HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0089621_Novozymes Addendum to BAT Analysis_20180312It Dewberry. Addendum to Best Available Technology Analysis Novozymes North America, Inc. February 26, 2018 SUBMITTED BY: Dewberry Engineers Inc. 2610 Wycliff Road Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27607 SUBMITTED FOR: Novozymes North America, Inc. SUBMITTED TO: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction...................................................................................................... 2 2. Alternative Treatment Technologies............................................................... 4 3. Treatability Testing........................................................................................... 5 4. Cost Analysis......................................................................................................8 5. BAT Limit Determination...................................................................................9 6. Conclusion.......................................................................................................12 List of Tables Table 1. Treatment Alternatives Table 2. Nitrogen Speciation Parameters Table 3. 95`h Percentile Reactor Effluent Nitrogen Speciation Table 4. Equivalent Annual Costs Table 5. Calculated Effluent Total Nitrogen Table 6. Equivalent Annual Costs Normalized to Nitrogen Removed Table 7. North Carolina Municipal Surcharge Rates Table 8. Proposed Total Nitrogen Effluent Limit Table 9. Normalized Nitrogen Removal Costs List of Figures Figure 1. TN Effluent Results Comparison List of Appendices Appendix A. Reactor Effluent Certified Lab Results Appendix B. Reactor Logs and Internal Lab Analysis Appendix C. Opinion of Probable Cost for Nitrogen Removal 41 Dewberry February26, 2018 Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 1 1. INTRODUCTION The Novozymes North America (Novozymes) facility in Franklinton, North Carolina is pursuing a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for direct discharge to the Tar River. The NPDES direct discharge permit would serve as a conjunctive discharge option as Novozymes intends to maintain its existing discharge options: (1) land application through Non -Discharge Permit (WQ00028o6) and (2) indirect discharge to Franklin County's Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) via Industrial User Pretreatment (IUP) Permit 0112. As required by the NC Division of Water Resources (Division), Novozymes has performed an Engineering Alternatives Analysis (EAA) in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.0105(c)(2). The EAA and NPDES applications Form 1 and Form 2D were submitted to the Division on May 26, 2o16. The option for Novozymes to discharge additional wastewater to the Franklin County WWTP was evaluated within the EAA. Novozymes is seeking the conjuctive discharge option as the Franklin County WWTP does not have the capacity to accept additional flow and Novozymes is required per a Corrective Action Plan to reduce the volume of wastewater that is land applied. Based on Novozymes' SIC Code 2869, the facility's industrial discharge is regulated under the Organic Chemicals, Plastics, and Synthetic Fibers (OCPSF) effluent limits for Subcategory G Bulk Organic Chemicals (40 CFR 414.70). However, Novozymes' manufacturing process is a fermentation process, and 40 CFR 414.11(e) states the provisions of 40 CFR 414 do not apply to discharges from the manufacture of organic chemical compounds solely by fermentation processes. It should be noted that even if the provisions of 40 CFR 414 did apply to the Novozymes facility, BAT limits are not established in 40 CFR 414 Subcategory G for nitrogen. On December 14, 2016, the Division requested that Novozymes conduct a Best Available Technology Analysis for determination of effluent limits for total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP). Best Available Technology (BAT) Economically Achievable limits represent, in general, the best existing performance of treatment technologies that are economically achievable within an industrial point source category (EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Manual, 201o, EPA-833-K-io-ooi). Novozymes submitted a Best Available Technology (BAT) Analysis on February 28, 2017. The BAT Analysis proposed the TN and TP limits that can be achieved by Novozymes based on an analysis of historical Novozymes wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent data and anticipated WWTP upgrades. The proposed limits were 8.8 mg/1 TN and 1.o mg/l TP. Based upon subsequent discussions with the Division regarding the BAT Analysis, Novozymes elected to pursue treatability testing to support development of the total nitrogen effluent limits. Novozymes and Dewberry developed a treatability testing protocol and reviewed the protocol with the Division on June 2, 2017. The Division concurred with the proposed approach and bench scale treatability testing was then performed at Dewberry's Raleigh, NC treatability laboratory from July 12, 2017 — August 19, 2017. Pursuant to the agreed upon protocol, treatability testing was performed at three design loading conditions to simulate one treatment technology (sequencing type reactor). Sequencing continuous reactor technology was utilized as Novozymes is currently designing a WWTP upgrade to incorporate this treatment approach. Novozymes selected this treatment technology based on technology evaluations performed historically for the Franklinton site and the success of this treatment technology employed at other Novozymes facilities worldwide. The technology involves a continuous flow through reactor system which operates with sequencing aeration/mixing. During a meeting with the Division on December 14, 2017, the Division requested Novozymes provide a narrative evaluation of alternative treatment technology to support selection of the sequencing continuous reactor. Section 2 of this report includes a discussion of treatment alternatives and the considerations that supported Novozymes' selection of the treatment technology currently being designed. This report serves as an addendum to the original BAT Analysis submitted on February 28, 2017. Total nitrogen BAT limits proposed in this report are based on the treatability testing results, water quality standards, and the equivalent annual costs for each design condition. The general process used to determine the BAT limits is as follows: 1. Identify achievable effluent total nitrogen limits based on water quality standards, technology limits, and treatability testing. 2. Develop Equivalent Annual Costs for each design loading condition (e.g. alternative). wor D ewberry February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 12 3. Calculate normalized nitrogen removal costs for each alternative based on the equivalent annual cost and total annual mass of nitrogen removed. 4. Compile NC municipal TN surcharge rates for industrial discharge to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). 5. Compare the normalized nitrogen removal costs for each design condition to NC municipal TN surcharge rates. 6. Propose BAT TN limit. The following information is contained herein: oo Evaluation of treatment alternatives, oo Treatability testing results, oo Cost analysis, and ao Proposed BAT limits. Gor Dewberry- February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 13 2. ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES Novozymes has periodically performed technology evaluations to support wastewater treatment plant upgrades for the Franklinton site. Treatability testing, concept design, and opinions of probable cost have not been completed for each potential treatment technology. However, desktop evaluations have been performed and the success of treatment technologies at other Novozymes sites has been considered to support selection of the treatment technology that has been chosen for the Franklinton site. Table 1 provides a summary of the technologies that have been considered and the advantages and disadvantages of each technology. Table 1. Treatment Alternatives Technology Advantages Disadvantages Sequencing Continuous Flow cc Proven success at other Novozymes sites cc Potential for poor settling floc oo Process flexibility to respond to variable influent conditions cc Smaller reactor footprint by utilizing simultaneous nitrification/denitrification. Current concept design requires approximately 3.2 MG of reactor volume for 2 MGD. oo Potential lower long term operating costs by utilizing simultaneous nitrification/denitrification Multiple Stage Continuous Flow oo Proven success based on current oo High recycle rate required to wastewater treatment system support denitrification oc Less process flexibility to adapt to variable influent characteristics as aerobic and anoxic operating volumes are set Sequencing Batch Reactor oo Flexibility to modify reactor phases oo Larger reactor footprint and based on influent characteristics operating volume. A concept design performed in 2017 indicated the treatment system would require approximately u MG of reactor volume for 2 MGD. Novozymes has successfully operated sequencing continuous flow systems in Kalundborg, Denmark and Tianjin Shi, China. The sequencing flow system in China has successfully operated for the last 20 years. The WWTP includes reactors which are continuous flow through; however, the aeration is cycled on and off based on ammonia and nitrate concentrations in the reactors. When ammonia concentrations decrease to a specific set point, aeration is turned off in order to create anoxic conditions to support denitrification. Once nitrate concentrations decrease to a specific set point, aeration is turned back on to support nitrification. Multiple reactors are utilized in parallel, and the reactor effluent discharges to secondary clarifiers. This treatment technology provides the process flexibility of a sequencing batch reactor while operating at higher loading rates that result in less reactor volume required. The treatability testing protocol, described in Section 3, was developed to simulate this full-scale reactor operational strategy. In addition to the process flexibility and proven success at other Novozymes' facilities, the sequencing continuous reactor offers other advantages over alternate biological treatment configurations. This reactor configuration requires a smaller footprint and therefore less greenfield development, so it is an ideal option for a facility with limited space. Novozymes has observed the sequencing continuous reactor consume less energy than traditional continuous flow systems due to simultaneous nitrification/denitrification and the lack of internal recycle pumps. sor Dewberry February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 14 3. TREATABILITY TESTING 3.1 Treatability Testing Approach The primary objective of performing treatability testing was to establish the soluble refractory organic nitrogen concentration and nitrate expected to be present in the Novozymes treated effluent using the sequencing type reactor at diffierent design loading conditions. The ultimate goal of the treatability testing was to determine the effluent refractory organic nitrogen and nitrate to support establishment of the effluent nitrogen limits for the Novozymes NPDES permit based on analysis of Best Available Technology. As discussed above, Novozymes is currently performing preliminary design for a WWTP upgrade to include sequencing continuous flow treatment reactors. This system offers significant advantages over other treatment configurations and has proven successful at treating Novozymes wastewater in the Denmark and China facilities. The treatability testing protocol was developed to simulate this full-scale treatment technology. Bench scale reactors were operated with a distinct aeration phase which was terminated upon achieving an ammonia -nitrogen concentration less than 1 mg/l. This was to simulate the full-scale sequence when aeration is activated. The bench scale reactors were then operated with an anoxic phase with supplemental carbon addition until the nitrate reached a concentration less than 1 mg/l. This was to simulate the full-scale sequence when the aeration is deactivated and the reactors are in mix phase. This sequence represented one reaction batch in the bench scale reactors. Full-scale, this sequence would repeat continuously in the continuous flow through reactor. The bench scale reactors were operated as true batch reactors, without continuous feed/draw and with a clarification phase, due to the challenges associated with balancing flow rates to maintain continuous flow conditions on a small scale. 3.2 Treatability Testing Protocol Treatability testing was performed in 2-liter reactors mixed on a Phipps & Bird jar tester. Reactors were aerated with diffuser stones and miniature air pumps. Each reactor was operated at a different food -to -mass (F:M) loading rate, as follows: Reactor 1 = o.1, Reactor 2 = 0.5, and Reactor 3 = 0.7 (units of mg COD/mg MLVSS*day). These three food -to -mass conditions were selected to represent the range of historical food -to -mass loading conditions the Novozymes Franklinton WWTP has operated. Initially, from July 12-July 20, 2017, reactors were operated with a multi -phased nitrification/denitrification by cycling the aerators on/off in 3o-minute intervals. After running multiple batches under this configuration, effluent data indicated that sufficient carbon was not remaining during the anoxic cycles to support complete denitrification, so nitrates remained elevated at the end of a batch. These results were not entirely unexpected, as the reactors were not operated with continuous influent feed and therefore the rate of denitrification was very low. This differs from the approach that will be implemented full-scale, which includes continuous feed to provide carbon to support higher denitrification rates. In addition, the aeration/anoxic phases on the bench scale were operated on a timed basis rather than utilizing real time data (NH3 and NO3) to control as will be the operational approach full-scale. For testing performed from July 21 — August 4, 2017, the protocol was modified for each batch to operate with a single aerobic cycle followed by a single anoxic cycle. Supplemental carbon was added to the reactors at the beginning of the anoxic cycle to support higher denitrification rates. The final protocol included the following sequence: 1. Feed a. Feed Novozymes wastewater at volumes required to achieve the three food -to -mass loading conditions 2. Aeration Cycle a. Aerate the reactor until the reactor ammonia concentration is < 1 mg/1 3. Anoxic Cycle a. Stop aeration and continue mixing the reactor b. Dose supplemental carbon (acetic acid) to support denitrification at a Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) to Nitrate ratio of 6 c. Mix the reactor until the reactor nitrate is < 1 mg/l 4. Settle a. Stop mixing and allow biomass to settle Wor D ewberry February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 15 5. Decant a. Decant reactor effluent for analysis Effluent samples were analyzed both by a certified laboratory and by Dewberry personnel. Dewberry analyzed samples using Hach test kits in order to identify the end of aeration/anoxic cycles and to assess reactor performance in real time. The results presented within this report and used to establish effluent limits are based solely on certified laboratory data. Due to large sample volumes required by the certified laboratory, effluent from approximately 2-3 reactor batches were composited to create a certified laboratory sample. The reactors were analyzed weekly for total suspended solids and volatile suspended solids. Reactors were also monitored regularly for pH and dissolved oxygen. Reactor pH was adjusted as needed to maintain the pH at approximately 7.5-9 s.u. Reactor batch effluent samples were analyzed by the certified laboratory for the following parameters: oo Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) oo Soluble Carbonaceous 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODO co Nitrate/nitrite (NO3/NO2) oo Ammonia (NH3) oo Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) oo Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (sTKN) Table 2 presents the nitrogen species evaluated and the source of the results (measured versus calculated). Effluent soluble total nitrogen (sTN) and soluble organic nitrogen (sOrgN) were calculated using Equation 1 and Equation 2. Equation 1: sTN(calculated) = STKN(measured) + NO3(measured) + NO2(measured) Equation 2: SOryN(calculated) = sTKN(measured) - NH3(measured) Table 2. Nitrogen Speciation Parameters Parameter Full Name Measured Calculated sTKN Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Measured NO3 Nitrate Measured NO2 Nitrite Measured NH3 Ammonia Measured sTN Soluble Total Nitrogen Calculated sOr N Soluble Organic Nitrogen Calculated Particulate nitrogen was not evaluated during this study since Novozymes will be implementing tertiary filtration full-scale. Effluent particulate nitrogen with tertiary filtration is estimated to be 0.36 mg/L, which is based on assuming a biological suspended solids filter effluent of 3.0 mg/L. 3.3 Testing Results Effluent reactor results analyzed by a certified laboratory are presented in Appendix A. Appendix A only includes certified laboratory effluent results for the modified reactor protocol operated from July 21— August 4, 2017. Reactor logs and process control laboratory analyses performed by Dewberry are presented in Appendix B. Results in Appendix B were used to aid in reactor operations (e.g. when to terminate cycles, adjust pH, etc) and were not used in the BAT limit analysis. Table 3 summarizes the 95th percentile reactor effluent results. The 95th percentile reactor effluent is presented, as that is used to develop the effluent total nitrogen limit. This is consistent with the EPA's methodology for establishing monthly average effluent limits. The 95th percentile is the basis for long-term average in order to accommodate reasonably anticipated variability within the control of the facility (EPA NPDES Permit Writers' Manual, 2010, EPA-833-K-10-o01). Gor Dewberry February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 16 Table 3. q ,th Percentile Reactor Effluent Nitrogen SDeciation Units Reactor i Food -to -Mass = oa Reactor 2 Food -to -Mass = 0.5 Reactor 3 Food -to -Mass = 0.7 Nitrate/Nitrite mg/l 2.2 0.9 0.8 Ammonia mg/1 0.1 0.9 1.3 Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/1 1.4 8.2 12.1 Soluble Organic Nitrogen mg/l 1.3 7.6 11.6 Data presented in Table 3 is based on certified laboratory data. With the exception of nitrate, the effluent nitrogen species increased in concentration with increasing food -to -mass, as expected. The 95th percentile effluent refractory soluble organic nitrogen ranged from 1.3 — 11.6 mg/l, increased with increasing food -to -mass, and made up 40%-96% of the total nitrogen. The effluent refractory soluble organic nitrogen and nitrate were then used to develop an effluent total nitrogen limit for each design condition (see Section 5 below). Wor Dewberry February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 17 4. COST ANALYSIS Capital and operating opinions of probable cost were developed for each food -to -mass design condition identified as the following alternatives: 00 Alternative 1 — Food -to -Mass o.1 00 Alternative 2 — Food -to -Mass 0.5 00 Alternative 3 — Food -to -Mass 0.7 Capital costs were included for treatment equipment and appurtenances and included estimates for installation costs, with allocations for contractor overhead, profit, and general conditions, engineering, and construction labor and construction management. Annual recurring costs were estimated for chemicals, residuals disposal, utilities, sewer use fees, and nutrient offset fees. Capital costs were estimated for Alternative 3 based on vendor quotes and installation factors. For Alternatives 1 and 2, the capital and annual recurring costs for Alternative 3 were scaled when appropriate. For example, the capital costs for the bioreactors were scaled as the required reactor volume will increase with a decreasing food -to -mass. However, tertiary filter costs were not scaled for each food -to -mass design condition as the tertiary filter design is not expected to change with varying the food -to -mass. Capital and recurring opinions of probable cost for each alternative are presented in Appendix C. The opinions of probable cost were converted to an equivalent annual cost based on a 5 year period and an annual discount rate of 7.0%, which are the standard assumptions used by Novozymes to evaluate project financials. Table 4 summarizes the capital, operating, and equivalent annual costs for each alternative. Table 4. Equivalent Annual Costs Alternative 1 Food -to -Mass o.1 Alternative 2 Food -to -Mass o.5 Alternative 3 Food -to -Mass 0.7 Capital Costs $ 66,700,000 $ 28,400,000 $ 20,100,000 Annual Recurring Costs $ 2,070,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 1,750,000 Equivalent Annual Cost $ 18,340,000 $ 8,630,000 $ 6,650,000 Wor Dewberry- February 26, 2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 18 5. BAT LIMIT DETERMINATION Novozymes commissioned the treatability testing to further develop BAT TN limits for the proposed NPDES discharge. In order to determine BAT TN for the discharge,the treatability testing results and cost estimates were used to determine the cost per pound of TN treatment for each alternative. The cost per pound was then compared to an average cost per pound charged by municipalities in the state of North Carolina to evaluate if the alternatives were economically achievable. This process is summarized below: 1. Identify achievable effluent total nitrogen limits for each alternative. 2. Develop Equivalent Annual Costs for each alternative. 3. Calculate normalized nitrogen removal costs for each design condition based on the equivalent annual cost and total annual mass of nitrogen removed. 4. Compile NC municipal TN surcharge rates for industrial discharge to Publicly Owned Treatment Works(POTWs). 5. Compare the normalized nitrogen removal costs for each design condition to each other and to NC municipal TN surcharge rates. The effluent total nitrogen limits presented in Table 5 were developed based on the sum of the soluble organic nitrogen, nitrate/nitrite,ammonia,and particulate total nitrogen. The effluent soluble organic nitrogen and nitrate components were based on the 95th percentile treatability testing results for each food-to-mass design condition.The 95th percentile reactor effluent was used to develop the effluent total nitrogen limit to be consistent with the EPA's methodology for establishing monthly average effluent limits.The 95th percentile is the basis for long-term average in order to accommodate reasonably anticipated variability within the control of the facility(EPA NPDES Permit Writers'Manual). The ammonia effluent limit will be water quality based and is assumed to be 1 mg/1.The particulate total nitrogen is estimated to be o.36 mg/1 for tertiary filter effluent based on assuming a biological suspended solids filter effluent of 3.o mg/l. Table 5 presents the calculated effluent total nitrogen proposed for each design condition.Calculated effluent total nitrogen results are also presented graphically in Figure 1. Table 5.Calculated Effluent Total Nitrogen Limits Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Parameter Units Source Food-to-Mass Food-to-Mass Food-to-Mass 0.1 0.5 0.7 sOrgN mg/1 Treatability Testing 1.3 7.6 11.6 NO3/NO2 mg/1 Treatability Testing 2.2 0.9 o.8 NH3 mg/1 NPDES Limit 1 1 1 Particulate TN mg/1 Performance Estimate* 0.36 0.36 0.36 Effluent TN Limit mg/1 Calculated 4.8 9.8 13.7 *The particulate TN is estimated assuming filter effluent solids are 12%nitrogen and based on tertiary filter performance estimates from Metcalf&Eddy Inc.(2003)Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse(4th Ed).New York,NY:Mc- Graw-Hill. The previous BAT Analysis submitted February 28,2017 proposed a TN limit of 8.8 mg/1 based on based on an analysis of historical Novozymes wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)effluent data and anticipated WWTP upgrades. It should be noted that historical soluble organic nitrogen data was not available;therefore soluble organice nitrogen concentrations were estimated based on available suspended solids and other nitrogen species data.The proposed TN limit included 6.8 mg/1 of soluble refractory organic nitrogen calculated during a period when Novozymes operated at an average F:M of 0.4.The calculated soluble refractory organic nitrogen of 6.8 mg/1 at an average F:M of 0.4 agrees well with the treatability testing results trend(see Figure 1). Dewberry- February 26,2018 I Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 19 Figure 1. TN Effluent Results Comparison 16 14 Q oa 12 � E c 10 L g d r 6 � ♦ U LDS Z 4 H 2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 F:M (mg COD/mg MLVSS*day) $ TN (July 2017 Treatability Testing) ♦ TN (February 2017 BAT Calculation) 0.8 For each design condition, the annual mass of nitrogen removed was calculated based on the design flow rate, the influent TN, and the effluent total nitrogen limits provided in Table 5. A normalized nitrogen removal cost was then calculated based on the mass of nitrogen removed and the annual equivalent cost. Table 6. Equivalent Annual Costs Normalized to Nitrogen Removed Units Alternative i Food -to -Mass 0.1 Alternative 2 Food -to -Mass 0.5 Alternative 3 Food -to -Mass 0.7 Influent Total Nitrogen mg/l 208 208 208 Effluent Total Nitrogen Limit mg/l 4.8 9.8 13.7 Flow MGD 2 2 2 Annual Mass of Nitrogen Removed lb/yr 1,237,122 1,2o6,681 1,1822937 Equivalent Annual Cost $ $18,330,000 $ 8,630,000 $ 6,650,000 Normalized Nitrogen Removal Cost $/lb $ 14.8o $ 7.20 $ 5.6o In order to evaluate economic achievability of the three design alternatives, municipal TN surcharge rates within the State of North Carolina were compiled and are presented in Table 7. Municipal nitrogen surcharge rates represent the costs municipalities impose on industrial dischargers to treat nitrogen in excess of typical municipal concentrations within their POTWs and should represent benchmark reasonable and economically achievable treatment costs. The average total nitrogen surcharge rate based on 5 municipalities in North Carolina is $1.96/lb of nitrogen. The maximum surcharge rate based on the 5 municipalities is $5.00/lb of nitrogen. 0 Dewberry. February 26, 2018 1 Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 10 Table 7. North Carolina Municipal Total Nitrogen Surcharge Rates Municipality Surcharge ($/lb) Town of Cary $1.30 Franklin County $5.00 City of Raleigh $1.85 Town of Conover $ o.63 City of Greenville $1.04 Maximum $ 5.00 Average $ 1.96 Factors considered in assessing BAT include the cost of achieving BAT effluent concentrations, the age of equipment and facilities involved, the processes employed, engineering aspects of the control technology, potential process changes, non - water quality environmental impacts (including energy requirements), and economic achievability. Comparison of the normalized nitrogen removal costs for the three alternatives to the average municipal nitrogen surcharge rate indicates nitrogen removal costs for all alternatives exceed the average municipal rate, but Alternative 3 is the closest to the average municipal rate and on par with the highest municipal rate considered. As set forth in Appendix C, Alternative 1 is estimated to consume nearly 3.5 times as much power to operate annually as Alternative 3 and estimated to require approximately 1.75 times as much acetic acid use. Alternative i is estimated to generate less sludge annually than Alternatives 2 and 3. Based on the relevant factor, the effluent total nitrogen that can be achieved at the F:M of 0.7 design condition (Alternative 3) is deemed the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable limit. The proposal monthly average total nitrogen limit is provided in Table 8. Table 8. Proposed Nitrogen Limit Monthly Average Proposed Limit Total Nitrogen 13.7 mg/1 0 Dewberry. February 26, 2018 1 Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 11 6. CONCLUSION The Division requested that Novozymes perform a BAT Analysis to determine TN limits for the Franklinton, NC facility to support the NPDES permitting process. Novozymes elected to pursue treatability testing to simulate the full-scale system under design to support establishing the achievable effluent total nitrogen for three food -to -mass design conditions, food -to - mass of o.1, 0.5, and 0.7. Treatability testing was performed to determine the effluent soluble refractory organic nitrogen and nitrate at each design condition. The technically achievable effluent total nitrogen concentrations were calculated from the sum of the 95th percentile effluent soluble refractory organic nitrogen for each reactor, the 95th percentile effluent nitrate from each reactor, the ammonia monthly average limit of 1 mg/l, and the estimated particulate total nitrogen of 0.36 mg/l. The technically achievable effluent total nitrogen concentration for the three design conditions were determined to be 4.8 mg/l, 9.8 mg/l and 13.7 mg/l. The EPA definition of a BAT limit requires it be both technically and economically achievable. Capital and annual recurring costs were estimated for each of the three design conditions and were used to determine annual equivalent costs. The annual equivalent costs were normalized per pound of nitrogen removed for each design condition and summarized in Table 9. Table 9. Normalized Nitrogen Removal Costs Alternative i Alternative 2 Alternative 3 Food -to -Mass o.1 Food -to -Mass o.5 Food -to -Mass 0.7 Normalized Nitrogen $ 14.80 $ 7.20 $ 5.60 Removal Cost The average and maximum total nitrogen surcharge rate for 5 municipalities in North Carolina are $1.96/lb N and $5.00/lb N, respectively. All three design conditions for the selected technology exceed the average municipal nitrogen surcharge rate. Alternative 3, the food -to -mass design condition of 0.7, is deemed the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable as the normalized cost is closest to the average, but still exceeds the highest municipal rate considered. Based on this and the other factors noted above, Alternative 3 represents BAT. Therefore, Novozymes proposes an effluent monthly average total nitrogen limit of 13.7 mg/l. 0 Dewberry. February 26, 2018 1 Novozymes Addendum to Best Available Alternatives Analysis 12 Appendix A Treatability Testing Reactor Effluent Certified Laboratory Results Reactor 1 (Food -to -Mass = 0.1) Batches Composited7,3 Nitrate/ Nitrite Ammonia Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Soluble Organic Nitrogen (Calculated) Soluble Total Nitrogen Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demands Soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demands Total Suspended Solids Total Volatile Solids M1,M2 0.95 <0.10 1.3 1.2 2.3 <25.0 <2.0 14.2 39 M3, M4, M5 2.2 < 0.10 < 0.50 0.4 2.7 25.0 2.2 37.2 54 M6, M8, M9 2.2 < 0.10 1 < 0.50 1 0.4 1 2.7 1 < 25.0 < 2.2 1 11.2 86 M7,M10,M11 0.64 <0.10 0.95 0.9 1.6 <25.0 <2.0 <7.1 111 M12, M13 1.8 <0.10 1.4 1.3 3.3 <25.0 <2.0 12.8 142 M14,M15,M16 <0.02 <0.10 <0.50 0.4 0.42 1 <25.0 <2.0 11.8 1 75 Reactor 2 (Food -to -Mass = 0.5) Batches Composited2,3 Nitrate/ Nitrite Ammonia Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Soluble Organic Nitrogen (Calculated) Soluble Total Nitrogen Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demands Soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demands Total Suspended Solids Total Volatile Solids M1, M2 0.13 <0.10 3.2 3.1 3.3 118 17.7 20.1 200 M3, M4, M5 0.42 1 0.87 3.5 2.6 3.9 1 88 3.4 22.0 168 M6, M8, M9 0.49 0.87 6.8 5.9 7.2 121 22.5 120 570 M7, M10, M11 0.15 0.55 8.7 8.2 8.9 107 9.0 19.3 400 M12, M13, M14 0.17 0.39 5.5 5.1 5.7 112 < 2.0 72 592 M15, M16, M17 0.99 0.44 4.7 4.3 5.7 95 7.8 <20 286 Reactor 3 (Food -to -Mass = 0.7) Batches Composited7,3 Nitrate/ Nitrite Ammonia Soluble Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Soluble Organic Nitrogen (Calculated) Soluble Total Nitrogen Soluble Chemical Oxygen Demands Soluble Biochemical Oxygen Demands Total Suspended Solids Total Volatile Solids M1, M2 0.87 <0.10 5.6 5.5 6.5 232 38.6 20.0 148 M3, M4, M5 0.19 1.4 6.8 5.4 7.0 97.0 10.6 23.2 150 M6, M7, M84 0.28 1 12.2 1 23.4 1 11.2 1 23.7 1 226 1 85.2 1 121 588 M9, M10, M114 0.36 20.5 33.7 13.2 34.1 714 14.3 74.7 478 M12 0.23 0.35 13.0 12.7 13.3 115 - - - M13, M14, M15 0.04 0.4 4.8 4.4 4.9 110 11.8 25.7 764 Notes 1. Results above are in mg/L 2. The M in the batch number denotes the batch was operated with the modified protocol initiated on July 21, 2017. 3. Certified lab samples are composite samples of multiple cycles in order to provide laboratory with adequate volume 4. Effluent results for Reactor 3 batches M6 through M11 will be excluded from the BAT limit analysis. These results are not consistent with the analysis performed by and are not consistent with the performance of other Reactor 3 batches. 5. Reactors were not operated in a manner to optimize for chemical oxygen demand or biochemical oxygen demand removal. 2/26/2018 0 Dewberry Appentli, 8 Table B.1 R...-Operation Log antl Internal Lab Results Reactor1R dA. 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OrTLYAMTRE w�©mw■w�www®m�wwwww ��mw■®mwwmw�wwwww w��mw■w�wmmmmw•mwwww O w•oow■w�ww� w�®®w■w•wwwmm�wwwww �m� wwwww woo®w■w�wwwww�wwwww w�omw■w�wmm®mw•®wwww ��ow■�wwwwm�wwwww �mmw■w•mwwmm�wwwww �omw■w�wwwww�wwwww w�©®w■w�wmwmm®®wwww r::�oow■� w�®®w■w�wwwmw�wwwww �iw. imp ■wwwww O mrwlnm,��mw■w�wwwww�wwwww woo®w■w�wwwmm�wwwww ©mw■w�wwwww�wwwww w�amw■w�wwwmw�wwwww r::�oow■�wwwwm�wwwww w���w■w�wwwwm�wwwww w•o�m■w�wwwww�wwwww E o w���w■w�wwwww�wwwww w��®m■w�wwwww�wwwww w��®w■w�wwwwww•mwwww orym-Fif-TWEEM �mmw■w�wwwwm�wwwww �oR mwwww®wwwww o®®w■w�wwwww�wwwww orynaTOTME �o�w■w�wwwww�wwwww w��mw■w�wwwmw�wwwww w�®�w■w�wm®ww®®wwww 2/26/2018 Appentlix 8 Table B.2 R...-Operation Log,td Internal Lab Results Reactor 2 Food -to -Mass =0.5 Batch Decapt/Fill Data Date&Time Novagwoes Wastewater Batch Reactor Batch Dacapt Volume (L) Nmmry..a Wastewater Feed(L) Ulculated Food -to- Mass 7121/176:00 PM WW3 M1 1.1 0.84 0.52 7/22/175:00 PM WW3 M2 1 0.84 0.52 7/23/173:W PM WW3 M3 1 0.84 0.52 7/24/174:25 PM WW3 M4 0.92 0.84 0.52 7/26/1711:30 AM WW4 M5 0.86 0.84 0.20 7/28/1711:33 AM WWS M6 0.86 0.84 0.52 7/29/172:W PM WW5 M] 1 0.7 0.911 0.50 7/31/176:00 PM WWS M8 0.73 0.84 0.52 8/1/1712:30 PM WW5 M9 0.656 0.81 0.50 8/2/176:00 PM WWS MIO 0.66 0.81 0.50 8/3/1710:00 PM WW5 M31 0.85 0.81 0.50 8/4/174:00 PM WWS M12 0.7 0.81 0.50 8/5/17 2:30 PM WW6 M13 0.66 0.79 0.48 8/6/17 1:15 PM WW6 M14 0.71 0.65 0.39 8/7/176:00 PM WW6 M15 0.7 0.81 0.49 I�.RRIR.� Il/.�I�L�I�M171SS�1lL-�I�I� NEW 8/2/1712:45 PM SSr.CwFjr.rrjT===� 0oo�������■������ 2/26/2018 4 D&Wberm Appendix B Table tI3 Rt-Operation Wg and Internal lab Results Reactor 3 FoodA,Mass = 0.7 Batch Decant/Fill Data Date &Time Nworymes Wastewater Balch Reactor Batch Dec-01olume (L) N-yrnes Wastewater Feed)L) Calculated Food-W Mass 7/21/176:00 PM WW3 Ml 1.1 1.1 0.69 7/22/17 5:00 PM WW3 M2 1.1 1.1 0.69 7/23/17 3:00 PM WW3 M3 1.1 1.1 0.69 7/24/174:25 PM WW3 M4 1.02 1.1 0.66 7/26/1711:30 AM WW4 M5 1.02 1.1 0.33 7/28/1711:38 AM WW5 M6 0.91 1.1 0.86 7/30/1712:00 AM WWS M7 0.91 0.9 0.71 7/31/176:00 PM WW5 M8 0.81 1.0 0.78 8/1/1712:21 PM WW5 M9 0.87 1.1 0.86 8/2/17 6:00 PM WWS M10 0.86 1.1 0.88 8/3/178:08 PM WWS M31 0.75 0.9 0.71 8/5/17 2:30 PM WW6 M12 0.64 0.7 0.54 8/6/171:15 PM WW6 M13 0.82 0.9 0.66 8/7/178:20 PM WW6 M14 1.0 0.9 0.70 MMMEMMceticAcid ®®®®® n MEWMMM O IMEMZEMM NRWWT.n�== Nmm������������� OFTOWNERTM 2/26/2018 9 I]uwborry Appendix C Table C.1 Alternative 1 Opinion of Probable Cost Food -to -Mass 0.1 CAPITAL COSTS: Item Description Estimated Cost Installed Equipment Costs Bioreactor Tanks $ 17,850,000 Bioreactor Pumps $ 98,400 Jet aeration equipment $ 2,073,400 Heat Exchanger $ 130,000 Tertiary Filter Package $ 250,000 Primary Clarifier $ 382,000 Carbon dosing pumps $ 24,000 Carbon storage tanks $ 57,200 Effluent pumps $ 84,600 Blower building $ 146,250 Electrical building $ 504,000 Piping $ 1,222,285 Concrete $ 3,844,400 Structural Steel $ 376,740 Power Distribution $ 999,706 Instrumentation and Controls $ 949,546 Site Work $ 1,400,000 Installed Equipment Subtotal $ 30,392,527 Overhead and Profit 15% $ 4,559,000 Contractor General Conditions: $ 600,000 Sub -Total: $ 35,551,527 Contingency: 50% $ 17,775,763.50 Sub -Total: $ 53,327,291 Construction management 10% $ 5,333,000 Construction management Mark-up 5% $ 2,666,000 Engineering Design Fees: 10% $ 5,333,000 Sub -Total: $ 66,659,291 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $ 66,700,000 ANNUAL RECURRING COST ESTIMATES: Chemical Costs Acetic Acid Needed 350 gpd Unit Cost $ 1.11 $/gal acetic acid Annual Acetic Acid Cost $ 141,294 Total Chemical Costs $ 141,000 Utility Costs Annual Power Draw 14,374,935 kW-hr Unit Cost $ 0.060 $/kW-hr Total Utility Costs $ 862,000 Residual Disposal Costs Sludge Dewatered Cake 61 cubic meters/day Sludge Disposal Unit Cost $ 12.43 $/cubic meter Total Disposal Costs $ 277,000 Sewer Use Fees Monthly Town of Louisburg Fee $ 35,179 /month Annual Town of Louisburg Sewer Use Fee $ 422,000 Franklin County Hydraulic Surcharge $ 5.5 /1,000 gallons Discharge to Franklin County 130,000 gpd Annual Franklin County Sewer Use Fee $ 261,000 Nutrient Offset Fee Flow 2 MGD Total Nitrogen 4.8 mg/I Total Phosphorus 1 mg/I TN BMPc 29.00 $/kg Nutrient Offset Fee $ 512,135 per 5 yr permit cycle Total Annual Recurring Cost $ 2,065,000 Notes: 1. Red text indicates the equipment/recurring cost was scaled from Alternative 3. 2. Required acetic acid volume calculated based on polishing 10 mg/I of nitrate -nitrogen. 3. Acetic acid unit cost based on agreement between Novozymes and acetic acid supplier. 4. Sludge disposal rate estimated based on assumed yield of 0.38 lb VSS/lb bCOD and 18% centrifuge cake. 5. Sludge disposal unit cost based on historical Novozymes sludge disposal costs. 6. Discharge flow to Franklin County based on minimum agreed upon flow between Novozymes and Franklin County. 7. Nutrient offset fee calculated per the requirements in 15A NCAC 0213.0229(c) and 15A NCAC 0213.0237. 2/26/2018 Dewberry Appendix C Table C.2 Alternative 2 Opinion of Probable Cost Food -to -Mass 0.5 CAPITAL COSTS: Item Description Estimated Cost Installed Equipment Costs Bioreactor Tanks $ 3,570,000 Bioreactor Pumps $ 68,880 Jet aeration equipment $ 1,451,380 Heat Exchanger $ 91,000 Tertiary Filter Package $ 250,000 Primary Clarifier $ 382,000 Carbon dosing pumps $ 16,800 Carbon storage tanks $ 40,040 Effluent pumps $ 84,600 Blower building $ 102,375 Electrical building $ 504,000 Piping $ 820,045 Concrete $ 2,691,080 Structural Steel $ 263,718 Power Distribution $ 789,601 Instrumentation and Controls $ 664,682 Site Work $ 980,000 Installed Equipment Subtotal $ 12,770,201 Overhead and Profit 15% $ 1,916,000 Contractor General Conditions: $ 450,000 Sub -Total: $ 15,136,201 Contingency: 50% $ 7,568,101 Sub -Total: $ 22,704,302 Construction management 10% $ 2,270,000 Construction management Mark-up 5% $ 1,135,000 Engineering Design Fees: 10% $ 2,270,000 Sub -Total: $ 28,379,302 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $ 28,400,000 ANNUAL RECURRING COST ESTIMATES: Chemical Costs Acetic Acid Needed 240 gpd Unit Cost $ 1.11 $/gal acetic acid Annual Acetic Acid Cost $ 96,887 Total Chemical Costs $ 97,000 Utility Costs Annual Power Draw 5,522,795 kW-hr Unit Cost $ 0.060 $/kW-hr Total Utility Costs $ 331,000 Residual Disposal Costs Sludge Dewatered Cake 88 cubic meters/day Sludge Disposal Unit Cost $ 12.43 $/cubic meter Total Disposal Costs $ 401,000 Sewer Use Fees Monthly Town of Louisburg Fee $ 35,179 /month Annual Town of Louisburg Sewer Use Fee $ 422,000 Franklin County Hydraulic Surcharge $ 5.5 /1,000 gallons Discharge to Franklin County 130,000 gpd Annual Franklin County Sewer Use Fee $ 261,000 Nutrient Offset Fee Flow 2 MGD Total Nitrogen 9.8 mg/I Total Phosphorus 1 mg/I TN BMPc 29.00 $/kg Nutrient Offset Fee $ 953,631 per 5 yr permit cycle Total Annual Recurring Cost $ 1,703,000 Notes: 1. Red text indicates the equipment/recurring cost was scaled from Alternative 3. 2. Required acetic acid volume calculated based on polishing 7 mg/I of nitrate -nitrogen. 3. Acetic acid unit cost based on agreement between Novozymes and acetic acid supplier. 4. Sludge disposal rate estimated based on assumed yield of 0.55 lb VSS/lb bCOD and 18% centrifuge cake. 5. Sludge disposal unit cost based on historical Novozymes sludge disposal costs. 6. Discharge flow to Franklin County based on minimum agreed upon flow between Novozymes and Franklin County. 7. Nutrient offset fee calculated per the requirements in 15A NCAC 0213.0229(c) and 15A NCAC 0213.0237. 2/26/2018 Dewberry Appendix C Table C.3 Alternative 3 Opinion of Probable Cost Food -to -Mass 0.7 CAPITAL COSTS: Item Description Estimated Cost Installed Equipment Costs Bioreactor Tanks $ 2,550,000 Bioreactor Pumps $ 49,200 Jet aeration equipment $ 1,036,700 Heat Exchanger $ 65,000 Tertiary Filter Package $ 250,000 Primary Clarifier $ 382,000 Carbon dosing pumps $ 12,000 Carbon storage tanks $ 28,600 Effluent pumps $ 84,600 Blower building $ 73,125 Electrical building $ 504,000 Piping $ 769,765 Concrete $ 1,922,200 Structural Steel $ 188,370 Power Distribution $ 649,531 Instrumentation and Controls $ 474,773 Site Work $ 700,000 Installed Equipment Subtotal $ 9,739,864 Overhead and Profit 15% $ 1,461,000 Contractor General Conditions: $ 300,000 Sub -Total: $ 11,500,864 Contingency: 40% $ 4,600,346 Sub -Total: $ 16,101,210 Construction management 10% $ 1,610,000 Construction management Mark-up 5% $ 805,000 Engineering Design Fees: 10% $ 1,610,000 Sub -Total: $ 20,126,210 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $ 20,100,000 ANNUAL RECURRING COST ESTIMATES: Chemical Costs Acetic Acid Needed 200 gpd Unit Cost $ 1.11 $/gal acetic acid Annual Acetic Acid Cost $ 80,739 Total Chemical Costs $ 81,000 Utility Costs Annual Power Draw 4,153,926 kW-hr Unit Cost $ 0.060 $/kW-hr Total Utility Costs $ 249,000 Residual Disposal Costs Sludge Dewatered Cake 105 cubic meters/day Sludge Disposal Unit Cost $ 12.43 $/cubic meter Total Disposal Costs $ 474,000 Sewer Use Fees Monthly Town of Louisburg Fee $ 35,179 /month Annual Town of Louisburg Sewer Use Fee $ 422,000 Franklin County Hydraulic Surcharge $ 5.5 /1,000 gallons Discharge to Franklin County 130,000 gpd Annual Franklin County Sewer Use Fee $ 261,000 Nutrient Offset Fee Flow 2 MGD Total Nitrogen 13.7 mg/I Total Phosphorus 1 mg/I TN BMPc 29.00 $/kg Nutrient Offset Fee $ 1,297,998 per 5 yr permit cycle Total Annual Recurring Cost $ 1,747,000 Notes: 1. Red text indicates the equipment/recurring cost will be scaled for Alternatives 1 and 2. 2. Required acetic acid volume calculated based on polishing 6 mg/I of nitrate -nitrogen. 3. Acetic acid unit cost based on agreement between Novozymes and acetic acid supplier. 4. Sludge disposal rate estimated based on assumed yield of 0.65 lb VSS/lb bCOD and 18% centrifuge cake. 5. Sludge disposal unit cost based on historical Novozymes sludge disposal costs. 6. Discharge flow to Franklin County based on minimum agreed upon flow between Novozymes and Franklin County. 7. Nutrient offset fee calculated per the requirements in 15A NCAC 0213.0229(c) and 15A NCAC 0213.0237. 2/26/2018 Dewberry