HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0005088_Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_20180515 ASH BASIN PUMPING TEST WORK PLAN AT ROGERS ENERGY COMPLEX 573 DUKE POWER ROAD MOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 28114 PREPARED FOR DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC Christopher H. Bruce, NC LG 2246 Sr. Geologist Scott Spinner, NC LG 2243 Project Manager Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page i P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1-1 2.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL ................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology ............................................................................ 2-1 2.1.1 Site Geology ......................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1.2 Site Hydrogeology .............................................................................................. 2-4 3.0 WELL INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 3-1 3.1 Installation of Pumping and Observation Wells .................................................. 3-1 3.1.1 Ash Pumping Well Installation ......................................................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Saprolite Pumping Well Installation ................................................................ 3-2 3.1.3 Ash Observation Well Installation ................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Well Development .................................................................................................... 3-3 4.0 AQUIFER PUMP TEST DATA NEEDS.................................................................... 4-1 5.0 AQUIFER PUMPING TEST ....................................................................................... 5-1 5.1 Static Water Level Collection .................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Pumping System Installation .................................................................................. 5-1 5.3 Step-Drawdown Tests .............................................................................................. 5-2 5.4 Step Test Recovery .................................................................................................... 5-2 5.5 Constant-Rate Pumping Test .................................................................................. 5-3 6.0 WATER-QUALITY MEASUREMENTS AND SAMPLING ................................. 6-1 7.0 ANALYSIS OF WATER-LEVEL DATA ................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Baseline Analysis....................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Step Test Analysis ..................................................................................................... 7-1 7.3 Constant Discharge Rate Test Analysis ................................................................. 7-1 8.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 8-1 Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page ii P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Vicinity Map Figure 3 Proposed Location for AB-3 Well Cluster Pumping Test Figure 4 Proposed Location for AB-4 Well Cluster Pumping Test Figure 5 Typical Flow Meter Configuration Figure 6 Typical Step Test Drawdown Curve LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Proposed Well Construction Details Table 2 Proposed Wells to be Monitored at Each Well Cluster During Ash Basin Pumping Test LIST OF APPENDICIES Appendix A Boring Logs for AB-3 and AB-4 Well Clusters Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 1-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 1.0 INTRODUCTION Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy) owns and operates the Rogers Energy Complex (Cliffside Steam Station, Site), located near Mooresboro, North Carolina (Figure 1). The Site occupies approximately 1,000 acres and is owned by Duke Energy (Figure 2). The Site is a coal-fired electricity generating facility with a current capacity of 1,381 megawatts (MW). The station began commercial operations in July 1940 with Units 1-4 (198 MW total). Unit 5 (556 MW) began operations in 1972, increasing the total plant capacity to 754 MW. Construction of Unit 6, an 825 MW clean-coal unit, began in 2008 and the unit began commercial operations in 2012. Units 1-4 were retired from service in October 2011, and Units 5 and 6 continue to operate and use the active ash basin. Unit 5 operates with wet bottom ash and wet fly ash handling. Unit 6 operates with dry bottom ash and dry fly ash handling. The Site’s ash basin system is located both west and east-southeast from the station and adjacent to the Broad River, and consists of an active ash basin, the Units 1-4 inactive ash basin, and the Unit 5 inactive ash basin. The Units 1-4 inactive ash basin is located immediately east of the retired Units 1-4. It was constructed in 1957 and began operations the same year. The Units 1 -4 ash basin was retired in 1977 once it reached capacity, although five small settling cells still exist on the western portion of the footprint, and the limited stormwater that drains to these cells is pumped to the active ash basin (located southeast of the Units 1-4 inactive ash basin). Detailed descriptions of the Site operational history, the Site conceptual model, physical setting and features, geology/hydrogeology, and results of the findings of the CSA and other CAMA-related works are documented in full in the following documents: Comprehensive Site Assessment Report – Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin (HDR, August 18, 2015). Corrective Action Plan Part 1 – Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin (HDR, November 16, 2015). Corrective Action Plan Part 2– Cliffside Steam Station Ash Basin (included CSA Supplement 1 as Appendix A) (HDR, February 12, 2016). Comprehensive Site Assessment Supplement 2 – Cliffside Steam Station (HDR, August 8, 2016). Comprehensive Site Assessment Update – Cliffside Steam Station (SynTerra, January 31, 2018). Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 1-2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx Ash basin pumping test are planned to collect site specific data to further refine the groundwater flow and transport model to be used for closure planning and potential groundwater corrective action evaluation. The pumping tests would focus on evaluation of field scale horizontal and vertical variability of the hydrologic characteristics for the saturated media. Each test would provide estimates of media properties including transmissivity (T), hydraulic conductivity (K), and storativity (S). The following major tasks are anticipated for well installation and ash basin pumping test at the Rogers Energy Complex: 1. Well Installation and Development 2. Static Water Level (Baseline Data) Collection 3. Pumping System Installation 4. Step-Drawdown Tests 5. Step Drawdown Test Recovery 6. Constant Rate Pumping Tests 7. Water Quality Sampling 8. Data Analysis As a portion of this scope of work, both pumping wells and observation wells will be installed at the Site. A total of two ash pumping wells and one saprolite pumping well will be installed at selected locations. A total of six new observation wells will also be installed. Additionally, six existing wells will be utilized as observation points during the ash pumping test. One pumping test is estimated to take eight (8) days (72 hours for static conditions, 24 hours for step test/recovery, 72 hours for constant rate discharge test, 24 hours recovery). During this time, water levels would be monitored in selected wells using pressure transducers and manual water level readings. Groundwater samples will also be collected daily during the pumping test for laboratory analysis. Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 2-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 2.0 SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL 2.1 Site Geology and Hydrogeology This section provides a brief summary of the Site geology and hydrogeology. However, it should be noted that the scope of the aquifer pumping tests will be limited to the ash and underlying saprolite in the inactive ash basin. A detailed description of the Site geology and hydrogeology can be found in the Comprehensive Site Assessment Report (HDR, August 18, 2015), CSA Supplement 1 (Appendix A in the Corrective Action Plan Part 2) (HDR, February 12, 2016), Comprehensive Site Assessment Supplement 2 (HDR, August 8, 2016) and Comprehensive Site Assessment Update (SynTerra, January 31, 2018). 2.1.1 Site Geology The subsurface at the Site is composed of alluvium, saprolite, transition zone, and bedrock. Each zone was not encountered at every boring location, but rather subsurface conditions varied with topography and type of underlying parent bedrock. The bedrock at the Site consists of biotite gneiss and sillimanite schist. The biotite gneiss contains subordinate zones of quartzite, quartz feldspar gneiss, and mica schist. The Inner Piedmont, including the Cat Square terrane, has been subjected to intense deformation due to dextral transpression along a south moving orogenic belt at the convergent margin of the terrane and the Laurentian margin. Deformation includes a pervasive foliation, folding that includes recumbent folds/nappe structures, and shear zones. Sinistral tranpression associated with accretion of the Carolina terrane (Wortman, Samson, & Hibbard, 2000) to the southeast has also had an effect on the geologic structure in the Cat Square terrane. This multi-phase deformation occurred primarily as ductile deformation and has resulted in complex structural components in the bedrock. Rock core data indicates a dominant 10- to 20- degree dipping foliation in both the biotite gneiss and sillimanite schist. The dip direction of the foliation cannot be determined from the borehole data. A number of shear zones ranging from, 0.1 to 0.5 feet thick along foliation were noted in boring MW-34BRU. Some of these shear zones are noted to have pyrite within the zone. Data from the rock cores also show two predominant joint sets; a 40- to 50- degree dipping set and a horizontal to sub-horizontal set. Less predominant sets of 20- to 30- degree dipping joints and joints along foliation planes were noted. Based on the degree of folding in Inner Piedmont, the 20- to 30- degree dipping Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 2-2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx joints, sub-horizontal joints, and joints along foliation may be the same joint set and related to the dominate foliation. An apparently less pervasive sub-vertical set is observed but is likely due to vertical boreholes being less likely to intercept sub-vertical joints. All of the joint sets are described as having iron oxide and some manganese oxide staining, which is an indication of groundwater flow along the joint sets. The degree of openness of the joint is difficult to assess from rock core since the core is often broken at a joint and no longer retains its actual aperture. Fracture trace analysis is a remote sensing technique used to identify lineaments on topographic maps and aerial photography that may correlate to locations of bedrock fractures exposed at the earth’s surface. Although fracture trace analysis is a useful tool for identifying potential fracture locations, and hence potential preferential pathways for infiltration and flow of groundwater near a site, results are not definitive. Lineaments identified as part of fracture trace analysis may or may not correspond to actual locations of fractures exposed at the surface, and if fractures are present, it cannot be determined from fracture trace analysis whether these are open or healed. Strong linear features at the earth’s surface are commonly formed by weathering along steeply dipping to vertical fractures in bedrock. Morphological features such as narrow, sharp-crested ridges, narrow linear valleys, linear escarpments, and linear segments of streams otherwise characterized by dendritic patterns are examples. Linear variations in vegetative cover are also sometimes indicative of the presence of exposed fractures, though in many cases, these result from unrelated human activity or other geological considerations (e.g., change in lithology). Straight (as opposed to curvilinear) features are commonly associated with the presence of steeply dipping fractures. Curvilinear features in some cases are associated with exposed moderately-dipping fractures, but these also can be a result of preferential weathering along lithologic contacts, or along foliation planes or other geologic structure. As part of this study, only strongly linear features were considered, as these are far more commonly indicative of steeply dipping or vertical fractures. The effectiveness of fracture-trace analysis in the eastern United States, including in the Piedmont, is commonly hampered by the presence of dense vegetative cover, and often extensive land-surface modification owing to present and past Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 2-3 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx human activity. Aerial-photography interpretation is most affected, as identification of small-scale features can be rendered difficult or impossible in developed areas. Geologic mapping was conducted in April 2015 at the Site and within a 2-mile radius of the Site. A Brunton compass was used to measure to the orientation (strike and dip) of structures, including foliation, joints, fold axis, and shear zones observed in rock outcrops. The availability of outcrop was a limiting factor in characterizing the complex nature of folding and deformation. The major structures observed during mapping consist of: Sub-vertical, continuous, very widely spaced joints striking approximately N83E and dipping ~75 degrees to the south-southeast. Foliation ranging in dip from 4 degrees to 29 degrees and ranging in dip direction from 0 degrees to 34 degrees. Joint set striking N83W dipping 77 degrees to NE. Joint set striking N40W dipping 75 degrees to NE. Joint set striking N8W dipping 80 degrees to ENE. An anticlinal structure with a fold axis striking N55W and a plunge of 5 degrees to 8 degrees to the southwest. This structure was mapped at the steam plant at a large outcrop apparently excavated as part of the plant construction. Within the overall anticlinal structure, there was one recumbent fold noted and one tight “S” fold. These types of folds are assumed to exist within the bedrock throughout the Site, but the persistence and intensity of folding cannot be quantified in detail. Fracture trace analysis was performed in the vicinity of the Site. A total of 21 well-defined lineaments are apparent in the study area. Trends are predominantly toward the east-northeast and north-northwest. A prominent feature of more than a mile in length along Suck Creek is coincident with a north- northeast trending segment of a fold (synform) axis that transects the area, and may indicate the presence of well-developed axial-planar cleavage in this part of the study area. Similarly, discontinuous but strong northeast-trending lineaments in the lower reaches of Ashworth Creek may have developed along Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 2-4 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx an axial-planar cleavage associated with an antiform that trends through the area. East-northeast lineaments along the Broad River west of the Site, and along Second Broad River to the north and northwest, appear to have developed along contacts between the metamorphic sequence and granitic intrusives. Extensive alteration of the land surface in the study area has greatly impacted the ability to identify small scale lineaments on aerial photography with confidence. Results of aerial-photography interpretation were inconclusive. 2.1.2 Site Hydrogeology According to LeGrand, the soil/saprolite regolith and the underlying fractured bedrock represent a composite water-table aquifer system (LeGrand, 2004). The regolith provides the majority of water storage in the Piedmont province, with porosities that range from 35 percent to 55 percent (Daniel & Dahlen, 2002). Calculated total porosities specific to the Site (41.7% to 45.3%) are consistent with this range. Two major factors that influence the behavior of groundwater in the vicinity of the Site include the thickness (or occurrence) of saprolite/regolith and the hydraulic properties of underlying bedrock. Saprolite thickness varies across the Site but is generally thickest in upgradient and sidegradient areas with saprolite as deep as 62 feet to 70 feet at BG-1 and GWA-24, and west of the Unit 5 inactive ash basin with saprolite as deep as 45 feet to 82 feet at GWA-36, GWA-37, and GWA-38. The saprolite layer thins in downgradient areas near the Broad River with saprolite as deep as 4 feet to 13 feet at GWA-32, GWA-23 and GWA-22). Based on the Site investigation, the groundwater system in natural materials (soil, soil/saprolite, and bedrock) at the Site is consistent with the regolith- fractured rock system and is an unconfined, connected aquifer system. The groundwater system at the Site is divided into three flow layers referred to in this report as the shallow, deep (TZ), and bedrock layers, so as to distinguish unique characteristics of the connected aquifer system. Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 3-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 3.0 WELL INSTALLATION SynTerra will conduct field oversight of drilling operations and well installations at the proposed test locations. A SynTerra’s oversight will include documentation of field observations and activities associated with well drilling, well installation and well development activities conducted by a licensed North Carolina driller and support crew contracted by Duke Energy. Proposed pumping well and observation well locations and a conceptual well layout and cross-sectional view are provided on Figures 3 and 4. A summary of proposed well construction details for the pumping wells and observation wells is included in Table 1. Proposed well depths and screened intervals are based on boring logs from the adjacent well cluster AB-3 and AB-4. Boring logs form these locations have been included as Appendix A. 3.1 Installation of Pumping and Observation Wells Prior to the start of any drilling activities at the Site, subsurface utility location will be conducted in the area of all proposed borings. 3.1.1 Ash Pumping Well Installation Ash pumping well will be installed using sonic drilling techniques utilizing a nominal 13 inch sonic core barrel. Ash pumping wells will be located approximately 30 feet away from existing clusters AB-3 and AB-4. Ash pumping well at AB-3 and AB-4 will be drilled to approximately 73 feet below ground surface (bgs) and 41 feet bgs, respectively (see Table 1). At each location a six inch schedule 40 PVC well, with a 10 foot wire-wrapped 0.10 slot PVC screen will then be installed in the boring. The well will be hung approximately one foot off the bottom of the boring (to allow filter material below the well screen). A No. 1 well sand or equivalent filter pack materials will be used. The filter pack material will be tremie washed in if there is standing water in the bore hole (not anticipated with sonic drilling). The filter pack will be extended from the base of the boring to a minimum of five feet above screen interval. Coated bentonite pellets will be used for the seal and extend a minimum of five feet above the sand pack. Pellets will be allowed to hydrate for in accordance with manufactures specifications before grouting. After hydration of the seal, the remaining annulus will be pressured grouted using a 1-2 percent bentonite 90 Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 3-2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx percent neat cement mixture (grout mixing should be 5.2-5.75 gallons of water per 94 pound bag of Portland Type cement). 3.1.2 Saprolite Pumping Well Installation One saprolite pumping well will be installed at the AB-3 well cluster location (adjacent to the ash pumping well). This well will be installed using sonic drilling techniques utilizing a nominal 13-inch sonic core barrel drilled to a minimum of three feet into the underlying saprolite material (assumed to be at 76 feet bgs). The nominal 13-inch sonic core barrel will serve as a temporary outer casing. Once the outer core barrel is in place, an inner nominal 10-inch boring will be advanced to a total depth of 105 feet bgs. A six-inch schedule 40 PVC well, with a 10 foot wire-wrapped PVC screen will then be installed in the boring. One well centralizer will be installed directly above the screened interval. The well will be hung approximately one foot off the bottom of the boring (to allow filter material below the well screen). A No. 1 well sand or equivalent filter pack materials will be used. The filter pack will be extended from the base of the boring to a minimum of five feet above screen interval. Coated bentonite pellets will be used for the seal and will extend up to the ash saprolite interface. Pellets will be allowed to hydrate in accordance with manufactures specifications before grouting. The remaining annulus will be pressured grouted (for grout specifications see section 3.1.1). 3.1.3 Ash Observation Well Installation A total of 6 ash observation wells will be installed at the site. Four wells will be installed at the existing AB-3 well cluster location. Two will be installed at the existing AB-4 well cluster. These wells will be located at 15 feet and thirty feet away from the pumping well. Distance from the pumping well for each observation well is provided on Table 1. Ash observation wells will be installed using sonic drilling techniques utilizing a nominal six-inch (or equivalent) core barrel advanced to the target depth (see Table 1). A two inch schedule 40 PVC well, with a five foot Vee-Pack PVC screen will then be installed in the boring. The well will be hung approximately one foot off the bottom of the boring (to allow filter material below the well screen). Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 3-3 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx A No. 1 (or equivalent) filter pack will be extended from the base of the boring to a minimum of five feet above Vee-Pack screen interval. Coated bentonite pellets will be used for the seal. The well seal will be extended a minimum of five feet above the sand pack. Pellets will be allowed to hydrate in accordance with manufactures specifications before grouting. After hydration of the seal, the remaining annulus will be pressured grouted (for grout specifications see section 2.1.1). 3.2 Well Development The newly installed wells will be developed until discharge is clear and stable. Well development should include surging and high volume water removal (air lifting or other methods capable of quickly removing water). Completion of development will be determined when turbidity remains below 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTUs) or 5 borehole volumes have been extracted (subject to change based on fiel d observations). The main objective of the well development is to improve near-well permeability and stability. The removal of the fine particles from the near-well area will help create a more permeable zone and minimize the effect of well smear or caking. Improper well development can cause significant impact to the results of both the step test and the constant rate discharge test. This could result in the need to stop the test (step test or constant rate test) and redevelop the wells (primarily pumping wells). Well development for the pumping wells will be considered complete when no fines are observed in the well discharge (less than 10 NTUs) after surging the well. Once the wells have been fully developed they will be allowed to equilibrate for five days prior to the collection of baseline water level data. Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 4-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 4.0 AQUIFER PUMP TEST DATA NEEDS Aquifer pumping test results will be used to further define aquifer characteristics within the ash basin. Information gathered during aquifer pumping tests will be used to further refine the groundwater flow and transport model. Based on the pumping rates obtained during well installation, it is anticipated that three-day (72 hours) tests will allow for evaluation of aquifer properties. Evaluation of data in the field will ultimately be used to determine the durations. Each test will be conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 4050-96 (2002). The following pretest data is needed: Geologic characteristics of the subsurface that influence groundwater flow. The subsurface in the area of the pumping test is composed of ash, saprolite, transition zone, and bedrock. The aquifer testing will be limited to the ash and shallow saprolite. Groundwater flow in the ash and saprolite aquifer (primary test aquifer) is porous media flow. It is assumed that groundwater flow direction and gradients are primarily controlled by topography. The type of water-bearing zone and its lateral and vertical extent. The primary water-bearing zone for the aquifer test is the ash and shallow saprolite directly underlying the ash basin. For the purpose of this test, it is assumed to be infinite in lateral and vertical extent. The depth, thickness, and lateral extent of any confining beds. Observations will be made during drilling operations to identify any confining beds. It is currently unknown whether the lower ash and or saprolite wells will indicate water table conditions, partially confined conditions or confined, conditions. Location of groundwater recharge. Groundwater recharge is assumed to be primarily from the ash basin area. Horizontal and vertical flow components (e.g., direction, gradient). Water levels will be measured in the ash and saprolite monitoring wells to determine the horizontal and vertical hydraulic gradient in the area of the Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 4-2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx aquifer test. Additionally, the multi-level well screens will provide information on potential stratification within the ash. Location, construction, and zone of completion of existing wells in the area (see Table 1). Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 5-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 5.0 AQUIFER PUMPING TEST 5.1 Static Water Level Collection Static water level (baseline data) collection may commence once the pumping wells and observation wells have been installed, developed, and allowed to equilibrate (for approximately five days). Baseline water-level readings will be used to determine long- term data trends or potential interferences from other pumping/discharge source(s). Water levels will be monitored in selected wells using pressure transducers. A summary of the wells to be monitored for each test is included as Table 2. Transducers will be installed in all proposed observation well at the site. Prior to the installation of transducers, an initial round of water levels will be manually collected from the wells listed in Table 2. Transducers will then be installed and programmed to collect water level data every 10 minutes for a minimum of 72 hours before the start of any active pumping (step test). At the end of the 72-hour period, baseline measurements would be stopped and downloaded for review. 5.2 Pumping System Installation Once baseline conditions have been established, a submersible pump would be installed in the selected pumping well by the Duke well installation contractor. The initial test will be conducted in the saprolite pumping well at the AB-3 cluster. Following the completion of testing at this location, the ash pumping well at the AB-3 cluster will be tested. Following the completion of the AB-3 ash well pumping, the ash pumping well at AB-4 cluster will be tested. The Duke well installation contractor will provide and install a flow meter capable of continuously-logging discharge rates and total flow in-line with the pump discharge line. The flow meter will need to be installed in such a way as to allow it to be full of water at all times. This can be done by the installation of a six-inch drop in the discharge line prior to the flow meter and a subsequent 6 inch rise in the discharge line past the flow meter. A minimum of one foot of straight piping will also need to be installed after the drop and before the rise to ensure laminar flow through the transducer. Two ball valves should be installed in the discharge line. One should be located prior to the drop and one should be located post rise. A photograph showing the general proposed configuration for the flow meter is presented on Figure 5. A small diameter sampling port should also be installed somewhere near the flow meter to allow for taking field water quality measurements and samples. The remaining discharge line should be extended away from the test area (300-500 feet) to minimize potential influence of the discharged groundwater. Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 5-2 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx After the completion of the initial set of 72-hour pumping test, the pump will be moved to the second set of test locations (AB-3 ash pumping well, then followed by the AB-4 ash pumping well). 5.3 Step-Drawdown Tests After the pumping system has been installed the well will be allowed to fully recover (assumed to be 12 hours). Once the pumping well has fully recovered, SynTerra in conjunction with the drilling contractor will conduct a step-drawdown test (initial test in AB-3 saprolite pumping well). A typical step test drawdown curve is presented in Figure 6. A step-drawdown test (or step test) is a single-well pumping test designed to investigate the performance of a pumping well under controlled variable discharge conditions. During the step-drawdown test, an initial rate of one gallon per minute (gpm) would be used. The discharge rate would be increased approximately five gpm per step period (subject to change based on field observations). Each step would be approximately 2 hours (subject to change based on field observations). This duration should allow wellbore storage effects to dissipate. This process would continue until the well can no longer sustain the selected flow rate (curve does not flatten out) or a maximum of 20 gpm flow rate is reached. After completion of the step test, the pumping well would be allowed to return to static conditions (recovery tests). Data from the step test will be used to determine an appropriately conservative initial pumping rate (Qmax) for the constant rate pumping tests. A Qmax should be calculated that will result in a drawdown after 72 hours that is approximately 25 percent of the water column (see Section 5.2). At the end of the test the flow will be adjusted to the selected Qmax using one of the ball valves prior to shutting down the pump. As the pump is shut down the remaining ball valve will be closed to prevent the discharge line from draining into the well (which would affect recover data). After the completion of the initial set of 72-hour pumping test and recovery, the pump will be moved to the second test location (AB-3 ash pumping well). A second step test will be conducted at following the same procedure. This procedure will be repeated for the AB-4 location. 5.4 Step Test Recovery Once the each step test is complete, the pump will be shut off and the flow meter will be isolated (using ball valves upstream and downstream of the flow meter). The well will be allowed to fully recover prior to the start of the constant discharge test. It is Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 5-3 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx anticipated that recovery will take less than 12 hours. Water levels will continue to be monitored at the same frequency during recovery. Once recovery is complete, the transducers water-level readings will be stopped and the data downloaded and analyzed. 5.5 Constant-Rate Pumping Test Once the step-drawdown test has been completed and water levels in the pumping well and affected observation wells have returned to static conditions and transducers have been stopped and reprogramed, a constant-rate pumping test will be conducted at each location (initial location will be AB-3 saprolite pumping well followed by and AB-3 ash pumping and finally followed by AB-4 ash pumping well). Prior to the start of any active pumping a round of water levels will be collected in the monitored wells for each test location (see Table 2) A constant-rate pumping test involves a control well that is pumped at a constant rate while water-level response (drawdown) is measured in one or more surrounding observation wells and in the pumping well. The goals of a constant-rate pumping test are to estimate hydraulic properties of a saturated porous media such as T, K, and S and to identify potential boundary conditions that may exist. Discharge rate would be measured approximately every 15 minutes during the initial portion of the test (first four hours). If discharge rate is stable, flow readings will be collected at 8-hour intervals for the remainder of the test. Water level transducers will be set to record measurements every minute for the duration of the 72-hour test and recovery period. Discharge water will be routed to the active ash basin in the approximate locations depicted on Figures 3 and 4. Once pumping has started, the test will run uninterrupted for up to 72 hours. During that period, water-levels will be continuously monitored with data logging pressure transducers and flow measurements continuously recorded (24 hours per day) with an electronic flow meter that averages measurements at five minute intervals. Manual water-level readings would be collected every two hours at each selected well during active pumping to provide automated data backup (see Table 2). Manual water-level readings will also be collected twice daily at monitoring wells CCR-8D, CLMW-1, CCR- 7S, CCR-7D, AB-2S, AB-2D, and AB-2BRO. Manual flow measurements may be conducted based on field observations, as described earlier in this section. Gro und water quality field readings and laboratory samples will be collected from the discharge at selected intervals during active pumping (see Section 4.0). Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 6-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 6.0 WATER-QUALITY MEASUREMENTS AND SAMPLING In order to help identify the potential geochemical changes that may accrue in the ash pore water during the active pumping, water-quality data will be collected during each pumping test. Water-quality data will include the collection of both field reading and laboratory samples. Particular emphasis will be placed on collection of conductivity and pH data. Changes in water chemistry (conductivity and pH) may indicate contact with a recharge boundary. Groundwater samples will be collected from the pumping well discharge and analyzed for IMP constituent list. Water-quality measurements will be collected from the discharge during the entire constant rate discharge test. Readings of pH, specific conductance, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, Eh, and turbidity will be collected once every hour during the test. To facilitate this, a YSI Pro Plus water-quality meter will be plumbed into the discharge line. Flow through the meter will be regulated with both upstream and downstream valves. Water-quality samples for laboratory analysis will be collected prior to the step- drawdown test and once per day during the constant rate pumping test from each of the pumping wells. Each sample will be collected from a sampling port plumbed into the discharge line. Water will be collected in laboratory-prepared sample bottles and immediately placed on ice under strict chain-of-custody. Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 7-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 7.0 ANALYSIS OF WATER-LEVEL DATA Analysis of water-level fluctuations in monitoring wells will be initially conducted using Aqtesolv® Version 4.5. Baseline data, step test data, constant rate discharge data (pumping test), drawdown data, and analytical results will be summarized and included as part of a technical memorandum on the results of aquifer testing. 7.1 Baseline Analysis Baseline data will be evaluated to determine whether any long-term trends or interference from nearby production wells are observable. If long-term data trends are observed, the baseline data will be used to adjust the pumping test drawdown data to compensate for the observed trend. 7.2 Step Test Analysis Step test analysis will be conducted in the field. The Theis (1935) step-drawdown procedure will be used to analyze data. Additional analytical methods (Dougherty- Badu, 1984; Hantush-Jacob, 1955; Theis, 1935; and Hantush, 1961) may be used depending on results of the step test drawdown data. Step test results will be used to calculate a flow rate that will result in a drawdown of approximately 25 percent of the saturated thickness after 72 hours (and excel spread sheet will be provided for making these calculations). 7.3 Constant Discharge Rate Test Analysis Final analysis methods of drawdown data are dependent on actual results of the tests. Initially, it is assumed that the proposed ash pumping wells are unconfined and the saprolite pumping well may be unconfined, semi-confined or confined. Additionally, drawdown may be observed only in the pumping well. This will result in analysis of the data as a single-well pumping test. If data indicates drawdown in one or more observation well, the test will be analyzed as a multiple-well pump test. Suggested analytical methodologies for data analysis of both single-well and multiple-well pump tests are outlined in the Technical Guidance Manual for Hydrogeologic Investigations and Groundwater Monitoring, Chapter 4, Slug and Pumping Test, Table 4.2 (single-well pump test) and Table 4.7 (multiple-well pump test) (Clemson, February 1995) at: http://www.clemson.edu/ces/hydro/murdoch/PDF%20Files/Pumping%20tests,%20EPA %20guidance.pdf Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra Page 8-1 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Revised Workplan Rev1 5-15-2018\Cliffside Ash Basin Pumping Test Work Plan_Rev1_5_15_2018.docx 8.0 REFERENCES Daniel, C. C., & Dahlen, P. R. (2002). Preliminary hydrogeologic assessment and study plan for a regional ground-water resource investigation of the Blue Ridge and Piedmont provinces of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina: U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Water- Resources Investigations Report 02–4105. Dougherty, D.E and D.K. Babu, 1984. Flow to a partially penetrating well in a double porosity reservoir, Water Resources Research, vol. 20, no. 8, pp. 1116-1122. Hantush, M.S. and C.E. Jacob, 1955. Non-steady radial flow in an infinite leaky aquifer, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 36, pp. 95-100. Hantush, M.S., 1961b. Aquifer tests on partially penetrating wells, Jour. of the Hyd. Div., Proc. of the Am. Soc. of Civil Eng., vol. 87, no. HY5, pp. 171-194. LeGrand, H. (2004). A master conceptual model for hydrogeological site characterization in the Piedmont and Mountain Region of North Carolina: A guidance manual. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section, Raleigh, NC, 55. Theis, C.V., 1935. The relation between the lowering of the piezometric surface and the rate and duration of discharge of a well using groundwater storage, Am. Geophys. Union Trans., vol. 16, pp. 519-524. Wortman, G., Samson, S., & Hibbard, J. (2000). Precise U-Pb Zircon constraints on the earliest magmatic history of the Carolina Terrance. The Journal of Geology, 108(3), 321- 338. Aquifer Pump Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra FIGURES SOURCE: 2017 CHESNEE (1:24000) AND 2016 BOILING SPRINGS (1:24000)USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS OBTAINED FROM THE USGS STORE AT http://store.usgs.gov/b2c_usgs/b2c/start/%%%28xcm•r3standardpitrex_prd%%%29/ .do � GRAPHIC SCALE •• 1000 0 1000 7 IN FEET syn:'Cerra 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 11111: GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601 ----�---------t PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com 2000 ������GY DRAWN BY: JOHN CHASTAIN DATE: 12/7/2017 PROJECT MANAGER: SCOTT SPINNER CAROLINAS LAYOUT: FIG 1-1 SITE LOC MAP FIGURE 1SITE LOCATION MAP CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION MOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINA BOILING SPRINGS NC & CHESNEE SC QUADRANGLE 01/19/2018 11:44 AM P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\CSA Update\DWG\DE CLIFFSIDE CSAUP USGS.dwg FIGURE 2SITE VICINITY MAPCLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLCMOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINADRAWN BY: A. FEIGLPROJECT MANAGER: S. SPINNERCHECKED BY: M. YOUNGBLOOD DATE: 01/26/2018 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601PHONE 864-421-9999www.synterracorp.com P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\00 GIS BASE DATA\Cliffside\Mapdocs\CSA_Supplement_2\CLIFFSIDE_SiteVicinity_201711.mxd 400 0 400 800200 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET UNIT 5INACTIVEASH BASIN UNITS 1-4INACTIVEASH BASIN ACTIVE ASH BASIN BR O A D R I V E R H I G HW A Y 2 2 1 A L T CCPLANDFILL LEGEND ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARYINACTIVE ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARYASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYLANDFILL BOUNDARYASH STORAGE BOUNDARYLANDFILL COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYDUKE ENERGY CLIFFSIDE PLANT BOUNDARY NOTES: 1) IT IS HEREIN NOTED THAT DUKE ENERGY IS NOTWAIVING THE RIGHT TO A COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY(S) TO THE FULL EXTENT SET OUT IN THE LAW OR ATTEMPT TO IMPAIR THE DEPARTMENT'S ABILITY TOCHANGE THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY(S) IN THEFUTURE, IF CIRCUMSTANCES WARRANT. 2) AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY OBTAINED FROMGOOGLE EARTH PRO AND IS DATED OCTOBER 8, 2016. DUKE POWER ROAD UNIT 6 UNIT 5 ASH STORAGE AREA SLUICE DISCHARGEPONDW.L. ±768PONDW.L. ±766CCR-16DAB-6SAB-6DAB-6BRAB-5BRAB-5BRUAB-5SGWA-47DCCR-14DGWA-27BRMW-7DMW-22DRMW-22BRGWA-48BRGWA-24BRGWA-24DGWA-24SAB-4SLAB-4SAB-4DAB-4BRAB-3SLAB-3SAB-3BRUAAB-3ICCR-13DMW-8DGWA-23DAB-3BRAB-3BRUGWA-46DGWA-51DAB-3SLAGWA-27DGWA-27DACCR-8DCLMW-1CCR-7SCCR-6DCCR-7DCCR-16SCCR-15DGROUNDSURFACE10 BGS50150 20 BGS30 BGS40 BGS50 BGS60 BGS70 BGSGROUNDSURFACE10 BGS20 BGS30 BGS40 BGS50 BGS60 BGS70 BGSASHSAPROLITEDEEP FLOW LAYERAB-4ALLUVIUM100200AB-4 CLUSTER(ASH Pumping Test) ASH PUMPING WELL SCREENED 31-41 FEET BGS 6-INCH WIRE WRAPPED PVC SCREEN 6-INCH WELL PVC CASINGOBSERVATION WELLS CLUSTERSET 15 FEET FROM PUMPING WELL 2-INCH WELL UPPER ASH (SCREENED 10-20 FEET BGS) LOWER ASH (SCREENED 31-41 FEET BGS)SET 30 FEET FROM PUMPING WELL 2-INCH WELL UPPER ASH AB-4S (SCREENED 5-20 FEET BGS) LOWER ASH AB-4SL (SCREENED 28.7-38.7 FEET BGS)05/04/2018 2:32 PMP:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support And Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\DWG\DE CLIFFSIDE Figure Recovery Chb.dwg148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29601PHONE 864-421-9999www.synterracorp.comDUKEENERGYCAROLINASPROJECT MANAGER:LAYOUT:DRAWN BY:SCOTT SPINNERDATE:CHRIS BRUCEFigure 102/14/181000100200GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEETCONCEPTUAL PROPOSED PUMPING TESTWELL SCHEMATICCONCEPTUAL LAYOUT, ACTUAL LOCATIONS FORPUMPING WELLS AND OBSERVATION WELLS WILLBE FIELD VERIFIEDPROPOSED ASHPUMPING WELLEXISTING AB-4SPROPOSED UPPER ASH WELLEXISTING AB-4SLPROPOSEDLOWER ASH WELLEXISTING AB-4DEXISTING AB-4BRFIGURE4AB-4 CLUSTERPROPOSED LOCATIONS FORASH DEWATERINGPUMPING TESTSRODGERS ENERGY COMPLEXRODGERS ENERGY COMPLEX(FORMERLY CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION)573 DUKE POWER ROADMOORESBORO, NORTH CAROLINAACTIVE ASH BASINW.L. ±760PROPOSED PUMPING WELL (ASH PORE WATER)PROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (LOWER ASH PORE WATER)ABMW-2BRWELL IN BEDROCKABMW-2WELL IN ASH PORE WATERPROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (MEDIUM ASH PORE WATER)PROPOSED OBSERVATION WELL (UPPER ASH PORE WATER)ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY (APPROXIMATE)LEGENDBGSBELOW GROUND SURFACEABMW-3SABMW-4DWELL IN TRANSITION ZONEWELL IN ALLUVIUM/SAPROLITEAQUIFER TEST DISCHARGE LINE AND DIRECTION OF FLOWDISCHARGE LINE Aquifer Pump Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra TABLES TABLE 1 PROPOSED WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, MOORESBORO, NC Identification Well Purpose Approximate Distance from Pumping Well (Feet) Monitoring Zone Borehole Diameter (Inches) Diameter (Inches) Casing Depth (Feet BGS) Casing Diameter (Inches) Total Well Depth1 (Feet BGS) Screen Length (Feet) AB-3S (Existing)Observation TBD Ash Pore Water NA 2 NA NA 37.0 15 AB-3SLA (Existing)Observation TBD Ash Pore Water NA 2 NA NA 72.0 10 AB-3SL (Existing)Observation TBD Ash Pore Water NA 2 NA NA 72.2 10 AB-3I (Existing)Observation TBD Saprolite NA 2 NA NA 105.0 10 AB-3 Ash Well Pumping NA Lower Ash 13.25 6 NA NA 73 10 AB-3 Saprolite Well*Pumping NA Saprolite 13.25 to 76 ft 10 to 105 ft 6 76 10 minimum 105 10 AB-3 Upper Ash Observation 15 Upper Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 44 5 AB-3 Medium Ash Observation 15 Medium Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 59 5 AB-3 Lower Ash Observation 15 Lower Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 73 5 AB-3 Medium Ash Observation 30 Medium Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 59 5 AB-4S (Existing)Observation TBD Ash Pore Water NA 2 NA NA 20.3 15 AB-4SL (Existing)Observation TBD Ash Pore Water NA 2 NA NA 39.0 10 AB-4 Ash Well Pumping NA Lower Ash 13.25 6 NA NA 41 10 AB-4 Upper Ash Observation 15 Upper Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 20 5 AB-4 Lower Ash Observation 15 Lower Ash 6.25 2 NA NA 41 5 Prepared by: CHB Checked by: SAS Notes: Proposed depths and well construction details are approximate and subject to change based on field observations BGS - Below ground surface Bold - Proposed well location 1"Total Well Depth" is the depth to the bottom of the screened interval, as measured during well installation. NA - Not applicable TBD - To Be Determined * Nominal 13-inch sonic core barrel will serve as a temporary outer casing during well installation Active Ash Basin - AB-3 Active Ash Basin - AB-4 P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\06.EHS-CAMA Compliance Support and Corrective Action\Assessment\Aquifer Pumping Tests\Work Plan\Tables\Table 1 Well Construction Page 1 of 1 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED PUMPING WELLS AND OBSERVATION WELLS CLIFFSIDE STEAM STATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC MOORESBORO, NC Step Test (Ash) Pumping Test 2 (Ash) Step Test (Saprolite) Pumping Test 2 (Saprolite) Step Test (Ash) Pumping Test 2 (Ash) AB-3S X X X AB-3SLA X X X AB-3SL X X X AB-3I X X X AB-3 Ash Pumping Well X X X X AB-3 Saprolite Pumping Well X X X X AB-3 Upper Ash (15 feet)X X X AB-3 Medium Ash (15 feet)X X X AB-3 Lower Ash (15 feet)X X X AB-3 Medium Ash (30 feet)X X X AB-4S X X AB-4SL X X AB-4 Ash Pumping Well X X X AB-4 Upper Ash (15 feet)X X AB-4 Lower Ash (15 feet)X X Prepared by: C. Bruce Checked by: M. Youngblood Notes: 1. In addition to transducer data, manual water levels will be collected 2 times per day during baseline measurments. 2. In additiona to transducer data, manual water levels will be collected 3 times per day unless otherwise noted. Pre-test Background 1Well ID AB-4 CLUSTERAB-3 CLUSTER P:\Duke Energy Carolinas\21. CLIFFSIDE\CAP Update\Aquifer Testing\Work Plan\Tables\Table 2 Proposed WellsTable 2 Proposed Wells Page 1 of 1 Aquifer Pump Test Work Plan May 15, 2018 Rogers Energy Complex SynTerra APPPENDIX A BORING LOGS FOR AB-3 AND AB-4 WELL CLUSTERS