4 ~i.' / / ,, ~ . ~(; - ~ DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS L ~ ~~ ~ ,.v- ~ l ~-- _ _'- . ~ ~ , ~ i~r ~~ ~ r i~ 't'~ ,' ~ ~ ,~~ , / m ~,~ tr° / C'\ `J'~ ~ ~ / 4 ~7 <</1 ~ ~ ~ ~ •>r ~`,~. / / co`~c~ .~ ~ !' ~,~/cry o , / - ~ ac DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ; -..- BUFFER ZONE - r ~,. ?--- BUFFER ZONE ~ -wLe - WETLAND BOUNDARY / ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ / ~ li ~~ <e ~ ~ ~ ti ~~~~~. ~~~'.~~ 0^ w B3 r- ~ _..~-~.~ ..- ~_r in ._..,_._.~_~_......_s ~_.~ w - -_ _ ~ i THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc. `, U f ® 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 ,> ' Cary, North Carolina 27511 • / WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY ••--~------------••-------- -- - WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ' WAKE COUNTY 1` gq ~ ~`;a.. PROJECT: LBG OR1012 ~ SHEET 11 OF 20 ' DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\OR1012 - U564 Int ar change\Design\PfRMIT\OR1012_PERMIT _12_Sfie4,Pr of tle0l.tlgn 290 280 270 PI = 23+50.00 EL = 254.89' YG = 400' 260 K = 9s f .8434$ . _._.:~~,_ _::_-:_. _ _ 5027 0 ?~'gasa~ 25 _ ` \ 240 ~ ~ ~ ~ 230 ~ ~ 90" RCP INV IN = 221.50 - P/Pf h'1'ORAULIC DATA ~ INV OUT 219.00 / RT} 220 DRNNAGE STRUCTURE No.CJ ~}- ~ / V 1 J DRAINAGE AREA lACRfSI 40b9 AG DES/GN FRECUENCY ~ 50 YRS DES/GN DISCHARGE ~ J497 CFS DESIGN my ELEVATION = 225JJ FT 100 YR DISCHARGE ~ M29 CFS l00 YR HW ELEVATION - 225.75 FT 21 O OVERTOPPING FREQUENCY = +500 YRS F S OVERTOPPING DISCHARGE = N/A C O/ERTOPPING ELEVATION 26/.45 FT 23 24 25 26 27 DENOTES FILL IN WETLANDS AREA (0.41 oc) DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ,, ;,,: (0.01 ac> P ~ Q~1 HORIZONTAL SCALE DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING - _ BZ ~ _._. BUFFER ZONE VERTICAL SCALE - -LtZ ~--- BUFFER ZONE .WLB - WETLAND BOUNDARY (; -I_- -L- asz+7~.za 28 29 30 31 1['" 1L~p~~.y;1' 31LS~ ~~p:1 ~s ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY PROJECT:LBG OR1012 , SHEET 12 OF 20 I DATE: 12/4l/2006 FILE: g:~OR Projacts~OR1012 - U564 Int er change~pesign~PERMIT ~ORIO12 _PERMrt _13_SfteS Plon.d9n ~~~~ ~ sHESER cREEo< caMPANY LLC ~ ~~ ~ °ti y~ +I~ a5 ~ ~ _- '^ ~ ~ ' ~ vs~0~ ~ 00 (196.85') 60 51.6.85'1 -__ ~.~.,,~ ~----~ s ~ s s -' '~~,, ~.. J ~ - F _.V ~__. _. ~.. _,._ , s _ ~.~ __....~ _~_.. .. _ ,._. ~.~ . _.,...._. ~. _ 92 \ ~ US 64 ~..--~ 1 s g ~.' \\ \ \ ~ s \ ~ ~~ .~./~ US 64 ~G@ -~ ) ___...~- _... 1 ~ N `. _.. ~~ ~ -- -- - ,., ~ . I ,, ~ -' Y a p .~ ~~ _._, .... ~ ,.,~ 5 S ~ V ..~ `~ ~_ `e is \\\ ~ ~ti tit ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~s~M~ RUTH 8. WHITLEY HEIRS ET AL ~,~~~ N.C. DEPARTMENT ~ ~, - ~ ~ S.`~~ al; TRANSPORTATEON `' L , 0~ ~ \ c c ~ ' DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ~ M\~~~ i / ~ ~ \ ~~`~~ ~~''t~j~ ... 18.68 SFl QF.~ / ~ t3Z i ._.... BUFFER ZONE ~~GP s~ ~' v,~ ~ -- --' ,. ~,~ _..~ ~. .y ~~ ~~"° fi ~~~ ~ WLB i THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc ez ~ - BUFFER ZONE y `~. ; ~y, ~. ~ 1513 Walnut Street, Swte 250 -WLt3- WETLAND BOUNDARY ~\O~S~ ~~ ~ ~,q ~ I ~ Cary North Carolina 27511 ~~ ~ `~ct`~`~ ~ WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~' \ F Q ` \ ~'F~ ~ ~ WAKE COUNTY \ \ ~` PROJECT: LBG OR1012 ;~ SHEET 13 OF 20 DATE: 124/2006 FILE: g:\OR ProJecis\ORIO@ - DSfi4 tnt er change\Design\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT 14_S"te6_Plon_Ol,dgn ,...... )I ' ~ ~ SHESER CREEK ' ~ ~~, ,~.+'" DEVELOPMENT LLC ~-~ ' \ ~ ~ ~~ _ . ~ ~.,,- '~,gpSJg~~` sr~FSIW~ CRELK ~~, ._ `~~~~;-~ DEVE(_QPMEN7 LLC ~ \`. ~ ~, ~ -~-- ~:. ti ~ i .~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ti N v Br _ N •, a~ F ~ ,_ ..-.- 1 -" ...r ~ - ~. ~~ ,,,f. :... ra. - ~-- ~.-- _ O F- // ~~ f~~ w N H~ ~ ~ ~ ._.___ _ _ _ _.~ '~ ~, _; ~ ~ RAMP ,, , \ f ~~~ ~~. „I~~ .,. ~~ /\ \ ~ ~ C ~, .M ,\ ~~„ 164.04: ; ; \ X ~ ~ ~ ~ ~\I ,, >M.~ ~ ~ ,'`fir Y~~~, DENOTES FILL IN WETLAND AREA 1 \ ~~'1L~~ ~~~~ `' - 1 \ \ (0.04 vc) -~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~ 1 ~ DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING ~ ' ~ ~T'[°~ ~D ~ ~ / RIP RAP THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. , \ ~ ~ N.C.DEPARTMENT ~ 1513WaInutStreet,Suite250 OF TRAN5PORTATlON ® Cary NorthCarolma27511 ~' ~~ BUFFER ZONE ` ^_ 9 gg ~ -_-. BUFFER ZONE ~ WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC - WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY WAKE COUNTY PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 14 OF 20 OLTE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR ProJacts\OR1012 -11564 Int archange\OestgmPERMIT\ORIO12_PERMIT_IS_Site6_Pton_02.Ogn 0v -- - _ ~ ~ ' y~M' t SHESER CREEK r.~--° " / / ~ \ ~ ~ . ~ " DEVELOPMENT LLC _ ---^' /i, _ I- -- ~. i ~~ ~ I ,,,,..--~"'~ D~k~O I LLC // ~ \ ~ ~,; ~ i'. `f~ i~ .n '~~,~,~ !/ / ~ ~ ~ ~-r, / ~)I fi`t' ~,~~~i~' ., -- - - _- _~ r ~ -, , ,,, ~ ~ . ~ ra ~') l ~ .) v , ~ CG ~7i ~` ,......,,.,o..,,+ .^"°°' I ~.,", / ., C. H iPu {Ci. 'J; :i ~!~?.CS '-tai I~~ -i'' ~.«...r^...'. ' ~ ; _ - ~;;. . f / gl q ---1 ~ ~ - » ,__ ~.- ~ ~ BZ 2 ,-~ s RAMP _ _ ._ / - ~ _ ~ ~.,-- ~ v- ~ F -- _ _.. .. __ - . --- -- C ", ~\ s / -. .. .~.- ,. _ _.... 5 ~, _..... .~__ _-._._.~-......_. ~ ..... ~ ~ ~~ O S 0tiry -.. 1 '_`_. _ w ...` ..,.... C .._ __... _. N :...,,.. ........ C , w US 6q w z ,:~ 2 U ._,,.._,,..._.-_,.,.,..... / C .~-; C US 64 _..,.... ~~ .., . ., - '"" RAMP C C ~IL~N ~~IE~' ~,...... . _ ~ . ,_ '^'~~ ° . °- ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. ~,, 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 -"„ ' ~,. Cery, North Caroline 27511 ~ „, N.C. DEPARTMENT _ ,,. .. ...,__ .,.- Of TRANSPORTATION WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC WAKE COUNTY s '~ C ~ ~ C PROJECT: LBG OR1012 SHEET 15 OF 20 j DATE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projec TS\ORI012 - 0564 Iniarchonge\Dasign\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_IG_Sito'_Plon.dgn _ __ _ ~ ,~(\'Cy\ ~ : ~4 ~ \ 1 4~ k '.: \~ ~ j, ~ \ \ ~~\ ~ y D~ NZTE~C~ FILL IN SURFACE WATERS Z t DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING i ,~ .~ ~ ~ ~~~;~; s - BUFFER ZONE ~~ ~ ~ ~ BUFFER ZONE 8 ~ wL8 - WETLAND BOUNpARY ; r ~ ~ \ ~ ~~ ,.~ y ;,.. .~ ~~ ~~ Z ~ -~_ \ \ `~ _::w-.--------__~ _.,. - ...,..e - ~_ _-- ---- _--------~, t - ~ _.._ -.... ..---- --~- ~ .~ _ .F- ~ ~ -~- ,. ~ ~ __ __~.__ ~ q - - a ---- ~ _. _ --~..-~- - --m-----._.. m -- _ _. ~ ~,~,-~. `, ~ ,~ ~ _ ~~ ~~. ~~, t ~-., , ~ . -<. ~ ~\, ' ~.. I 1 ~ ~'O ~~ ~ ._..._. ..-...--~-_ .-.._-~.._.._._..... 4 , ~ 5 444 " '` \\`*~ 1 '~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~• ~ ~ '~ I THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc rn ,, ~ I j[" ~~.~j N ~~ j~. j(;~ 1ry ~ ~ ® 1 Cary, NoKh Car~o~lina 27510 ~~~~i `~ `- 1 WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT LLC {I WAKE COUNTY ', ~ ~i i. ~ SHEET 16 OF OJECT LBG OR1012 ; D47E: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\OR1012 - US64 Inter chonge\Desfgn\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT_I7_SIt e7_Proftl6.dg~i PI - 20+00.00 Et, = 295.18' VC = 650' 300 K - 9$ ` ~k}Z,.6782?~-- __,(~f4 3pO FEATHER 5 PI = 14+25.00 _ - - ~ --- - p$ , _ ~ iAATCH <~~T. EL = 279.78' `-- __--- _~_ w '"~ ~ ~- ~. "- _-- VC = 500' - 1 . ---- -~ _ _- y --- ~._ 280 -~., . .,,,_ _._., __~_ 6782---- F _ _ ~.:... i ,, - : ~ .;. ~ -Y2- 2a+69.7 270 ' - oo. I -Y101 - 115+a - ' punt. ae" ncr -Y2 20+23.45 EL 2$Q l .~.. INV IN • 289.91 INV 9UT 267.25 _...._._ __ - -Y101 115+51 .3& '' _ PIPE l+'YDRApUC DATA 67 19'+;77:. 03 ~~' 2Ft 9 'x - 260 ....-; ~' DRAINAGE STRUCTURE No. C6 DRAINAGE AREA lADRESI 200A0 AC , ,,, r .,, , ,,,,, -Y101 - 115+57.5$ {46.00 L1 II II DESIGN FREQUENCY 50 YRS e r DESIGN DISCHARGE 130A0 CFS DESIGN MY ELEVA7/ON 273.48 FT '. ' {f .I /00 YR DISCHARGE _ 157J0 CFS ~. . l00 YR FAY ELEVATION 27478 F7 '., y,~ ~ 0/ER70PPlNG FREQUENCY +500 YRS ` " °'"` O/ERTOPPING DISCHARGE = N/A CFS O/ERTOPP/NG ELEVATION ~ 286,48 FT 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ~~~~~~~~ HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS tOA2 ac) DENOTES MECHANIZED CLEARING t},G, .3---.- BUFFER ZONE ---- ~~ ~ ._- BUFFER ZONE - WLg - WETLAND BOUNDARY Fil it..! O ® THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc 1513 Walnut Street, Sulte 250 Cery, North Caroline 27511 { ' WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC , WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG OR1012 SHEET 17 OF 20 DAiE: 12/4/2006 FILE: g:\OR Projects\OR1012 -11564 Infer change\Design\PERMIT\OR1012_PERMIT.IB_S1t e8_Plon,tlgn ~~ I rl ~ N WENDELL FALLS m DEVELOPMENT, L.L,C. j ..r^ ~~ I `• !- ... i ~: ~-.~---~~._, _. ~ WENDELL FALLS P 2'`~ _...,,., ~' ARKWA Y ,.._... 1 OTC J ' { 1 *n ~~ ~ t i 1 ,• ' f r' ~~~ „ ~ I \ ~ \\\,} \ ~ 1i1 / WENDELL FALLS ~ DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C. ~- '. ~~O t ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. i ''~ ~ f- ,Y; 1 WENDELL FALL may. DEVELOPMENT. L,L,C. ~e \ ~ ~ S DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS --i-s^*~a~,,,~.: ~*s,-~----.:_ ~ ~ (0.06( ryoRC) ~y ~ q ~[, gg ~~~V~ THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP Inc 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 N.C. DEPARTMENT ® Cary, North Carolina 27511 ` OF TRANSPORTATION ~ WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT LLC E °~~ WAKE COUNTY PROJECT LBG ORtO12 SHEET 18 OF 20 ~? 260 ': to M 'N J ,'~ 250 PI = 37+50.00 PI = 45+00.00 EL = 234.54' EL = 232.29' YC = 400' YC = 400' ", K = 120 240 K = 513 -Y10' I -Y5- <3 --......__......(.- o.3ooq~_ .__[-~_f_o7s>~r 230 _. t 22Q - -- -- 1 i - ~ ~ ~ S ; END INTERGNANtiE PROJECT ~ ~ - ~ _BEGIN..._PARKWAY.,.._P ROJ ECT_____..........._ ,_ ,_„ _ ~ ._ --, ~ -Y101 - 47+50.00 EL 229.59 210 200 39 40 HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCALE 41 42 43 44 45 46 ~~~~~~~ ~Ji~~i lJ DENOTES FILL IN SURFACE WATERS ~ (0.06 acl _ _ _ ... ®THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary, North Carolina 27511 _.__ ____ ': ! WENDELL FALLS DEVELOPMENT, LLC ~ WAKE COUNTY .,..,. PROJECT: LBG OR1012 i SNEET 18 OF 20 WE TLANOIMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS BUFFER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From) (TO) Structure Size Fill In Wetlands (ac) Fill in Wetlands (cu yd) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation In Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing (Method III) (ac) Fill in SW (Natural) (ac) Fill in SW (Pond) (ac) Temp. FiII in SW (ac) Existing Channel Impacted (ft) Relocated Channel (ft) Enclosed Channel (ft) Zone 1 (ac) Zone 2 (ac) 1 NCDOT SITE 11 35+50.00 37+60.00 -Y101-3 70ftBRIDGE 0.81 1311.64 0,16 0.00 0 0 0.01 0.06 2 52+68.00 52+91.76 2 10'x10' RC Box Culvert 0.04 67.76 0.01 0.02 299 79 186 0.26 0.20 3 99+91.76 100+2826 32'Xi0' High Pro Arch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 296 153 0 0.56 0.28 4 NCDOT SITE 9 26+36.05 -Y101- 36" RCP 0.41 653.80 0.01 0.01 0.01 536 0 446 0.74 0.45 5 NCDOT SITE 7 0.00 0.00 443+00.83 8.68 SF 0.00 0 0 0 0,00 0.00 6 NCDOT SITE 8A 0.04 56.47 0.03 0.00 0 0 0 0.07 0.05 NCDOT SITE 8B 7 16+63 2 48" RCP Exist. & 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.02 57 0 57 0,08 0,04 Su limental 48" RCP 8 41+45.00 42+65,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.060 TOTALS. 1.3 2089.7 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.06 0,06 0.0 1188.0 232.0 669.0 1.72 1.09 THE LOUIS BERGER GROUP, Ine. 95Y3VYalrtutSVesC Site 250 Cary, North {~uo5ne 2781t PROJECT: LBG OR1012 IMPACT SUMMARY SHEET 20 OF 20 .~~ ~ ~ 2 Miles ~, .a ~- ~ _ ~~ - _ ~ .® • [~ Study Area Boundary _ ~ Waterbodies Riparian Buffers _ Land Use Classification ~ High • [_~ HrbPas - [~] IndCom C] Low ~• ~_~ Medium - ~] Residential . Forest ® ~ Limits of data provided by Stantec are outlined in orange EcoScience Corporation 1101 Haynes Street, Safte 101 Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 Ph: 919 8283433 Fax: 919 828 3518 ~; Client: North Carolina Department of Transportation Project: Knightdale Bypass Indirect and Cumulative Impact Study Nutrient Analysis Wake County, North Carolina Title: Land use conditions based on maximum build-out within th study boundary for Year 2020 -- with the Bypass Dwn By: Date: MTC Mar 2002 Ckd By: Scale: GRM As Shown ESC Project No: 00-046.19 FIGURE ~as na~ T--T I~ ~I I I ~ _ I I II I .~~ p~~ 45' ~ - - - - - II II I I I ~ I I I I I I AU(~1S11NE N I I I I I .°"~ I 70' ,____, II jl I KNABALL I~ I 50' ,_____, I, ,I IgYeALL ~ i~ II ~ I L , ,~,~ 5 5' ~ ----- II ~I I I I ~ TlN1.A110RE I ~ ( Ii ~I I ~.,Kw„ ~ ~a 75' i _ _ i ,_____ I; it AUGUS1NrE II I I -~^~- 60' i ---------I I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I I~ ~I ~ 1HURLESTON I I I I I I - J I ~-- _~,_ 100' SUMMIT Consulting Engineers, PLLC GEOTECHNICAL • PLANNING • ENGINEERING • SURVEYING • CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT November 27, 2006 The Louis Berger Group, Inc. 1513 Walnut Street, Suite 250 Cary NC 27511 Attention: Mr. Dean Hatfield, P.E. Director of Transportation Engineering Reference: Louis Berger Project: OR1012 Summit Project Number: 06-038 Description: Bridge on Wendell Falls Parkway (-Y101-) over Stream Crossing #3 Subject: Bridge Foundation Investigation and Design Recommendations Dear Mr. Hatfield: Summit Consulting Engineers, PLLC is pleased to submit this report of our Bridge Foundation Investigation and Design Recommendations for the above referenced project. The purpose of this foundation investigation and analysis was to determine the various soil profile components and the engineering characteristics ofthe foundation materials, and to provide foundation design recommendations. This report presents a review of information provided to us, a discussion of the site and subsurface conditions, and our foundation recommendations for the proposed structure. The Appendix ofthis report contains a plan view ofthe site showing boring locations, boring logs, appropriate cross sections across each bent, and a summary of laboratory testing. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed bridge site is located at a northeast to southwest flowing, unnamed tributary of Mark's Creek in eastern Wake County, North Carolina. The area on each side of the stream is undeveloped and heavily wooded. A single span, ± 37.5 feet long, fill face to fill face, and ± 139 feet wide, out to out, precast concrete arch bridge with a skew angle of 65°3'58" is proposed on -Y101-- over the unnamed stream identified as Crossing #3. The precast arch bridge will extend from Station 99+91.76 to Station 100+29.26 on -Y101-. The approaches to the structure will require the construction of approach embankments up to ± 17 feet above existing ground surface at end bent 1 and at end bent 2. Page 1 of 4 1000 Corporate Drive Suite 101 Hillsborough, NC 27278 314-A South Madison Boulevard • Roxboro, NC 27573 Telephone (919) 732-3883 Fax (919) 732-6676 vrww.summit-engineercom Telephone (336) 599-3900 Fax (336) 599-7226 II. PHYSIOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY The proposed bridge site is located approximately''/2 mile upstream from the confluence ofthe unnamed tributary and Mark's Creek in a wooded, undeveloped area. The small shallow stream is approximately 5 to 7 feet wide from top of bank to top of bank. The creek bed in several places consists of mass rock. In addition, several smooth faced rock outcrops were observed adjacent to the stream, particularly to the south of the bridge crossing. Geologically, the site is Located within the Raleigh Geologic Belt. The Raleigh Belt is a complex interlayered and interfingered sequence ofhigh- and low-grade metamorphic rocks oriented in a northeast trending belt. The rock sequence reflects several episodes ofdeformation during which igneous intrusions of various compositions, sizes and ages were emplaced. Specifically, the site is located within the most extensive intrusion called the Rolesville batholith. The Rolesville batholith is one of the largest plutons in the eastern United States that crops out in northwestern Johnston County and covers a large area in eastern Wake County. The main rock of the intrusive complex is granite. Primary minerals include quartz, feldspar, plagioclase, muscovite, and biotite mica. The soils weathered from the parent bedrock are generally sandy soils consisting of an upper layer of clayey sand or silty sand underlain by medium to coarse sand. The clay content within the soil profile generally decreases with depth; whereas, the sand content generally increases with depth. A zone of partially weathered rock is generally encountered above bedrock. III. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was conducted in September 2006 utilizing a CME 550x, all-terrain drill rig. The investigation was conducted in general accordance with NCDOT, Geotechnical Guidelines and Procedures Manual and generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. Eight (8) borings were located and advanced to depths ranging from 1.6 to 12.0 feet below ground surface, utilizing 3'/a" I- D, hollow-stem augers, and NQ-2 core barrel. Soil samples were classified in the field by a qualified engineer, and a representative number were submitted to our laboratory for testing. Rock coring was performed at selected locations to define rock type and quality. The recovered rock was visually classified and percent core recovery and Rock Quality Designation (RQD) values were determined in the field by the field engineer. Water with no bentonite or other additives was used for drilling fluid. Field reconnaissance, utility clearance, borehole layout and elevation control were performed by an experienced Geotechnical Engineer. Cross section and soil boring surface elevations were referenced to survey stakes at the site placed by Withers and Ravenel personnel. IV. LAB TESTING The samples obtained during the drilling operation were labeled, sealed, and transported to our Hillsborough, North Carolina laboratory. All samples were examined and visually classified by a Geotechnical Engineer. In addition to visual classification, representative soil samples were selected for classification tests, including particle size analysis, AASHTO *T 88-93; liquid limit, AASHTO *T 89-93; Page 2 of 4 plastic limit and plastic index, AASHTO *T 90-92; and moisture content, AASHTO T 265-86. The results of these laboratory tests are summarized in the appendix of this report. * As modified by NCDOT Material and Test Unit Rock cores obtained from this site were visually classified, photographed and stored for future reference. V. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Details ofthe subsurface conditions encountered at this site are shown on the individual boring logs and coring logs, as well as cross-sections included in the Appendix of this report. A description of the subsurface conditions encountered at the entire site is presented herewith. At each end bent location, alluvial soils consisting of brown and tan, very loose to medium dense, silty- sand (A-2-4), were encountered. The alluvial sands varied from 1.6 to 7.5 feet in thickness and quickly graded with depth to weathered rock and hard rock (granite). Auger refusal or SPT refusal on hard rock was encountered in every boring drilled at this location at elevations ranging from 242.7 ft. at EB 1-A to 247.3 ft. at EB 1-B. At EB 1-D and EB2-E, the rock was cored with between 100% recovery and RQD values of 100% and 99% respectively. The cored rock consisted of tan-gray, slightly weathered, hard granite. Groundwater was not encountered in four (4) of the eight (8) borings drilled at this site at depths between 2.5 and 3.8 ft. below ground surface. Borings EBl-D and EB2-E were checked after twenty-four (24) hours and drilling fluid was in the hole. It should be noted that groundwater levels at this site may vary due to seasonal and climatical conditions. VI. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The data obtained from the field and laboratory testing was evaluated by a Geotechnical Engineer and the feasibility of utilizing spread footing foundations was assessed at each bent location. Based on the shallow depth to weathered rock and hard rock, spread footing foundations are considered suitable for use at this site. General foundation recommendations for each foundation type are presented below. Spread Footings Based on the subsurface conditions encountered, spread footing foundations are considered reasonable for support of the proposed bridge at each end bent 1. Spread footings founded on the weathered rock or hard rock with highest possible bearing elevations listed on the following page should achieve a safe allowable bearing capacity of ] 0 ksf. . Page 3 of 4 - ' Location Estimated Embedment Elevation (ft) EB I -A 242 EBl -D 248 EB 1-E 244 EB 1-B 245.5 EB2-A 245.5 EB2-D 246 EB2-E 246.5 EB2-B 246 It is anticipated that excavations through soil and weathered rock may be accomplished with heavy excavation equipment. Ground water should be anticipated during excavation and construction of the shallow foundations. All rock or other hard foundation material shall be cleaned of all loose material and cut to a firm surface, either level or stepped. All seams shall be cleaned out and filled with concrete, mortar, or grout. All loose and disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. The rock surface shall be left in rough condition, so as to form an adequate key against lateral movement of the footing. VII. CHANGED CONDITIONS Should plans for the proposed bridge be changed from those used in preparing this report, Summit Consulting Engineers should be provided the opportunity to review the recommendations in this report for either possible changes to the report or verification of the information in the report. VIII. DISCLAIMER Summit Consulting Engineers has prepared this report for your use in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. Analysis, conclusions, and other work produced by Summit Consulting Engineers are instruments of service for this project only. Summit Consulting Engineers' assignment does not include, nor does this geotechnical report address the environmental aspects of the particular site. Respectfully submitted, SUMMIT CONSULTING~,~i~'l~R,~j PLLC. .~ ~ ~ 1 ~, ,,~~ • e~cr9agpe®an ~/~'A ~j', {~/ `~ • ~ Z Don Dewe P.E. ~ SEAL Y, ~ 2Q} ~0 = Manager, Geotechnipl S ices ~~ a'1-~~ ~ a,,~~~~~`Unirn N~~*~~, Page 4 of 4 .~ .~ D ~~~1 ~~~~~ ~ .,' 00 ON 11ri ao 0 .O z U W O ~---~ CI") STREAM CROSSING •3 CAUTION NOTICE ST RUCT UR E SUBSURFA CE I NV ESTIGATION u( 9111!{IlrAtt A/ORYArIaI AIM1 TIC NM!lIMKAa AIVtfIMfArlal OM ~udl II 6 /ASCD tub YrOt ra rIs NMIr09t Or Si1pYLR.M/NG AND Ot9pt AtA) Aor fa tOMSIRI1Ctp1 a PAY gMIPDetS, r1lt VAROUS rKLO IOMiG LbOS, ROdt COAL5, AND SOt iBr OAIA AYAtA9Lt wY ~ RLrItAtO a AIytCItD N RAL[A01 9t OOIIIACrA10 tNE NC.OrIMtY(NI a fRMb7PpllAfgN, DtOftdMr:At uAr • 19191450.10!!. rRITA[R t$ sueswrAa rLA1B AND RIrORIS,NOR ra rM:LO eoRA,o rocs. Roca caRCa a sa rtst oArA s -ARr a nK coNlRAct. odltRlt sa AI• Rods srRArA asal.9oNS AND AA1CArcD eaNON9ts Alit eAstD ON A GLOrtdAAcAI. NrcRrRtrArgll p Itl AYALA•,t weelMrAa DAtA AND wY Npr IM;as5/RtY IKIL[Cl 1M< AcIWt e1NSINAa C0141A9K lt1Al(DV IORNDS a RlfaEttN SMMLIO fru1A wrlrl rx[ IoAtxat. ra u9oRAraY sAArtt OAIA AND fxt N pfu IN•RAaI rtsf d-rA GIN !t IIMIt I~NDltblle YIIY YARY CONSOtRAaY ~rX TAM tRAtuALS, MtORUrgN AND a•, As t+tla AS Ors IMIOtR a CoNnucta s GIItAtI[0 nur atAts nlturNARIr akr AI• N IuAlr G19ts rK rNAt a otrAllnltNr As ro rr~ rtvt or wrtR~ALS AIQ cornlAcra 6 Wurg11LD t0 IIrRt su0r AM1LriN NlassARY ro SArsrY Dear As ro calaloN coNnlAcra swu wvt ND aw ra AodrMINA ANY R(Aeal R(AtINO rRpu INC Adult tpA}II rtget AIpCA1t0 N iNt 5w9uMAa rM'glwrlpL aila~uDND SUMMIT PROJECT 06-038 I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY WAKE PROJECT DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY OVER CONTENTS LEGEND ... SHEET 2 BORING PLAN ... SHEET 3 CROSS SECTIONS ... SHEET 4.5 BORING LOGS ... SHEET 6.9 LAB RESULTS ... SHEET 10 INVESTIGATED BY: SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS DATES NOVEMBER 22, 2006 Dl~-1~1~ Aorc • Xs ArDRwtaN earANro roAON s qt A/l(0 a alMawltt0 9r Irc Kc.DMM1IgNt a nrsroRrAfa A9 Ip16 AOdIRArc ROA e s casaRlD to K rAlll a M RAt1i. 9rcrscAlArs, a eoAnrACt ra rxt rROncr. "~' "^ •.q ~.""~.•...'~ Aou • 9r wMNa RlaltsrcD Axe NrOtAAroA ht COIrtRACNM sAlauAr ..rts rIV aAAK Ira rN ttrtNtA>fr a rAlt ra s<K a ra s+rt art9ArD rRDu ra AlottA9to wrtNtArcN a tAl(N4p1 a ,As 9A9t9 OA orrtRtAas KLaN IAt oaora9 NocArto KADN AIO XC Aclylt tsltrtpe Ar tit rROxcl m. Pubtl I A T N , AL H NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION oRTOl2 2 To DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS GFATECHNiCAL UNIT SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION SOiL AND ROCK LEGEND, TERMS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS K R PT N R PT IfI~pNOEn. I6NJIIE4 A 0000 REPRESExuta ff PMtICLE SnES FROI FILE 10 CMRSE HARD RO01 IS IpI•COAStAL RAIx IYIIERWL twt YIEYI tESfEd YOIAA rIELO SPr REfU4At.M IKEIIiO Allurlw YaLUYJ • SOLE Wa LAN BEEN rRAx5PORtEO BY wrER 50L K C01610ERE0 ro eE TIE uxCplsalMfEd 9d1•COB0.10AIE0 OR IEATIERFO Ea1TM wIERIALS uxiOtW. WOICnIES TMr SOR -ARIIaES ARE ALL APFRaIBa1ELr IxE SnE SItE. uLfO ROCK LIE WOIGTES 1xE LEr0. Al Wa IOx•COASIAL RANI wIEPoAL YOUtO YELO SP1 AEFOSAt. SPt REiusAt IS PENENMTIa Br A 5RIT Sroa SafLER EQYa t0 OR tE55 Txnx 17 fOpT FER q Bt0Y5. AQUIFER • A wiEa BFMNO Falafla OR StMla YxRB GW BE PENEIMtEO Ntx A CarMUas RNWI POYER AUGFRAIO Wa rEtOS LESS txAN NMI BOYS PER F001 ACtORDNO 10 41ANNA0 PENEtIMta TEST NA91r0 r71LAStx 0•PJISLSpL POORr UAOEp • INOIfATES A xIx1YRE Of INIFQIM PM11aEf OF TYO OR IIOIE SIEES. IN IOI•CM91AL MIN MIERIAL. ixF InY6111a BEtYEflI SOIL A16 ROOt 15 OFIEx REPRESENfEO Br A IpE ~ • APPLKO r0 RODIS Twr xAVE SEEM OERIrEO FAa SMO OR rwt CatAW Sa0. aA59FIGra K 1A9E0 a iIE ALSx10 4rSlEx Axp MSR pESpdPIMR6 GENERatr SIAaL NEtuOEI Y Df YEa1xERE0 R0p4 R00t wtERIALS aE irPN;Attr DIVIDED AS FaOYs, • APREO TO ALT. ROp(5 aw 5165raNCES CpfOSEO OF 0.Ar NNERALS tOBKfEI[r,tOAR, tE1111E,IOKtuRE. AA~ITO aAS4fIGtNRAlO OILER PGrWERr FAtt0R5 sell PLASrN:ITr ETG ExaPLFI SrIxEIUE M MWERALOGNYIL [OIfOSItIOa ANGLLARITr ixE AIOaMlltr OR ROUNpE$ r SOL CIMN6 AIE OESgM1E0 Br TIE IERxsI~Mt M wrWG A prABLE PRDrpllla OF 0.Ar W TIEIR OpPO51TI0x, A5 SIYaE. StAIGFIG , , , I[ISK/.arwraSKmrArtMErolEefNESrutxuBanercNi _M•$~ d YEATN~IED 141•COKTAL RNx IarERla. TMf rIEL05 SPr x vxuES > IN a0K AOCK IIAN PER FOOL MIESIAx • GMAMO wlEll IwT K IxOER sIfFICIENI PRE551MIE TO RISE ABOVE TIE LEVEL N Ax NErANOreMt ROCK wl AT YNa Is K EIEOWtpIFD,BUt YxNOi GOES 16f xECESSARLY RISE To OR ABDIE TIE AA A A 0 ~ FINE r0 COARSE CRAIx WEOOS GMMIE ~ I T fE1O1I0 ~~' GEIERAL pNARM IaTERINLS 41L1•aAr MfER1At5 MINERAL IwES Sua AS OUMI7,FELOSPARMCATa,C,KAaW,E1GAPE IKEO W OESCMPiNWS . / YOUO rELO yT REFYSR 0 fE5IE0. ROOt TYPE IELUOFS ~ ~ 9aK1 ETG ~ pEISSGABBR0 CALCAREOUS EALG • SORE YMa COITAW AFMEC419,E AMMNTS OF CALCNW t%Y61xMTG 0.A, 1lS7 PA4511G •7111 IsSx PAS4IIO •71p ORGAIIK INTERNa9 YxEIEffR TIEY ARE CONSNMiREO QF fNWIFN:aaE. , ~ iME TO COARSE aA1x IETANpfM[ ANp 1p1•CDASTAL RAW iALLIIE ' AOCK FRApENT4 MzEO vllx SpL OEPOSIIED BY fAariri a ROPE DA At BDITa ORA/ A•1 A•] M2 A•1 A•S A{ A•7 A•I,A•7 A•I,A•S ~ Y -_ - 9Ep1EN1ARY RODt Iwi YOa0 rELO SPT R#U4K If rEStEd RObI TTPE AOCK ~ ~~ aABS A~I.1 A•ro •2.1 2• A•7 •2• r A•] A•1,Ad 9LNWILY taPRESSIBLE LNxRO LIMT tE44 IMAM >t NMIIO LIME ]I.51 - - - WalEES PxRLIfE 9LAfE 4aOSI0AE ETG AL A N COASTAL PUIx 9EONEx18 CEMENtEO Wt0 11p04BU1 wr IOI r1EL0 p Rr • IOIAt LENGIx di ALL wIER1AL RECOAEREO W TIE CORE IxMEI OIrNEO Br IOIAL 11 II SYMB0. Ar}• ,; ,`•` ,, MaERAIELr LOIPRESSIBLE L xa.r CpfRE441BLE LNpO LIMt CIEATER TNw 51 sE01ENTART AOpI SPI AEFIIyi,. RObt TrPE IatuOEt LIEf101E.4AIOSIpE, CExENrED L n x a0 ErPAESSEO AS A IERGENTAGG N ~ SxEll T T R Jai • A IABUM IOOr Of NiIE0u4 RpDT Twr a1S ACROSS TIE 9rD)CIYRE OF ADJACENT PASSING $iLl• • It pWAaM M110G p'0IU'r Skt• 0.Ar A RxKS on ars Mn441rE 8004 aAr PEAT • N ~ SOLE OAGNNC NAiEAIAL DIIEA IgTE:RIAt 9085 SOLO fRESY RODt FRElI,CRrSrALS BRIar,FEY JOWrS wr 91611 4a1 StAWIIG.ROCK RWG4 pQA OLP • IxE AM0.E Ar Wa A SrMRM q1 ANY 0.AIAN fEA1NE IS W0.1NE0 fAa TIE BLS •711 Nx 1 Mx NI rRACE Q< OxDWN: LATTER 2 • ]x 7 • Sx TRACE i • 11x IWlER f CRKIALLIIE. xO1M7aTAL. LITTLE ORGAIdt wTrER ] • S% S • Itx t111LE 11 •71x ffRY slat ao0c GEIEMUr FRE4LJOWI4 STANE44pE JOWLS wr 90r rxW aAr COAtWGf N OPEN pP ONECIIpI dP uNUlx • ME OIRECr1a OR BEARIxG OF TIE xpN7arAL TRACE OF NME LMI 1 MN 1 TAI N 1 MM I NM SORE NM xOOEMIar OAGAxO S • 1111 I7 •21x SOLE M • 74x a.9LIJ tarsrAlf a A BnOKEx SPECIEx iACE 9RIE BRaRr.RObt RNA7S VEER xAxMER SLAYS I TIE LIE r pP,IEA91MIF0 CLODnISE Fla xoRrR NEtA 6 NII N,P. MK 1 Mz I MM I MN 11 MK 1 Mr 1 MI I MN LIt1LE OR NIpaY xlOar OROAM[ >Nx )21% MaLr ]Sx AIO ABQIE OF A CRr9rALLINE w111E. f1~T • A FRACrl/E OR iMCiLRE MIE ALpE Yxa TIERS xA5 BEEx OISPLALExExT a IxE OOr IDEi 1 1 1 1 MK a la u 8 Mr MMEPAIE ~~ CiR~EIF~ MATER SNWT ROOt GEIERALLr fRESx, J01M4 4IANE0 AIO pSCaOMTa ExrEN05 W10 Rml V IO SOE4 RELAt1YE r0 OE MgrxER vRaALLa IO IxE FRACtIME. ANOINTS Of SOILL UIML 1 SIDE iRIK, TY Otl aAYEY SILLY aAYEY ORGMNC I ~ wrER LEv0. W BORE xaE IxxE01ATEtY Af rER ORILLMAt 6LW I INtx, OPEx JONrtS wr CpIGW aAr• W GRAMrOC ROCKS SOLE OCCASIONAL FaDSPAN INE ROCKS RING HOER xAxIER BLOYL CRISTA R FISSILE • A PROYERRtY OF SRIt11Ni ALpfi 0.pSar SPACED PARALLa RaES. L INS S p 1MId ~ 5M0 OMYEL AIO SAMI SOILS SOILS w11Ei1 MIERMaS SKO ~ STAiIC wrER LEvEt KTER~_xpMK. tL CRr$rAl4 ME OItL AIO d9COtO Ed x0OEMTE SIaffIGWI PORTNI6 Of ROCK 90Y OISCaOMTNN Alp YEATIERING EFFECIL W kdT • ROOF ifYlpExiS a SINFACE ISM TxEMI ORIGAIAI POSItNW AIO OIStOpEO FFa MtID A LATER BEMING SIIMIA t ~ •• NIOQJ fAwITOO ROD14.MBr FELOS-NK ARE GIRL ANQ pSGaaEdsaE 96Y aAr. ROCK xAf PaExr wtERUa. FAIR TO POOR WSExAE AS A ExCELLExt TO 6000 FAIR TO POOR E0 7pE D PERCxEO wtERSARM DUL 50110 UNa:R IANER BOYS aD Sx0Y5 SIpRfIUNi LOSS p StRENGrx AS COIfaEO ROOD RAW sJ'J • Lao BORQERING A SiPEAN,Bll11 OF SEpMENtS OEPOSIIED BY POp1 SI~~ SPRNO OR SEEPAGE YITx fRESN ROCK. IxE STREAM, P.I.Oi A•7•S 5 LL. • ]B I P.I.Of A•7.8 > LL. • 30 ~ °° NmEMTELr ALL ROCK Ex0EP1 OYMIS OISC0.0RE0 OR 4GMEd W pNIRt00 ROOK.ALL fEt05PAR4 OIA.L a0 OISC0.0RE0 ANp A NAJOMTr 91011 KaaWIEATIOR RO01 SxDYS 9EvfAE L045 OF 4TRE/Otx i01YNla fNJ • A NY4ABLE GE0.0GIC iMi Iwl CM BE RECOGM2ED Arp iRACEO W T Y M LL SErERE AOdSErJ aD [AN BE ExGwrED Yltx A GEO.OGKiS PI04 ROCK WrES AUMC'SWO IAEII SiRCf. TIE FIELD. MICE 6 4tM0Y0 OF IlOOIFIIEO PRNMRY SOR TYPE COxPKTIESS OR PEIETMTMN RE4KIEACE CpfIESSIYE StRENGTx RDAOWIY EMBANKMiNI ~ 9Pi rESr BORIC SAIfLE f TESrEd YOUR YIFLQ SPi 1[f16A1. ~ • FRACIIlE IN ROdt ALpC Wa MD APPIECMBLE IgYEIENT IYS OCCURREd COx514TExtr N• I ITOMS/FF I Ylix 50L OE9GAIPTIa LESIfNMTip6 SEK~ ALL POpS FztEP1 OIWIt7 OKCOIAREO M SGIEO,ROCK FABRN: 0.EAR A16 EvOExr eur PEACE LEDGE • A 51ELFiIKE RODE OR PROJECta OF RODt IAOSE r11O1ESS IS 4KaL COMPARED t0 vERY L009E a 5pL S)v6a AU~R BORNC 4• BIaK 4AIfLE ® ISEYJ Ix SfRENGix ro STADYG SOk. W CRaNlt00 ROCKS Au FEL05PAR5 AIIE KAOLWIiE0 10 SOLE iS OF STRpIG ROCK u9MLtr RENAW iRA t Ito urERN. ExtExr. GEtEMLLY LOOSE 1 IO 11 . pEN Ezftx . 4pE LS) TAI A+f R 5 S!7 A lEl6 • A BOOT 6 SOL OR ro0( twi NIM6 ar W pE OR MME OMEC11016 GRANUM wYA NEOIW OEA6E 11 t0 70 ~~ ~ t0 ~ MTfICIAL SILL OtIER TxAx ,1, SS• SRII sPOa r CORE BORIxO gAApLE ROADwr E16aNIExrS y R P L f TESTEa rL 0 YERr SEvERE 0.L ROOt EIEEPi OIYw1t OKCOLORED dt SralEd RODt FABNK ELEMENTS aE dYEAIRBtE BUr MIRED aOIJ• NOEOaalY MMEO YIEN SPOrS OF OIFFERENf CaORSMOThMO IX rEf POpI AEMIa AIO LACK Ds fAOO DMILYE WOx{pESIvEI Y WTx par fMbEN14 r LIROC ROOt CED 10 SOIL Sur04 iF T r REd . SOILS u51IALLr IOIU YERr OEMSE 191 St• 9ELBY TORE N - , IvEt l EC N.SErJ TIE LASS IS E rwt p r MIQII PERpEO wrER • wtER wWtAlm ABOVE TIE xO1NL pIg10 LATER LEVEL h TIE WESExCE OP AN - ~ . NiERREO SOIL BOIIgA Nif • 9M0.E a RFwIxIIO. SAPRpLIfE IS AN ExAl1LE 6 ROCK YEAIxEREO ro A OEfAEE 9UDI MT ~ tt N.75 xaI1pIIN0 YELL O VESTIGES OF 11E d11fiMIAL RODI fABRN: REw1a f iESTFd YLn05 mr N NaLS t 181 RPF pt INTERYFNIxG IfERYl01R Sr GENERALLY 9oir 2 r0 1 1.75 10 1.S IEDILN StlFf 1 TO / L3 t0 I t R4• ROCK SAIfLE IMF' IFERAED ROCK LINE ~ PIE2pETER CpfLETE RpDI REaCE0 10 SQL. RODt FABRIC NOr 014CEMKLGpt p9CtlWIRE Oar W SHALL a0 ' SOL fORIED W RACE 8Y TIE IEAr1ERIQ Di 8004 •Mr SL rwtERIAL LfIFf / t0 K I f0 2 IMStALLAtIa Rr• REC01'ACTEO +••••* ALLWIAL SOIL BOl10ARY SGrtEREO LOx[ENTMtONS, pIMT2 LAY BE PRESENT AS DIKES OR 4TRNCERS SMI10.1TE K pppl pAalTr OESNAMTIa At00J • A IfASUE Of ROOt pALITr QESCRIBEO Bra f01AL LENGix OF COESIrEI VERY STIFF IS t0 10 2 t0 1 ~~~ SAME SOPS IMIIGTOR ~ ALSO M EzAMPLE. ROCK SEfNExlf EOUAt 10 OR pEATER rMAN 1 HIDES OIr0E0 Br IxE TOTAL LExGTx OF tpE RUN TWO 771 N 71A1! OIP/gP pRECTIa Oi INSTALLATIa CBR • CBR SAMPLE K EzPRES9ED AS A PERCExiAGE. T %T A N ~•-- RxK sfaltrlMES o- sPr x•wltuE A wo SPECIEM REQUIRES A Of I ENTAILS 6APJ• RESC1Ya SOk Wa BEGINS fxE RELIC SfRILrUIE OR fABRN: r 11E I K xG E rERr MIO GN01 BE SCRLTpEO Br qrE OR SMIM PCL I PARExr RO04 d5 STd SIErE SIZE 1 11 N BB 2N 771 • • SPICING 800 ~S~- SPI REFUSAL $EYERAL NAAO ROY4 OF TIE GE0.0GISr4 PIp4 ~• • AN WTNKIA4 BOGY Of M)EOUS rool of MPRDxlwlar IWIfOM rxICKIESS AxD OPENING NAa 1.76 7.1 1A2 1,20 1at7s us] xAro Eat BE SCMTrJED Ir xNIFE OA NIX par Nix OffNJx,TL xW0 xAMIER aOYS REQARED RELAIILELr tMx CpfMEG Nlix Ir4 LAtERAI ExTEx1, Wa xA4 BEEN EIMLACEO PARALLa Y A 10 [EIAa xaq SfECIEa 10 TIE IEODING 09 SCM510SIrr OF TIE WtAl0E0 ROCKS COARSE FINE BOU.OER COBBLE garEt Slli aAr 5a0 4aC M • AUGER REfUSia PMT • PPESSWEIEtER rESr IODENAIar CM IE SCMICxEO BY wrE OR PN]4 GOUGES OA fAOOYES 10 17S IEIES DEEP CAN BE SLNkEIbOE • POLI4E0 AIO SNIATEO SURFACE Iwt RESaTS fNpl FRICtIa ALPO A FAat pl ~~ COBJ IORJ SSE.SOJ f 6LJ ~ Br • IORING TEMNNrE0 9d • SAN0.5a0Y IIaO EzGYA1E0 Br xARO BLOY OF A fEaOWSTf PNOL xAxO SPECIIENS CM BE pETApEO gyp' IY , 14 1JM5 25 1 M ]IS 79 LI e M a.• aAr sL.• SILT,SILix Br MCUEMIE BLOYL SrANQAro PE/EIMTpI TEST fEIE1MTa RE4141ANCEIgPtI • NaBER OF BLOK M OR BAfJOF , , p IN ' CPT • COTE PENEi1MfI0N TEST AI. • 9LIOrtLr MEDAW CAN BE 4ROOYEG OR GOIICEO US WDES DEEP 1r FNW PIES41/E OF KNfE OR PM% roWT. A IN LdxaAER FAUIIG >• I[IES REaME0 10 PnOdICE A PEIETMra OF 1 1001 IMO SOIL YIM 7 412E 14 u CSE. • COARSE TCR • iRICpE IEFISAL LIMO CAN BE ExUYATEO W 9xAtL CMPg ro PEKES I MEx wutIMUM SItE Br Iwo BLOYS OF hE A 2 IOI a1510E WASTER 40.11 SPOpI YAgER 9Pr REFIAAL K LEA txAN al F0p1 PEIETINIa T AT T aT • OLALpEtER TEST '~' . pRT YENNIT rolxl OF A GE0.0GKt5 PICR Ylrx 61 BLpK. Shc NWSrUE SCALE FIELD MIISTURE p10E FOR FIELD xOKTUE OESCRMTIa pPi • OrxANlt PENETMTIa TEST ~y ~, URr YENNT A • YOM) MIIO /d 9air FJW BE DROVED OA GOIIOEO REAOkr 8r KNN'E 00. PNk. Cal BE EKCAVAlEO W fM6ENI4 SiMU tpE RFCOEM ISIEU • rotAt LENGM OF SONG w1ERML RE[Or0E0 WIROEO Br iD1AL LEIGfx af7ERBERO LWn81 OESCRIPIa f. • f INi Y • MWSTURE COxrExt fAa Cxls t0 SEYEML IDES W SISE Br xOQERATE BLOYS OF A NCK PWNt. SMALL, rxlx p SIMta A16 EIPRESSEO AS A PERCEx1A0G FOSS • F095RIFEROU4 Y. • rERr P1CE5 CM BE BAOIEx at iIOER PRE4A/E. 51M1A ROOt pALllr OESItMIa ISADOJ • A MY19FE OF 8001 0Jalrr dStlgBEO Bn • yItIMMffi0 • u9ualr LI01114YERr YET,1191aLr ~•' fMC11/1E0 KI • YNE PEAR IESf rERY CAN BE CARTED hix nlfG CM BE EKCARLTEO REAOar NM PONIi Of PIp4 PIECES I INGx IOIAL LE16Tx OF ROLL 9EOENTS NMx A SIMTIN EDUAL r0 OR fEEATEII txal 1 ICES WYREO Ir TIE 1$A1J fRa BELOY INS GROUO wiER TAILS FRAGS, • FRApENt4 SOFT OA 161E W 1MCIOESS CAN IE MIO1Ex Ir fICER ME9911RE. CAN BE SCMICxEO REAOLr Br IOIAL LENGTH Of S1IM1A aO EzfRE9SE0 AS A PERQMIApE, LL LIOUlO LWIf NEd • MiORN Fit FACE SORB uAMLLY tOxtAWIxG OAGMIC wItER IMSQIL tt v• 4u KrK 9ENI50.1WREa1ES DRYING 10 I N f T . _ RAIOE • LE • m AttAlx OPfNAN M1141L11E •II TEBtl gpg~ IEBtl RiArN t4AfB(1 Survey slake by YYrlher and Ravenel at statlon 99+63.58, PL R.ASnC Llxn ALYRER TrPFa akL pRTSI AONWCNO T00.k rEM fMCKLT IEDOED > 1 FEET YfRY NOE NpE f11W 11 FEEL •Y101- 63 00 Ft Rt . PIWSI . IN 50.14 Ai OR ISM OPTIMN IOKTURE pl OPIIINN IOILTWE ^aAr alts ^ AutoMIC ®AwxAAL ~ ] 10 M fEEt rxlDar MOQEO LS • 1 fEEr 1xNar IEODEO TAB • 4S FEEL ELEVAT(OHI 249.26 ft. A SNRIAIAGE LIRr ^ NOBLE B• _ S Ral AIxER IN O ^ IIOOEMIEIr DOSE 110 ]FEEL 0 00 a0fE 1~Mi t0 I FEET k x ~ ~ ~ NOTESs REOUIRE4 AaII110NAL w1ER ro A U PCON CORE WIG • V] FEEL I. Ix Mt IA II 0. VERY [LOSE tE~ txAR 1,6 FEft <LIM FEET ~ 41 ATTAIN OPtIMN MOKtuRE ^ ~'S1 ®t1010Y AUGERS ^•B_ MNar LaIiNtEO A Y ^ txE•IS ^ IBro FACED FIOER BITS ®•N G•2 Fpl 9EOMENtARr RO014, WaMra K TIE xAR(ENNO OF TIE w1ERUa 1r CEIENIWG,xEAr,PRF551NE,E1G 0.ASTN;IIr IOEx LAN ORY SiRENGix ^ ruldtJlatMDE p6ERr5 ^*_ R1MI10 vlnl iNOER FREES MMEROUS fAAl161 NpPtA4rIC 13 rERY LOY ar S ®CM:•551 ^ CA4IC ^ vi AOWYEER FRIAkE OExttE BLOY BY xwCl d4WtE0RATES 4A1iLG t LOY RA4tClir 1•IS NYO 700.4 PEdPLA4TIClfr 18.25 MEDIp1 ^ PpITALE MRSt ^ rRIC01E '41Ea tEEix 1057 MaE WWER AOOEMtEtr IN01WLtED ORAIxS tAx r 9EPAMtEO FRa SaRE NM 41Ea PROBEI Ma PLASTKITr 2S QR NpE Ma BREAKS EASLr PIER MT Nix IIa1ER ^ rMCOIE • 1110.{MIS. xA10 AIfJER ^ ODER n01wAfE0 p+AWS ARE pIFFN]al ro sErARAIE Ynx SrEa PRdEt Sa-apa ~ ^ GORE MT WFFI[al ro BREAK Ntx IMIAER. OE9UM'iMSR3 Tar MIalOE CatR Da CaOR COIBIwilOxS nM,REdrEt•9ILBLYE•GMn OTTER ^ OBER ~ STEM IESt ^ ExtlENar MWMTEO SINN IwNER 1LOYS REOINREO 10 BIIEK 4AIfL4 IOpIFpERS SUOI AS LIai, GAIN, 4tAEAKEdEtG ARE U5E0 TO OESCRNE APPEARANCE. SafLE 11EAKS ACROSS ORLWS. RENSt0 01/6100 SHEET 2 9~~0 0 EXISTING TOP OF BANK rl el , wO00E0 ~~~~ ti ~ End Bent 1 EB1-A EBl-D EB2-A EXISTING TOP Of BANK EBl-E EB2-D EB1-B 82-E 101,0 0 End Bent 2 EB2-B ~o~ WOODED SKEW 65°~3' 58' (TYP,I EXPOSED ROCK SURFACE 0 50 100 BORING LeCAT I eN D I AGRAM SUMM I T BR I OGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY ( - Y 101- ) Consulting Engineers SCALE IN FEET OVER STREAM CROSSING 3 DATE = OCT, 06 SCALE ~ 1'50' WAKE COUNTY roe= 06.038 ooN= Dwrl /~~ •1~rT n ~nCC i ,3 ..:Y.1.0.1 :...................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................ . I EB2-A E62-D EB2-E EB2-B ....................................................................... 6FR: • ~I00 +•5V~: 4..............6TA.,...1.00 .. q 1.,.q..................~...................STA'.~ ~ 100' +'1'5~.1~.............. STa: ~ 99'+~ 98:9....................................................................... 63.0 FT. LT. 28.5 FT. LT ~ 28.2 FT. RT. 63.0 FT. RT, GROUND SURFACE 250.0 _ _._~...-.--.-.--.~ / ............................................. W. . ALLUVIAL TAN AND BRO N 248.0 SILTY -SAND 8/30/06 246.0 - - - -, _ ~a0i. ................................../rr_ Iii-..,...~..~_///_ ..... /ir- /ir_ LOOSE. MpIgT ;~: (A-2.4) ~ .................. 4 ~.» . ............. \ .................... . ''r ~ ~ ' `.. 9/ 12/06 .;:. ::-~ 246.6 _ ---- ~__ ............................. .. ........................... ............................ ............ 250.0... ~ ~ ~ GROUND SURFACE ... .......................... .............248.0 ... ................ . . . ALLUVIAL -TAN .... -~ ........................ - - - - - . SILTY•SAND "`~ .;;. AND BROWN, LOOSE _ _ __-- )0ei.s ::°. (A-2-4) , MpIST 246.0 /ii_ SLIGHTLY WEATHERED. ................................ HARD. GRANITE ........................... ............................ 244.0 ....................... 244.0 TAN, GRAY. BLACK, MODERATELY SEVERELY TO ............................................................................................................................................................... 242.0 ............................................................................................................................................................... 240.0 ............................................................................................................................................................... 242.0 .............................................................................................................. 240.0 .............................................................................................................. 238.0 238.0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . 236.0 236.0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . 0 4 8 VERTICAL SCALE [N FEET 0 20 40 .............................................. HORIZONTAL SCALE IN FEET ..................................................................... SHEET 4 ..:Y1(d1 ........................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................. EB1-A EB1•D EBl•E EB1•B ..................................................................................STA...la0.f 18.2..........S•TA~: •1.00+02•:6....................... STA:~~99+$3': 1........................ST~A:~'99'+'63:6...................................................................... 51.6 FT. LT. 71.01 FT. LT. ~ 21.0 FT. RT. 63.0 FT. RT. - GROUND SURFACE - - 250.0 ........../~. , ALLUVIAL -BROWN 1 248.0 ....................................................................~.J 2 246.0 9/12/06 244.0 242.0 ''-----------_~ ......................................................................................... WEATHERED AND TAN. VERY (A-2-4) 9ei. ~~~ 11~/ ~ ~I1 / / ~. ~ ~1 C, ~~ Q/ ll........... . //~I~ TANS GRAY, -~_/// ~~- = 190/.2 II~/ 240.0 ///_ ///_ ///_ ///_ ///- ///- ///_ _ ///- ......................................................................................................................... 1............ .. STUMP HOLES .............................. .. I .. . . ..................... ....... ....... ... .......250.10... ~ ~ j : ~ ~ GROUND SURFACE ~ OSE _ _ --_ 0 r .:;, -- `---- \ TD MEDIUM .... ........................... .. ..• r:' ..,~ ~ /1 . Q ........ . .. .. :: : : WET. SILTY SAND (A-2-4) .... ......1 ................................................ .1 248.0 .................. ~ ~ ~ r \ ~ 14 ~ ::•. , .' ..•. M O 1ST T 0 ~ ~ ~ ,;~ ~//_ ///_ ///_ ///_ ///- ///_ ///- 246.0 .... 9ei9 1 _ _ ~ /ir_ /i ..•. -:: ~ ~~~ 1 ............ . ...~ . ~~~~............................... ..... ............................................................. ......244.0... 242.0 ........................................ BLACK MODERATELY SEVERELY TO SLIGHTLY WEATHERED HARD. GRANITE 240.0 .................................................................................................................................................................. 238.0 ~'~. 238.0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . 236.0 236.0 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . 0 4 8 VERTICAL SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 ............................................... HORIZONTAL SCALE 1N FEET ..................................................................... SHEET 5 SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG Par.F 1 nF 1 PROJECT N0. 06-038 Ip. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) OVER STREAM ~3 GROUND WATER {FT) IN N0. EBI-A BORING LOCATION STA. IDD+18.2 OFFSET 51.6 FT LT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 25D.2 FT NORTHING 735,676.95 FASTING 2,171,018.11 24 HR. 3.7 TOTAL DEPTH 9.3 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 55DX DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/11/06 COMPLETED 9/11/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER F001 SAMP. . L (F1) (FTj 0.5 FT 0.5 FT D.5 FT 0 20 40 60 80 1D0 N0. Ma D C Sal AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 250.2 GROUND SURFACE o.o 249.2 1.0 46.7 .5 1 1 1 p. M •.. •.•. '';; LLUVIAL -BROWN AND TAN, T 3 5 6 SS-1 .'~: VERY LOOSE O MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST TO WET, SILTY-SAND (A-2-4) 244.2 6.D 3 5 6 u W 242.7 7. 241.7 s.5 WEATHERED ROCK - (GRANITE) 100 .2 240.9 9. 100/2 BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 240.9 FT. ON GRANITE. SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG PAGF 1 OF 1 PROJECT N0. 06-D38 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST OON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIOCE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y1D1-) OVER STREAM d3 GROUND WATER (f T) IN N . E61-D BORING LOCATION STA. 1D0+02.6 OFFSET 21.0 FT LT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 250.6 FT NORTHING 735,659.46 FASTING 2,170,988.68 24 HR. ~ TOTAL DEPTH 12.0 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 55DX DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/12/06 COMPLETED 9/12/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L (FT) (FT) 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT D 20 40 60 80 100 NO. Ma 0 c SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 2~.6 GROUND SURFACE D. ALLUVIAL -BROWN AND TAN 249.6 1.o , 6 8 92 .1 u MEDIUM DENSE, MOIST, 24x.6 SILTY-SAND A-2-4 zo 100/.6 . 247.1 WEATHERED ROCK - (GRANITE) 3.5 ,~ .~ TAN-GRAY, SLIGHTLY WEATHERED, ~` HARD GRANITE i' STRATA REC = 100% STRATA RQD = 100% ..................... i~ ,~ 238.6 12.0 CORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 236.6 FT. IN HARD GRANITE ~ NOTE: CORING FLUIDS IN HOLE AT 24HR. GROUNDWATER READING SHEET 6 SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT ND. 06-038 10. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGST DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENOELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) OVER STREAM ~'3 GROUND WATER (FT) IN N . EBi-E BORING LOCATION STA. 99+83.1 OFFSET 21.0 FT RT ALIGNMENT -Y1DI- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 248.7 FT NORTHING 735,634.D7 FASTING 2,17D,949.65 24 HR. 3.0 TOTAL DEPTH 4.5 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 550X DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/11/06 COMPLETED 9/11/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A EIEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FD01 SANP. ~ L (FT) (f T) 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0 20 40 60 60 100 N0. M01 0 C SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 2a6.7 GROUND SURFACE D 247.7 I.D 3 5 9 1~ .. SS-2 ~+ ALLUVIAL -TAN AND BROWN, MEDIUM DENSE, 245.2 3.5 MOIST, SILTY-SAND (A-2-4) 6 94 ,1 - 244,1 4.0 loo/.6 2442 GRAY AND BLACK, MODERATELY 4.s SEVERELY WEATHERED, GRANITE BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 244.2 FT. IN MODERATELY SEVERELY WEATHERED GRANITE SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT N0. 06-036 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) DYER STREAM A3 GROUND WATER (FT) IN N , E81-B BORING LOCATION 5TA 99+63.6 OFFSET 63.0 FT RT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEY. 249.3 FT NORTHING 735,608.90 FASTING 2,110,911.17 24 HR. 2.5 TOTAL DEPTH 3.5 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 55DZ DRILL METHOD HSa HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/11/06 COMPLETED 9/11/06 SURFACE WATER DEP TH N/A EIEV. DEPTH BLDW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L D 501 AND ROCK f~SCRIPTIDN (FT) (FT) 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0 20 40 60 80 100 ND M01 G 1 249.3 GROUND SURFACE o. 246.3 I.o ALLUVIAL -BROWN AND TAN, 3 4 96 .1 100/.6 1~ LOOSE, MOIST, SILTY-SAND 247.3 A-2-4 2.0 245.6 3.5 ~~ o ~ 245.6 GRAY AND BLACK MODERATELY 3.5 Lao o / , SEVERELY WEATHERED, GRANITE BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 245.8 FT. IN MODERATELY SEVERELY WEATHERED GRANITE. SHEET 7 SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG aar,F 1 nF 1 PROJECT N0. 06-038 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOCI51 DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-YI01-) OVER STREAM N3 GROUND WATER (FT) IN N . E62-A BORING LOCATION STA. 100+57,4 OFFSET 63.0 FT LT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 250.7 FT NORTHING 135,666.11 FASTING 2,171,051.66 24 HR. 3.8 TOTAL DEPTH 5.0 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 550X DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL GATE STARTED 8/29/06 COMPLETED B/29/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A EIEV. DEPTH BIOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L (FT) (FT) 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0 20 40 60 80 iD0 N0. Ma 0 G Sal AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 2~,7 GROUND SURFACE D. 249.1 1.0 2 3 2 5 SS-3 M ALLUVIAL -TAN AND BROWN MOIST LOOSE 247.2 a.5 , , , SILTY-SAND (A-2-4) 2 3 91 .1 M , •: ~~'~ 246.2 4.5 .................100/.6 •• 245 7 5 0 . . GRAY AND BLACK, MODERATELY SEVERELY WEATHERED, GRANITE BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 245.7 FT. IN MODERATELY SEVERELY WEATHERED GRANITE SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG PAr,F t nF t PROJECT N0. 06-038 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST OON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIP110N BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) OVER STREAM ~3 GROUND WATER (FT) BORING N0. E62-D BORING LOCATION STA. 100+41.4 OFFSET 28.5 FT LT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 249.9 FT NORTHING 135,645.28 FASTING 2,171,025.09 24 HR. pRY TOTAL DEPTH 4.0 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 550X DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/8/06 COMPLETED 9/8/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A ELEV. DEPTH BIOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L (FT) (FT) D.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT D 2D 40 60 80 la) No. Ma 0 c Sal AND ROCK DESCRIPTION pgg,g GROUND SURFACE a. 24a.9 1.D ALLUVIAL -TAN AND BROWN 1 2 2 +............ M , VERY LOOSE, MOIST, 246.4 SILTY-SAND (A-2-4) 3.5 4 246 3 5 . . IDO 0 245.8 GRAY AND BLACK MODERATELY 4.0 Lao/o , SEVERELY WEATHERED, GRANITE BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 245.9 FT. IN MODERATELY SEVERELY WEATHERED GRANITE SHEET S -_ SUMMIT ' Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG Par,F 1 nF 1 PROJECT NQ 06-036 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) OVER STREAM ~3 GROUND WATER (FT) BORING N0. E62-E BORING LOCATION STA. 100+15.1 OFFSET 28.2 FT RT ALIGNMENT -Y101- D HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 249.5 FT NORTHING 735,6D9.91 FASTING 2,170,973.27 24 HR. ~ TOTAL DEPTH 11.0 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 550X DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/8/06 COMPLETED 9/8/06 SURFACE WATER DEPTH N/A ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L 0 SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION (FT) (FT) 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0 2D 40 60 BO iD0 No. Ma c 449,5 GROUND SURFACE D. 24x.5 l.o ~" ALLUVIAL -BROWN AND TAN 1 2 2 1 S5-4 M , LOOSE, MOIST, SILTY-SAND , .. ` • ~A-2-4) • ' 3. 24x.5 , ~ .~ ,. ~ ~ TAN-GRAY, SLIGHTLY WEATHERED HARD ,, ~ , , GRANITE ~' STRATA REC = 100% ~ ` STRATA RQD = 99% ,~ ~~ 238.5 n.0 CORING TERMINATED AT ELEVATION 238.5 FT. IN HARD GRANITE ~ NOTE: CORING FLUIDS IN HOLE AT 24HR. GROUND WATER READING SUMMIT Consulting Engineers SUMMIT CONSULTING ENGINEERS BORING LOG PAGE 1 OF 1 PROJECT N0. 06-038 ID. OR 1012 COUNTY WAKE GEOLOGIST DON DEWEY, PE SITE DESCRIPTION BRIDGE ON WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY (-Y101-) OVER STREAM ~3 GROUND WATER (FT) GRIN N . EB2-B BORING LOCATION STA. 99+98.9 OFFSET 63.0 FT RT ALIGNMENT -Y101- 0 HR. DRY COLLAR ELEV. 247.9 FT NORTHING 735,589.95 FASTING 2,170,940.53 24 HR. DRY TOTAI DEPTH 1.6 FT DRILL MACHINE CME 550X DRILL METHOD HSA HAMMER TYPE MANUAL DATE STARTED 9/6/06 COMPLETE0 9/8/D6 SURFACE WATER DEP TH N/a ELEV. DEPTH BLOW COUNT BLOWS PER FOOT SAMP. ~ L 0 SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION (FT) (FT) D.5 FT 0.5 FT 0.5 FT 0 20 40 60 80 1D0 ND. Ma c 247.9 GROUND SURFACE o.D 246.9 l.o •.. •r. ' ALLUVIAL -BROWN AND TAN, 1 9s .I I ~ M :~: 24s.3 VERY LOOSE, MOIST, t6 ILTY-SAND A-2-4 ..100/.6 BORING TERMINATED BY AUGER REFUSAL AT ELEVATION 246.4 FT. ON GRANITE SHEET 9 LBG Project #: OR1012 Summit Project #: 06-038 Site Description: Bridge on Wendell Falls Parkway over Stream Crossing #3 County: Wake SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS Boring No. Sample No. Depth Interval % Pass #10 % Pass #40 % Pass #200 Coarse Fine Sand Silt Clay LL PL PI % M AASHTO EB1-A SS-1 3.5 ft. to 5.0 ft. 92 65 26 50 30 10 10 NP NP NP - A-2-4 (0) EB1-E SS-2 1.0 ft. to 2.5 ft. 98 52 29 57 18 15 10 22 19 3 - A-2-4 (0) EB2-A SS-3 1.0 ft. to 2.5 ft. 87 56 34 53 16 17 14 22 NP NP 6 A-2-4 (0) EB2-E SS-4 1.0 ft. to 2.5 ft. 94 58 31 53 19 19 9 NP NP NP 7 A-2-4 (0) ., E 10 -•• -•• -~~-- ~......... J1Jl1JJV~V NI:UtNK PAGE 02/04 .O~pF W a r~q~~ >_ ~ Q ~ Michael F, Fnvley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary NoN- Carolina Department of Environment end Natural Resourecv Alan W. Klimek P.E. Director Division of Water Quality July 27, 2006 Mr. Bruce R. Thompson, II Parker, Poe, Adams, and Bernstein PO Box 389 Raleigh, NC 27602 Dear Mr. Thompson: The purpose of this letter is to update the Division's letter dated July 13, 2006 describing the application process for the proposed Wendell Falls Development, as well as the roles, responsibilities, and rights that we believe exist with the Wendell Falls Development, LLC, and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (DOT). Below we have described this information. Understanding of the Facts 1} At present, there are no existing authorizations issued by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) that permit impacts to waters of the state or protected riparian. buffers for this project. However, DOT has performed, or proposes to perform, environmental mitigation related solely to the estimated impacts located within the azea of the proposed bridge and interchange. Wendell Falls is responsible for any additional mitigation that may be required because of modifications to the bridge and interchange. 2) Any application for construction by WendcIl Falls Aevelopment (Wendell Falls} of an interchange to US 64 will be included in the overall application for the Wendell FaII"s development. The application will ixtclu.de all aspects of the project including the proposed interchange, the proposed new road from the interchange through the development, and all necessary components of the development that are required by applicable state statutes, regulations, rules and policies to be included in DWQ permit applications. DWQ and USACE have agreed that there will be two identification numbers contained on the permit -one for the entire project and one for the bridge and initerchange. 3) At present, Wendell Fa1Is has an agreement wit1~ DOT (the "DOT Agreement") that authorizes it to design, plan, permit, and construct an interchange on the US 64 Bypass on Right of Way presently owned by DOT. 4) l~OT has previously acquired a).l of the necessary Right of Way ("ROW ') for the bridge and interchange as currently proposed. All of the necessary ROW for any modifications to the bridge and interchange and for the remainder of the project will be acquired by Wendell Falls or DOT pzior to the subrrxitta! of an application for the 40I Certification. N~~°A~~ttCaro44 na /valur4ltb North Carolina Division of Wntcr Qtrttlity I6l 7 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 933-701 S CuMOmcr Service Interact www.ncwntgrquelitv.ore Location: 512 N. Salisbury St Ralci6lt. NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-2696 t-R77-ryZ3.ti7gg An Equal oppotturulyfAflirmatlve Adbn Employer - 50°~ Recydedi109L Po9t Carsumer Paper G~/ L!/ LgF7b t5: bb 9197153060 NCDENR PAGE 03/04 Mr. Bruce R. Thompson II July 27, 2006 Page 2 Roles, Responsibilities, and Rights of Wendell Falls I) Wendell Falls Development will continue to hold preapplication meetings with the DWQ to discuss the project planning anal design prior to submittal of a formal application, which will enable permitting to occur more quickly. 2) Notwithstanding any other provisions of taw, DFiVR shall allow Wendell Fails to be the sole applicant for any necessary permits or certifications relating to the conistruction of the bridge and interchange as well as the remainder of the project. 3) Wendell Falls shall also possess any and all rights and responsibilities pertaitxing solely to the construction of the proposed bridge and interchange that have been previously granted by permit or certification to DOT. 4) Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that Wendell Falls would be required by DWQ or applicable state statutes, rules, regulations or policies to perform mitigation for impacts associated with the construction of the proposed bridge and interchange, Wendell Fa11s shall be entitled to credit against any such. requirement for mitigation that has boon or will be perfornned by DOT with respect to the proposed bridge and interchange (whether specifically for the bridge and interehhange or as part of a larger project or group of, iarpacts). 5) Wendell Falls will be responsible for acquiring any remaining necessary environmental permits and authorizations related to the proposed bridge and interchange. For such environmental authori~.ations issued by the DWQ, Wendell Falls will follow the standard application and construction processes, including: a- applying for authorizations, b. avoiding and minimizing impacts for tine project as provided in applicable state statutes, rules, regulations, and policies, c- performing the mitigation required by DWQ for impacts related to the proposed bridge and interchange, to the extent that DOT has not already performed or will perform mitigation, and performing such additional mitigation as may be required by applicable state statutes, rules regulations and policies with respect to new impacts, if any, caused by changes to the project design, i.f any, and the connecting road. d. constructing the BMPs to protect water quality required in atty 401 Water Quality Certification or Neuse River Riparian Buffer Authorization that may be issued by the DWQ, e. ~ Upon satisfactory completion of the interchange construction, notifying DOT, in accordance with the DOT Agreement, of the project completion. -• ~• ~~~~ i.~.._..i 717(1~JC10t7 NCDENR PAGE 04/04 NJr. Bruce R. Thompson !I Jttfy 27, 2006 Page 3 6) Wendell Falls shall be entitled, as part of its application package, to use and rely on any materials submitted by DOT that relate to the proposed bridge and interchange, including without limitation any .mitigation proposals, seditnentation and erosion control plans, and any other plans and specifications. Roles. Responsibilities, and Rights for DOT 1) DOT will participate in the environmental permitting process by providing access to materials .previously submitted to DWQ and UACAE, performing inspections, and being available to respond to issues that may arise regarding design and environmental mitigation. 2) Upon satisfactory completion of the interchange construction, DOT wilt be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facilities implemented to protect water quality or otherwise comply with applicable state statutes, rules, regulations or policies, including without limitation all hydraulic structures, stormwater BMPs, and protected riparian buffers located in the DOT right of way. Wendell Falls will no longer be responsible for such features. 3) l:n accordance with the DOT .~grcemcnt, if Wendell Falls does not complete construction of. the project, DOT will execute on a performance bond. We trust you will f nd the information will be suffieiEnt to fulfill your needs. However, if you require any additional information or have any questions, please contact m,e at 919-733-5083 x204. Sincerely, Co~een H. Tins, Deputy Director cc: Paul Rawls, NCDWQ Tom I<teeder, NCDWQ John I-lennessy, NCDWQ Cyndi Karoly, NCDWQ lan McMillian, NCDWQ Len Sanderson, NCDOT Debbie $arbour, NCDOT Greg 'Thorpe, NCDOT Greg Ferguson, Mercury Development F~cos stem PROGRAM Todd Preuninger Withers and Ravenel 111 MacKenan Drive Cary, NC 27511 Project: Wendell Falls October 2, 2006 County: Wake ~~ o~. ~ C~~ 6' ~G ~~ ~s The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NC EEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NC EEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for six months from the date of this letter. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the 404/401/CAMA permits to NC EEP. Once NC EEP receives a copy of the 404 Permit and/or the 401 Certification an invoice will be issued and payment must be made. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the following table. River Basin Wetlands Stream Buffer Buffer Cataloging Unit (Acres) (Linear Feet) Zone 1 Zone 2 (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. F±.~ Ri arian Non-Ri arian Coastal Marsh Cold Cool Warm Neuse 3.09 ac 0 0 0 0 2191 96,937 61,181 03020201 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation for the permitted impacts up to a 2:1 ratio, (buffers, Zone 1 at a 3:1 ratio and Zone 2 at a 1.5:1 ratio). The type and amount of the compensatory mitigation will be as specified in the Section 404 Permit and/or 401 Water Quality Certification, and/or CAMA Permit. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, Wi D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Monte Matthews, USACE-Raleigh Eric Kulz, DWQ Regional Office-Raleigh File 1~.P~StOI~GGt~... ~ ~ ... Pl~OtEG~LGI~ OGLl~ StutP~ ®''~i~ ~DE~dR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-715-0476 / www.nceep.net DWQ Project No. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (112007) I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name Contact Person: 11)i1~iBM i Vi1' Phone Number: (9191 ~(n -~ 3$85 6xf Level Spreader ID: 2R 1E I O ( 43 t ZS. 00 RT Level Spreader Length 12~ . O ft. (perpendicular to flow) Drainage Area Z• b ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Impervious Area Z. 3 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Forebay Area 200 cu ft. (0.2% of the contributing impervious surface area) Maximum Filter StriplBuffer Slope f~. ~ % (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover grass Max. Discharge froml"/Hr Storm Z•Z cfs Max. Discharge to Level Spreader cfs Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation 2nn~ 2 Qu ~eV- Ye ge-t~-Fi o~n (thick ground cover or grass; canopied forest v~ith leaf litter groundcover) Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used `I~PP-"fY'tOL~ YY1E'n'i' II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Project Site was visited prior to designing level spreader. Date of the Site visit. PLEASE ATTACH TIME-DATED DIGITAL PHOTO OF EXISTING BUFFER CONDITIONS. ~/ ^ Level spreader is at least 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 65 ft per cfs in canopied forest with leaf litter for 50-foot buffer; 50 ft per cfs for 100-foot buffer, or 40 ft. per cfs for 150-foot buffer. Pre-Formed Scour Holes are on flat slopes only. No structures are located in protected buffers (must meet no practical alternatives criteria). Design Alternative (if any) and Bypass method used: Bypass conveyance method is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located in protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DWQ Project No DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (112007) I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : C ~ Contact Person: ~q, ~ (fir one Number ( Iq) ~] - 3g$S~ C'X i Level Spreader ID: S+E y101 61 }00.00 RT Level Spreader Length $5 ~ ft. (perpendicular to flow) Drainage Area 2. / ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Impervious Area !. (o ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) Forebay Area /S7~ cu ft. (0.2% of the contributing impervious surface area) Maximum Filter StriplBuffer Slope ~. ~ % (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover grass Max. Discharge from 1"IHr Storm /• (p cfs Max. Discharge to Level Spreader b. $• cfs Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation ton! Z 13u~ev~ Vt~~-}a-t1 on (thick ground cover or grass; canopied forest with leaf litter groundcover) Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used ~r2 -'IY'Pa~'Vtr12ri'f II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Project Site was visited prior to designing level spreader. Date of the Site visit. PLEASE ATTACH TIME-DATED DIGITAL PHOTO OF EXISTING BUFFER CONDITIONS. I,V Level spreader is at least 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 65 ft per cfs in canopied forest with leaf litter for 50-foot buffer; 50 ft per cfs for 100-foot buffer, or 40 ft. per cfs for 150-foot buffer. 1 Pre-Formed Scour Holes are on flat slopes only. No structures are located in protected buffers (must meet no practical alternatives criteria). Design Altemative (if any) and Bypass method used: Bypass conveyance method is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located in protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operaton and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DWQ Project No. I. PROJECT INFORMATI Project Name Contact Person: Level Spreader ID: Level Spreader Length Drainage Area Impervious Area Forebay Area Maximum Filter StriplBuffer Slope grass Number: '1s• C7 ft. (perpendicular to flow) 'y.3 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) D. O ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the level spreader) O cu ft. (0.2% of the contributing impervious surface area) P3 .d % (6% for forested, leaf littler cover, 8% for thick ground cover Max. Discharge from 1 "IHr Storm /• g cfs Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 5. O cfs Filter Strip/ Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Zcn~ 2 ~u~4~~• Vegeia~i on Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Qr't - kr~ea--l-rn ei-~' II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (thick ground cover or grass; canopied forest with leaf litter groundcover) Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. Ifa requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications shoving all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. Applicants Initials Project Site was visited prior to designing level spreader. Date of the Site visit. PLEASE ATTACH TIME-DATED DIGITAL PHOTO OF EXISTING BUFFER CONDITIONS. 1./ Level spreader is at least 13 ft. per cfs for thick ground cover or grass or 65 ft per cfs in canopied forest with leaf ~~ litter for 50-foot buffer; 50 ft per cfs for 100-foot buffer, or 40 ft. per cfs for 150-foot buffer. Pre-Formed Scour Holes are on flat slopes only. /,v-~' No structures are located in protected buffers (must meet no practical alternatives criteria). Design Alternative (if any) and Bypass method used: Bypass conveyance method is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Alternative design option is specified and plan details and calculations are provided. Discharge to level spreader and subsequent filter strip is hydraulically and spatially separate from the bypass discharge. No structures are located in protected buffers. Plan details for the bypass and outlets are provided. The operation and maintenance agreement includes annual erosion and vegetation repair. The operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY -LEVEL SPREADER WORKSHEET (112007) (please complete the following information): DATE: 1/2/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COM PUTATIO NS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WA KE DESIGNED BY: WT Sheet 2 of 3 CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF GRASSED DRAINAGE RUNOFF INVERT DRAINAGE AREA COEFF. AREA COEFF. ELEVATION L I O I Q FROM TO D.A. PIPE SLOPE DIA. INT. DISCH. INT, DISCH. POINT POINT SF AC C SF AC C ACRES CA ft INLET OUTLET fUft in inlhr ft'Is inlhr ft'Is 32 33 3 0.03 5 0.23 0.23 44 224.00 222.50 0.0341 15 4.0 11.95 1.0 2.99 33 35 30,776 0.71 0.95 4,005 0.09 0.25 0.69 0.92 128 222.50 221.75 0.0059 15 4.0 4.96 1.0 1.24 34 35 8,161 0.19 0.95 1,264 0.03 0.25 0.19 0.19 54 222.50 221.75 0.0139 15 4,0 7.63 1.0 1.91 35 36 4,503 0.10 0.95 3,747 0.09 0.25 0.12 1.23 75 221.75 220.25 0.0200 15 4.0 9.16 1.0 2.29 38 37 15,819 0.36 0.95 10,684 0.25 0.25 0.41 0.41 95 221.40 220.90 0.0053 15 4.0 4.70 1.0 1.17 37 36 12,072 0.28 0.95 10,034 0.23 0.25 0.32 0.73 105 220.90 220.25 0.0062 15 4.0 5.09 1.0 1.27 36 OUT ~ 5 0.07 2. 2 50 220.00 219.50 0.0100 1 4.0 10.53 1.0 2.63 Level Spreader ID 36 Preforme d Scour Hole Details Level Spreader Location -Y101- 51+00.00 RT B 5.0 ft D 2.0 ft Level Spreader Length 130.0 ft W 17.5 ft Drainage Area 2,7 ac d 0.5 ft Impervious Area 1.9 ac Forebay Area 175 ft3 V 175.0 ft3 Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope 8.0 Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm 2.6 ft3/s Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 10.5 ft3/s Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Zone 2 Buffer Veget ation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 1!2/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS ( SEE ALSO ST ORM DRAIN DESIGN COM PUTATIO NS ] I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WA KE DESIGNED BY: WT Sheet 1 of 3 CHECKED BY; DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF GRASSED DRAINAGE RUNOFF INVERT DRAINAGE AREA COEFF. AREA COEFF, ELEVATION L I Q I Q FROM TO D.A. PIPE SLOPE DIA. INT. DISCH. INT. DISCH. POINT POINT SF AC C SF AC C ACRES CA ft INLET OUTLET ft/ft in inlhr ft'Is inlhr ft'/s 23 24 0.00 5 0.22 0.21 74 231.65 231.25 0.0054 15 4.0 0.84 1.0 0.21 24 26 13 227 0.30 0.95 0 0.00 0.25 0.30 0.50 109 231.25 228.00 0.0298 15 4.0 1.99 1.0 0.50 25 26 3,574 0.08 0.95 1,104 0. 3 0.25 0.11 0.08 74 230.75 228.00 0.0372 15 4.0 0.34 1.0 0.08 26 27 4,898 0.11 0.95 1,096 0.03 0.25 0.14 0.70 212 228.00 221.00 0.0330 15 4.0 2.78 1.0 0.70 27 28 17,554 0.40 0.95 3,443 0.08 0.25 0.48 1.10 195 221.00 216.25 0.0244 15 4.0 4.39 1.0 1.10 29 28 31,383 0.72 0.95 4,620 0.11 0.25 0.83 0.71 285 225.00 216.25 0.0307 15 4.0 2.84 1.0 0.71 28 T 0. 5 7 0.50 2.23 42 216.00 214.00 0.0476 18 4.0 8.92 1.0 2.23 Level Spreader ID 28 Preformed Scour Hole Details Level Spreader Location -Y101- 43+25.00 RT B 5.0 ft D 2.0 ft Level Spreader Length 120.0 ft W 25.0 ft Drainage Area 2.6 ac d 0.5 ft Impervious Area 2.3 ac Forebay Area 200 ft3 V 250.0 ft3 Maximum Filter Strip/Buffer Slope 8,0 Max. Discharge from 1"/Hr Storm 2.2 ft3/s Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 8.9 ft3/s Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment DATE: 1/2/07 LEVEL SPREADER DESIGN COMPUTATIONS [ SEE ALSO STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS I.D. NO. OR1012 COUNTY: WAKE DESIGNED BY: WT Sheet 3 of 3 CHECKED BY: DH DESCRIPTION: WENDELL FALLS PARKWAY LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN IMPERVIOUS RUNOFF GRASSED DRAINAGE RUNOFF INVERT DRAINAGE AREA COEFF. AREA COEFF. ELEVATION L I Q I Q FROM POINT TO POINT SF AC C SF AC C D,A. ACRES CA PIPE ft INLET OUTLET SLOPE ft/ft DIA. in INT. in/hr DISCH. ft'/s INT. inlhr DISCH. ft'Is 84 OUT 0 0.00 0.95 318,427 7,31 0.25 7.31 1.83 34 274.66 270.00 0.1371 15 2.8 5.03 1.0 1.79 Level Spreader ID 84 Preformed Scour Hole Details Level Spreader Location -Y101- 98+00.00 LT B 5.0 ft D 2.0 ft Level Spreader Length 75.0 ft W 5.0 ft Drainage Area 7.3 ac d 0.5 ft Impervious Area 0.0 ac Forebay Area 0 ft3 V 50.0 ft3 Maximum Fifter Strip/Buffer Slope 8.0 Max. Discharge from 1 "/Hr Storm 1.8 ft3/s Max. Discharge to Level Spreader 5.0 ft3/s Filter Strip/Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Zone 2 Buffer Vegetation Pre-treatment or Bypass Method Used Pre-treatment o ,~,,,,~1~1~,,,,,, Z ., Z N ```~;~P .............~Q~~i u ~ ' ° o ~ : a Qea o N~ W •2~ w b\ '' ~~ '~~o ~nmuu°`~ Z Z ~ w z o = ``~.amuu~„~ i ` ~~:o J~ iW~%W r1 ~ m -u:N ~O ~;i.a ''~ N'~ °l~~ 2 O J ~/Lg ~' R=te ~ .. ~4, ~ ~~ dON ~ ~ ......... ~''~~ m m„`r~` ~ v~ z ° a" a~ a_ ~ w; ~- ° ~e z~ am ~; 0 U~ W~ ° z g g a v c O L 7 ~} C o c o J }_ Li. ll ~ l.L p "p ~3~ it n LC O L C ~ (b D 3 'O } O W ~~o OC a o Z L (.~ ~ L ~ y- ~ a T t ~ ~ tf) lf) In ~ In lA O c ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ ,E ~ ~ V } ~ o ~ 3 ~ ~ N ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ O .o~~ } >o a ~ - ~, U O ~ N o~ a N E d (/~ ~ ~ '~ Ed ~~-- C U LC z o L o OCR O N N N N N N N N Cppl +- ~ NU+, ~ 0 Z a E • ~ 3 0 U N O i- a o 0 ~ ',= . 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Watercourse Slope, S 0.033 (ft/ft) 10. Average Velocity, V 3 (ft/s) i 1 L T. -0.0278 (hr) ;, CHANNEL FLOW 12. Cross-Sectional Flow Area, a 13.5 (ftZ) 13. Wetted Perimeter, pw 12 (ft) 1d. H~+draulic Radius, r ~ i.125 (ft) € 15. Channel Slope, s 0.013 (ft/ft) 16. Mannings coefficient. n 0.05 -- ~,N . x:_17. Velocity; V ~~ 3875^'' (ftls`~" 18- Flow Length. L 1550 ift) X15 `(T~ 4~'~71~s {hr} 2D :~'Wa(ershed pr Subarea fl of ~'2 ~ ~321` ' {tir} s , , , , PAGE 2 OF 9 ** For Channel X-Section See -Y101-Sta. 101+00 Graphical Peak Discharge Method 1. DATA Drainage Area, Am (mi`') 0.0267 Runoft CN 73 Time of Concentration (hr) 0.532 Rainfall Distribution Type II Ponds & Swamp Areas (%) 0 ~« 2. aFrequency~~ ~ ~~ ;~ ~,~ i{j1r1 3. ~Rarnfa~l, ~.~ ~~ } ,~ ~ ~ 4. =Infial AbStr~ct~on, 18 ~ ° (in) : £. 5• ~I° / P (csm/in g, Unit Peah Discharge. q„ 7. Runoff, Q (in) g, Pond & Swamp Adjustment. FG g. Peak Discharge; qp (ft31s) STORM # 1 2 3 ~:10 ~~! ~0 ~= f 100 ;, '.~~ ~~ ~/ ~ M ;g b,740~~ U'740 - '0,780 0.123: 0.106 0,092 510 510 510 '3,09 - 3.94 4.81 ' 1 1 1 42.1 ~ 53.7 s 65.6 >`' PAGE3OF9 Detention Basin Storage, Peak Outflow Discharge (qo) Known 1. DATA Drainage Area, A,,, (n~i?) 0.0267 Rainfall Distribution Type II 15` Stage 2nd Stage 2. Frequency (yr) 10 3. jPeak Inflow Discharge q; (ft'Is) 42.1 4, PeakOt~ttfow Discharge q„ . (ft'/s) _ 5 qt 40 `~ : ... . ~ r s 6. VS / Vr 0.188 7 tRunaff, ~ 'r`'` ' x ~ n~ (ink ~ 3 flH 8 ~1~uno fume, Vr' ' (AC ft) 4 $D ' ' . `` 9. Storage;Volum~,vs (P;Gnj D,a3 1 p, Maximum Storage, Ems PAGE40F9 Runoff Curve Number 8~ Runoff A F P Q COVER AREA FREQUENCY RAINFALL RUNOFF PRE/POST DESCRIPTION CN (AC) CN x A (YR) (IN) (CFS) DEVELOPED IMPERVIOUS 98 5.94 582.12 10 6 3.99 GRASSED 73 11.17 815.41 50 7 4.92. 100 8 5.86 TOTALS 17.11 1397.53 Curve Number CN~ava) 82 ~~~`' w ~ `~ ', ~,~ Ofe1nE~~Ma~,~R~~bbOr4 ~S~F'~ h` 2.20 '~^'' }` ' ~nibat Abstraction ~"" 1, . 0.439 PAGE50F9 Time of Concentration (T~) or Travel Time (Tt) SHEET FLOW 1 Surface Description Grass 2 Mannings coefficient, n 0.4 -- 3 Flow Length, L 175 (ft) 4 2-Year 24-hr rainfall, Pi 3.5 (in) 5 Land Slope. S 0.045 (ft/ftl 6 Tr 0.3871 (hr) SHALLOW CONCENTRATED FLOW 7 Surface Description Grass -- 8 Flow Length, L 300 (ft) 9 Watercourse Slope, S 0.033 (ft/ft) 10 Average Velocity, V 3 (ft/s) 11 T~ 0.0278 (hr) ) CHANNEL FLOW 12 Cross-Sectional Flow Area, a 13.5 (ftz) 13 Wetted Perimeter, pw 12 (ft) 14 Hydraulic Radius, r `-1:125 (ft) 15 Channel Slope, s 0.013 (ft/ft) 16 Mannings coefficient, n 0.05 -- 17 Velocity, V 3.675 (ftls} 18 Flow Length, L 1550 (ft> 2p Watershed `o'r'S ~barea`T~ or Tt_ 0.5321 (hrj' f PAGE6OF9 Graphical Peak Discharge Method DATA Drainage Araa, Am Runoff;CN Time of Concentration Rainfall Distribution Type Ponds & Swamp Areas 2. ~~equen~y >>~~;+ , r ~~ ~ ~ Syr}~; ' ~~~- 3 tRam~~~~: x~~~~~7 3 ~ ~ {m} ~ 4. InitralAb~iraG~pn; I° "~ t~~'`~in~.~ . . _ {csrr~in g. Unit Peak Discharge. q„ 7. ,Runoff, Q" (in) ` g. Pond & Swamp Adjustment. F` g. Peak Discharge;:gP ,{ft9ls} (mi~)- 0.0267 82 ~(hr) 0.532 I I (%) 0 STORM # 1 2 3 } ~ 1 V~ ~ F~ V ~ t Y J V V ri 6 ~` 7 t~ K ~ 8 ., ;':p 439 .: ` 0.~9 0,439.: l) 073': 0,063! 0.055 `; 600 600 600 3.99 ~ 4 92 `' 5.86 1 1 1 ' 64 0 '' '7$:9 ~` = 94.0 '~' PAGE70F9 Detention Basin Storage, Peak Outflow Discharge (qo) Known 1. DATA Drainage Area, A,., (mi`) 0.0267 Rainfall Distribution Type II 15` Stage 2"d Stage 2. Frequency (yr) 10 3, Peak Jnflow Discharge q; (ft'/s) 64.0 4, Peak Outflow Discharge q~ {ft3ls) 42.1 E;. ~ ; , " 5. qa ! qi ~' (3.858 6. Vs / Vr 0.220 7. 'Runoff, Q ; {in} .. 3.99 8. ~#unRff Volume, ,Vr=. ~(A~ft~ ._: '. 5.68 , 9. Storage Volume; Vs (AC-ft) ` ~ 1.25 10. Maximum Storage, Emax PAGE80F9 Pond Storage CONTOUR AREA VOLUME ELEVATION 1fts) lft3) 255 8,480 256 9,397 8,939 257 10,350 9,874 258 11,342 10,846 259 12,372 11,857 260 13,442 12,907 TOTAL 54,422 PAGE9OF9 LEVEL SPREADER OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The level spreader is defined as an elongated, level threshold, designed to diffuse stormwater runoff. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After construction and until vegetation has been established, level spreader(s) shall be inspected after every rainfall. Thereafter, level spreader(s) shall be inspected at least every month and more frequently during the fall season and after heavy rainfall events: a. Accumulated sediment, leaves, and trash shall be removed, and repairs made if required. b. Inspect level spreader(s) for evidence of scour, undercutting, settlement of the structure, and concentrated flows downhill from the level spreader(s). c. A level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow-spreading structure at all times. Repair or replace the level spreader if it is damaged. d. Mow vegetative cover to a height of six (6) inches and prune plants if they cover over half of the level spreader surface. e. Repair eroded areas and replace/replant dead or damaged vegetation. 2. The contractor should avoid the placement of any material on and prevent construction traffic across the structure. If the measure is damaged by construction traffic, it shall be repaired immediately. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (e.g., catch basins, pipes, swales, riprap) four (4) times a year to maintain proper functioning. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the pertormance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: C ~~ ~-~ ~ •~s c r~ Title: /~ c~t~ n~,'-fit, c--~2 Address: ~~6~ Sri ~~~cS /~i) -~i?~,~ ~-~ ~~7//%`~ Phoney y r H_ <?i ~_ c ~~ ~~ Signature:_ Date: / Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I' M~~ ~" °~ ~- 3~~°S , a Notary Public for the State of No~'t1~, C \~,~ , rir p County of _~~ , do hereby certify that __ G ~ P n Fe ,~d~, ~o~ personally appeared before me this I,~,~ day of ~„~.. ~ ~ ~_, ~(~O7 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetlands detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, ~,~~~tn~~~llt~ll%/l~'ff~~i ~~~\G~j.Pp TA.. O,y~~ :~ ~Y ~, ~~ JC/1L My commission expires_ 7" 10-at~ Page 1 of I Date: ~ - ~6 - D "' COMPLIANCE WITH WETLAND & BUFFER REGULATIONS In accordance with Title 15 A NCAC 2H .0500, the following DEED NOTIFICATION shall be recorded in the County Registry prior to the conveyance of lots. Said Deed Notification shall apply to name of subdivision, lot numbers in County, North Carolina as shown on plans titled (insert subdivision name) prepared by _ (insert name of designer) dated date: "A portion of this lot has been determined to meet the requirements for designation as a wetland, stream or protected stream buffer. Any subsequent fill or alteration of this area shall conform to the requirements of the state rules adopted by the State of North Carolina in force at the time of the proposed alteration. The intent of this provision is to prevent additional wetland, stream or buffer filling or draining, so the property owner should not assume that a future application for filling or draining would be approved. The property owner shall report the name of the subdivision in any application pertaining to said rules. This covenant is intended to ensure continued compliance with all rules adopted by the State of North Carolina and therefore the State of North Carolina may enforce benefits. This covenant is to run with the land and shall be binding on all Parties and all persons claiming under them". Signature: ~~ ,~ ~-~ Owner's name: /.~~~inF ~~ ~-< 1jt~%Zo~n~t~aii ~ C%LC. Address: ~< ~l; Sx ~tii~-S ~ ~~ 2~~ , City, State, Zip Code: ~'~~-_~_~H ,~~ 7 Phone Number: _ ~ / ~/ ~~ / - S"Z ~ ~r .-, STATE OF North Carolina _ Wall COUNTY I, M:, 1,. o~.~ L `Tnr~s a Notary Public of the State of North Carolina, Wa County, hereby certify that owner personally appeared before me this day and executed by above certification. 1 / i~. Witness my hand and notorial seal, this 1 b day of ~~, ~QQ~_ \`~~~~~~~~~!uLtu~ J ~~~~~~~~i/ ~\ ...~~~ Notary Public ~ - My commission expires: '~ " ~ Q - ~,ty)o9 ~~~'9i~~,; •~ ...3 .,,~ ,`,~~`~ ~y~~%///I11J I11 il~ti~~~~~