HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061001 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20090413Goldsboro Housing Authority Stream Restoration Plan Goldsboro, North Carolina North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program n CAR "N 94 u, TAtt?tca?s s4? 'V- r4i June 2,2006 Final Submittal 11 Prepared by: Dewberry 2301 Rexwoods Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone - 919-881-9939 Fax - 914881-9923 Project Manager - Sheila Reeves, P.E. Contact Information: E-mail - sreeves8dewberry.com Phone - 919-881-9939 The center point of the restored stream of interest i n this study is at 35.3908 degrees North and 78.0039 degrees West. The center point of the proposed wetland of interest in this study is at 35.3897 degrees North and 78.0069 degrees West. The upstream extent of the reference reach used for comparison was 35.3783 degrees North and 78.0142 degrees West, and the downstream extent was 35.3783 degrees North and 78.0156 degrees West. TABLE OF CONTENTS.-.... ...................,....................,.........,..........................................,.,..,........... .... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..... ..................... ....................................:.,.......... ,.................... ....................... VII 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ .....2 1.1 Project Description- ........................................................................................................ .... 2 2 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES... ..... --- ............................ ............. .................... ......4 2.1 Goals tmd Objectives ......................................................................................................... ... 4 3 LOCATION INFORMATION... ........ ---- ........ ...... ................ ...... ...... ............. ........... .....5 3.1 River Basin Information ................................................................................................. ......> 32 USGS 8-digit Catalog Number........................................................................................ ......5 3.3 County Information ............... 34 Stream Classifications .............. 3.5 1..1SGS Quadrangle Information ...................... . ................. .. . ............... ................ ......6 3.6 Additional Watershed Identifications.. ................................... ...... ..... ....._._ ........ .. ...,..6 4 GENERAL WATERSHED INFORMATION...- ............................................................................ ......7 4.1 General Description ........................................ .......................................... ............ ......7 4.2 Drainage Area. ....... .......... --- ............... .... ............. _, .............. ... 7 4.3 Existing 1-and Use ........................... 4.4 future Land Use ............................................................................................................. ......7 4.5 Project: Watershed Soils-.,.-, ................................... ................. .... ............ ............. . ..8 5 DESCRIPTIONOF EXISTING CONDITIONS-, ........................................................................... ......9 5.1 Project Site ..................................................................................................................... ......9 52 Existing Hydrologic Features,.,. ... ...... - ......... .......... ............... ................. .10 5.3 Ploiect Site SoilS................................................................................ .......................... ....10 5.4 Plant Comnulrlties ..........................................................:.............................................. .... 11 5.5 Threatened/Endangered Species Study .......................................................................... . .. 1 1 5.6 Rosgen Survey and Classification ...... ........ ....... ............. .................................... ......... . .,, 12 5.6.1 C.'rocs-sections ............................................................................................................ ...1 3 L 5.6.2 Dimension..... ........ ............ .............................................. ....... --'- ....... .............. .... .i 1 5.6.3 Pattern ............................ ....14 5.6.4 Profile... ... ....... ......... ........ ........... ......... ---- ........ ..... ............... --14 5.6.5 Pebble C:otcnts.,,....,.. ...............................................,.....,,................ ...............,..,........ .... 15 5.7 Pavement and Sul)-pavement Samples ............................................................................ ...15 5.8 Topographic Survey ........................................................................................................ ...15 5.9 Bank 1"rosion Hamrd Index ............................................................ ........................... ...17 ' . 5.10 Wildlife Observed .......................................................................................................... ...17 5.11 Simunaryof 1Iydrologicand Hydraulic Findings .............................................................. 17 5.1 1.1 Hydrology ............................................................................................................1 . 5.11.2 Hydraulics .......................... < 6 STREAM REFERENCE RESTORATION STUDIES.. ....... --- ....... .................... ............... ... 20 6.1 Site Identification and Mscription................................................................................. .. 20 6.2 Rosgen Classification '1 6 2.1 Cross-sec t'ions ........... ............ ............................. .......................... _... ...20 6.22 Dimerisioti ............................................................................................................. " I 6.23 Pattern ......................................................... ....................... .. .... ..... ............ ..2I 6.2.4 Profile. .................................................... ? I 6.15 Pebble COnnts ............................................................................................................. _. ?1 63 Morphological Table ....................... ? 6.4 Plant Conlnlru)ities Dewberry n 6.5 Current Land Use/ Land C Otirer ........................................................................................ .23 6.6 Soils ....... ....... ...... .............. ......... ........ ..... ..,............... . 23 7 NATURAL CHANNEL DESIGN AND STREAM RESTORATION PLAN ........................................... .25 7.1 Design ConsideratiOns.................................................................................................... .25 .............. 7.1.1 haGastraacture Constraints .......................................... ............ .............. ........ ." ...............:................ 7.1.2 Grade Control Points.... ............. ---- ... ............ ........ ....... :? 7. 1-1 Utility Constrairats ......................................................................................................... .26 T I A Preservation of I :arge Trees ........................ 7.2 Proposed Stream Classification .................................................................................... .2f. 7.3 Rosgen Priority Level ........................................................................................................ .26 7.4 Bankfull I)ischartle............ ...............................................................................:.............. .27 7.5 I)iaraensiora ........................................................................................................................ .27 7.6 Pattern .,.,........ ........... ................. ,............... ......... ....,........... .......... ...............,...... ..,..... ....... .27 7.7 I'rofile ............................................................................................................................. .2.7 7.8 Morlahological Table ..................................................................................................... .2& 7.0 1 Sediment Transport Analysis ......................................................................................... .29 ...............................................................! 8 TYPICAL DRAWINGS.... ....... ........ ........ ........... 8.1 Typical Cross-Sections ....................... ................................:......:...:....:.......... ..! 8.2 Structures... ............. .......... ............. ........ ................................................ ............. 83 Channel Plugs..... ..... ......... ......... ... . .... .>1 9 CONSTRUCTED WETLAND DESIGN ........................................................................................... 32 9.1 StormwaterIlest Management I'ractic.c Selection ............ ................... ....... .... ... ........... .32 ....................,........ 92 Constructed Wetland Description.,, ...... ............ .......... .... .... . 32 9.3 Design F arameters .................... '' 9.4 Control Structure Evaluat,1011................................................................................ 9.5 Maintenance Rec.oamlendat?ions ......................... .. ,.-... a?... ,31 10 PLANTING PLAN ..................... - 10,1 Riparian Butler ............................................................................................................... .3> . 10.2 Riparian Vegetation............................................................ ,........., ......,... .i7 10.3 Constructed Wethuad BMP Vegetation ............................................................................ .37 10.4 Constructed Wetland BLIP Vegetation Monitoring ............................................ 3 11 STREAM MONITORING PLAN ........................... .. .............................................................. 39 _ 11.1 Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Geomorphology ................................................. .... .3 ) 12 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA ............................................................................................... ..10 E. .... 111 Monitoring Report. ......... -- ... --1-- ................................ ....... --.- .... -- ...... .. . 40 13 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING.... ....................................................................................... .4.1 13.1 Prior to Construction ......................................................................................................... .41 13.2 During Construction ..................................................................................................... l 13.3 Sediment and Erosion C'ontrol...,.......... ............................................................................. .41 13.3.1 Tree Protection,.,. ... 1-1.1, 13.3.2 Erosion Control FeatureS ......................................................................................... .42 13.3.3 Temporarily Impacted Areas. ..... -- ........... ......... ....... --- ...... --, ........ .42 13.4 Following Construction ................................................................................................. .43 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................44 APPENDICES ................................................ ................................................................ ............. .. .... ...1 Appendix A: C:ieneral Watershed Information. ........ --- ......... .... .. .. ... .. . - ..................... ..II Appendix A-1: Physiographic Region Map ........ ............... .... ........... ............ .....,.,, _......-... .III Appendix A-2: USGS 7.5 Minute. Quadrangle Map ...................... .................... ..:..... .. ....... 1V Appendix A-3: Project Watershed Land Use Map. .... ............ ............ .................... - ... ... V Appendix A-4: Pr0lect tVatca-shed Soils Map .......................................................................... Vl s.• Appendix B: Description of'E xisting Conditions........., .... - ... vil i, Appendix B-1: Project Site ._ Site Map with Easement ...................................... ................... V Il l Appendix B-2: Project Site Dimension Data ..................................................... ..................... IX Appendix B-3: Project Site Pattern Data.. ............. ............. .................................. ...................... XI Appendix B-4: Project Site Profile Data ............................................................... ....................X111 Appendix B-5: Project Site Pebble Count Data... ........ ................... - .......... ....... . ................. XIV Appendix B-6: Project Site Pavement/Sub-pavement Data ...... ........ ........ .......... . ................. XVIII Appendix B-7: NCDA Soils Analysis- ................................................................ ....................XXI Appendix B-8: Project Site BHI Data Sheets.. ....... ......... 1--l-1.1 ..... -.1.1 ........ .. ....... ......... X X l V Appendix C: Reference Reach Information ............. .............. ................. ............... ... ..............XX:XIV Appendix C-1: Reference Site Dimension Data ....... ......... ......... ......... ............... ...... .........XXXV Appendix C-2: Reference Site Pattern Data. ...... ...... ......... ............. ........ . -'- ..... XXXV11 Appendix C:-3: Reference Site Profile Data... .............. ....... ........................ ......... . .XXXV1Il Appendix C4: Reference Site Pebble Count Data ...... ................. .................... .... ... ...........XXXIX Appendix C:-5: Reference Watershed Land Use/Land Cover Map, ........... ........ .. .... ............X1.11 Appendix C-6: Reference Watershed Soils M4tp .................................................. ................ X1_.111 Appendix D: Restoration Plan Materials ................................................................... .... ........... XLIV Appendix D-1: NC SRI Plant List ......................................................................... .................. XI.V Appendix D-2: Supporting Wetland Design and Nitrogen Load Calcul,atiOIra. ..... Appendix D-3: Supporting Wetland Inflow Calculation".- ................................. ................ XLVll .................._ .. 1. Appendix D-4: Hydraulic. Model .......................................................................... ..................... 1_.X E r 1 1.J Dewberry 0 Table of Tables Table I Project Restoration Structure and 01bjectivc.s ................ ......... ............. ...................._........... .. viii Table 2 Project Watershed Land Use SUrnmary................................................................................. ...7 Table 3 Project Watershed Sail Series.. .............................................................................................. ...8 Table 4 Project Watershed Soil Textures............................................................................................ ...8 "fable 5 Project Soil Series ......................................................... Table 6 Project Soil Textures* .............................. .. . 10 Table 7 Endangered Species...-....., .................................................................................................. .I I liable 8 Misc. Dimension Measurements ............................................................................................ .14 Table 9 ,'Morphological Table - Existing Conditions ........................... ................... ........ ...:........... ..... . I Table 10 Summary of BEHI Evaluations ........................................................................................... .17 Table I 1 Urban Regression Equations ................................................................................................ . 18 'Fable 12 Summary of Calculated Flows for the Project Watershed ................................................... . 18' Table 13 Morphological Table - Reference Reaches ........................................................................ 22 Table 14 Watershed 1-and Use / Land Cover,... ....... ....... ............ ...... ...... ................. .... ........ .23 'Fable 15 Comparison of Watershed Land Use 1 Land Cover ............................................................. .23 Table 16 REF-I Watershed Soil Series ...................................................................................... ...... .23 Table 17 Watershed Soil TeXtures*....... ............. ........................ ................. .24 Table. 18 Comparison of Watershed Sail Series ................................................................................ 24 Table 19 Comparison of Watershed Sail Textures ............................................................................ .24 Table. 20 Summary of Grades at Grade Control Points .................................................................... .26 Table 21 Morphological Table - Comprehensive ............................................................................... .28 Table; 22 Summary of Pebble Count Analysis .................................................................................... .21) Table 23 Summary of PavementlSub-pavement sample for UTFBD ......................................... Table 24 Summary of Sediment Transport Equation Variables ......................................................... 9 . 'Fable 25 Flow Control Device Evaluation Summary.. ............... ....... ...... ......................... ...., ,3 3 Table 26 Stream Channel and Riparian Lone Plantings (entire easement area except 13N,111)_ .......... ..;5 Table 27 Planting Zones and Plant Species List for the Constnicted Wetland BMP.................. .. .. 18 K Table of Figures Figure I Map of Targeted Local Watersheds .........................................................................................6 Figure 2 :flap of Sub-Watersheds shoving the Industrialized/Urbanized :Suture of the. Basin ...........19 0 Dewberry tii The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancenrcrrt Program (EEP) identified two streams located within the West Haven Apartments Complex, owned by the Goldsboro Housing Authority (GFIA), as a candidate stream for restoration and, under a later amendment, revised the shrdy streams to include only a portions of one of the streams and also identified a stream-side area, owned by N(.-,'DOT., as a candidate for a constru.ctcd wetland as a stormwater Best Managcment Practice (BMP). The stream length encompasses 2,170 lincar feet of the Unnamed Tributary to Borden Field Ditch (1..JTBFD), and the wetland will cover approximately 1.5 acres of land. Working together, the GFIA and FFP have agreed oil a conservation easement for the stream length identified for restoration and the NCDOT acid EF.'P agreed on a conservation easement for the BMP. Dewberrv & Davis. Inc. (Dewberry) has prepared this Stream Restoration Plan for the identified stream and BMP. This Restoration Plan dociinicni.s the assessment and restoration approach for the UTBFD and the creation of the BMP. At the downstream project limits, the UTBFD has a drainage area of` approximately 255 acres (0.40 square mile`). At the point of confluence with the ori'-inal proposed restoration reach manned Unnanied Tributary (UT), UTBFD has a drainage area of* approximately I 10 acres, while the UT has a drainage area of approximately 140 acres. At the Oak Street culvert crossing, the U l'BFD has a drainage area of approximately 101 acres, and a drainage area of approximately 30 acres at the upstream limits of' study. The drainage area for both the LJTB[`D arid the U1' are highly urbanized watersheds, characterized by significant commercial and residential devclopmeru. and imPervious cover raniging, from 34 to 42 percent. Within the project limits, the streams lack sinuosity and have riparian buffer zones that have, been reproved or highly impacted by routine lawn maintenance operations. Maintenance operations were observed to extend froni the olerhanks to the stream bed during data collection phase of this project. The LI BFIi) enters the site as a first order stream and becomes a second order stream upon its eorrf7u.ence with the first order UT near the downstream project (units. 'T'he proposed restoration design is based on natural channel design methods that include the use of rviere(icC reaches. Using the Rosgcn classification system and field observation. the reach of the UT13F1) upstream of the LJf, is predoniinantly an F5 classification. Below its confluence with the L;T I ? T'BFD is a (;.Sc stream that has actively eroding stream banks. The UT is also G5c that is incised. The proposed strearn restoration for the U 1,131 D utilizes several restoration approaches including: Priority 2 restoration of'625 feet to a C`5/l,S stream. Priority 3 restoration of 900 feet to a ('S/ES stream with in entrenchment ratio limited by cascrticnt and utility constraints FInhancenaent of 275 feet by bank grading and construction of a bankfull or near bankfull Inc rrc h Per modification of the restoration scope, no work is proposed on the 1..JT or on the i.JTBFD downstrcam of, the Confluence of the U'T'. The streams are located irr an urban setting, with an unusual number of' site constraints that have been incorporated into the Restoration Plan. These concerns Include: Maintaining: resident safety and overall awareness of flooding potential; ()(Iscuing the stream appropriately from nearby buildings, utilities including gas. sanimr-y sewer, w-atci,, electric, etc., and recreational areas; Prescrtiint/Replacing pedestrian crossings; r Integrating _ existing grade control points, such as storniwater culverts into the design; and Designing within a limited casement width Dewberry cff The design considered fencing around the stream as a means to provide safety protection for resident: children playing scar the stream and provide deterrence from littering in the stream. Ilowever, at the request of EEP, no fencing has been provided in the Restoration Plan due to access control ltisales, maintenance issues, and the questionableeffectivenessof litter reduction within the stream. 0 The UTBFD currently has three pedestrian bridges located within the project limits. The design includes replacement of two pedestrian crossings along the proposed stream restoration reach. :view bridges are required because the existing bridges are within the current Iloodprone flow area of the stream and do not have adequate span available for the proposed cross-sectional dimensions and therefore would restrict the planned grading along; these segments of the stream. The proposed restoration methods, in response to these constraints, are shown in 't'able 1. Table 1 Project Restoration Structure and Objectives Project Number 73142900 Existing Designed Restoration Station Restoration Priority Linear Linear Segment 1 Range Type Approach Footage Footage Comment Reach ID I or or Acreage Acreage 3+75- i Overbank UTBFD 6+50 Enhancement 275 Improvement Relocation and 08+25- Overbank UTBFD 10+25 Restoration P2 200 Improvement 10+25- Overbank UTBFD 11+25 Restoration P3 100 Improvement Relocation and 11+25- Minimal Overbank UTBFD 11+75 Restoration P2 Addition 50 Improvement of Linear 11+75- Footage Overbank UTBFD 13+00 Restoration P3 of Stream 125 Im rovement Relocation and 13+00- Overbank UTBFD 15+00 Restoration .... ..-_.-... P2 200 Improvement 15+00 Overbank UTBFD 21+75 Restoration P3 675 Improvement Relocation and 21+75- Overbank UTBFD 23+50 Restoration P2 175 Improvement Dewberry %III L' 1.1 Project Description ']'his Restoration Plan documents the evaluation and development of a conceptual stream design for approximately 2,170 linear feet of the Unnamed Tributary to Borden Field Ditch (U B 'D) and the creation of a constructed wetland (BN4P). The stream and wetland site are located within the City of Goldsboro, in Wayne C:'ounty NC. The identified stream length is located within the West Haven Apartment C:otnplex, which is owned by the (.3oldsboro Ilousing Authority ((;I 1A) and the wetland site is adjacent to West Haven Apartment Complex within the NCDOT Right-of'-way. Working together, the GI-1A and the 1,cosystern Enhancement Program (EI;P) have developed an agreement for a Conservation t Asement along the stream reaches identified for restoration and the NCDOT and J.'EP have developed an agreement for a Conservation Easement on the wetland site. Dewberry & Davis, Inc. (Dewberry) is working with I',F P to develop strearn restoration documents for the identified stream reaches and BMP. As part of the development of the Stream Restoration Plan for the identified strearn reaches, Dewberry has performed the following tasks: • Watershed and Stream Data Collection. + Topographic Study (excluding a Boundary SuiA ey) • Existing Strearn Analysis • Reference Reach Identification and Analysis • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study • Conceptual and Restoration Plan Development • Phase I F rivironmental Assessment • Geoteclrnical Investigations Dewberry be0 an the restoration plan process by collecting existing GIS databases from various sorer°ces for rcler nee use ore this project. Soule of the databases include color aerial photography (dated approximately 2002), C?SGS stream data, NRC'S soil survey irrtor-ltratian, etc. A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was obtained from the NC Floodplain Mapping. Program website for use in developing contours I-or the project site and watershed. Using; these contours in conjunction with star iNvater infi-astruuture reaps obtained tirom the (,'ity of Goldsboro, watersheds were developed for tlme study strearns. Aerial photography ),vas analyzed «tor land use within cacti ,vatershe.d. As part of this data Collection process, Dewberry also collected (L.1ta oil endam-'erect species th?it potentially COLIld be located inlnear the project site. A detailed topographic survey was Conducted along the study stream land ztn t_ nnamed Tributary (UT) which flows into the L'T'fa)?`t? ore the dowrrst;reana erect. The topographic survey included approximately 150 feet in width (centered along cacti strearn) extending tare length of each study strearn. Survey included location of lame trees and utilities within the survey extents. Utility location was perl'Ormed by Locating Contractors. Stream proliles, general channel features, and typical cross sections \, ere collected and georrrorphic features were rtt<ipped for each study strearn. Numerous site constraints exist due to the location of the study streams in relation to an active apartment cornplex. Location inf:onnation has been collected for site constraints, including_ existing culverts, pedestrian bridges, utilities, building Iocations, etc. These constraints have been Carefully evaluated .is part of the Restoration Plan development dewberry Property and utility casement location inf MMadon "vas obtained Ii-ont the recorded Subdivision Platt t« r, the CHA property. Ile (AmNelvation I. serncrrts shcnvn wm obtained 11mtt EEP as a bounc -y survey pro\ idcd I v another surveyor (see !Appendix 1?-I: Project Site- Site Map with 1,,,ascinent), As hart of tyre existing stream ,analysis, sm,eyed stream 1:cau , Aerc analyr;ed to develop the, Rosen morphological table. '['Ile riparian bLiffcr ,vas evaluated to determine tlae existing plant species, including any invasive plant species. SKI mnV&s were Meted "thin the riparian bulfcr awa and sera to the NCD A Agr-orurmic Division IN analysis. IRcwhs Wn this analysis are included as .Appendix B-7 NCDA `'coils Analvsis. A search ovas amdnowd to krcate art urban reference reach with similar watershed characteristics to the prgjcct reach,,. t roan reference reach (REF-1) was located, and smAcy vas performed to docrument sire., t c:?itrres, including; typical cross sections and native vegetation (see Appendix A-1: fhysios;nWA. Inc; Rm Nbp for reference reach and watershed location in comparison to the project. locatW A t uwphological table Arts developed 1o1- this site based on collected data. 1n additional rc(crence reach {RI~,f -`'} "as obAned fi-ttnt the Stream Restoration Institute to rrsc for supplemental data. The collected data has been a.malged and applied A the devclopment of the Conceptual PIall (,trhn hied tt.r lal_;f My 6, 2I) MY I he Conceptual flan not, revised lased <o Antendinent i to evaluate. the feasibility of a BMI1 for the site. Ile drall Restoration flan was revised based cm Alnendlucnt 2 to incotpwate tlrc IMH' desyn and >n the stream re;,hmuion to 0 the littrit.ed coraserti;atit>n et?err.c°nt pro%ridcd by the 6111A. E ..Dewberry 2.1 Goals and Objectives This stream restoration project will support the EEP's mission to restore wetlands, streams, and riparian (strcarnside) areas throughout the state. Further the BMP will assist EEP in meeting the Neuse Kivcr Basin water quality goals for Nitrogen reduction. In general, the restoration and BMP support, wholly or in part, the following EEP goals: r Protect and improve water quality by restoring; stream and riparian area functions and values lost through historic, current, and future impacts Specifically, the strean restoration will: i Reduce downstream sedimentation by stabilizing c;roding stream banks along the study stream lengths r Replace a degraded sir ain reach with a stabilized stream which supports natural stream princesses r Decrease property logs within the Goldsboro Housing Autlu>rity and adjacent property Enhance aesthetics of the restored stream reach And the BMP will: r Reduce dow n.stream sedimentation by providing capture of total suspended solids from the. Ii"1 r Provide water quality treatment equivalent to one-inch of runoff from a previous untreated mixed use residential area totaling 123 acres f.nhance aesthetics and create wetland habitat The proposed wetland will provide nitrogen reduction upstream of the nutrient scnsitivc waters of the Neuse River. The created wetland can provide up to a forty percent reduction of nitrogen, however the actual removal percentage will be influenced by the intermediate flooding of the wetland. Since the wetland is and overbank wetland and will receive flow only during above hankfull events, treatment will riot occur during=. low flow periods. The restoration project endeavors to support the North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (NC'I)WO) efforts to improve water quality as identified in the Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. In general, the. project supports, wholly or in part, the following sections of the Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan: r 4.16 Sedimentation Pollution Control 4.17 habitat Degradation 4.19 Algal Bloom r 4.2.1 Protection and Maintenance of I;xist.ing Forested Riparian Areas %- 4.2.5 Nutrient Management r 4.5 Implement Wetlands and Riparian Restoration Plans n Dewberry 4 3 LOCATION INFORMATION 3.1 River Basin Information North Carolina contains 17 river basins c thcr partially or completely. The project ,.?atcrshcd is situated just cast of the Piedmont PhvSiographic. Region, entirely within the. Coastal Plain Physiographic Region and within the Netrse River Basin. With a drainagearea greater than 6,100 square rnilcS. the NCLISc is the third largest river basin in North Carolina. 3.2 USGS &digit Catalog Number The t.initcd States Gcological Survey (t SG S) categorizes the nation into 21 regions, into sub-regions, into accounting units. and finally into cataloging' units. Each of these divisions results in the assignment of two digits. The result is that these cataloging units or watersheds each possess a unique S-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC). The Neuse is sub-divided into 14 of these 8-digit units. The project watcrshcd has a IIU'C of'03020201 (03 South-Attantic Gulf, 02 Neuse-Pamlico, 02 Ncusc, 01 l fiber Ncusc). A snap of the 8-digit HUCs i5 provided in Appendix A-I : Physiographic Region Map. The North Carolina State Office of' the USGS has further subdivided the 8-digit watersheds, devised al the federal lcvel, into 14-digit sub-watersheds. The project watershed's 14 digit HUC is 03020201200020. A reap of the UTBFD's 14 digit HUC is provided in Appendix A-1: Physiographic Rctg"ion Map. 3.3 County Information The project watershed is located within the city of Goldsboro in central Wayne County. A map of Wayne and surroundin`gcountiescan be seen in Appendix A-l: Physiographic Region Map. 5.4 Stream Classifications Though the [JTBFD has not been classified by NC'DWQ, it drains to streams that drain into tile Neuse River, which has been assigned a C nutrient sensitive water (NSW) surface water classification near Goldsboro by NCDWQ. A "C" classification indicates waters defined to have a best use of aquatic life propagation/protection and secondary recreation. Waters that have a primary classification of are waters which have SUf iciCnt water gtrahty to support fish consrunption, aquatic life, and secondary recreation (i.e., wadiwl, boatiaal- and minimal human body contact with water). NSWs tend to experience water quality problcans associated with excessive plant growth resulting From nutrient enrichment. Within :Appendix B2 of the Neusc Basin vide Watershed Restoration Plan (2001), the NCDWQ noted that the benthic macro im ertcbrate bio-classifications were completed at two locations near the LIT131:1) and the t.JT. These locations, SR 1915 and US 117. on the Neuse River consistently received "GOOD" and "GOOD-FAIR ratings between 1984 and 2000. The NCDWQ's "GOOD-FAIR" benthic macro invertebrate bioclassification rating indicates a use support rating of "Partially Impaired" for benthic organisms. Dewberry ;I l) : ', '. (. 6 cl1Otivn lt) kr i t ,.? A-2; IISG', T., _, tent cll? r . ? 1 r 3.6 Additional Watershed Identifications The North Carolina Department of the Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) uses several different methods to categorizeand organize tltc state's watersheds. Three (3) of these identifications are listed below with their descriptions. The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) Watershed Restoration Plan for the Neuse Rivet- Basin (2001) and The Basinwide Assessment Reports (Neese River 2001) both give the watershed a DWQ identifier of Neese River Subbasin 03-04-05. The DWQ's Nonpoint So urce :Management Program reco"I'li/es that the pra,ject ?Aatcrshed lies within a "Cate- Irv I BB"I"in" or a ha,in "Needing Restoration."The Nonpoint Source Management Prognim uses the North Carolina 1_?nified Watershed Assessment 8 l)i,"it C atalolgiug Catesorv to identify watershed,.,me,e cat ioging units rrre synonyinous, with the (SGS unit,. The pra.ject ticatershed's & di .>it t)armber- is 0302-0201 . The 1:I;P identifies small watersheds that are of special concern called Targeted. Local Watersheds, There are several I EP Targeted I.-ocal Watersheds (defined by their NRCS 14-digit hydrologic unit) within the same North Carolina Unified Watershed Assessment ti Digit Cataloging Category. The project site is closest to EEP's Neuse Rivet l argeted L,ocal Watershed nurnbers 030202020-10010, - ()10020,-010021, and -010022. These watersheds are located just west of the project watershed, see Figure 1. The El. ,P uses these watersheds to concentrate multiple restoration projects within a local watershed to maximize program resources and result in greater benefits to wateraluality. A benefit of' identifying Targeted Local Watersheds is to encourage other groups and organizations to consider implementing projects in these areas also. Figure 1 Map of Targeted Local Watersheds Neu" RWor Basin ??- Sudraain 6 NCt7 t 7srpstsd loch Watsrshsds 10010, 90026, 10021, 10022 7Pr Stansy Croak i? WA> K )-fir s? tY11107f1`IF1fY2{; ?- Clt wwra.r.AS«tiarw ?" iysw wM+ Dewberry, 4,1 C;eneral Description The protect -,vaterslaetl is located entirely Nvithirr the City of' Goldsboro and is rotaghly botuaded by { rrahaau Street to the North. Wadm.at Street to the Smith, US 117 to the West, and North (:enter Street in the Fast. The project ?tiaterslrc d N url:ran in mitt.nrc, {.and is characterized by significant commercial and high density residential development. 4.2 Drainage Area The U-11314) has a drainage area of' approximately 255 acres (0.40 square na.iles) at the downstream project limits. The U 1 BFD enters the site as a first order strewn and becomes a second order stream upon its confluence with the t.'T. At its confltence with 1_'T, the drainage area 1'()r UT13H) Is approximately 110 acres (0.17 square miles). The UTT I'D is a second order stream at the downstream project site boundary. While UTBF'D has several culverts draining directly into the stream along this. pr'. ect reach, the majorit}, of' flow enters the stream at a 3 0 cormoat?:d metal pipe (CN11)), located at Astor Court. The drainage area at the upstream limit is approximately 30 acres and increases to 101 acres it. the cuivert ,at Oak Street. 4.3 Existing Land Use The project watershed is an urban watershed with significant amounts of commercial, residential, and industrial uses, as shown in Table 2 and Appendix A-3: Project `katershed Land Usc Map. Approximately 39"o of the project watershed has a commercial land use, while rotaghly .3 "'o is used for residential purposes. Less than 10`0 of the space in the watershed is open space. ^ Table 2 Project Watershed Land Use Summary _ Land Use % by area Commercial 39.4 - Residential 1f3 acre 2.5 m 1%2 acre ._ X34.9 Industrial 14 Open 9.2 An analysis was performed to evaluate impervious area of' the watershed. GIS layers representing building Footprints, driveways, parking areas, and roadtivays were obtained from the City of Goldsboro to facilitate this evaluation. Based on this data and an analvsis of aerial photography, impervious area for the watershed is 35%, with stib-basin imper ious areas ranging frorn 34 to 41 4.4 Future Land Use A review of the aerial photography indicates that the project watershed is "built.-oaat" to its ultimate potential. It appears that parcels have already been developed under the current zoning regulations, it is assumed that there will not be a significant change in zoning or land use in the foreseeable future. Theretore, there is no expectation of significantchanges in the hydrologic function of' the watershed. Dewberry 7 4.5 Project Watershed Soils The project ltiatershed contains several different soil mapping units. ?yhich are predominantly the Norfolk, Johns, I-iinibee. and Wickham soil series. The I.,eaf; Kalmia, Goldshoro. and Rains series are also found in small pockets (Appendix A-4: Project Watershed Soils Map). "fable I lists the soil mapping units and the percentage of" the watershed area made up Icy each sail rnapping unit. in which each series described below, is found. Soils in the project watershed are predominately loamy sand and sandy loarns. The soil textures and corresponding percentage of Nyatershed area are shown in TahIe 4. "fable 3 Project Watershed Soil Series Soil Mapping Unit % of Watershed Soil Mapping Unit % of Watershed Norfolk Johns 44.4 21.1 Leaf Kalmia 33 2.5 I Lumk - 14.9 Goldsboro 2.3 .? Wickham 11.2 Raines ? 0.4 Table 4 Project Watershed Soil Textures Soil Texture % of Watershed I.-oamv Sand 58.0 Sandy I..oarn 38.7 11 The remaining 3.3 percent of the Soils are clascitied as loam. Norfolk Series This series consists of nearly level well drained soils found mostly on broad smooth divides, Despite these soils being low In natural fertility and organic matter content, they are important wails for. farrning in Wayne. Comity. The soil is easily kept iu good tilth; infiltration is moderate and srarface runoff is slow. Most Norfolk soils are classified as loamy sand. Johns Series Like the Norfolk and Katrina soil;. Johns Series soils are found predominantly on broad, smooth terraces and short slopes and upland divides. Typically these soils are formed in strearn sediment. Again. like the: Norfolk and Kalmra soils, Johns Series soils are low in natural fertility and organic matter content. This series has anoderate permeability. nrediurn water availability capacity. and their shrink swell capacity as tisually logy. Most.lohns soils are classified as sandy loains. Lumbee Series This series consists of' poorly drained soils found on broad, smooth terraces and shallow drainage ways. Like the. Norfolk series they are also low in natural fertility and organic matter content. l.:umbee soils are t:tsually classifieds sandy loans. This series has moderate permeability, medi1.1111 water availability capacity, and their shrink swell capacity is usually low. These soils are usually formed in stream sediment. n Dewberry n 5.1 Project Site The U'IBI'D is located within the West Haven Apartment Complex. owned by the GHA. Isle property is roughly defined by US 117 and 13 to the east, West Holly Street to the north. NC c;1 to the south, and Railroad track to the west. The project reach of UTBIJ), flows thru the central area of the apartment complex, while the UT flows along a property boundary of the apartment complex. The pro_jcct site (taken as the approximate limits of the Conservation f.aserncnt) has residential buildings, common recreational areas, and numerous utilities located within the site. The project site and casement can be viewed in Appendix B-1: Project Site - Site Map with Lasement. Along the project reach, the UTBf`D has three existing pedestrian bridges, which provide access to the recreational facilities and other residential buildings. No sidewalks are provided to the pedestrian brid,*es. There are worn pathways leading to and from each pedestrian bridge. The stream banks and riparian buffer are routinely maintained lawn areas. with moderated tree cover in most locations along the UTBFD. The stream has minimal slope and minimal pattern. Development of the Conceptual and Restoration plans required many factors to be carefully considered since the stream reaches and BMP are located in an active, urbanized area. As part of the Restoration Plan, Dewberry considered many constraints including, but riot limited to the following: • Preserving large trees along the project reaches • Utilizing/re-utilizing existing pedestrian crossings along the stream reach • Protecting utility crossings along the stream • Protecting infrastructure (Buildings, basketball courts, light poles) • Managing the lack ofgrade along project reaches • Maintaining existing grade control points, (existing culverts) • Incorporating Conservation Easement limits + Maintaining base flow in the UT while directing stream flows into the BMP While there is not a significant tree stand along the project reach, efforts to minimize tree removal have been made. as they provide environmental benefits and an aesthetic benefit as well. Large diameter trees (greater than 4 inches dbh) have been surveyed along the project reach and shown On the Restoration Plan. EEP and GHA have expressed interest in maintaining two of the existing three pedestrian crossings along the stream with a desire to re-use the existing pedestrian bridges. Due to the length of the existing bridges, the option of re-use the bridges would force grade control points and restrict strcarrr width through the stream crossing. Utility crossings and alignments along the stream are iinportailt to consider in determining potential conflicts. Spatial (X, Y) locations of utilities have been identified along the project reach by Locating Contractors, a sub-consultant for this project. Dewberry survey crews have surveyed the utility locations as designated by Utility Contractors. Known utilities include electric. as, water, telephone, cable television, stormwater, and sanitary-sewer lines. Potential utility contlicts were considered during development of the Restoration Plan. Ila Dewberry 5.2 Existing Hydrologic Features The stream enters the project area via stormwater culverts/drainage systems. The tI FBFD is a first- order stream at the upstream project limits. ;'year the downstream project limits. the UTBFI) becomes a second-order stream. The I.JTf3FD flows into Borden Field Ditch approximately 1,50.0 linear feet downstream of the project limits. Borden Field Ditch flows into the Little River, and ultimately into the Neuse River. Anecdotal information indicates the stream floods out of bank frequently and is flashy in nature. The Lipper sections of'the L1TBFL) receive the majority of the draainage area in two point discharges. Each storrnwater discharge point has established Scour holes. These observations are consistent Willi the urban setting and the hydrology developed for the design. 5.3 Project Site `;oils All anurlySi ; has beery inade of thc Soils within the project limits using NRC``i GIS soil dater. For the purposes of this analysis, the project limits are taken as the extents of` the approximate C'onsen, ation FlaSeinent, as provided to Dewberry by FF P; Based on this dataset, tlae predorninant soils of' the, project site are the I.umbee and l...eal' aerie:,. Both are poorly drained. nearly level Soils f'Orrn(1 on broad, smooth terraces and shallow drainage ways. Typically. both are found in stream sediments in the coastal plain. With both of these Soils, the seasonal high wwater mark is at the surface. Tire soil types; textures, and corresponding percentage of project area are shown in Table 5 and Table b. While these are the soils that are reported by the MRCS, it appears that tile; soils have been altered front this state.; due to the development of the West I laven Apartment Complex. Table 5 Project Soil Series Soil Mapping Units % of Project Site Soil Mapping Units % of Project Site Lumbee 55.6 W ickhaun € A Leaf 1-7.$ Johns _ 7 Lumbee Series This series consists of poorly drained soils found on broad, smooth terraces and shallow drainage ways. They are low in natural 1 rtility and organic matter content. L..urnbec soils are usually classified as sanely foam. This series has nroderat.e permeability, rnediutn water availability capacity, and their shrink swell c:rpacity iS usually low. These soils are utiuaily for'rne<l in stre,lrn sediments. Leaf Series This series consists of poorly drained nearly level Soils found on broad, smooth terraces and shallow drainagge ways on uplands. The seasonal high writer table is at tlae Surface. Leal' soils are usually classified as sandy, loam. This series has slow permeability, high wateravailability c rpacity,and their shrink swell capacity is usually high. These soils are usually formed M stream sediments. T'able6 Project Soil Textures* Soil Texture % of Project Site I I onni 27.8 i11V I I: tinini; 9. t°5>qf the SOits <ur ctst5sRIC(las Loamy Sand. Dewberry Ili addition. soil testinu and seasonal hrgta water elevation Information was obtained as part of the gcotechnical testing performed by S&ME, Inc. The geotechnical report is provided as a separate doCtlane:nt front the Restoration Plaii. 5.4 Plant Communities For a description of the project plant communities, the project area was categorized int:c? two sections. Oak Street effectively bisects the project: ilatoi ala upstream eastern section and a downstream western section. The upstream section of the project i5 to the cast of Oak Street. The malority of the riparian buffer Ili this section is rolttiilely snowed riy.dht up to the stream bank, Ilowever, there are sonic large scattered trees within the riparian zone. they area is dominated by sweetgum (Liyuidanibar styruciflua) typically covered in poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans). Other lesser specie: include willow oak (QuercuS pliellos), American chin (t.lmus Americana). tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera), red maple (Acer rubr-um), loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), black cherry (Prunus serotiria Ehrh ), sycar'iore (Platanus occidentalis), Chinese privet (Ligustruin sitiense Lour,). sugarberry (Celtis laevigata Willd), winged chin (IAniusalata Micfzx.and river birch (Betul,a nigra I,.). The Chinese privet is not widespread, but will be removed durilag construction. The existing grass will need to be removed or eradicated within the buffer zone to allow for more native plants, to take: o4cr the area after construction. The downstrcarn section of the project is to the west of Oak Street. This area includes the louver portion of the UTBlJD, as well as the entire; portion of the UT. Both have similar vegetation characteristics. The majority of this area Is less ti-e<luently maintained th<.in the upst.leana section, I lowever, the majority of' the norilieni side of the L'1.13FD is nuiwed regularly, except where loblolly pine Winus taeda) is growing and shading out tilt lawn grass. The southern side of' the UTBFD as well as along the UT has some lal'ge trees made: up of sweetguni (Li(juidamhar st.yracifliu2) arid willow- oak (QuerctlS phelk0S). Other IeSSer Species include. sycamore (PlatanuS occidentalis ), cistern rut cedar (Junlperus vjrginlana L.); Chinese privet (Ligustrum Slnense ].our.), and black willow (Salsa: nigra). Only portions of the do"11SH-COM Section will he altered as part of this project. This is the 275 feet of the upstream of the UT and 13MP site that abuts the UT on t:he Fast Mid the UTBFD on the ,North, Alterations to the buffer will be limited to these areas. The Chinese privct is not widespread. but will be removed during construction. The extSting grass will need to be removed or eradicated within the buffer- zone to pillow tier more native plants to take over the area after construction, 5.5 rhreatened/Endangered Species Study A search of the I_'nited States Fish and Wildlife Service (I.tSFWS) and the North. Caroliria Natural heritage program (NC'NllP) indicates three endangered or threatened species (Table 7) could be potentially found Ili Wayne County and Ili the Northwestern Goldsboro 7.5 minute 1 SGS Quadrangle Map (Appendix A-2: USOS T5 ''Minute Quadrangle Map). ` able 7 Endanocred Species 0 Ma'or Group Scientific Name Common Name *State Status *Federal Status Bird Picoidcs borealis Red-cockaded E E MO IIUsk Stro phitis undulatus Sctiawtoot F F'SC Mollusk Villosa delunabi,s Eastern Creekshell I FSC *Stntc Starus Ahhve4iations:E'_ t?udsi11L"-I cd, r= 111reinened. & FSC= F'edca3 Spccic,ot'Conceem Dewberry It can be reasonably assumed that the Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) is not found on or near the project site due to the lack. of suitable habitat on the project site. The red-cockaded woodpecker has highly specialized habitat requirements, which account for its endangered status (http://wsyw., ?,?)citik?s.coin/fleartl<to<115960fiIts cavity trees are found only in mature pine forests containing trees greater than about 60 years of age which are fairly open and free of a hardwood understory. The project site has very few pine trees and is typically too crowded by large hardwood trees, which would not be favorable for RCW nesting. Neither of the mollusk species is reasonably assumed to be present within the project limits. Given the urban nature of the project watershed, the poor water quality resulting from significant commercial and industrial runoff; and the relatively lows base flow in the streams, the: project streams are assumed to be not suitable for sensitive rnolltisk species. The consistent presence of large alilollnts of litter in the stream also serves to dirnin_ish water quality and aquatic habitat. The assumption that these species are not likely to be fotnld in this watershed cannot t>e substantiated without a full investigation by a qualified professional, which is beyond the scope of this project. I Iowever, the existing conditions of the project site suggest. that there is no reasonable expectation of finding any of the above listed species within the project site. 5.6 Rosgen 5uwey and Classification A stream survey and classification has been performed using Rosgen methodology. A morphological investigation of the streams is a key component of the survey. It includes the collection of cross sections and an asse,ssrnent of stream drrrrensions, pattern, profile, and substrate materials. These characteristics were collected and evaluated using the techniques outlined in a uUnlber of references, including: Applied River Morphology (Rosgen, 1996 The United States Forest Service. General Technical Repot R M-245 (I larrelson et al., 1994) ,Strerant Restoration: A :lratural Channel Design Handbook prepared by the North Carolina Stream Restoration lnst.ituteand North CarohnaSea Grant. • Publications from several State and Federal Agencies including, but not limited to, the United. States Geological Survey (US(;S), the Natural Resource Conservation Service (MRCS), the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), were also consulted as part of the stream analyses The CJTBFD study reach can generally be characterized as a low gradient stream, lacking in well defied riffle-pool sequence, and having significant areas of bank erosion below its confluence with the UT and in areas near existing stormwater outfalls. The UT can be similarly characterized as hiving a very low gradient, lacking well defined riffle-pool sequence, and having significant bank erosion along the study reach. Field observation of the streams indicates the LJTBFD upstream of the confluence with the U"f is a Rosgen F5 stream type and below [lie UT the stream is a Rosgen G5 stream type. The UT was also observed to be a G5 stream. Both strearns have sand beds and have area of active erosion. Rosgen's class] fication, based oil Rosgen survey, on the Upstream reach of tine UTBFD (upstream of the confluence of IJT) was inconclusive. The stream is, and is believed to have been historically maintained along and within the channel Scour and erosion indicators were observed during the survey, but these indicators are for discharge events that occur more frequently and at lower stage than bankfull. Bankfull indicators were riot observable in the field and the data presented in "fable 9 Dewberry I-) represents 1 aloes based on the observed scour fines and are for inf'orrnational purposes only. Table 9 indicates the erosion indicators surveyed are entrenched and would tend to create an Unstable streann. Review of the field conditions. the field survey and the watershed hydrology indicates bankfull is entrenched within the majority of the upstream reach, indicating an F5c streann. The areas where bankfull appears to be less entrenched are generally inconsistent in dimension with the upper reach and are bclicvcd to be modified, possibly by nnaintenance, and not goon indicators of the stream type. The downstream reach (below- the confluence with the UT) of' the t;Tl3IJD, based on Rosgen survey, has a width to depth ratio of' less than twelve to one (12 to 1). Front downstream of' the confluennce with the. UT, to the pro ect iin}its. the. LJ]"BI,1) is classified as a Rosgcn 65c stream type. The cntrenchrnent ratio in the dola-nstreann portion of the U'l BI'D is 1.3 on average which results in an entrenched classification. The average width to depth ratio is love at 71 and the sinuosity is low at I M. This reach is constrained by buildings on the north ovcrbank. The UT has 470 linear feet of entrenched sand bed with low sinuosity and a width to depth ratio of' less than twelve to one (12;1). Based an the Rosgen survey, the. 1..'"1' is classified as a Rosgen G5c stream type. The UT is entrenched with a 1.2 average entrenchnnent ratio. The average width to depth ratio is low at 6.0 and the sinuosity is low at 1.16. This reach is also constrained by buildings on the cast overhank. '('here are two 90-(le(,re.e tuns just bclorc its confluence with the UTIM). The discussion below describes the methodology and results of each portion of the stream survey and classification. 5.6.1 gross-sections Survey of the streams included collection of a stream profile and cross sections for both study reaches. Cross sections were taken at representative riffles, maximum pools, and head of pools. The data collected at each cross-section included lotl(litudi_nal and cross-sectional stations, bankfull station and elevation. thalweg location and elevation, edge of water location and elevation, breaks in slope, flood prone area, and top of bank. A topographic survey, including large diameter tree location, was performed with a 150 foot approximate width, centered along each project stream Icilg,th. The reach of the U1'1311). upstreatnn of confluence with the UT, is comprised of several riffle-pool sccluctnces. In total eleven (l I) pools and tcn (10) riffles were identified along the approximately 1.810 linear foot reach. It was note(] that each of the features are weak and the stream has a u neral lack of' profile tcatures. Cross sections were collected at three (3) representative riffles and finer (4) representative pools. :Hong the UT13FD, downstrearn of` the confluence with the UT, three {3) riffles and two (2) pools were identified along an approximately 360 linear feet reach. A representative cross section w'as collected for each feature type. Weak riffle-pool sequence was noted along the study length of the UT. Three (3) pools and three (3) riffles were identified along the approximately 470 linear feet of strearrn. A representative riffle cross section was taken. 5:6.2 Dimension The most dominant bankfull indicators were the highest scour line and break in slope on each Arca n bank. Point bars and inner bean, which the Army Corp of Lngineers often refers to as the Mean I ligh Water Elevation, were minimally present and are weak Features. Review of the field data and the watershed hydrology indicates the indicators located during survey were for discharge events that Dewberry 1 Table 8 Misc. Dimension Measurements each :.: n patio Fntr.etw* 5, :i ? ixr UTBFT?), up_,ti vnu of Oak St. Not observed* Not obsetA ed* (J 'T"13FD -- downstream of Oak St. 7. l 13 1 6,0 5.5.3 A .? . t' ?,. i?,h tie 1.1cx1 nnc 75 t?et to I'cc;t, .r ,E . , . 1? too C'ttrt? ?tsr?'l t1.??'cP'i? _ , . °1lTc 'Ind ;?S a r,:Slll it he, t t 1 _ _. 1 5.(x.4 The t PHM) drof, , pproxirnatcly 9.5 feet in elevation while traveling 2,334 feet through the LA"13FD Pro ject site, including the length of tlrc culvert under Oak Street. This results in an overall slope of 0.0044ftlft or 11.44` <,. The LJTBFD and the UT lack a true riffle--pool sequence, but for the purpose of this report the channel features will be categorized and reported as riffle and pool features. Over the entire reach the LJT 3FD consists of approximatelyr 51(/, riffles and 49% pools The average pool to pool spacing is 172 feet and the average riffle to riffle spacing is 161 Iect. These distances exceed Dewberry 14 what would be expected of a stable coastal strearn of this bankfull width. Most of the features are weak and the reach is predominately run. Complete profile measurements can be found in Appendix B-4:Profeet Site Profile. Data and "fable 9. Above the confltirence with the UT the existing stream falls 8.6 feet in 2,005 feet, R)r a slope of 0.0043ft/ft or 0.43`ro. The upper reach contains a similar number of riffle and fools, specifically 57`/o rifles and 43" 0 pools. The average pool to pool spacing rs 190.4 feet (roughly 17.5 bankfull widtins). The ati erage riffle to riffle spacing is 164 feet (17.5 bankfull widths). Below the confluence with the UT the slope is lower than the upstream reach. 'The downstream portion of the UTBFD has a channel slope of 0.0026 ft/ft or0'6°,0. Unlike the upstream portion, the strearn is dorninated by pools and runs. Riffle features make up less than 15" o of the reach downstream of the UT. The average pool to pool spacing is 24.0 beet (roughly 2.9 bankfull widths). The average riffle to riffle spacing is 150.1 feet (approximately 18.3 bankfull widths). Complete profile measurcrnents can be fOund in Appendix 13-4: Project Site Profile Data. The UT has very poorly defined fcatures. In its current state, it is rnore like a drainage ditch than a sand bed stream. The lctiv weak features it has are spaced a considerable distance t onn each other for a strearn of the UT's bankfull width. The av erage pool to pool spacim, is 167.6 feet (approximately 28.3 bankfull widths). The average riffle to riffle spacing is 170.9 feet (29 bankfull widths). Complete profile measurements can be fotund in Appendix B-4: Project Site Profile Data. 5.5.5 Pebble Counts Pebble counts were taken at eight (8) locations along the U-1T31-1). Six (6) of' these locations were taken above the confluence with the unnamed tributary and two (2) were taken below the confluericc. Two (2) locations were sampled along the UT. At each location, one-hundred ,aniplc:s were, taken. and the D5, for all of the reaches was determined to be 0.5 mm. Data sheets can be tournd in Appendix B-5: Project Site Pebble Count Data. 5.7 Pavement and Sub-pavement Samples A representative riffle was chosen for the pavement and sub-pavement sarnples. The sarrallles were extracted from the portion of the riffle with the most aggradation (not in the thalwcg}. A `-i e (5) gallon bottornless bucket was used to define the sample area and shield it from flow. The ,:miplc was processed by a geotechnical lab for sieve analysis tests. The DS„ of the pavement, was d,2tci mined to be 0.89 m.m. The Dsr} of the sub-pavement was 0.87 mm, Data sheets can be found in Appendix B-6.- Project Site Pavernen11ub-pavement Data. 5.8 Topographic Sm-vey A topographic survey was completed using conventional and (TPS survey techniclues within the stream and along the immediate overbatnks. The topographic survey included the location of top and bottom of banks fir each stream, stream thalw-eg, and breaks in slope. Additionally, location of bridges, culverts, large trees, buildings, and utilities were included. Cross-sections for both hydraulic modeling and for Rosgcr) analyses were also surveyed. Horizontal and vertical corntrol was established from two Trimble 4700 Global Positioning System units. The ((BPS) static observations were made at multiple locations on the project site. The data was then analyzed usirig the Online Positioning t ser Service (OPUS) provided by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). The NGS operates the OPUS as a means to provide, GPS users` easier <aeccss to the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). OPUS used the "POND 1097" NGS base station Dewberry 1 (monument) with a point identification nnmhers (PID) of A16453 in its analyses. OPUS provided NAD83/95, positions (North American Daturn of 1983/ epoch 1995) and NAVD88 (North Antcrican Vertical Daturn) elevations. Due to the f3MP site being added by amendment after the contpletion of the site survey an alternate data source, was utilized. The survey data on this site was supplemented with Lidar data from E EP to complete the topography for the entire site. The vertical and horizontal daturn for the Lidar data is the san-i as the. survey data. Table 9 Morphological Table - l?.\isting Conditions Parameter Units A Reach Name Stream Type Drainage Area min Bankfull Discharge, QgKF CIS Bankfull Velocity, VaKF fttS Bankfull X-Sec. Area, AexF If? Bankfull Width, Wsxr it c a m Bankfull Mean Depih, .Dear WirittVDepth, WeuFl Dw Bankfull Max D th, Duwc it it E p Dr,,{J NKF W. Flood Prone Area, WFPA it Entrenchment, WFP 1 WaKF Bank Huigiii na6u, faith; Parameter Units Meanuur Length, Lu If M.L.Ratio, LMtWaxF I Radius of Curvature, Rc it Q. RC Ratio, Rc,WBKF Belt Width, WseT fi BW Ratio, Ws,TI WsKF L.Pooi Spacing, L. it P.S.Ratio LP„/WsxF Pool Width, W. ft g P.W. Ratio, WuAte ,....._..... Pool Depth, 0 It a. P.D. Ratio, D / DeKF V_altey Slope, SVg Channel Slope. Sra+ Sinuosity, K Pool Sto e, SP D,s • Channel mm .0 D•;, Channel mm an D,,, - Channel mm Existing Existing Existing Existing UTBFD G's Oak Street UTBFD,,1; ' Oak Street U/S UT- UTBFQ D/S of UT" UT" FS 05 0.08 .0:.? . Z . 73 ................ . ._... ...._ 160 6.1 12.0 11,2 11.5 - 0.6 1.0 - 21.5 _...._._. 1 0 1.2 1 9 2.0 1.8 17.5 1.6 1,5 1.6 P4 1f1 Min Max Miry Max Min Max Mfr: Max 75 646 6.9 59.4 No existing tt i 2.7 1011 ern n pa ? this portion 0.3 9.5 of the ? t 5 86 pr ojec reach. 0.5 7.9 49.5 346.9 24.0 210 4.5 31.9 4.0 4.0 82 18 5 8.8 6,6 0.7 1.7 11 1.1 0.6 1.0 1.6 1.6 0.06 W-11 0.27 0.27 0:46°0 0.260 0.43°,b 0.26°x0 1.11 1.01 i 0.07°Ta 0.07% Silvcla SUt/Cia 0.5 5.7 " - % alai., presented are for the sour lines observed (luring survey, but are not for banktull (rata and are inclu,!,M for infitrmational purpo,cs only, The information provided is tier discharge event, tr., than Bankfull and are shown to indicate cnlrend n ent ol'the observed data and indicate otierali channcl tnstahility. 11 Dewberry to - Tliis <lat<t was collected Ixil Vuil.l not Ix applicd. '1'1le fetich dowilst:rea111 of' the 1-11 will not have €Zc:,; r,a. methods applied to its design due to die constraints i n the area and length of this rulch. IBc ause of, the shortness of the reach only limited field data was collected 161- the portion of the stream b tweeii die UT and Onk Street. This sq'ilrcut was found to tx generally consistent witil the portion of strv?irn downstre rri of dae. UT for Pattern, Profile arld Substrate. liereli>re, these v<1111es WOV tr.?ctl f >r both stream segments. 5.9 Bank Erosion Hazard Index [Bank Erosion Ilazard Index forrns were completed at 9 representative features thrc}ugllout the lcrrrith of the UTfBFD and the UT. Seven (7) of tyre nine (9) BEHI evaluations were per1,61-nled in the upstrearn portion of the Uf1BFD. One (1) BEHI evaluation was completed in each the downstream reach of the UTIBFD and the UT, bight (K) of nine (9) of the 13EHI evaluations resulted in either a high or extremely high potential for erosion. These forrns earl be found in Appendix B-I3: Project Site, BEHI Data Streets or in summary Colin in Table 10. Table 10 Summary of BEMI Evaluations C Cross Section # Index Value Rating 1 25.9 Moderate 2 34.9 High 3 45,1 Vcry 1ligh ? - I 4 3:3.7 H1411 5 36.8 111gh 6 7 37.7 44.85 Hi III Verv High 9 (UT) 33.1 I{i?tt 9 ( Downstream) 40.E -.Veryy 1°r,-h .. 5.10 Wildlife Observed At the time of wildlife assessment, much of the project site had recently been denuded as part: of a maintenance operation. Consequently, this potentially resulted in loss of habitat for Some species. During the wildlife assessnent, a limited variety of terrestrial species were encountered. A few species seen on-site include American (:'rows (Cori,us brachyr'hynchos). Cardinals. (Cardinalis cardinalis), Snapping Turtles (Clielydra serpentina), River Cooters (Psewietnvs concinna), grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis), and other unidentified small birds, snails, and frogs. Residents have seen raccoon (Procyon lotor) and several varieties of'snakes along the project site. A ininirnally diverse aquatic corrrrnunity was noted along the project reach. Crayfish (Procamburas clakii), unidentified leaches, and unidentified small fish l ere sighted. 5.11 Summary of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Findings Neither of the study streams are strearns that have been studied by FEMA and, consequently, are riot subject to regulation under Federal. Fniergency Managernerit Act (FFMA) National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), The (it IA has requested that a flooding potential study be pertormed for tlus project to evaluate the risk of increased flooding potential that could result from the stream restoration. I'll is has been provided in section 5.1 1.2. Methodologies- used to develop the flooding study for this project have been made largely c« lrsistell with those methodologies used by the State of North Carolina Floodplain Mapping. Design flows for Dewberry 17 this project have been determined based on (Jrban Regression Equations presented in L,stinxation q1' Flood Frequency Characteristics cf' Sma# urban Streanis in ti'orth Carolina, USGS report 96-4084 by Jeanne C; Robbins and Benjarnin F Pope III. 5.11.1 Hydro>k)ff The equations used to determine design flows are presented in the Table 11, In the formulas listed below: Drainage Area (DA) is given in square-inilcs, Impervious Area (IA) is given in percent, and Flow (1.1,} is given in cubic feet per second. Watersheds can be viewed in Figure 2. Table 1 I Urban Regression Equations Urban Regressn F Design Storm Equation 10-yrstorm U,()= 109-DA0625'1A0: 15 25-yr storm U25 = 209*DA057°*1A`' 4 50-vr storm U?,,= 280*DAO5561A0.`i 100-yrstorm Urw= 363*DAU541`lAQ"358 Table 12 Summary of Calculated Flows for the Project Watershed • Basin 10 Cum. DA Cum. 1A 1A U10 U25 U50 U100 acre acre %a cfs cfs afs cfs 6 30.10 12.60 41.86 110 186 223 260 6+5 76.81 30.61 39.85 193 311 369 426 6+5+4 109.25 3723 34.08 222 355 422 488- 6+5+4+3 248.57 91.43 36.78 386 587 689 787 6+5+4+3+2 255.50 92.90 36.36 391 593 4 696 795 v 6+5+4+3+2+1 259.00 92.94 35.88 391 594 698 797? As discussed in Section 4.4, the project watershed can be considered to be in its ultimate "build-out" condition. Therefore, the flows calculated based on existing conditions are considered to be reasonable, representative ultimate condition flows. A stream gage was installed on Jur3c 16,2004, along the UTBFD just upstream ol* its confluence v,ith IJT. Data collected from the stream gage can be used to better understand the hydrological characteristics of the stream and can be used as ancillary data to calibrate flow estimation, However, at the time of this report, no storm data has been collected. Final calculated flows can be reterenced in Table 12. Dewberry 1's n L...1 Figure 2 Map of Sub-watershedsshowing the Industrialized/Urbanized Nature of the Basin 5.11.2 Hydraulics A l,ydraUlics t7Ioclel has been cievcloped far the project site to determine the existinu floo ding potential risk and the flooding potential risk for the proposed stream restoration condition. The mcxlel was prepared in a manner largely consistent with the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program methodology for each of the design storms, and has IxCIl included in Appendix D-4: IlydraLilic Model. The proposed channel design reduces the water surface elevations from existing conditions. Theret re, this project is not anticipated to increase flooding potential. The average decrease in flood elevation is 0.08-ft with the most significantdecrease being 0.29-ft at the i,no st upstream extent of the model. just downstream of N. Astor Cf. Cj Dewberry 19 n Factors that were evaluated to select reference streams, include finding a stream with comparable watershed sire, watershed soils, stream bed/bank soils, stream classification, stream stability, watershed land use J land cover, impervious area, valley slope, stream slope, and steam corder to the project reach. While many sites were investigated for potential as a reference reach, finding a stable strearn in good condition in an urban setting is clrallearging. To enlist a full compliment of Rosgell reference parameters, two (2) reference streams were analyzed. The first reference reach analyzed is an t.rnnamed tributary (REF- 1) to the l.Attle Raver (Appendix ('-I: Reference Site Dimension L)ata). REF-1 has an urban watershed comparable in size and impervious coverage; to the project watershed. The R1 F-I stream is located in close proximity to the pro}.?ct watershed (southeast of the project watershed and within the ('ity of Goldsboro). and the R1 watershed borders the project watershed. (:haractenstics of REF- I used in (lie natural channel :?. inn methodology include: dimension, profile, and sediment transport measurements. As with many urban streams REF-I has been artificially confined and its natural pattern has been truncated. A second reference stream (REF-2) was required to supplement the pattern data provided by R3 F-1. REF-2 is situated in a much less urban watershed in Moores Crossroads, NC (.Appendix Reference Site Pattern Data). This reference stream was analyzed by the North Carolina State Extension Service (NC'SES). Data from REF-2 used in the natural channel design ulethodc7lc>gy was focused on stream pattern. The REF-2 watershed is much larger and more rural than the project . w-atershed. REF-2 does have a favorable channel slope, sediment. transport capacity, stream classification, and patter measurements when compared to the project reach. Meastrrernents and values are provided in the morphological table for this reference and were provided lay= the N('SF;S. Data presented for REF-2 was not collected by Dewberry and was taken directly from \( SE'S. 6.2 Rosgen Classification REF-1 has an entrenchment ratio of 1.7 and a width to depth ratio of 9.7 to 1. The sinuosity is 1,0 and the slope is 0.221'4,. The Der, of the stream is a 0.25 iiin particle. The REF-I stream is a stable. l b`i stream that is nested in a large valley that is a G Rosgen stream classification. Thus. the entrenchment number of RFF-1 is artificially lower than would naturally be associated with an h strearn classification. This condition is a frequent condition found in urban streams. The width to depth ratio, slope, channel material, and site visits indicate that the strearn is a Rosgen I-15 strearn. In addition to the mean values mentioned above, the complete reference measurements and ratios can be found in the Morpholo(,icalTable I Fable 13). RF -2 has an entrenchment ratio of 21.9 and a width to depth ratio of 5.2 to 1. The Sinuosity is 1,2 and the slope is .46%. The D ,, of the stream is a 1.0 nazi particle. These characteristics indicate that the stream is a Rosgen E5 stream. Reference measurements can be found in the Morphological Table (Table 13). 62.1 (::rosy-sections Cross-sections were taken at representative riffles, maximum pools, and head of pools along RFT-1. The data collected at each cross-section includes longitudinal and cross-sectional station, bankfull station and elevation thalwet, location and elevation, edge of water location and elevation. breaks irr slope, flood prone area, and top of bank. Topographic survey was completed within the REF- I aild along its banks. V Dewberry 0 6.1 Site Identification and Description r? r.? E 0 ['he suavyc:d reach of hEl?? IN col gwkcd of scvcmI riffle ?Ivol sequcnC;es. ??hcrc: we`re 1 fctrtur " Identified aOng M 459 foot sit idy length of 1011 L Mint of to features aw in quol can Vkm and crosti-,CctioIIl,wcrc sul-v'c\cd at throe (3) r"eprcaSenmti:c ritticsand Iwo (2) roprosentat:i,. . 622 Dit lerlsioaa Tlie most dounnani bankfull oidicator w <is the hrcak in slope oil each stream Kink. The highest scour lime and inner berm, Wich IN Army Corp of kngincers often refers to as the Mean I lit;h Water 1.1cvatiori. vN-°crc minimally present and typically were wal features. Point bars wov ab on along in the REI'd channel, value of 13.5 Wt. These values pre duce tm average bankfull niean depth of 1.5 feCt With tI range of 1.3 to L. feet. C'rc>yo"tiwi data fir REF-1 can be found in :appendix C-1: Reference Sitc Dimension D<at<t. Ile bankfull area at be r pmwntath e rlf&s nun ?.d Rom 21 A to 2?.4 feet. cc ith Lill al oragu area o 231 square Net. The avemp bankfull i idth %as 15.0 rcct C?ith a ni;ixiaiuni of' 17.5 turd :I iiitnii iuni 62.3 PatWrn As stated prcviotlsly, the 14FInI "act- lied has tzl: ny shnilarities to the project ?vatcrshcd, including vvcak pattern mea',UrcMC;uts, Much need t,? he supplemented. RF -2 is Icss c;loscly related to the project watershed. duc to it 1-Icing, i orp r. A Mm RFKI- but has str? ;pattern Irlcastaremc:nts. was, thercioi,c, used c"nlv to the nccc;,sary patte,I iu. RI-T-2 has a valley length of 219 to and a strcam longth or 204 to, which indicaf I sinuosity of 1,2L Twig Deft vvidth inc Isinern ants were taken am! mcasumd ,appiohnate,ly 24 and 34 fcs. The meander Wd OIcngth tv,.is takers at t"m locadons, and Ie whod A nic dremem of nm h y M) < nd 62 feet. The radnIS of cl.nwaturc Iricasurenlents ranged thorn a radius of 15 fact to one of 29 tes with a I'nean value. of 217 Is. Pattern data O REM can be round lit Appca& C'-2: 12efetrence Site Pattern Data. 6.2.4 Profile} I he sure cued reach (R 1; F0 bras an clc mioi drop of 11) its along a chaos cl IcngW of 459 W., w-1iich I-csiilis in all oierall slops: of (l.(M22 ftT or 229L The average Hite to pool spacing is 14 1" ! or n aghly 205 WWII widths. The avenTe pawl to pool spacing is 97 Ws. or roughly V bankfull widths. Ile average riffle to riffle spacing; is 120 t'ect or approxii-natcly 8 bankfull bvidtlis. 111-c`ile data bw RFF-1 can be hnind in Appe ahx 1Zc:ferenccSite Profile Data. 62.5 Pebble Counts A pebble count study was performed akmT R1tFA. Pebl le count, were taken at two (2) riffles and two (2) pools. Ile pebble counts indicate a salad bed stream `kith a Q of .25mm. completc pebble count data slleC:ts call b-' lound in Appendix C 4: Refcrencc Site Pebble Count Data. 6.3 Morphological Table Based on the data collected. RosWn parameters and ratios were gmemted for the klJ - and RFF-2. 'Faille 1 ? stimiil<Ii'iLes the kcy morphological values for heath rc?,iche°s. 10 Dewberry 1 0 Table 13 Morphological Table - Reference Reaches _ Ref. Reach Parameter Units ReL Reach 1 2 11 Reach Name REF-1 REF-2 SIream Type E5 E5 Drainage Area mil Q.43 2 28 Bankfull Disahar e, ?aKF cfs 73 66 Bankfull VelOCit , VBKF tt/S 31 41 Bankfull X-Sec Area ABKF itz 232 16.2 Bankfull Width, WBKF ft 15.0 92 Bankfull Mean Depth, DaKF ft 1.5 1.8 Width/De th..... WBKF/ DaKF 97 5.2 Bankfull Max Depth, DnAx ft 2.0 1.9 E DaAx / DBKF 1.3 1.1 W. Flood Prone Area, WFPA 26.1 200. Entrenchment, WFPA WBKF 1.7 21.9 Rrnk Height Ratio, RHR 1.0 1.0 Parameter Units Min Max Min Max Meander Length, Lm ft 60 62 c _ M.L.Ratio, L„/WBKF Nominal tt i 6.6 6.8 m Radius of Curvature, Rc ern pa n ft this portion 15,0 29.0 RC Ratio, Re t WOO of the R f 1.6 3.2 Belt Width, Wall erence e ft reach. 24.0 34.0 BW Ratio, WBLr / WaKF 2.6 3.7 L,Pooi Spacing, L ft 86.91 106.4 25.0 69.0 P.S.Ratio. L ,WBKF 5.8 7.1 2.7 7.5 Pool Width, W it 192 194 11.2 14.1 P.W. Ratio, W , WBKF 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.5 e Pool Depth. DA _ _ _...._......_....... ft 2,2 2.5 1.6 1.6 o P.D. Ratio, Dp/ DBKF - 1.50 w 1.7Q_ 0 7 .92 ? 0.92 ValleySlopr,Svni 0.22% 0.56% Channel Slope, S_ Q.22% 0.46% Sinuosit , K 1.005 1.205 Pool lope, Sp 0.03% 0.02% D16 - Channel mm y Silt/Cla Dso - Channel mm 0,25 1.0 a N DM - Channel mm 1.0 1.0 6.4 Plant Communities The reference site was found with a thin riparian buffer along each side, which consisted of forested vegetation approximately twenty (20) feet wide. Outside of that area was open mowed fields. The vegetation was thick and the stream was completely shaded. The vegetation was found to be relatively free of invasive species. The site was dominated by canopy trees with some midstory on the field edges and little herbaceous cover. The site was found to contain A nerican elm f Mmus Dewberry 22 Americana), ringed elm (tJlmus alata Michx ). sugarberty (C'eltis laevigata W'illd.).loblolly pine (Finus taeda), red mulberry (Morus rubra), sycamore (Platanus occident.ilis), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), black willow (Salix mgr<:i), and silktree (Albi/iajulibrissin). The soil was characterized lpy a relatively high percentage of organic material in the upper surt'ace. 6.5 Current I-.and Usel I..arid Cover fills section deseribe the 1x111(1 rise of the relc:rence watershed for R1:1"-1. The I, I _•reji•;e watershed is an urban wat:er,,Jw l largely characteri/ed by cornrncrcial and residei tial use (Appendix (_'-5: Refe.retice Jicd I xid UsefLand (?'ovc r lap rind Table 14). Al)f)rvxiirirttcly 44`io of t:lie project. tvaiershecl liar, i °,. luatial land use, rouglily 32`?o is used Tor cornineircial purposes, and 4t little n1ore tlia.n 17 % of the ':tcrshed is open space. less than 10°4a Of the space in the Watershed IS Used f<rr i idustrial sites. 'Table 14 Watershed Land Use /Land Cover Land Cover (REF-1) % by area Area (Acres) Residential 44.4 120.3 Commercial 31.6 85.8 C) en S ace .... - --._.-..__....... _..... Industrial _-.. Totals 17.4 . 6,6 10010 ?? 47.'? ..- _ ................. .....---.._.......... ..... 18.() . ............-.. 271.2 Table 15 shows a comparison of the project watershed to the reference watershed for IZ F-I. Both have nearly 4011/o commercial and 401%, residential land usaoe. Open space or industrial sites comprise the remaining percentage of each watershed. Neither of these land uses exceeds 15"10 in either watershed. fable 15 Comparison of Watershed Land Use /land Cover Fro'ect Watershed - ............ ....... Reference Watershed (REF-1) Land Cover % Acres Land Cover % Acres Commercial 39.4 100.9 Commercial 31.6 E 85.8 Residential 37.4 95.7 Residential . - . - 44.4 120.3 . . ...... . Industrial 14.0 35.8 _..... .. Industrial . .. 6.6 18.0 Open Space 9.2 23.7 () vn Space 17.4 47.2 Totals 100.0 256.0 Totals 100.01 271.2 6.6 Soils The reference watershed for RLF-I contains several soil mapping units, namely the Johns, Kalmia, l.?umbee, Wickham, Norfoll<,and Myatt (Appendix (7-6: Reference Watershed Soils Map). Lakeland. Ruston, and Kenansville cure also found in smaller amounts. Table 16 lists the soil mapping units and their corresponding percentage of the watershed area. The RC F'-1 watershed soils are predominately sandy looms and to a lesser degree loainy sands (Table 17). 1.)escriptions of the soil mapping; traits found in the largest percentages are provided below. Table 16 REF-1 Watershed Soil Series r: Johns 35.0 Norfolk 7.9 Kalmia 23.4 my rtt 6.8 Lumbee 11.4 Lakeland 2.7 Wickham 10.0 Ruston/Kenansville <2 Dewberry "' 3 ?1ohns Series 1.,Jke the Norfolk and Kalinia sails, Johns Series soils are foUnd predorninantly art broad, sinooth terraces and short slopes aril upland divides. 'Typically these soils are fonried in str•eatn seditnettts. Like the Nort ilk and Kalrnia sails, Johns aeries soils are low in natural fertility and organic matter content. This series has moderate permeability. tned.iurra water availability capacity, and their shrink SWCII capacity is usually 10%V. Most. Johns soils are classified as sandy loans. E r: Kahl tia Series lllis series consists of Poorly drained soils found oil broad, srnooth terraces and Shallow drainagew,tys. Infiltration is Moderate and surface ruriofT` is usually slow ,.,ith most K;ilri-ii,;i soils. Kahnia soils are usually classified as 108.111y sands. This series has rncxl ,:: permeability, medium water availability capacity, and their shrink swell capacity is usually lc:t . These sails are usually f 7rnied in Stream sediments LuInbee Series I his series consists of poorly drlined soils found on broad, smooth terraces and shallow (trainage),vays. Like the Norfolk 'series they are also low in natural fertility and orgc;ctric matter content. L;umbee soils are usually classified as sandy loams. This series has moderate permeability, medium water availability capacity, and their shrink swell capacity is usu,111V i(m These soils are. us1.1a11y forrt3ed in stream sediments. 'liable: 17 Watershed Soil Textures Soil Textures % of Watershed ....... Sandy 1 oa n 53.1 Loaniv Sand 44.2 ?Thcrcmuiii? ,?3?tiitil?;:n'cci,tsif<ci9a,saiAd. "The sail series (Table 18) and the sail tc ,lures (Table 19) in the reference site compare well with those found in the proje- t ,? <<t?? shed.`i'lre soils are listed a.lph abetrcally for contparisorr purpose Table 18 Comparison of Watershed Soil Series Johns Kalmia Lumbee Norfolk. Wickham Other 2L I I Johns 2.5 Kalnaia 14.9 44.4 Lumbee Norfirlk 11.2 Wickham - - 6.0 Other d 3>.0 23.4 11.4 T9 100 n { ? _... _ }14 Table 19 Comparison of Watershed Soil Textures Project W atershed Reference Watershed (1C E 1) Soil Textures % of Watershed Soil Textures of Watershccl Loam Sand 58.0 ;Sandy Loam ... 53.1 Sandy Loam 38.7 Loamy Sind 4Y 2 ? Loam 33 Sand 2.7 Dewberry 24 7 NATURAL CHANNEL. DESIGN AND STREAM RESTORATION PLAN The proposed restoration will prinnarily include two (?) restoration approac'hn on the U TM-D. For- the reach beteccn the culvert and the UT, cnhancerrrent will include construction of a. bankfull or near bankfull bench and bank grading to decrease bank slopes to a more stable configuration. From a point 80 teet upstream of the culvert to the Upstr-earn project limit; the approach will be a combinatior) of Priority ? and Priority 3 restoration to create a C5/E5 channel with overbank grading to establish a bankfull bench and floodprone area. A short reach, 335 feet, at the upstream project limit is constrained by a nan-ow easement width, and as a result the reach will have the design bankfull channel that is slightly incised based on the available floodpronc area and resultant entrenchment ratio. 7.1 Design Considerations Tlie project 'site is located in in active ai-ban apartment complex, and has a rtunrber of pliysical constraints that limit the design and restoration. Sonic of the most significant design) corrsidcratiorrs include: limited conservatism easement (average width of'40 feet), proximity ofexrsting infirtrstructurc (buildings, recreational areas, etc), maintaining specified grade control points at stream crossings, the presence of multiple utilities that run along or cross the stream, and the preservation of large trees. 7.1.1 Infrastructure Constraints The Goldsboro 1-1ousing Authority and LLP have agreed upon the establishment of a conservation easement that will protect the proposed strearn and a limited portion of its riparian buffer Zone. 'l'ire riparian hi.iffer Zone is as ShOWn or) the flans and has a variable width {rs.>m the stream banks along the length of the stream. In many areas it is not feasible to protect or restore any part of the riparian buffer zone. I hose are areas where the stream constraints require the use of the entire casement. I'hc project stream flows through .in active urban apartment complex and the maximum vvic:ltli Of' the easernent is sixty five feet with an average of forth feet, so the space available to irnplennent pattern irr the stream and buffer zone is riot feasible beyond what currently exists and what is required to accommodate adjt:tstrnerits due to utilities. The proximity of buildings to the project guided the decision of whether to r.rise the stream to its existing floodplain or to lower the floodplain to the existing stream. The lroposed rratcrral channel design recommends the construction of a floodplain at the stream's current elevation in an effort. to limit increases in water sc,rrf C elevations. 7.1.2 Grade Control Points "fete project stream has two types of stream crossing,,; pedestrian bridges and a culvert, wlrcrc both are located along the upstream reach of U BFD. As part of` the design, G1-IA acrd FIE"P have requested that the culvert crossing be maintained in its existing state and that two pedestrian crossin4-, along the strearn be replaced. -Elie culvert located along UI BFD under West Oak Street is a single barrel, 48- inch corrugated metal pipe. This culvert is to be maintained with the proposed natural charinel design, which results in a grade control point that must be maintained in the proposed design. - There are three existing bridge locations along the upstream reach of UTI3l?D. The GI IA and I?fi:P have requested Dewberry to replace at least two (3) pedestrian crossing points along U 1'I3FD as part of' the natural channel design. Dewberry evaluated the feasibility of rc-LISHIg the exist.irrg steel pedestrian bridges and determined that the length of the existing bridges was too short tc7 re-use the bridges with the proposed restoration cross sections. Re use of the existing brrdocs would limit the ,trearn cross section through the bridge opening and increase flow velocity t.llrough the opening likely Dewberry 25 causing additional erosion potential. Table 20 summarizes slopes determined at each grade control loc,a.t.ion. Table 20 Summary of Grades at Grade Control Points Stream Reach Upstream Slope Project Start (Pipe) to Bridge 1. 0.08 Bride I to Bridge 2 0.30 Bridge 2 to U/S Invert of Culvert 0.58 D/S Invert. of Culvert to Land of Project (PIPE) 0.85 7.1.3 Utility Constraint. Within the project area there are multiple utilities, including: electric, gas, water, telephone, cable television, storm water, sanitary sewer lines, and farce mains. While utilities have been located as part of the Restoration Plan development, contractors wilt he responsible for verification of all utility information prior to construction. Each utility crossing has been considered in the development of the natural channel design, since they provide both vertical and spatial constraints. The location of the force main, gravity sewer line, and manholes were given additional review because they are all within protected easements and the cost to relocate these utilities would be prohibitive. In general conflicts with the utilities are bein`(y avoided where feasible by maintaining the current vertical and horizon4rl location of the stream thalweg. I lowever, utility adjustments of minor utilities such as phone, cable television and gas will be required in limited areas. The contractor will be required to coordinate relocation of these utilities with appropriate utility companies. 7.1.4 Preservation of Large Trees The stream has minimal tree stand along the project reach. It is the intent of this project to preserve existing large trees. The locations of trees along the project study reach have been surveyed, and the tree types and diameters have been noted. Tire size and location of trees are an important consideration in the development of the plan and profile of' the natural channel design, particularly in areas where large trees are sparse along the reach. The proposed design will utilize root structure of the large trees as a part of the design to encourage stream stability of the proposed stream. 7.2 Proposed Stream Classification The proposed UTBFD will have a C5/E5 classification. Flood prone areas will be graded to increase the entrenchment ratios until they exceed 2.2, resulting in a slightly entrenched classification. The design width to depth ratio is 12.7. The sinuoSON will be increased by relocating the stream in two short reaches, but the pattern and pattern improvement is limited due to site constraints. The L-!. f will not be modified as part of the project. Sections 7.3 through 7.8 provide brief general discussion of the issues, analyses, and constraints that affected the proposed design. Detailed design values are presented in "Fable 21. 7.3 Rosgen Priority Level I historically, the I-lousing Authority site was at a lower elevation, but the property was raised to build 19 the housing complex. This has artificially raised the floodplain, resulting in incision and removing pattern. Dewberry 26 To offset the incisions upstream of Oak Street, the proposed restoration will be a Priority Level 2/3 restoration with 46 percent as Priority 2 and 56 percent as Priority 3. Most of the proposed reach will be re-attached to the floodplain, by excavating the existing soil to the bankfull elevation. This will lower the bank height ratios and increase the entrenchment ratio. Priority 2 areas will include relocation of the stream. The constraints noted herein limited the proposed stream design which minimized the restoration options, including changes to the stream length and stream sinuosity. The low grade along the stream also limited the length and slope that could be provided in the proposed design. 7.4 Bankfull Discharge Manning's equation was used to develop the bankfull discharge for the project reaches. Typical existing cross sections were used to develop parameters used in the equation. Bankfull discharge values ranging from 73 to 81 cfs were established for UTFBD above Oak Street. Below Oak Street discharges increase to approximately 85 cfs. North Carolina's coastal regional curves were considered during the development of bankfull flows. However, the supporting data set used to formulate the coastal curves is limited and does not yet include areas with greater than 10% impervious area. The project watersheds were determined to be over 35% impervious area, so the regional curves were not considered to be applicable for this site. 7.5 Dimension The proposed cross-sectional dimensions were based on a combination of data collected from the project site and from the reference site. For reasons stated in section 7.4, the North Carolina's regional curves and dimensions measured at the reference sites were not used during the development of the proposed bankfull flows. The cross-sectional shape for UTBFD has been designed with a more narrow width to depth ratio than the existing conditions. Channel banks are provided at 3:1 slopes, stabilized with erosion control matting and rip rap near existing utilities. In general decreased bank slopes will reduce BEHI scores and will help improve bank stability. 7.6 Pattern The pattern predominantly matches the existing stream geometry except in two reaches. Some of the most significant design constraints include: proximity of existing infrastructure (buildings, recreational areas, etc), maintaining specified grade control points at stream crossings, the presence of utilities along and crossing the stream, and the preservation of large trees. 7.7 Profile The existing and proposed profiles for the UTBFD are constrained by several grade control points including: stormwater outfall pipes along the reach, the culvert under W. Oak Street, and the culvert under US 13-117. The project does not include relocation of the outfalls and culverts, so the proposed channel inverts are consistent with the existing channel inverts. To the extent possible, existing riffle and pool features will be maintained. The large number of site constraints prohibits construction of additional features. x_11 Dewberry 27 0 7.8 Morphological rI'able A IZosgen Level 1 through 4 analyses was completed on the LIT131,I), the LIT, and the reference reaches. Sections 3 through 6 of this report. sttrnmarize this data, and also detail the results of the fair levels of investigation for each of the stream reaches. Using the data collected in Sections I through 5, Rosgen parameters and ratios were generated for the reference reaches, and the UTB D. Table 21 sulnnrtat7res the key morphological values for the reference reaches, the UTBFD, and the proposed or design values for the UTBFD. The Valdes ill the table include the channel dimension, pattern, and profile data for both the existing conditions and the proposed desiLn. Table 21 Morphological Table - Comprehensive • Parameter I Units Ref. Reach 1 Ref. Reach 2 Existing Proposed l 1 UT8FD U;S UTB" t) U/S Reach Name REP-1 REF,- of Oo S of Oak St - _ i Stream Type _ t b Eb f5 CSiEb ainage Area nit 0.43 2.28 n 06 0.06 Ficnkfull Discharge. QeKF cis 73 66 „ 71, 73 Eanktuil Velocity. V.Kr Ws 3.1 4-i 3.0 Brinkfuii X-Sec Area AaKF ft' 212 i 162 6.1 24,2 E'rnkfull Width, Went ft 15.0 9.2 112 17 5 Bankfull Mean Depth DeKF it 1,5 1.8 0.6 1 4 C0; Width/Depth. WBKP/ DtjKF 9.7 5-2 21,5 127 E Bankfull Max Depth. D,,,,x it 2.0 1,9 1,2 23 DMAx / NKr 13 1.1 2,2 1 15 W Flood Prone Area, WFPA it 26 1 200 17.5 40.0+ t , ? ,;;hment Ratio. WF,: l Wi„l t.7 21 ^ 1 2 3:. . --- Rar n RHG1 (Ci " `? 4 ?. r1 1 r Parameter - Units Min Max ! Agin Ma--X f Min j -Ntax Min ? Marx -- - r ,n i.r l en ! L it 75 46 Nominal Nominal I L Hato, 46, pattern in 6.0 8 6.9 59.4 pattern in adius of C RC ft ! this portion 1,,.0 2u.u 21 1:73,.1 this portion RC Ratio, Belt Width. Wye R If of the i 1.6- 1 3.2 O.3 9.5 of the aerBnae ft 24.0 34 0 5 86 Reference Reach. - Reach. E3W Hatio, Weir / WexF _ 2.6 3.7 0,5 7.9 -' L. Pool Spacing to , it 66.9 106 4 25,0 69,0 49 346.9 869 106A P S Ratio. L ,Wafer t, ( 5.8 71 21 i 7.5 4,5 31.9 4.9 60 P+__.. .. P^ai Width, W, it 191 194 11.2 141 8.2 18.5 12.3 15.8 P W. Ratio. Wp, WBKr. 1 3 1 1 1 1.2 1.5 01 1.7 4, 07 0.9 m .... _. ... i_. _...._ i .......... . _.. . q _..._ i _P __. 0.1 Ratio, Dp DR- it 21, 1,15 1,6 06 1 l) 42 ! 1,61 ... 0.92- . 0,92 006 i 0,09 1 S 2.9 6 ^1 Valley-lope'. Seat 0.217% 0.557% 0.46% 0,40' , Channel Slope . Scn 0.216m» 0.462°°n 0.43% 0,2H : Siriuosi . K 1.005 1.21 1 11 1,10 -- Pool Slope.. Sp 0.03° 0.0210 0.07% O 02- P, Channel mm ---_i_. _ ..... Ds,, Ghennei mm 0,25 1,0 -- 0.50 -- 0.50 -- l D• Channel I olio ' 1.0 1-0 5-7 5.7 values presetlteci are for the scour lines observed duriuLl surrey, but are not for hankfull d.at<a and arc ili tided for informational purposes only. The information provided is for disch.arnc evenls lea than Bankfull and are shown to indicate entrenchment of the ohserved data and indicate overall channel insiahilily. Dewberry x 01 7.9 Sediment Transport Analysis C'hartncl bed and bank materials uatluencc many stream characteristics, including the cross-sectional ortti, plant-vic,t?, attd lotrgitudirt tl i'arofile. They also deterntirae the extent of seditnertt transport arad provide the means of resistance to Ii. cdratllic stress (Rosgcrr, 1996). The torn "charnrel materials" refers primarily to the sttrlacc; particles that make, up both the bed <md banks NvIthin the bankfull channel. TVI)ically, streams will haz c coarser material comprising the stream bed, which is referred to as pavement. Filler particles, sub-Iavement, are normally found under the pavement. The sub- pm etilcnt is ira(licative of the ratage of >izcs of sediment that are Ilkcly to be rraol)i.lizccl when stream flows are approachingor are at bankfull discharge levels (Rosgen, 1996). The pebble count method NvaS used fins field determination of the particle size distribution of channel materials (Rosgen 1996). Pebble coutats were sampled by Dewberry in riffle sections for the t `TFBD. Pebble count data has been analyzed b?. Dewberry to determine the median size of bed scclirnetlt, I ) o, for the upstream section of* the UIT E31) (upstream of conflttenc-e with the the downstream section of the L.YFFBD (downstream of cot)fluctlcc With the and the entire study reach of the L. TFBD. This data is presented in Table 22. Table 22 Summarv of Pebble Count Analysis Stud Reach Dsa(mm)-. lJTF13D. a stream section UTFBD, entire reach n Based on this analysis, the stream lx _1 is conaprisetl of niedrtun sand for tile UITH31), Ira addition to taebble counts, a Ilavctncntlstab l7avemcratcore kvas takea7 at the di viistream section of the UTBFD, just downstream of the cotrtlucnce with the UT. Fidel inspection of the pavement. sub- pavemcnt. and the material beloW tllc sttb-patyemcnt revealed nearly Itoniogencous soils far a depth tarttch greater than that of the sub-pavetracrat.. Sieve analysis (completed by 1--roehlirt4g & Robertson. inc..) was performed on this sainpte and is stlinniarizcd III Table 23. Table 23 Summary of Pavement/Sub-pavement sample for UTFBD - Sample -- 11)„x,} (mm) j Pa1e.m:n1 t) tit) Sub pavement t) S7 'I he study streams for this project hayc sand beds, so some of tlrc. more comnrotr sediment traarst)ort ,analysis equations, includill" the Shields cyttauon, arc not suitable for this stre'aw The Blanch Re-Ime T orntula has bccn selcet.ed lo) Ilse for sediment transport analysis Tor the study reach. This lormula is interulcd to app1V only to sand bed streams that are in equilibrium acid have dtarae-covered beds (Vamarti, 1977). The study reach is characterized by sated bed throuf ltoatt, thus this formula has been selected as a tool to calculate seduncrrt transport. The Blench Regime Formula is cited in Vanoni (1977) as equation 2.232. 9 Dewberry 2< (1+0.12x1W (err?y))11/12 1 + (1/233 x 10)(C,,,/y) 3.6:3 g blrsgl;l2s 114 0i11 1112 k_u in which C,,,= sediment discharge concentration, n1 pounds per cubic foot; dgo.,,,,,,= median size of bed seditent, in millimeters; b = width of stream, in feet; k =a rncandercoeflicaent with values of 1.25 for straight reaches, 2.0 for streams with well-developed meanders, and 2.77 for very sinuous streams, g = gravity in ft/s2, q = water discharge, in cubic fect per second per foot of width; v = kinematic viscosity ill ft' /s; and y = specific weight of water in pounds per cubic foot. The Blench Regime Formula. for sand bed streams can be used to calculate sediment discharge concentration, C:, To maintain that the proposed stream has similar sediment transport capability as the existing stream, the proposed stream's sediment discharge concentration (C, J,p,wd) must be equal to the existing sedimentdischarge concentration (C.:', eY,,, „R}. The sediment discharge concentration is the only variable, so the left side of the equation will be equal for the existing and proposed conditions. Therefore, the right side of the equation must be equal for the existing and proposed equations. All variables for the existing condition are known, and we can solve for the median size of bed sediment transported in the proposed condition. Eidstina Condition 3.63 g blsqul'S knu"4(l.9(d,?,u„)t?s?nrln = 3.63 r b114q"'S k.„1) 1141 L9fd... ,,,, )?ssf M2 Table 24 below summarizes the equation variables: Table 24 Summary of Sediment Transport Equation Variables Existing Proposed Variable Value Value Unit D50 0.87 0.781 mm b 11.2 17.5 ft k,„ 1.25 1.25 Y 62.4 62.4 Lb/fta q 6.52 417 _ Ff /s/ft S 0.0043 0.0038 Ft/ft V 1.217E-05 1.217E 05 Ft /s g 32.2 32.2 Ft/s 0 Solving the equation for D , in the proposed condition, D50 equals 0.781 mm. The median sire of sediment in transport for the proposed condition is similar to the existing size for seditrnent in transport for the existing stream: the proposed stream should be adequately sized to transport similar sized sediment. JJ# Dewberry 0 DRAWINGS 8.1 Typical Cross-Sections The proposed cross-sections will modify the UT13FD to a stream with a C51 H5 Kos-en stream that is reattached to the floodplain. The proposed cross-sections have a bankfull cross-sectional area of approximately 24.2 square feet, a bankfull width of 17.5 feet, a bankfull maximum depth of 2?5 1ect:, r and a bankfull mean depth of 1.4 feet. The width to depth ratio is approximately 12.7 and the entrenchment ratio will modified to greater than 2.2. The typical section is shown in the provided plan set in. Sheets 24 and 25. 81 Structures Natural stream design structures will not be used for this restoration due to constraints noted previously. Two woad bridges built on concrete abutments have been designed to span the constructed stream. The bridges will be built so that the low chord of.the bridge sits above the floodplain bench. and will transition back to grade based on ADA requirerlients. Structural drawings can be viewed in Shect 30 in the provided plan set. 8.3 Channel Plugs Channel plugs will be necessary for the locations where the new channel leaves the old channel. Permanent erosion control matting will be used in place of root wads in high velocity areas due to conservation cascmcntand utility constraints. 0 Dewberry 11 911 Stormwater Best Management Practiice Selection The EEP has expressed an interest in constructing a best management practice (BMP) capable of reducing nitrogen since the submission of the original Conceptual Plan (submitted July 6,2000. Through investigation of the site and its limitations, it has been decided that a constructed wetand will provide the greatest amount of nitrogen reduction potential based on area available tilt- use (presented in Amended Concept Plan submitted January 28.2005). Pocket wetlands offer characteristics that make them the most favorable nitrogen reduction BMP application for this project site. Pocket wetlands that are designed following the recotmnended design guidance offer the most nitrogen reducing credit; reducing the nitrogen load by 4W`(). Tltis will provide the most efficient BMP for removing nitrogen at. this site. In addition, constructed wetlands are shallower in nature, providing a safer environment (when compared to wet detention ponds will) lat ?`e areas of open water) for the residents and children of the G1 IA_ 9.2 Constructed Wetland Description 'rile proposed wetland will be located oil property owned by the NC Department of Tra nsportatio1h. and receive flow from the UT to the UIBFD, The LT is a jurisdictional stream, and regulatory agencies typically will not permit treatment facilities, such as BMP's, to be located on-line with the jurisdic(iotial stream. Consequently, this BMP will be located off-line from the contributing drainage area and will rely on an inflow weir from the channel bank of the Ur to provide flow into the BMP. The inflow weir will be, located above the bankfull elevation, such that the base flow for the jurisdictional stream will not be diverted into the BMP, but only excess flow during; storm e? eats will be diverted. This BMP cannot be designed in full compliance with tlhe Design Guidelines for BMP's established by NC'DENR (on-lime). I-herefore, tile nitrogen load reduction can only be estimated as a portion of the total potential removal of an on-line BMP. The drainage area to the LTT is approximately 125 acres with approximately 50 nacres of imperviousness. The existing Nitrogen load to the UT at the location of the BMP is azpproximate ly 1229 lb/yr. It is anticipated that the BMP will receive flow during several storm events each year, as the typical one inch storm event and tine one year de.sigrt storm are expected to overtop the weir In 1.8 or 17 feet, respectively. 9.3 ". Design Parameters The proposed wetland design follows the guidelines provided by NCDE.NR to establish characteristic features such as I.ow Marsh, High Marsh and Open Water sedimentation forebays. Certain guidelines were modified such as flow regime and percentage of area dedicated to each marsh type due to site constraints. The completed design based on NCDENR guidance is provided in Appendix I)-2: Supporting Wetland Design and Nitrogen I...,oad Calculations. 9.4 Control Structure Evaluation The design of the inflow and outflow control structures for the wetland was evaluated based txa a series of flow calculations. These include the I-inch flow, estimated base flow and 2-vr flow for the UT. These flows and corresponding water surface elevations were used to cstahlisb the appropriate inflow elevation fi-orn the UT that would comply with DWQ reclaurelnents. Further these flows and f Dewberry the seasonal high ,routidwaterelevations were used to establish the normal pool tuxl treatment elevations of the wetland. The final design inflow elevation is 69.5 NAVD which is also the normal pool of the wcdand. The supportingcalctdations for the flows and elevations can be l6und in Appendix D-3: Supporting Wetland Inflow Calculations. r: 0 An evaluation of flow control devices was also performed at the request of I;L P. The Following table Summarizes the factors considered l )r each device: Table 25 Flow Control Device Evaluation Summary Device Relative Cast Lirrtilations Benefits Concrete Riser high 1. Requires placement of ! Low maintenance concrete or within ? 1(H) yr life cycle stream buf'Icr if cast-in- place ?. Requires the use of heavy equipment to i install as pic-cast 3. Fixed control elevation CMP Flashboard Miser Moderate. 1. Rcquiresextavatioll I. Installation by I within stream hand or small 2. Limited life cycle (50 cquipnlcnl yrN) 2. 11_1?lsily adjusta.hIc C011trol elcl ltion Concrete Welt' I Iigh i . Rc.grnres placement of f . Low ryinintCnan4el concrete or within 2. I(H)vi life c ? clc stream buffer if cast-in- place 2. Requires the use of heavy equipment to install as pre-cast I=ixed control elevation 4. No backflow control Stabilized Bcrm Overflow Low I. No backflow control I. Low maintcnancc'. 2. Fixad control clc%ation ?. Unlimited lifc cycle 3. Installation by hand or small ec utPlucnt Rubbcr"duckbill" IIit'll I Cost I. Low maintenance backflow preventer 2 50 Yr life cycle 3. Installation by Rand oi- small cqui mcnt , Aluminum Flap gate Lmv I. Moli maintenance l Installation by 2. Clan fail to ,hut or open hand or Small if' not maintained equipment j-- 3. 5-10 w Iifecycle Based on the information provided above Dewberry recommends the, use of C N'IP flashboard risers for both structures with a tubber "duckbill" backflow pre-venter on the inflow Structure. Dewberry 3 ; X1.5 Maintenance Recommendations Constructed v,,etlands require periodic rnaintenance. This is drte to design intent to retain portions tat` the storm flow for removal of` Nitrogen. This Function also results in the settling of solids firom the water column in the quiescent pool of the wetland. In order to Iirnit the impact to the wetland frorn maintenance a forebay, or, deep settling pool of open water is incorporated in the wetland design. The majority of' the large particle settling wilt take place in this area limiting distribution of sediments into the rest of the wetland. Since: the base floe will not be treated in the proposed BMP for this site the amount of sedirrrents trapped should be less than norrnally expected. It is recommended that- the forebay be nionitored for depth annually and the wetland visually inspected for sedimentation deposits. A reduction of 301.1%0 of` the depth of the forebay or- niore indicates the need for- maintenance. This can be accomplished by manual or nuchanical rernoval of the accuniulated sediments front the, forebay. Further if sedirtrcnt-ation deposits are observed within the wetland these should also be rernoved rnanwilly taking if possible. Il' the quantity of sediments, in the «vc.tland is not icasible to be removed by hand rnechanieal eLlUipme17 Can be used. I loweycr, came should be Taken to rninintize the disturbance of` tile: vegetation Nvherc possible. It is anticipated that periodic rnaintenanceof the BMP will be required on a 10 year cycle. Dewberry 34 10.1 Riparian Buffer As part of' the stream restoration, the project will include the restoration and repair of the riparian buffer along the project reach. Within the project reach, the riparian buffer is in need of' varying levels of restoration ranging from complete restoration to augmentation. The riparian buffer augmentation and restoration will extend out from the stream channel to the limits of the easement boundary. 'T'hree zones of planting were established based on hydrologic reginne. The first zone is the bench, an engineered levee beginning at the edges of the thalwcg and Nvithin the main channel. Zone One (I) is designed to receive the bankfull flood. Zone Two (2) is the slope front the bench to the top of the greatcrchannel. Zone Tvvo will receive less freeltrent flooding than Zone One. The third zone extends frorn the top of' the slope to the Knits of the easement. Zone. Three is within the 100-year floodplain of the stream. Zones One and Two will be planted with a density of 400 wordy saplings per acre and 10,CAX) herbaceous plants per acre.. The plants to be planted in these Zones are hydrophytic and flood,. tolerant. Zone Threc will be planted with herbaceous plants and six (6) specirlnen trees. The buffer will be planted with a seed mix of native permanent grasses, graminoids and woody plant seed. The seed rnix is a combination of hardy cool and warns season grasses designed to create a stable and durable riparian zone.. In conjunction with the permanent seeding. a temporary seed rnix of annual grasses will be applied for immediate erosion control purposes. Table 26 Streain Channel and Riparian Zone Plantings (entire easement area except BM P) (4 PLANT SCHED ULE: Zones 1, 2 and 3 Scientific Name Common Name Spacing Minimum Stock Zone Distribution 00 On- Center TREES ANT) SHRG`BS Samhucus ranadensis Iilderbern> T Live stake or I of 2 12aundom mix tubelin Salix ni,,ra Black Willow 2' T.ive stake or I or 2 Random mix tubelin Sa&r raroliniana S"anap Willow 2' Live stake or I or 2 Ranrxiom rrr ix tubelin Cornus arnornuXn Silky I)ogwoxl 2' Live stake or I or 2 Random rn ix tubelin Platanus orcidentalis Sycamore 2` Live stake or I or 2 Random nix tubelin Betula ni ra River Bich 2' Live stake or 1 or 2 Random mix tubelin 11yrica cerdf'era Wax Myrtle 2' T.ive stake or i or 2 Ran(enll mix wNlin g Liquidambar Sweet Gtm 2" Live stake or or 2 Rallndom mix stvraci ua [esbelin> Alnus serrulata Alder L i v e stazhe or or ' lice' n d o n i m i x tubelin l.Xitdet'a l3eXJt,dnX1 spicebush G ` Live stale or I or 2 Raundor n m i x tubelin Dewberry 35 0 C PLANT SCHEDULE: Zones 1 2 and 3 Scientific Name Common Name Spacing; ;Minimum Stock (ft) On- Center 'hone _ Distribution I -- HERBACEOUS T Ascle>ias incarnala Swum milkweed 2' Plu, I or 2 Random mix Carex vul plnoulea Fox Sedge 2 Plug I or 2 Randoni mix Carexstrlcia Tussockscd'e 2' Plug' (t>r ? Random mix Iris virginica Southern Bluella-, 2' Phlu 2 Random mix seignis luvratilr's River Butrush 2' _ Spaqunhim ctrnerictuutrrt Eastern BUrrecd 2' t'lug ? I or2 Random illx Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower 2' 1 quart of 2 Randcn n mix Mertensia virsinica Bluebells 2' Plug 2 or 3 Random prix Saururus cernurrs t.irard's Tail 2' Plug E l or 2 Random mix r ;.ctrna atdlatK'a Wild Rice ? _.._ Plug ? 2 ? Random Im Bu patoriurn pe blr'arunr Perforated Bone.sct . ... ......_ ? ?i .. Plug ., ....?.?.?- L R.itid Sc:irpus atrovirens Green Bulrush 2' P1u ? 1 or 2 Random mix ? Vernonia noveboracensis New York Ironweed 2' or 3 Random lilix Vernorna i rantea Giant Ironwecd 2 P1u ? 2 or.; Random mix anicurn viQafunr Panics ?ra!is 2' 2 or _? RU1dUlit mix PCrrslernon 1l1NVrgfltits Beitfd ton ue 2' plu 3 Random mix Baptista alts (B. lac:tea) Wild Whitt, Indigo 2' Plug 3 Random mix Phlox caroliniana Wild Blue Phlox 2' Plu ? ? Random mix Rudbeckia hirta Blacke ed Susan 2' Pius - 3 Ran,iont rrfix Cinrici a >a racenrosa Black Cohosh 2' Pir I 10tidmil fill \ Monardct rstnlosa Ber<,amol 2' _ „ _ Plug ? Ranti?,in m Corer psis tinctoria Tickseed 2' Plug 3 Runtlum mix * A minimum of six (b) of the scheduled species per zone mutt be planted. Within c ac'h zone the plant species are not to be clumped, but randomly mixed. Minimum density of X400 trees and shru4x per acre and 10,0()0 herbaceous plants per acre. PLANT SCHEDULE: Zone 3 m._...... ..... Scientific Name Common Minimum Minimum zone D?strfhution ** E Name Stock Cali er SPECIMEN TRL'LS Quercus phellos Willow Oak B&B Where n{aced flex _o racer American MIN B&B Z Where noted Betula ni gra River Birch B&B 2" ?t Whrrc Platantts Sycamore B&B Whcrr rn?tctl occ ulc ntalic lurr?erus rir?iniana Red Cedar B&B p" ? ? 4Vhcrc noted **A minimum of three (3) of the scheduled species per rune mtist b : planted, Dewberry to PLANT SCHEDULE: Permanent Seed Mix for Zones one (1) and two (2 Scientific Name Common Name Elvinus virginicus Virginia Rye Hhnmscanadensis wdd Rvc C"hasmanthitun lati ulium River Oats - EA-mus hvslri< fl/vstric gar„ la) Bottlebretsh Grass Dichantheliuin cornnnuaunn Variable. Witchorass Schi aditl'triaurt scr? ?uriun7 Little Bluestein Anelro ion wi virginicus [3rcxrtnse<I c Andro o>on s;erardii Biro Bluestem particuntvir>ation Switchgrass Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower ? ? Erianthas gi ganteus Plutnc Grass Rhu_s ?Iahra Sttu>uth Sumac Samhacus callctdensis Iilderbem C ornus amommn Silks I ogvk,Uod Benda to gra River rttrch -?? Plf7tanlts Od°c'idt'ntaltl' Sveamore Seed mix is applied to all disturbed areas. 10.2 Riparian Vegetation Within the planted butter, species survival will be determined by ve,et ttive plots established at the completion of conStntctt0n. Species density and survival will be documented, aloigw with Species not installed drtring, the butter planting. 10.3 Constructed Welland t3iNN1P Vegetation C As pate. of' this project. a constructed wetlaiid will be constructed to treat: stormwater flowing from a vet); o.rbanized watershed. In order to obtain maximum benefit of the treatment: effects of the constructed wetland. I Troup of plants will need to be planted that are adapted to shallow water conditions as well as to deeper intrequent 1100d condition,. In order to provide the correct plants for the coilstntc.ted N-vetiand, the 13,,W) area was broken down into three (3) plarrtirt" zones. These. three (i) zones are Low- Marsh (1.k1), Noll %,Iarsll (11M). . and BUITer (13f). The ldnv nlarSh zone will be those areas of' the constructed wetland with a permanent water depth of Ci to 12 inches. The high marsh zone will be those areas of the constructed wetk uid with a permanem water depth of 0 to 6 inches. The buk'ker zone will be all those areas o1' the ci:mstrttcted wetland above the pern?ianent pool water elevation. The boner zone will also iruClude the maintenance corridor alonz; the perirtteter of' tile COllStrUcted w"etlandl 13NIP. The plants, such as switchgrass, can readily handle intermittent vehicle traffic and etert can be covered by ackclitiottal soil/sediment and quickly recover. llowever, this area should not be mowed reeul<:trly a5 this would be detrimental to these species. Dewberry 37 Table 27 Planting Zones and Plant Species list for the Constructed Wetland BM P I.ow Marsh I M : 6 to ?2 inches below narmul pool Spacing (ft) Scientific Name Common Name Layer On-Center Plant Size Distribution Schoenoplectus tabemaemontani or Sci us validus 5oftstern Bulrush Herb 2x2 N my Lame Mass Pontederia cordata Pickerel Weed Ilerb 2x2 _ Plug 1..-arm: Mas Zizaniopsismiliacea Giam Rice Cutgrass Herb 2x2 Plug I.argc Mass High Marsh (HM): 0 to 6 inches below normal pool 0 Scientific Name Common Name Layer Spacing {ft) On-Center Plant Size Distribution Iris i?ir ginica Blue L la a Iris Herb 2x2 Piu111 L.ar Ic NIfass Juncus .s'1'w hush Ilerh _ 3x2 Pluo I.arec Mass Pc ltamlra i•ir giniea Arro" arum Herb 2x2 P111" l.arve Ntatiti Pontederia cordam Pickerel Weed Iferh 2x2 PIu0 I.aree Mass Sa ittaria lati olia Duck Potato Herb 2x2 Plug I it ?tas5 Saururuscemuus Ii/,aid'siail Herb 2x2 Plu 1 1aweMass Schoenoplectus tabemaemontani or Scir us validus Softstem Bulrush i herb 2x2 IM! Largc, Mass f Buffer B : All Areas Above Normal Pool Scientific Narne Common Name Laver Plant Sue Distribution Permanent Seeding - Panieum vir atum Switch=rass I lerb Seed Broadcast Mix Juncus effusus Soft Rush Hods Seed Broadcast Mix El mus vir inicus Virginia Wild Rvc Herb Seed $ Broadcast Mix Temporary- Erasion Seeding g Lolium multi orunt _ Annual R e rass Herb Seed Bro icic ast Mix Setaria italiea German Millet f lerb Secd tiro tdc ist 'lie 10.4 Constructed Wetland B MP Vegetation Monitoring Within the constructed wetland BVII. plant survival will be determined by vegetative plots established at the completion of construction. Plant coverage and health will be documented, along with arty other noted issues during the mcmitorinl visit. Dewberry 38 E L' 1-1 11.1 Cross-Sectional anti Longitudinal Geomot-phology Following construction, the restored or enhanced section of the t'Tf3} D will he resurveyed longitudinally and at permancntly established cross-sections. Photo points will also be established for tuturc visits. One vcar tolloWing construction, the restored or enhanced sections of the UTI3I'D will be resr rveycd longitudinally and at the permanent cross-sections. Photographs will again tx taken. The stability of the channel will be assessed by comparing this survey to the as-built surtiey and the survey of' the permanent cross-sections. Monitoring will be perlorrned in accordance with the latest monitoring protocol and fiormat template. Dewberry 39 12 STREAM SUCCESS CRITERIA 12.1 Monitoring; Report The results of the channel survey and vegetative surveys will be summarized in a post,-construction monitoring report and presented alone with photographs to I F;P. The First annual Inorlitorin` report will be completed by Dewberry and delivered to EEP one year after construction. Additional long- term monitoring will be the responsibility of' the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Monitorin,,,, will be perCorrned in accordance with the latest monitoring protocol and format template. 11 • Dewberry 40 13 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING The general sequence of construction will proceed from upstream to downstrearn and is described in general terms below. Variance fl-om the construction sequence as shown on the construction plan and specifications will need prior approval from the engineer of record. 13.1 Prior to Construction Prior to construction, a pre-construction meeting will be held. Following this nreetirrg, and prior to staking, the contractor will coordinate with the landowner and engineer to locate suitable staging areas. The contractor will stake the stream alignment, mark the limits of grading and clearing, and mark the Limits of Disturbance (LOD). The contractor will then install tree protection measures. Sediment control devices and runoff control measures will be installed. Following inspection of'' protective measures, all vegetation marked for removal will be removed. The staging, entry. and access routes will be cleared and then constructed. 13.2 During Construction Each days work will be limited to the amount of work that can be completed and protected with permanent or temporary reasures before the work day's end. Sediment and erosion control incasures will be inspected and repaired/adjusted claily. The stream channel will be protected from construction by diverting the natural flow opposite the bank that is under construction. Techniques to divert stream flow may inclUdc, but are not limited to: ( I ) edging with sandbag,, (2-}conveying water with corrugated metal pipe or corrugated plastic, or (?) bypass water by pump around. Topsoil will be stripped and stockpiled to be placed over fill as needed. The channel will be excavated, and in-stream structures will be installed. The structures will be surveyed and streani banks will receive final grading to design cross-sectional shape. The channel cross-section will be surf eyed and modified as needed. Finished slopes will be stabilized with coir matting and the area will be ternporarily or permanently seeded according to the plans and specifications. All land disturbance activitie, associated with the restoration are to be in accordance to the NC; Erosion and Sediment (:ontrol Planning and Design Manual and the NC Erosion and Sediurrcut Control Field Manual. Sediment and erosion control measures will be shown in detail on the construction plans and a sediment and erosion control plan will be submitted to the NC Division of' Land Quality, for permitting when construction plans are completed. Section 13.3 provides a general overview of several important sediment and erosion control issues for this restoration. 13.3 Sediment and Erosion Control Sediment and erosion control measures to be used may include, but are not limited to, diversion ditches, sediment basins, check darns, outlet protection, tree protection fencing, silt fencing, temporary seeding!, mulching, and erosion control blankets. Work will be limited to the length of stream that can be constructed and stabilized before the end of the work dav. All sediment and Dewberry 41 0 E erosion control rpeasures will be inspected daily and li>llw ing s101,€11 events, and will be adjusted and/or repaired as needed. 13.3.1 Tree Protection The site contains a large number of mature overstory trees. Tree preservation and protection rlletrsures will be used to prevent daniage to designated trees. Grading around trees that remain if] place will be done to minimize soil compaction over the roots. 13.3.2 Erosion Control Features Silt funding will be used where necessary to control sediment transport: and to protect: exposed and steep grades. Additional protection will be required ('c>r denuded areas that are not at final grade within seven days, and frown any slope that seeps water fiorn the slope face. Sediment basins and traps, perinlcterdikes, sediment barriers and other measures shall be constructed as a first step in any land disturbing activity and will be made functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. Stockpiles will be stabilized or protected with sediment trapping pleasures. Temporarily Impacted Areas Temporary stream crossings may be required for this project. These crossing will be restored pricer to the conlllletion of the project. When stream reaches require deNvateririg, a lnnnp around detail must be provided to the engineer Im review prior to installation. and/or mulch, weed free straw, hydro-mulch, cover crop, erosion control btanket, or sirrrilar. A suitable temporary seed mixture will be provided on the construction plans. Silt fence will be used as needed in addition to temporary seeding. All disturbed areas above normal water level will receive temporary stabilization with vegetation Temporary accesses, storage, and staging areas are to be restored to preeonstructiorlcorutitiorrs. The soil will be restored to alleviate compaction. l',xposed areas will be stabilized in a planner similar to disturbed areas described above. Where vehicle access intersects paved public roads, provisions shall be made to minimize transport of sediment by vehicular traffic. When sediment is transported to paved surfaces, the surface shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Washing will not be allowed until the surface has been shoveled or swept and sediment: disposed in a sediment control area. All temporary sediment and erosion control measures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed. ']'rapped sediment and disturbed sail areas resulting from the disposition of temporary pleasures shall be perinancirt1y stabilized to prevent further erosion arid sedimentation. Dewberry 42 0 13.4 Following Construction All temporary erosion and control measures Nvill he removed within 30 days after final site in>pection. An as-built survey and as-(x.?ilt plans will tv pe,rl'Ormcd and prepared by the contractor to ensure that the locatior3 and elevation of the all',m rent and in-strc?uaa structures arc in good a-rccment with the design plans. 0 Dewberry 43 Brockman, C. Frank, illustrated by Merrilees, Rebecca. 1968. Trees of North America. Golden Press, NY, New York. C:'arolinaRaptorCenter. httP.wllw4a,v__c?roi,inara.f7.t+ rc nter,t?r?(rs hawk.nhv Doll, Barbara A. et. al,. 2000. Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Urban Streams Throughout the Piedmont of North Carolina. American Water Resources Association. Doll, Barbara A. et al. "Hydraulic Geometry Relationships for Rural North Carolina Coastal Plain Streams". As published in Stream Restoration: A iVatural Channel Design handbook, prepared t7 the North. Carolina Stream Restoration Institute and North Carolina Sea Grant. FISRW'G (1011998). Stream Comdor Restoration: Principles, Processes, and Practices. 13N, the Federal Interagency Stream Restoration Working Group (F-lSRWG) (15 Federal q,encics of the US gov't). GPO Iterri No. 0120-A; SuDocs No. A 57.6/2:EN 3/PT.653. ISBN-0-93421 3-59-3. Harman, William A. et. al,. June/July 1999. Bankfull I-lydrauhe; Geometry Relationships for North Carolina Streams. American Water Resources Association Summer Symposiurn Proceedings. Harrelson. Cheryl C.; Rawlins, C. 1..; Potyondy,.lohn, P. 1994. Stream channel reference sites: an illustrated guide to field techniques. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM-245. Fort Collins, CO: U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 61 p. [ley, Richard D. and Dave Rosgen. 1997. Fluvial C eomorpholoEgy for [l;rrgirrccrs. Wildland Ilydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. North Carolina. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of' Water Quality Section. October 1995. Basinkvide Assessment Report - Neuse River. Notch Carc7hna Division of` Water Quality, Raleigh, N.C. North Carolina 1.)epartrnent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section. August 1997. Common Wetland Plants of NC. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, N.C. North. Carolina Department of Environment. and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section. August 2000. Neuse River Basinwide Water Quality Plan. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, N.C. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Section. April 2001. Internal Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, N.'. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Nonpoint Source Management Program. httt,a/h3o e nr wtate.nc uslrrt,;/uwrc oltrr.?i( North Carolina Office of Environmental Education- North Carolina River Basin Maps htt:!/www.t;e c.nr stt?te nc.a?slecoadrtWatershuis-NC-nta .html Dewberry 44 North CaroIIII?IStreiana Restoration In, titute 199N. 1Ziver COLKS S 1- 1. North Carohna State Bio-Ag Fngineerrng Coopernt.iae i;.?tension Service Water Quality Group, lZaleigh, NC'- North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute - Recornmended Coastal Plain Native Plants htU:f(?i??5.f>ae.nctiLa.z:dtr/t7rcirraw/etecastoralutriflZ?cttr?ints°nded`r'f)'a'r? es. lit tn#Coeast<aI'/(2(Wi kin`_/e )OlZe_,i?_n`t North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute- Rural Coastal Regional Curves h.*t ://,%yw w,bae,xtensiordw ?r sri/coa,sta1,1Itrrr Radford, Albert; Ahles, I larrv, and Bell, C. Ritchie. September 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Rosgen, Dave. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology, Pagosa Springs, Colorado. United States Dish and WlldlifeSer ice. United States Department of ArrieLilture. et al. 1998. Stream Corridor Restoration Principles, Processes, and Practices. United States Government Printing Office, Washington. D.C United States Department of Agriculture. Plants Database. htt ,/t lants,usda l United Stages Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. June 1974. Soil Survey of Wayne County. North Carolina. Soil Survey Staff. United States Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. Varaoni, Vito (1977). Sedimentation l nrineering. New York: ASCL. 0 ff Dewberry 45 Click on the Desired Link Below Appendices