HomeMy WebLinkAbout20040825 Ver 1_Stormwater Plans_200406230~1-t~~25 Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, IN~~ANQS ~ 4(l~ ~RC~Ui:, JUN 2 3 2004 WATER QUALITY SECTION MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY DURHAM, NC Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361-2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Suite 66 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 800-733-5646 704-527-0800 704-527-2003 Fax www.johnrmcadams.com STORMWATER IMPACT ANALYSIS FINAL DESIGN OF STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES MER-04000 Original Submittal: May 27, 2004 Revised: June 18, 2004 Brandon R. Finch, PE Sr. Stormwater Project Manager Comprehensive Land Development Design Services We help ot.er clrertts• s~~.cceed. .A~. ,~ ~~Z~,tq. Since 1979 THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. June 23, 2004 WE''t ~ zinc ~ 4p~ ^~~UP Mr. Bob Zarzecki JUN 2 ~3 ;~p~4 North Carolina Division of Water Quality Wetlands/401 Unit WATER (~Uq~„ ,r ~~CT~pN 2321 Crabtree Blvd. Raleigh, North Carolina 27604-2260 Re: Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility Durham, North Carolina DWQ Project No. 04-0825 MER-04000 Dear Mr. Zarzecki: Per conditions received in a letter from your office, dated May 24, 2004, please find enclosed a set of construction plans and design calculations for the proposed stormwater management devices at the future Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility in Durham, North Carolina. Also enclosed are originals of the signed operation and maintenance agreements for these facilities. As requested in that letter, extended detention wetlands are proposed on this site that will treat stormwater runoff from this project for both nitrogen removal and 85% TSS removal. They are also designed in accordance with the standards set forth in the NC DENR Stormwater BMP Manual. Research Triangle Park, NC Post Office Box 14005 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, North Carolina 27713 800-733-5646 919-361-5000 919-361-2269 Fax Charlotte, NC 5311 Seventy-Seven Center Drive, Suite 66 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 800-733-5646 704-527-0800 704-527-2003 fax www.johnrmcarJams. com Since the condition of the May 24, 20041etter is that these plans /calculations are approved by your office prior to the occurrence of the proposed buffer impacts, please forward to us written documentation of your approval upon satisfactory completion of your review. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to give me a call at (919 ~ ,gyp I, 361-5000. .qQ~'` ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t Sincerely, THE JOHN R MCADAMS COMPANY, INC. >,: 5 0~ it ~C~r/""~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ` Y~ G~ r_~' l ~~j ~l Brandon R. Finch, PE ~~ ,, Senior Project Manager BRF/maf Comprehensive Lantl Development Des We 12e1p our clients succeed. l'~' Services NORTH WETLAND DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wetland detention basin system is defined as the wetland detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wetland detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wetland detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wetland detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. If the elevation of the marsh areas exceed the permanent pool elevation, the sediment should be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then the marsh area shall be excavated six inches below design elevations. Afterwards the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil should not be stockpiled for more than two weeks. When the permanent pool depth reads 2.00 feet in the forebay and micro-pool, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 324.00 Sediment Removal EI. 322.01 7 ----- ------ - -- - ' - Sediment Removal Elevation 322.00 ~ 75% Bottom E vation 321.3 ~ 5% ---------------------------------------------i----~ FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Wetland planting densities in the marsh areas should be maintained by replanting bare areas as needed. Wetland plants should be encouraged to grow in the marsh areas. Page I of 2 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wetland detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. 8. Level spreaders or other structures that provide diffuse flow shall be maintained every six months. All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as necessary. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Robert E. Dolan Title: Vice President, Vaccine & Sterile Operations Address: P. 0. Box 4, WP36M-4, West Point PA 19486-0004 Phone: (215)652-3464 Signature: -~~''~--``~ Date: / ~' fU-~~= >_~' ~ ,~ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the pr 'dent. I ~ , a Notary Pu is for the State County of~ , do hereby certify that ~-a-~^-- personally appeare before a this ~ day of , X00 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention ba n maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires NOTARIAL SEAL DEBORAH G. TRUFFMOon CPC is ty UpQer Gwynedd wp., M Commission Exp~reS Au ust 21,2006 Page 2 of 2 SOUTH WETLAND DETENTION BASIN OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT The wetland detention basin system is defined as the wetland detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. Maintenance activities shall be performed as follows: 1. After every significant runoff producing rainfall event and at least monthly: a. Inspect the wetland detention basin system for sediment accumulation, erosion, trash accumulation, vegetated cover, and general condition. b. Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdown of the temporary pool occurs within 2 to 5 days as designed. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins, piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wetland detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth (see diagram below). Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall be handled in a manner that will not adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wetland detention basin or stream, etc.). The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. If the elevation of the marsh areas exceed the permanent pool elevation, the sediment should be removed to design levels. This shall be performed by removing the upper 6 inches of soil and stockpiling it. Then the marsh area shall be excavated six inches below design elevations. Afterwards the stockpiled soil should be spread over the marsh surface. The soil should not be stockpiled for more than two weeks. When the permanent pool depth reads 2.20 feet in the forebay and 3.20 feet in the micro-pool, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in fhe blanks) Permanent Pool Elevation 332.00 Sediment moval EI. 329.8 7 /o -------------- -- Sediment Removal Elevation 328.80 75% ---------------------------------------- Bottom E vation 329.0 5% -----: ------. FOREBAY MAIN POND 5. Wetland planting densities in the marsh areas should be maintained by replanting bare areas as needed. Wetland plants should be encouraged to grow in the marsh areas. Page 1 of 2 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. 7. All components of the wetland detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. 8. Level spreaders or other structures that provide diffuse flow shall be maintained every six months. All accumulated sediment and debris shall be removed from the structure, and a level elevation shall be maintained across the entire flow spreading structure. Any down gradient erosion must be repaired and/or replanted as necessary. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the seven maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Print name: Robert E. Dolan Title: Vice President, Vaccine & Sterile Operations Address: P. 0. Box 4, WP36M-4, West Point PA 19486-0004 Phone: Signature: ~~~ F Date: /,~ .~ zj.u ~.~ ~, y~~ c~ Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, , a Notary P for the St~ o ~ , County of a-n do hdereby certify tha ~ 66 personally appeared before e this ~o ~ day of 00 ,and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet [wetland] detention barn maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires NOTARIAL SEAL DEBORAH G. ARUFFO, Notary Public Upper Gwynedd Twp., Montgomery County My Commission Expires A ust 21,2006 Page 2 of 2 • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY Stormwater Impact Analysis & Final Design of Stormwater Management Facilities Project Descriytion and Summary Located off of Old Oxford Road (S.R. 1004), just northwest of its intersection with Red Mill Road (S.R. 2602), in Durham, NC, is the proposed development currently known as the Merck Vaccine Manufacturing Facility. Proposed construction on this tract will consist of several buildings to be used in vaccine production and support, along with necessary street, parking, utility, and Stormwater management improvements. The proposed development is located within the Neuse River Basin, inside of the F/J-B watershed protection district for Falls Lake. Per Section 5.5.6 of the Durham County Code of Ordinances, since the site impervious percentage is less than 24%, development on this site will fall under the low-density option, In most cases, construction of engineered stormwater quality control devices are not required for sites developed at less than 24% impervious. However, due to proposed impacts to Neuse River buffers that exist on this tract, two Stormwater wetlands will be constructed that will treat Stormwater runoff from the vast majority of future impervious surfaces for both removal of incoming total suspended solids (85% TSS removal) and reduction of nitrogen export. Per Section 14-153 of the Durham County Code of Ordinances: Developments within the Neuse River Basin shall plan for, and implement, Stormwater management controls which will limit the nitrogen load of runoff to • 3.6 pounds/acre/year. Developers who have obtained an offset by participation in the North Carolina Wetland Restoration Fund established by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, shall plan for and implement Stormwater management controls which will limit the nitrogen load of runoff from the site to 6 pounds/acre/year for residential development and 1 D pounds/acre/year for commercial or industrial development. Nitrogen export calculations shall be made using a formula approved by the Stormwater Administrator. Since the future use for this site will consist of industrial development, an offset payment from l O lbs/ac/yr to 3.61bs/ac/yr will be allowed to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (formerly the Wetlands Restoration Program). Nitrogen export loads of greater than 10 lbs/ac/yr must be physically treated on-site through engineered Stormwater management facilities. Development on this site must also address stormwater quantity impacts. With regards to stormwater quantity, Durham County has two ordinances that will apply to future development on this tract. The first addresses offsite impacts due to proposed development and the second addresses stormwater quantity control measures due to development within the Neuse River Basin. Per Section SN of the Durham County Code: Prior to the approval of any subdivision or site plan or the issuance of a building permit for any structure other than a single family residence, the owner of the property proposed for development shall submit a stormwater impact analysis • that complies with the requirements of the city engineer and which determines the impact of the increased stormwater runoff on downstream stormwater facilities and properties whenever the peak runoff rate from either the two year storm or • the ten year storm increases by more than ten percent as a result of the proposed development. The need for stormwater management facilities to address off-site impacts shall be determined by the city engineer. stormwater management facilities shall be designed and maintained in accordance with section of the Durham Zoning Ordinance. The second stormwater quantity control issue that must be addressed by this site is control measures for development within the Neuse River Basin. Per Section 14-153 of the Durham County Code of Ordinances: All developments shall plan for and implement stormwater management controls which will ensure that there is no net increase in peak flow leaving the site from the pre-development conditions for the one year 24-hour storm, of more than 10%. If development results in an increase of greater than 10%, the developer will be responsible for installing measures which will result in no net increase. The same methodology must be used for calculating both the pre- and post- developmentflow rates. The calculations within this report are based on an analysis of the site and contributing off-site area. Summary tables are included that detail the pre- and post-development peak flow rates expected from the site (see enclosed drainage area maps for graphic representation of sub-basins and drainage areas), along with the percentage increase or decrease. Also included are final design calculations for the proposed stormwater management facilities. This report fulfills the requirements of Section SN and Section 14-153 of the Durham • County Code. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. Calculation MethodoloQy • Rainfall data for the Raleigh-Durham region is from USWB Technical Paper No. 40 and NOAA Hydro-35. This data was used to generate adepth-duration- frequency table describing rainfall depth vs. time for varying return periods in the RDU region. Rainfall depths from this table were then used as input to HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2 for peak flow rate calculations. • The time of concentration for each sub-basin was calculated using the SCS Segmental Approach (TR-55, 1986). The TC path was divided into segments consisting of overland flow, concentrated flow, and channel flow. The overall time of concentration is the sum of the individual segment times. • The 1-year 24-hour storm was modeled within HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2 assuming a 3.0 inch rainfall depth and a SCS Type II storm distribution. • Using the Durham County Soil Survey, the on- and off-site soils were determined to be primarily from Hydrologic Soil Group `B'. Therefore, the SCS Curve Numbers used in further hydrologic calculations were selected appropriately. • On- and off-site topography is from information provided to The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. by others. The areas of on-site and off-site pre- • development cover conditions were measured using this data. 2 • • Pre- and post-development hydrologic calculations are based on an on-site area of 258.93 acres. This is the area that will be created after the dedication of additional right-of--way on Old Oxford Highway. During the minor site plan submittal, the site area is 261.90 acres. Therefore, the anticipated future R/W dedication is 2.97 acres. This area will be shown during the major site plan submittal. In order to address any confusion with nitrogen export calculations, there are several sets of calculations provided. They are as follows: 1. For the minor site plan submittal, pre- and post-development TN-export calculations are provided based on a site area of 261.90 acres. 2. For the upcoming major site plan submittal, pre- and post-development TN-export calculations are provided based on a future site area of 258.93 acres. 3. Another set of calculations is also provided based on the anticipated future build-out of this site at 258.93 acres, using the design impervious area for each stormwater management facility. Since each calculation shows the TN-export for this site to be less than 3.6 lbs/ac/yr, without taking into account the reduction that will be provided by the stormwater wetlands, an offset payment is not required to the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. • • Stage-discharge rating curves, stage-storage rating curves, and stage-storage functions for the proposed stormwater management facilities were generated externally of HEC-HMS and then input into the HEC-HMS model. Stage- discharge curves for each facility were generated using PondPack Version 8.0, by Haestad Methods. Please refer to the appropriate sections of this report for additional information. HEC-HMS Version 2.2.2, by the US Army Corps of Engineers, is used to generate pre- &post-development peak flow rates for the 1-, 2-, 10-, 25-, and 100- year storm events, along with routing of the proposed stormwater management facilities. • Nitrogen export calculations are computed using Method 2 from the Durham County "Neuse River Basin Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy - Stormwater Plan " (Amended March 12, 2001). This method uses known footprint areas of wooded, open, and impervious surfaces. • For 100-year storm routing calculations, a "worst case condition" was modeled in order to insure the proposed facilities would safely pass the 100-year storm event. The assumptions used in this scenario are as follows: 1. The starting water surface elevation in each facility, just prior to the 100- year storm event, is at the top of riser elevation. This scenario could occur as a result of a clogged siphon or a rainfall event that lingers for several • days. This could also occur as a result of several rainfall events in a series, before the inverted siphon had an opportunity to draw down the storage pool between NWSE and the riser crest elevation. . 2. A minimum of 1-ft of freeboard is provided between the peak elevation during the "worst case" scenario and the top of the dam for each facility. • In order to determine the location of the emergency spillway for each facility, the 25-year storm event was routed through each device, assuming a starting NWSE at normal pool. The emergency spillway for each facility is placed at or above the WSE computed during this event. Future calculations will be provided during the construction drawing process that analyzes each spillway for erosion potential. To guard against outlet structure failure due to the buoyant forces caused by the riser-barrel outlet structures, anti-flotation calculations were performed for each facility. These calculations consisted of determining the amount of concrete that is required to anchor each outlet structure down to prevent it from floating. In addition, the pre-cast riser sections are to be tied together to prevent separation caused by buoyant forces. It is important to note that these calculations contain a minimum 15% safety factor. Velocity dissipaters are provided at the principal spillway outlets to prevent erosion and scour in these areas. The dissipaters are constructed using rip rap, underlain with a woven geotextile filter fabric. The filter fabric is used to minimize the loss of soil particles beneath the riprap aprons. The dissipaters are sized for the 10-year storm event using the NYDOT method. It is a permanent feature of the outlet structures. Water quality calculations were performed in accordance with the NC Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (NC DENR, April 1999). The normal pool surface areas of the wetlands were sized with water quality in mind, using the required SA/DA ratio charts. A temporary storage pool for stormwater runoff from the 1.0" storm is provided in the wetlands, to be drawn down in 2-5 days. Conclusion If the development on this tract is built as proposed within this report with the stonnwater management facilities that are designed and provided, no adverse impacts are expected to occur on downstream properties. However; modifications to the proposed development may require that this analysis be revised. Some modifications that would require this analysis to be revised include: 1. The proposed site impervious surface exceeds the amount accounted for in this report. 2. The post-development watershed breaks change significantly from those used to prepare this report. The above modifications may result in the assumptions within this report becoming invalid. The computations within this report will need to be revisited if any of the above conditions become apparent as development of the proposed site moves forward. • MERCK • SUMMAR.~F` RESULTS t.~Cx, PE MER-04000 6/18/2004 _> Pre- /Post-Uevefirpnsent Pe~~ik Flaw Rates: f)ff-Site Arealncluded Sub-basin Pre Deve - lo p m ent [cfs~ Post- Developme nt ~cfs~ Increase ~cfs~ Increase ~%~ ID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1-Year ;~2-Year ( 10-Year __ _ _ 1-Year 1 2-Year 10-Year 1-Year 2-Year 10-Year 1-Year 2-Year 10-Year 1 6 i 19 } 73 ~ 6 l8 71 0 -1 -2 0% -5% -3% 2 6 ~ 20 j 86 ~ 6 ~ 19 ~ 84 _ ~_ .. _. _ _ ._ __. __ - 0 __. _ _ -1 _-._ ~ -2 0% -5% -2% ~__ 3___ ..__ .1_-_ - 4 I 18 _ _ _ , _. 3 - ~ . ~ _ ,. ~ _ l -9 0% 0 -25 /o _ .. 0 -50 /o 4 1 4 18 l j 1 5 0 3 -13 0% _ ° 75 /0 -72% 5 ,___...3 10 ~ 43 ~ _ _._..F,2 6 32 -1 -4 -11 33% -40% -26% => Pre- /Post-bevelo7Zmett Pea& pYow Rates: Off-.rlte Aren Removed Sub-basin ~ Pre-Develo ment [cfs~ ~ Post-Deve_ lo~ment ~cfs~ ~ Increase cfs) [ncrea_se ~% ~ ID 1-Year 2-Year 10-Year ~ 1-Year 2-Year 10-Year l-Year 2-Year 10-Year 1-Year 2-Year 10-Year I ~ 15 64 5 ~ 5 16 65 ~ ___ ~~ ~ 0 ~~ ~~~ I - ~~ ~~~ 1 0% ~ _7%_ ___ ~ 2% ~ 2 _ 5 18 78 - 5 ~ 17 73 __W__ _ _______~. 0 -I -5 0% -6% -6% W 3 1 4 18 ] 3 9 ~ 0 -I ~ 9 0% 25% -50% 4 1 4 18 I _~ ~ 0 3 13 0% 75% _.... -72% _ _.... 5 _ 3 10 43 _ 2 6 32 -I -4 -ll -33% -40% 26% -> Pre-/Post-Dc:velopmertt~rrru,,~en Export Summan~ _> Minor Site Plan Submittal Site Area = 261.9 acres Pre-development TN-Export = 157.14 lbs (Assumes site is 100% wooded) = 0.6 lbs/ac/yr (Assumes site is 100% wooded) Post-development TN-Export = 439.92 Ibs = 1.68 lbs/ac/yr _> Major Site Plan Submittal Site Area = 258.93 acres Pre-development TN-Export = 155.36 Ibs (Assumes site is 100% wooded) = 0.6 lbs/ac/yr (Assumes site is 100% wooded) Post-development TN-Export = 446.76 lbs = 1.73 Ibs/ac/yr =>Antieipnted Future Buildout Site Area = 258.93 acres Pre-development TN-Export = 155.36 Ibs (Assumes site is 100% wooded) = 0.6 lbs/ac/yr (Assumes site is 100% wooded) Post-development TN-Export = 728.96 Ibs = 2.82 Ibs/ac/yr 1 of 2 MERCK • SUMMARI~RESULTS b.~CH, PE MER-04000 6/18/2004 =>S'tprmwater Ei'etlandlDn' Pand Summarplnformation _> North Wetland Design Drainage Area = 21.89 acres Design Impervious Area = 12.00 acres Top of Dam = 332.00 ft Surface Area at NWSE = 21281 sf (Full Buildout) Required Surface Area at NWSE = 21205 sf (Full Buildout) Siphon Diameter = 3 inches Riser Diameter = 6 ft Riser Crest = 328.80 ft Barre] Diameter = 48 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invertln = 321.3 feet Invert Out = 320.8 feet Length = 72 feet Slope = 0.0069 fr/fr Emergency Spillway Crest = 330.0 fr Emergency Spillway Length = 50 ft _> South Wetland Design Drainage Area = 24.92 acres Design Impervious Area = 15.00 acres Top of Dam = 340.00 ft Surface Area at NWSE = 26712 sf (Full Buildout) Required Surface Area at NWSE = 26153 sf (Full Buildout) Siphon Diameter = 3 inches Riser Diameter = 6 ft Riser Crest = 337.30 ft Barrel Diameter = 48 inches # of Barrels = I Invert In = 327.7 feet Invert Out = 327 feet Length = 84 feet Slope = 0.0083 ft/ft Emergency Spillway Crest = 338.3 ft Emergency Spillway Length = 50 ft _> Drr Pond Design Drainage Area = 17.21 acres Design Impervious Area = 0.00 acres " Top of Dam = 300.00 ft Surface Area at NWSE _ - sf (Full Buildout) Required Surface Area at NWSE _ - sf (Full Buildout) Siphon Diameter = - inches Riser Diameter = 5 ft Riser Crest = 298.00 ft Barrel Diameter = 36 inches # of Barrels = 1 Invert In = 291 feet Invert Out = 290 feet Length = 72 feet Slope = 0.0139 ft/ft Emergency Spillway Crest = 299.0 fr Emergency Spillway Length = 25 ft Return ~ Inflow ~ Outflow € Yeak Freeboard Period [cfs] [cfs) 'WSEL [ft[ [ft] 1-Year 53 0.4 E 327.46 _4.54 ___ 2-Year 75~ _ 0.5 328.49 3.51 YO-Year 115_ 16 _ ~ E 329.21 2.79 mm________, __.~ 25-Year . 138 _.. ~ 43 ~ 329 62 ..... 2.38 _. ......... _._.. 100-Year 174 ; 150 P 330.41 1.59 Return Inflow Outflow Peak ~ Freeboard Period ~..~... ~,.. ~ [cfs[ .,, a. ~.>.. ~,.... ~.... (cfs[ WSEL [ft[ [ftJ t-Year I 66 0.5 335.9 4.10 2-Year " 93 0.5 337.06 ~ 2.94 10-Year 137 _~ 19 _ _ 337.77 2.23 __. _ 25-Year 163 52 338.23 1.77 . 100-Year 204 _ 183 _ _.. 338.93 1.07 Return Inflow Outflow Period ~ [cfsJ [cfs[ Peak WSEL [ft[ Freeboard [ft[ 1-Year 7 1 292.96 7.04 2-Year 1 13 1 294.40 5.60 10-Year 37 1 298.01 1.99 _25-Year .......... 100-Year ....... 53 78 8 70 298.28 299 21 1.72 0.79 2 of 2 C • C 1 PRECIPITATION DATA 2 WATERSHED SOIL DATA PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 3 CALCULATIONS- OFFSITE AREA INCLUDED PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 4 CALCULATIONS- OFFSITE AREA REMOVED POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 5 CALCULATIONS- OFFSITE AREA INCLUDED POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC 6 CALCULATIONS- OFFSITE AREA REMOVED FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS- NORTH 7 STORMWATER WETLAND FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS- SOUTH 8 STORMWATER WETLAND FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS- DRY 9 POND 100-YEAR STORM ROUTING- WORST O CASE SCENARIO 11 NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS EMERGENCY SPILLWAY DESIGN 12 CALCULATIONS 1 ~ MISCELLANEOUS SITE INFORMATION 14 15 .7 PRECIPITA TION DA TA MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 MER-04 • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY L INPUT DATA Location: Durham, North Carolina 2-Year € 100-Year ~ Source 5 minute{ 0.48 ( 0.81 NOAA H dro-35 - 15 minute ~ 60 minute ' 1.01 1.70 ____ 1.81 NOAA_Hydro-35 3.SO~NOAA H dro-35 24 hour j 3.60 8.00 USWB TP-40 II. DEPTH-DURATION-FREQUENCY TABLE Return Period Duration 2-Year [inches] 5-Year [inches] j 10-Year [inches] ZS-Year [inches] ~ 50-Year (inches] 100-Year [inches) 5 minutes 0.48 0.55 0.60 0.68 0.75 0.81 10 minutes 0.79 0.92 1.02 1.17 1.28 1.40 15 minutes 1.01 1.18 ~ 1.31 ~ 1.51 t.66 1.81 30 minutes 1.35 164 1.85 { 2.16 2.40 2.64 60 minutes 1.70 2.12 2.41 2.84 3.17 3.50 2 hours 1.91 2.40 _ _ 2.74 ~ _ 3.23 ~ _ ~ 3.61 4.00 3 hours 2.12 2.68 3.07 3.62 4.06 4.49 6 hours 2.65 3.38 3.90 4.62 5.t9 5.75 12 hours 3.13 4.02 4.64 5.52 6.20 6.88 24 hours 3.60 4.65 5.38 6.41 7.21 8.00 III. INTENSITY-DURATION FREQUENCY DATA Return Period Duration 2-Year [in/hrj 5-Year [in/hr] 10-Year ~ [in/hr] ~ 25-Year ! (in/hr] 50-Year [in/hr] 100-Year [in/hr] 5 minutes 5.76 6.58 7.22 8.19 8.96 9.72 10 minutes 4.76 5.54 6.13 7.01 7.71 8.40 15 minutes 4.04 4.74 5.25. 6.03 6.64 7.24 30 minutes 2.70 3.28 3.71 4.32 4.80 5.28 60 minutes 1.70 2.12 2.41 2.84 3.17 3.50 2 hours 0.95 1.20 ~ 1.37 1.62 1.81 2.00 3 hours 0.71 0 ~ _ ~~1.02 1.21, 1.35 ].50 6 hours 0.44 0.56 0.65 0.77 ! ~ 0.86 0.96 12 hours 0.26 _0.33 ~ _ _ _ 0.39 ~ 0.46 0.52 _ _ 0.57 24 hours 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.27 i 0.30 0.33 B.R. •H PE 5/17/2004 IV. RESULTS Return Period g h 2 { ----- - ]32 18 5 -_ . ----_.. 169 ~ 21 to 195 ; 22 25 232T 23 50 ~ 26] 24 100 290 25 1 OF 2 MER-04~.• MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY CALCULATIONS: • B.R. •H, PE 5/17/2004 1/I Duration 2-Year 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year 5 10 0.17 0.21 ~ 0.15 -0.18 ~ 0.14 ~ ~ 0.16 ~0.12 0.14 0.11 ~ ~ 0.13 ~ 0.10_ a 0.12 ~ 15 30 0.25 0.37 0.21 3 ----- ~ 0.30 ~ O.19 V. __.__ t- -- 0.27 0.17 ._.._.__~~_~. - - 0.23 ~ 0.15 ~ r .._ ..__.. _ __ _ X0.21 0.14 ~ ___~__.....__. 0.19 60 0.59 0.47 ~~ 0.41 0.35 ~ 0.32 ~ _ ~_ 0.29 120 1.05 0.83 0.73 0.62 0.55 0.50 180 1.42 ~ 1.12 0.98 0.83 ~ 0 4 ~ _0.67 360 2.26 1.77 ~ 1.54 _ 1.30 ~ 1.16 1.04 720 1440 3.84 6.67 2.99 5.16 ~ 2.59 ~~~~ ~~~~ 4.46 2.18 ~ 3.75 3 _ 1.94 3.33 1.75 3.00 2-Year ~ 5-Year 10-Year 25-Year 50-Year 100-Year Slo e: 0.00760 0.00592 0.00513 0.00430 0.00383 0.00344 Y-Interce t: 0.13587 0.12225 0.11255 9181 0 .1 0001 0.0 8486 0.0 132 169 195 _ _ _ 232 ~~261 _ _ 290 h: 18 21 ~ ~~ 22~~ _ 23 ~-- 24 25 20F2 WATERSHED SOIL DATA C7 MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 .~ Z T-__ ~aa~ 000 5 Ob8 5 T~ T aleJS 0 000 t 000 auw t • • • MER-04000 WATERSHED SOIL R.E. JIMENEZ JR., EI MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY INFORMATION 5/20/2004 • __> Watershed Soils Information S mbol Name H drolo is Soil Grou AI Altavista C ~__v Cc ~ _ Cartecay & Chewacle soils _______ C _ _ _ Gr Granville B Mf Mayodan B Wn Wehadkee D References: 1. SOIL SURVEY: DURHAM COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE: SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE (IN COOPERATION WITH NORTH CAROLINA AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENT SECTION). SHEET NUMBER 11 2. SCS TR-55. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE. 1986. __> Conclusion Due to the large proportion of "B"group soils, the entire watershed leas modeled with the follotiving curve na~mbers: Cover Condition SCS CN - HSG B Impervious 98 • _ Open ~ _~^ ~ 61+_ _ ~~ (Assume Good Condition) Wooded 55 (Assume Good Condition) • MERCK VACCINE FACILITY C, PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS OFF-SITE AREA INCLUDED • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 ~ ~.~ STUDIED = ~~~. ~~ ~~: ~~ 1 3d \o .r--- ~, ' ~ ` NOT STUDIED = ~ 1 9 1 r ~, ~ 1 ~ r .9°~~ \ i ___ SEGMENT #1 #~ ~~ ' SEGMENT #2 SEGMENT #3 _--~ SEGMENT #2 ~' .. ~ r SEGMENT # 1 a ~ ~ p ~"~_"_ ,_ - _. ; n~~ `-- ~~~ Q ~, ,., ~~,~. ~ SEGMENT #4 SEGMENT #5 \ AREA NCy~h:~~S1VDII:D ~~ ~ 0.52 ~~; __ __ NOT STUDII:D = 7,,~acres '\• F --- ~ f' ~ . ~~ ~; l~l {/ ~ u / ~ ~ ' t x ~ ~~ .~r3cre8 ~ ~ ~~ '.42 acxes ~ ~ iV (( ` i~~V ~~ f AREA NOT 7.so acres ' GRAPHIC SCALE - 400 O 200 400 800 1 inch = 400 ft. ~ a / (s AREA NOT STUDIED 14.52 acres ~~~;~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, i I .~ Psorecr No. MER-04000 ® ~~ ~ r~c.extisa: MER04000-SWl A a ~_ ~ sc,u.e: ~„ 400 a~Te' 05-27-2004 MERCK ~i~1VIF DL;fIt~iAM, NORTH CAROLINA PRE-IaEVELOPMENT WATERSHED MAP THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS R8S8ARCH TRLNGIB PARY, NC P.O. BOY 14006 ZIP 27700-4005 (O1~) 361-5000 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #I 5/27/2004 Total Sub-basin Area = 82.05 acres On-site Area = 64.63 acres Off-site Area = 17.42 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area nacres) Comments _ _On-site open ____ 61 _ ~ mm 1.63 _ _ ~~_ Assume good condition _ __ ___ _ ~~ On-site im ervious ~ 98 0.00 - On-site wooded _ _______ 55 ____ 63.01 _ Assume good condition` ______ On site~ond_____._~_._ _.._..._.._100.,,.._ Off-site open 61 ~ 0.00 1.61 _ - _ ~ Assume good condition _ Off-site impervious 98 _ 55 ~ Off=site wooded 0.82_ 41 98 - Assume good condition _ Off=site Pond 100 0.00 - Total area = 82.05 0.1282 • Composite SCS CN = 56 Impervious = 1.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration rs calculated using SCS TR-S5. Segment 1: Overland Flow ' Length = 50 Height = I Slope = 0.0200 Manning's n = 0.40 P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 Segment Time = 11.63 Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 506 Height = 2.1 Slope = 0.0042 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 4.00 W. Perimeter = 6.00 Channel Velocity = 1.63 Segment Time = 5.18 • I. SCS CURV~'NUMB~IiS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 - Open 61 _ _ Assume ood condition Wooded ~~~ 55~ _____ Assume good condition Il, 3?ItE-AEVELOPM~NT _> Sub-basin #1 A. Watershed Breakdown acres sq.mi. ft ft ft/ft Woods -light underbrush inches (Durham, NC) minutes Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 116 ft Height = 8.1 ft Slope = 0.0698 ft/fr Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.26 fUsec Segment Time = 0.45 minutes Segment 4: Channel Flow ft Length = 34 fr ft Height = 0.4 ft fr/ft Slope = 0.0118 ft/ft Natural Channel Manning's n = 0.013 RCP sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Flow Area = 4.91 sf (Assume 30" RCP) ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 7.85 fr (Assume 30" RCP) ft/sec Channel Velocity = 9.09 ft/sec minutes Segment Time = 0.06 minutes 1 OF 2 • • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Segment 5: Channel Flow Length = Height = Slope = Manning's n = Flow Area = W. Perimeter = Channel Velocity = Segment Time = Time of Concentration = 28.77 minutes SCS Lag Time = 17.26 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2877 hours Time Increment = 5.01 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Pre-Development-Subbasin #1 B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 Segment 6: Channel Flow 591 ft Length = 2299 ft 0 ft Height = 25 ft 0.0169 ft/ft Slope = 0.0109 ft/ft 0.045 Natural Channel Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel 9.00 sf (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) Flow Area = 16.00 sf (Assume 4' x 4' Chanr 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 12.00 ft (Assume 4' x 4' Chanr 4.31 ft/sec Channel Velocity = 4.18 ft/sec 2.29 minutes Segment Time = 9.16 minutes 20F2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #2 hS~~CU~Y~NLTI4I8131t~' Cover Condition ~ SCS CN Comments Impervious ~ _ 98 - Open _ __ 6l _ _ Assume ood condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition II. PRE-DF,VELOPMEN"T _> Sub-basin #2 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 99.00 acres On-site Area = 89.5 I acres Off-site Area = 9.49 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area ~ , SCS CN .-. i Area ~acres~ Comments __ On-site open __ _' . _____._ _ ._61 . __ 0.00 Assume good condition On-site im ervious ~ . 98 . . .. 0.00 _ _ _ ___ ~__.__.__.__._ ___._. - On-site wooded :. 55 _ ~ .89.51 _ Assume food condition_ _ __~ _~ On site pond_ 100 0 00 - _ Oft site open _~ 61 _~ 0 00 Asswne food condition Off site impervious ___ __ 98 __ 0.00 _ ~____ _ _.~.__~._ Off-site wooded 55 i 9.49 _ _ _~ Assume~od condition __ ____ ___ Off-site Pond 100 ~ 0.00 - Total area = 99.00 acres • Composite SCS CN = 0.1547 55 sq.mi. Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-SS. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft Height = I ft Slope = 0.0200 ft/fr Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 3709 fr Height = 81.81 fr Slope = 0.0221 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.92 ft/sec Segment Time = 12.57 minutes • Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 426 ft Height = 24.2 ft Slope = 0.0568 fr/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.85 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.85 minutes Time of Concentration = 26.05 minutes SCS Lag Time = 15.63 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2605 hours Time Increment = 4.53 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #3 5/26/2004 • I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS. Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Im ervious 98 - T _O ern T I ~ 61 Assume ood condition Wooded I 55 Assume good condition `II: PRE-AEVELOPII~ENT _> Sub-basin #3 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 13.66 acres On-site Area = 13.66 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres Contributing Area ! SCS CN Area ~acres~ Comments _On-site o.~__..__! ..__..._.....__._...__~..b~______...._....._.__. . _ 0.00 __ _. _.__.______...._._ Assume_good condition ________ On-site impervious _ 98 0.00 - On site wooded 55 _ _ l3 66_ _ Assume food condition On-site pond 100 0.00 - _____Off-site open ~~ _ _ _ 61____ _ 0.00 _A ___ Assume~ood condrtion~ ___ __ _ _ Off-site i~ervious __~ 98 0.00 _ - _Oft-site wooded _ _v T ___55_ _ ___ 0.00 _ _~, _ - _ Assu_me~ood condition ~ ___ ~ Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - Total area = 13.66 acres 0.0213 sq.mi. • Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-SS. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 fr ' E{eight = 2.3 ft Slope = 0.0460 fr/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 8.33 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 670 ft Height = 63.05 ft Slope = 0.0941 fr/fr Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 7.75 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.44 minutes .J Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 102 fr Height = 12.2 ft Slope = 0.1196 tuft Paved ? = No Velocity = 5.58 fUsec Segment Time = 0.30 minutes Time of Concentration = 10.08 minutes SCS Lag Time = 6.05 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1008 hours Time Increment = 1.75 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La ) I OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasln #4 5/26/2004 • Total Sub-basin Area = 16.66 acres On-site Area = 16.66 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres Contributing Area SCS CN ~ ~. Area ~acres~ Comments On-site open___~ ~ 61 On-site im ervious 98 0.00 ... 0.00 .__.____......._._.__...._._Assume food condition~T _.._.___..._~.___. - _ On-site wooded _ ~ 55 16.66 Assume good condition _._ .._. On site pond .._.__.. ~ 100 Off sue open 61 _..___ __ _-: --__ -_-- __-- 0.00 0.00 -- - Assume good condition _~__ . _.__...__ _ T_ _--- _~_~ Off-site impervious 98 ~ Off-site wooded _ 55 ~ ~ ~~ 0.00 0.00 _ _ _ _ - 4 Assume ood condition __ ~ ~~ Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - Total area = 16.66 acres . Composite SCS CN = 0.0260 55 sq.mi. Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment l: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft Height = 1 ft Slope = 0.0200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: C/:annel Flow Length = 818 ft Height = 52.26 ft Slope = 0.0639 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 6.39 ft/sec Segment Time = 2.13 minutes • !. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition ! SCS CN Comments _._.........._...._.._~~~.._._.____._ ._. _ ..__T_ __..__.____________.._.__ Open _~~ I_ 61 Assume ood condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition II. PRE-DEVELQPMENT _> Sub-basin #4 A. Watershed Breakdown Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 387 ft Height = 32 ft Slope = 0.0827 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.64 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.39 minutes Time of Concentration = 15.15 minutes SCS Lag Time = 9.09 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1515 hours Time Increment = 2 64 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #S • I. SGS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments ~__Impervious ~_ -1---.__.__.... ..._._.._.98._,__.._.._._._ ...~ - _ _ __ _.___ ._ ~~_~.________._._..... _-__ . Assume good condition .____...._ 61 __ _ Wooded _.~._ __~. _ 55 Assume good condition _ II. PRE-DEYEI.UPi41ENT _> Sub-basin #5 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 43.64 acres On-site Area = 43.29 acres Off-site Area = 0.35 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area SCS CN Area (acres Comments __......_.,On-site o ern - ~~ ...___...._..__._._._._61 _._____._.~_._,..._ _._._0.00 _ _ _ _ ____T _Assume_~ood condition On-site im ervious 98 0.00 _, ,,_..___..___..__.._. - On-site wooded +; 55 43.29 _ __ _ _ _Asswne food condition _ On site pond _ 100 ~ OAO _ - Off site open __^. __ 61 0.00 -_ ~ Assume mood condition _ _ _ _ . Off-site impervious 98 0.00 - Off-site wooded ___ _ __55__ ____ 0.35 _~ Ass_u_me ood condition _____ ~ ~~ Off-site Pond 100 ~ 0.00 - Total area = 43.64 acres • Composite SCS CN = 0.0682 55 sq.mi. Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time oJconcentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segmertl 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft Height = 1 ft Slope = 0.0200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segmei:t Time = 11.63 mi~iutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1336 ft Height = 5 L6 ft Slope = 0.0386 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity= 4.97 ft/sec Segment Time = 4.48 minutes • Segment l: Concentrated Flow Length = 839 ft Height = 40.2 ft Slope = 0.0479 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.53 ft/sec Segment Time = 3.96 minutes Time of Concentration = 20.07 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.04 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2007 hours Time Increment = 3 49 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) 1 OF 1 • HEC-HMS Project: MER-04000 Basin Model: SIA - r.,`~ 5ubbasin-1 Subbasin-2 Subbasin-3 ~...~.y ~'-~. ~~~~ ~Subb~sin-4 s~-: ~~ __- "` 'Subbasin-5 ,~~,..~ ,~ • HMS Project MER-04000 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 26May04 0947 Summary of Results Run Name Pre - 1 Basin Model SIA - Predevt Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 5.9540 21 May 04 1219 1.4786 0.128 Subbasin-2 5.7033 21 May 04 1218 1.5827 0.155 Subbasin-3 1.3809 21 May 04 1205 0.21998 0.021 Subbasin-4 1.3273 21 May 04 1208 0.26773 0.026 Subbasin-5 2.9000 21 May 04 1212 0.70023 0.068 • • HMS Project : MER-04000 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 26May04 0948 Summary of Results Run Name Pre - 2 Basin Model SIA - Predevt Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 16.717 21 May 04 1227 2.8153 0.128 Subbasin-2 20.297 21 May 04 1225 3.1036 0.155 Subbasin-3 4.1463 21 May 04 1212 0.42984 0.021 Subbasin-4 4.3374 21 May 04 1216 0.52372 0.026 Subbasin-5 10.100 21 May 04 1220 1.3713 0.068 • HMS Project MER-04000 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 26May04 0948 Summary of Results Run Name Pre - 10 Basin Model SIA - Predevt Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 73.208 21 May 04 1223 8.4295 0.128 Subbasin-2 86.012 21 May 04 1221 9.6195 0.155 Subbasin-3 17.513 21 May 04 1209 1.3305 0.021 Subbasin-4 18.459 21 May 04 1213 1.6218 0.026 Subbasin-5 42.911 21 May 04 1217 4.2481 0.068 • PRE-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS OFF-SITE AREA REMOVED r~ • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 ~,~ ~~ , (~\' STUDIED - `~~ 4 J ~ J NOT STUDIED \ ~. ~~ ~ --_ \\~ - 1 8 a ..~ i , ~ - __ -. y g O ~'~4 _______ - - .. ';i s 77~~ v i 9. ~~ ~ i ~ ~; ; ------ - ~\_ ~---= ---- - - - ~~- t SEGMENT' #1 ~- --- -- -_ ~~~,_- t~ SEGMENT' #2 ., , --~ ~` hf1` ; ------ -- 1 , c ~ ~ ~ / ' ', r t - - --- _-- - ` SEGMENT # 1 -, , -, -, - ~~.~ '. SEGMENT #2 ~ -- - --- _ ..~. - ~~. _ -~ ,, ~_ - , ~; ,; -= - EG ,~/ _; _ ;; ~, ;., o ~ ~ ~~.,~'~ p3~~j -%- j~ ~ - ---- '; ~ 9 ;~'' `~ ~ SEGMENT #3 /~ _ , ~ - AREA N lED = ~;' - ' ,' ~~ \ 0.52 ~s t - ;1~ -- ~' `~ _ -- act ~~ , - -- --- ,~. o ._- ' ~ ~ - ,, ~ _- '` /~ , - -: _ - - % ' _ NOT STUDIED = - ---- ----= ~. ~ --- _ ~ ~acnes ~.. _-_ ~_~ - . .1--~ ~._ - - - --------~ _ ~ ~ o '~€, -- ~ ---- S 4% ~ ~ ' ~i - ~ t .~ ~ ~ ~ ; ' - = ~ , ~ ~ -- - i i , i ~ - `. , ~ i ,/ / _ ___ .- ---- 1 ~ / i. AREA NOT ST~ j ~ 7.80 acres ~~~~, ~ ~ - j ~ __,yo''~ ~ I - GRAPHIC SCALE - ,~ '~ I 1 ~''~~,_, 400 O 200 400 800 ,~o'' ~~ AREA NOT STUDIED = __ 1 inch = 400 ft. 14.52 scree ' ~~ ~, ~~ - '.~'~ P10JE`~ N0' MER-04000 ® MERCK ~i'MF THE JOHN R. McADAMS ~ ''"$"""$~ MER04000-SW1 COMPANY, INC. ENGIIQEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS d scsLS: a i ° = 400' , N R1'H AR LIMA ~ Hera: PRE-DEVELOPMENT WATERSHED MAP (ON-SITE ONL~ ~~CB rBUxGLB Pr-Bx. NC 05-27-2004 P.O. BOY 14006 ZIP 2770D-4006 (~lt•) 381-5000 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #1 5/27/2004 L' Total Sub-basin Area = 82.05 acres On-site Area = 64.63 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area ~acres~ Comments On-site open _ __ _ 61 1.63 Assume ood condition On-site im ervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded jj ~ 63.00 Assume ood condition On sRe pond 100 0.00 Off site. open_~~ ,_ 61 _ ~ _ 0.00 ~ Assume good condition Off-site impervious ___ 98 ______ ^ 0.00 _ _ ~ - Off-site wooded _ jj 0.00 __ ~ Assume ood condition Off-site Pond 100 X0.00 - Total area = 64.63 0.1010 Composite SCS CN = 55.2 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-S~. Segment 1: Overlnnd Flow Length = j0 Height = 3.35 Slope = 0.0670 Manning's n = 0.40 P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 Segment Time = 7.17 Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 396 Height = 6.4 Slope = 0.0162 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 4.00 W. Perimeter = 6.00 Channel Velocity = 3.21 Segment Time = 2.05 • I. SCS CURV>~ NUb1Bl~RS ; Cover Condition SCS CN Comments lmpervious 98 - __ _ _ __ _ Open ~ 61 ~- Assume ood condition Wooded jj Assume good condition TL PRE-DE'VELOiPi13ENT _> Sub-basin #1 - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown acres sq.mi. Segment 2: Concentrated Flow fr Length = 410 ft ft Height = 14.35 ft ft/fr Slope = 0.0350 ft/ft Woods -light underbrush Paved ? = No inches (Durham, NC) Velocity = 3.02 fr/sec mi~:utes Segment Time = 2.26 minutes Segment 6: Channel Flow ft Length = 2299 fr ft Height = 2j ft ft/ft Slope = 0.0109 ft/ft Natural Channel Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel sf (Assume 2' x 2' ChanneQ Flow Area = 16.00 sf (Assume 4' x 4' Chanr ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 12.00 ft (Assume 4' x 4' Chanr ft/sec Channel Velocity = 4.18 ft/sec minutes Segment Time = 9.16 minutes Time of Concentration = 20.65 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.39 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2065 hours Time Increment = 3.59 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La ) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #2 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments ...Impervious _..__...._~ .. ~ 98 - . _ _ _ . ____ Open _. . . _____ 61 Assume good condition Wooded ! _ 55 Assume good condition 11. PRE-DEV~LOPM1TENT _> Sub-basin #2 - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 99.00 acres On-site Area = 89.5 I acres Off-site Area = 0 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area SCS CN Area ]acres] Comments ___ _ On-semen 61 0.00 Assume good condition On-site impervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded ' S5 On site pond __ _ 100 _O_ff-site open ~~ ~ 61__ 89.51 0.00 0 00 ~ _ _ Assume good condition __ - _ _ Tmm ~_Assume good condition T_ ~~~~~_.T_. Off-site impervious 98 -?---- ---- 0.00 - Off-site wooded 55 Off-site Pond 100 0.00 0.00 T~ Assume good condition - Total area = 89.51 acres 0.1399 sq.mi. • Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Trme of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft - Height = 1 ft Slope = 0.0200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 3709 ft Height = 81.81 ft Slope = 0.0221 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.92 ft/sec Segment Time = 12.57 minutes C7 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 426 ft Height = 24.2 ft Slope = 0.0568 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.85 ft/sec Segment Time = 1.85 minutes Time of Concentration = 26.05 minutes SCS Lag Time = 15.63 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2605 hours Time Increment = 4.53 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #3 5/26/2004 • Total Sub-basin Area = 13.66 acres On-site Area = 13.66 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area (acres) Comments ___ On-site open __ bl 0.00 Assume good condition On-site im ervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded _ ~ 55 ___ 13.66 __ __ Assume~ood condition __ __ On-site pond_ __ 100 0.00 - Off site open_ _ 61 ~ _ ~ 000_ _ _ _ _ ____ Assume ood condition Off site im~ernous rt 98 ~ 0.00 - Off site wooded 55 - 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site Pond 100 0.00 _____ ~_ - Total area = 13.66 acres 0.0213 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 5~ Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated a~sing SCS TR-S5. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = - 50 fr Height = 2.3 ft Slope = 0.0460 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 8.33 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 670 ft Height = 63.05 ft Slope = 0.0941 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 7.75 ftlsec Segment Time = 1.44 minutes I. SCS CURV~'NUl-~$~ , IT. PRE-DEVELOP1ViENT _> Sub-basin #3 - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Impervious 98 - ___ ~_ t- _ ~____ Open __Y_,~^__~ _ _ __ _~T 61_ -T ~ __ __ __ Assume good condition _ Wooded ! 55 Assume good condition Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 102 ft Height = 12.2 ft Slope = 0.1196 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 5.58 ft/sec Segment Time = 0.30 minutes Time of Concentration = 10.08 minutes SCS Lag Time = 6.05 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1008 hours Time Increment = 1 75 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #4 • I. SCS CURVE iV[IMBERS Cover Condition i SCS CN Comments Impervious i 98 - O en 61 Assume ood condition Wooded ~~ 55 Assume good condition 11. PRE-DEVELOFk1ENT _> Sub-basin #4 - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 16.66 acres On-site Area = 16.66 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area SCS CN ,Area ]acres] Comments ~_~_On-siteop_en ._______...__._..._..._..___.6.~--.__._.~...____.... On-site im ervious 98 __.._.0~00~.-__._. 0.00 __._-_~__..__Assume_~oodcondition__.__.._._____..._______ - On-site wooded S5 On srte and 100_ _ ~ _ Otf--srte open _ 61 __ _ ~ ~ ~~ 16.66 0 00 0.00 _ __ Assume good condition ~~ - - Assume ood condition _ Off-site impervious 98 -- 0.00 - - Off-site wooded __ _ _ _ 55 __ _ ~ ----- 0.00 ___ __ Assume mod condition ~ ~ Off-site Pond 100 0.00 _ _ ~ ~~ Total area = 16.66 acres 0.0260 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Trine of concentration is calcarlated trstng SCS TR-S5. Segment 1: Overland Flow - Length = SO fr , Height = I ft Slope = 0.0200 fr/fr Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 818 fr Height = 52.26 ft Slope = 0.0639 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 6.39 ft/sec Segment Time = 2.13 minutes C~ Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 387 fr Height = 32 ft Slope = 0.0827 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.64 ft/sec Segment Time = I.39 minutes Time of Concentration = 15.15 minutes SCS Lag Time = 9.09 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1515 hours Time Increment = 2 64 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) 1 OF 1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Pre-Development-Subbasin #5 I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition ': SCS CN Comments _...__.._......._Impervious..._..._ . ._._ _ . 98 .. . . . _.._ . O~n ........................._ .._.....__...._.._.._....._..................._..~..___...___..._- _-----________...___.. 61 Assume ood condition ~ Wooded 55 Assume good condition II. PRE-AEVELOPMENT _> Sub-basin #S - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 43.64 acres On-site Area = 43.29 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area ~ SCS CN Area JacresJ Comments _. _._._.On-site o~en_ _ __.__ ...............____..._61 ___.__.-----___. ._-_.--_0.00___._._ .__..__. _. _ .__._.__.._ Assume good condition....---_....._.___..._...___.......__._ _. . . On-site impervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded 55 43.29 .Assume good condition On site pond _ 100 0.00 - Off site open __~ _ _ 61 __ 0.00 Assume good condition Off-site im ep rvious ~ 98 i 0.00 -~ - -~---~--^~-- - ~~ _ _ _ Off-site wooded 55 __ __.._.__..___.,._...__..._._ _._____.___.___._.,___._...____.__ _ ___ ,__ . ___...__. __ _ ~ 0.00 t_.___ ______...___ Assume ood condition .____..__.___.._..._._.________._.__..~. _.___~___-~____._...__.__..___._ Off-site Pond 100 i 0.00 - Total area = 43.29 acres 0.0676 sq.mi. • Composite SCS CN = ~5 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time ojeoncentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overland Flow - Length = 50 ft Height = 1 ft Slope = 0.0200 ft/fr Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1336 fr Height = 51.6 fr Slope = 0.0386 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 fr (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.97 ft/sec Segment Time = 4.48 minutes • Segment Z: Concentrated Flow Length = 839 ft Height = 40.2 ft Slope = 0.0479 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.53 ft/sec Segment Time = 3.96 minutes Time of Concentration = 20.07 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.04 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2007 hours Time Increment = 3.49 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) 1 OF 1 • HEC-HMS Project: MER-04000 Basin Model: SIA - ___ ~~ Subbasin-1 (~~` i , I Subbasin-2 ;`, • ~ -~ ^` _Subbasin-3 ~~ ~'~~' Subbasin-4 ~~.;~, __ __a ~,~~'°~x ~ "'ubbasir~-5 • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Pre OS - 1 • Start of Run 21Ma 04 0000 y Basi n Model - SIA - Predevt OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Execution Time 26May04 1452 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 4.5023 21 May 04 1212 1.0628 0.101 Subbasin-2 5.1576 21 May 04 1218 1.4313 0.140 Subbasin-3 1.3809 21 May 04 1205 0.21998 0.021 Subbasin-4 1.3273 21 May 04 1208 0.26773 0.026 Subbasin-5 2.8745 21 May 04 1212 0.69407 0.068 r~ • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Pre OS - 2 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Predevt - OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Execution Time 27May04 0623 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (efs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 15.260 21 May 04 1220 2.0687 0.101 Subbasin-2 18.360 21 May 04 1225 2.8069 0.140 Subbasin-3 4.1473 21 May 04 1212 0.42987 0.021 Subbasin-4 4.3364 21 May 04 1216 0.52375 0.026 Subbasin-5 10.013 21 May 04 1220 1.3593 0.068 • • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Pre OS - 10 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Predevt - OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Execution Time 27May04 0623 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (efs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 63.809 21 May 04 1217 6.3631 0.101 Subbasin-2 77.795 21 May 04 1221 8.6996 0.140 Subbasin-3 17.516 21 May 04 1209 1.3306 0.021 Subbasin-4 18.462 21 May 04 1213 1.6218 0.026 Subbasin-5 42.540 21 May 04 1217 4.2109 0.068 • • • POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS OFF-SITE AREA INCLUDED • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 i SUBBA51 N #5 - Bl' ''r~55 T TUD I ED ~ ~ v ~ TOTAL = 25.'11 acr ~'~----~. ,~' 9 `~ '~ ~~ ° { T #I ON-SITE = 25.3'7 ,~, ~.~~ --- `~~ ' -- OPi=-SITE = O qc ,`~ ~ ~ __ NOT STUDIED ' ~;'~ ;al ~ acres ;. ~, _ _ .~ ,, , ,,, ,, ;,~ - ,,~ . . ~.. ,, .~ , ' ~ L ~ I BQ acres . -_ -,_- - ~ Q-- TE = 21.88 acres ., , ,, :.., -. `~--~~' =------"'~,--~'~~-,. i `~----=------~.. ~'~•. '~, '~_ ~ f~~ITE = O.OI acres 7 SUBBAS.~t TOTAL = ?...E - -- ' :" _ , [~¢., rt. ~ _-_-, ! ~ ,~- - - -- ---- / ;'~- ~ -_. - - -,, SEGMENT #3 a t 1 t - ,. ''. '~ • ~ ,~ ~', l ~ •~ •~I ~' - ~ `~ : ` .-- SEGMENT #2 u i -=- ~ SEGMENT #I I ;~ u o'~ ~~x ~~ rWa J GRAPHIC SCALE 400 0 200 400 800 1 inch = 400 ft. r ~ ~ \J\ f, \ •'~ AREA NOT STUDIED _ '1.80 acres ~B~ 51T~#I \ AL = 8.8 acres 31TE - .68 acres SITE = 12. s ~~~~ AREA NOT STUDIED = 14.52 acres ~ SEGMENT #4 SEGMENT #5 AREA NOT STUDIED 0.52 acres _ AREA NOT STUDIED _~ 7 acres ,, '~, `1. ~' ~~ ~~~ p ~' ~~^~ PROJecr xo. MER-04000 ~ ~~N'~E` MER04000-SW2 a ~ scALe: ~ „ .400' ~ DATE: 05-27-2004 MERCK DURI-IAM, NORTH CAROLINA POST =DEVELOPMENT WATERSHED MAP THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. ENGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESEARCH TRLNGLS PARK, NC P.O. BOY 14006 ZIP 27709-400b (919) 981-5000 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #I L SCS CURVE NU41k3kRS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments ___....-_Impervious ____._- ---.--_.___98__ _ __^_._~_.._.___..__ _--- Open ...._....... .. - ............... _.6_~._......................._...._......._. Assmne..g~ood condition.............. Wooded 55 Assume good condition Ili POST-DEYEI,OPbiENT _> Sub-basin #1 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = On-site Area = Off-site Area = • • Contributing Area ' SCS CN ___On site orpen_ _ -,- 61 „ On srte impervious _._..._ 98 On-site wooded 55 On site pond 100 Off stte open_ 61 • Off site impervious 98 Off-site_wooded -- -- _~- ~ S_5_ ...._.- _...__.. Off-site Pond 100 Total area = 78.88 0.1233 Composite SCS CN = 56 Impervious = 2.03% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overland Florv Length = 50 Height = ~ I Slope = 0.0200 Manning's n = 0.40 P (2-year/24-hom) = 3.6 Segment Time = lL(3 Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 506 Height = 2.1 Slope = 0.0042 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 4.00 W. Perimeter = 6.00 Channel Velocity = I .(,3 Segment Time = i.18 78.88 acres 61.68 acres 17.20 acres Area ~acresJ __ 310 0.74 __ 57.84 0.00_ 1 51 _. _ .,,.,0:_86_, 14.83 ____..0.00 acres sq.mi. ft ft ft/fr Woods -light underbrush inches (Durham, NC) minutes Comments Assume good condition Assmnep~ood condition Asswne eood condition Assume good conditi Segment 2: Concentrated Flow B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Length = 1 I6 ft Height = 8.1 ft Slope = 0.0698 fr/fr Paved ? = No Velocity = 4.2ti ft/sec Segment Tinre = (1.4s minutes Segment 4: Channel Flow ft Length = 81 ft Ft Height = 0.6 ft ft/ft Slope = 0.0074 ft/ft Natural Channel Manning's n = O.Ol3 RCP sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Flow Area = 4.91 sf (Asswne 30" RCP) ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 7.85 ft (Asswne 30" RCP) ft/sec C hannel Velocity = 72 I ft/sec minutes Segment Time = Fh l9 minutes 1 OF 2 • • • MERCK VMF M ER-04000 Segment 5: Channel Flow Length = Height = Slope = Manning's n = Flow Area = W. Perimeter = Channel Velocity = Segment Tinre Time of Concentration = 28.49 minutes SCS Lag Time = 17.09 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2849 hours Time Increment = 4.96 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-Development-Subbasin #1 B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Segment 6: Channel Flow 515 ft Length = 2299 ft 9.8 ft Height = 25 ft 0.0190 ft/ft Slope = 0.0109 ft/fi 0.045 Natural Channel Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel 9.00 sf (Asswne 3' x 3' Channel) Flow Area = t 6.00 sf (Assume 4' x 4' Cham 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 12.00 ft (Assume 4' x 4' Chanr '1, 5 % ft/sec Channel Velocity = 4.. L S ft/sec 1.88 minutes Segment Time = 9.IG minutes 20F2 MERCK VMF MER-04000 I. SCS CURVE NUiltAERS Wooded iI: PQST-AIi"I~EI:OPNIENT _> Sub-basin #2 - To South Wetland A. Watershed Breakdown B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-Development-Subbasin #2 S CN Comments 98 - 61 i Assume food condition __~..___._.........~ .................._._i....__....._....__..._..___.. _ 55 Assume good condition Total Sub-basin Area = 24.92 acres On-site Area = 24.54 acres Off-site Area = 0.38 acres s Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) - = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes = 0.29*SCS La ., Contributing Area i SCS CN ' Area ~acres~ ~ Comments ________ On-site open -- - 61 - 8.44 ( _ _„ -- __ _ . __ Assume~ood condition _____ _ -- On site impewious 98 15.00 - On site wooded ~ 55 _ 0.00 i Assume pzood condmon - ---- - t - On site pond ~ -- - 100 _ _ - 1. l0 ~ _ _ - --- - Aiea at Top of Dam ~Consewatrve~) . _ _ _Off site omen __ ~ 6l 0 38 ~ _ Assume food condition Off-site unpeiv~ous _. .. 98 0:00 ~ - _ ____ Off site wo_o_ded _ ~ ~YT 55 __ __0_00 Assmne food condition _ _~_____ ~~ _~~ Off--site Pond i 100 0.00 Total area = 24.92 acres 0.0389 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 85 Impervious = 60.19% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration rs equal to 5 minutes (Conseriatii~e !!) 1 OF 2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Strbbasin #2 5/26/2004 • _> Sub-basin #2 -Bypass A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 79.22 acres On-site Area = 69.89 acres Off-site Area = 9.33 acres • Ou-site open 61 .2,54 Assume good condttion On stte impervious 98 0 21 ~ On site wooded . . 55 67.14 ~ Assume good condition _ . . i _ On stte pond 100 0.00 Off stte o en ~ p 61 ~~ 0.46 ; Assume good condition _ Offrsrteimpervtous _ 98 _ 0-00 ~ _ .._ .. _.__. . ~ Off-site wooded 1 55 8.87 ~ . ,.. . ___.__ _.__ _.__..__ Assume good condition Off-site Pond ~ 100 0.00 j - Total area = 79.22 acres 0.1238 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.27% Contributing Area j SCS CN Area jacres~ Comments B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is ca(cu(ated ersing SCS TR-S5. Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 50 ft Length = 558 ft Height = 2 ft Height = 33 ft Slope = 0.0400 ft/ft Slope = 0.0591 fr/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush Paved ? = No P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Velocity = ~.r~' ft/sec Segment Tinre = 8.$1 minutes Segment Tinre = l.3' minutes Segment 3: Channel F/ow Length = 2381 ft Height = 48.81 ft Slope = 0.0205 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4. 4 fUsec Segment Tinre = Y.3 % minutes Time of Concentration = 19.55 minutes SCS Lag Time = 11.73 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1955 hours Time Increment = 3.40 minutes = 0.29*SCS La J 20F2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #3 5/26/2004 • 1~ SCS CCIRI~:E NU:1iBI~R~` • Wooded TI. PQST~DEVI1aLOPMENT __> Sub-basin #3 - To Dry Pond A. Watershed Breakdown Composite SCS CN = 60 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (!'onservative !!) Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La ) • SCS CN Comments 98 - 61 _ Assume good condition 55 Assume Qood condition Total Sub-basin Area = 17.21 acres On-site Area = 17.21 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres) Comments On~sit~en ~ w 61 1 1.45 Assume good condition On-site impervious I 98 ~ 0.00 On-site wooded } 55 5.39 _... ~ Assume ood condition On site pond } _ 100..,_., I _0.37, Area at Top of Dam Conservative Off site open ~ _~ ( 61 i _ 0 00 _ _ Assume good conditionv~__ Off site impervious 98 0.00 - Off site wooded 55 ~ ~ ~ 00 i _..__ A ssume food condrt~on Off site Pond 100 v.OU I Total area = 17.21 acres 0.0269 sq.mi. 1 OF 2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #3 • => Sub-basin #3 -Bypass A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 4.57 acres On-site Area = 4.57 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres • • Contributing Area SCS CN f Area [acres] Onsite o~en_ _~ _ __ 61 _ 1.44 _ _ _ __On site imEerv~ous ~~ 98 ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ 0 00 ~ ~ On-site wooded 55 3 13~-~~~~~ On s~tepond 100 0 00 Off site open _ 61 ... _ . 0 00 _ Off site impervious 98 __~. _ __ 0 00 1 _ Off-s_ite wooded 1 -_ _ _ . . _ 55 _ _ ~ „_...,. _... 0 00 ~...., Oft=site Pond ~~w~ l ~ 100 x ~ _ ~ 0.00 ~, ~ ~ Total area = 4.57 acres 0.0071 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 57 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to S mi~u~tes (Conservative !!) B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Comments Assume ood condition __ ____~ Assume good condition Assume_~ood condition Assume_~od condition Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 20F2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #4 5/26/2004 r; ses cvHV>a NunlBCxs Cover Condition SCS CN Comments hnpervious 98 - ~~ _ __ ~__ .Open ~ 61 _ .Assume good condition _ ~..... g Wooded i 55 Assume ood condition [t. Pos r-DEVELOeIVIENT _> Sub-basin #4 A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 2.61 acres On-site Area = 2.61 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres Contributing Area ', SCS CN j Area ~acres~ Comments . ,~,~H...,...,.,.,, r ~ . „~.. .~.. ,~ ,~ On-site open _ -_ 61 ~ 0 98 _ Assume good condition On-site impervious _...__.. 98 __. _. _ _ ! 0 00 _ .. _ - __. On-site wooded _ 55 ~- _ _ -- _ __ 1 I.63 L - _ -- - .-- Assum~ood condition -_ - ____ ~__ _ _ -_~__-- On site pond 100 0 00 - __ Off site open _ 61 ( 0 00 Assume good condition _ ,.,.,,Off stte unpernous 98 _ _ 0 00 - _.._.. Off site wooded 55 ' 0 00 Assume good condition Off-site Pond l00 i 0.00 - Total area = 2.61 acres 0.0041 sq.mi. • Composite SCS CN = 57 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (Conseri~atire !!) • Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Lrcrement = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) 1 OF 1 • • Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) • MERCK VMF MER-04000 L SCS CURVE: NU;~1BtiR8 Wooded IF. POS"f-UEVELt?1'MEN"f _> Sub-basin #S - To North Wetland A. Watershed Breakdown HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Post-Development-Subbasin #S SCS CN ~ Comments 98 - ____ 6l _ _ _ Assume good condition _......_................ t._.............._--.__~. 55 Assume Qood condition Total Sub-basin Area = 21.89 acres On-site Area = 21.88 acres Off-site Area = 0.01 awes Contributing Area SCS CN ' Area JacresJ Comments ~~ _____On site open __ _ _ ._ _ _ 61 ~ 8 86 Asswne good eondrtion On site unpervious ~ _ _ _ _ 98 _ __ 12.00 - _ On site wooded y ~ _ _ 55 _. _ 0.00 ..._. . _ . .. ...... __.... _ .. _ .. ..,_ ..._.__.. Assumes cond~tton On site pond _ _ ~ 100 1.02 Aiea at To of Datn Conservative! P ~ Off site obi ~ _ __ 6 (_ __ 0.01 : _ _ _._ _ _ _. _ .. . _ __ Assume food cond~hon _ Off-sr[e unpewious 98 0.00 ~ - Off site . __ wooded _ 55 0 00 f ~ _ Assumepood cond~ti Off-site Pond ~ l00 0.00 - Total area = 21.89 acres 0.0342 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 83 Impervious = 54.82% B. Time of Concentratim~ Information Assume t{ie time of concentration is egatal to S minutes (Conservative !!) B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 I OF 2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #5 5/26/2004 • _> Sub-basin #5 -Bypass A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 25.71 acres On-site Area = 25.37 acres Off-site Area = 0.34 acres Contributing Area m~~ _ _ _,~ SCS CN ~ Area ]acres]... Comments. On site open ~ 61 1.64 Assume good condition On site unpervrous 98 000 On srte wooded 55 23.73 ~ . Assume good condition _On stte_pond ~ 100 ~ 0 00 Off site open 6l . 0._00 Assume good condmon Off-site rm~ernous 98 0 00 _~ __r Off site wooded i __.. _.__ _ _ .~. _ 55 __ __ _ . _._. 0.34 ~ _..__ _.._---- __.. __ .. Assume good condition _ _..... ~. Off-site Pond l00 0 00 ~ ~ , µ ,o ~ A x~~~ Total area = 25.71 acres 0.0402 sq.rni. Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overland Flow Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 50 ft Length = 839 ft • Height = Slope = 1 0.0200 ft ft/fr Height = 40.2 Slope = 0.0479 ft fr/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush Paved ? = No P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Velocity = .j3 ft/sec Segment Tinre = 11./3 minutes Segment Time = 3.yh nrlnutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 1336 ft Height = 51.6 ft Slope = 0.0386 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Chamiel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.97 ft/sec Segment Tinre = X1.98 minutes Time of Concentration = 20.07 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.04 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2007 hours Time Increment = 3.49 minutes = 0.29*SCS La 20F2 • HEC-HMS Project: MER-04000 StlbbaSn-<• CG ~'iu • Tc CP b'sb" ~~'~~ D Pond S. Wetland ~ - ry ~ ~ . - S r^~s '~ , S~~tnasin 4 ~~~ t~ :~ - Bpa~3s 5 `-z y ~ i Subbasir-2 Subbasin-s Subba r--'~ ?; X14"d N. WeflaOd 5aU„~~sir-~ .. C~Sipass Suboa:~,n,5 • Basin Model: SIA - HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 1 Yr • St t f R 21M 04 0000 ar o un ay Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1439 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 5.7548 Subbasin-2 - To SW 65.548 S. Wetland 0.45962 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 5.3521 Subbasin-2 5.7174 Subbasin-3 - To DP 6.7121 Dry Pond 0.55463 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 1.0208 Subbasin-3 1.4311 Subbasin-4 0.58946 Subbasin-5 - To NW 52.541 N. Wetland 0.43276 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 1.7094 •ubbasin-5 2.0567 21 May 04 1219 1.4224 0.123 21 May 04 1156 3.2912 0.039 21 May 04 2400 0.44833 0.039 21 May 04 1211 1.2715 0.124 21 May 04 1211 1.7198 0.163 21 May 04 1200 0.47706 0.027 21 May 04 1353 0.45840 0.027 21 May 04 1201 0.092942 0.007 21 May 04 1201 0.55134 0.034 21 May 04 1201 0.053671 0.004 21 May 04 1156 2.6352 0.034 21 May 04 2400 0.42157 0.034 21 May 04 1212 0.41275 0.040 21 May 04 1212 0.83432 0.074 • HMS * Summary of Results for N. Wetland C7 Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1439 Run Name 61704 - 1 Yr • Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 52.541 (cfs) Peak Outflow 0.43278 (efs) Total Inflow 1.44 (in) Total Outflow 0.23 (in) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1156 Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 21 May 04 2400 Peak Storaqe 2.2137 (ac-f t) Peak Elevation 327.46(ft) • HMS * Summary of Results for S. Wetland • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1439 Run Name 61704 - 1 Yr r~ Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 65.548 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1156 Peak Outflow 0.95962 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 21 May 04 2400 Total Inflow 1.59 (in) Peak Storage 2.8428 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.22 (in) Peak Elevation 335.90 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results for Dry Pond Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 1 Yr Start of Run 21May09 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1439 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 6.7121 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1200 Peak Outflow 0.55463 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1353 Total Inflow 0.33 (in) Peak Storage 0.14052 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.32 (in) Peak Elevation 292.96 (f t) C7 • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 2 Yr 2 0 0000 B i M d l t-61704 SIA - P td 1May 4 Start of Run as n o e ev os End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1525 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 18.104 Subbasin-2 - To SW 92.714 S. Wetland 0.52290 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 18.545 Subbasin-2 18.970 Subbasin-3 - To DP 13.245 Dry Pond 0.74024 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 2.3294 Subbasin-3 2.8170 Subbasin-4 1.3452 Subbasin-5 - To NW 75.331 N. Wetland 0.49463 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 5.9560 ~ubbasin-5 6.3566 21 May 04 1226 2.7084 0.123 21 May 04 1204 4.3597 0.039 21 May 04 2400 0.51865 0.039 21 May 04 1220 2.4900 0.124 21 May 04 1220 3.0087 0.163 21 May 04 1206 0.82343 0.027 21 May 04 1506 0.67310 0.027 21 May 04 1207 0.17149 0.007 21 May 04 1207 0.84459 0.034 21 May 04 1207 0.099027 0.004 21 May 04 1205 3.5399 0.034 21 May 04 2400 0.48898 0.034 21 May 04 1220 0.80840 0.040 21 May 04 1220 1.2974 0.074 • f~i5 * Summary of Results for N. Wetland • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time : 17Jun04 1525 Run Name 61704 - 2 Yr • Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 75.331 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1205 Peak Outflow 0.49463 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 2400 Total Inflow 1.94 (in) Peak Storage 3.0509(ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.27 (in) Peak Elevation 326.49(ft) • HIdS * Summary of Results for S. Wetland Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 2 Yr • Start of Run End of Run Execution Time 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year 17Jun04 1525 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT • Computed Results Peak Inflow 92.714 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 0.52290 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 2400 Total Inflow 2.10 (in) Peak Storage 3.8411(ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.25 (in) Peak Elevation 337.06(ft) • HMS * Summary of Results for Dry Pond Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1525 Run Name 61704 - 2 Yr • Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 13.245 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1206 Peak Outflow 0.74024 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1506 Total inflow 0.57 (in) Peak Storage 0.36846(ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.47 (in) Peak Elevation 299.40 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 10 Yr • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1526 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 70.767 Subbasin-2 - To SW 136.83 S. Wetland 19.066 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 78.925 Subbasin-2 83.901 Subbasin-3 - To DP 37.020 Dry Pond 1.3947 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 8.0502 Subbasin-3 8.7860 Subbasin-4 4.6487 Subbasin-5 - To NW 114.54 N. Wetland 15.581 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 25.302 ~ubbasin-5 32.474 21 May 04 1223 8.1088 0.123 21 May 04 1204 7.7116 0.039 21 May 04 1232 3.6767 0.039 21 May 04 1216 7.7132 0.124 21 May 04 1219 11.390 0.163 21 May 04 1205 2.1893 0.027 21 May 04 1538 1.0833 0.027 21 May 04 1205 0.49626 0.007 21 May 04 1205 1.5795 0.034 21 May 04 1205 0.28657 0.004 21 May 04 1204 6.4134 0.034 21 May 04 1233 3.0900 0.034 21 May 04 1217 2.5042 0.040 21 May 04 1224 5.5943 0.074 HMS * Summary of Results for N. Wetland Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 10 Yr • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1526 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 114.54 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 15.581 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1233 Total inflow 3.52 (in) Peak Storage 3.6577 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 1.69 (in) Peak Elevation 329.21 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results for S. Wetland • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1526 Run Name 61704 - 10 Yr • Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 136.83 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 19.086 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow : 21 May 04 1232 Total Inflow 3.72 (in) Peak Storage 4.9735 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 1.77 (in) Peak Elevation 337.77 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results for Dry Pond • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1526 Run Name 61704 - 10 Yr C~ Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 37.020 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1205 Peak Outflow 1.3947 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 09 1538 Total Inflow 1.53 (in) Peak Storage 1.3149(ac-f t) Total Outflow 0.76 (in) Peak Elevation 298.01 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 25 Yr • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 25 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1440 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (efs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 109.77 21 May 04 1222 12.034 0.123 Subbasin-2 - To SW 163.26 21 May 04 1204 9.7215 0.039 S. Wetland 51.973 21 May 04 1218 5.6597 0.039 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 123.76 21 May 04 1215 11.550 0.124 Subbasin-2 174.82 21 May 04 1216 17.210 0.163 Subbasin-3 - To DP 52.633 21 May 04 1205 3.1438 0.027 Dry Pond 8.3697 21 May 04 1233 1.9371 0.027 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 11.945 21 May 04 1205 0.72973 0.007 Subbasin-3 12.811 21 May 04 1205 2.6669 0.034 Subbasin-4 6.8976 21 May 04 1205 0.42140 0.004 Subbasin-5 - To NW 138.01 21 May 04 1204 8.1510 0.034 N. Wetland 42.762 21 May 04 1218 4.8199 0.034 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 39.765 21 May 04 1216 3.7501 0.040 •ubbasin-5 62.059 21 May 04 1217 8.5701 0.074 HMS * Summary of Results for N. Wetland • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1440 Run Name 61704 - 25 Yr • Computed Results Basin Model 3IA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 25 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 138.01 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 92.782 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1218 Total inflow 4.47 (in) Peak Storage 4.0123 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 2.64 (in) Peak Elevation 329.62 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results for S. Wetland Project MER-04000 Run Name 61704 - 25 Yr • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Sasin Model : 3IA - Postdevt-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 25 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1440 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 163.26 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 51.973 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1218 Total Inflow 4.69 (in) Peak Storage 4.8847(ac-f t) Total Outflow 2.73 (in) Peak Elevation 338.23 (f t) • • FII~IS * Summary of Results for Dry Pond • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1440 Run Name 61704 - 25 Yr • Computed Results Basin Model SIA - Postdevt-61704 Met. Model RDU - 25 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 52.633 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow : 21 May 04 1205 Peak Outflow 8.3697 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1233 Total inflow 2.19 (in) Peak Storage 1.4030 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 1.35 (in) Peak Elevation 298.28 (f t) • POST-DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS OFF-SITE AREA REMOVED • C7 MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 `~~, T TUDI)=D ~ v , ~~ I~ SUBBASIN #5 - 1~' ~ ' ,~' '~• '~ __ NOT STUDIED TOTAL = 25. ~r ,~ _ ~` ••` -- ' ~ o ~ -~~~ a acres ~ 1. ~ '~ __,.i ~~. '~_,-. .\ - ••'~_ _ ---- - t ~ ~' ~ hie" ,O-`• -- ;~ \ ~ ' ----' - ~ t i i 1 . ---„ i~ t i r•- ~ '`- ------ ..._._. `•• ~ q ~ / -- ~ ? 7TH 51 N #5 TO NW ~-- ~-----"_ - y ~ ~~j ~ ~.,. i I ~-----: -- ~~. \` -- ,_ c L = 21.88 acres 1 i TOTAL = i~~ d o, `~B$~511~#I 'AL = I.6 acres R~~ ~vF ~~~ GRAPHIC SCALE 400 0 200 400 800 1 inch = 400 ft. PEOJECr xo. MER-04000 ~ ''"$''`""E~ MER04000-SW2 v d 5~~: ~ 1 " = 400' ~' °~'R` 05-27-2004 l / i _-y~'"• i i ,, •\ `fib AREA NOT STUDIED _ ~f'.b0 acres _\~~'/~ J AREA NOT STUDIED = 14.52 acres MERCK DUF;HAM, NORTH CAROLINA POSE-DEVELOPMENT WATERSHED MAP i U -5E6MENT #I SEGMENT #2 SEGMENT #3 AREA NOT STUDIED L 0.52 acres / AREA NOT STUDIED _' ~ acres •`, ~~ ~ . J ~~ ~' ~ a ~a o'~ THE JOHN R. McADAMS COMPANY, INC. BNGINEERS/PLANNERS/SURVEYORS RESBARCH TRIANGLE P1RY, NC P.O. BOY 1400b ZIP 2770D-4005 (910) 301-5000 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #/ 5/26/2004 • I. SCS CURY~ NUhii3E~5 . Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Im ervious 98 - O en ___ 61 Assume ood condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition [[. PAST-DEYELOP113ENT _> Sub-basin tll - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 78.88 acres On-site Area = 61.68 acres Oft=site Area = 0.00 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area nacres] ~ Comments On-site o en 61 3.10 Assume ood condition On-site impervious _ _ 98 0.74 ~ - On site wooded 55 57 84 Assume ood condition ~ ~ _ .__ On-site pond 100_ _ 0.00 - Oft-site open _^ 61 - ---- _ 0.00 ~~ Assume good condition ~~~~ Off site im ernous P..._....._. 98 ..- 0 00 Off-site wooded ~~ ~~ _...... _, SS ___ _ ._...__ _. _.. ....._ _.__.... _..._......_._ _.. 0.00 Assu~ood condition __~_ ~ -__ ~~- Oft=site Pond 100 ... .._ _____ _______ _~ 0.00 • Total area = 61.68 0.0964 Composite SCS CN = 55.8 Impervious = 1.20% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overlnnd Flow Length = 50 Height = 1.9 Slope = 0.0380 Manning's n = 0.40 P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 Segment Time = 9.00 Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 180 Height = 2.5 Slope = 0.0139 Manning's n = 0.045 Flow Area = 4.00 W. Perimeter = 6.00 Channel Velocity = 2.98 Segment Time = 1.01 Time of Concentration = 20.02 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.01 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2002 hours Time Increment = 3.48 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) r~ acres sq.mi. Segment 2: Concentrated Flow ft Length = 203 ft ft Height = 12.2 ft lt/ft Slope = x.0601 ti/ft Woods -light underbrush Paved ? = No inches (Durham, NC) Velocity = 3.96 fUsec minutes Segment Time = 0.86 minutes Segment 6: Channel Flow ft Length = 2299 ft ft Height = 25 ft ft/fr Slope = 0.0109 ft/ft Natural Channel Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Flow Area = 16.00 sf (Assume 4' x 4' Channel) ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 12.00 ft (Assume 4' x 4' Channel) fUsec Channel Velocity = 4.18 ft/sec minutes Segment Time = 9.16 minutes ]OF1 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #2 5/26/2004 • I. SCS CURVE NUNiBT;RS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments ~~ Impervious__ ___ ~ 98 - O en 61 __ Assume ood condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition ILPQST~DEVEI:OP&iENT _> Sub-basin #1- To Soutlt Wetland - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 24.92 acres On-site Area = 24.54 acres Off'-site Area = 0 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area ~acres~ j Comments __........._..__On~site open__._.._._._t ._...___...___._.....__.._61._._._._.___.._._.___ 8.44 _Assume good condition.___.._.__.___..___.__.____._ On-site im ervious 98 . 15.00 - ____ On-site wooded _ _ 55 ~ 0.00 Assume good condition _On=site pond _______. Off-site open ~_ _ .._......_..__.._100 _______ 61 ____LIO ___~_____,_ Area atToQofDam(Conservative!) __._.__..._.. 0.00 Assume °ood condition Off-site im ervious 98 _____ 0.00 ~ - Off-site wooded 55 _ 0.00 Assume ood condition Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - Total area = • Composite SCS CN = 24.54 acres 0.0383 sq.mi. 85 Impervious = 61. l2% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to S minutes (Conservative !!) Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0 29*SCS La ) • 1 OF 2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #2 • _> Sub-basin #2 -Bypass - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 79.22 acres On-site Area = 69.89 acres Off-site Area = 0 acres Total area = 69.89 acres 0.1092 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.30% B. Time of Concentration Information Tune of concentration is ca(cu(ated using SCS TR-55. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft Height = 2 ft Slope = 0.0400 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 8.81 minutes Segment 3: Channel Flow Length = 2381 ft Height = 48.81 ft Slope = 0.0205 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 9.00 sf (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) W. Perimeter = 9.00 ft (Assume 3' x 3' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.74 ft/sec Segment Time = 8.37 minutes Contributing Area SCS CN Area ~acres~' Comments __ On-site open _ _ _~ 61 2.54 Assume good condition On site impervious 98 0.21 ~~ - On-site wooded 55 67.14~~~ ~ _.. Assume good condition ~~^ __m__ _On-site pond 100 ~ 0.00 - Off-site open ~ ____ 61 _ 0.00 ~ Assume good condition Off-site impervious1 _ .. 98 _.... 0.00 ~ - Off site wooded 55 _..._ 0 00 i Assume ood cond~UOn Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - • B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 558 ft Height = 33 ft Slope = 0.0591 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.92 ft/sec Segme~:t Time = 2.37 minutes Time of Concentration = 19.55 minutes SCS Lag Time = 11.73 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.1955 hours Time Increment = 3.40 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La ) • 20F2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #3 5/26/2004 I, SCS CURVE NUMBERS.;. Cover Condition SCS CN Comments Im ervious ~V 98 - O en 61 _ Assume ood condition _ Wooded 55 Assume good condition TI. POST-DEVELOPMENT __> Sub-basin #3 - To Dry Pond - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 17.21 acres On-site Area = 17.21 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres Contributing Area SCS CN Area [acres[ Comments On-site open _ __~_ 61 __! 11.45 ~~ Assume good condition On-site impervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded SS ~ __ _ 5.39 ~ Assume ood condition ~__ __OnTsit_e_~d__ _ 100 i 0.37 _ _ Area at T_op of Dam (Conservative!) _ ~ ~ ___ _ ~~ _ Off-site open ~.__ 61 _.___~____ ! ------{ _ 0.00 _. Assume good condition ~~ Off-site impervious ~ 98 i 0.00 - Off-site wooded _ ~ _ ~ ___ 55 ~T~ 0.00 _ Assume good condition Off-site Pond ~ 100 j 0.00 - • Total area = Composite SCS CN = Impervious = B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to ~ minutes (Conservative !!J 17.21 acres 0.0269 sq.mi. 60 0.00% Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) • 1 OF 2 MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #3 • => Sub-basin #3 -Bypass - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 4.57 acres On-site Area = 4.57 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area SCS CN ~ Area (acres] Comments __ On-site open _ __On-site impervious _ 61 __ ~___V 98 ~ ~ ~ 1.44_ ~ 0.00 i ______ _Assume good condition _ _ v - ____ On-site wooded 55 ~ 3.13 ___ _ ~~ Assume good condition ~~ ____~ On-site pond ' _ 100_~ __ ~ _ 0.00 ~ - v Off-site open _ ___ 61 ____ ____ ~ 0.00 _ _ _ _ ___ _____ __ ~_~ __Assume good condition ~~ _ Of_f-site impervious 98 ~~~ 0.00 ~ - Off-site wooded ' -----..________~~..._..._...._.j Off-site Pond ~ S5 ~ __.._.__----------._._..._.__...._.._.__ 100 0.00 ~._...__-_._---. 0.00 ~ ~~`-` Assume ood condition ____.___..._..---__...__-._~__~._~__..--------._____._ - Total area = Composite SCS CN = Impervious = • • 4.57 acres 0.0071 sq.mi. 57 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the trme of concentration rs equal to 5 mrnutes (Conservative !!) Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours __ Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0 29*SCS Lag) 20F2 MERCK vMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #4 • I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments _____Impervious.__ _ _~. _.__._ .. _. _ _ 98 _ _ _ _ O en _. ... . _._ _ __._...___..__-- 61 ._~_________ __~____ __ Assume ood condition Wooded 55 Assume good condition )Z, POST-DEVELOPMENT _> Sub-basin #4 - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 2.61 acres On-site Area = 2.61 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Contributing Area ~ SCS CN Area ~acres~ Comments ~__On-site open .____...._._.... 61 _.._. x_98,_. _.._. _..........__. __. _._._._._._..._Assume good condition ___.__..._._.....__.._____. On-site im ervious 98 0.00 - On-site wooded S5 1.63 __ _ ~ _Assume~ood condition _ __ On site pond 100 0.00 - _ Off site open ~- ~ 61 __~ _ 0.00 ~ _ Assume good condition _ --~~TTmm~ Off--site impervious 98 0.00 _ 0 _ ___ _ ~ ~ Off-site wooded ___ _55 _ ~ ~_ ____ Assu_m_ e.good condition ____ ~ 100 Off-site Pond 0.00 - • Total area = Composite SCS CN = Impervious = Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag= 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) • 2.61 acres 0.0041 sq.mi. 57 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to 5 minutes (Conservative !!) 1 OF I MERCK VMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #5 5/26/2004 • I. SCS CURVE NUMBERS Cover Condition SCS CN Comments ____ ______ _~_~_ _- Oven _..___~~ ___~ 61 Assume good condition ~__ Wooded 55 Assume good condition Total Sub-basin Area = 21.89 acres On-site Area = 21.88 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres li. PQST-DEVELOP>vTE~~' _> Sub-basin #S - To Nortlr Wetland - Onsite Onty A. Watershed Breakdown Contributing Area SCS CN Area ~acres~ ~ Comments .._ _..On-site open _...._.j .......__... 6.1_....._.... ._.._..._._ g~gb ..__._._._.._ _______....._Assume~ood condition On-site im ervious 98 12.00 - On-site wooded 55 ~ 0.00 Assume~od condition On srte~ond t 100 _ 1 A2 Area at To~of Dam (Conservatroe~) Off site open _ _ _ _ _ 61 _.. 0 00 Assume food condition Off-site impervious Off-site wooded 98 55 __ ~ 0.00 - 0.00 Assume food condition Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - • Total area = Composite SCS CN = Impervious = Z 1.88 acres 0.0342 sq.mi. 83 54.84% B. Time of Concentration Information Assume the time of concentration is equal to S minutes (Conservative !!) Time of Concentration = 5.00 minutes SCS Lag Time = 3.00 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.0500 hours Time Increment = 0.87 minutes (= 0.29*SCS Lag) • I OF 2 MERCK vMF HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS MER-04000 Post-Development-Subbasin #S • _> Sub-basin #S -Bypass - Onsite Only A. Watershed Breakdown Total Sub-basin Area = 25.71 acres On-site Area = 25.37 acres Off-site Area = 0.00 acres Total area = 25.37 acres 0.0396 sq.mi. Composite SCS CN = 55 Impervious = 0.00% B. Time of Concentration Information Time of concentration is calculated using SCS TR-SS. Segment 1: Overland Flow Length = 50 ft Height = 1 ft Scope = 0.0200 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.40 Woods -light underbrush P (2-year/24-hour) = 3.6 inches (Durham, NC) Segment Time = 11.63 minutes Segment 3: Cbannel Flow Length = 1336 - ft Height = 51.6 ft Slope = 0.0386 ft/ft Manning's n = 0.045 Natural Channel Flow Area = 4.00 sf (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) W. Perimeter = 6.00 ft (Assume 2' x 2' Channel) Channel Velocity = 4.97 ft/sec Segment Time = 4.48 minutes Contributing Area SCS CN Area nacres] ; Comments On-site open __ __ 61 1.64 ~ Assume good condition ,_ On_site im ernous 98 0.00 On-site wooded _~~.__._...._ ~ _.___~__~_.. O it d 55 .__..___...~.._____._ _.___.__.. ~ 100 23.73 ~ _ _ A_ssu_me~ondition ___._.~ _ ____._..__~_..._.__ ~ mm ~ n-s e~on 0.00 - Off-site o en ~ ~ _ _ _ ~ ~ 61 ~ ~~ __ _ __ __ __ _ _ 0.00 ~~ Assume ood condition g Off-site im ervious _. P ... 98 0.00 Oft site wooded 55 0 00 , Assume ood condrt_ion ~ ~~ Off-site Pond 100 0.00 - • B.R. FINCH, PE 5/26/2004 Segment 2: Concentrated Flow Length = 839 ft Height = 40.2 ft Slope = 0.0479 ft/ft Paved ? = No Velocity = 3.53 ft/sec Segment Time = 3.96 minutes Time of Concentration = 20.07 minutes SCS Lag Time = 12.04 minutes (SCS Lag = 0.6* Tc) = 0.2007 hours Time Increment = 3.49 minutes (= 0.29*SCS La ) • 20F2 • HEC-HMS Project: MER-04000 Basin Model: SIA - i` < Subbas~•2 • To S~Pi S. We~aod %- Spas=.. ,, ti Subbasir 2 „~ S~,tbavir-u -1e hl'r'v N. Weflaod 5 t ~ci-:i - c jDa55 ~;, `'csll? ~' Subbas~n~6 • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Post OS - 1 • f Start o Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt - OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 1 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1547 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 5.2560 Subbasin-2 - To SW 64.537 S. Wetland 0.45400 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 4.7209 Subbasin-2 5.0845 Subbasin-3 - To DP 6.7121 Dry Pond 0.55463 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 1.0208 Subbasin-3 1.4311 Subbasin-4 0.58946 Subbasin-5 - To NW 52.541 N. Wetland 0.43278 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 1.6839 •ubbasin-5 2.0312 21 May 04 1211 1.0913 0.096 21 May 04 1156 3.2404 0.038 21 May 04 2400 0.44480 0.038 21 May 04 1211 1.1215 0.109 21 May 04 1211 1.5663 0.148 21 May 04 1200 0.47706 0.027 21 May 04 1353 0.45840 0.027 21 May 04 1201 0.092942 0.007 21 May 04 1201 0.55134 0.034 21 May 04 1201 0.053671 0.004 21 May 04 1156 2.6352 0.034 21 May 04 2400 0.42157 0.034 21 May 04 1212 0.40659 0.040 21 May 04 1212 0.82816 0.074 • HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Post OS - 2 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA - Postdevt - OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 2 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1548 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (efs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 16.282 Subbasin-2 - To SW 91.294 S. Wetland 0.51929 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 16.362 Subbasin-2 16.782 Subbasin-3 - To DP 13.247 Dry Pond 0.74026 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 2.3299 Subbasin-3 2.8175 Subbasin-4 1.3454 Subbasin-5 - To NW 75.340 N. Wetland 0.49464 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 5.8685 ~ubbasin-5 6.2691 21 May 04 1220 2.0864 0.096 21 May 04 1204 4.2926 0.038 21 May 04 2400 0.51505 0.038 21 May 04 1220 2.1965 0.109 21 May 04 1220 2.7116 0.148 21 May 04 1206 0.82348 0.027 21 May 04 1506 0.67313 0.027 21 May 04 1207 0.17150 0.007 21 May 04 1207 0.84462 0.034 21 May 04 1207 0.099033 0.004 21 May 04 1205 3.5400 0.034 21 May 04 2400 0.48899 0.034 21 May 04 1220 0.79638 0.040 21 May 04 1220 1.2654 0.074 HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name Post OS - 10 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model 3IA - Postdevt - OS End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 10 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1549 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 64.731 Subbasin-2 - To SW 134.73 S. Wetland 17.653 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 69.628 Subbasin-2 72.544 Subbasin-3 - To DP 37.025 Dry Pond 1.3954 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 8.0514 Subbasin-3 8.7872 Subbasin-4 4.6494 Subbasin-5 - To NW 114.55 N. Wetland 15.586 Subbasin-5 - Bypass 24.928 •ubbasin-5 32.173 21 May 04 1216 6.2847 0.096 21 May 04 1204 7.5929 0.038 21 May 04 1233 3.5598 0.038 21 May 04 1216 6.6039 0.109 21 May 04 1219 10.364 0.148 21 May 04 1205 2.1894 0.027 21 May 04 1538 1.0834 0.027 21 May 04 1205 0.49628 0.007 21 May 04 1205 1.5796 0.034 21 May 04 1205 0.28658 0.004 21 May 04 1204 6.4136 0.034 21 May 04 1233 3.0902 0.034 21 May 04 1217 2.4670 0.040 21 May 04 1224 5.5572 0.074 • • FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS NORTH STORMWATER WETLAND • • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 / ~" C7 VV1s;oafad\~X MERCK MER-04000 • Stage-Stora>?e Function Project Name: Merck Vaccine Facility -North Wetland Designer: B.R. Finch, PE Job Number: MER-04000 Date: 6/17/2004 • Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S-S Fxn (feet) ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ 324.00 0.00 ~ 21281 ~~- ~ ~~~~_- 326.00 2.00 _ 2 86 75 24978 49956 _ _ 49956 ~ _2.02 _ ~ _ 328.00 _ ~ 4.00 _W __ _ _ ___ 34535 _ __ 31605 63210 113166 3.94 330.00 6.00 39712 37124 74247 187413 5.95 332.00 8.00 46546 ~ _ 43129 86258 273671 8.11 ', Storage vs. Stage ~, 300000 250000 LL 200000 I U 150000 ~ o ~ 100000 50000 0 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 '~ i - Stage (feet) Ks = 21165 b = 1.2227 • B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 NW MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 • • STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION North Wetland __> Stage -Storage Function Ks= 21165 b = 1.2227 Zo = 324.00 Elevation ~ Storage ! Storage 324.00 0 0.000 324.2 _ 2958 0.068 324.4 6903 0.158 324.6 ~ 11333 0.260 _ 324.8 16111 0.370 325 21165 0.486 325.2 26450_ 0.607 325.4 31937 0.733 _ 325.6 37601 0.863 325.8 43425 0.997 ~. 326 49396 1.134 326.2 55501 1.274 326.4 61731 1.417 326.6 68078 1.563 326.8 ~~~~ ~~ __ 74535 _ 1.711 327 81095 1.862 327.2 87754 2.015 327.4 94506 2.170 327.6 101347 2.327 327.8 108273 2.486 328 115281 2.646 _ _ ~~ 328.2~~W 122367 2.809 328.4 _328.6 ~ 328.8 129529 136764 _ 144069 2.974 3.140 3.307 329 ~~ 151443 _3.477 _ ~~~~ 329.2 ~ 158882 3.647 329.4 166386 3.820 ~v~_V 329.6 173951 3.993 _ 329.8 _ 181577 4.168 3_30 _ 330.2 330.4 189262 197004 204802 ___4.345 4.523 4.702 330.6 _.....___..._......._.__., __330.8 _ 331 ~ _..~____._._..._...v_. 331.2 ~~~~~331.4 ~ 212655 ~_.._~ .~..,,,,_.,, 22_0560 22851~8~~~~ ____ 236526 _ 244584 4.882 ~~_____V_,_. 5.063 _ 5.246 ______~ 5.430 5.615 331.6 252691 X31.8 260845 332 269046 5.801 5.988 6.176 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 SS FXN-NW 1~I J Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 329.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 332.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY Page 1.01 ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 330.000 332.000 Stand Pipe RI ---> BA 328.800 332.000 Orifice-Circular OR ---> BA 324.000 332.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 321.300 332.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel ~, .. 1x11 u S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 5/25/2009 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: Page 1.02 OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = ES Structure Type = Weir-Rectangular # of Openings = 1 Crest Elev. = 330.00 ft Weir Length = 50.00 ft Weir Coeff. = 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) • Structure ID = RI Structure Type = Stand Pipe # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 328.80 ft Diameter = 6.0000 ft Orifice Area = 28.2793 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 18.85 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Manninqs n = .0000 Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 324.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 5/25/2009 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 1.03 Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF • Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ----------------------------- No. Barrels = 1 ------- Barrel Diameter = 4.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 321.30 ft Dnstream Invert = 320.80 ft Horiz. Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00694 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .009925 (per ft of full flow) Kr = .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 Slope Factor = -.500 • Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at Tl & T2... At T1 Elev = 325.93 ft ---> Flow = 87.96 cfs At T2 Elev = 326.51 ft ---> Flow = 100.53 cfs • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 8:49 AM Date: 5/25/2009 J Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .Ol ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs C7 • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 8:49 AM Page 1.09 Date: 5/25/2009 • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5 /25/2009 Project Enginee r: Brandon R. Finch Project Titl e: Merck VM F Project Comment s: ***** COM POSITE OUTF LOW SUMMARY *** * WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------ Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft -------- cfs -- - ft +/-ft Contributin g Structures 329.00 - --- .00 ------ Free -- ----- Outfall --------------- (no Q: ES,RI, ----------- OR,BA) 329.20 .06 Eree Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 324.90 .12 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 324.60 .16 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 329.80 .19 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 325.00 .22 Eree Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 325.20 .24 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 325.90 .27 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 325.60 .29 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 325.80 .31 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 326.00 .32 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 326.20 .34 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 326.90 .36 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 326.60 .37 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 326.80 .39 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 327.00 .90 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 327.20 .91 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 327.40 .43 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 327.60 .49 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 327.80 .45 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 328.00 .97 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 328.20 .98 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 328.40 .99 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 328.60 .50 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 328.80 .51 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 329.00 5.58 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 329.20 14.89 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 329.40 26.82 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 329.60 91.01 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 329.80 57.07 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 330.00 74.83 Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) 330.20 105.77 Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,B A 330.40 197.75 Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,B A 330.60 197.31 Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,B A Page 1.16 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 8:50 AM Date: 5/25/2009 • Il J1 u • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... North Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 330.60 ------- 253.11 331.00 297.06 331.20 390.31 331.90 387,08 331.60 437.15 331.80 490.25 332.00 596.22 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** ------- Converge TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Eree Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes Contributing Structures ----------------------- ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) ES, RI, BA (no Q: OR) E5,RI,BA (no Q: OR) ES, RI, BA (no Q: OR) ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Page 1.17 The John R. McAdams Company Time: 8:50 AM Date: 5/25/2009 MERCK VMF MER-04000 • Stormwater Project Name: Designer: Checked by: Job Number: Date: Wetland Design Sheet Merck VMF -North Wetland R. Jimenez, Jr. EI B. Finch, PE MER-04000 6/ 17/2004 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) ___ __ ~ ~~~ 324.00 0.0 21281 ~ ~__ ___. _ __ 326.00 2.0 28675 24978 49956 49956 2.02 328.00 __.___. _ _.___..._.._ 4.0 _.._ __.. _ _ _ _ . 34535 _.__....._....... _ _.....__... 31605 .._._,_ _ ~._____w_ 63210 ___~ ._ . 113166 3.94 330.00 6.00 39712 37124 _ _.~_,___. 74247 _____ ___.._._ 187413 .__.____ ~ ~___._~_ 5.95 332.00 8.00 46546 43129 86258 273671 8.11 ~ Storage vs. Stage 300000 250000 ', LL 200000 U rn 150000 R ~ o in 100000 50000 0 y = 21165x1222' RZ = 0.9995 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 '8.0 1 0.0 Stage (feet) Ks = 21165 b = 1.2227 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the wetland for the 1"storm detention requirement is calculated using the SCS curve number method. Impervious areas that directly enter the wetland are counted as Directly Connected Impervious Areas (DCIAs). No infiltration calculation will be provided for these areas. Areas not directly connected will be accounted for in a composite curve number. From SCS Soils Survey map, predominant hydrologic soil type = B Using basic SCS runoff methodology, with no adjustments made to initial abstractions (0.2*S and 0.8*S). • Impervious Area, directly connected (DCIA) = 12.00 acres cr CN = 98 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 1 OF 2 MERCK VMF B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 6/17/2004 i Other areas draining to wetland (not DCIA) = 9.89 acres @CN= 61 Runoff from DCIAs =_> Precipitation amount = 1.0 inches S = 0.204 inches (calculated) Q* = 0.791 inches (calculated) Runoff volume = 34452 CF Runoff from non-connected areas =_> Precipitation amount = 1.0 inches S = 6.393 inches (calculated) Q* = 0.000 inches (calculated) Runoff volume = 0 CF Therefore, total runoff from reci itation in uestion = 34452 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the wetland above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. • Calculation of depth required for runoff storage pool (above normal pool) Normal pool depth (above invert) = 0.00 feet Storage provided at permanent pool depth = 0 CF (calculated) Total storage required for normal + storage pool = 34452 CF Stage (above invert) associated with this storage = 1.49 feet Therefore, depth required above normal pool for storm storage = 1.49 feet 17.87 inches Set crest of principal spillway at stage = 4.80 feet and EL = 328.80 feet At principal spillway crest, storm pool storage provided = 144069 CF • 2OF2 MERCK VMF MER-04000 • North Wetland Surfac Project Name: Designed by: Checked by: Job Number: Date: .e Area Requirements Merck VMF R. Jimenez, Jr. El B. Finch, PE MER-04000 6/ 17/2004 Wetland Drainage Area Description =_> B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 Total DA = 21.89 acres Impervious Area = 12.00 acres • Ultimate Depth of wetland = 3.00 feet SA / DA ratios for drainage areas and depth (NCDENR, April 1999): '~~~~'~""' ~ ~~ DA % impervious = 54.82% SA /DA ratio calculations =_> ~'`'~' i~t~' 3.00 Lower Limit =_> 50.00% 2.06% Calc'd value =_> 54.82% 2.22% Upper Limit =_> 60.00% 2.40% ~ Therefore, SA / DA required for this configuration = 2.22% ~' S1 ~- ~ 1 4~~, Wetland Surface Area Required =_> Wetland SA Required = 21205 SF Wetland SA Provided = 21281 SF OK • ~: • Drawdown Time = 1.98 days 47.51 hours By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.688 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ft2 Q = 0.1960 cfs Drawdown Time =Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.05 days 49.25 hours • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Inverted Siphon Design Sheet -North Wetland D siphon = 3 inches No. siphons = 1 Ks = 21165 b = 1.2227 Cd siphon = 0.60 Siphon Invert = 324.00 feet Volume @ Normal Pool = 0 CF Basin Invert = 324.00 feet WSEL (feet) Vol. Stored c Siphon Flow (cfs) Avg. Flow (cfs Incr. Vol. cf) Incr. Time sec 325.500 34748 0.277 325.425 32641 0.269 0.273 2107 7721 325.350 30558 0.261 0.265 2083 7854 325.276 28501 0.253 0.257 2057 7999 325.201 26470 0.245 0.249 2030 8156 325.126 24468 0.236 0.240 2002 8329 325.051 22495 0.227 0.232 1973 8519 324.976 20553 0.218 0.222 1942 8731 324.901 18644 0.208 0.213 1909 8969 324.827 16770 0.198 0.203 1874 9240 324.752 14934 0.187 0.192 1837 9553 324.677 13137 0.175 0.181 1796 9919 324.602 11385 0.163 0.169 1753 10359 324.527 9680 0.150 0.156 1705 10902 324.453 8029 0.135 0.142 1651 11599 324.378 6437 0.119 0.127 1591 12546 324.303 4915 0.100 0.109 1522 13955 324.228 3475 0.073 0.086 1440 16696 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/17/2004 Conclusion : Use 3" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to dawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 "storm runoff, with a required time of about 2 days. Merck VMF Project # MER-04000 VELOCITY DISSIPATOR DESIGN Designed By: B. R. Finch, PE Velocity Dissipator -North Wetland NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs : 17 Flow depth (ft) = 1.02 slope S in % :0.69 Outlet velocity (fps) = 6.732 pipe diameter D in in.: 48 Manning number n :0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results • Pipe diameter (ft) Outlet velocity (ff Apron length (ft) AVG DIAM STONE (inches) CLASS 3 A »6 B 13 Borl 23 2 4.00 ~s) 6.73 24.00 THICKNESS (inches) 9 22 22 27 Width Calculation WIDTH = La + Do WIDTH = 24 + 4 WIDTH = 28 FEET CONCLUSION Use 6" DIA NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap 24'L x 28'W x 22"Thick • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Anti-Seen Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements =_> Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. Anti-Seep Collar Design =_> B.R. FINCH, PE. 5/27/2004 Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (feet) OK? N. Wetland 72.0 2.70 2.00 25 2.00 24 YES • Note : If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 NORTH WETLAND Manhole RiserBarrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data =_> Inside diameter of manhole = Wall thickness of manhole = Base thickness of manhole = Base diameter of manhole = Inside height of Manhole = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) _ Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present =_> Total amount of concrete: Adjust for openings: • Base of Manhole = Manhole Walls = Opening for barrel = Opening for drain pipe = 6.00 feet 7.00 inches 8.00 inches 7.17 feet 7.50 feet 142.0 PCF 63.5 inches 8.0 inches 1 14.44 CF 26.893 CF 90.485 CF 12.829 CF 0.204 CF B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 Note: NC Products lists unit wt. of manhole concrete at 142 PCF. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 104.345 CF Weight of concrete present = 14817 lbs Amount of water displaced =_> Displacement by concrete = 104.345 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 212.058 CF Displacement by trash rack = 1 14.440 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 430.843 CF Weight of water displaced = 26885 lbs • MERCK VMF NORTH WETLAND B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 5/27/2004 • Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser =_> Safety factor to use = 1.15 (recommend 1.15 or higher) Must add = 16100 ]bs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 232.605 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 26.893 CF of concrete Therefore, base design must have = 259.498 CF of concrete Calculate size of base for riser assembly =_> Diameter = 11.000 feet Thickness = 33.0 inches . Concrete Present = 261.342 CF OK Check validity of base as designed =_> Total Water Displaced = 665.292 CF Total Concrete Present = 338.794 CF Total Water Displaced = 4 ] 514 lbs Total Concrete Present = 48109 lbs Actual safety factor = 1.16 OK Results of design =_> Base diameter = 11.00 feet Base Thickness = 33.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 9.61 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF • FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS SOUTH STORMWATER WETLAND • • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 J • • ,'. ~\ ~ ~ ~ ~ __ ~- ~ ~ -4j~ ~r v l~ ~- .• ~~ ~~ i ~~ Q z ~O 3 !! O Ob~6 `4~u!~'Wd Z0~£L~6 b00Z/Ll/9 `6MP'XOOb0213W\b00Z-L1-9\~2i9\u»oiS\OOObO-2~3W\2i3W\sl~a(ad\~X ~~~~~`. MERCK MER-04000 • Stage-Storage Function Project Name: Merck Vaccine Facility -South Wetland Designer: B.R. Finch, PE Job Number: MER-04000 Date: 6/17/04 Average Incremental Accumulated Estimated Contour Contour Contour Contour Stage Contour Stage Area Area Volume Volume w/ S-S Fxn (feet) (feet) (SF) (SF) (CF) (CF) (feet) 332.00 0.00 26712 _338.0_0 6.00 40828 38330 _~ 76660 201876 5.95 340.00 8.00 45988 ~ 43408 86816 288692 8.12 Storage vs. Stage ', 334.00 2.00 31336 29024 58048 58048 ~ 2.02 336.00 4.00 35832 v 33584 67168 125216 3.93 350000 300000 250000 • '~ R` = 0.9994 ~ 200000 jd ii c 150000 ~~ ~ ~, 100000 ', ~ 50000 I 'I 0 I 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 ', Stage (feet) Ks = 25801 b = 1.1533 C, B.R. FINCH, PE 6/17/2004 SW • r] • MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION South Wetland __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 25801 b = 1.1533 Zo = 332.00 Elevation { Storage ~ Storage 332.00 0 0.000 332.2 4032 0.093 _ 332.4 8968 0.206 332.6 14315 _ _ 0.329 332.8 19947 0.458 333 25801 0.592 333.2 _ 31839 0.731 333.4 38033 __ 0.873 333.6 44366 1.018 333.8 50821 1.167 __ 334 57387 1.317 334.2 64055 1.470 334.4 70816 1.626 334.6 77665 _ _ _ 1.783 334.8 335 84595 91601 1.942 2.103 ~ 335.2 98679 2.265 335.4 105826 2.429 335.6 335.8 I~ 113037mm 120310 ~2.595mmTmm 2.762 336 127642 2.930 _ _ 3 36.2 _ , 135030 ~ 3.100 _ 336.4 1424 72 3.271 ~~ 336.6 336.8 ___. _ 149967 157511 _ 3.443 ~~ _ 3.616 ~ 337 165104 3.790 337.2 172744 3.966 _ 337.4 180429 _ 4.142 337.6 188158 _ 4.320 ~ 337.8 195929 _ 4.498 3_38_ ~~~~ 338.2_ _ 338.4 20374_1 ~_~~211593~~~ 219485 4.677 ~~~~~~~~4.858 ~~~ _ 5.039 338.6 338.8 227414 ~ 235380 5.221 5.404 _339_ 243382 5.587_ 339.2 251419 5.772 339.4 339.6 ___339.8~~~~~ 340 _ 259491 26759_6 _~~~275733~~ ~ 283903 ~ 5.957~~mm 6.143 ~~~~~~6.330~~~~~ 6.518 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 SS FXN-SW Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 1.01 Name.... South Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch • Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 332.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 340.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 338.300 340.000 Stand Pipe RI ---> BA 337.300 340.000 Orifice-Circular OR ---> BA 332.000 340.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 327.700 340.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... South Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. Page 1.02 ES Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 338.30 ft 50.00 ft 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = RI Structure Type = Stand Pipe # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 337.30 ft Diameter = 6.0000 ft Orifice Area = 28.2743 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 18.85 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 332.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... South Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ------------------ = Culvert-Circular ------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 4.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 327.70 ft Dnstream Invert = 327.00 ft Horiz. Length = 84.00 ft Barrel Length = 84.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00833 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .004925 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 Page 1.03 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 Tl ratio (HW/D) = 1.156 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 Slope Factor = -.500 C, • Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 332.32 ft ---> Flow = 87.96 cfs At T2 Elev = 332.91 ft ---> Flow = 100.53 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... South wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maxi mum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs r] • Page 1.09 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... South Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5 /25/2004 Project Enginee r: Brandon R. Finch Project Titl e: Merck VM F Project Comment s: ** *** COM POSITE OUTF LOW SUMMARY *** * WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ------ -- Converge ------- ---- --- ----------- Elev. Q TW El ev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contrib uting Structures 332.00 .00 Free Outfall (no Q: ES,RI, OR,BA) 332.20 .06 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 332.40 .12 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 332.60 .16 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 332.80 .19 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 333.00 .22 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 333.20 .24 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 333.40 .27 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 333.60 .29 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 333.80 .31 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 334.00 .32 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 334.20 .34 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 334.40 .36 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 334.60 .37 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 334.80 .39 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 335.00 .40 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 335.20 .41 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 335.40 .43 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 335.60 .49 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 335.80 .45 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 336.00 .47 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 336.20 .48 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES, RI) 336.40 .99 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 336.60 .50 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 336.80 .51 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) 337.00 .52 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 337.20 .53 Free Outfall OR,BA (no Q: ES,RI) 337.30 .54 Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) 337.40 2.33 Free Outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: ES) 337.60 9.85 Free Outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: ES) 337.80 20.56 Free Outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: ES) 338.00 33.69 Free Outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: ES) 338.20 48.87 Free outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: E5) 338.30 57.19 Free Outfall RI,OR,B A (no Q: ES) Page 1.16 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2009 • • • Type.... Composite Ratinq Curve Name.... South Wetland File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 338.40 ------- 69.94 338.60 105.77 338.80 150.91 339.00 201.99 339.20 259.53 339.40 322.36 339.60 384.13 339.80 932.33 340.00 483.69 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes ------ -- Converge ------------- ------------ TW El ev Error ft ------ +/-ft -- ----- - Contributing --- Structures Free Outfall ---------- ES,RI,OR,BA ------------ Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Page 1.17 The John R. McAdams Company Time: 7:36 AM Date: 5/27/2004 MERCK VMF MER-04000 • Stormwater Project Name: Designer: Checked by: Job Number: Date: Wetland DesiSn Sheet Merck VMF -South Wetland R. Jimenez, Jr. EI B. Finch, PE MER-04000 6/ 17/2004 Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S-S Fxn (feet) 332.00 0.0 26712 334.00 2.0 31336 29024 58048 58048 2.02 336.00 4.0 35832 335 84 67168 125216 _ ~ 3.93 338.00 6.00 ~ ~ 40828 _ __ 38330 _ 76660 201876 5.95 340.00 8.00 45988 43408 86816 288692 8.12 r~ 350000 300000 IiI LL 250000 V 200000 m rn 0 150000 I ~ 100000 I 50000 I 0 8.0 10.0 0.0 I • Ks = 25801 b = 1.1533 Calculation of Runoff Volume required for storage The runoff to the wetland for the I" storm detention requirement is calculated using the SCS curve number method. Impervious areas that directly enter the wetland are counted as Directly Connected Impervious Areas (DCIAs). No infiltration calculation will be provided for these areas. Areas not directly connected will be accounted for in a composite curve number. From SCS Soils Survey map, predominant hydrologic soil type = B Using basic SCS runoff methodology, with no adjustments made to initial abstractions (0.2*S and 0.8*S). Impervious Area, directly connected (DCIA) = 15.00 acres @ CN = 98 1 OF 2 Storage vs. Stage y = 25801x'.'sas Rz = 0.9994 2.0 4.0 6.0 Stage (feet) B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 MERCK VMF B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 6/17/2004 • Other areas draining to wetland (not DCIA) = 9.92 acres @CN= 61 Runoff from DCIAs =_> Precipitation amount = 1.0 inches S = 0.204 inches (calculated) Q* = 0.791 inches (calculated) Runoff volume = 43065 CF Runoff from non-connected areas =_> Precipitation amount = 1.0 inches S = 6.393 inches (calculated) Q* = 0.000 inches (calculated) Runoff volume = 0 CF Therefore, total runoff from reci itation in uestion = 43065 CF This amount of runoff must be stored in the wetland above normal pool elevation, and be released in a period of two (2) to five (5) days, by an inverted PVC siphon, the invert end of which is set at permanent pool elevation. • Calculation of depth required for runoff storage pool (above normal pool) Normal pool depth (above invert) = 0.00 feet Storage provided at permanent pool depth = 0 CF (calculated) Total storage required for normal + storage pool = 43065 CF Stage (above invert) associated with this storage = 1.56 feet Therefore, depth required above normal pool for storm storage = 1.56 feet 18.71 inches Set crest of principal spillway at stage = 5.30 feet and EL = 337.30 feet At principal spillway crest, storm pool storage provided = 176581 CF 2OF2 • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 South Wetland Surface Area Requirements Project Name: Designed by: Checked by: Job Number: Date: Merck VMF R. Jimenez, Jr. EI B. Finch, PE MER-04000 6/ 17/2004 Wetland Drainage Area Description =_> Total DA = Impervious Area = 24.92 acres 15.00 acres DA % impervious = SA /DA ratio calculations =_> 60.19% Ultimate Depth of wetland = 3.00 feet SA / DA ratios for drainage areas and depth (NCDENR, April 1999): 3.00 Lower Limit =_> 60.00% 2.40% Calc'd value =_> 60.19% 2.41 Upper Limit =_> 70.00% 2.88% Therefore, SA / DA required for this configuration = 2.41% Wetland Surface Area Reauired =_> Wetland SA Required = 26153 SF Wetland SA Provided = 26712 SF OK B.R. FINCH, PE 6/17/2004 • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Inverted Siphon Design Sheet -South Wetland D siphon No. siphons Ks b Cd siphon Siphon Invert Volume @ Normal Pool Basin Invert 3 inches I 25801 1.1533 0.60 332.00 feet 0 CF 332.00 feet WSEL feet) Vol. Stored cf) Siphon Flow (cfs Avg. Flow cfs) Incr. Vol. (cf) Incr. Time sec) 333.600 44366 0.287 333.519 41775 0.279 0.283 2591 9168 333.437 39205 0.270 0.274 2570 9362 333.356 36658 0.262 0.266 2547 9574 333.275 34134 0.253 0.257 2524 9805 333.193 31634 0.244 0.248 2499 10060 333.112 29161 0.234 0.239 2473 10342 333.031 26715 0.225 0.230 2446 10657 332.949 24299 0.214 0.219 2416 11013 332.868 21914 0.203 0.209 2385 11420 332.787 19563 0.192 0.198 2351 11892 332.705 17249 0.180 0.186 2314 12449 332.624 14976 0.167 0.173 2273 13122 332.543 12748 0.153 0.160 2228 13961 332.461 10571 0.137 0.145 2177 15049 332.380 8452 0.119 0.128 2119 16554 332.299 6402 0.098 0.109 2050 18852 332.217 4437 0.068 0.083 1965 23656 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 Drawdown Time = 2.51 days 60.26 hours By comparison, if calculated by the average head over the orifice (assuming average head is half the total depth), the result would be: Average driving head on orifice = 0.738 feet Orifice composite loss coefficient = 0.600 X-Sectional area of 3" inverted siphon = 0.049 ft2 Q = 0.2030 cfs Drawdown Time =Volume / Flowrate / 86400 (sec/day) Drawdown Time = 2.53 days 60.72 hours Conclusion : Use 3" Diameter PVC Inverted Siphon to dawdown the accumulated volume from the 1.0 "storm runoff, with a required time of about 3 days. Merck VMF Project # MER-04000 • VELOCITY DISSIPATOR DESIGN Designed By: B. R. Finch, PE Velocity Dissipator -South Wetland NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs : 20 Flow depth (ft) = 1.06 slope S in % :0.83 Outlet velocity (fps) = 7.536 pipe diameter D in in.: 48 Manning number n :0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results • Pipe diameter (ft) 4.00 Outlet velocity (fps) 7.54 Apron length (ft) 24.00 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) -------- ----- 3 A --------- 9 »6 B 22« 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width Calculation WIDTH = La + Do WIDTH = 24 + 4 WIDTH = 28 FEET CONCLUSION Use 6" DIA NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap 24'L x 28'W x 22"Thick • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Anti-Seen Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements =_> Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. Anti-Seep Collar Design =_> B.R. FINCH, PE. 5/27/2004 Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing .,collars to Spacing; Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (fect) OK? S. Wetland 84.0 2.10 3.00 25 3.0(I It YES r] Note: If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. C~ • MERCK VMF MER-04000 SOUTH WETLAND Manhole RiserBarrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data =_> Inside diameter of manhole = Wall thickness of manhole = Base thickness of manhole = Base diameter of manhole = Inside height of Manhole = Concrete unit weight = OD of barrel exiting manhole = Size of drain pipe (if present) _ Trash Rack water displacement = Concrete Present =_> Total amount of concrete: Adjust for openings: • Base of Manhole = Manhole Walls = Opening for barrel = Opening for drain pipe = 6.00 feet 7.00 inches 8.00 inches 7.17 feet 9.60 feet 142.0 PCF 63.5 inches 8.0 inches 114.44 CF 26.893 CF 115.820 CF 12.829 CF 0.204 CF B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 Note: NC Products lists unit wt. of manhole concrete at 142 PCF. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 129.680 CF Weight of concrete present = 1841 S lbs Amount of water displaced =_> Displacement by concrete = 129.680 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 271.434 CF Displacement by trash rack = 114.440 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 515.555 CF Weight of water displaced = 32171 lbs • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 SOUTH WETLAND Calculate amount ojconcrete to be added to riser =_> B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 Safety factor to Use = 1.15 (recommend I . I S or higher) Must add = 18582 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 268.453 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 26.893 CF of concrete Therefore, base design must have = 295.345 CF of concrete Calculate size of base for riser assembly =_> Diameter = 12.000 feet Thickness = 32.0 inches Concrete Present = 301.594 CF OK Check validity of base as designed =_> Total Water Displaced = 790.256 CF Total Concrete Present = 404.381 CF Total Water Displaced = 49312 lbs Total Concrete Present = 57422 Ibs Actual safety factor = 1.16 OK Results of design =_> Base diameter = 12.00 feet Base Thickness = 32.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 10.94 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF • • FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS DRY POND • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 a Z o°. ~~ o- - i i i ~- ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~N - \ i / / ~- \ \ ~ ~ ~ / _ \ \ t \~ \~ ~ / / / ~ ~ ~ \ ~~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ i / ~ . ~ i ~ \ ~ ~ ~ i i \ \ ~ ` \ / \\ n ~ / ice/ ~ ~ \ \ \ \~\ _ ~ \ ~ ~ l~ 1 ~ \ ~\ \ \\ _ ~ , ~ _ .. ~ \_ ~\ ~ ~ \ \ \ ~ ~ -- ~ ~ \ \ ~~ ~ ~ \ __ ~ ~ ~ .ice ~\ \ \ \~ \ ~ \~~ ``~ \\ ~ 1 \ \ \\\ \\~ \~_' ~- \ ~~ \\\ \ \_ ~ I ~ ~\ ~~ \ / ~ \ \ ~ --~ \ \ ~ ~ \ ~ ~` ~\ ~ \ ~ \ \ I ,~ I ~ _.,-. X '~. I I os:~ `u~u~~'wd~so~sv:evoozibz~s'6M ~ wa;~a9\~s\OOOtiO-213W\2J3W\s3~afwdl:X • MERCK MER-04000 Stas?e-Storat?e Function Project Name: Merck Vaccine Facility -Dry Pond Designer: B.R. Finch, PE Job Number: MER-04000 Date: 5/24/2004 • Contour (feet) Stage (feet) Contour Area (SF) Average Contour Area (SF) Incremental Contour Volume (CF) Accumulated Contour Volume (CF) Estimated Stage w/ S-S Fxn (feet) 291.00 0.00 0 _ 292.00 1.00 ~ 3611 1806 1806 1806 __ 0.98 _ 294.00 3.00 8117 5864 11728 13534 3.09 296.00 5.00 10645 9381 18762 32296 5.07 298.00 7.00 13399 12022 24044 56340 6.95 300.00 9.00 16329 14864 29728 86068 8.84 ' Storage vs. Stage looooo soooo soooo soooo j U 60000 m 50000 I 0 40000 y ~ 30000 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 ' 10.00 ~ Stage (feet) 20000 10000 0 Ks = 1861.1 b = 1.759 • B.R. FINCH, PE 5/24/2004 DP • • • MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION Dry Pond __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 1861.1 b = 1.759 Zo = 291.00 Elevation [feet] Storage [cf] Storage ]acre-feet] 291.00 0 0.000 291.2 110 0.003 _ 291.4 ___ 291.6 _- 371 ---_ 758 0.009 _.____0.017 _~ _ 291.8 ~ _ 1257 0.029 292 1861 _ _ 0.043 292.2 292.4 2565 3364 , 0.059 _ 0077__ 292.6 4254 0.098 292.8 5234 0.120 T 293 _ 6299 _ 0.145 293.2 7449 0. ] 71 293.4 8681 0:199 293.6 ~ 9993 _ ___ ~ 0.229 293.8 294 1 ]385 12854 0.261 0.295 294.2 14399 0.331 294.4 16019 0.368 294.6 17714 ~ 0.407 294.8 19481 _ 0.447 295 21320 0.489 295.2 23231 0.533 _ _ 295.4 295.6 ~_~ 25212 _ _ 2_7262___ 0.57_9__ _,_ 0.626 295.8 29381 0.675 296 31569 0.725 296.2 33824 0.776 296.4 36145 0.830 296.6 _ 3_8533 0.885 296.8 40986 0.941 297 43505 0999 297.2 _ 297.4 46088 48735 _ _.._ 1.058 1.119 297.6 51446 ___ 1.181 297.8 . 54219 1.245 298 ~ 57055 _ 1.310 298.2 . 59 954 1.376 298.4 _ _ 62914 ~1.444~ 298.6 298.8 ~~299_~~ 65936 69018 ~72161~~~~ _ 1.514 ~. 1.584 ~~~1.657 ~~ 299.2_ 75365 1.730 299.4 _ 78628 ~1.805~ _ 299,6 81951 1.881 299.8 300 _ _ 85333 88773 ].959 2.038 B.R. FINCH, PE 5/24/2004 SS FXN-DP • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Dry Pond File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VME Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 291.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 300.00 ft Page 1.01 OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 299.000 300.000 Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 291.000 300.000 Stand Pipe RI ---> BA 298.000 300.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 291.000 300.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel r~ • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company Pnn~Pank \lor A nnSA Timc ll~Z DM nnfc S/7G/~nnd Type.... Name.... File.... Title... • Outlet Input Data Dry Pond X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. ES Weir-Rectangular 1 299.00 ft 25.00 ft 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 291.00 ft Diameter = .3300 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Page 1.02 Structure ID = RI Structure T pe Stand Pipe • y - --- # of Openings --- = 1 --- Invert Elev. = 298.00 ft Diameter = 5.0000 ft Orifice Area = 19.6350 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 15.71 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 f11 ' u S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company Pnn~Pack Var. R.DDSR T;ma• tt•9z AM nato• ~i~~i~nna Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... Dry Pond File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\St orm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 • Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Culvert-Circular No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 3.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 291.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 290.00 ft Horiz. Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Length = 72.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01389 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .007228 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 • • INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.153 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.300 Slope Factor = -.500 Page 1.03 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 299.46 ft ---> Flow = 42.85 cfs At T2 Elev = 294.90 ft ---> Flow = 98.97 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company Type.... Name.... File.... Title... • Outlet Input Data Dry Pond X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maxi mum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs C7 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company P.. .. .i P -. .. 1. t).. ..~ O nnGO m,... .. 11 n7 rw• Page 1.09 n_a._ c in r. innnn Type.... Name.... File.... • Title... WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 291.00 ------- .00 291.20 .07 291.40 .20 291.60 .27 291.80 .33 292.00 .38 292.20 .92 292.40 .96 292.60 .99 292.80 .53 293.00 .56 293.20 .59 293.90 .62 293.60 .69 293.80 .67 299.00 .69 294.20 .72 294.90 .74 294.60 .76 294.80 .78 295.00 .81 • 295.20 295.90 .83 .85 295.60 .87 295.80 .89 296.00 .91 296.20 .92 296.40 .94 296.60 .96 296.80 .98 297.00 .99 297.20 1.01 297.90 ~ 1.03 297.60 1.09 • Composite Rating Curve Dry Pond X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** -------- Converge TW Elev Error ft +/-ft Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Free Outfall Notes Contributing Structures (no Q: ES,OR,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES, RI, BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q:,ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) Page 1.15 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company n,...an ~,. i. ~r ,. .- o nnco m___. ~i~e n.. .,_~,.. c i~ci~nne Type.... Name.... File.... Title... • WS Elev, Total Q ---------------- Elev. Q ft cfs 297.60 1.06 298.00 1.08 298.20 5.31 298.90 13.03 298.60 23.02 298.80 34.86 299.00 98.28 299.20 68.93 299.90 95.69 299.60 122.51 299.80 190.19 300.00 160.09 • Composite Rating Curve Dry Pond X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes ------ -- Converge ---- ---------- TW El ev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures Free Outfall OR (no Q: ES ,RI,BA) Free Outfall OR (no Q: ES ,RI,BA) Free Outfall OR, RI, BA (no Q: ES) Eree Outfall OR,RI,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall OR,RI,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall OR, RI, BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall OR,RI,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Page 1.16 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company Dnn~D~n4 Vor A ~nFA T;MO. 11~A nM n~tc S/7G/~~nA Merck VMF Project # MER-04000 • VELOCITY DISSIPATOR DESIGN Designed By: B. R. Finch, PE Velocity Dissipator -Dry Pond NRCD Land Quality Section Pipe Design Entering the following values will provide you with the expected outlet velocity and depth of flow in a pipe, assuming the Mannings roughness number is constant over the entire length of the pipe. flow Q in cfs : 2 Flow depth (ft) = 0.33 slope S in % :1.39 Outlet velocity (fps) = 4.738 pipe diameter D in in.: 36 Manning number n :0.013 NRCD Land Quality Section NYDOT Dissipator Design Results Pipe diameter (ft) 3.00 Outlet velocity (fps) 4.74 Apron length (ft) 18.00 AVG DIAM STONE THICKNESS (inches) CLASS (inches) ------- ----- -------- 3 A 9 »6 B 22« 13 B or 1 22 23 2 27 Width Calculation WIDTH = La + Do WIDTH = 18 + 3 WIDTH = 21 FEET CONCLUSION Use 6" DIA NCDOT Class `B' Rip Rap 18'L x 21'W x 22"Thick • • MERCK VMF MER-04000 Anti-Seen Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number of anti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements =_> Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. Anti-Seep Collar Design =_> B.R. FINCH, PE. 5/27/2004 Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing. Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) use (feet} OK? Dry Pond 72.0 2.70 2.00 25 2.D11 24 YES • Note : If spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. • • C, C MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 DRY POND DIP Anti-Seep Collar Design Sheet This sheet will, given the barrel length of interest and minimum seep collar projection from the barrel, determine the number ofanti-seep collars to place along the barrel section, and the expected spacing of the collars. Design Requirements =_> Anti-seep collars shall increase the flow path along the barrel by 15%. Anti-seep collars shall be spaced a maximum of 14X the minimum collar projection or 25 feet, whichever is less. R.E.Jimenez Jr., El 5/31 /2004 Anti-Seep Collrtr DesigrT =_> DRY Flow Length Min. Calc'd # Max. # of Use Pond along barrel Projection of collars Spacing collars to Spacing Spacing ID (feet) (feet) required (feet) _use (feet) OK? POND D[P 73.0 2.75 1.99 25 2.00 .24.33333 YES Note : /f spacing to use is greater than the maximum spacing, add collars until the spacing to use is equal to or less than the maximum spacing allowable for the collar design. Anti-seep collars shall be used under the structural fill portions of all berms/dams unless an approved drainage diaphragm is present at the downstream end of the barrel. DRY POND DIP Adjust for openings: • MERCK VMF MER-04000 DRY POND Manhole RiserBarrel Anti-Flotation Calculation Sheet Input Data =_> Inside diameter of manhole = 5.00 feet Wall thickness of manhole = 6.00 inches Base thickness of manhole = 8.00 inches Base diameter of manhole = 6.00 feet Inside height of Manhole = 7.00 feet Concrete unit weight = 142.0 PCF OD of barrel exiting manhole = 51.3 inches Size of drain pipe (if present) = 8.0 inches Trash Rack water displacement = 81.70 CF Concrete Present =_> Total amount of concrete: Base of Manhole = 18.850 CF Manhole Walls = 60.476 CF Opening for barrel = 7.163 CF Opening for drain pipe = 0.175 CF B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 Note: NC Products lists unit wt. of manhole concrete at 142 PCF. Total Concrete present, adjusted for openings = 71.988 CF Weight of concrete present = 10222 !bs Amount of water displaced =_> Displacement by concrete = 71.988 CF Displacement by open air in riser = 137.445 CF Displacement by trash rack = 81.700 CF Total water displaced by riser/barrel structure = 291.133 CF Weight of water displaced = IS167 lbs • MERCK VMF DRY POND B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 5/27/2004 • Calculate amount of concrete to be added to riser =_> Safety factor to use = 1.15 (recommend 1. l5 or higher) Must add = 10669 lbs concrete for buoyancy Concrete unit weight for use = 142 PCF (note above observation for NCP concrete) Buoyant weight of this concrete = 79.60 PCF Buoyant, with safety factor applied = 69.22 PCF Therefore, must add = 154.143 CF of concrete Standard based described above = 18.850 CF of concrete Therefore, base design must have = 172.993 CF of concrete Calculate size of base for riser assembly =_> Diameter = 9.000 feet Thickness = 33.0 inches • Concrete Present = 174.948 CF OK Check validity of base as designed =_> Total Water Displaced = 447.231 CF Total Concrete Present = 228.086 CF - Total Water Displaced = 27907 lbs Total Concrete Present = 32388 lbs Actual safety factor = 1.16 OK Results of design =_> Base diameter = 9.00 feet Base Thickness = 33.00 inches CY of concrete total in base = 6.41 CY Concrete unit weight in added base >= 142 PCF r~ • 100-YR STORM ROUTING WORST CASE SCENARIO • U MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 • • • MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION North Wetland - 100 Year __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 21]65 b = 1.2227 Zo = 324.00 Elevation [feet] Storage [cf] Storage ]acre-feet] Worst Case Storage (acre-feet] 324.00 0 0.000 0 324.2 2958 0.068 0 324.4 6903 0.158 0 324.6 11333 0.260 0 324.8 ~ 16111 0.370 0 325 21165 0.486 0 3_25.2 ~___ 26450 .__ ~~ _0.60_7 _ ~~ 0 _.._~ ~ ~~ ~~ 325.4 ~ 31937 0.733 _ 0 _ _ 325.6 37601 0.863 0 325.8 43425 0.997 0 326_ 49396 1.134 0 326.2 55501 1.274 0 326.4 61731 1.417 0 326.6 68078 1.563 0 326.8 ~~ ~~ 74535 ~ 1.711 0 327 81095 1.862 0 327.2 87754 2.015 0 327.4 94506 2.170 0 327.6 ~ 101347 2.327 0 327.8 108273 2.486 0 328 115281 2.646 0 328.2 122367 2.809 0 328.4 129529 2.974 0 _ 328.6 136764 3.140 ~~ 0 328.8 _ 144069 3.307 _ 0.000 ~~ 329 151443 3.477 0.169 _ 329.2 158882 3.647 0.340 32 9.4 166386 3.820 0.512 _ _ 329.6 329.8 173951 j 181577 3.993 4.168 0.686 0.861 330 189262 4.345 1.037 __ _330.2 ~ 197004 4.523 1.215 330.4 204802 4.702 __ __ ~ 1.394 330.6 330.8 212655 220560 4.882 5.063 1.574 1.756 331 228518 5.246 1.939 331.2 236526 5.430 2.123 331.4 244584 5.615 2.307 331.6 ~ 252691 5.801 2.494 331.8 ~ ~ 260845 _5.988 2.681 ~~~~ ~ ~332 ~~~~~~~ ~~ 269046 ~ 6.176 C 2.869 ~~~ B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 SS FXN-100-YR C Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 326.80 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 332.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed • Structure Weir-Rectangular Stand Pipe Orifice-Circular Culvert-Circular TW SETUP, DS Channel S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Page 1.01 No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft ---- ES ------- ---> TW --------- 330.000 --------- 332.000 RI ---> BA 328.800 332.000 OR ---> BA 324.000 332.000 BA ---> TW 321.300 332.000 The John R. McAdams Company Time: 11:26 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. Page 1.02 ES Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 330.00 ft 50.00 ft 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) • Structure ID = RI Structure Type ----------------- = Stand Pipe ------------- ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 328.80 ft Diameter = 6.0000 ft Orifice Area = 28.2743 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 18.85 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 324.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:26 AM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\St orm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type = Cul vert-Circular ----------------------- No. Barrels = ------- 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 4.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 321.30 ft Dnstream Invert = 320.80 ft Horiz. Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00694 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .004925 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 Tl ratio (HW/D) = 1.157 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 Slope Factor = -.500 Page 1.03 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 325.93 ft ---> Flow = 87.96 cfs At T2 Elev = 326.51 ft ---> Flow = 100.53 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:26 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... NW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maxi mum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .Ol ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:26 AM Page 1.04 Date: 5/27/2004 • • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... NW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft -- cfs ----- - 324.00 ------- .00 328.80 .51 329.00 5.58 329.20 14.84 329.40 26.82 329.60 41.00 329.80 57.07 330.00 74.83 330.20 105.76 330.40 147.75 330.60 197.30 330.80 253.11 331.00 297.06 331.20 340.31 331.40 387.08 331.60 437.14 331.80 490.25 332.00 546.22 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes ------ -- Converge ------------- --- --------- TW El ev Error ft ------ +/-ft -- ----- Contributing ----- Str uctures Free Outfall --------- (no Q: ES,RI ------------ ,OR,BA) Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES,RI) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES, RI, BA (no Q: OR) Page 1.11 The John R. McAdams Company Time: 11:27 AM Date: 5/27/2009 • • • MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION South Wetland - 100 Year __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 25801 b= 1.1533 Zo = 332.00 Elevation [feet] Storage [cfJ Storage [acre-feet] Worst Case Storage [acre-feet] 332.00 0 0.000 0 332.2 4032 0.093 0 332.4 8968 0.206 0 332.6 14315 0.329 0 332.8 19947 0.458 0 333 25801 0.592 0 333.2 31839 0.731 0 _ ~~ 333.4 ~ ~ 38033 0.873 _ _ ~ 0 333.6 44366 1.018 0 333.8 50821 1.167 0 334 _ 57387 1.317 0 _~_ 334.2 64055 1.470 0 _____ 334.4 70816 1.626 0 ~ 334.6 77665 1.783 0 334.8 84595 1.942 0 ~ _ 335 91601 2.103 0 _ ~~ ~~~ 335.2 98679 2.265 0 _ _ 335.4 105826 2.429 _0_ µ____ ______ 335.6 113037 2.595 0 335.8 120310 2.762 0 336 127642 2.930 0 ____ 336.2 135030 3.100 0 336.4 142472 3.271 0 336.6 . 149967 3.443 0 . . ___-.. __ ___ _~, ~. ~~ 336.8 _. 157511 ___n______~ 3.616 _.. _ _ _ 0 337 165104 3.790 0 _ 337.2 172744 3.966 0 337.4 18042_9_ 4.142 0.088 ____ 337.6 188158 4.320 0.266 337.8 195929 4.498 0.444 338 203741 4.6 77 0.623 _ _338.2 338.4 211_593 219485 _ 4.858 ~5.039~ ~. 0.804 0.985 ~~ 338.6 227414 5.221 1.167 338.8 ~ 235380 5.404 1.350 _ ~ 339 243382 5.587 1.533 ~ _~ __ _ . 3 39.2 251419 5.772 _ _ 1.718 _ 339.4 259491 5.957 1.903 339.6 267596 6.143 2.089 _ 339.8 _ 275733 6.330 _ 2.276 ~~ ~~ 340 283903 6.518 2.464 B.R. FINCH, PE 6/ 17/2004 SS FXN-100 YR Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 337.30 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 390.00 ft Spot Elevations, ft 337.30 OUTLET CONNECTIVITY Page 1.01 ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-Rectangular ES ---> TW 338.300 340.000 Stand Pipe RI ---> BA 337.300 340.000 Orifice-Circular OR ---> BA 332.000 390.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 327.700 390.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • ., S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:28 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. Page 1.02 ES Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 338.30 ft 50.00 ft 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) • Structure ID = RI Structure Type ----------------- = Stand Pipe ------------- ------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 337.30 ft Diameter = 6.0000 ft Orifice Area = 28.2743 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 18.85 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. - = 332.00 ft Diameter = .2500 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:28 AM Date: 5/27/2004 f1 11 u Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ----------------- = Culvert-Circular ----------------- No. Barrels = 1 -- Barrel Diameter = 4.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 327.70 ft Dnstream Invert = 327.00 ft Horiz. Length = 84.00 ft Barrel Length = 84.00 ft Barrel Slope = .00833 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .004925 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 Page 1.03 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equati on form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 Tl ratio (HW/D) = 1.156 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.303 Slope Factor = -.500 • • Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 332.32 ft ---> Flow = 87.96 cfs At T2 Elev = 332.91 ft ---> Flow = 100.53 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:28 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... SW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-09000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .Ol ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:28 AM Page 1.04 Date: 5/27/2004 C, • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... SW - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: WS Elev, Total Q Elev. Q ft cfs -------- 332.00 ------- .00 337.30 .54 337.40 2.33 337.60 9.85 337.80 20.56 338.00 33.69 338.20 48.86 338.30 57.14 338.40 69.94 338.60 105.77 338.80 150.41 339.00 201.99 339.20 259.52 339.40 322.36 339.60 389.13 339.80 432.33 390.00 483.69 S/N: 621701207003 PondPack Ver. 8.0058 ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** Notes ------ -- Converge -------------- --- -------- TW El ev Error ft +/-ft Contributing Structures ------------ ------ Free -- ----- Outfall -------------- (no Q: ES,RI, OR, BA) Free Outfall OR, BA (no Q: ES, RI) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall RI,OR,BA (no Q: ES) Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,OR,BA Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES,RI,BA (no Q: OR) Free Outfall ES, RI, BA (no Q: OR) The John R. McAdams Company Time: 11:26 AM Page 1.11 Date: 5/27/2004 MERCK VACCINE FACILITY MER-04000 STAGE-STORAGE FUNCTION Dry Pond - 100 Year __> Stage -Storage Function Ks = 1861.1 b = 1.759 Zo = 291.00 C7 Elevation [feet] Storage (cf) Storage [acre-feet) Worst Case Storage [acre-feet) 291.00 0 0.000 0 291.2 110 0.003 0 291.4 371 0.009 0 ~_ 291.6 758 0.017 0 291.8 1257 0.029 0 _____ 292 1861 0.043 0 292.2 2565 0.059 _____ 0 _ ~~ 292.4 3364 0.077 _ 0 292.6 4254 0.098 0 292.8 5234 0.120 0 ______ 293 6299 0.145 0 293.2 7449 0.171 0 293.4 8681 0.199 _ 0 _ 293.6 9993 ~ 0.229 0 293.8 ~ _.___._____._. 294 11385 .__._~ __ 12854 0.261 _ _.~~_ 0.295 0 __.._...__...r___.______ __ 0 294.2 14399 0.331 0 294.4 16019 0.368 0 ___. ~ _ 294.6 17714 0.407 0 294.8 19481 0.447 0 295 21320 0.489 0 ~. 295.2 ~ 23231 0.533 0 295.4 .6 ~ ~~ 295 25212 ~ 27262 0.579 _~ 0.626 0 ----_._.u 0 __________...__ _ 295.8 296 _ ~ 29381 513 69 0.675 0.725 _w_~_p ___~...___._. 0 296.2 33824 ~ , 0.776 0 ~____ ~ 296.4 36145 0.830 0 296.6 38533 0.885 0 _ _ . ~~~~~~ 296.8 ~ 40986 ~ 0.941 _0 __ __ 297 43505 0.999 0 _________ _ _ _ 297.2 ~~~ 46088 1.058 '"' 0_ 297.4 48735 1.119 ~ 0 _~ 297.6_ -~ 297.8 298 . 51446 54219__ 57055 , ~ 1.181 ~1.245_ 1.310 ( 0 _ ~mmTM~ 0 ~~^_~~_, 0 _ _ ___. 298.2 _ ~ 59954 1.376 0.067 W 298.4 ~ i ~ 62914 1.444 ~ 0.134 V _ 298.6 298.8 ~~~-~299~~~ 65936 69018 -w _ 72161 ~ 1.514 -~-- 1.584_ 1.657 .__~_ 0.204 0.2_75_ ~ 0.347 ~~~~~~__~__ 299.2 75365 1.730 0.420 299.4 78628 ~ 1.805 _ ~~ 0.495 299.6 299.8 ._._._...,.. ~ _...__ 81951 E 85333 ..._...._,. ~ 1.881___ 1.959 .~~. _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ 0.572 0.649 .~ __ ~ _._ W _ ____,__ 300 88773 { 2.038 0.728 B.R. FINCH, PE 5/27/2004 SS FXN-100 YR • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... DP - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 298.00 ft Increment = .20 ft Max. Elev.= 300.00 ft OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (Upstream to DnStream) <--- Reverse Flow Only (DnStream to Upstream) Page 1.01 <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure ----------------- - No. --- Outfall E1, ft E2, ft Weir-Rectangular ES ---> ------- TW --------- 299.000 --------- 300.000 Orifice-Circular OR ---> TW 291.000 300.000 Stand Pipe RI ---> BA 298.000 300.000 Culvert-Circular BA ---> TW 291.000 300.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0056 Time: 11:29 AM Date: 5/27/2004 Type.... Name.... File.... Title... • Outlet Input Data DP - 100 X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. ES Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 299.00 ft 25.00 ft 2.600000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) Structure ID = OR Structure Type = Orifice-Circular ------------------------------------ # of Openings = 1 Invert Elev. = 291.00 ft Diameter = .3300 ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Page 1.02 Structure ID = RI Structure Type ----------------- = Stand Pipe ---- # of Openings --------- 1 ------ • Invert Elev. 298.00 ft Diameter = 5.0000 ft Orifice Area = 19.6350 sq.ft Orifice Coeff. _ .600 Weir Length = 15.71 ft Weir Coeff. = 3.000 K, Submerged = .000 K, Reverse = 1.000 Kb,Barrel = .000000 (per ft of full flow) Barrel Length = .00 ft Mannings n = .0000 • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:29 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... DP - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = BA Structure Type ----------------- = Culvert-Ci -------- rcular No. Barrels ----- = 1 ------ Barrel Diameter = 3.0000 ft Upstream Invert = 291.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 290.00 ft Horiz. Length = 72.00 ft Barrel Length = 72.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01389 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0130 Ke = .5000 Kb = .007228 Kr = .5000 HW Convergence = .001 Page 1.03 (forward entrance loss) (per ft of full flow) (reverse entrance loss) +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0098 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 Inlet Control c = .03980 Inlet Control Y = .6700 T1 ratio (HW/D) = 1.153 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.300 Slope Factor = -.500 1~ u Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below T1 elev. Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 294.46 ft ---> Flow = 42.85 cfs At T2 Elev = 294.90 ft ---> Flow = 48.97 cfs S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:29 AM Date: 5/27/2004 • Type.... Outlet Input Data Name.... DP - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER09000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2009 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VMF Project Comments: OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------ FREE OUTFACE CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES ... Maximum Iterations= 30 Min. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. TW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Max. HW tolerance = .O1 ft Min. Q tolerance = .10 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .10 cfs • • S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:29 AM Page 1.04 Date: 5/27/2009 • • Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... DP - 100 File.... X:\Projects\MER\MER-04000\Storm\BRF\MER04000.PPW Title... Project Date: 5/25/2004 Project Engineer: Brandon R. Finch Project Title: Merck VM F Project Comments: ** *** COMPOSITE OUTF LOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- -----'-- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft Contributing Structures 291.00 .00 -------- ----- Free Outfall -------------------------- (no Q: ES,OR,RI,BA) 298.00 1.08 Free Outfall OR (no Q: ES,RI,BA) 298.20 5.31 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA (no Q: ES) 298.40 13.03 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA (no Q: ES) 298.60 23.02 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA (no Q: ES) 298.80 34.86 Free Outfall OR,RI,BA (no Q: ES) 299.00 48.28 Free Outfall OR, RI, BA (no Q: ES) 299.20 68.93 Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA 299.90 95.69 Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA 299.60 122.51 Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA 299.80 140.19 Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA 300.00 160.04 Free Outfall ES,OR,RI,BA Page 1.09 S/N: 621701207003 The John R. McAdams Company PondPack Ver. 8.0058 Time: 11:29 AM Date: 5/27/2009 r~ L J HEC-HMS ~'` Project: MER-04000 B;R~as. -~~Suvk~aair:--:= 'c N'Ai 4 y: °.i Ey~ass ~~.YS ~~2sir:4 N N'el'arid a~-~ - B~sE~~s • Subbasin-5 Basin Model: SIA - HMS * Summary of Results Project MER-04000 Run Name SIA61704-100 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model SIA-100-61709 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 100 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1517 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Hydrologic Discharge Time of Volume Drainage Element Peak Peak (ac Area (cfs) ft) (sq mi) Subbasin-1 175.69 21 May 04 1221 18.892 0.123 Subbasin-2 - To SW 203.99 21 May 04 1204 12.878 0.039 S. Wetland 183.31 21 May 04 1207 12.809 0.039 Subbasin-2 - Bypass 199.78 21 May 04 1215 18.292 0.124 Subbasin-2 331.73 21 May 04 1210 31.101 0.163 Subbasin-3 - To DP 78.127 21 May 04 1205 4.7755 0.027 Dry Pond 69.635 21 May 04 1207 4.7634 0.027 Subbasin-3 - Bypass 18.387 21 May 04 1205 1.1352 0.007 Subbasin-3 86.350 21 May 04 1207 5.8986 0.034 Subbasin-4 10.618 21 May 04 1205 0.65551 0.004 Subbasin-5 - To NW 174.18 21 May 04 1204 10.892 0.034 N. Wetland 150.19 21 May 04 1207 10.844 0.034 ubbasin-5 - Bypass 64.158 21 May 04 1215 5.9390 0.040 ~ubbasin-5 195.09 21 May 04 1208 16.783 0.074 • HMS * Summary of Results for N. Wetland • Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1517 Run Name SIA61704-100 • Computed Results Basin Model : SIA-100-61704 Met. Model RDU - 100 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 174.18 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 150.19 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1207 Total Inflow 5.97 (in) Peak Storage 1.4028 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 5.95 (in) Peak Elevation 330.41 (f t) .7 HMS * Summary of Results for S. Wetland Project MER-04000 Start of Run 21May04 0000 End of Run 22May04 0000 Execution Time 17Jun04 1517 Run Name : SIA61704-100 • Computed Results Basin Model SIA-100-61704 Met. Model RDU - 100 Year Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Peak Inflow 203.99 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1204 Peak Outflow 183.31 (cfs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1207 Total Inflow 6.21 (in) Peak Storage 1.4667 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 6.17 (in) Peak Elevation 338.93 (f t) • HMS * Summary of Results for Dry Pond Project MER-04000 Run Name SIA61704-100 • Start of Run 21May04 0000 Basin Model $IA-100-61704 End of Run 22May04 0000 Met. Model RDU - 100 Year Execution Time 17Jun04 1517 Control Specs SIA - 1 minute dT Computed Results Peak Inflow 78.127 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Inflow 21 May 04 1205 Peak Outflow 69.635 (efs) Date/Time of Peak Outflow 21 May 04 1207 Total Inflow 3.33 (in) Peak Storage : 0.42198 (ac-f t) Total Outflow 3.32 (in) Peak Elevation 299.21 (f t) • • • NITROGEN EXPORT CALCULATIONS n U MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 MINOR SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL • U MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 a c 0 ~ N ~ ~ D N +L" 1i v~ h ~ ~ ~ ~ Ca ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,O ~ ~ O R V `~ o o ~ w U ~ .~ ~ s a, ~ .,, ~ o °o ~ ~ ~ a H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ o~ N ~ ~ o ,-. ts~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Z ~ ti o ~ ~ ~ ~ A o ~ s ~ o ~ U o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~' ~ v O ~ •~ ~ +~.. ~ N bq ~^n i. V~ ~ N N i W ~ ~ ~ o v ~ ';~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ +„ ~. ~ ~ ~ U W ~ o '~ °; o~ `~ z ~ ~ y ~ ~~Z ~ ~_ ~ _ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 0 ~, N i. ,--~ .-~ O `ti ~ ~~, ~ O ~~ ~ N O O N O ~ ~ ~ ~' w ~`ti~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s '~ ~ II II ~ 0~ ~ R, . ~ ~ ~ U U ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ .~ .~ o `'per ~ y ~ ~ ~ q, ° W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, o ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ a o 'zt 'Zt ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ E" H ~ "~ o ~ ~ v; `~ ~ ~ ~ W W W W W ~ ~' ~ s' .°~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Ol Sri Sri ri ~ o0., o~ ° ~ a c o ~ ; vN-, r~ a W F H QI O W W A a I 1 0 U 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 o, v `ti ,o o~ ti w .~ g 0 w 0 0 A .~ U ti v ;~ ai ~C 0 0 g . h N ~ •~ x `~ w ~ ~ oa 0 w ~~ ti 0 U ~. ~ a o ~a U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~. M ti ~ ~, o ti ~ ~ U o ~ o ~i U ti ~ °' ~`tiU °~ ~ ~ ~~ ~a ~ ti ~ '~ ~ Q O +~ ~ C +„ U ,~ ~ '„ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° v '~ ~ ~ ..,~'? ~ O '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Q N ~ -~ ~'~~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ V 'V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v U o o ~° ~ o ~ o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ a ~ ~ Q C~ ~ ~ Q ~ N M rt ~ aaawa wwwww F H F H H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, U .fl ~ o ~ ~ ,--~ ~: I I 0 ~, W 0 F~ I I 0 .~ ~, a~ a 0 • MAJOR SITE PLAN SUBMITTAL • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 a c 0 N ~ ~ ~ C~ O ~ ~ O O ~ C ~' ~ ~ ,O ~ > ~ , O U ~ `°~ ~ ~ ~ o c ` ~ o ~ w o U ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F, --~ o ~ ~ ao o~~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 0.~ v s ~ ~ ti ~ q ~ ,r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U +., ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ R E., ~ ~ CY N ~ U ` o o °' '~ ~ o ~ ti U ~ [~ ~ ~ ti o ~ ~ o p., ~ q o U ~. o ~ ~ ~ '" ,,, ~ '~ 4~i 4i s 4~~i ~; ~ W O ~ ~ ~ ~U ~ ~ A ~ ~ U ~ ,~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ~ O \_ p) ~ 1 ~ b ;~ CS ~ o i ~' ~ v U o ~ V o ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °' ~ w ~~ ~ ~~. ,~ ~~ ti ~ ~ .a ti ~ ~ ~ w ~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~ o 04 •ry o ~ o ~ o° MO~ `'~~'~ ~ N M rl' ~ F+~ +.~ fx P4 WW1 ~ ~ W W W W W a V1 C/~ V~ C/1 Vl o~ ~ ~ ~~ `. O ~ a~ a~ F ~ M O O M ~n o o ,`r `." ~ I O y, v ~ ~"~ ~ V ~p , N N i ~ ~ ~ p ~ .-, C'V i ~ ~ h ~ i C~3 ~ L. M ! ~ O~ E O I O ~ i O ~ O vl I O i O N I M N a~ 0 U b c ~a 0 a~ a H '~ y 3. o ~ ,,, ~ ~ a0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ '~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ ~ ~' v C! ~ ~ ~' v C! ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ,? +v. y, ~ y IZ, g ~ ~ ~ 0) o ~ ~ O ~ O ti ~, O 0 H U .n ~ o O O p II II ~ ~ o ~ W '> ~. a~ 0 o H a o 0 ~r" N 0 .~ v h ~ p~ ~ ~C q W~ ~ ~ z~ H~ z~ ~~ >~ O v W bo W ~' A [~ ~ . a ~ 0 .~ • O i 0 ~~ N F ti N v., ~~ U ~ ~ ~ o o ,°o U ~ ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~- M ti ~ ~ O ,,, ~ U p ti ~ `~ N~o~~ ~`tiU ~~ ~~~~~~ ti ° ~ °' o o ~, ~ ~ .~ U ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ .~, p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ^~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ti ~ ~ x ~ s ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o°~ ~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ .~~~~~~~ ~~.a~ ~ ~ w ~ Q ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ N M ~ ~ aaaaa W W W W W HHHHF+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ a~ ~ `i C ~ ~ ~~ ~'`~ z H o v ~ .M.~ O ~ R~.~ ~ v H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sr ~~ ~ ~ ~. a~ 0 U ~ ~ ~- a 0 ~ ~ ~ t N (€ ~ ~~ N ,--~ M ~--i ~ ,~ N j c*1 O { ~ N ~ o ~o ~ ~~ '~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ '~ ~~ o~ ~~ ~~ ~ +.~ ~ ~ ~ 4 °~' a, o ~~ '~ w c~ w w~ 0~ i M ~~ M ~~i N . ~~ N ~ ~--i i N ~ ~ ri ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N -~~ °q ~ ~` ~ :~ ~) ~ o ~'~ U `~ O ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ o ~~o ~~ ~ ~ U a' N "~ ~ ~ '? N ~~ obi +y ,~,~" ~ o ti ° ~ ~~ F+ 0 ~ ~ O .-+ N ~~ ~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~~ w ~, .~ 0 o H w H bq ,~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ ? o ° w ~ '~ 4i ~ ~ w ti o 'v ti v ~ O O "~ R ~ _~ ~w o " ~~ ~~ w h v 'Y ti ti ~ g w o .~ ~ '~ aq 0 ~ °' ~h w o o ° '~ ~ ~~ ~~ ANTICIPATED FUTURE BUILD-OUT C1 MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 a c 0 N O ~ N 'Y ,~ vii ~ , ~G O al y ~ x ~~ ~ '~ . ~ U g `° ~ ~ ~ o `~ ~ ° .w o U o ~ ~ .~ ~ '~ o ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ a~ Q ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ O a ~ ~" ~ o `ti ~ ~ z .r ~ ~ o ~ ~ U ~ o ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o, A .~ o o ~ ~ ~ o, ~ o as ~ ~ U ,a .~ ~, ~ a b ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ °p o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° , ~ Ao v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,, p ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ m' ~ ° o ~ ~ ~ no ~ ~ ~ ~ O , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G o ° U `ti o ~ ~' k ~ ° ' ~, ~ ~ R o ~ ~ ~ "~ .~ o o A ,~ q [° ~ ti ~ q ~ o o • ~ ~ N M ~ V ; pt x i W W W ~ [-+ H H H F by ti ~ ~ c 0 ~ ~ o~ w .w ~ ~ w v o v~ ,~ "o ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ e~ ~o~ V 0 ~ i ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~~ 0 ~ y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~.~ ~ w ~ ~ h ~ ~ „~ M ° ~ti x ~ w ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ w g w •~ o ~ ~ N 0o d; y Q ~ ' ~C •~., ~ ,~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ti ~ ~ ~ O •. + W o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ w ° o c ~ `~ ~ R' E-i ~ ~ ti ~ ~ Fzl ~ o o w o H ~ •~ ~ rr ° ~ ~ • EMER GENCY SPILL WA Y DESIGN CALCULATIONS MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 D • Table 8.05a Maximum Allowable Design Velocitiest for Vegetated Channels Typical Soil Grass Llning PermissibleVelocity3 Channel Slope Characteristics2 for Established Grass Application Lining (ft/sec) 0-5% Easily Erodible Bermudagrass 5.0 Non-plastic Tall fescue 4.5 (Sands & Silts) Bahiagrass 4.5 Kentucky bluegrass 4.5 Grass-legume mixture 3.5 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 6.0 Plastic Tall fescue 5.5 (Clay mixes) Bahiagrass 5.5 Kentucky bluegrass 5.5 Grass-legume mixture 4.5 5-10% Easily Erodible Bermudagrass 4.5 Non-plastic Tall fescue 4.0 (Sands & Silts) Bahiagrass 4.0 Kentucky bluegrass 4.0 Grass-legume mixture 3.0 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 5.5 Plastic Tall fescue 5.0 (Clay Mixes) Bahiagrass 5.0 Kentucky bluegrass 5.0 Grass-legume mixture 3.5 >10% Easily Erodible Bermudagrass 3.5 Non-plastic Tall fescue 2.5 (Sands & Silts) Bahiagrass 2.5 Kentucky bluegrass 2.5 Erosion Resistant Bermudagrass 4.5 Plastic Tall fescue 3.5 (Clay Mixes) Bahiagrass 3.5 Kentucky bluegrass 3.5 Source: USDA-SCS Modified NOTE: Permissible Velocity based on 10-yr storm peak runoff 2Soil erodibility based on resistance to soil movement from concentrated flowing water. 3 6efore grass is established, permissible velocity is determined by the type of temporary liner used. Selecting Channel To calculate the required size of an open channel, assume the design flow is uniform and does not vary with time. Since actual flow conditions change Cross-Section throughout the length of a channel, subdivide the channel into design reaches, Geometry and design each reach to carry the appropriate capacity. C~ The three most commonly used channel cross-sections are "V"-shaped, par- abolic,and trapezoidal. Figure 8.OSb gives mathematical formulas for the area, hydraulic radius and top width of each of these shapes. 8.05.4 O • • • Table 8.05c Retardance Classification for Vegetal Covers Retardance Cover Condition A Reed canarygrass Excellent stand, tall (average 36") Weeping lvegrass Excellent stand, tall (average 30") B Tall fescue Good stand, uncut, (average 18") Bermudagrass Good stand, tall (average 12") Grass-legume mixture (tall fescue, red fescue, sericea lespedeza) Good stand, uncut Grass mixture (timothy, smooth bromegrass or orchardgrass) Good stand, uncut (average 20") sericea lespedeza Good stand, not woody, tall (average 19") Feed canarygrass Good stand, cut (average 12-15") Alfalfa Good stand, uncut (average 11 ") C Tall fescue Good stand (8-12") Bermudagrass Good stand, cut (average 6") Bahiagrass Good stand, uncut (6-8") Grass-legume mixture-- summer (orchardgrass, redtop and annual Good stand, uncut (6-8") lespedeza) Centipedegrass Very dense cover (average 6") Kentucky bluegrass Good stand, headed (6-12") Redtop Good stand, uncut (15-20") D Tall fescue Good stand, cut (3-4") Bermudagrass Good stand, cut (2.5") Bahiagrass Good stand, cut (3-4") Grass-legume mixture-- fall-spring (orchard- grass, redtop, and annual lespedeza) Good stand, uncut (4-5") Red fescue Good stand, uncut (12-18") Centipedegrass Good stand, cut (3-4") Kentucky bluegrass Good stand, cut (3-4") E Bermudagrass Good stand, cut (1.5") Bermudagrass Burned stubble Modified from: USDA-SCS, 1969. Engineering Field Manual. 8.05.8 • NORTH WETLAND • • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 MERCK VMF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CHANNEL CALCULATIONS B.R. FI1vCH, PE MER-04000 (North Wetland) 5/28/2004 • PROJECT: PROJECT #: DESIGNER: DATE: Merck VMF MER-04000 B.R. Finch, PE 5/28/2004 I. FLO~'~' CALCULATIONS Q goo = 60 cfs (Conservative !) I[. CHANNEL CALCEJLATIONS _> Proposed Channel Section Section = Trapezoidal Longitudinal Slope = 8.00 Left Sideslope = 3 H: V Right Sideslope = 3 H: V Bottom Width = 50 ft Lining = Tall Fescue VP = 4.0 - 5.0 ft/sec From Table B.OSa Depth = 1 fr +/- _> 100-Year Storm Calculations (using Flowmaster) Assumed "n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V*R Actual "n" Comments [ft] [ftZ] [ft] [ft] [ft/sec] 0.030 0.23 11.6 51.44 0.23 5.18 1.17 0.055 n = 0.055 • 0.055 0.33 16.7 52.08 __ 0.32_ __ 3.59 1.15 _ 0.056 n = 0.05_6 0.056 ~~ 0.33 16.9~~~ 52.10 ~~ 0.32 3.55 I.15 _____ 0.056 n = OK • North Wetland -Emergency Spillway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel • Project Description Worksheet North Wetland - Emergency Spillway Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth • Input Data Mannings 0.056 Coefficient Slope 8.0000 Left Side Slope 3.00 H : V Right Side 3.00 H : V Slope Bottom Width 50.00 ft Discharge 60.00 cfs Results Depth 0.33 ft Flow Area 16.9 ft2 Wetted 52.10 ft Perimeter Top Width 51.99 ft Critical Depth 0.35 ft Critical Slope 6.5323 Velocity 3.55 ft/s Velocity 0.20 ft Head Specific 0.53 ft Energy Froude 1.10 Number Flow Type Supercritical Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projects\mer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 5/28/2004 11:10 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 North Wetland -Emergency Spillway Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet North Wetland - Emergency Spillway Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings 0.056 Coefficient Slope 8.0000 Depth 0.33 ft Left Side Slope 3.00 H : V Right Side 3.00 H : V Slope Bottom Width 50.00 ft Discharge 60.00 cfs - - ---- - -- -- _ 50.0 0 ft- -- - -_ _-- __ ~- r~ ~J -6-3~ ft V:1; H :1 NTS Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projects\mer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 5/28/2004 11:11 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Appendices • Step 10. For grass-lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low ret<trdance conditions, repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher retardance class, corresponding to tall grass. Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit. NOTE 1: If design velocity is greater than 2.0 ft/sec., a temporary lining may be required to stabilize the channel until vegetation is established. The temporary liner may be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm. If a channel requires temporary lining, the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation. For the design of temporary liners, use tractive force procedure. NOTE 2: Design Tables-Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this sec lion may be used to design grass-lined channels with parabolic cross-sections. Step 11. Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability. If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream, an outlet protection struc- ture will be required (Table 8.OSd, pg. 8.05.9). Sample Problem 8.OSa illustrates the design of agrass-lined channel. • C m ~ I C ~ .08 __ ~ _ a.o55 ~.,..~-- 04 .02 I Average Length of Vegetation (in) Curve n Longer than 30" 11" to 24" 10" 6" t A B C o 2" to 6" Less than 2" ~ D E B C D E I 4 .6 .8 I. ~~ 2 4 6 8 10 20 t•15 VR, Product of Velocity ydraulic Radius • Figure 8.05c Manning's n related to vebcily, hydraulic radius, and vegetal retardance. Note: From Sample Problem 8.05a multiply Vp x Hydralulic Radius (4.5x0.54=2.43), then enter the product of VR and extend a straight lineup to Retardance class "D", next project a straight line to the left to determine a trial manning's n. Rev. 12x93 8.0$.7 • SOUTH WETLAND • • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 MERCK vMF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CHANNEL CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 (South Wetland) 5/28/2004 • PROJECT: PROJECT #: DESIGNER: DATE: Merck VMF MER-04000 B.R. Finch, PE 5/28/2004 1. FLOW CALCULATIONS Q roo = 76 cfs (Conservative 1) Section = Trapezoidal Longitudinal Slope = 5.00 Left Sideslope = 3 H:V Right Sideslope = 3 H: V Bottom Width = 50 ft Lining = Tall Fescue VP = 4.0 - 5.0 ft/sec From Table S.OSa Depth = 1 ft +/- • II. CHANNEL CALCULATIONS _> Proposed Channel Section _> 100-Year Storm Calculations (using Flowmaster) Assumed "n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V*R Actual "n" Comments [ft] [ft~] [ft] [ft] [ft/sec] 0.030 0.3 15.4 51.92 0.30 4.93 1.46 0.052 n = 0.052 0.052 0.42 21.6 52.66 0.41 3.52 1.44 0.053 n = 0.053 _~ _.__ _ __ W _ .___ W _ . _ __ _ - ___. __. _ _ ___.___._ _.___.._..__-__.. _---_._~ ____.... ~________~~ ...~.___. ___________ ________. _____ 0.053 0.43 21.8 52.69 0.41 3.48 1.44 0.053 n = OK • South Wetland -Emergency Spillway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet South Wetland - ES Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0.053 Coefficient Slope 5.0000 Left Side Slope 3.00 H : V Right Side 3.00 H : V Slope Bottom Width 50.00 ft Discharge 76.00 cfs Results Depth 0.43 ft Flow Area 21.8 ft2 Wetted 52.69 ft Perimeter Top Width 52.55 ft • Critical Depth 0.41 ft Critical Slope 5.5628 Velocity 3.48 ft!s Velocity 0.19 ft Head Specific 0.61 ft Energy Froude ~ 0.95 Number Flow Type Subcritical • Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projects\mer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 5/28/2004 11:20 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 South Wetland -Emergency Spillway Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel • • Project Description Worksheet South Wetland - ES Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Section Data Mannings Coefficient Slope Depth Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Discharge 0.053 5.0000 0.43 ft 3.00 H : V 3.00 H : V 50.00 ft 76.00 cfs _ _ _ _ - 50.00 ft ~4~ ft V:1 I__ H:1 NTS • Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projects\mer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 5/28/2004 11:21 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Appendices • Step 10. For grass-lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low retardance conditions, repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher retardance class, corresponding to tall grass. Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit. NOTE 1: If design velocity is greater than 2.0 ft/sec., a temporary lining may be required to stabilize the channel until vegetation is established. The temporary liner may be designed for peak flow from the 2-yr storm. If a channel requires temporary lining, the designer should analyze shear stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation. For the design of temporary liners, use tractive force procedure. NOTE 2: Design Tables-Vegetated Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass-lined channels with parabolic cross-sections. Step 11. Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability. If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream, an outlet protection struc- ture will be required (Table 8.OSd, pg. 8.05.9). Sample Problem 8.OSa illustrates the design of agrass-lined channel. • C C I C ~ .08 04 .02 .I .Average Length of Vegetation (in) Curve a Longer than 30" 11" to 24" 6" t 10" A B C o 2" to 6" Less than 2" D E B C D - E I 4 .6 .8 LO t ,Qa} 2 4 6 8 10 20 VR, Product of Velocity and Hydraulic Radius • Figure 8.05c Manning's n related to vebcity, hydraulic radius, and vegetal retardance. Note: From Sample Problem 8.05a multiply Vp x Hydralulic Radius (4.5x0.54=2.43), then enter the product of VR and extend a straight lineup to Retardance class "D", next project a straight line to the left to determine a trial manning's n. Rev. 12193 8.0$.7 • DRY POND • • MERCK VACCINE MANUFACTURING FACILITY MER-04000 MERCK VMF EMERGENCY SPILLWAY CHANNEL CALCULATIONS B.R. FINCH, PE MER-04000 (Dry Pond) 5/28/2004 • PROJECT: PROJECT #: DESIGNER: DATE: 17 cfs (Conservative !) Section = Trapezoidal Longitudinal Slope = 3.00 Left Sideslope = 3 H:V Right Sideslope = 3 H:V Bottom Width = 25 ft Lining = Tall Fescue VP = 4.0 - 5.0 ft/sec From Table B.OSa Depth = 1 ft +/- L` Merck VMF MER-04000 B.R. Finch, PE 5/28/2004 I, FT.OW C~LCTJTaATTON5 Q ioo = IL C'IIANNFT. C:ILCULATIONS _> Proposed Channel Section > 100-Year Storm Calculations (using Flowmaster) Assumed "n" Depth Area Wetted Perimeter Hydraulic Radius Velocity V*R Actual "n" Comments [ft] [ftz] [ft] (ft] [ft/sec] 0.035 0.24 6.1 26.51 0.23 2.77 0.64 0.070 n = 0.07 0.07 0.36 9.4 27.28 0.34 1.81 0.62 0.071 n = 0.071 0.071 0.36 9.5 27.30 0.35 1.79 0.62 0.071 n = OK C, Dry Pond -Emergency Spillway Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel • Project Description Worksheet Dry Pond - ES Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth Input Data Mannings 0.071 Coefficient Slope 3.0000 Left Side Slope 3.00 H : V Right Side 3.00 H : V Slope Bottom Width 25.00 ft Discharge 17.00 cfs Results Depth 0.36 ft Flow Area 9.5 ft2 Wetted 27.30 ft Perimeter Top Width 27.18 ft Critical Depth 0.24 ft • Critical Slope 11.9642 Velocity 1.79 ft/s Velocity 0.05 ft Head Specific 0.41 ft Energy Froude 0.53 Number Flow Type Subcritical • Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projects\mer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 (614b] 5/28/2004 11:30 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Dry Pond -Emergency Spillway Cross Section for Trapezoidal Channel • Project Description Worksheet Dry Pond - ES Flow Element Trapezoidal Channel Method Manning's Formula Solve For Channel Depth • Section Data Mannings 0.071 Coefficient Slope 3.0000 Depth 0.36 ft Left Side Slope 3.00 H : V Right Side 3.00 H : V Slope Bottom Width 25.00 ft Discharge 17.00 cfs ----- 25.00 ft -- ------- • ~~~ ft V:1 ~_- H:1 NTS Project Engineer: JRM Employee c:\flowmaster projectslmer04000.fm2 The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] 5/28/2004 11:30 AM ©Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA (203) 755-1666 Page 1 Appendices • Step 10. For grass-lined channels once the appropriate channel dimensions have been selected for low re~trdance conditions, repeat steps 6 through 8 using a higher relardance class, corresponding to tall grass. Adjust capacity of the channel by varying depth where site conditions permit. NOTE 1: If design velocity is greater than 2.0 ftJsec., a temporary lining may be required to stabilize the channel until vegetation is established. The temporary liner may be designed for peak I7ow from the 2-yr storm. If a channel requires temporary lining, the designer should analyze sheaz stresses in the channel to select the liner that provides protection and promotes establishment of vegetation. For the design of temporary liners, use tractive force procedure. NOTE 2: Design Tables-Vegcwted Channels and Diversions at the end of this section may be used to design grass-lined channels with parabolic cross-sections. Step 11. Check outlet for carrying capacity and stability. If discharge velocities exceed allowable velocities for the receiving stream, an outlet protection struc- ture will be required (Table 8.OSd, pg. 8.05.9). Sample Problem 8.OSa illustrates the design of agrass-lined channel. • 4 C C I .~ O.0~1 YA~ 06 04 .02 I Average Length of Vegetation (in) Curve n Longer than 30" 11" to 24" 6" to 10" A B C 2" to 6" Less than 2" D E e C D E 4 8 I.0 2 4 6 8 10 20 0.62 VR, Product of e ocity and Hydraulic Radius • Figure 8.05c Manning's n related to vebcity, hydraulic radius, and vegetal retardance. Note: From Sample Problem 8.05a multiply Vp x Hydralulic Radius (4.5x0.54=2.43), then enter the product of VR and expend a straight line up to Retardance class "D", next project a straight line to the left to determine a trial manning's n. Rev. 12193 8.05.7