HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061245 Ver 5_CAMA Application_20180322Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL DUALITY March 22, 2018 MEMORANDUM ROY COOPER Govemor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretory BRAXTON C. DAVIS Director TO: Raleigh Bland, USACOE Anthony Scarbraugh, DWR-Water Quality Shane Staples, Fisheries Resource Specialist, DCM Marie Tripp Dunn, NC Wildlife Resources Commission FROM: Doug Huggett, Major Permits Coordinator Division of Coastal Management SUBJECT: CAMA Minor Modification Request to Major Permit #126-09 Applicant: Yeopim Partners, LLC (The Farms at Riversound) Project Location: Adjacent to the Yeopim River, off of Drummond's Point Rd., Riversound Subdivision, Chowan County Proposed Project: Remove condition #20 of the permit requiring a deed restriction that prevents waterfront property owners from undertaking shoreline stabilization. Please indicate below your agency's position or viewpoint on the proposed project modification and return this form by 04/12/18 to 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, NC 28557. You may also send your comments by fax: 252-247-3330 or email. If you have any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Lynn Mathis at (252) 264-3901, ext. 234. When appropriate, in-depth comments with supporting data are requested. REPLY: This agency has no objection to the project as proposed. This agency has no comment on the proposed project. Nn Lsr/L'Z--A/ A tie tq QNQQ,t?e1 Filo e 'Tlfzi This agency approves of the project only if the recommended changes are incorporated. See attached. This agency objects to the project for reasons described in the attached omments. SIGNED DATE !'-^ Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Environmental qualry I Coastal Management 401 S. Griffin St., Ste 300 1 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-39011 2S2-331-2951 (fax) Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MEMORANDUM TO: Greg Bodnar, Assistant Major Permits Coordinator, Division of Coastal Management, Morehead City CC: Shane Staples, Fisheries Resource Specialist, NC DCM, WaRO Anthony Scarbraugh, DWR - Water Quality - 401, WaRO Raleigh Bland, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Maria Tripp Dunn, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, WaRO FROM: Lynn Mathis, Field Specialist, NE District, DCM THROUGH: Frank Jennings, District Manager, NE District, DCM 71 DATE: March 21, 2018 SUBJECT: Request for Minor Modification of Major Permit #126-09 issued to: Yeopim Partners, LLC (The Farms at Riversound) ROY COOPER Go enrnr MICHAEL S. REGAN SeerermT BRAXTON C. DAVIS Direcmr REFERENCE: (a) Letter from Ted Sampson of Sampson Contacting, Inc. requesting a Minor Modification (b) The required fee of $100, was received from Sampson Construction for Yeopim Partners, LLC., in the Elizabeth City District Office on March 12, 2018, Check No. 7585. (c) 15A NCAC 07J.0405, Permit Modifications 1. Yeopim Partners, LLC, authorized Ted Sampson, consultant for waterfront property owners in The Farms at Riversound, to apply for a Minor Modification of CAMA Major Permit #126 - 09 to remove Condition #20 of the permit requiring a deed restriction that prevents waterfront property owners from undertaking shoreline stabilization. 2. The first (original) CAMA Major Permit #167-06, was issued was to Waterfront Group NC, LLC for Phase I of Riversound Subdivision, a two Phase residential subdivision. The permit authorized a boat ramp, bulkheading, piers, and multiple water accesses with platforms /gazebos. 3. Waterfront Group NC, LLC was issued a new permit under CAMA Major Permit Modification #126-09, on September 1, 2009, authorizing the construction of a 130 -slip marina, with a pump -out, dock master's office w/ bathrooms and a parking lot in Phase II of the Riversound Subdivision. The permit expiration date was extended twice by legislative action to December 31, 2015. '"Nothing Compares State of North Carolina I Enviromaental Quality I Coastal Management 401 S. Griffin St., Ste 3001 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 252-264-39011252-331-2951[ful North Carolina Departmentvf En Division of Coastal Management Page 2 of 2 4. In March of 2014, Yeopim Partners, LLC purchased Phase II of Riversound Subdivision and renamed it "The Farms at Riversound". On August 20, 2014, CAMA Major Permit #126-09 was transferred to Yeopim Partners, LLC; however, the transfer and subsequent permits failed to note the subdivision name change and the permit conditions continue to reference 'Riversound Subdivision". 5. On February 16, 2015, Yeopim Partners, LLC received a Major Modification to relocate and reconfigure the marina project. Condition #20 of the current permit was a condition of the original Major Modification under Waterfront Group NC, LLC, and states: "In accordance with the commitments made by the permittee in the narrative dated 4/18109, deed restrictions shall be placed on waterfront lots within the Riversound Subdivision prohibiting shoreline stabilization. This deed restriction shall be recorded with the Chowan County Register of Deeds, and copies of the recorded deeds provided to the Division of Coastal Management, prior to the initiation of any development activities authorized by this permit." 6. As noted in Condition #20, the prohibition on shoreline stabilization was taken from a commitment made by the permittee. This is found in the application narrative dated April 18, 2009, for the Phase II Marina Major Modification. The permittee at the time was Waterfront Group NC, LLC, not Yeopim Partners, LLC. "Voluntary mitigative measures proposed: Since direct impacts beyond temporary impacts to wetlands are not part of the marina development, mitigative measures are not required (Temporary impacts include the construction process of placing pilings into the wetlands to construct the walkway to the pier, which does not require mitigative measures). Mitigative measures included for this project prohibits shoreline stabilization, which will not be allowed within Riversound Subdivision and will be stated within the restrictive covenants. The mitigative measure will allow continued use of the submerged habitat along the shoreline, for finfish and invertebrate species. An additional mitigative measure includes restricting the waterfront lot owners to (15 lots) in Phase II to apply for one boat slip instead of the allowed two boat slips when applying for an individual permit through the state." 7. Condition #20 of the Yeopim Partners CAMA Major Modification states that the restriction is to be placed on the waterfront lots in 'Riversound Subdivision" a subdivision not owned by this corporation. As noted above, when Yeopim Partners, LLC purchased Phase II of Riversound they renamed and the subdivision "The Farms at Riversound". The CAMA Major Permit issued to Yeopim Partners, LLC also has a restriction limiting each waterfront lot to no more than 1 boat slip (Condition #18) in Phase 11. The applicant is not requesting a modification to this condition. 9. This permit will expire in 2018, a modification vacating the deed restriction on the permit would allow the owners to undertake shoreline stabilization. 10. 1 was onsite at the marina on February 21, 2018, there is no pump -out or signage on the existing Condition 1. and 2. of the CAMA Major Permit. and noted that while no slips are currently being used, 20 slips (Phased marina development), as required in 11. 1 recommend the permit include a condition mandating installation of the required pump -out and signage prior to the issuance of any new CAMA Permits to waterfront properties in 'The Farms in Riversound". SAMPSON CONTRACTING, INC. Marine Construction And Environmental Consulting Services —tl 125 Hunters Trail West, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, 27909 USA Tel: 252 548 4292 - Fax: 866 793 4261 tedsr@sampsoncontracting.com www.sampsoncontracting.com Frank Jennings District Manager NC Division of Coastal Management 401 South Griffin Street, Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dear Mr. Jennings: Received March 10,2018 MAR 12 2818 DMEC Re: Yeopim Partners, LLC, CAMA Major Development Permit 126-09, issued on May 8, 2015; request for Minor Modification Sampson Contracting has been authorized by Yeopim Partners, LLC, to seek a modification to the referenced Permit for the development of Riversound Subdivision, located adjacent to the Yeopim River, off of Drummonds Point Road. Please accept this letter as the written request required under 15A NCAC 07J.0405(a) to modify the terms of the referenced Permit. This modification request seeks to remove Condition 20) from the existing Permit, related to a deed restriction for waterfront lots within the Riversound Subdivision prohibiting shoreline stabilization. No other modifications to the Permit are being sought under this request. Earlier discussions with you, and representatives of your office, concerning why this existing condition for a deed restriction on shoreline stabilization was placed in the Permit suggested that there existed no known direction or requests from any of the various Permit application reviewing agencies for such a restriction. Rather, it appeared that the condition was placed within the Permit to have the Permit conform to a voluntary limitation on the part of the owners, which was found within the Project Narrative, dated 4/18/09, and provided as part of the Permit application. Since those discussions with your office, I have undertaken a review of the Permit application file, including documents available from your office, and additional documentation provided by the Morehead City Headquarters office in response to my request. My review of the file documentation for this Permit application found no indication that the matter of shoreline stabilization was a concern addressed by any of the reviewing agencies, and found no indication that this matter had been addressed in any documentation, other than the Project Narrative. Based on my review of the file documents, it is my conclusion that this restriction on shoreline stabilization was one that was voluntarily included within the Project Narrative, and was not necessary to reduce project impacts, or as a mitigation measure. I respectfully request that the existing Permit be modified by removing Condition 20). In anticipation of a granting of this requested Permit Modification, efforts needed to modify the deed restrictions will be pursued to facilitate the ability of waterfront lot owners within this subdivision to apply to the NC Division of Coastal Management for shoreline stabilization development, where needed, and in accordance with existing Rules for such development. To clarify, this modification request does not seek approval for any specific shoreline stabilization development. Please find enclosed a drawing that identifies the extent of shoreline that would be subject to future shoreline stabilization Permit applications by individual lot owners. The removal of this restriction would impact 90 lots along a shoreline distance of 3.25 miles. Also enclosed are the Agent Authorization, and a Check in the amount of $100 in support of this request for a Minor Modification to the referenced Permit. Should you have any questions, or require additional documentation or information, please do not hesitate to contact me. With best regards, Received Ted 12 V iN ed Sampson Environmental Consultant DCM-EC Encl: (1) Drawing 02-011818-001, dated 03/07/18 (2) Agent Authorization (3) Sampson Contracting, Inc. Check 7585 for $100 ;r0 0� D n — 1 1 BA BUFFER AREA SUBDIVISION BOUNDARYLINE COMMON AREA DE — 30' CAMA PUBLIC TRUST SHORELINEAEC `o SEWAGE PUMP STATION VS SUBDIVISION LOTS AFFECTED BY REMOVAL pw $ OF SHORELINE PROTECTION RESTRICTION P (90 LOTS: 3.25 SHORELINE MILES) g a« .a 6,y 8 6Oe � —••�••—••— BOUNDARY BETWEEN PHASE I AND PHASE It a f PHASE II - THE FARMS AT RIVERSOUND ;r0 0� D n — 1 1 BA BUFFER AREA CA COMMON AREA DE DEVELOPER EASEMENT BPs SEWAGE PUMP STATION VS VACUUM STATION f J w 1 \ ;r0 0� D n — 1 1 BA BUFFER AREA CA COMMON AREA DE DEVELOPER EASEMENT BPs SEWAGE PUMP STATION VS VACUUM STATION Received MAR 12 2018 ®MEC 1) Drawings derived from information available from the Chowan County GIS, and from Google Earth imagery. 2) Drawing is for planning 8 permitting purposes only and not construction. 3) Copyright ® 2018 SAMPSON CONTRACTING, INC. All rights reserved. This material is the property of SAMPSON CONTRACTING, INC., and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. it may not be reproduced, distributed, or altered in any fashion by any entity without the express written consent of SAMPSON CONTRACTING, INC. Written consent is hereby granted to Yeopim Partners, LLC, and Miles Stockbridge, P.C. Written consent is herby granted to NC DCM, NC DEQ, and the US ACOE for Permit processing purposes. STAMP SAMMON CONTRACTING, INC. PROJECT TITLE: YEOPIM PARTNERS, LLC MINOR MODIFICATION SHORELINE STABILIZATION RESTRICTION As Indicated URAWING NO.: TS 02-011818-001 SHEET 1 OF 1 03/07/18 0.:02 -011818