HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00197_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20180307 I >:,. ROY COOPER r t Governor MICHAEL S.REGAN Secretary Water Resources LINDA CULPEPPER Environmental Quality Interim Director March 7, 2018 Town of Yanceyville Attn: Brian Collie, Town Manager P.O. Box 727 Yanceyville, NC 27379 RECElVEOIOENRID1 R Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspection MAR 5 201 Permittee: Town of Yanceyville Water Resources Facility: Town of Yanceyville Wastewater Collection System permitting Section Permit#: WQCS00197 Caswell County Dear Mr. Collie: 1. Ron Boone of the Winston-Salem Regional Office of the NC Division of Water Resources(DWR or the Division) conducted a compliance evaluation inspection(CEI)of the Town of Yanceyville's wastewater collection system (WWCS)on February 21, 2018. The assistance and cooperation of Mark Guthrie and Andy Butts,was greatly appreciated.An inspection checklist is attached for your records and inspection findings are summarized below. Site/System Review 2 The following system components were inspected. a. The Jail pump station (PS#3) was inspected. The alarm light was inoperable but the station also has a telemetry system that is fully operational. No other discrepancies were noted b The Suburban Mobile Home Park PS (#7)was inspected. The station had a significant amount of grease buildup. It may be prudent to use targeted FOG material distribution to park residents to help curb the amount of grease the station receives from users. No other discrepancies were noted. 3. As you are aware, your permit contains numerous requirements with which the Town of Yanceyville must comply Your compliance status with each of these requirements is summarized below. Part I, Performance Standards a. Part I, Paragraph 2: The wastewater collection system shall be effectively managed, maintained and operated at all times so that there is no SSO to land or surface waters, nor any contamination of groundwater. In the event that the wastewater collection system fails to perform satisfactorily,including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective actions, including actions that may be required by the Division of Water Quality(Division), such as the construction of additional or replacement sewer lines and/or equipment. Observations: The town's last reported Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) occurred in 2009. In full consideration of this and all observations made during the inspection, the Town of Yanceyville is hereby deemed compliant with this permit condition. Compliance Status: Compliant- Nothing Compares'."--, State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 450 W.Hanes Mill Road,Suite 300,Winston-Salem,North Carolina 27105 Phone 336-776-98001 FAX 336-776-9797 1 b. Part I, Paragraph 3: The Permittee shall establish by ordinance its legal authority to require new sewers be properly constructed; to ensure proper inspection and testing of sewer mains and service laterals; to address flows from satellite systems and to take enforcement action as required by Condition 1(4). Observations: The town's sewer use ordinance(SUO) meets all requirements. Compliance Status: Compliant c. Part I, Paragraph 4: The Permittee shall develop and implement an educational fats, oils and grease (FOG)program targeted at both residential and non-residential users.The Permittee shall also develop and implement an enforceable fats,oils and grease program for non-residential users under which the Permittee can take enforcement against users who have not properly installed,operated and maintained grease traps or grease interceptors as directed or otherwise violated the terms of the local ordinance pertaining to fats, oils and grease. Observations: Grease education materials(newsletters)are sent to all residents via US mail.They were sent once during the Spring and once during the Winter in 2017. The newsletters are also posted on the Town's website. The Town has identified 37 grease traps so far and continues to work on the non-residential part of the program.They attempt to inspect all grease traps at least bi-annually They do request owners to send them copies of pumping invoices.They feel the program is coming along nicely and that there are no issues with any contributors,which need to be addressed. Compliance Status: Compliant d. Part I, Paragraph 5: The Permittee shall adopt and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to designate funding for reinvestment into the wastewater collection system infrastructure. The CIP should address the short-term needs and long-term"master plan"concepts. The CIP should typically cover a three to five-year period and include a goal statement, a description of the project area, a description of the existing facility, known deficiencies(over a reasonable period)and forecasted future needs. Cost analysis is integral to the CIP. Observations: The town's CIP was reviewed. It covers 2017 to 2021 and represents about$25,000 of reinvestment into the system.This appears to be a very meager investment into the collection system,given its size, as well as the amount of money invested into other city programs. The city should ensure the system is in the best possible condition at all times by using many different tools,one of the most important and valuable of which is the corporate knowledge of the system operators. The operators can generally provide valuable input for collection system reinvestment. One item discussed during the inspection was a new sewer jetting/cleaning machine. The purchase of this type of equipment would certainly save the city the annual cost of paying a contractor to perform line cleaning maintenance and blockage removal, which eventually,would pay for the new machine. Compliance Status: Compliant e. Part I, Paragraph 6: Existing overflow piping from manholes and pump stations, excluding piping to approved equalization structures, known or discovered after permit issuance shall be immediately removed or permanently capped. Plugged emergency pumping connections are allowable for portable pumping or rerouting without intentionally bypassing the wastewater treatment facility. Observations: No such overflows were identified during the inspection and Mr. Guthrie stated that he believes that none exist. Compliance Status: Compliant f. Part I, Paragraph 7: The Permittee shall maintain a contingency plan (PSCP) for pump failure at each pump station. If one of the pumps in a pump station containing multiple pumps fails,the process of repairing or replacing the pump shall be initiated immediately and the new parts or pump shall be installed as soon as possible. If the pump in a simplex pump station fails, it shall be replaced immediately. Observations:The Town's PSCPs were reviewed and found to meet requirements. Compliance Status: Compliant g. Part I, Paragraph 8: Each pump station shall be clearly and conspicuously posted with a pump station identifier and an emergency contact telephone number at which an individual who can initiate or perform emergency service for the wastewater collection system 24 hours per day, seven days per week can be contacted. This emergency contact telephone number shall be coupled with instructions that the emergency contact should be called if the visual alarm illuminates, if the audible alarm sounds, or if an emergency is apparent. • Observations: All pump stations inspected had the required signage and Mr.Guthrie stated that all other stations also have the same type of signage. Compliance Status: Compliant h. Part I,Paragraph 9: Pump station sites,equipment and components shall have restricted access,per 15A NCAC 2H .0219(h)(7). Observations: All pump stations inspected were sufficiently secured to provide restricted access. Mr. Guthrie stated that all other stations are also secured. Compliance Status: Compliant i. Part I, Paragraph 10: Pump stations that do not employ an automatic polling feature(i.e routine contact with pump stations from a central location to check operational status of the communication system)shall have both audible and visual high-water alarms. The alarms shall be weather-proof and placed in a clear and conspicuous location. Permits issued for the construction of pump stations that included high water alarms in the description must maintain the alarms even if simple telemetry (i.e notification of an alarm condition initiated by the pump station control feature)is installed. Observations: All pump stations have both audible and visual(NV)alarms,as well as telemetry systems. These systems were fully operational at the stations evaluated during this inspection,except for the visual alarm at the Jail.PS. However,the telemetry was still operational and Mr.Guthrie stated that he would have it repaired immediately. Compliance Status: Compliant j. Part I, Paragraph 11: For all newly constructed, modified and rehabilitated pump stations, all equipment and components located within the pump station shall be corrosion-resistant and components in close proximity of the pump station shall be sealed within a corrosion-resistant coating or encasement V Observations: This condition was not evaluated, however none of the PSs inspected appeared to have excessive corrosion. It is assumed that the town would require such materials in the design of all such equipment/components. Compliance Status: Not Evaluated k. Part I,Paragraph 12: All construction and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system(i.e.,permitted or deemed permitted) shall be scheduled to minimize the interruption of service by the existing utilities. Construction and rehabilitation shall not result in the violation of Condition 1.2.of this permit. Observations: No conditions that demonstrate noncompliance with this permit condition were noted during the inspection. Compliance Status: Compliant Part II,Operation and Maintenance Requirements I. Part II, Paragraph 1: Upon classification of the collection system by the Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission (WPCSOCC), the Permittee shall designate and employ a certified operator to be in responsible charge(ORC)and one or more certified operator(s)to be back-up ORC(s)of the facilities in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G .0201. The ORC shall visit the system within 24 hours of knowledge of a bypass, spill, or overflow of wastewater from the system, unless visited by the Back-Up ORC,and shall comply with all other conditions of 15A NCAC 8G.0204 Observations: According to our records, Mr. Guthrie is designated the Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC),and Elvis Strader and Andy Butts,are both designated as backup operators(BORC). Compliance Status: Compliant m. Part II, Paragraph 2: The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for reviewing all inspection, maintenance, operational and complaint logs. If the review process results in the identification of any recurring problem in the wastewater collection system,that cannot be resolved in a short time period, the Permittee shall establish a plan for addressing the problem(s). Observations: Mr. Guthrie normally reviews and documents his review by signing and dating the documents as they're generated. Compliance Status: Compliant n. Part II, Paragraph 3: The Permittee shall develop and adhere to a schedule for testing emergency and standby equipment Observations: All PSs have on site generators which are activated automatically every Tuesday and are thoroughly checked once per month. These inspections are annotated on the PS inspection logs. Compliance Status: Compliant o Part II, Paragraph 4: The Permittee shall develop and implement a routine pump station inspection and maintenance program,which shall include, but not be limited to,the following maintenance activities: 1. Cleaning and removing debris from the pump station structure,outside perimeter,and wet well; 2. Inspecting and exercising all valves; 3. Inspecting and lubricating pumps and other mechanical equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendations;and 4. Verifying the proper operation of the alarms,telemetry system and auxiliary equipment. Observations: The town's PS inspection logs include all the above listed items. Compliance Status: Compliant p. Part II, Paragraph 5: For each pump station without pump reliability(i.e. simplex pump stations serving more than a single building or pump stations not capable of pumping at a rate of 2.5 times the average daily flow rate with the largest pump out of service),at least one fully operational spare pump capable of pumping peak flow shall be maintained on hand. Observations: The Town keeps several spare pumps on hand, including several replacement pumps for the 32 simplex stations. Compliance Status: Compliant q. Part II, Paragraph 6: The Permittee shall maintain on hand at least two percent of the number of pumps installed,but no less than two pumps,that discharge to a pressure sewer and serve a single building,unless the Permittee has the ability to purchase and install a replacement pump within 24 hours of first knowledge of the simplex pump failure or within the storage capacity provided in any sewer line extension permit. Observations: Mr. Guthrie stated that the system has approximately 32 simplex stations. They currently have six spare pumps on hand. Compliance Status: Compliant r. Part II, Paragraph 7: Rights-of-way and/or easements shall be properly maintained to allow accessibility to the wastewater collection system unless the Permittee can demonstrate the ability to gain temporary access in an emergency situation where existing land-use conditions do not allow the establishment and maintenance of permanent access. In this case,the Permittee shall continue to observe the lines visually, utilize remote inspection methods(e.g.CCTV)and use the opportunity of drier conditions to perform further inspections and necessary maintenance. Observations: All right-of-ways (ROW) evaluated during the inspection were well maintained and documentation is sufficient. Compliance Status: Compliant s. Part II, Paragraph 8; The Permittee shall assess cleaning needs and develop and implement a program for appropriately cleaning,whether by hydraulic or mechanical methods,all sewer lines. At least 10 percent of the wastewater collection system, selected at the discretion of the ORC, shall be cleaned each year. Preventative cleaning is not required for sewer lines less than five years old unless inspection otherwise reveals the need for cleaning or cleaning is required by a sewer line extension permit. Observations: The Town cleaned 15,615 feet for 2016/2017 so far, which meets the minimum requirement. However, please improve the line cleaning records by having the contractor annotate on their invoices the footage of line cleaned under each invoice. f bb. Part IV,Paragraph 3: The Permittee shall meet the annual reporting and notification requirements provided in North Carolina General Statute§143-215.1C. Observations: Annual reports are being produced.All reporting and notification requirements are being met Compliance Status: Compliant Part V, Inspections cc. Part V, Paragraph 1: The Permittee or the Permittee's designee shall inspect the wastewater collection system regularly to reduce the risk of malfunctions and deterioration,operator errors,and other issues that may cause or lead to the release of wastes to the environment,threaten human health or create nuisance conditions. The Permittee shall keep an inspection log or summary including,at a minimum,the date and time of inspection, observations made, and any maintenance, repairs, or corrective actions taken by the Permittee. Observations: Operation and maintenance of the system is recorded on various logs and forms. Compliance Status: Compliant dd Part V, Paragraph 2: Pump stations without Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition(SCADA)systems or telemetry shall be inspected everyday (i.e. 365 days per year). Pump stations equipped with SCADA systems or telemetry shall be inspected at least once per week. Observations: All pump stations have telemetry systems and audible and visual alarms and are typically inspected seven days per week, except for the Work Farm PS, which normally is not accessible on the weekends. Compliance Status: Compliant ee. Part V, Paragraph 3: A general observation of the entire collection system shall be performed throughout- the course of every year Observations: Mr Guthrie stated he believes the entire system is observed throughout the course of each year and it is being documented. Compliance Status: Compliant ff. Part V, Paragraph 4: Inspections of all high priority lines (i.e aerial line, sub-waterway crossing, line contacting surface waters, siphon, line positioned parallel to stream banks that are subject to eroding in such a manner that may threaten the sewer line, or line designated as high-priority in a permit) shall be performed at least once per every six-month period of time. New high priority lines installed or identified after permit issuance are incorporated by reference and subject to this permit condition until permit renewal where they shall be referenced in writing. Observations: High priority lines are identified and inspected and the inspections are documented. Compliance Status: Compliant e 4. Please be aware that violations of collection system permit WQCS00197 are subject to civil penalty assessments not to exceed $25,000 per day, per violation. Please address all discrepancies noted above as soon as possible. 5. If you have any questions regarding the inspection or this letter, please give Mr. Boone or me a call at(336) 776-9800. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, AuL 12vuti214— Sherri V. Knight, P.E., Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Attachments: 1 BIMS Inspection Checklist CC: WSRO-SWP Central Files PERCS Unit Town of Yanceyville Mr. Mark Guthrie,WWCS Operator in Responsible Charge P.O. Box 727 Yanceyville, NC 27379 Compliance Inspection Report Permit: WQCS00197 Effective: 06/01/13 Expiration: 05/31/21 Owner: Town of Yanceyvdle SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Yanceyville Collection System County:Caswell PO Box 727 Region: Winston-Salem Yanceyville NC 27379 Contact Person: Brian Collie Title: Phone: 336-694-5431 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: CS2, Primary ORC: Mark Elwood Guthrie Certification: 15322 Phone: 336-344-3039 Secondary ORC(s): On-Site Representatwe(s): Related Permits: NC0040011 Town of Yanceyville-Yanceyville WWTP Inspection Date: 02/21/2018E[St Time: 09 50AM Exit Time: 01 OOPM Primary Inspector: Ron Boone K) Phone: 336-776-9690 6,, ....„1,_, '212_17,C Secondary Inspector(s): J Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Permit Inspection Type: Collection system management and operation Facility Status: II Compliant ❑ Not Compliant Question Areas: • Miscellaneous Questions MI Performance Standards • Operation&Maint Reqmts II Records • Monitoring&Rpting Reqmts II Inspections El Pump Station II Lines (See attachment summary) Page 1 Permit: WQCS00197 Owner-Facility.Town of Yanceyville Inspection Date. 02/21/2018 Inspection Type•Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary Please refer to the attached inspection summary letter Page 2 ,f Permit WQCS00197 Owner-Facility:Town of Yanceyville Inspection Date• 02/21/2018 Inspection Type:Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine Performance Standards Yes No NA NE Is Public Education Program for grease established and documented'? • 0 0 0 What educational tools are used'? Newsletters and town's website Is Sewer Use Ordinance/Legal Authority available'? • 0 0 0 Does it appear that the Sewer Use Ordinance is enforced'? • 0 0 0 Is Grease Trap Ordinance available? • 0 0 0 Is Septic Tank Ordinance available(as applicable,i e annexation) ❑ 0 0 U List enforcement actions by permittee,if any,in the last 12 months Has an acceptable Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)been implemented' • 0 ❑ 0 Does CIP address short term needs and long term\"master plank"concepts'? • 0 0 0 Does CIP cover three to five year period'? • 0 0 0 Does CIP include Goal Statement? • 0 0 0 Does CIP include description of project area'? • 0 0 0 Does CIP include description of existing facilities'? • 0 0 ❑ Does CIP include known deficiencies'? • 0 0 0 Does CIP include forecasted future needs'? • 0 0 0 Is CIP designated only for wastewater collection and treatment? • 0 0 ❑ Approximate capital improvement budget for collection system'? $25,000 00 Total annual revenue for wastewater collection and treatment CIP Comments It appears the city should reinvest more into the collection system or into equipment to allow operators to more efficiently/effectively operate and/or maintain the system Is system free of known points of bypass'? • 0 0 0 If no,describe type of bypass and location Is a 24-hour notification sign posted at ALL pump stations'? • 0 0 0 #Does the sign include Instructions for notification'? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Pump station identifier? • 0 0 0 24-hour contact numbers • 0 0 0 If no,list deficient pump stations #Do ALL pump stations have an"auto polling"feature/SCADA? 0 II 0 0 Number of pump stations 7 Number of pump stations that have SCADA 0 Number of pump stations that have simple telemetry 7 Number of pump stations that have only audible and visual alarms 0 Page 3 z > > D c 0 5 v, > > 5 0 0 D 0 0 2 > t * D D D > > 5 n O * * z N 3 3 3 S O Ol Ft; 0 CD0 0 CD 3 oCD y 3 2 0 CD CD CD CD (D (a 0 y 0 C .0.. co -+ (D 7 7 5 7 '0 tY N (0 .�+ 0 o L1 N O 7 .< O 3 3 _ _ 3 N 3 3 0 N N 0" 0 'Y N 7" _N (D -O 'O -O a se 3 y_ 7- Cl) 0) v+ 7• .► (D AO 3 O 00 7 n DO Cl) .0., 3 O- Vl 0 N 7 3 O Cl)O O _ " n-. .n. .n.. 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WQCS00197 Owner-Facility:Town of Yanceyville Inspection Date: 02/21/2018 Inspection Type:Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit. Routine Is a Spill Response Action Plan available? • 0 0 0 Does the plan include 24-hour contact numbers • 0 0 0 Response time • 0 0 0 Equipment list and spare parts inventory • 0 0 0 Access to cleaning equipment • 0 0 0 Access to construction crews,contractors,and/or engineers • 0 0 0 Source of emergency funds • 0 0 0 Site sanitation and cleanup materials • 0 0 0 Post-overflow/spill assessment • 0 0 0 Is a Spill Response Action Plan available for all personnel? • 0 0 0 Is the spare parts inventory adequate? • 0 0 0 Comment None Records Yes No NA NE Are adequate records of all SSOs,spills and complaints available? • 0 0 0 Are records of SSOs that are under the reportable threshold available? • 0 0 0 Do spill records indicate repeated overflows(2 or more in 12 months)at same location? 0 I 0 0 If yes,is there a corrective action plan? 0 0 III ❑ Is a map of the system available? • 0 0 0 Does the map include Pipe sizes • 0 0 ❑ Pipe materials • 0 0 0 Pipe location • 0 0 0 Flow direction • 0 0 0 Approximate pipe age • 0 0 0 Number of service taps • 0 0 0 Pump stations and capacity • 0 0 0 If no,what percent is complete? List any modifications and extensions that need to be added to the map #Does the permittee have a copy of their permit? • 0 0 0 Comment. None Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Yes No NA NE Are copies of required press releases and distribution lists available? • 0 0 0 Are public notices and proof of publication available? • 0 0 0 #Is an annual report being prepared in accordance with G S 143-215 1C? • 0 0 0 #Is permittee compliant with all compliance schedules in the permits? 0 0 U 0 Page 5 Permit: WQCS00197 Owner-Facility:Town of Yanceyville Inspection Date: 02/21/2018 Inspection Type:Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit: Routine If no,which one(s)? Comment None JAIL#3 - East side of North Pump Station Yes No NA NE Pump station type Duplex Are pump station logs available? • 000 Is it accessible in all weather conditions? S 000 #Is general housekeeping acceptable? • 000 Are all pumps present? • 000 Are all pumps operable? • 000 Are wet wells free of excessive debris? • 000 Are upstream manholes free of excessive debris/signs of overflow? 0 ❑ 0 M Are floats/controls for pumps/alarms operable? • 000 Is"auto polling"feature/SCADA present? 0 • 00 Is"auto polling"feature/SCADA operational? 001110 Is simple telemetry present? • 000 Is simple telemetry operational? • 0 00 Are audio and visual alarms present? • 000 Are audio and visual alarms operable? ❑ E1 0 0 Is the Pump station inspected as required? • 000 Are backflow devices in place? • 000 Are backflow devices operable? • ❑ [] 0 Are air relief valves in place? • 0 0 0 Are air relief valves operable? • 000 # Is an emergency generator available? • 000 Can the emergency generator run the pumps? • 000 Is the pump station equipped for quick hook-up? • 000 Is the generator operable? • 000 #Is fuel in tank and sufficient? • 000 Is the generator inspected according to their schedule? • 000 Is a 24-hour notification sign posted? • 000 Does it include Instructions for notification? • 000 Pump station identifier? • 000 Emergency phone number • 000 Is public access limited? • 000 Page 6 L •a6ed O 0 0 ■ i,uoi;eopou Jo}suogonJ;sui apnpuI II SaoQ ❑ 0 0 . 4,pa;sod u6is uoi;eogl;ou inoq-vz a si O 001 i,eJnpagos Jiay;o;6wpJ000e pepadsui Jo;emaua6 eq si 0 0 0 • a;ueiowns pue Nue;ui fen}sl# ❑ 0 0 • e,aigeJado jo;ejaua6 mg si O 0 0 • (An-Nooq poinb Jo}paddinbe uoge;s dwnd ay;si O 0 0 • c,sdwnd all ung Jo;eJaue6 Aoua6iewe ay;ueQ O 0 0 • ,amepene Jo;eJaue6/coua6Jawa ue si # O 0 0 • i,apeiado semen Arial JIB any O 0 0 • (Amid ui sanien}agaJ JIG eJy O 0 0 • .algeiado saoinap Moipoeq ajy ❑ 0 0 • 4,eoeid in saomap Moippeq aiy O 0 0 • aannbaJ se pa;oadsui uoge;s dwnd eq;el O ❑ 0 • d,epeiedo suueie iensin pue oipne any O 0 0 • auesaid sWJBIe iensm pue oipne any O 0 0 • deuoi;eJedo ti;awaia;aidwis si ❑ ❑ 0 • auesaJd fulawaiel aidwis si O U 0 0 („ieuoi;eJedo vayosiein;eel„Bullied o;ne„si O ❑ • 0 a;uesaid yayos/ain;ee;„6wpod o;ne„el O 0 0 • ,apeiedo swiele/sdwnd Jo}sio.000/s;eo6 any O 0 0 • _ 4,Moweno jo su6ls/sugep anlssaoxe}o am sapquew weal;sdn any O 0 ❑ • (,sugap anISSaOXe JO ea4 SII M;aM any O 0 0 • t,algeJedo sdwnd Ile eiy O 0 0 • a;uesaid sdwnd tie apy O 0 0 • 4,e ge;daooe 6wdeeNesnoq leieue6 si# ❑ 0 0 • ,suogipuoo Jeq;eaM He w aigisseooe;i Si O 0 0 • - 4,e geIiene s6o1 wimp dwnd eiy xaldna ad/4 uoi;e;s dwnd 3N VN oN SBA 1J011e1�wnd V - L#SddHWWAR:111811S Aialeipewwi paneaai eq mom 1!wig pales aIwe 'JW -ameiedoui seen mew wpm leuoleJaao SEM WJnIe appny :luewwo3 saA 6sdwnd apiwnw Jo}apeJedwoo sawq unJ any O 0 0 • i,Moweno}o su6is}o eaJ}uoge;s dwnd au;si O 0 0 • 4,6wdid Mo an°}o eaq uoge;s dwnd si aw;noa :;!s1A JOJ uoseaa bugdwes uoN pedsui wa;si(s uoipa!!oo:adiSj uo!;aadsul 8102/4220 :e;ea uonoadsui apinbaoue,T,;o umol.Al!!loed-muma L61.00S3bM :;lwJad 3 I Permit. WQCS00197 Owner-FacdrtyTown of Yanceyville Inspection Date• 02/21/2018 Inspection Type:Collection System Inspect Non Sampling Reason for Visit. Routine Pump station identifier? • 0 0 0 Emergency phone number • 0 0 0 Is public access limited? • 0 0 0 Is pump station free of overflow piping? • 0 0 0 Is the pump station free of signs of overflow? • 0 0 0 Are run times comparable for multiple pumps? Yes Comment None Page 8