HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180508 Ver 1_RE Southdock Emergency Dredging Request_20180326Carpenter,Kristi From: Peele, Catherine D Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 10:24 AM To: Daisey, Greg Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Huggett, Doug; Winslow, Lancelot D; 'Sabrina_Henry@nps.gov'; 'Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil'; Ward, Garcy Subject: RE: Southdock Emergency Dredging Request G reg, Lance and I have reviewed your email and coordinated with our dredge crew to ensure when we could move the needed vessels to the project location. Please see Lance's comments in red below. We are going to start gathering materials and moving vessels today to work on meeting the April 15t" deadline. Our Dredge Superintendent and the crew checked the spoil site and it should be able to hold the material needed to be removed. I have contacted the National Park Service to check for any resources that may be in the area. The shoal in this channel is changing every day and with another good hard wind the entrance to Southdock could be completely filled in. If you need any additional information please let me know. Thank you, Catherine Peele From: Daisey, Greg Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 5:17 PM To: Peele, Catherine D <cdpeele@ncdot.gov> Cc: Brittingham, Cathy <cathy.brittingham@ncdenr.gov>; Huggett, Doug <doug.huggett@ncdenr.gov>; Winslow, Lancelot D <Iwinslow@ncdot.gov> Subject: Re: Southdock Emergency Dredging Request Importance: High Cat, To follow up on our phone conversation on the proposed dredging activities at Southdock Ferry Facility, DCM would like to provide more information on the processing of this proposed authorization and to request additional information. • �JCDOT has the ability to conduct maintenance dredging, with a proper authorization request, adhering to the current maintenance clause conditions (specifically, the use of the approved upland spoil disposal site) with minimal further coordination. At this time DCM would be able to approve �JCDOTto conduct maintenance dredging until April 15, 2018, which includes in-water moratorium relief of 14 days. Any additional in- water work after April 15t" will require additional coordination, and may not be approved. Placement of spoil material within the approved spoil site is strongly preferred during the in-water work moratorium. iTJc w111 t�-y t� fi�is�i before lSt�. i3�t wit�i t�ie weat�ier a�d m�bilizati�� I ca�'t pr�rnise we will be fi�is�ied by t�ie�. �Je will place t�ie material i� t�ie s���l site �� s1��re. T'�e s���l site w�s l��l�ed �t t�d�y by t1�e dred�e crew ��d will 1��1d t1�e rn�teri�l. I,�st ye�r we dred�ed 1�ere i� 1��y �� t1�e lh, li, 19, a�d 19t�i t� rern�ve t�ie s�i�al a�d ��e� �� t�ie c�ia��el. I d��'t see 1��w we w��ld 1��ve ��y effect i� tl�s �re� �s tl�ere is � b�ll�l�e�d �� ��e side, a s�i�al t�iat is ex��sed �� l�w tide �� t�ie �t�ier side, a�d fe�ies are leavi�� a�d e�teri�� thr���h t1�s area every �C� rr���tes fr�rn 4:�C� arn t� l2arn. • The current request is to begin work in the second week of April 2018. Based upon subsequent verbal coordination, it is understood that �JCDOT anticipates the project duration will be approximately one month. As you know, the active CAMA Permit 224-87 includes a moratorium that "�Jo in-water work shall be conducted between April 1 to September 30 of any year without prior approval of the �J.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM), in consultation with the appropriate resources agencies." ." I tald Cat ane manth due ta the timeframe far us ta arriue, get setup, and camplete the dredging. I was haping ta be finished by the end af April. �3�t as schc��lcs havc chan�c� wc sh��l� bc �ble t� ��ive ��site �ext weel� ��d be�i� t� setu�. • Comments received from the DCM Fisheries Resource Specialist on 6/15/17 emphasize the biological importance of Hatteras Inlet: "Shallow draft inlet such as Hatteras Inlet support a high diversity of estuarine species and are the only link for fish and shellfish such as blue crabs to ingress and egress from the open ocean to the estuarine environment of the sounds. This movement is dictated by the availability of forage and is a critical route to the spawning migration of many species. For these reasons an in-water work moratorium from April 1 to September 30 is recommended to protect fisheries resources that utilize the inlet system during the season of highest biological activity." After coordinating specifically about this proposed project, DCM Fisheries would prefer work to be completed outside of the fisheries moratorium when possible. The inlet provides the link between the oceans and the sounds and spawning grounds for many species including blue crabs which are one of �JC highest value fisheries resources. Upland disposal would be preferable. The rapid erosion rates seen in the project area likely reduce the ability for benthic organism to colonize the intertidal zone of the beach as they would in a normal oceanfront swash zone. Although concerns over elevated turbidity levels still exist as current velocities in the area are likely to sweep away a great deal of sand placed in the area before it can settle on the beach. Elevated turbidity levels can cause clogging of gills and reduces visibility negatively impacting feeding, especially of larval fishes. Delaying the start of the project until the second week of April and working into May increase the potential for negative impacts to fisheries resources in the inlet complex. iTJc arc ��1n� t� p�lnp �n thc �plan� dis��sal site s� t�iere wi11 be �� turbidity. • The current authorization requests states "material that is removed during this project will placed on along 850 linear feet of beach behind the parking lanes "hairpin curve" that is used for the traveling public to be staged in while waiting to be loaded onto the vessels". Please submit a drawing that accurately represents the location and boundaries of sand deposition and specifically state how much material is proposed to be placed below the high water mark. NCDOT currently has an active General Permit (#68669) for the placement of temporary sandbags in order to protect the stacking lanes ("hairpin curve") in the vicinity of the proposed beach deposition. Typically, temporary sandbags are to protect impenitently threatened structures and as currently proposed the current authorization request to deposit sand adjacent to the stacking lanes could categorize the structure as no longer "impenitently threatened". Will NCDOT still pursue the temporary sandbags in conjunction with the proposed beach nourishment? If both projects are to be completed as proposed simultaneously, please indicate that information. iTJ1th thc rn�rat�rl�rn, NC��1C�T' �e�y �livisi�� w�ll ��m� t�ie dred�e s���l i�t� t�ie ��la�d disp�s�l site. �3�t, ��tside �f t1�e rn�r�t�ri�rn, it w��ld be be�efici�l t� ��m� sa�d adjace�t t� t�ie �iair�i� turn t� fr�rt�ier stabilize a�d �r�tect t�ie r�ad. I��pe%lly after ��r meeti�� i� Apr�l, we w�ll �iave a 1��� term s�l�ti�� a�reed ��. The current authorization request sates "The NCDOT Highway Division 1 has recently acquired permits to remove the broken asphalt, place sandbags along the curved lanes, and install sheet piling". The General Permit issued by DCM only authorized the use of temporary sheet pile as construction methodology. This temporary sheet pile will be removed at projection completion or upon written notice by DCM. T'h1s 1s c��ect. CC��t permit �ll�ws t1�e b�ild t1�e be�c1� ��t 15C�' fr�rn t1�e ed�e �f �aveme�t. �3�t as y�� 1�7�w, �ive� t�ie c��e�t e�v���me�t ��t t�iere ��w, tl�is seems imp�ssible. I��pe%lly we ca� fi�d a���d 1��� term s�l�ti�� t1��t s�tisfies every��e. Please contact me at you earliest convenience to continue coordination or if I could answer any questions. Greg Daisey Transportation Projects Field Representative Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 252 264 3901, EXT. 249 �ir�. .�i��V�u��d�u�ir.ar�u 401 S. Griffin St., Suite 300 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 a������ �������,��s���������� �� ����� ������ ��`��,� ��������,�,� �,� ,��.������ �� ��`�� �'J����`� �°��������� ��.����� �������:�,� ��W�r ����� ���.� �� ���,����,���� �� �������� �:s�����,�. From: Peele, Catherine D Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 10:58 AM To: Daisey, Greg Cc: Brittingham, Cathy; Winslow, Lancelot D; Ward, Garcy; Carpenter,Kristi; 'brad.e.shaver@usace.army.mil' Subject: Southdock Emergency Dredging Request G reg, Attached is a request to perform emergency dredging activities at the Southdock Ferry Terminal in Ocracoke, NC. I have attached previous permits for this project along with the most recent survey. If you have any questions please let me know so we can quickly handle. An electronic PCN has been submitted for the other agencies. Thank you, Catherine Peele Environmental Specialist Ferry Division 252 305 7288 mobile 252 621 6251 office cdpeele .ncdot.qov 159 Lucinda Drive Powells Point, NC 27966 I rr�7all �:urrc,��u � � � � � � � � y I�c rli��;lu�e,rl �u �C�h•ih�rl I i� ci��;e, Cu ai� rur°r7 �mii;, ;;e,i� cr i;, ;;u� ��;� �u Cmie, ,..,u� i�; ta�:ur�: ;, ..,aw ai� ir7a, I�arti��,