HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130898 Ver 2_401 completrion form U-2925_20180501��� ��� ��DENEi N�orth G�ralind Department �f Envirc�nGa�er�t and Natural Resources Fat �.�cCroiy Gavernor NCQWR Prpject No.: _ Ap�lica�t: Project l�amc: �ake of Issuance of ��Ql Water Q�a�ity Gerti�icatian: Caunty: Du���l� F� v�n �er'J2�rt Secretary CertiFcake oiComplet�on 1]pon campletion 9f all work a�prowed' within the 401 Water Quality CertiticatiQn or applic�bk Buffer Rul�s, and any� subsequent n�ocfificatior�s, the applica�nt is required ia returra this certifieate rto the �09 Transportation Pern�ittin,� Unit, Nontl� Ca�ol�na Division of VVater 12esources, 161 T M�il Serw�ce Center, Raleigh, NC', 27fi'3�1-1 G 1?. This fo�m may be returned w T�Ci?WFt by the applicant, the applicant's authorized d�ent, or the Qr€rjecd en�ineer. Ot is nat necessarv to send certit��ates frosn all af these. ,4J�plrc�ra�it's C'ertifrritrr�n �, Amy Euliss ,�ereby state tf�at, to the best caf my �biCities, due care and dil�ger�ce was used ira the �bservation of khe construcsion sucti that tl7e cac�struction was obserued to be built wit�in substa�rti�� �campliance and in4ent of`the �O1 Water Quali�y Certi�ca�tion and F3a�ffer Rules, the approvec� plans and speeiflcatyc�ns, a at&�er sup��rtin� materi�ls. 5i�r�ature: _ v�� ��___. _ L7ate: April 30, 2018 _ r1gent's Certrfrc�r�iur� I, , hereby state t�at, to the t�est of rt�y abi�sti�s, due ea�'e and dili�enee tvas u�sec� in the ok�ser�aki�n of the consir�ctian suc� that the cons4ruciion was observed t4 be builf wcthin substantial compliance and inte�t crf the 40I Watep� +Qu�lity Certitication an�1 L�uffer Rules, the appravecf plans anc9 specifeati�ons, ar�d other supportin� n�aterials. S i �n�ture: _ []a�te: Err�•i�ae�er's C'erlifrc�aFr"trn F'a�tial F'inah �, , as a du9y re�istered Prafessi�naJ Engineer in the State ot'T�orth Care�lin�. �iavin� b�en authcrrized t� aC�serve (periodical�y, wee�Cly, f�ll tirr�e) th�e constrwctic�n of thae pra�ject fpr tl3e F"errr�ittee hereby state chat, t� tY» best of rny ahiBi4ies, due care and diligence was used in the obscrwatic�n oi'the c�nstruction such that the canstruction was observed to be builz within s�bstantial compliane� anci irate�nt of th� 401 Water QuaIity Ceriilicatinn and BuFfer Kul�:s, the a�proved �rlans and s�eciticatoc�ns, and flt�er su�pc�rtin� materia�ls. Si�raature Re�istratis�n l�c�. . Date _ 1�3 r M�d Serv�ce Cen1e� R�leigh PJ�Rh Car[�lin2 2i6�9 1r�1 ± Phar,r y�{t.���l-03�70 .�n[erne� www ncdenr gov ,., ,, � ��, ••�� • , . � � ,