HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061151 Ver 2_Report_2009052906 - t tS t ucr a REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL v ? qy2 s apt 100 Ll sl ? 9 Q''?n RECOMMENDATIONS Apex Peakway Segment AP3 WSA Project No: 101673 December 19, 2008 Prepared For: Town of Apex, North Carolina Prepared By: Wilbur Smith Associates 421 Fayetteville Street Mall, Suite 1303 Raleigh, NC 27601 rAFORNA ??& ENGINEERS Man PLANNERS W// ECONOMISTS ?&NI/I ith WilburS7TES A S S O C I A -F REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION SEGMENT AP3 - APEX PEAKWAY FROM NORTH SALEM STREET TO NEW DOVER ROAD APEX, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: TOWN OF APEX, NORTH CAROLINA Apex, North Carolina Prepared by: WILBUR SMITH ASSOCIATES Raleigh, North Carolina WSA PROJECT NO. 101673 December 19, 2008 %%kill1!!/!/ CAROI S ?/ •/ 18 9 avid A. Rancman, P.E. C. Eric Bur ce, E. Geotechnical Engineer Vice President Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION .......................................................................................... 1-3 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 1-3 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES .................................................................................................... . 1-3 2.0 SITE INFORMATION .................................................................................................. . 2-4 2.1 SITE CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... . 2-4 2.2 REGIONAL AND SITE GEOLOGY ............................................................................... . 2-4 2.3 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM ............................................................... . 2-5 2.3.1 Generalized Stratigraphy .......................................................................................... . 2-6 2.3.2 Groundwater Conditions .......................................................................................... . 2-7 2.3.3 Laboratory Test Results ........................................................................................... . 2-8 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................ 3-10 3.1 EARTHWORK ................................................................................................................ 3-10 3.1.1 Embankment Construction ...................................................................................... 3-10 3.1.2 Cut Areas ................................................................................................................ 3-11 3.1.3 Potentially Unsuitable Soils .................................................................................... 3-11 3.1.4 Slope Stability and Settlement ................................................................................ 3-12 3.1.5 Other Considerations .............................................................................................. 3-12 3.2 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS ............................................................................................. 3-13 3.2.1 Subsurface Conditions at Bridge Location ............................................................. 3-13 3.2.2 Piling ....................................................................................................................... 3-13 3.2.3 Drilled Piers ............................................................................................................ 3-14 3.2.4 Additional Foundation Recommendations .............................................................. 3-15 3.3 CULVERTS ..................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.3.1 Culvert Information ................................................................................................ 3-16 3.3.2 Subsurface Information at Culverts ........................................................................ 3-16 3.3.3 Culvert Geotechnical Recommendations ................................................................ 3-17 3.3.4 Culvert Construction Recommendations ................................................................ 3-18 3.4 PAVEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 3-19 3.4.1 Information and Analysis Methods ......................................................................... 3-19 3.4.2 Pavement Assumptions, Analyses, and Results ...................................................... 3-20 4.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT ................................................................................ 4-1 APPENDIX A: FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION MAP FIGURE 2: SITE GEOLOGY MAP FIGURE 3: BORING LOCATION PLAN - APEX PEAKWAY BRIDGE OVER CSXT RAILROAD FIGURE 4: PLAN AND PROFILE OF APEX PEAKWAY BRIDGE OVER CSXT RAILROAD FIGURE 5: WETLAND LOCATION MAP BORING LOCATION PLAN SHEETS (4) BRIDGE FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SUMMARY (3) Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina APPENDIX B: FIELD EXPLORATORY PROCEDURES KEY TO SYMBOLS AND DESCRIPTIONS SOIL TEST BORING RECORDS - 36 BORINGS (45) APPENDIX C: LABORATORY DATA SUMMARY TRIGON ENGINEERING LAB DATA (33) GEOTESTING EXPRESS LAB DATA (39) APPENDIX D: BRIDGE FOUNDATION ANALYSES (18) EMBANKENT SETTLEMENT (6) SLOPE STABILITY (4) CULVERT ANALYSES (5) PAVEMENTS (8) 11 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1.1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Wilbur Smith Associates (WSA) has been tasked by the Town of Apex, North Carolina to provide design services for the proposed section of new roadway, designated as AP3, for the Apex Peakway Project. The construction will consist of 3,800 feet of new roadway alignment along the northeast quadrant of the planned Apex Peakway (mainline designated as -L-) alignment, from North Salem Street to New Dover Road. This particular phase of the project entails construction of two lanes left of the proposed roadway centerline for the ultimate divided four-lane roadway. The layout will include an at-grade intersection crossing a CSXT railroad line, and a new three-span bridge over two additional parallel CSXT railroad lines, located approximately 1,250 east of the North Salem Street terminus. Approximately 800 feet of Laura Duncan Road (cross-street designated -Y5-) will also be improved. The topography along the planned alignment is generally flat between North Salem Street and the bridge crossing, although significant fill will be required for the bridge over the CSXT railroad line, particularly in the lower-lying wetland areas along the bridge's east approaches and in some other areas to more smoothly transition the elevation changes. No retaining walls or major drainage structures exist, other than three reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) culverts. 1.2 SCOPE OF SERVICES The objectives of our investigation were to evaluate the subsurface conditions in the area, to provide typical pavement sections, and geotechnical parameters required for earthwork, culvert subgrade preparation, and bridge foundations. Field work was performed by Trigon Engineering Consultants (Trigon) and WSA personnel, and laboratory testing was performed by Trigon and Geotesting Express (GTX) under subcontract to the WSA. The scope of services for the geotechnical exploration includes the following: • Perform soil test borings with standard penetration testing in accessible areas in general accordance with NCDOT, ASTM, and AASHTO guidelines • Perform laboratory tests on selected samples • Perform geotechnical analyses and furnish a report with geotechnical estimates and recommendations This report contains a discussion of regional and site geology, the results of the field exploration and laboratory testing, and our geotechnical recommendations for the bridge foundations, earthwork, culverts, and pavements. 1-3 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 2.0 SITE INFORMATION 2.1 SITE CONDITIONS A site reconnaissance was performed by WSA personnel on March 27, 2008, where site access issues were noted, and boring locations staked for the upcoming field work. Surface conditions were evaluated to identify potential utility conflicts or wetland intrusions issues. Also noted were surface features which could be suggestive in the consideration or estimation of subsurface or geologic conditions. WSA returned to the site along with its subcontracted drilling firm Trigon on April 7, 2008 to commence nine week days of field work to obtain subsurface data. WSA conducted a supplemental investigation on November 19, 2008, in order to obtain more information for the design of pavements. The subsurface exploration was used as part of our assessment of the general site subsurface characteristics and to estimate appropriate soil parameters necessary to develop the geotechnical recommendations presented in this report. The proposed roadway will be built both in flat open grassy areas and in sloping wooded areas requiring considerable clearing of largely wooded growth of deciduous and coniferous trees. Three wetland areas have been delineated by others, and careful consideration was observed during the field work to avoid these areas. Property access was granted by private owners for the boring locations prior to drilling on private property. The east interior and end bent borings of the bridge over the CSXT railroad lines, as well as roadway boring L-6 were accessed by following a power easement which runs east/west several hundred feet north of the bridge crossing before turning southward adjacent to a subdivision. The proposed 42-inch culvert at STA 42+64, presently exists in a delineated wetland area designated as a PFO (palustrine forested) "A" and was not accessible to our drilling equipment. A wetland location map has been included in Appendix E. 2.2 REGIONAL AND SITE GEOLOGY The site is regionally located within the Durham basin, a part of the Deep River Triassic belt, which is a chain of similar belts in eastern North America that extend northeastward from South Carolina to Nova Scotia and are exposed at the surface within the surrounding Piedmont Physiographic Province. The basins were created about 160 million years ago when tectonic 2-4 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina activity caused north trending faults to open up long elongate basins to drop several thousand feet relative to the surrounding land surface. Enormous volumes of soil and rock were eroded from the surrounding metamorphic and igneous rocks of the region and deposited in inland lakes within the troughs to form various sedimentary rocks. The sedimentary rocks that comprise these Triassic basins are comprised within a group of rocks called the Newark Group. The Triassic sedimentary rocks are predominantly made up of clastic types that range from conglomerates to mudstones. The rocks consist of poorly sorted sediment, irregularly bedded, and can contain various rock types that commonly grade abruptly into one another both laterally and vertically. Due to the variability of these sediments, they can be divided up into three distinctive lithologic belts, from east to west across Wake County as follows: a fanglomerate belt, a sandstone-mudstone belt, and a limestone- chert belt. The Triassic fanglomerate belt characterizes the rocks underlying the site. It consists of pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of various rock types jumbled together in an argillaceous, silty and sandy matrix. The rock fragments found in this rock matrix include vein quartz, phyllite, metavolcanic rocks, epidote-quartz rocks, gneisses, and granite. Argillaceous sandstones and mudstones are interbedded with the conglomerate layers, grading both laterally and vertically. Most of the rock in this particular belt is red from hematite. Bedding for the most part strikes north-northeast, while dipping generally eastward. This belt is located along the east border of the Durham basin, where it ends abruptly against the north-northeast regionally trending Jonesboro fault and the much older Mid-Paleozoic metamorphic and igneous rocks east of the Triassic basin. Throughout this region, Triassic to Jurassic-aged diabase dikes intrude many of the metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. They generally trend north-northwest and dip almost vertically. Most of the dikes are tabular with locally uniform thicknesses. The diabase dikes are black, massive, and generally fine grained. 2.3 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION PROGRAM In total, thirty-four soil test borings were conducted during both explorations in Apex and private property right of way. Eighteen borings were performed along the main alignment of the proposed Apex Peakway, designated "L." Eight borings were performed for the Apex Peakway Bridge over the CSXT RR. Three hand auger borings were performed for the 42-inch culvert which will run underneath -L- at Station 42+64, and five borings were performed for the cross roads N. Salem street and Laura Duncan Rd., designated "Y-1" and "Y-5," respectively. Boring Location Plan sheets are included in Appendix A. The majority of the drilling and sampling was executed 2-5 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina between April 7, 2008 and April 17, 2008 by Trigon with a CME-55 ATV-mounted drill rig using 2.25-in diameter hollow stem augers for most borings. For boring locations where rock coring was anticipated, the sampler was advanced via the wash boring method. Standard penetration test (SPT) borings (ASTM D 1586) were performed and soil samples obtained at regular intervals after 10 feet. Generally, four samples were obtained in the upper 10 feet. Bulk samples were obtained at ten boring locations so that CBR testing could be performed to assist in pavement design. A supplemental investigation was conducted WSA personnel using a power auger on November 19, 2008 in order to obtain more data, such as additional CBR and resilient modulus testing, required for pavement design. The ground surface elevations at the boring locations were obtained from surveying data provided by WSA. Borings were originally located in the field by taping distances from existing site features and control points, which were re-staked just prior to the field work by WSA survey and geotechnical personnel. Some borings locations had to be relocated as they would infringe on delineated wetlands. Interior Bent borings for the Apex Peakway Bridge over the CSXT Railroad also had to be relocated slightly outside of the railroad right of way. Final boring elevations were determined from placement of the as-drilled boring locations on plan contour sheets. In the SPT, the number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches was recorded and is designated the "standard penetration resistance" or "N-value." The standard penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, can be used as an index to the soil strength and supporting capability. Field Exploratory Procedures have been outlined in Appendix B. Boring Logs are also included in Appendix B, and provide a detailed description of subsurface conditions encountered along with the penetration resistances. A Key to Symbols and Descriptions is also included. Representative portions of the soil samples were placed in glass jars by the Trigon drill crew after being examined and visually classified in the field by a WSA geotechnical engineer. The samples were retained by Trigon. Representative samples were selected by a WSA Geotechnical Engineer for laboratory testing. For the supplementary investigation, bag samples were obtained with a power auger by WSA personnel, and the samples were sent to GeoTesting Express Inc (GTX) for analyses. 2.3.1 Generalized Stratigraphy Across the site, mostly silty sands (SM) and clayey sands (SC) were sampled of varying densities, but were generally found to be medium dense. Some clayey soils, classified as sandy and silty 2-6 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina clays (CL), of stiff to hard consistency were also sampled near the areas which have been delineated as wetlands. Clays of increased plasticity (CL-CH) that appear to be normally consolidated were encountered in boring L-7 which is near wetland 2. These soils generally overlie dense to very dense poorly graded sands with silt (SP-SM), which in turn overlie fanglomerate/conglomerate rock. 2.3.2 Groundwater Conditions Groundwater readings were generally taken at the end of drilling. However it was possible to obtain stabilized groundwater levels at several boring locations. Table 2.3.2 summarizes the groundwater conditions encountered at the time of drilling (ATD), and at completion of boring (COB). If a boring is not indicated in the table, the borehole was found to be dry. TABLE 2.3.2- Summary of Groundwater Readings Boring Depth ATD Depth COB ft Water Table No. (ft) Time Measurement Elevation (ft) L-2 12.2 5 days 3 +484 L-3 9.8 n/a n/a +471.2 L-5 10 4.8 hrs 5 +479 L-6 9.8 24 hrs 2.5 +461.2 L-7 11 6 days 3.2 +469 L-8 n/a 6 days 3.5 +486.8 L-9 13 3.5 hrs 3.2 +490.9 L-10 n/a 4 days 7.4 +470.4 L-12 2 - - +462 L-13 8.7 - - +462.9 LC-1 0 - - not encountered LC-2 0.5 - - not encountered LC-3 0.5 - - not encountered Y I-1 n/a - - not encountered Y5-1 n/a 7 hrs 2.2 +485.8 EB 1-A 11 48 Ins 5 +479.9 EB 1-B 10.5 - - +474.4 B 1-A n/a - - not encountered BI-13 14 24 hrs 5 +479.6 B2-A 16.2 48 hrs 4.5 +478.1 B2-B n/a - - not encountered EB2-A n/a - - not encountered EB2-B n/a 48 hrs 5 +474.6 Groundwater was observed to be at or near the surface in the areas delineated as wetlands. Although no borings were drilled in these areas due to environmental permitting restrictions, it 2-7 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina should be anticipated that the water table exists at a depth of about 1 foot in these areas. No artesian or other water spring conditions were observed at the site. Spring boxes therefore do not appear to be necessary. 2.3.3 Laboratory Test Results Table 2.3.3A summarizes the laboratory test results. Laboratory analyses were reported to be performed in accordance with ASTM standards. TABLE 2.3.3A - Laboratory Test Results Summary Standard Proctor CBR Tests Reselient Modulus Testin Boring Number Sample Depth (ft.) Sample No. Natural Moisture Content (MC) ° (1°1 LL PI ° /° fines Opt. moisture ° n) (10) Max Dry Density (1) (Pcfl CBR 100% max Standard Proctor Densi Specimen (MC) as compacted (°I0) Specimen MC after ° testing (h) Specimen Dry Density (Pcf) Average Mr (psi) (Z! HA-1 0.5-3.0 HA-1 10.4 NP NP 28 NIA N/A NA 13.7 11.9 118.4 2,800 HA-2 0.5-3.0 HA-2 8.5 NP NP 26 10.0 121 13 10.1 10.3 121.1 7,500 HA-3 0.5-3.0 HA-3 19.2 48 23 45 19.0 105 10 19.5 18.9 104.7 13,200 HA-3 0.5-3.0 HA-3 19.2 48 23 45 19.0 105 10 22.5 22.3 104.7 6,156 HA-4 0.5-3.0 HA-4 10.0 NP NP 31 9.5 123.5 12 9.6 9.5 123.6 6,883 HA-4 0.5-3.0 HA-4 10.0 NP NP 31 9.5 123.5 12 12.3 11.8 123.9 1,000 L-1 1.0-5.0 Bulk 15.0 - 13.0 118.9 6.0* L-2 6.0-7.5 S-3 24.4 62 L-3 8.5-10.0 S-4 21.0 49 23 46 L-4 3.5-5.0 S-2 29.3 - - 80 L-5 8.5-10.0 S-4 32.7 53 20 58 L-6 3.5-5.0 S-2 19.4 - 39 L-6 13.5-15.0 S-5 10.9 31 4 22 L-7 3.5-5.0 S-2 28.4 - 70 L-7 13.5-15.0 S-5 34.3 45 22 82 L-8 6.0-7.5 S-3 25.7 50 18 44 L-8 5.0-10.0 Bulk 18.4 - - 19.7 105.2 5.8* L-10 6.0-7.5 S-3 34.3 - - 62 L-11 8.5-10.0 S-2 19.2 31 12 65 L-14 4.0-8.0 Bulk 28.3 - - - 21.0 100.6 5.7* EB1-A 28.5-30.0 S-8 23.3 37 4 39 EB1-B 8.5-10.0 S-4 36.6 51 16 51 B1-B 8.5-10.0 S-4 32.4 46 10 42 B1-B 13.5-15.0 S-5 38.0 - - 47 EB2-A 3.5-5.0 S-2 28.3 54 23 49 EB2-A 13.5-15.0 S-5 28.1 42 9 30 EB2-B 18.5-20.0 S-6 25.7 42 5 39 Y5-3 1.0-5.0 Bulk 19.4 - - - 18.4 105.6 5.9* LC-2 1.0-2.5 S-2 11.9 - 21 (1) Before correction for oversize (gravel) particles (2) Average of resilient modulus values at the range of confining pressures anticipated when pavement is in service * Method of preparation 95% of Standard Proctor - Supplemental lab work performed to verify results 2-8 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina Soil samples collected during the field exploration were visually classified in the field and samples were selected for laboratory testing. Results of laboratory testing as summarized by the subcontracted testing firms are summarized in Appendix C along with the complete, results as they were provided. Trigon performed sieve analyses, natural moisture content, Atterberg limits, standard Proctor, and CBR testing. Supplemental laboratory testing conducted by GTX to obtain refined parameters required for the design of pavements included sieve analyses, natural moisture content, Atterberg limits, optimum lime content, standard Proctor, resilient modulus, and CBR testing. Optimum lime testing was performed in accordance with ASTM D6276 on sample HA-3. Results are summarized in Table 2.3.3B below: TABLE 2.3.3B - Optimum Lime Content Lime Percentage Measured pH 2 12.2 3 12.0 4 12.3 5 12.2 6 12.2 7 12.4 8 12.3 2-9 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 3.0 GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 EARTHWORK 3.1.1 Embankment Construction We recommend that the fill placement and compaction be observed and documented by an experienced soil technician. Significant deviations, either from specifications or good practice, should be brought to the attention of the owner's representative, along with appropriate recommendations. Prior to fill placement, topsoil, vegetation, debris, and surface soils containing organic material should be removed from the construction area and either wasted from the site or used as topsoil in areas to be landscaped. A shrinkage factor of 20% can be used for on-site soils used as fill. After subgrade preparation, structural fill may be placed to bring the roadway to the desired grade. Details regarding the pavement section will be discussed in Section 3.4. The following recommendations for testing and placement of imported fill material are provided: • Before beginning to place the fill, sample and test each proposed fill material to determine its maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, and natural moisture content. • Place new fill in loose lifts no more than 8 inches thick, and compact to at least 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density (AASHTO T 99). Moisture content of fill material should be controlled to remain within plus or minus three percent of its optimum moisture content as determined by AASHTO T 99. • Fill placement should be witnessed by an experienced soils technician working under the guidance of the resident engineer. In-place density testing should be performed to ensure that the compaction criteria have been met. In-place density testing should also be performed for backfilling in the utility trenches. It is recommended that the frequency of testing be based on NCDOT criteria. We recommend that fill surfaces be sloped to achieve sufficient drainage and to prevent water from ponding. If fill construction is temporarily halted, the surface should be rolled with a steel- drummed roller to seal the subgrade and improve surface run-off. If the surface soils become excessively wet or frozen, fill operations should be halted and the engineer consulted for guidance. Fill slopes should be protected from erosion by vegetation or by other means. 3-10 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 3.1.2 Cut Areas Up to 10 feet of cut is expected along segments of the roadway. Before commencement of excavation activities in the widening areas, existing topsoil, vegetation, debris, and surface soils containing organic material should be removed and either wasted from the site or used as topsoil in areas to be grassed. Based on the laboratory test results, the majority of the tested soil samples from the cut areas are sandy clay and silty sand. We recommend that the soils at these locations identified as potential borrow areas be tested to determine whether they meet the AASHTO requirements and can be used for embankment fill as indicated in Section 3. 1.1 Perched water may be encountered at some cut sections, and dewatering methods may be required during construction. Based on the measured stabilized groundwater levels encountered in the cut areas between stations 32+00 and 36+00, it is likely that measures to control water will be required since the excavations are below the apparent water table. It is important that the contractor maintains good water control, so that the subgrade can be appropriately prepared per the specified compaction requirements. Optimum moisture contents for existing soils anticipated to be used as fills can be found in summarized lab results Table 2.3.3, and the laboratory test data in Appendix C. 3.1.3 Potentially Unsuitable Soils Based on the present subsurface exploration program, it appears as though the residual sandy soils, sandy silts, and sandy clays can be used as compacted fills and as pavement subgrade. Some of the clayey materials can become unsuitable if they are exposed and/or contain excessive moisture at the time of construction. It appears that moisture contents of the soils can be adjusted to within acceptable levels and sufficiently compacted. Standard moisture and compaction requirements appear as though they can be accomplished at the time of construction based on the laboratory testing that was performed. Since this is a net fill project, off-site borrow soils will likely need to be reviewed to asses their suitability. Based on the field and laboratory data soil stabilization methods do not appear to be necessary at this time. Some organic content was encountered near the wetland southeast of the bridge crossing (S percent in Sample 2 of boring L-7). Again, the wetland areas could not be accessed at the time of the subsurface investigation to obtain information due to permitting issues. Thus, some potentially unsuitable soils may exist in these areas that would require removal prior to embankment placement. 3-11 t. Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 3.1.4 Slope Stability and Settlement Three analyses were performed for the approach embankments to the bridge crossing. These analyses were performed at stations 23+50 (west approach), 27+50 (east approach), and 29+00 (east approach). Although the height of the fill is significantly less at 29+00, this analysis was performed in order to conservatively model potentially weak soils which may exist in the wetland area which could not be explored. One analysis was performed at the deepest cut section at station 33+50. For both the cut area and the fills placed at the bridge approaches, which can reach as high as 40 feet above the exist grade, minimum calculated factors of safety were found to be acceptable for side slopes of 2(H): I (V) and flatter. Slope stability analyses have been included in Appendix D. It is expected that embankment fill materials as well as the underlying soils will experience some settlement during and after construction. Settlement calculations can be found in Appendix D. Settlements will vary depending on the height of the embankments. Based on the types of soils encountered and without information in the wetland areas, we expect the settlement to be elastic in nature and to occur as fill is placed. Thus, we anticipate that the majority of the settlement will occur prior to roadway and bridge construction, so that settlement impacts will be minor. Unless more difficult conditions exist in the areas delineated as wetlands where subsurface data could not be obtained, no subsurface remediation or surcharge loading is recommended prior to the construction of the roadway or bridge. We do suggest that settlement plates are installed around Station 30+00, and that a 1-2 month duration be allowed for this settlement to occur. 3.1.5 Other Considerations No rock excavation is anticipated, and based on the subsurface exploration, only clearing of topsoils, stumps, root mats, or other vegetation will be necessary. Over the majority of the project length, 8 inches of clearing and grubbing can be used for estimation purposes. We recommend assuming up to 18 inches of grubbing or undercutting may be required in wetland areas. No other areas of significant undercut were identified although conditions in the field may differ between boring locations. Furthermore, since boring could not be performed in the wetland areas due to permitting issues, subsurface conditions may exist where undercutting would be required. Embankment settlements in these areas could also be greater, and slope stability factors of safety may also be reduced. 3-12 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina Any voids created due to stump removal, as will be in the case for nearly half of the project length in the largely wooded areas, should be carefully backfilled with compacted fill where planned foundations and pavements are at or near existing ground surface. No slope inclinometers or settlement gauges are recommended at this time, nor is the use of select fill materials. No wells were encountered that would require sealing. The installation of pavement underdrains will likely be required in the areas delineated as wetlands. 3.2 BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS The Apex Peakway Bridge over CSXT Railroad (dual track) is a three-span structure with span lengths of 55, 94, and 55 feet (Spans A, B, and C, respectively). The approach fills at both integral abutments have 2:1 slopes with concrete slope protection down to the approximate railroad elevation. It is our understanding that end bents will be supported on 12x53 H-piles with single- pile axial design loads of 60 tons, and the interior bents will be supported on 48-inch diameter drilled piers with maximum axial design loads of 305 tons. 3.2.1 Subsurface Conditions at Bridge Location In general, silty and clayey sands and some sandy and silty clay layers were encountered at the planned bridge location. SPT N-values ranged from 7 to 100 blows per foot (bpf). These soils overly partially weathered rock (PWR) which transitions to conglomerate/fanglomerate and weak sandstone layers. Water was encountered in the borings, and stabilized measurements were taken at depths of 4.5 to 5 feet below the existing ground surface. A subsurface profile (Figure 4) is included in Appendix A, and indicates assumed subsurface conditions along the centerline of the proposed bridge, and in the transverse direction at each bent location with offsets respective to the centerline of the Apex Peakway alignment. 3.2.2 Piling Field and laboratory test data were primarily used to develop the subsurface models used in our analyses. Initially, static piles analyses were performed using Driven 1.2 in order to obtain a general idea of anticipated axial capacities. These preliminary analyses were used to obtain initial pile lengths and for comparison with the static analysis models developed in GRLWEAP 2005. GRLWEAP was used to both provide after-driving ultimate pile capacities and to predict blow counts and pile stresses. Since approach embankments settlements are anticipated to be minimal 3-13 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina and it is assumed that the majority of this total settlement will occur before pile driving, post- construction effects on the piling is anticipated to be minimal. According to Section of the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges (17Th ed), a factor of safety of 2.25 has been assumed, provided that supplemental wave equation analyses and dynamic pile testing will be conducted. A Delmag D19-42 with a 4 kip ram weight was assumed for the wave equation analysis, although other hammers of comparable energy transfer (45 kip-ft) should generate similar results. As Table 3.2.4 indicates, pile lengths will likely range from 60 to 70 feet, with approximately 17 and 22 feet driven through the bridge approach fills at abutments 1 and 2, respectively. Table 3.2.4 presents tip and cutoff elevations (based on the structure plans provided) associated pile capacity, and final blow counts at each of the bent structures. Table 3.2.4 - Foundation Analysis Summary for HP 12X53 Piles Bottom of Estimated Estimated Estimated Estimated Cap Existing Pile Tip Pile Termination Allowable Substructure Ground Elevation Elev. (ft) Elevation Length Blow Count Capacity (ft) (ft) (ft) (blows/in) (tons)* End Bent 1 +501.6 +485 +445-+440 60 - 65 4 to 5 60 End Bent 2 +501.6 +480 +450 - +440 60 - 70 4 to 5 60 *Allowable pile capacity based on a 2.25 factor of safety per AASHTO specification The GRLWEAP analysis summaries in Appendix D indicate the distribution of capacity along the shaft and pile toe. Driving stresses and energy transfer are also presented. For Grade 50 steel, the maximum allowable stress is 0.9 FY = 45 ksi. The results indicate that pile stresses should remain within tolerable limits provided that the driving system has a similar rated energy than that modeled, with proper hammer/pile alignment. 3.2.3 Drilled Piers Service loads were provided and used in conjunction with the L-Pile 4.0 software for lateral analysis. Lateral loading, point of fixity, and maximum lateral deflection assumptions are included in Appendix D in addition to axial capacities calculations. Since the transition between PWR, the weak sandstone/siltstone, and fanglomerate/congolomerate layers are gradual but more importantly difficult to identify, geotechnical engineering assessments have been made to estimate the "in soil, and "not-in soils" excavation depths summarized. These assessments included applying 3-14 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina geotechnical knowledge and experience for the types of materials encountered, reviewing averaged depths of where coring data was taken (depth with sufficient RQD values), and depths where difficult drilling during the subsurface explorations occurred, in order to develop the subsurface profile that was ultimately used to estimate the drilled shaft excavation quantities. Results of analysis indicate that drilled piers can obtain the required axial and lateral capacities with a 10-foot socket into competent rock. Table 3.2.5A summarizes analyses at the interior bents for the 48-inch drilled piers. L-Pile and axial capacity analysis results are included in Appendix D. Table 3.2.5.A - Foundation Analysis Summary for 48-inch Drilled Piers Bottom of Est. Top of Estimated Estimated Column Rock Tip Estimated Est. Fixity Allowable Substructure Elevation Elevation Elevation Length (ft) Elevation Capacity (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (tons)* Bentl +476.1 +440 +430 45 +465 345 Bent 2 +476.1 +440 +430 45 +465 325 *Allowable pile capacity based on a 10 foot rock socket and a 2.75 factor of safety per AASH1 U specification Lateral loads and the resulting deflections and load distributions along the drilled piers were calculated to be within tolerable limits. Table 3.2.5B below summarizes linear feet of excavation for drilled piers in soil and rock. Table - Drilled Pier Quantity Estimates Substructure Estimated Linear Feet per Shaft In Soil Not in Soil Bent 1 35 10 Bent 2 35 10 3.2.4 Additional Foundation Recommendations • Dynamic pile testing complying with ASTM D 4945 is required in addition to CAPWAP analysis per AASHTO and NCDOT specifications, and is recommended to be performed on a single production pile at both End Bents 1 and 2. • For the driven piles, the contractor's driving system must be reviewed by the engineer and additional wave equation analyses should be performed for the actual hammer used. • Dynamic load testing will establish termination blow counts at depths as they relate to pile capacity and insures that maximum allowable stresses are not exceeded. • Drilled shaft installation should be closely monitored by the engineer to insure the quality of the socket into the bearing stratum. 3-15 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina A foundation summary sheet is included in Appendix A which summarizes the results for both the end and interior bent analyses, and includes notes and comments for the plan sheets. 3.3 CULVERTS 3.3.1 Culvert Information At the time of this report, three culverts have been identified of sufficient size and length to require foundation recommendations. At the time of the subsurface exploration, information regarding only one culvert of sufficient size was known. At Station 42+64, a 42-inch reinforced concrete pipe of 159.2 foot length, running northwest to southeast will carry an unnamed creek beneath Apex Peakway. This culvert intersects the proposed Apex Peakway at a skew of approximately 120 degrees. Since the culvert is located in an area designated as a wetland and was difficult to access, WSA personnel conducted three borings with a hand auger to obtain soil samples. The existence of a 42-inch reinforced concrete pipe culvert at station 20+32 (running southwest to northeast and intersecting the roadway centerline at approximately 65 degrees) was not known at the time of the geotechnical exploration; however, since it exists in the vicinity of other boring locations, recommendations will be provided. Geotechnical recommendations regarding a third 54-inch reinforced concrete pile culvert at station 27+69 cannot be provided at this time since it's existence was also not known at the time of the exploration, and no subsurface information in the vicinity could be obtained since it exists in a wetland. If no additional information is obtained before construction, a geotechnical engineer should be consulted to so that geotechnical recommendations can be provided. The geotechnical engineer should be present during construction to insure proper geotechnical oversight. Invert inlet and outlet elevation information is not known for any of the three major culverts at this time. 3.3.2 Subsurface Information at Culverts Detailed subsurface records for the borings are provided on the boring logs in Appendix B. For the 42-inch RCP at Station 20+32, boring L-5 was used to developed geotechnical parameters. Over the length of the RCP, the culvert foundation subgrade will likely consists of firm sandy clays (CL), medium dense silty sands (SM), and/or hard sandy silts (ML). Stabilized groundwater was found to be 4 feet below the existing ground surface. 3-16 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina The subsurface conditions at the 42-inch RCP at Station 42+64 were explored with hand auger borings LC-1 through LC-3. Clayey sands (SC) and sandy clays (CL) with 2- to 3-inch diameter placed stone, and larger rip rap fragments were sampled. Some organic soils were deposited in the upper foot. Water was found to be at or near the surface. 3.3.3 Culvert Geotechnical Recommendations Allowable Bearing Pressure of Culvert and Wingwalls Based on the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings and the expected loading conditions, for both culverts, the culvert and wingwall footings that bear on compacted fill or crushed stone can use an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). The subgrade bearing conditions should be observed and approved by a geotechnical engineer prior to placement of the RCP or the placement of wingwall and headwall concrete. Win,nwall and Headwall Earth Pressure Coefficients The headwalls and wingwalls should be designed to withstand lateral soil pressure. The lateral earth pressure recommendations provided in this section are based on the forthcoming backfill requirements. The recommended earth pressure coefficients assume that a cohesionless, free draining backfill is used behind theses walls. Lateral pressure arising from hydrostatic pressure and/or surcharge loading should be added to the earth pressures, where appropriate, to determine the total design lateral pressures which the walls must resist. Transient loads imposed on the walls by construction equipment during backfilling should also be taken into consideration. A coefficient of at-rest earth pressure (Ko = horizontal stress/vertical stress) of 0.60 is recommended for design. If cases exist where sufficient wall movement would allow an active earth pressure condition a coefficient (Ka) of 0.45 may be used. A compacted mass unit weight of the backfill soil (assumed as 120 pcf) should be used with the above earth pressure coefficients to calculate lateral earth pressures. Resistance to sliding is normally provided by the friction between the footing and the foundation soils. A coefficient of friction against sliding of 0.35 may be used in the design of the head and wingwalls. Culvert Settlement For the culverts at stations 20+32 and 42+64, there will be approximately 10 and 20 feet of embankment fills, respectively. Estimated settlements due to embankment loads above the culvert 3-17 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina are anticipated to be elastic in nature. It does not appear to be necessary to design for a camber as the maximum differential settlement along the length of the culvert should not exceed 1/4 inch assuming that soft soils are undercut and replaced with suitably compacted material. 3.3.4 Culvert Construction Recommendations Excavations and Site Preparation Construction of both the roadway embankment and culvert will occur along the existing stream channel around station 42+60. The contractor should be cautioned against the accumulation of water, particularly during wet conditions. Prior to construction of the culvert, topsoil, vegetation, debris, and surface soils containing organic material should be removed from the construction area and either wasted from the site or used as topsoil in areas to be landscaped per Articles 200-3 and 200-4 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. For the culvert at station 42+64, it is anticipated that undercutting a few feet of the alluvial and partially organic soils will be required. It is not expected that this undercutting will exceed 2 feet. Undercut areas should extend for a sufficient horizontal distance to avoid differential settlement of the embankment and roadway along Apex Peakway. Conditioniniz Culvert Foundation The culvert foundation bearing areas should be relatively level and free of loose soils and/or debris. During stripping and site grading, positive surface drainage should be maintained to prevent the accumulation of surface water. Preparation should be made for groundwater control during culvert foundation preparation. The exposed subgrade should be observed and documented by a geotechnical engineer or his representative. Either culvert bearing over competent subgrade soil or weathered rock will require a minimum of 12 inches of conditioning material. Class VI, Select Material, a course aggregate meeting the gradation for standard size #57 in Table 1005-1 of the NCDOT specifications. If unsuitable conditions are encountered at the culvert foundation, this information should be conveyed to the geotechnical engineer so appropriate recommendations for improvement can be provided. Backftll Material Fill used as backfill adjacent to the culvert, head walls, and wing walls must be free draining, and should be compacted in accordance with the most recent version of Subarticle 2354 (C) of the 3-18 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina NCDOT Specifications. Other fill should be placed in 6-inch lifts and compacted to a density comparable to the adjacent undisturbed material. It is recommended that fill placement and compaction be observed and documented by a geotechnical engineer or his representative. Heavy compaction equipment should not be used over the culvert roof until at least 3 feet of soil cover is in-place. Very heavy grading equipment should not be allowed within about 5 feet (horizontally) from the walls. 3.4 PAVEMENTS 3.4.1 Information and Analysis Methods Analyses were performed to determine the pavement structure required to support the anticipated traffic. The analyses were performed in accordance with two design methods including the NCDOT Interim Pavement Design Procedure of 2000, with its modifications dated November 20072, and the 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. The NCDOT design procedure is based on the 1972 AASHTO Design methodology with some modifications for local materials and experience. Inputs to the design procedure for flexible pavements are Soil Support Value (SSV), Equivalent 18,000 Pound Single Axle Loads in the Critical Lane (ESALs), Regional Factor (R), Terminal Serviceability (pt), and Coefficients of Relative Strength for various paving materials (ai). The design model for the 1993 AASHTO design method included several changes to the 1972 AASHTO method. Some of the main changes included the introduction of reliability into the design model and the adaptation of resilient modulus testing to characterize the soil support3. The following sections provide details of our design procedures and assumptions. Traffic is Data Traffic data for the pavement analyses were obtained from the project design criteria. Based on these design criteria, the average daily traffic (ADT) for the initial year (2011) is 12,000, and the ADT for the year 2030 is 18,000. The 18-kip Equivalent Single Axel Load (ESAL) repetitions over the design period of 20 years were calculated using NCDOT ESAL Calculator Spreadsheet. The calculated total ESAL is about 3 million. The ESAL calculations are included in Appendix D. 1 "Interim Pavement Design Procedure", N.C. Department of Transportation Pavement Management Unit, April 1, 2000. 2 "Modifications to the April 2000 Interim Pavement Design Procedure", NCDOT Pavement Management Unit, November 2007. 3 "Pavement Design in the Post-AASHTO Road Test Era", Hallin, et al; Transportation Research Board Engineering Circular E-C 118, July, 2007 3-19 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina Pavement Subyrade Soils A significant portion of the proposed alignment will be in fill that will be imported from borrow sites that are currently unidentified. During our subsurface exploration testing was performed on soil samples obtained form several borings along the alignment. For the fill sections, it is assumed that the soils in the upper 24 inches below the pavement structure will be similar in nature to those encountered along the existing alignment. As indicated earlier, the NCDOT (1972 AASHTO) pavement design model includes the soil support value (SSV) which is calculated from a correlation with laboratory CBR. On the other hand, the calculations of the pavement structural number in 1993 AASHTO design model is based on the soil resilient modulus. CBR and resilient modulus tests were performed as part of our geotechnical exploration. The tested samples consisted primarily of silty sands and clayey sands (SM/SC) with varying amounts of gravel. Based on the CBR laboratory results performed during our exploration and previous explorations, and considering the uncertainty about the characteristics of the fill material, we assumed an average CBR value of 8 for our analyses. It is assumed that the upper 8 inches of subgrade will be compacted to 100 standard Proctor maximum dry density per NCDOT Specification Section 500-2.C so that a minimum CBR value of 8 can be achieved. Based on this CBR a soil support value (SSV) of 3.31 was calculated from correlation with CBR presented in NCDOT interim pavement design manual. The SSV was used in our analyses using the NCDOT design methodology. Based on our laboratory resilient modulus values, a resilient modulus value of 6,500 was used in our analyses with the 1993 AASHTO design method. 3.4.2 Pavement Assumptions, Analyses, and Results We have performed pavement analyses for the proposed Apex Peakway based on the traffic and soil data presented above. Our analyses were performed in accordance with the NCDOT procedure referenced above as well as the 1993 AASHTO pavement design procedure. The 1993 AASHTO calculations were performed using DARWin computer program. The analyses are included in the Appendix. Table 3.4.2A on the following page provides a summary of the parameters were used in our analysis. 3-20 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina Tahle 3.4.2A - Pavement Decian PnrnmPterc Parameter Value Design CBR 8 * Soil Support Value (SSV) (NCDOT Method) = 5.32*lo CBR -1.49 = 3.31 Initial Serviceability 4.2 Terminal Serviceabili : 2.5 Regional Factor R : 1 ESAL over the design period of 20 ears 3 million Reliability 1993 AASHTO 95% Soil Resilient Modulus 1993 AASHTO ** 6,500 psi T t ne upper cN mcnes of subgrade should be compacted to / 00% standard Proctor density. ** Soil resilient modulus accounted for seasonal variations in accordance with the AASHTO methodology. Based on these parameters a design structural number of 4.50 was calculated using the NCDOT method and a structural number of 4.63 was calculated using the 1993 AASHTO methodology. Based upon these structural number values, we recommend the following pavement section for segment AP3 of the Apex Peakway: Table 3.4.213 - Recommended Pavement Section Layer Rate of Application (PSY) Thickness (Inch) SF 9.5B Surface Course 170 1.5 119.OC Intermediate Course 280 2.5 B25C AC Base Course 460 4.0 Aggregate Subbase -- 12.0 Sub,Qrade Lime Stabilization Subgrade lime stabilization was considered as part of our pavement design. The soils encountered in the upper few feet in our borings are mostly silty sands which do not usually require lime stabilization. We have performed laboratory test on a clayey sand sample from our borings to estimate the required rate of application of the lime. The test was performed in accordance with ASTM D6276. Results show that the approximate rate of application is approximately 7 percent. The required rate of application should be determined by the contractor using the proposed fill soil types. Since the majority of the alignment will be in fill, the feasibility of lime stabilization depends on the type of soils that will be used for fill. Clayey soils were encountered in certain locations and may be more suitable to lime treatment should clayey fill soils be used making this option feasible. However, based on the soils encountered, we do not anticipate that lime stabilization will be required or practical. 3-21 Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Recommendations WSA Project No. 101673 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 December 19, 2008 Apex, North Carolina 4.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT The recommendations provided are based in part on project information provided to us, and they only apply to the specific project and site discussed in this report. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical exploration, there is always a possibility that conditions encountered in the soil test borings will be different at other locations. Our recommendations are also subject to the subsurface exploration and laboratory testing performed by Trigon Engineering and GeoTesting Express, under the supposition that field and laboratory procedures were performed in accordance with ASTM standards. If the project information section in this report contains incorrect information or if additional information is available, this information should be conveyed to us so that our recommendations can be re-evaluated. 4-1 APPENDIX A Figure I - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Geology Map Figure 3 - Boring Location Plan - Apex Peakway Bridge over CSX RR Figure 4 - Plan and Profile of Apex Peakway Bridge over CSX RR Figure 5 - Wetland Location Map Boring Location Plan Sheets (4) Bridge Foundation Recommendations Summary (3) p pa i ? old i µew ape R ?" Q LO a_ C) co r ?? 91vd =2' ua n..t c Sunnybrook RdS . M O dRd 0 m H\ ` ? Z I ?a D 1e \ F M 4, ", aaoa °a 4?eeu? J E. C o Z m Peymno - m p 0 L a o _ 'O !A Co L L 9L Cf) w ss el "S s m w w /p i O Z 00 IS lunol9 S' .. X 6. a (U Q co { ?;?tnw r~ ii a- w° Z Q o ° o Y °' N I? jo t; co a b eta ° g, ; Q d L N IM pesl sll!H N C3. L' .1b $ 9 i k: a '? - - - - ` V Q X N N ?O ° t1 r BaNU'f u o .- dRd LLI _`- ye N ° o d +? o 13 is D cc PkI J4 opmOl Pg?yno?am AO >pmrodP y x o m 3 oenezerG s°? ey c &4au /J 9 Coe Em i t? E y 6 yea m ?a?`,,-- a uN,?nn Dr y? a ti ° na '" as uuej ??paH m? '$oa Fed' Ei pops, Q` F ?' e m o xetl 'Q aubm? Q b = ?A% ° m w Xwe QA 5\ t m rf y Aeo 'US e DO v A. ?a '4404 anepp)j A Jp ?'uuw a Q 4k l L ctv a j a ? J 8 aor??? 'II K? ?sWrPN ? , IF $ 4 +1ktx ? ?4'°?O nl b?a7 uew'J ?C? Ru ?° Green Ld"" .o?P III e j ... #...... III PEI m+en3 3 ............ ; ills Q? z sAel, ?e 111 g RiduMs?Q-a T V .O c O 2 0 n 0 U O 0 c °o ? N 0 L ? Co m C W ? 0 U > 0 0 E O _ U WO d Q Z O ? O (/) O a N :Ca` _ c-ye9.c 'CCa ni ?e ZC;iE! :2 •t o J N 1-7 W r 6 ,_ c a a J ?, ?: U s - c S - :°-s`c -cL?=' 1 '-8 _ +xc L 's? S z.c x8 - cc 'K:?y z _ S_ J _ _ C C. - - J Y z 3 l5jyJ U E V5 r?Ed sa°- C OL co o U c .?w,nw•I ?np ,?.. •u,i mcmp.?I P4Y r auwfa,•I ,.. nu,l, ,era ae.. X Z 00 8i? • ?,`. i ` t ?y t o? a o_ o < 04 Us .100 t T co co @ - ti` S dal" U 4r ?? ? p?j ?.r ter s $ \ R 1 `? ( 4 • Z / t 4,T ? y -.'.::' -?'. ;•." L.•= •f :.4?•T ,..° ifs ?M W z H3 s ? ? I IN r m pe. w O w LLo El §$ JA - co U') IS N ? J r ml m In m LID R ?° W IN co w k .eon AA 4 Q to J tR w N + C0 0 m LO Da U N ew ao w 1 ?z I m oof Q ?3 I m ; ?z LL C? C9 ° -J< o oJ - N + LO Lf) U co N N Z XZ) } $ ?? Q 0 J 3 U co IN + C) w N y i WZ) N T r 2U m \ LO U- r- OJ m J O ? j In tz A V r ? Z co N W a u„ I% Q Q J ? F F m ? O m ???'mN mm Y? o) Q(/ Q 0) J J I W2 co M d ' aw N w TO MILE X J Z POST No. SDS-20.1 aU /` O H I a(n ?w m LO Q s §m =o I Q Lr) Z + J Z w i W F u m U') 0 W N m § N I zOw 3 D I ww Q M J O c' O t Q m + W N m? N ?w Q m mm co _ O 9.0 SZ, O co U- ObN 99 uo ??y) 9 r m of w ` m g ? 3 § '? ? F N W o) U rg y n I i Q ao Z 3 ? I ?SXRR W co LL w 3 m > m? m I? O w 0 3 ? ? wq m w ml .............. Z a N 2 m 2 a LL ?o d Z ..................... W W U g = O ? 'P' Y: Y Y ?: Y Y w °o H d Y .....?.......R....... Z' ? N Z N J W ? ?. + ......... ........... ..... ......... ... . g m w J n Q Z Z w w {??? J C1 "? 1„r1, 0 Cl) U . g + N .............:.........a.................... \w O ' ? Q J m nry Q X Q T - - - - - -_---_-_----- p y O /w V 0 N J LL o I N Z W ? o Z W ? J U 0 0 N ? ? z W p m W d N C K W S p J 4 ? Q m p N p 2 C7 ? O YNm W CN N H N L pW m WW<O OC OLO WWW? ??WN OOJSW U'O?2 . .... 1?(Oj 3.N IM p K W Y U Z ` z zI F;d L v w x CO) Z ? J W p a i U o = F LL p z a U <a z ~ LL O ?o w m 3 E- rn mwW LL ). CV) r ho r 3 r V?l ,U r,?, k;?!, ^•??V Ybgy7 io- w 0 ? O I`r u Y s d ii 4i a{, w? o p? y N S Q ° 0 0. ). O Q Wp? e`• z U Q y 0 5 Z P / W 0 o moW /I ? J ? 1 I I ? I ? a i m N W = r Q} i m t N CD [ - IY - co -r a co ? I f In, g ' W W r AE r ? Y I / V&AV7 It ??3f' b W ?S1 Z O U W w v `o vii r> 6 m O a o Q p? z U 6 o F w O a z a a z ? a O y O m F ? ran m Q ?t a L6 w > z O .I- LO V O LO ?QCV l rfr r j. U W CD w a m 0 w v ? J tO O 0. W U z CD = F rn w O Z 8 X U) W C 7 ?i LL z a Q LL O Z '3 w 0 ? 3 m N m 1 05 ? LO Y£ oc I { f it 1 d Y 1 v ? I got 6 I J ? W ? ¦ i\ ?' ? 1 L 2 F\ r J I I YNAY7 4.a yII 1 1 C7 J J lp y I 9 133 ?? 1tlY1 W r? > O U w rff?FAA%lk ENGINEERS PLANNERS ECONOMISTS FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS A I S 0 C I A ith WSA PROJ NO.: 101673 CLIENT: TOWN OF APEX, NC Apex Peakway -L- over CSX Railroad between N. Salem St (NC-1011) DESCRIPTION: and Laura Duncan Rd (NC-1306). Proposed bridge left of proposed project alignment centerline. (north bridge of planned dual bridges) COUNTY: Wake ALIGNMENT: L SEAL . \?V\ CAR()?zlo S ?• -- 0 8 9 Q. • C, •:i;GIN ? *41 1C Signature: INITIALS DATE DESIGN DAR 10/30/08 CHECK CEB 12/18/08 APPROVAL CEB 12/19/08 Approx. Est. Est. Tip Location Station Foundation Max Length Elevations Misc. Details Type Load (ft) (ft) tons End Bent 1 23+47.56 HP 12x53 Dynamic load (West (L) Steel Piles 60 60 - 65 '445 - +440 test first Abutment W.P.1 Grade 50 production pile 24+02.56 48-in Dia. + Socket 10 feet Bent 1 (L) Drilled Shafts 305 45 430 into rock layer W P 2 24+96.56 48-in Dia. Socket 10 feet Bent 2 (L) Drilled Shafts 305 45 430 into rock layer W.P.3 End Bent 2 25+51.56 HP 12x53 Dynamic load (East (L) Steel Piles 60 60 - 70 +450-+440 test first Abutment) W.P.4 Grade 50 production pile DRILLED PIERS EXCAVATION QUANTITY ESTIMATES Estimated Linear Feet (per pier) Substructure In Soil Not in Soil Bent 1 35 10 Bent 2 35 10 COMMENTS ON PLANS: 1. 2 End Bent 1 borings encountered weathered rock from +450 to +445 and fanglomerates and sandstone from +442 to +435. Piles at this end bent should have steel pile points and be driven to 4 to 5 blows per inch on weathered rock or rock. End Bent 2 borings encountered weathered rock from +450 to +430 and fanglomerates and sandstone from +438 to +427. Piles at this end bent should have steel pile points and be driven to 4 to 5 blow per inch on weathered rock, rock, or as determined by dynamic load testing. NOTES ON PLANS: 1. 2 3. 4. 6. Contractor shall follow the 2006 NCDOT Standard Specifications for Drilled Piers and Driven Piles. Drive piles at End Bent 1 and End Bent 2 to a required ultimate bearing capacity of 135 tons per pile The required bearing capacity is equal to the allowable bearing capacity with a minimum factor of safety of 2.25 It has been estimated that a hammer with an equivalent rated energy of approximately 45,000 ft-lbs per blow will be required to drive piles at End Bents 1 and 2 to the required capacity. This estimated energy does not release the contractor from Article 450-5 of the Standard Specifications. Testing the first production pile with the Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) during driving is required at End Bents 1 and 2. For pile driving analyzer, see special provision. For drilled piers, see Drilled Piers Special Provision. Drilled piers at Bent Nos. 1 and 2 are designed for an applied load of 305 tons each at the top of the column. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATION COMMENTS: The following standard project special provision should be used for this project: -Pile Driving Analyzer (02-20-07) -Drilled Piers (11-17-06) -Crosshole Sonic Log gining (02-20-07) Drilled piers at Bent Nos. 1 and 2 are designed for both skin friction and end bearing. Check field conditions for the required skin friction resistance of at least 2 tsf and end bearing capacity of 50 tsf. Install drilled piers at Bent Nos. 1 and 2 that extend to an elevation no higher than +450 ft, satisfy the required skin friction and tip resistance, and have a minimum penetration of 10 ft into rock as defined by the Drilled Pier Special Provision. CSL tubes are required and CSL testing may be required for drilled piers. The engineer will determine the need for CSL testing. See Crosshole Sonic Logging Special Provision. Steel vile points with teeth are require for steel piles at End Bents 1 and 2 Observe a 1 to 2 month waiting period after constructing the embankment to the bottom of cap elevation before beginning end bent construction at End Bents 1 and 2. APPENDIX B Field Exploratory Procedures Key to Symbols and Descriptions Soil Test Boring Records FIELD EXPLORATORY PROCEDURES Soil Test Boring Standard penetration tests with sampling were performed from one foot below the ground surface to either the designated termination depth or to rock. The sampler was advanced either with a 2.25- inch hollow stem auger, or at boring locations where coring was anticipated, with a tri-cone roller bit using the mud-rotary procedure. Soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2- inch O.D., split-tube sampler at standard intervals (generally four samples in the upper 10 feet, and 2 samples every 10 feet thereafter). The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, and then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches to determine the standard penetration resistance or "N" value. This testing and sampling was conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. Bag samples were also obtained for laboratory analysis such as CBR testing as larger soil volumes are required for such testing. Representative portions of the soil samples, thus obtained, were placed in glass jars. A WSA geotechnical engineer then examined the samples in the field and classified the soil layers using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Samples were examined in the field, and some samples were noted for possible further review at the office. Some of these samples were selected for laboratory testing. A two-man power auger was operated by WSA personnel during the supplemental investigation to depths of 3.5 feet. Samples were retained and examined in the office so that samples could be selected for laboratory analysis. Samples were sent to GeoTesting Express (GTX). Grain Size Analyses, Natural Moisture Content, Atterberg Limits tests (to determine soil plasticity), organic content, Standard Proctor Testing, Resilient Modulus and CBR Testing were conducted (for pavement design). The results were used to substantiate the visual classifications in order to better define the soil strength and compressibility parameters required for our analyses. The following Soil Test Boring Records provides a detailed description of the subsurface conditions encountered. O L It N N Cl) a 4) ca C N E O ?' N _ Q U O -0 U E a) ° O cu m F - ? _ O N ? ? ? m Y cv N ca Q o U a z c <<< n, 7 N V / o " m a? m _ a E = O cn co t N ` N N :E O H O O N > U E cn Y 0 Y O C = N = U m o ca= O ccn cn ? o m ?_ a a? »r ° ° vi v N p? cn ° c co m = ?c N ni T o m vi 3 N co ° N f°n co y 'tn N 7 O w U co c y ' N > ±. Lo co U) ?. U) _ x O N 7 >. -0 ° 2t, (n '.•' O) z to .0 (D Q Z >. m cm C >. N m 7 X E T O C .9 -N Ncca: EU) - U O N T in O m C c cn 0 J ?N N oN c m to 01 _ E , mm oy o° C ° E ° C- . O Q O7w w m cm O - m w m 3 m N U m -C m ° w > O U N > to N > O- m N 0= L L U N C > C > E m C ' "O a) L w T m O U O L E U O) CA N a } (L>O O) O (` 0) N ° fC0 m N N ° C m N cT m m N o-U co O c •n C E c o O C N t O J m O) N _ 'O N N- °? N N N "O m N C co U -° U _ t T m m N m N .T. w N -° T N m T 2 N -c W O <•,) N- -° 12 N > m N 'O I- N c fn 0 U O) y , -_ •V U) N U CU 0 O 0 y > f? O) ( > f0 ui °) ? T a) m C w O) C m co T 'C - O N C .2 > ?' m U N 'C m 0 'C U .' T' • C c cn ? U NQ ` T O X w X a) p) C >, 0 O N N T m m ?- m U N U C co °. m E U m 0 M C U m co T M o (0 ?+ (D C d X E a° E in E M X U E y o d= . . U) U ?c° w ? CL (n O o so ca co 5z o U O a a (D N U Q ii ? d U a d U U O U O a 7 `0 Co ' ` 0 O (7 c7 c? c n U) U) (f) ° o 0 C? o U) C) 2 ~ U) c ? Z Z JZa zU) U n= °n O C U) W>c >LLOo WZc E o U) w•yo -S Z L°r) U) Uc CO L O C) c J O C) l a c ? F a o CL JQ U (n T Q CL C: Z'i Q 0 Q w Q g W cn 0 U) LL ¢ :S ? Q -- E m J U U LU J U) m U) U w O z ?? ZW U) Z O occ . N J UL occ ? U.L. N Z• Q.9 Q U O - m n U) m?(n C) c (nom H < Q ? Q L nW -q- ? Q •U CD co W .1 z E co -i - ) -0 U) 7 r V L J O¢Z m U) 0 02z O U) NU O V U J .L .. ? U U) L L Q - 0T ?oU)~ J J O c O U ? J c a) W? LO co > U) 4) w? L m L aa) 'y W c _ Q U) Z J c c w U) CD L wp N •- ? , z J Z- NWO ) 5 ? _ ?U' N N O O _ Ll O N EQN N Z N ° c? 2 ogz (D 2 o )z 0 co U) ? O w Q ? r 00 00 U cm Z LL c J N j cp c0 O N ` co c U cm ? Z o U O U Q' C c '> U U 0 o O 'r- 0 0 0 LL 2 0Q W W W 1 Z U) LQL Q :?. a Z 00 Q Z W J } O C N cn Q J =3 a) ? uiZ N Cl) ? LU U) N > p J N ? O > > U- QO (D = o o o o LO J co I?t M In W 0? z O ' L O - M > 0 U- O J C: 0) o U) U) O } c o ? 2 o ZW U (1) > cn . LL Cn (1) > c 2 U) cA Fn W c o Z= 00 cv - 6 - t C a 00 L6 O z 0 Z Q ? ) J Z 0 O -- a ), \ : Cl) Vr O Cl) H W 0 >- W Y. N n 7 h LU N a (n o LU z ?W Z Cn Q ? v Z z° co 0i 0 :V O z N U .E t U (D CA Q U) zi L a) C) 0)(D C0*) W O 'C na Q `o? U? aEi ? cn Lo c O) O C U L co Cl)? Cl) c0 ? U_ > C/) N In M C M ( Z ?- E ?i -0 C C ? ,? E ??•??? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-1 aa?¦.? PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ECONOMISTS Wi I burSm ith ? WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 _.w P S5 oC i n*cs 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: Dry Location: STA: 11+00 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Proposed Apex Peakway, moved slightly WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: away from Power lines - drilled in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) grassy area.. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P ;o) NM L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT ' FINES (%) H E V D Y ° SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N CO 0 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 495 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Topsoil Clayey Sand (SC), brown-orange, loose, moist SS-1 2-2-4 Silty SAND (SM), brown-orange, very dense, (N = 6) moist SS-2 12-282 (N = 70) 5 490 5 Notes: Boring Terminated at 5.0 feet. Bulk sample obtained from 1.0 to 5.0 feet. 10 4 85 10 15 480 15 20 475 20 25 470 25 30 465 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ?????\ ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-2 aa.¦.¦ PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . at//aa ECCNOMtSTS WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 . s S ° * E s 101673 A.D.: 12.2 (ELEV474.8 Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 5 day: 3 (ELEV Location: STA: 13+00 OFF: 5 ft L Boring CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 484 drilled in Wooded area along proposed WSA Representative: Hammer. Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Apex Peakway. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL(%) NM(%) LLP) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT ZD ;D io ? FINES (%) H E V SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E ROD 4 7 ° /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 8 Sandy Clay (CL) with root fragments and other l organics Silty Clay (CL), tan-orange, firm to hard, moist to X (N = 5) wet 1 orangish brown SS-2 X 10-19-30 (N = 49) 5 482 5 SS-3 X 10-16-24 (N = 40) O --some white coloration Clayey Sand (SC) with rock fragments, brown and white, medium dense, moist to wet SS 4 X 9-11-12 (N = 23) 10 10 477 y SS-5 X 3-5-6 (N=11) 15 15 Notes: 472 Boring Terminated at 15.0 feet 20 20 467 25 25 462 zn 457 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at 5neet i of i the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. /??V\ ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-3 PLANNERS ? to Laura Duncan Rd North Salem St . SUSUN •,•¦// ECONOMISTS . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 A 5 5 AA , 101673 A.D.: 9.8 (ELEV471.2 Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: Dry Location: STA: 15+00 OFF: 50 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Drilled at edge of access rd against wire WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: fence L of prop rdwy CL as close to D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) existing drain pond avoiding power lines. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P 0ia) NM 1%L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT to m ? FINES (%) H E V E Y w c 'E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N M • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 1 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Topsoil 48 Silty Sand ISM) with Clay, dark brown and black, medium dense, moist Clayey Sand (SC), brown, medium dense, moist SS-1 X N 5150 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silty Sand ISM) with Clay, tan and dark brown -- SS-2 9'9'7 (N - 16) 5 medium dense, moist 476 5 SS-3 5-10-8 (N = 18) Clayey Sand (SC), brown and grey, medium dense, moist to wet 10 Q SS-4 X 5-6-9 (N = 15) Sandy Clay (CL), brown and grey, very stiff, 471 10 moist to wet SS-5 X 5-8-11 (N = 19) 15 466 15 Silty Sand (SM) with Clay, brown and grey, micaceous, medium dense, moist SS-6 X 5-8-9 = (N 17) 20 Notes: 461 20 Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. 25 456 25 30 4S1 interpretations proviaea are Dasea on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ?????? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-4 ?••¦a. PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ???¦// ECONOMISTS Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 A s s o? I A* E 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 419/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 18+00 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Drilled in open grassy area along WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: proposed Apex Peakway. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL (%) NM (%) V) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT to Z,, ___ 6 A FINES (%) H E V D E Y c E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P • SPT (bpf (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E R D 0 % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 486 Sandy Clay (CL), tan-orange, firm, moist to wet SS-1 X 6-3-3 (N = 6) -orange brown, very stiff SS-2 X 6-10-14 (N = 24) 5 481 5 --red-brown, tan and white SS-3 X 7-9-12 (N=21) --stiff SS-4 X 5-6-6 = (N 12) 1 10 Notes: 476 0 Boring terminated at 10.0 feet 15 15 471 20 20 466 25 25 461 zn d5R Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at meet i or i the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-5 ///5ts? PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . 1JU251F/ ECONOMISTS WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 A S 5 0 C t e, E: 101673 A.D.: 10 (ELEV474) Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 4.8 hr: 5 ELEV ( Location: STA: 20+50 OFF: 35 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 479 Drilled left of proposed Apex Peakway C/L WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: 17 in open grassy field. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P L?r0) NM %) LT) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT m ? FINES (%) H E V SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P N M • SPT (bpf (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E ROD a %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 484 Sandy Clay (CL), brown and orange, firm, moist SS-1 X 6-5-3 (N = 8) Silty Sand (SM), orange and brown, medium SS-2 X 5-7-9 (N = 16) 5 dense, moist 479 5 Sandy Silt (MLS) with Clay, brown, tan, and orange, hard, moist SS-3 8-13-20 (N = 33) --tan and white ver stiff ' ' SS 4 X 6-9-10 , y • • (N = 19) 10 ?Z • ' 474 • 10 --stiff SS-5 X 4-5-6 (N=11) 15 469 15 Clayey Sand (SC), tan, brown and white, medium dense, moist to wet SS-6 X 6-9-12 (N=21) 20 464 20 SS-7 X 7-10-11 (N = 21) 25 Notes: 459 25 Boring terminated at 25.0 feet 30 454 EIIICIPIt!LdL1UII5 provlaea are oasea on me imervais sampiea at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??••?? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment A133 - BORING NO L -6 . PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ?UII&V \/// ECONOMISTS WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/16/08 A 5 5 0 C I A E 5 101673 A.D.: 9.8 (ELEV453.9 Date Completed: 4/16/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 hr: 2.5 (ELEV Location: STA: 27+50 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 461.2 Boring drilled at edge of flagged wetland WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: area along proposed Apex Peakway C/L. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) D SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P/o) NM ^iro) P T AND REMARKS E G L E D T N-COUNT Fo i 1 FINES (%) H E V Y C SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N S 0 SPT (bpo (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 464 N T E ROD /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 00 0 Topsoil Silty Sand (SM), tan-brown, very loose, contains coarse gravel, wet SS-1 N 1) Clayey Sand (SC), tan-brown and white, medium f dense, moist to wet ` SS-2 X 10-11-8 (N = 19) 5 5 Silty Sand (SM), tan-brown, dense, moist 459 SS-3 7-14-16 (N = 30) --grey and light brown, dense SS-4 X 7-13-21 (N = 34) - 10 10 454 "very dense SS-5 (N 15 2 = 55) 55) 15 15 449 SS-6 20-29-49 (N = 78) 20 20 444 Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM), grey, very dense SS-7 X 35-30-50/4" Notes: 25 25 439 Boring terminated at 24.4 feet. Boring terminated prematurely, drillers did not continue as instructed to 2 consecutive 100+ blow material samples while WSA representative was away measuring groundwater. zn 434 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampiea at oI I??L I ?I the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ? ENGINEERS ¦¦.¦.B PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. L7 - UU6Wj/ ECONOMISTS . Wi I burSm ith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 A S S° c, A r E s 101673 A.D.: 11 (ELEV461.2 Date Completed: 4/8/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 6 day: 3.2 (ELEV Location: STA: 30+00 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 469 Boring drilled in wooded area along WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: 11 proposed Apex Peakway. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) D SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P LNM (%L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT io 6 ? FINES (%) H E V -o - N SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E ROD % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 472 Clayey Sand (SC), tan-brown, loose, moist SS-1 X 1-2-5 N = 7 Sandy Clay (CL), tan and brown, trace organics, ) ( very stiff, wet = Clayey Sand (SC), orange-tan and brown, SS-2 X (N = 22 (N 22) 5 medium dense, wet 467 5 SS-3 X 7-8-10 N =18 Sandy Silt (ML), brown and tan with white ) ( mottling, very stiff, moist --micaceous, moist to wet SS-4 X 5-6-8 (N = 14) 10 462 10 Clay (CL-CH), grey, stiff, wet SS 5 X 4-5-7 - (N = 12) 15 457 15 Silty Sand (SM), tan-brown, medium dense to dense, moist 4-12-14 SS-6 (N = 26) 20 452 20 SS-7 11-16-21 25 (N = 37) Notes: 447 25 Boring terminated at 25.0 feet. 30 442 EfILerprecanons provided are Dasea on the intervals samplea at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??••?` ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-8 /¦¦•E PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ?tE¦/N ECONOMISTS NNII// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 . s , ° . T E : 101673 A.D.: Not Measured Date Completed: 4/8/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 6 day: 3.5 (ELEV Location: STA: 32+50 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 486.8 Boring drilled in wooded area along WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: proposed Apex Peakway. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL(o) NM I(%) L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT c ? FINES (%) H E V Y SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P " • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 490 N T E RQD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Topsoil Sandy Clay (CL), tan-orange, stiff, moist SS-1 X 6-3-6 (N = 9) 1 Silty Sand (SM), tan-orange with white mottling, SS-2 11-15-17 (N - 32) trace clay, dense to medium dense, moist 5 5 485 SS-3 7-9-12 (N = 21) O Sandy Silt (ML), tan-orange with white mottling, trace clay, very stiff, moist Silty Sand (SM), brown, micaceous, medium SS 4 6-6-8 (N - 14) dense, moist 10 10 480 Silty Clay (CL), dark brown with tan and white SS-5 X N 6-9-13 ( ) mottling, very stiff, moist 15 15 475 Notes: Boring terminated at 15.0 feet. Bulk sample obtained from 5.0 to 10.0 feet. 20 20 470 25 25 465 an 460 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at aneeE u! the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ENGINEERS PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. L-9 tU?/// ECONOMISTS . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 A S S ^ * E 101673 A.D.: 13 (ELEV481.1 Date Completed: 4/8/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 3.5 hr: 3.2 (ELEV Location: STA: 34+50 OFF: 0 ft CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 490.9 Boring drilled in open field along proposed WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Apex Peakway. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) D SOIL CLASSIFICATION SAMPN S P/e) N % T T AND REMARKS E G L E D T O NT ? io e ? FINES (%) H E V -o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P w M • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E ROD 0 o /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 494 Sandy Clay (CL), tan-orange, stiff, moist SS-1 X 4-4-7 (N=11) 1 Silty Sand (SM), tan and brown, some red, SS-2 7'11'2 (N 36) = 5 dense, dry to moist 489 5 SS-3 10-17-21 (N = 38) --dark brown, tan and white --medium dense, tan and white, trace clay, moist SS-4 5-8-8 (N=16) 10 484 10 --some reddish coloration, trace clay and gravel SS-5 3-5 6 (N=11) 15 479 15 --reddish tan and white, wet SS-6 X 6-10-12 (N = 22) 20 Notes: 474 20 Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. 25 469 25 30 464 interpretations proviaea are Dasea on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. GINEER S 6"' Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-10 L AN N ERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . %U//// ECONOMISTS NX\I// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/7/08 S S ° * E P 101673 A.D.: Not Measured Date Completed: 4/7/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 4 d: 7.4 (ELEV Location: STA: 40+00 OFF: 20 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 470.4 Boring drilled in wooded area left of WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: proposed Apex Peakway C/L. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES (/6) NM I(%) LL?°r°) PL P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT io t0 6 ' 6° ? FINES (%) H E V Y 2 a SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N S ^ SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 478 N T E ROD %° REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil Sandy Silt (ML), brown, soft, contains root fragments to 1 ft, wet 1-2-2 SS-1 X (N = 4) Clayey Sand (SC), tan-brown and white, medium dense, moist to wet --orange, fine, moist SS-2 4-6-11 (N = 17) 5 5 Sandy Silt (ML), tan-orange and white, very stiff, 473 moist SS-3 X 6-9-11 (N = 20) O i --white mottling SS-4 X 5-6-9 (N=15) 10 10 Notes: 468 Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. 15 15 463 20 20 458 25 25 453 an 448 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at aneeE u? the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ??? ENGINEERS ?t?i?i PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. L-11 SUOU// ECONOMISTS . ???// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/7/08 aSs°c-A,ES 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/7/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 41+00 OFF: 25 ft R CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled at edge of wooded area in WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: old fill to be removed, right of proposed D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) Apex Peakway C/L. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P ? r) N e °r r° ) AND REMARKS G E D T - COUNT T A FIN ES( %) H E V E Y v SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P a • SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E R D 0 % REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 00 Topsoil 485 Sandy Silt (ML), tan and brown, moist Sandy Clay (CL), brown and grey, firm to hard, moist to wet SS-1 X 3-3-5 (N = 8) 5 480 5 --burnt wood SS-2 X 9-11-12 (N = 23) 10 475 10 Silty Sand (SM) with gravel, grey, trace organics, medium dense, most to wet SS-3 X 8-9-4 (N = 13) 15 Notes: 470 15 Boring terminated at 15.0 feet. 20 465 20 25 460 25 30 455 ??I«IN"GLaLI?IIS Niuvweu are oases on me imervais sampiea at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. A ••?? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakw ay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-12 ¦¦¦¦.. PLANNERS ILt\P¦¦ ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . WilburSmith I) WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/7/08 A 5 5°<: A r E ...101IIII I 101673 AD.: 2 (ELEV462) Date Completed: 4/7/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 42+15 OFF: 40 ft R CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled right of proposed Apex WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Peakway C/L - relocated outside wetland D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) and drilled adjacent to existing sewer line. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL (°r°) NM (%) LL P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT CO io o eo ? FINES (%) H E V E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N O " •SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 464 N T E E ?? % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil Silty Clay (CL) with sand, orange-tan, coarse, soft, moist 1-1-2 SS-1 X (N = 3) Sandy Clay (CL), orange-tan, stiff, moist SS-2 X 74-5 (N = 9) 5 5 459 SS-3 5-5-5 (N = 10) Silty Sand (SM), grey, medium dense, wet SS-4 X 2-5-6 (N=11) . . . 10 10 454 Poorly Graded Sand with Slit (SPSM), grey and tan with white mottling, very dense SS-5 50/4" 15 15 449 SS-6 50/5" 4 0 --dark grey mottling 20 20 444 2" 4 1 SS-7 50/ Notes: Difficult drilling at 23.0 feet. SPT refusal at 23.2 25 25 feet 439 an 434 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Or1VUL r ui r the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - ????? ENGINEERS ??agii PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. L-13 atom// ECONOMISTS . WilW6 ith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 A S 5° C I A. E: 101673 A.D.: 8.7 (ELEV462.9 Date Completed: 4/8/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 44+00 OFF: 10 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled left of proposed Apex WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Peakway C/L in wooded area. D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P(/°) Nei L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT =o c A FINES (%) H E V E Y n c '2 SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N M 0 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 47 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 2 Clayey Sand (SC), tan-orange, medium dense, moist 3-5-9 SS-1 (N = 14) Sandy Clay (CL), orange-tan and brown with SS-2 X 6-7-10 (N = 17) 5 white mottling, very stiff, moist 467 5 Clayey Sand(SC), tan with white mottling, medium dense, moist SS-3 X 3-5-6 (N = 11) SS-4 X 4 6 8 (N = 14) 10 Notes: 462 10 Boring Terminated at 10.0 feet. 15 457 15 20 452 20 25 447 25 30 449 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ?•??` ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway -Segment AP3 - BORING NO L-14 ??? PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ECONOMISTS 'U o/// &\/ar WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 A 5 5 0 1 n. E: 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/8108 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 47+00 OFF: 0 ft Boring CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. drilled in wooded area along proposed WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Apex Peakway D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL ro) NM ?rro) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N- COUNT = to io ? FINES (%) H E V D Y a o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P M • SPIT (bpo (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 486 N T E RQ / REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Topsoil Clayey Sand (SC), tan-orange, medium dense, moist 3? 8 „ SS-1 X --dense, some brown coloration e SS-2 X -16-20 (N = 36) 5 5 481 Silty Sand(SM), tan with white mottling, trace SS-3 6? 8 (N = 14) clay, medium dense, moist SS-4 5-7 8 (N = 15) 10 10 Notes: 476 Boring Terminated at 10.0 feet. Bulk sample obtained from 4.0 to 8.0 feet. 15 15 471 20 20 466 25 25 461 zn 456 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at aneet or the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ?????` ENGINEERS ...... PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. L-15 USINEW ECONOMISTS . \\\I// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/8/08 A s so ciA. E: 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/8/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 49+00 OFF: 40 ft R CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled in cut area right of proposed WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Apex Peakway C/L, where existing D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) roadway will tie in. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES PN e°i°r°) P AND REMARKS E L I T N-COUNT T G E D o ? FINES (%) H E V E Y w a SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P N CO • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 0 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil J :. Silty Clay (CL), tan-orange, wet Sandy Clay (CL), tan-orange, stiff, wet SS-1 X 3 8-5 (N = 13) --very stiff, some root fragments SS-2 X 6-9-13 (N = 22) 5 484 5 Clayey Sand (SC), orange and brown with white mottling, very dense, moist SS-3 16-25-32 (N = 57) Notes: Boring Terminated at 7.5 feet. Heavy rains in recent days. 10 479 10 15 474 15 20 469 20 25 464 25 30 459 111lerpre[a1lon5 provlaea are Dasea on me imervais sampiea at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??A1V` ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO LC-1 Lot! PLANNERS SSV/// ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . 1,N\I// Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/07 5 5 ° • r E 101673 A.D.: 0 Date Completed: 4/17/07 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 42+70 STA: 15 ft R Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. Drilled 30 ft north of existing culvert outlet WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: D. Rancman None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P, NM %) LT) P T AND REMARKS E G L E T N COUNT o v FINES (%) H V D Y SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N " N • SPIT (bpfJ (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E E R D % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Clayey Sand (SC), grey, contains organics and - 9q riprap fragments, wet GS-1 GS-2 Notes: Hand Auger Refusal on embedded riprap at 1.0 feet 5 5 ?n Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at aneec I oI the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. /??ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO LC-2 E41 1 PLANNERS \tNW// ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/07 A S S° C I A*[ 5 101673 A.D.: 0.5 Date Completed: 4/17/07 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 42+60 STA: 10 ft L Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. Drilled 50 ft north of existing culvert outlet WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: D. Rancman None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P? NM °i) T T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT ? io Z? ? FINES (%) H E V D Y -C -E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N M • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Clayey Sand (SC), dark brown and grey, contains organics, wet N , -V- " GS-1 Sandy Clay (CL), with cobbles or placed stone, tan, wet ME 0 14 GS-2 Poorly Graded Gravel, contains large cobbles or placed stone, tan and grey, wet I '? GS-3 Poorly graded GRAVEL with clay, contains large cobbles or placed stone, tan and grey, wet ° ° ° ° GS-4 0 O ° 5 5 Notes: Hand Auger Refusal on cobbles or placed stone at 5.0 feet in Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ENGINEERS ...¦.. PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. LC-3 fal¦1/ ECONOMISTS . NIM WilburSmP WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/07 R S S 0 C IA11 101673 A.D.: 0.5 Date Completed: 4/17/07 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 42+50 STA: 30 ft L Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. Drilled 70 ft north of existing culvert outlet WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: D. Rancman None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P / o) NM I(% 4 % ) T AND REMARKS G E D T ?C6 Z" A FIN ES ( %) H E V E Y n c E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N ? 0 SP T (bp f (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E RQD 0 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Clayey Sand (SC), dark brown and grey, contains organics, wet GS-1 Sandy Clay (CL), tan, wet GS-2 Gravelly Sand with clay, contains large cobbles or placed stone, tan and grey, wet GS-3 Notes: Hand Auger Refusal on cobbles or placed stone at 3.0 feet 5 in 5 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway -Segment AP3 - BORING NO Y1-1 /t//tom PLANNERS IIII&//R) ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ?1?// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 A S S U C I A= E 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 14+00 STA: 10 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled at intersection of proposed WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Apex Peakway and existing N. Salem D. Rancman N/A Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) Street through pavement section. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PN e P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT to n to ? FINES (%) H E V Y 7E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N S 0 SPT (bpf (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 _ . l 497 reached. 10 inches 5 -I I ?- 492 -1 I 5 10 -? I ?- 487 -1 1 10 15 --1 1 [- 482 -1 I I 15 20 -1 1 F- 477 -? I I 20 25 -1 I [- 472 -? I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '25 30 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at 467 Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ??` ENGINEERS 65... PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. YS-1 UX25// ECONOMISTS . \\?/// Wi I burSm th i l) WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/7/08 A 5500 IA1 .0 l 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/7/08 Equipment: CME 55 ATV Method: 2 25 in HSA Driller: T E i i i I 7 HR: 2.2 (ELEV Location: STA: 11+00 STA: 25 ft L . gon ng neer ng r nc. 485.8 Boring drilled along Laura Duncan road in WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: grass left of C/L for roadway imprvmts, D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) shifted away from existing power lines. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P O %) NM %) L V% ) T AND REMARKS G E D T COUNT A FIN ES ( %) H E V E Y y c SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P a • SP T (bp o (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 0 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 00 Topsoil 488 Silty Sand(SM) with gravel, tan and grey, trace SS-1 6-12-7 (N = 19) clay, medium dense, moist to wet 1 SS-2 12-7-2 N Sandy Clay (CL), orange, stiff, moist ( = 9) --soft from 2.5 to 3.0 feet ME --very stiff N SS-3 5-9-15 (N = 24) 5 Notes: 483 5 Boring Terminated at 5.0 feet. Heavy rain preceding field work. 10 478 10 15 473 15 20 6 4 8 20 2 5 463 25 An dSn Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ????? : Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - t N P Y5-2 BORING NO ENGINEERS ?..... PLANNERS %1f..IF/ ECONOMISTS ame rojec North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ?u.r WilbSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/9/08 : S o c I A T c s 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/9/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: NIA: N/A Location: STA: 14+00 STA: 19 ft R CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled through pavement along WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Laura Duncan Rd near intersection with D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) proposed Apex Peakway. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PNM (°r°) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT io 0 0 ? FINES (%) H E V Y -2 YMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION EY N M 0 SPT (bpq SEE K S N E ROD (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 490 T % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 2 in (AC) ORE-1 6 in (GAB) Silty Sand (SM), tan-brown, medium dense 6-3-7 SS-1 N=10 ) SS-2 8-11-14 (N = 25) --orangish with white mottling Clayey Sand (SC), tan-orange and brown with 9-18-25 white mottling dense SS-3 N = 43 5 5 , 485 ( ) Notes: Boring Terminated at 5.5 feet. 10 10 480 15 15 475 20 470 20 2 25 in 465 can 5 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ? ` Apex Peakway - Segment /o1P3 - ENGINEERS ???? ...¦.. PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. Y5-3 1?tlffs/ ECONOMISTS . &A' WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/7/08 I°r?^.ES 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 4/7108 Equipment: CME 55 ATV Method: 2 25 in HSA Driller: Tri on En ineerin Inc N/A: N/A Location: STA: 16+50 STA: 45 ft L . g g g . Boring drilled in along Laura Duncan Road WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: for planned improvements D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P L?/ °) N °i° r > P AND REMARKS E L ' T N-COUNT - e T G E D ? FIN ES ( %) H E V E Y w c SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N A SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E RQD 0 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 00 Topsoil 484 Sandy Silt (ML), tan and brown, very stiff, moist SS-1 X 4 8 8 (N=16) Silty Clay with Sand (CL), tan-orange with black mottling, stiff, moist SS-2 X 5-6-9 (N=15) Sandy Clay (CL), tan-orange with brown SS-3 X 30 5 mottling, hard, moist a79 (N (N = 45) Notes: 5 Boring Terminated at 5.0 feet. Heavy rain preceding field work. Bulk sample obtained from 1.0 to 5.0 feet. 10 474 10 15 469 15 20 464 20 2 25 in 459 A 5 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??•??? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway -Segment AP3 - BORING NO EB1-A ¦¦¦¦.a PLANNERS (t¦¦¦¦ ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 R 5 5 ° C I P t f$ 101673 A.D.: 11 (ELEV473.9 Date Completed: 4/10/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 48 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 23+30 OFF: 40 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 479.9 Boring drilled for proposed west abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES (%) LL%) PLC /o) NM P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT o io ? ? FINES (%) H E V Y a -2 SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P C-4 ^ M 0 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 485 N T E ROD /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Topsoil Clayey Sand (SC), tan and brown, stiff, wet SS-1 X 3-4-6 (N=10) Sandy Clay (CL), orange, tan, and brown, hard, moist to wet SS-2 X 7-13-20 (N = 33) 1 5 5 - - 480 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clayey Sand (SC), brown, tan, and white, medium dense, wet - - - - SS-3 X 7-8-11 (N = 19) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Silty Sand (SM), tan and brown with white mottling, some clay, medium dense, moist to wet 5 6-7 SS-4 X (N = 13) 10 10 475 --micaceous, loose, wet SS-5 X 3-3-5 (N = 8) 1 15 470 5 SS-6 X 4-5-9 (N = 14) 20 465 20 Clayey Sand (SC), brown, medium dense, wet SS-7 X 7 -9-14 (N = 23) 2 5 460 25 --tan/brown and dark grey SS-8 7 -10-16 N = = 26 26 ( ) in Arr Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ENGINEERS r2ii PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. EB1-A ?\OW// ECONOMISTS . Wi I burSm iO WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 . s , o < • . E ? 101673 A.D.: 11 (ELEV473.9 Date Completed: 4/10/08 Equipment: CME 55 ATV Method: 2 25 in HSA Driller: Tri on En ineerin Inc 48 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 23+30 OFF: 40 ft L . g g g . 479.9 Boring drilled for proposed west abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P r o) NM (%) T AND REMARKS E E p r ?couT FIN ES( %) H E V E Y w c° SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P N M • SP T (bp o (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 30 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 1 00 Clayey Sand (SC), brown, medium dense, wet ? 455 (continued) Silty Sand (SM), red-brown, grey and white, with subrounded gravel, contains siltstone fragments, medium dense, wet SS _9 X 6 4-13 (N = 17) 35 450 35 Weathered Sandstone and Fanglomerates Sampled as very dense poorly graded sand with silt (SP-SM) SS-10 50/4" 40 445 40 SS-11 REF 45 440 45 SS-12 REF AU 0 5 Notes: 435 50 Very difficult drilling at 41.0 feet. Auger Refusal at 49.5 feet 55 an 430 ens 55 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ;ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO EB1-B //PLANNERS ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 ass ° A * f : 101673 A.D.: 10.5 (ELEV474.4 Date Completed: 4/11/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: NIA: N/A Location: STA: 23+55 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed west abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P Lr°) N I%? LLP) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N COUNT FINES (%) H E V Y SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N S 10 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 485 N T E ROD /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Topsoil Silty Clay with Sand (CL), tan and orange, stiff, moist 4-3-6 SS-1 X (N = 9) Clayey Sand (SC), orange-brown and white, SS-2 X 5-9-13 (N - 22) medium dense, moist 5 5 480 Sandy Clay (CL), tan-brown and white, stiff, moist SS-3 X 5-6-8 (N = 14) --tan and white SS-4 3-5-6 (N=11) 10 10 Q 475 --grey and brown, firm SS-5 X (3-3-5) = 8) 15 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 470 - - - - - - - - - Silty Clay (CL), brown with white mottling, trace fine sand, firm, wet SS-6 X 3-3-5 (N=8) 465 20 20 SS-7 X 2-4-7 (N=11) 25 460 2 5 Clayey Sand (SC), little recovery, tan and brown, medium dense, wet SS-8 9 9 13 (N = 22) an 41, Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ?????` ENGINEERS ...¦.. PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. EB1-B JiSsu.. ECONOMISTS . '&'q?// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 . s S o C r E s 101673 A.D.: 10.5 (ELEV474.4 Date Completed: 4/11/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 23+55 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed west abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES P L(%) N eras LL?%) T AND REMARKS E p r cou?T ? FINES(%) H E V E Y o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P N CO • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E R D 30 % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Clayey Sand (SC), little recovery, tan and brown, 455 medium dense, wet (continued) --coarse, grey and brown SS-9 X 7-10-14 (N = 24) 35 ' 450 f . fp 35 Weathered Sandstone and Fanglomerates SS-10 50-50/0.5" 40 Sampled as very dense, Poorly graded Sand with 445 Silt (SP-SM) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40 Weathered Siltstone/Sandstone, Fanglomerates CORE Weathered Sandstone, Conglomerates/Fanglomerates . . 5 RC-1 10 4 440 45 ••• RC-2 13 85 50 435 50 •• RC-3 67 Notes: Auger Refusal at 42.0 feet. Coring from 43 to 53 feet through highly weathered 55 Fanglomerates/Conglomerates. Coring 430 55 Terminated at 53.0 feet. an A91 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO B1-A //??1?? PLANNERS \U502j ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . 1v/// Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/14/08 . s S o C, A r E s 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/14/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 23+90 OFF: 45 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 1 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL(%) NM I(%) LL?%) P AND REMARKS E L I T N-COUNT e? T G E D o ? FINES (%) H E V Y SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N ` S 0 SPT (bpf (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 485 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil . : Silty Sand (SM) with clay, red-brown and dark brown, medium dense SS-1 X 4-7-10 (N = 17) 5 480 5 Sandy Clay (CL), tan and white, stiff, moist SS-2 X 3 -4-6 (N = 10) 10 475 1 0 Clayey Sand (SC), tan-brown and white, loose, moist SS-3 2-3-5 (N = 8) 15 470 15 --medium dense SS -4 X 4-7-9 (N = 16) 20 465 20 --coarse SS-5 X 4-8-9 (N=17) 25 460 25 Silty Sand (SM) some clay, tan-brown and white, medium dense SS-6 6-8-10 (N = 18) 30 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ENGINEERS PLANNERS ri Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. 131 -A SWV/// ECONOMISTS . N\\I// Wilbur Smith ) WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/14/08 A 5 5° C I A r E 5 Milo 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/14/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 23+90 OFF: 45 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 1 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES PL (% ) NM (%) L LP) T T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT Z fa A 6 FIN ES ( ? %) H E V D SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P/ • SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E E ROD 30 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Silty Sand, tan-brown and white, moist to wet 455 35 450 35 AU 4 40 445 0 Weathered Sandstone and Conglomerates/Fanglomerates ORE-1 1 91 45 45 440 ••• ORE- 68 88 50 50 435 • ORE- 41 88 55 430 55 Notes: Difficult Driling at 32.0 feet. Auger Refusal at 42.0 feet. Coring from 43 to 53 feet through highly weathered Fanglomerates/Conglomerates. Some large quartz fragment encountered in Core Run No. 2. Coring Terminated at 53.0 feet. an d95 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ????? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO B1-B rU/6N'W PLANNERS aU\/// ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . WilbW_'r ith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 A S S° C I e r E s 101673 AD.: 14 (ELEV470.6 Date Completed: 4/10/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 23+95 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 479.6 Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 1 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PNe° LL%> P AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT fO io i _ ? FINES (%) T H E V D Y o a o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N S SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 485 N T E ROD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil Silty Sand (SM) with clay, tan and brown, loose, moist to wet 4-3-4 SS-1 (N = 7) orange-brown, dense SS-2 7-11-20 (N 31) 5 5 480 Clayey Sand (SC), orange-brown with white mottling, dense, moist to wet SS-3 X (N = 3 3 (N = 37) SS-4 X 5-5-7 (N = 12) 10 10 475 SS-5 X 3-5-6 (N = 11) A 15 15 470 SS-6 X 4-12-13 (N = 25) 20 465 20 --brown, medium dense, wet SS-7 X 6-" (N = 14) 25 460 25 SS-8 7-10-16 (N = 26) ?n asp Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ? Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ????? ENGINEERS ILS//R? ? PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. B1-B ?S\//? ECONOMISTS . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/10/08 . S 5 ° ^ * E s 101673 A.D.: 14 (ELEV470.6 Date Completed: 4/10/08 Equipment: CME 55 ATV Method: 2 25 in HSA Driller: Tri E i i I 24 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 23+95 OFF: 5 ft L . gon ng neer ng nc. 479.6 Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 1 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in open D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) field. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P l_?r °) NM I(%) V L °) T AND REMARKS E E D T ?cto A FIN ES( %) H E V E Y w c SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P N • SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 30 %o REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Clayey Sand (SC), orange-brown with white 455 mottling, dense, moist to wet (continued) Silty Sand (SM) some clay, tan-brown and grey, dense, wet SS-9 9-15-18 (N = 33) 35 450 35 SS-10 28-50/4.5' 40 445 40 Notes: SS-11 REF Difficult Driling at 41.0 feet. Auger Refusal at 42.5 feet. 45 440 45 50 435 50 55 an 430 55 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ;?.??? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - BORING NO B2-A /?i??? PLANNERS t.ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/15/08 A S S° C I• 111 : 101673 A.D.: 16.2 (ELEV466.4 Date Completed: 4/15/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 48 hr: 4.5 (ELEV Location: STA: 24+95 OFF: 40 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 478.1 Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 2 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: 20 of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P'/°) NM L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT io 6 ? FINES (%) H E V D Y ° -E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N M 0 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 48 N T E ROD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 3 Silty Sand ISM) with clay, brown and tan, medium dense, moist 3-6-7 SS-1 X N =13 Sandy Clay (CL), orange and tan, stiff, moist ) ( 1 _ SS-2 X 5-6-9 (N = 15) 5 478 5 Clayey Sand (SC), orange, tan and white, medium dense, wet SS-3 7-13-16 (N = 29) SS-4 X 5-7-9 (N = 16) 10 7 4 3 10 SS-5 4-7-10 (N = 17) 15 468 1 177 5 Silty Sand (SM) with clay, tan and white, medium - dense, wet SS-6 6 6-8 (N = 14) 20 463 20 Silty Clay (CL) with sand, grey and brown, stiff, wet SS-7 X 10-12-16 (N = 28) 25 458 25 Silty Sand (SM) with clay, grey and brown, SS-8 X 916-22 (N = 38) 30 dense, wet dF? . . . . . . Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - ??•??? ENGINEERS ?¦a¦¦. . PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. 62-A t11p/I ECONOMISTS . "IIIIvr// WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/15/08 A s s o c, e E: 101673 A.D.: 16.2 (ELEV466.4 Date Completed: 4/15/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 48 hr: 4.5 (ELEV Location: STA: 24+95 OFF: 40 ft L CME 55 ATV 2.25 in HSA Trigon Engineering Inc. 478.1 Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 2 WSA Representative: Hammer. Lab Testing: Cave Depth: 20 of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. DE SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES P, NM (% ) T AND REMARKS G E D T mCOU ZT A _ FIN ES ( %) H E V E Y o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N Cl) • SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E R?(? 30 % REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Silty Sand (SM) with clay, grey and brown, 453 dense, wet (continued) Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SP-SM), dense to SS-9 27'25-25 35 very dense, brown, grey, and tan, wet 448 (N = 50) 35 SS-10 40-40/5' 40 443 40 Weathered Rock Auger Clippings - (lightly colored) SS-11 REF 45 4 45 38 SS-12 REF 50 433 50 AU Notes: Difficult Driling at 45.0 feet. Auger Refusal at 53.5 55 feet. 428 55 an A91 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. _/I??? ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex Peakway -Segment AP3 - BORING NO B2-B ???¦.? PLANNERS \_??// ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/08 Ass ° c A r E : 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/17/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 25+00 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 2 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES (%) pro) PL( %) NM P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT o e ? ? FINES (%) H E V E o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P M SPT (bpf) 40 (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 483 N T E RQD %REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil Silty Sand ISM) tan-orange and brown, medium dense, wet SS-1 9-12-14 N = 26 ( ) 5 5 478 Clayey Sand (SC), tan-brown and grey, loose, wet SS-2 X 4-3-5 (N=8) 10 10 473 SS-3 5-6-9 (N=15) 1 15 468 5 --coarse sand, medium dense SS-4 X 7-8-14 (N = 22) 20 463 20 Sandy Clay (CL) with silt<B>>, tan, brown, and grey with white mottling, very stiff, wet SS-5 X 7-8-17 (N = 25) 25 4 58 25 SS-6 7-9-18 (N = 27) in nrz Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 3 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - / ? ?????` ENGINEERS iv ??s PLANNERS Project Name: North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd / R R BORING NO. B2-B (tV/// ECONOMISTS . \\ Mgr Wi I burSm O WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/08 AS SIC IA i1 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/17/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 25+00 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 2 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. D SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SA MPLES P Lr°) N e°i) T AND REMARKS E p T ?cou NT FINES (°r°) H E V E c C SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P w ? • SPT (bpo (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 30 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Poorly Graded Sand with Silt (SPSM), 453 subrounded gravel and rock fragments in auger clippings, brown, grey, and tan, wet 35 448 1 35 AU 40 443 40 Sandstone, cemented sands, fanglomerates, . . transitioning to fanglomerates with siltstone and quartz 0 ORE-1 89 45 438 45 ORE- 92 50 433 50 ORE- 0 63 ORE 88 55 428 55 ...... . CORE- 100 an d93 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 3 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ???ENGINEERS Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO B2-B a?¦¦.¦ PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ¦¦2V// ECONOMISTS '1\?/? WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/17/08 A S S° C I A r E s 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/17/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 25+00 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed interior bent 2 WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES P(/°) NM L P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT m ? FINES (%) H E V Y ° SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P a M • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 423 T E R D % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 60 Notes: Interbedded hard gravel layers from 17 to 30 feet. Difficult Driling at 37.0 feet. Tri-Cone Bit Refusal at 42.5 feet. Sand Binding Core Barrel. Coring terminated at 60.0 feet due to barrel obstruction. 65 418 65 70 413 70 75 408 75 80 403 80 85 398 85 i 90 i interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 3 of 3 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ex PeaRWay - Segment AP3 - ?????` ENGINEERS ///nti PLANNERS Project Name: • North Salem St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. EB2-A WUV$JWJP ECONOMISTS . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/16/08 R S S IC IA*E? 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/17/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 25+65 OFF: 40 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed east abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES PL 1 1) N e ^i ) AND REMARKS I T N-C UNT T G E D A FIN ES %) H E V SEE KEY SYMB OL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P V SP T (bp f) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Topsoil 480 Silty Sand (SM), tan and brown, medium dense, moist 3-11-8 SS-1 (N=19) Sandy Clay (CL), orange-brown and white, very stiff, wet 2 SS X 7-8-11 - (N = 19) 7 5 4 5 5 SS-3 X 10-15-15 (N = 30) Clayey Sand (SC), orange-brown and grey, medium dense, wet SS-4 4-5 6 (N = 11) 10 10 ,/, 470 i ?d --black mottling SS-5 X 4? 8 (N = 14) 15 15 465 'q SS-6 X 5-8-10 (N = 18) 20 20 460 Silty Sand (SM), tan, brown and grey, medium dense to very dense, wet SS-7 X 5-7-12 (N = 19) 25 25 455 SS-8 6-17-5015.5" A_Rn Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at 5neet 1 or 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ??? ENGINEERS r Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO EB2-A ¦?f PLANNERS ?l??// ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . ,vw"w WilburSmith ? WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/16/08 _.W A s s° c i n r e s 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/17/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: N/A: N/A Location: STA: 25+65 OFF: 40 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled for proposed east abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES (%/o) PL ( %) NM P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT = co ED ? e ? FINES (%) H E V E -o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N - M SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) 450 N T E ROD %o REC 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 Silty Sand (SM), tan, brown and grey, medium dense to very dense, wet (continued) SS-9 50/4" 4 1 Weathered Sandstone, Cemented Sands 35 35 445 SS-10 50/3" 4 1 40 440 40 SS-11 REF ---------------------- Cemented sands, weak Sandstone and Fanglomerates RC-1 20 76 45 435 45 RC-2 77 77 50 430 50 .. RC-3 100 100 Notes: Auger Refusal at 42.5 feet. Coring from 42.5 to 52.5 feet through weak Sandstone, Fanglomerates/Conglomerates. Coring 55 Terminated at 52.5 feet. 425 55 An a?n Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at - Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 - /??ENGINEERS .a¦¦.¦ Project Name: BORING NO EB2-B PLANNERS SU¦¦aa ECONOMISTS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . N? /// Wi I burSm ith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/15/08 5 5 0 c^* E 5 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/15/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 48 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 25+45 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. 474.6 Boring drilled for proposed east abutment WSA Representative: Hammer. Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL (%) NM ((%) LV%) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT ro c ? ? FINES (%) H E V E w c SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N ? ? 0 SPT (bpo (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E RQD 0 %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Topsoil 480 Silty Sand (SM), tan and brown, loose, dry - SS-1 5-6-2 4111 (N = 8) --orangish, medium dense SS-2 6-9-15 (N = 24) 5 Sandy Clay (CL), orange-brown with white - 475 5 mottling, very stiff, moist to wet SS-3 X 8-11-16 (N = 27) Clayey Sand (SC), grey and tan/brown, medium dense, moist to wet SS-4 X 8-7-9 (N = 16) 10 10 470 SS-5 X 6-7-10 (N = 17) 15 15 465 SS-6 X 5-7-8 (N = 15) O 20 20 460 Silty Sand (SM) with clay, brown, tan, and white, dense to very dense, contains subrounded gravel, moist SS-7 11-13-23 (N = 36) 25 25 455 SS-8 29-47-55 (N = 102) i A 11 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at 5neet 1 oT 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ?????? ENGINEERS , A0 Project Name: Apex PeakWay - Segment AP3 - BORING NO EB2-B U Ik / FM 61 PLANNERS North Salem St. to Laura Duncan Rd . S91¦// ECONOMISTS WilburSmith i l) WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 4/15/08 S S 0 C i n t E t lil 101673 A.D.: N/A Date Completed: 4/15108 Equipment: Method: Driller: 48 hr: 5 (ELEV Location: STA: 25+45 OFF: 5 ft L CME 55 ATV Wash Bor Trigon Engineering Inc. 474.6 Boring drilled for proposed east abutment WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: of Apex Peakway Bridge over RR in D. Rancman Manual Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) wooded area. E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAMPLES PL(%) NM (%) L4%) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT m CID e? ? FINES (%) H E V Y -E SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N N P ' °' • SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) T E RQD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 30 Silty Sand (SM) with clay, brown, tan, and white, 450 dense to very dense, contains subrounded gravel, moist (continued) --black mottling SS-9 50/5" 445 35 Weathered Sandstone and Fanglomerates, 35 sampled as poorly graded sand with silt, contains quartz fragments SS-10 50/3" 4 1 40 44 0 40 SS-11 50/2" 45 435 45 SS-12 REF 50 430 50 AU Notes: Difficult drilling at 40.0 feet. Auger Refusal at 53.0 feet. 55 425 55 60 49n interpretations provlaea are oasea on the intervals sampled at Sheet 2 of 2 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. n." E ¦? ??? Project Name: Apex Peakway - from North Salem L D BORING NO. HA-1 P P-a?. aura St. to uncan Rd WilburSr th WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 11/19/08 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 11/19/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 Hours: N/A Location:STA: 11+50, Offset 0 Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: J. Latham None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES PL (°r°) NM (%) LL P T AND REMARKS E G L E I T N-COUNT o t" v 6? ? FINES (%) H E V D E Y y SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N ^ ? SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD %o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Silty Sand (SM) dark brown, moist. AU-1 Note: Hand Auger Boring was terminated at 3.5 feet. Bulk sample was obtained from 0-3.5 ft 5 5 1 10 0 15 15 20 20 25 25 vn Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at oneet i of i the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. ..-?. ng i.,' Project Name: Apex Peakw ay - from North Salem -2 BORING NO. HA , ...&.? p:AM1,ERS %UNDER Enlt omm5 St. to Laura Duncan Rd WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 11/19/08 b , . * t 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 11/19/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 Hours: N/A Location: STA: 36+50, Offset 0 Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: J. Latham None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES PL (%) NM LLP) T T AND REMARKS E (, L E I D T N-COUNT io to . o ? FINES (/o) H E V Y U SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N ? M 0 SPT (bpq (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD /o REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Silty Sand (SM) with gravel light brown, moist. AU-1 Note: Hand Auger Boring was terminated at 3.5 feet. Bulk sample was obtained from 0-3.5 ft 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 ?n Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. Apex Peakway - from North Salem 152111 I P;;^^E4 Project Name: St to Laura Duncan Rd BORING NO. HA-3 . Wilbur Smith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 11/19/08 101673 A.D.: D Dry Date Completed: 11/19/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 Hours: N/A Location: STA: 16+75 Offset: 45 ft L Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. Boring drilled in along Laura Duncan WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: Road for planned improvements J. Latham None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) E SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E S AM PLES PL / o) NM (?ra) L °ro L > P A ND REMARKS G E D T N Ct = 0 e D o ? FIN ES ( %) H E V E Y o SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N P • SP T (bp o (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E ROD 0 oro REC 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 Clayey Sand (SC) with GravQlreddish yellow, moist AU-1 Note: Hand Auger Boring was terminated at 3.5 feet. Bulk sample was obtained from 0-3.5 ft 5 5 10 1 0 1 1 5 5 20 20 2 25 ?n 5 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. .?r...?. _ Project Name: Apex Peakway - from North Salem BORING NO HA-4 ?+¦¦¦+?¦ St. to Laura Duncan Rd . WilburSmith WSA Project No.: Groundwater Levels (feet) Date Begun: 11/19/08 A * 101673 A.D.: Dry Date Completed: 11/19/08 Equipment: Method: Driller: 24 Hours: N/A Location:STA: 45+50 Offset: 0 Hand Auger Hand Auger Trigon Engineering Inc. WSA Representative: Hammer: Lab Testing: Cave Depth: J. Latham None Trigon Engineering Inc. (after drilling) D SOIL CLASSIFICATION L E SAM PLES PL /.) NM LT) P T AND REMARKS E G L E I D T N-COUNT o ? FINES (%) H E V E Y y e a SEE KEY SYMBOL SHEET FOR EXPLANATION N Cl) , 0 SPT (bpf) (ft) OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS BELOW. D (ft) N T E R(0D % REC 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 Silty Sand (SM) trace gravel, brown, moist AU-1 Note: Hand Auger Boring was terminated at 3.5 feet. Bulk sample was obtained from 0-3.5 ft 5 5 10 10 15 1 5 20 20 25 25 30 Interpretations provided are based on the intervals sampled at Sheet 1 of 1 the time of drilling. Actual conditions between sampling intervals may differ as a result of gradual or abrupt changes. APPENDIX C Summary of Laboratory Results Trigon Engineering Laboratory Results GeoTesting Express Laboratory Results U F c? ?a a?i E Ip ea ? ?a a? dp t F G 11, 0 z u w a d 3 ? o N 10 O 00 o, N O N N h a, O a, , ,D C 00 h M N h 00 ,O ?o M V') 7 d' M M N N G 9 % ! \ , ? M h N ? h ? N M , ? M , oC ? DD V1 N o0 , N c , ;p , O M O h M N ? ? h , ?n N , 00 O M V' N o0 00 , aN.. 9 ? M M ? M N N M M M ? N N 7 C y O ,D N O Ih vl M C 'IT 7 W1 DD N W) M 7 N h 7 o U e? C7 O > N ,O O oC a, N O 00 d' , N , O N t- a, O m , y , 7 W ?/1 M N h 00 M v1 7 7 7 M M N 0. . I y ?> h M ? Q\ oC V h , _ 00 , h h O N O O h , M f i y ? U ? O0 h a0 W V, M h D1 ? h h ? Vl ,O ,O ,O Vi V'1 M ° N h ° aD . M ° ° 7 , ,O O , Vl h M Ic N W , 7 ?. a T C, ° oo Q` C, C, oc O o0 o0 C, O C, D` 00 v? a v1 O 00 01 ° M 10 ,D ° 00 O V'1 M 41 DD O, ° N , 00 x a\ C, a C, C, o, 00 0, C,. N oc , , N , ,p O N a` in i ? a 10 , M C N M N N M M M M M M M rn M 10 7 7 ' p o ??,, y y O 7 O M h 7 Q Q, 0 M ? V' M ? N M 0 M ,O , d' O 00 M 00 DO [? H Q C, ? . O V1 ? N N 01 N N M , O 0 N M Vl N 00 M ? 0 N M N D M N M M N N N 1 2 ? O U G k Y M q' N 7 N v1 N vi M x M N "? ao 'q' et' ? N ? ,C Y N c?o z m V: V7 Vl V] Vn V: CC ;n V% V: CA m C!J 07 cn V] V1 C] rA ck C4 N Q"' O v1 O O O O O ° In O V1 O O ° ° O O O O O V1 a" h [? o vi o Vi vi 1? o n o o0 ° M o o Vl ° N ?/1 N V . Cn Q ,O 00 M 00 M M M M 6 ? O ? V N 00 ? M M M 00 - r N ? O 7 Q G1 C1 Q m M N .4 ,-• N M ? vl ,O ,O h h o0 00 N N N n m ?" ,? m z L w L w w w w Q z a ? O o ?ao Q 0> u 0 N 0 4 O ?z GOz o w W b?A ? PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Ape, Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071.08-010 SAMPLE # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 158.5 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.08 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 158.50 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.08 L-2 DATE S-3 %NATURAL 6.0'-7.5' MOISTURE 24.44/ HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # J-7 A TARE WT. 9.66 B WET WT. + A 206.89 C DRY WT. + A 168.16 D WATER WT. (B-C) 38.73 E DRY WT. (C-A) 158.5 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 24.44% % Passsing % Retained SAND #1 #40 1 #200 #60 e COARSE o MEDIUM 0 100 81 62 28 28 72 62 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 0% 190/0 19% 62% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE VMIOHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 0 100.0% #4 0 100.0% #10 0.58 100.0% 99.6% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 1.65 96.7% 96.4/0 #40 9.45 81.1% 80.8% #60 14.01 72.0% 71.8% #100 16.85 66.4/0 66.1% #200 18.80 62.5% 62.2% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT. + A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)'100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR'F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT. + A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)'100 DEPTH LIQUID LIMIT O PLASTIC 0 LIMIT PLASnc 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # L-3 DATE PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # S-4 % NATURAL STATION # DEPTH 8.61-10.0' MOISTURE 21.01% OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 184.23 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE; 50.09 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 184.23 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W); 50.09 HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # 26 A TARE WT. 9.81 B WET WT. + A 232.74 C DRY WT. + A 194.04 D WATER WT. (B-C) 38.70 E DRY WT. (C-A) 184.23 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 121.01% % Passsing % Retalned SAND #10 #40 1 #200 11166 % COARSE % MEDIUM 0 FINE 0 SILTICLAY 92 1 59 46 47 39 63 46 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 6% 33% 13% 46% GRADATION SIEVESIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUrr SAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 3/4" 0 100.0% 1/2" 0 100.0% 3/8" 0 100.0% #4 4.34 97.6% #10 15.35 100.0% 91.7% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 9.82 80.4% 73.7% #40 17.96 64.1% 58.8% #60 21.06 58.0% 53.1% #100 23.33 $3.4% 49.0% #200 25.05 50.0% 45.8% #270 - LIQUID LIM TARE # 0-4 A TARE WT. 8.93 B WET WT. + A 23.29 C DRY WT. + A 18.64 D WATER WT. (B-C) 4.65 E DRY WT. (C-A) 9.71 F % MOISTURE (D!E)*100 47.9 N # BLOWS 28 FACTOR 1.014 G FACTOR * F 48.6 TARE # E1 A TARE WT. 6.36 B WET WT. + A 11.03 C DRY WT. + A 10.07 D WATER WT. (B-C) 0.96 E DRY T. (C-A) 3.71 F %MOISTURE (D1E)'100 25.9 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT N FACTOR 20 0.974 21 0.979 22 0.985 23 0.990 24 0.995 25 1.000 26 1.005 27 1.009 28 1,014 29 1.018 30 1.022 LIQUID 49 LIMIT PLASTIC 26 LIMIT PLASTIC 23 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # L-4 PROJECT # 071-06-010 SAMPLE # S-2 STATION # DEPTH 3.5'-5.0' OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 151.48 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.20 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 151.48 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.20 DATE % NATURAL MOISTURE 29.26% FIV[;RC]SCAPIC MnISTLIRE TARE # J-25 A TARE WT. 9,74 B WET WT. + A 205.55 C DRY WT. + A 161.22 D WATER WT. (B-C) 44.33 E DRY WT. (C-A) 151.48 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 29.2A' % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 97 87 80 16 12 84 80 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 2% 10% 7% 80% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGNT RETAINED %PASSIND SPUTSAMPLE Y. PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 3/8" 0 100.0% #4 1.32 99.1% #10 4.71 100.0% 96.9% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 2.68 94.7% 91.7% #40 5.25 89.5% 86.8% #60 6.46 87.1% 84.4% #100 7.79 84.5% 81.9% #200 9.00 82.1% 79.5% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (8-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F %MOISTURE (DIE)`100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR*F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT. + A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F %MOISTURE (DIE)"100 LIQUID LIMIT 0 PLASTIC 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Pegway BORING # L-5 PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # S-4 STATION # DEPTH s.5'-10.0 OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 176.82 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 60.14 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 176.82 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.14 DATE % NATURAL MOISTURE 32.67% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # _ B-36 A TARE WT. 9.92 B WET WT. + A 244.50 C DRY WT. + A 186.74 D WATER WT. (B-C) 57.76 E DRY WT. (C-A) 176.82 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 32.67% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 #200 # 60 o COARNE IN, MEDIUM o FINL SILTICLAY 100 83 58 28 28 72 58 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 0% 17% 25% 58% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING BPLIT8AMPL£ %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 1l2" 0 100.0% 318" 0 100.0% #4 0 100.0% #10 0.03 100.0% 100.0% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 0.36 99.3% 99.30/6 #40 8.74 82.6% 82.6% #60 13.97 72.1% 72.1% #100 17.99 64.1% 64.1% #200 21.24 57.6% 57.6% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 0-7 A TARE WT. 8.68 B WET WT. + A 22.33 C DRY WT. + A 17.63 D WATER WT. (B-C) 4.70 E DRY WT. (C-A) 8.95 F % MOISTURE (DIE)-1100 52.6 N # BLOWS 27 FACTOR 1,009 G FACTOR A F 53.0 TARE # T A TARE WT. 6.36 B WET WT.+A 11.00 C DRY WT. + A 9.85 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.15 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.49 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 33.0 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT N FACTOR 20 0.974 21 0.979 22 0.985 23 0.990 24 0.995 25 1.000 26 1.006 27 1.009 28 1.014 29 1.018 30 1.022 LIQUID 53 LIMIT PLASTIC 33 LIMIT PLASTIC 20 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM 0 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION Apex Peakway BORING # 071-064110 SAMPLE # DEPTH BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 223.42 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.09 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 223.42 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.09 L-6 DATE S-2 % NATURAL 3.5'-6.0' VOISTUR9 19.44% IdvnanscnFic MniRTURF TARE # 510 A TARE WT. 9.96 B WET WT. + A 276.82 C DRY WT. + A 233.38 D WATER WT. (B-C) 43.44 E DRY WT. (C-A) 223.42 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 19.44% Passsing % Retained SAND #113 #40 1 0200 #60 0 88 55 39 51 39 49 39 0 S% 33% 16% 39% TOTAL % OF SAMPLE GRADATION 9fEVE SIB -IGI1T RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 9.35 95.8% #4 15.44 93.1% #10 27.62 100.0% 87.6% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 10.74 78.6% 68.8% #40 18.69 62.7% 54.9% #60 22.08 66.9% 49.0% #100 2529 49.5% 43.4% #200 27.73 44.6% 39.1% F #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT. + A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR*F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT. + A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)-100 LIQUID 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # L-6 PROJECT # 071-08.010 SAMPLE # S-5 STATION # DEPTH 13.5'-75.0' OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 244.56 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.06 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 244.56 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.06 DATE %NATURAL MOISTURE 70.97% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # T-13 A _ TARE WT. 9.77 B WET WT. + A 281.01 C DRY WT. + A 254.33 D WATER WT. (B-C) 26.68 E DRY WT. (C-A) 244.56 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 10.91% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 1 #200 #60 % COARSE 0 MEDIUM I 'A FINE 0 ILTICLAY 91 39 22 67 58 33 22 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 5% 52% 17% 22% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING BPLH'SAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 179 99.3% #4 9.00 86.3% #10 22.71 100.0% 90.7% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 18.27 63.5% 57.6% #40 28.59 42.9% 38.9% #60 32.02 36.0% 32.7% #100 35.42 29.2% 26.5% #200 38.12 23.9% 21.6% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 0-8 A TARE WT. 8.30 B WET WT. + A 24.02 C DRY WT. + A 20.34 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.68 E DRY WT. (C-A) 12.04 F %MOISTURE (DIE)•100 30.6 N # BLOWS 27 FACTOR 1.009 G FACTOR * F 30.8 TARE # 2 A TARE WT. 5.81 B WET WT. + A 11.03 C DRY WT. + A 9.93 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.10 E DRY WT. (C-A) 4.12 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 26.7 LIQUID 31 LIMIT PLASTIC 27 LIMIT PLASTIC 4 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071.05.010 SAMPLE # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 165.46 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.09 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 165.46 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 54.09 L-7 DATE S-2 % NATURAL 3.5'-5.0' MOISTURE 28.35% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # T-7 A TARE WT. 9.59 B WET WT. + A 221.95 C DRY WT. + A 175.05 D WATER WT. (B-C) 46.90 E DRY WT. (C-A) 165.46 F % MOISTURE (DIE)•100 28.35% % Passsing % Retained SAND #1D #40 #200 1 0 #60 0 0 9 3 78 70 24 17 76 70 0 3% 15% 8% 70% TOTAL %OF SAMPLE GRADATION SIEVE SQE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PAMMO TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 0 100.0% #4 5.71 96.6% #10 11.92 100.0% 92.8% HYDROMETER SAMPLE 920 5.17 89.7% 83.2% #40 8.22 83.6% 77.6% #60 9.32 81.4% 75.5% #100 10.69 78.7% 73.0% #200 12.07 75.9% 70.4% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)•100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR "F TARE # A TARE WT. B WETWT.+A C DRY WT. + A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)-100 DEPTH LIQUID 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION DEPTH BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 179.14 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.05 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 179.14 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.05 L-7 DATE s-5 % NATURAL 73.5'•15.0' MOISTURE 34.31% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # T-26 A TARE WT. 9.59 B WET WT. + A 250.19 C DRY WT. + A 188.73 D WATER WT. (B-C) 61.46 E DRY WT. (C-A) 179.14 F % MOISTURE (D1E)`100 34.31% Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 ° SILTICLAY 100 94 82 6 6 94 82 0 0% 6% 12% 82% TOTAL %OF SAMPLE GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED q PASSING SPUTSAMPLE % PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1"' 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 0 100.0% #4 0 100.0% #10 0.03 100.0% 100.0% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 1.72 96.6% 96.5% #40 2.77 94.5% 94.4% #60 3.18 93.6% 93.6% #100 4.42 91.2% 91.2% #200 9.08 81.9% 81.8% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 88 A TARE WT. 9.02 B WET WT. + A 21.41 C DRY WT. + A 17.62 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.79 E DRY WT. (C-A) 8.6 F % MOISTURE (D1E)'100 44.1 N # BLOWS 28 FACTOR 1.014 G FACTOR* F 44.7 TARE # P A TARE WT. 6.06 B WET WT. + A 11.50 C DRY WT. + A 10.47 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.03 E DRY WT. (C-A) 4.41 F % MOISTURE (D1E)'100 23.4 LIQUID 45 LIMIT PLAsnC 23 LIMIT PLASTIC 22 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # L-8 DATE PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # S-3 STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 185.41 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 60.07 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 185.41 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.07 % NATURAL DEPTH 6.04.5' MOISTURE 25.67% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # 6 A TARE WT. 9.72 B WET WT. + A 242.72 C DRY WT. + A 195.13 D WATER WT. (B-C) 47.59 E DRY WT. (C-A) 185.41 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 25.67% %Passsing %Retained SAND #10 #40 1 #2 #60 um I o a FINFE o 94 57 44 48 42 52 44 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 4% 37%a 13% 44% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPLITSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 3/4" 0 100.0% 1/2" 0 100.0% 318" 2.71 98.5% #4 3.68 98.0% #10 10.89 100.0% 94.1% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 12.26 75.5% 71.1% #40 19.87 60.3% 56.8% #60 22.21 55.6% 52.4%a #100 24.58 50.9% 47.9% #200 26.63 46.8% 44.1% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 0-1 A TARE WT. 8.76 B WET WT. + A 22.00 C DRY WT. + A 17.63 D WATER WT. (B-C) 4.37 E DRY WT. (C-A) 8.87 F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 49.3 N # BLOWS 27 FACTOR 1.009 G FACTOR" F 49.7 TARE # VX A TARE WT. 5.09 B WET WT. + A 11.12 C DRY WT. + A 9.65 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.47 E DRY WT. (C-A) 4.56 F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 32.2 LIQUID 50 LIMIT PLASTIC 32 LIMIT PLASTIC 18 I N bEx PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # L-10 DATE PROJECT # 071-08.010 SAMPLE # S-3 % NATMAL STATION # DEPTH 6.0'•7.5' MOISTURE 34.29% OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # HYDROMETER JAR # PAN # E 18 C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 160.05 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.09 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 160.05 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.09 HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # AA A TARE WT. 9.62 B WET WT. + A 224.55 C DRY WT. + A 169.67 D WATER WT. (B-C) 54,88 E DRY WT. (C-A) 160.05 F % MOISTURE (DIE)-100 34.29% % Passsing #10 1 % Retained #60 SAND COARSE -T- M FI - ' a EDIUM a a RE /c 511-11GLAY 86 71 62 32 18 68 62 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 40/6 15% 9% 62% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED 4. PASSING SPLITSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 8.01 95.0% 318" 12.35 92.3% #4 16.25 89.8% #10 22.33 100.0% 86.0% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 5.76 88.5% 76.2% #40 9.03 82.0% 70.5% #60 10.33 79.4% 68.3% #100 12.05 75.9% 65.3% #200 13.79 72.5% 62.4% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT. + A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (D1E)'100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR'F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT. + A C DRY WT. + A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (D/E)'100 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT N FACTOR 20 0.974 21 0.979 22 0.985 23 0.990 24 0.99b 25 1.000 26 1.005 27 1,009 28 1.014 29 1.018 30 1.022 LIQUID O LIMIT PLASTIC 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071-06-010 SAMPLE # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 222.32 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.11 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 222.32 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.11 L-11 DATE S-2 % NATURAL 8.5'•10.0' MOISTURE 19.19% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # ii A TARE WT. 9.68 B WET WT. + A 274.60 C DRY WT. + A 232.00 D WATER WT. (B-C) 42.60 E DRY WT. (C-A) 222.32 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 19.16% % Passsing % Retained SAND 0 1 #10 #200 #60 o COARSE a MEDIUM o FINE 0 1 90 78 65 25 16 75 65 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 5% 12% 13% 65% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING 9PUTSAMPLE %PASSING TGTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 1/2" 0 100.0% 3I8" 2.47 98.9% #4 11.47 94.8% #10 21.84 100.0% 90.2% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 3.63 92.8% 83.6% #40 6.89 86.3% 77.8% #60 8.68 82.7% 74.6% #100 11.28 77.5% 69.9% #200 14.00 72.1% 65.0% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # O-3 A TARE WT. 8.56 B WET WT. + A 23.06 C DRY WT. + A 19.64 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.42 E DRY WT. (C-A) 11.08 F %MOISTURE (DIE)•100 30.9 N # BLOWS 29 FACTOR 1.018 G FACTOR ` F 31.4 TARE # 6 A TARE WT. 5.74 B WET WT. + A 10.95 C DRY WT.+A 10.13 D WATER WT. (B-C) 0.82 E DRY WT. (C-A) 4.39 F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 18.7 DEPTH LIQUID 31 LIMIT PLASTIC 19 LIMIT PLASTIC 12 woex PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # EB1-A DATE PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # S-8 % NATURAL STATION # DEPTH 28.5'•30.0' MOISTURE 23.33% OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 203.97 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.06 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 203.97 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.06 FIYGRnACnPIC MOISTURE TARE # 66 TARE WT. 9.53 WET WT. + A 261.08 DRY WT. + A 213.50 WATER WT. (B-C) 47.58 DRY WT. (C-A) 203.97 % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 23.33% % Pausing % Retained SAND #1 #40 0 0 85 57 39 50 34 50 39 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 8% 28% 18% 39% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE i" 0 100.0% 3/4" 0 100.0% 112" 7.34 96.4% 318" 7.34 96.4% 94 14.91 92.7% #10 31.58 100.0% 84.5% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 9.21 81.6% 69.0% #40 16.25 67.6% 57.1% #60 20.32 59.4% 50.2% #100 23.47 53.1% 44.9% 0200 27.20 45.7% 38.6% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 0-2 A TARE WT. 8.88 B WET WT. + A 23.02 C DRY WT. + A 19.24 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.78 E DRY WT. (C-A) 10.36 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 36.5 N # BLOWS 28 FACTOR 1.014 G FACTOR* F 37.0 TARE # B A TARE WT. 6.55 B WET WT. + A 11.00 C DRY WT. + A 9.89 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.11 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.34 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 33.2 LIQUID 37 LIMIT PLASTIC 33 LIMIT PLASTIC 4 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO TSB PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # EB1-B PROJECT # 071.08-010 SAMPLE # S-4 STATION # DEPTH OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 144.32 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.07 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 144.32 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.07 DATE %NATURAL MOISTURE 36.610/ WVC.ROSCnPIC MOISTURE TARE # J-26 A TARE WT. 9.80 B WET WT. + A 206.96 C DRY WT. + A 154.12 D WATER WT. (B-C) 52.84 E DRY WT. (C-A) 144.32 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 36.61% % Posssing % Retained SAND #10 #40 0 COARSE 0 MEDIUM 0 FINE 0 SILT/CLAY 1 87 67 61 38 25 62 51 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 2% 20% 16%a 51% GRADATION SEEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSINo SPLR SAMPLE %PASSING TOTAL SAMPLE 0 100.0% 3I4" 0 100.0% 112" 9.60 93.3% 318" 14.08 90.2% #4 15.47 89.3% #10 19.13 100.0% 86.7% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 6.82 86.4% 74.9% #40 11.45 77.1% 66.9% #60 14.31 71.4% 62.0% #100 17.43 65.2% 56.6% #200 20.45 59.2% 51.3% #270 LIMIT LIOUID TARE # 0.6 TARE WT. 8.86 EB WETWT,+A 23.10 DRY WT. + A 18.29 D WATER WT. (B-C) 4.81 E DRY WT. (C-A) 9.43 F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 51.0 N # BLOWS 27 FACTOR 1.009 G FACTOR * F 51.5 TARE # 5 A TARE WT. 6.77 B WET WT. + A 11.00 C DRY WT. + A 9.90 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.10 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.13 F %D MOISTURE (DIE)"100 35.1 LIQUID 51 LIMIT PLASTIC 35 LIMIT PLASTIC 16 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # STATION # DEPTH OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # HYDROMETER JAR # PAN # WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 159.34 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.15 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 159.34 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): $0.15 B1-B DATE S-o % NATURAL 8.6'-10.0' MOISTURE 32.40% HYGRnSCAPIC MOiSTI1RE TARE # B-10 A TARE WT. 9.86 B WET WT. + A 220.82 C DRY WT. + A 169.20 D WATER WT. (B-C) 51.62 E DRY WT. (C-A) 159.34 F % MOISTURE (D!E)'100 32.40% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 1 #200 #60 0 COARSE ° 93 60 42 46 39 54 42 0 TOTAL %OF SAMPLE 5% 33% 18% 42% GRADATION SIEVE SIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPLIT SAMPLE PASSING TO%TALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 0 100.0% E 0 100.0% /8 0 100.0% 2.48 98.4% #10 10.78 100.0% 93.2% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 9.46 81.1% 75.6% 940 17.75 64.6% 60.2% #60 21.01 58.1% 54.2% #100 24.13 51.9% 48.4% #200 27.43 45.3% 42.2% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # 0-5 A TARE WT. 8.84 B WET WT. + A 23.03 C DRY WT. + A 18,61 D WATER WT. (B-C) 4.42 E DRY WT. (C-A) 9.77 F % MOISTURE (D1E)'100 45.2 N # BLOWS 2B FACTOR 1.014 G FACTOR' F 45.9 TARE # B A TARE WT. 6.57 B WET WT.+A 11.12 C DRY WT. + A 9.92 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.20 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.35 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 35.8 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT N FACTOR 20 0.974 21 0.979 22 0.985 23 0.990 24 0.996 25 1.000 26 1.005 27 1.009 28 1.014 29 1.018 30 1.022 LIQUID 46 LIMIT PLASTIC 36 LIMIT PLASTIC 10 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071.08-010 STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 SAMPLE # DEPTH WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 194.76 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.12 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 194.76 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.12 81-B S-5 '13.5'-15.01 DATE % NATURAL MOLITURE 37.97% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # C A TARE WT. 9.82 B WET WT. + A 278.53 C DRY WT. + A 204.58 D WATER WT. (B-C) 73.95 E DRY WT. (C-A) 194.76 F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 37.970/D % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 1 #200 0 COARSE 1 " MEDIUM FINE ° 5ILTICLAY 96 62 47 42 39 58 47 0 3% 34% 15% 47% TOTAL % OF SAMPLE GRADATION SIEVE WE WEI-T RETAINED YPASSING SPUTSAMPLE -PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 318" 0 100.0% #4 1.12 99.4% #10 7.01 100.0% 96.4% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 9.18 81.7% 78.7% #40 17.63 64.8% 62.5% #60 20.17 59.8% 57.6% #100 22.96 54.2% 52.2% #200 25.86 48.4% 46.7% #270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)"100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G FACTOR"F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F %MOISTURE (D/E)•100 LIQUID 0 LIMIT PLASTIC 0 UMIT PLASTIC 0 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # PROJECT # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # STATION # DEPTH OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 181.6 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 0.09 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: ;181.60 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 0.09 EB2-A DATE S-2 % NATURAL 3.5'-5.0' MOISTURE 28.32% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # B-16 A TARE WT. 9.78 B WET WT. + A 242.81 C DRY WT. + A 191.38 D WATER WT. (B-C) 51.43 E DRY WT. (C-A) 181.6 F % MOISTURE (D(E)"100 28.32% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 1 0200 #60 % COARSE 0 MEDIUM 6 FINE SILTICLAY 92 60 49 44 37 56 49 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 4% 326/6 11% 49% GRADATION SIEVE 612E WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PASSING TGTALSAMPLE 1" 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 515 96.8% 318" 5.75 96.8% #4 7.45 95.9% #10 13.75 100.0% 92.4% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 9.57 80.9% 74.8% #40 17.34 65.4% 60.4% #60 19.82 60.4% 55.9% 0100 22.01 56.1% 51.8% #200 23.67 52.7% 48.8% #270 LIMIT LIOUID TARE # A-1 A TARE WT. 9.58 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT B + A WET WT 25 40 N FACTOR . . 20 0.974 C + A DRY WT 19 78 21 0.979 . . 22 0.985 D B-C) WATER WT 5 62 23 0.990 . ( . 24 0.995 E DRY WT C A 10 2 25 1.000 . ( - ) . 26 1.005 F %MOISTURE (D(E)*100 55 1 27 1.009 . 28 1.014 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR 0 979 29 1.018 . 30 1.022 G FACTOR • F 53.9 '? - TARE # K A TARE WT. 5.86 B WET WT. + A 11.00 C DRY WT. + A 9.78 LIQUID LIMIT 54 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.22 PLASnc LIMIT 31 E DRY WT (C-A) 3 92 . . F "/a MOISTURE (DIE)-100 31.1 PLASTIC INDEX 23 PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # EB2-A DATE PROJECT # 071.08-010 SAMPLE # SS-5 % NATURAL STATION # DEPTH 13.5'-15.0' MOISTURE 28.14% OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 196 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 60.07 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 196.00 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.07 HYGRASCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # 24 A TARE WT. 9.49 B WET WT. + A 260.65 C DRY WT. + A 205.49 D WATER WT. (B-C) 55.16 E DRY WT. (C-A) 196 F 1%MOISTURE (DIE)*100 28.14% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 #40 1 #200 1 #60 o COARSE t % MEDIUM e FINE SILTIGLAY 98 50 30 57 55 43 30 0 2% 38% 20% 30% TOTAL % OF SAMPLE GRADATION SIEVE SZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPUTSAMPLE %PASSWG TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 0 100.0% 3l8' 0 100.0% #4 0.50 99.7% #10 3.74 100.0% 98.1% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 13.48 73.1% 71.7% #40 24.30 51.5% 50.6% #60 28.01 44.1% 43.2% #100 31.81 36.50/a 35.8% #200 34.98 30.1% 29.6% 0270 LIQUID LIMIT TARE # O-5 A TARE WT. 8.83 B WET WT. + A 21.05 C DRY WT. + A 17.36 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.69 E DRY WT. (C-A) 8.53 F % MOISTURE (DIE)-100 43.3 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR 0.979 G FACTOR * F 42.4 TARE # B-1 A TARE T. 6.68 B WET WT. + A 11.00 C DRY WT. + A 9.92 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.08 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.24 F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 33.3 LIQUID 42 LIMIT PLASTIC 33 LIMIT PLASTIC 9 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM 0 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME PROJECT # STATION # OFFSET CLASSIFICATION Apex Peakway BORING # 071-08-010 SAMPLE # DEPTH BEAKER # E HYDROMETER JAR # 18 PAN # C-23 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 190.55 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.10 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 190.55 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.10 EB2-B DATE S-6 % NATURAL 18.5'-20.0' MOOTURE 25.73% HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE TARE # C-26 A TARE WT. 9.85 B WET WT. + A 249.43 C DRY WT. + A 200.40 D WATER WT. (B-C) 49.03 E DRY WT. (C-A) 190.55 F % MOISTURE (DIP) 100 25.73% % Passsing % Retained SAND #10 0 #200 111 so e COARSE a MEDIUM a FINE o 85 57 39 48 33 52 39 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 7% 28% 18% 39% GRADATION SIEVESIZE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSING SPLITSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 0 100.0% 314" 0 100.0% 112" 8.84 95.4% 318" 8.84 95.4% #4 14.95 92.2% #10 28.64 100.0% 85.0% HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 10.80 78.4% 66.7% #40 16.76 66.5% 56.5% #60 19.73 60.6% 51.5% #100 23.59 52.9% 45.0% #200 27.29 45.5% 38.7% #270 LIOUID LIMIT TARE # A A TARE WT. 6.45 B WET WT. + A 18.00 C DRY WT. + A 14.56 D WATER WT. (B-C) 3.44 E DRY WT. (C-A) 8.11 F %MOISTURE(D1E)*100 42.4 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR 0.979 G FACTOR * F 41.5 TARE # A-1 A TARE WT. 4.92 B WET WT. + A 10.13 C DRYWT.+A 8.73 D WATER WT. (B-C) 1.40 E DRY WT. (C-A) 3.81 F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 36.7 ONE PONT LIQUID LIMIT N FACTOR 20 0.974 21 0.979 22 0.985 23 0.990 24 0.995 25 1.000 26 1.005 27 1.009 28 1.014 29 1.018 30 1.022 LIQUID 42 LIMIT PLASTIC 37 LIMIT PLASTIC 5 INDEX PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS OF SOIL: ASTM D 422, AASHTO T88 PROJECT NAME Apex Peakway BORING # LC-2 DATE PROJECT # 071-os-olo SAMPLE # S-2 % NATURAL STATION # DEPTH MOISTURE 11.94% OFFSET CLASSIFICATION BEAKER # HYDROMETER JAR # PAN # E 18 el "13 WEIGHT OF TOTAL SAMPLE AIR DRIED: 343.73 WEIGHT OF AIR DRIED HYDRO.SAMPLE: 50.10 TOTAL SAMPLE OVEN DRIED: 343.73 HYDROMETER SAMPLE OVEN DRIED (W): 50.10 WV[7RnCCnPIC MnIRTLIRE TARE # C-23 A TARE WT. 9.87 B WET WT. + A 394.63 C DRY WT. + A 353.60 D WATER WT. (B-C) 41.03 E DRY WT. (C-A) 343 F 1% MOISTURE (DIE)*100 9% Ill. % Passsing % Retained SAND #40 #10 0 0 1 54 33 21 71 25 29 21 0 TOTAL % OF SAMPLE 4%0 21%D 12%D 21%D GRADATION SIEVE BRE WEIGHT RETAINED %PASSI NG SPLITSAMPLE %PASSING TOTALSAMPLE 82.80 75.9%D 314" 135.02 60.7% 112" 137.74 59.9% 318" 139.63 59.4% #4 145.12 57.8% 010 157.33 100.0%D 54.2%D HYDROMETER SAMPLE #20 11.41 77.2% 41.9% #40 19.65 60.8%D 33.0% #60 2336 53.4% 28.9% #100 27.56 45.0% 24.4% #200 30.85 38.4%D 20.8%D #270 LIQUID LIMIT... TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT.+A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F %MOISTURE (DIE)*100 N # BLOWS 21 FACTOR G :FACTOR *F TARE # A TARE WT. B WET WT. + A C DRY WT.+A D WATER WT. (B-C) E DRY WT. (C-A) F % MOISTURE (DIE)*100 LIQUID O LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLAsne 0 INDEX 135 130 Sample Project Location: Number: L-1 125 120 77- 115 U 110 0 0 105 100 ?Tt F 95 90 85 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Moisture Content- Percent of Dry Weight MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP - - TRIGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Greensboro, NC _ t Date: 5-4-08 Project Number: 071-08-010 Project Name: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 I I ? l i( I i I North Carolina I j - Material Description: ? r __ Method of Test: ASTM D698 Method A - ;- - Z - i ? - ?- - - ? - f- Maximum Dry Density: 118.9 PCF ?-. __._ 1 _ I -- ; -- - !-- - - ---- - Opt. Moisture Content: 13.0 ? ? Nat. Moisture Content: 15.0 % i Atterburg Limits: LL PL PI _ - A I CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR - SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: i 2.6 0 i i i I I I I I ? ? ?; fi 2 .80 L __ I I I I I ;I ? I I C I { I I I I I_. , I - REPORT OF CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Job Name: Apex Peakway- Segment A113 Job Number: 071-08-010 Boring Number: L-1 1. Method of Preparation: ASTM D 1883 cry 950,6 of Standard Proctor MDD 2. Description of Sample: 3. Dry Density Before Soaking: 4. Swell: 0.81°b 5. Dry Density After Soaking: 6. Moisture Content: Before Soaking: After Soaking: 7. Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 inch (92 psf Surcharge): 160 140 120 100 Q 13, C go R d m 60 40 20 0 14.0% 6.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Penetration (inches) Date: 5/13/2008 Sample Type: Bulk Sample Depth: 1.0-5.0 Feet 1132 112.3 p/ 13.0% 0.60 8/14/1997 Job #: 071-08-010 Project: Apex Peakwav- Segment AP3 Boring: l,1 Depth: 1.0-5.0 Feet Load Bearing Load Bearing Bottom Bottom Top Top Penetration M (psi) Penetration M (psi) 0.000 0 0.0 0.000 0 0.0 0.023 201 67.0 0.019 19 6.3 0.054 366 122.0 0.040 50 16.7 0.073 507 169.0 0.063 96 32.0 0.104 603 201.0 0.086 131 43.7 0.126 697 232.3 0.105 156 52.0 0.151 766 255.3 0.129 184 61.3 0.177 837 279.0 0.153 211 70.3 0.202 889 296.3 0.178 235 78.3 0.301 1051 350.3 0.276 317 105.7 0.402 11.75 391.7 0.382 383 127.7 0.504 1281 427.0 0.488 428 142.7 135 130 Project % % 120 115 U 110 105 14 100 95 ILI 90 85 IN i 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Moisture Content- Percent of Dry Weight MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TRIGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. -r rQ01V Greensboro, NC I - - { - - Date: 5-4-08 Project Number 071-08-010 Project Name: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina - - = 1 - - - ? r -?- Number. L-8 Sample I ? I ---_ 1 1 -- ? _.Y - 1 I Material Description: I I I I : _L _? Method of Test: ASTM D698 Method A 2 PCF 105 i ? ? . ty: Maximum Dry Dens - - - - - - Opt. Moisture Content: 19.7 Nat. Moisture Content: 18.4 I I _ Atterburg Limits: LL PL PI { - ? t -- j -I-- - CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR ' SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: - I I I , ? i 2.6 0 I I I j- - { = I ? - - - -{-- - - - - 2.70 , I--' i - - { I - I ! -- - 2.80 : - r I i { I - ? I I I I : REPORT OF CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Job Name: Apex Peakway- Segment AP3 Job Number: 071-08-010 Boring Number: L-8 160 140 120 ^ 100 U) c 80 m M 60 40 20 0 Date: 5/13/2008 Sample Type: Bulk Sample Depth: 5.0-10.0 Feet 1. Method of Preparation: ASTM D 1883 rr: 95%'0 of Standard Proctor MDD 2. Description of Sample: 3. Dry Density Before Soaking: 100.3 pcf 4. Swell: 0.65% 5. Dry Density After Soaking: 99.6 pcf 6. Moisture Content: Before Soaking: 19.7% After Soaking: 20.6% 7. Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 inch (92 psf Surcharge): 5.8 I 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 I Penetration (inches) 8/14/1997 Job 4: 071-08-010 Project: Apex Peakway- Segment AP3 Boring: 1-8 Depth: 5.0-10.0 Feet Load Bearing Load Bearing Bottom Bottom Top Top Penetration W (psi) Penetration M (psi) 0.000 0 0.0 0.000 0 0.0 0.024 84 28.0 0.019 19 6.3 0.053 162 54.0 0.040 50 16.7 0.074 238 79.3 0.063 96 32.0 0.102 291 97.0 0.086 131 43.7 0.126 340 113.3 0.105 156 52.0 0.152 376 125.3 0.129 184 61.3 0.176 416 138.7 0.153 211 70.3 0.203 442 147.3 0.178 235 78.3 0.302 544 181.3 0.276 317 105.7 0.403 626 208.7 0.382 383 127.7 0.505 696 232.0 0.488 428 142.7 135 130 125 120 115 C) 110 A c 0 105 100 95 90 85 80 0 I " ' - - _- j Date: 5-4-08 Project Number. 071-08-010 L Project Name: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Project Location: North Carolina 1 -- ? 1 - Sample Number: L-14 - - - ; - L L Material Description: - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- -- - I- t Method of Test: ASTM D698 Method A Maximum Dry Density: 100.6 PCF Moisture Content: 21.0% Opt - -- - - i - ; ? -? T --1 - - - - h . Nat. Moisture Content: 28.3% Atterburg Limits: LL PL PI _ - - L - - - -- 1 - - - _ -_ _ -_l } 1 I CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: r - ? 2.6 0 ( - - - -- -- - 2.70 I L - - - - - - 280 I- - ? _ - -a - --I- - -- - -- - - - i - I - ? -? ? _ I I C I -_ I I I ? 1 1 - ' - _ _ r -- 1 - - r - r-- - -- - j -- I i II L 4 1 1 5 10 15 20 25 Moisture Content- Percent of Dry Weight MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TRIGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Greensboro, NC 30 35 40 REPORT OF CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Job Name: Apex Peakway- Segment AP3 Job Number: 071-08-010 Boring Number: L-14 Date: 5/1312008 Sample Type: Bulk Sample Depth: 4.0-8.0 Feet 1. Method of Preparation: ASTM D 1883 rci; 100% of Standard Proctor MDD 2. Description of Sample: 3. Dry Density Before Soaking: 95.1 pcf 4. Swell: 0.81% 5. Dry Density After Soaking: 94.3 pcf 6. Moisture Content: Before Soaking: 21.0% After Soaking: o 22.1% 7. Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 inch (92 psf Surcharge): 5.7 160 i i - - - 120 - -- 100 -- - - N Q r.. i rn •? 80 II d I , i i 40 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Penetration (inches) 0-60 8/14/1997 Job #: 071-08-010 Project: Apex Peak-w3y- Segment A ll-) Boring: L-14 Depth: 4.0-8.0 Feet Load Bearing Load Bearing Bottom Bottom Top Top Penetration W) (psi) Penetration W) (psi) 0.000 0 0.0 0.000 0 0.0 0.024 113 37.7 0.019 19 6.3 0.054 235 78.3 0.040 50 16.7 0.073 317 105.7 0.063 96 32.0 0.104 394 131.3 0.086 131 43.7 0.125 446 148.7 0.105 156 52.0 0.151 496 165.3 0.129 184 61.3 0.177 532 177.3 0.153 211 70.3 0.201 565 188.3 0.178 235 78.3 0.301 668 222.7 0.276 317 105.7 0.402 742 247.3 0.382 383 127.7 0.503 807 269.0 0.488 428 142.7 135 130 125 120 i-rT 115 a 110 Z N 0 0 105 __ \\\T! 100 95 90 85 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Moisture Content- Percent of Dry Weight MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP r TRIGON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. N TR Greensboro, NC - ; _' I - - Date: 5-4-OS 1 ; Project Number: 071-08-010 Project Name: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Sample Number: Y5-3 Material Description: I -( ASTM D698 Method A Method of Test: ' I - i- ? ' _-. - j-- Maxim Opt. Maximum Dry Density: 105.6 PCF Moisture Content: 18.4 -- -- ? - ? - - ? - Nat. Moisture Content: 19.4 __ II , Atterburg Limits: LL PL PI -? ' ? + - - - - CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO i I i I I r I ? ? { _ 1 I - I - 12.6 ' 0 --' II 1 -i- --i-- T ? { - I I i ?T ; 1 I _ 1 ? ? I i ? I, ? I I I REPORT OF CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST Job Name: Apex Peakway- Segment AP3 Job Number: 071-08-010 Boring Number: Y5-3 2. Description of Sample: 3. Dry Density Before Soaking: 100.5 pcf 1. Method of Preparation: ASTM D 1883 ?% 951/0 of Standard Proctor MDD 4. Swell: 0.41% 160 I 140 120 100 N Q c 80 .R CD m 60 40 I 20 i 0 After Soaking: 7. Bearing Ratio @ 0.1 inch (92 psf Surcharge): 5. Dry Density After Soaking: 99.8 pcf 6. Moisture Content: Before Soaking: 18.4% 5.9 i i 'I I i i 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 Penetration (inches) 6/14/1997 Date: 5/13/2008 Sample "type: Bulk Sample Depth: 1.0-5.0 Feet 19.2% 0.50 0.60 Job #: 071-08-010 Project: Apes Peakway - Segment A P3 Boring: YS-3 Depth: 1.0-5.0 Feet Load Bearing Load Bearing Bottom Bottom Top Top Penetration W (psi) Penetration W (psi) 0.000 0 0.0 0.000 0 0.0 0.024 156 52.0 0.019 19 6.3 0.053 274 91.3 0.040 50 16.7 0.074 371 123.7 0.063 96 32.0 0.102 433 144.3 0.086 131 43.7 0.126 490 163.3 0.105 156 52.0 0.152 530 176.7 0.129 184 61.3 0.177 569 189.7 0.153 211 70.3 0202 601 200.3 0.178 235 78.3 0.301 706 235.3 0.276 317 105.7 0.402 792 264.0 0.382 383 127.7 0.503 864 288.0 0.488 428 142.7 RESEARCh & ANALyTICA1 LAbORATORIESF INC. Analytical/Process Consultations May 13, 2008 Trigon Engineering 313 Gallimore Dairy Road Greensboro, NC 27409 Attention: Paul Weaver ?fpf t! l t ysee °C NC #34 z t " Project Name: Apex Peakway Project Number: 071-08-010 L-7 S-2 1 Miscellaneous 3.5'-5.0' Parameters Unit Results Total Organic Content % 8.01 Sample Number: 616161 Sample Collected Date: 04/30/08 Sample Collected Time (Hrs): ---- < = Less than or below Detection Limit mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram =parts per million % = Percent NR = Not Requested eOTl-stin express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: --- Tested By: ap Sample ID:--- Test Date: 12/09/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : --- Sample Id: --- Moisture Content of Soil - ASTM D 2216-05 Boring ID Sample, ID Depth Description Moisture Contents/o --- HA-1 0.5-3.0 ft Moist, dark brown silty sand 10.4 --- HA-2 0.5-3.0 ft Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel 8.5 --- HA-3 0.5-3.0 ft Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand 19.2 --- HA-4 0.5-3.0 ft Moist, brown silty sand 10 Notes: Temperature of Drying : 1100 Celsius prir.[ed 12/9/2008 11:21:1e PM Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-1 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142736 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Sample Comment: --- 1 C lL c U a Particle Size Analysis - ASTM D 422-63 (reapproved 2002) c - c in o 0 C Ln ? In M ? 74 N V ID - N 00 N -4 -10 00 34z ilz # 4# 44z # i i 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I ? i I I I I 1 I I 1 I d I 1 I I I 1 90 , l I I I I I 1 t I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 t I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I 80- 'I 1 1 I I I I ( I I I I I 1 I ? i I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 - I I I 1 1 1 t 1 70-- i I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 60-- 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I f I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I , 50 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I i I I I I I I I 1 I I , I. 40 1 I I I I I I I i 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 30 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ? 1 I I 1 1 20 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I i I i I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I i I 10 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I i l I I 1 I I I 1 0 %Cobble %Gravel %Sand %Silt &Clay Size - 8.7 63.7 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size (mm) Sieve Name - Sieve Size, mm Percent Finer Spec. Percent complies 2 in 50.00 100 1.5 in 37.50 99 1 in 25.00 99 0.75 in 19.00 98 0.5 in 12.50 96 0.375 in 9.50 95 #4 4.75 91 #10 2.00 89 #20 0.85 79 #40 0.42 64 #60 0.25 51 #100 0.15 39 #200 0.075 28 printed 12/5/2008 10:59:47 AM 27.6 Coefficients D85 =1.4385 mm D30 =0.0873 mm D6o =0.3633 mm D1s =N/A Dso =0.2428 mm D1o =N/A Cu =N/A Cc =N/A Classification ASTM Silty sand (SM) AASHTO Silty Gravel and Sand (A-2-4 (0)) Sample/Test Des Sand/Gravel Particle Shape : F Sand/Gravel Hardness : HARD IGeoTestin express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-1 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142732 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Sample Comment: --- Atterberg Limits - ASTM D 4318-05 Sample Determined to be non-plastic Symbol Sample ID Boring Depth Natural Liquid Plastic 'Plasticity Liquidity - Sol[ ClassMcation Moisture . Limit Limit Index Index Content, % HA-1 --- 0.5-3.0 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a Silty sand (SM) ft 36% Retained on #40 Sieve Dry Strength: HIGH Dilentancy: RAPID Toughness: n/a The sample was determined to be Non-Plastic GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-2 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: n/a Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142737 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Sample Comment: --- Particle Size Analysis - ASTM D 422-63 (reapproved 2002) C C - _^ O O Ln 1" In M ?. O O O tu0 O O 1-1 N -I N C C LLL C a? 2 ! a N .-1 r-1 O O O # # # # # # # 00 I , I I I I I 1 I 1 ' I 1 I I I I I I I I _ 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 90 I , i I i I I '1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I 1 -1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I -I I I 1 1 I 80 ' I 1 I 1 I 'I I 1 I I i I 1 I I 1 1 I I I ? I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 70 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I t I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 60 1 I I I I I I I I I - 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 50 1 1 I t 1 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 l I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I , 1 I I I I i ? 1 40 1 1 I I 1 1 I ? I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 l 1 i , I 1 I 1 30 ? I 1 I t I 1 1 , 1 I 1 ? 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I , I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 20 i! I ? 11 I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I i I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 10 1 I i i I I I i 1 I I I I I I , 1 , l I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I i I I I I 1 n 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 Grain Size (mm) 0.001 %Cobble %Gravel %Sand %Silt &Clay Size - 15.7 57.9 26.4 I Sieve Name Steve Size, mm Percent Finer Spec. Percent Complies 2 in 50.00 100 1.5 in 37.50 100 1 in 25.00 99 0.75 In 19.00 97 0.5 in 12.50 93 0.375 in 9.50 90 #4 4.75 84 #10 2.00 82 #20 0.85 73 #40 0.42 58- #60 0.25 46 #100 0.15 37 #200 0.075 26 I Coefficients D8s =5.1242 mm D30 =0.0953 mm D60 =0.4586 mm D15 =N/A D5o =0.2922 mm D1o =N/A Cu =N/A Cc =N/A Classification ASTM Silty sand with gravel (SM) AASHTO Silty Gravel and Sand (A-2-4 (0)) _Sample/Test Description Sand/Gravel Particle Shape : ROUNDED Sand/Gravel Hardness : HARD printed 12/5/2008 11=13 AM GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-2 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142733 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Sample Comment: --- Atterberg Limits - ASTM D 4318-05 Sample Determined to be non-plastic Symbol Sample ID Boring Depth= Natural Liquid Plastic Plasticity Liquidity Soli Classification Moisture Limit Limit Index Index Content,% HA-2 --- 0.5-3.0 9 n/a n/a n/a n/a Silty sand with gravel (SM) ft 42% Retained on #40 Sieve Dry Strength: MEDIUM Dilentancy: RAPID Toughness: n/a The sample was determined to be Non-Plastic DoT std express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: saa Sample IDNA-2 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142740 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Sample Comment: --- Compaction Report - AASHTO T 99 l 135 r , zero air voids line 130 , 4- 125 c O 0 , 120 corrected O ` O , , 115 uncgrrected , 110 0 5 10 15 20 2 5 Water Content, % Data Points Point i Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Dry density, pcf 115.1 117.6 121.0 118.2 114.4 Moisture Content, % 4.8 6.7 10.1 12.2 14.1 Method : A Preparation : WET As received Moisture Rammer : Manual Zero voids line based on assumed specific gravity of 2.65 Maximum Dry Density= 121.0 pcf Optimum Moisture= 10.0% Oversize Correction (15.7% > #4 Sieve) Corrected Maximum Dry Density= 126.0 pcf Corrected Optimum Moisture= 8.0% Assumed Average Bulk Specific Gravity = 2.55 printed 12/9/2008 11:23:17 AM eoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporati n CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT - ASTM D 1883 o 500 400 300 N Q N W a' 200 100 I ? , 1 1 , I I I I , I I I 1 I ? , I ? , I I I I , I , I ? , I I I ? I 1 , I ------------------------ ; ----- ------------------;------- r--- -- ? , I I I ? , I I I ? , I I I I , ? I I I , I ? I 1 , I , 1 I , I I I I , I I I ------------'----------- ----- - '--------------------'-- ---- ----- I 1 , I I I ? I I I 1 ? I I I 1 I I ? I 1 , I I I I I I ? I I I 1 ? I ? I 1 ? I ? ? 1 I I 1 , I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I ? 1 1 I I I I I , I 1 I ? , I 1 I 1 , I I I I , I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ? I ? I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I 1 ? I I I I , I I I I ? I I ? I 1 I I , I I I I , I ? I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 PENETRATION, in Sample Height: 4.58 in California Bearing Ratio Sample Area: 28.274 1nA2 at 0.1 in: 14 at 0.3 in: 13 at 0.5 in: 16 Sample Volume: 0.07494 ftA3 at 0.2 in: 13 at 0.4 in: 15 Sample Mass: 4628.4 gm Sample Condition: Soaked Water Content Before Top Average Swell: 0.00 % Tare ID 118 bacto 62444 Surcharge: 4536 gm Tare Mass, gm 8.2 8.19 8.05 Void Ratio: 0.31 Mass Tare + Wet Soil, gm 177.47 186.67 274.23 Wet Unit Weight: 136.16 pcf Mass Tare + Dry Soil, gm 164.95 167.02 250.8 Dry Unit Weight: 126.09 pcf Water Content, % 7.99 12.37 9.65 Project: Apex Peakway Location: Segment AP3 Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: saa Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-2 Test Date: 12/04/08 Depth: 0.5-3.0 ft. Test No.: CBR-1 Sample Type: remolded Elevation: --- Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Remarks: Target Compaction: 100% of maximum dry density (126.0 pcf) at optimum moisture content (8.0%). Tue, 09-DEC-2008 11:44:21 Gee i express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-3 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142738 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Sample Comment: --- Particle Size Analysis - ASTM D 422-63 (reapproved 2002) C - C Ln O O C Ln G? Ln IN rt' N Ip O. N 100 90 80 70 60 C_ LL 50 2 a 40 30 20 10 0 N i-I ri O O O -11. -R9 4:1; 7l. 14: q?: itz I I I I 1 I 1 , 1 I I I 1 1 I I - I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 i , I 1 1 - 1 I I I I I I I , 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I i I , 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I. 1 .1 "1 I .1. I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I ? 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 ' I i I 1 1 1- - I I I ? - 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I t I 1 1 1 I ( I t 1 1 I 1 ? I 1 1 I ? 1 1 1 I 1 I 'i I I I 1 I I I 11 I f 1 I I I - f ' I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I I 1 1 1 I 1 I iI I I I I , 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I ? I 1 I I . 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I ? I I I I I 1 I I I I l I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I ? I I i I 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I i I I I 1 1 I I . I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I l 1 1 I 1 - _ I ! I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 11 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1I I I I i 1 I I 1 1 11 1 I I I 1 1 I I 1 t I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 , I I I I 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size (mm) %Cobble %Gravel %Sand %Sif &Clay Size - 8.2 46.6 45.2 I Sieve Name Sieve Size, mm Percent Finer Spec. Percent Compiles tin 50.00 100 1.5 In 37.50 99 1 in 25.00 98 0.75 in 19.00 98 0.5 in 12.50 98 0.375 in 9.50 98 #4 4.75 92 #10 2.00 87 #20 0.85 78 #40 0.42 67 #60 0.25 59 #100 0.15 52 #200 0.075 45 Coefficients D85 =1.6362 mm D30 =N/A D6o =0.2656 mm D15 =N/A D50 =0.1195 mm Dlo =N/A Cu =N/A Cc =N/A Classification ASTM Clayey sand (SC) AASHTO Clayey Soils (A-7-6 (8)) Sample/Test Des Sand/Gravel Particle Shape : F Sand/Gravel Hardness : HARD printed 12/5/200811:00:30 AM GeoTestiri express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-3 Test Date: 11/25/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142734 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Sample Comment: --- Atterberg Limits - ASTM D 4318-05 Plasticity Chart 60 50 40 X a? a E: 30 N f0 d 20 10 0 0 ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .?? ... ....... .... ...... : "U:Line ' i6e ..... ...... .. ...... ..... ............ CH qr OH : ...............-...... ...... .,...... ........ ................................. .........!. ... ..... ....:. ....... .. ... ?........ ?C'L or OL .... ....... ?....... ... ..... ...... ......H ar flH.. . G--KAI : - ML or• OL 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Unit Symbol Sample ID Boring - Depth =Natural Liquid Plastic Plasticity Liquidity - Soil Classification Moisture Limit Limit Index Index Content,% HA-3 --- 0.5-3.0 19 48 25 23 0 Clayey sand (SC) ft Sample Prepared using the WET method 33% Retained on #40 Sieve Dry Strength: VERY HIGH Dilentancy: SLOW Toughness: LOW GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: saa Sample ID:HA-3 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142741 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Sample Comment: --- Compaction Report - AASHTO T 99 115 110 UU CL 105 C 0 ?. I 100 95 , Cy, . , I corrected -p ,? zero air voids line uncorrected • O ? 90+- 5 10 15 20 25 30 Water Content, % Data Points Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Dry density, pcf 95.7 100.8 104.8 104.3 98.7 Moisture Content, % 12.6 14.5 17.7 20.4 23.2 Method : A Preparation : WET As received Moisture Rammer : Manual Zero voids line based on assumed specific gravity of 2.65 Maximum Dry Density= Optimum Moisture= Oversize Correction Corrected Maximum Dry Density= Corrected Optimum Moisture= Assumed Average Bulk Specific Gravity = 105.0 pcf 19.0% (8.3% > #4 Sieve) 108.0 pcf 17.5% 2.55 printed 12/9/2008 11:23:31 AM. eoTesting express ASTM D 1883 asubsidiary of Geocomp Corporation CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT - 250 200 150 0- vi U) w 100 50 ----------- ------------ '-------------------------'------------ +------------ '------------ ----------- ------ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ------------ L ------------ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ------------ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 PENETRATION, in Sample Height: 4.58 in California Bearing Ratio Sample Area: 28.274 inA2 at 0.1 in: 10 at 0.3 in: 9 at 0.5 in: 8 Sample Volume: 0.07494 ftA3 at 0.2 in: 10 at 0.4 in: 8 Sample Mass: 4309.9 gm Sample Condition: Soaked Water Content Before Top Average Swell: 0.37 % Tare ID mistake rosis paver Surcharge: 4536 gm Tare Mass, gm 8 8.06 7.97 Void Ratio: 0.53 Mass Tare + Wet Soil, gm 171.2 216.36 279.95 Wet Unit Weight: 126.79 pcf Mass Tare + Dry Soil, gm 146.8 174.68 236.12 Dry Unit Weight: 107.83 pcf Water Content, % 17.58 25.02 19.21 Project: Apex Peakway Location: Segment AP3 Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: saa Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/05/08 Depth: 0.5-3.0 ft. Test No.: CBR-2 Sample Type: remolded Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: Target Compaction: 100% of maximum dry density (108.0 pcf) at optimum moisture content (17.5%). Tue, 09-DEC-2008 11:47:02 GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-4 Test Date: 12/02/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142739 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, brown silty sand Sample Comment: --- Particle Size Analysis - ASTM D 422-63 (reapproved 2002) r_ r- in = I" O o C in S r? Ln M O O O? O O 1 N C LL c U N a )0 I I 1 I ? 1 1 ao I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 30 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I 1 l 1 1 1 1 70 1 I 1 I I 1 , 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 50 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 i I 50 I i I 1 1 I 1 1 1 -1 I 1 I I I i I 1 1 i I I I I 1 1 I 1 +0 f i I I ? I I I I 1 ? I I 1 I 30 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 l I i I I 70 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I I_ 1 1 I ? 1 I I I 10 1 1 I [ I I 1 I I I I i 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I i I I 1 1 i 1 0 I I I I I 1 , I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 i 1 1 I I 1 1 , I I I I 1 1 I i I i I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I i i I ? I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 i I I , 1 1 I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ? I I I I i 1 1 1 ! I I i I I ? I I I I ? I I I I ? ? 1 I I ? 1 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I i I I I I I 1 I I I I i I I , I I I I I I I I 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size (mm) %Cobble %Gravel %Sand %Silt &Clay Size - 8.2 61.2 30.6 I Sieve Name Sieve Size, mm Percent Finer Spec. Percent Complies 2 in 50.00 100 1.5 in 37.50 99 1 in 25.00 97 0.75 in 19.00 96 0.5 in 12.50 95 0.3751n 9.50 94 #4 4.75 92 #10 2.00 90 #20 0.85 79 #40 0.42 62 #60 0.25 49 #100 0.15 39 #200 0.075 31 printed 12/5/200811:00:45 AM I Coefficients D85 =1.3911 mm D3o =N/A D60 =0.3892 mm D15 =N/A D50 =0.2588 mm Dio =N/A Cu =N/A Cc =N/A Classification ASTM Silty sand (SM) AASHTO Silty Gravel and Sand (A-2-4 (0)) Gaeoes1 express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: ap Sample ID:HA-4 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142735 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, brown silty sand Sample Comment: --- Atterberg Limits - ASTM D 4318-05 Sample Determined to be non-plastic Symbol Sample ID Boring Depth Natural Liquid Plastic Plasticity Liquidity Soil Class119catlon Moisture Limit Limit Index Index Content,% HA-4 --- 0.5-3.0 ft 10 n/a n/a n/a n/a Silty sand (SM) 38% Retained on #40 Sieve Dry Strength: HIGH Dilentancy: RAPID Toughness: n/a The sample was determined to be Non-Plastic nHMP.d 1 Aft 4A StA express a subsidiary of Geocomp corporation Client: Wilbur Smith Associates Project: Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Location: Project No: GTX-8698 Boring ID: --- Sample Type: bucket Tested By: saa Sample ID:HA-4 Test Date: 12/01/08 Checked By: jdt Depth : 0.5-3.0 ft Test Id: 142742 Test Comment: --- Sample Description: Moist, brown silty sand Sample Comment: --- Compaction Report - AASHTO T 99 13 130 u- fl 125 C U1 0 0 120 115 \ , zero air voids line , , C? 0 \ 0 c0frected O , \ uncorrected p \ , , \ \ \ , \ 0 5 10 15 20 25 Water Content, % 110 Data Points Point i Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5' Dry density, pcf 119.8 121.6 123.5 120.1 117.5 Moisture Content, % 6.3 8.2 9.5 11.7 13.4 Method : A Preparation : WET As received Moisture Rammer : Manual Zero voids line based on assumed specific gravity of 2.65 Maximum Dry Density= 123.5 pcf Optimum Moisture= 9.5% Oversize Correction (8.2% > #4 Sieve) Corrected Maximum Dry Density= 126.0 pcf Corrected Optimum Moisture= 9.0% Assumed Average Bulk Specific Gravity = 2.55 printed 12/9/2008 11:23:42 AM GeeTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST REPORT - ASTM D 1883 1000 800 600 n a N U) W D! 400 200 I , I , I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 ? I ? I I , I , I I , I , 1 I , I ? I I , I ? I 1 , I ? I I I I , I I I I ? I I I , I , I 1 , I , I I , I , I I , I I I I , I , I 1 , I , I I , I , I I , I , 1 I , I , I 1 I I - - - - - - - - - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - -,H - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - I , 1 , I I , I , I 1 , I , I I , I ? I I , I I I 1 , I , I I , I , I I , I , I - - - - -I- - - - - - - - _ - - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - - - - I , I , I I , I , I I I , I I , I , I I , I , I I , I , 1 I , I , I I , I , I I , I , I I , I , I I , I , I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -'- _ _ _ _ _ _ I , I , I I I I I I , I , I I , I , I I , I , I I , I , 1 I , 1 , I 1 , I , I I I 1 I I I , I I 1 I , 1 I 1 ? I i I I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 PENETRATION, in Sample Height: 4.58 in California Bearing Ratio Sample Area: 28.274 inA2 at 0.1 in: 12 at 0.3 in: 16 at 0.5 in: 19 Sample Volume: 0.07494 ftA3 at 0.2 in: 15 at 0.4 in: 17 Sample Mass: 4666.3 gm Sample Condition: Soaked Water Content Before Top Average Swell: 1.86 % Tare ID hichory 3230 tired Surcharge: 4536 gm Tare Mass, gm 8.25 8.12 8.3 Void Ratio: 0.32 Mass Tare + Wet Soil, gm 207.94 218.39 319.98 Wet Unit Weight: 137.28 pcf Mass Tare + Dry Soil, gm 191.04 197.37 292.04 Dry Unit Weight: 125.66 pcf Water Content, % 9.25 11.11 9.85 Project: Apex Peakway Location: Segment AP3 Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: saa Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/05/08 Depth: 0.5-3.0 ft. Test No.: CBR-3 Sample Type: remolded Elevation: --- Description: Moist, brown silty sand Remarks: Target Compaction: 100% of maximum dry density (126.0 pcf) at optimum moisture content (9.0%). Tue, 09-DEC-2008 12:05:58 GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Geocomp Corporation Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Test Date: 12/10/09 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Tested By., njh North Carolina Checked By: jdt 8698 Boring ID: --- Sample 1D: HA-1 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 118.9 pcf at 13.0% moisture content Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM 1 Test Comments: Comments: Proctor values provided by client. Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTO T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm. strain? (Y=yes or N=no) Y Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) Y Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness {1} (in.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness t21 (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in Z) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in) 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3546.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Content(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ Wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit NP Plastic Limit NP Plasticity Index NP Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 13.7 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, p/o 11.9 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 118.4 Permanent Strain, % 8.4 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=rlo) NO Triaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fail During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A Page 1 of 4 GeoTesting express a avinirllofy of Geocomp(:orporatian RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT 10° rn 10° a 10` J 0 0 10' W_ 10' J_ (n L Ir 10' 100 10 100 Bulk Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (9) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (7.) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.122 2 1.471 0.0197 19.84 0.15 0.00 884.18 17.729 6.131 4 4.509 0.0785 22.9 0.26 0.00 1630.7 30.515 6.121 6 5.454 0.2114 23.82 0.22 0.00 2239.5 103.27 6.141 8 8.928 0.2621 27.35 0.21 0.00 3961 131.93 6.127 10 12.12 0.2216 30.5 0.21 0.00 5254 78.408 4.118 2 1.227 0.0124 13.58 0.13 0.00 857.56 7.5968 4.117 4 4.604 0.0329 16.96 0.21 0.00 2025.3 21.489 4.13 6 6.092 0.1123 18.48 0.22 0.00 2511.3 40.243 4.136 8 7.125 0.1024 19.53 0.22 0.00 2941.3 40.62 4.127 10 9.544 0.3427 21.93 0.20 0.00 4321 186.45 2.114 2 1.136 0.0131 7.477 0.09 0.00 1188.8 17.009 2.119 4 3.497 0.0488 9.853 0.19 0.00 1711 32.625 2.129 6 6.96 0.0400 13.35 0.23 0.00 2871.9 21.732 2.127 8 8.873 0.1458 15.25 0.19 0.00 4230.1 69.458 2.139 10 10.16 0.1807 16.57 0.22 0.00 4245.6 71.05 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-1 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-1 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 118.9 pcf ® 13% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM1.dot Mr =281.8*B0.744 r = 0.47771 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , ------- I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I , I , I , ? , I I I I I I I I I I , I , I , I , ---------- J - - - - - - L _ _ _ _I_ J J IL - 1 . L - ----------- 1 - - - - - _ L I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I p p I p p? I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I p p ?a 00 I I I I I I -I-QI__I- I -`- ------'----? --?---I-------I I ----- - I -------- I---I --I - I--I--1- 1 I I I I I I I I ?----- 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 , I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I , I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ---------- ?------r----r--?--?--r-r-r-r----------z------ - r----r--Y`-?--r-r-r- I 1 , I , I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I 1 Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:42:49 GeoTesting express asubsic`°"°"'d°"mPGo`por011Ob RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT 10° N 10° Q Z) 104 1 0 0 101 H W 102 J_ V) = 10' 1 D° Mr = 748.37 * Sd 0.722 r = 0.9609 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I ! I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I i I I I I -----___--.I------JL_1-L-L----------1-----_L____I___S__1__L I 1 I I I I I I ! I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I d a I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 ? I l O I? I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I 8 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I ---i------1---- I---?-I- J- I I I --------- I---? --1 - -- ---- Q - -? - I 1 I T- I - ----------- I I I 1 I I I- i- ? I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I 1 I ! 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 ! I I I 1 I 1 ! I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I ----------- I I 1 I I I I ! I I I I 1 I I I I 1 i 1 I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (9e) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (9;} Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.122 2 1.471 0.0197 19.84 0.15 0.00 884.18 17.729 6.131 4 4.509 0.0785 22.9 0.26 0100 1630.7 30.515 6.121 6 5.454 0.2114 23.82 0.22 0.00 2239.5 103.27 6.141 8 8.928 0.2621 27.35 0.21 0.00 3961 131.93 6.127 10 12.12 0.2216 30.5 0.21 0.00 5254 78408 4.118 2 1.227 0.0124 13.58 0.13 0.00 857.56 7.5968 4.117 4 4.604 0.0329 16.96 0.21 0.00 2025.3 21.489 4.13 6 6.092 0.1123 18.48 0.22 0.00 2511.3 40.243 4.136 8 7.125 0.1024 19.53 0.22 0.00 2941.3 40.62 4.127 10 9.544 0.3427 21.93 0.20 0.00 4321 186.45 2.114 2 1.136 0.0131 7.477 0.09 0.00 1188.8 17.009 2.119 4 3.497 0.0488 9.853 0.19 0.00 1711 32.625 2.129 6 6.96 0.0400 13.35 0.23 0.00 2871.9 21.732 2.127 8 8.873 0.1458 15.25 0.19 0.00 4230.1 69.458 2.139 10 10.16 0.1807 16.57 0.22 0.00 4245.6 71.05 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-1 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-1 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 118.9 pcf 0 139 moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RMt.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:43:00 GeoTesting express a suinidiary of(ieocomp CorporoUon RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 392.93 * Pa * (E3/Pa) -0213 * (Sd/Pa) 0.783 r = 0.96722 10° F, 10° CL V)7 10• J 0 103 LLJ 102 _J V) M 101 100 I I I I I , I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I f I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I 1 I I 7 I I , I , I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I _ _ _ _ - - - - - - J - - - _ _ _ L _ _ _ _I_ J _ _ J - - L - 1 _ L _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _ _I_ 1 L _ L _ I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I ' I ?O(h I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I ? i 8 I 0 ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. Q _ _ --- I - ----- I----'---I --i --I--L j ----------- I - ---- I-'-- I I - ------------ Q_ I I t I I I I I I I 1 I- I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I f I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I f I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 ----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I , I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I , I I I I 7 I I I I I I I 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 100 Deviator Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (Psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Bulk Stress (Psi) Mean Resilient Strain W Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.122 2 1.471 0.0197 19.84 0.15 0.00 884.18 17.729 6.131 4 4.509 0.0785 22.9 0.26 0.00 16303 30.515 6.121 6 5.454 0.2114 23.82 0.22 0.00 2239.5 103.27 6.141 8 8.928 0.2621 27.35 0.21 0.00 3961 131.93 6.127 10 12.12 0.2216 30.5 0.21 0.00 5254 78.406 4.118 2 1.227 0.0124 13.58 0.13 0.00 857.56 7.5968 4.117 4 4.604 0.0329 16.96 0.21 0.00 2025.3 21.489 4.13 6 6.092 0.1123 18.48 0.22 0.00 2511.3 40.243 4.136 8 7.125 0.1024 19.53 0.22 0.00 2941.3 40.62 4.127 10 9.544 0.3427 21.93 0.20 0.00 4321 186.45 2.114 2 1.136 0.0131 7.477 0.09 0.00 1188.8 17.009 2.119 4 3.497 0.0488 9.853 0.19 0.00 1711 32.625 2.129 6 6.96 0.0400 13.35 0.23 0.00 2871.9 21.732 2.127 8 8.873 0.1458 15.25 0.19 0.00 4230.1 69.458 2.139 10 10.16 1 0.1807 16.57 0.22 0.00 4245.6 71.05 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-1 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-1 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, dark brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 118.9 pcf 0 13% moisture content File: \\Geocompdb 1 \projects\gtxB698\rm\8698-RM 1, dot Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:43:09 GeoTesting express a subsidiary of GOOcomp Corporation Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 North Carolina 8698 Test Date: 12/10/09 Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Boring ID: --- Sample ID: HA-2 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 100% of Maximum D ry Density (121.0 pcf) at Optimum Moisture Content (10.0%) Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM2 Test Comments: Comments: Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTQ T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm. strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness {1} (In.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness {2} (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in2) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in') 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soll, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3512.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Content(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ Wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit NP Plastic Limit NP Plasticity Index NP Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 10.1 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, % 10.3 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 121.1 Permanent Strain, % 1.2 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=no) NO Triaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fail During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A Page 1 of 4 GeoTesting express e subsid-y of Geocomp Corporation RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr= 1550*80.561 10° a 10° Ln D 10` O cO C Z 103 _LJ J_ V) w 10Z 10' r = 0.92542 I I 1 I ( I I I I I I 1 , I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I , I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 ! I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 , 1 , I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I , I I 1 I I I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 t 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I ___----J__-L-_----I----J---?'--1--1--1'_1--?-------- -(?- J. _--L--L--I--I--I- 1 I I I 1 I I I Q 6p0 ?^??? I I I I I I I I I 1 I 7 L I A ? ? I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I ! 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 4 I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 ----------Z------r----r--?---I--r-r-r-r----------T------r----1---?---I--r-r-r- I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ! 1 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I , 1 { 1 I I ( I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I k I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 10 Bulk Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (Psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.133 2 1.599 0.0284 20 0.02 0.00 9050 227.23 6.134 4 4.488 0.0454 22.89 0.04 0.00 10110 88.218 6.135 6 5.836 0.0144 24.24 0.06 0.00 9046.4 165.58 6.139 8 8.254 0.4023 26.67 0.08 0.00 9208 485.31 6.137 10 11.59 0.1384 30 0.11 0.00 10030 118.43 4.129 2 1.638 0.0387 14.02 0.02 0.00 7962.9 153.31 4.128 4 4.242 0.0063 16.62 0.05 0.00 8659.6 105.51 4.132 6 6.274 0.0401 18.67 0.07 0.00 8064.5 102.71 4.133 8 8.297 0.2437 20.7 0.10 0.00 8033.5 181.43 4.132 10 10.42 0.5394 22.81 0.12 0.01 8347.5 61.307 2.124 2 1.822 0.0095 8.194 0.04 0.00 4661.5 51.574 2.132 4 3.865 0.0722 10.26 0.06 0.00 5721.7 131.1 2.118 6 6.314 0.0742 12.67 0.09 0.00 6247.2 106.12 2.137 8 8.352 0.1923 14.76 0.12 0.00 6518.9 186.29 2.124 10 11.23 0.1143 17.61 0.14 0.00 7309.5 25.542 Project: Apex Peakwoy-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-2 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-2 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 121.0 pcf ® 10% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM2.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:48:06 CeoTesting express a sub.ldwry of Ge-omp Corporation 10° a 10' v 104 O O Z 103 W I _ (11 ? 102 10' RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 6728.3 * Sd 0.0867 r = 0.26941 I I I I 1 ! I I 1 1 { I I I I I I { I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I -4& --_-__-_LL_-L I I I? I X10 I Ir1 I 1 b Q 1 1 1 1 I I I I ? I I DI I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I { 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ----------1------ r----I---l--"r'T-r-j -----..___'T------j ----I---?_-?-'r I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I l 1 I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 { I I I I I I I I I I I ___-_ I I I I I I 1 ____ I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I - I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (Psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Deviator Stress (Psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Bulk Stress (Psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain W Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (Psi) 6.133 2 1.599 0.0284 20 0.02 0.00 9050 227.23 6.134 4 4.488 0.0454 22.89 0.04 0.00 10110 88.218 6.135 6 5.836 0.0144 24.24 0.06 0.00 9046.4 165.58 6.139 8 8.254 0.4023 26.67 0.08 0.00 9208 485.31 6.137 10 11.59 0.1384 30 0.11 0.00 10030 118.43 4.129 2 1.638 0.0387 14.02 0.02 0.00 7962.9 153.31 4.128 4 4.242 0.0063 16.62 0.05 0.00 8659.6 105.51 4.132 6 6.274 0.0401 18.67 0.07 0.00 8064.5 102.71 4.133 8 8.297 0.2437 20.7 0.10 0.00 8033.5 181.43 4.132 10 10.42 0.5394 22.81 0.12 0.01 8347.5 61.307 2.124 2 1.822 0.0095 8.194 0.04 0.00 4661.5 51.574 2.132 4 3.865 0.0722 10.26 0.06 0.00 5721.7 131.1 2.118 6 6.314 0.0742 12.67 0.09 0.00 6247.2 106.12 2.137 8 8.352 0.1923 14.76 0.12 0.00 6518.9 186.29 2.124 10 11.23 0.1143 17.61 0.14 0.00 7309.5 25.542 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested Ely: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-2 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-2 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 121.0 pcf ® 10% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM2.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:48:14 GeoTesting express u subsldlarv of Geocomp eorporuti- RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 421.77 * Pa * (B/Pa) 0.663 * (Sd/Pa) -0.101 10° a 10° 10` 0 O Z 10' I.LI J_ (/1 a 102 lo, 10 Deviator Stress, psi r = 0.96277 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I II' ------- ? --L------1----J 0-1- -1-- -1-J -@--------L------1----'I--'--I ---I--1- 1 I la I "IQ I ? 1 I$0 1 I I I I I I 1 Q 1 I OI I I (? I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I , 1 I I I ?--?--. -r-r- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I , I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I 7 I I , I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I l 1 I I 1 I I 1 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (90) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.133 2 11599 0.0284 20 0.02 0100 9050 227.23 6.134 4 4.488 0.0454 22.89 0.04 0.00 10110 88.218 6.135 6 5.836 0.0144 24.24 0.06 0.00 9046.4 165.58 6.139 8 8.254 0.4023 26.67 0.08 0.00 9208 485.31 6.137 10 11.59 0.1384 30 0.11 0.00 10030 118.43 4.129 2 1.638 0.0387 14.02 0.02 0100 7962.9 153.31 4.128 4 4.242 0.0063 16.62 0.05 0.00 8659.6 105.51 4.132 6 6.274 0.0401 18.67 0.07 0.00 8064.5 102.71 4.133 8 8.297 0.2437 20.7 0.10 0.00 8033.5 181.43 4.132 10 10.42 0.5394 22.81 0.12 0.01 8347.5 61.307 2.124 2 1.822 0.0095 8.194 0.04 0.00 4661.5 51.574 2.132 4 3.865 0.0722 10.26 0.06 0.00 5721.7 131.1 2.118 6 6.314 0.0742 12.67 0.09 0.00 6247.2 106.12 2.137 8 8.352 0.1923 14.76 0.12 0.00 6518.9 186.29 2.124 10 11.23 0.1143 17.61 0.14 0.00 7309.5 25.542 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-2 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-2 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, light brown silty sand with gravel Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 121.0 pcf ® 10% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM2.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:48:22 GeoTesting express Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 North Carolina 8698 Test Date: 12/10/09 Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Boring ID: --- Sample ID: HA-3 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 100% of Maximum D ry Density (105.0 pcf) at Optimum Moisture Content (19.0%) Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM3 Test Comments: Comments: Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTO T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm. strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01. Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness {1} (in.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness {2} (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in2) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in3) 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3297.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Conte nt(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ Wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit 48 Plastic Limit 25 Plasticity Index 23 Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 19.5 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, % 18.9 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 104.7 Permanent Strain, % 0.7 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=no) NO Thaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fall During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A GeoTesting express u.,4-1rory of G--p Corporation RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 8368.8 * B 11'134 r = 0.3959 10° .N CL 105 U1 D J Z) 104 H Z w J 103 W 0_' 101 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I ? I ; I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ] I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I , I --- j---T --I 1 I -j -1-- - --------r------I----1---r--r--I__--I_ I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ---------------- I ----I_ 1 - j_ 1 I ID Q Q_O_??_ I I I -- 1- I 1 I ?i -? --- I I I I I -F -,--j-- I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I °I I I I I I I _--___----_L_----J__-_J___L_I-J-__-____--_L_____L I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 10 100 Bulk Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (Psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (Psi) Mean Resilient Strain (%) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (7.) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 5.131 2 1.577 0.0329 19.97 0.01 0100 11281 591.78 6.131 4 4.524 0.0565 22.92 0.03 0.00 13528 286.35 6.129 6 6.637 0.4270 25.03 0.05 0.00 12615 191.7 6.133 8 8.95 0.1000 27.35 0.06 0.00 13055 464.64 6.133 10 11.74 0.1101 30.13 0.09 0.00 12672 199.16 4.134 2 1.574 0.0225 13.97 0.01 0.00 14468 618.38 4.134 4 4.224 0.0205 16.63 0.03 0.00 15186 96.393 4.134 6 6.27 0.0883 18.67 0.04 0.00 13505 286.91 4.135 8 7.846 0.0789 20.25 0.06 0.00 12059 90.591 4.137 10 10.77 0.7000 23.18 0.08 0.00 11913 581.18 2.106 2 2.455 0.0733 8.773 0.03 0.00 9518.9 244.38 2.145 4 3.975 0.0559 10.41 0.03 0.00 12045 254.56 2.131 6 6.261 0.0189 12.66 0.05 0.00 11907 39.692 2.157 8 8.215 0.0276 14.69 0.07 0.00 11199 54.97 2.162 10 10.28 0.0196 16.77 0.09 0.00 10637 33.594 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By., njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth. 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-3 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: ---- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 19% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdb1\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM3.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:57:10 GeoTesting express uuulreiAiary of Gencompl:orporutian RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 12460 * Sd -0.00812 10` i1 108 V J 0 0 10' Z LAJ J Fn 103 W or_ 102 r = -0.0445 I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I 1 I 1 1 V I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 { I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I- - - - 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I ------------ I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I l I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 Q I I IQQ I Im I r1?1,?1 I 1 I I I i I I I 1 -'{!1-- --- I 1---I-0 r- I -I - I ---------- ------ ? ----I--- - I -? - -? - I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 t I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I i I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I ----------- I I 1 11 IL I I I I I L------1----'?--- --- ?---!- ?------..-'.--L ----- ?---- I I ---L--L - ?--I--I- I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I { I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7.) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.131 2 1.577 0.0329 19.97 0.01 0.00 11281 591.78 6.131 4 4.524 0.0565 22.92 0.03 0.00 13528 286.35 6.129 6 6.637 0.4270 25.03 0.05 0.00 12615 191.7 6.133 8 8.95 0.1000 27.35 0.06 0.00 13055 464.64 6.133 10 11.74 0.1101 30.13 0.09 0100 12672 199.16 4.134 2 1.574 0.0225 13.97 0.01 0.00 14468 618.38 4.134 4 4.224 0.0205 16.63 0.03 0.00 15186 96.393 4.134 6 6.27 0.0883 18.67 0.04 0.00 13505 286.91 4.135 8 7.846 0.0789 20.25 0.06 0.00 12059 90.591 4.137 10 10.77 0.7000 23.18 0.08 0.00 11913 581.18 2.106 2 2.455 0.0733 8.773 0.03 0.00 9518.9 244.38 2.145 4 3.975 0.0559 10.41 0.03 0.00 12045 254.56 2.131 6 6.261 0.0189 12.66 0.05 0.00 11907 39.692 2.157 8 8.215 0.0276 14.69 0.07 0.00 11199 54.97 2.162 10 10.28 0.0196 16.77 0.09 0.00 10637 33.594 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No., GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-3 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 19% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM3.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:57:16 GeoTesting express e lw1millmy of GeocomP GGtPorution RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 760.96 * Pa * (8/Pa) 0-188 * (Sd/Pa) -0.0587 10° a 101 J Q 0 10` Z Ld I U5 101 Ld Ir 102 r = 0.48426 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 -----------? ---_--{ -__ ?---I I 1 I I I I I I I ! I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 k I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I 1 I I ------0 I IQ I 9>- mm I I I -0 ------- i------ I --- I- I I I -- ?-- -- I I I II--I I I _I O I I I I I I I " I I I I I 1 I I T' I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 --___ I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I , I I I I I I [ 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 l 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ( I I I I I I 1 I I I I 7 I I 1 , I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I { I 1 I I I , 10 100 Deviator Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain W Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (7.) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.131 2 1.577 0.0329 19.97 0.01 0.00 11281 591.78 6.131 4 4.524 0.0565 22.92 0.03 0.00 13528 286.35 6.129 6 6.637 0.4270 25.03 0.05 0.00 12615 191.7 6.133 8 8.95 0.1000 27.35 0.06 0.00 13055 464.64 6.133 10 11.74 0.1101 30.13 0.09 0.00 12672 199.16 4.134 2 1.574 0.0225 13.97 0.01 0.00 14468 618.38 4.134 4 4.224 0.0205 16.63 0.03 0.00 15186 96.393 4.134 6 6.27 0.0883 18.67 0.04 0.00 13505 286.91 4.135 8 7.846 0.0789 20.25 0.06 0.00 12059 90.591 4.137 10 10.77 0.7000 23.18 0.08 0.00 11913 581.18 2.106 2 2.455 0.0733 8.773 0.03 0.00 9518.9 244.38 2.145 4 3.975 0.0559 10.41 0.03 0.00 12045 254.56 2.131 6 6.261 0.0189 12.66 0.05 0.00 11907 39.692 2.157 8 8.215 0.0276 14.69 0.07 0.00 11199 54.97 2.162 10 10.28 0.0196 16.77 0.09 0.00 10637 33.594 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/08/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-3 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System 0 - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 19% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM3.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:57:23 GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Goocomp Corporation Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Test Date: 12/10/09 Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 Tested By: njh North Carolina Checked By: jdt 8698 Boring ID: --- Sample ID: HA-3 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 100% of Maximum Dry Density (105.0 pcf) at Optimum + 3% Moisture Content (22.0%) Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM4 Test Comments: Comments: Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTO T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm. strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness {1} (in.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness {2} (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in2) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in 3) 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3380.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Content(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ Wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit 48 Plastic Limit 25 Plasticity index 23 Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 22.5 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, % 22.3 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 104.7 Permanent Strain, % 2.4 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=no) NO Triaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fail During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A Page 1 of 4 GeoTesting express a subs.diary of Gaoomp corporation RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 4171.7 * B 0.117 r=0.1247 10° ?N 105 104 Z W J Fn 105 W 0' 102 I 1 I I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , I I I 1 t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I ------? ------I-------' I I I I I I I I , ----------- ------ 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I ! 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I , I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I 1 ? I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 -I-- I -! ------ -------I--- `-- --1-- -' - ------------------------------tr---- -o-- 1 I I I I I ? 1 I I I , I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 O OQ I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I Ib O O O a b O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L------1----'I---I --L--1-- -----------? ------I---- I---L-- IL ? --I--I--I- I I I 1 t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I 7 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I , 1 I I 1 1 I 1 , I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I 10 100 Bulk Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7.) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (y) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.127 2 1.714 0.0297 20.09 0.02 0.00 9924.3 352.79 6.128 4 4.4 0.0507 22.78 0.04 0.00 9660.3 122.89 6.128 6 6.463 0.1229 24.85 0.09 0.00 6963.3 73.517 6.128 8 8.61 0.0475 26.99 0.13 0.00 5938.8 32.19 6.131 10 10.23 0.0252 28.62 0.16 0.00 5878.6 18.086 4.118 2 1.917 0.0103 14.27 0.02 0.00 9707.9 134.04 4.132 4 3.871 0.0478 16.27 0.07 0.00 5487.7 119.26 4.131 6 5.662 0.0865 18.06 0.11 0.00 4600.5 82.416 4.131 8 7.688 0.1274 20.08 0.16 0.00 4558.2 83.428 4.13 10 9.547 0.1358 21.94 0.19 0.00 4677.4 77.518 2.132 2 1.789 0.0064 8.185 0.02 0.00 8228.3 200.38 2.164 4 3.881 0.0397 10.37 0.08 0.00 4427.2 61.269 2.169 6 5.91 0.0483 12.42 0.14 0.00 3964.6 45.388 2.157 8 7.806 0.0809 14.28 0.18 0.00 4048.9 34.936 2.131 10 9.529 0.0999 15.92 0.20 0.00 4278.2 39.714 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-4 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 229 optimum +3% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM4.dat Wed. 10-DEC-2008 08:59:38 GeoTesting express u suhsidiory of Geocomp Corporation RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 10768 * Sd -0'377 105 CL 105 J D 0 10` Z L1J J (/7 103 W (If 10' r = -0.69874 I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 , I ? 1 ? , ? I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I , 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r- I r--; --,----I--,-----------r------ ,----7---r--r--,--r-,- I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I , I ''-----_L----I I 1 I I Q I I , I ,- 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 _I I 10 I I QI b I I I I I I I I 1 1 SOl.• I ru?f 1 ? 1 ®I I 1 I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I t'{ I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I ! I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I _______--_-L-_____JI_11_ILJ-_____-____ L______L1 I 1 I , 1 1 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I , 1 , I , I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (Psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7.) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (Psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.127 2 1.714 0.0297 20.09 0.02 0.00 9924.3 352.79 6.128 4 4.4 0.0507 22.78 0.04 0.00 9660.3 122.89 6.128 6 6.463 0.1229 24.85 0.09 0.00 6953.3 73.517 6.128 8 8.61 0.0475 26.99 0.13 0.00 5938.8 32.19 6131 10 10.23 0.0252 28.62 0.16 0.00 5878.6 18.086 4.118 2 1.917 0.0103 14.27 0.02 0.00 9707.9 134.04 4.132 4 3.871 0.0478 16.27 0.07 0.00 5487.7 119.26 4.131 6 5.662 0.0865 18.06 0.11 0.00 4600.5 82.416 4.131 8 7.688 0.1274 20.08 0.16 0.00 4558.2 83.428 4.13 10 9.547 0.1358 21.94 0.19 0.00 4677.4 77.518 2.132 2 1.789 0.0054 8.185 0.02 0.00 8228.3 200.38 2.164 4 3.881 0.0397 10.37 0.08 0.00 4427.2 61.269 2.169 6 5.91 0.0483 12.42 0.14 0.00 3964.6 45.388 2.157 8 7.806 0.0809 14.28 0.18 0.00 4048.9 34.936 2.131 10 9.529 0.0999 15.92 0.20 0.00 4278.2 39.714 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: -- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-4 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 22% optimum +3% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM4.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 08:59:44 GeoTesting express a wheidiary of CWmomp Corpor lion RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 195.2 * Pa * (B/Pa) 0.638 * (Sd/Pa) -0.569 10° .N CL 105 U7 J 104 H Z W J F0 103 W 0! 102 r = 0.90662 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I i 1 I I I 1 I I I I I , I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -----------I ------' --- i --- ' I --------- ' I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I V I 1 I I I I I I I _I-____------ I------ i - - _ - I- I I 1 1 1 I 1 I I I 7 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I C I I 01 b I I I I I I 1 I I I I (? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I y( I ? I ®I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I' I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ----------- 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 ? I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I f I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (Psi) Mean Resilient Strain Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (7.) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.127 2 1.714 0.0297 20.09 0.02 0.00 9924.3 352.79 6.128 4 4.4 0.0507 22.78 0.04 0.00 9660.3 122.89 6.128 6 6.463 0.1229 24.85 0.09 0.00 6963.3 73.517 6.128 8 8.61 0.0475 26.99 0.13 0.00 5938.8 32.19 6.131 10 10.23 0.0252 28.62 0.16 0.00 5878.6 18.086 4.118 2 1.917 0.0103 14.27 0.02 0.00 9707.9 134.04 4.132 4 3.871 0.0478 16.27 0.07 0.00 5487.7 119.26 4.131 6 5.662 0.0865 18.06 0.11 0.00 4600.5 82.416 4.131 8 7.688 0.1274 20.08 0.16 0.00 4558.2 83.428 4.13 10 9.547 0.1358 21.94 0.19 0.00 4677.4 77.518 2.132 2 1.789 0.0064 8.185 0.02 0.00 8228.3 200.38 2.164 4 3.881 0.0397 10.37 0.08 0.00 4427.2 61.269 2.169 6 5.91 0.0483 12.42 0.14 0.00 3964.6 45.388 2.157 8 7.805 0.0809 14.28 0.18 0.00 4048.9 34.936 2.131 10 9.529 0.0999 15.92 0.20 0.00 4278.2 39.714 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8598 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-3 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-4 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, reddish yellow clayey sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 105.0 pcf ® 225 optimum +3% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM4.dat wed, 10-DEC-2008 D8:59:51 GeoTesting express a subsidiary of Gaocomp Corporation Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 North Carolina 8698 Test Date: 12/10109 Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Boring ID: --- Sample ID: HA-4 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, brown silty sand Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 100% of Maximum D ry Density (123.5 pcf) at Optimum Moisture Content (9.5%) Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM5 Test Comments: Comments: Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTO T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm. strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness {1) (in.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness {2) (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in2) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in3) 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3569.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Content(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ Wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit NP Plastic Limit NP Plasticity Index NP Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 9.6 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, % 9.5 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 123.6 Permanent Strain, % 1.6 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=no) NO Triaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fail During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A Page 1 of 4 GeoTesting express amltusidiary of Gaocpmp Corporatlpn RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr= 653.23«80.803 107 N 10° d D 10° J 0 101 H _W 103 _J V) W X t 02 10' r = 0.95752 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 _________-.l------ L____---------- 1______ L---- - I___1__1__L I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I t I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 _ _ - _ - _ - - _ I I I I I 1 --------------- 0P (V ------- -- a o s ---- ? I I I 1 I 1 I I a- ooI I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1o o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 Bulk Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (96) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (7.) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.144 2 2.02 0.0503 20.45 0.02 0.00 8966.3 177.45 6.142 4 4.288 0.0840 22.71 0.05 0.00 8653.9 161.22 6.145 6 6.149 0.2506 24.58 0.07 0.00 8461.7 165.63 6.143 8 8.848 0.3830 27.28 0.09 0.01 9129.3 365.21 6.144 10 10.46 0.1304 28.9 0.11 0.00 9019.9 59.627 4.131 2 1.755 0.0229 14.15 0.03 0.00 5274.5 49.182 4.135 4 4.286 0.0620 16.69 0.06 0.00 6250 85.71 4.129 6 7.068 0.2805 19.45 0.09 0.00 7437.3 244.55 4.137 6 9.752 0.1073 22.16 0.11 0.00 8028.9 83.059 4.133 10 11.94 0.0548 24.34 0.14 0.00 8206.8 78.878 2.177 2 1.859 0.0237 8.391 0.04 0.00 4207.7 86.651 2.147 4 4.279 0.0535 10.72 0.10 0.00 3962.4 40.304 2.136 6 5.786 0.0846 12.19 0.12 0.00 4347.5 57.148 2.135 8 7.668 0.2384 14.07 0.14 0.00 5112.1 191.93 2.136 10 10.4 0.2664 16.81 0.16 0.00 6181.7 200.77 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.. RM-5 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf ® 9.5% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdb1\prole cts\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM5.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 09:04:01 GeoTesting express osuhsiAinry nl Gxocomp(:ogiwxlinn RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 4858 * Sd 0.181 r = 0.38543 10' rn 10° CL 10' D 0 0 104 H LLJ 103 J_ U) LLJ = 102. 101 I 1 I I I 1 1 I i I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I ' ' ' ' I I I 1 I I I I I I I , , -----------Y------I-----1^----*----t•---1-----------F------I----"1--- 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 1- -- -- -I -- I- -1 _ I I I I , , , 1 I 1 I I I I I I I , , , , , , , I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I , I I I __________.f L____L_L_ L_ L___- -- 1______L 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I i 1 I I I I 1 ----------- ------ I I---- ? I --Tj----? 610- ------ I---- ?---? --? - ?--'--I- O I I I? I , o O b-- , I I 1 I I I 1 p l I I ? I al I OI I ? ? I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 1 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I ! I I , I 1 I I I I 1 I I I ________-__I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 10 100 Deviator Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain W Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.144 2 2.02 0.0503 20.45 0.02 0.00 8966.3 177.45 6.142 4 4.288 0.0840 22.71 0.05 0.00 8653.9 161.22 6.145 6 6.149 0.2506 24.58 0.07 0.00 8461.7 165.63 6.143 8 8.848 0.3830 27.28 0.09 0.01 9129.3 365.21 6.144 10 10.46 0.1304 28.9 0.11 0.00 9019.9 59.627 4.131 2 1.755 0.0229 14.15 0.03 0.00 5274.5 49.182 4.135 4 4.286 0.0620 16.69 0.06 0.00 6250 85.71 4.129 6 7.068 0.2805 19.45 0.09 0.00 7437.3 244.55 4.137 8 9.752 0.1073 22.16 0.11 0.00 8028.9 83.059 4.133 10 11.94 0.0548 24.34 0.14 0.00 8206.8 78.878 2.177 2 1.859 0.0237 8.391 0.04 0.00 4207.7 86.651 2.147 4 4.279 0.0535 10.72 0.10 0.00 3962.4 40.304 2.136 6 5.786 0.0846 12.19 0.12 0.00 4347.5 57.148 2.135 8 7.668 0.2384 14.07 0.14 0.00 5112.1 191.93 2.136 10, 10.4 0.2664 16.81 0.16 0.00 6181.7 200.77 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Dote: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-5 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist. brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf 0 9.5% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM5.dat Wed. 10-DEC-2008 09:04:08 GeoTesting express e5ubalAi?ry of GeacomO CO[I)Ora[i0? RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT 107 N 10° Q 5 10° J C 10` F- w_ 1 J_ Ln LLJ W 102 10' Mr = 341.16 * Pa * (13/Pa) 0.906 * (Sd/Pa) -0103 r = 0.97443 ? I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I t I I I I I I 1 I I I I ----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I 1 I f I ! 1 I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ---------- J------ L____L-______-__J------ L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 ----------- I I----- I I ! I I I_ _ _ I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I ?- I Iy1 W I ?LTJI? ?------- - _ _ _ _ _ O I I I [ I I OI I I? ! I 1 1 I I I I ? I I I? I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I _ --- I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I l I I I I ! I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I f I I I I I I I I I I ____ ______ _ }_ _ ____-__+_-+-_I--r _I__ _ _ ___-___H_ _ _ ___I_ I___y_ 1 I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I i I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 10 Deviator Stress, psi 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain W Std. Dev. Resilient Strain W Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.144 2 2.02 0.0503 20.45 0.02 0.00 8966.3 177.45 6.142 4 4.288 0.0840 22.71 0.05 0.00 8653.9 161.22 6.145 6 6.149 0.2506 24.58 0.07 0.00 8461.7 165.63 6.143 8 8.848 0.3830 27.28 0.09 0.01 9129.3 365.21 6.144 10 10.46 0.1304 28.9 0.11 0.00 9019.9 59.627 4.131 2 1.755 0.0229 14.15 0.03 0.00 5274.5 49.182 4.135 4 4.286 0.0620 16.69 0.06 0.00 6250 85.71 4.129 6 7.068 0.2805 19.45 0.09 0.00 7437.3 244.55 4.137 8 9.752 0.1073 22.16 0.11 0.00 8028.9 83.059 4.133 10 11.94 0.0548 24.34 0.14 0.00 8206.8 78.878 2.177 2 1.859 0.0237 8.391 0.04 0.00 4207.7 86.651 2.147 4 4.279 0.0535 10.72 0.10 0.00 3962.4 40.304 2.136 6 5.786 0.0846 12.19 0.12 0.00 4347.5 57.148 2.135 8 7.668 0.2384 14.07 0.14 0.00 5112.1 191.93 2.136 10 10.4 0.2664 16.81 0.16 0.00 6181.7 200.77 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-5 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf 0 9.5% optimum moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM5.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2005 09:04:16 GeoTesting express a subsidlary of Goocomp Corporation Client: Project Name: Project Location: GTX #: Wilbur Smith Associates Apex Peakway - Segment AP3 North Carolina 8698 Test Date: 12/10/09 Tested By: nih Checked By: jdt Boring ID: --- Sample 1D: HA-4 Depth, ft. 0.5-3.0 ft. Soil Description: Moist, brown silty sand Sample Preparation: Target Compaction: 100% of Maximum D ry Density (123.5 pcf) at Optimum 3% Moisture Content (12.5%) Material Type: Type 2 Test No.: RM6 Test Comments: Comments: Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soil by AASHTO T 307 Test Information: Preconditioning-Greater than 5% perm, strain? (Y=yes or N=no) N Testing-greater than 5% perm. Strain? (Y=yes or N=no) Y Testing-Number of Load Sequences Completed (0-15) 15 Specimen Information: Diameter @ top of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ middle of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Diameter @ bottom of compacted specimen (in.) 4.01 Average Diameter of specimen (in.) 4.01 Membrane Thickness W (in.) 0.01 Membrane Thickness {2} (in.) 0 Net Diameter (in.) 4.00 Height of Specimen, Cap and Base, (in.) 10.3 Height Cap and Base, (in.) 2.3 Initial Length of Specimen, Lo, (in.) 8.00 Initial Area Cross Section of Specimen, Ao, (in2) 12.54 Initial Volume of Specimen, (Ao)(Lo), (in) 100.4 Soil Specimen Weight --- Initial Weight of Container and Wet Soll, (grams) --- Final Weight of Container and Wet Soil, (grams) --- Weight of Wet Soil Used (grams) 3666.0 Soil Properties: In Situ Moisture Content(Nuclear), % N/A In Situ wet Density (Nuclear), (pcf) N/A Specific Gravity --- Liquid Limit NP Plastic Limit NP Plasticity Index NP Test Specimen Properties: Compaction Moisture Content, % 12.3 Moisture Content after Resilent Modulus Testing, % 1118 Compaction Dry Density rd, pcf 123.9 Permanent Strain, % 6.8 Quick Shear Test N/A Stress-Strain Plot Attached (Y=yes, N=no) NO Triaxial Shear Maximum Strength (Max Load/X-Section Area), psi N/A Specimen Fail During Triaxial Shear? (Y=yes, N=no) N/A Page 1 of 4 GeoTesting express ne?l>yiAwwyn[Grnronq. Cogwrelion RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT Mr = 791.38 * B 0.266 10° a 103 10` 0c L Z 103 W_ J_ N ? 102 101 r = 0.32345 I I I I I I I 1 I I ? I I ? ? ? ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 , 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I _--______-_L______I____J___1__L__I__L _--________! _._-__j ___LL_1_ I 1 1 I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 1 I I I 0 1 ? I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I OI I I 00 010 O??I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 0 ---------- ----4--- ! 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , 1 I I I I I I 1 I i I I I I I 1 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 10 100 Bulk Stress, psi Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (7.) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain Mean Resilient Modulus (Psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (Psi) 6.144 2 0.9642 0.0165 19.4 0.12 0.00 812.25 8.6411 6.144 4 4.28 0.0088 22.71 0.28 0.00 1441.5 8.0541 6.148 6 5.612 0.0653 25.06 0.33 0.00 1866.2 21.494 6.171 8 8.417 0.0841 26.93 0.38 0.00 2045.7 13.101 6.178 10 9.927 0.1279 28.46 0.41 0.00 2217 23.215 4.143 2 1.165 0.0250 13.59 0.06 0.00 1953.2 32.888 4.155 4 3.021 0.0400 15.49 0.25 0.00 1122.9 19.328 4.163 6 6.364 0.0222 18.85 0.34 0.00 1761.2 9.0645 4.171 8 8.773 0.0702 21.29 0.40 0.00 2068 21.549 4.176 10 10.82 0.0981 23.35 0.43 0100 2338.8 24.626 2.133 2 1.25 0.0079 7.65 0.07 0.00 1802.1 20.383 2.142 4 2.467 0.1015 8.892 0.23 0.01 998.22 20.34 2.173 6 5.343 0.1361 11.86 0.31 0.00 1590.5 36.208 2.176 8 8.325 0.0241 14.85 0.38 0.00 2051.9 4.8127 2.148 10 10.85 0.0527 17.29 0.42 0.00 2388.9 18.953 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: M-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-6 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf ® 12.59 optimum *39 moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM6.dat wed. 10-DEC-2008 09:15:12 GeoTesting express e aubaldlery of ueocomo Gorporacon RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT 10° Mr = 1148.9 * Sd 0.255 r = 0.66785 a 10' 104 c? G Z 103 W _J Li 10' 10' 1 I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ! 1 1 I I 11 I 1 I I I I ! I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I t I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I t I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 11 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I , I I I 1 I ! I I 11 I I I I I I 1 I I , I 1 I I I I I 11 I I 1 I I 1 , I I I I I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 ______..LJI_I I_L______J____ IL_IL_L.JI _L1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ( 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I ? I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I ? I I '? I Iml ? I I I I I 1 I I I I I I Aa lv I I 11 1 I I I I I -----------r--T--1--,-?-i rpT------- r-®-T I 1 1 I I I I i I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I , i I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I ------- t - ` -- I-----iI -i1 '1 y1 --- - - - - - - ?I ----1 r--+I --1I --I 1-YI -I 1-tI + ------- { + I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I l I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I i I ; I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I U.I Deviator Stress, psi 10 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain W Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.144 2 0.9642 0.0165 19.4 0.12 0.00 812.25 8.6411 6.144 4 4.28 0.0088 22.71 0.28 0.00 1441.5 8.0541 6.148 6 6.612 0.0653 25.06 0.33 0.00 1866.2 21.494 6.171 8 8.417 0.0841 26.93 0.38 0.00 2045.7 13.101 6.178 10 9.927 0.1279 28.46 0.41 0.00 2217 23.215 4.143 2 1.165 0.0250 13.59 0.06 0.00 1953.2 32.888 4.155 4 3.021 0.0400 15.49 0.25 0.00 1122.9 19.328 4.163 6 5.364 0.0222 18.85 0.34 0.00 1761.2 9.0645 4.171 8 8.773 0.0702 21.29 0.40 0.00 2068 21.549 4.176 10 10.82 0.0981 23.35 0.43 0.00 2338.8 24.626 2.133 2 1.25 0.0079 7.65 0.07 0.00 1802.1 20.383 2.142 4 2.467 0.1015 8.892 0.23 0.01 998.22 20.34 2.173 6 5.343 0.1361 11.86 0.31 0.00 1590.5 36.208 2.176 B 8.325 0.0241 14.85 0.38 0.00 2051.9 4.8127 2.148 10 10.85 0.0527 17.29 0.42 0.00 2388.9 18.953 Project; Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-6 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist. brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf ® 12.57* optimum +3% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM6.dat Wed, 10-DEC-2008 09:15:19 GeoTesting express u subsidiwy of Gsocoagi Corpornliun RESILIENT MODULUS TEST DATA SUMMARY REPORT 10° a 10° V) D 104 c0 L Z 103 W_ J ' ^ V ? 102 10' Mr = 161.18 * Pa * (B/Pa) -0.0824 * (Sd/Pa) 0.277 r = 0.67277 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 11 I { I I I I I I I I I I I 1 l l I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I I V I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I { I I I 1 I I f I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 11 1 I I I I I 11 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 11 I I I f 1 I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I , , I I I i I , I I I I I I 1 I , , I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I ! I I I I I I ! ______- 1LIL JL______ JI _ I_ I_ I-_I 1-1 ___L___{__ lI __-____L_ L IL _ I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 1 , I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I { I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I ? I I I I { I 1 I I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I i?l I I I ! I 1 I I I I I I I I ,0 ,? 1 I I I 1 I 1 I ! I I I -------I----r--T--I--1-?-rr I ------- 1r-®-? I 1 I I I I, Id --7 --,--r -rri i ------- r ---- i ---1--r-T-ri-I- I I I I , I , , I I , I I I I I I I I I I i I I , 1 1 I 1 1 , I I I I I , 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 11 I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I 11 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 11 1 I I I I I -------Y------____- _---r--}_y--1-Y-I-ht------- I I I I I I 1 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ! I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ! I I I I I I I I I 1 I { I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I 11 I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 1 { I 0.1 Deviator Stress, psi 10 100 Confining Stress S3 (psi) Nom. Max. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Deviator Stress (psi) Std. Dev. Deviator Stress (psi) Mean Bulk Stress (psi) Mean Resilient Strain (%) Std. Dev. Resilient Strain (%) Mean Resilient Modulus (psi) Std. Dev. Resilient Modulus (psi) 6.144 2 0.9642 0.0165 19.4 0.12 0.00 812.25 8.6411 6.144 4 4.28 0.0088 22.71 0.28 0.00 1441.5 8.0541 6.148 6 6.612 0.0653 25.06 0.33 0.00 1866.2 21.494 6.171 8 8.417 0.0841 26.93 0.38 0.00 2045.7 13.101 6.178 10 9.927 0.1279 28.46 0.41 0.00 2217 23.215 4.143 2 1.165 0.0250 13.59 0.06 0.00 1953.2 32.888 4.155 4 3.021 0.0400 15.49 0.25 0.00 1122.9 19.328 4.163 6 6.364 0.0222 18.85 0.34 0.00 1761.2 9.0645 4.171 8 8.773 0.0702 21.29 0.40 0.00 2068 21.549 4.176 10 10.82 0.0981 23.35 0.43 0.00 2338.8 24.626 2.133 2 1.25 0.0079 7.65 0.07 0.00 1802.1 20.383 2.142 4 2.467 0.1015 8.892 0.23 0.01 998.22 20.34 2.173 6 5.343 0.1361 11.86 0.31 0.00 1590.5 36.208 2.176 8 8.325 0.0241 14.85 0.38 0.00 2051.9 4.8127 2.148 10 10.85 0.0527 17.29 0.42 0.00 2388.9 18.953 Project: Apex Peakway-Segment AP3 Location: North Carolina Project No.: GTX-8698 Boring No.: --- Tested By: njh Checked By: jdt Sample No.: HA-4 Test Date: 12/09/08 Depth: 0.5-3 ft Test No.: RM-6 Sample Type: compacted Elevation: --- Description: Moist, brown silty sand Remarks: System D - Target Compaction: 123.5 pcf ® 12.5% optimum +3% moisture content File: \\Geocompdbl\projects\gtx8698\rm\8698-RM6.dat Wed. 10-DEC-2008 09:15:25 APPENDIX D Bridge Foundation Analyses (18) Embankent Settlement (6) Slope Stability (4) Culvert Analyses (5) Pavements (8) i?? ENGINEERS SU, PLANNERS 6 GRLWEAP: WAVE EQUATION ANALYSIS OF PILE FOUNDATIONS %%89sN ECONOMISTS APEX PEAKWAY OVER CSX RAILROAD l&q?ii HP12X53 STEEL PILING (Grade 50) END BENT I Wi lburSm j4h RELEVANT BORING s : EB1-A, EB1-B PILE PROFILE - LENGTH = 70 FEET (17 FEET IN FIB Toe Area (in2) 144.00 Pile Type H-PILE Pile Size (inch) 12.000 L b Top Area E-Mod Spec Wt Perim Strength Wave Sp EA/c ft in2 ksi Ib/ft3 ft ksi ft/s k/ft/s 0.0 15.50 30000. 492.0 4.0 0.000 16807. 27.7 70.0 15.50 30000. 492.0 4.0 0.000 16807. 27.7 HAMMER OPTIONS: Hammer File ID No. 41 Hammer Type OE Diesel (D19-42) Stroke Option FxdP-VarS Stroke Convergence Crit. 0.010 Fuel Pump Setting Maximum HAMMER DATA: Ram Weight (kips) 4.00 Maximum Stroke (ft) 11.86 Rated Stroke (ft) 10.81 Maximum Pressure (psi ) 1520.00 Compression Exponent 1.350 Ram Diameter (inch) 12.60 Combustion Delay (s) 0.00200 Ram Length (inch) 129.10 Efficiency 0.80 Actual Pressure (psi) 1520.00 Expansion Exponent 1.250 Ignition Duration (s) 0.00200 HAMMER CUSHION: PILE CUSHION: Cross Sect. Area (in2) 227.00 Cross Sect. Area (in2) 0.0 Elastic-Modulus (ksi) 530.0 Elastic-Modulus (ksi) 0.0 Thickness (inch) 2.00 Thickness (inch) 0.0 Coeff of Restitution 0.8 Coeff of Restitution 1.0 RoundOut (ft) 0.0 RoundOut (ft) 0.0 Stiffness (kips/in) 60155.0 Stiffness (kips/in) 0.0 SOIL RESISTANCE VALUES Shaft End Shaft Toe Shaft Toe Soil Relative Setup Depth Res. Bearing Quake Quake Damping Damping Setup Energy Time ft k/ft2 kips inch inch s/ft s/ft Normlzd ft hrs 0.00 0.30 35.00 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.150 0.000 6.560 0.000 16.00 0.30 35.00 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.150 0.000 6.560 0.000 16.00 0.41 41.77 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 19.00 0.44 41.77 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 19.00 1.13 89.91 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 1.000 6.560 84.000 29.00 1.40 111.99 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 1.000 6.560 84.000 29.00 0.66 50.13 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 38.00 0.77 50.13 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 38.00 0.64 104.43 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 48.00 0.76 104.43 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 48.00 0.83 71.01 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 53.00 0.90 71.01 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 53.00 1.00 75.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 59.50 1.50 100.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 59.50 1.80 100.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 66.00 1.80 125.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 66.00 3.00 180.00 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 70.00 3.00 250.00 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 I END BENT I (p.2) SUMMARY OVER DEPTHS BELOW BOTTOM OF M.S.E. WALL (Hammer at Full Operation) Wilbur Smith Associates Oct 30 2008 Apex Pkwy over CSX RR : End Bent 1 GRLWEAP(TM) Version 2005 Gain/Loss 1 at Shaft and Toe 0.820 / 1.000 Ultimate End Blow Comp. Tension Depth Capacity Friction Bearing Count Stress Stress Stroke ENTHRU ft kips kips kips blows/ft ksi ksi ft kips-ft 3.0 38.6 3.6 35.0 3.5 16.938 -0.526 4.69 21.4 3.0 38.6 3.6 35.0 3.5 16.946 -0.520 4.69 21.4 5.5 41.6 6.6 35.0 3.8 17.374 -0.452 4.76 21.1 8.0 44.6 9.6 35.0 4.1 17.809 -0.379 4.83 20.9 8.0 44.6 9.6 35.0 4.1 17.813 -0.376 4.83 20.9 15.0 53.0 18.0 35.0 5.0 19.040 -0.246 5.03 20.3 22.0 131.8 35.3 96.5 15.9 25.915 -0.950 6.50 17.8 22.0 132.1 35.5 96.6 16.1 25.723 -0.951 6.44 17.5 27.0 164.0 56.4 107.6 21.3 27.132 -1.168 6.86 17.5 32.0 122.9 72.7 50.1 15.5 25.095 -1.166 6.35 17.6 32.0 123.0 72.9 50.1 15.6 25.104 -1.170 6.35 17.6 34.5 129.4 79.3 50.1 16.5 25.333 -1.267 6.42 17.5 37.0 136.1 86.0 50.1 17.3 25.837 -1.132 6.55 17.6 37.0 136.2 86.1 50.1 17.3 25.844 -1.127 6.55 17.6 Driving into 43.5 206.7 102.3 104.4 30.7 27.830 -0.889 7.21 17.4 Fanglomerates 50.0 191.4 120.4 71.0 26.5 27.356 -1.289 7.07 17.0 to Elev +440 to 50.0 191.5 120.5 71.0 26.5 27.353 -1.287 7 08 17 0 . 55.0 220.7 137.9 82.8 31.2 28.057 -0.566 . 7.34 . 17.0 +445 or 4 to 5 58.0 246.0 151.7 94.2 38.5 28.535 -0.684 7.55 17.2 blows per inch. 60 0 264 8 162 9 . . . 101.9 46.0 28.710 -0.654 7.62 17.2 65.0 316.8 195.6 121.2 74.3 29.783 -0.409 8.02 17.7 70.0 495.9 245.9 250.0 4591.2 31.348 -0.168 8.52 18.4 Wilbur Smdh Associates Oct 30 2008 Apex Pkwy over CSX RR : End Bent 1 Gain/Loss 1 at Shaft and Toe 0.820 11000 GRLWEAP(TM) Version 2005 ------- UIL Capacity (kips) ------ • Comp. Stress (ksi) ------- ENTHRU (kips-R) D 200 400 am am 0 10 20 90 40 0 10 20 30 40 K D 1i I I I I I .L 0 100 200 ]00 400 0 Sim Count (biowslft) 10 20 b 40 - Tension (ksi) i U D 4 a 12 is Stroke (ft) "19IM& ENGINEERS KNMi'U11 PLANNERS rGRLWEAP: WAVE EQUATION ANALYSIS OF PILE FOUNDATIONS ttNNIFN ECONOMISTS APEX PEAKWAY OVER CSX RAILROAD 'W??i? HP12X53 STEEL PILING (Grade 50) END BENT 2 Wi l burSm iO RELEVANT BORING(s). EB2-A, EB2-B PILE PROFILE - LENGTH = 70 FEET (22 FEET IN FILL): Toe Area (in2) 144.00 Pile Type H-PILE Pile Size (inch) 12.000 L b Top Area E-Mod Spec Wt Perim Strength Wave Sp EA/c ft in2 ksi Ib/ft3 ft ksi ft/s k/ft/s 0.0 15.50 30000. 492.0 4.0 0.000 16807. 27.7 70.0 15.50 30000. 492.0 4.0 0.000 16807. 27.7 HAMMER OPTIONS: Hammer File ID No. Stroke Option Fuel Pump Setting HAMMER DATA: 41 Hammer Type OE Diesel (D19-42) FxdP-VarS Stroke Convergence Crit. 0.010 Maximum Ram Weight (kips) 4.00 Maximum Stroke (ft) 11.86 Rated Stroke (ft) 10.81 Maximum Pressure (ps i) 1520.00 Compression Exponent 1.350 Ram Diameter (inch) 12.60 Combustion Delay (s) 0.00200 Ram Length (inch) 129.10 Efficiency 0.80 Actual Pressure (psi) 1520.00 Expansion Exponent 1.250 Ignition Duration (s) 0.00200 HAMMER CUSHION: PILE CUSHION: Cross Sect. Area (in2) 227.00 Cross Sect. Area (in2) 0.0 Elastic-Modulus (ksi) 530.0 Elastic-Modulus (ksi) 0.0 Thickness (inch) 2.00 Thickness (inch) 0.0 Coeff of Restitution 0.8 Coeff of Restitution 1.0 RoundOut (ft) 0.0 RoundOut (ft) 0.0 Stiffness (kips/in) 60155.0 Stiffness (k ips/in) 0.0 SOIL RESISTANCE VALUES Shaft End Shaft Toe Shaft Toe Soil Relative Setup Depth Res. Bearing Quake Quake Damping Damping Setup Energy Time ft k/ft2 kips inch inch s/ft s/ft Normlzd ft hrs 0.00 0.30 35.00 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.150 0.000 6.560 0.000 22.00 0.30 35.00 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.150 0.000 6.560 0.000 22.00 0.47 66.83 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 27.00 0.53 66.83 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 27.00 1.03 79.45 0.100 0.200 0.200 0.150 1.000 6.560 84.00 30.00 1.10 84.77 0.100 0.200 0.200 0.150 1.000 6.560 84.00 30.00 0.65 66.83 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 39.00 0.77 66.83 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 39.00 0.65 150.00 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 50.00 0.80 150.00 0.100 0.200 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 50.00 0.78 170.00 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 57.00 0.86 170.00 0.100 0.100 0.050 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 57.00 1.00 175.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 63.50 1.50 200.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 63.50 1.80 200.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 70.00 1.80 200.00 0.100 0.100 0.200 0.150 0.500 6.560 1.000 END BENT 2 (p.2) SUMMARY OVER DEPTHS Wilbur Smith Associates Oct 30 2008 Apex Pkwy over CSX RR : End Bent 2 GRLWEAP(fM) Version 2005 Gain/Loss 1 at Shaft and Toe 0.820 / 1.000 Ultimate End Blow Comp. Tension Depth Capacity Friction Bearing Count Stress Stress Stroke ENTHRU ft kips kips kips blows/ft ksi ksi ft kips-ft 3.0 38.6 3.6 35.0 3.5 16.938 -0.526 4.69 21.4 3.0 38.6 3.6 35.0 3.5 16.946 -0.520 4.69 21.4 5.5 41.6 6.6 35.0 3.8 17.374 -0.452 4.76 21.1 8.0 44.6 9.6 35.0 4.1 17.809 -0.379 4.83 20.9 8.0 44.6 9.6 35.0 4.1 17.813 -0.376 4.83 20.9 15.0 53.0 18.0 35.0 5.0 19.040 -0.246 5.03 20.3 22.0 61.4 26.4 35.0 5.8 20.176 -0.087 5.20 19.8 22.0 93.3 26.4 66.8 10.2 22.889 -1.214 5.80 18.4 27.0 102.3 35.5 66.8 111 23.414 -1.181 5.90 18.2 32.0 117.5 50.7 66.8 13.5 24.329 -1.020 6.16 17.9 32.0 117.6 50.8 66.8 13.5 24.331 -1.018 6.16 17.9 Driving into 34.5 123.8 57.0 66.8 14.4 24.560 -0.979 6.22 17.7 Fanglomerates 37.0 130.4 63.5 66.8 15.2 24.875 -1.135 6.30 17.7 37.0 130.5 63.6 66.8 15.2 24.888 -1.132 6.30 17.6 to Elev. +440 to 43.5 230.2 80.2 150.0 35.2 28.100 -1.520 7.34 18.1 +450 or 4 to 5 50.0 248.0 98.0 150.0 40.0 28.302 -1.436 7.44 18.0 blows per inch. 50.0 268.1 98.1 170.0 41.6 29.093 -2.160 7.70 18.4 60.0 317.6 131.1 186.5 63.1 29.493 -1.348 7.97 18.6 64.0 351.7 151.7 200.0 85.8 29.950 -0.981 8.20 19.0 68.0 377.9 177.9 200.0 116.7 30.366 -0.577 8.32 18.9 Wilbur Sm ith Associates Oct 30 2008 Apex Pkwy over CSX RR : End Bent 2 Gain/Loss 1 at Shaft and Toe 0.820 / 1.000 GRLWEAP(TM) Version 2005 ------- Ult Cap acity (kips) ------- Comp. Stress (ksi) ------- ENTHRU (kips-ft) 0 too 2 00 3 00 400 0 to 21 30 4 0 0 10 2D 30 40 10 ' 10 ' ' 10 20 r r 20 ? -- -? r 20 30 ? 30 i r r , i 30 r r r 40 40 r r i ? ' r t 1 r so t r 70 70 1 70 so so 00 100 t? 0 40 t o 12 0 160 0 10 20 30 4 0 t?0 4 a 12 16 Bbw Co urt (blowsltt ) Tension (ksi) Stroke (ft) Wilbur Smith Associates 10/1/2008 Page 1 of 2 Capacity of Rock Socketed Drilled Shaft AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd Edition, including 2006 Interims, Section INPUT Project := "Apex Peakway Bridge Over CSX RR - Bent 1 - 4.0-ft Rock Socket" FOS := 2.75 Factor of Safety = 2.75 RF := 1 F Dr := 4ft Diameter of ROCK SOCKET RQD := 10 Rock RQD - Boring B1 -A and B1-B Ei := 1.5.106psi Elastic modulus of intact rock, estimated from Table C104.6.5-1 qu := 800psi Uniaxial compressive strength of rock, estimated from Table 4-21 FHWA NHI-06-088 assuming weak to very rock rock following description in boring logs fc := 4500psi Compressive strength of concrete, assumed Etop := 44211 Elevation at top of rock socket qpm := 100ksf Limiting Unit End Bearing Resistance assuming small deformations ANALYSIS ae := linterp(Er,(x,linterp(rgd,Em-Ei_O,RQD)) ae = 0.42 ae parameter, Table pa := 2.12ksf Atmospheric pressure 1 I ( c 57-7 4.23 ks Ultimate unit skin friction resistance qs := mi 0.65•ae•pa. ( 3-u- 0.5 7.8-pa- fe `pa pa10.5 qp := min(2.5•qu,gpm) dl := 2Dr d2:= 4-Dr Br:= dl,dl + 1.Oft..d2 EI(Br) := Etop - Br Qts(Br) := gs7c•Dr•Br Dr2 Qtp := qp'1' 4 Qt(Br) := Qts(Br) + Qtp Qa(Br) := Qt(Br)•RF qp = 100 ks Ultimate unit end bearing resistance Minimum and Maximum length of rock socket Length of rock socket Socket Tip Elevation corresponding to socket length Total ultimate skin friction resistance Total ultimate end bearing resistance Qtp = 1.26 x 103 kip Total ultimate axial resistance Factored Axial Resistance Wilbur Smith Associates 10/1/2008 Page 2 of 2 Project = "Apex Peakway Bridge Over CSX RR - Bent .1 - 4.0-11 Rock Socket" RESULTS - AXIAL RESISTANCE OF ROCK SOCKET Socket Diameter Dr = 4 Factor Of Safety FOS = 2.75 Socket Tip Length of Ultimate Ultimate Allowable Elevation Socket Skin Friction Capacity Capacity El(Br) = Br = Qts(Br) = Qt(Br) = Qa(Br) _ 434 ft 8 ft 425.5 kip 1.68.103 kip 611.68 kip 433 9 478.68 1.74-103 631.03 432 10 531.87 1.79.103 650.37 431 11 585.06 1.84.103 669.71 430 12 638.24 1.89-103 689.05 429 13 691.43 1.95-103 708.39 428 14 744.62 2-103 727.73 427 15 797.81 2.05-103 747.07 426 16 850.99 2.11.103 766.41 8 11 w Allowable Capacity 9 10 v 0 w 12 0 on a a 13 16 14 15 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Allowable Capacity (kips) Wilbur Smith Associates 10/1/2008 Page 1 of 2 Capacity of Rock Socketed Drilled Shaft AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 3rd Edition, including 2006 Interims, Section INPUT Project := "Apex Peakway Bridge Over CSX RR - Bent 2 - 4.0-ft Rock Socket" FOS := 2.75 Factor of Safety = 2.75 RF . I F Dr := 4ft Diameter of ROCK SOCKET RQD := 10 Rock RQD - Boring 132-A and 132-13 Ei := 1.5.106psi Elastic modulus of intact rock, estimated from Table C104.6.5-1 qu := 800psi Uniaxial compressive strength of rock, estimated from Table 4-21 FHWA NHI-06-088 assuming weak to very rock rock following description in boring logs fc := 4500psi Compressive strength of concrete, assumed Etop = 440ft Elevation at top of rock socket qpm := 100ksf Limiting Unit End Bearing Resistance assuming small deformations ANALYSIS ae := linterp(Er,a,linterp(rgd,Em_Ei_O,RQD)) ae = 0.42 ae parameter, Table pa := 2.12ksf Atmospheric pressure gu 0.5 ( qs := mi 0.65•ae•pa•( 7.8-pa. fc c qs = 4.23 ks Ultimate unit skin friction resistance pa pa),*,] qp:= min(2.5•qu,gpm) dl := 2Dr d2:= 4-Dr Br:= dl,dl + 1.0ft..d2 EI(Br) := Etop - Br Qts(Br) := gsn•Dr•Br Dr2 Qtp:= 9P'n' 4 Qt(Br) := Qts(Br) + Qtp Qa(Br) := Qt(Br)•RF qp = 100 ks Ultimate unit end bearing resistance Minimum and Maximum length of rock socket Length of rock socket Socket Tip Elevation corresponding to socket length Total ultimate skin friction resistance Total ultimate end bearing resistance Qtp = 1.26 x 103 kip Total ultimate axial resistance Factored Axial Resistance Wilbur Smith Associates 10/1/2008 Page 2 of 2 Project = "Apex Peakway Bridge Over CSX RR - Bent 2 - 4.0-ft Rock Socket" RESULTS - AXIAL RESISTANCE OF ROCK SOCKET Socket Diameter Dr = 4 f Factor Of Safety FOS = 2.75 Socket Tip Length of Ultimate Ultimate Allowable Elevation Socket Skin Friction Capacity Capacity El(Br) = Br = Qts(Br) = Qt(Br) = Qa(Br) _ 432 ft 8 ft 425.5 kip 1.68.103 kip 611.68 kip 431 9 478.68 1.74.103 631.03 430 10 531.87 1.79.103 650.37 429 11 585.06 1.84-103 669.71 428 12 638.24 1.89-103 689.05 427 13 691.43 1.95-103 708.39 426 14 744.62 2.103 727.73 425 15 797.81 2.05.103 747.07 424 16 850.99 2.11 10 3 766.41 8 Allowable Capacity 9 10 11 w N x v 0 w 12 0 4-1 on v a 13 14 15 16' ' 600 625 650 675 700 725 750 775 800 Allowable Capacity (kips) SUBJECT APEX PEAKWAY JOB NO. SH -OFx.c.rrru ." BRIDGE ON APEX PEAKWAY BY PRH DATE 10-08-08 Wilbur Smith Associates OVER C S X RAIL ROAD CH. DATE 10-09-68 FREE BODY DIAGRAM - GLOBAL COOR SYS BENT 'p1&'t2 EL 502.85' BENT ='1 & '12 EL 476.10' r ELEVATION JQ ?X Z REVISED POINT OF FIXITY 465.0 END ELEVATION l UP STATION Z X r TYPICAL INTERIOR BENT #1 &=12 UNFACTORED SERVICE LOADS (kip & kip-ft) CASE Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz a -22 -483 +11 -100 -372 b +14 -609 -10 -338 +229 c +14 -603 +17 -80 +232 NO I E' LOADS SHOWN ABOVE ARE APPLICABLE AT INTERIOR BENTS t;1 &4t2 +Fy BENT #'i & #2 +Fy +Mz1 +Fx +Fz F +Mx CG OF CAP 0 0 O N N O Cl) $ Lr) M rr CL 4) 0 O LO V O Lf) In O CO Lr) O O r LO O 00 Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Free Head Lateral Deflection (in) -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 v Case AL a Case BL * Case CL Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Free Head Bending Moment (in-kips) -9000 -8000 -7000 -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 0 0 0 N LO N O co F lf) M r Q d O LO O O co O O LO o v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Free Head Shear Force (kips) -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 o 0 to O N LO N O M F LO ? M r+ Q d O It u') Nr O LO U) O O co O U) N 0 00 v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - TRANSVERSE Lateral Deflection (in) -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 LO 0 \ 'IN LO 0 N LO N O M F Lr) CO a.+ O 't LO O LO LO O LO O O LO 0 00 v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL -4000 0 LO 0 LO O N LO N O co LO M rr Q W 0 O LO O LO LO LO O co LO O O Ln 0 00 Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - TRANSVERSE Bending Moment (in-kips) -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL -30 0 LO 0 LO O N LO N O M F LC) M Q W O LO O LO LO LO O O LO O O LO 0 00 Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - TRANSVERSE Shear Force (kips) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 v Case AL * Case BL o Case CL O Lr) O O N L0 N O M Lo Cl) Q- O LO O V) Lr) O O to O O L0 O 00 Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Partial Fixity Lateral Deflection (in) -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Partial Fixity Bending Moment (in-kips) -6000 -5000 -4000 -3000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0 0 0 N LO N O co F M M r+ Q d 0 O 'IT u') O Ln LO O co LO co O 1 u7 0 00 v Case AL o Case BL * Case CL Apex Peakway over CSX RR - 4.0-ft Drilled Shaft - LONGITUDINAL - Partial Fixity Shear Force (kips) -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 L0 O 0 N ui N O Cl) F U-) = M Q 0 O LO O LO V) LO O co LO O O LO t- o 00 v Case AL c3 Case BL Case CL Zz s 3ZZ +J Wad W ` OR /ob ?f\? o W Q D M IL Q z w m LU W M p W Y ? o U W Q Z V Y ? O0 O d ° a Q a x Q CL N 3om C d ? d m c o ? O d o0 E 00 Y C Lu LL c 0 CL _ L r r c ?co N X CD a) d C c a) 0 0 Co Co 0-0 c C z U > U a O 0 U w .c L Cl) U) co 'Saco CL II II n u II O d _ Y m d U z o rn l O O N O O Ln q ql L ? ? ? O N O) d J c cr, ?.E ? ? ? COO 0 w tt: W $ N Lo C,4 CM x c O Q 1*4 o m Cil co (n `m U co to J d ? N M V m co r-- J CO N Cn Cfl ul 0 0 0 0 0 0 a M O M N r,- ' O x o 0 o N O M C o - 0 O Q o o 0 C> 0 V 0 Lo 0 LO 0 ? 0 LO 0 In 0 In N N N N O O M Cfl V ~ Z 4 4 o6 c N M O ? ? O O CO CO co O) O N O LO O t0 r ?- M Cfl h O Z C x O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 CO LO O N Q M M M a0 CO M Y O o O o O o O o h rn 0 rn C) 0 N! Cb N 00 O Cn 00 00 Cn N N I- ti M CN M It - O a r N It 0) 00 ?- ?- N Cn M O x d O N M Co ti J c O CL a 4 O CL Ix O ?c 2 ?c V r II Q 7¢Z Z=1 "E: W1 ONE ti < Ho% -0 , W Q p M CL Q H 2 m W Ch p W Y to o U W Q Z V Y v co ? O Lu 10 a T- x •- u a p am ev} Q3pm c m ? d U cn o? O c d ob E cc Y c W U= c 0 a _ L r r c ? J l1 f0 N X d m c c 0 O O N .>'. U 0 C CCU U U > m E0 U c c Cu (n ? U U) 'E II II II II II O a - Ya.4Uz o rn O o O O O ° N d N LO N CO M L a J w c O O CD LO w LO LO N "T Lo O N 2 c 0 a 3 N U J N J 2 V d p cn U ? ? J Cn L U V J U LV m N M In CO J ? M N O N O ? = LO 0 N 0 Cfl 0 O 0 M 0 p a $ m o ? O UO M O o O o M 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 6 C) o CO o (fl ?n r- o It ° N O O O ) o 1 ° Lri o 0 N N M N ? > ? N o0 ur) ° C:) m z N - r r, a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 rl_ 0 - Q o o 0 0 0n rn M M M M N N Y 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o m Cn r- Cn o 0 N O Oo oo 00 00 O o 00 CV Lo O ? N cM C0 o0 CO _ N a V- N qt LO O O0 O LV R N M I In 0 ti J c co O N m as m Q d c z O Q W z O CA H N Q -? p U J c- O Lr) 0) z O U W f/) m N U c E oo U U c II O 0 O o C a 0 c c Lq a o d ? c + 0 0 d s a (n O , U O -x c c 0 U = N ca U U + L V Q U) ? (6 L V c 00 = J OR 4 U 04 J H O H L W Q O M IL Q Z W } M W (? n LOW W U w Q Z U mo 4 a ago W U) a 3 O m d n N N O m y voi a ? c L C N V N L ? O T C O co U Z 0 ° + o c m oU ? 3 n cn o ;? m o io N C ? O N p O ° O O - V ? ° r T N _ 0 O o U U E n n 2 0 m c oa m w `m a _T f0 T rn ? N U ? x a o C y O C a c 0 ? C O rn .N N O hi O ° w n E E LL o d U ? II n II n o m a o 1 0 0 0 0 0 d m J C L ?. o N ? w 3 ? n 2 0 .a U O T l0 J J U d O J ? N M O In O n J Q M ? a Q Q Q Q Q O rn Z Z Z Z Z z c 8 ? ? a a a a a a_ Cra ry Z # Z # Z # Z # Z # z # ? o E C co N ' Q Q Q Q Q \ Q ? 0 z Z z Z z Z z Z Z z 0 0 0 0 0 0 J 0 F 0 N a Q Q Q Q U z z z z z O # It It # # U N U ? Q Q Q Q Q U ?? z z z z z 0 # # # # # a r.+ f4 N U J In J o n n 0 cl) 0 0 0 0 0 v o N O) o O 0 O 0 O o O 0 O Cn 0 0 0 0 0 U M m - Z a 0 m o 0 0 0 0 N Y ? 0 y o o o o o 0 0 () N 7 V a0 V a0 ? a0 V a0 V a0 V a0 n 0 0 0 0 0 L N M Lo (O n J m jo W C, ?z U w m ?O (a) w 0 x S O U c U w Z?m-2 00 - ~ C II g z a LL, F dtgj?0 CL o w O m w L ?Ztp LL O w Z c E Q Z W O O.c F aOia FUaa o Q CO o 2 W W d N O W LL Q E0? Z Z m Z co 4) -U.2 ok0Z 0 0 + w cl) K m F O O CO) S ¢ d o Q o cn cn E2 Z a ~ U A) w Z Q ?q Eww m U ¢ J E d w w a? E Q 0 yw F-dOZ O Q O :CO: w w w ? FIGURE 11 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS BENEATH THE END OF A FILL DISTANCE FROM MID POINT OF 2.Ob 1.5b 1.Ob 0.5b END SLOPE 0_5e 0b 1.5b Ob 0.2b 0.4b H 1.0 w 0.5 IL 0 1.0 0.5 0 1.0 0.5 W O.6b U- H 0.8b y1 m 1.Ob 1.2b 0 1.6b 2.Ob 1.5b 1.0b 0.5b MID POINT 0.5b 1.0b 1.5b 2.Ob OF END SLOPE Cass of Long ftip LInlform Loading Vertical Pressures at End of Fill r i A I I ------_T..?_ _ CHART I b I LEGENDY PRESSURE UNDER CENTER LINE s 1 ?- PRESSURE UNDER Mid Point of Side Slope a •me-• Lo- A VERTICAL PRESSURE -p-AT ANY POINT a K ph WHERE h $ FILL HEIGHT rf $ UNIT WE I GHT OF FILL _1h MATERIAL i SECTION A•A b b = DISTANCE FROM It TO PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS MID•PONT OF SLOPE h BENEATH THE END OF A FILL 165 C? FIGURE 12 CORRECTING SPT (N) BLOW COUNTS N 10 s a F 7 ---?- :? : - - -- - - y y 7 -- : - 4 4 2 1.0 6 - - - . 5 - . .3 - 2 . I I , 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 P0 (Psf} Where:'•N' = Corrected SPT Blow Count Reference: Based on 1967, Bazaraa, The Use of N = SPT value Standard Penetration Test for Estimating Po= Existing effective vertical overburden pressure Settlement of Shallow Foundation on Sand. •• = Suggested Maximum Value 169 FIGURE 13 BEARING CAPACITY INDEX (C') VALUES FOR GRANULAR SOILS 300 250 V W 200 2 Q 150 a U CD Z OC a 100 w m so 0 0 C? ro ' , ? ro a ? o .O . C ! 0 u ? c a ? ro 01 - -01 -00 Cr= 1 + eo Cc 20 40 60 80 100 CORRECTED SPT VALUE (N')* *N'-SPrIN) Value Corrected for Overburden Pressure. Reference: Hough, "Compressibility as a Basis for Soil Bearing Value" ASCE 1959 170 4 A i p b a N Mi M ?, o M i ?I Q 0 N tr ? o -o n -° s _U-i N -dw -° 0 - N 1 - \ -LQ i `J L4 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 AJ O N O to 0 Ln O Lo 0 to O to o to o to O Lo O N O to O Ln O L) C) N to r ON tor- O N LO r O N N r- O N to r O N Lo r O N N N N M M M M m Q' V' v' to to N -MIT, U) ( ?J 'V LO _O to - N - O - to J? V ,--f-T- 7TH1 > > : 1 CJZb Ut o h o ?. a 0 a 37t i- L 0 C J g ?v 0 -' t4 + 00 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O (D 0 0 C >C) 0 0 0 0 0 1! O to O to O to O M 0 io O 0 0 to 0 0 0 tfl O N O to O to O U0Nto r- C) N Lo f- O N to[- O N N r O N N r O N to rO tza O O O O .--1 rl ri .--I N N N N M M M M c c a' V' N N l0 J A N W ? N aC'' O _LO v _0 '?) O J A "? M M d1 /,? M N O N lk?-) 3: 0.111 14 + O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O o O o 0 C )CD Co CDC) (DO (D O LF) O to 0 Ul O LO O to O uN O to O N O N O to 0 10 O to 0 SON tnt- O N to c- ON to r- ON tnr- ON tnr- ON ter- O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O N N N N M M M M m c v? c t.f) t.f) u7 to ? a 11 N T 099 009 059 009 0 _o _o _o O 0 _o -o LO O -0 N 7 -?t V ?h C - N -? _ V O = N ^^ O J? - q I}I I i ? ?I 0 F 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +'(D Lr)0to 0 0Lo (DLo OU-) OMONONC)0(DL CDn0 O U O N to r O N Lo r O N un r O N N [- O N o [- O N N I- o O EO O O O N N M M M M rn vc,Q' N N N lp N N JJ 0 W U) +?'? /L9 ____095. Ob5 OZ5 005 086 j-?? -a _C ON? BEARING CAPACITY OF SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS Meyerhof Method Date December 15, 2008 Identification Bearing Capacity Estimate - Culvert at 20+32 INPUT Units of Measurement Foundation Information Shape B= D= Soil Information C= Y= Dw = E SI or E CO SQ, Cl, CO, or RE 2ft 10.00 ft 5 ft law 0 Ib/ft^2 29 deg 120 Ib/ft^3 0 ft (Assumed) Factor of Safety F= 3 Meyerhof Computations Chtz Meyerhof Results Bearing Capacity q ult = 8,283 Ib1ft"2 q a = 2,761 Ib1ft"2 &.4,Wf AMQ 0 Unit conversion 1000 Nc= 27.86 YW= 62.4 Sc = 1.12 ? (radians) 0.50615 dc = 1.85 W foofioy 15000 Nq = 16.44 y conc 150 sq = 1.06 dq = 1.42 N r = 13.24 s,= 1.06 d 1.42 y' = 57.6 Kp = 2.88206 B/L = 0.2 D/B = 2.5 6 Z[)' = 288 Usr F-0-1 Cv l vim'' 1,(--f ter- ¢ 2 eov" -2- ?rrs?? l?,uc..?s Z ZR i ZZ zoo i_+, /OR ci /0 a or N -0, , W a M a a Z W ? m w ? or- w w ? o U w aZ Y v CD O d a ° Q w a a m? Q 3 D m w c V O E yd O y+ O 00 y N Q ?a3 Uv~iLL c 0 a c co m J LL (6 vi x a) a) ... a c L CD aa) rn >, 15 -0 CD U- Z U- 0 c U > U ?p m? =3 y c U)i N co II ?I II II n o a - - a_ z O VJ ui 12 0 O 0 ms- d 't -,t M N M M m V' 0 0 0 d J o C) V) co d W r r U-) CO $ ? N CO o. V d J 3 0 ? t_.' vi 4) L J J L d • - N co Cn Co I- J M O Cfl 0 0 O = f? 0 ? 0 lf) 0 M 0 O 0 O 0 S 4 0 $ O LO ? N It o M 0 O 0 O 0 o = O o 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V LO rn cco (Ofl M In Lq 00 0 0 0 Z N m t N 0 0 0 N N N ao ? M m N IL 0 0 O co 0 0 0 Q N N O C) O O O Il- Y o o rn ao 0 0 N o ? ? lp 10 (0 N N Lo 'o m m ? co co M w p a 0) Cn I,- _ 't (N - OC) 0 0 O L r- N co ? U7 co rl- J J H O H O IL IL d O IL Cm O C ?c U I Q ZL? i 3Z 4-J 00 IlJ a M a Q z w 2 M m W 0 w w o V w Q Z U Y v 00 ? O W O a L r Q a r 0 W Q d N < to C V d E vs ? O r O DO _ N + oo (D N Q C?yLL C_ O CL C2 G _ L r ? c+ ? J ll cu ai vi x ?. a C c o c o N U U .0 O U cu 7 L m LL o? C LpZ U > o U O O C) ? .c L _ L o co U a n 11 n n u o d - - Y d d U Z o N L W N d d ,t 't M N M (Y) w 't O O O a`J •r c ° O O W LO $ q9t N 00 x c r Q ? J U ? o U ? J J L d N M qt Lo O I` J ? M M 0p O O O = r? o ?- 0 Ln 0 M c O 0 O o o0 4 O O t N o 0 0 ?- M o 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q o O o O O O 0 V LD ' O ? o - - - I U ) rn ao co 1 . l M LO Lq 0 o 0 0 Z N 00 d' N o 0 0 N N It N co co M M N Z a O O O O ? ?° o o Q N N O O op Lo Y o o rn rn O O In 0 Lo co co 0 0 a N ? M M co M co M M O a `? V N ? a0 O O O 2 L d ?0 N M q to O I- --j J Q O a a 4 O a O C V r Q tea: zzo -? Ev o<Z 4-J Wow E u t ?ORN fl rr w Q O M a Q H z w W M 0 W ? Y to o V W Q Z U Y ? °O 0 N W O a L?Q ago W Q G) Qom (D c V ? O 4) q d L r 00 N + co V Q ? Q Uv~iLL U U c m N M N U N J J c 0 Q _ L r r ? J LL N m a) (n x -oa d C L c c a? o o m ° Co LL °o ° c Leo z U > m U m U ° N c m cn?aio ?amU n u u u u o a - - Y 0- d U Z O U) U) 0 O 0 i N d d N N 0 0 N M O 0 0 O (L E 'd ° am o 0 0 ° LO L W N LO (O 0O C O Q. .? J V 30 3 o 30 (1) Q (D S- (n J U g CO R U J U) L d N M 1- Ln O ti J I? M ti 0 0 = U) 0 (O 0 (D 0 ?- 0 O 0 O 0 O 4 0 ?+ 00 M Ln Cfl 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD It M °? ° O O O Z N N 6 6 6 > m M O r O r 00 0 Z a o °O 0 0 Q N N r- 0 Y O o O O M rn OO oo O o N _° ? O O O M O M O M Cfl M I cr) 00 0 LO LO LO a w N Ln O O? O O O 2 L d O N M u) (O f- J C O a a Q O a Q! O is U n 2 4 r sir ?Zn Way •? y /:a1 ? a' ilia M o 00 0 w Q O M a Q z w w M o w w in O V ' T w Q z U Y v 00 ? O W O a L Q a? w Q QCO) om CO ? U (D E O) ? o o ++ v CO N co 00 C-4 Z G7 '? Q U N LL C_ O CL G _ L c J L.L (6 cQ X ?. c A) ? Co j 0 LL 0 -0 c Co 0 z U a) o U 'a U L (n (? N L a) co - a m U a u u n n n O d - - Y d d U z o v, a C) 00 0 0 N NL d N N M N LO "t Cfl O O O O a ? J C = O CD O W LO L 0 0 N U-) Cfl CO x 0 O ? 2 -? U 3 0 75 0 G m L fn J U ? g ? cn U cn a J Cl) L N M ct Ln Co r-- J C ti M - N 0 0 0 LO CD r` O . O . 00 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 $ m 'It m In m to o o 0 o 0 o 0 x o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U Lp 0 LO 0 - - - l ti a? r 0 0 0 0 Z ? N ? N O O O r m M 0 0 O 0 z IL C) O 0 O 00 CAD 0 0 Q N N N Y 0 0 0 0 0 r` Crn o N O (o O CO M CD M - CD M . CD C7 . O ? CY) Cl) n U ) U ) U ) ' N LO CD O) O O O x L d O ?- N M It LO CD ti J O a a 4 O a O it 2 is V II x Q 1993 AASHTO Pavement Design DARWin Pavement Design and Analysis System A Proprietary AASHTOWare Computer Software Product Flexible Structural Design Module Apex Peakway Flexible Pavement Design Flexible Structural Design 18-kip ESALs Over Initial Performance Period 3,070,220 Initial Serviceability 4.2 Terminal Serviceability 2.5 Reliability Level 95% Overall Standard Deviation 0.45 Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus 6,499 psi Stage Construction 1 Calculated Design Structural Number 4.63 in Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus Roadbed Resilient Period Description Modulus (psi) 1 Fall 7,500 2 Winter 12,500 3 Spring 4,500 4 Summer 7,500 Calculated Effective Modulus 6,499 psi Simple ESAL Calculation Performance Period (years) 20 Two-Way Traffic (ADT) - Number of Lanes in Design Direction - Percent of All Trucks in Design Lane - % Percent Trucks in Design Direction - % Percent Heavy Trucks (of ADT) FHWA Class 5 or Greater - % Average Initial Truck Factor (ESALs/truck) - Annual Truck Factor Growth Rate - % Annual Truck Volume Growth Rate - % Growth Simple Total Calculated Cumulative ESALs - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Rigorous ESAL Calculation Page I Performance Period (years) Two-Way Traffic (ADT) Number of Lanes in Design Direction Percent of All Trucks in Design Lane Percent Trucks in Design Direction Percent Annual 20 Average Initial Annual % Truck Factor Growth in Vehicle of % (ESALs/ Truck Class ADT Growth Truck Factor Total - - - - Growth Simple Total Calculated Cumulative ESALs - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Specified Layer Design Accumulated 18-kip ESALs over Performance Period Struct Drain Coe£ Coef. Thickness Width Calculated Laver Material Description Ai NO Di in (ft,) SN in 1 NCDOT- Type S9.5C Surface 0.44 1 1.5 - 0.66 2 NCDOT- Type I19.OC Intermediate 0.44 1 3 - 1.32 3 Aggregate Base -- crushed stone 0.14 1 12 - 1.68 4 Lime Treated Subgrade 0.125 1 8 - 1.00 Total - - - 24.50 - 4.66 Layered Thickness Design Thickness precision Actual Struct Drain Spec Min Elastic Calculated Coef. Coef. Thickness Thickness Modulus Width Thickness Calculated Layer Material Description (Ai,) (Mi) Di in Di in si f ft) in SN in Total - - - - - - - - - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Page 2 1993 AASHTO Pavement Design DARWin Pavement Design and Analysis System A Proprietary AASHTOWare Computer Software Product Flexible Structural Design Module Apex Peakway Flexible Pavement Design Flexible Structural Design 18-kip ESALs Over Initial Performance Period 3,070,220 Initial Serviceability 4.2 Terminal Serviceability 2.5 Reliability Level 95% Overall Standard Deviation 0.45 Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus 6,499 psi Stage Construction 1 Calculated Design Structural Number 4.63 in Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus Roadbed Resilient Period Description Modulus (psi) 1 Fall 7,500 2 Winter 12,500 3 Spring 4,500 4 Summer 7,500 Calculated Effective Modulus 6,499 psi Simple ESAL Calculation Performance Period (years) 20 Two-Way Traffic (ADT) - Number of Lanes in Design Direction - Percent of All Trucks in Design Lane - % Percent Trucks in Design Direction - % Percent Heavy Trucks (of ADT) FHWA Class 5 or Greater - % Average Initial Truck Factor (ESALs/truck) - Annual Truck Factor Growth Rate - % Annual Truck Volume Growth Rate - % Growth Simple Total Calculated Cumulative ESALs - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Rigorous ESAL Calculation Page 1 Performance Period (years) Two-Way Traffic (ADT) Number of Lanes in Design Direction Percent of All Trucks in Design Lane Percent Trucks in Design Direction Percent 20 Average Initial Annual % Annual Truck Factor Growth in Vehicle of % (ESALs/ Truck Class ADT Growth Truck Factor Total - - - - Growth Simple Total Calculated Cumulative ESALs - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Specified Layer Design Accumulated 18-kip ESALs over Performance Period Struct Drain Coef. Coe£ Thickness Width Calculated Layer Material Description (Ai) Mi Di in (ft) SN in I NCDOT- Type S9.5C Surface 0.44 1 1.5 - 0.66 2 NCDOT- Type I19.OC Intermediate 0.44 1 2.5 - 1.10 3 NCDOT- Type B25.OC Base 0.3 1 4 - 1.20 4 Aggregate Base -- crushed stone 0.14 1 12 - 1.68 Total - - - 20.00 - 4.64 Layered Thickness Design Thickness precision Actual Struct Drain Spec Min Elastic Calculated Coe£ Coe£ Thickness Thickness Modulus Width Thickness Calculated Layer Material Description Ai ? Di in Di in si in SN in Total - - - - - - - - - *Note: This value is not represented by the inputs or an error occurred in calculation. Page 2 r ENGINEERS Pavement Design Calculations PLANNERS s*JrJWw ECONOMISTS NCDOT Interim Design Procedure (April, 2000 including the Nov. 2007 modifications Wilbur5mith Prepared by: JD Date: 12/16/2008 r ` 5 Checked by: Page: 1 of: 2 Project : Apex Peakway from North Salem Street to New Dover Road TRAFFIC DATA Initial Year: 2011 Projection Year: 2030 Initial Year ADT: 12,000 Proj. Yr. ADT: 18,000 % DUALS: 8 % TTST: 4 Growth (%): 2.1 DESIGN PARAMETERS Construction Year: 2011 Des. Life (Years): 20 Constr. Year ADT: 12,000 20 YEAR ADT= 18,388 DIR %: 60 TERM. SI: 2.5 LANES/DIRECT: 2 LANE DIST: 0.9 Rural/Urban: U Freeway/Other: O DUAL FACT.: 0.25 TTST FACT: 0.8 DAILY 18K: TTST Trucks Per Day Trucks Per Year Years Total TTST ESALs 420 ADDITIONAL 18K: 0 TOTAL 18K: 3,070,220 ADDITIONAL ESAL CALCULATIONS** 0 0 20 0 0 Duals Trucks Per Day 0 Trucks Per Year 0 Years 20 Total Dual 0 ESALs 0 ** (Useful if you expect additional trucks to enter the system that are not accounted for in traffic counts, but for which you can obtain an estimate of the additional trucks per day generated by the facility. For instance, a new quarry or distribution center would dramaticallv increase the ESAL count) Design CBR 8 Soil Support Value, SSV = 5.32*log (CBR)-1.49 = 3.31 Initial Serviceability 4.2 Terminal Serviceability: 2.5 Regional Factor (R): 1.0 (Wake County) Flexible Pavement Design Equation: [Wt18t8oxNJ,>= (?.36 Log (SN+1) - 0.2 + [Log ((4.2-Pt)/2.7)] / [0.4+ (1094 / (SN+1)'-" ))] +Log(1/R)+ 0.372 * ((SSV-3.0) V1 V2 SN value on the following line and change that value until V1=V2 on the two lines below that Structural Number, SN 4.5 (change (SN) until V 1 = V2) V1 = 6.49 V2 = 6.49 ENGINEERS PLANNERS Pavement Design Calculations (????? --eCONOMI5T5 ????ir NCDOT Interim Design Procedure (April, 2000) including the Nov. 2007 modifications WilburSmith Prepared by: JD Date: 12/16, A S S o C I A r IP s Checked by: CEB Page: 2 Of: Project : Apex Peakway from North Salem Street to New Dover Road (Conversion of Structural Number to Thickness m 0 U a? U (0 U m m m E o ?U c a? 0 m U 0 <U m m a? O Applicable Material ESAL Range (millions) Rate (psy) Unit Weight (lbs/sy-in Thick. (in.) New asphalt Layer Coefficient SN SF 9.5A < 0.3 110 0.44 S 9.513 0.3 to <3.0 112 0.44 S 9.5C 3.0 to 30 170 112 1.5 0.44 0.67 S12.5C 3 to 30 112 0.44 S12.51D Over 30 112 0.44 SUBTOTAL 0.67 119.013 < 3.0 114 0.44 119.0C 3.0 to 30 340 114 3.0 0.44 1.31 119.01) Over 30 114 0.44 SUBTOTAL 1.31 B25.OB < 3.0 114 0.3 B25.OC Over 3 114 0.3 1337.5C Over 3 114 0.3 SUBTOTAL Material Rate (psy) Unit Weight Thick. (in.) Layer Coefficient SN Permeable AC Drainage Layer PADL 0.14 Aggregate Base Course ABC 12.00 0.14 1.68 Cement Treated ABC CTABC 0.23 Cracked and Seated Concrete 0.28 Rubblized Concrete 0.28 8-inch Lime Stabilized Sub grade Y 1.00 1.00 7-inch Cement Stabilized Sub grade 1.00 SUBTOTAL 2.68 TOTAL SN 4.66 TARGET SN 4.50 Apex Pkwy PAvement Calaculations12-08-lime Pagelof1 Y r ;;?; : PNANERS Pavement Design Calculations s .?w ECONOMISTS NCDOT Interim Design Procedure (April, 2000) including the Nov. 2007 modifications Wilbur5mith Prepared by: JD Date: 12/16/2008 A 5 5 0 C I A T E 5 Checked by: Page: 1 Of: 2 Project : Apex Peakway from North Salem Street to New Dover Road TRAFFIC DATA Initial Year: 2011 Projection Year: 2030 Initial Year ADT: 12,000 Proj. Yr. ADT: 18,000 % DUALS: 8 % TTST: 4 Growth 2.1 DESIGN PARAMETERS Construction Year: 2011 Des. Life (Years): 20 Constr. Year ADT: 12,000 20 YEAR ADT= 18,388 DIR %: 60 TERM. SI: 2.5 LANES/DIRECT: 2 LANE DIST: 0.9 Rural/Urban: U Freeway/Other: O DUAL FACT.: 0.25 TTST FACT: 0.8 ADDITIONAL 18K: 0 DAILY 18K: 420 TOTAL 18K: 3,070,220 ADDITIONAL ESAL CALCULATIONS** TTST Duals Trucks Per Day 0 Trucks Per Day 0 Trucks Per Year 0 Trucks Per Year 0 Years 20 Years 20 Total TTST 0 Total Dual 0 ESALs 0 ESALs 0 ** (Useful if you expect additional trucks to enter the system that are not accounted for in traffic counts, but for which you can obtain an estimate of the additional trucks per day generated by the facility. For instance, a new quarry or distribution center would dramatically increase the ESAL count) Structural Number Calculations Design CBR 8 Soil Support Value, SSV = 5.32*log (CBR)-1.49 = 3.31 Initial Serviceability 4.2 Terminal Serviceability: 2.5 Regional Factor (R): 1.0 (Wake County) Flexible Pavement Design Equation: 1WH800"J)1? \ 6 Log (SN+1) - 0.2 + [Log ((4.2-Pt)/2.7)] / [0.4+ (1094 / (SN+1) 5'19 ))] +Log(1/R)+ 0.372 * ((SSV-3.0) V1 V2 SN value on the following line and change that value until V1=V2 on the two lines below that Structural Number, SN 4.5 (change (SN) until VI = V2) V1 = 6.49 V2 = 6.49 ENGINEERS ili PLANNERS Pavement Design CalcCNi ulations L J&2ff/JF ECONOMISTS 'M'qFii NCDOT Interim Design Procedure (April, 2000) including the Nov. 2007 modifications Wi I bu rS m i t h Prepared by : JD Date: 12/16/2008 A S S 0 c i A !E s Checked by: CEB Page: 2 of: 2 Project : Apex Peakway from North Salem Street to New Dover Road (Conversion of Structural Number to Thickness 0 U 0 U U) m m m o y N ?5 E o ?U c m 0 M ` m CO U 0 QU m m O Applicable Material ESAL Range (millions) Rate (psy) Unit Weight (lbs/sy-in Thick. (in.) New asphalt Layer Coefficient SN SF 9.5A < 0.3 110 0.44 S 9.56 0.3 to <3.0 112 0.44 S 9.5C 3.0 to 30 170 112 1.5 0.44 0.67 S12.5C 3 to 30 112 0.44 S12.51D Over 30 112 0.44 SUBTOTAL 0.67 119.06 < 3.0 114 0.44 119.0C 3.0 to 30 280 114 2.5 0.44 1.08 119.OD Over 30 114 0.44 SUBTOTAL 1.08 625.06 < 3.0 114 0.3 B25.OC Over 3 460 114 4.0 0.3 1.21 B37.5C Over 3 114 0.3 SUBTOTAL 1.21 Material Rate (psy) Unit Weight Thick. (in.) Layer Coefficient SN Permeable AC Drainage Layer PADL 0.14 Aggregate Base Course ABC 12.00 0.14 1.68 Cement Treated ABC CTABC 0.23 Cracked and Seated Concrete 0.28 Rubblized Concrete 0.28 8-inch Lime Stabilized Sub grade 1.00 7-inch Cement Stabilized Sub grade 1.00 SUBTOTAL 1.68 TOTAL SN 4.64 TARGET SN 4.50 Apex Pkwy PAvement Calaculationsl2-08 Pagel oft