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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090526 Ver 1_More Info Letter_20090520NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Division of Water Quality Coleen K Sullins Director Dee Freeman Secretary May 20, 2009 David and Elaine Thomas 5684 US Highway 19E Mars Hill, NC 28754 Subject: Request for More Information 401 Water Quality Certification Thomas Property: Farm Access Improvement Project DWQ Project # 09-0526 Madison County Response deadline: June 22, 2009 or 30 days from receipt Dear Mr. and Mrs. Thomas: The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has performed a preliminary review of a 401 Water Quality Certification application submitted for the above referenced property. Additional information will be required in order to complete the review process. Please provide the following information so that we may continue to review your project. As stated in the application, up to 125 linear feet of stream will be impacted by the proposed farm road. Please work with your consultant and the USACOE to determine if the impact of the project may be decreased. All efforts must be made to minimize adverse impacts to surface waters [ref. 15A NCAC 2H .0506(b)(2)]. Please provide your response in writing to the addresses below prior to June 22, 2009 or 30 days from receipt. Four copies of the required information should be provided to the 401 Permitting Unit at: Ms. Cyndi Karoly 401 Permitting Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Location: 2090 U.S. Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778 Phone: 828-296-45001 FAX: 828-299-70431 Customer Service: 1-877-623-6748 Internet: An Equal Opportunity '•, Affirmative Action Employer One NorthCarolina Aw ra!!y Mr. and Mrs. Thomas May 20, 2009 Page 2 of 2 and a single copy to the Asheville Regional Office at: Ms. Susan A. Wilson Surface Water Protection Section 2090 US HWY 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 If we do not hear from you by the deadline, we will assume that you no longer want to pursue this project and we will consider the project withdrawn. This letter only addresses the preliminary application review and does not authorize any impacts to wetlands, waters or protected buffers. Please be aware that any impacts requested within your application are not authorized (at this time) by the DWQ. Please call Ms. Wilson 828-296-4665, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Roger C. Edwards Regional Office Supervisor Surface Water Protection Section RCE/saw cc: Ms. David Baker - US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Field Office Cyndi Karoly - 401 Permitting Unit Madison County Planning ARO File copy Carmen Horne-McIntyre, Michael Baker Engineering, cmcintyre a (e-copy) G:\WPDATA\DEMWQ\Madison\401s\Thomas Property\Thomas Prop Farm access 09-0526 addinfo 5 20 2009.doc