HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWA000023_School Deed 2_20180402Page 1 of 2 _ Tax Lot Ido.............................................................. . ... . Parcel Identifier No. ........... .... ..... Verifiedby .............. .............. ....... ....... .................... _.. _. County on the .-.... day of ......-'..............--.......................... 19............ by.................................................................. Mali after recording to ...�. �................... ................................................................... ........•....................._.•..•...-...--..-..-.-.--...........--.-... ....................... I ..... .......................... ....... .-................. ..........-......... ........ ... ......... I .......... ................. ........ ............................ .........-.-.... This instrument was prepared by .... WILLIAM A. BARNES, JR. , ATTORNEY . ........................... ... .... ............... ........... .. Brief description for the Index NO TITLE E}MKMTICN DONE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS DEED made this .. ... day of . ......... 17UIY.... ..... 1090 , by and between GRANTOR REYNOLDS ROBERT REVIS; MICHAEL JOE REVIS, Unmarried; and, BRNEST ROBERT REVIS, Unmarried GRANTEE REYNOLDS ROBERT REVIS, a life estate and, remainder to MICHAEL JOE REVIS, Unmarried; and, ERNEST ROBERT REVIS, Unmarried ADDRESS: 2f 7,F2 Enter in appropriate block for each party: name, address, and, if appropriate, cttamter of entity, e.q. corporation ex partnership, The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby { acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain,•selI and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the,City of Reems Creek Township, BunrOYtl}]e County, North Carolina and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the old Joe Revis line, said stake being also located at the northernmost corner of that 7.6 acre tract of land heretofore conveyed by Reynolds B. Revis and Wife to the Board of Education of Buncombe County by Deed recorded in Deed Book 717 at Page 617, and runs thence from said beginning point and with the western line of the Board of Education property, South 490 071 West 382.6 feet to a stake, the westernmost corner of the Board of Education property; thence, North 53e 371 West 397.6 feet to a point in the eastern margin of U.S. 19-23; thence with U.S. 19-23, North 17e East 375 feet to a point in the -northernmost corner of the property conveyed to Reynolds B. Revis and wife by deed recorded in Deed Book 643 at Page 119; thence, South 540 201 East 596.4 feet to the place of BEGINNING. IT IS. EXCEPTED THEREFROM that portion of the above-described property heretofore conveyed to the North Carolina State Highway Department for the right of way of U.S. 19-23. BEING all of the property conveyed to Reynolds B. Revis and wife by deed recorded in Deed Book 643 at Page 119, LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM that 7.6 acre tract of Land heretofore conveyed to the Board of Education by deed recorded in Deed Book 171 at Page 617, Buncombe County Registry. 1 rTpkF�:4� N- C. all A— ,. Form No. 3 ® 1978. Rnhed GJ 1977-.�.�...wn�.•.�.a c4 �-.. va. �x, rw.H..a w c. noes w�. N W c. e. Book: 1613 Page: 724 Seq: 1 Page 2 of 2 BK 16 # 3PC725 THE REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THIS INSTRUMENT being that property referred to in the next to last paragraph of the Last Will of Marguerite G. Revis, being a holographic Will, and appearing of record in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court in File No. 83 E 1291; to which reference is hereby made. It is the purpose of this Deed to provide a written instrument and to confirm by joinder of all testamentary heirs of Marguerite G. Revis, all being over the age of 16 and under no disability, as to the title to the real property. TOGETHRR WITH restrictions, reservations and easements of record. The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in .......... ........ __... __..... ............... __....... A map showing the above described property is recorded in flat Book ..... .... ............... page ..... .................. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Granter covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinahove described is subject to the following exceptions: SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easements of record. W WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereurete set hlr hand And al, or if corporate, has caused this instrument to be 2.ed In its ear' *rate name by its duly i9lrlorlred -niters and lie Leel to be hereunto aftlxed by authority of its Roatd of nleectora, the day cod year firat above written. (corporate Name) REYNOLDS ROBERT REVIS a By: __________________________.______________-________ w---------------- ___Presideht MICHAEL JOE REVIS ATTEST: U .e; -------------------------------- -._________----- .._(SEAL) --------------------------------------------------------------- w ERNEST ROBERT REVIS f1 , ,-------- Secretary fc1,46 Buncombe SEAL -STAMP NORT1f CAROLINA- ---------------------------------- county. . K I, a Notary Public of the County and State afoeerakd, certify that __________________________________________ '- c Revis personally appeared before me thin day and acknowLcdeed (he exeMtlea Of the fneeroirtY inttrineenr, WlCOrs1 my 0 7 p p hand and official stamp or Leal, oris --- ___ day of ------------- �T_uly--------------------- 19._n Notary Pnbllo My commission expires: J -_Z - i_s�----- --.-.______ SEAL STA11p NORTH CAROLINA, ---------------------------------- COMM. m6"- m JoE mus and '� • G a Notary public of the County and Stats a[a[eratd, certify that _____________ERNEST_RD$ERT REVIS _______ 41 x personally carne before me this dr�r.sa�y aan�nddrr,s..errckaowledted the die aVakiCn of tba - u --------------------------------------- 'D _ s 7 b 3 tl - l ---- 9O '• .. �~ Witness my hand and "Aciat stamp er seal. thls---1-,-{day of _--July ------------ -. 1s--------- • - sly eomnlldsloh ea'Pleei: _�,.� 2__ _I1______ [Vf ___ .. _________ Notary P¢bUa The lore i6 n Certificate(s) of __ _� _______________ ___ ________.._______________________.._.._.__________.__________.______-___ ------------------------------------ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Blare ceetlned to be correct Thti instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the 1$rst pare horeof. �TTD PF_ DEBR[IHL Buncombe - ------------------sEctLsreR oP nREns poR......------------------------ -------------- ---------------------- - couNs> - _----- ------ fir nepntrl•__,..._._Resistar of Arses I N ^C, bar Amor. Fore No. 3 ® 1975. Retired ® 1977 -na,s mww.aa a.- In, vp.r.ar,n 4 7rM Book: 1613 Page: 724 Seq: � ,t�k?r.' - .. .,.-��= . �.a:.�y;y �::��:-.. :.¢t, �s_t;: _ _.... :..fir"...,. •• - .... ... .. .. . , ..�...--r�7��,