HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072112 Ver 2_20180312_letter_Service to NCDOT_OceanOutfall #6_20180316United States Department of the Ynterior e�sH a�v� w��,D�[e� sE�v�c� Raleigh Field Office Past Office Bax 33726 ��I�.r�h, Narth Carolina?7b36-37?6 March 12, 2018 Paul Williams North Carolina Dapartment of Transportation I 13 Airport Drive, Suite 100 Edenton, North Caralina 27932 Dear Mr. Williams: This letter is in response to your letter of March 7, 2018 which provided the U.S. Fish and Wild�ife Servic� (Service) with the biolo�ical conclusion of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) that ihe repair of Ocean Outfall #b at Lake Drive in Kill De�il Hills, Dare County may affect, but is nat likefy to adversely affect the federally listed green sea turtle (Chelonia ntydas}, Ieatherback sea turtle (Dermachelys coriacea),loggerhead sea turtle (C'aretla caretta}, hawksbill sea turtIe (Eretmochelys inrbricata}, Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kenrpia�, piping plover (Charadritrs nr�lodus), and red knot (Calidris canutus rufa). These comments are provided in accordance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA} af 1973, as amended {16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). According ta your submitted information, NCD4T expects to complete the work tltis Aprii. However, if inclement weather delays the praject and work is pushed into May, the NCDOT will conduct a sea turtle crawl survey (beginnin� May 1) each morning prior to wark commencin�. Yau state that if any sea turtIe crawl is observed, NCDOT will stop work and consult with the North Caralina Wildlife Resources Commission {NCWRC) prior to any further work talcing place. Furthermore, all wark wil) occur during daylight hours only. Based on availabte information, and due #o the limited scope and duration af the project, the 5ervice concurs with your conclusion that the project may affect, but is not likely to adversely affect sea turtle species, pipin� plaver, and red knot. However, in the unlike�y event that a sea turtle crawl is observed near the project loeation, we advise that the Service should be cantaeted in addition to contacting the NCWRC. The gresence of a sea turtle crawI is unlikely to result in a long-term delay of the project, but appropriate measures may need to taka pince tu avoid take of tha species. We helieve that the requirements of Section 7{a)(2} of the ESA iza�e been satisfied. We rerttind yau that obligations under Section 7 consultation must be reconsidered if (1) new information reveals impacts of this identified action that may affect listed species or critical habitat in a manner not previously considered in t�is review; (2} this action is subsequentIy modified in a manner that was nat considered in this review; or [3) a new species is listed or critical habitat determined that may be affected by this identi�ed action. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review this project. [f you have �rty questions regarding our response, please cantact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) 856-4524 {Ext. 32}. Sincerely, �- Pete Benjarnin Field Supervisor Eiectronic copy: Kyle Barnes, USACE, Washington, NC Travis Wilson, NCWRC, Creedmoor, NC