HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00149_Issuance of Permit_20180406 ROY COOPER Ge,no, N : ' MICHAEL S REGAN Sect elms LINDA CULPEPPER Water Resources Imo un/Ju eclor ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY April 6, 2018 Mr. Donald V. Chamblee, Director of Public Works County of Lincoln - 115 W Main Street Lincolnton, NC 28092 Subject. Permit No WQCS00149 Lincoln County Lincoln County Collection System Lincoln County Dear Mr Chamblee. In accordance with your application received March 2, 2018, we are forwarding herewith Permit No WQCS00149, dated April 6, 2018, to Lincoln County for the operation and maintenance of the subject wastewater collection system This permit shall be effective from April 6, 2018 until February 28, 2026 and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations specified herein It is your responsibility to thoroughly review this permit Please pay particular attention to the monitoring and reporting requirements in this permit and any special conditions Changes have been made to the boiler plate language of the permit. Most of the changes are for clarification purposes, however Condition 1(3) has been removed. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) believes that condition was included erroneously in previous permits It was included based on proposed rulemaking by EPA which was never promulgated and, in the continued absence of Federal regulations, DEQ lacks authority to include such language in a permit. DEQ will continue to exercise enforcement discretion when evaluating sanitary sewer overflows that may be considered to be beyond the reasonable control of the Permittee A highlighted copy of the permit identifying the changes made is available at. http //ncdenr s3 amazonaws com/s3fs- public/Water%20Quality/Surface%20Water%20Protection/PERCS/WCS%20(Collection%20System)/Updated %20WQCS%20Template%2015.05.18%20(highlighted) pdf For purposes of permitting, the collection system is considered to be any existing or newly installed system extension up to the wastewater treatment facility property or point of connection with a separately owned sewer system The collection system is considered all gravity lines, pump stations,force mains, low pressure sewer systems, STEP systems, vacuum systems, etc. and associated piping, valves and appurtenances that help to collect, manage and transport wastewater to a wastewater treatment plant under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement. Satellite systems are systems tributary to the Permittee's collection system but those collection systems are not owned or maintained by the Permittee The system description provided on Page 1 of this permit is meant to provide a general idea about the size of the system and may not be all inclusive of the collection system at the time of permit issuance or afterward 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 Phone 919-807-63001 Internet www ncwaterquality org An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer—Made in part by recycled paper Lincoln County Collection System April 6, 2018 A discharge of wastewater to the environment from the Permittee's wastewater collection system prior to reaching the wastewater treatment facilities is referred to herein as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) The evaluation of enforcement options after an SSO will be determined considering all relevant information available or requested of the Permittee Compliance with all conditions of the permit as well as all statutes and regulations pertaining to the wastewater collection system must be maintained or appropriate enforcement actions may be taken as noted in Condition VI(2) A reportable SSO is an SSO greater than 1,000 gallons to the ground or an SSO of any amount that reaches surface water(including through ditches, storm drains, etc ) Reporting requirements including the required verbal report and written report to the appropriate regional office are referenced in Condition IV(2) Form CS-SSO can be downloaded from the SSO Reporting area at http://ncdenr.s3 amazonaws com/s3fs- public/Water%20Quality/Surface%20Water%20Protection/PERCS/WCS%20(SSO%20Documents)/CS- SSO(2015).doc A notice of deficiency (NOD), notice of violation (NOV), civil penalty, and/or a moratorium on the addition of waste to the system may be issued if adequate justification for an SSO is NOT submitted to the regional office In order to submit a claim for justification of an SSO, you must use Part II of form CS-SSO with additional documentation as necessary DWR staff will review the justification claim and determine if enforcement action is appropriate. Please be advised that the information needed to justify a spill is very comprehensive If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty days following the receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-6714. Unless such demands are made,this permit shall be final and binding If you have questions regarding compliance, contact the appropriate regional office. If you need additional information concerning this permit, please contact Steve Lewis at (919) 807-6308 Sincerely, i -->&-YL-Q--- for Linda Culpepper Interim Director, Division of Water Resources by Deborah Gore,Supervisor Pretreatment, Emergency Response, Collection System Unit(PERCS) enclosure Permit No WQCS00149 cc Mooresville Regional Office,Water Quality Regional Operations(electronic) Water Resources Central Files—WQCS00149(electronic) Maureen Kinney, NC Operators Certification Program (electronic) PERCS Files(electronic) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SYSTEM-WIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM PERMIT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations, permission is hereby granted to the Lincoln County WQCS00149 FOR THE operation and maintenance of a wastewater collection system consisting of,at the time of permit issuance, approximately 73.14 miles of gravity sewer, approximately 59 34 miles of pressure sewer, approximately 54.32 miles of force main, 38 simplex pump stations that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building,42 duplex pump stations,and all associated piping,valves,and appurtenances required to make a complete and operational wastewater collection system to serve Lincoln County and any deemed permitted satellite communities pursuant to the application received March 2, 2018, and in conformity with the documents referenced therein and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the Department of Environmental Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from April 6,2018 until February 28,2026,and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: Page 1 of 7 I. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 1. The sewage and wastewater collected by this system shall be treated in the properly permitted Wastewater Treatment Facility identified in the permit application and documented in the Division's database [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 2 The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times to prevent discharge to land or surface waters, and to prevent any contravention of groundwater standards or surface water standards In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily,including the creation of nuisance conditions,the Permittee shall take immediate actions as per the Response Action Plan (Condition 11(9)), as well as any actions that may be required by the Division of Water Resources(Division),such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 3. The Permittee shall establish by ordinance, inter-local agreement or contract its legal authority to require new sewers be properly constructed, to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals,to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4) [G S 143-215.9B, G S 143-215 1(f)(1)] 4 The Permittee shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease program that shall include at least semiannual distribution of educational material targeted at both residential and non- residential users The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats, oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed, operated and-maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the enforcement program pertaining to fats, oils and grease [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] 5 The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short- term needs and long-term "master plan" concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five year period and include a goal statement,description of the project area,description of the existing facilities, known deficiencies (over a reasonable period) and forecasted future needs Cost analysis is integral to the CIP [G.S. 143-215 9B] 6. Overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged or valved emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 7 The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan for pump failure at each pump station If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails,the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. The permittee shall provide justification for delay in initiating the process for repair or replacement at the Division's request If the pump in a simplex pump station serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2 5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service fails, it shall be replaced immediately [15A NCAC 02T 0305 (h) (1)] Page 2 of 7 8 Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. [15A NCAC 02T 0305 (h) (2)] 9 Pump station sites, equipment and components shall have restricted access [15A NCAC 02T 0305 (h) (4)] 10 Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature(i e routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system) shall have both audible and visual high water alarms The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry(i e notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature) is installed [15A NCAC 02T.0305 (h) (1)] 11 For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components shall be sealed within a corrosion-resistant coating or encasement to the extent practicable and equivalent to the minimum design criteria unless the permittee can demonstrate it is not practicable or another form of corrosion resistance is employed [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] II. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 1 Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC),the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge (ORC) and one or more certified operator(s) to be back-up ORC(s) of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G 0201 The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass,spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back-Up ORC, and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G 0204 [15A NCAC 08G .0200 et seq ] 2. The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 3 The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 4 The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program which shall include the following maintenance activities: a Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure, outside perimeter, and wet well, b. Inspecting and exercising all valves; c. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment, and d. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms,telemetry system and auxiliary equipment [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] Page 3 of 7 5 For each pump station without pump reliability (i.e simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2 5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service), at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand [15A NCAC 02T.0305 (h) (1) (A)] 6 The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed, but no less than two pumps, that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building, unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in a sewer line extension permit [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 7 Rights-of-way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land-use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access In this case, the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods (e g CCTV) and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 8 The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs, and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning, whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods, the wastewater collection system At least 10 percent of the gravity wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line extension permit. [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 9. The Permittee shall maintain a Response Action Plan that addresses the following minimum items. a Contact phone numbers for 24-hour response, including weekends and holidays, b Response time; c Equipment list and spare parts inventory, d Access to cleaning equipment, e Access to construction crews, contractors and/or engineers, f Source(s) of emergency funds; g Site restoration and clean up materials, and h Post-SSO assessment [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 10 The Permittee, or their authorized representative, shall conduct an on-site evaluation for all SSOs as soon as possible,but if feasible no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. The Permittee shall document in its 5-day report why it was unable to initially respond to any SSO location within two hours [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] 11. In the event of an SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system,the Permittee shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, restore any ground area and restore the surroundings. [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] III. RECORDS 1 Records shall be maintained to document compliance with Conditions 1(4), 11(2) - 11(4), 11(7) - 11(8), IV(3) and V(1) -V(4). Records shall be kept on file for a minimum of three years [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] Page 4 of 7 2 The Permittee shall maintain adequate records pertaining to SSOs, and SSO or wastewater collection system complaints for a minimum of three years These records shall include, but are not limited to, the following information: a Date of SSO or complaint, b Volume of wastewater released as a result of the SSO and/or nature of complaint, c Location of the SSO and/or complaint, d. Estimated duration of the SSO, e. Individual from the Division who was informed about the SSO and/or complaint, when applicable, f. Final destination of the SSO, g Corrective actions, h Known environmental/human health impacts resulting from the SSO, and i. How the SSO was discovered [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 3 The Permittee shall maintain an up-to-date,accurate,comprehensive map of its wastewater collection system that also notes the locations where other wastewater collection systems become tributary If a comprehensive map of the collection system has not been established,a rough sketch shall be drawn The Permittee shall map approximately 10 percent of its existing collection system each year for the next ten years beginning at the original permit issuance date, or until complete, whichever is sooner. The comprehensive map shall include, but is not limited to pipe size, pipe material, pipe location, flow direction, approximate pipe age, and each pump station identification, location and capacity [15A NCAC 02T 0108 (b)] 4 The Permittee shall maintain records of all of the modifications and extensions to the collection system permitted herein The Permittee shall maintain a copy of the construction record drawings and specifications for modifications/extensions to the wastewater collection system for the life of the modification/extension Information concerning the extension shall be incorporated into the map of the wastewater collection system within one year of the completion of construction. The system description contained within this permit shall be updated to include this modification/extension information upon permit renewal [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] IV. MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1 In the event of an SSO the Division may require monitoring that is necessary to ensure surface water and groundwater protection and an acceptable sampling and reporting schedule shall be implemented [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (c)] 2. The Permittee shall verbally report to a Division of Water Resources staff member at the Mooresville Regional Office, at telephone number(704) 663-1699 as soon as possible, but in no case more than 24 hours following first knowledge of the occurrence of the following circumstances within the collection system which is under the Permittee's ownership or maintained and operated by the Permittee through a perpetual legal agreement a Any SSO and/or spill over 1,000 gallons to the ground; or b. Any SSO and/or spill, regardless of volume,that reaches surface water. Voice mail messages or faxed information shall not be considered as the initial verbal report. SSOs(and other types of spills) occurring outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division of Emergency Management at telephone number(800)858-0368 or(919) 733-3300. Page 5 of 7 Persons reporting any of the above occurrences shall file a spill report by completing Part I of Form CS- SSO (or the most current Division approved form), within five business days following first knowledge of the occurrence. This report shall outline the actions taken or proposed to ensure that the problem does not recur [G S. 143-215.1C(a1)] 3 The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute §143-215.1C. V. INSPECTIONS 1 The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration, operator errors, and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment,threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including, at a minimum, the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] 2 Pump stations that are not connected to a telemetry system (i e., remote alarm system) shall be inspected by the permittee or its representative every day(i e ,365 days per year). Pump stations that are connected to telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] 3 A general observation by the permittee or its representative of the entire wastewater collection system shall be conducted at least once per year [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] 4 Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e. aerial line, sub-waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high-priority in a permit)shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. A list of high-priority lines is presented as Attachment A and is hereby incorporated into this permit condition. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing in Attachment A. [15A NCAC 02T.0108 (b)] VI. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event that the Permittee desires to transfer ownership of the wastewater collection system or there is a name change of the Permittee,a formal permit modification request shall be submitted to the Division The request shall be accompanied by documentation from the parties involved, and other supporting materials as may be appropriate Such request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved [15A NCAC 02T 0104; G S. 143-215.1(d)(3)] 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division in accordance with North Carolina General Statute§143-215.6A through §143-215.6C, and a sewer moratorium may be established. [15A NCAC 02T.0104] 3. The issuance of this permit does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e., local,state, and federal) having jurisdiction. [G.S. 143-215 1(b)] 4. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Division from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking and reissuing the permit or terminating the permit as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations or as needed to address changes in federal regulations with respect to the wastewater collection system, in accordance with required procedures. [G.S. 143-215.1(b)(4)] Page 6 of 7 5. The Permittee shall pay the annual fee within thirty(30) days after being billed by the Division. Failure to pay the fee accordingly may cause the Division to initiate action to revoke this permit [15A NCAC 02T.0110 (4)] 6 The Permittee shall file an application for renewal of this permit at least six months prior to the expiration of this permit Upon receipt of the request, the Director will review the adequacy of the wastewater collection system described therein, and if warranted, will extend the permit for a period of time and under such conditions and limitations, as the Director may deem appropriate [15A NCAC 02T 0109] 7. The Permittee shall notify the Division's Pretreatment, Emergency Response and Collection Systems Unit in writing at 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 of any changes to the name and/or address of the responsible party (i e. mayor, city/town manager) of the wastewater collection system. [15A NCAC 02T.0106 (c)] 8 Any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division may, upon presentation of credentials, enter and inspect any property, premises or place on or related to the collection system at any reasonable time for the purpose of determining compliance with this permit, may inspect or copy any records that must be maintained under the terms and conditions of this permit, and may obtain samples of wastewater,groundwater, surface water,soil, or plant tissue [15A NCAC 02T.0110 (3)] 9 The Permittee or their authorized representative shall have available a copy of this permit to present upon request by any duly authorized officer, employee, or representative of the Division. [15A NCAC 02T.0104] Permit issued this the 6th of April, 2018 NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION Q ...q.6...,,,_._. \ Akyus_ for Linda Culpepper Interim Director, Division of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission by Deborah Gore, Pretreatment, Emergency Response, Collection System Unit Supervisor Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Page 7 of 7 Lincoln County Sewer Pump Station Dimensions Station Address Parcel ID# NCDENR# Outside Inside Depth Invert 1 Invert 2 Stop Float Lead Float Lag Float High Level Pumps LS01 6371 Industrial Park Drive 71174 WQ0011243M 112 81 150 64 n/a 120 112 106 93 2 LSO2 6884 Campground Road 71309 WQ0011243 112 86 213 128 n/a 190 162 147 135 2 LSO3 8513 Blades Trail 71290 WQ0010918M 112 88 175 103 n/a 144 130 117 109 2 LSO4 7755 Blades Trail 71683 WQ0010918 112 89 110 50 n/a 83 71 68 64 2 LSO5 3777 Lake Shore Road South 71475 W00010918 112 88 208 134 n/a 154 105 143 134 2 LSO6 2424 Lake Shore Road South 71404 WQ001091,a} 112 89 154 77 n/a 116 105 94 84 2 LS07 8204 Pine Lake Road 71289 WQ0010918' 113 96 150 48 n/a 114 105 80 68 2 LSO8 9024 Unity Church Road 71291 WQ0010918 113 95 282 205 n/a 249 235 228 213 2 LS09 1923 Cameron Hgts Circle 59567 W00010918 112 95 124 48 n/a 91 82 72 65 2 LS10 8218 Hagers Ferry Road 71686 W00010918 112 100 192 140 n/a 165 151 143 136 2 LS11 3339 Hwy 16 N 71176 WO0011095M 112 88 175 103 n/a 158 136 130 126 2 LS12 2460 Hwy 16 N 71682 WQ0011095 113 98 115 43 n/a 91 71 64 56 2 LS13 7314 Old Plank Road 72559 W00013995 111 96 180 107 n/a 144 134 121 114 2 LS14 4415 Sedge Brook Drive 75186 WQ0015184 85 73 196 77 86 170 160 142 125 2 LS15 7533 S Little Egypt Road 51984 WO0032852 113 97 332 204 n/a 300 224 218 204 2 LS15B 7533 S Little Egypt Road 51984 WQ0032852M 144 124 333 218 n/a 279 248 237 213 2 LS16 2392 Smith Harbor Drive 76020 W00016377 112 97 187 97 n/a 149 128 109 95 2 LS17 6471 Hwy 73 2891 W00000868 83 73 96 48 n/a 80 68 65 48 2 ' LS18 2336 Hovis Road 2022 WQ0019291 82 71 324 219 n/a 272 260 251 248 4 LS19 7428 Mountain Ridge Drive 80175 WQ0020982 111 99 177 102 39 132 118 107 97 2 LS20 251 Club Drive 82090 W00020424 112 97 233 130 160 183 165 144 134 2 LS21 1799 St James Church Road 79978 WQ0022083 83 72 151 80 n/a 120 101 96 87 2 LS22 2737 Lee Lawing Road 76121 WQ0021907 85 70 243 151 n/a 212 186 168 160 4 LS23 275 Hwy 16 N 34517 WQ0022370 86 74 275 161 n/a 205 192 170 165 2 LS24 1000 Brookdale Drive 90639 WQ0023238 86 74 127 54 n/a, 112 98 89 81 2 LS25 4011 Wind Flower Cove 84426 W00039039 110 96 196 128 n/a 158 151 148 142 2 LS26 7200 Kenyon Dnve 86511 W00029377 117 96 272 98 153 212 179 166 150 2 LS27 7910 Fairfield Forest Road 86028 WQ0029123 86 72 264 148 n/a 216 180 164 152 2 LS28 4477 Burton Lane 85020 WO0011095 112 96 231 66 n/a 194 177 165 155 2 - LS29 4180 Little Fork Cove Road 85674 WQ0035337 87 72 138 42 n/a 119 81 66 50 2 LS30 543 Lincoln County Pk 86288 WQ0033637 112 93 192 108 n/a 159 148 139 128 2 LS31 1503 Amity Church Road 25031 WQ0030392 86 72 201 131 131 164 162 156 144 2 - LS32 4137 Hwy 73 2039 W00030392 72 59 165 65 n/a 142 126 113 100 2 LS33 3035 Finger Mill Road 86087 W00031769 142 120 278 144 n/a 248 216 207 180 2 LS34 3970 King Wilkinson Road 24577 WQ0030392 72 60 181 60 n/a 160 137 127 120 2 LS35 7981 Blades Trail 92463 WQ0031692 85 73 175 69 67 108 93 82 75 2 LS36 8822 Sweet Cherry Lane 89195 WQ0031697 86 72 285 173 _ n/a 265 240 157 140 2 LS37 6781 Old Plank Road 89465 WQ0032852 n/a n/a 498 414 n/a 438 408 396 378 4 LS38 4265E Hwy 27 52578 WQ0035636 117 96 140 77 n/a 125 113 101 89 2 LS39 1043 Airhe Parkway 91360 W00035325 117 96 229 150 n/a 205 181 169 133 2 LS40 363 Exploration BLVD 93144 WQ0038523 86 72 135 54 n/a 101 80 55 43 2 LS41 8367 BLADES TR 93118 WQ0037942 72 60 168 84 n/a 142 138 126 119 2 1 Dimensions are in inches TDH is in feet Lincoln County Sewer Pump Station Dimensions r Station HP Make Model Impeller GPM TDH Alarm Access Type Reliability Source Signage Generator Power Account# Meter# Phone# LS01 50 Myers 4RC400M2-43 135 187 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 695450 502480 704-483-8308 LS02 10 Myers 4VH100M4-43 7-3/4" 80 56 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646357 967464 704-483-8302 LS03 25 Fairbanks 4"-5433MV T4C1A 129 119 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646362 5600 704-483-8303 LSO4 30 Myers 4VC300M4-43 10-3/4" 210 117 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646361 351483 704-483-8304 LSO5 30 Myers 4VC300M4-43 11-1/4" 105 105 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646359 967374 704-483-8305 LS06 5 Myers 4V50M4-43 7" 62 28 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2474176 739633 704-483-8306 LS07 25 Myers 4VC250M4-43 10-12/4" 180 M 105 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2150738 95902850 704-483-8307 LS08 40 Myers 4VC400M4-43 11-3/8" 180 142 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2150737 92654100 704-483-8129 LS09 20 Myers 4RH200M2-43 6" 180 80 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2150739 92654091 704-483-8309 LS10 20 Myers 4RH200M2-43 10" 275 80 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646363 5537 704-483-7369 LS11 6411 Myers 4RC400M2-43 330 226 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646358 5522 704-483-8311 LS12 49 Fairbanks 6"-5433MV T6C1C 1100 90 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2646364 5543 704-483-8310 _ LS13 30 Flygt NP3171 HT 3 11-1/4" 398 124 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 2847220 147228 704-827-6300 LS14 20 Hydromatic S4Q 11" 140 126 9 A,V,T R L,F Yes __ P Yes Yes Duke 3669692 502366 704-827-2740 LS15 125 Chicago CP6153 Y-4739 1750 168 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 3367733 416908 SCADA Modem LS15B 160 Flygt NP3315 HT 3 11-1/4" 1289 237 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 3367733 416908 SCADA Modem LS16 10 Fairbanks 3-D5433MTK T3C1HB 175 93 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2150740 95973407 704-489-8898 LS17 5 Hydromatic SPGF-500 Grinder 55 55 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1583403 211720 704-489-8842 LS18 20,23 Flygt F-3152,CP3152 181 Grinder,187mm 82 192 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534004 49318778 704-735-1879 LS19 30 Fairbanks 4"-5433MV T4C1KH 200 131 A,V,T R L,F Yes _ P Yes Yes Energy 2150741 82506355 704-820-0411 LS20 30 Fairbanks 4"-5435MV 180 162 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1740098298 505348 704-820-0402 LS21 7 5 Myers WG75HH-43-25 60 92 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke School 25426527 704-483-6993 LS22 18 Flygt NP3153 180 239mm 186 94 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 385506002 28347580 704-736-8421 LS23 5 Fairbanks D5432MV T4B1A 167 38 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1290665549 23508951 704-489-0778 LS24 7 5 Fairbanks 4"-5432MVK T4B1AF 85 69 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2318151 84836657 704-827-6976 LS25 20 Myers 100 110 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2342069 84836657 704-483-0830 LS26 75 Fairbanks D5435MV 13 875" 750 192 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1573548070 5550001 704-489-1773 LS27 15 Fairbanks 4"-5433MV T4C1NA 140 102 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1785506465 5550006 704-483-3319 LS28 40 Fairbanks 4"-5433MV T4C1A 403 110 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2358812 58320882 704-483-9077 LS29 '11 Flygt MP3127 170 159mm 118 84 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2372678 82506005 704-483-2851 LS30 10 Fairbanks D5432MV T4B1A 150 80 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534006 828-428-3663 LS31 20 Hydromatic S4Q2000M6-4 10 875" 175 122 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534008 704-732-3490 LS32 7 5 Hydromatic HPGB750M6-2 6-3/4" 88 146 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534009 704-748-6743 LS33 70 ABS AFP 1001 ME520 10 8" 550 158 A,V,T R L,F _ Yes _ P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534011 704-428-2848 LS34 • 5 Hydromatic HPGFH500M6-4 10 125" 88 75 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Rutherford 27534010 2433822 704-732-2075 LS35 50 Fairbanks D5433MV T4C1KH 305 150 A,V,T R L,F "Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1586425438 52811922 704-489-5919 LS36 30 Myers 4VE300M4-43 12" 160 137 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Energy 2413670 99264935 704-483-3455 LS37 150 Chicago CP8185 16 625" 2900 95 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1356461752 Radio LS38 7 5 88 132 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1091459001 807890 704-736-0498 LS39 7 4 WILO FA10 33 200mm 148 56 6 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke 1980495675 704-483-8112 LS40 6 Sulzer/ABS XFP81CVX 1PE45/2 85 51 A,V,T R L,F Yes P Yes Yes Duke SCADA Modem LS41 3 Myers WG30H-23-25 5-1/4" 40 65 A,V,T R _ L,F Yes P Yes Yes _ Duke Dimensions are in inches TDH is in feet East Lincoln County Water and Sewer District UPDATED FOR 2018 Gravity Sewer High Priority Lines Permit#WQCS00149 Inspection Form Map Number FACILITY_ID DIAMETER Length CRITICAL TypeCritical Date Time Inspector Notes 1 10100061 8 202 Yes Stream 1 10100523 8 216 Yes Stream 1 10100527 8 110 Yes Stream 1 10100589 8 102 Yes Stream 1 10101141 8 260 Yes Stream 1 10101142 8 271 Yes Stream 2 10100191 8 255 Yes Stream 2 10100207 8 125 Yes Stream 2 10100212 8 325 Yes Stream 2 10100488 8 69 Yes Stream 2 10100494 8 244 Yes Stream 2 10101074 15 321 Yes Stream 2 10101276 8 302 Yes Stream 2 10101555 8 70 Yes Stream 2 10101560 8 310 Yes Stream 2 10101588 8 158 Yes Stream 3 10100390 8 131 Yes Stream 3 10100872 8 183 Yes Stream 3 10100873 8 397 Yes Stream 3 10100891 8 95 Yes Stream 3 10100387 8 169 Yes Stream 4 10100407 8 110 Yes Stream 4 10100621 8 97 Yes Stream 4 10100882 8 141 Yes Stream 5 10100601 8 247 Yes Stream 5 10101118 8 192 Yes Stream/Aerial 5 10101120 8 209 Yes Stream 6 10100723 15 402 Yes Stream 6 10101292 30 152 Yes Stream 6 10101307 36 111 Yes Stream 6 10101868 8 200 Yes Stream *AII Critical Mains are to be Inspected Every Six(6) Months* East Lincoln County Water and Sewer District ' UPDATED FOR 2018 Gravity Sewer High Priority Lines Permit#WQCS00149 Inspection Form Map Number FACILITY_ID DIAMETER Length CRITICAL TypeCritical Date Time Inspector Notes 7 10100810 8 255 Yes Stream — 7 10101264 24 338 Yes Stream/Aerial - 8 10101029 8 184 Yes Stream — 8 10101203 8 401 Yes Stream 8 10101234 24 182 Yes Stream - 8 10101523 8 207 Yes Stream/Aerial 9 10100734 15 358 Yes Stream — 9 10100954 15 312 Yes Stream Field Verify 9 10101056 15 296 Yes Stream 9 10101057 15 611 Yes Stream — 10 10101099 12 527 Yes Stream — 10 10101217 24 243 Yes Stream 10 10101218 24 157 Yes Stream 10 10101219 24 470 Yes Stream — 11 10101181 24 150 Yes Stream - 11 10101182 24 199 Yes Stream 11 10101183 24 208 Yes Stream — 11 10101227 25 154 Yes Stream — 11 10101229 24 214 Yes Stream — 12 10101322 8 129 Yes Aerial — 13 10101492 8 366 Yes Stream — 13 10101498 8 211 Yes Stream 13 10101501 8 159 Yes Stream — 13 10101502 8 202 Yes Stream *AII Critical Mains are to be Inspected Every Six(6) Months* East Lincoln County Water and Sewer District UPDATED FOR 2018 Pressure Sewer High Priority Lines Permit#WQCS00149 Inspection Form FACILITY ID DIAMETER WATER TYPE Length of Line CRITICAL LPS Northing Easting Type of Critical Date Time Inspector Notes 10200015 4 Sewage 7218 Yes N _ 648728 1408723 Stream 102000461' 8 Sewage 487 61 Yes N 623770 1401307 Stream 10200060 6 Sewage 104 85 Yes N 619439 1413816 Stream 10200070 6 Sewage 1387 24 Yes N 650906 1398954 Stream 10200084 6 Sewage 172 30 Yes N 632330 1408122 Stream 10200087 4 Sewage 952 40 Yes N 626816 1396758 Stream 10200092 4 Sewage 831 36 Yes N 656668 1368965 STATE READ 10200093 6 Sewage 171 79 Yes N 656669 1369133 STATE REQD 10200094 6 Sewage 28029 09 ' i'es N 657053 1367499 Stream/STATE READ 10200095 6 Sewage 4540 39 Yes N 657847 1391508 STATE REQD 10200485 6 Sewage 137 40 Yes N 651287 1401562 Bridge/Airal 10200489 12 Sewage 15110 Yes N 618356 1401619 _ Bridge/Airal 10200491 12 Sewage 1024 13 Yes N 623413 1396897 Stream 10200498 6 Sewage 1783 80 Yes N 658072 1338213 Stream 10200499 6 Sewage 883 08 Yes N 647539 1369282 STATE REQD 10200500 4 Sewage 1890 81 Yes N 648902 1368893 STATE REQD 10200508 4 Sewage 5514 79 Yes N 649456 1364290 Stream 10200509 6 Sewage 17176 92 Yes N 634561 1375710 STATE REQD 10200509 6 Sewage 16634 33 Yes N 647461 1369910 STATE READ 10200509 6 Sewage 4624 98 Yes N 627190 1389955 Stream/STATE REQD 10200510 4 Sewage 1104 90 Yes N 634947 1376701 STATE READ 10200513 6 Sewage 794 13 Yes N 656792 1368243 STATE REQD 10200137 2 1/2 Sewage 2257 67 Yes Y 627929 1408148 Stream 10200154 2 1/2 Sewage 419 99 Yes Y 654874 1398599 Stream 10200183 3 Sewage 11011 Yes Y 648729 1408731 Stream 10200389 2 Sewage 74 35 Yes Y 634166 1407692 Stream 10200518 4 Sewage 63 50 Yes Y 650836 1412655 Stream 10200552 4 Sewage 64 55 Yes Y 641034 1407277 Stream 10200554 4 Sewage 40 10 , Yes Y 644719 1409094 Stream 10200557 4 Sewage 145 90 Yes Y 641352 1408826 Stream 10300085 4 Sewage 1269 64 Yes Y 644776 1413782 Stream *All Critical Mains are to be Inspected Every Six(6)Months*