HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160380 Ver 2_Application Attachments_20180430 (4)�� � 1 � �• � �� � � � . � ��,:� ' a� � � � r �{ . �� 1�ECEIVE� MAl! 1 � 2016 D!U'ISIQN � 4 �� Na�-�h Ca�olina �►�Vi�dli�e Resources Corn��.l�ss�o� � Gorc�on Mye1•s, Exect�ti�re Dir•ecto�• M�M�RANDUM T4: FROM: May � 1, 2016 Lori Beckrvith, I`dCDOT Regulatory Pi•oject �a�iager �sltie�rille Regii�atory Fielcl Oftice, USAC� Mar�a C�iat�ibe��s, Vi�estertIl NCD�T Coor�iinator %�%�Fa� ��t�,•�,a�%�. I�a��tat Conservatic�it �'��ogi`aTn, NCWRC SUBJCCT: Revie�v ofNCIJOT's �p��licati�n for Sectioa� 40� �Qiei �}Ql peiz��its �o ��eplace Bridge No. 309 ove�� Roge��s Cove L�ra�icli on SI� 1373 (i���dz�i L�o��), IIayr�voad �c�u�ity, Nortli Carc�lina. �lie North Ca��alina Departs�ient of Ti•anspori�ti�n h�s subnlitted an ag�plication to ak�tain a Sectio11404 Pei�tilot fi•orll t1�e L�.S. ��i��y C�,i�s of Erzgii�eers aaicl a 4fJ ��Nate�• QuaGi�y Cei�tifica�ion #i•oiai tt�e TVC Divis�ian �of Water �esaurces. Sta�f �iologists �a�ith t�te Nae•tlt Carolin� VVilcllife Resources Casiunission liav� i•evies�,�ed tile inforn�atiori provided. Tliese coiiuiieeits ai•e �rovidec( in� ��ccorc�a�ice ti��it�i tl�e prc���isions of tlie state atid fec9era� Ei3viroiunental PQlicy Aets (G.S. 113A-�tiii•ough 113-�0; 1 NCAC 25 ai�d 42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c}, c•especf'uvel}�), tlle Cleat� W�tea- A�t af 1977 (33 U.S.C. 466 et sec�.} anc� the �°ish aiid Wklcllife Cc�ordinatiot� Ack (�48 St�k. �#Ol, as am�;ncfed; 16 U.S.C. 661-G67c1), �s a�plic�ble. T��e NCDQ'�' ��ra�c�ses to re�lace Bi•idge I�lo. 3�4 over Ro�ers Co�Q�e Bradich oi� SR � 373 (Kuclz�i Lao��} tivitt� a�i alua��in�im bo� c�ilvert, �t�easuring 22'9" W x S'4" H� 3�'6" L, using an offsite detator. Ttfe ci�l��ert rvill �e on � 1.2 �ercei�t slope �nd h�ve nokchec� sills. Permanent stream inl�acts inclue�e 38 lii�e�r �eet fao- the cuh�ert �ici 73 lf far ri�ra�� �oid flaodplai�� l�ench constclictioi�. T'etn�o�•���yr inYpacts tatal 11 S 1� for #Io4�v diversion. Si�nific��l� trotit resourc�s are uot eLpected, t6iere�ore, tive are not re��iesti��g a trout i�loT•atc��•iut�l for �Ilis project. Ro�eis Co��e Branch flotvs to Richland Creek not far do���nstrea�n, �vhich is on the 303(d} Tist �f itnp�irecl �vaters. Sec�iment anc� ero�io�i coutd°ol sl1ould pr•ovide adeqiiate p�•otection fi•om fiu•ther degrac��tioiv of �1a�vnst�l•eam �v�tter c��a�lity. Nlailiug Adclm'ess: Habitat Conse�v�t�an • C721 �Viail Service Ceu�er � Raleigh„ NC 27&�I9-1721 Telepl�one: (919) 707-0220 • �'�x: (919} 7�7-0�28 BRIDG� NO. 309, SR 1373 PAGE 2 MAY 1 l, 2016 R�GERS COVE BRANCH, HAYWODD CO. NCWRC does not ot�ject to the issuance of the Section 404 and 401 }�er•mits provided that the following conditions a�•e irnplemented: Stringent s�dimeirtation and erosion control measures must be implemented and maintained on the p�•oject site until project compietion ta avoid in�pacts to downstream aquatic resources. 2. Herbaceous vegetation shall be planted on all bare soil as soon as possible following the cornpletion of pennanent or temporaty ground disri�rbing activities to pravide appropriate long-term arosion control. 3. Tall fescue and straw mulch shall not be used in ripari�n areas, We encoucage NCDQT ta utilize ansike vegetation and mate�•ials for bank stabilization when p��acticable. Ez•osion control matting shall be used on steep slopes and for establishing pe�manent vegetatian in ripariu� areas. The matting shall be well anchored with staples or waoden stakes and, whenever passible, incl��de live stakes of native trees. Matting in riparian areas should not contain plastic mesh, which can entangle and ti�ap small animals. 4. StoiYn�vater should be directed to bufter areas or retention basins and shauld not be routed ciii�ectiy into tkie watei�vvay. 5. The natural dimension, pattern, and profile of the waterway above and beiow the crossing should not be �nadified by widening the channel or changing tl�e depth af the waterway. b, Removal of vegetatian in riparian areas should b� minimiz�d. Native trees and shrubs shauld be planted along the banks, as appropriate to the setting, to i•eestablish the ripariai� zone and to provide lang-term erosion control. 7. Gradin� and backfiiling should be minimized, anci tree and sluub growtl� shauld be ��etained, if possible, to enst�re long tei�ni availability of shoz•eline cove�• fo�• fish and �uildlife. 8. Where practicable, riprap placed for baiilc stabilization should be limited to the U�nks bel�w the liigh ivater ma�•k, and vegetation should be used fo�• sta6ilization above the high water elevatian. 9. 1f concrete 4vill be used dt�ring eonstruction, work must b� accomplished so that wet (uncured) concrete does not contact sucFace waters. Tt�is will lessen the chance of altering the water chemistry and causing a fish kill. 10. Dischar�ing hydroseeding mixtures and washing aut hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prahibited. 11. Heavy eqtiipinent should be operated froz�; the b�rik ratl�er than in the channcl whenever possible in order to minimize sediiuentation and i�educe the likelihood of int�-aducing other pollutants intn the waterway. All mecl�anized equipment operated near surface BRIDGE NO. 309, SR I373 PAGE 3 MAY 1 l, 2016 ROGERS C�VE BRAI�FGH, HAYWOOD CO. waters should be inspected and mairttained regular�y to preven# canfamination �of surface waters fr�am fuels, luhricants, hydraufic fluids ar other t�xic materials. Thank you for the opportunity to review and cornrnent an this praject. If you have any �uestinns regarding thes� comments, pleas� cantact me at marla.chambers cr,ncwi_!_�l_i_fe.ore, �ar (704) 9$2- 91$3. — cc: Arny Chapman, NCDVI�R I�e�+in Barnett, NCDWR Dave N�cHenry, I��DDT