HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180656 Ver 1_CL_20180514STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR Nicholle M. Braspennicl� Asheville Regulatory Field Office US Army Corp of Engineers 151 Patton Avenue Asheville, NC 28801-5006 May 14, 2018 7AMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY SUBJECT: Pipe Replacement on SR-1547 (Wards Gap Road), Cleveland County Dear Ms. Braspennicl�: The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace a deteriorating pipe on SR-1547 (Wards Gap Road) in Cleveland County. NCDOT proposes to replace the existing 30" 55-foot long CMP with a 30" 55-foot long HDPE on the same location. The existing pipe is on a slope of 5.1 % and is buried approximately 2-3 inches and does not currently meet the burial requirement. NCDOT proposes to place the new pipe on the same grade and location as existing, rather than the required 20% burial, in an effort to preserve the current stable conditions and to allow some aquatic passage. Due to the eausting site conditions, NCDOT request a waiver from the burial requirement. The scope of work will result in a total of 10 feet of permanent impacts for rip rap stabilization and 30 feet of temporary impacts for dewatering to unnamed tributary to Wards Creek which is classified as Class C waters by the Division of Water Resources. A temporary cofferdam pumping system will be used to divert the stream around the construction site as needed. Area affected by temporary cofferdam system will be graded and restored back to pre-project conditions. All Best Management Practice's will be utilized during the course of the project. The Division 12 Environmental Office conducted a threatened/endangered species survey (attached NRTR Memo) on April 18, 2018 for SR 1547 and surrounding area. The federally listed species for Cleveland County (USFWS listed date March 22, 2018) include: Dwarf-Flowered Heartleaf (Hexastylis naniflora)- Threatened Biological Conclusion — No Effect Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis)-Threatened. Biological Conclusion — May Affect; Not Likely to Adversely Affect There are no sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places are located in the vicinity of the project nor did there appear to be any eligible structures. The project will be constructed within NCDOT previously disturbed Right-of-Way. SR 1547, Cleveland County May 14. 2018 Page 2 The project area is not located within'/2 mile of any critical watershed area. SR 1547 is not a rural or urban arterial; therefore, hazardous spill basins are not required. Enclosed is the hazardous spill basin checklist. I have enclosed a pre-construction notification for a NW#3, plan sheets, location maps, and other documentation relative to the project. Project information for the 401 Automated Payrnent Procedure is as follows: • Work order number:150455-55120005-12.202311-3126 • TIP#: NA • Project Category: $240.00 Fee If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at (980) 552-4218. Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. Sincerely, Mark Stafford, P.E. Division Engineer Twelfth Division I: Trish Beam Division 12 Environmental Supervisor