HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180538 Ver 1_Archaeological Clearance_20180417 (2)Projec( 7racking No. (Giferna! UseJ _..._. __..__.._._.. _ .......... . ... . __. . 12-08-0037 NO PREHISTORIC OR HISTORIC PROPERTIES PRESENT/AFFECTED FORM PRO,T�CT INFORMATION RECEIVED Projecl No: County: Jackson WBSNo: 14SP.20201.1 Documenl: MCC/Attachment G DEC � F 2016 F.A. No.• Funding.• � State ❑ Fede�IViSION 14 Federal (USACE) Permit Reguired? � Yes ❑ No Permit Type: NW3 Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 163 on SR 1348 (Bates Creek Road) over Bates Creek with a 6'x6' reinforced box culvert or aluminum box culvert on existing location. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The North Carolina Depnrhnent of Trnnsportation (NCDOT) reviewed !he subject project and determined: Historic Architecture/Landscapes � There are no National Register-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of potential effects. � There are no properties less than fifty years old which are considered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the projecYs area of potential effects. ❑ There are no propeMies within the project's area of potential effects. � 'I'here are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. � All properties greater than 50 years of age located in the APE have been considered and all compliance for historic architecture with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and GS 121-12(a) has been completed for this project. � There are no hisroric properties present or affected by this project. (Attnch any notes or docsrrnents as needec� "No Hisfaric Properties Yresent"form for Miunr Trnnsporinlimi ProJec�s ns Qualified in Ihe 100� Progranunnric Agreeu�enr. NCDOTArchrsealogy & Hlsroric Archileclinx Groups SUMMARY OF CULTURAL R�SOURC�S REVI�W Briefdescription ofreview activities, results ofreview, and conclusions: Review of HPO quad maps, HPO GIS information, historic designations roster, and indexes was nndectaken on August 13, 2012. Based on this review, there are no existing NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects, which is 300' from each end of the road and 50' from the centerline each way. There is a one-story frame church and cemetery directly south of the bridge. A survey will be required to assess eligibility and effects as needed. A survey was conducted on November 16, 2012. Bates Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery (89 Bates Crcek Road) is located southwest of the bridge. The one-story front-gablc frame church is clad in vinyl siding and rests on a concrete block foundation; the structure most likely dates to the mid-twentieth century. A cemetery with approximately ] 00 graves from the 1940s to 1960s is north of the church. A manufactured home is located directly behind the church and may function as a parsonage. The Bates Creek Baptist Church and Cemetery is unremarkable as a mid-twentieth century church and not unique or distinctive; it is not National Register eligible. A one-story side-gablc frame house buil[ in the early twentieth century is located nor[h of the bridge (174 Bates Creek Road). The vernacular house is unremarkable and not National Register eligible. Bridge No. 163 is under fifty years of age and is not National Register eligible. There are no National Register listed or eligible properties within the APE for this project. [f design plans chan�e, additional review will be required. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: Maps, photos. Signed: � Cultural Resources Specialist, „No HisloHe Propenice Prese�i�"form for NlinorTronspa�mlionVrojecls nrQnal fed i�i the 2007Yrogranmin�ic ASreement. NCD07'Archneology & Hismric ArcAlieain�e Grnnps Bridge #163 over Bates Creek on 5R 1348 (Bates Creek Road) - - -- — -- �� _ - _- _ ��° �SQv `� -_- - -- - ii -�-`� '- - � _- " �._ ._. - - _ _ _ - . . - . ,�� - - - _ - -. - . . � _ . _ J _ � ' - . - _ : . — . _ _ -N ' - --.. Ah �;,'1 . . . �' ' ' . _ -_ � _- .ii ' Y<t: � . . - s-' - - _ - . . ' - .: ' - . - . - . -� . � _ _ . �' � :i''.� .. �+i . _ _ � . - , � . - . -.5.',' ��. _ � . . . '-I>'�. .%-, S- 3' _ . _ - �r�. . _ i` . _ -_ ' RC�- . ' ' .. — ' - y�� - - �.. .�. a _a •... y . . : � i. .. � � 13L^.-� t :� = .. . � " -. - . �6 . �. "_v^- _ u � . l _ �+. T.. �- - aYc�.y - . .. � l; . . `C� _ . 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Chui•ch �nd ceu�eteiy at bottoui ceuter. .s���,��r e�•���dr�•dr .��,/,� nr,��,,. rr��,..n�.��nm�� r,� �e��c,�,�.,� Q����� f�-d n� m� zao� r,��K.�,�,��,�ma� nxr��������•�,i. n�cn�r.�,��n�,e�i�xr � ran�,;�� n��<��m�-<�a„�e c�����r,.. urint;c rvo. i�is Inolcmg smitli�vest. �sates L���eel< lia��tisi L'I�w�ch, Ionl<ing southrvost. Not N12 eligible. ..Nn !li.�rorlc Pi'upi��liu.r Prrsenl "f rni lin' �I frrior %1-ni�e�rsrlaion 1'ruJeas m� Qurtl%7e�! ni il�a Z0f17!'raArnn�molic Aginen�eni. NCUO/'Nrl�neulol•y �W Hie�laric Airhilecnu'e Groirp.s c,cu�ac'&ery .voioPY.��vc:�dP� u6' �oa�iE€t�a� lucatinee. � i� u:�ces �ree�c tcoac�, uorti� o(the bridge. Not NR eligible. '•Nu Hfsla�ic Pr'o��¢rlies Prre'enl "f rxi foi� A.linni� 7lnrispnr9niiw� PraJu��h n� [Jrcnlified in Ihe 1U07 f'rngrmnmolir ARreon�n�l. N(.'1107'iirthnrolop' & 1lisloric A�rhile��hu'e G'rrovµe