HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000396_Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey_20141106Drinking Water Well And Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Background ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Plant and Ash Management Area Description ...................................................... 3 2.2 Description of Surrounding Properties .................................................................. 3 3.0 Site Geology and Hydrogeology .................................................................................. 4 3.1 Generalized Site Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model ............................................ 4 3.2 Site Geology/Hydrogeology ..................................................................................... 5 3.3 Hydrogeologic Information for Flow Direction Determination ......................... 5 3.4 Groundwater Flow Direction Determination Results .......................................... 6 4.0 Drinking Water Well Survey Activities and Findings ............................................ 7 4.1 State Records Review ................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Federal/Other Records Review ................................................................................ 7 4.3 County and Utility Department Records Review ................................................. 8 4.4 Field Survey ................................................................................................................ 8 5.0 Summary of Findings ................................................................................................... 10 6.0 References ....................................................................................................................... 11 List of Figures Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Layout Figure 3 - Drinking Water Well Survey Map List of Tables Table 1 - Public and Private Water Supply Wells Table 2 - Parcel Ownership Information Within Survey Radius List of Appendices Appendix A - EDR Report Appendix B - Example Survey Questionnaire Page i P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy), owns and operates the Asheville Steam Electric Plant (Asheville Plant), located near Asheville, in Buncombe County, North Carolina. The Asheville Plant began commercial operation in the 1960s, with additions in the 1990s and around 2000, and consists of two coal-fired units that primarily use bituminous coal. In addition to the coal-fired units, the Plant also has two combustion turbines. Coal combustion residues have been managed in the Plant’s on-site ash basins and used as beneficial fill at the nearby Asheville Airport. In accordance with the requirements stipulated in Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August, 2014), a survey was conducted to identify drinking water supply wells and surface water bodies located downgradient of the ash basins, herein referred to as the potential area of interest. In addition, to satisfy the requirements of the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) received by Duke on August 13, 2014, potential water supply wells located within 0.5 mile of the Asheville Plant ash basin compliance boundary are also included. Routine water level measurements and corresponding elevations from the groundwater compliance monitoring well network indicate that groundwater flows from upland areas along the eastern side of the property and Lake Julian to the west toward the French Broad River. The French Broad River is the groundwater flow boundary to the west. To the north, Powell Creek and to the south an unnamed tributary would also be expected to represent groundwater flow boundaries. The groundwater flow system along the southern unnamed tributary is currently being evaluated and is considered an area of uncertainty at this time. Duke Energy owns the property within the anticipated groundwater flow boundaries with the exception being a portion of Interstate 26 (I-26) which crosses through the western side of the site. A number of private water supply wells are located within the area of groundwater flow direction uncertainty to the south of the plant and south of the unnamed tributary. Most of the area surrounding the plant is serviced by municipal water. Wells observed or reported beyond the area of uncertainty are located upgradient of the plant or are located on the opposite side of the French Broad River. Based on the anticipated groundwater flow path, none of the wells identified in the water well survey are located downgradient of the ash basin. The location and relevant information pertaining to known and suspected water wells located within the potential area of interest and upgradient of the facility, within 0.5 mile of the compliance boundary, are included in this report as required by the NORR. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 1.0 INTRODUCTION Duke Energy Progress, Inc. (Duke Energy) owns and operates the Asheville Steam Electric Plant (Asheville Plant) site. The Asheville Plant is located south of Interstate I- 26 exit number 37 at 200 CP&L Drive, Arden, North Carolina. The property encompasses approximately 1000 acres on both sides of I-26, with the majority of the plant operations located to the east of I-26. The property includes Lake Julian (approximately 320 acres), located to the east of the plant operations area. The property borders the French Broad River to the west as shown on Figure 1. The Asheville Plant began commercial operation in the 1960s, with additions in the 1990s and around 2000, and consists of two coal-fired units that primarily use bituminous coal. In addition to the coal-fired units, the Plant also has two combustion turbines. Coal combustion residues (CCR) have been managed in the Plant’s on-site ash basins and used as beneficial fill at the nearby Asheville Airport. The discharge from the ash management area is permitted by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Division of Water Resources (DWR) under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit NC0000396. SynTerra has conducted a survey to identify drinking water supply wells and surface water receptors within a 0.5 mile radius of the Asheville Plant ash basins compliance boundary (Figure 2). The compliance boundary for groundwater quality in relation to the ash basins is defined in accordance with 15A NCAC 02L .0107(a) as being established at either 500 feet from the waste boundary or at the property boundary, whichever is closer to the source. This downgradient drinking water well survey report has been prepared to meet the requirements stipulated in Coal Ash Management Act 2014 – North Carolina Senate Bill 729 (August 2014) and the Notice of Regulatory Requirements (NORR) received by Duke on August 13, 2014. As part of the survey, a questionnaire is being sent to owners of property within the survey area as directed by DWR. The purpose of the questionnaire is to determine if additional wells may be present in the area that were not observed or have not been previously reported. The questionnaire is also designed to collect additional Page 1 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra information, such as well use and construction details. An addendum letter and updated information summarizing the questionnaire findings will be submitted to the DWR no later than November 7, 2014. The information available to date is herein provided. Page 2 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 Plant and Ash Management Area Description The Asheville Plant began commercial operation in the 1960s, with additions in the 1990s and around 2000. The coal-fired units primarily use bituminous coal as fuel to produce steam. The site also includes two combustion turbines. Ash generated from the coal combustion has been stored on-site in ash basins and is also used as beneficial fill at the nearby Asheville Airport. The ash basins are shown on Figure 2. Air emissions reduction scrubbers were installed in 2005. A physical and chemical wastewater treatment system was built to remove metals from the scrubber wastewater. The Asheville Plant has a permitted wastewater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) outfall (001) to the French Broad River. The discharge from the scrubber wastewater treatment system flows through a series of engineered wetlands for additional treatment (metals precipitation) prior to discharge through an internal NPDES outfall 005. The engineered treatment wetlands were constructed over the first ash basin built in 1964. The treatment wetlands basins are lined. The second ash basin, built in approximately 1982, is being dewatered and excavated. The ash is being transported to the Asheville Airport and used as structural fill. New ash being generated is currently treated in concrete lined basins that lie on a portion of the 1964 ash basin. The treatment wetlands, stormwater, and treated sluice water are collectively discharged through the NPDES 001 outfall to the French Broad River. Lake Julian was built for cooling water by damming the flow of Powell Creek and its tributaries on the north side of the plant site prior to the French Broad River. Lake Julian and the flooded portion of Powell Creek border the east side of the plant site. Prior to flow into Lake Julian, Powell Creek flows south to north. Below the Lake Julian dam, Powell Creek flows east to west to the confluence with the French Broad River. Surface water from the French Broad River is also pumped into Lake Julian as a supplemental water supply. The water from the French Broad River enters a stilling area of the lake on the north side of the plant. Heated water is discharged back into Lake Julian to the east of the plant, per NPDES outfall 002. 2.2 Description of Surrounding Properties Properties located within a 0.5 mile radius of the Asheville Plant compliance boundary are located in Buncombe County, North Carolina. The properties’ uses include residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural. The French Broad River flows south to north along the western side of the property. Figure 2 depicts the properties surrounding the Asheville Plant. Page 3 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY 3.1 Generalized Site Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model The Asheville Plant is located in the Piedmont Mountain region of North Carolina as described by LeGrand (2004). In general, the regional geology consists of overburden, also referred to as regolith, and metamorphic bedrock. Elevations at the Asheville Plant range from approximately 2,180 feet above mean sea level (msl) near the north end of the Plant to approximately 2,040 feet msl along the French Broad River. Geologically, the Plant is located within an area of metamorphic bedrock consisting of muscovite-biotite gneiss - locally sulfidic; interlayered and gradational with mica schist, minor amphibolite, and hornblende gneiss. The metamorphic rock of this region tends to be exposed on the ground surface along topographic ridges, road cuts, and in stream or river valleys. Where the metamorphic bedrock has been weathered into unconsolidated material, silt, sand and clay are found overlying the bedrock. The two layers, regolith/saprolite or alluvium, and consolidated bedrock form the basic framework of the groundwater system. The transition zone between the saprolite and consolidated bedrock can be a significant hydrogeologic feature in the system. The regolith tends to be composed of a shallow soil zone where the relict structure of the original bedrock material is no longer present. The soil zone transitions downward into saprolite, which is still unconsolidated material, but has the visual texture of the parent bedrock. Saprolite is generally composed of silt, sand, and clay with a porosity ranging from 35 to 55 percent, making it a storage reservoir for groundwater with good natural attenuation characteristics. Where the thickness of saprolite is thin, or it is not present, the saturated zone may be entirely in fractured bedrock. The consolidated nature of the bedrock limits the presence and transport of groundwater to fractures interconnected with the ground surface or the overlying regolith. In areas where the saprolite to competent bedrock is gradual, the slightly weathered rock referred to as the 'transition zone' can be a significant zone of groundwater transport. Groundwater within the area exists under unconfined, or water table, conditions within the residuum and/or saprolite zone and in fractures and joints of the underlying bedrock. The water table and bedrock aquifers are interconnected. The residuum acts as a reservoir for supplying groundwater to the fractures and joints in the bedrock. Page 4 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 3.2 Site Geology/Hydrogeology Boring logs from previous activities at the site describe the subsurface lithology beneath the Plant area as mica gneiss and garnet mica schist. The mica gneiss underlies the majority of the site under the ash basins and is described at a number of locations as containing pyrite, chlorite and garnets. The mica schist is located in the vicinity of the compliance boundaries to the south and north of the site. The first occurrence of groundwater tends to be within the alluvial floodplain deposits along the French Broad River, or within the partially weathered rock or competent bedrock at depths ranging from nine to 20 feet below land surface (bls) along the downgradient compliance boundary and greater than 30 feet bls upgradient of the ash basin. The general direction of groundwater flow in the saprolite aquifer is west, toward the French Broad River, with localized variations as the water table mirrors surface topography. The saturated saprolite aquifer feeds the underlying fractures within the upper bedrock aquifer as evidenced by the downward vertical gradient observed in upland well cluster CB-4/4B. The direction of groundwater flow in the upper bedrock aquifer is also generally to the west, toward the French Broad River, with preferential flow paths toward the small tributaries and exposed outcrops along I-26 (localized discharge zones). 3.3 Hydrogeologic Information for Flow Direction Determination As previously described, groundwater within the area exists under unconfined conditions within the residuum and/or saprolite zones and in the fractures and joints of the underlying bedrock. Shallow groundwater generally flows from local recharge zones in topographically high areas, such as ridges, toward groundwater discharge zones, such as stream valleys. Ridge and topographic high areas serve as groundwater recharge zones, and groundwater flow patterns in recharge areas tend to develop a somewhat radial pattern from the center of the recharge area outward toward the discharge areas and are expected to mimic surface topography. The Asheville Plant is bordered to the east by Lake Julian, to the north by Powell Creek, to the south by an unnamed tributary and to the west by the French Broad River. Powell Creek flows south to north to the confluence of Lake Julian. Below the Lake Julian dam, Powell Creek flows east to west to the confluence of the French Broad River. The unnamed tributary located to the south of the plant also flows east to west to the confluence of the French Broad River. Both streams represent groundwater discharge zones and flow into the French Broad River. The French Broad River flows south to north. Bedrock is exposed along the stream channels and in the French Broad Page 5 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra River. The groundwater flow direction is expected to be similar to the surface water flow direction. 3.4 Groundwater Flow Direction Determination Results Routine water level measurements and corresponding elevations from the compliance monitoring well network indicate that groundwater generally flows from Lake Julian, toward the French Broad River, east to west, or slightly northwest. The approximate groundwater gradient from Lake Julian to the French Broad River for July 2014 was approximately 134 feet (vertical change) over 2970 feet (horizontal distance) or 4.5 feet/100 feet as measured from upgradient background well CB-1 to downgradient well CB-6 (east to west gradient). The groundwater gradient along the French Broad River floodplain was approximately 10 feet (vertical change) over 1900 feet (horizontal distance) or 0.5 feet/100 feet as measured from floodplain well CB-5 to floodplain well CB-7 (south to north gradient along the downgradient compliance boundary). Where groundwater elevation data is available for wells installed within the saprolite, transition zone and upper bedrock the vertical gradient tends to be downward. Near the French Broad River and the spring-fed tributaries, the vertical gradient would be anticipated to be upward during base flow conditions. Page 6 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 4.0 DRINKING WATER WELL SURVEY ACTIVITIES AND FINDINGS 4.1 State Records Review SynTerra reviewed the NCDENR Department of Environmental Health (DEH) Public Water Supply Section’s (PWSS) Public Water Supply Water Sources Geographic Information System (GIS) point data set (pwsws.shp) and the Water Distribution Map Service (WDMS) data set obtained from the NC OneMap GeoSpatial Portal (http://data.nconemap.com/geoportal/catalog/main/home.page) to identify public water supply sources and water supply lines within a 0.5 mile radius of the Asheville Plant compliance boundary. According to the NC OneMap website, the Public Water Supply Water Sources point data was current through November 18, 2009, and that it is the most current GIS data set of public water supply locations available from North Carolina state agencies. The GIS point data for the public water supply wells includes, but is not limited to information such as public water supply (PWS) system identification numbers, ownership information, PWS source type, well depth, and well yield. The WDMS data set contains information on municipal water lines and other appurtenances. On June 24, 2014, SynTerra reviewed the NCDENR Division of Water Resources (DWR) Source Water Assessment Program (SWAP) online database for public water supply sources to identify wells located within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary; to confirm the location of wells included in the Public Water Supply Water Sources GIS point data set, and to identify any wellhead protection areas located within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The NCDENR SWAP database provides detailed assessments of all public drinking water intakes and wellhead protection areas in North Carolina. The website address is: (http://swap.ncwater.org/website/swap/viewer.htm). 4.2 Federal/Other Records Review SynTerra reviewed the United States Geological Survey (USGS) National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) obtained from the USGS National Map Viewer (http://viewer.nationalmap.gov/viewer/) to identify surface waters within a 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. Hydrography data obtained from the USGS NHD is included on Figure 3. The EDR report identified one water supply well potentially located near the survey area. A well is reported at the Poplar Terrace Mobile Home Park located on Bradley Branch Road (Figure 3). Buncombe County GIS data confirms the Poplar Terrace Mobile Home Park at this location (185 Bradley Branch Road). Page 7 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra A survey of potential water supply wells within a 0.5 mile radius of the Asheville Plant site property boundary was completed by S&ME in December 2012. The majority of the area within the radius of the survey is supplied by the public water system. Five water supply wells were identified within the 0.5 mile radius. Subsequently, NCDENR identified one additional water supply well. Five of the water supply wells are located to the south of the plant property and one is located to the north. Information available to date indicates that NCDENR sampled the water supply wells identified in the 2012 survey near the Asheville Plant during 2012 and 2013. Additional sampling of wells along Bear Leah Trail was conducted during 2013 and 2014. No well construction information is provided. The EDR Report lists a number of violations for failure to report for this well. A copy of the EDR Report is provided in Appendix A. Visual reconnaissance did not identify the location of this well. 4.3 County and Utility Department Records Review The Water Distribution Map Service (WDMS) data set obtained from the NC OneMap GeoSpatial Portal (or Buncombe County GIS) indicate municipal water supply lines along major roadways for the survey area located on the east side of the French Broad River, east of I-26. Water lines are also available in the northwest survey area on the west side of the French Broad River. However, water lines are not available in the southwest survey area. The occupied residences within the southwest area of the survey are known or suspected to have water wells. 4.4 Field Survey SynTerra conducted a visual reconnaissance of the survey area by driving public road- ways and noting properties that appeared to be developed or occupied. Structures resembling water supply wells or well houses were noted where visible and are shown on Figure 3 as reported/observed water supply wells (DW). Most of the area development consists of residential and commercial properties with some industrial and agricultural uses. Structures resembling wells or well houses were observed on Hoyt Road and Bear Leah Trail. Additional properties within the 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary appeared to be developed and in-use (occupied) with no apparent municipal water supply. These properties are noted on Figure 3 as possible water supply well (PRW). A written survey questionnaire is being mailed to the owners of properties within the survey area (Table 2). The questionnaire requests information regarding potential well location, well use, well depth and construction, date of completion, etc. Information reported from the questionnaire responses will be compiled and provided as an Page 8 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra addendum to the survey on or before November 7th, 2014. An example of the survey questionnaire is attached in Appendix B. Page 9 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 5.0 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS No public or private drinking water wells or wellhead protection areas are located within the potential area of interest (Figure 3). Approximately 18 possible private water supply wells were observed, have been reported, or may be located within 0.5 mile of the compliance boundary. Of the 18 identified water supply wells, two lie within the area of uncertainty to the south of the plant. This area is currently the subject of additional study described in the previously submitted Water Supply Well Assessment Work Plan (December 2013). One community supply well is reported for the Poplar Terrace Mobile Home Park located on Bradley Branch Road. However, records are not current, the well was not observed and a water line is available. A number of surface water features are present within the 0.5 mile radius of the compliance boundary. The surface water features flow toward the French Broad River. An approximate 9,000 foot long section of the French Broad River is located within the western portion of the survey radius. The French Broad River flows north. These findings are supported by field observations and the results of the records review as described in Section 4.0 above. Groundwater generally flows across the Asheville Plant from the east (Lake Julian) towards the west and the French Broad River (Figure 3). Based on this observation, all the water supply wells identified are located hydraulically upgradient, sidegradient or are separated from the plant watershed by a significant hydraulic divide (the French Broad River). Water wells located upgradient of the facility and within 0.5 miles of the compliance boundary are noted on Figure 3 in accordance with the NORR. Parcel information for these upgradient water well locations is provided in Table 1. A questionnaire is being sent to all the owners of property within the survey area as directed by DWR. These property owners are summarized on Table 2. An addendum letter and updated Figure 3 summarizing the questionnaire findings will be submitted to the DWR no later than November 7, 2014. Page 10 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx Drinking Water Well and Receptor Survey September 2014 Asheville Steam Electric Plant SynTerra 6.0 REFERENCES Brown, P.M., and Parker, J.M., III, compilers, 1985, Geologic map of North Carolina: North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Land Resources, scale 1:500,000, 1 sheet. LeGrand, Harry E., Sr., 2004. “A Master Conceptual Model for Hydrogeological Site Characterization in the Piedmont and Mountain Region of North Carolina: A Guidance Manual”. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Groundwater Section. Whisnant, Gary. Letter to G. Landon Davidson. January 2, 2013. Progress Energy Carolinas Asheville Steam Electric Plant Receptor Survey and Groundwater Site Conceptual Model. TS. Page 11 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Asheville Drinking Water Well Receptor Survey.docx FIGURE PROJECT MANAGER: LAYOUT: DRAWN BY: KATHY WEBB DATE:S. ARLEDGE FIG 1 (USGS SITE LOCATION) 2014-09-30 FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT 200 CP&L DRIVE ARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA SKYLAND NC QUADRANGLE 2000 GRAPHIC SCALE 1000 IN FEET 10000CONTOUR INTERVAL: MAP DATE: 20 FT 1991 DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS- ASHEVILLE PLANT BUNCOMBE COUNTY 148 RIVER STREET, SUITE 220 GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA PHONE 864-421-9999 www.synterracorp.com USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP OBTAINED FROM GEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AT http://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/ SOURCE: PROPERTY BOUNDARY 500' COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY WASTE BOUNDARY I -26 LAKE JULIAN P OW E L L C R E E KFRENCH BROAD RIVER NPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDES NPDES NPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDESNPDES2500 250 500GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEETFIG 2 (SITE LAYOUT)2014-09-30J. WYLIES. ARLEDGEPROJECT MANAGER:LAYOUT NAME:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:K. WEBBDATE:DATE:FIGURE 2SITE LAYOUTwww.synterracorp.com148 River Street, Suite 220Greenville, South Carolina 29601864-421-9999ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT200 CP&L DRIVEARDEN, NORTH CAROLINALEGENDBACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)GW-1CB-92014-09-30SOURCES:1. 2014 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM WSP FLOWNON APRIL 17, 2014.2. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OF NORTHCAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM FIPS 3200(NAD 83).3. PARCEL BOUNDARY WAS OBTAINED FROM BUNCOMBECOUNTY GIS DATA AThttp://gis.buncombecounty.org/buncomap/Map_All.html4. COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND WASTEBOUNDARY FROM FCA OF NC, SURVEY DATED MARCH2009. COMPLIANCE WELLS CB-3R, CB-9 AND SG-1SURVEYED BY FCA OF NC, SURVEY DATED 2012-11-28.500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ASHEVILLE PLANTWASTE BOUNDARYCB-9CB-1GW-1CB-2CB-3RCB-4CB-4BCB-5CB-6CB-7CB-8 WWWWWWWWWWWW WW W W WWWWW W WWW WWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW W W W WWWWWWWWWWW W W W W WWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W WWWWWW W W W WWW W W WWWWW WW WW WWWW WWWWW W WWWWWWWWWWWW W W W WWWWWWWWW WWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW W W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WW W W WW W W W WW W W WWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW W W WWWWWWW W W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWW W WWWW WWW 6000 600 1200GRAPHIC SCALEIN FEETFIG 3 (DRINKING WATER MAP)(11X17)2014-09-30T. PLATINGS. ARLEDGEPROJECT MANAGER:LAYOUT NAME:DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:K. WEBBDATE:DATE:FIGURE 3DRINKING WATER SUPPLYWELL MAPwww.synterracorp.com148 River Street, Suite 220Greenville, South Carolina 29601864-421-9999LEGENDBACKGROUND MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)COMPLIANCE MONITORING WELL (SURVEYED)2014-09-30SOURCES:1. 2012 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OBTAINED FROM NRCSGEOSPATIAL DATA GATEWAY AThttp://datagateway.nrcs.usda.gov/2. BUNCOMBE COUNTY WATER LINES (1997) OBTAINEDFROM NC ONE MAP AT www.nconemap.com3. PARCEL BOUNDARY WAS OBTAINED FROM BUNCOMBECOUNTY GIS DATA AThttp://gis.buncombecounty.org/buncomap/Map_All.html4. DRAWING HAS BEEN SET WITH A PROJECTION OFNORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEMFIPS 3200 (NAD 83).5. 10ft CONTOUR INTERVALS FROM NCDOT LIDAR DATED2007https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/gis/pages/cont-elev_v2.aspxNOTE:1. CONTOUR LINES ARE USED FOR REPRESENTATIVEPURPOSES ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FORDESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES.500 ft COMPLIANCE BOUNDARYDUKE ENERGY PROGRESS ASHEVILLE PLANTWASTE BOUNDARYHALF MILE SURVEY BOUNDARYPOTENTIAL AREA OF INTEREST (APPROXIMATE)CB-9CB-8GENERALIZED GROUNDWATER FLOWDIRECTION•SUPPORTED BY GROUNDWATER ELEVATION DATA ORTOPOGRAPHIC DATAINTERSTATE 26TO ASHEVILLEINTERSTATE 26TO HENDERSONVILLEFRENCH BROAD RIVERFRENCH BROAD RIVERLAKE JULIANNORMAL POOL ELEVATION2160.7FT (msl.)LONG SHOALS RDG L E NN BR I DG E RD HENDERSONVILLE RD (US 25)LEDBETTER RDLONG SHOALS RDLEDBETTER RDGLENN BRIDGE RD SENEW ROCKWOOD RDOLD SHOALS RDHEYWOOD RDLONG SHOALS RDHOYT RDAI R P O R T R D BRADLEY BRANCH RDSCHENCK PKWAYSUMNER LANELAKE COMABRITTIAN PARK RDJUSTIN TRAILGLENN BRIDGE RDBEAR LEAH TRAILASH MANAGEMENT AREAGLENVIEW RDPOWELL CREEKUNNAMED TRIBUTARYFLOWNPDES OUTFALL 001FLOWOBSERVED WATERLINE (APPROXIMATE)PRW-1DW-1POSSIBLE WATER SUPPLY WELLREPORTED/OBSERVED WATER SUPPLY WELLBUNCOMBE COUNTY WATERLINEWEDR 1EDR REPORTED SUPPLY WELL (APPROXIMATE)PARCEL LINE (BUNCOMBE CO GIS)FLOW DIRECTIONCB-9CB-1CB-7CB-6CB-5CB-4CB-3RCB-2GW-1AREA OF UNCERTAINTY (APPROXIMATE)ESTIMATEDELEVATION2030FT (msl.)ESTIMATEDELEVATION2040FT (msl.)ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT200 CP & L DRIVEARDEN, NORTH CAROLINA2007 LiDAR CONTOUR MAJOR2220DW-3DW-4DW-8DW-1DW-5DW-7PRW-1PRW-2PRW-6PRW-7PRW-3PRW-4PRW-5DW-2DW-6EDR 1PRW-10PRW-8PRW-9 TABLE TABLE 1 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELLS WITHIN 0.5 MILE RADIUS OF ASH BASINS AREA COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA MAP WELL ID PARCEL ID NUMBER WELL OWNER/USER OWNER ADDRESS OWNER CITY OWNER STATE OWNER ZIP PROPERTY ADDRESS (WELL LOCATION)FIELD DESCRIPTION / NOTES DW-1 9644276686 HICKLIN HILL LLC 315 LONG SHOALS RD ARDEN NC 28704 313 LONG SHOALS RD PRIVATE ROAD. NO WELL OBSERVED. PRIVATE WELL BASED ON S&ME SURVEY. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR. DW-2 9644120572 ROMINE, JACK R. & CAROL W.8 HOYT RD ARDEN NC 28704 18 HOYT RD WELL COVER OBSERVED. WATER LINE AVAILABLE. DW-3 9644412773 MOTTINGER KENT T & MOTTINGER JIMI G PO BOX 489 ZIRCONIA NC 28790 40 BEAR LEAH TRL PRIVATE WELL OBSERVED AND IN USE. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR. DW-4 9644415334 MOTTINGER KENT T & MOTTINGER JIMI G PO BOX 489 ZIRCONIA NC 28790 38 BEAR LEAH TRL PRIVATE WELL OBSERVED AND IN USE. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR. DW-5 9644417066 HART CECILY ANN PO BOX 80220 CHARLESTON SC 29416 36 BEAR LEAH TRL WELL USED FOR CAMPER ON OCCASIONAL BASIS. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR AS 33 BEAR LEAH TRAIL. DW-6 9644408345 GASPERSON TIMOTHY D (ETAL)899 AIKEN RD ASHEVILLE NC 28804 16 BEAR LEAH TRL CAMPER LOCATED ON PROPERTY. WELL HOUSE OBSERVED. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR. DW-7 9644408000 CRAIG AUDREY 116 AVERY CREEK RD ARDEN NC 28704 404 AN D 406 GLENN BRIDGE RD WELL SERVICES TWO MOBILE HOMES. WELL SAMPLED BY NCDENR DW-8 9644609861 MONTGOMERY SHANNON & HUGHES DANNY A 18 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN NC 28704 18 GLENVIEW RD PRIVATE WELL BASED ON S&ME SURVEY. WELL HAS BEEN SAMPLED BY NCDENR. PRW-1 9644035264 WEBB JAMES CURTIS 17 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN NC 28704 17 BRITTIAN PARK DR PRIVATE ROAD. WATER LINE AVAILABLE ON LEDBETTER ROAD. NO METER BOX OBSERVED. SUPPLY WELL IS POSSIBLE PRW-2 9644037374 WEBB JAMES S & WEBB SUE PARKER W 25 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN NC 28704 25 BRITTIAN PARK DR PRIVATE ROAD. WATER LINE AVAILABLE ON LEDBETTER ROAD. NO METER BOX OBSERVED. SUPPLY WELL IS POSSIBLE PRW-3 9644217849 SIMPSON JOSEPH T & SIMPSON DEBORAH J 215 SUMNER DR ARDEN NC 28704 215 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-4 9644213738 BROWN WALLACE A & WAGNER STACEY C 213 SUMNER DR ARDEN NC 28704 213 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-5 9644212156 LEATHERWOOD ALEXANDER RYAN 211 SUMNER DR ARDEN NC 28704 211 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-6 9644216018 MCCLELLAN DONALD L 28 AZALEA RD ARDEN NC 28704 102 JUSTIN TRL PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-7 9644218422 YOUNG DON & YOUNG MARIE 394 MERRIMON AVE ASHEVILLE NC 28801 212 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-8 9644312714 CRUZ SEGARRA RICARDO & CRUZ SEGARRA JERI A 218 SUMNER DRIVE ARDEN NC 28704 218 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-9 9644208700 MCCLELLAN B & MCCLELLAN ON & SHEILA C 105 JUSTIN TRL ARDEN NC 28704 105 JUSTIN TRL PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, NO WELL OBSERVED, NO WATER LINE AVAILABLE. PRW-10 9643296877 SUMNER TERESA FORE 206 SUMNER DR LOT 1 ARDEN NC 28704 206 SUMNER DR PRIVATE ROAD. OCCUPIED, BUT NO WELLS OBSERVED AND NO WATER LINES/METER BOXES OBSERVED. EDR-1 9644805524 POPLAR TERRACE MOBILE HM PRK TRUST & ASHEVILLE PRO PO BOX 6837 ASHEVILLE NC 28816 185 BRADLEY BRANCH RD SUPPLY WELL LISTED IN EDR REPORT. RECORDS NOT UP TO DATE. NO WELL OBSERVED AT THIS LOCATION. WATER LINE IS AVAILABLE. Prepared by: HJF Checked by: KWW Notes: Map Well # refers to well number shown on the Receptor Survey Map. Parcel ID, owner and address information were obtained from the Buncombe County North Carolina website (http://www.buncombecounty.org/Governing/Depts/GIS/) The Field Description/Notes column is a brief summary of SynTerra field observations or other relevant information as follows: The name of the occupant based upon road or building signage is noted where observed. "Occupied" indicates the site appeared to be in use based upon drive-by observations. "Vacant" indicates the site has been developed but did not appear to be currently used based upon drive-by observations. Street identification numbers observed during the drive-by survey are noted where available and may or may not match the County GIS parcel address information. Parcels that appear to be undeveloped are considered not to have water supply wells and are not listed. P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 1 Public and Private Water Supply Ashevillel.xlsx TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS AIKEN STEPHEN K 00033 FOXBERRY DR 33 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 ALLEN CAROLYN E & ALLEN RICHARD C 00006 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 6D ARDEN, NC 28704 ALLEN RICHARD C 00006 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 6D ARDEN, NC 28704 ALLIANCE-CAROLINA TOOL & MOLD CORP 00125 GLENN BRIDGE RD 125 STRATTON RD NEW ROCHELLE, NY 10804 ALMAC LLC 00015 STONE HOUSE RD 15 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 AMCOURT LLC 00011 HEYWOOD RD 103 CLOVERLEAF LN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 AMCOURT LLC 00004 HEYWOOD RD 103 CLOVER LEAF LN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 AMMONS MAE M 00021 SPRING HILL DR 21 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 ANDERSON AMBERLY & ANDERSON JOSEPH ARTHUR 00001 WELBOURN WAY 1 WELBOURN WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 ANDRADE JUAN C 00040 FOXBERRY DR 40 DELLWOOD ST ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 ANGEL SHERRY BATES 00124 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 124 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 ARDEN-RIVER GLEN LLC 00001 RIVER GLEN DR PO BOX 26405 GREENSBORO, NC 27404 ARELLANO STEVE & ARELLANO ANGELA 00063 WINDING OAK DR 63 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 ARKIN STANLEY J & BARBARA & WILLIAMS SHANA MICHELL 00118 WOOD GLEN CT 425 E 58TH ST APT 30H-E NEW YORK, NY 10022 ARNEY MICHAEL DOUGLAS 00003 MAHOGANY RD 807 CAROLINA AVE HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28791 ASHEVILLE PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS 01159 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 945 SKYLAND, NC 28776 ASHEVILLE ROWING CLUB 00070 LAKE JULIAN RD PO BOX 2275 SKYLAND, NC 28776 AUNG ZAW MIN & WIN NANDAR 00014 SECREST DR 14 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 AYSTA MARK & AYSTA TRINA 00030 FOXBERRY DR 7327 BAY RIDGE DR DENVER, NC 28037 BAITY WILLIAM EDGAR REV TR ETUI 00131 GLENN BRIDGE RD 7 MOLAND DR ETOWAH, NC 28729 BALLEW WILLIAM R & BALLEW HOPE R 00037 WINDING OAK DR 37 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BANKS DUANE & RHONEY AMY 00009 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 9B ARDEN, NC 28704 BARAN ANDRZEJ & SPENDLOVE SHERRY 00033 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 266 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93406 BARLOW MARGARET M & MCCOY RYAN P 00014 FOXBERRY DR 14 FOXBERRY DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 BARLOW ROY Y & BARLOW M STIRLING 00008 SILVERLACE CIR 8 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 BARNETT JEFFREY A 00050 WINDING OAK DR 50 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BARNETT KEVIN H & BARNETT CLAIRE M 00047 WINDING OAK DR 47 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BARTLETT BRIAN TODD & BARTLETT ANGELA B 00008 SECREST DR 160 DEERCHASE LN CHUCKEY, TN 37641 BASWELL EDWARD A & BASWELL PATRICIA A 00016 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 16C ARDEN, NC 28704 BAUMANN SUSAN 00012 FOXBERRY DR 14 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 1 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS BEAL JOHN D & BEAL RACHEL P 00015 HOYT RD 15 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BEAL RACHEL P 99999 HOYT RD 15 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BEAM SAMUEL D & BEAM SHAWN 00016 WINTERHILL RD PO BOX 276 SKYLAND, NC 28776 BEHN SHARON F 00024 DAPHNE DR 24 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BELL JULIE ANN 00076 ABERDEEN DR 76 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BENFIELD CAROLYN MITCHELL TRUSTEE 00171 GLENN BRIDGE RD 524 ONTEORA BLVD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 BENNETT JANET M 00006 HEYWOOD RD 18 TIMOTHY LN CANDLER, NC 28715 BENTLEY TERRY LEE 00016 DAPHNE DR 15 ROSECREST CT ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 BERGLIND DOUGLAS O & BERGLIND MARTHA E 00108 FOUNDERS WAY 108 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 BERLIN ARNOLD L & BERLIN GLORIA 00022 WINTERHILL RD 22 WINTERHILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BEUCHOT LINSEY MARIE 00021 DAPHNE DR 21 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BILOTTA ROCKY G 00056 ABERDEEN DR 1 DOUGLAS FIR AVE ARDEN, NC 28704 BISHOP ALAN E & BISHOP ANDREA J 00042 WINDING OAK DR 42 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BLAIR ROSS RANDALL & BLAIR MELISSA ESTES 00007 SILVERLACE CIR 7 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 BLANKENSHIP LORI GARY & BLANKENSHIP JAMES M 00001 WINDING OAK DR 1 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE INVESTMENTS LLC 99999 HOYT RD 32 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE INVESTMENTS LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 32 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BLUE RIVER INVESTMENTS LLC 00010 HEYWOOD RD 102 ROBIN CREST DR HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28791 BLYTHE SANDRA MARIE 00010 DONOTHAN DR 203 HAMPTON CT HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28791 BOGUE SALLY KIM 00008 DAPHNE DR 8 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BOLDEN MARGARET 00041 GLENVIEW PL 44 DOUBLE D DR FLAT ROCK, NC 28731 BOLT DWAYNE WILLIAM 00054 FOXBERRY DR 254 KINVARA LN HORSE SHOE, NC 28742 BOONE BEVERLY D 00002 HEYWOOD RD 45 FIRETHORNE DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 BOWERS FRANCES D 00036 MANDERLEY WAY 36 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 BOYD EVADORA CARRIE 00064 FOXBERRY DR 17 HONEY LOCUST DR MILLS RIVER, NC 28759 BOYD HARRISON T & ALEXANDER MARGARET S & CHRISTOPH 00066 FOXBERRY DR 18 VALLEY WAY MENDHAM, NJ 07945 BRADFORD TRAVIS LEE & WILSON LOTTIE SHAUNNA DAWN 00109 GLENVIEW RD 109 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BRADLEY BRANCH INVESTMENTS LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 77 CENTRAL AVE STE H ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 BRADLEY BRANCH INVESTMENTS LLC 00102 FOUNDERS WAY 77 CENTRAL AVE STE H ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 BRADLEY CHERYL 00019 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 19C ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 2 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS BRIGGS FRANCES C 00273 LONG SHOALS RD 273 LONG SHOALS RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BRIGGS STANLEY & BRIGGS JUANITA 00015 SECREST DR 15 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BROOKS DALLAS T & BROOKS TAMMY J 00029 DAPHNE DR PO BOX 1515 CLYDE, NC 28721 BROOKS DELORES M 00254 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 730 HEATH DR SENECA, SC 29678 BROWN DON LADD & BROWN DIANE REESE 00002 SILVERLACE CIR 2 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 BROWN REID & BROWN SUSAN 00021 STONE HOUSE RD 21 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BROWN RODERICK D & BROWN WALTERINA B 00059 FOXBERRY DR 59 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BROWN WALLACE A & WAGNER STACEY C 00213 SUMNER DR 213 SUMNER DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BRYSON ASHELY N & BRYSON PAMELA A 00018 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 18B ARDEN, NC 28704 BUGG JOHNNY C & BUGG MARY JO 00053 NEW ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 114 ARDEN, NC 28704 BULLMAN JEROMY K & BULLMAN AMY 00117 LEDBETTER RD 117 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BURCHETT RODNEY N & BURCHETT MILDRED F 00042 FOXBERRY DR 42 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BURGENER JYL 00023 ABERDEEN DR 67 AVIARY CT CLAYTON, NC 27520 BURKE JAMES A & BURKE ELIZABETH A 00015 WINTERHILL RD 15 WINTERHILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 BURNETTE BRENDA GAIL 00006 ABERDEEN DR 8407 KNOLLWOOD CIR CHARLOTTE, NC 28213 BURTON WENDELL L & BURTON SUZANNE H 00010 C P & L DR 10 CP AND L DR ARDEN, NC 28704 BUTLER DONNA GENEVA 00018 CUTSHAW DR 144 ROUND TOP RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 BYERLY JASON C 00037 DAPHNE DR 37 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CABADAS JOSE V & ERUNDINA T 00003 GALICIA CT 1039 RICEVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 CALDWELL CELIA JEAN 00001 HEYWOOD RD 27 SANDHURST DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 CAMBY CAROLYN BUTLER 00028 CUTSHAW DR 28 CUTSHAW DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CANGELOSI ANN MARIE 00028 FOXBERRY DR 104 ATLANTIC AVE APT 9 LYNBROOK, NY 11563 CANIPE LARRY D 00011 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 11D ARDEN, NC 28704 CARDER ARTHUR & CARDER MAUREEN 00121 LEDBETTER RD 121 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CAREY SEAN MICHAEL & CLOUTIER VICKI 00277 GLENN BRIDGE RD 27 SHADOW OAKS DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 CARNEGIE ANNETTE 00010 CUTSHAW DR 410 OX CREEK RD WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 CARPENTER AVERY F & CARPENTER JENNIE 00151 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 151 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CARSON GENELL LAVETTE 00071 DUCKER RD 78 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CARSON LOUIS (ETAL) & CARSON ANNIE (ETAL)00082 BEALE RD 82 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CARSON LOUIS N & CARSON ANNIE H 00080 BEALE RD 80 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 3 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS CARSON LOUIS N ET AL UI 00076 BEALE RD 76 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CARVER WYNETTE H 00064 ABERDEEN DR 64 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CASEY LYNDON KERMIT 00022 GLENN BRIDGE RD 22 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CASMAN SYBIL C 00015 MANDERLEY WAY 564 PILGRIM HBR WALLINGFORD, CT 06492 CASPERSON ROBERT N 00005 MAHOGANY RD 5 MAHAGONY RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CASWELL CRISTOFER S & CASWELL KIM 00009 FOXBERRY DR 9 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CHEATHAM SANDRA K 00074 ABERDEEN DR 198 WHITENER RD PENROSE, NC 28766 CHECCA TERRANCE M & CHECCA TAMMY W 00315 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1060 PATTON AVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 CHHABRA SANDEEP & CHHABRA SHALINI 00050 LEDBETTER RD 540 RAQUELLE DR BOWLING GREEN, KY 42103 CHILDS WILLIAM L & CHILDS CELEE E 00026 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 1422 HIGHVIEW DR APT H101 COLUMBIA, TN 38401 CHRISTOPHER HELEN ELENORA 00107 OLD SHOALS LN 10 SHORT GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CHRISTOPHER HELEN T 00010 SHORT GLENN BRIDGE RD 10 SHORT GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CHURCH W OWEN & CHURCH SHEILA W 00025 GRACE LN 25 GRACE LN ARDEN, NC 28704 CHURCH WALTER O & CHURCH SHEILA W 99999 GRACE LN 25 GRACE LN ARDEN, NC 28704 CHURCH WALTER OWEN & CHURCH SHEILA W 99999 GRACE LN 25 GRACE LN ARDEN, NC 28704 CITY OF ASHEVILLE 99999 PINNER RD PO BOX 817 FLETCHER, NC 28732 CJ MARS BEALE LLC 00065 BEALE RD 614 HOLT LANE ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 CLARK JASON E & CLARK KIMBERLY D 00002 HOLMES LN 2 HOLMES LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 CLARK MATTHEW R & CLARK ASHLEY M 00016 FOXBERRY DR 16 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 CLARK THERESA M 00003 MAXIM CT 3 MAXIM CT ARDEN, NC 28704 COLE ALICIA M & MILLS REGINALD A 00038 FOXBERRY DR 38 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 COLEMAN CARROLL W & COLEMAN SHEILA R 00012 STONE HOUSE RD 12 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 COMRIE JOHN 00006 WINDING OAK DR 16300 DOLLIE MAE CT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93314 CONDON ROBERT T & CONDON DIANE M 00016 HEYWOOD RD 1081 GARREN CREEK RD FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 CONNER LISA CHERYL TODD 00290 GLENN BRIDGE RD 290 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CONRAD LAUREL D 00012 HEYWOOD RD 95158 SPRING TIDE LANE FERNANDINA BCH, FL 32034 COOK CINDY M 00014 ABERDEEN DR 334 CLARINE DR GOOSE CREEK, SC 29445 COOK ROBERT DEREK 00015 HEYWOOD RD 125 LUMBER RIVER RD FLETCHER, NC 28732 COOKE ELIZABETH L 00058 WINDING OAK DR 58 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 COPELAND JAMES 00023 DUCKER RD 25 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 4 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS COPNEY MKEKA BRIAN 00312 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 424 FLETCHER, NC 28732 COULBY W EDWARD (JT) & COULBY WILLIAM E (JR)00018 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 18A ARDEN, NC 28704 COX GEORGE & COX LINDA 00055 NEW ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 334 ARDEN, NC 28704 COX WILLIAM L & COX KENNETH 00033 DUCKER RD 376BGARREN CREEK RD FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 CRAIG AUDREY 00404 GLENN BRIDGE RD 116 AVERY CREEK RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CRAIG JOHN & CRAIG AUDREY 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 116 AVERY CREEK RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CRAIG JOHN RUSSELL 00135 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 135 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CRAIG JOHN RUSSELL 99999 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 135 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 CROW AMANDA C 00032 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 1618 JACKSON DOWNS BLVD NASHVILLE, TN 37214 CRUZ SEGARRA RICARDO & CRUZ SEGARRA JERI A 00218 SUMNER DR 218 SUMNER DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 CUSTOM PACKAGING INC 99999 BEALE RD 1315 W BADDOUR PKWY LEBANON, TN 37087 CUSTON PACKG OF ASHE INC 00020 BEALE RD 1315 W BADDOUR PKWY LEBANON, TN 37087 CUSTON PACKING OF ASHEVILLE INC 99999 BEALE RD 1315 W BADDOUR PKWY LEBANON, TN 37087 CUTLER HAMMER INC 00221 HEYWOOD RD 1000 EATON BLVD CLEVELAND, OH 44122 CUTSHAW GLENNA 00075 GLENVIEW RD 733 LISENBEE RD MARSHALL, NC 28753 CUTSHAW JOHN DAVID 00031 GLENVIEW PL PO BOX 602 ARDEN, NC 28704 CUTSHAW JOHN DAVID 00001 GLENVIEW PL PO BOX 602 ARDEN, NC 28704 CUTSHAW ONNIE W & CUTSHAW EVA L 00065 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 65 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DALLMAN LINNEA J 00072 ABERDEEN DR 72 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DALTON ALLEN & DALTON JENNIFER 00007 HOLMES LN 7 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 DALTON LESLIE H 00074 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 74 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DARTY(HEIRS) LELIA & LELIA DAUGHTERY 00072 DUCKER RD PO BOX 1392 ARDEN, NC 28704 DAVIS CALVIN & DAVIS BETTY P 00107 ICAN CT 202 SNAPPER PL KISSIMMEE, FL 34759 DAVIS FAMILY TRUST & DAVIS HAROLD K (TRUSTEE)00099 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 99 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DAVIS KAY CHARLENE 00110 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 15A ARDEN, NC 28704 DAVIS STELLA MAE C 00084 BEALE RD 84 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DAVIS WM B ET AL 99999 GLENVIEW RD 1276 FLAMINGO CIR DELAND, FL 32720 DAWKINS DANIEL H 00004 ABERDEEN DR 11 STONE RIDGE LN BRANFORD, CT 06405 DAWKINS JUDITH 00026 STONE HOUSE RD 26 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DC PROPERTIES OF ASHEVILLE INC 00291 GLENN BRIDGE RD 464 GOVERNORS VIEW RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 5 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS DENNIS DEBORAH M 00014 HOYT RD 420 PALMER RD LAS CRUCES, NM 88005 DESAI PARESH H & DESAI PARUL P 00026 SECREST DR 26 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DEYTON TIFFANY L 00024 ABERDEEN DR 24 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DICKELMAN MATTHEW J & DICKELMAN KRISTYN J 00025 STONE HOUSE RD 25 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DILLINGHAM HENRIETTA F 00019 ABERDEEN DR 11 SUMMER MEADOW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DOAN SANDRA KAY 00067 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 67 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DONATHAM MILDRED 00020 DONOTHAN DR 20 DONOTHAN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DONATHAN MILDRED D 99999 GLENVIEW RD 20 DONOTHAN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DONATHAN MILDRED D 99999 GLENVIEW RD 20 DONOTHAN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DONATHAN MILDRED DOWNS 00016 DONOTHAN DR 20 DONOTHAN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DORSEY JAMES L & DORSEY CARSON CALHOUN 00075 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 75 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DOTSON ROBERT J & DOTSON REBECCA L 00106 WOOD GLEN CT 106 WOOD GLEN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 DOUEK EDAN 00001 MAHOGANY RD 1 MAHAGONY RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DOWNS JONATHAN W & DOWNS JENNIFER M 00010 DAPHNE DR 10 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 DRAKE SCOTT & DRAKE BETH 00016 STONE HOUSE RD 16 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 DUCKER BRIAN & DUCKER TARA 00034 MANDERLEY WAY 34 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 DUNLAP DORIS 00263 LONG SHOALS RD 263 LONG SHOALS RD ARDEN, NC 28704 EARLEY DAVID WILLIAM 00011 DAPHNE DR 11 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 EARWOOD JIMMIE ERNEST 00002 BUTLER RD 2 BUTLER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 EASLAN CAPITAL OF CHARLOTTE 99999 LEDBETTER RD 1600 CAMDEN RD CHARLOTTE, NC 28203 EAST WEST ARABELLA LLC 99999 SPRINGHEAD CT 28 SCHENCK PARKWAY BLDG 2B 200 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 EASTRICH LARRY JAMES 00062 ABERDEEN DR 62 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 EATON CORPORATION 99999 BEALE RD 1000 EATON BLVD CLEVELAND, OH 44122 EATON CORPORATION 99999 BEALE RD 1000 EATON BLVD CLEVELAND, OH 44122 EBRAHIMNEJAD ELHAM & ESLAMI ABDUL HAMID 00027 MANDERLEY WAY 27 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 EIGHTY EIGHT/SB8 DEVELOPMENT LLC 00217 GLENN BRIDGE RD 124 HILLSIDE DR SWANNANOA, NC 28778 EIGHTY EIGHT/SB8 DEVELOPMENT LLC 00002 BUSINESS PARK CIR 124 HILLSIDE DR SWANNANOA, NC 28778 EISELT KATHLEEN 00005 DRY CREEK TRL 75 ROCKING PORCH RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 EISELT KATHLEEN 00011 DRY CREEK TRL 75 ROCKING PORCH RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 EISELT KATHLEEN 00015 DRY CREEK TRL 75 ROCKING PORCH RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 6 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS EISELT KATHLEEN 00016 DRY CREEK TRL 75 ROCKING PORCH RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28805 ELA LAUREL A 00038 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 325 NW 95TH AVE PLANTATION, FL 33324 ENGEMAN TRAVIS LEE & ENGEMAN JESSI MAE 00102 WOOD GLEN CT 102 WOOD GLEN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 ERWIN CHARLES N & ERWIN LINDA S 00021 GRACE LN 21 GRACE LN ARDEN, NC 28704 ERWIN CHARLES N & ERWIN LINDA S 99999 GRACE LN 21 GRACE LN ARDEN, NC 28704 ERXLEBEN WILLIAM RYAN & ERXLEBEN CORTNEY MEGAN 00030 WINDING OAK DR 30 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FAIR HARRY L & FAIR CORINNE S 00110 FOUNDERS WAY 110 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 FAITH CHURCH OF NAZARENE OF SKYLAND 00140 HEYWOOD RD 10801 JOHNSTON RD STE 115 CHARLOTTE, NC 28226 FAKHOURY KEVIN A & FAKHOURY ELIZABETH A 00012 SPRING HILL CIR 12 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 FARKAS MIHALY & FARKAS MAGDOLNA C 00018 ABERDEEN DR 18 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FARR MARION E & FARR LAVERNE 00030 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 6125 MATTHEWS MINT HILL RD MINT HILL, NC 28227 FELDER JAMES E 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 1308 SADLER CT RALEIGH, NC 27615 FELDER JAMES E 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 1308 SADLER CT RALEIGH, NC 27615 FELTEN RYAN E & FELTEN ESTEE NOHELANI BAUTISTA 00007 MANDERLEY WAY 7 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 FERGUSON ELOISE 99999 GLENVIEW PL 62 BETHEL CIR MARS HILL, NC 28754 FERGUSON KATHERINE WEST 00066 ABERDEEN DR 66 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FERGUSON MARLON A & FERGUSON CLAUDIA J 00008 SPRING HILL CIR 8 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 FERREL KAREN J 00011 SPRING HILL CIR 11 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 FERREYRA JOSE AGUSTIN & ACUNA CECILIA INES 00006 STONEBURY DR 6 STONEBURY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FIRE BAPTISED CHURCH OF GOD OF THE & AMERICAS ARDE 00062 DUCKER RD 70 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 FIRST TROY SPE LLC 00031 WINTERHAWK DR 340 COMMERCE AVE STE 17B SOUTHERN PINES, NC 28387 FISCHER DOLORES L 00055 FOXBERRY DR 55 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FISCHER SUSAN B & FISCHER TODD A 00049 FOXBERRY DR 49 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FISHER SHARON KIM & JONES JO ANN L 00035 ABERDEEN DR 35 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FLEMING ELIZABETH S TEALL & FLEMING DENNIS TEAL 00024 MANDERLEY WAY 24 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 FLETCHER FRANK HEIRS 00006 COPNEY LN PO BOX 463 ARDEN, NC 28704 FLETCHER FRANK HEIRS 00057 BEALE RD PO BOX 463 ARDEN, NC 28704 FLETCHER FRANK HEIRS 00007 COPNEY LN PO BOX 463 ARDEN, NC 28704 FLOYD GEORGE W & FLOYD ROBIN S 00018 FOXBERRY DR 18 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FLY JONATHAN B & BRUCKNER DANIELLE NANNETTE 00036 FOXBERRY DR 36 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 7 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS FORT MARGARET SWICEGOOD 00003 BUTLER RD 3 BUTLER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 FORTUNE RONALD M 00026 GLENVIEW PL PO BOX 576 ARDEN, NC 28704 FOWLER BENTON T & FOWLER SHAREN G 00018 SPRING HILL DR 18 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FOX MARK A & FOX JULIE J 00010 HOLMES LN PO BOX 17575 ANAHEIM, CA 92817 FRANK CHARLES A & FRANK MELANIE P 00034 WINDING OAK DR 34 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 FRENCH JOHN & FRENCH BARBARA 99999 CUTSHAW DR 121 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 FRENCH JOHN & FRENCH BARBARA 00121 GLENVIEW RD 121 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 FRIDAY TANJA MARIE 00007 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD ROAD 7C ARDEN, NC 28704 FUHRY RITA L 00152 LEDBETTER RD 152 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 FURCELLO LINDA D 00032 MANDERLEY WAY 32 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 GALLOWAY VICTOR D & GALLOWAY ROSALYN K 00016 SPRING HILL DR 133 INWOOD FOREST DR RALEIGH, NC 27603 GAMBOA JOSE ANGEL RODRIGUEZ & ISAIA MARGARITA CAST 00114 GLENVIEW RD 114 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GARDNER ASHLEY R 00009 MANDERLEY WAY 9 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 GARREN ROBERT & GARREN DONNA JACKSON 00022 CUTSHAW DR PO BOX 1261 ARDEN, NC 28704 GARRETT JENNIFER MICHELLE 00007 ABERDEEN DR 4 WESTWOOD DR CANDLER, NC 28715 GASPERSON CLYDE T & GASPERSON FAYE S 00186 BRADLEY BRANCH RD 8430 WALLCRAFT AVE YOUNGSTOWN, FL 32466 GASPERSON DENNIS E & GASPERSON FRANCES G 00019 CREEDS COVE RD 19 CREEDS COVE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GASPERSON TIMOTHY D (ETAL)00016 BEAR LEAH TRL 899 AIKEN RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 GATES ALSYON MICHELLE H 00006 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 361 8TH ST NW HICKORY, NC 28601 GEMPE MICHAEL C & GEMPE RHONDA M 00053 WINDING OAK DR 53 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GENTRY RENEE B 00007 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 7B ARDEN, NC 28704 GEORGE DANIEL ROBERT 00027 DAPHNE DR 27 DAPHNE DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 GILBERT DIANA S 00003 HEYWOOD RD 2410 DUBLIN DR MARYVILLE, TN 37803 GILE MATTHEW M & GILE MARLENE ELISE WERNE 00040 SPRING HILL CIR 40 SPRING HILL CIRCLE ARDEN, NC 28704 GIVENS JEFFREY RICHARD & GIVENS NATASHA MICHELLE 00001 HOLMES LN 1 HOLMES LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 GLENN BRIDGE APARTMENTS 00222 GLENN BRIDGE RD 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 202 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 GLOVER ELISSA M 00042 ABERDEEN DR 9405 CRESCENT LOOP CIR APT 205 TAMPA, FL 33619 GODFREY CHRISTOPHER M & GODFREY ELAINE S 00055 LEDBETTER RD 55 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GOOD KARMA PROPERTIES LLC 00010 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 GOOD KARMA PROPERTIES LLC 00001 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 8 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS GOOD KARMA PROPERTIES LLC 00005 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 GORDON JEAN M 00168 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 168 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GOURE PAULA L 00015 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 15C ARDEN, NC 28704 GPI PROPERTIES 1997 LLC 00150 OLD SHOALS RD 191 PEACHTREE ST NE ATLANTA, GA 30303 GRADY WILLIAM D & GRADY KAROLEN A 00039 GLENVIEW PL 329 HAYWOOD ROAD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 GRAHAM STAR 00130 GLENVIEW RD 130 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GREEN KENT L 00003 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 3C ARDEN, NC 28704 GREEN KEVIN L & GREEN CLEOPATRICK V 00017 STONE HOUSE RD 17 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 GREENE MICHAEL G & GREENE CELEN M YELTON 00003 HOLMES LN 3 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 GREENHILL GAIL L 00004 FOXBERRY DR 4 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GREER FAMILY TRUST & GREER GRAYSON A & KEREN W TRU 00027 WINDING OAK DR 27 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GRELLA THOMAS C & GRELLA ELAINE C 00062 WINDING OAK DR 62 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GRENDZINSKI TINA 00070 ABERDEEN DR 70 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GROFF ASHLIE R & GROFF ADAM M 00006 SECREST DR 6 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GUILLERMO CALLES LIVING TRUST & CALLES GUILLERMO T 00008 HEYWOOD RD 23 WINDSONG DR FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 GUNTER CARRIE L 00023 DAPHNE DR 23 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 GUPTA HARSHUL & GUPTA ELENA V 00021 MANDERLEY WAY 21 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 GURUKAR MADAN & GURUKAR MARIBELW 00012 SELINA LN 12 SELINA LN ARDEN, NC 28704 GUSTAFSON SANDRA R 00028 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 28 DOUGLAS FIR AVE ARDEN, NC 28704 GUTIERREZ DAVID & GUTIERREZ CAROL 00066 WINDING OAK DR 66 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HALAMAHA RUSLAN & HALAMAHA OLGA 00004 DAPHNE DR 4 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HAMILTON NANCY ANNE 00004 SILVERLACE CIR 167 BUSBEE MOUNTAIN RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 HARDWICK SARAH GASPERSON 00295 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 8430 WALLCRAFT AVE YOUNGSTOWN, FL 32466 HARDY CANDACE L 99999 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 150 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HARDY CANDACE L 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 150 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HARRELL THOMAS D & HARRELL DEBORA D DIEZ 00020 DAPHNE DR 20 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HARRIN BARBARA C 00042 GLENVIEW PL 22 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 HARRIN CLIFFORD D & HARRIN BARBARA C 00022 GLENVIEW PL 22 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 HARRINGTON JOSHUA J & HARRINGTON HEATHER E 00028 DAPHNE DR 28 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HART CECILY ANN 00036 BEAR LEAH TRL PO BOX 80220 CHARLESTON, SC 29416 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 9 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS HART PAUL S & HART CECILY A 00412 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 80220 CHARLESTON, SC 29416 HART RALPH R & HART JUDITH A 00115 FOUNDERS WAY 115 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 HART WILLIAM W & PEARL M & HART DENISE A 00065 FOXBERRY DR 65 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HARWOOD SCOTT A & HARWOOD ELIZABETH M 00003 FOXBERRY DR 3 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HAWES DEIRDRE LIVERETT 00006 BUTLER RD 1013 SHINNECOCK HILL CT SUMMERVILLE, SC 29483 HAWKINS CARLETON R & HAWKINS THELMA 00128 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 128 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HAYNER MARK S & HAYNER SHARON L 00140 LEDBETTER RD 77 JUNE SAYLES RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 HEARING GRANT A & HEARING KATHRYN L 00040 ABERDEEN DR 40 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HENDRIX MYRNA TRUSTEE 00012 CUCKOO LN PO BOX 182 ARDEN, NC 28704 HERMAN RICHARD T 00016 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 16A ARDEN, NC 28704 HERNANDEZ MICHAEL THOMAS & LANDRY TARRA BERGERON 00014 DAPHNE DR 14 DAPHNE DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 HERRERA STEPHANIE C & HERRERA SCOTT A 00002 SECREST DR 2 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HERZBERG MAURICE & HERZBERG SARAH G 00083 NEW ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 55 ARDEN, NC 28704 HERZBERG MAURICE & HERZBERG SARAH G 99999 ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 55 ARDEN, NC 28704 HEYWOOD CROSSING HOA INC 00110 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD STE 16 ARDEN, NC 28704 HICKLIN HILL LLC 00313 LONG SHOALS RD 315 LONG SHOALS RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HICKS SAMMY D & HICKS CHRISTOPHER M 00043 GLENVIEW PL 43 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 HIGHLANDER DEVELOPMENT LLC 00101 SPRINGER DR PO BOX 628 FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 HIGHLANDER DEVELOPMENT LLC 00001 SPRINGER DR PO BOX 628 FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 HIGHLANDER DEVELOPMENT LLC 00102 SPRINGER DR PO BOX 628 FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 HIGHLANDER DEVELOPMENT LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 628 FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 HIGHLANDER DEVELOPMENT LLC 00103 SPRINGER DR PO BOX 628 FAIRVIEW, NC 28730 HILEN JAMIE 00017 MANDERLEY WAY 17 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 HILL CHARLES WALTER & HILL LAURA W 00067 LEDBETTER RD 67 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HILL JOY M 00017 DAPHNE DR 17 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HITCH MICHELE DAWN MANA 00023 MANDERLEY WAY 23 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 HOCK DAVID & HOCK TAMMY 00012 SECREST DR 12 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HOEMANN GENE T & HOEMANN JUDY L 00020 STONE HOUSE RD 20 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HOLBROOK WILLIAM HOWARD 00005 ABERDEEN DR 16914 TORBETT LN UNIT 16 SAN DIEGO, CA 92127 HOLDEN MARY ELIZABETH 00182 BRADLEY BRANCH RD 139 LIBBEY LN MILLS RIVER, NC 28759 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 10 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS HOLLIFIELD PHILLIP SHANE 00078 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 78 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HOLMES GEORGE H 99999 LEDBETTER RD PO BOX 7647 ASHEVILLE, NC 28802 HOLT JUANITA IRENE 00048 HOYT RD 42 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HOOD WILSON THOMAS & HOOD TIFFANY ALLYNN HARBIN 00026 FOXBERRY DR 26 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HOUSER JONATHAN WAYNE & HOUSER AMY L 99999 HOYT RD 52 MCDONALD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HRISTOV SONYA DESIREE 00025 GLENVIEW PL 25 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 HUDSON ROBERT O & HUDSON CATHY D 00048 GLENVIEW PL 22 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 HUERTA LARRY & HUERTA MAYRA 00019 SECREST DR 19 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HUGGINS DAVID & HUGGINS SUZANNE 00101 SUMNER DR 222 CREEKWOOD DR ADVANCE, NC 27006 HUMES DANA D 00025 SECREST DR 25 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HUMPHRIES BRIAN L 00026 MANDERLEY WAY 26 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 HUNLEY DERRICK K 00010 FOXBERRY DR 10 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HUNT CONNIE 00211 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1000 HUTCH MOUNTAIN RD FLETCHER, NC 28732 HUNT CONNIE 00215 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1000 HUTCH MOUNTAIN RD FLETCHER, NC 28732 HUNTER THOS E 00106 GLENVIEW RD 106 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 HUNTERS TRACE HMRS ASSO OF ASHE 99999 FOXBERRY DR 2 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 HUNTER'S TRACE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOC 99999 FOXBERRY DR 61 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 HUTCHISON ALVIN & HUTCHISON SUSAN 00026 HOYT RD 20 GLAS VW ARDEN, NC 28704 HYLER DARLENE WETHERINGTON 00015 SPRING HILL DR 1150 BROOKHAVEN GLN NE ATLANTA, GA 30319 IBRAHEM RAGY 00034 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 34 DOUGLAS FIR AVE ARDEN, NC 28704 IMEN AHMET S & IMEN BETSY L 00031 FOXBERRY DR 31 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 INGLES MARKETS INCORPORATED 00301 LONG SHOALS RD PO BOX 98309 ATLANTA, GA 30359 INGLES MARKETS INCORPORATED 00004 C P & L DR PO BOX 98309 ATLANTA, GA 30359 ISAACS PATRICIA D 00001 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 1C ARDEN, NC 28704 ISRAEL JERRY G & ISRAEL VICTORIA 00026 FISHERS MILL RD 24 FISHERS MILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 IVANCHENKOV NIKOLAI & IVANCHENKOV KSENIA 00014 HOLMES LN 14 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 JACKSON CARRIE L 00014 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 14C ARDEN, NC 28704 JACKSON JOHN H & JACKSON PATRICIA J 00018 GLENVIEW PL 18 GLEN VIEW PL ARDEN, NC 28704 JACKSON MARY CATHERINE 99999 CUTSHAW DR 139 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 JACKSON ROY C & JACKSON MARY L 00153 GLENVIEW RD 153 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 11 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS JANDREW LARRY & JANDREW BARBARA 00005 STONE HOUSE RD 5 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 JENNINGS MICHAEL J & JENNINGS VICTORIA L 00011 HOLMES LN 11 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 JOHNSON JAMES D 00025 DAPHNE DR 25 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 JOHNSON TREVA H & POWELL ALANA DAWN 00017 HEYWOOD RD 106 PETUNIA LN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 JONES STARSKY G & TRULL LINDA 00084 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 65 REDMOND DR FLETCHER, NC 28732 JORDAN JEFFERY & JORDAN SHAWNA 00002 CARDIFF CT 2 CARDIFF CT ARDEN, NC 28704 JP MORGAN CHASE BANK NA 00040 MANDERLEY WAY 3415 VISION DR COLUMBUS, OH 43219 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NATIONAL ASSOC 00008 STONEBURY DR 3415 VISION DR COLUMBUS, OH 43219 JUMBO STORAGE GLENN WILLOW P O A 00036 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 JUSTICE JOE & JUSTICE MARTHA 00006 FISHERS MILL RD 6 FISHERS MILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 KANE MICHAEL C & KANE MOLLIE K 00010 WINDING OAK DR 10 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KANUPP JEFFREY H & KANUPP STEPHANIE N 00294 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 752 SKYLAND, NC 28776 KAUFMAN JASON 00022 ABERDEEN DR 22 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KEEVERT JENNIFER LYNN 00012 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 KELLEY RONNIE 00013 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 13A ARDEN, NC 28704 KIDDER DAVID L & KIDDER ELLA M 00014 WINDING OAK DR 14 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KILBY LILLIAN 00093 GLENVIEW RD 93 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 KILLIAN NATHAN L 00060 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 1870 SKYLAND, NC 28776 KIM JI AE & NAM JONGGI 00007 DAPHNE DR 7 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KIMBALL CHARLES ALLAN 00123 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 2484 HOWE RD BURTON, MI 48519 KIMBALL DAVID NATHAN & KIMBALL REBECCA BARRINGER 00058 ABERDEEN DR 3612 OLD VINE TRL HILLSBOROUGH, NC 27278 KING DONALD F & KING MELBA N 00009 SHORT GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 715 DANA, NC 28724 KING MATTHEW A & KING CAROL 00016 STONEBURY DR 16 STONEBURY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KIRSCHSTEIN WOLFGANG & KIRSCHSTEIN CHRISTINE K 00024 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 24 DOUGLAS FIR AVE ARDEN, NC 28704 KIRSNER STUART 00004 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 KIRSNER STUART B 00003 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 KIRSNER STUART B 00010 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 KLOMAN JAMES E 00010 SECREST DR 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 9C ARDEN, NC 28704 KLOMAN JAMES E 00009 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 9C ARDEN, NC 28704 KNAUER BRIAN T & KNAUER SANDRA L 00011 SECREST DR 365 SCARLET TANAGER CT ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 12 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS KOBA OLEKSANDR Y & KOBA GALYNA A 00017 HOLMES LN 17 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 KOLEY PETE 00020 HOYT RD 20 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 KONDAL GURCHARAN S & KONDAL SUN 00015 SPRING HILL CIR 15 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 KOPP RONALD W & KOPP PAMELA JOYCE 00021 ABERDEEN DR 21 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KOROLCHUK ANATOLY & KOROLCHUK OLGA 00025 MANDERLEY WAY 6 WILSON CREEK DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 KOWLCZYK TERESA 00046 WINDING OAK DR 46 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KRICKHAN KIMBERLY LYNN 00015 ABERDEEN DR 15 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 KUMAR RAJ & RAJKUMAR SARALA 00008 HOLMES LN 2012 VIBURNUM LN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 KYTTA BRIAN ALAN 00007 FOXBERRY DR 7 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 99999 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 00045 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 00007 DOUGLAS FIR AVE PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 DOUGLAS FIR AVE PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 DOUGLAS FIR AVE PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 DOUGLAS FIR AVE PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 99999 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LAKE JULIAN TRAILS LLC 00220 PEPPERBRUSH TRL PO BOX 220 ARDEN, NC 28704 LANCE GILBERT DEREK & LANCE NANCY WILLIAMS 00029 HOYT RD 29 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 LANCE KENNETH R 00021 WINTERHILL RD 21 WINTERHILL ROAD ARDEN, NC 28704 LANCE VENICE G 00025 HOYT RD 25 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 LANGDON STEVEN J & LANGDON JENNIFER L 00105 WOOD GLEN CT 105 WOOD GLEN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 LAWING RODNEY E 00041 ABERDEEN DR 194 POLE CREASMAN RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 LAYER MATTHEW MARK 00068 ABERDEEN DR 68 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LEATHERWOOD ALEXANDER RYAN 00211 SUMNER DR 211 SUMNER DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LEDBETTER JESSE I & LEDBETTER MARIE 00125 LEDBETTER RD 25 BRADDOCK WAY ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 LEDBETTER ROBERT D 00150 LEDBETTER RD 150 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 LEDBETTER ROBERT D 00148 LEDBETTER RD 150 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 13 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS LEDBETTER SHEDRICK L 00003 DAPHNE DR 3 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LEIK INCORPORATED 00140 GLENN BRIDGE RD 90 OLD SHOALS RD STE 103 ARDEN, NC 28704 LEON GUILLERMO CORTES & BUSTAMANTE PATRICIA ZACARI 00109 OLD SHOALS LN 40 ROCK HILL CIRCLE ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 LESTER SUZETTE GUARDA HYLTON 00004 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 4 PEPPERBRUSH TRL ARDEN, NC 28704 LETTENSTROM DEAN R & LETTENSTROM NANCY C 00005 SILVERLACE CIR 5 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 LEWIS LAWRENCE R & BORNEMANN CHRISTY ANN 00024 FOXBERRY DR 24 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LINDAN FARM LLC 00115 JUSTIN TRL 115 JUSTIN TRL ARDEN, NC 28704 LISENBEE WILLIAM C & LISENBEE OLA T 00010 ROSETTA LN 32 CONCORD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 LISENBEE WILLIAM C & LISENBEE OLA T 00001 ROSETTA LN 32 CONCORD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 LIU FEIPENG & LAI YUNING 00015 DAPHNE DR 15 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 LIVELY APRIL JOAN 00260 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 260 OLD SHOALS RD EXT ARDEN, NC 28704 LIVELY TINA MEECE 00264 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 264 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT ARDEN, NC 28704 LIVESAY ELLEN INEZ 00010 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 10D ARDEN, NC 28704 LLOYD ROBERTA 00009 HOLMES LN 9 HOLMES LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 LUNSFORD MARK R & LUNSFORD JANICE C 00039 SPRING HILL CIR 39 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 LYTLE ERIKA N 00001 DAPHNE DR 1 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 M C PROPERTIES L L C 00160 GLENN BRIDGE RD 22 WILKIE WAY FLETCHER, NC 28732 M REALTY LLC 00024 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 M REALTY LLC 00165 GLENN BRIDGE RD 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 M REALTY LLC 99999 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 M REALTY LLC 00011 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 M REALTY LLC 00012 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 MACIAS CAROLINE CRAWFORD 00005 WELBOURN WAY 5 WELBOURN WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 MACKENZIE BRIAN J & MACKENZIE CORY R 00028 STONE HOUSE RD 4201 DOGWOOD DR GREENSBORO, NC 27410 MACON BANK INC 00001 HEYWOOD RD 1 CENTER CT FRANKLIN, NC 28734 MADSEN ASSOCIATES 00017 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 17A ARDEN, NC 28704 MAHIDA HIRENKUMAR M & GOHEL KINJALKUMARI B 00010 MAXIM CT 10 MAXIM CT ARDEN, NC 28704 MAMONTOV DMITRIY & MAMONTOVA MADINA 00053 FOXBERRY DR 53 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MARCIS DAVID A & MARCIS HELEN M 00071 BEALE RD PO BOX 645 SKYLAND, NC 28776 MARCO CHRISTOPHER A 00010 THISTLEDEW LN 10 THISTLEDEW LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 14 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS MARKS MICHAEL A & MARKS LYNETTE J 00030 MANDERLEY WAY 30 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 MARSHALL JULIE 00116 OLD SHOALS LN 116 OLD SHOALS LN ARDEN, NC 28704 MARSKE KALEB S & MARSKE RENATA B 00025 ABERDEEN DR 25 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MARTIN MICHAEL JOE 00225 GLENN BRIDGE RD 225 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MARTIN VINCENT 00104 SPRINGER DR 104 SPRINGER DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MASTERS ROY E 00044 ABERDEEN DR PO BOX 8311 ASHEVILLE, NC 28814 MAURER AGNES 00006 CARDIFF CT 6 CARDIFF CT ARDEN, NC 28704 MAURIN JOHN D & MAURIN ADRIENNE 00002 WINDING OAK DR 2 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MAYNOR CHARMIAN MARLENE (LE)00272 GLENN BRIDGE RD 272 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MAYNOR DOUGLAS LEE 00008 CUTSHAW DR 272 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MCCARTHY DANIEL J & MCCARTHY EMILY ROSE 00012 FISHERS MILL RD 11 FISHERS MILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MCCLELLAN B & MCCLELLAN ON & SHEILA C 00105 JUSTIN TRL 105 JUSTIN TRL ARDEN, NC 28704 MCCLELLAN DONALD L 00102 JUSTIN TRL 28 AZALEA RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MCCLELLAN TOMMY LEON 00005 FOXBERRY DR 5 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MCCUE DUSTIN & MCCUE HANNAH 00010 SPRING HILL CIR 10 SPRING HILL CIRCLE ARDEN, NC 28704 MCDONALD BRYAN KEITH & MCDONALD DEBRA LEE 00240 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT PO BOX 105 SKYLAND, NC 28776 MCDONALD ELIZABETH B & KOREN YUVAL 00007 MAHOGANY RD 1478 S CREST DR LOS ANGELES, CA 90035 MCDONALD RICHARD A 00108 OLD SHOALS LN 108 OLD SHOALS LN ARDEN, NC 28704 MCDONALD RICHARD A 00102 OLD SHOALS LN 108 OLD SHOALS LN ARDEN, NC 28704 MCDONNELL KEVIN & MCDONNELL JUTTA 00036 ABERDEEN DR 190 MERRIMON AVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 MCDONNELL KEVIN & MCDONNELL JUTTA 00008 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 190 MERRIMON AVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 MCFADDEN ROBERT J 00014 STONEBURY DR 14 STONEBURY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MCFARLAND CHRISTOPHER R 00009 DAPHNE DR 9 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MCISAAC JAMES J & MCISAAC JUDY D 00054 WINDING OAK DR 54 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MCKEE MICHAEL R & MCKEE MELISSA A 00060 FOXBERRY DR 60 FOXBERRY DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 MCMINN NIKKI 00005 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 5C ARDEN, NC 28704 MCMINN NIKKI 00006 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 5C ARDEN, NC 28704 MEECE JAMES P 00063 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 63 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MEECE WALTER B 00268 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 260 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT ARDEN, NC 28704 MEECE WALTER B 99999 OLD SHOALS RD 260 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 15 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS MELTON ALBERT M & MELTON IRIS 00008 SPRING HILL DR 4 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MELTON DEBBIE M 00008 FOXBERRY DR 8 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MILES JEFF B & MILES KIANA A 00016 ABERDEEN DR 16 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLER RAYMOND DALE & MARIE KEELER & MILLER KEITH 00001 MAXIM CT 901 CAMPBELL DR PISGAH FOREST, NC 28768 MILLS DONNIE P 00017 ED MILLS DR 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS DOROTHY M & MILLS ANTOINETTE S 00068 DUCKER RD 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS DOROTHY V 00019 ED MILLS DR PO BOX 954 ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS EDWARD 00008 CANVAS CT 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS IRENE (TC) & MILLS EUNICE L 00006 ED MILLS DR 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS IRIS & WILLIAMSON AUDREY 00064 DUCKER RD 105 CAROLINA CT APT B ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 42701 MILLS JEFFREY S 00115 OLD SHOALS LN 228 WESTON RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS MICHAEL & MILLS MARCIA 00319 GLENN BRIDGE RD 319 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS ROY C 00009 CANVAS CT 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS WILLIAM R 00074 DUCKER RD 77 BRADLEY BRANCH RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS WILLIAM R 00083 DUCKER RD 77 BRADLEY BRANCH RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS WILLIAM R 00102 ICAN CT 77 BRADLEY BRANCH RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS WILLIAM R & MILLS DIANA B 00248 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 77 BRADLEY BRANCH RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MILLS WM & MILLS DIANNE 00015 ED MILLS DR 77 BRADLEY BRANCH RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MITCHELL JUSTIN E & MITCHELL EMILY K 00031 MANDERLEY WAY 31 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 MITCHELL RICKY WILLIAM & MITCHELL APRYL 00020 HEYWOOD RD 208 S LAUREL ST ROYAL OAK, MI 48067 MOEDE BETH GASPERSON 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 6 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 MOEDE ROY E & MOEDE BETH R G 00006 SPRING HILL CIR 6 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 MONTGOMERY SHANNON & HUGHES DANNY A 00018 GLENVIEW RD 18 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 MOORE CHADD JASON & MOORE LISA T 00005 CARDIFF CT 5 CARDIFF COURT ARDEN, NC 28704 MOORMAN JAMES A & MOORMAN CHAE 00103 ICAN CT 103 ICAN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 MORGAN DEREK 00057 WINDING OAK DR 57 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MORGAN JOYCE E 00111 OLD SHOALS LN 111 OLD SHOALS LN ARDEN, NC 28704 MORRIS KELLY 00005 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 5D ARDEN, NC 28704 MORRIS NORMAN 00005 HEYWOOD RD 2725 RIVERSIDE DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28804 MORRISSEY SUZY ROGERS & MORRISSEY THOMAS H 00011 STONE HOUSE RD 11 STONE HOUSE ROAD ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 16 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS MORROW JOHN & MORROW ASHLEY 00038 WINDING OAK DR 38 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MORROW MARILYN P 00027 ABERDEEN DR 27 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 MOSS SANDRA H 00002 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 2A ARDEN, NC 28704 MOTTINGER KENT T & MOTTINGER JIMI G 00040 BEAR LEAH TRL PO BOX 489 ZIRCONIA, NC 28790 MOTTINGER KENT T & MOTTINGER JIMI G 00038 BEAR LEAH TRL PO BOX 489 ZIRCONIA, NC 28790 MOUNTAIN LEASING LLC 00093 DUCKER RD PO BOX 774 ARDEN, NC 28704 MT CARMEL BAPTIST CHURCH OF ARDEN 00046 DUCKER RD 200 MOUNT CARMEL RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 MUCKLOW BRETT 00032 HOYT RD 11300 NW 128TH ST MEDLEY, FL 33178 MUNDY MARK A 00018 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 18D ARDEN, NC 28704 MURPHY RANDY RAY & MURPHY CASEY R 00015 CREEDS COVE RD 15 CREEDS COVE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 N C CLOSING & TITLE SERVICES LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1238 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 118 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 N C CLOSING & TITLE SERVICES LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1238 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 118 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 N C CLOSING & TITLE SERVICES LLC 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 1238 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 118 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 NANNEY DARYL V & NANNEY TONYA S 00050 GLENVIEW RD 50 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 NEAVILLE DAVID C 00003 HEYWOOD RD 18 TWO OAKS DR FLETCHER, NC 28732 NEEL GLENDA 00010 ABERDEEN DR 142 HIDE A WAY LN E HIDEAWAY, TX 75771 NEHRBAS MARY J 00018 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 18C ARDEN, NC 28704 NGUYEN KIM TUYEN T 00009 WELBOURN WAY 9 WELBOURN WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 NOCK DAVID MATTHEW & NOCK ALLISON ROSE 00019 MANDERLEY WAY 19 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 NORTON MARY L 00008 CARDIFF CT 8 CARDIFF CT ARDEN, NC 28704 OEHM HOLLY C & OEHM KEVIN H 00034 SPRING HILL CIR 34 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 O'HANNON JADRIEN 00018 MANDERLEY WAY 18 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 OLITA JOSEPH 00114 WOOD GLEN CT 332 HEMLOCK SPRINGS TRL WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 ORR WHITNEY L & ROHRBAUGH STUART W 00139 LEDBETTER RD PO BOX 2142 ASHEVILLE, NC 28802 OSADA JANA 00022 WINDING OAK DR 22 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 OWENBY DAPHNE D 00177 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 177 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PACK FRANCES IMAJEAN 00042 HOYT RD 44 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PACK FRANCES IMAJEAN 00044 HOYT RD 44 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PAGE DANIEL C & PAGE MARTHA LEE ROGERS 00020 CUTSHAW DR 64 ENGLISH RD CANDLER, NC 28715 PARKER LAURA M PADGETT & PARKER QUINCY A 00019 SPRING HILL CIR 19 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 17 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS PARR CHRISTOPHER J & LOVELL CARLY 00008 ABERDEEN DR 8 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 PARR TERRI L 00036 DOUGLAS FIR AVE 1528 LAKELAND DR MONROE, GA 30656 PARSON JENNIFER LYNN 00017 HEYWOOD RD 300 BENJAMIN WAY HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792 PARSONS CAROL ADELENE 00005 WINDING OAK DR 5 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 PATEL KIRITKUMAR K & PATEL MALTIBEN K 00007 FISHERS MILL RD 7 FISHERS MILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PATEL MEHOOL B & PATEL SONAL M 00105 LEDBETTER RD 105 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PATEL SHILLA N & PATEL MAHESH 00003 CARDIFF CT 3 CARDIFF CT ARDEN, NC 28704 PATTERSON JOHN D & SHIELA A 00008 HOYT RD 8 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PEARSON LAURA R 00007 MAXIM CT 7 MAXIM CT ARDEN, NC 28704 PENKOV NICHOLAS YURYEVICH & PENKOV YANA NIKOLAYEVN 00005 MAXIM CT 5 MAXIM CT ARDEN, NC 28704 PERRY DAVID G & PERRY GLORIA H 00070 DUCKER RD 21 ENCHANTED LN FLETCHER, NC 28732 PISANO ANTHON J & PISANO SHANNON D 00169 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 169 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PODHURST BURT 00002 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 PODHURST DEBBIE BAUM & PODHURST BURT 00008 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 PODHURST DEBORAH R BAUM & PODHURST BURT 00008 HEYWOOD RD 2733 HAMPTON CIR S DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 POPLAR TERRACE MOBILE HM PRK TRUST & ASHEVILLE PRO 00185 BRADLEY BRANCH RD PO BOX 6837 ASHEVILLE, NC 28816 POTENSKY CARL A & POTENSKY SUSAN J 00032 ABERDEEN DR 153 SOAPSTONE CREEK RD ARDEN, NC 28704 POURCHOT LEROY C & GRUBER BEVERLY B 00009 STONE HOUSE RD 9 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PREBIANCA JOSEPH RICHARD & PREBIANCA LESLIE JO 00016 HOLMES LN 16 HOLMES LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 PRECISION PRO OF ASH INC 00118 GLENN BRIDGE RD PO BOX 1047 ARDEN, NC 28704 PRESSLEY SAMANTHA 00007 HEYWOOD RD 84 TRILLIUM GLEN LN HENDERSONVILLE, NC 28792 PROGRESS ENERGY CAROLINAS INC 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 FISHERS MILL RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 FISHERS MILL RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 OLD SHOALS RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 LONG SHOALS RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 BEALE RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 C P & L DR 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 18 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 OLD SHOALS RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 555 BREVARD RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 PROGRESS ENERGY OF THE CAROLINAS & CAROLINA POWER 99999 ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 1551 RALEIGH, NC 27602 PRYTYSKACH ADAM 00020 ABERDEEN DR 20 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 PUDELSKI THOMAS A & PUDELSKI JENIFER E 00032 DAPHNE DR 32 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 PULLEY JESSE J 00020 GLENVIEW RD 20 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 PUTNAM JASON ALAN 00017 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 17B ARDEN, NC 28704 QUEZADA DELIA & QUEZADA FIDEL 00018 ICAN DR 1825 W SAINT ANDREW PL SANTA ANA, CA 92704 RADFORD KORY T & MCCULLEY KATELYN J 00005 DAPHNE DR 115 SEATTLE SLEW LN GREENVILLE, SC 29617 RAINEY CHARLES L 00180 HEYWOOD RD 262 ARNOLD RD JONESBOROUGH, TN 37659 RANDALL ERIC J & RANDALL VICKI L 00020 SECREST DR 14 SURREY RUN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RANDALL TIMOTHY CHARLES 00017 SPRING HILL DR 17 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 RAY MELISSA D & RAY QUIDA RHEA BURNETTE 00015 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 15D ARDEN, NC 28704 REED JOHN D & REED CATHRYN C 00062 FOXBERRY DR 62 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 RHONEY DAVID A & RHONEY AMY S 00010 STONE HOUSE RD 10 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 RHYMES CARRIE & RHYMES LARRY 00010 ED MILLS DR 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 RHYMES CRYSTAL K & RHYMES LARRY 00018 ED MILLS DR PO BOX 322 SKYLAND, NC 28776 RICE JUNE 00009 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 9D ARDEN, NC 28704 RICE TOM B & RICE LEONIA 99999 LEDBETTER RD 148 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 RICH JAMES P & RICH JOYCE M 00026 WINDING OAK DR 26 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 RICHARDS GARY A & RICHARDS DONNA JO 00025 FOXBERRY DR 25 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 RILEY DONALD W & RILEY SHERRY MARIE 00129 GLENVIEW RD 151 PALISADES PT APT 4 CINCINNATI, OH 45238 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00010 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00022 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00012 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00020 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00018 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00016 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERBEND-FGC LLC 00014 PEPPERBRUSH TRL 1999 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RIVERLINK INC 99999 LONG SHOALS RD 170 LYMAN ST ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 19 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS RIVERLINK INC 99999 LONG SHOALS RD 170 LYMAN ST ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 ROBERTS CAROL L 00032 FOXBERRY DR PO BOX 186 ARDEN, NC 28704 ROCKWOOD DEVELOPERS LLC 00375 ROCKWOOD RD 467 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 ROCKWOOD DEVELOPERS LLC 00375 ROCKWOOD RD 467 HENDERSONVILLE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 RODRIGUEZ BRIAN J 00006 DAPHNE DR 6 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 RODRIGUEZ OMAR LEMUS (ETAL) & LEMUS LISA MARIE (ET 00006 MAXIM CT 6 MAXIM COURT ARDEN, NC 28704 ROGERS DEAN & ROGERS RENEE O 00032 GLENVIEW RD 5 FOREST RIDGE DR WEAVERVILLE, NC 28787 ROGERS SUZY 00024 STONE HOUSE RD 24 STONE HOUSE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 ROMINE JACK R & ROMINE CAROL W 00018 HOYT RD 18 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 ROTUNDO JOHN & SEGALI ELISABETH 00011 HEYWOOD RD 213 MADISON ST # 1 HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 ROTUNDO JOHN & SEGALI ELISABETH 00007 HEYWOOD RD 213 MADISON ST # 1 HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 ROTUNDO JOHN & SEGALI ELISABETH 00016 HEYWOOD RD 213 MADISON ST # 1 HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 RUFF JUNE M 00114 FOUNDERS WAY 114 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 RUTHERFORD SEAN & RUTHERFORD BRANDI 00101 LEDBETTER RD 101 LEDBETTER ROAD ARDEN, NC 28704 RYAN HOPE W 99999 LONG SHOALS RD 41 COVINGTON ST ASHEVILLE, NC 28806 SAFIAN STANLEY & SAFIAN MARSHA M 00010 SELINA LN 5 CROMWELL LN ARDEN, NC 28704 SASSER EDDIE T 99999 LONG SHOALS RD PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE T 99999 C P & L DR PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE T 99999 C P & L DR PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE T 99999 C P & L DR PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE T 99999 LONG SHOALS RD PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE THOMAS 00293 LONG SHOALS RD PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SASSER EDDIE THOMAS 00291 LONG SHOALS RD PO BOX 853 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SCHAFFER SUSAN J B 00029 FOXBERRY DR 29 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SCHMALING JOSEPH F & SCHMALING KATHLEEN A 00167 NEW ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 336 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SCHMALING JOSEPH F & SCHMALING KATHLEEN A 99999 NEW ROCKWOOD RD PO BOX 336 SKYLAND, NC 28776 SCHROEDER MARIANNE 00008 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD #8D ARDEN, NC 28704 SCOTT TABITHA S 00028 MANDERLEY WAY 28 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 SECRETARY OF HOUSING & URBAN DEVELO 00053 LEDBETTER RD 4400 WILL ROGERS PKWY STE 300 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73108 SECU*RE INC 00052 ABERDEEN DR 1000 WADE AVE RALEIGH, NC 27605 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 20 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS SHADE CLARA C 00293 GLENN BRIDGE RD 73 JEFFRESS AVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 SHADE GENEVA 00006 SHADE DR 6 SHADE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SHADE GENEVA 00002 SHADE DR 6 SHADE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SHAND MARK & SHAND KAREN 00018 SECREST DR 18 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SHELTON BERTHA & SHELTON JAMES 00036 CUTSHAW DR PO BOX 592 ARDEN, NC 28704 SHELTON JAMES & SHELTON BERTHA 00038 CUTSHAW DR PO BOX 592 ARDEN, NC 28704 SHEPPARD DIANE W ETAL 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 3252 MARSHALL WOLFE RD SHELBY, NC 28150 SHEPPARD DIANE W ETAL 00196 GLENN BRIDGE RD 3252 MARSHALL WOLFE RD SHELBY, NC 28150 SHEPPARD LISA B 00033 DAPHNE DR 33 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SHERLIN DIANE M 00084 DUCKER RD 84 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SHINGLES CHERYLE J 00011 ED MILLS DR 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SHINGLES VA M & SHINGLES ALBERT 00060 DUCKER RD 68 DUCKER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SHIPMAN RALPH C 00012 CUTSHAW DR 12 CUTSHAW DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SHIPMAN TRACY 99999 GLENVIEW RD 141 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SHIPMAN TRACY 00139 GLENVIEW RD 141 GLEN VIEW RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SHROAT DAVID A & TRIMNAL CATHEY M 00058 FOXBERRY DR 58 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SIDDIQUI TAZEEN Q 00111 LEDBETTER RD 111 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SIMPSON JOSEPH T & SIMPSON DEBORAH J 00215 SUMNER DR 215 SUMNER DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SKIDMORE DYLAN D 00173 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 173 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SKINNER MATTHEW & SKINNER CAROLINE 00002 DAPHNE DR 2 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SKOUG KENT S & SKOUG URSULA B 00110 WOOD GLEN CT 110 WOOD GLEN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 SLATER CHARLES E & SLATER THERESA A 00043 FOXBERRY DR 43 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SLATER DAVID H & SLATER ALICE R 00095 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 95 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SLOAN LISA K 00048 FOXBERRY DR 48 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SLUDER NANCY J 00038 SPRING HILL CIR 38 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH CHONDA K 00038 ABERDEEN DR 38 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH LARRY T & SMITH ANNE T 00035 HOYT RD 35 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH LAURA RACHEL 00039 ABERDEEN DR 39 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH LINDA B 00034 FOXBERRY DR 34 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH PAMELA M 00031 ABERDEEN DR 31 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 21 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS SMITH THOMAS D & SMITH DONNA C 00194 HEYWOOD RD 190 HEYWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SMITH THOMAS D & SMITH DONNA C 00190 HEYWOOD RD 190 HEYWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SMOKE JAMES A & SMOKE EMILY E 00030 SPRING HILL CIR 30 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 SONIGRA MEHUL T & SONIGRA MINAL 00012 STONEBURY DR 12 STONEBURY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SOUTH INVESTMENTS LLC 00180 GLENN BRIDGE RD 180 GLENN BRIDGE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 SPENCER JONATHAN P & SPENCER CHRISTINE L 00035 GLENVIEW PL 35 GLEN VIEW PLACE ARDEN, NC 28704 SPINO ROBERT & SPINO KRISTIE K 00109 WOOD GLEN CT 109 WOOD GLEN CT ARDEN, NC 28704 SPOERER BARBARA A 00035 DAPHNE DR 35 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SPRINKLE TERESA A 00052 FOXBERRY DR 52 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SRIJAYANTA P ET AL 00001 CREEDS COVE RD 1 CREEDS COVE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 STAMEY NANCY DIANE & HURST PHILLIP M 00018 WINDING OAK DR 18 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 STARNES FAMILY LTD PARTNERSHIP UI 99999 GLENN BRIDGE RD 10216 EL PINAR DR KNOXVILLE, TN 37922 STEELE JONATHAN E & STEELE KATHERINE YOUNG 00009 HEYWOOD RD 3 ASHWOOD DR ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 STEPHENS CHARLES B 00034 ABERDEEN DR 4113 IVY SUMMIT CT CUMMING, GA 30041 STIMSON DOUGLAS & STIMSON MARTHA W 00015 WINDING OAK DR 15 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 STIREWALT JOEL DEAN & STIREWALT LEAH SLACK 00037 ABERDEEN DR 37 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 STONE WM R & DELARIA-STONE ADELE 99999 GLENVIEW RD 150 W LAKE DR ROSWELL, GA 30075 STONE WM R & DELARIA-STONE ADELE 99999 GLENVIEW RD 150 W LAKE DR ROSWELL, GA 30075 STROUT STEVEN L & STROUT MYKAL D HEAD 00051 FOXBERRY DR 51 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SUESS SHARON 00037 SPRING HILL CIR 37 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 SUGGS CLAYTON R & SUGGS ANGELIA 00010 SPRING HILL DR 10 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 SUMNER TERESA FORE 00014 FISHERS MILL RD 206 SUMNER DR LOT 1 ARDEN, NC 28704 SUMNER TERESA FORE 00206 SUMNER DR 206 SUMNER DR LOT 1 ARDEN, NC 28704 SWICEGOOD JOSEPH C (ETAL) & SWICEGOOD DORTHY (ETAL 00257 LONG SHOALS RD 210 WALNUT COVE FARM ARDEN, NC 28704 SWICEGOOD ROBERT M 99999 BUTLER RD PO BOX 5862 ASHEVILLE, NC 28813 TAN AILEEN 00004 CARDIFF CT 4 CARDIFF COURT ARDEN, NC 28704 TAN DAVID W H & JOHNSON SIMON G 00107 FOUNDERS WAY 107 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 TAYLOR J STEVEN & TAYLOR VALERIE D 00019 FOXBERRY DR 19 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TAYLOR SUSAN C 00056 FOXBERRY DR 56 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TENPENNY JAMES TODD & TENPENNY ANDREA L 00022 MANDERLEY WAY 22 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 22 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS THIELKER MATTHEW & THIELKER JENNIFER 00004 HOLMES LN 4 HOLMES LANE ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMAS CHARLES CLAYTON 00104 FOUNDERS WAY 104 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMAS ELLA MAE 00031 HOYT RD 31 HOYT RD ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMAS JAMES PHILLIP 00027 FOXBERRY DR 27 FOXBERRY DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMAS TAMARA 00039 FOXBERRY DR 39 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMPSON CHARLES & THOMPSON LINDSAY P 00012 HOLMES LN 12 HOLMES LN ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMPSON ELIZABETH HARMON & ERBER PAUL J 00047 FOXBERRY DR 47 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 THOMPSON JAMES H & THOMPSON RACHEL 00098 DUCKER RD PO BOX 1561 FLETCHER, NC 28732 THUNDER L WARD BLUE 00115 LEDBETTER RD 115 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 TILLEY JOSHUA MAINES 00019 SPRING HILL DR 19 SPRING HILL DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TORRES ARTURO & TORRES ELENA 00031 WINDING OAK DR 31 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TOUCHELL DARREN HARVEY & BASSETT-TOUCHELL C AUDRA 00017 ABERDEEN DR 29 SOUTHWICKE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TOWN MOUNTAIN OFFICE PARK ASSOC LLC 00088 BEALE RD PO BOX 8100 ASHEVILLE, NC 28814 TRAN NGUYET THI 00021 SECREST DR 22 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TRAN TAM THI & BUI DUNG THANH 00022 SECREST DR 22 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 TRAYMAR ENTERPRISES INC 00174 BRADLEY BRANCH RD 3 FIR TREE LN ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 TRULL THOMAS C & TRULL LINDA L 00039 FISHERS MILL RD 84 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 TUTTLE DUANE K & TUTTLE NANCY L 00006 SILVERLACE CIR 6 SILVER LACE CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 UMSTED MARGARET BEALE (UI)99999 LONG SHOALS RD 812 VISTA DEL NORTE DR NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87113 VALLEY JENNIFER LEE 00009 ABERDEEN DR 4994 TALL OAKS DR MONROVIA, MD 21770 VANSICKLE SHARON 00026 DAPHNE DR 26 DAPHNE DRIVE ARDEN, NC 28704 VERGES DANIEL 00003 MANDERLEY WAY 3 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 VERILHAC ROBERT E & VERILHAC IDA NELL 00101 FOUNDERS WAY 101 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 VIKTOR'S HOLDING LLC 00028 BEALE RD 28 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 VLAHOS JAMES W & VLAHOS SANDRA L 00009 WINDING OAK DR 9 WINDING OAK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WAIGHTSTILL MTN PROPERTY OWNS ASSOC 00059 STONE HOUSE RD PO BOX 2133 SKYLAND, NC 28776 WAIGHTSTILL MTN PROPERTY OWNS ASSOC 99999 DEERBORNE LN PO BOX 2133 SKYLAND, NC 28776 WALLS MICHAEL W & WALLS CARRIE 00015 FOXBERRY DR 15 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WALTERS GARY THOMAS & WALTERS WENDY JANE 00026 SPRING HILL CIR 26 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 WARD CASEY & WARD ELICIA 00023 SECREST DR 23 SECREST DR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 23 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS WARTERS HOMER ETHRAGE 00019 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD UNIT 19-A ARDEN, NC 28704 WATERS GENE D & WATERS KIM C 00069 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 69 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WATSON GARY E & WATSON DONNA W 00024 SPRING HILL CIR 24 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 WATSON TINA H & WATSON THOMAS P 99999 FOXBERRY DR 46 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WATSON TINA H & WATSON THOMAS P 00046 FOXBERRY DR 46 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEBB JAMES CURTIS 00017 BRITTIAN PARK DR 17 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEBB JAMES S & WEBB SUE P 99999 LEDBETTER RD 25 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEBB JAMES S & WEBB SUE PARKER W 99999 LEDBETTER RD 25 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEBB JAMES S & WEBB SUE PARKER W 00025 BRITTIAN PARK DR 25 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEBB KIM ALLEN 99999 LEDBETTER RD 9 BRITTIAN PARK DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEILBAECHER JAMES E & WEILBAECHER THEA Z 00271 GLENN BRIDGE RD 14 BROOKSIDE RD ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 WELLINGTON ESTATES LLC 99999 GLENN WILLOW DR 932 HENDERSONVILLE RD STE 201 ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 WELLS CHRISTINE 00029 ABERDEEN DR 29 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WELTY BRENT L & WELTY DEBROAH Y 00021 SPRING HILL CIR 21 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEST MARY JUNE 00011 FISHERS MILL RD PO BOX 1086 SKYLAND, NC 28776 WEST PAUL S 00012 ABERDEEN DR 12 ABERDEEN DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WEXLER A B & WEXLER PHYLLIS L 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 22 PINEHURST CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 WHITE PASCHEL M & WHITE JASMAN H 00018 DAPHNE DR 18 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WHITE PEREZ 00109 LEDBETTER RD 109 LEDBETTER RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WHITE WM H & WHITE LOIS 00097 LEDBETTER RD 142 LEDBETTER RD APT 142 ARDEN, NC 28704 WHITTON DOROTHY J 00005 GLENVIEW RD 4 PENNY CT HENDERSONVLLE, NC 28739 WILBURN RICHARD L 00019 HEYWOOD RD 146 FURLONG INDUSTRIAL DR KERNERSVILLE, NC 27284 WILLIAMS FURMAN A ETAL 00276 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT 276 OLD SHOALS ROAD EXT ARDEN, NC 28704 WILLIAMS PAUL R 00027 SPRING HILL CIR 27 SPRING HILL CIR ARDEN, NC 28704 WILLIAMSON ERIC & WILLIAMSON MICHELLE 00037 FOXBERRY DR 37 FOXBERRY DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WILLIS PEGGY JO 00024 CUTSHAW DR 24 CUTSHAW DR ARDEN, NC 28704 WILSON SHARON COLE 00033 SPRING HILL CIR 33 SPRING HILL CIRCLE ARDEN, NC 28704 WINDSOR AUGHTRY CO INC 00019 DAPHNE DR PO BOX 16449 GREENVILLE, SC 29606 WNC REALTY PROFESSIONALS LLC 00012 HEYWOOD RD 86 ASHLAND AVENUE ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 WOOD KIMBERLY JOYCE & WOOD DOROTHY JEAN 00002 HEYWOOD RD 355 ROYAL PINES DR ARDEN, NC 28704 P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 24 of 25 TABLE 2 PARCEL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION WITHIN SURVEY RADIUS ASHEVILLE STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, INC., ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ADDRESS OWNER ADDRESS WOODRUFF NATALIE V & MCKEE DEBRA M 00103 FOUNDERS WAY 103 FOUNDERS WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 WOODWARD ALAN (ETAL) & WOODWARD SUSAN (ETAL) 00013 HEYWOOD RD 1671 BAY HEAD RD ANNAPOLIS, MD 21409 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00011 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00012 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00110 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00014 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00013 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD CECELIA A 00004 HEYWOOD RD 6176 NW 90TH AVE PARKLAND, FL 33067 WOODWARD DOROTHY M 00014 HEYWOOD RD 6150 PORTSMOUTH LN DAVIE, FL 33331 WOOTEN JAMES D & WOOTEN BOBBIE L 99999 GLENVIEW RD PO BOX 274 FLETCHER, NC 28732 WOOTEN JAMES D & WOOTEN BOBBIE L 00019 GLENVIEW RD PO BOX 274 FLETCHER, NC 28732 WRIGHT DOUGLAS G 00013 HEYWOOD RD 110 HEYWOOD RD APT 13B ARDEN, NC 28704 WRIGHT NANCY ANN 00022 FISHERS MILL RD 22 FISHERS MILL RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WRIGHT SELBY 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 111 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WRIGHT SELBY & KAMPE FLOY WRIGHT 00103 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 111 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WRIGHT SELBY & KAMPE FLOY WRIGHT 99999 ROCKWOOD RD 111 NEW ROCKWOOD RD ARDEN, NC 28704 WRIGHT SELBY P & WRIGHT FLOY R 00111 NEW ROCKWOOD RD 135 THOMPSON ST ASHEVILLE, NC 28803 YANCEY JEFFREY T & YANCEY CYNTHIA M 00022 DAPHNE DR 22 DAPHNE DR ARDEN, NC 28704 YANCEY SAMUEL J & YANCEY ABIGAIL R I 00029 MANDERLEY WAY 29 MANDERLEY WAY ARDEN, NC 28704 YATES LAURA K 00054 ABERDEEN DR 3 DOUGLAS FIR AVE ARDEN, NC 28704 YEZREAL LLC 00065 BEALE RD 65 BEALE RD ARDEN, NC 28704 YOUNG DON & YOUNG MARIE 00212 SUMNER DR 394 MERRIMON AVE ASHEVILLE, NC 28801 ZHENG XIANGQING & LI YANQIN 00015 HOLMES LN 555 KING ST CHARLESTON, SC 29403 ZIEBER ROBERT M 00019 HEYWOOD RD PO BOX 700 SKYLAND, NC 28776 ZIEBER ROBERT M 00014 HEYWOOD RD PO BOX 700 SKYLAND, NC 28776 Prepared by: RBI Checked by: TDP P:\Duke Energy Progress.1026\ALL NC SITES\DENR Letter Deliverables\Drinking Water Well Survey\Asheville\Tables\Table 2 Parcel Ownership Information Asheville.xlsx 25 of 25 APPENDIX A EDR REPORT FORM-NULL-CCA tropeR ®kcehCoeG RDE ehT 6 Armstrong Road, 4th floor Shelton, CT 06484 Toll Free: 800.352.0050 www.edrnet.com Duke Energy - Asheville 200 CP&L Drive Arden, NC 28704 Inquiry Number: 3997186.1s July 07, 2014 SECTION PAGE GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary A-2 Physical Setting Source Map A-7 Physical Setting Source Map Findings A-8 Physical Setting Source Records Searched PSGR-1 TC3997186.1s Page 1 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800-352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer - Copyright and Trademark Notice This Report contains certain information obtained from a variety of public and other sources reasonably available to Environmental Data Resources, Inc. It cannot be concluded from this Report that coverage information for the target and surrounding properties does not exist from other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE. ALL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. IN NO EVENT SHALL ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF ERRORS OR OMISSIONS, NEGLIGENCE, ACCIDENT OR ANY OTHER CAUSE, FOR ANY LOSS OF DAMAGE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. ANY LIABILITY ON THE PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. IS STRICTLY LIMITED TO A REFUND OF THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THIS REPORT. Purchaser accepts this Report "AS IS". Any analyses, estimates, ratings, environmental risk levels or risk codes provided in this Report are provided for illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to provide, nor should they be interpreted as providing any facts regarding, or prediction or forecast of, any environmental risk for any property. Only a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment performed by an environmental professional can provide information regarding the environmental risk for any property. Additionally, the information provided in this Report is not to be construed as legal advice. Copyright 2014 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or format, in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior written permission. EDR and its logos (including Sanborn and Sanborn Map) are trademarks of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. TABLE OF CONTENTS TC3997186.1s Page 1 geologic strata. of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater flow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the Groundwater flow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics 2. Groundwater flow velocity. 1. Groundwater flow direction, and Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principal investigative components: forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration. EDR’s GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in 1991Most Recent Revision: 35082-D5 SKYLAND, NCTarget Property Map: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP 2140 ft. above sea levelElevation: 3925653.2UTM Y (Meters): 359857.2UTM X (Meters): Zone 17Universal Tranverse Mercator: 82.5445 - 82˚ 32’ 40.20’’Longitude (West): 35.4663 - 35˚ 27’ 58.68’’Latitude (North): TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES ARDEN, NC 28704 200 CP&L DRIVE DUKE ENERGY - ASHEVILLE TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE REPORT ® TC3997186.1s Page 2 should be field verified. on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity Source: Topography has been determined from the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated SURROUNDING TOPOGRAPHY: ELEVATION PROFILES Elevation (ft)Elevation (ft)TP TP 0 1/2 1 Miles✩Target Property Elevation: 2140 ft. North South West East20852053205420402020204120832093209621402165216921682164216021602166220522052229222421602077205620502020205821372140207721882216219421602205220722252243General WSWGeneral Topographic Gradient: TARGET PROPERTY TOPOGRAPHY should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3997186.1s Page 3 Not Reported GENERAL DIRECTIONLOCATION GROUNDWATER FLOWFROM TPMAP ID hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater AQUIFLOW® Search Radius: 1.000 Mile. contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapSKYLAND NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY NWI Electronic Data CoverageNWI Quad at Target Property Not ReportedAdditional Panels in search area: 37021C - FEMA DFIRM Flood dataFlood Plain Panel at Target Property: YES - refer to the Overview Map and Detail MapBUNCOMBE, NC FEMA FLOOD ZONE FEMA Flood Electronic DataTarget Property County and bodies of water). Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3997186.1s Page 4 > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inchesDepth to Bedrock Min: HIGH Corrosion Potential - Uncoated Steel: Hydric Status: Soil does not meet the requirements for a hydric soil. water table is more than 6 feet. Well drained. Soils have intermediate water holding capacity. Depth toSoil Drainage Class: textures. moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse Class B - Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep,Hydrologic Group: loamSoil Surface Texture: BRADDOCK Soil Component Name: The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Stratified SequenceCategory:PrecambrianEra: PrecambrianSystem: Z Sedimentary rocksSeries: ZCode: (decoded above as Era, System & Series) at which contaminant migration may be occurring. Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3997186.1s Page 5 opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. professional in assessing sources that may impact ground water flow direction, and in forming an EDR Local/Regional Water Agency records provide water well information to assist the environmental LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS stratified fine sandy loam very gravelly - loam sandy loamDeeper Soil Types: loamShallow Soil Types: gravelly - loamSurficial Soil Types: gravelly - loamSoil Surface Textures: appear within the general area of target property. Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Min: 3.60 Max: 5.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 6.00 Clayey sand. Sands with fines, SOILS, Sands, COARSE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularloam85 inches48 inches 3 Min: 3.60 Max: 5.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 2.00 more), Fat Clay. limit 50% or Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED Soils. 200), Clayey passing No. than 35 pct. Materials (more Silt-Clayclay loam48 inches 9 inches 2 Min: 3.60 Max: 5.50 Min: 0.60 Max: 6.00 50%), Lean Clay limit less than Clays (liquid SOILS, Silts and FINE-GRAINED and Sand. Clayey Gravel 200), Silty, or passing No. pct. or less materials (35 Granularloam 9 inches 0 inches 1 Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Permeability Rate (in/hr) Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Soil Reaction (pH) ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® TC3997186.1s Page 6 Invertebrate NC50016985 Animal NC50010085 Animal NC50008922 Animal NC50005775 Animal NC50002655 Animal NC50000450 _________ ___ Class ID NORTH CAROLINA NATURAL HERITAGE ELEMENT OCCURRENCES OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION No Wells Found STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. 1/2 - 1 Mile SENC0111117 1 FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID No Wells Found FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION LOCATION FROM TPWELL IDMAP ID 1.000State Database 1.000Federal FRDS PWS 1.000Federal USGS WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION SEARCH DISTANCE (miles)DATABASE ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY® EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.EDR Inc.04020 80224021 6 0 20402 200204025 2 0 2480 2440 2 16024 002 0 8 0 23 602 3 60 23202280228022 4022 402402 28 22802 24 0 2160224023600 22 0 0 2 2 0 0 21202 1 60 2120232023 202320 228022802 280228022 80 22002 24 0 2240 22 2240224022402 2 4 0 2 2 4 0 22 402 2 4 0 2240224021602160 212200 22002200 22002202 2 0022002200220 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 00 220022002200 2 200 2 200220 0 22 00 02 040 204020 4 0 2 0 402040204020 40204 0 2 040204021602 1 6 0 216021 6 0 21 60 2 16 02 1 6 0 2 1 6 0 2160 2 1 6 0 216 0 2 160 2160 2120 212021 2 0 2 1 2 0 21202120 2 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 2120 2 12 0 21 20212021202120 212020802 0 8 0 20802 0 8 0 208020802080208020802080220022002200220021602160216021602160216021602160 21 2 02120 21 2 0 21 2 020 21202 1 2 0 21 202 1 2 02120 21 2 0 2120212021202120 2 08020802080 208 0 2 0 80208020802 0 802080208001 15 0 0 0115 kv 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 000 00 0 11111 0 1/4 1/2 1 Miles NC TC3997186.1s Page 8 Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Compliance AchievedEnf action: 8/1/2006 0:00:00Enfdate:8/1/2006 0:00:00Complperen: 7/1/2002 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1503Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif RequestedEnf action: 10/18/2002 0:00:00Enfdate:8/1/2006 0:00:00Complperen: 7/1/2002 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1503Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 10/18/2002 0:00:00Enfdate:8/1/2006 0:00:00Complperen: 7/1/2002 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1503Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: Violations information not reported. 96Population:UntreatedTreatment Class: ARDENCity Served: 082 32 00Facility Longitude:35 27 30Facility Latitude: FLETCHER, NC 28732 MOORE’S APTS BOX 6 CHARLEY E WILLIAMS System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: FLETCHER, NC 28732 MOORE’S APTS BOX 6 CHARLEY W WILLIAMS OR MGR System Owner/Responsible PartyAddressee / Facility: ARDEN, NC 28704 POPLAR TERRACE MHPPWS Name: Not ReportedDate Deactivated:Not ReportedDate Initiated: NC0111117PWS ID: 1 SE 1/2 - 1 Mile Higher NC0111117FRDS PWS Map ID Direction Distance Elevation EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 9 Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 7/20/2006 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2025 0:00:00Complperen: 10/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViol. Type: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant:1836906Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif ReceivedEnf action: 6/12/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2025 0:00:00Complperen: 10/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViol. Type: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant:1836906Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Compliance AchievedEnf action: 11/7/2005 0:00:00Enfdate:11/7/2005 0:00:00Complperen: 10/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Inadequate ReportingViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1833006Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 10/21/2005 0:00:00Enfdate:11/7/2005 0:00:00Complperen: 10/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Inadequate ReportingViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1833006Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Compliance AchievedEnf action: 7/22/2005 0:00:00Enfdate:7/22/2005 0:00:00Complperen: 7/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1808205Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 10/11/2005 0:00:00Enfdate:7/22/2005 0:00:00Complperen: 7/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViol. Type: 7000Contaminant:1808205Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 10 Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 5/23/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 2456Contaminant:1836909Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State AO (w/penalty) IssuedEnf action: 6/13/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: TTHMContaminant:1836908Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif RequestedEnf action: 5/23/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: TTHMContaminant:1836908Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 5/23/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: TTHMContaminant:1836908Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Compliance AchievedEnf action: 6/1/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:6/1/2008 0:00:00Complperen: 7/21/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: PN Violation for NPDWR ViolationViol. Type: 7500Contaminant:1836907Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif RequestedEnf action: 7/20/2006 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2025 0:00:00Complperen: 10/1/2005 0:00:00Complperbe: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViol. Type: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant:1836906Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 11 Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Compliance AchievedEnf action: 8/1/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:3/31/2008 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2008 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 0999Contaminant:1836910Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif ReceivedEnf action: 6/1/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:3/31/2008 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2008 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 0999Contaminant:1836910Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif RequestedEnf action: 5/30/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:3/31/2008 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2008 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 0999Contaminant:1836910Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf action: 5/30/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:3/31/2008 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2008 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 0999Contaminant:1836910Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State AO (w/penalty) IssuedEnf action: 6/13/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 2456Contaminant:1836909Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: Not ReportedViolmeasur: State Public Notif RequestedEnf action: 5/23/2008 0:00:00Enfdate:12/31/2007 0:00:00Complperen: 1/1/2007 0:00:00Complperbe: Monitoring and Reporting Stage 1Viol. Type: 2456Contaminant:1836909Vioid: CPwstypecod:96Retpopsrvd: POPLAR TERRACE MHPPwsname: NC0111117Pwsid:03/31/2009Truedate: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 12 State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/11/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1808205Violation ID: 7/1/2005 0:00:00 - 7/22/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:7/22/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1808205Violation ID: 7/1/2005 0:00:00 - 7/22/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/11/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1808205Violation ID: 7/1/2005 0:00:00 - 7/22/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:10/18/2002 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1503Violation ID: 7/1/2002 0:00:00 - 12/31/2025 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/18/2002 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1503Violation ID: 7/1/2002 0:00:00 - 12/31/2025 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/18/2002 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1503Violation ID: 7/1/2002 0:00:00 - 8/1/2006 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:10/18/2002 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1503Violation ID: 7/1/2002 0:00:00 - 8/1/2006 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:8/1/2006 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1503Violation ID: 7/1/2002 0:00:00 - 8/1/2006 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 0005035Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 13 State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:7/20/2006 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1836906Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 12/31/2025 0:00:00Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: 10/17/2006 0:00:00Enf. Action:No Enf Action as ofEnforcement Date: 1836906Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 12/31/2025 0:00:00Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:7/20/2006 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1836906Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 12/31/2025 0:00:00Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: Follow-up and Routine Tap SamplingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/21/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1833006Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 11/7/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Inadequate ReportingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:11/7/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1833006Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 11/7/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Inadequate ReportingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:10/21/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1833006Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 11/7/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Inadequate ReportingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:11/7/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1833006Violation ID: 10/1/2005 0:00:00 - 11/7/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Inadequate ReportingViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Compliance AchievedEnf. Action:7/22/2005 0:00:00Enforcement Date: 1808205Violation ID: 7/1/2005 0:00:00 - 7/22/2005 0:00:00Compliance Period: 7000Contaminant: CCR Complete Failure to ReportViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 14 State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 1994-06-30Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 1994-06-30Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1995-09-29Enforcement Date: 9546078Violation ID: 1994-01-01 - 2015-12-31Compliance Period: LEAD & COPPER RULEContaminant: OCCT Study RecommendationViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 15 NC, 28 828-2 ASHEVILLEAddress 2: PO BOX 8489Address: Not ReportedPhone:FITZGERALD, PHYLLISContact: 96Population:POPLAR TERRACE MHPName: CONTACT INFORMATION: State Public Notif RequestedEnf. Action:1996-11-25Enforcement Date: 9708165Violation ID: 1995-01-01 - 1995-12-31Compliance Period: NITRATEContaminant: Monitoring, RegularViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: State Formal NOV IssuedEnf. Action:1996-11-25Enforcement Date: 9708165Violation ID: 1995-01-01 - 1995-12-31Compliance Period: NITRATEContaminant: Monitoring, RegularViolation Type: POPLAR TERRACE MHPSystem Name: ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 16 ExtantOccurrence Status: InvertebrateClassification by Type: 33339GIS ID: NC50016985NC_NHEO Historic, no evidence of destructionOccurrence Status: AnimalClassification by Type: 13185GIS ID: NC50010085NC_NHEO XOccurrence Status: AnimalClassification by Type: 12725GIS ID: NC50008922NC_NHEO ExtantOccurrence Status: AnimalClassification by Type: 52153GIS ID: NC50005775NC_NHEO Historic, no evidence of destructionOccurrence Status: AnimalClassification by Type: 181726GIS ID: NC50002655NC_NHEO ExtantOccurrence Status: AnimalClassification by Type: 93245GIS ID: NC50000450NC_NHEO Map ID Direction Distance EDR ID NumberDatabase ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS® TC3997186.1s Page 17 0%0%100%3.100 pCi/LBasement Not ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedNot ReportedLiving Area - 2nd Floor 0%0%100%1.367 pCi/LLiving Area - 1st Floor % >20 pCi/L% 4-20 pCi/L% <4 pCi/LAverage ActivityArea Number of sites tested: 3 Federal Area Radon Information for Zip Code: 28704 : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <= 4 pCi/L. Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. Federal EPA Radon Zone for BUNCOMBE County: 1 __________________________________ Max pCi/LMin pCi/LAvg pCi/LNum Results Radon Test Results State Database: NC Radon AREA RADON INFORMATION ®GEOCHECK - PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON ® TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Source: United States Geologic Survey EDR acquired the USGS 7.5’ Digital Elevation Model in 2002 and updated it in 2006. The 7.5 minute DEM corresponds to the USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale topographic quadrangle maps. The DEM provides elevation data with consistent elevation units and projection. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2003 & 2011 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 2002, 2005 and 2010 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. State Wetlands Data: Wetlands Inventory Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-2090 HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLOW Information SystemR Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale - A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS - 11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) leads the national Conservation Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. SSURGO: Soil Survey Geographic Database Source: Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) Telephone: 800-672-5559 SSURGO is the most detailed level of mapping done by the Natural Resources Conservation Services, mapping scales generally range from 1:12,000 to 1:63,360. Field mapping methods using national standards are used to construct the soil maps in the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database. SSURGO digitizing duplicates the original soil survey maps. This level of mapping is designed for use by landowners, townships and county natural resource planning and management. TC3997186.1s Page PSGR-1 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED LOCAL / REGIONAL WATER AGENCY RECORDS FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-564-3750 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: USGS National Water Inventory System (NWIS) This database contains descriptive information on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. STATE RECORDS North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919-715-3243 OTHER STATE DATABASE INFORMATION NC Natural Areas: Significant Natural Heritage Areas Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A polygon converage identifying sites (terrestrial or aquatic that have particular biodiversity significance. A site’s significance may be due to the presenceof rare species, rare or hight quality natural communities, or other important ecological features. NC Game Lands: Wildlife Resources Commission Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps. NC Natural Heritage Sites: Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Sites Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 A point coverage identifying locations of rare and endangered species, occurrences of exemplary or unique natural ecosystems (terrestrial or aquatic), and special animal habitats (e.g., colonial waterbird nesting sites). RADON State Database: NC Radon Source: Department of Environment & Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-4984 Radon Statistical and Non Statiscal Data Area Radon Information Source: USGS Telephone: 703-356-4020 The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/State Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986 - 1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. TC3997186.1s Page PSGR-2 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED EPA Radon Zones Source: EPA Telephone: 703-356-4020 Sections 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Airport Landing Facilities: Private and public use landing facilities Source: Federal Aviation Administration, 800-457-6656 Epicenters: World earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earthquake Fault Lines: The fault lines displayed on EDR’s Topographic map are digitized quaternary faultlines, prepared in 1975 by the United State Geological Survey STREET AND ADDRESS INFORMATION © 2010 Tele Atlas North America, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is proprietary and the subject of copyright protection and other intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to Tele Atlas North America, Inc. The use of this material is subject to the terms of a license agreement. You will be held liable for any unauthorized copying or disclosure of this material. TC3997186.1s Page PSGR-3 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED APPENDIX B EXAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE Harry K. Sideris Senior Vice-President Environment, Health & Safety 526 South Church Street: Mail Code EC13WS Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 October 3, 2014 Recipient's Full Name Recipient's Company Name Street Address City, State ZIP Subject: Drinking Water Supply Survey within Half-Mile Radius of [Plant Name] Dear Mr. / Ms. / Mrs. / Dr. Name: Duke Energy is conducting comprehensive site assessments at operating and retired coal-fired power plants across the state, as required by the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014 recently passed by the North Carolina legislature. One aspect of these assessments seeks to identify private water supply wells within a half-mile radius of the [Plant name]. You are receiving this letter because county real estate records indicate that you own property within this half-mile radius; however, it does not mean that your property is at an environmental risk. We need your assistance to provide information about your property for the purpose of completing the comprehensive site assessment. Duke Energy has contracted with HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) to assist in collecting this site information. We ask that you complete the enclosed survey and return in the enclosed, pre-paid envelope by October 20, 2014. As part of Duke Energy’s commitment to protecting the environment, the company regularly monitors the groundwater around the plant and submits all results to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), the state agency responsible for groundwater quality. The information you provide in response to this well survey will be compiled with information from other neighbors and forwarded to NCDENR. NCDENR will use these survey responses along with technical information about local geology and groundwater to develop future groundwater monitoring requirements. Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Rhonda Isham, Public Involvement Coordinator for SynTerra, at 864-527-4659. Sincerely,     Harry Sideris Environmental, Health, and Safety Enclosures WATER SUPPLY WELL INFORMATION Please provide the following information (to the best of your knowledge) Return the survey via the enclosed stamped envelope by October 20, 2014 Questions please contact Rhonda Isham, SynTerra (864) 527-4659 Name and telephone number of the person completing the survey: Name: _____________________________________________________ Telephone number (optional): ___________________________________ Address(es) of properties in the area that you own: What is the source of your drinking water (check all that apply)? County Water Well Other (explain below) Is there a well(s) on this property(s)? YES NO If the answer is ‘NO’, please disregard the remaining questions, and return the survey in the enclosed stamped envelope. If the answer is “YES” to the above question, please proceed to the back page of this survey. Address of property with well: What is the well(s) used for? (check all that apply) Drinking Irrigation Swimming Pool Water Livestock Well Not In Use Other (specify:__________________________) How many residences are connected to the well(s) – List address(es) below: Please provide any of the following information which is readily available. (The information may be documented on a tag on your well.) Well depth(s): __________ Date well(s) installed: _______________ Casing depth of the well(s): ________ Screen interval of the well(s): __________ Additional well information: ___________________________________________ In the space below, describe or draw the location of the water supply well on your property. (i.e., near mailbox, front yard) Please return this survey in the enclosed envelope by October 20, 2014. Thank you. Questions – contact Rhonda Isham, SynTerra, at (864) 527-4659.