HomeMy WebLinkAboutFB SOF Special Tactics Facility Fort Bragg - PN 76513 SOF Special Tactics Facility Phase 2 - EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS*** ***FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY May 9, 2016 Wilmington District prepared for Contract #: W912HN-14-D-0017- 0001 PN #: 76513 M&H Project #: 0142.01 Fort Bragg, NC SOF Special Tactics Facility, Phase 2 Specifications SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01 57 20.00 06 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND PERMITS 01 57 23 TEMPORARY STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION 31 - EARTHWORK 31 00 00 EARTHWORK 31 05 22.00 06 GEOTEXTILES USED AS FILTERS 31 11 00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 31 31 16 SOIL TREATMENT FOR SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE CONTROL DIVISION 32 - EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT 32 92 19 SEEDING 32 92 23 SODDING 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS DIVISION 33 - UTILITIES 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 33 46 13 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEM 33 46 16 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND PERMITS 09/12 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. U.S. ARMY (DA) DA AR 200-1 (2007) Environmental Protection and Enhancement DA AR 200-2 (2006) Environmental Effects of Army Actions DA AR 200-3 (1995) Environmental Quality, Natural Resources - Land, Forest, and Wildlife Management U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE) EM 385-1-1 (2014) Safety and Health Requirements Manual WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL (1987) Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 33 CFR 328 Definitions of Waters of the United States 40 CFR 150 - 189 Pesticide Programs 40 CFR 260 Hazardous Waste Management System: General 40 CFR 261 Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 262 Standards Applicable to Generators of Hazardous Waste 40 CFR 279 Standards for the Management of Used Oil 40 CFR 302 Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification 40 CFR 355 Emergency Planning and Notification 40 CFR 68 Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 49 CFR 171 - 178 Hazardous Materials Regulations 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Environmental Pollution and Damage Environmental pollution and damage is the presence of chemical, physical, or biological elements or agents which adversely affect human health or welfare; unfavorably alter ecological balances of importance to human life; affect other species of importance to humankind; or degrade the environment aesthetically, culturally and/or historically. 1.2.2 Environmental Protection Environmental protection is the prevention/control of pollution and habitat disruption that may occur to the environment during construction. The control of environmental pollution and damage requires consideration of land, water, and air; biological and cultural resources; and includes management of visual aesthetics; noise; solid, chemical, gaseous, and liquid waste; radiant energy and radioactive material as well as other pollutants. 1.2.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Waste Contractor generated hazardous waste means materials that, if abandoned or disposed of, may meet the definition of a hazardous waste. These waste streams would typically consist of material brought on site by the Contractor to execute work, but are not fully consumed during the course of construction. Examples include, but are not limited to, excess paint thinners (i.e. methyl ethyl ketone, toluene etc.), waste thinners,excess paints, excess solvents, waste solvents, and excess pesticides, and contaminated pesticide equipment rinse water. 1.2.4 Installation Pest Management Coordinator Installation Pest Management Coordinator (IPMC) is the individual officially designated by the Installation Commander to oversee the Installation Pest Management Program and the Installation Pest Management Plan. 1.2.5 Project Pesticide Coordinator The Project Pesticide Coordinator (PPC) is an individual that resides at a Civil Works Project office and that is responsible for oversight of pesticide application on Project grounds. 1.2.6 Land Application for Discharge Water The term "Land Application" for discharge water implies that the Contractor must discharge water at a rate which allows the water to percolate into the soil. No sheeting action, soil erosion, discharge into storm sewers, discharge into defined drainage areas, or discharge into the "waters of the United States" must occur. Land Application must be in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.2.7 Pesticide Pesticide is defined as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant or desiccant. 1.2.8 Pests The term "pests" means arthropods, birds, rodents, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, algae, snails, marine borers, snakes, weeds and other organisms (except for human or animal disease-causing organisms) that adversely affect readiness, military operations, or the well-being of personnel and animals; attack or damage real property, supplies, equipment, or vegetation; or are otherwise undesirable. 1.2.9 Surface Discharge The term "Surface Discharge" implies that the water is discharged with possible sheeting action and subsequent soil erosion may occur. Waters that are surface discharged may terminate in drainage ditches, storm sewers,creeks, and/or "waters of the United States" and would require a permit to discharge water from the governing agency. 1.2.10 Waters of the United States All waters which are under the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. 1.2.11 Wetlands Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, and bogs. Official determination of whether or not an area is classified as a wetland must be done in accordance with WETLANDS DELINEATION MANUAL. 1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Minimize environmental pollution and damage that may occur as the result of construction operations. The environmental resources within the project boundaries and those affected outside the limits of permanent work must be protected during the entire duration of this contract. Comply with all applicable environmental Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. Any delays resulting from failure to comply with environmental laws and regulations will be the Contractor's responsibility. 1.4 SUBCONTRACTORS Ensure compliance with this section by subcontractors. 1.5 PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work covered under this section. Payment of fees associated with environmental permits, application, and/or notices obtained by the Contractor, and payment of all fines/fees for violation or non-compliance with Federal, State, Regional and local laws and regulations are the Contractor's responsibility. All costs associated SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 with this section must be included in the contract price. 1.6 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Environmental Protection Plan; G 1.7 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION PLAN Prior to commencing construction activities or delivery of materials to the site, submit an Environmental Protection Plan for review and approval by the Contracting Officer. The purpose of the Environmental Protection Plan is to present a comprehensive overview of known or potential environmental issues which the Contractor must address during construction. Issues of concern must be defined within the Environmental Protection Plan as outlined in this section. Address each topic at a level of detail commensurate with the environmental issue and required construction task(s). Topics or issues which are not identified in this section, but are considered necessary, must be identified and discussed after those items formally identified in this section. Prior to submittal of the Environmental Protection Plan, meet with the Contracting Officer for the purpose of discussing the implementation of the initial Environmental Protection Plan; possible subsequent additions and revisions to the plan including any reporting requirements; and methods for administration of the Contractor's Environmental Plans. The Environmental Protection Plan must be current and maintained onsite by the Contractor. Refer to the Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control (ESPC) Plans for additional information and Contractor requirements. An Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan (ESCP) and a Post Construction Stormwater Management Plan has been submitted and approved by the state. The Contractor is resposible to follow these plans. Any modification to these plans may require re-submission to and approval by the North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. 1.7.1 Compliance No requirement in this Section will relieve the Contractor of any applicable Federal, State, and local environmental protection laws and regulations. During Construction, the Contractor will be responsible for identifying, implementing, and submitting for approval any additional requirements to be included in the Environmental Protection Plan. 1.7.2 Contents Include in the environmental protection plan, but not limit it to, the following: a. Name(s) of person(s) within the Contractor's organization who is(are) responsible for ensuring adherence to the Environmental Protection SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Plan. b. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for manifesting hazardous waste to be removed from the site, if applicable. c. Name(s) and qualifications of person(s) responsible for training the Contractor's environmental protection personnel. d. Description of the Contractor's environmental protection personnel training program. e. An erosion and sediment control plan which identifies the type and location of the erosion and sediment controls to be provided. The plan must include monitoring and reporting requirements to assure that the control measures are in compliance with the erosion and sediment control plan, Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) may be substituted for this plan. f. Drawings showing locations of proposed temporary excavations or embankments for haul roads, stream crossings, material storage areas, structures, sanitary facilities, and stockpiles of excess or spoil materials including methods to control runoff and to contain materials on the site. g. Traffic control plans including measures to reduce erosion of temporary roadbeds by construction traffic, especially during wet weather. Plan shall include measures to minimize the amount of mud transported onto paved public roads by vehicles or runoff. h. Work area plan showing the proposed activity in each portion of the area and identifying the areas of limited use or nonuse. Plan should include measures for marking the limits of use areas including methods for protection of features to be preserved within authorized work areas. i. Drawing showing the location of borrow areas. j. Include in the Spill Control plan the procedures, instructions, and reports to be used in the event of an unforeseen spill of a substance regulated by 40 CFR 68, 40 CFR 302, 40 CFR 355, and/or regulated under State or Local laws and regulations. The Spill Control Plan supplements the requirements of EM 385-1-1 and requirements of Fort Bragg.. Include in this plan, as a minimum: (1) The name of the individual who will report any spills or hazardous substance releases and who will follow up with complete documentation. This individual will immediately notify the Contracting Officer and Facility Response Personnel in addition to the legally required Federal, State, and local reporting channels (including the National Response Center 1-800-424-8802) if a reportable quantity is released to the environment. Include in the plan a list of the required reporting channels and telephone numbers. (2) The name and qualifications of the individual who will be responsible for implementing and supervising the containment and cleanup. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 (3) Training requirements for Contractor's personnel and methods of accomplishing the training. (4) A list of materials and equipment to be immediately available at the job site, tailored to cleanup work of the potential hazard(s) identified. (5) The names and locations of suppliers of containment materials and locations of additional fuel oil recovery, cleanup, restoration, and material-placement equipment available in case of an unforeseen spill emergency. (6) The methods and procedures to be used for expeditious contaminant cleanup. k. A non-hazardous solid waste disposal plan identifying methods and locations for solid waste disposal including clearing debris and schedules for disposal. (1) Identify any subcontractors responsible for the transportation and disposal of solid waste. Submit licenses or permits for solid waste disposal sites that are not a commercial operating facility. (2) Evidence of the disposal facility's acceptance of the solid waste must be attached to this plan during the construction. Attach a copy of each of the Non-hazardous Solid Waste Diversion Reports to the disposal plan. Submit the report for the previous quarter on the first working day after the first quarter that non-hazardous solid waste has been disposed and/or diverted (e.g. the first working day of January, April, July, and October). (3) Indicate in the report the total amount of waste generated and total amount of waste diverted in cubic yards or tons along with the percent that was diverted. (4) A recycling and solid waste minimization plan with a list of measures to reduce consumption of energy and natural resources. Detail in the plan the Contractor's actions to comply with and to participate in Federal, State, Regional, and local government sponsored recycling programs to reduce the volume of solid waste at the source. l. An air pollution control plan detailing provisions to assure that dust, debris, materials, trash, etc., do not become air borne and travel off the project site. m. A contaminant prevention plan that: identifies potentially hazardous substances to be used on the job site; identifies the intended actions to prevent introduction of such materials into the air, water, or ground; and details provisions for compliance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for storage and handling of these materials. In accordance with EM 385-1-1, a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and the maximum quantity of each hazardous material to be onsite at any given time must be included in the contaminant prevention plan. Update the plan as new hazardous materials are brought onsite or removed from the site. n. A waste water management plan that identifies the methods and procedures for management and/or discharge of waste waters which are SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 directly derived from construction activities, such as concrete curing water, clean-up water, dewatering of ground water, disinfection water, hydrostatic test water, and water used in flushing of lines. If a settling/retention pond is required, the plan must include the design of the pond including drawings, removal plan, and testing requirements for possible pollutants. If land application will be the method of disposal for the waste water, the plan must include a sketch showing the location for land application along with a description of the pretreatment methods to be implemented. If surface discharge will be the method of disposal, include a copy of the permit and associated documents as an attachment prior to discharging the waste water. If disposal is to a sanitary sewer, the plan must include documentation that the Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator has approved the flow rate, volume, and type of discharge. All methods of discharge must be disclosed with and approved by the Contracting Officer. o. A historical, archaeological, cultural resources biological resources and wetlands plan that defines procedures for identifying and protecting historical, archaeological, cultural resources, biological resources and wetlands known to be on the project site: and/or identifies procedures to be followed if historical archaeological, cultural resources, biological resources and wetlands not previously known to be onsite or in the area are discovered during construction. Include in the plan methods to assure the protection of known or discovered resources, identifying lines of communication between Contractor personnel and the Contracting Officer. p. Include and update a pesticide treatment plan, as information becomes available. Include in the plan: sequence of treatment, dates, times, locations, pesticide trade name, EPA registration numbers, authorized uses, chemical composition, formulation, original and applied concentration, application rates of active ingredient (i.e. pounds of active ingredient applied), equipment used for application and calibration of equipment. Federal, State, Regional and Local pest management record keeping and reporting requirements as well as any additional Installation Project Office specific requirements are the Contractor's responsibility in conformance with DA AR 200-1 Chapter 5--Pest Management, Section 5-4 "Program requirements" for data required to be reported to the Installation. No pesticides can be applied or used without prior approval of the Contracting Officer and Fort Bragg DPW. q. Include a list of Pre-construction Permits (LOPP) and construction/ project related committments (such as Best Management Practices or a pre-construction breeding bird survey identified in NEPA documents as part of the Environmental Protection Plan or as an attachment to other similar documents if the Environmental Protection Plan is not required). To the maximum extent possible, the LOPP should list any/all potential Construction Permits that may be required regardless of when Permit is needed or who is required to obtain the Permit. The LOPP should include, but not be limited to the following: permit name, the address of the permitting agency, cost of submittal/ Permit fee, and the name of the permitee. The LOPP should include specifics of each permit such as the purpose, applicability to the project, schedule for obtaining permit, and other information such as authorized or permit restrictions. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.7.3 Appendix Attach to the Environmental Protection Plan, as an appendix, copies of all environmental permits, permit application packages, approvals to construct, notifications, certifications, reports, and termination documents. Permits and permit applications should be identified on the LOPP as well. 1.8 PROTECTION FEATURES This paragraph supplements the Contract Clause PROTECTION OF EXISTING VEGETATION, STRUCTURES, EQUIPMENT, UTILITIES, AND IMPROVEMENTS. Prior to start of any onsite construction activities, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer will make a joint condition survey. Immediately following the survey, the Contractor will prepare a brief report including a plan describing the features requiring protection under the provisions of the Contract Clauses, which are not specifically identified on the drawings as environmental features requiring protection along with the condition of trees, shrubs and grassed areas immediately adjacent to the site of work and adjacent to the Contractor's assigned storage area and access route(s), as applicable. This survey report will be signed by both the the Contractor and the Contracting Officer upon mutual agreement as to its accuracy and completeness. The Contractor must protect those environmental features included in the survey report and any indicated on the drawings, regardless of interference which their preservation may cause to the work under the contract. 1.9 SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Comply with any special environmental requirements listed in the design plans. 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF CONTRACT DEVIATIONS Any deviations from the drawings,plans and specifications, requested by the Contractor and which may have an environmental impact, will be subject to approval by the Contracting Officer and may require an extended review, processing, and approval time. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to disapprove alternate methods, even if they are more cost effective, if the Contracting Officer determines that the proposed alternate method will have an adverse environmental impact. 1.11 NOTIFICATION The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor in writing of any observed noncompliance with Federal, State or local environmental laws or regulations, permits, and other elements of the Contractor's Environmental Protection plan. After receipt of such notice, the Contractor will inform the Contracting Officer of the proposed corrective action and take such action when approved by the Contracting Officer. The Contracting Officer may issue an order stopping all or part of the work until satisfactory corrective action has been taken. No time extensions will be granted or equitable adjustments allowed for any such suspensions. This is in addition to any other actions the Contracting Officer may take under the contract, or in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation or Federal Law. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 2 PRODUCTS NOT USED PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND COMMITMENTS This paragraph supplements the Contractor's responsibility under the contract clause "PERMITS AND RESPONSIBILITIES" to the extent that the Government has obtained any environmental permits. Comply with the terms and conditions of any attached permits at the end of this section. Obtaining and complying with all environmental permits and commitments required by Federal, State, Regional, and local environmental laws and regulations is the Contractor's responsibility, including but not limited to any storm water pollution prevention permits and post-construction storm water management plan. The NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit and the NCDENR Stormwater management Permit will be obtained by the government and provided to the Contractor prior to construction. 3.2 LAND RESOURCES Confine all activities to areas defined by the drawings and specifications. Identify any land resources to be preserved within the work area prior to the beginning of any construction. Do not remove, cut, deface, injure, or destroy land resources including trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, topsoil, and land forms without approval, except in areas indicated on the drawings or specified to be cleared. Ropes, cables, or guys will not be fastened to or attached to any trees for anchorage unless specifically authorized. Provide effective protection for land and vegetation resources at all times, as defined in the following subparagraphs. Remove stone, soil, or other materials displaced into uncleared areas. 3.2.1 Work Area Limits Mark the areas that need not be disturbed under this contract prior to commencing construction activities. Mark or fence isolated areas within the general work area which are not to be disturbed. Protect monuments and markers before construction operations commence. Where construction operations are to be conducted during darkness, any markers must be visible in the dark. The Contractor's personnel must be knowledgeable of the purpose for marking and/or protecting particular objects. 3.2.2 Landscape Trees, shrubs, vines, grasses, land forms and other landscape features indicated and defined on the drawings to be preserved must be clearly identified by marking, fencing, or wrapping with boards, or any other approved techniques. Restore landscape features damaged or destroyed during construction operations outside the limits of the approved work area. 3.2.3 Erosion and Sediment Controls Providing erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations is the Contractor's responsibility. Select and maintain the erosion and sediment controls such that water quality standards are not violated as a result of SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 construction activities. The area of bare soil exposed at any one time by construction operations should be kept to a minimum. Construct or install temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) as indicated on the drawings or otherwise required by the Contractor's approved SWPPP. BMPs may include, but not be limited to, vegetation cover, stream bank stabilization, slope stabilization, silt fences, construction of terraces, interceptor channels, sediment traps, inlet and outfall protection, diversion channels, and sedimentation basins. The Contractor's best management practices must also be in accordance with Fort Bragg's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which may be reviewed at the installation's Environmental Office. Remove any temporary measures after the area has been stabilized. 3.2.4 Contractor Facilities and Work Areas Place field offices, staging areas, stockpile storage, and temporary buildings in areas designated on the drawings or as directed by the Contracting Officer. Temporary movement or relocation of Contractor facilities will be made only when approved. Erosion and sediment controls must be provided for onsite borrow and spoil areas to prevent sediment from entering nearby waters. Temporary excavation and embankments for plant and/or work areas must be controlled to protect adjacent areas. 3.3 WATER RESOURCES Monitor all water areas affected by construction activities to prevent pollution of surface and ground waters. Do not apply toxic or hazardous chemicals to soil or vegetation unless otherwise indicated. For construction activities immediately adjacent to impaired surface waters, the Contractor must be capable of quantifying sediment or pollutant loading to that surface water when required by State or Federally issued Clean Water Act permits. 3.3.1 Cofferdams, Diversions, and Dewatering Operations Construction operations for dewatering, removal of cofferdams, tailrace excavation, and tunnel closure will be controlled at all times to maintain compliance with existing State water quality standards and designated uses of the surface water body. Comply with the State of North Carolina water quality standards and anti-degradation provisions. 3.3.2 Stream Crossings Stream crossings must allow movement of materials or equipment without violating water pollution control standards of the Federal, State, and local governments. 3.3.3 Wetlands No wetlands are anticipated to be affected by this project. If wetlands are subsequently found or identififed, do not enter, disturb, destroy, or allow discharge of contaminants into any wetlands. The protection of wetlands is the Contractor's responsibility. Authorization to enter specific wetlands identified will not relieve the Contractor from any obligation to protect other wetlands within, adjacent to, or in the vicinity of the construction site and associated boundaries. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.4 AIR RESOURCES Equipment operation, activities, or processes will be in accordance with all Federal and State air emission and performance laws and standards. 3.4.1 Particulates Dust particles; aerosols and gaseous by-products from construction activities; and processing and preparation of materials, such as from asphaltic batch plants; must be controlled at all times, including weekends, holidays and hours when work is not in progress. Maintain excavations, stockpiles, haul roads, permanent and temporary access roads, plant sites, spoil areas, borrow areas, and other work areas within or outside the project boundaries free from particulates which would cause the Federal, State, and local air pollution standards to be exceeded or which would cause a hazard or a nuisance. Sprinkling, chemical treatment of an approved type, baghouse, scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators or other methods will be permitted to control particulates in the work area. Sprinkling, to be efficient, must be repeated to keep the disturbed area damp at all times. Provide sufficient, competent equipment available to accomplish these tasks. Perform particulate control as the work proceeds and whenever a particulate nuisance or hazard occurs. Comply with all State and local visibility regulations. 3.4.2 Odors Odors from construction activities must be controlled at all times. The odors must be in compliance with State regulations and/or local ordinances and may not constitute a health hazard. 3.4.3 Sound Intrusions Keep construction activities under surveillance and control to minimize environment damage by noise. Comply with the provisions of the State of North Carolina rules. 3.4.4 Burning Burning is prohibited on the Government premises. 3.5 CHEMICAL MATERIALS MANAGEMENT AND WASTE DISPOSAL Disposal of wastes will be as directed below, unless otherwise specified in other sections and/or shown on the drawings. 3.5.1 Solid Wastes Place solid wastes (excluding clearing debris) in containers which are emptied on a regular schedule. Handling, storage, and disposal must be conducted to prevent contamination. Employ segregation measures so that no hazardous or toxic waste will become co-mingled with solid waste. Transport solid waste off Government property and dispose of it in compliance with Federal, State, and local requirements for solid waste disposal. A Subtitle D RCRA permitted landfill will be the minimum acceptable offsite solid waste disposal option. Verify that the selected transporters and disposal facilities have the necessary permits and licenses to operate. Comply with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations pertaining to the use of landfill areas. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 11 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.5.2 Chemicals and Chemical Wastes Dispense chemicals ensuring no spillage to the ground or water. Perform and document periodic inspections of dispensing areas to identify leakage and initiate corrective action. This documentation will be periodically reviewed by the Government. Collect chemical waste in corrosion resistant, compatible containers. Collection drums must be monitored and removed to a staging or storage area when contents are within 6 inches of the top. Wastes will be classified, managed, stored, and disposed of in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. 3.5.3 Contractor Generated Hazardous Wastes/Excess Hazardous Materials Hazardous wastes are defined in 40 CFR 261, or are as defined by applicable State and local regulations. Hazardous materials are defined in 49 CFR 171 - 178. At a minimum, manage and store hazardous waste in compliance with 40 CFR 262 in accordance with the Installation hazardous waste management plan. Take sufficient measures to prevent spillage of hazardous and toxic materials during dispensing. Segregate hazardous waste from other materials and wastes, protect it from the weather by placing it in a safe covered location, and take precautionary measures such as berming or other appropriate measures against accidental spillage. Storage, describing, packaging, labeling, marking, and placarding of hazardous waste and hazardous material in accordance with 49 CFR 171 - 178, State, and local laws and regulations is the Contractor's responsibility. Transport Contractor generated hazardous waste off Government property within 30 days in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Transportation laws and regulations. Dispose of hazardous waste in compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations. Spills of hazardous or toxic materials must be immediately reported to the Contracting Officer and the Facility Environmental Office. Cleanup and cleanup costs due to spills are the Contractor's responsibility. The disposition of Contractor generated hazardous waste and excess hazardous materials are the Contractor's responsibility. 3.5.4 Fuel and Lubricants Storage, fueling and lubrication of equipment and motor vehicles must be conducted in a manner that affords the maximum protection against spill and evaporation. Manage and store fuel, lubricants and oil in accordance with all Federal, State, Regional, and local laws and regulations. Used lubricants and used oil to be discarded must be stored in marked corrosion-resistant containers and recycled or disposed in accordance with 40 CFR 279, State, and local laws and regulations. Storage of fuel on the project site will be in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations and is subject to approval or disapproval by the Contracting Officer. 3.5.5 Waste Water Disposal of waste water will be as specified below. a. Waste water from construction activities, such as onsite material processing, concrete curing, foundation and concrete clean-up, water used in concrete trucks, forms, etc. will not be allowed to enter water ways or to be discharged prior to being treated to remove pollutants. Dispose of the construction related waste water off-Government property in accordance with all Federal, State, Regional and Local laws and regulations. If SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 12 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 allowed by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may, at their own expense, dispose of waste water by collecting and placing it in a retention pond where suspended material can be settled out and/or the water can evaporate to separate pollutants from the water. The site for the retention pond must be coordinated and approved with the Contracting Officer. The residue left in the pond prior to completion of the project will be removed, tested, and disposed off-Government property in accordance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The area must be backfilled to the original grade, top-soiled and seeded/sodded. . b. For discharge of ground water, the Contractor will obtain a State or Federal permit specific for pumping and discharging ground water prior to surface discharging. surface discharge in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. c. Water generated from the flushing of lines after disinfection or disinfection in conjunction with hydrostatic testing will be land applied in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations for land application or discharged into the sanitary sewer with prior approval and/or notification to the Waste Water Treatment Plant's Operator. 3.6 RECYCLING AND WASTE MINIMIZATION Participate in State and local government sponsored recycling programs. The Contractor is further encouraged to minimize solid waste generation throughout the duration of the project. 3.7 NON-HAZARDOUS SOLID WASTE DIVERSION REPORT Maintain an inventory of non-hazardous solid waste diversion and disposal of construction and demolition debris. Submit a report to the Contracting Officer on the first working day after each fiscal year quarter, starting the first quarter that non-hazardous solid waste has been generated. Include the following in the report: a. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Disposed = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. b. Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris Recycled = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. c. Total C&D Debris Generated = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. d. Waste Sent to Waste-To-Energy Incineration Plant (This amount should not be included in the recycled amount) = in cubic yards or tons, as appropriate. 3.8 HISTORICAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES Existing historical, archaeological, and cultural resources within the Contractor's work area, if any have been identified, are shown on the drawings. Protect these resources and be responsible for their preservation during the life of the Contract. If during excavation or other construction activities any previously unidentified or unanticipated historical, archaeological, and cultural resources are discovered or found, all activities that may damage or alter such resources will be temporarily suspended. Resources covered by this paragraph include but are not limited to: any human skeletal remains or burials; artifacts; shell, midden, bone, charcoal, or other deposits; rock or coral SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 13 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 alignments, pavings, wall, or other constructed features; and any indication of agricultural or other human activities. Upon such discovery or find, immediately notify the Contracting Officer so that the appropriate authorities may be notified and a determination made as to their significance and what, if any, special disposition of the finds should be made. Cease all activities that may result in impact to or the destruction of these resources. Secure the area and prevent employees or other persons from trespassing on, removing, or otherwise disturbing such resources. 3.9 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Minimize interference with, disturbance to, and damage to fish, wildlife, and plants including their habitat. The protection of threatened and endangered animal and plant species, including their habitat, is the Contractor's responsibility in accordance with Federal, State, Regional, and local laws and regulations. 3.10 INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT In order to minimize impacts to existing fauna and flora, the Contractor through the Contracting Officer, must coordinate with the Installation Pest Management Coordinator (IPMC) at the earliest possible time prior to any pesticide application. Discuss integrated pest management strategies with the IPMC and receive concurrence from the IPMC through the COR prior to the application of any pesticide associated with these specifications. Installation Project Office Pest Management personnel will be given the opportunity to be present at all meetings concerning treatment measures for pest or disease control and during application of the pesticide. The use and management of pesticides are regulated under 40 CFR 150 - 189. 3.10.1 Pesticide Delivery and Storage Deliver pesticides to the site in the original, unopened containers bearing legible labels indicating the EPA registration number and the manufacturer's registered uses. Store pesticides according to manufacturer's instructions and under lock and key when unattended. 3.10.2 Qualifications For the application of pesticides, use the services of a subcontractor whose principal business is pest control. The subcontractor must be licensed and certified in the state where the work is to be performed. 3.10.3 Pesticide Handling Requirements Formulate, treat with, and dispose of pesticides and associated containers in accordance with label directions and use the clothing and personal protective equipment specified on the labeling for use during all phases of the application. Furnish Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all pesticide products. 3.10.4 Application Apply pesticides using a State Certified Pesticide Applicator in accordance with EPA label restrictions and recommendation. The Certified Applicator must wear clothing and personal protective equipment as specified on the pesticide label. The Contracting Officer will designate locations for water used in formulating. Do not allow the equipment to SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 14 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 overflow. All equipment must be inspected for leaks, clogging, wear, or damage and repaired prior to application of pesticide. 3.11 PREVIOUSLY USED EQUIPMENT Clean all previously used construction equipment prior to bringing it onto the project site. Ensure that the equipment is free from soil residuals, egg deposits from plant pests, noxious weeds, and plant seeds. Consult with the USDA jurisdictional office for additional cleaning requirements. 3.12 MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION FACILITIES Maintain permanent and temporary pollution control facilities and devices for the duration of the contract or for that length of time construction activities create the particular pollutant. 3.13 MILITARY MUNITIONS In the event military munitions, as defined in 40 CFR 260, are discovered or uncovered, the Contractor will immediately stop work in that area and immediately inform the Contracting Officer. 3.14 TRAINING OF CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL The Contractor's personnel must be trained in all phases of environmental protection and pollution control. Conduct environmental protection/pollution control meetings for all personnel prior to commencing construction activities. Additional meetings must be conducted for new personnel and when site conditions change. Include in the training and meeting agenda: methods of detecting and avoiding pollution; familiarization with statutory and contractual pollution standards; installation and care of devices, vegetative covers, and instruments required for monitoring purposes to ensure adequate and continuous environmental protection/pollution control; anticipated hazardous or toxic chemicals or wastes, and other regulated contaminants; recognition and protection of archaeological sites, artifacts, wetlands, and endangered species and their habitat that are known to be in the area. 3.15 CONTAMINATED MEDIA MANAGEMENT Manage contaminated environmental media consisting of, but not limited to, ground water, soils, and sediments in accordance with Section 01 74 19.37 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE MANAGEMENT. 3.16 POST CONSTRUCTION CLEANUP The Contractor will clean up all areas used for construction in accordance with Contract Clause: "Cleaning Up". Unless otherwise instructed in writing by the Contracting Officer, obliterate all signs of temporary construction facilities such as haul roads, work area, structures, foundations of temporary structures, stockpiles of excess or waste materials, and other vestiges of construction prior to final acceptance of the work. The disturbed area must be graded, filled and the entire area seeded unless otherwise indicated. SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 15 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 4 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND COMMITMENTS 4.1 LIST OF PRECONSTRUCTION PERMITS Obtaining and complying with all environmental permits and commitments required by Federal, State, regional, local, and Installation/Facility environmental laws and regulations are the Contractor's responsibility. Prior to beginning of construction, the Contractor shall, upon review of the project and this specification section, make a list of all permits and construction-related commitments/and requirements required for the duration of the construction phase to be attached to the Environmental Protection Plan, or other similar documentation if an Environmental Protection Plan is not required. The Contractor, in conjunction with the Designer of Record (DOR), shall prepare a List of Preconstruction Permits (LOPP) with construction-related commitments/and requirements. The LOPP shall include, but is not be limited to the following: permit name, the address of the permitting agency, cost of submittal/Permit fee, and the name of the permitee. The LOPP should also include specifics of each permit such as the purpose/reason permit is needed, regulatory requirements, applicability to the project, schedule for obtaining permit, and other information such as authorized or permit restrictions. The LOPP should also list specific commitments (i.e., dust control measures, tree cutting restrictions, erosion control measures) that are not inherent to a specific permit or may apply to multiple permits, or are required for proper construction and compliance. 4.2 ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS THAT MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION TO IDENTIFY PRECONSTRUCTION PERMITS AND CONSTRUCTION-RELATED COMMITTMENTS 4.2.1 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) The National Environmental Policy Act establishes policies and goals for the protection of the environment. The NEPA process includes systematic examination of possible and probable environmental consequences of implementing a Proposed Action. USACE projects should be in compliance with AR200-2, Chapter 2 - National Environmental Policy Act and the Decision Process. ER200-2-2 provides additional guidance on NEPA documentation. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain and review copies of NEPA documentation related to the project prior to beginning of construction. This may include but is not limited to the Record of Environmental Consideration (REC), an Environmental Analysis (EA), a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), a Life Cycle Environmental Document (LCED), a Record of Decision (ROD), and a Categorical Exclusion (CX). These documents may also contain commitments, such Environmental Impacts and Minimization/Avoidance Measures for the Proposed Action that must be followed and incorporated into the Environmental Protection Plan or other appropriate documentation, and included in the LOPP. 4.2.2 Endangered Species Act Construction should be completed in compliance with the Endangered Species act of 1973 and Army Regulation AR200-3, Chapter 11 - Endangered/Threatened Species Guidance. The Endangered Species Act provides a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they reside. In the case that a proposed construction action could be harmful to a threatened or SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 16 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 endangered species or its habitat, the Contractor will be required to review and follow federal, state, regional, and local regulations pertaining to threatened and endangered species. For work taking place on a military installation, the Contractor will be required to obtain and review a copy of any Endangered Species Management Plans (ESMP) or other related commitments from the appropriate base personnel, or State Fish and Wildlife personnel relative to the Installation. Projects that may affect threatened or endangered species will likely have had a Biological Evaluation and may also have a Biological Assessment completed for the action. The Biological Evaluation and Biological Assessment provides site-specific information regarding potential impacts to federally threatened or endangered species in compliance with Section 7 (a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act. If a Biological Evaluation or a Biological Assessment has been completed for the proposed action, the Contractor should obtain and review it and use it to help develop species specific protection measures to be included in the Environmental Protection Plan. If a threatened or endangered species is encountered during construction, the Contractor should immediately stop construction in the area and contact the appropriate authorities. Even if endangered species are not located at a construction site, the facility ESMP may have avoidance measures required of any construction at the facility. The Contractor should thoroughly review and follow requirements of the ESMP. 4.2.3 National Historic Preservation Act The National Historic Preservation Act is intended to protect the nations historic and cultural resources. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires any government agency with jurisdiction over an undertaking to take into account its effects on any district, site, building, structure, or object included on or eligible for inclusion on the National Register. Construction should be completed in compliance with both the National Historic Preservation act and Army Regulation AR200-1, Chapter 6 - Cultural Resources. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain and review a copy of any pertinent Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan from the appropriate authorities. If at any time during construction cultural resources are discovered, the Contractor will immediately stop any construction that may damage the newly discovered resource. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review any additional State, regional, or local regulations and obtain necessary permits. 4.2.4 Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act is the primary federal law of the United States governing water pollution. The purpose of the Clean Water Act is to eliminate release of high amounts of pollution into navigable waters of the United States. Army Regulation AR200-1, Chapter 4 - Environmental Asset Management, describes army regulations in regards to the nation's water resources. Construction should be completed in compliance with Army Regulation AR200-1. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Section 402 of the Clean Water Act authorizes the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. Compliance with NPDES will be required on any construction project with at least one acre of land disturbance. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to determine if a general permit has been issued covering construction activities. Refer to Specification SECTION 01 57 23 TEMPORARY STORM WATER SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 17 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 POLLUTION CONTROL for specific requirements and permit information regarding NPDES requirements and regulations. Additionally, the Contractor is to follow the NPES and Notice of Intent (NOI) requirements outlined in SECTION 00 80 00.00 06 SPECIAL CLAUSES. If it is necessary to obtain a specific permit for construction, this permit should be obtained from the state EPA office, and it is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain. In compliance with NPDES, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) or a Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan must be in place and followed for the duration of construction. A Storm Water Best Management Practices (SWBMP) Plan should also be included as part of the Environmental Protection Plan. After construction is finished, a Notice of Termination must be submitted within 30 days after all land disturbing activity is complete. Section 404 Permit for Dredge/Fill Operations Construction resulting in the discharge of fill or dredge material into wetlands or waters of the United States must be authorized by a permit pursuant to section 404 of the Clean Water Act. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain and review the Federal, State, or Regional general permits pertaining to construction, or to obtain an individual permit if construction activity is not covered by a general permit. Waste Water Discharge Permits NPDES authorizes permitting requirements for waste water discharge. Any non-exempt facilities that will discharge waste water to the local sanitary sewer system (ex. on-site concrete plant, on-site sewage treatment plant, water treatment plant, equipment wash rack) will require permits in accordance with any Federal, State, regional, and local regulations. Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit State, Regional, or Local regulations may also require an Aquatic Resources Alteration Permit for any construction that alters a stream, lake, river, or wetland. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review the regulations of jurisdictions covering the construction site and to obtain any necessary permits in compliance with these jurisdictions. 4.2.5 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the principal Federal law of the United States covering the disposal of solid and hazardous waste. The RCRA also provides regulation on underground storage tanks (USTs). The objectives of the RCRA are to protect human health and the environment from potential hazards of waste disposal, to conserve energy and natural resources, to reduce waste generation, and to ensure wastes are managed in an environmentally sound way. Army Regulation AR200-1, Chapter 10 - Waste Management describes army regulations concerning the handling of hazardous and solid waste. Construction should be completed in compliance with AR200-1 and RCRA. Solid Waste Disposal The Contractor is responsible for including a Solid Waste Minimization Plan and a Contaminant Prevention Plan as part of the Environmental Protection Plan. These plans are to ensure the proper handling of solid waste generated during construction. In general, the Contractor is SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 18 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 required to divert a minimum of 50 percent of solid waste generated during construction from landfills, but this amount may vary between Installations. Refer to the SPECIFICATION SECTION 01 74 19 CONSTRUCTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT for more information regarding solid waste disposal and requirements. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain a Solid Waste Permit or a Beneficial Reuse Permit from the State and local authorities. Hazardous Waste Disposal Hazardous wastes are as defined in 40 CRR 261. The Contractor is responsible for developing a Spill Control Plan to be included in the Environmental Protection Plan. The Contractor may be required to obtain a Hazardous Waste Generator ID# from the EPA, and additional permitting requirements may have to be met in accordance with State, regional, and local regulations. If during construction any asbestos, lead based paint, Polychlorinated biphenyl, or any other material or substance hazardous to human health is encountered, that portion of work should be stopped immediately, the contracting officer should be contacted, and all necessary precautions to avoid human harm should be taken. All necessary removal permits would be the responsibility of the Contractor. No building or utility demolition is expected as part of this project. Underground Storage Tank Systems An underground storage tank (UST) system is a tank and any underground piping that has at least 10 percent of its total volume underground. Any construction dealing with the installation, modification, or removal of an UST must be in compliance with the RCRA, and AR200-1, Chapter 11 - Storage Tank Systems/Oil and Hazardous Substances Spills. Additional State, regional, and local permitting may be required for construction dealing with USTS. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain any of these permits. If a UST is encountered that was not included in the design, work around the vicinity of the tank and potential contaminated areas will stop and the contractor will notify the contracting officer. 4.2.6 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) The purpose of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is to protect public drinking water and its sources: rivers, lakes, reservoirs, springs, and ground water wells. Construction should be completed in compliance with requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as stated by Army Regulation AR200-1, Chapter 4 - Environmental Asset Management. Water Distribution Any construction involving the installation of a water treatment system, installation of water distribution lines, or the installation of a drinking water well will require permitting, usually issued by the State government and as coordinated with local and State regulatory authorities. Groundwater Protection The Contractor will be required to develop and adhere to a groundwater protection plan for any construction that could result in groundwater contamination. The groundwater protection plan should be included as part of the Environmental Protection Plan. The Contractor should review Federal, State, regional, and local regulations concerning groundwater protection and obtain permits required by regulations. If the Contractor SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 19 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 is required to use underground injection to dispose of fluids in the ground, and underground injection control permit will be required, which will likely be issued by the State. The Contractor should coordinate with State authorities to insure that proper permitting is obtained and applicable regulations are followed. 4.2.7 Occupational Safety and Health Act The Occupational Safety and Health Act is the primary federal law governing occupational health and safety in the workplace. Its main goal is to ensure that employers provide employees with an environment free from recognized hazards, such as exposure to toxic chemicals, excessive noise levels, mechanical dangers, heat or cold stress, or unsanitary conditions. Many states have their own Occupational Safety and Health requirements which are at least as strict as the Federal requirements. The Contractor should adhere to 29 CFR 1926 which regulates construction activities as well as follow safety and health requirements specified in EM 385-1-1. Employee Right to Know Employee Right to Know is an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulation giving employees the right to know information about the hazards they may be exposed to in the workplace, or on a construction site. The Contractor should be in compliance with OSHA standards during the duration of construction. The Contractor should make available material safety data sheets (MSDS) on any hazardous material or product that may be present on the construction site. These sheets should include such information such as the specific product, hazards and safety risks related to the product, storage and disposal requirements, protective equipment requirements, and emergency response procedures. Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) uses enforceable occupational exposure limits (OELs) to protect employees against potential health effects of exposure to hazardous substances. The OELs are regulatory limits on the amount (concentration) of a substance in the air, or on the skin. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the construction site remains within the OELs set by USACE. EM 385-1-1 defines the OELs as the most stringent standard published between the most recently published American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) guideline "Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices," and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) as defined by 29 CFR 1910, 29 CFR 1915, and 29 CFR 1926. Confined Spaces A confined space has limited or restricted means for entry or exit, and is not designed for continuous employee occupancy. This includes areas such as underground vaults, tanks, storage bins, manholes, pits, silos, process vessels, and pipelines. A confined space may require a special permit for work to take place. A permit-required confined space as described by OSHA is a confined space with any of the following characteristics: contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; contains a material that has the potential to engulf an entrant; has walls that converge inward or floors that slope downward and taper into a smaller area which could trap or asphyxiate an entrant; or contains any other recognized SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 20 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 safety or health hazard, such as unguarded machinery, exposed live wires, or heat stressors. The Contractor should follow Federal, State, regional and local regulations and obtain necessary permits in regards to work in confined spaces. 4.2.8 Burning Permits If the burning is subsequently allowed by the federal government on the construction site, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate with state, regional, and local governments to obtain necessary permitting before proceeding with any burning activity. State, Regional, or Local requirements may call for the development of a burn plan before any burning can be done on the construction site. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to develop and submit for approval a burn plan for the construction site before any burning takes place. 4.2.9 Floodplain Construction Permits In accordance with CFR 44, Part 60.3 - Flood Plain Management Criteria for Flood-prone Areas, communities are required to issue permits for proposed construction and development activities within the community. This is to ensure the proper management of flood prone areas. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain necessary Federal, State, regional, and local permits related to floodplain construction and to follow all related regulations. 4.2.10 Air Quality Permits The Contractor is responsible for developing a dirt and dust control plan prior to construction. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to obtain any State, Regional, and Local permits relating to air quality during construction. A permit may be required if there is any issue with emissions release during construction, detectable levels of radon, or dirt and dust control issues. Also, the Contractor may be required to obtain a permit for the use of any equipment with combustible sources. Appropriate radon mitigation measures should be used during construction in accordance with 29 CFR 1910. 4.2.11 Excavation Permit In addition to the Notice of Intent (NOI), an excavation permit from State, regional, local governments, and/or the facility/Installation may be required before excavation can commence on the project site. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review State, regional, and local regulations pertaining to excavation and to obtain any necessary permits prior to initiation of construction, including any permits required for the drilling and installation of the geothermal system and bore holes. 4.2.12 Vegetation and Revegetation Permit Any construction activity that involves vegetation removal or re-vegetation may require a vegetation permit from State, regional, and local authorities. It is the responsibility to review State, regional, and local regulations pertaining to vegetation prior to construction and to follow through with responsibilities stated in the regulations. Vegetation removal or vegetation plans may be restricted or limited by the presence of threatened or endangered species or by a pest management requirements. If the project could affect threatened and endangered species or is covered by a pest management plan, the Contractor may have SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 21 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 special vegetation requirements to follow. These requirements would be included in the appropriate facility management plans or by Fish and Wildlife Service regulations. 4.2.13 Water Withdrawal Permits Withdrawal of water from any surface, spring, or groundwater source may require a Water Withdrawal Permit. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review any relevant State, regional, and local regulations and to obtain any necessary permits for water withdrawal activities prior to initiation of construction. 4.2.14 Zoning Permits It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review any State, regional, and local regulations pertaining to zoning and to obtain necessary permits prior to initiation of construction. 4.2.15 Noise Permits Some local and state jurisdictions may enforce noise ordinances. Construction activity may be in violation of these ordinances and could require permit to exceed the ordinance levels. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review local regulations regarding noise pollution and to obtain necessary permits prior to the initiation of construction. 4.2.16 Pesticide Permits Some construction projects may require the use of pesticides for pest control. If a pesticide is to be used on a construction site, the Contractor is responsible for following procedures in the area Integrated Pest management plan (IMPM). Pest control measures must be in compliance with AR200-1, Chapter 5 - Pest Management. Obtainment of Federal, State, regional, or local permits required for the use of a pesticide is the responsibility of the Contractor. 4.2.17 Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC)/Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) In the event military munitions, as defined in 40 CFR 260, are discovered or uncovered, the Contractor will immediately stop work in that area and immediately inform the Contracting Officer. Any construction on a site that has the possibility of the existence of MEC or UXO must be coordinated through the Center of Expertise. 4.2.18 Driveway / Curb Cut Permit The construction of a driveway connecting to a public road may require permitting. The contractor should review all State, regional, and local regulations pertaining to driveway construction and curb cutting and obtain any necessary permits. In addition to driveway and curb cut Permits, a right-of-way Permit to be obtained by the Contractor may also be required if a sidewalk will be temporarily obstructed during the construction of a driveway entrance. Coordinate any curb cuts with Fort Bragg DPW. 4.2.19 Demolition Permit Construction projects that require the demolition of structures may require the Contractor to obtain permitting. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) are stationary source SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 22 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 standards for hazardous air pollutants. Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) are those pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects. Building demolition could release HAPs such as asbestos into the air if proper regulations aren't followed. The presence of HAPs on a construction site will require the Contractor to develop appropriate plans for the removal of such pollutants prior to demolition, and may require additional permitting from State, regional, and local authorities. Other considerations such as proper utility disconnection and safe building demolition are also considered and may require permits. If any demolition activity interferes with the public right-of-way, an obstruction permit will also need to be obtained from the appropriate authorities. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to follow all Federal, State, regional, and local regulations and obtain the appropriate permits dealing with building demolition and right-of-way obstruction. 4.2.20 Utility Permits Any project that requires utility construction or connection will likely require a permit from local authorities. It is the responsibility of the contractor to review all local regulations and obtain all permits and fees relating to utility construction and connections. Utility installations that will likely require permitting are electric, gas, drinking water, communication, and sanitary sewer utility installations. The Contractor is responsible for contacting the provider for each of the utilities and coordinate permitting and installation with the utility providers. The Contractor shall coordinate all water and sanitary water permits, if necessary, with Old North Utility Services. 4.2.21 Aquatic Resource Alteration Permits Construction involving the temporary or permanent alteration of aquatic resources will require State, regional, or local permitting. The Contractor is responsible for reviewing State, regional and local laws as well as regulations and coordinating with appropriate authorities to determine if an aquatic resource alteration permit is necessary. Actions such as the temporary or permanent diversion of a stream, depositing of fill material into a stream, pond, lake, or wetland, and other similar activities will likely trigger the need for a permit. 4.2.22 Construction Permit New construction may require a construction or building permit from State, regional, or local authorities prior to the beginning of construction. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to review State, regional and local laws and regulations and to obtain a construction permit if required. 4.2.23 Permit Variances State, regional, and local authorities may allow modifications to be made in areas covered by existing permits. The permitting agency may be able to issue a permit variance for either a temporary or one-time exceedance of conditions specified in the existing permit. The Contractor should coordinate with permitting authorities if a variance will be necessary for the completion of the project. -- End of Section -- SECTION 01 57 20.00 06 Page 23 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 01 57 23 TEMPORARY STORM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL 04/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY The work consists of implementing the storm water pollution prevention measures to prevent sediment from entering streams or water bodies as specified in this Section in conformance with the requirements of Section 01 57 20.00 10 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION, and the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). 1.2 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D4439 (2011) Geosynthetics ASTM D4491 (1999a; R 2009) Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity ASTM D4533 (2011) Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles ASTM D4632/D4632M (2008; E 2013; R 2013) Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles ASTM D4751 (2012) Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile ASTM D4873 (2002; R 2009) Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) EPA 832-R-92-005 (1992) Storm Water Management for Construction Activities Developing Pollution Preventions and Plans and Best Management Practices U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 40 CFR 122.26 Storm Water Discharges (Applicable to State NPDES Programs, see section 123.25) 1.3 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS The controls and measures required of the Contractor are described below. SECTION 01 57 23 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.3.1 Stabilization Practices The stabilization practices to be implemented include temporary seeding, mulching, geotextiles, sod stabilization, erosion control matts, protection of trees, etc. On the daily CQC Report, record the dates when the major grading activities occur, (e.g., clearing and grubbing, excavation, embankment, and grading); when construction activities temporarily or permanently cease on a portion of the site; and when stabilization practices are initiated. Except as provided in paragraphs UNSUITABLE CONDITIONS and NO ACTIVITY FOR LESS THAN 21 DAYS, initiate stabilization practices as soon as practicable, but no more than 14 days, in any portion of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Unsuitable Conditions Where the initiation of stabilization measures by the fourteenth day after construction activity temporarily or permanently ceases or is precluded by unsuitable conditions caused by the weather, initiate stabilization practices as soon as practicable after conditions become suitable. No Activity for Less Than 21 Days When the total time period in which construction activity is temporarily ceased on a portion of the site is 21 days minimum, stabilization practices do not have to be initiated on that portion of the site until 14 days have elapsed after construction activity temporarily ceased. Burnoff Burnoff of the ground cover is not permitted. Protection of Erodible Soils Immediately finish the earthwork brought to a final grade, as indicated or specified, and protect the side slopes and back slopes upon completion of rough grading. Plan and conduct earthwork to minimize the duration of exposure of unprotected soils. 1.3.2 Erosion, Sediment and Stormwater Control a. Submit "Erosion and Sediment Control Reports" (E&S) (form provided at the pre-construction conference) and "Stormwater Inspections for General Permit NCG010000 - Land Disturbing Activities" (form provided at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/PDF_Files/SW_General_Permits/NCG01_Inspect_log.pdf) to the Contracting Officer once every 7 days and within 24 hours of a storm event that produces 0.5 inch or more of rain. b. Comply with NCG010000, North Carolina Permit to Discharge Storm Water under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. The existing permit may be obtained from: http://h20.enr.state.nc.us/su/PDF_Files/SW_General_Permits/NCG01_Inspect_log.pdf. c. Submit a Storm Water Notice of Intent for NPDES coverage under the general permit for construction activities and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the project to the Contracting Officer prior to the commencement of work. The SWPPP shall meet the requirements of the State of North Carolina general permit for storm SECTION 01 57 23 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 water discharges from construction sites. Submit the SWPPP along with any required Notice of Intents, Notice of Termination, and appropriate permit fees, via the Contracting Officer, to the appropriate agency for approval, a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the start of any land disturbing activities. Maintain an approved copy of the SWPPP at the construction on-site office, and continually update as regulations require, to reflect current site conditions. Include within the SWPPP: (1) Identify potential sources of pollution which may be reasonably expected to affect the quality of storm water discharge from the site. (2) Describe and ensure implementation of practices which will be used to reduce the pollutants in storm water discharge from the site. (3) Ensure compliance with terms of the State of North Carolina general permit for storm water discharge. (4) Select applicable best management practices from EPA 832-R-92-005. (5) Include a completed copy of the Registration Statement, BMP Inspection Report Template and Notice of Termination except for the effective date. (6) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Measures and Notice of Intent 40 CFR 122.26, EPA 832-R-92-005. Provide a "Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan" (SWPPP) for the project. The SWPPP will meet the requirements of the State of North Carolina general permit for storm water discharges from construction sites. Submit the SWPPP along with any required Notice of Intents, Notice of Termination, and appropriate permit fees, via the Contracting Officer, to the appropriate agency for approval, a minimum of 14 calendar days prior to the start of construction. A copy of the approved SWPPP will be kept at the construction on-site office, and continually updated as regulations require to reflect current site conditions. 1.3.3 Structural Practices Implement structural practices to divert flows from exposed soils, temporarily store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from exposed areas of the site. Implement structural practices in a timely manner, during the construction process, to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Location and details of installation and construction are shown on the drawings. Silt Fences Provide silt fences as a temporary structural practice to minimize erosion and sediment runoff. Properly install silt fences to effectively retain sediment immediately after completing each phase of work where erosion would occur in the form of sheet and rill erosion (e.g. clearing and grubbing, excavation, embankment, and grading). Install silt fences in the locations indicated on the drawings. Obtain approval from the Contracting Officer prior to final removal of silt fence barriers. Straw Bales Straw bales shall not be used. SECTION 01 57 23 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Diversion Dikes Build diversion dikes with a maximum channel slope of 2 percent and adequately compacted to prevent failure. The minimum height measured from the top of the dike to the bottom of the channel shall be 18 inches. The minimum base width shall be 6 feet and the minimum top width shall be 2 feet. Ensure that the diversion dikes are not damaged by construction operations or traffic. Locate diversion dikes where shown on the drawings. 1.3.4 Sediment Basins Trap sediment in temporary sediment basins. Select a basin size to accommodate the runoff of a local 2-year storm. Pump dry and remove the accumulated sediment, after each storm. Use a paved weir or vertical overflow pipe for overflow. Remove collected sediment from the site. Institute effluent quality monitoring programs. Install, inspect, and maintain best management practices (BMPs) as required by the general permit. Prepare BMP Inspection Reports as required by the general permit. If required by the permit, include those inspection reports. 1.3.5 Vegetation and Mulch a. Provide temporary protection on sides and back slopes as soon as rough grading is completed or sufficient soil is exposed to require erosion protection. Protect slopes by accelerated growth of permanent vegetation, temporary vegetation, mulching, or netting. Stabilize slopes by hydroseeding, anchoring mulch in place, covering with anchored netting, sodding, or such combination of these and other methods necessary for effective erosion control. b. Seeding: Provide new seeding where ground is disturbed. Include topsoil or nutriment during the seeding operation necessary to establish a suitable stand of grass. The seeding operation will be as specified in Section 32 92 19 SEEDING. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan Storm Water Notice of Intent SD-06 Test Reports Erosion and Sediment Controls SD-07 Certificates Mill Certificate or Affidavit SECTION 01 57 23 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Identify, store and handle filter fabric in accordance with ASTM D4873. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 COMPONENTS FOR SILT FENCES 2.1.1 Filter Fabric Provide geotextile that complies with the requirements of ASTM D4439, and consists of polymeric filaments which are formed into a stable network such that filaments retain their relative positions. The filament shall consist of a long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of ester, propylene, or amide, and contains stabilizers and/or inhibitors added to the base plastic to make the filaments resistant to deterioration due to ultraviolet and heat exposure. Provide synthetic filter fabric that contains ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to assure a minimum of six months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 degrees F. The filter fabric shall meet the following requirements: FILTER FABRIC FOR SILT SCREEN FENCE PHYSICAL PROPERTY TEST PROCEDURE STRENGTH REQUIREMENT Grab Tensile Elongation (percent) ASTM D4632/D4632M 100 lbs. min. 30 percent max. Trapezoid Tear ASTM D4533 55 lbs. min. Permittivity ASTM D4491 0.2 sec-1 AOS (U.S. Std Sieve)ASTM D4751 20-100 2.1.2 Silt Fence Stakes and Posts Use either wooden stakes or steel posts for fence construction. Wooden stakes utilized for silt fence construction, shall have a minimum cross section of 2 by 2 inches when oak is used and 4 by 4 inches when pine is used, and have a minimum length of 5 feet. Steel posts (standard "U" or "T" section) utilized for silt fence construction, shall have a minimum weight of 1.33 pounds/linear foot and a minimum length of 5 feet. Refer to details in the drawings for additional information. 2.1.3 Mill Certificate or Affidavit Provide a mill certificate or affidavit attesting that the fabric and factory seams meet chemical, physical, and manufacturing requirements specified above. Specify in the mill certificate or affidavit the actual Minimum Average Roll Values and identify the fabric supplied by roll identification numbers. Submit a mill certificate or affidavit signed by a legally authorized official from the company manufacturing the filter fabric. SECTION 01 57 23 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION OF SILT FENCES Extend silt fences a minimum of 16 inches above the ground surface without exceeding 34 inches above the ground surface. Provide filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid the use of joints. When joints are unavoidable, splice together filter fabric at a support post, with a minimum 6 inch overlap, and securely sealed. Excavate trench approximately 4 inches wide and 4 inches deep on the upslope side of the location of the silt fence. The 4 by 4 inch trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the filter fabric. Remove silt fences upon approval by the Contracting Officer. 3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Maintain the temporary and permanent vegetation, erosion and sediment control measures, and other protective measures in good and effective operating condition by performing routine inspections to determine condition and effectiveness, by restoration of destroyed vegetative cover, and by repair of erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures. Use the following procedures to maintain the protective measures. 3.2.1 Silt Fence Maintenance Inspect the silt fences in accordance with paragraph, titled "Inspections," of this section. Any required repairs shall be made promptly. Pay close attention to the repair of damaged silt fence resulting from end runs and undercutting. Should the fabric on a silt fence decompose or become ineffective, and the barrier is still necessary, replace the fabric promptly. Remove sediment deposits when deposits reach one-third of the height of the barrier. Remove a silt fence when it is no longer required. The immediate area occupied by the fence and any sediment deposits shall be shaped to an acceptable grade. The areas disturbed by this shaping shall be seeded in accordance with Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT, except that the coverage requirements in paragraph, titled "Establishment" of this section do not apply. 3.2.2 Diversion Dike Maintenance Inspect diversion dikes in accordance with paragraph, titled "Inspections," of this section. Pay close attention to the repair of damaged diversion dikes and accomplish necessary repairs promptly. When diversion dikes are no longer required, shape to an acceptable grade. Seed the areas disturbed by this shaping in accordance with Section 32 92 19 SEEDING. 3.3 INSPECTIONS 3.3.1 General Inspect disturbed areas of the construction site, areas that have not been finally stabilized used for storage of materials exposed to precipitation, stabilization practices, structural practices, other controls, and area where vehicles exit the site at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of any storm that produces 0.5 inches or more rainfall at the site. Conduct inspections at least once every month where sites have been finally stabilized. SECTION 01 57 23 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.3.2 Inspections Details Inspect disturbed areas and areas used for material storage that are exposed to precipitation for evidence of, or the potential for, pollutants entering the drainage system. Observe erosion and sediment control measures identified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to ensure that they are operating correctly. Inspect discharge locations or points to ascertain whether erosion control measures are effective in preventing significant impacts to receiving waters. Inspect locations where vehicles exit the site for evidence of offsite sediment tracking. 3.3.3 Inspection Reports For each inspection conducted, prepare a report summarizing the scope of the inspection, name(s) and qualifications of personnel making the inspection, the date(s) of the inspection, major observations relating to the implementation of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, maintenance performed, and actions taken. Furnish the report to the Contracting Officer within 24 hours of the inspection as a part of the Contractor's daily CQC REPORT. A copy of the inspection report shall be maintained on the job site. -- End of Section -- SECTION 01 57 23 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 31 00 00 EARTHWORK 08/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 CRITERIA FOR BIDDING Base bids on the following criteria: a. Surface elevations are as indicated. b. Pipes or other artificial obstructions, except those indicated, will not be encountered. c. Ground water elevations indicated by the boring logs were those existing at the time subsurface investigations were made and do not necessarily represent ground water elevation at the time of construction. d. Material character is indicated by the boring logs. e. Hard materials and rock will not be encountered . 1.2 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) AASHTO T 180 (2010) Standard Method of Test for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils Using a 4.54-kg (10-lb) Rammer and a 457-mm (18-in.) Drop AASHTO T 224 (2010) Standard Method of Test for Correction for Coarse Particles in the Soil Compaction Test ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D1140 (2000; R 2006) Amount of Material in Soils Finer than the No. 200 (75-micrometer) Sieve ASTM D1556 (2007) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method ASTM D1557 (2012) Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3) (2700 kN-m/m3) ASTM D2216 (2010) Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass SECTION 31 00 00 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 ASTM D2487 (2011) Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) ASTM D2937 (2010) Density of Soil in Place by the Drive-Cylinder Method ASTM D422 (1963; R 2007; E 2014) Particle-Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D4318 (2010; E 2014) Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils ASTM D6938 (2010) Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION (NARA) 29 CFR 1926.652 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction; Subpart P, Excavations; Requirements for Protective Systems NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (NCDOT) NCDOT Std Specs (2012) Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE) EM 385-1-1 (2014) Safety and Health Requirements Manual 1.3 DEFINITIONS 1.3.1 Satisfactory Materials(Structural Fill or Controlled Fill) Beneath Buildings, Earthwork, Roadwork, and Utilities Systems Materials selected for use as structural fill shall be free from roots and other organic matter, trash, debris, frozen soil, and stones larger than 3 inches in any dimension, and in general, shall have a liquid limit less than 50 percent and a plasticity index of less than 30. The following soils represented by their Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D2487) group symbols will be suitable for use as structural fill: GP, GW, GC, GM, SP, SP-SM, SP-SC, SW, SC, SM, SM-SC, CL, and ML. Geosynthetic-Reinforced Zone Behind MSE Walls Only materials classified as GP, GW, GC, GM, SP, SP-SM, SPSC, SW, SC, SM, and SM-SC with less than 35% passing the #200 sieve, a liquid limit (LL) less than 35, and a plasticity index (PI) less than 10 will be suitable for use as structural fill in the geosynthetic-reinforced zone behind mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.3.2 Unsatisfactory Materials Materials which do not comply with the requirements for satisfactory materials are unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills; trash; refuse; backfills from previous construction; and material classified as satisfactory which contains root and other organic matter or frozen material. Notify the Contracting Officer when encountering any contaminated materials. The following soil types are considered unsuitable for use as structural fill in any portion of the site: PT, OH, OL, CH, and MH. 1.3.3 Degree of Compaction Degree of compaction required, except as noted in the second sentence, is expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density obtained by the test procedure presented in ASTM D1557 abbreviated as a percent of laboratory maximum density. Since ASTM D1557 applies only to soils that have 30 percent or less by weight of their particles retained on the 3/4 inch sieve, express the degree of compaction for material having more than 30 percent by weight of their particles retained on the 3/4 inch sieve as a percentage of the maximum density in accordance with AASHTO T 180 and corrected with AASHTO T 224. To maintain the same percentage of coarse material, use the "remove and replace" procedure as described in NOTE 8 of Paragraph 7.2 in AASHTO T 180. 1.3.4 Topsoil Material suitable for topsoils obtained from offsite areas is defined as: Natural, friable soil representative of productive, well-drained soils in the area, free of subsoil, stumps, rocks larger than 3/4 inch diameter in any dimension, brush, weeds, toxic substances, and other material detrimental to plant growth. Amend topsoil pH range to obtain a pH of 5.5 to 7. Submit topsoil test reports indicating the suitability of the topsoil for the approved permanent turf to the Contracting Officer for approval before distributing the 8" of topsoil over the site. 1.3.5 Hard/Unyielding Materials Hard/Unyielding materials comprise weathered rock, dense consolidated deposits, or conglomerate materials which are not included in the definition of "rock" with stones greater than 3 inch in any dimension or as defined by the pipe manufacturer, whichever is smaller. These materials usually require the use of heavy excavation equipment, ripper teeth, or jack hammers for removal. Hard/Unyielding materials are not expected to be encountered. 1.3.6 Rock Solid homogeneous interlocking crystalline material with firmly cemented, laminated, or foliated masses or conglomerate deposits, neither of which can be removed without systematic drilling and blasting, drilling and the use of expansion jacks or feather wedges, or the use of backhoe-mounted pneumatic hole punchers or rock breakers; also large boulders, buried masonry, or concrete other than pavement exceeding 1/2 cubic yard in volume. Removal of hard material will not be considered rock excavation because of intermittent drilling and blasting that is performed merely to increase production. Rock is not expected to be encountered under this contract. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.3.7 Unstable Material Unstable materials are too wet to properly support the utility pipe, conduit, or appurtenant structure. 1.3.8 Select Granular Material General Requirements Select granular material consist of materials classified as GW, GP, SW, or SP by ASTM D2487 where indicated. The liquid limit of such material must not exceed 35 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D4318. The plasticity index must not be greater than 10 percent when tested in accordance with ASTM D4318, and not more than 35 percent by weight may be finer than No. 200 sieve when tested in accordance with ASTM D1140. California Bearing Ratio Values Perform California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests on compacted subgrades in areas to receive pavement for both existing material and each material imported from offsite. CBR value shall be equal to or above pavement design subgrade CBR value of 8, as indicated on construction drawings. 1.3.9 Initial Backfill Material Initial backfill consists of select granular material or satisfactory materials. When the pipe is coated or wrapped for corrosion protection, free the initial backfill material of stones as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 1.3.10 Expansive Soils Expansive soils are defined as soils that have a plasticity index equal to or greater than 30 when tested in accordance with ASTM D4318. 1.3.11 Maximum Dry Density The maximum dry density is expressed as the maximum density obtained when the soil is compacted in accordance with ASTM D1557, abbreviated as laboratory maximum density. 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Subsurface soil boring logs and locations are shown on the drawings. The Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Report was prepared for this project by the Savannah District. This report provides recommendations for certain geotechnical and foundation design parameters, and may be obtained upon request through the project manager. It should be noted that although this report represents the best subsurface information available, variations may exist in the subsurface between boring locations. The Geotechnical Report is made available for the Contractor's convenience, and is not a warranty of existing conditions. 1.4.1 Classification of Excavation No consideration will be given to the nature of the materials, and all excavation will be designated as unclassified excavation. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Common Excavation Include common excavation with the satisfactory removal and disposal of all materials not classified as rock excavation. Hard Drilling Material and Rock Excavation The Contractor shall review the Geotechnical Report and soil boring logs to determine the extent of potential hard drilling material and rock excavation. Hard drilling materials and rock were not encountered in any of the test borings performed on the site, and are not expected to be encountered during constructionm activities. 1.4.2 Blasting Blasting will not be permitted. 1.4.3 Dewatering Work Plan Submit procedures for accomplishing dewatering work at least 15 days prior to starting work. 1.5 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for Contractor Quality Control approval. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals Shoring; G, RO Dewatering Work Plan; G, RO SD-03 Product Data Utilization of Excavated Materials SD-06 Test Reports Borrow Site Testing SD-07 Certificates Testing PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 REQUIREMENTS FOR OFFSITE SOILS Test offsite soils brought in for use as backfill for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene, and Xylene (BTEX) and full Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) including ignitability, corrosivity and reactivity. Offsite soils shall contain a maximum of 100 parts per million (ppm) of TPH and a maximum of 10 ppm of the sum of BTEX and shall pass the TCPL test. Determine TPH concentrations by using EPA 600/4-79/020 Method 9071. Determine BTEX concentrations by using EPA SW-846.3-3 Method SECTION 31 00 00 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 8260b. Perform TCLP in accordance with EPA SW-846.3-3 Method 1311. Provide Borrow Site Testing for TPH, BTEX and TCLP from a composite sample of material from the borrow site, with at least one test from each borrow site. Do not bring material onsite until tests have been approved by the Contracting Officer. Within 24 hours of conclusion of physical tests, submit 3 copies of test results, including calibration curves and results of calibration tests. 2.2 BURIED WARNING AND IDENTIFICATION TAPE Provide polyethylene plastic warning tape manufactured specifically for warning and identification of buried utility lines. Provide tape on rolls, 3 inches minimum width, color coded as specified below for the intended utility with warning and identification imprinted in bold black letters continuously over the entire tape length. Warning and identification to read, "CAUTION, BURIED (intended service) LINE BELOW" or similar wording. Provide permanent color and printing, unaffected by moisture or soil. Warning Tape Color Codes Red Electric Yellow Gas, Oil; Dangerous Materials Orange Telephone and Other Communications Blue Water Systems Green Sewer Systems White Steam Systems Gray Compressed Air 2.2.1 Warning Tape for Metallic Piping Provide acid and alkali-resistant polyethylene plastic tape conforming to the width, color, and printing requirements specified above, with a minimum thickness of 0.003 inch and a minimum strength of 1500 psi lengthwise, and 1250 psi crosswise, with a maximum 350 percent elongation. 2.2.2 Detectable Warning Tape for Non-Metallic Piping Provide polyethylene plastic tape conforming to the width, color, and printing requirements specified above, with a minimum thickness of 0.004 inch, and a minimum strength of 1500 psi lengthwise and 1250 psi crosswise. Manufacture tape with integral wires, foil backing, or other means of enabling detection by a metal detector when tape is buried up to 3 feet deep. Encase metallic element of the tape in a protective jacket or provide with other means of corrosion protection. 2.3 MATERIAL FOR RIP-RAP Provide material for rip-rap in accordance with NCDOT Std Specs, Section SECTION 31 00 00 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 876. Provide bedding material consisting of sand, gravel, or crushed rock, well graded, or poorly graded with a maximum particle size of 2 inches. Compose material of tough, durable particles. Allow fines passing the No. 200 standard sieve with a plasticity index less than 6. 2.4 CAPILLARY WATER BARRIER Provide capillary water barrier for all concrete slabs-on-grade consisting of a minimum of 4 inches of open graded, washed pea gravel, or stone to prevent the capillary rise of the groundwater. Use stone size of 57, 67, 78, or 89. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 STRIPPING OF TOPSOIL Where indicated or directed, strip topsoil in its entirety. Topsoil shall be spread on areas already graded and prepared for topsoil, or transported and deposited in stockpiles convenient to areas that are to receive application of the topsoil later, or at locations indicated or specified. Keep topsoil separate from other excavated materials, brush, litter, objectionable weeds, roots, stones larger than 3/4 inches in diameter in any dimension, and other materials that would interfere with planting and maintenance operations. Remove from the site any surplus of topsoil from excavations and gradings. 3.2 GENERAL EXCAVATION Perform excavation of every type of material encountered within the limits of the project to the lines, grades, and elevations indicated and as specified. Perform the grading in accordance with the typical sections shown and the tolerances specified in paragraph FINISHING. Transport satisfactory excavated materials and place in fill or embankment within the limits of the work. Excavate unsatisfactory materials encountered within the limits of the work below grade and replace with satisfactory materials as directed. Include such excavated material and the satisfactory material ordered as replacement in excavation. Dispose surplus satisfactory excavated material, not required for fill or embankment, in areas approved for surplus material storage or designated waste areas. Dispose unsatisfactory excavated material in designated waste or spoil areas. During construction, perform excavation and fill in a manner and sequence that will provide proper drainage at all times. Materials required for fill or embankment, in excess of that produced by onsite excavation within the limits of construction, shall be obtained by the Contractor from an approved offsite borrow site. 3.2.1 Ditches, Gutters, and Channel Changes Finish excavation of ditches, gutters, and channel changes by cutting accurately to the cross sections, grades, and elevations shown on Drawings. Do not excavate ditches and gutters below grades shown. Backfill the excessive open ditch or gutter excavation with satisfactory, thoroughly compacted, material to grades shown. Dispose of excess satisfactory material and all unsatisfactory materials from excavation offsite as directed. Maintain excavations free from detrimental quantities of leaves, brush, sticks, trash, and other debris until final acceptance of the work. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.2.2 Drainage Structures Make excavations to the lines, grades, and elevations shown, or as directed. Provide trenches and foundation pits of sufficient size to permit the placement and removal of forms for the full length and width of structure footings and foundations as shown. Do not disturb the bottom of the excavation when concrete or masonry is to be placed in an excavated area. Do not excavate to the final grade level until just before the concrete or masonry is to be placed. 3.2.3 Drainage Provide for the collection and disposal of surface and subsurface water encountered during construction in accordance with Drawings and the Contractor's approved Dewatering Work Plan. Completely drain construction site during periods of construction to keep soil materials sufficiently dry. When unsuitable working platforms for equipment operation and unsuitable soil support for subsequent construction features develop, remove unsuitable material and provide new soil material as specified herein. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to assess the soil and ground water conditions presented by the plans and specifications and to employ necessary measures to permit construction to proceed. 3.2.4 Dewatering Control groundwater flowing toward or into excavations to prevent sloughing of excavation slopes and walls, boils, uplift and heave in the excavation and to eliminate interference with orderly progress of construction. Do not permit French drains, sumps, ditches or trenches within 3 feet of the foundation of any structure, except with specific written approval, and after specific contractual provisions for restoration of the foundation area have been made. Take control measures by the time the excavation reaches the water level in order to maintain the integrity of the in situ material. While the excavation is open, maintain the water level continuously, at least 3 feet below the working level, in accordance with Contractor's approved Dewatering Work Plan. 3.2.5 Trench Excavation Requirements Excavate the trench as recommended by the manufacturer of the pipe to be installed. Slope trench walls below the top of the pipe, or make vertical, and of such width as recommended in the manufacturer's printed installation manual. Provide vertical trench walls where no manufacturer's printed installation manual is available. Shore trench walls more than 4 feet high, cut back to a stable slope, or provide with equivalent means of protection for employees who may be exposed to moving ground or cave in. Shore vertical trench walls more than 4 feet high. Excavate trench walls which are cut back to at least the angle of repose of the soil. Give special attention to slopes which may be adversely affected by weather or moisture content. Do not exceed the trench width below the pipe top of 24 inches plus pipe outside diameter (O.D.) for pipes of less than 24 inches inside diameter, and do not exceed 36 inches plus pipe outside diameter for sizes larger than 24 inches inside diameter. Where recommended trench widths are exceeded, provide redesign, stronger pipe, or special installation procedures by the Contractor. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of redesign, stronger pipe, or special installation procedures without any additional cost to the Government. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Bottom Preparation Grade the bottoms of trenches accurately to provide uniform bearing and support for the bottom quadrant of each section of the pipe. Excavate bell holes to the necessary size at each joint or coupling to eliminate point bearing. Removal of Unyielding Material Where unyielding material is encountered in the bottom of the trench, remove such material 4 inches below the required grade or in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, whichever is greater. Replace with select granular materials as provided in paragraph TRENCH BACKFILL. Removal of Unstable Material Where unstable material is encountered in the bottom of the trench, remove such material to the depth directed and replace it to the proper grade with select granular material as provided in paragraph TRENCH BACKFILL. When removal of unstable material is required due to the Contractor's fault or neglect in performing the work, the Contractor is responsible for excavating the resulting material and replacing it without additional cost to the Government. Excavation for Appurtenances Provide excavation for manholes, catch-basins, inlets, or similar structures of sufficient size to permit the placement and removal of forms for the full length and width of structure footings and foundations as shown. Remove thin strata or loose debris from trench and cut to a firm surface either level, stepped, or serrated. When concrete or masonry is to be placed in an excavated area, take special care not to disturb the bottom of the excavation. Do not excavate to the final grade level until just before the concrete or masonry is to be placed. 3.2.6 Underground Utilities The Contractor is responsible for movement of construction machinery and equipment over pipes and utilities during construction. Support uncovered lines or other existing work affected by the contract excavation until approval for backfill is granted by the Contracting Officer. Report damage to utility lines or subsurface construction immediately to the Contracting Officer. 3.2.7 Structural Excavation Ensure that footing subgrades have been inspected and approved by the Contracting Officer prior to concrete placement. 3.3 SELECTION OF BORROW MATERIAL Select borrow material to meet the requirements and conditions of the particular fill or embankment for which it is to be used. Obtain borrow material from the approved borrow site. Unless otherwise provided in the contract, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining the right to procure material, pay royalties and other charges involved, and bear the expense of developing the sources, including rights-of-way for hauling from the owners. Unless specifically provided, do not obtain borrow within the SECTION 31 00 00 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 limits of the project site without prior written approval. Consider necessary clearing, grubbing, and satisfactory drainage of borrow pits and the disposal of debris thereon related operations to the borrow excavation. 3.4 SHORING 3.4.1 General Requirements Submit a Shoring and Sheeting plan for approval 15 days prior to starting work. Submit drawings and calculations, certified by a registered professional engineer, describing the methods for shoring and sheeting of excavations. Finish shoring, including sheet piling, and install as necessary to protect workmen, banks, adjacent paving, structures, and utilities. Remove shoring, bracing, and sheeting as excavations are backfilled, in a manner to prevent caving. 3.4.2 Geotechnical Engineer Hire a Professional Geotechnical Engineer to provide inspection of excavations and soil/groundwater conditions throughout construction. The Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for performing pre-construction and periodic site visits throughout construction to assess site conditions. The Geotechnical Engineer is responsible for updating the excavation, sheeting and dewatering plans as construction progresses to reflect changing conditions and submit an updated plan if necessary. Submit a monthly written report, informing the Contractor and Contracting Officer of the status of the plan and an accounting of the Contractor's adherence to the plan addressing any present or potential problems. The Contracting Officer is responsible for arranging meetings with the Geotechnical Engineer at any time throughout the contract duration. The Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer is required to be preset during any proofrolling activities. 3.5 GRADING AREAS Place and grade stockpiles of satisfactory, unsatisfactory, and waste materials as necessary throughout construction. Keep stockpiles in a neat and well drained condition, giving due consideration to drainage at all times. Clear, grub, and seal by rubber-tired equipment, the ground surface at stockpile locations; separately stockpile excavated satisfactory and unsatisfactory materials. Protect stockpiles of satisfactory materials from contamination which may destroy the quality and fitness of the stockpiled material. If the Contractor fails to protect the stockpiles, and any material becomes unsatisfactory, remove and replace such material with satisfactory material from approved sources. 3.6 FINAL GRADE OF SURFACES TO SUPPORT CONCRETE Do not excavate to final grade until just before concrete is to be placed. Roughen the level surfaces, and cut the sloped surfaces, as indicated, into rough steps or benches to provide a satisfactory bond. Protect shales from slaking and all surfaces from erosion resulting from ponding or water flow. 3.7 GROUND SURFACE PREPARATION 3.7.1 General Requirements Ground surface on which fill is to be placed shall be: SECTION 31 00 00 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 stripped of live, dead, or decayed vegetation, rubbish, debris, and other unsatisfactory material; plowed, disked, or otherwise broken up to a depth of 6 to 8 inches; pulverized; moistened or aerated as necessary to plus or minus 2.5 percent of optimum moisture; thoroughly mixed; and compacted to a density as specified in paragraph FILLING AND BACKFILLING. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, pneumatic-tired rollers, steel-wheeled rollers, vibratory compactors, or other approved equipment well suited to the type of material being compacted. The prepared ground surface shall be scarified and moistened or aerated as required just prior to placement of backfill materials to ensure adequate bond between backfill material and the prepared ground surface. 3.7.2 Frozen Material Do not place material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or contain frost. 3.8 UTILIZATION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS Use satisfactory material, removed from excavations, insofar as practicable, in the construction of fills, embankments, subgrades, shoulders, bedding (as backfill), and for similar purposes. Do not waste satisfactory excavated material without specific written authorization. Dispose of satisfactory material, authorized to be wasted, and unsatisfactory material in approved offsite areas developed by the Contractor. Contractor is responsible for erosion and sediment control at offsite areas. Submit procedures and locations for disposal of unused satisfactory material. Submit advanced notice on the opening of excavations. 3.9 BURIED DETECTABLE WARNING TAPE Provide buried utility lines with detectable warning tape. Bury tape 1.5 feet below finished grade; under pavements and slabs, bury tape 1 foot below top of subgrade. 3.10 MOISTURE CONTENT Satisfactory materials in each layer of fill shall contain the amount of moisture within the limits specified below. Materials that are not within the specified limits after compaction shall be reworked regardless of density. The moisture content after compaction shall be as uniform as practicable throughout any one layer and shall be within the limits of 2 percentage points above optimum moisture content and 2 percentage points below optimum moisture content as allowed in ASTM D1557. Materials which are too wet shall be disked, harrowed, plowed, bladed, or otherwise manipulated to reduce the moisture content to within the specified limits. Materials which are too dry shall be broken up, sprinkled, and thoroughly mixed to bring the moisture content uniformly up to within specified limits of moisture content specified above, the Contractor shall SECTION 31 00 00 Page 11 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 either adjust the moisture content to bring it within the specified limits or remove it from the fill. 3.11 FILLING AND BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION 3.11.1 General Filling and backfilling shall not begin until construction below finish grade has been approved, underground utilities systems have been inspected, tested and approved, forms removed and the excavation cleaned of trash and debris. Backfill shall not be placed in areas that are wet, muddy, contain organic materials or are otherwise unacceptable to the Contracting Officer. Satisfactory materials shall be used in bringing fills and backfills to the lines and grades indicated and for replacing unsatisfactory materials. Where pipe and/or utility lines are coated or wrapped for protection against corrosion, the backfill material up to an elevation of 2 feet above sewer lines and 1 foot above other utility lines shall be free from stones larger than 1 inch in any dimension. 3.11.2 Placement Satisfactory materials shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches in loose thickness, or 4 inches in loose thickness where hand-operated compactors are used. After placing, each layer shall be plowed, disked, or otherwise broken up, moistened or aerated as necessary, thoroughly mixed and compacted as specified. Backfill shall be brought to the indicated finish grade. Heavy equipment for spreading and compacting backfill shall not be operated closer to foundation or retaining walls than a distance equal to the height of backfill above the top of footing; the area remaining shall be compacted in layers not more than 4 inches in loose thickness with power-driven hand tampers suitable for the material being compacted. Backfill shall be placed carefully around pipes or tanks to avoid damage to coatings, wrappings, or tanks. Backfill shall not be placed against foundation walls prior to 7 days after completion. Each layer shall be thoroughly and uniformly blended throughout its entire thickness. 3.11.3 Compaction Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot roller, pneumatic-tired rollers, smooth-drum vibratory rollers or other approved equipment well suited to the soil being compacted. Generally, sheepsfoot rollers are best suited for compacting cohesive material while smooth-drum vibratory rollers are best suited for compacting cohesionless materials. In areas inaccessible to heavy equipment, or where in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, use of heavy equipment may cause damage to pipes, conduits, or structures, approved power-driven hand tampers suitable for the material being compacted shall be used. Each layer of fill and backfill shall be compacted to not less than the percentage of maximum dry density specified below. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 12 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Fill, Embankment, and Backfill Percent Laboratory Maximum Dry Density In trenches and except the top 12 inches beneath structures and building slabs to 10 feet beyond building and structure line. 92 Beneath paved areas, except top 12 inches. 92 Top 12 inches beneath structures and paved areas. 95 Within the geosynthetic-reinforced zone behind retaining walls. 92 Beneath shoulders.90 Base course beneath paved areas.100 Approved compacted subgrades that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations or adverse weather shall be scarified and recompacted to the required density prior to further construction thereon. Recompaction over underground utilities and heating lines shall be by hand tamping. For compacted subgrades and/or any lift of fill or backfill that fails to meet the specified density and/or moisture requirements, the entire subgrade and/or entire lift of fill shall be broken up to a minimum depth of 6 inches, pulverized, the moisture content adjusted as necessary, and recompacted to the specified density, even if this action requires the removal and replacement of subsequently placed satisfactory lifts of fill. Tests on recompacted areas shall be performed to determine conformance with specification requirements. Lifts of fill placed without being field density tested will not be accepted as satisfactory under any circumstances. 3.12 BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS 3.12.1 Trench Backfill Trenches shall be backfilled to the grade shown. The trench shall be backfilled to 2 feet above the top of pipe prior to performing the required pressure tests. The joints and couplings shall be left uncovered during the pressure test. The trench shall not be backfilled until all specified tests are performed. Replacement of Unyielding Material Replace unyielding material removed from the bottom of the trench with select granular material or initial backfill material. Replacement of Unstable Material Replace unstable material removed from the bottom of the trench or excavation with select granular material placed in layers not exceeding a loose thickness of 4 inches for hand-operated equipment and 8 inches for mechanically-operated equipment.. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 13 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Initial Backfill Initial backfill material shall be placed and compacted with approved tampers to a height of at least 1 foot above the utility pipe or conduit. The backfill shall be brought up evenly on both sides of the pipe for the full length of the pipe. Care shall be taken to ensure thorough compaction of the fill under the haunches of the pipe. Final Backfill Fill the remainder of the trench, except for special materials for roadways, with satisfactory material. Place backfill material and compact as follows: a. Roadways: Place backfill up to the required elevation as specified and compacted to the maximum dry density as shown in paragraph COMPACTION. Do not permit water flooding or jetting methods of compaction. b. Sidewalks, Turfed or Seeded Areas and Miscellaneous Areas: Deposit backfill in layers of a maximum of 12 inches loose thickness, and compact it to the maximum dry density as shown in the paragraph 3.11.3 COMPACTION above. Do not permit compaction by water flooding or jetting. Apply this requirement to all other areas not specifically designated above. 3.12.2 Backfill for Appurtenances After the manhole, catch basin, inlet, or similar structures have been constructed, place backfill in such a manner that the structures will not be damaged by the shock of falling earth. Deposit the backfill material, compact it as specified for final backfill, and bring up the backfill evenly on all sides of the structure to prevent eccentric loading and excessive stress. 3.13 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Special requirements for both excavation and backfill relating to the specific utilities are as follows: 3.13.1 Water Lines Excavate trenches to a depth that provides a minimum cover of 3 feet from the existing ground surface, or from the indicated finished grade, whichever is lower, to the top of the pipe. 3.13.2 Electrical Distribution System Provide a minimum cover of 24 inches from the finished grade to direct burial cable and conduit or duct line, unless otherwise indicated. 3.14 EARTH EMBANKMENTS Earth embankments shall be constructed from satisfactory materials free of organic or frozen material and rocks with any dimension greater than 3 inches. The material shall be placed in successive horizontal layers of loose material not more than 6 inches in depth. Each layer shall be spread uniformly on a soil surface that has been moistened or aerated as necessary, and scarified or otherwise broken up so that the fill will bond SECTION 31 00 00 Page 14 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 with the surface on which it is placed. After spreading, each layer shall be plowed, disked, or otherwise broken up; moistened or aerated as necessary; thoroughly mixed; and compacted to the appropriate percent laboratory maximum dry density as shown in Paragraph COMPACTION. 3.15 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 3.15.1 Proof Rolling Proof rolling shall be done on an exposed subgrade free of surface water (wet conditions resulting from rainfall) which would promote degradation of an otherwise acceptable subgrade. After stripping, proof roll the existing subgrade of all areas to remain at grade or to receive structural fill with a loaded tandem axle dump truck or similar rubber-tired equipment in the presence of the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) and the Contractor's Geotechnical Engineer. Cut areas shall be proof rolled once rough subgrade has been reached. Soils which are observed to rut or deflect excessively under the moving loads shall be stabilized as directed. 3.15.2 Construction Subgrade shall be shaped to line, grade, and cross section, and compacted as specified. This operation shall include plowing, disking, and any moistening or aerating required to obtain specified compaction. Materials shall be moistened or aerated as necessary to plus or minus 2 percent of optimum moisture. Soft or otherwise unsatisfactory material shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory excavated material or other approved material as directed. Low areas resulting from removal of unsatisfactory material shall be brought up to required grade with satisfactory materials, and the entire subgrade shall be shaped to line, grade, and cross section and compacted as specified. When the subgrade is in cut, the top 6 inches of subgrade shall be scarified, windrowed, moistened or aerated as necessary to plus or minus 2 percent of optimum moisture, thoroughly blended, reshaped, and compacted. The elevation of the finish subgrade shall not vary more than 0.05 foot from the established grade and cross section. Pavement Subgrades The subsurface investigation indicates that very loose and loose soils may be encountered at shallow depths of the subsurface at some locations on the project site. These soils, in their current loose condition, are unable to support the anticipated loads from paved surfaces and fill material without experiencing excessive settlement. After stripping and grading operations in parking and drive areas, stabilize any remaining loose soils by undercutting and replacing with suitable compacted fill materials as directed by the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR). Undercut materials will be suitable for re-use as compacted fill if they are free of organics or otherwise deleterious materials and if their moisture content is within a suitable range to achieve adequate compaction. Backfilling shall be in accordance with paragraphs 3.11.2 Placement and 3.11.3 Compaction of this specification 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. Building Pad Subgrades During the subsurface investigation, very loose and loose sandy soils were SECTION 31 00 00 Page 15 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 encountered in several borings performed onsite. Thoroughly check ALL foundation subgrades to a depth of 24 inches below the exposed subgrade to ensure the soils achieve the prescribed bearing capacity for the respective buildings as indicated in the table below. If loose materials hinder the footing excavations from achieving the required bearing capacity, remove the material up to a depth of two feet, and replace with suitable backfill material at the direction of the COR. Additionally, following all demolition, clearing and grubbing, and cut operations within the southern portion of the footprint of Building II and the entire footprint of Building III indicated on plates B-101 and B-100, any in-place loose soils shall be excavated to firm bearing. The bases of the excavations (not expected to extend past an approximate elevation of 435 feet msl), shall extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the limits of the buildings' footprints, and the excavations shall taper to the surface with a 3H:1V slope. Excavations shall be performed in accordance with the most current version of EM 385-1-1 and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.652. After all undercutting operations, the newly exposed subgrades shall be compacted to the required density for subgrades upon which fill material is to be placed and the COR shall be provided confirmation from the Contractor's independent testing laboratory that the base and sides of the excavation are free of loose or soft materials and ready to receive fill. The exposed, compacted excavation subgrades may then be backfilled in accordance with paragraphs 3.11.2 Placement and 3.11.3 Compaction. Excavated soils may be used as backfill if they are free of organics and other deleterious materials, and their moisture content is within a suitable range to achieve the required compaction. Structure Prescribed Soil Bearing Capacity (psf) Special requirements Building I 3,000 NA Building II 2,500 Undercut 5 to 7 feet below FFE (down to approximate elev. 435 - approximately 3,800 cubic yards) Building III 2,000 Undercut 4 to 6 feet beneath entire footprint (elevation of bottom of excavation ranges from 439 to 443 - approximately 8,300 cubic yards) 3.15.3 Compaction Subgrade for Pavements Compact subgrade for pavements to the maximum dry density as shown in paragraph 3.11.3 COMPACTION. Subgrade for Shoulders Compact subgrade for shoulders to the maximum dry density as shown in paragraph 3.11.3 COMPACTION. SECTION 31 00 00 Page 16 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.16 SHOULDER CONSTRUCTION Shoulders shall be constructed of satisfactory excavated or borrow material or as otherwise shown or specified. Shoulders shall be constructed as soon as possible after adjacent paving is complete, but in the case of rigid pavements, shoulders shall not be constructed until permission of the Contracting Officer has been obtained. The entire shoulder area shall be compacted to at least the percentage of maximum dry density as specified in paragraph COMPACTION. Shoulder construction shall be done in proper sequence in such a manner that adjacent ditches will be drained effectively and that no damage of any kind is done to the adjacent completed pavement. The completed shoulders shall be true to alignment and grade and shaped to drain in conformity with the cross section shown. 3.17 FINISHING Finish the surface of excavations, embankments, and subgrades to a smooth and compact surface in accordance with the lines, grades, and cross sections or elevations shown. Provide the degree of finish for graded areas within 0.1 foot of the grades and elevations indicated except that the degree of finish for subgrades specified in paragraph SUBGRADE PREPARATION. Finish gutters and ditches in a manner that will result in effective drainage. Finish the surface of areas to be turfed from settlement or washing to a smoothness suitable for the application of turfing materials. Repair graded, topsoiled, or backfilled areas prior to acceptance of the work, and re-established grades to the required elevations and slopes. 3.17.1 Subgrade and Embankments During construction, keep embankments and excavations shaped and drained. Maintain ditches and drains along subgrade to drain effectively at all times. Do not disturb the finished subgrade by traffic or other operation. Protect and maintain the finished subgrade in a satisfactory condition until ballast, subbase, base, or pavement is placed. Do not permit the storage or stockpiling of materials on the finished subgrade. Do not lay subbase, base course, ballast, or pavement until the subgrade has been checked and approved, and in no case place subbase, base, surfacing, pavement, or ballast on a muddy, spongy, or frozen subgrade. 3.17.2 Capillary Water Barrier Place a capillary water barrier under concrete floor and area-way slabs-on- grade directly on the subgrade and compact with a minimum of two passes of a hand-operated plate-type vibratory compactor. 3.17.3 Grading Around Structures Construct areas within 10 feet outside of each building and structure line true-to-grade, shape to drain, and maintain free of trash and debris until final inspection has been completed and the work has been accepted. 3.18 PLACING TOPSOIL On areas to receive topsoil, prepare the compacted subgrade soil to a 2-inch depth for bonding of topsoil with subsoil. Spread topsoil evenly to a thickness of 8 inches and grade to the elevations and slopes shown. Do not spread topsoil when frozen or excessively wet or dry. Obtain SECTION 31 00 00 Page 17 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 material required for topsoil in excess of that produced by excavation within the grading limits from offsite areas. 3.19 TESTING Perform testing at no additional cost to the Government. Tests shall be performed by an approved commercial testing laboratory submit the qualifications of the Government's validated commercial testing laboratory or the Contractor's Government-validated testing facilities. Field in-place density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D1556, ASTM D6938, and ASTM D2937. When test results indicate that compaction is not as specified, the material shall be removed, replaced, and recompacted to meet specification requirements. Tests on recompacted areas shall be performed to determine conformance with specification requirements. Inspections and test results shall be certified by a commercial testing laboratory and approved by a registered professional civil engineer. These certifications shall state that the tests and observations were performed by or under the direct supervision of the engineer and that the results are representative of the materials or conditions being certified by the tests. The following number of tests, if performed at the appropriate time, will be the minimum acceptable for each type operation. 3.19.1 Fill and Backfill Material Gradation, Classification, and Moisture Content Gradation of fill and backfill material shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D422 and ASTM D1140, without hydrometer. Liquid limit and plasticity index shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D4318. Classification of soils shall be in accordance with ASTM D2487. Moisture content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2216. 3.19.2 Compaction Compaction tests shall be performed by the test procedure presented in ASTM D1557. Adequate testing shall be conducted to establish at least five points with at least one point falling within plus or minus 2.0 percentage points of the plotted optimum moisture content. 3.19.3 Test Required on Material Prior to Placement General All material from required excavations and borrow shall be tested prior to incorporation into the permanent work. The tests shall be performed on samples representative of the various materials to be utilized. Samples shall be carefully selected to represent the full range of materials to be used as fill and/or backfill. The following minimum number of tests shall be performed on the materials prior to the placement of the materials in the work. Additional tests of these types shall be performed when materials of different classification or compaction characteristics are encountered to determine the properties of the materials. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to direct additional testing as required. Classification Tests Classification tests shall be performed to determine the acceptability of materials in accordance with paragraph MATERIALS. Such tests on materials proposed for use as fill and/or backfill shall be performed prior to their use. Sufficient classification tests shall be performed to define the SECTION 31 00 00 Page 18 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 full range of all materials proposed for use. A minimum of two classification tests shall be performed on each material classified as satisfactory for use. The Contracting Officer may at any time require additional classification tests to confirm material acceptability. Compaction Tests Compaction tests shall be performed prior to commencement of construction in order to determine the moisture-density relationships of all satisfactory materials proposed for use as fill and/or backfill. For each compaction test performed, an associated or companion classification test and moisture content test shall be performed. Compaction tests shall be performed in sufficient number to establish the full range of maximum dry density and optimum water content. A minimum of 8 compaction tests shall be performed on materials classified as satisfactory for use. Samples for these tests shall not be obtained from the same locations. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to direct where samples for additional compaction tests are obtained. In the event that the compaction characteristics of materials having the same classification vary appreciably, additional compaction tests shall be performed. Moisture Content Tests Moisture content tests shall be performed on all materials proposed for use as fill and/or backfill to determine their suitability for use in accordance with paragraph Moisture Content. Moisture content tests shall be performed in sufficient number to determine the full range of moisture contents. Moisture content test shall be performed for each compaction test and as required to determine acceptability of material prior to placement. Not less than two moisture content tests shall be performed on each material classified as satisfactory for use. 3.19.4 Tests Required During Placement In-Place Density Tests for General Earthwork One density test shall be performed for each 12,500 square feet, or portion thereof, for pavements, of compacted native soil subgrade and in each lift of compacted structural fill. Density tests shall be performed at 100-foot intervals along roadway subgrades. Density test shall be performed for each 100 linear feet of backfill placed per 6 inch loose lift in the geosynthetic-reinforced zone behind mechanically stabilized earth retaining walls. Where other areas are compacted separately by manually operated compactors, a minimum of one density test shall be performed for every 250 square feet, or portion thereof, of fill placed per foot of depth. In-Place Tests for Buildings Acceptance of the compacted materials shall be determined by the results of field in-place density tests. Density tests in randomly selected locations shall be performed in the material and at the minimum frequency specified below: SECTION 31 00 00 Page 19 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Material Type Location of Material Minimum of Test Frequency Fill, embankment, and backfill Beneath structures, to the 10-foot building line One test per lift per each increment or fraction of 3,500 square feet Fill and backfill Areas beside structures, footings, walls, and areas enclosed by grade beams that are compacted by hand-operated compaction equipment One test per foot of depth per each increment or fraction of 200 square feet, or for each 50 linear feet or long, narrow (less than 3 feet wide) fills Subgrade (native soils)Under building slabs on grade and paved areas One test per each increment or fraction of 3,500 square feet Subgrade (native soils)Under footings One test per every fifth column footing and for each increment or fraction of 75 linear feet of wall footings In-Place Density Tests for Utility Systems Tests shall be performed in sufficient numbers to ensure that the specified density is being obtained. A minimum of one field density test per lift of backfill for every 150 linear feet, or fraction thereof, of installation shall be performed. Moisture Content In the stockpile(s), excavation, or borrow areas, a minimum of two tests, each with a one-point or two-point compaction test, shall be performed per day per type of material or source of material being placed during stable weather conditions. During unstable weather, tests shall be made as dictated by the local conditions to ensure the moisture content of the placed materials is within the specified limits. Time and Location of Tests The Government reserves the right to specify the location of any test. Whenever there is doubt as to the adequacy of the testing or validity of results, the Contracting Officer may direct that additional tests be performed, at not additional cost to the Government. The field density tests shall be performed at times and locations which will ensure the specified compaction is being obtained throughout each lift for all materials placed. Additional field density tests shall be performed in areas where the Contracting Officer determines there is reason to doubt the adequacy of the natural subgrade. Field Density Control The results of field density tests shall be compared to results of compaction tests performed as required elsewhere in these specifications SECTION 31 00 00 Page 20 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 by the use of the appropriate procedures described in the following paragraphs. 3.19.5 Compaction Control For fine grained (clayey and silty) soils and for sands with appreciable fines such that normal shaped compaction curves are obtained, results of all compaction tests shall be plotted on a common plot as a family of curves. For each field density test performed, a one-point compaction test, with additional points as needed, shall be performed on the same material on which the field density test was conducted. The one-point compaction test shall be performed on the dry side of the optimum moisture content. For comparison of field density data to the proper laboratory compaction test results, the procedures for the one-point and/or two-point compaction control methods as described in paragraph Compaction Procedure, shall be used. Compaction curves plotted on the family of curves shall be of such a scale that the optimum moisture content can be interpreted to the nearest 0.1 percent and the maximum dry density can be interpreted to the nearest( 0.5 pounds per cubic foot). When a one-point test plots outside the range of the family of curves, an additional five-point compaction test shall be performed. 3.19.6 Compaction Procedures General The following paragraphs describe methods of relating field density data to desired or specified values. Compaction control of soils requires comparison of fill water content and/or dry density values obtained in field density tests with optimum water content and/or maximum dry density. At a minimum, control shall be in accordance with the One-Point Compaction Method. Where conditions require, the Two-Point Compaction Method shall be used. One-Point Compaction Method The material from the field density test is allowed to dry to a water content on the dry side of estimated optimum, and then compacted using the same equipment and procedures used in the five-point compaction test. Thorough mixing is required to obtain uniform drying; otherwise, results obtained may be erroneous. The water content and dry density of the compacted sample are determined and then used to estimate its optimum water content and maximum dry density as illustrated in Figure 1 at the end of this section. In Figure 1, the line of optimums is well defined and the compaction curves are approximately parallel to each other, consequently, the one-point compaction method could be used with a relatively high degree of confidence. However, in Figure 2 at the end of this section, the curves are not parallel to each other and in several instances will cross if extended on the dry side. Consequently, the correct curve cannot be determined from the one-point method; therefore, the two-point compaction method shall be used. The one-point method shall be used only when the data define a relatively good line of optimums. Two-Point Compaction Method In the two-point test, one sample of material from the location of the field density test is compacted at the fill water content if thought to be at or on the dry side of optimum water content (otherwise, reduced by drying to this condition) using the same equipment and procedures used in SECTION 31 00 00 Page 21 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 the five-point compaction test. A second sample of material is allowed to dry back about 2 to 3 percentage points dry of the water content of the first sample and then compacted in the same manner. At least one point shall fall within 3 percent of the line of optimum. After compaction, the water contents and dry densities for the two samples are determined. The results are used to identify the appropriate compaction curve for the material being tested as shown in Figure 2 at the end of this section. The data shown in Figure 2 warrant the use of the two-point compaction test because the five-point compaction curves are not parallel. Using point A only, as in the one-point test method, would result in appreciable error as the shape of the curve would not be defined. The estimated compaction curve can be more accurately defined by two compaction points. 3.19.7 Displacement of Sewers After other required tests have been performed and the trench backfill compacted to the finished grade surface, inspect the pipe to determine whether significant displacement has occurred. Conduct this inspection in the presence of the Contracting Officer. Inspect pipe sizes larger than 36 inches, while inspecting smaller diameter pipe by shining a light or laser between manholes or manhole locations, or by the use of television cameras passed through the pipe. If, in the judgment of the Contracting Officer, the interior of the pipe shows poor alignment or any other defects that would cause improper functioning of the system, replace or repair the defects as directed at no additional cost to the Government. 3.20 DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS MATERIAL Surplus material or other soil material not required or suitable for filling or backfilling, and brush, refuse, stumps, roots, and timber shall be removed from Government property. Locations shall be approved by the Contracting Officer. 3.21 PROTECTION Settlement or washing that occurs in graded, topsoiled, or backfilled areas prior to acceptance of the work, shall be repaired and grades reestablished to the required elevations and slopes. -- End of Section -- SECTION 31 00 00 Page 22 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 GEOTEXTILES USED AS FILTERS 08/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D 123 (2009e1) Terminology Relating to Textiles ASTM D 4354 (1999; R 2009) Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing ASTM D 4355 (2007) Deterioration of Geotextiles from Exposure to Light, Moisture and Heat in a Xenon-Arc Type Apparatus ASTM D 4491 (1999a; R 2009) Water Permeability of Geotextiles by Permittivity ASTM D 4533 (2004; R 2009) Trapezoid Tearing Strength of Geotextiles ASTM D 4632 (2008) Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles ASTM D 4751 (2004) Determining Apparent Opening Size of a Geotextile ASTM D 4759 (2002; R 2007) Determining the Specification Conformance of Geosynthetics ASTM D 4833 (2007) Index Puncture Resistance of Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products ASTM D 4873 (2002; R 2009) Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples ASTM D 4884 (2009) Strength of Sewn or Thermally Bonded Seams of Geotextiles 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-04 Samples Geotextile Geotextile samples for testing, if requested, to determine compliance with the requirements in this specification, a minimum of 20 days prior to the beginning of installation of the same textile. Upon delivery of the geotextile, submit duplicate copies of the written certificate of compliance signed by a legally authorized official of the manufacturer. The certificate shall state that the geotextile shipped to the site meets the chemical requirements and exceeds the minimum average roll value listed in TABLE 1. Upon request, supply quality control and quality assurance tests for the geotextile. Provide all samples from the same production lot as will be supplied for the contract, of the full manufactured width of the geotextile by at least 10 feet long, except that samples for seam strength may be a full width sample folded over and the edges stitched for a length of at least 5 feet. Samples submitted for testing shall be identified by manufacturers lot designation. For needle punched geotextile, the manufacturer shall certify that the geotextile has been inspected using permanent on-line metal detectors and does not contain any needles. SD-07 Certificates Geotextile Manufacturer's certification of the geotextile material. A minimum of 20 days prior to scheduled use, all brands of geotextile and all seams to be used will be accepted on the basis of mill certificates or affidavits. Submit duplicate copies of the mill certificate or affidavit signed by a legally authorized official from the company manufacturing the geotextile. The mill certificate or affidavit shall attest that the geotextile meets the chemical, physical and manufacturing requirements stated in this specification.For needle punched geotextiles, the manufacturer shall also certify that the geotextile has been continuously inspected using permanent on-line full-width metal detectors and does not contain any needles which could damage other geosynthetic layers. 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING All geotextile shall be labeled, shipped, stored, and handled in accordance with ASTM D 4873. 1.3.1 Delivery Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 24 hours prior to delivery and unloading of geotextile rolls packaged in an opaque, waterproof, protective plastic wrapping. The plastic wrapping shall not be removed until deployment. If quality assurance samples are collected, immediately rewrap rolls with the plastic wrapping. Geotextile or plastic wrapping damaged during storage or handling shall be repaired or replaced, as directed. Label each roll with the manufacturer's name, geotextile type, roll number, roll dimensions (length, width, gross weight), and date SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 manufactured. 1.3.2 Storage Protect rolls of geotextile from construction equipment, chemicals, sparks and flames, temperatures in excess of 160 degrees F, or any other environmental condition that may damage the physical properties of the geotextile. To protect geotextile from becoming saturated, either elevate rolls off the ground or place them on a sacrificial sheet of plastic in an area where water will not accumulate. 1.4.3 Handling Handle and unload geotextile rolls with load carrying straps, a fork lift with a stinger bar, or an axial bar assembly. Rolls shall not be dragged along the ground, lifted by one end, or dropped to the ground. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS 2.1.1 Geotextile General Provide geotextile that is a non-woven pervious sheet of plastic yarn as defined by ASTM D 123 matching or exceeding the minimum average roll values listed in TABLE 1. Strength values indicated in the table are for the weaker principal direction. TABLE 1 MINIMUM PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR DRAINAGE GEOTEXTILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROPERTY UNITS ACCEPTABLE VALUES TEST METHOD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ GRAP STRENGTH lb 200 ASTM D 4632 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEAM STRENGTH lb 160 ASTM D 4632 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUNCTURE lb 125 ASTM D 4833 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRAPEZOID TEAR lb 75 ASTM D 4533 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERMEABILITY cm/sec .004 ASTM D 4491 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APPARENT OPENING SIZE U.S. SIEVE 80 ASTM D 4751 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ULTRAVIOLET DEGRADATION Percent 500 AT 500 Hrs ASTM D 4355 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Geotextile Fiber Fibers used in the manufacturing of the geotextile shall consist of a long-chain synthetic polymer composed of at least 85 percent by weight of polyolefins, polyesters, or polamides. Add stabilizers and/or inhibitors to the base polymer, if necessary to make the filaments resistant to SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 deterioration caused by ultraviolet light and heat exposure. Reclaimed or recycled fibers or polymer shall not be added to the formulation. Geotextile shall be formed into a network such that the filaments or yarns retain dimensional stability relative to each other, including the edges. Finish the edges of the geotextile to prevent the outer fiber from pulling away from the geotextile. 2.1.2 Seams Sew the seams of the geotextile with thread of a material meeting the chemical requirements given above for geotextile yarn. Attach the sheets of geotextile at the factory or another approved location. Test seams in accordance with method ASTM D 4884. The strength of the seam shall be not less than 90 percent of the required grab tensile strength of the unaged geotextile in any principal direction. 2.2 INSPECTIONS, VERIFICATIONS, AND TESTING 2.2.1 Manufacturing Quality Control Sampling and Testing The Manufacturer is responsible for establishing and maintaining a quality control program to assure compliance with the requirements of the specification. Documentation describing the quality control program shall be made available upon request. Perform manufacturing quality control sampling and testing in accordance with the manufacturer's approved quality control manual. As a minimum, geotextiles shall be randomly sampled for testing in accordance with ASTM D 4354, Procedure A. Acceptance of geotextile shall be in accordance with ASTM D 4759. Tests not meeting the specified requirements will result in the rejection of applicable rolls. 2.2.2 Site Verification and Testing Provide assistance to the Contracting Officer in the collection of quality assurance samples in accordance with ASTM D 4354. Collect samples upon delivery to the site for quality assurance testing at the request of the Contracting Officer. Identify samples with a waterproof marker by manufacturers name, type of geotextile, lot number, roll number, and machine direction. The date and a unique sample number shall also be noted on the sample. The Contracting Officer will provide quality assurance samples to an Independent Laboratory. Samples will be tested to verify that geotextile meets the requirements specified in Table 1. Test method ASTM D 4355 shall not be performed on the collected samples. Geotextile product acceptance shall be based on ASTM D 4759. Tests not meeting the specified requirements will result in the rejection of applicable rolls. Rolls which are sampled shall be immediately rewrapped in their protective covering. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE PREPARATION The surface underlying the geotextile shall be smooth and free of ruts or protrusions which could damage the geotextile. Remove any irregularities so as to ensure continuous, intimate contact of the geotextile with all the surface. Subgrade materials and compaction requirements shall be in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.2 INSTALLATION OF THE GEOTEXTILE 3.2.1 General Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 24 hours prior to installation of geotextile. Place the geotextile in the manner and at the locations shown in contract documents. At the time of installation, reject the geotextile if it has defects, rips, holes, tensile stresses, folds, wrinkles, deterioration or damage incurred during manufacture, transportation or storage. On slopes steeper than 10 horizontal on 1 vertical, lay the geotextile with the machine direction of the fabric parallel to the slope direction. 3.2.2 Placement Place the geotextile smooth and free of tension, stress, folds, wrinkles, or creases. The geotextile shall be laid flat and smooth so that it is in direct contact with the subgrade. Temporary pinning of the geotextile to help hold it in place until the granular material is placed will be allowed. Remove the temporary pins as the drainage layer granular material is placed to relieve high tensile stress which may occur during placement of material on the geotextile. Perform trimming in such a manner that the geotextile is not damaged in any way. 3.3 PROTECTION Protect the geotextile at all times during construction from contamination by surface runoff; remove any geotextile so contaminated and replaced with uncontaminated geotextile. Replace any geotextile damaged during its installation or during placement of granular materials at no cost to the Government. Schedule the work so that the covering of the geotextile with a layer of the specified material is accomplished within 7 calendar days after placement of the geotextile. Failure to comply shall require replacement of geotextile. In no case shall any type of equipment be allowed on the unprotected geotextile. 3.4 SEAMS 3.4.1 Overlap Seams Continuously overlap geotextile panels a minimum of 18 inches at all longitudinal and transverse joints. Where seams must be oriented across the slope, lap the upper panel over the lower panel. Sewn seams may be used instead of overlapped seams. 3.4.2 Sewn Seams High strength thread should be used so that seam test conforms to ASTM D 4884. The thread shall meet the chemical, ultraviolet, and physical requirements of the geotextile, and the color shall be different from that of the geotextile. The seam strength shall be equal to the strength required for the geotextile in the direction across the seam. Overlapping J-type seams are preferable over prayer-type seams as the overlapping geotextile reduces the chance of openings to occur at the seam. Use double sewing, specially for field seams, to provide a safety factor against undetected missed stitches. SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.5 REPAIRS Repair torn or damaged geotextile. Clogged areas of geotextile shall be removed. Perform repairs by placing a patch of the same type of geotextile over the damaged area. The patch shall extend a minimum of 12 inches beyond the edge of the damaged area. Patches shall be continuously fastened using approved methods. The machine direction of the patch shall be aligned with the machine direction of the geotextile being repaired. Remove and replace geotextile rolls which cannot be repaired. Repairs shall be performed at no additional cost to the Government 3.6 COVERING Do not cover geotextile prior to inspection and approval by the Contracting Officer. Place cover stone in a manner that prevents soil from entering the geotextile overlap zone, prevents tensile stress from being mobilized in the geotextile, and prevents wrinkles from folding over onto themselves. On side slopes, stone backfill shall be placed from the bottom of the slope upward. Cover stone shall not be dropped onto the geotextile from a height greater than 3 feet. No equipment shall be operated directly on top of the geotextile without approval of the Contracting Officer. Use equipment with ground pressures less than 7 psi to place the first lift over the geotextile. A minimum of 6 inches of stone shall be maintained between full-scale construction equipment and the geotextile. Equipment placing cover stone shall not stop abruptly, make sharp turns, spin their wheels, or travel at speeds exceeding 5 mph. -- End of Section -- SECTION 31 05 22.00 06 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 31 11 00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 08/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Nonsaleable Materials SD-04 Samples Tree wound paint Herbicide; G 1.2 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Deliver materials to store at the site, and handle in a manner which will maintain the materials in their original manufactured or fabricated condition until ready for use. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TREE WOUND PAINT Submit samples in cans with manufacturer's label of bituminous based paint of standard manufacture specially formulated for tree wounds. 2.2 HERBICIDE Comply with Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (Title 7 U.S.C. Section 136) for requirements on Contractor's licensing, certification and record keeping. Contact the command Pest Control Coordinator prior to starting work. Submit samples in cans with manufacturer's label. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PROTECTION 3.1.1 Roads and Walks Keep roads and walks free of dirt and debris at all times. SECTION 31 11 00 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.1.2 Trees, Shrubs, and Existing Facilities Trees and vegetation to be left standing shall be protected from damage incident to clearing, grubbing, and construction operations by the erection of barriers or by such other means as the circumstances require. 3.1.3 Utility Lines Protect existing utility lines that are indicated to remain from damage. Notify the Contracting Officer immediately of damage to or an encounter with an unknown existing utility line. The Contractor is responsible for the repairs of damage to existing utility lines that are indicated or made known to the Contractor prior to start of clearing and grubbing operations. When utility lines which are to be removed are encountered within the area of operations, notify the Contracting Officer in ample time to minimize interruption of the service. 3.2 CLEARING Clearing shall consist of the felling, trimming, and cutting of trees into sections and the satisfactory disposal of the trees and other vegetation designated for removal, including downed timber, snags, brush, and rubbish occurring within the areas to be cleared. Clearing shall also include the removal and disposal of structures that obtrude, encroach upon, or otherwise obstruct the work. Trees, stumps, roots, brush, and other vegetation in areas to be cleared shall be cut off flush with or below the original ground surface, except such trees and vegetation as may be indicated or directed to be left standing. Trees designated to be left standing within the cleared areas shall be trimmed of dead branches 1-1/2 inches or more in diameter and shall be trimmed of all branches the heights indicated or directed. Limbs and branches to be trimmed shall be neatly cut close to the bole of the tree or main branches. Cuts more than 1-1/2 inches in diameter shall be painted with an approved tree-wound paint. Apply herbicide in accordance with the manufacturer's label to the top surface of stumps designated not to be removed. 3.3 TREE REMOVAL Where indicated or directed, trees and stumps that are designated as trees shall be removed from areas outside those areas designated for clearing and grubbing. This work shall include the felling of such trees and the removal of their stumps and roots as specified in paragraph GRUBBING. Trees shall be disposed of as specified in paragraph DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS. 3.4 PRUNING Prune trees designated to be left standing within the cleared areas of dead branches 1-1/2 inches or more in diameter; and trim branches to heights and in a manner as indicated. Neatly cut limbs and branches to be trimmed close to the bole of the tree or main branches. Paint cuts more than 1-1/4 inches in diameter with an approved tree wound paint. 3.5 GRUBBING Grubbing shall consist of the removal and disposal of stumps, roots larger than 3 inches in diameter, and matted roots from the designated grubbing areas. Material to be grubbed, together with logs and other organic or metallic debris not suitable for foundation purposes, shall be removed to a depth of not less than 18 inches below the original surface level of the SECTION 31 11 00 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 ground in areas indicated to be grubbed and in areas indicated as construction areas under this contract, such as areas for buildings, and areas to be paved. Depressions made by grubbing shall be filled with suitable material and compacted to make the surface conform with the original adjacent surface of the ground. 3.6 DISPOSAL OF MATERIALS 3.6.1 Saleable Timber The Government shall, by separate contract, harvest all saleable timber from the project site. All remaining timber, limbs, tops, stumps, and debris shall be cleared and disposed of by the Contractor as specified. 3.6.2 Nonsaleable Materials Written permission to dispose of such products on private property shall be filed with the Contracting Officer. Logs, stumps, roots, brush, rotten wood, and other refuse from the clearing and grubbing operations, except for salable timber, shall be disposed of outside the limits of Government-controlled land at the Contractor's responsibility, except when otherwise directed in writing. Such directive will state the conditions covering the disposal of such products and will also state the areas in which they may be placed. Burning of waste material on Government controlled land shall not be allowed. -- End of Section -- SECTION 31 11 00 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 31 31 16 SOIL TREATMENT FOR SUBTERRANEAN TERMITE CONTROL 08/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) 7 USC Section 136 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Termiticide Application Plan; G, RO Termiticides Foundation Exterior Utilities and Vents Crawl and Plenum Air Spaces Verification of Measurement Application Equipment Warranty SD-04 Samples Termiticides SD-06 Test Reports Equipment Calibration and Tank Measurement Soil Moisture Quality Assurance SD-07 Certificates Qualifications 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE Comply with 7 USC Section 136 for requirements on Contractor's licensing, certification, and record keeping. Maintain daily records using Pest Management Maintenance Record, DD Form 1532-1 and submit copies of records when requested by the Contracting Officer. These forms may be obtained by SECTION 31 31 16 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 using the search engine and searching "WHS" for the form on the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) main web site: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/ Upon completion of this work, submit Pest Management Report DD Form 1532 signed by an officer of the Contractor,identifying target pest, type of operation, brand name and manufacturer of pesticide, formulation, concentration or rate of application used. 1.3.1 Qualifications For the application of pesticides, use the services of a applicator whose principal business is pest control. The applicator shall be licensed and certified in the state where the work is to be performed. Termiticide applicators shall also be certified in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pesticide applicator category which includes structural pest control. Submit the qualifications and state license number of the termiticide applicator. 1.3.2 Safety Requirements Formulate, treat, and dispose of termiticides and their containers in accordance with label directions. Draw water for formulating only from sites designated by the Contracting Officer, and fit the filling hose with a backflow preventer meeting local plumbing codes or standards. The filling operation shall be under the direct and continuous observation of a contractor's representative to prevent overflow. Secure pesticides and related materials under lock and key when unattended. Ensure that proper protective clothing and equipment are worn and used during all phases of termiticide application. Dispose of used pesticide containers off Government property. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.4.1 Delivery Deliver termiticide material to the site in the original unopened containers bearing legible labels indicating the EPA registration number and manufacturer's registered uses. All other materials, to be used on site for the purpose of termite control, shall be delivered in new or otherwise good condition as supplied by the manufacturer or formulator. 1.4.2 Inspection Inspect termiticides upon arrival at the job site for conformity to type and quality in accordance with paragraph TERMITICIDES. Each label shall bear evidence of registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), as amended or under appropriate regulations of the host county. Other materials shall be inspected for conformance with specified requirements. Remove unacceptable materials from the job site. 1.4.3 Storage Store materials in designated areas and in accordance with manufacturer's labels. Termiticides and related materials shall be kept under lock and key when unattended. SECTION 31 31 16 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.4.4 Handling Observe manufacturer's warnings and precautions. Termiticides shall be handled in accordance with manufacturer's labels, preventing contamination by dirt, water, and organic material. Protect termiticides from sunlight as recommended by the manufacturer. 1.5 SITE CONDITIONS The following conditions will determine the time of application. 1.5.1 Soil Moisture Soils to be treated shall be tested immediately before application. Test soil moisture content to a minimum depth of 3 inches. The soil moisture shall be as recommended by the termiticide manufacturer. The termiticide will not be applied when soil moisture exceeds manufacturer's recommendations because termiticides do not adhere to the soil particles in saturated soils. 1.5.2 Runoff and Wind Drift Do not apply termiticide during or immediately following heavy rains. Applications shall not be performed when conditions may cause runoff or create an environmental hazard. Applications shall not be performed when average wind speed exceeds 10 miles per hour. The termiticide shall not be allowed to enter water systems, aquifers, or endanger humans or animals. Vapor Barriers and Waterproof Membranes Termiticide shall be applied prior to placement of a vapor barrier or waterproof membrane. Utilities and Vents Prior to application, HVAC ducts and vents located in treatment area shall be turned off and blocked to protect people and animals from termiticide. Submit written verification that utilities and vents have been located and treated as specified. 1.5.3 Placement of Concrete Place concrete covering treated soils as soon as the termiticide has reached maximum penetration into the soil. Time for maximum penetration shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 1.6 WARRANTY Submit a copy of Contractor's 5 -year written warranty against infestations or reinfestations by subterranean termites of the buildings or building additions constructed under this contract. Warranty shall include annual inspections of the buildings or building additions. If live subterranean termite infestation or subterranean termite damage is discovered during the warranty period, and the soil and building conditions have not been altered in the interim: a. Retreat the soil and perform other treatment as may be necessary for elimination of subterranean termite infestation; SECTION 31 31 16 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 b. Repair damage caused by termite infestation; and c. Reinspect the building approximately 180 days after the retreatment. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 TERMITICIDES Submit manufacturer's label and Material Safety Data Sheet/ Safety Data Sheet (MSDS/SDS) for termiticides proposed for use. Provide termiticides currently registered by the EPA or approved for such use by the appropriate agency of the host county. Select non-repellant termiticide for maximum effectiveness and duration after application. The selected termiticide shall be suitable for the soil and climatic conditions at the project site. Submit samples of the pesticides used in this work. The Contracting Officer may draw, at any time and without prior notice, from stocks at the job site; if Government analysis indicates such samples to contain less than the amount of active ingredient specified on the label, work performed with such products shall be repeated, with pesticides conforming to this Specification, at no additional cost to the Government. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 VERIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT Once termiticide application has been completed, measure tank contents to determine the remaining volume. The total volume measurement of used contents for the application shall equal the established application rate for the project site conditions. Provide written verification that the volume of termiticide used meets the application rate. 3.2 TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE The certified installation pest management coordinator shall be the technical representative, shall be present at all meetings concerning treatment measures for subterranean termites, and may be present during treatment application. The command Pest Control Coordinator shall be contacted prior to starting work. 3.3 SITE PREPARATION Prepare the site in accordance with Sections 31 11 00 CLEARING AND GRUBBING, 31 00 00 EARTHWORK, 32 92 19 SEEDING, 32 92 23 SODDING, and 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS. Work related to final grades, landscape plantings, foundations, or any other alterations to finished construction which might alter the condition of treated soils, shall be coordinated with this specification. 3.3.1 Ground Preparation Eliminate food sources by removing debris from clearing and grubbing and post construction wood scraps such as ground stakes, form boards, and scrap lumber from the site, before termiticide application begins. 3.3.2 Verification Before work starts, verify that final grades are as indicated and smooth grading has been completed in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. SECTION 31 31 16 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Soil particles shall be finely graded with particles no larger than 1 inch and compacted to eliminate soil movement to the greatest degree. 3.3.3 Foundation Exterior Provide written verification that final grading and landscape planting operations will not disturb treatment of the soil on the exterior sides of foundation walls, grade beams, and similar structures. 3.3.4 Utilities and Vents Provide written verification that the location and identity of HVAC ducts and vents, water and sewer lines, and plumbing have been accomplished prior to the termiticide application. 3.3.5 Crawl and Plenum Air Spaces Provide written verification that the location and identity of crawl and plenum air spaces have been accomplished prior to the termiticide application. 3.3.6 Application Plan Submit a Termiticide Application Plan with proposed sequence of treatment work with dates and times for approval before starting the specified treatment. Include the termiticide trade name, EPA registration number, chemical composition, formulation, concentration of original and diluted material, application rate of active ingredients, method of application, area/volume treated, amount applied; and the name and state license number of the state certified applicator. 3.4 TERMITICIDE TREATMENT 3.4.1 Equipment Calibration and Tank Measurement Submit a listing of equipment to be used. Immediately prior to commencement of termiticide application, calibration tests shall be conducted on the application equipment to be used and the application tank shall be measured to determine the volume and contents. These tests shall confirm that the application equipment is operating within the manufacturer's specifications and will meet the specified requirements. Submit written certification of the equipment calibration test results within 1 week of testing. 3.4.2 Mixing and Application Formulating, mixing, and application shall be performed in the presence of the Contracting Officer or the technical representative. A closed system is recommended as it prevents the termiticide from coming into contact with the applicator or other persons. Water for formulating shall only come from designated locations. Filling hoses shall be fitted with a backflow preventer meeting local plumbing codes or standards. Overflow shall be prevented during the filling operation. Prior to each day of use, the equipment used for applying termiticides shall be inspected for leaks, clogging, wear, or damage. Any repairs are to be performed immediately. SECTION 31 31 16 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.4.3 Treatment Method For areas to be treated, establish complete and unbroken vertical and/or horizontal soil poison barriers between the soil and all portions of the intended structure which may allow termite access to wood and wood related products. Application shall not be made to areas which serve as crawl spaces or for use as a plenum air space. Surface Application Use surface application for establishing horizontal barriers. Surface applicants shall be applied as a coarse spray and provide uniform distribution over the soil surface. Termiticide shall penetrate a minimum of 1 inch into the soil, or as recommended by the manufacturer. Rodding and Trenching Use rodding and trenching for establishing vertical soil barriers. Trenching shall be to the depth of the foundation footing. Width of trench shall be as recommended by the manufacturer, or as indicated. Rodding or other approved method may be implemented for saturating the base of the trench with termiticide. Immediately after termiticide has reached maximum penetration as recommended by the manufacturer, backfilling of the trench shall commence. Backfilling shall be in 6 inch rises or layers. Each rise shall be treated with termiticide. 3.4.4 Sampling The Contracting Officer may draw from stocks at the job site, at any time and without prior notice, take samples of the termiticides used to determine if the amount of active ingredient specified on the label is being applied. 3.5 CLEAN UP, DISPOSAL, AND PROTECTION Once application has been completed, proceed with clean up and protection of the site without delay. 3.5.1 Clean Up The site shall be cleaned of all material associated with the treatment measures, according to label instructions, and as indicated. Excess and waste material shall be removed and disposed off site. 3.5.2 Disposal of Termiticide Dispose of residual termiticides and containers off Government property, and in accordance with label instructions and EPA criteria. 3.5.3 Protection of Treated Area Immediately after the application, the area shall be protected from other use by erecting barricades and providing signage as required or directed. Signage shall be in accordance with Section 10 14 01 EXTERIOR SIGNAGE. Signage shall be placed inside the entrances to crawl spaces and shall identify the space as treated with termiticide and not safe for children and animals. SECTION 31 31 16 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.6 CONDITIONS FOR SATISFACTORY TREATMENT 3.6.1 Equipment Calibrations and Measurements Where results from the equipment calibration and tank measurements tests are unsatisfactory, re-treatment will be required. 3.6.2 Testing If a third-party analysis indicates that the samples of the applied termiticide contain less than the amount of active ingredient specified on the label or if soils are treated to a depth less than specified or approved, re-treat the area at Contractor's expense. 3.6.3 Disturbance of Treated Soils Soil and fill material disturbed after treatment shall be re-treated before placement of slabs or other covering structures. 3.6.4 Termites Found Within the Warranty Period If live subterranean termite infestation or termite damage is discovered during the warranty period, re-treat the site. 3.7 RE-TREATMENT Where re-treatment is required, comply with the requirements specified in paragraph WARRANTY. -- End of Section -- SECTION 31 31 16 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT 02/10 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D5851 (1995; R 2011) Planning and Implementing a Water Monitoring Program TREE CARE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TCIA) TCIA Z133.1 (2006) American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations - Pruning, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees, and Cutting Brush - Safety Requirements U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (USGBC) LEED NC (2009) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(tm) New Construction Rating System Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide FBIDG Section 2.2.5 Landscape 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Pesticide Any substance or mixture of substances, including biological control agents, that may prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate pests and are specifically labeled for use by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Also, any substance used as a plant regulator, defoliant, disinfectant, or biocide. Examples of pesticides include fumigants, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, molluscicides and rodenticides. 1.2.2 Stand of Turf 100 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.2.3 Planter Beds A planter bed is defined as an area containing one or a combination of the following plant types: shrubs, vines, wildflowers, annuals, perennials, ground cover, and a mulch topdressing excluding turf. Trees may also be found in planter beds. SECTION 32 05 33 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 32 92 23 SODDING applies to this section for installation of sod requirements, with additions and modifications herein. Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS applies to this section for installation of trees, shrubs, perennials, and wildflower, with additions and modifications herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Local/Regional Materials; (LEED NC) Submit documentation indicating distance between manufacturing facility and the project site. Indicate distance of raw material origin from the project site. Indicate relative dollar value of local/regional materials to total dollar value of products included in project. Fertilizer; G Hose; (LEED NC) Mulches Topdressing; (LEED NC) Submit documentation indicating percentage of post-industrial and post-consumer recycled content per unit of product. Indicate relative dollar value of recycled content products to total dollar value of products included in project. Organic Mulch Materials Submit documentation indicating type of biobased material in product and biobased content. Indicate relative dollar value of biobased content products to total dollar value of products included in project. SD-07 Certificates Maintenance inspection report Plant quantities; G SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Maintenance SD-11 Closeout Submittals SECTION 32 05 33 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Tree, staking and guying removal 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Deliver fertilizer, gypsum, iron to the site in original containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, or trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer, gypsum may be furnished in bulk with a certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Fertilizer, Lime, Iron, Mulch Storage Material shall be stored in designated areas. Lime and fertilizer shall be stored in cool, dry locations away from contaminants. Antidessicants Storage Do not store with fertilizers or other landscape maintenance materials. 1.5.3 Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1.6.1 Local/Regional Materials Use materials or products extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within a 500 mile radius from the project site, if available from a minimum of three sources. See Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY for cumulative total local material requirements. Landscaping materials may be locally available. 1.7 MAINTENANCE Submit Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manuals for planting materials. Include instructions indicating procedures during one typical year including variations of maintenance for climatic conditions throughout the year. Provide instructions and procedures for watering; promotion of growth, including fertilizing, pruning, and mowing; and integrated pest management. O&M Manuals shall include pictures of planting materials cross referenced to botanical and common names, with a description of the normal appearance in each season. Develop a water monitoring program for surface and ground water on the project site in accordance with ASTM D5851 and consistent with the water management program utilized during construction operations. 1.8 Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide Refer to Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide (FBIDG) for more information on Landscaping Requirements. SECTION 32 05 33 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 POST-PLANT FERTILIZER Fertilizer for groundcover, wildflowers, and grasses is not permitted. Fertilizer for trees, plants, and shrubs shall be as recommended by plant supplier, except synthetic chemical fertilizers are not permitted. Fertilizers containing petrochemical additives or that have been treated with pesticides or herbicides are not permitted. 2.1.1 Granular Fertilizer Organic, granular controlled release fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 20 percent available nitrogen 20 percent available phosphorus 20 percent available potassium 5 percent sulfur 5 percent iron 2.2 WATER Source of water shall be approved by the Contracting Officer, and be of suitable quality for irrigation. Use collected storm water or graywater when available. 2.2.1 Hose Hoses used for watering shall be a minimum of 70 percent post-consumer rubber or plastic. 2.3 MULCHES TOPDRESSING Free from noxious weeds, mold, pesticides, or other deleterious materials. 2.3.1 Organic Mulch Materials Shredded hardwood from site when available. Biobased content shall be a minimum of 100 percent. Wood-based hydraulic mulch shall contain a minimum of 100 percent recycled material. 2.3.2 Recycled Organic Mulch Recycled mulch may include compost, tree trimmings, or pine needles with a gradation that passes through a 2-1/2 by 2-1/2 inch screen. It shall be cleaned of all sticks a minimum 1 inch in diameter and plastic materials a minimum 3 inch length. The material shall be treated to retard the growth of mold and fungi. 2.4 PESTICIDES Pesticides and herbicides are not permitted. If insect or disease damage or infestation occurs, remedial action should be taken immediately. Notify Contracting Officer immediately upon discovery of any disease or infestation. SECTION 32 05 33 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide landscape construction maintenance to include mowing, edging, overseeding, aeration, fertilizing, watering, weeding, pruning, stake and guy adjusting, for all newly installed, renovated landscape areas and existing plant material, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of the construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.1.1 Policing The Contractor shall police all landscaped areas. Policing includes removal of leaves, branches and limbs regardless of length or diameter, dead vegetation, paper, trash, cigarette butts, garbage, rocks or other debris. Policing shall extend to both sides of fencing or walls. Collected debris shall be promptly removed and disposed of at an approved disposal site. 3.1.2 Drainage System Maintenance The Contractor shall remove all obstructions from surface and subsurface drain lines to allow water to flow unrestricted in swales, gutters, catch basins, storm drain curb inlets, and yard drains. Remove grates and clear debris in catch basins. Open drainage channels are to be maintained free of all debris and vegetation at all times. Edges of these channels shall be clear of any encroachment by vegetation. 3.2 GROUNDCOVER ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD Groundcover establishment period will commence on the date that inspection by the Contracting Officer shows that the new and/or renovated turf furnished under this contract has been satisfactorily installed to a 100 percent stand of coverage. The establishment period shall continue for a period of 365 days. 3.2.1 Frequency of Maintenance Begin maintenance immediately after turf has been installed and/or fully renovated. Inspect areas once a week during the installation and establishment period and perform needed maintenance promptly. 3.2.2 Promotion of Growth Groundcover shall be maintained in a manner that promotes proper health, growth, natural color.Turf shall have a neat uniform manicured appearance, free of bare areas, ruts, holes, weeds, pests, dead vegetation, debris, and unwanted vegetation that present an unsightly appearance. Mow, remove excess clippings, eradicate weeds, water, fertilize, overseed, aerate, topdress and perform other operations necessary to promote growth, as approved by Contracting Officer and consistent with approved Integrated Pest Management Plan. Remove noxious weeds common to the area from planting areas by mechanical means. SECTION 32 05 33 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.2.3 Mowing Turf Turf shall be mowed at a uniform finished height. Mow turfed areas to a minimum average height of 4 inches when average height of grass becomes 6 inches for spring/summer maintenance and to a minimum average height of 4 inches when the average height of grass reaches 6 inches for fall winter maintenance. The height of turf is measured from the soil. Mowing of turf shall be performed in a manner that prevents scalping, rutting, bruising, uneven and rough cutting. Prior to mowing, all rubbish, debris, trash, leaves, rocks, paper, and limbs or branches on a turf area shall be picked up and disposed. Adjacent paved areas shall be swept/vacuumed clean. Native Grasses Mow above height of native grass seedlings (approximately 3.5 to 4 inches ). Mow during spring or early summer. Do not mow after early summer during the second growing season. Wildflowers Mow three times per season above height of the wildflowers (approximately 12 to 15 inches). 3.2.4 Turf Edging and Trimming Perimeter of planter bed edges, sidewalks, driveways, curbs, and other paved surfaces shall be edged. Uniformly edge these areas to prevent encroachment of vegetation onto paved surfaces and to provide a clear cut division line between planter beds, turf, and ground cover. Edging is to be accomplished in a manner that prevents scalping, rutting, bruising, uneven and rough cutting. Edging shall be performed on the same day that turf is mowed. Use of string line trimmers is permitted in "soft" areas such as an edge between turfgrass and a planter bed. Care shall be exercised to avoid damage to any plant materials, structures, and other landscape features. Trimming around trees, fences, poles, walls, and other similar objects is to be accomplished to match the height and appearance of surrounding mowed turf growth. Trimming shall be performed on the same day the turf's mowed. Care shall be exercised to avoid "Girdling" trees located in turf areas. The use of protective tree collars on trees in turf areas may be utilized as a temporary means to avoid injury to tree trunks. At the end of the plant establishment period Contractor will be responsible for removing all protective tree collars. 3.2.5 Post-Fertilizer Application Do not fertilize wildflowers, groundcover, and grasses. Apply turf fertilizer in a manner that promotes health, growth, vigor, color and appearance of cultivated turf areas. The method of application, fertilizer type and frequencies shall be determined by the laboratory soil analysis results the requirements of the particular turf species. Organic fertilizer shall be used. In the event that organic fertilizer is not producing the desired effect, the Contractor shall contract the Contracting Officer for approval prior to the use of a synthetic type of fertilizer. Fertilizer shall be applied by approved methods in accordance SECTION 32 05 33 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 with the manufacturer's recommendations. 3.2.6 Turf Watering The Contractor shall perform irrigation in a manner that promotes the health, growth, color and appearance of cultivated vegetation and that complies with all Federal, State, and local water agencies and authorities directives. The Contractor shall be responsible to prevent over watering, water run-off, erosion, and ponding due to excessive quantities or rate of application. The Contractor shall abide by state, local or other water conservation regulations or restrictions in force during the establishment period. Irrigation controllers shall be adjusted to comply with the water conservation regulations schedule. 3.2.7 Turf Aeration Upon completion of weed eradication operations and Contracting Officer's approval to proceed, aerate turf areas by approved device. Core, by pulling soil plugs, to a minimum depth of 2 inches. Leave all soil plugs that are produced in the turf area. After aeration operations are complete, topdress entire area 1/2 inch depth with the following mixture: 2 percent sand 20 percent humus 10 percent gypsum 20 percent lime Blend all parts of topdressing mixture to a uniform consistency throughout. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean all soil plugs off of other paving when work is complete. This work shall commence 24 days prior final acceptance of the maintenance establishment period. 3.2.8 Turf Clearance Area Trees located in turf areas shall be maintained with a growth free clearance of 18 inches from the tree trunk base. The use of mechanical weed whips to accomplish the turf growth free bed area is prohibited. 3.2.9 Replanting Replant in accordance with Section 32 92 23 SODDING and within specified planting dates areas which do not have a satisfactory stand of turf. Replant areas which do not have a satisfactory stand of other groundcover and grasses. 3.2.10 Final Inspection and Acceptance Final inspection will be make upon written request from the Contractor at least 10 days prior to the last day of the turf establishment period. Final turf acceptance will be based upon a satisfactory stand of turf. Final acceptance of wildflower and grass areas will be based upon a stand of 95 percent groundcover of established species. 3.2.11 Unsatisfactory Work When work is found to not meet design intent and specifications, maintenance period will be extended at no additional cost to the Government until work has been completed, inspected and accepted by SECTION 32 05 33 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Contracting Officer. 3.3 EXTERIOR PLANT ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD The exterior plant establishment period will commence on the date that inspection by the Contracting Officer shows that the new plants furnished under this contract have been satisfactorily installed and shall continue for a period of 365 days. 3.3.1 Frequency of Maintenance Begin maintenance immediately after plants have been installed. Inspect exterior plants at least once a week during the installation and establishment period and perform needed maintenance promptly. 3.3.2 Promotion of Plant Growth and Vigor Water, prune, fertilize, mulch, adjust stakes, guys and turnbuckles, eradicate weeds and perform other operations necessary to promote plant growth, and vigor. 3.3.3 Planter Bed Maintenance Planter beds shall be weeded, fertilized, irrigated, kept pest free, turf free, pruned, and mulch levels maintained. Planter beds will not be allowed to encroach into turf areas. A definite break shall be maintained between turf areas and planter beds. Fertilize exterior planting materials to promote healthy plant growth without encouraging excessive top foliar growth. Remove noxious weeds common to the area from planting areas by mechanical means. Shrub Selective Maintenance In addition to the above requirements, shrubs shall be selectively pruned, and shaped for health and safety when the following conditions exist: Remove growth in front of windows, over entrance ways or walks, and any growth which will obstruct vision at street intersections or of security personnel; Remove dead, damaged or diseased branches or limbs; where shrub growth obstructs pedestrian walkways; where shrub growth is found growing against or over structures; where shrub growth permits concealment of unauthorized persons. All pruning debris shall be disposed of in a proper manner. Tree Maintenance Tree maintenance shall include adjustment of stakes, ties, guy supports and turnbuckles, watering, fertilizing, pest control, mulching, pruning for health and safety and fall leaf cleanup. Fertilize exterior trees to promote healthy plant growth without encouraging excessive top foliar growth. Stakes, ties, guy supports and turnbuckles shall be inspected and adjusted to avoid girdling and promote natural development. All trees within the project boundaries, regardless of caliper, shall be selectively pruned for safety and health reasons. These include but are not limited to removal of dead and broken branches and correction of structural defects. Prune trees according to their natural growth characteristics leaving trees well shaped and balanced. Pruning of all trees including palm trees shall be accomplished by or in the presence of a certified member of the International Society of Arboriculture and in accordance with TCIA Z133.1. All pruning debris generated shall be disposed of in a SECTION 32 05 33 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 proper manner. 3.3.4 Slope Erosion Control Maintenance The Contractor shall provide slope erosion control maintenance to prevent undermining of all slopes in newly landscaped and natural growth areas. Maintenance tasks include immediate repairs to weak spots in sloped areas, and maintaining clean, clear culverts, and graded berms, and terraces to intercept and direct water flow to prevent development of large gullies and slope erosion. Eroded areas shall be filled with amended topsoil and replanted with the same plant species. Erosion control netting and/or blankets damaged due to slope erosion shall be reinstalled. 3.3.5 Removal of Dying or Dead Plants Remove dead and dying plants and provide new plants immediately upon commencement of the specified planting season, and replace stakes, guys, mulch and eroded earth mound water basins. No additional plant establishment period will be required for replacement plants beyond the original warranty period. A tree shall be considered dying or dead when the main leader has died back, or a minimum of 20 percent of the crown has died. A shrub or ground cover shall be considered dying or dead when a minimum of 20 percent of the plant has died. This condition shall be determined by scraping on a branch an area 1/16 inch square, maximum, to determine the cause for dying plant material and shall provide recommendations for replacement. The Contractor shall determine the cause for dying plant material and provide recommendations for replacement. 3.3.6 Tracking of Unhealthy Plants Note plants not in healthy growing condition, as determined by the Contracting Officer, and as soon as seasonal conditions permit, remove and replace with plants of the same species and sizes as originally specified. Install replacement plantings in accordance with Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS. 3.3.7 Final Inspection Final inspection will be made upon written request from the Contractor at least 10 days prior to the last day of the establishment period. Final inspection will be based upon satisfactory health and growth of plants and on the following: Total Plants on Site Plants have been accepted and required number of replacements have been installed. Mulching and Weeding Planter beds and earth mound water basins are properly mulched and free of weeds. Tree Supports Stakes guys and turnbuckles are in good condition. SECTION 32 05 33 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Remedial Work Remedial measures directed by the Contracting Officer to ensure plant material survival and promote healthy growth have been completed. 3.3.8 Unsatisfactory Work When work is found to not meet design intent and specifications, maintenance period will be extended at no additional cost to the Government until work has been completed, inspected and accepted by Contracting Officer. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 3.4.1 Maintenance Inspection Report Provide maintenance inspection report to assure that landscape maintenance is being performed in accordance with the specifications and in the best interest of plant growth and survivability. Site observations shall be documented at the start of the establishment period, then quarterly following the start, and at the end of establishment period. Results of site observation visits shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer within 7 calendar days of each site observation visit. 3.4.2 Plant Quantities The Contractor shall provide Contracting Officer with the number of plant quantities. In addition, provide total exterior area of hardscape and landscaping such as turf and total number of shrubs. 3.4.3 Tree Staking and Guying Removal The Contractor shall provide a certified letter that all stakes and guys are removed from all project trees at the end of the establishment period. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 05 33 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 32 92 19 SEEDING 10/06 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C602 (2013) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D4427 (2013) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D4972 (2001; R 2007) pH of Soils U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) AMS Seed Act (1940; R 1988; R 1998) Federal Seed Act DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 95 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK, Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS, and Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT applies to this section for pesticide use and plant establishment requirements, with additions and modifications herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Wood cellulose fiber mulch Fertilizer SECTION 32 92 19 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Include physical characteristics, and recommendations. SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SD-07 Certificates State certification and approval for seed SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions Erosion Control Materials 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Seed Protection Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on-site storage, and handling. Fertilizer, Gypsum, Sulfur, Iron, and Lime Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer, gypsum, sulphur, iron, and lime may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Seed, Fertilizer, Gypsum, Sulfur, Iron, and Lime Storage Store in cool, dry locations away from contaminants. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with application of appropriate specified non-selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Seed Apply seed within twenty four hours after seed bed preparation. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SEED 2.1.1 Classification Provide State-certified State-approved Endophyte-enhanced seed of the latest season's crop delivered in original sealed packages, bearing producer's guaranteed analysis for percentages of mixtures, purity, germination, weedseed content, and inert material. Label in conformance with AMS Seed Act and applicable state seed laws. Wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged seed will be rejected. Field mixes will be acceptable when field mix is performed on site in the presence of the Contracting Officer. 2.1.2 Permanent Seeding "Cool Season": planted between 1 September and 28 February 50 pounds per acre Winter Wheat (Triticum spelta). NO RYE GRASS. 25 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), hulled 25 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), unhulled "Warm Season": planted between 1 March and 31 August 50 pounds per acre German (Setaria italica), Brown Top (Setaria italica), or Fox Tail Millet (Brachiaria ramosum) 50 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), hulled 2.1.3 Temporary Seeding "Cool Season": planted between 1 September and 28 February 120 pounds per acre Winter Wheat (Triticum spelta) "Warm Season": planted between 1 March and 31 August 65 pounds per acre German (Setaria italica), Brown Top (Setaria italica), or Fox Tail Millet (Brachiaria ramosum) 2.1.4 Hydroseeding Hydroseeding shall only be allowable on slopes steeper than 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. Steps 1 through 4 must be completed prior to hydroseeding. Hydroseeding should be applied in two applications. The first application will consist of 1/3 of the mulch and 2/3 of the seed and the second application will consist of 2/3 of the mulch and 1/3 of the seed. The mulch will include a tackifier and will be applied at a rate of 2,000 pounds per acre or the manufacturer's recommendation, whichever is higher. Proportion seed mixtures by weight. Temporary seeding must later be replaced by permanent seeding plantings for a permanent stand of grass. The same requirements of turf establishment for permanent seeding apply for temporary seeding. 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On-Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil SECTION 32 92 19 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 stripped and stockpiled on-site in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 2.2.2 Off-Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2.2.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: Silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent pH 5.5 to 7.0 Soluble Salts 600 ppm maximum 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for topsoil as specified herein. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade hydrate limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C602 of not less than 80 percent. 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D4427. Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.3.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 61 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. 2.4 FERTILIZER 2.4.1 2.4.1 Granular Fertilizer Organic and synthetic, granular controlled release fertilizer: Apply fertilizer/Lime at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of soils at the job site. In the absence of the soil analysis, apply soil amendments at the rates indicated in steps 2 and 3. 1. Area will be tilled to 4 inch depth 2. Apply lime at 70 pounds per 1000 square feet, or 1.5 tons per acre 3. Apply 10-20-20 at a rate of 850 pounds per acre or 20 pounds per 1000 square feet. The fertilizer should be either slow time SECTION 32 92 19 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 release or applied in two applications, half at time of planting and the second half after permanent seed germinates. 4. The lime and fertilizer will be worked into the top 2 to 4 inches of soil prior to seeding. 5. Seed Mix and Rate 2.4.2 2.4.2 Hydroseeding Fertilizer Controlled release fertilizer, to use with hydroseeding and composed of pills coated with plastic resin to provide a continuous release of nutrients for at least 6 months. Apply fertilizer/Lime at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of soils at the job site. In the absence of the soil analysis, apply soil amendments at the rates indicated in steps 2 and 3. 1. Area will be tilled to 4 inch depth 2. Apply lime at 70 pounds per 1000 square feet, or 1.5 tons per acre 3. Apply 10-20-20 at a rate of 850 pounds per acre or 20 pounds per 1000 square feet. The fertilizer should be either slow time release or applied in two applications, half at time of planting and the second half after permanent seed germinates. 4. The lime and fertilizer will be worked into the top 2 to 4 inches of soil prior to seeding. 5. Seed Mix and Rate 2.5 MULCH Mulch shall be free from noxious weeds, mold, and other deleterious materials. 2.5.1 Straw Stalks from oats, wheat, rye, barley, or rice. Furnish in air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Straw shall contain no fertile seed. 2.5.2 Hay Air-dry condition and of proper consistency for placing with commercial mulch blowing equipment. Hay shall be sterile, containing no fertile seed. 2.5.3 Wood Cellulose Fiber Mulch Use recovered materials of either paper-based (100 percent) or wood-based (100 percent) hydraulic mulch. Processed to contain no growth or germination-inhibiting factors and dyed an appropriate color to facilitate visual metering of materials application. Composition on air-dry weight basis: 9 to 15 percent moisture, pH range from 5.5 to 8.2. Use with hydraulic application of grass seed and fertilizer. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.6 WATER Source of water shall be approved by Contracting Officer and of suitable quality for irrigation, containing no elements toxic to plant life. 2.7 EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS Erosion control material shall conform to the following: 2.7.1 Erosion Control Blanket 100 percent agricultural straw or 70 percent agricultural straw/30 percent coconut fiber matrix stitched with a degradable nettings, designed to degrade within 12 months. 2.7.2 Erosion Control Fabric Fabric shall be knitted construction of polypropylene yarn with uniform mesh openings 3/4 to 1 inch square with strips of biodegradable paper. Filler paper strips shall have a minimum life of 6 months. 2.7.3 Erosion Control Net Net shall be heavy, twisted jute mesh, weighing approximately 1.22 pounds per linear yard and 4 feet wide with mesh openings of approximately 1 inch square. 2.7.4 Erosion Control Material Anchors Erosion control anchors shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners as required), fertilizing, seeding, and surface topdressing of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. Topsoil Provide 4 inches of topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate fertilizer pH adjusters soil conditioners into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Fertilizer Application Rates Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. 3.2 SEEDING 3.2.1 Seed Application Seasons and Conditions Immediately before seeding, restore soil to proper grade. Do not seed when ground is muddy frozen snow covered or in an unsatisfactory condition for seeding. If special conditions exist that may warrant a variance in the above seeding dates or conditions, submit a written request to the Contracting Officer stating the special conditions and proposed variance. Apply seed within twenty four hours after seedbed preparation. Sow seed by approved sowing equipment. Sow one-half the seed in one direction, and sow remainder at right angles to the first sowing. 3.2.2 Seed Application Method Seeding method shall be hydroseeding. Hydroseeding First, mix water and fiber. Wood cellulose fiber, paper fiber, or recycled paper shall be applied as part of the hydroseeding operation. Fiber shall be added at 1,000 pounds, dry weight, per acre. Then add and mix seed and fertilizer to produce a homogeneous slurry. When hydraulically sprayed on the ground, material shall form a blotter like cover impregnated uniformly with grass seed. Spread with one application with no second application of mulch. 3.2.3 Mulching Hay or Straw Mulch Hay or straw mulch shall be spread uniformly at the rate of 2 tons per acre. Mulch shall be spread by hand, blower-type mulch spreader, or other approved method. Mulching shall be started on the windward side of relatively flat areas or on the upper part of steep slopes, and continued uniformly until the area is covered. The mulch shall not be bunched or clumped. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. All areas installed with seed shall be mulched on the same day as the seeding. Mulch shall be anchored immediately following spreading. Mechanical Anchor Mechanical anchor shall be a V-type-wheel land packer; a scalloped-disk land packer designed to force mulch into the soil surface; or other suitable equipment. Asphalt Adhesive Tackifier Asphalt adhesive tackifier shall be sprayed at a rate between 10 to 13 gallons per 1000 square feet. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Non-Asphaltic Tackifier Hydrophilic colloid shall be applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer, using hydraulic equipment suitable for thoroughly mixing with water. A uniform mixture shall be applied over the area. Asphalt Adhesive Coated Mulch Hay or straw mulch may be spread simultaneously with asphalt adhesive applied at a rate between 10 to 13 gallons per 1000 square feet, using power mulch equipment which shall be equipped with suitable asphalt pump and nozzle. The adhesive-coated mulch shall be applied evenly over the surface. Sunlight shall not be completely excluded from penetrating to the ground surface. 3.2.4 Rolling Immediately after seeding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. If seeding is performed with cultipacker-type seeder or by hydroseeding, rolling may be eliminated. 3.2.5 Erosion Control Material Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, where indicated or as directed by the Contracting Officer. 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas seeded as required by temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to insure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 2 inches without run off. During the germination process, seed is to be kept actively growing and not allowed to dry out. 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 RENOVATION OF EXISTING TURF AREA 3.4.1 Aeration Upon completion of weed eradication operations and Contracting Officer's approval to proceed, aerate turf areas indicated, by approved device. Core, by pulling soil plugs, to a minimum depth of 3 inches. Leave all soil plugs, that are produced, in the turf area. After aeration operations are complete, topdress entire area 1/4 inch depth with the following mixture: 10 percent sand 20 percent humus 10 percent gypsum 40 percent organic fertilizer 20 percent synthetic fertilizer Blend all parts of topdressing mixture to a uniform consistency throughout. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean all soil plugs off of other paving when work is complete. SECTION 32 92 19 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.4.2 Vertical Mowing Upon completion of aerating operation and Contracting Officer's approval to proceed, vertical mow turf areas indicated, by approved device, to a depth of 1/4 inch above existing soil level, to reduce thatch build-up, grain, and surface compaction. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work is complete. Remove all debris generated during this operation off site. 3.4.3 Dethatching Upon completion of aerating operation and Contracting Officer's approval to proceed, dethatch turf areas indicated, by approved device, to a depth of 1/4 inch below existing soil level, to reduce thatch build-up, grain, and surface compaction. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work is complete. Remove all debris generated during this operation off site. 3.4.4 Overseeding Apply seed in accordance with applicable portions of paragraph entitled "Seed Application Method" at rates in accordance with paragraph entitled "Seed Composition." 3.5 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations at the Contractor's expense. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 92 19 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 32 92 23 SODDING 04/06 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM C602 (2013a) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D4427 (2013) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D4972 (2013) pH of Soils TURFGRASS PRODUCERS INTERNATIONAL (TPI) TPI GSS (1995) Guideline Specifications to Turfgrass Sodding U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 1.2 DEFINITIONS 1.2.1 Stand of Turf 100 percent ground cover of the established species. 1.3 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK, Section 32 92 19 SEEDING, Section 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS, and Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT applies to this section for pesticide use and plant establishment requirements, with additions and modifications herein. 1.4 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Fertilizer SECTION 32 92 23 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Include physical characteristics, and recommendations. SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests (reports and recommendations). SD-07 Certificates Nursery or Sod farm certification for sods. Indicate type of sod in accordance with TPI GSS. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Sod Protection Protect from drying out and from contamination during delivery, on-site storage, and handling. Fertilizer Gypsum Sulfur Iron and Lime Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer, gypsum, sulphur, iron, and lime may be furnished in bulk with certificate indicating the above information. 1.5.2 Storage Sod Storage Lightly sprinkle with water, cover with moist burlap, straw, or other approved covering; and protect from exposure to wind and direct sunlight until planted. Provide covering that will allow air to circulate so that internal heat will not develop. Do not store sod longer than 24 hours. Do not store directly on concrete or bituminous surfaces. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, treat growing vegetation with application of appropriate specified non-selective herbicide. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling topsoil. Handling Do not drop or dump materials from vehicles. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS 1.6.1 Restrictions Do not plant when the ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit. SECTION 32 92 23 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.7 TIME LIMITATIONS 1.7.1 Sod Place sod a maximum of thirty six hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 SODS 2.1.1 Classification Nursery grown, certified as classified in the TPI GSS. Machine cut sod at a uniform thickness of 3/4 inch within a tolerance of 1/4 inch, excluding top growth and thatch. Each individual sod piece shall be strong enough to support its own weight when lifted by the ends. Broken pads, irregularly shaped pieces, and torn or uneven ends will be rejected.Wood pegs and wire staples for anchorage shall be as recommended by sod supplier. 2.1.2 Purity Sod species shall be genetically pure, free of weeds, pests, and disease. 2.1.3 Planting Dates Lay sod from 1 March to 31 August for warm season spring planting and from 1 September to 28 February for cool season fall planting. 2.1.4 Composition Proportion Proportion grass species as follows. "Cool Season": planted between 1 September and 28 February 50 pounds per acre Winter Wheat (Triticum spelta). NO RYE GRASS. 25 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), hulled 25 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), unhulled "Warm Season": planted between 1 March and 31 August 50 pounds per acre German (Setaria italica), Brown Top (Setaria italica), or Fox Tail Millet (Brachiaria ramosum) 50 pounds per acre common Bermuda (Cynodon dactylon), hulled 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 On-Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on-site in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 2.2.2 Off-Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." SECTION 32 92 23 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor. 2.2.3 Composition Containing from 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: Silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent pH 5.5 to 7.0 Soluble Salts 600 ppm maximum 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Add conditioners to topsoil as required to bring into compliance with "composition" standard for topsoil as specified herein. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade hydrate limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C602 of not less than 80 percent. 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D4427. Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. SECTION 32 92 23 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 2.3.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Calcined Clay Calcined clay shall be granular particles produced from montmorillonite clay calcined to a minimum temperature of 1200 degrees F. Gradation: A minimum 90 percent shall pass a No. 8 sieve; a minimum 99 percent shall be retained on a No. 60 sieve; and a maximum 2 percent shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Bulk density: A maximum 40 pounds per cubic foot. 2.4 FERTILIZER 2.4.1 Granular Fertilizer Apply fertilizer/lime at rates as determined by laboratory soils analysis of soils at the job site. In the absence of the soils analysis, apply lime at 70 pounds per 1,000 square feet, or 1.5 tons per acre, and 10-20-20 fertilizer at a rate of 750 pounds per acre or 20 pounds per square feet. 2.5 WATER Source of water shall be approved by Contracting Officer and of suitable quality for irrigation containing no element toxic to plant life. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION 3.1.1 Extent Of Work Provide soil preparation (including soil conditioners), fertilizing, and SECTION 32 92 23 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 sodding of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.1.2 Soil Preparation Provide 4 inches of topsoil to meet indicated finish grade. After areas have been brought to indicated finish grade, incorporate fertilizer pH adjusters soil conditioners into soil a minimum depth of 4 inches by disking, harrowing, tilling or other method approved by the Contracting Officer. Remove debris and stones larger than 3/4 inch in any dimension remaining on the surface after finish grading. Correct irregularities in finish surfaces to eliminate depressions. Protect finished topsoil areas from damage by vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. Fertilizer Application Rates Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. 3.2 SODDING 3.2.1 Finished Grade and Topsoil Prior to the commencement of the sodding operation, the Contractor shall verify that finished grades are as indicated on drawings; the placing of topsoil, smooth grading, and compaction requirements have been completed in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. The prepared surface shall be a maximum 1 inch below the adjoining grade of any surfaced area. New surfaces shall be blended to existing areas. The prepared surface shall be completed with a light raking to remove from the surface debris and stones over a minimum 5/8 inch in any dimension. 3.2.2 Placing Place sod a maximum of 36 hours after initial harvesting, in accordance with TPI GSS as modified herein. 3.2.3 Sodding Slopes and Ditches For slopes 2:1 and greater, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to the contour. For V-ditches and flat bottomed ditches, lay sod with long edge perpendicular to flow of water. Anchor each piece of sod with wood pegs or wire staples maximum 2 feet on center. On slope areas, start sodding at bottom of the slope. 3.2.4 Finishing After completing sodding, blend edges of sodded area smoothly into surrounding area. Air pockets shall be eliminated and a true and even surface shall be provided. Frayed edges shall be trimmed and holes and missing corners shall be patched with sod. SECTION 32 92 23 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.2.5 Rolling Immediately after sodding, firm entire area except for slopes in excess of 3 to 1 with a roller not exceeding 90 pounds for each foot of roller width. 3.2.6 Watering Start watering areas sodded as required by daily temperature and wind conditions. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to minimum depth of 6 inches. Run-off, puddling, and wilting shall be prevented. Unless otherwise directed, watering trucks shall not be driven over turf areas. Watering of other adjacent areas or plant material shall be prevented. 3.3 PROTECTION OF TURF AREAS Immediately after turfing, protect area against traffic and other use. 3.4 RESTORATION Restore to original condition existing turf areas which have been damaged during turf installation operations. Keep clean at all times at least one paved pedestrian access route and one paved vehicular access route to each building. Clean other paving when work in adjacent areas is complete. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 92 23 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 32 93 00 EXTERIOR PLANTS 02/10 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION (ANLA) ANSI/ANLA Z60.1 (2004) American Standard for Nursery Stock ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A580/A580M (2013a) Standard Specification for Stainless Steel Wire ASTM C602 (2013) Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D1972 (1997; R 2005) Standard Practice for Generic Marking of Plastic Products ASTM D4427 (2013) Peat Samples by Laboratory Testing ASTM D4972 (2001; R 2007) pH of Soils ASTM D5268 (2007) Topsoil Used for Landscaping Purposes ASTM D5539 (2013) Seed Starter Mix ASTM D5852 (2000; R 2007) Standard Test Method for Erodibility Determination of Soil in the Field or in the Laboratory by the Jet Index Method ASTM D6629 (2001; E 2012; R 2012) Selection of Methods for Estimating Soil Loss by Erosion FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL (FSC) FSC STD 01 001 (2000) Principles and Criteria for Forest Stewardship L.H. BAILEY HORTORIUM (LHBH) LHBH (1976) Hortus Third TREE CARE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION (TCIA) TCIA A300P1 (2008) ANSI A300 Part1: Tree Care Operations - Trees, Shrubs and Other Woody Plant Maintenance Standard Practices - SECTION 32 93 00 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Pruning TCIA Z133.1 (2006) American National Standard for Arboricultural Operations - Pruning, Repairing, Maintaining, and Removing Trees, and Cutting Brush - Safety Requirements U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA) DOA SSIR 42 (1996) Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42, Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual, Version 3.0 U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL (USGBC) LEED NC (2009) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(tm) New Construction Rating System Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide FBIDG Section 2.2.5 Landscape 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK, Section 32 92 19 SEEDING, and Section 32 05 33 LANDSCAPE ESTABLISHMENT applies to this section for pesticide use and plant establishment requirements, with additions and modifications herein. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-01 Preconstruction Submittals State Landscape Contractor's License Time Restrictions and Planting Conditions Indicate anticipated dates and locations for each type of planting. SD-03 Product Data Local/Regional Materials; (LEED NC) Submit documentation indicating distance between manufacturing facility and the project site. Indicate distance of raw material origin from the project site. Indicate relative dollar value of local/regional materials to total dollar value of products included in project. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Peat Composted Derivatives Rotted Manure Organic Mulch Materials Submit documentation indicating type of biobased material in product and biobased content. Indicate relative dollar value of biobased content products to total dollar value of products included in project. Gypsum; (LEED NC) Mulch; G Ground Stakes Hose; (LEED NC) Submit documentation indicating percentage of post-industrial and post-consumer recycled content per unit of product. Indicate relative dollar value of recycled content products to total dollar value of products included in project. Fertilizer Weed control fabric; G Root control barrier; G Staking Material Ground Stakes Submit documentation certifying products are from salvaged/recovered lumber sources and indicating percentage of salvaged/recovered content per unit of product. Metal anchors Antidesiccants Erosion control materials Photographs; G SD-04 Samples Mulch; G Submit one pint of mulch. SD-06 Test Reports Topsoil composition tests; Soil Test of current growing area; Soil Test of proposed area; Soil Test location map Percolation Test; Percolation Test of current growing area; Percolation Test of proposed area SD-07 Certificates Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification; (LEED NC) SECTION 32 93 00 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Nursery certifications Indicate names of plants in accordance with the LHBH, including type, quality, and size. SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data Plastic Identification When not labeled, identify types in Operation and Maintenance Manual. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE 1.4.1 Topsoil Composition Tests Commercial test from an independent testing laboratory including basic soil groups (moisture and saturation percentages, Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (N-P-K) ratio, pH (ASTM D4972), soil salinity), secondary nutrient groups (calcium, magnesium, sodium, Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR)), micronutrients (zinc, manganese, iron, copper), toxic soil elements (boron, chloride, sulfate), cation exchange and base saturation percentages, and soil amendment and fertilizer recommendations with quantities for plant material being transplanted. Soil required for each test shall include a maximum depth of 18 inches of approximately 1 quart volume for each test. Areas sampled should not be larger than 1 acre and should contain at least 6-8 cores for each sample area and be thoroughly mixed. Problem areas should be sampled separately and compared with samples taken from adjacent non-problem areas. The location of the sample areas should be noted and marked on a parcel or planting map for future reference. 1.4.2 Nursery Certifications a. Indicate on nursery letterhead the name of plants in accordance with the LHBH, including botanical common names, quality, and size. b. Inspection certificate. c. Mycorrhizal fungi inoculum for plant material treated 1.4.3 State Landscape Contractor's License Construction company shall hold a landscape contractors license in the state where the work is performed and have a minimum of five years landscape construction experience. Submit copy of license and three references for similar work completed in the last five years. 1.4.4 Plant Material Photographs Contractor shall submit nursery photographs, for government approval prior to ordering, for each tree larger than 24-inch box/ 2-inch caliper size. 1.4.5 Percolation Test Immediately following rough grading operation, identify a typical location for one of the largest trees and or shrubs and excavate a pit per the project details. Fill the pit with water to a depth of 12 inches. The length of time required for the water to percolate into the soil, leaving SECTION 32 93 00 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 the pit empty, shall be measured by the project Landscape Architect and verified by the Contracting Officer. Within six hours of the time the water has drained from the pit, the Contractor, with the Contracting Officer and project Landscape Architect present, shall again fill the pit with water to a depth of 12 inches. If the water does not completely percolate into the soil within 9 hours, a determination shall be made whether a drainage system or a soil penetrant will be required for each tree and or shrub being transplanted. 1.4.6 Erosion Assessment Assess potential effects of soil management practices on soil loss in accordance with ASTM D6629. Assess erodibility of soil with dominant soil structure less than 2.8 to 3.1 inches in accordance with ASTM D5852. 1.4.7 Pre-Installation Meeting Convene a pre-installation meeting a minimum of one week prior to commencing work of this section. Require attendance of parties directly affecting work of this section. Review conditions of operations, procedures and coordination with related work. Agenda shall include the following: a. Tour, inspect, and discuss conditions of planting materials. b. Review planting schedule and maintenance. c. Review required inspections. d. Review environmental procedures. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.5.1 Delivery Branched Plant Delivery Deliver with branches tied and exposed branches covered with material which allows air circulation. Prevent damage to branches, trunks, root systems, and root balls and desiccation of leaves. Soil Amendment Delivery Deliver to the site in original, unopened containers bearing manufacturer's chemical analysis, name, trade name, or trademark, and indication of conformance to state and federal laws. Instead of containers, fertilizer, gypsum, sulfur, iron, and lime may be furnished in bulk with a certificate indicating the above information. Store in dry locations away from contaminates. Plant Labels Deliver plants with durable waterproof labels in weather-resistant ink. Provide labels stating the correct botanical and common plant name and variety as applicable and size as specified in the list of required plants. Attach to plants, bundles, and containers of plants. Groups of plants may be labeled by tagging one plant. Labels shall be legible for a minimum of 60 days after delivery to the planting site. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.5.2 Storage Plant Storage and Protection Store and protect plants not planted on the day of arrival at the site as follows: a. Shade and protect plants in outside storage areas from the wind and direct sunlight until planted. b. Heel-in bare root plants. c. Protect balled and burlapped plants from freezing or drying out by covering the balls or roots with moist burlap, sawdust, wood chips, shredded bark, peat moss, or other approved material. Provide covering which allows air circulation. d. Keep plants in a moist condition until planted by watering with a fine mist spray. e. Do not store plant material directly on concrete or bituminous surfaces. Fertilizer, Gypsum, pH Adjusters and Mulch Storage Store in dry locations away from contaminants. Topsoil Prior to stockpiling topsoil, eradicate on site undesirable growing vegetation. Clear and grub existing vegetation three to four weeks prior to stockpiling existing topsoil. Root Control Barrier and Weed Control Fabric Store materials on site in enclosures or under protective covering in dry location. Store under cover out of direct sunlight. Do not store materials directly on ground. 1.5.3 Handling Do not drop or dump plants from vehicles. Avoid damaging plants being moved from nursery or storage area to planting site. Handle boxed, balled and burlapped, balled and potted, processed balled, in-ground fabric bag grown or container plants carefully to avoid damaging or breaking the earth ball or root structure. Do not handle plants by the trunk or stem. Puddle bare-root plants after removal from the heeling-in bed to protect roots from drying out. Remove damaged plants from the site. 1.5.4 TIME LIMITATION Except for container-grown plant material, the time limitation from digging to installing plant material shall be a maximum of 90 days. The time limitation between installing the plant material and placing the mulch shall be a maximum of 24 hours. 1.6 TIME RESTRICTIONS AND PLANTING CONDITIONS Coordinate installation of planting materials during optimal planting SECTION 32 93 00 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 seasons for each type of plant material required. 1.6.1 Planting Dates Plant all plants from March 1 to December 15. Deciduous Material Deciduous material from March 1 to June 1 for spring/summer planting and from October 15 to December 15 for fall/winter planting. Evergreen Material Evergreen material from March 1 to June 1 for spring/summer planting and from October 15 to December 15 for fall/winter planting. 1.6.2 Restrictions Do not plant when ground is frozen, snow covered, muddy, or when air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit 1.7 GUARANTEE All plants shall be guaranteed for one year beginning on the date of inspection by the Contracting Officer to commence the plant establishment period, against defects including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from lack of adequate maintenance, neglect, or abuse by the Government or by weather conditions unusual for the warranty period. Transplanted plants require no guarantee. At end of warranty period, replace planting materials that die or have 25 percent or more of their branches that die during the construction operations or the guarantee period. 1.8 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 1.8.1 Local/Regional Materials Use materials or products extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within a 500 mile radius from the project site, if available from a minimum of three sources.See Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY for cumulative total local material requirements. Landscaping materials may be locally available. 1.8.2 Plastic Identification Verify that plastic products to be incorporated into the project are labeled in accordance with ASTM D1972. Where products are not labeled, provide product data indicating polymeric information in Operation and Maintenance Manual. Type 1: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET, PETE). Type 2: High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). Type 3: Vinyl (Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC). Type 4: Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). Type 5: Polypropylene (PP). Type 6: Polystyrene (PS). Type 7: Other. Use of this code indicates that the package in question is made with a resin other than the six listed above, or is made of more than one resin listed above, and used in a multi-layer combination. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.8.3 Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification Use FSC-certified wood where specified. Provide letter of certification signed by lumber supplier. Indicate compliance with FSC STD 01 001 and identify certifying organization. Submit FSC certification numbers; identify each certified product on a line-item basis. Submit copies of invoices bearing the FSC certification numbers. 1.9 Sub Title Refer to Fort Bragg Installation Design Guide (FBIDG) for additional information. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PLANTS 2.1.1 Regulations and Varieties Existing trees and shrubs to remain shall be protected and a planting plan be arranged around them. Furnish nursery stock in accordance with ANSI/ANLA Z60.1, except as otherwise specified or indicated. Each plant or group of planting shall have a "key" number indicated on the nursery certifications of the plant schedule. Furnish plants, including turf grass, grown under climatic conditions similar to those in the locality of the project. Plants specified shall be indigenous, low maintenance varieties, tolerant of site's existing soils and climate without supplemental irrigation or fertilization once established. Spray plants budding into leaf or having soft growth with an antidesiccant before digging. Plants of the same specified size shall be of uniform size and character of growth. Plants shall be chosen with their mature size and growth habit in mind to avoid over-planting and conflict with other plants, structures or underground utility lines. All plants shall comply with all Federal and State Laws requiring inspection for plant diseases and infestation. 2.1.2 Shape and Condition Well-branched, well-formed, sound, vigorous, healthy planting stock free from disease, sunscald, windburn, abrasion, and harmful insects or insect eggs and having a healthy, normal, and undamaged root system. Deciduous Trees and Shrubs Symmetrically developed and of uniform habit of growth, with straight boles or stems, and free from objectionable disfigurements. Evergreen Trees and Shrubs Well developed symmetrical tops with typical spread of branches for each particular species or variety. Ground Covers and Vines Number and length of runners and clump sizes indicated, and of the proper age for the grade of plants indicated, furnished in removable containers, integral containers, or formed homogeneous soil section. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.1.3 Plant Size Minimum sizes measured after pruning and with branches in normal position, shall conform to measurements indicated, based on the average width or height of the plant for the species as specified in ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. Plants larger in size than specified may be provided with approval of the Contracting Officer . When larger plants are provided, increase the ball of earth or spread of roots in accordance with ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. 2.1.4 Root Ball Size All box-grown, field potted, field boxed, collected, plantation grown, bare root, balled and burlapped, container grown, processed-balled, and in-ground fabric bag-grown root balls shall conform to ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. All wrappings and ties shall be biodegradable. Root growth in container grown plants shall be sufficient to hold earth intact when removed from containers. Root bound plants will not be accepted. Mycorrhizal fungi inoculum Before shipment, root systems shall contain mycorrhizal fungi inoculum. 2.1.5 Growth of Trunk and Crown Deciduous Trees A height to caliper relationship shall be provided in accordance with ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. Height of branching shall bear a relationship to the size and species of tree specified and with the crown in good balance with the trunk. The trees shall not be "poled" or the leader removed. a. Single stem: The trunk shall be reasonably straight and symmetrical with crown and have a persistent main leader. b. Multi-stem: All countable stems, in aggregate, shall average the size specified. To be considered a stem, there shall be no division of the trunk which branches more than 6 inches from ground level. Palms Palms shall have the specified height as measured from the base of the trunk to the base of the fronds or foliage in accordance with ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. The palm shall have straight trunk and healthy fronds or foliage as typical for the variety grown in the region of the project. Palms trimmed or pruned for delivery shall retain a minimum of 6 inches of foliage at the crown as a means of determining plant health. Deciduous Shrubs Deciduous shrubs shall have the height and number of primary stems recommended by ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. Acceptable plant material shall be well shaped, with sufficient well-spaced side branches, and recognized by the trade as typical for the species grown in the region of the project. Coniferous Evergreen Plant Material Coniferous Evergreen plant material shall have the height-to-spread ratio recommended by ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. The coniferous evergreen trees shall not be "poled" or the leader removed. Acceptable plant material shall be SECTION 32 93 00 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 exceptionally heavy, well shaped and trimmed to form a symmetrical and tightly knit plant. The form of growth desired shall be as indicated. Broadleaf Evergreen Plant Material Broadleaf evergreen plant material shall have the height-to-spread ratio recommended by ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. Acceptable plant material shall be well shaped and recognized by the trade as typical for the variety grown in the region of the project. Ground Cover and Vine Plant Material Ground cover and vine plant material shall have the minimum number of runners and length of runner recommended by ANSI/ANLA Z60.1. Plant material shall have heavy, well developed and balanced crown with vigorous, well developed root system and shall be furnished in containers. 2.2 TOPSOIL 2.2.1 Existing Soil Modify to conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." 2.2.2 On-Site Topsoil Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled "Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil stripped and stockpiled on-site in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 2.2.3 Off-Site Topsoil Conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled "Composition." Additional topsoil shall be furnished by the Contractor . 2.2.4 Composition Evaluate soil for use as topsoil in accordance with ASTM D5268. From 5 to 10 percent organic matter as determined by the topsoil composition tests of the Organic Carbon, 6A, Chemical Analysis Method described in DOA SSIR 42. Maximum particle size, 3/4 inch, with maximum 3 percent retained on 1/4 inch screen. The pH shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D4972. Topsoil shall be free of sticks, stones, roots, plants, and other debris and objectionable materials. Other components shall conform to the following limits: Silt 25-50 percent Clay 10-30 percent Sand 20-35 percent pH 5.5 to 7.0 SECTION 32 93 00 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Soluble Salts 600 ppm maximum 2.3 SOIL CONDITIONERS Provide singly or in combination as required to meet specified requirements for topsoil. Soil conditioners shall be nontoxic to plants. 2.3.1 Lime Commercial grade hydrated or burnt limestone containing a calcium carbonate equivalent (C.C.E.) as specified in ASTM C602 of not less than 80 percent. 2.3.2 Aluminum Sulfate Commercial grade. 2.3.3 Sulfur 100 percent elemental 2.3.4 Iron 100 percent elemental 2.3.5 Peat Natural product of peat moss derived from a freshwater site and conforming to ASTM D4427 ASTM D5539 as modified herein. Shred and granulate peat to pass a 1/2 inch mesh screen and condition in storage pile for minimum 6 months after excavation. Biobased content shall be a minimum of 100 percent. Peat shall not contain invasive species, including seeds. 2.3.6 Sand Clean and free of materials harmful to plants. 2.3.7 Perlite Horticultural grade. 2.3.8 Composted Derivatives Ground bark, nitrolized sawdust, humus or other green wood waste material free of stones, sticks, invasive species, including seeds, and soil stabilized with nitrogen and having the following properties: Particle Size Minimum percent by weight passing: No. 4 mesh screen 95 No. 8 mesh screen 80 Nitrogen Content Minimum percent based on dry weight: SECTION 32 93 00 Page 11 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Fir Sawdust 0.7 Fir or Pine Bark 1.0 Biobased Content Minimum 100 percent. 2.3.9 Gypsum Coarsely ground gypsum from recycled scrap gypsum board comprised of calcium sulfate dihydrate 91 percent, calcium 22 percent, sulfur 17 percent; minimum 96 percent passing through 20 mesh screen, 100 percent passing thru 16 mesh screen. 2.3.10 Vermiculite Horticultural grade for planters. 2.3.11 Rotted Manure Well rotted horse or cattle manure containing maximum 25 percent by volume of straw, sawdust, or other bedding materials; free of seeds, stones, sticks, soil, and other invasive species. 2.4 PLANTING SOIL MIXTURES Sandy topsoil: one part topsoil to one part peat; clay topsoil: two parts topsoil to one part peat. Thoroughly mix all parts of planting soil mixture to a uniform blend throughout. 2.5 FERTILIZER Fertilizer for groundcover, wildflowers and grasses is not permitted. Fertilizer for trees, plants, and shrubs shall be as recommended by plant supplier, except synthetic chemical fertilizers are not permitted. Fertilizers containing petrochemical additives or that have been treated with pesticides or herbicides are not permitted. 2.5.1 Granular Fertilizer Organic, granular controlled release fertilizer containing the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 10 percent available nitrogen 15 percent available phosphorus 10 percent available potassium 5 percent sulfur 10 percent iron 2.5.2 Fertilizer Tablets Organic, plant tablets composed of tightly compressed fertilizer chips forming a tablet that is insoluble in water, is designed to provide a continuous release of nutrients for at least 24 months and contains the following minimum percentages, by weight, of plant food nutrients: 20 percent available nitrogen 20 percent available phosphorus 5 percent available potassium SECTION 32 93 00 Page 12 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.6 WEED CONTROL FABRIC 2.6.1 Roll Type Polypropylene or Polyester Mats Fabric shall be woven, needle punched or non-woven and treated for protection against deterioration due to ultraviolet radiation. Fabric shall be minimum 99 percent opaque to prevent photosynthesis and seed germination from occurring, yet allowing air, water and nutrients to pass thru to the roots. Minimum weight shall be 5 ounces per square yard with a minimum thickness of 20 mils with a 20 year (minimum) guarantee. 2.7 MULCH Free from noxious weeds, mold, pesticides, or other deleterious materials. 2.7.1 Organic Mulch Materials Shredded hardwood from site when available. Biobased content shall be a minimum of 100 percent. Wood-based hydraulic mulch shall contain a minimum of 100 percent recycled material. 2.7.2 Recycled Organic Mulch Recycled mulch may include compost, tree trimmings, or pine needles with a gradation that passes through a 2-1/2 by 2-1/2 inchscreen. It shall be cleaned of all sticks a minimum 1 inch in diameter and plastic materials a minimum 3 inches length. The material shall be treated to retard the growth of mold and fungi. 2.8 STAKING AND GUYING MATERIAL 2.8.1 Staking Material Tree Support Stakes Rough sawn FSC-certified or salvaged hard wood free of knots, rot, cross grain, bark, long slivers, or other defects that impair strength. Stakes shall be minimum 2 inches square or 2 1/2 inch diameter by 8 feet long, pointed at one end. Paint or stain wood stakes dark brown.. Ground Stakes FSC-certified or salvaged wood or 100 percent post-consumer recycled content plastic, 2 inches square are by 3 feet long, pointed at one end. 2.8.2 Guying Material Guying Wire 12 gauge annealed galvanized steel, ASTM A580/A580M. Guying Cable Minimum five-strand, 3/16 inch diameter galvanized steel cable plastic coated. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 13 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.8.3 Hose Chafing Guards New or used 2 ply 3/4 inch diameter reinforced rubber or plastic hose, black or dark green, all of same color. 2.8.4 Flags White surveyor's plastic tape, 1/2 inch diameter PVC pipe, 12 inches long, fastened to guying wires or cables. 2.8.5 Turnbuckles Galvanized or cadmium-plated steel with minimum 3 inch long openings fitted with screw eyes. Eye bolts shall be galvanized or cadmium-plated steel with one inch diameter eyes and screw length 1 1/2 inches, minimum. 2.8.6 Deadmen 4 by 8 inch rectangular or 8 inch diameter by36 inch long, pine or fir wood material. 2.8.7 Metal Anchors Driven Anchors Malleable iron, arrow shaped, galvanized, sized as follows: Tree Caliper Anchor Size 2 inches and under 3 inches 3 to 6 inches 4 inches 6 to 8 inches 6 inches 8 to 10 inches 8 inches 10 to 12 inches 10 inches Screw Anchors Steel, screw type with welded-on 3 inch round helical steel plate, minimum 3/8 inch diameter, 15 inches long. 2.9 ANTIDESICCANTS Sprayable, water insoluble vinyl-vinledine complex which produce a moisture retarding barrier not removable by rain or snow. Film shall form at temperatures commonly encountered out of doors during planting season and have a moisture vapor transmission rate (MVT) of the resultant film of maximum 10 grams per 24 hours at 70 percent humidity. 2.10 EROSION CONTROL MATERIALS Erosion control material shall conform to the following: SECTION 32 93 00 Page 14 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.10.1 Erosion Control Blanket 100 percent agricultural straw stitched with a degradable nettings, designed to degrade within 12 months. 2.10.2 Erosion Control Fabric Fabric shall be knitted construction of polypropylene yarn with uniform mesh openings 3/4 to 1 inch square with strips of biodegradable paper. Filler paper strips shall have a minimum life of 6 months. 2.10.3 Erosion Control Net Net shall be heavy, twisted jute mesh, weighing approximately 1.22 pounds per linear yard and 4 feet wide with mesh openings of approximately 1 inch square. 2.10.4 Hydrophilic Colloids Hydrophilic colloids shall be physiologically harmless to plant and animal life without phytotoxic agents. Colloids shall be naturally occurring, silicate powder based, and shall form a water insoluble membrane after curing. Colloids shall resist mold growth. 2.10.5 Erosion Control Material Anchors Erosion control anchors shall be as recommended by the manufacturer. 2.11 ROOT CONTROL BARRIER Flexible and permeable geotextile fabric with permanently attached time-released nodules. Color to be black. Pre-formed, round, tapered cylinder, linear barrier with integral vertical root deflecting ribs constructed of ultraviolet resistant polypropylene material. Color to be black. 2.12 WATER Source of water to be approved by Contracting Officer and suitable quality for irrigation and shall not contain elements toxic to plant life, including acids, alkalis, salts, chemical pollutants, and organic matter. Use collected storm water or graywater when available. 2.12.1 Hose Hoses used for watering shall be a minimum of 70 percent post-consumer rubber or plastic. 2.13 MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI INOCULUM Mycorrhizal fungi inoculum shall be composed of multiple-fungus inoculum as recommended by the manufacturer for the plant material specified. 2.14 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL The Contracting Officerand Landscape Architect of Record will inspect plant materials at the project site and approve them. Tag plant materials for size and quality. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 15 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXTENT OF WORK Provide soil preparation, fertilizing, tree, shrub, perennial flowers, and planting, edging, staking and guying, weed control fabric,, erosion control materialand root control barrier installation and a mulch topdressing of all newly graded finished earth surfaces, unless indicated otherwise, and at all areas inside or outside the limits of construction that are disturbed by the Contractor's operations. 3.2 ALTERNATIVE HERBICIDE TREATMENT (SOLARIZING SOIL) Within 48 hours of subsoil preparation, saturate soil with water to a depth of 3 feet. Immediately stake polyethylene sheeting over area to be planted. Stake tightly to surface of soil. Maintain sheeting in place for a minimum of 6 weeks. Immediately after removing sheeting, cover area to be planted with topsoil. Do not till soil prior to applying topsoil. 3.3 PREPARATION 3.3.1 Protection Protect existing and proposed landscape features, elements, and sites from damage or contamination. Protect trees, vegetation, and other designated features by erecting high-visibility, reusable construction fencing. Locate fence no closer to trees than the drip line. Plan equipment and vehicle access to minimize and confine soil disturbance and compaction to areas indicated on Drawings. 3.3.2 Layout Stake out approved plant material locations and planter bed outlines on the project site before digging plant pits or beds. The Contracting Officer reserves the right to adjust plant material locations to meet field conditions. Do not plant closer than 12 inches to a building wall, pavement edge, fence or wall edge and other similar structures. Provide on-site locations for excavated rock, soil, and vegetation. 3.3.3 Erosion Control Provide erosion control and seeding with native plant species to protect slopes. 3.3.4 Soil Preparation pH Adjuster Application Rates Apply pH adjuster at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. Soil Conditioner Application Rates Apply soil conditioners at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of the soils at the job site. Fertilizer Application Rates Apply fertilizer at rates as determined by laboratory soil analysis of SECTION 32 93 00 Page 16 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 the soils at the job site. Fertilizer Tablets for Trees and Shrubs Container/Caliper Size Tablet Size No. of Tablets Shrub:1 to 3 gallon 10-gram size 2 Tree:4 ft. to 6 ft. ot 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch caliper 21-gram size 3 3.4 PLANT BED PREPARATION Verify location of underground utilities prior to excavation. Protect existing adjacent turf before excavations are made. Do not disturb topsoil and vegetation in areas outside those indicated on Drawings. Where planting beds occur in existing turf areas, remove turf to a depth that will ensure removal of entire root system. Measure depth of plant pits from finished grade. Depth of plant pit excavation shall be as indicated and provide proper relation between top of root ball and finished grade. Install plant material as specified in paragraph entitled "Plant Installation." Do not install trees within 8 feet of any utility lines or building walls. 3.5 PLANT INSTALLATION 3.5.1 Individual Plant Pit Excavation Excavate pits at least twice as large in diameter as the size of ball or container to depth shown. 3.5.2 Plant Beds with Multiple Plants Excavate plant beds continuously throughout entire bed as outlined to depth shown. 3.5.3 Handling and Setting Move plant materials only by supporting the root ball and/or container. Set plants on hand compacted layer of prepared backfill soil mixture 6 inches thick and hold plumb in the center of the pit until soil has been tamped firmly around root ball. Set plant materials, in relation to surrounding finish grade, one to 2 inches above depth at which they were grown in the nursery, collecting field or container. Replace plant material whose root balls are cracked or damaged either before or during the planting process. Plant material shall be set in plant beds according to the drawings. Backfill soil mixture shall be placed on previously scarified subsoil to completely surround the root balls, and shall be brought to a smooth and even surface, blending to existing areas. Balled and Burlapped Stock Backfill with prepared soil mixture and topsoil to approximately half the depth of ball and then tamp and water. Carefully remove or fold back excess burlap and tying materials from the top a minimum 1/3 depth from SECTION 32 93 00 Page 17 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 the top of the rootball. Tamp and complete backfill, place mulch topdressing, and water. Remove wires and non-biodegradable materials from plant pit prior to backfill operations. Bare-Root Stock Plant so roots are arranged in a natural position. Place roots in water a minimum of 30 minutes prior to planting. Carefully work prepared soil mixture and topsoil among roots. Tamp remainder of backfill, place mulch topdressing and water. Container Grown Stock Remove from container and prevent damage to plant or root system. 3.5.4 Earth Mounded Watering Basin for Individual Plant Pits Form with topsoil around each plant by replacing a mound of topsoil around the edge of each plant pit. Watering basins shall be 6 inches deep for trees and 4 inches deep for shrubs. Eliminate basins around plants in plant beds containing multiple plants. 3.5.5 Weed Control Fabric Installation Remove grass and weed vegetation, including roots, from within the area enclosed by edging. Completely cover areas enclosed by edging with specified weed control fabric prior to placing mulch layer. Overlap cut edges 6 inches. 3.5.6 Erosion Control Material Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.5.7 Placement of Mulch Topdressing Place specified mulch topdressing on top of weed control fabric covering total area enclosed by edging. Place mulch topdressing to a depth of 3 inches. 3.5.8 Mulch Topdressing Provide mulch topdressing over entire planter bed surfaces and individual plant surfaces including earth mound watering basin around plants to a depth of 3 inches after completion of plant installation and before watering. Keep mulch out of the crowns of shrubs. Place mulch a minimum 2 to 3 inches away from trunk of shrub or tree. Place on top of any weed control fabric. 3.5.9 Installation of Edging Uniformly edge beds of plants to provide a clear cut division line between planted area and adjacent lawn. Construct bed shapes as indicated. 3.5.10 Fertilization Fertilizer Tablets Place fertilizer planting tablets evenly spaced around the plant pits to the manufacturer's recommended depth. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 18 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Granular Fertilizer Apply granular fertilizer as a top coat prior to placing mulch layer and water thoroughly. 3.5.11 Watering Start watering areas planted as required by temperature and wind conditions. Slow deep watering shall be used. Apply water at a rate sufficient to ensure thorough wetting of soil to a depth of 12 inches without run off or puddling. Watering of other plant material or adjacent areas shall be prevented. 3.5.12 Staking and Guying Staking Stake plants with the number of stakes indicated complete with double strand of 12 gage guy wire as detailed. Attach guy wire half the tree height but not more than 5 feet high. Drive stakes to a depth of 2 1/2 to 3 feet into the ground outside the plant pit. Do not injure the root ball. Use hose chafer guards where guy wire comes in contact with tree trunk. Guying Guy plants as indicated. Attach two strands of guying wire and/or guying cable around the tree trunk at an angle of 45 degrees at approximately 1/2 of the trunk height. Protect tree trunks with chafing guards where guying wire and/or cable contacts the tree trunk. Anchor guys to wood ground stakes, malleable iron anchors, steel screw anchors. Fasten flags to each guying wire or cable approximately 2/3 of the distance up from ground level. Provide turnbuckles as indicated. Chafing Guards Use hose chafing guards, as specified where guy wire and/or cable will contact the plant. Wood Ground Stakes Drive wood ground stakes into firm ground outside of plant pit with top of stake flush with ground. Place equal distance from tree trunk and around the plant pit. Iron Anchors Drive malleable iron anchors into firm ground outside of plant pit a minimum 30 inches below finish grade. Place equal distance from tree trunk and around the plant pit. Steel Screw Anchors Insert steel screw anchors as recommended in manufacturer's data. Place equal distance from tree trunk and around the plant pit. SECTION 32 93 00 Page 19 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Flags Securely fasten flags on each guy wire andcable approximately two-thirds of the distance up from ground level. 3.5.13 Pruning Prune in accordance with safety requirement of TCIA Z133.1. Trees and Shrubs Remove dead and broken branches. Prune to correct structural defects only. Retain typical growth shape of individual plants with as much height and spread as practical. Do not cut central leader on trees. Make cuts with sharp instruments. Do not flush cut with trunk or adjacent branches. Collars shall remain in place. Pruning shall be accomplished by trained and experienced personnel and shall be accordance with TCIA A300P1. Wound Dressing Do not apply tree wound dressing to cuts. 3.6 RESTORATION AND CLEAN UP 3.6.1 Restoration Turf areas, pavements and facilities that have been damaged from the planting operation shall be restored to original condition at the Contractor's expense. 3.6.2 Clean Up Excess and waste material shall be removed from the installed area and shall be disposed offsite at an approved landfill, recycling center, or composting center. Separate and recycle or reuse the following landscape waste materials: nylon straps, wire, ball wrap, burlap, and wood stakes. Adjacent paved areas shall be cleared. -- End of Section -- SECTION 32 93 00 Page 20 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 33 40 00 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 02/10 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN RAILWAY ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE-OF-WAY ASSOCIATION (AREMA) AREMA Eng Man (2012) Manual for Railway Engineering ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A123/A123M (2012) Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTM A48/A48M (2003; R 2012) Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings ASTM A536 (1984; R 2009) Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings ASTM B26/B26M (2012) Standard Specification for Aluminum-Alloy Sand Castings ASTM C1103 (2003; R 2009) Standard Practice for Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines ASTM C231/C231M (2010) Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ASTM C270 (2012a) Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry ASTM C425 (2004; R 2009) Standard Specification for Compression Joints for Vitrified Clay Pipe and Fittings ASTM C443 (2011) Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets ASTM C478 (2013) Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTM C76 (2013a) Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, SECTION 33 40 00 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 and Sewer Pipe ASTM C828 (2011) Low-Pressure Air Test of Vitrified Clay Pipe Lines ASTM C877 (2008) External Sealing Bands for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections ASTM C923 (2008; R 2013) Standard Specification for Resilient Connectors Between Reinforced Concrete Manhole Structures, Pipes and Laterals ASTM C924 (2002; R 2009) Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method ASTM C990 (2009) Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants ASTM D1056 (2007) Standard Specification for Flexible Cellular Materials - Sponge or Expanded Rubber ASTM D1171 (1999; R 2007) Rubber Deterioration - Surface Ozone Cracking Outdoors or Chamber (Triangular Specimens) ASTM D1557 (2012) Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/ft3) (2700 kN-m/m3) ASTM D1751 (2004; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ASTM D1752 (2004a; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC Expansion ASTM D1784 (2011) Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds ASTM D2167 (2008) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Balloon Method ASTM D2321 (2011) Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications ASTM D2729 (2011) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings SECTION 33 40 00 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 ASTM D3212 (2007; R 2013) Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTM D6938 (2010) Standard Test Method for In-Place Density and Water Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) ASTM F1417 (2011a) Standard Test Method for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low Pressure Air ASTM F2881 (2011) Standard Specification for 12 to 60 in. (300 to 1500 mm) Polypropylene (PP) Dual Wall Pipe and Fittings for Non-Pressure Storm Sewer Applications ASTM F679 (2008) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Large-Diameter Plastic Gravity Sewer Pipe and Fittings 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-03 Product Data Placing Pipe Submit printed copies of the manufacturer's recommendations for installation procedures of the material being placed, prior to installation. SD-04 Samples Pipe for Culverts and Storm Drains SD-07 Certificates Resin Certification Pipeline Testing Hydrostatic Test on Watertight Joints Determination of Density Frame and Cover for Gratings 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.3.1 Delivery and Storage Materials delivered to site shall be inspected for damage, unloaded, and stored with a minimum of handling. Materials shall not be stored directly on the ground. The inside of pipes and fittings shall be kept free of SECTION 33 40 00 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 dirt and debris. Before, during, and after installation, plastic pipe and fittings shall be protected from any environment that would result in damage or deterioration to the material. Keep a copy of the manufacturer's instructions available at the construction site at all times and follow these instructions unless directed otherwise by the Contracting Officer. Solvents, solvent compounds, lubricants, elastomeric gaskets, and any similar materials required to install plastic pipe shall be stored in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall be discarded if the storage period exceeds the recommended shelf life. Solvents in use shall be discarded when the recommended pot life is exceeded. 1.3.2 Handling Materials shall be handled in a manner that ensures delivery to the trench in sound, undamaged condition. Pipe shall be carried to the trench, not dragged. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE FOR CULVERTS AND STORM DRAINS Pipe for culverts and storm drains shall be of the sizes indicated and shall conform to the requirements specified. 2.1.1 Concrete Pipe Manufactured in accordance with and conforming to ASTM C76, Class V. 2.1.2 Perforated Piping Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe ASTM D2729. Polypropylene (PP) Pipe ASTM F2881, Class II perforation patterns. 2.1.3 PVC Pipe Submit the pipe manufacturer's resin certification, indicating the cell classification of PVC used to manufacture the pipe, prior to installation of the pipe. Smooth Wall PVC Pipe ASTM F679 produced from PVC certified by the compounder as meeting the requirements of ASTM D1784, minimum cell class 12454-B. 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS 2.2.1 Concrete Unless otherwise specified, concrete and reinforced concrete shall conform to the requirements for 3500 psi concrete under Section 03 30 00.00 10 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE . The concrete mixture shall have air content by volume of concrete, based on measurements made immediately after discharge from the mixer, of 5 to 7 percent when maximum size of coarse aggregate SECTION 33 40 00 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 exceeds 1-1/2 inches. Air content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C231/C231M. The concrete covering over steel reinforcing shall not be less than 1 inch thick for covers and not less than 1-1/2 inches thick for walls and flooring. Concrete covering deposited directly against the ground shall have a thickness of at least 3 inches between steel and ground. Expansion-joint filler material shall conform to ASTM D1751, or ASTM D1752, or shall be resin-impregnated fiberboard conforming to the physical requirements of ASTM D1752. 2.2.2 Mortar Mortar for pipe joints, connections to other drainage structures, and brick or block construction shall conform to ASTM C270, Type M, except that the maximum placement time shall be 1 hour. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be sufficient to produce a stiff workable mortar but in no case shall exceed 1 gallons of water per sack of cement. Water shall be clean and free of harmful acids, alkalis, and organic impurities. The mortar shall be used within 30 minutes after the ingredients are mixed with water. The inside of the joint shall be wiped clean and finished smooth. The mortar head on the outside shall be protected from air and sun with a proper covering until satisfactorily cured. 2.2.3 Precast Reinforced Concrete Manholes Conform to ASTM C478. Joints between precast concrete risers and tops shall be full-bedded in cement mortar and shall be smoothed to a uniform surface on both interior and exterior of the structure. 2.2.4 Frame and Cover for Gratings Submit certification on the ability of frame and cover or gratings to carry the imposed live load. Frame and cover for gratings shall be cast gray iron, ASTM A48/A48M, Class 35B; cast ductile iron, ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12; or cast aluminum, ASTM B26/B26M, Alloy 356.OT6. Weight, shape, size, and waterway openings for grates and curb inlets shall be as indicated on the plans. The word "Storm Sewer" shall be stamped or cast into covers so that it is plainly visible. 2.2.5 Joints Flexible Watertight Joints a. Materials: Flexible watertight joints shall be made with plastic or rubber-type gaskets for concrete pipe and with factory-fabricated resilient materials for clay pipe. The design of joints and the physical requirements for preformed flexible joint sealants shall conform to ASTM C990, and rubber-type gaskets shall conform to ASTM C443. Factory-fabricated resilient joint materials shall conform to ASTM C425. Gaskets shall have not more than one factory-fabricated splice, except that two factory-fabricated splices of the rubber-type gasket are permitted if the nominal diameter of the pipe being gasketed exceeds 54 inches. b. Test Requirements: Watertight joints shall be tested and shall meet test requirements of paragraph HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS. Rubber gaskets shall comply with the oil resistant gasket requirements of ASTM C443. Certified copies of test results shall be delivered to the Contracting Officer before gaskets or jointing materials are installed. Alternate types of watertight joint may be furnished, if SECTION 33 40 00 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 specifically approved. External Sealing Bands Requirements for external sealing bands shall conform to ASTM C877. Flexible Watertight, Gasketed Joints a. Gaskets: When infiltration or exfiltration is a concern for pipe lines, the couplings may be required to have gaskets. The closed-cell expanded rubber gaskets shall be a continuous band approximately 7 inches wide and approximately 3/8 inch thick, meeting the requirements of ASTM D1056, Type 2 A1, and shall have a quality retention rating of not less than 70 percent when tested for weather resistance by ozone chamber exposure, Method B of ASTM D1171. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 13/16 inch in diameter for pipe diameters of 36 inches or smaller and 7/8 inch in diameter for larger pipe having 1/2 inch deep end corrugation. Rubber O-ring gaskets shall be 1-3/8 inches in diameter for pipe having 1 inch deep end corrugations. O-rings shall meet the requirements of ASTM C990 or ASTM C443. Preformed flexible joint sealants shall conform to ASTM C990, Type B. b. Connecting Bands: Connecting bands shall be of the type, size and sheet thickness of band, and the size of angles, bolts, rods and lugs as indicated or where not indicated as specified in the applicable standards or specifications for the pipe. Exterior rivet heads in the longitudinal seam under the connecting band shall be countersunk or the rivets shall be omitted and the seam welded. Watertight joints shall be tested and shall meet the test requirements of paragraph HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS. PVC Plastic Pipes Joints shall be solvent cement or elastomeric gasket type in accordance with the specification for the pipe and as recommended by the pipe manufacturer. 2.3 STEEL LADDER Steel ladder shall be provided where the depth of the storm drainage structure exceeds 12 feet. These ladders shall be not less than 16 inches in width, with 3/4 inch diameter rungs spaced 12 inches apart. The two stringers shall be a minimum 3/8 inch thick and 2-1/2 inches wide. Ladders and inserts shall be galvanized after fabrication in conformance with ASTM A123/A123M. 2.4 DOWNSPOUT BOOTS Boots used to connect exterior downspouts to the storm-drainage system shall be of gray cast iron conforming to ASTM A48/A48M, Class 30B or 35B. Shape and size shall be as indicated. 2.5 RESILIENT CONNECTORS Flexible, watertight connectors used for connecting pipe to manholes and inlets shall conform to ASTM C923. SECTION 33 40 00 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.6 HYDROSTATIC TEST ON WATERTIGHT JOINTS 2.6.1 Concrete, PVC, and PP Pipe A hydrostatic test shall be made on the watertight joint types as proposed. Only one sample joint of each type needs testing; however, if the sample joint fails because of faulty design or workmanship, an additional sample joint may be tested. During the test period, gaskets or other jointing material shall be protected from extreme temperatures which might adversely affect the performance of such materials. Performance requirements for joints in reinforced and nonreinforced concrete pipe shall conform to ASTM C990 or ASTM C443. Test requirements for joints in clay pipe shall conform to ASTM C425. Test requirements for joints in PVC and PP plastic pipe shall conform to ASTM D3212. 2.7 EROSION CONTROL RIPRAP Provide nonerodible rock not exceeding 18 inches in its greatest dimension and choked with sufficient small rocks to provide a dense mass with a minimum thickness of 8 inches. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION FOR PIPE CULVERTS, STORM DRAINS, AND DRAINAGE STRUCTURES Excavation of trenches, and for appurtenances and backfilling for culverts and storm drains, shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK and the requirements specified below. 3.1.1 Trenching The width of trenches at any point below the top of the pipe shall be not greater than the outside diameter of the pipe plus 18 inches to permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of the bedding material under and around the pipe. Sheeting and bracing, where required, shall be placed within the trench width as specified, without any overexcavation. Where trench widths are exceeded, redesign with a resultant increase in cost of stronger pipe or special installation procedures will be necessary. Cost of this redesign and increased cost of pipe or installation shall be borne by the Contractor without additional cost to the Government. 3.1.2 Removal of Rock Rock in either ledge or boulder formation shall be replaced with suitable materials to provide a compacted earth cushion having a thickness between unremoved rock and the pipe of at least 8 inches or 1/2 inch for each foot of fill over the top of the pipe, whichever is greater, but not more than three-fourths the nominal diameter of the pipe. Where bell-and-spigot pipe is used, the cushion shall be maintained under the bell as well as under the straight portion of the pipe. Rock excavation shall be as specified and defined in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 3.1.3 Removal of Unstable Material Where wet or otherwise unstable soil incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Contracting Officer, is unexpectedly encountered in the bottom of a trench, such material shall be removed to the depth required and replaced to the proper grade with select granular SECTION 33 40 00 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 material, compacted as provided in paragraph BACKFILLING. When removal of unstable material is due to the fault or neglect of the Contractor while performing shoring and sheeting, water removal, or other specified requirements, such removal and replacement shall be performed at no additional cost to the Government. 3.2 BEDDING The bedding surface for the pipe shall provide a firm foundation of uniform density throughout the entire length of the pipe. 3.2.1 Concrete Pipe Requirements When no bedding class is specified or detailed on the drawings, concrete pipe shall be bedded in granular material minimum 4 inch in depth in trenches with soil foundation. Depth of granular bedding in trenches with rock foundation shall be 1/2 inch in depth per foot of depth of fill, minimum depth of bedding shall be 8 inch up to maximum depth of 24 inches. The middle third of the granular bedding shall be loosely placed. Bell holes and depressions for joints shall be removed and formed so entire barrel of pipe is uniformly supported. The bell hole and depressions for the joints shall be not more than the length, depth, and width required for properly making the particular type of joint. 3.2.2 Plastic Pipe Bedding for PVC and PP pipe shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2321. Use Class IB or II material for bedding, haunching, and initial backfill. Use Class I, II, or III material for PP pipe bedding, haunching and initial backfill. 3.3 PLACING PIPE Each pipe shall be thoroughly examined before being laid; defective or damaged pipe shall not be used. Plastic pipe shall be protected from exposure to direct sunlight prior to laying, if necessary to maintain adequate pipe stiffness and meet installation deflection requirements. Pipelines shall be laid to the grades and alignment indicated. Proper facilities shall be provided for lowering sections of pipe into trenches. Lifting lugs in vertically elongated metal pipe shall be placed in the same vertical plane as the major axis of the pipe. Pipe shall not be laid in water, and pipe shall not be laid when trench conditions or weather are unsuitable for such work. Diversion of drainage or dewatering of trenches during construction shall be provided as necessary. Deflection of installed flexible pipe shall not exceed the following limits: TYPE OF PIPE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE DEFLECTION (percent) Plastic (PVC, HDPE and PP)5 Note post installation requirements of paragraph DEFLECTION TESTING in PART 3 of this specification for all pipe products including deflection testing requirements for flexible pipe. 3.3.1 Concrete, PVC, Ribbed PVC Laying shall proceed upgrade with spigot ends of bell-and-spigot pipe and tongue ends of tongue-and-groove pipe pointing in the direction of the SECTION 33 40 00 Page 8 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 flow. 3.3.2 Multiple Culverts Where multiple lines of pipe are installed, adjacent sides of pipe shall be at least half the nominal pipe diameter or 3 feet apart, whichever is less. 3.3.3 Jacking Pipe Through Fills Methods of operation and installation for jacking pipe through fills shall conform to requirements specified in Volume 1, Chapter 1, Part 4 of AREMA Eng Man. 3.4 JOINTING 3.4.1 Concrete Cement-Mortar Bell-and-Spigot Joint The first pipe shall be bedded to the established grade line, with the bell end placed upstream. The interior surface of the bell shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush and the lower portion of the bell filled with mortar as required to bring inner surfaces of abutting pipes flush and even. The spigot end of each subsequent pipe shall be cleaned with a wet brush and uniformly matched into a bell so that sections are closely fitted. After each section is laid, the remainder of the joint shall be filled with mortar, and a bead shall be formed around the outside of the joint with sufficient additional mortar. If mortar is not sufficiently stiff to prevent appreciable slump before setting, the outside of the joint shall be wrapped or bandaged with cheesecloth to hold mortar in place. Cement-Mortar Tongue-and-Groove Joint The first pipe shall be bedded carefully to the established grade line with the groove upstream. A shallow excavation shall be made underneath the pipe at the joint and filled with mortar to provide a bed for the pipe. The grooved end of the first pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned with a wet brush, and a layer of soft mortar applied to the lower half of the groove. The tongue of the second pipe shall be cleaned with a wet brush; while in horizontal position, a layer of soft mortar shall be applied to the upper half of the tongue. The tongue end of the second pipe shall be inserted in the grooved end of the first pipe until mortar is squeezed out on interior and exterior surfaces. Sufficient mortar shall be used to fill the joint completely and to form a bead on the outside. Plastic Sealing Compound Joints for Tongue-and-Grooved Pipe Sealing compounds shall follow the recommendation of the particular manufacturer in regard to special installation requirements. Surfaces to receive lubricants, primers, or adhesives shall be dry and clean. Sealing compounds shall be affixed to the pipe not more than 3 hours prior to installation of the pipe, and shall be protected from the sun, blowing dust, and other deleterious agents at all times. Sealing compounds shall be inspected before installation of the pipe, and any loose or improperly affixed sealing compound shall be removed and replaced. The pipe shall be aligned with the previously installed pipe, and the joint pulled together. If, while making the joint with mastic-type sealant, a slight SECTION 33 40 00 Page 9 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 protrusion of the material is not visible along the entire inner and outer circumference of the joint when the joint is pulled up, the pipe shall be removed and the joint remade. After the joint is made, all inner protrusions shall be cut off flush with the inner surface of the pipe. If non-mastic-type sealant material is used, the "Squeeze-Out" requirement above will be waived. Flexible Watertight Joints Gaskets and jointing materials shall be as recommended by the particular manufacturer in regard to use of lubricants, cements, adhesives, and other special installation requirements. Surfaces to receive lubricants, cements, or adhesives shall be clean and dry. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be affixed to the pipe not more than 24 hours prior to the installation of the pipe, and shall be protected from the sun, blowing dust, and other deleterious agents at all times. Gaskets and jointing materials shall be inspected before installing the pipe; any loose or improperly affixed gaskets and jointing materials shall be removed and replaced. The pipe shall be aligned with the previously installed pipe, and the joint pushed home. If, while the joint is being made the gasket becomes visibly dislocated the pipe shall be removed and the joint remade. External Sealing Band Joint for Noncircular Pipe Surfaces to receive sealing bands shall be dry and clean. Bands shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.5 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 3.5.1 Manholes and Inlets Construction shall be of reinforced concrete, plain concrete, or precast reinforced concrete; complete with frames and covers or gratings; and with fixed galvanized steel ladders where indicated. Pipe studs and junction chambers of prefabricated corrugated metal manholes shall be fully bituminous-coated and paved when the connecting branch lines are so treated. Pipe connections to concrete manholes and inlets shall be made with flexible, watertight connectors. 3.5.2 Walls and Headwalls Construction shall be as indicated. 3.6 STEEL LADDER INSTALLATION Ladder shall be adequately anchored to the wall by means of steel inserts spaced not more than 6 feet vertically, and shall be installed to provide at least 6 inches of space between the wall and the rungs. The wall along the line of the ladder shall be vertical for its entire length. 3.7 BACKFILLING 3.7.1 Backfilling Pipe in Trenches After the pipe has been properly bedded, selected material from excavation or borrow, at a moisture content that will facilitate compaction, shall be placed along both sides of pipe in layers not exceeding 6 inches in compacted depth. The backfill shall be brought up evenly on both sides of pipe for the full length of pipe. The fill shall be thoroughly compacted SECTION 33 40 00 Page 10 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 under the haunches of the pipe. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted with mechanical tampers or rammers. This method of filling and compacting shall continue until the fill has reached an elevation equal to the midpoint (spring line) of RCP or has reached an elevation of at least 12 inches above the top of the pipe for flexible pipe. The remainder of the trench shall be backfilled and compacted by spreading and rolling or compacted by mechanical rammers or tampers in layers not exceeding 6 inches. Tests for density shall be made as necessary to ensure conformance to the compaction requirements specified below. Where it is necessary, in the opinion of the Contracting Officer, that sheeting or portions of bracing used be left in place, the contract will be adjusted accordingly. Untreated sheeting shall not be left in place beneath structures or pavements. 3.7.2 Backfilling Pipe in Fill Sections For pipe placed in fill sections, backfill material and the placement and compaction procedures shall be as specified below. The fill material shall be uniformly spread in layers longitudinally on both sides of the pipe, not exceeding 6 inches in compacted depth, and shall be compacted by rolling parallel with pipe or by mechanical tamping or ramming. Prior to commencing normal filling operations, the crown width of the fill at a height of 12 inches above the top of the pipe shall extend a distance of not less than twice the outside pipe diameter on each side of the pipe or 12 feet, whichever is less. After the backfill has reached at least 12 inches above the top of the pipe, the remainder of the fill shall be placed and thoroughly compacted in layers not exceeding 6 inches. Use select granular material for this entire region of backfill for flexible pipe installations. 3.7.3 Movement of Construction Machinery When compacting by rolling or operating heavy equipment parallel with the pipe, displacement of or injury to the pipe shall be avoided. Movement of construction machinery over a culvert or storm drain at any stage of construction shall be at the Contractor's risk. Any damaged pipe shall be repaired or replaced. 3.7.4 Compaction General Requirements Cohesionless materials include gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, sands, and gravelly sands. Cohesive materials include clayey and silty gravels, gravel-silt mixtures, clayey and silty sands, sand-clay mixtures, clays, silts, and very fine sands. When results of compaction tests for moisture-density relations are recorded on graphs, cohesionless soils will show straight lines or reverse-shaped moisture-density curves, and cohesive soils will show normal moisture-density curves. Minimum Density Backfill over and around the pipe and backfill around and adjacent to drainage structures shall be compacted at the approved moisture content to the following applicable minimum density, which will be determined as specified below. a. Under airfield and heliport pavements, paved roads, streets, parking areas, and similar-use pavements including adjacent shoulder areas, SECTION 33 40 00 Page 11 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 the density shall be not less than 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive material and 95 percent of maximum density for cohesionless material, up to the elevation where requirements for pavement subgrade materials and compaction shall control. b. Under unpaved or turfed traffic areas, density shall not be less than 90 percent of maximum density for cohesive material and 95 percent of maximum density for cohesionless material. c. Under nontraffic areas, density shall be not less than that of the surrounding material. 3.7.5 Determination of Density Testing is the responsibility of the Contractor and performed at no additional cost to the Government. Testing shall be performed by an approved commercial testing laboratory or by the Contractor subject to approval. Tests shall be performed in sufficient number to ensure that specified density is being obtained. Laboratory tests for moisture-density relations shall be made in accordance with ASTM D1557 except that mechanical tampers may be used provided the results are correlated with those obtained with the specified hand tamper. Field density tests shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D2167 or ASTM D6938. When ASTM D6938 is used, the calibration curves shall be checked and adjusted, if necessary, using the sand cone method as described in paragraph Calibration of the referenced publications. ASTM D6938 results in a wet unit weight of soil and ASTM D6938 shall be used to determine the moisture content of the soil. The calibration curves furnished with the moisture gauges shall be checked along with density calibration checks as described in ASTM D6938. Test results shall be furnished the Contracting Officer. The calibration checks of both the density and moisture gauges shall be made at the beginning of a job on each different type of material encountered and at intervals as directed. 3.8 PIPELINE TESTING 3.8.1 Leakage Tests Lines shall be tested for leakage by low pressure air or water testing or exfiltration tests, as appropriate. Low pressure air testing for concrete pipes shall conform to ASTM C924. Low pressure air testing for plastic pipe shall conform to ASTM F1417. Low pressure air testing procedures for other pipe materials shall use the pressures and testing times prescribed in ASTM C828 or ASTM C924, after consultation with the pipe manufacturer. Testing of individual joints for leakage by low pressure air or water shall conform to ASTM C1103. Prior to exfiltration tests, the trench shall be backfilled up to at least the lower half of the pipe. If required, sufficient additional backfill shall be placed to prevent pipe movement during testing, leaving the joints uncovered to permit inspection. Visible leaks encountered shall be corrected regardless of leakage test results. When the water table is 2 feet or more above the top of the pipe at the upper end of the pipeline section to be tested, infiltration shall be measured using a suitable weir or other device acceptable to the Contracting Officer. An exfiltration test shall be made by filling the line to be tested with water so that a head of at least 2 feet is provided above both the water table and the top of the pipe at the upper end of the pipeline to be tested. The filled line shall be allowed to stand until the pipe has reached its maximum absorption, but not less than 4 hours. After absorption, the head shall be reestablished. The SECTION 33 40 00 Page 12 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 amount of water required to maintain this water level during a 2-hour test period shall be measured. Leakage as measured by the exfiltration test shall not exceed 0.2 gallons per inch in diameter per 100 feet of pipeline per hour. When leakage exceeds the maximum amount specified, satisfactory correction shall be made and retesting accomplished. 3.8.2 Deflection Testing No sooner than 30 days after completion of installation and final backfill, an initial post installation inspection shall be accomplished. Clean or flush all lines prior to inspection. Perform a deflection test on entire length of installed flexible pipeline on completion of work adjacent to and over the pipeline, including leakage tests, backfilling, placement of fill, grading, paving, concreting, and any other superimposed loads. Deflection of pipe in the installed pipeline under external loads shall not exceed limits in paragraph PLACING PIPE above as percent of the average inside diameter of pipe. Determine whether the allowable deflection has been exceeded by use of a laser profiler or mandrel. a. Laser Profiler Inspection: If deflection readings in excess of the allowable deflection of average inside diameter of pipe are obtained, remove pipe which has excessive deflection, and replace with new pipe. Initial post installation inspections of the pipe interior with laser profiling equipment shall utilize low barrel distortion video equipment for pipe sizes 48 inches or less. Use a camera with lighting suitable to allow a clear picture of the entire periphery of the pipe interior. Center the camera in the pipe both vertically and horizontally and be able to pan and tilt to a 90 degree angle with the axis of the pipe rotating 360 degrees. Use equipment to move the camera through the pipe that will not obstruct the camera's view or interfere with proper documentation of the pipe's condition. The video image shall be clear, focused, and relatively free from roll static or other image distortion qualities that would prevent the reviewer from evaluating the condition of the pipe. For initial post installation inspections for pipe sizes larger than 48 inches, visual inspection shall be completed of the pipe interior. b. Pull-Through Device Inspection: Pass the pull-through device through each run of pipe by pulling it by hand. If deflection readings in excess of the allowable deflection of average inside diameter of pipe are obtained, retest pipe by a run from the opposite direction. If retest continues to show excess allowable deflections of the average inside diameter of pipe, remove pipe which has excessive deflection, replace with new pipe, and completely retest in same manner and under same conditions. Pull-through device: The mandrel shall be rigid, nonadjustable having a minimum of 9 fins, including pulling rings at each end, engraved with the nominal pipe size and mandrel outside diameter. The mandrel shall be 5 percent less than the certified-actual pipe diameter for Plastic Pipe, 5 percent less than the certified-actual pipe diameter for Corrugated Steel and Aluminum Alloy, 3 percent less than the certified-actual pipe diameter for Concrete-Lined Corrugated Steel and Ductile Iron Culvert provided by manufacturer. When mandrels are utilized to verify deflection of flexible pipe products, the Government will verify the mandrel OD through the use of proving rings that are manufactured with an opening that is certified to be as shown above. c. Deflection measuring device: Shall be approved by the Contracting Officer prior to use. SECTION 33 40 00 Page 13 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 d. Warranty period test: Pipe found to have a deflection of greater than allowable deflection in paragraph PLACING PIPE above, just prior to end of one-year warranty period shall be replaced with new pipe and tested as specified for leakage and deflection. Inspect 100 percent of all pipe systems under the travel lanes, including curb and gutter. Random inspections of the remaining pipe system outside of the travel lanes shall represent at least 10 percent of the total pipe footage of each pipe size. Inspections shall be made, depending on the pipe size, with video camera or visual observations. In addition, for flexible pipe installations, perform deflection testing on 100 percent of all pipes under the travel lanes, including curb and gutter, with either a laser profiler or 9-fin mandrel. For flexible pipe, random deflection inspections of the pipe system outside of the travel lanes shall represent at least 10 percent of the total pipe footage of each pipe size. When mandrels are utilized to verify deflection of flexible pipe products during the final post installation inspection, the Government will verify the mandrel OD through the use of proving rings. 3.8.3 Post-Installation Inspection One hundred percent of all reinforced concrete pipe installations shall be checked for joint separations, soil migration through the joint, cracks greater than 0.01 inches, settlement and alignment. One hundred percent of all flexible pipes (HDPE, PVC, CMP, PP) shall be checked for rips, tears, joint separations, soil migration through the joint, cracks, localized bucking, bulges, settlement and alignment. a. Replace pipes having cracks greater than 0.1 inches in width or deflection greater than 5 percent deflection. An engineer shall evaluate all pipes with cracks greater than 0.01 inches but less than 0.10 inches to determine if any remediation or repair is required. RCP with crack width less than 0.10 inches and located in a non-corrosive environment (pH 5.5) are generally acceptable. Repair or replace any pipe with crack exhibiting displacement across the crack, exhibiting bulges, creases, tears, spalls, or delamination. b. Reports: The deflection results and finial post installation inspection report shall include: a copy of all video taken, pipe location identification, equipment used for inspection, inspector name, deviation from design, grade, deviation from line, deflection and deformation of flexible pipe systems, inspector notes, condition of joints, condition of pipe wall (e.g. distress, cracking, wall damage dents, bulges, creases, tears, holes, etc.). -- End of Section -- SECTION 33 40 00 Page 14 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 33 46 13 FOUNDATION DRAINAGE SYSTEM 04/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS (AASHTO) AASHTO M 252 (2009) Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe AASHTO M 294 (2009) Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1500-mm Diameter ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM D 1557 (2002) Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/cu. ft. (2,700 kN-m/cu.m.)) ASTM D 2751 (2005) Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 3034 (2008) Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D 3212 (2007) Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTM F 405 (2005) Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Tubing and Fittings ASTM F 667 (2006) Large Diameter Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings ASTM F 758 (1995; R 2007e1) Smooth-Wall Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Underdrain Systems for Highway, Airport, and Similar Drainage ASTM F 949 (2009) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe with a Smooth Interior and Fittings SECTION 33 46 13 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 1.2 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION 1.2.1 Extent Furnish and install foundation drainage as a complete system as shown. 1.2.2 Outlet Connections Foundation pipe shall be terminated as shown. 1.2.3 Drainage Lines Construct drainage lines of perforated pipe. 1.2.4 Outlet Lines Construct outlet lines of closed-joint nonperforated, nonporous pipe. 1.3 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-04 Samples Materials; G. Two randomly selected samples of each type of pipe and fitting, prior to delivery of materials to the site. SD-07 Certificates Materials; G. Certifications from the manufacturers attesting that materials meet specification requirements. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Protect materials placed in storage from the weather, humidity and temperature variations, dirt and dust, or other contaminants. Do not expose plastic pipe to direct sunlight for more than 6 months from time of manufacturer to installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Pipe for foundation drainage system shall be of the type and size indicated. Appropriate transitions, adapters, or joint details shall be used where pipes of different types or materials are connected. 2.1.1 Plastic Pipe Plastic pipe shall contain ultraviolet inhibitor to provide protection from exposure to direct sunlight. SECTION 33 46 13 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Corrugated Polyethylene (PE) Drainage Pipe Furnish ASTM F 405 heavy duty for pipe 3 to 6 inches in diameter inclusive, ASTM F 667 for pipe 8 to 24 inches in diameter; or AASHTO M 252 for pipe 3 to 10 inches in diameter or AASHTO M 294 for pipe 12 to 24 inches in diameter. Fittings shall be pipe manufacturer's standard type and shall conform to the indicated specification. Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Pipe ASTM D 2751, with a maximum SDR of 35. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe ASTM F 758, Type PS 46, ASTM D 3034, or ASTM F 949 with a minimum pipe stiffness of46 psi. Circular Perforations in Plastic Pipe Circular holes shall be cleanly cut, not more than 5/16 inch or less than 3/16 inch in diameter, and arranged in rows parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Perforations shall be approximately 3 inches apart, center-to-center, along rows. The rows shall be approximately 1-1/2 inches apart and arranged in a staggered pattern so that all perforations lie at the midpoint between perforations in adjacent rows. The rows shall be spaced over not more than 155 degrees of circumference. The spigot or tongue end of the pipe shall not be perforated for a length equal to the depth of the socket and perforations shall continue at uniform spacing over the entire length of the pipe. Manufacturer's standard perforated pipe which essentially meets these requirements may be used with prior approval of the Contracting Officer. Slotted Perforations in Plastic Pipe Circumferential slots shall be cleanly cut so as not to restrict the inflow of water and uniformly spaced along the length and circumference of the tubing. Width of slots shall not exceed 1/8 inch or be less than 1/32 inch. The length of individual slots shall not exceed 1-1/4 inches on 3 inch diameter tubing; 10 percent of the tubing inside nominal circumference on 4 to 8 inch diameter tubing; and 2-1/2 inches on 10 inch diameter tubing. Rows of slots shall be symmetrically spaced so that they are fully contained in quadrants of the pipe. Slots shall be centered in the valleys of the corrugations of profile wall pipe. The water inlet area shall be a minimum of 0.5 square inch/linear foot of tubing. Manufacturer's standard perforated pipe which essentially meets these requirements may be used with prior approval of the Contracting Officer. 2.1.2 Fittings Fittings shall be of compatible materials for pipe, of corresponding weight and quality, and as specified herein. 2.1.3 Cleanouts and Piping Through Walls Cleanout pipe and fittings and piping through walls and footings shall be cast-iron soil pipe. Each cleanout shall have a brass ferrule and a cast-brass screw-jointed plug with socket or raised head for wrench. SECTION 33 46 13 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.1.4 Cover and Wrapping Materials for Open Joints in Drain Tile Cover material may be tar paper, roofing paper, reinforced building paper, glass fiber fabric, or other similar type material. Wrapping material shall be 18-14 mesh, 0.01 inch diameter nonferrous wire cloth. 2.1.5 Select Granular Material Backfill for Foundation Drains Pervious backfill shall be cohesionless tree draining sand with less than 10 percent passing the No. 200 sieve size. 2.1.6 Protective Covering for Select Granular Material Backfill Protective covering shall be fiberglass mat of lime borosilicate glass fibers. Fibers shall be 8 to 12 microns in average diameter, 2 to 4 inches in length, and bonded with phenol formaldehyde resin. Mat shall be roll type, nonperforated, water permeable, with thickness between 1/4 and 1/2 inch and density of 3/4 pcf . 2.2 COMPOSITE DRAINAGE MAT The composite drainage mat shall be nylon, polyethylene or other high-strength plastic of adequate size to carry groundwater from the filter fabric drainage outlet and of adequate strength to prevent crushing during installation or by lateral earth pressures during in-service use. The configuration shall provide multi-directional water flow. 2.3 FILTER FABRIC FOR DRAINAGE MAT Filter fabric shall be non-woven pervious sheet of long chain polymer filaments of polypropylene or polyester, formed by needle punching in a pattern with distinct and measurable openings. The filter fabric shall provide an equivalent opening size (EOS) no finer than the U.S. Standard Sieve No. 200 and no coarser than the U.S. Standard Sieve No. 40 EOS. EOS is defined as the number of the U.S. Standard Sieve having openings closest in size to the filter cloth openings. The fabric shall conform to the physical strength requirements in Table I. The edges of the fabric shall be salvaged or otherwise finished, as required, to prevent the outer material from pulling away from the fabric. Filter fabric shall be factory adhered to the drainage mat. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION 3.1.1 Trenching and Excavation Perform required trenching and excavation in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. Keep trenches dry during installation of drainage system. Changes in direction of drain lines shall be made with 1/8 bends. Use wye fittings at intersections. 3.1.2 Pipe Laying Lay drain lines to true grades and alignment with a continuous fall in the direction of flow. Bells of pipe sections shall face upgrade. Clean interior of pipe thoroughly before being laid. When drain lines are left open for connection to discharge lines, the open ends shall be temporarily closed and the location marked with wooden stakes. Perforated pipe shall SECTION 33 46 13 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 be laid with perforations facing down. Any length that has had its grade or joints disturbed shall be removed and relaid at no additional cost to the Government. Perforated corrugated polyethylene drainage tubing and plastic piping shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications and as specified herein. Tubing and piping with physical imperfections shall not be installed. 3.1.3 Jointing Perforated and Porous Pipes Perforated and porous types of drain pipes shall be laid with closed joints. ABS Pipe ABS pipe shall be joined using solvent cement or elastomeric joints and shall be in accordance with ASTM D 2751, with dimensions and tolerances in accordance with TABLE II therein. PVC Pipe PVC pipe joints shall be in accordance with ASTM D 3034, ASTM D 3212, or ASTM F 949. Corrugated Polyethylene Corrugated polyethylene (PE) pipe joints shall be in accordance with ASTM F 405 or ASTM F 667. 3.2 Backfilling After joints and connections have been inspected and approved, place the specified select granular material backfill material in a column extending at least 18 inches beyond the outside of the basement wall. This column shall extend from the top of the wall footing the full height of the wall with the exception of the top 12 inches which shall consist of impervious clay fill. Place the backfill preventing displacement of or injury to the pipe. Place the backfill in loose layers not exceeding 9 inches in thickness and compacted to between 90 and 95 percent of the maximum dry density defined by the Modified Proctor Test ASTM D 1557. -- End of Section -- SECTION 33 46 13 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 SECTION 33 46 16 SUBDRAINAGE SYSTEM 04/08 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 REFERENCES The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only. ASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM) ASTM A123/A123M (2012) Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot-Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products ASTM A27/A27M (2010) Standard Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, for General Application ASTM A47/A47M (1999; R 2009) Standard Specification for Ferritic Malleable Iron Castings ASTM A48/A48M (2003; R 2012) Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings ASTM C139 (2011) Standard Specification for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes ASTM C231/C231M (2010) Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method ASTM C33/C33M (2013) Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates ASTM C478 (2013) Standard Specification for Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections ASTM D1751 (2004; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) ASTM D1752 (2004a; R 2008) Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber Cork and Recycled PVC Expansion ASTM D3034 (2008) Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings ASTM D3212 (2007; R 2013) Standard Specification for SECTION 33 46 16 Page 1 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals ASTM D422 (1963; R 2007) Particle-Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D4632/D4632M (2008; E 2013; R 2013) Grab Breaking Load and Elongation of Geotextiles ASTM F949 (2010) Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Corrugated Sewer Pipe with a Smooth Interior and Fittings 1.2 SUBMITTALS Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation; submittals not having a "G" designation are for information only. When used, a designation following the "G" designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government. Submittals with an "S" are for inclusion in the Sustainability Notebook, in conformance with Section 01 33 29.00 37 SUSTAINABILITY. Submit the following in accordance with Section 01 33 00 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES: SD-04 Samples Filter Fabric Pipe for Subdrains SD-07 Certificates Filter Fabric Pipe for Subdrains 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 1.3.1 Delivery and Storage Inspect materials delivered to site for damage; unload, and store with minimum handling. Do not store materials directly on the ground. The inside of pipes and fittings shall be free of dirt and debris. Keep, during shipment and storage, filter fabric wrapped in burlap or similar heavy duty protective covering. The storage area shall protect the fabric from mud, soil, dust, and debris. Filter fabric materials that are not to be installed immediately shall not be stored in direct sunlight. Install plastic pipe within 6 months from the date of manufacture unless otherwise approved. 1.3.2 Handling Handle materials in such a manner as to ensure delivery to the trench in sound undamaged condition. Pipe shall be carried and not dragged to the trench. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE FOR SUBDRAINS Submit samples of pipe, and pipe fittings, before starting the work. Pipe for subdrains shall be of the types and sizes indicated. Submit SECTION 33 46 16 Page 2 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 certifications from the manufacturers attesting that materials meet specification requirements. Certificates are required for drain pipe, drain tile, and fittings. 2.1.1 Plastic Plastic pipe shall contain ultraviolet inhibitor to provide protection from exposure to direct sunlight. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Fittings Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D3034,. Pipe Perforations Water inlet area shall be a minimum of 1.9 square inches per linear foot. Manufacturer's standard perforated pipe which essentially meets these requirements may be substituted with prior approval of the Contracting Officer. a. Circular Perforations in Plastic Pipe: Circular holes shall be cleanly cut not more than 3/8 inch or less than 3/16 inch in diameter and arranged in rows parallel to the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Perforations shall be approximately 3 inches center-to-center along rows. The rows shall be approximately 1-1/2 inches apart and arranged in a staggered pattern so that all perforations lie at the midpoint between perforations in adjacent rows. The rows shall be spaced over not more than 155 degrees of circumference. The spigot or tongue end of the pipe shall not be perforated for a length equal to the depth of the socket, and perforations shall continue at uniform spacing over the entire length of the pipe. b. Slotted Perforations in Plastic Pipe: Circumferential slots shall be cleanly cut so as not to restrict the inflow of water and uniformly spaced along the length and circumference of the tubing. Width of slots shall not exceed 1/8 inch nor be less than 1/32 inch. The length of individual slots shall not exceed 1-1/4 inches on 3 inch diameter tubing, 10 percent of the tubing inside nominal circumference on 4 to 8 inch diameter tubing, and 2-1/2 inches on 10 inch diameter tubing. Rows of slots shall be symmetrically spaced so that they are fully contained in 2 quadrants of the pipe. Slots shall be centered in the valleys of the corrugations of profile wall pipe. 2.2 FILTER FABRIC Submit samples of filter fabric, and certifications from the manufacturers attesting that filter fabric meets specification requirements. Provide geotextile that is a woven pervious sheet of polymeric material consisting of long-chain synthetic polymers composed of at least 95 percent by weight polypropylene (PP) or polyester (PET). The use of woven slit film geotextiles (i.e. geotextiles made from yarns of a flat, tape-like character) will not be allowed. Add stabilizers and/or inhibitors to the base polymer, as needed, to make the filaments resistant to deterioration by ultraviolet light, oxidation, and heat exposure. The filter fabric shall provide an equivalent opening size (AOS) no finer than the US Standard Sieve No. 120 and no coarser than the US Standard Sieve No. 4. AOS is defined as the number of the US Standard sieve having openings closest in size to the filter fabric openings. The fabric shall have a grab strength of 160 pounds in accordance with ASTM D4632/D4632M. The SECTION 33 46 16 Page 3 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 fabric shall be constructed so that the filaments will retain their relative position with respect to each other. The edges of the fabric shall be selvaged or otherwise finished to prevent the outer material from pulling away from the fabric. The fabric shall be woven into a width that may be installed as shown without longitudinal seams. 2.3 SUBDRAIN FILTER AND BEDDING MATERIAL Subdrain filter and bedding material shall be washed sand, sand and gravel, crushed stone, crushed stone screenings, or slag composed of hard, tough, durable particles free from adherent coatings. Filter material shall not contain corrosive agents, organic matter, or soft, friable, thin, or elongated particles and shall be evenly graded between the limits specified in TABLE I. TABLE II shows values that can be used to complete TABLE I. Gradation curves will exhibit no abrupt changes in slope denoting skip or gap grading. Filter materials shall be clean and free from soil and foreign materials. Filter blankets found to be dirty or otherwise contaminated shall be removed and replaced with material meeting the specific requirements, at no additional cost to the Government. TABLE I. FILTER GRADATION TABLE II Gradation 57 ASTM C33/C33M ASTM D422 Sieve Size Percent Passing 1.5 inches 100 1 inch 90 - 100 3/8 inch 25 - 60 No. 4 5 - 40 No. 8 0 - 20 No. 16 ---- No. 50 ---- No. 100 ---- 2.4 DRAINAGE STRUCTURES 2.4.1 Concrete Except for precast concrete, reinforcement shall conform to the requirements for 3,500 psi concrete in Section 03 30 00.00 10 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE. The concrete mixtures shall have air content, by volume of concrete, based on measurements made immediately after discharge from the mixer of 5 to 7 percent when coarse-aggregate maximum size is 1-1/2 inches or smaller. Air content shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C231/C231M. The concrete covering over steel reinforcing shall be not less than 1 inch thick for covers and not less than 1-1/2 inches thick for walls and flooring. Concrete covering deposited directly against the ground shall be at least 3 inches thick between the steel and the ground. Expansion-joint filler material shall conform to ASTM D1751 or ASTM D1752. Exposed concrete surfaces, such as drainage structures that form a continuation of concrete curbs and gutters, shall be given a protective coating of linseed oil as specified in Section 32 16 13 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS AND CURBS AND GUTTERS. SECTION 33 46 16 Page 4 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 2.4.2 Mortar Mortar for pipe joints and connections to other drainage structures shall be composed of one part by volume of portland cement and two parts of sand. The quantity of water in the mixture shall be sufficient to produce a stiff workable mortar. Water shall be clean and free of injurious acids, alkalies, and organic impurities. The mortar shall be used within 30 minutes from the time the ingredients are mixed with water. 2.4.3 Manholes and Appurtenances Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Risers and Tops Conform to ASTM C478. Precast Concrete Segmental Blocks Precast concrete segmental blocks shall conform to ASTM C139 and shall be not more than 8 inches thick, not less than 8 inches long, and of such shape that the joints can be effectively sealed and bonded with cement mortar. Precast Concrete Manhole Bases If precast concrete manhole bases are used, the bases shall conform to ASTM C478 and shall be of such a design as to effect suitable connection with influent and effluent lines and to provide a suitable base structure for riser sections. Frames and Covers or Gratings Frames and gratings, or frames and covers, except as otherwise permitted, shall be of either cast iron with tensile strength test not less than ASTM A48/A48M Class 25 or steel conforming to ASTM A27/A27M, Class 65-35. Weight, shape, and size shall be as indicated. Frames and covers not subjected to vehicular traffic or storage may be of malleable iron where indicated. The malleable-iron frames and covers shall conform to ASTM A47/A47M and shall be of the weight, shape, and size indicated. Steel Ladder A steel ladder shall be provided where the depth of a manhole exceeds 12 feet. The ladder will be not less than 16 inches in width, with 3/4 inch diameter rungs spaced 12 inches apart. The two stringers shall be a minimum 3/8 inch thick and 2 inches wide. Ladder shall be adequately anchored to the wall by means of steel inserts spaced not more than 6 feet apart vertically, and shall be so installed as to provide at least 6 inches of space between the wall and the rungs. Ladders and inserts shall be galvanized after fabrication in conformance with ASTM A123/A123M. The wall along the line of the ladder shall be vertical for its entire length. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION AND BEDDING FOR SUBDRAIN SYSTEMS Trenching and excavation, including the removal of rock and unstable material, shall be in accordance with Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. Bedding material shall be placed in the trench as indicated or as required as replacement materials used in those areas where unstable materials were SECTION 33 46 16 Page 5 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 removed. Compaction of the bedding material shall be as specified for cohesionless material in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 3.2 MANHOLES AND FLUSHING AND OBSERVATION RISERS 3.2.1 Manholes Manholes shall be installed complete with frames and covers or gratings at the locations and within the limits and sizes indicated. Manholes shall be constructed of one of the materials specified for manholes in paragraph DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. Joints shall be completely filled and shall be smooth and free of surplus mortar or mastic on the inside of the structure. Brick manholes shall be plastered with 1/2 inch of mortar over the entire outside surface of the walls. Brick for square or rectangular structures shall be laid in stretcher courses with a header course every sixth course. Brick for round structures shall be laid radially with every sixth course laid as a stretcher course. Ladders shall be installed in manholes as indicated. Base for manholes shall be either precast or cast-in-place concrete. 3.2.2 Flushing and Observation Risers Flushing and observation riser pipes with frames and covers shall be installed at the locations indicated. Risers shall be constructed of precast concrete. Joining of riser pipes to the subdrain system shall be as indicated. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF FILTER FABRIC AND PIPE FOR SUBDRAINS 3.3.1 Installation of Filter Fabric Overlaps on Perforated or Slotted Pipes One layer of filter fabric shall be wrapped around perforated or slotted collector pipes in such a manner that longitudinal overlaps of fabric are in unperforated or unslotted quadrants of the pipes. The overlap shall be at least 2 inches. The fabric shall be secured to the pipe in such a manner that backfill material will not infiltrate through any fabric overlaps. Installation on Open-Joint Pipe One layer of filter fabric shall be wrapped around open joints. The overlap should be at least 2 inches. The fabric shall be secured to the pipe in such a manner that backfill material will not infiltrate through the overlap or the edges of the fabric to either side of the open joint. Trench Lining and Overlaps Trenches to be lined with filter fabric shall be graded to obtain smooth side and bottom surfaces so that the fabric will not bridge cavities in the soil or be damaged by projecting rock. The fabric shall be laid flat but not stretched on the soil, and it shall be secured with anchor pins. Overlaps shall be at least 12 inches, and anchor pins shall be used along the overlaps. SECTION 33 46 16 Page 6 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.3.2 Installation of Pipe for Subdrains Pipelaying Each pipe shall be carefully inspected before it is laid. Any defective or damaged pipe shall be rejected. No pipe shall be laid when the trench conditions or weather is unsuitable for such work. Water shall be removed from trenches by sump pumping or other approved methods. The pipe shall be laid to the grades and alignment as indicated. The pipe shall be bedded to the established gradeline. Perforations shall be centered on the bottom of the pipe. Pipes of either the bell-and-spigot type or the tongue-and-groove type shall be laid with the bell or groove ends upstream. All pipes in place shall be approved before backfilling. Jointings a. Nonperforated Concrete: Pipe shall be laid with 1/8 to 1/4 inch opening between the ends of the pipe or as required by spacing lugs constructed in the pipe. Mortar shall be placed in the joint at three points and pressed firmly into place to hold the pipe securely in line. The mortar shall be the full depth of the bell or groove and approximately 1 inch in width, and shall be located at the third points around the joint with the top point at the center of the pipe. The inside of the pipe shall be free of excess mortar. b. Perforated Concrete: The pipe shall be laid with closed joints with positive provision for centering each section of the pipe in the bell or groove of the previously placed section. Plain-end perforated clay pipe sections shall be securely fastened together with spring wire clips furnished by the pipe manufacturer. c. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe: Joints shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASTM D3034, ASTM D3212, or ASTM F949. d. Perforated Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe: Perforated corrugated polyethylene drainage pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and as specified herein. A pipe with physical imperfections shall not be installed. No more than 5 percent stretch in a section will be permitted. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF AND BACKFILLING FOR BLIND OR FRENCH DRAINS Filter material shall be placed as indicated and compacted as specified for cohesionless materials in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. Filter material shall extend to a suitable outlet or to an outlet through a pipeline as indicated. Overlying backfill material shall be placed and compacted as specified in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. 3.5 INSTALLATION OF FILTER MATERIAL AND BACKFILLING FOR SUBDRAINS After pipe for subdrains has been laid, inspected, and approved, filter material shall be placed around and over the pipe to the depth indicated. The filter material shall be placed in layers not to exceed 8 inches thick, and each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by mechanical tampers or rammers to obtain the required density. Compaction of filter material and the placement and compaction of overlying backfill material shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions specified in Section 31 00 00 EARTHWORK. SECTION 33 46 16 Page 7 SOF SPECIAL TACTICS FACILITY, PHASE 2 014201 FT. BRAGG W912PM-16-R-0005 3.6 TESTS 3.6.1 Pipe Test Strength tests of pipe shall conform to field service test requirements of the Federal Specification, ASTM specification, or AASHTO specification covering the product (paragraph PIPE FOR SUBDRAINS). 3.6.2 JP-4 Fuel Resistance Test Five unaged fabric samples, 4 (plus or minus 0.2) by 6 (plus or minus 0.2) inches shall be immersed in JP-4 fuel at room temperature for a period of 7 days. Each sample then shall be tested for tensile strength and elongation in accordance with ASTM D4632/D4632M. The strength of the fabric in any direction shall be no less than 85 percent of the strength specified in paragraph FILTER FABRIC. -- End of Section -- SECTION 33 46 16 Page 8 Mason & Hanger 300 West Vine Street Suite 1300 Lexington, KY 40507 859.252.9980 masonandhanger.com