HomeMy WebLinkAboutStormwater Management Facility - 2018-04-13 As-Built Certification Package - Candella SubdivisionCANDELLA SUBDIVISION As-Built Certification Package of Stormwater Management Facility 1 CANDELLA SUBDIVISION (PINETOPS) As-built Certification Package of Stormwater Management Facility General Description Located on Potter Road, approximately one mile west of its intersection with Wesley Chapel Road in Wesley Chapel, North Carolina, is the single-family residential development known as Candella Subdivision. Development on this site consists of the construction of 64 single-family residential lots, along with associated streets, parking, utilities, and other infrastructure. The development is located within the Catawba River basin, with stormwater runoff from the development draining to Price Mill Creek. According to the N.C. Division of Water Quality Basin Wide Information Management System (BIMS), Northeast Creek [Stream Index # 11-138-2-2] is classified as C at this location. Per Village of Wesley Chapel regulations, stormwater management on this site meets the stormwater management performance standards for development set forth in Article 14 of the Village of Wesley Chapel Zoning Ordinance. These are as follows: Section 14.5 General Standards for Stormwater Management All developments shall be constructed and maintained so that properties are not unreasonably burdened with storm water runoff as a result of such developments. More specifically: (1)All nonresidential development and all major residential subdivisions shall provide storm water management facilities to control the peak stormwater runoff. Said facilities shall be designed to control the peak runoff from the 1, 2, 10, and 25 year, 24 hour storm events to pre-development levels, and shall safely pass the 50 and 100 year, 24 hour storm with minimum 0.5 feet of freeboard. Stormwater management facilities shall not be located within 10 feet of any property lines. Design of facilities shall be consistent with the Village of Wesley Chapel Stormwater Manual except as stated herein. (2)Minor residential subdivisions and individual single-family residences are exempt from requirements of this section. (3)Additions to existing non-residential structures that are over 50% of the existing floor area square footage will be subject to the requirements of this section. (4)All developments with existing impervious area that add impervious area (structural or non-structural), including demolition of existing structures for purposes of redevelopment, shall provide detention only for the newly added impervious area, in compliance with this section. (5)Where stormwater management facilities are proposed to be constructed, the owners, heirs, assigns or successors of the land, including any homeowners associations, will agree to perpetual maintenance of the facility and will release and hold harmless the Village of Wesley Chapel from any liability, claims, demands, attorney’s fees, and costs or judgments arising from said facility. At a minimum, the facility will be inspected by a registered North Carolina professional engineer on a yearly basis. The annual inspection report will be submitted by the owner to the Zoning Administrator for purposes of compliance. See Section 14.7 for further requirements. 2 (6)An evaluation of any dam that is part of a stormwater management facility shall be made by the designer, in accordance with the Dam Safety Law of 1967, and submitted to the dam safety engineer for review, if required. (7)No certificate of occupancy or release of sureties will be issued for any development until: a.A professional land surveyor has surveyed the as-built storm drainage and stormwater management facilities. b.Any required revised calculations based upon as-built conditions have been submitted and approved by the Village. Said revised calculations must be sealed by a registered North Carolina professional engineer. c.The facility has been stabilized consistent with the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources standards and specifications. d.The as-built survey, final calculations, and facility have been reviewed and inspected, and final approval has been given by the Village. (8)When a stormwater management facility serves more than one property, a permanent drainage easement that encompasses the facility shall be shown on a recorded plat, along with an access easement from the facility to a public right of way. This easement will be described by metes and bounds. (9)There will be a note placed on the recorded plat that clearly describes who is responsible for maintenance of the stormwater management facilities, pipes and/or channels located within the permanent facility. To meet the applicable standards above one wet pond was designed and approved by the Village of Wesley Chapel. Please refer to the appropriate section of this report for additional information. As-built Calculation Methodology ·The as-built hydrologic / hydraulic analysis is based upon the approved design calculations for this project. ·The field survey information used in the as-built analysis for the SWMF was obtained by McAdams. ·PondPack Version V8i, by Bentley Systems, Inc., was used in determining the as- built peak flow rates for the 1-, 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100-year storm events, as well as routing calculations for the proposed stormwater management facility. ·A wet detention pond was designed on this site to treat / manage stormwater runoff for the proposed development. The facility is designed in accordance with the NCDENR BMP design standards. Please note that the facility was designed to achieve 90% TSS pollutant removal efficiency 3 Summary This report serves as the final as-built certification for the SWMF with no outstanding items other than those to be monitored as part of routine inspections. Based on the provided as-built survey, the facility has been built such that the stormwater management onsite provides the required water quality treatment and post-construction peak flow reduction for the 1-, 2-, 10-, and 25-year storm events. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. 1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 2 APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS 5 SITE PHOTOS 3 AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWING 4 AS-BUILT CALCULATIONS CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 SUMMARY OF RESULTS CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 SUMMARY OF RESULTS D. PERRY, EI 4/13/2018 RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS Return Period Pre-Dev As-built % Increase [cfs][cfs][%] 1-Year 8.26 5.51 -33.3% 2-Year 16.96 10.67 -37.1% 10-Year 48.10 27.95 -41.9% 25-Year 68.94 39.15 -43.2% Return Period Pre-Dev As-built % Increase [cfs][cfs][%] 1-Year 9.44 7.64 -19.1% 2-Year 21.43 19.79 -7.7% 10-Year 62.55 62.90 0.6% 25-Year 88.77 85.36 -3.8% POINT OF ANALYSIS #1 POINT OF ANALYSIS #2 CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 SUMMARY OF RESULTS D. PERRY, EI 4/13/2018 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY SUMMARY Design Drainage Area =59.28 ac Design Impervious Area =12.72 ac % Impervious =21.5% Top of Dam =580.70 ft NWSE =573.71 ft Average Depth =3.72 ft Required Surface Area at NWSE =33,331 sf Surface Area at NWSE =35,148 sf Siphon Diameter =4.00 in Siphon Elevation =573.71 ft Riser Size = 6' x 6' Riser Crest =578.46 ft Orifice 1 Bottom Elevation =575.28 ft Orifice 1 Top Elevation =575.86 ft Orifice 1 Area =1.75 sf Orifice 2 Bottom Elevation =576.22 ft Orifice 2 Top Elevation =576.80 ft Orifice 2 Area =1.75 sf Orifice 3 Bottom Elevation = 575.29 ft Orifice 3 Top Elevation = 575.87 ft Orifice 3 Area = 1.75 sf Barrel Diameter = 48 in # of Barrels = 1 Invert In =572.37 ft Invert Out =572.07 ft Length =48.9 ft Slope =0.0061 ft/ft STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY ROUTING RESULTS Return Period Inflow Outflow Max. WSE Freeboard [cfs][cfs][ft][ft] 1-Year 61.70 3.23 575.46 5.24 2-Year 98.7 11.06 575.96 4.74 10-Year 195.32 34.63 577.72 2.98 25-Year 251.42 57.73 578.83 1.87 50-Year 289.18 84.69 579.21 1.49 100-Year 330.92 111.19 579.54 1.16 CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 APPROVED CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 AS-BUILT RECORD DRAWING CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 AS-BUILT CALCULATIONS CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY SSFxn Above NP - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - ABOVE NORMAL POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet)(feet)(SF)(SF)(CF)(CF)(feet) 573.70 0.00 35,148 574.00 0.30 39,617 37383 11215 11215 0.27 575.00 1.30 46,706 43162 43162 54376 1.17 576.00 2.30 50,679 48693 48693 103069 2.11 577.00 3.30 54,684 52682 52682 155750 3.08 578.00 4.30 58,697 56691 56691 212441 4.09 579.00 5.30 62,724 60711 60711 273151 5.15 580.00 6.30 66,773 64749 64749 337900 6.27 580.70 7.00 69,494 68134 47693 385593 7.07 1.122328771 10.64108498 41818.11826 KS = 45770 b = 1.0893 y = 41818x1.1223 R² = 0.9994 0 50000 100000 150000 200000 250000 300000 350000 400000 450000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00Storage (CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY SSFxn Main Pool - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - MAIN POOL Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet)(feet)(SF)(SF)(CF)(CF)(feet) 568.00 0.00 10,833 569.00 1.00 14,247 12540 12540 12540 0.98 570.00 2.00 16,641 15444 15444 27984 1.89 571.00 3.00 19,081 17861 17861 45845 2.82 572.00 4.00 21,532 20307 20307 66152 3.80 573.00 5.00 24,025 22779 22779 88930 4.83 573.70 5.70 27,256 25641 17948 106878 5.61 1.196260385 9.426752845 12416.14405 KS = 12796 b = 1.2305 y = 12217x1.2286 R² = 0.999 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00Storage (CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY SSFxn West Forebay - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - WEST FOREBAY Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet)(feet)(SF)(SF)(CF)(CF)(feet) 567.60 0.00 339 569.00 1.40 799 569 797 797 0.78 570.00 2.40 1,191 995 995 1792 1.39 571.00 3.40 1,639 1415 1415 3207 2.10 572.00 4.40 2,141 1890 1890 5097 2.91 573.00 5.40 2,634 2388 2388 7484 3.82 573.70 6.10 3,115 2875 2012 9496 4.53 1.614546519 6.11395388 452.1228252 KS = 1126.1 b = 1.4123 y = 428.53x1.6861 R² = 0.9976 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00Storage (CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY SSFxn East Forebay - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION - EAST FOREBAY Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet)(feet)(SF)(SF)(CF)(CF)(feet) 568.00 0.00 842 569.00 1.00 1,377 1110 1110 1110 1.04 570.00 2.00 1,918 1648 1648 2757 1.93 571.00 3.00 2,533 2226 2226 4983 2.88 572.00 4.00 3,201 2867 2867 7850 3.93 573.00 5.00 3,918 3560 3560 11409 5.06 573.70 5.70 4,777 4348 3043 14452 5.95 1.472130302 6.954368974 1047.717193 KS = 1047.7 b = 1.4721 y = 1047.7x1.4721 R² = 0.9969 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00Storage (CF)Stage (feet) Storage vs. Stage CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY Volume Calculation - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 TOTAL VOLUME OF FACILITY Volume of Main Pool =106,878 cf Volume of Forebays =23,949 cf Total Volume Below NWSE =130,827 cf =3.00 acre-ft Total Volume Above NWSE =385,593 cf =8.85 acre-ft Total Volume of Facility =516,420 cf =11.86 acre-ft FOREBAY PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT POOL VOLUME total permanent pool volume. Total Volume Below NWSE =130,827 cf Volume of Forebay =23,949 cf % Forebay =18.3% AVERAGE DEPTH OF POND Total Volume Below NWSE =130,827 cf Surface Area at NWSE =35,148 sf Average Depth =3.72 ft Per NCDWQ design guidelines, the forebay volume should equal approximately 20% of the CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY Surface Area Calculation - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 WET DETENTION BASIN SUMMARY From Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual .NCDENR: Division of Water Quality, 2007. Enter the drainage area characteristics ==> 59.28 acres 12.72 acres Note The basin must be sized to treat all impervious surface runoff draining into the pond, not just the impervious surface from on-site development. Drainage area =59.28 acres @ 21.5%impervious Estimate the surface area required at pond normal pool elevation ==> Wet Detention Basins are based on an minimum average depth of =3.72 feet (Calculated) From the DWQ BMP Handbook (2007, the required SA/DA ratio for 90%TSS Removal ==> 3.5 3.72 4.0 Lower Boundary => 20.0 1.30 1.10 Site % impervious => 21.5 1.37 1.29 1.19 Upper Boundary => 30.0 1.80 1.70 Therefore, SA/DA required =1.29 Surface area required at normal pool =33,331 ft2 = 0.77 acres Surface area provided at normal pool =35,148 ft2 Total drainage area to pond = Total impervious area to pond = CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY WQV Calculation - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 DETERMINATION OF WATER QUALITY VOLUME WQ V = (P)(R V )(A)/12 where, WQV = water quality volume (in acre-ft) RV = 0.05+0.009(I) where I is percent impervious cover A = area in acres P = rainfall (in inches) Input data: Total area, A = 59.28 acres Impervious area = 12.72 acres Percent impervious cover, I = 21.5 % Rainfall, P =1.00 inches Calculated values: RV = 0.24 WQV = 1.20 acre-ft = 52327 cf. ASSOCIATED DEPTH IN POND WQV = 52327 cf. Stage / Storage Data: Ks = 45770 b = 1.0893 Zo = 573.70 Volume in 1" rainfall = 52327 cu. ft Calculated values: Depth of WQv in Basin = 1.13 ft =13.57 inches Elevation =574.83 ft CANDELLA MRH-13010 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY WQV Drawdown Calculation - As-built Conditions J. ALDRIDGE, PE 4/13/2018 DRAWDOWN SIPHON DESIGN D orifice =4 inch # orifices =1 Ks = 45770 b = 1.0893 Cd siphon =0.60 Normal Pool Elevation =573.70 feet Volume @ Normal Pool = 0 cf Orifice Invert =573.70 feet WSEL @ 1" Runoff Volume = 574.83 feet WSEL Vol. Stored Siphon Flow Avg. Flow Incr. Vol. Incr. Time (feet) (cf) (cfs) (cfs) (cf) (sec) 574.83 52327 0.412 574.73 47335 0.390 0.401 4991 12447 574.63 42387 0.367 0.379 4948 13072 574.53 37485 0.342 0.355 4901 13820 574.43 32636 0.316 0.329 4849 14738 574.33 27845 0.287 0.301 4791 15905 574.23 23121 0.254 0.271 4724 17462 574.13 18476 0.217 0.236 4646 19702 574.04 13925 0.172 0.195 4551 23363 573.94 9495 0.102 0.137 4430 32258 573.84 5233 0.045 0.074 4262 57823 Drawdown Time = 2.55 days By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.482 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient =0.600 Cross-sectional area of siphon = 0.087 sf Q = 0.2917 cfs Drawdown Time = Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.08 days Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Elevation-Area Volume Curve Volume (Total) (ac-ft) Volume (ac-ft) A1+A2+sqr (A1*A2) (ft²) Area (ft²) Planimeter (ft²) Elevation (ft) 0.0000.0000.0035,148.000.000573.70 0.2570.257112,080.6639,617.000.000574.00 1.2470.990129,338.7146,706.000.000575.00 2.3651.118146,036.9650,679.000.000576.00 3.5741.209158,006.4354,684.000.000577.00 4.8751.301170,035.9858,697.000.000578.00 6.2681.393182,098.1062,724.000.000579.00 7.7541.486194,213.8466,773.000.000580.00 8.8491.095204,386.9269,494.000.000580.70 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Requested Pond Water Surface Elevations ft574.00Minimum (Headwater) ft0.10Increment (Headwater) ft580.00Maximum (Headwater) Outlet Connectivity E2 (ft) E1 (ft) OutfallDirectionOutlet IDStructure Type 580.70575.28CulvertForwardOrifice 1Orifice-Area 580.70575.29CulvertForwardOrifice 3Orifice-Area 580.70576.22CulvertForwardOrifice 2Orifice-Area 580.70578.46CulvertForwardRiserInlet Box 580.70573.71CulvertForwardSiphonOrifice-Circular 580.70572.37TWForwardCulvertCulvert-Circular (N/A)(N/A)TailwaterTailwater Settings 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Culvert Structure Type: Culvert-Circular 1Number of Barrels in48.00Diameter ft48.90Length ft48.90Length (Computed Barrel) ft/ft0.006Slope (Computed) Outlet Control Data 0.013Manning's n 0.50Ke 0.00Kb 0.00Kr ft0.00Convergence Tolerance Inlet Control Data Form 1Equation Form 0.0098K 2.0000M 0.0398C 0.6700Y 0.00T1 ratio (HW/D) 1.30T2 ratio (HW/D) -0.50Slope Correction Factor Use unsubmerged inlet control 0 equation below T1 elevation. Use submerged inlet control 0 equation above T2 elevation In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... ft572.37T1 Elevation ft³/s87.96T1 Flow ft577.58T2 Elevation ft³/s100.53T2 Flow 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: Riser Structure Type: Inlet Box 1Number of Openings ft578.46Elevation ft²36.000Orifice Area 0.60Orifice Coefficient ft24.00Weir Length (ft^0.5)/s3.00Weir Coefficient 1.00K Reverse 0.00Manning's n 0.00Kev, Charged Riser FalseWeir Submergence FalseOrifice H to crest Structure ID: Siphon Structure Type: Orifice-Circular 1Number of Openings ft573.71Elevation in4.00Orifice Diameter 0.60Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice 1 Structure Type: Orifice-Area 1Number of Openings ft575.28Elevation ft²1.750Orifice Area ft575.86Top Elevation ft575.57Datum Elevation 0.60Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice 2 Structure Type: Orifice-Area 1Number of Openings ft576.22Elevation ft²1.750Orifice Area ft576.80Top Elevation ft576.51Datum Elevation 0.60Orifice Coefficient Structure ID: Orifice 3 Structure Type: Orifice-Area 1Number of Openings ft575.29Elevation ft²1.750Orifice Area ft575.87Top Elevation ft575.58Datum Elevation 0.60Orifice Coefficient 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Outlet Input Data Structure ID: TW Structure Type: TW Setup, DS Channel Free OutfallTailwater Type Convergence Tolerances 30Maximum Iterations ft0.01Tailwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Tailwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft0.01Headwater Tolerance (Minimum) ft0.50Headwater Tolerance (Maximum) ft³/s0.001Flow Tolerance (Minimum) ft³/s10.000Flow Tolerance (Maximum) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.00573.70 (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert) 0.00(N/A)0.00573.71 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.02573.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.06573.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.13574.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.20574.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.24574.20 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.27574.30 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.30574.40 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.33574.50 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.36574.60 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.38574.70 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.40574.80 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.42574.90 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.45575.00 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.46575.10 Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.48575.20 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.50575.28 Orifice 1,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.58575.29 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)0.73575.30 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)2.32575.40 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)3.90575.50 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)5.48575.60 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)7.06575.70 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)8.63575.80 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)10.20575.90 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)11.59576.00 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)12.81576.10 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)13.94576.20 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 2,Riser) 0.00(N/A)14.14576.22 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)15.58576.30 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)17.33576.40 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)19.01576.50 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)20.65576.60 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)22.24576.70 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)23.79576.80 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)25.26576.90 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)26.63577.00 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)27.92577.10 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)29.09577.20 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)30.26577.30 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)31.33577.40 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)32.40577.50 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)33.44577.60 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)34.40577.70 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)35.37577.80 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)36.30577.90 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)37.19578.00 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)38.08578.10 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)38.94578.20 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)39.76578.30 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)40.63578.40 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon,Culvert (no Q: Riser) 0.00(N/A)41.13578.46 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)42.00578.50 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)45.84578.60 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)50.39578.70 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)55.89578.80 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)62.17578.90 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)69.13579.00 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)76.16579.10 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)83.60579.20 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)91.50579.30 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)99.74579.40 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)108.02579.50 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)115.65579.60 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)123.04579.70 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)129.91579.80 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)135.89579.90 Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Riser,Siphon,Culvert 0.00(N/A)140.11580.00 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)141.72580.10 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)143.12580.20 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)144.51580.30 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)145.86580.40 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)147.22580.50 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: Composite Outlet Structure-ASB Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Composite Rating Curve Composite Outflow Summary Contributing StructuresConvergence Error (ft) Tailwater Elevation (ft) Flow (ft³/s) Water Surface Elevation (ft) Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)148.56580.60 Riser,Culvert (no Q: Orifice 1,Orifice 3,Orifice 2,Siphon) 0.00(N/A)149.89580.70 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 1 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 1 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s61.70Flow (Peak In) min727.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s3.23Flow (Peak Outlet) min907.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft575.46Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft1.747Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft3.351Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft1.744Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.605Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.002Volume (Unrouted) %0.1Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 2 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 2 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s98.70Flow (Peak In) min727.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s11.06Flow (Peak Outlet) min761.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft575.96Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft2.320Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft5.112Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft3.473Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.636Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.002Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 10 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 10 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s195.32Flow (Peak In) min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s34.63Flow (Peak Outlet) min759.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft577.72Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft4.507Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft10.686Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft8.956Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.726Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.004Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 25 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 25 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s251.42Flow (Peak In) min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s57.73Flow (Peak Outlet) min758.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft578.83Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft6.024Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft14.559Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft12.767Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.787Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.005Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 50 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 50 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s289.18Flow (Peak In) min721.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s84.69Flow (Peak Outlet) min752.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft579.21Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft6.578Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft17.811Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft15.976Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.828Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.006Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops Storm Event: 100 YearLabel: SWMF-ASB (IN) Return Event: 100 yearsSubsection: Level Pool Pond Routing Summary Infiltration No InfiltrationInfiltration Method (Computed) Initial Conditions ft573.70Elevation (Water Surface, Initial) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Outlet) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial Infiltration) ft³/s0.00Flow (Initial, Total) min1.00Time Increment Inflow/Outflow Hydrograph Summary ft³/s330.92Flow (Peak In) min726.00Time to Peak (Flow, In) ft³/s111.19Flow (Peak Outlet) min737.00Time to Peak (Flow, Outlet) ft579.54Elevation (Water Surface, Peak) ac-ft7.062Volume (Peak) Mass Balance (ac-ft) ac-ft0.000Volume (Initial) ac-ft21.270Volume (Total Inflow) ac-ft0.000Volume (Total Infiltration) ac-ft19.387Volume (Total Outlet Outflow) ac-ft1.876Volume (Retained) ac-ft-0.007Volume (Unrouted) %0.0Error (Mass Balance) 4/13/2018MRH13010-ASB.ppc J. Aldridge, PEPineTops CANDELLA SUBDIVISION MRH-13010 SITE PHOTOS UNITED IN OUR PURSUIT OF YOUR VISION, WE WILL LEVERAGE OUR KNOWLEDGE, OFFERINGS AND CULTURE TO CREATE MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCES. 1. 800. 733. 5646 www.mcadamsco.com > Durham, NC Headquarters 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 > Charlotte, NC 3436 Toringdon Way Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28277