HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170239 Ver 2_Approval Letter_20180524Environmental QUQi(ry May 24, ?018 Mr. Philip S. Harris, III, P.E_ CPM Natural Environment Section Head Project Development and Environmental Analysis North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina, 27699-IS98 ROY COOPER t;,����•���,,,�� MICHAEL S. REGAN se crt�nn, � LINDA CULPEPPER Im¢rIm 1)Irei �ur Subject: �01 Water Qualih� Cer[iGcation Pursuant to Section J01 of the Federal Clean Water Act with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS for Ihc proposed relocation of NC I 19 from Intcrstate a0/8> to north of SR 191A (Mrs. Whi[e Lane) in Mebane (Mebane Rypass), .4lamance Counh�; Federal Aid Project Na STP-I19(t); TIP 1i-31119A&B. NCDWR Project Na 20170239 r.2 Dear Mr. Harris: Attached hereto is a modification of Certifica[ion No. WQ0041 I I issued to The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) datzd March 2d, 2017. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerel , � �lc��(—�'� � �/j L' da Culpepper, Interim Director /�y ` ' Division of Water Resources �/ Electronic copy only distribu[ion: Dave Dailey, US Army Corps of Engineers, Ralei�h Field Office Jerry Parker. Division 7 Environmental Officer Carla Da�_nino, NC Department of Transportation Garv Jordan. US Fish and W ildlife Service Travis Wilson. NC Wildlife Resources Commission Beth hlarmon, Division of Miligation Services April Norton. NC Division of Water Resources File Copy ��"Nothing Compares =.�. Slalt ofNorth Carohnu I �:nv�rnnmental Qualiry I n 17 Mail Sercire Crnmr I R�lei �h_ Nnrth Camhna'_7fi�N1- I fi I� ROY COOPER r,,,�, �,,,�� MICHAEL S. REGAN �, u���i�,n Enviroiznientc�i LINDA CULPEPPER QuAGty Din"„�i nn.., ,., Modification [o the J01 Water Qualil� Certificatinn Punu�nt to Section a01 of Ihe Federal Clean Water Act wi[h ADDI"fIONAL COnDITIONti THIS Cf RTIFICATION is issued in con�ixmiq wiih the requiremcnts of Section 401 Public Laws 9?-j00 and 9j- ? 17 uf Ihe United St�ies and subject to thc Nonh Carolina Division of Water Rewurces (NCDWR) Ra,ulations in I� NCAC ?H .Oi00. This certiticatiun authori�es the NCDOT to impac[ 0.39 acres ISection A) and 0.37 acrc� (Section B) ofjurisdictiunal wetlands: and, i,387 linear Fee� (Sectiun A) and 7;7 linear feet (Section B) ofjurisdictional streams; and 0.3? acres of open water impacts in Alamance Cuimt�-. The prqjec� sh�ll be consvucted pursuan� to [he application da[ed Mati d. ?018. The authorized impacts are as described below: Stream Im acts in [he Ca c Fear River Basin for U-3109.4 Permanen[ Fill in I Temporar� Permanent Slream Temporarv Fill Perennial S[ream Fill in Fill in To�al �mpacts in Perennial S[ream Site Stream linear ftJ Intermitten[ Intcrmittent ������� Requiring (linear ft.) Fill ��nk Stream Strenm (��near ft.) Mi[igation Stabilization (lincar fL) (linear ft.) (linear R.) I 16 117 - - '3� 368 - 2 - - - 17 ;a8 365 - 3 10 320 - - - 330 i20 5 - - - 16 - 16 - 6 - - - ;5 357 �9? - 7 53 �01 63 - - 616 564 7a - - - '0 IS 38 - 8a 19 363 - - - 48� 463 8b �I 82 - - - I03 - 10 �5 396 - - - 421 396 IOa - 74 - - - 74 - II 25 270 - - - �95 270 12b 7 105 - - - 113 - I'_c 13 - - - - 13 - 13 'I 183 - - - '0�1 183 14 19 - - - - 19 - I5 44 447 - - - 491 4�37 16 32 494 - - - 536 �94 17 - - 3i - - 3i 35* 18 45 123 69 - - �36 191 '� �a 3-'7 - - - 3>I 337 Totals 373 3,901 167 88 8gg 5,387 3,690 votr. `Slrcam ai Srtc I� u tha ,.�ma Arwm m S�ciwn IS I]i�c U ul �chich unpact, I.�II tutalctl) �zcezd mui�a[iun [hrcshnlJ,. Total Siream Impact for Project: �,387 lincar fect. �%'Noth�ng Compares"-: SLnc ul' North Carolina', Em unnmanal Iluahh I nl7 !vlail tian'ict Cen4r i R:J, eh. 4unh Curnhn.i'_7644-I nl � Environmen(ul QUQ�It}� ROY COOPER Gorvrnnr MICHAEL S. REGAN �. �,�� au,� LINDA CULPEPPER lrrrtrim llir.�Yur- Wetland Im acts in the Ca e Fcar River Basin Ri arian) U-3109A Fill F��� Excavation Mechanized Hand Clearing To[al WeUand Site (temporary) (ac) a�� (ac) Gearing(ac) (ac) Impact(ac) 9 <0.01 - - 0.01 - <0.03 13 0.08 - - - - 0.08 1?a 0.03 - - - - 0.03 13 0.07 - - 0.01 - 0.08 19 0.05 - - 0.01 - 0.06 20 0.05 - 0.0? 0.06 - 0.13 Totals 0.28 - 0.02 0.09 - 0.39 Si[e 4 13 Total 1 otal wetlenu Impact tor YroJec[: U.3v ecres. Water (Ponds) Im acts in fhe Ca e Fear River 13asin for U-3109A Permanent Fill in Open Temporary Fill in Open To[al Fill in Open Waters Waters ac) Waters (ac) ac) 0. I 0 - 0.0 I 0.13 - 0.13 0.09 - 0.09 0.32 - 0.32 Total Open Water Impac[ for Project: 0.32 acres. Final Stream Im acts in the Ca e Fear River Basin for U-31096 Temporary Permanent Fill in Permanenf Fill in Temporary Stream Fill in Perennial Strcam Intermittent Stream Fill in Total �mpacts Site Perennial (�inear fL) (linear fl.) In[crmittent S�ream Strcam Impact k�9uiring Strcam Fill Sta6ilization Fill Stabilization Mitigation Qinear fL) (lincar ft.) (linear ftJ ��inear ft.) 1 50 120 78 - - - �d8 - � - - Z� - - - �? - 3 - - - 268 42 20 330 - 4-� - - - I?7 - 10 137 - Totals 50 120 100 395 a2 30 737 - i o[ai �[ream �mpact �or rro�ect: is i unear �eet. Environirien tul Quali[y Site Totals ROY COOPER r„�,�� �,�,,,� NtICHAEL S. REGAN s, � , : r,,��� LINDA CULPEPPER �,«„„�, n�,,�,,,, Final Wetland Im acts in the Ca e Fear Ricer B�sin Riparian) 1�-31096 _ Fill F��� E�car�ation Mechanized Hand Clearing To[al Wetland (ac) (Cemporary) (ac) Qetiring (ac) (ac) Impuct (ac) (ac) 0.01 - <0.01 0.01 - 0.0? 0.06 - 0.01 O.OI - 0.08 0. I 7 _ <::0.0 I 0.0'_ - 0.30 0.23 - <0.01 O.Od - 0.27 Total Wetland Impact for Projech 0.27 acres. The applica�ion provides adeyuate assurance that the discharge of fill ma�erial into the waters uf the Cape Fzar River Basin in conjunction with the proposed devzlopmeni will not result in a violation of applicable Water Quality Standards and dischar,e guidelines. -I'hereti�re, thc S�at� of North Carolina certifies that this activity will not violate Uie applicable portions of Sections ;01. _02, 30 �. 305. +07 of PL 92-500 and PL 99-_' 17 iF conducted in accordance �cith the application and conditions hereinafler set fonh. This approv�l is only valid for the purpose and desi;n Ihat you submitted in your moditied application dated and mceived May -1, ?018. All thz authorized activities and conditions of cenitication associated with the original Water Qualin� Cenitication dated March ?�1, ?OI7 still apph� escept where superseded by this certitication. Should your prqject chanee, you are required lu notifl� the NCDWR and submit a nzw application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be �iven a cop} of this Ccrtification and approval letrer, and is thereb}� responsible for complying widi all the conditions. Ifany addi[ional we[land impacts, or stream impacts. for [his project (now or in the future) exczed one acre or 300 linear feet. respeaively, addi[ional compensatory mitieation may be reyuired as described in I�A NCAC 2f-I A506 (h) (61 and (7). For diis approval to remain valid. you are reyuired to complc with all the conditions listed below. In addition, you should ohtain all other federal, state or local perniits before proceeding a�ith your project includinu (birt not limited lo) Sedimen� and Grosion cuntrol, Coastal Swrmwarer, Non-discharge and W'ater Supph� wa[ershed regulations. This Certificatiun shall e�pire on thz same day as thr e�piration date uf the corresponding Corps of Engineers Permit. En vironm en fu I QUQII t}� Condition(s) of Certification: ROY COOPER r,�,���•��,,,,�� MICHAEL S. REGAN ���r,�� i����r LINDA CULPEPPER Lrl.'r'�m l)irih9ur This modification is applicable only �o the addi�ional proposed activities. AII the authorized activities and condi[ions ofcertitication associated wi[h the original Wa[er Quality Cenification dated March?d, 2017 still applq escept where superseded by this certitication. 3. NCDO"T shall design, cons[ruct. and operate and maintain four (4) hazardous spill catch basins (HSCBs) adjacent to streams that drain to the water supply critical areas ( WS CA) oF Forest Lake and Graham-Mebane Reservoir. The HSCBs shall be located as shown in Ihe Table below. 161+93-L-RT 179*6&L-RT ;?+55-y?0-LT Locations of Hazardous S ill Ca[ch Basins. Coordina[es 36.1028 -79.39d6 36.1058 -79.3901 36.I084 -79?838 36.1018 -79.39�2 Surface Water Back Creek l3ack Creek UT to Mill Creek 3. Unless otherwisc approved in this certification. placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and streams, shall be placed below [he elevation of the streambed b}� one foot for all culcerts witli a diamzter greater than a8 inches, and 30 percent of lhe cidven diameter for culverts havin, a diameter less than d8 inches. to allow luw tlow passage of wat'er and ayuatic life. Desi�m and placement of culverts and other structures includin, temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may res'ult in dis-eyuilibrium ol wetlands or s[reambeds or banks, adjacent lo or upsvzam and downstream of [he above strucWres. The applicant is required tu provide evidence that the equilibrium is bein, maintained if reyuested in writin, by the NCDWR. If this wndition is unable �o be ine[ due to bedrock or other limiting features encuuntered durin�z consvuction, please cnntact the NCDWR for !,uidance on how to proceed and [o de[erniine if a permi� moditication will be required. [I�A NCAC 02H.0�06�b)(3)] 4. For sites where multiple pipes or barrels will be utilized, thcy shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible includin, pipes- or barrels at flood plain elevation and'or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widenine at the inlet or oudet end of structures typicall}� decreases wa�er velocih� causim_ sediment deposition that requires incre�sed main[enance and disrup[s aquatic life passage. � 15A NCAC 0?H.0506(b)�?)� 5. Riprap shall not be placed in the active [halweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passa�e. Biocn�inecrin� boulders or structures should be properl}� designed, sized and installed. [ I�A NCAC 02H.0�06(b)(2)� 6. For segmen[s of streams being impacted due to si[e dewaterin, activities, [he si[e shall be ;raded to its preconstruction eontours and revegetated with appropriate native species. [I SA NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3)� Z The stream chamiel shall bz escavated no deeper than the namral bed material of the stream, to the maximum exten� practicable. Efforts must be made to minimize impacts [o the sveam banks, as well as [o vegeta�ion responsible lor maintaining [he stream bank stability. Any riparian impacts for acccss to the stream channel shall be temporarv and be mvegeta[ed widi native riparian species. [ 15A NCAC 0?H.0506(b)(?)] 8. NCDOT shall comply with NPDES Permit NCS000?i0 issued to the NCDOT, includino the applicable requirements of General Permit for Cons[ruction Ac[ivities - NCG010000. Please nore [he extra protections for sensitive watersheds where applicable. � , Environaientul Quality ROYCOOPER � ,,,� . „z, �, MICHAEL 5. REGAN �.� � ,�� �i„��i LINDA CULPEPPER m�,�, ���� � �,,,, ;,,, Erosion control measures that NCDOT� emplo�s in areas �hat drain to sireains classified as High-Qualit}� Waiers �HQW). Water Supply fw'S-II) orare lisled for turbidity� on �he 301d Final 303(d) List uf Impaired Waters tor North Carolina. shall be baszd on Design S[andards in Sensitive W'atersheds ( I Sq NCAC dB.01'_d�a�-jc�) OJ)-.Sr7e.S�reum Lli�iguliun I Q Compensaton mitigation for �.690 linear feet (Section A) and 38U linear feet (Section B) of impact to streams is rzquirad. N'e understand that you have chosen [o perR�nn compensatory miti;ation for impacts to streams through the North Carolina Division o� Mitigalion Service fDMS) Itormerly NCEEPI, and that the DMS has a�reed to implement the mitigatiun fur the project. The DMS hns indic;�teJ in a letter dated Febniarv 16. ?017 that the� will assume responsibiliry for saiisfying die federal Clean Water Act compensa[i�rv mitigation requirements fix the above-referenced project. in accordance wi�h the DMS Miti,aiion Bankin, Instrumenl signed Julg�?8, 3010. Phue'ed Prujecls [I�.d :VC.IC 01H. 0�06lhIJ I I. When f inal design plans are completed tbr U-3109 Section B, a mudif ication ro Ihe �01 Water Quali[�� Certitication and >hall be s'ubmitted wi�h fiive copies and fees to the NC Di�ision of 1b'ater Resources. Final designs shall reflect all appropriate avoidance, minimization. and miti�ation tiir impacts tu wetlands. streams. and other sivface �s�aters. No construction aciivities that impact any wzdands, streams. surface H�aters locatrd in U-3109 Section B shall be,in until afterthe pennittee applies for, and receives a wrinen moditicatiun ofthz d01 Water Qualit} Cenillcatiun from the NC Division ol Water Resources. Gencral Conditions L 1-he Penni[tee shall repon any violations of [his cettitication ro dic Division ot Wa�er Resources within ?1 hours ofdiscoverg�. [I>A NG4C 02E3.0506(b)(2)� ?. If concretz is used durin�� construc�ion. a dn work area shall bz maintained ro prevent direct contact bet�veen curin, concrete and stream wnter. bVater thxt inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be dischar�ed ro surface �eaters due to the potential tor ele�ated pH and pocsihlr ayuatic life and tish kills. [ I�A NCAC 0?B.0�00� 3. During the construction of the prqject. no stagine of equipmem of an} kind is pennitted in µaters of the US., or riparian areas. ( I iA NCAC 0'_I-1.0506(b)(?)� -l. �ihc dimension, pattern �nd pro�ile of the stream above and belo�+� tlte crossin� shall iwt be modified. Disturbed fluodplains and streams shnll be re5�ored to na[ural �eomurphic cundi�ione. [I?A NCAC 0_'H.0�0G�6)(2)J i. l�he use of rip-rap above �he Normal High-Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip-rap plactd for sVeam stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in s�ich a manner tha� it does not impede aqua[ic lite passaee. � 15A NCAC 0?H.0?06(b1(3)J 6. The Perniittee shall ensure that the tinal desi:n dra�cin_s adhere �o the permit and tu tht pennit draH�ings submi[ted for approvaL �I SA NCAC 02H .05071c� and I SA NCAC 03h1 .0�06 (b)1'_) and fcl(_')� 7. All �iork in ur adjacent to stream waten shall be conducted in a dn work area. Approved 6MP measures from the most current �ersion of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbaes, rock benns, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in ilowing �aater. [I>A NCAC D2H.Oi06�b)(3) �nd (c)(3)� 8. Heavy eyuipment shall be operated from Ihe banks rathcr than in [he s[ream channel in order to minimize sedimenta�ion and reduce thz introduction of other pollutanls intu the stream. [ I�A NCAC D2H.05p6�b)(= )] 9. All m�chanited eyuipment operated near surface waters must be reeularly inspected and inaiNained to pre�ent contamination of stmam walers from fuels, lubrican[s. Irydraulic Fluids, or other tosic malerials. [I�A NCAC 0?H.Oi06(b)(3)� Environmen ral Qualrty ROY COOPER u�,� . � ,,,,� MICHAEL S. REGAN ,1: rrrmr� � LINDA CULPEPPF,R lrpi rrm l lqyClnr 10. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel excep[ where authorir_ed by this certification. �15A NCAC 03H.0�06(b)�3)J I I. Discharging h}�droseed mixtures and washing out h}'droseeders and uther equipment in ur adjacent to surf�ace waters is prohibited [I SA NCAC 03H.0�06(b)(3)� 13. The permit�ee and its authorized agents shall conduc� its activi[ies in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requiremen[s resultine From compliance with §303�d) of fhe Clean Warer Act) and any other appropria[e reyuiremcnts of Stare and Pederal law. If the NCDW R determincs that such standards or laws are not bein, met (including fhe failure to sus[ain a designated or achieved usc) or thal State or federal law is beins viola[ed, or that further conditions are necessan� tu assure compliance, the NCDWR ma�� reevaluate and modify this certitica[ion. [ I iA NCAC 026.0'_00] 13. AII fill slopes located in jurisdic[ional weNands shall be placed �t slopes no Flatter than 3:1, unless odierwise authorized by this certitication. [ I SA NCAC 0?FL0�06(b)(3)] Id. A copy of Ihis Wa[cr Quality� Certifica[ion shall be maimained on tlie construction site always. In addi�ion, the Water Quality Ccrtitication and all subsequent mudifications. ifany, shall be maintaincd with the Division En�ineer and the on-site project mana,er. [I>A NCAC 03H .0�07(c) and I i� NCAC 02H .0?06 (b)�3) and (c)(3)] li. 1-he ou[side buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the consVuctiun corridor approved by [his au[horization shall be clearly marked by hi��hly visible lencin� prior [o any land disturbin�� activities. Impac[s to areas within the fencin� are prohibited unless otherwise awhorized by this certitication. � ISA NCAC 02H.0501 and .0>0_'] 16. The issuance of this certification does nut exempt the Permittee from complyin, with al I statirtes, rules, regulations. or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, s[atz, and federal) havin,jurisdiction, including but not limited tu applicable buffer rules, stormwater management rulzs. soil erosion and sedimentation con[rol requirements, etc. 17. Upon completion of the project (including any impacts at associated borro�ti� or waste sites). the NCDOT Division Engineer (or appointee) shall complete and return the enclused "Certification of Completion Ponn" to notify the NCDWR when all work included in [he 401 Cenitication has been completed. [15A NG4C 02H.0�0'_(1)� 18. Native riparian vegetation must be mestablished in the riparian areas within the construction limits of the project by the end of the erowing szason followine completion of cons[ruction. � I 5n NCAC 02H.�06(B)(3)J 19. There shall be no excavatiun from, or waste disposal into, jurisdic�ional wedands or waters associated with this permi[ wi[houl appropriate modification. Should waste or borrow sites, or access roads to waste or borrow si[es, be in wetlands or streams, compcnsa[ory mitigation will be required since [hat is a direct impac[ from road construction activities. [ I iA NCAC 03H.0�06�b)13) and (c)(3)] 20. Erosion and sediment control practices musi be in full compliance with all specitica�iuns govemin, the proper desi�n. installation and operation and mainrenance of such Best Mana,ement Prac�ices to protect surface waters standards [15A NCAC 0_'H.Oi06(b)(3) and (c)(3)1: a. The erosiun and sediment control measures for the project must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with lhe most recent version of the Nur7h Carolinn Sedinre�v a��d Ern.sion ('ur7n•nl Pl�mieing a�ad Design ,Adcrnual. Environnten ta! Quality b. � ROY COOPER r,,,�����,�,��� MICHAEL S. REGAN \;�, �r¢n�i LINDA CIiLPEPPER i��<<, �,�� n,,,, �,,, The desi�_n. installation. opention. and maintenance of the sediment and erosion control measures must be such that the}' eyual. or e.�ceed, the requirzments specilied in the most rccent version of the ;Vordz Curu(i�io Sedinrenr und 6ro.ciou Cunirnl Munual. T�he devices shall br maintained on all consvuction sites, borrow sites. and waete pile Ispoil) projecls, includin, cun�ractor-owned or Izased borrow pits associated with the project. For burruw pit sites, the erosiun anJ sediment tontrol measures must be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the must recenl vers'ion of the ;Vord� C'�n•ulinu Sau�/uce .Lli�trng 1lunuul. The reclamation measums and impleoien[ation must comply wilh [he reclamation in accordance w�ith the requiremen[s of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 21. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or waters unless otherw ise approved by this Cenification. �I>A NCAC 0?H.0>06(b)(3) and fc1f3)� Violations of am condition herein s'et tbrth ma}� result in revocation uf this Certification and may result in criminal and.'or civil penalties. -1'his Certification shall become null and vuid unless the above conditions are made condi[ions of tlie Federal -104 and'or Coastal Area Management Act Permit. This Ceniticatiun shall expire upon the espiratiun of the a04 or CAMA permit. Ifyou wish to contest any statement in the attached Certiticatiun �ou mwt file a petitiun for ao administrative hearing. You may obtain [he petition form from Ihe uttice of Adininisvative hearings. You mus[ file the pe[ition �vith the ofTice of Administrative Fiearin,� within sirry �60) days of rec�ip� of ihis notice. A petition is considered tiled when i[ is received in thc oftice of Administrative Hearings during norm�l oftice huurs. Thc Oftice ul Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday ihrou�h Friday benveen the hours of 8:OQam and �:OOpm. exeept for otlieial state holidn�s. The ori�inal and one ( I) copy of the petition must be filed �vith Ihe OYlice of Adininistrative Hearines. The p�tition ma� be fa�ed-provided the original and one copy� of the document is received by the Oftice ot Administrative Hearings within tive (5� business day, ti�llo�vin� thz fa�zd �ransmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administra�ive Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 671J Mail Service Crn[er Ralei�h. NC 27699-671a l�elephone: (919) �31-3000, 1=acsimile: (919) d; I-� 100 A cop}� of the petition must also be served on UEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane. (�eneral Counsel Depanmeni uf Environmental Quality I G01 Mail Service Cenrer This letter completrs the review of the Division of Water Resuurces under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questiuns. please contac[ April Norton a� (919) 707-91 I I or A�ril.Norton�,rt ncdenr. ��. I he 2d^' dav of Mav 2018 DIVISION OF WA"iER RFSOURCES W'QC No. W'Q0041 I I Linda Culpepper. Inlerim Director En vrronm en ta I QUR�Ity NCUWR Projec[ No.: Applicant: Project Name: Date of Issuanre of 401 Water Quality CertiPcation: _ County: ROY COOPER t;,,� r, �,<,� MICHAEL S. REGAN tidirr�<u�r LINDA CULPEPPER l�nrriin UIr.°rmr Certifice[e of Campletion Upon completion of all ti�urk approved within the 401 Water Quality Certitication or applicable I�utler Rules, and any subsequen[ moditications, the applicant is required ro return this certifica[e [o [he 401 Transporta[ion Permittin, Unit, North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 1617 Mail Service Centec Raleigh, NC, 27699-1617. This form may be returned to NCDWR by the applicant, the applicant's authurized agent, or the project engineer. It is not necessarv to send certihcates from all of [hese. 9pplrcmrt's Cerlifrcn7ioi� I, , hemby s[ate [hat, [o the besi of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that thz consVuction was observed to be buil[ within substantial compliance and in[en[ of the 401 W'ater Quality Certitication and l3uffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supportin�_ materials. Siznature: Date: AgenYs• Cerrifrcation I, . hereby state that, [o the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the ubservation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Water Quali[y Certiticalion and Buffer Rules, Hie approved plans and specifications, and o[her supponing materials. Signature: Da�e� Engineer's Cer(ificalion Partial Final I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the Sta[e of North Carolina, havin� been authorized to observe (periodically, weekly, full time) the construction of the project for the Permittee hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and dili�encc was used in [he observation of [he construction such tha� the construction was observed ro be built within substantial compliance and intent of the 401 Warer Quality Certification and Buffer Rules, the approved plans and specifications, and other supponing materials. Signature Re�:istration No. Date