HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004961_Appendices A-D - GW Assessment_20130531 APPENDIX A Letter from Andrew H. Pitner, P.G, Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor, NCDENR, Division of Water Quality, to Ed Sullivan and Allen Stowe, Water Management, Duke Energy Corporation, Dated March 16, 2012 53 APPENDIX B Letter from Andrew H. Pitner, P.G., Regional Aquifer Protection Supervisor, NCDENR Division of Water Quality, to Ed Sullivan and Allen Stowe, Water Management, Duke Energy Corporation, Dated January 10, 2013 APPENDIX C Statistical Analysis for Groundwater Metals Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin February 2013 Sampling Event Statistical Analysis for Groundwater Metals  Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin    February 2013 Sampling Event  The following discussion outlines the statistical methods used for determining statistically  significant increases (SSI) and trends in the groundwater monitoring data from the February 4,  2013 sampling event at Duke Energy’s Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin.  Statistical analysis is  conducted for the parameter, which has been monitored at least eight times from each  monitoring well. The data were statistically analyzed using Starpoint Software, Inc.’s  ChemPoint and ChemStat software packages. Groundwater data (analytical results) of the  downgradient wells (both shallow and intermediate wells) were compared to the pooled  background well (MW‐7SR) groundwater data (inter‐well test) to determine whether a SSI  exists between the background wells and the compliance wells.  A similar process was  performed comparing the analysis results from the downgradient deep wells to the deep  background well (MW‐7D).  This statistical analysis method is in accordance with the EPA  Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities – Unified Guidance,  March 2009.      1. Parametric and non‐parametric    Groundwater statistically analysis follow parametric and non‐parametric analytical schemes.  When a parameter (including metal) is detected above the detection limit fewer than 50% of  the sampling events, a non parametric statistical method will be used (including Wilcoxon test  or non‐parametric prediction limit test).  When a groundwater parameter is detected above the  detection limit more than 50% of the events, a normality test will be conducted for the data set  using Shapiro‐Wilks Test or Shapiro‐Francia Test. Data were transformed (log10 transformation)  prior to normality test. None of the parameters showed normal distribution and a non‐ parametric test method (Wilcoxon test) were conducted. For all other parameters detected  fewer than 50% of the time above the detection limits, a Non‐parametric Prediction Limit  method was used for the statistics.    2.  Inter‐Well Prediction Limits    During the interwell statistics analysis, when <50% of the observations for the data were below  the reporting limit, the data’s sample mean and standard deviation were analyzed using  Wilcoxon Rank Sum, Kruskal‐Wallis, or Parametric Prediction Limit/ANOVA depending on the  data’s normality and variance.  When the historical data were not transformed‐normal using  log10 transformation, a Wilcoxon Rank Sum (non‐parametric) was computed.  For the historical  data containing greater than 50% observations below the reporting limit, a Non‐parametric  Prediction Limit will be computed.  A Sen’s Slope Analysis was performed on each SSI found to  determine if there is any trend in the SSI data.      3.  Intra‐Well 99% Confidence Intervals    When a parameter was determined to have a SSI over the background well data, a confidence  interval was calculated for the parameter within the well over the monitoring historical periods.  The prediction interval was calculated to include observations from the same population with a  specified confidence.  Intra‐well prediction interval was developed based on a 99% confidence that  future observations will fall within the range.  If any future observation exceeds the prediction  interval, this is considered statistically significant evidence that the observation is not  representative of the background data group.      Parameters are considered as exceeding the compliance limits whenever the lower limit of the  99% confidence intervals (99% LCL) exceed the compliance limits (2L Standard).      4. Statistics Summary    Parameters Statistically Significant Increase above the Background Results:    1. Barium from most wells showed SSI above the background except MW‐14, but there are no  increasing trends in data.  2. Boron from 5 wells show SSI from the background (MW‐10, MW‐11SR, MW‐13, MW‐14)  3. Chloride from most wells (MW‐10, MW‐11SR, MW‐11DR, MW‐13, MW‐14, MW‐15) showed SS  above background, but there are no any increasing trends in the data.  4. Iron from most wells (MW‐8S, MW‐8I, MW‐8D, MW‐9, MW‐10, MW‐11SR, MW‐13, MW‐15)  showed SSI above background except MW‐11DR and MW‐14. Iron data at MW‐13 showed an  increasing trend; but iron data showed decreasing trends or no trends from other wells.  5. Lead at one well (MW‐9) showed SSI from the background, but there was no trend in data.  6. Manganese at three wells (MW‐8D, MW‐11DR, and MW‐13) showed SSI from the background  data; but the data showed no trend over time.  7. Nitrate and sulfate concentrations at most wells showed SSI over the background data; but  these data showed either trend down or no trend.  8. Zinc concentrations from three wells (MW‐8D, MW‐9, and MW‐11DR) showed SSI from the  background data; but the data did not show any trend over time.    No SSI was detected for the all the other parameters.    99% LCL Exceeding 2L Limits    1. The 99% LCL for iron concentrations at MW‐8I, MW‐8D, MW‐9, and MW‐13 were above the 2L  limit of 0.3 mg/L.  2. The 99% LCL for manganese concentrations at MW‐8D, MW‐11DR, and MW‐13 were above the  2L limit of 0.05 mg/L.        RESULT  DATA < 50% ND’s > 50% ND’s  NON‐PARAMETRIC:  PREDICTION LIMIT  or  TOLERANCE LIMIT < 50 SAMPLES > 50 SAMPLES  SHAPIRO  WILKS  SHAPIRO  FRANCIA   (Original Data,  Natural Log, Base 10) NON‐NORMAL  NORMAL  LOG  NATURAL  LOG  CONVERSION  LEVENE’S EQUAL  VARIENCE  PARMETRIC PREDICTION  LIMIT/ANOVA NOT  EQUAL EQUAL WILCOXN RANK SUM  (NON‐PARAMETRIC)  KRUSKAL WALLIS (NON‐PARAMETRIC)  STATISTICALLY  SIGNIFICANT?  YES  NO  SEN”S  SLOPE    END  STATISTICAL METHOD FLOW CHART  99% Confidence  Interval  Interwell Intrawell Interwell Intrawell 2/4/2013 MW-10 Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.051 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.041-0.073 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.025 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 0.024-0.031 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.289 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.217-0.296 No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.01 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig. No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.075 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.071-0.083 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.035 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 0.036-0.048 No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.051 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.048-0.052 No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.074 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.056-0.078 No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Boron (B)mg/L 0.178 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.075-0.32 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Boron (B)mg/L 0.349 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.355-0.373 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Boron (B)mg/L BRL 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.05-0.063 No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Boron (B)mg/L 0.109 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.093-0.138 No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Boron (B)mg/L 0.288 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.283-0.313 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Boron (B)mg/L BRL 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Boron (B)mg/L BRL 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Boron (B)mg/L BRL 0.7 0.05 48.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Chloride mg/L 6.8 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 6.09-7.36 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Chloride mg/L 6.7 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 6.49-7.22 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Chloride mg/L 5.1 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 3.84-5.98 No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Chloride mg/L 9.2 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 6.85-9.38 No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Chloride mg/L 6.4 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 6.31-6.89 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Chloride mg/L 1.1 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No Trend No 99% LCL SSI Riverbend Site, Duke Energy Chemstat Initial Statistics Shallow and Intermediate Wells Wilcoxon Rank Sum (N.P.) Non-Parametric Prediction LimitSampling Date Well ID Parameter Units Result 2Lε RL %ND Shapiro Francia@Log 10 Levene's Equal Variance Sen's Slope 99% LCL SSI Wilcoxon Rank Sum (N.P.) Non-Parametric Prediction LimitSampling Date Well ID Parameter Units Result 2Lε RL %ND Shapiro Francia@Log 10 Levene's Equal Variance Sen's Slope 2/4/2013 MW-8S Chloride mg/L 2 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 1.91-2.68 No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Chloride mg/L 2.4 250 0.1 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 2.16-2.38 No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 97 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.079 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 0-1.25 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.028 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 0-0.319 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Iron (Fe)mg/L 21.1 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Up 16.3-22.2 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-14 Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.104 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.058 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.02-0.34 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.497 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.59-0.94 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-8S Iron (Fe)mg/L 0.012 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.013-0.061 No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Iron (Fe)mg/L 1.95 0.3 0.01 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.41-2.05 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-10 Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 92 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Lead (Pb)ug/L 1.12 15 1 92 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.83-1.47 No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.033 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.012 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Manganese (Mn)mg/L 10.5 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 10-10.89 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-14 Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.018 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.049 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.168 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.09 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.049 0.05 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 99% LCL SSI Wilcoxon Rank Sum (N.P.) Non-Parametric Prediction LimitSampling Date Well ID Parameter Units Result 2Lε RL %ND Shapiro Francia@Log 10 Levene's Equal Variance Sen's Slope 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 96 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Nitrate as N mg/L 0.05 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.023-0.047 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Nitrate as N mg/L 0.16 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.084-0.208 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Nitrate as N mg/L BRL 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Nitrate as N mg/L 0.07 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.039-0.089 No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Nitrate as N mg/L 0.11 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.081-0.19 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Nitrate as N mg/L BRL 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Nitrate as N mg/L BRL 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Nitrate as N mg/L 0.08 10 0.023 45 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.046-0.105 No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Selenium (Se)ug/L 1.93 20 1 90 TRUE FALSE No Trend 1.84-2.07 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 90 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Sulfate mg/L 21 250 1 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 8.68-32.3 No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Sulfate mg/L 44 250 1 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 43.4-46.5 No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Sulfate mg/L 14 250 0.2 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 14.2-17 No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Sulfate mg/L 35 250 0.5 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 29.8-35.2 No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Sulfate mg/L 27 250 0.5 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 26-31.4 No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Sulfate mg/L 0.27 250 0.1 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.Trend Down 0.31-1.13 No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Sulfate mg/L 0.17 250 0.1 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig. No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Sulfate mg/L 32 250 0.5 1.4 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 22.3-30.41 No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-10 Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11SR Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 71.2 FALSE No 2/5/2013 MW-13 Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-14 Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-15 Zinc (Zn)mg/L 0.006 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8I Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8S Zinc (Zn)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 81 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-9 Zinc (Zn)mg/L 0.007 1 0.005 81 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.004-0.0086 No Note:ε 2L Standards are from North Carolina Administrative Code Eff. 1/1/2010 BRL - Below Reporting Limit 95% LCL -95% lower Confidential Limit SSI -Statistical Significant Increase from Background Results. Interwell Intrawell Interwell Intrawell 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Antimony (Sb)ug/L BRL 1*1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Arsenic (As)ug/L BRL 10 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.075 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.024-0.031 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Barium (Ba)mg/L 0.036 0.7 0.005 0 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.033-0.055 No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Boron (B)mg/L 0.342 0.7 0.05 70 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.351-0.376 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Boron (B)mg/L BRL 0.7 0.05 70 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Cadmium (Cd)ug/L BRL 2 1 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Chloride mg/L 6.7 250 0.1 4.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 6.49-7.2 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Chloride mg/L 1.3 250 0.1 4.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No Trend No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 96 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Chromium (Cr)mg/L BRL 0.01 0.005 96 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Copper (Cu)mg/L BRL 1 0.005 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Iron (Fe)mg/L BRL 0.3 0.01 50 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Not Sig.Not Sig.No Trend 0.007-0.017 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Iron (Fe)mg/L 1.72 0.3 0.01 50 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.89-2.17 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Lead (Pb)ug/L BRL 15 1 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.088 0.05 0.005 33.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.069-0.138 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-8D Manganese (Mn)mg/L 0.143 0.05 0.005 33.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.152-0.703 Yes 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Mercury (Hg)ug/L BRL 1 0.05 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Nickel (Ni)mg/L BRL 0.1 0.005 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Nitrate as N mg/L 0.17 10 0.023 47.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.096-0.234 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Nitrate as N mg/L 0.05 10 0.023 47.6 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.014-0.039 No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Selenium (Se)ug/L BRL 20 1 100 FALSE FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Sulfate mg/L 43 250 1 4.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 42.1-45.1 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Sulfate mg/L 1.3 250 0.1 4.3 Not Normal Not Eq. Var.Sig-1%Not Sig.No Trend 0.52-1.0 No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.2-0.2 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Thallium (Tl)ug/L BRL 0.28 0.2 100 FALSE No 2/4/2013 MW-11DR Zinc (Zn)mg/L 0.009 1 0.005 41.7 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.006-0.011 No 2/4/2013 MW-8D Zinc (Zn)mg/L 0.009 1 0.005 41.7 TRUE FALSE No Trend 0.004-0.01 No Note:ε 2L Standards are from North Carolina Administrative Code Eff. 1/1/2010 BRL - Below Reporting Limit 95% LCL -95% lower Confidential Limit SSI -Statistical Significant Increase from Background Results. %ND Shapiro Francia @log10 Levene's Equal Variance Sen's Slope 99% LCL SSI Chemstat Initial Statistics Riverbend Site, Duke Energy Deep Wells Wilcoxon Rank Sum (N.P.) Non-Parametric Prediction LimitSampling Date Well ID Parameter Units Result 2Lε RL Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Barium (Ba) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.0185 Std Dev 0.00492805 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0132766, 0.0237234]0.0185 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.015199, 0.021801]0.0185 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.0575 Std Dev 0.0149475 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0416566, 0.0733434]0.0575 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0474876, 0.0675124]0.0575 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.0277143 Std Dev 0.0029277 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0242367, 0.0311919]0.0277143 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.025564, 0.0298645]0.0277143 TRUE Location MW-13 Mean 0.256625 Std Dev 0.0374431 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [0.216938, 0.296312]0.256625 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.231544, 0.281706]0.256625 TRUE Location MW-14 Mean 0.010875 Std Dev 0.00188509 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00887692, 0.0128731]0.010875 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0096123, 0.0121377]0.010875 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 0.0775714 Std Dev 0.00479086 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0718808, 0.0832621]0.0775714 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0740528, 0.0810901]0.0775714 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 0.042 Std Dev 0.00604743 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0355901, 0.0484099]0.042 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0379492, 0.0460508]0.042 TRUE Location MW-8S Mean 0.050375 Std Dev 0.00199553 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0482599, 0.0524901]0.050375 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0490383, 0.0517117]0.050375 TRUE Location MW-9 Mean 0.0675 Std Dev 0.0102956 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0565873, 0.0784127]0.0675 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0606036, 0.0743964]0.0675 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Barium (Ba) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.025 Std Dev 0.00308221 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [0.0220242, 0.0279758]0.025 TRUE 95%1.85955 [0.0230895, 0.0269105]0.025 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.0768571 Std Dev 0.00157359 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.074988, 0.0787263]0.0768571 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0757014, 0.0780129]0.0768571 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 0.04425 Std Dev 0.0101665 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0334742, 0.0550258]0.04425 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0374401, 0.0510599]0.04425 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Chloride Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 1.9375 Std Dev 0.106066 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1.82508, 2.04992]1.9375 TRUE 95%1.89458 [1.86645, 2.00855]1.9375 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 6.725 Std Dev 0.601783 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [6.08715, 7.36285]6.725 TRUE 95%1.89458 [6.32191, 7.12809]6.725 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 6.85714 Std Dev 0.310146 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [6.48875, 7.22554]6.85714 TRUE 95%1.94318 [6.62936, 7.08493]6.85714 TRUE Location MW-13 Mean 4.9125 Std Dev 1.00632 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [3.84587, 5.97913]4.9125 TRUE 95%1.89458 [4.23843, 5.58657]4.9125 TRUE Location MW-14 Mean 8.1125 Std Dev 1.19575 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [6.84508, 9.37992]8.1125 TRUE 95%1.89458 [7.31154, 8.91346]8.1125 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 6.6 Std Dev 0.244949 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [6.30905, 6.89095]6.6 TRUE 95%1.94318 [6.4201, 6.7799]6.6 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 1.175 Std Dev 0.10351 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1.06529, 1.28471]1.175 TRUE 95%1.89458 [1.10567, 1.24433]1.175 TRUE Location MW-8S Mean 2.3 Std Dev 0.358569 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1.91994, 2.68006]2.3 TRUE 95%1.89458 [2.05982, 2.54018]2.3 TRUE Location MW-9 Mean 2.275 Std Dev 0.10351 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [2.16529, 2.38471]2.275 TRUE 95%1.89458 [2.20567, 2.34433]2.275 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Chloride Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 1.1375 Std Dev 0.0916125 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1.0404, 1.2346]1.1375 TRUE 95%1.89458 [1.07613, 1.19887]1.1375 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 6.84286 Std Dev 0.299205 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [6.48746, 7.19826]6.84286 TRUE 95%1.94318 [6.6231, 7.06261]6.84286 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 1.5 Std Dev 0.484031 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.986959, 2.01304]1.5 TRUE 95%1.89458 [1.17578, 1.82422]1.5 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Iron (Fe) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.39075 Std Dev 0.23044 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.146498, 0.635002]0.39075 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.236393, 0.545107]0.39075 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.575875 Std Dev 0.640732 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [-0.103259, 1.25501]0.575875 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.146691, 1.00506]0.575875 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.124429 Std Dev 0.164117 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [-0.070512, 0.319369]0.124429 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.00389252, 0.244965]0.124429 FALSE Location MW-13 Mean 19.25 Std Dev 2.76043 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [16.3241, 22.1759]19.25 TRUE 95%1.89458 [17.401, 21.099]19.25 TRUE Location MW-14 Mean 0.3135 Std Dev 0.301096 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [-0.00564232, 0.632642]0.3135 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.111816, 0.515184]0.3135 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 0.179429 Std Dev 0.134202 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0200207, 0.338836]0.179429 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0808632, 0.277994]0.179429 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 0.766 Std Dev 0.166732 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.589275, 0.942725]0.766 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.654317, 0.877683]0.766 TRUE Location MW-8S Mean 0.037 Std Dev 0.0225769 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.01307, 0.06093]0.037 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0218772, 0.0521228]0.037 TRUE Location MW-9 Mean 1.2305 Std Dev 0.772739 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.411447, 2.04955]1.2305 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.712893, 1.74811]1.2305 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Iron (Fe) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.0884444 Std Dev 0.235333 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [-0.138767, 0.315656]0.0884444 FALSE 95%1.85955 [-0.0574268, 0.234316]0.0884444 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.0121429 Std Dev 0.00405909 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0073214, 0.0169643]0.0121429 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.00916165, 0.0151241]0.0121429 FALSE Location MW-8D Mean 1.53387 Std Dev 0.60046 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.01 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.01 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.897426, 2.17032]1.53387 TRUE 95%1.89458 [1.13167, 1.93608]1.53387 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Manganese (Mn) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.185625 Std Dev 0.128033 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0499179, 0.321332]0.185625 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0998638, 0.271386]0.185625 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.155875 Std Dev 0.117295 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0315499, 0.2802]0.155875 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.0773068, 0.234443]0.155875 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.0774286 Std Dev 0.136098 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [-0.0842307, 0.239088]0.0774286 FALSE 95%1.94318 [-0.0225289, 0.177386]0.0774286 FALSE Location MW-13 Mean 10.4875 Std Dev 0.383359 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [10.0812, 10.8938]10.4875 TRUE 95%1.89458 [10.2307, 10.7443]10.4875 TRUE Location MW-14 Mean 0.126 Std Dev 0.128998 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [-0.0107299, 0.26273]0.126 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.0395925, 0.212408]0.126 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 0.0618571 Std Dev 0.0158895 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0429833, 0.080731]0.0618571 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.050187, 0.0735272]0.0618571 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 0.148125 Std Dev 0.182783 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [-0.0456129, 0.341863]0.148125 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.0256908, 0.270559]0.148125 TRUE Location MW-8S Mean 0.12375 Std Dev 0.0180614 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.104606, 0.142894]0.12375 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.111652, 0.135848]0.12375 TRUE Location MW-9 Mean 0.093125 Std Dev 0.0857262 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00226079, 0.183989]0.093125 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.0357026, 0.150547]0.093125 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Manganese (Mn) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.0222222 Std Dev 0.0516667 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [-0.0276614, 0.0721058]0.0222222 FALSE 95%1.85955 [-0.00980333, 0.0542478]0.0222222 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.103714 Std Dev 0.0291074 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0691401, 0.138288]0.103714 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0823363, 0.125092]0.103714 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 0.42775 Std Dev 0.260053 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.152111, 0.703389]0.42775 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.253558, 0.601942]0.42775 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Nitrate as N Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.0335714 Std Dev 0.0293136 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [-0.00124773, 0.0683906]0.0335714 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.012042, 0.0551009]0.0335714 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.0351429 Std Dev 0.0101066 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0231381, 0.0471476]0.0351429 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.02772, 0.0425657]0.0351429 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.1457 Std Dev 0.0522727 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0836097, 0.20779]0.1457 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.107308, 0.184092]0.1457 TRUE Location MW-13 Mean 0.0478571 Std Dev 0.0513369 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%3.14267 [-0.0131217, 0.108836]0.0478571 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.0101526, 0.0855617]0.0478571 FALSE Location MW-14 Mean 0.0647143 Std Dev 0.0212659 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0394543, 0.0899743]0.0647143 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0490955, 0.0803331]0.0647143 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 0.136129 Std Dev 0.0459737 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0815202, 0.190737]0.136129 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.102363, 0.169894]0.136129 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 0.023 Std Dev 3.74743e-018 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.023, 0.023]0.023 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.023, 0.023]0.023 FALSE Location MW-8S Mean 0.023 Std Dev 3.74743e-018 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.023, 0.023]0.023 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.023, 0.023]0.023 FALSE Location MW-9 Mean 0.0761429 Std Dev 0.024647 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0468667, 0.105419]0.0761429 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0580408, 0.094245]0.0761429 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Nitrate as N Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.034 Std Dev 0.0291033 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [-0.000569348, 0.0685693]0.034 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.012625, 0.055375]0.034 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.165257 Std Dev 0.058573 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0956831, 0.234831]0.165257 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.122238, 0.208276]0.165257 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 0.027 Std Dev 0.0106771 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.023 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.023 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.0143176, 0.0396824]0.027 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.0191582, 0.0348418]0.027 FALSE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Selenium (Se) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-11SR Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.94318 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-13 Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-14 Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-15 Mean 1.95571 Std Dev 0.0930694 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [1.84516, 2.06626]1.95571 TRUE 95%1.94318 [1.88736, 2.02407]1.95571 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-8S Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-9 Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Selenium (Se) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.85955 [1, 1]1 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.94318 [1, 1]1 FALSE Location MW-8D Mean 1 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [1, 1]1 FALSE 95%1.89458 [1, 1]1 FALSE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Sulfate Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.3825 Std Dev 0.372971 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [-0.0128247, 0.777825]0.3825 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.132671, 0.632329]0.3825 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 20.5 Std Dev 11.1484 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [8.68347, 32.3165]20.5 TRUE 95%1.89458 [13.0325, 27.9675]20.5 TRUE Location MW-11SR Mean 45 Std Dev 1.29099 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [43.4665, 46.5335]45 TRUE 95%1.94318 [44.0518, 45.9482]45 TRUE Location MW-13 Mean 15.625 Std Dev 1.30247 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [14.2445, 17.0055]15.625 TRUE 95%1.89458 [14.7526, 16.4974]15.625 TRUE Location MW-14 Mean 32.5 Std Dev 2.56348 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.5 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.5 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [29.7829, 35.2171]32.5 TRUE 95%1.89458 [30.7829, 34.2171]32.5 TRUE Location MW-15 Mean 28.7143 Std Dev 2.28869 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.5 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.5 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [25.9957, 31.4328]28.7143 TRUE 95%1.94318 [27.0334, 30.3952]28.7143 TRUE Location MW-8I Mean 0.72625 Std Dev 0.385077 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.318094, 1.13441]0.72625 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.468313, 0.984187]0.72625 TRUE Location MW-8S Mean 0.2725 Std Dev 0.145185 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.118614, 0.426386]0.2725 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.17525, 0.36975]0.2725 TRUE Location MW-9 Mean 26.375 Std Dev 3.81491 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.5 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.5 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [22.3314, 30.4186]26.375 TRUE 95%1.89458 [23.8196, 28.9304]26.375 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Sulfate Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.3125 Std Dev 0.27835 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.0174674, 0.607533]0.3125 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.126052, 0.498948]0.3125 TRUE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 43.5714 Std Dev 1.27242 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 1 Untransformed Comp. Level 1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [42.06, 45.0828]43.5714 TRUE 95%1.94318 [42.6369, 44.506]43.5714 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 0.7625 Std Dev 0.230202 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.1 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.1 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.518501, 1.0065]0.7625 TRUE 95%1.89458 [0.608303, 0.916697]0.7625 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Thallium (Tl) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.99794e-017 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-13 Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-14 Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-15 Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.99794e-017 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-8I Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-8S Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-9 Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Thallium (Tl) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.94392e-017 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.85955 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.99794e-017 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Location MW-8D Mean 0.2 Std Dev 2.9672e-017 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.2 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.2 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.2, 0.2]0.2 FALSE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Zinc (Zn) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7SR Mean 0.005125 Std Dev 0.000353553 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00475026, 0.00549974]0.005125 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.00488818, 0.00536182]0.005125 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-10 Mean 0.0055 Std Dev 0.00141421 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00400103, 0.00699897]0.0055 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.00455271, 0.00644729]0.0055 FALSE Location MW-11SR Mean 0.005 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE Location MW-13 Mean 0.005 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant Page 2 99%2.99795 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE Location MW-14 Mean 0.005 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE Location MW-15 Mean 0.00557143 Std Dev 0.000786796 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.00463686, 0.006506]0.00557143 FALSE 95%1.94318 [0.00499356, 0.00614929]0.00557143 FALSE Location MW-8I Mean 0.005125 Std Dev 0.000353553 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00475026, 0.00549974]0.005125 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.00488818, 0.00536182]0.005125 FALSE Location MW-8S Mean 0.005 Std Dev 0 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.005, 0.005]0.005 FALSE Location MW-9 Mean 0.0065 Std Dev 0.002 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Page 3 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00438013, 0.00861987]0.0065 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.00516033, 0.00783967]0.0065 TRUE Page 1 Confidence Interval Parameter: Zinc (Zn) Original Data (Not Transformed) Non-Detects Replaced with Detection Limit Background Locations Location MW-7D Mean 0.00511111 Std Dev 0.000333333 Degrees of Freedom 8 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.89647 [0.00478928, 0.00543294]0.00511111 FALSE 95%1.85955 [0.00490449, 0.00531773]0.00511111 FALSE Compliance Locations Location MW-11DR Mean 0.00871429 Std Dev 0.00188982 Degrees of Freedom 6 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%3.14267 [0.00646952, 0.010959]0.00871429 TRUE 95%1.94318 [0.0073263, 0.0101023]0.00871429 TRUE Location MW-8D Mean 0.007375 Std Dev 0.00250357 Degrees of Freedom 7 Comparison Level 0.005 Untransformed Comp. Level 0.005 Confidence t-Stat Interval Mid-Point Significant 99%2.99795 [0.00472138, 0.0100286]0.007375 FALSE 95%1.89458 [0.00569802, 0.00905198]0.007375 TRUE APPENDIX D Soil Sampling Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain of Custody Form April 25, 2013 Dear Order No: RE: Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. received samples on for the analyses presented in following report. FAX: TEL: 8 No problems were encountered during the analyses. Additionally, all results for the associated Quality Control samples were within EPA and/or AES established limits. Any discrepancies associated with the analyses contained herein will be noted and submitted in the form of a project Case Narrative. AES’ certifications are as follows: -NELAC/Florida Certification number E87582 for analysis of Environmental Water, soil/hazardous waste, and Drinking Water Microbiology, effective 07/01/12-06/30/13. -AIHA Certification ID #100671 for Industrial Hygiene samples (Organics, Inorganics), Environmental Lead (Paint, Soil, Dust Wipes, Air), and Environmental Microbiology (Fungal) effective until 09/01/13. These results relate only to the items tested. This report may only be reproduced in full. If you have any questions regarding these test results, please feel free to call. (704) 875-9092 (704) 875-9091 Project Manager 1304G52 Kevin Godwin Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersville NC 28078 92154796 Larissa Elsley 4/18/2013 10:10:00 AM Kevin Godwin: Page 1 of 13 Page 2 of 13 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Client: Case Narrative92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project: 1304G52 It was listed on the Chain of Custody that 2 containers were sent for each sample ID, but only 1 container was received for each sample ID. Page 3 of 13 1304G52-001 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/15/2013 2:10:00 PM SB-13A-6' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.9 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 18:33 GR Sulfate 18 16 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 18:33 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 37.0 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 4 of 13 1304G52-002 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/15/2013 2:30:00 PM SB-13A-15' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.6 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 18:48 GR Sulfate 91 15 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 18:48 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 31.8 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 5 of 13 1304G52-003 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 11:30:00 AM SB-10A-5' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.6 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:03 GR Sulfate BRL 15 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:03 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 31.4 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 6 of 13 1304G52-004 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 11:45:00 AM SB-10A-13.5' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.3 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:18 GR Sulfate BRL 13 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:18 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 25.6 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 7 of 13 1304G52-005 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 12:00:00 PM SB-10A-20' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.4 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:34 GR Sulfate BRL 13 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 19:34 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 26.0 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 8 of 13 1304G52-006 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 1:45:00 PM SB-9A-1.5' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.7 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/23/2013 13:14 GR Sulfate 100 15 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/23/2013 13:14 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 32.0 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 9 of 13 1304G52-007 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 2:15:00 PM SB-9A-16.5' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.4 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/23/2013 13:29 GR Sulfate BRL 14 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/23/2013 13:29 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 27.0 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 10 of 13 1304G52-008 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Analyses Date AnalyzedDilution FactorBatchIDUnitsQualReporting LimitResult Client: Solid 4/16/2013 2:45:00 PM SB-9A-26.5' Matrix: Collection Date: Client Sample ID: 92154796 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lab ID: Project Name: Analyst (SW9056A)ION SCAN SW9056A Nitrate BRL 3.7 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 21:19 GR Sulfate BRL 15 mg/Kg-dry 175115 1 04/22/2013 21:19 GR PERCENT MOISTURE D2216 Percent Moisture 32.6 0 wt%R242763 1 04/24/2013 12:30 AS Qualifiers: * Value exceeds maximum contaminant level BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix Narr See case narrative NC Not confirmed < Less than Result value > Greater than Result value J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit Page 11 of 13 Page 12 of 13 25-Apr-13Date:Analytical Environmental Services, Inc Client: BatchID:Workorder: Project Name: ANALYTICAL QC SUMMARY REPORT92154796 1304G52 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 175115 RPT Limit QualAnalyteResultSPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit SampleType:BatchID:Analysis Date:Seq No:TestCode:175115MBLK 04/22/2013ION SCAN SW9056A Units:Prep Date:Sample ID:Client ID:Run No:mg/Kg 04/22/2013 242615MB-175115 5080509 Nitrate 2.5BRL 00000000 Sulfate 10BRL 00000000 RPT Limit QualAnalyteResultSPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit SampleType:BatchID:Analysis Date:Seq No:TestCode:175115LCS 04/22/2013ION SCAN SW9056A Units:Prep Date:Sample ID:Client ID:Run No:mg/Kg 04/22/2013 242615LCS-175115 5080515 Nitrate 2.546.78 050.00 0 93.6 90 110 0 0 Sulfate 10238.4 0250.0 0 95.4 90 110 0 0 RPT Limit QualAnalyteResultSPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit SampleType:BatchID:Analysis Date:Seq No:TestCode:175115MS 04/22/2013ION SCAN SW9056A Units:Prep Date:Sample ID:Client ID:Run No:mg/Kg-dry 04/22/2013 2426151304F29-001AMS 5080527 Nitrate 2.753.10 053.22 0 99.8 80 120 0 0 Sulfate 11215.9 0266.1 41.14 65.7 80 120 0 S0 RPT Limit QualAnalyteResultSPK value SPK Ref Val %REC Low Limit High Limit RPD Ref Val %RPD RPD Limit SampleType:BatchID:Analysis Date:Seq No:TestCode:175115MSD 04/22/2013ION SCAN SW9056A Units:Prep Date:Sample ID:Client ID:Run No:mg/Kg-dry 04/22/2013 2426151304F29-001AMSD 5080532 Nitrate 2.753.08 2053.22 0 99.7 80 120 53.10 0.021 Sulfate 11211.7 20266.1 41.14 64.1 80 120 215.9 S1.97 Qualifiers: J Estimated value detected below Reporting Limit BRL Below reporting limit H Holding times for preparation or analysis exceeded N Analyte not NELAC certified B Analyte detected in the associated method blank E Estimated (value above quantitation range) S Spike Recovery outside limits due to matrix < Less than Result value> Greater than Result value R RPD outside limits due to matrix Rpt Lim Reporting Limit Page 13 of 13 #=CL# May 01, 2013 LIMS USE: FR - SCOTT SPINNER LIMS OBJECT ID: 92154796 92154796 Project: Pace Project No.: RE: Scott Spinner HDR Engineering 440 South Church Street Suite 1000 Charlotte, NC 28202 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Dear Scott Spinner: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on April 17, 2013. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. Analyses were performed at the Pace Analytical Services location indicated on the sample analyte page for analysis unless otherwise footnoted. Some analyses have been subcontracted outside of the Pace Network. The subcontracted laboratory report has been attached. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kevin Godwin kevin.godwin@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 1 of 24 #=CP# CERTIFICATIONS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Indiana Certification IDs 7726 Moller Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268 Illinois Certification #: 200074 Indiana Certification #: C-49-06 Kansas Certification #: E-10247 Kentucky Certification #: 0042 Louisiana/NELAC Certification #: 04076 Ohio VAP Certification #: 101170-0 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-04991 West Virginia Certification #: 330 Kansas Certification IDs 9608 Loiret Boulevard, Lenexa, KS 66219 A2LA Certification #: 2456.01 Arkansas Certification #: 12-019-0 Illinois Certification #: 002885 Iowa Certification #: 118 Kansas/NELAP Certification #: E-10116 Louisiana Certification #: 03055 Nevada Certification #: KS000212008A Oklahoma Certification #: 9205/9935 Texas Certification #: T104704407-12-3 Utah Certification #: KS000212012-2 Illinois Certification #: 003097 Charlotte Certification IDs 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, Huntersville, NC 28078 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 West Virginia Certification #: 357 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460221 Asheville Certification IDs 2225 Riverside Dr., Asheville, NC 28804 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87648 Massachusetts Certification #: M-NC030 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37712 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 40 South Carolina Certification #: 99030001 West Virginia Certification #: 356 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460222 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 2 of 24 #=SA# SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Lab ID Sample ID Method Analytes Reported LaboratoryAnalysts 92154796001 SB-13A-6'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796002 SB-13A-15'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796003 SB-10A-5'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796004 SB-10A-13.5'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796005 SB-10A-20'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796006 SB-9A-1.5'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796007 SB-9A-16.5'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD 92154796008 SB-9A-26.5'EPA 6010 2 PASI-AJMW EPA 9081 1 PASI-KSMW REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 3 of 24 #=SA# SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Lab ID Sample ID Method Analytes Reported LaboratoryAnalysts ASTM D2974-87 1 PASI-CTNM EPA 9045 1 PASI-AKCS SM 2580B 1 PASI-ITPD REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 4 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-13A-6'Lab ID:92154796001 Collected:04/15/13 14:10 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 42500 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:12 7439-89-604/19/13 16:4011810 Manganese 967 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:20 7439-96-504/19/13 16:400.59 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 7.0 meq/100g 04/29/13 12:5704/29/13 08:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 42.2 %04/18/13 13:500.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.1 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 430 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 5 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-13A-15'Lab ID:92154796002 Collected:04/15/13 14:30 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 42300 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:26 7439-89-604/19/13 16:4013610 Manganese 523 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:23 7439-96-504/19/13 16:400.68 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 15.1 meq/100g 04/29/13 11:5404/26/13 10:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 33.3 %04/18/13 13:500.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.2 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 305 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 6 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-10A-5'Lab ID:92154796003 Collected:04/16/13 11:30 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 27900 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:29 7439-89-604/19/13 16:4096.2 10 Manganese 133 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:27 7439-96-504/19/13 16:400.48 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 18.2 meq/100g 04/29/13 11:5604/26/13 10:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 20.0 %04/18/13 13:500.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.0 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 359 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 7 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-10A-13.5'Lab ID:92154796004 Collected:04/16/13 11:45 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 22400 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:32 7439-89-604/19/13 16:4011210 Manganese 194 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:31 7439-96-504/19/13 16:400.56 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 13.8 meq/100g 04/29/13 11:5904/26/13 10:000.99 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 34.4 %04/18/13 13:500.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.2 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 360 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 8 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-10A-20'Lab ID:92154796005 Collected:04/16/13 12:00 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 26400 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:00 7439-89-604/19/13 19:4019420 Manganese 197 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:24 7439-96-504/19/13 19:400.48 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 11.8 meq/100g 04/29/13 12:0104/26/13 10:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 26.3 %04/18/13 13:510.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.3 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 358 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 9 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-9A-1.5'Lab ID:92154796006 Collected:04/16/13 13:45 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 27000 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:03 7439-89-604/19/13 19:4024220 Manganese 455 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:27 7439-96-504/19/13 19:400.61 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 10.7 meq/100g 04/29/13 12:0304/26/13 10:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 27.5 %04/18/13 13:510.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 4.7 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 416 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 10 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-9A-16.5'Lab ID:92154796007 Collected:04/16/13 14:15 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 33900 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:06 7439-89-604/19/13 19:4022620 Manganese 649 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:39 7439-96-504/19/13 19:400.57 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 15.4 meq/100g 04/29/13 12:0504/26/13 10:001.0 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 19.6 %04/19/13 14:520.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 6.1 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 391 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 11 of 24 #=AR# ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Sample:SB-9A-26.5'Lab ID:92154796008 Collected:04/16/13 14:45 Received:04/17/13 10:00 Matrix:Solid Results reported on a "dry-weight" basis Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No.QualReport Limit 6010 MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA 6010 Preparation Method: EPA 3050 Iron 25500 mg/kg 04/24/13 12:09 7439-89-604/19/13 19:4024520 Manganese 117 mg/kg 04/23/13 17:42 7439-96-504/19/13 19:400.61 1 Cation Exchange Capacity Analytical Method: EPA 9081 Preparation Method: EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity 14.3 meq/100g 04/29/13 12:0804/26/13 10:000.99 10 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 30.8 %04/19/13 14:520.10 1 9045 pH Soil Analytical Method: EPA 9045 pH at 25 Degrees C 5.8 Std. Units 04/22/13 13:000.10 1 Oxidation/Reduction Potential Analytical Method: SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential 385 mV 04/22/13 12:56 N21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 12 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: MPRP/13108 EPA 3050 EPA 6010 6010 MET Associated Lab Samples:92154796001, 92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:960054 Associated Lab Samples:92154796001, 92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004 Matrix:Solid Analyzed Iron mg/kg ND 10.0 04/23/13 15:40 Manganese mg/kg ND 0.50 04/23/13 15:40 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 960055LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: LCSSpike Iron mg/kg 494500 99 80-120 Manganese mg/kg 48.750 97 80-120 Parameter Units MS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 960056MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: MSSpike Result 92154541001 Iron mg/kg 17500 M151123875-12516300 Manganese mg/kg 393 M151.1 267 75-125256 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92154541002 960057SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Iron mg/kg 29400 328400 Manganese mg/kg 1160 61230 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 13 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: MPRP/13112 EPA 3050 EPA 6010 6010 MET Associated Lab Samples:92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:960419 Associated Lab Samples:92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Matrix:Solid Analyzed Iron mg/kg ND 10.0 04/23/13 17:06 Manganese mg/kg ND 0.50 04/23/13 17:06 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 960420LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: LCSSpike Iron mg/kg 523500 105 80-120 Manganese mg/kg 48.150 96 80-120 Parameter Units MS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 960421MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: MSSpike Result 92155116007 Iron mg/kg 22200 M155441275-12519900 Manganese mg/kg 1050 M155.4 1527 75-125208 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92155116008 960422SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Iron mg/kg 40400 837400 Manganese mg/kg 889 2906 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 14 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: MPRP/22447 EPA 9081 EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity Associated Lab Samples:92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004, 92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:1176071 Associated Lab Samples:92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004, 92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Matrix:Solid Analyzed Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g ND 1.0 04/29/13 11:43 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 1176072LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: LCSSpike Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g 59.153.2 111 62-138 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 10225858001 1176073SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g 19.8 1317.5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 15 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: MPRP/22475 EPA 9081 EPA 9081 Cation Exchange Capacity Associated Lab Samples:92154796001 Parameter Units Blank Result Reporting Limit Qualifiers METHOD BLANK:1177575 Associated Lab Samples:92154796001 Matrix:Solid Analyzed Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g ND 1.0 04/29/13 12:48 Parameter Units LCS Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers% RecConc. 1177576LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: LCSSpike Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g 32.853.4 62 62-138 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 10225858002 1177577SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Cation Exchange Capacity meq/100g 12.3 1814.8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 16 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: PMST/5465 ASTM D2974-87 ASTM D2974-87 Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples:92154796001, 92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004, 92154796005, 92154796006 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92154954004 958560SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Percent Moisture %22.5 1325.6 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92154796006 958561SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Percent Moisture %27.7 127.5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 17 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: PMST/5467 ASTM D2974-87 ASTM D2974-87 Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples:92154796007, 92154796008 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92155082009 959555SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Percent Moisture %22.1 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92155132003 959556SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Percent Moisture %22.8 022.7 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 18 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: WET/25071 EPA 9045 EPA 9045 9045 pH Associated Lab Samples:92154796001, 92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004, 92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92154796001 960926SAMPLE DUPLICATE: pH at 25 Degrees C Std. Units 5.2 25.1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 19 of 24 #=QC# QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 QC Batch: QC Batch Method: Analysis Method: Analysis Description: WET/11631 SM 2580B SM 2580B Oxidation/Reduction Potential Associated Lab Samples:92154796001, 92154796002, 92154796003, 92154796004, 92154796005, 92154796006, 92154796007, 92154796008 Parameter Units Dup Result QualifiersRPDResult 92154796001 902938SAMPLE DUPLICATE: Oxidation/Reduction Potential mV 428 N2430 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 20 of 24 #=QL# QUALIFIERS Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to changes in sample preparation, dilution of the sample aliquot, or moisture content. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL - Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PRL - Pace Reporting Limit. RL - Reporting Limit. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine (8270 listed analyte) decomposes to Azobenzene. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean-Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether, Styrene, and Vinyl chloride. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES Pace Analytical Services - AshevillePASI-A Pace Analytical Services - CharlottePASI-C Pace Analytical Services - IndianapolisPASI-I Pace Analytical Services - Kansas CityPASI-K ANALYTE QUALIFIERS Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery.M1 The lab does not hold TNI accreditation for this parameter.N2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 21 of 24 #=CR# QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Project No.: Project: 92154796 Riverbend 207394 Activity 011 Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Analytical Batch 92154796001 MPRP/13108 ICP/11943SB-13A-6'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796002 MPRP/13108 ICP/11943SB-13A-15'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796003 MPRP/13108 ICP/11943SB-10A-5'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796004 MPRP/13108 ICP/11943SB-10A-13.5'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796005 MPRP/13112 ICP/11935SB-10A-20'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796006 MPRP/13112 ICP/11935SB-9A-1.5'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796007 MPRP/13112 ICP/11935SB-9A-16.5'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796008 MPRP/13112 ICP/11935SB-9A-26.5'EPA 3050 EPA 6010 92154796001 MPRP/22475 ICP/17855SB-13A-6'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796002 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-13A-15'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796003 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-10A-5'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796004 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-10A-13.5'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796005 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-10A-20'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796006 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-9A-1.5'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796007 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-9A-16.5'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796008 MPRP/22447 ICP/17839SB-9A-26.5'EPA 9081 EPA 9081 92154796001 PMST/5465SB-13A-6'ASTM D2974-87 92154796002 PMST/5465SB-13A-15'ASTM D2974-87 92154796003 PMST/5465SB-10A-5'ASTM D2974-87 92154796004 PMST/5465SB-10A-13.5'ASTM D2974-87 92154796005 PMST/5465SB-10A-20'ASTM D2974-87 92154796006 PMST/5465SB-9A-1.5'ASTM D2974-87 92154796007 PMST/5467SB-9A-16.5'ASTM D2974-87 92154796008 PMST/5467SB-9A-26.5'ASTM D2974-87 92154796001 WET/25071SB-13A-6'EPA 9045 92154796002 WET/25071SB-13A-15'EPA 9045 92154796003 WET/25071SB-10A-5'EPA 9045 92154796004 WET/25071SB-10A-13.5'EPA 9045 92154796005 WET/25071SB-10A-20'EPA 9045 92154796006 WET/25071SB-9A-1.5'EPA 9045 92154796007 WET/25071SB-9A-16.5'EPA 9045 92154796008 WET/25071SB-9A-26.5'EPA 9045 92154796001 WET/11631SB-13A-6'SM 2580B 92154796002 WET/11631SB-13A-15'SM 2580B 92154796003 WET/11631SB-10A-5'SM 2580B 92154796004 WET/11631SB-10A-13.5'SM 2580B 92154796005 WET/11631SB-10A-20'SM 2580B 92154796006 WET/11631SB-9A-1.5'SM 2580B 92154796007 WET/11631SB-9A-16.5'SM 2580B 92154796008 WET/11631SB-9A-26.5'SM 2580B REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc..Date: 05/01/2013 04:02 PM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Dr. Asheville, NC 28804 (828)254-7176 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 205 East Meadow Road - Suite A Eden, NC 27288 (336)623-8921 Page 22 of 24 Page 23 of 24 Page 24 of 24